As filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on August 14, 1997.
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

                                   (Mark One)
                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
                  For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1997

                         SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934
         For the transition period from     to 

                           Commission File No. 0-15279

                           GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            STATE OF ALASKA                           92-0072737
      (State or other jurisdiction of              (I.R.S. Employer
      incorporation or organization)              Identification No.)

                2550 Denali Street
                Suite 1000
                Anchorage, Alaska                         99503
(Address of principal executive offices)               (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (907) 265-5600

Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last report

      Indicate by check mark  whether the  registrant  (l) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No .

      The number of shares outstanding of the registrant's classes of common
stock, as of August 1, 1997 was:  
                   45,268,680 shares of Class A common stock; and
                    4,067,253 shares of Class B common stock.



                           GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC.

                                   FORM 10-Q

                      FOR THE QUARTER ENDED JUNE 30, 1997

                                                                                                    PAGE NO

                  Item l.      Consolidated Financial Statements..........................................3

                               Consolidated Balance Sheets as of June 30, 1997 and
                                  December 31, 1996.......................................................3

                               Consolidated Statements of Operations for the three
                                  and six months ended June 30, 1997 and 1996.............................5

                               Consolidated Statements of Stockholders'
                                 Equity for the six months ended June 30, 1997
                                 and 1996.................................................................6

                               Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the six
                                  months ended June 30, 1997 and 1996.....................................7

                               Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial

                  Item 2.      Management's Discussion and Analysis
                                 of Financial Condition and Results
                                 of Operations............................................................13


                  Item 1.      Legal Proceedings..........................................................23

                  Item 6.      Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K...........................................23




                                         GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                                 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                             June 30,       December 31,
                            ASSETS                                             1997             1996
- ------------------------------------------------------------------     ---------------- -----------------
                                                                              (Amounts in thousands)
Current assets:
     Cash and cash equivalents                                           $     7,225            13,349
     Receivables, net of allowance for doubtful
         receivables of $905 and $597                                         32,074            28,768
     Prepaid and other current assets                                          2,723             2,236
     Deferred income taxes, net                                                1,047               835
     Inventories                                                               3,237             1,589
     Notes receivable                                                            588               325
                                                                             -------           -------  
         Total current assets                                                 46,894            47,102
                                                                             -------           -------

Property and equipment in service, net                                       133,877           115,981
Construction in progress                                                      15,864            20,770
                                                                             -------           -------
         Net property and equipment                                          149,741           136,751
                                                                             -------           -------

Other assets:
     Deferred loan costs, net                                                    689               900
     Notes receivable                                                          1,297             1,016
     Transponder deposit                                                       9,100             9,100
     Other assets, at cost, net                                                2,113             1,546
     Intangible assets, net                                                  247,575           250,920
                                                                             -------           -------
         Total other assets                                                  260,774           263,482
                                                                             -------           -------

         Total assets                                                    $   457,409           447,335
                                                                             =======           =======

     See  accompanying  notes  to  interim  condensed   consolidated   financial


                            CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                            June 30,       December 31,
             LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY                             1997             1996
- -------------------------------------------------------------------     ---------------  ----------------
                                                                              (Amounts in thousands)
   Current liabilities:
      Current maturities of long-term debt                                $    1,824         31,969
      Current maturities of obligations under capital leases                       3             71
      Accounts payable                                                        24,937         23,677
      Accrued payroll and payroll related obligations                          3,039          3,830
      Accrued liabilities                                                      5,192          4,173
      Accrued interest                                                         2,240          2,708
      Subscriber deposits and deferred revenues                                3,542          3,449
                                                                             -------        -------
         Total current liabilities                                            40,777         69,877

      Long-term debt, excluding current maturities                           219,063        191,273
      Obligations under capital leases due to related parties,
         excluding current maturities                                            636            675
      Deferred income taxes, net                                              36,389         33,720
      Other liabilities                                                        2,125          2,236
                                                                             -------        -------
         Total liabilities                                                   298,990        297,781
                                                                             -------        -------

   Stockholders' equity:
   Common stock (no par):
      Class A.  Authorized 50,000,000 shares; issued and
         outstanding 38,167,109 and 36,586,973 shares at 
         June 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996, respectively                   123,513        113,421
      Class B.  Authorized 10,000,000 shares; issued and
         outstanding  4,068,934 and 4,074,028 shares at June
         30, 1997 and December 31, 1996, respectively; convertible
         on a share-per-share basis into Class A common stock                  3,432          3,432
      Less cost of 202,768 and 199,081 Class A common shares
         held in treasury at June 30, 1997 and December 31, 1996,
         respectively                                                        (1,039)        (1,010)

   Paid-in capital                                                             4,388          4,229
   Retained earnings                                                          28,125         29,482
                                                                             -------        -------

         Total stockholders' equity                                          158,419        149,554
                                                                             -------        -------
   Commitments and contingencies (note 5)
         Total liabilities and stockholders' equity                       $  457,409        447,335
                                                                             =======        =======

See accompanying notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                 Consolidated Statements of Operations

                                                        (Unaudited)                    (Unaudited)
                                                   Three Months Ended              Six Months Ended
                                                         June 30,                       June 30,
                                                   1997            1996           1997            1996
                                                  ------          ------         ------          ------
                                                    (Amounts in thousands expect per share amounts)
  Telecommunication services                   $  42,131          39,199         81,356          77,169
  Cable services                                  14,055            ---          27,711            ---
                                                  ------          ------        -------          ------
    Total revenues                                56,186          39,199        109,067          77,169

Cost of sales and services                        29,778          22,474         56,946          43,776
Selling, general and administrative
   expenses                                       18,014          10,837         34,315          21,670
Depreciation and amortization                      5,608           1,918         11,728           3,805
                                                 -------          ------        -------          ------
      Operating income                             2,786           3,970          6,078           7,918
Interest expense, net                              4,228             368          8,177             628
                                                 -------          ------        -------          ------

      Net earnings (loss) before income
            taxes                                (1,442)           3,602         (2,099)          7,290
Income tax expense (benefit)                       (610)           1,452           (742)          3,002
                                                 -------          ------        -------          ------

      Net earnings (loss)                      $   (832)           2,150         (1,357)          4,288
                                                 =======          ======        =======          ======

      Net earnings (loss) per common
          share                                $  (0.02)            0.09         (0.03)            0.17
                                                 =======          ======        =======          ======

Weighted average number of shares
  of common stock and common
  stock equivalents outstanding                   43,474          25,134         43,418          25,025
                                                 =======          ======        =======          ======

See accompanying notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


                     SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30, 1997 AND 1996

                                                                                             Class A
      (Unaudited)                                 Shares of        Class A       Class B     Shares
                                                 Common Stock      Common        Common      Held in   Paid-in   Retained
(Amounts in thousands)                         Class A   Class B    Stock         Stock     Treasury   Capital   Earnings
                                               -------   -------   --------      -------    --------   -------   --------
Balances at December 31, 1995                  19,680      4,176   $ 13,912       3,432       (389)     4,041     22,020
Net earnings                                      ---        ---        ---         ---         ---       ---      4,288
Tax effect of excess stock
  compensation expense for tax
  purposes over amounts recognized
  for financial reporting purposes                ---        ---        ---         ---         ---        85        ---
Class B shares converted to Class A                16       (16)
Shares issued under stock option plan              72        ---        103         ---         ---       ---        ---
Shares issued and issuable under officer
  stock option agreements                          ---       ---         ---        ---         ---         1        ---

Balances at June 30, 1996                      19,768      4,160   $ 14,015       3,432       (389)     4,127     26,308

Balances at December 31, 1996                  36,587      4,074    113,421       3,432     (1,010)     4,229     29,482
Net loss                                          ---        ---        ---         ---         ---       ---     (1,357)
Tax effect of excess stock  compensation 
  expense for tax purposes  over amounts
  recognized for financial reporting
  purposes                                        ---        ---        ---         ---         ---       159        ---
Class B shares converted to Class A                 5        (5)        ---         ---         ---       ---        ---
Shares issued upon conversion of
    convertible note (notes 2 and 4)            1,538        ---      9,983         ---         ---       ---        ---
Shares purchased and held in Treasury             ---        ---        ---         ---        (29)       ---        ---
Shares issued under stock option plan              37        ---        109         ---         ---       ---        ---

Balances at June 30, 1997                      38,167      4,069   $123,513       3,432     (1,039)     4,388     28,125

See accompanying notes to interim condensed consolidated financial statements.


                                 GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                                    CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                                Six Months Ended
                                                                                    June 30,
                                                                           1997                1996
                                                                      ----------------    ----------------
                                                                             (Amounts in thousands)
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net earnings (loss)                                                 $  (1,357)            4,288
   Adjustments to reconcile net earnings (loss)
      to net cash provided by operating activities:
         Depreciation and amortization                                    11,728             3,805
         Deferred income tax expense                                       2,457               838
         Deferred compensation and compensatory 
           stock options                                                    (111)              189
         Bad debt expense, net of write-offs                                 308                16
         Other noncash income and expense items                              168               (25)
         Change in operating assets and liabilities 
           (note 2)                                                       (4,636)           (6,214)
                                                                         -------           --------
   Net cash provided by operating activities                               8,557             2,897
                                                                         -------           --------
Cash flows from investing activities:
      Purchases of property and equipment                                (21,100)          (16,734)
      Refunds of long-term deposits and purchases of 
           other assets                                                     (655)             (924)
      Payment of transponder deposit                                         ---            (7,800)
      Notes receivable issued                                               (549)             (290)
      Payments received on notes receivable                                    5                 6
                                                                         -------           -------- 
Net cash used in investing activities                                    (22,299)          (25,742)
                                                                         -------           --------
Cash flows from financing activities:
      Long-term borrowings                                                20,000            21,100
      Repayments of long-term borrowings and capital 
           lease obligations                                             (12,462)             (984)
      Proceeds from common stock issuance                                    109               103
      Purchase of treasury stock                                             (29)              ---
                                                                         -------           --------        
Net cash provided by financing activities                                  7,618            20,219  
                                                                         -------           --------

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                 (6,124)           (2,626)

    Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                      13,349             4,017
                                                                          ------           --------

    Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                         $   7,225             1,391
                                                                           =====           ========

       See  accompanying  notes  to  interim  condensed  consolidated  financial



           Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


 (l)       General

           The accompanying  unaudited interim condensed  consolidated financial
           statements have been prepared in accordance  with generally  accepted
           accounting  principles for interim financial information and with the
           instructions   to  Form  10-Q  and  Article  10  of  Regulation  S-X.
           Accordingly, they do not include all of the information and footnotes
           required by generally  accepted  accounting  principles  for complete
           financial statements.  The interim condensed  consolidated  financial
           statements    include   the   consolidated    accounts   of   General
           Communication,  Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively,
           the  "Company")  with  all  significant   intercompany   transactions
           eliminated. In the opinion of management, all adjustments (consisting
           of  normal  recurring  accruals)  considered  necessary  for  a  fair
           presentation  have been included.  Certain prior year information has
           been  reclassified  to conform to the current  quarter  presentation.
           Operating  results  for the  quarter  ended  June  30,  1997  are not
           necessarily  indicative  of the results  that may be expected for the
           year ended December 31, 1997. For further  information,  refer to the
           financial  statements and footnotes thereto included in the Company's
           annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.

           Reclassifications  have been made to the 1996 financial statements to
           make them comparable with the 1997 presentation.

(2)        Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Supplemental Disclosures

           Changes  in  operating   assets  and   liabilities   consist  of  (in

               Six-month periods ended June 30,                               1997           1996
                                                                          -----------    ----------
                                                                            (Amounts in thousands)
               Increase in trade and other receivables                    $ (1,478)        (4,074)
               Increase in income tax receivable                            (2,136)          (728)
               Increase in prepaid and other current
                  assets                                                      (487)          (728)
               (Increase) decrease in inventory                             (1,648)            39
               Increase (decrease in accounts payable                        1,260           (547)
               Increase in accrued liabilities                               1,019            274
               Increase (decrease) in accrued payroll and
                  payroll related obligations                                 (791)           302
               Increase in accrued income taxes                                ---           (547)
               Increase (decrease) in accrued interest                        (468)            77
               Increase (decrease) in deferred revenues                         93           (282)
                                                                           --------        --------
                                                                          $ (4,636)        (6,214)
                                                                           ========        =======

           The  holders  of  $10  million  of  convertible   subordinated  notes
           exercised  their  conversion  rights in January 1997 resulting in the
           exchange of such notes for 1,538,457  shares of the Company's Class A
           common stock.



           Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


           Income  taxes paid  totaled $0 and  $3,440,500  during the  six-month
           periods ended June 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

           Interest  paid totaled  $9,649,000  million and  $874,000  during the
           six-month periods ended June 30, 1997 and 1996, respectively.

           The Company recorded $159,000 and $85,000 during the six months ended
           June  30,  1997  and  1996,  respectively,   as  paid-in  capital  in
           recognition  of the income tax  effect of excess  stock  compensation
           expense  for tax  purposes  over  amounts  recognized  for  financial
           reporting purposes.

 (3)       Long-term Debt

           The Company  extended the maturity date of its $62.5 million  interim
           telephony  credit  facility  during April 1997. The interim  facility
           matured in July 1997 and was repaid at maturity  from  proceeds  from
           the  Company's  public  stock  and debt  offerings  and a new  credit
           facility. See Note (6).

 (4)       Stockholders' Equity

           During   January  1997,   holders  of  $10  million  of   convertible
           subordinated  notes exercised their  conversion  rights which allowed
           them to  exchange  their  notes  for GCI  Class A common  shares at a
           conversion  price of $6.50 per share.  As a result,  the note holders
           were issued a total of 1,538,457 shares of GCI Class A common stock.

 (5)       Commitments and Contingencies

            Satellite Transponders

            The  Company  entered  into a  purchase  and  lease-purchase  option
            agreement   in  August  1995  for  the   acquisition   of  satellite
            transponders to meet its long-term satellite capacity  requirements.
            The balance  payable upon expected  delivery of the  transponders in
            1998 is  dependent  upon a number of factors.  The Company  does not
            expect  the  remaining  balance  payable at  delivery  to exceed $41


            The Company is involved in various  lawsuits  and legal  proceedings
            which  have  arisen  in the  normal  course of  business.  While the
            ultimate   results  of  these  matters   cannot  be  predicted  with
            certainty,  management  does  not  expect  them to  have a  material
            adverse effect on the financial  position,  results of operations or
            liquidity of the Company.



            Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


           Cable Service Rate Deregulation

           Beginning  in  April  1993,  the  Federal  Communications  Commission
           ("FCC")  adopted   regulations   implementing  the  Cable  Television
           Consumer  Protection and Competition Act of 1992.  Included are rules
           governing  rates  charged by cable  operators  for the basic  service
           tier, the  installation,  lease and maintenance of equipment (such as
           converter  boxes and remote  control  units) used by  subscribers  to
           receive  this  tier and for cable  programming  services  other  than
           programming  offered  on a  per-channel  or  per-program  basis  (the
           "regulated  services").  Generally,  the regulations require affected
           cable systems to charge rates for  regulated  services that have been
           reduced to prescribed benchmark levels, or alternatively,  to support
           rates using costs-of-service methodology.

           The regulated  services  rates charged by the Company may be reviewed
           by the State of Alaska, operating through the Alaska Public Utilities
           Commission  ("APUC")  for  basic  service,  or by the FCC  for  cable
           programming  service.  Refund  liability  for basic  service rates is
           limited to a one year period.  Refund liability for cable programming
           service  rates may be  calculated  from the date a complaint is filed
           with the FCC until the rate reduction is implemented.

           In  order  for the  State  of  Alaska  to  exercise  rate  regulation
           authority over the Company's  basic service rates,  25% of a systems'
           subscribers  must request such  regulation  by filing a petition with
           the APUC. At June 30, 1997,  the State of Alaska has rate  regulation
           authority over the Juneau  system's basic service rates.  (The Juneau
           system serves 9% of the Company's total basic service  subscribers at
           June 30, 1997.) Juneau's current rates have been approved by the APUC
           and  there are no other  pending  filings  with the APUC,  therefore,
           there is no refund liability for basic service at this time.

           Complaints by subscribers relating to cable programming service rates
           were filed  with,  and  accepted  by, the FCC for  certain  franchise
           areas, however,  filings made in response to those complaints related
           to the  period  prior  to July 15,  1994  were  approved  by the FCC.
           Therefore,  the  potential  liability for cable  programming  service
           refunds  would be limited to the period  subsequent  to July 15, 1994
           for these  areas.  Management  of the  Company  believes  that it has
           complied in all  material  respects  with the  provisions  of the FCC
           rules and regulations and that the Company is, therefore,  not liable
           for any  refunds.  Accordingly,  no  provision  has been  made in the
           financial  statements  for any potential  refunds.  The FCC rules and
           regulations are, however, subject to judgmental interpretations,  and
           the impact of potential  rate  changes or refunds  ordered by the FCC
           could  cause the Company to make  refunds  and/or to be in default of
           certain debt covenants.

           In February 1996, the  Telecommunications Act of 1996 was signed into
           federal law which impacts the cable industry.  Most notably, the bill
           allows cable system operators to provide telephony  services,  allows
           telephone  companies  to  offer  video  services,  and  provides  for
           deregulation of cable programming  service rates by 1999.  Management
           of the Company believes the bill will not have a significant  adverse
           impact on the  financial  position  or results of  operations  of the



           Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


(6)        Subsequent Events

           Undersea Fiber Optic Cable Contract Commitment

           The Company signed a contract in July, 1997 for the construction of a
           $115 million  fiber optic cable  connecting  the cities of Anchorage,
           Juneau  and  Seattle  via a  subsea  route.  Subsea  and  terrestrial
           connections  will  extend  the fiber  optic  cable to  Fairbanks  via
           Whittier and Valdez.  Construction efforts will begin during the late
           summer of 1998 with  commercial  services  expected  to  commence  in
           December  1998.  Pursuant  to the  contract,  the  Company  paid $8.2
           million  August  1,  1997  and  will  pay the  remaining  balance  in
           installments through December 1998 based on completion of certain key
           milestones.  Approximately  $50 million of  proceeds  from the public
           offerings  described below will be contributed to Alaska United Fiber
           System  Partnership,  a wholly owned partnership  recently created to
           construct and deploy the fiber optic cable. Additional committed bank
           debt will fund the remaining cost of construction and deployment.

           Public Offerings and Debt Refinancing

           General  Communication,  Inc. issued  7,000,000 shares of its class A
           common stock on August 1, 1997 for $7.25 per share,  before deducting
           underwriting  discounts  and  commissions.  Net  proceeds  to General
           Communication, Inc. totaled $47,959,100.

           Concurrently  with the stock  offering,  $180,000,000 of 9.75% senior
           notes due 2007 were issued by GCI, Inc., a newly created wholly owned
           subsidiary of General  Communication,  Inc. Net proceeds to GCI, Inc.
           after  deducting   underwriting  discounts  and  commissions  totaled

           The Company, through its subsidiary GCI Holdings, Inc. ("Holdings", a
           newly created  wholly owned  subsidiary of GCI,  Inc.) entered into a
           new  $250,000,000  credit  facility  effective  August  1,  1997 that
           matures  on June 30,  2005 and bears  interest  at either  Libor plus
           0.75% to 2.5%,  depending on the  leverage  ratio of Holdings and its
           restricted  subsidiaries,  or at the greater of the prime rate or the
           federal funds  effective  rate (as defined) plus 0.05%,  in each case
           plus an additional 0.0% to 1.375%, depending on the leverage ratio of
           Holdings and its restricted  subsidiaries.  $57,700,000  was borrowed
           under the credit agreement on August 1, 1997.

           Net  proceeds of the stock and senior note  offerings  and an initial
           draw on the new  credit  facility  were  used  to  reduce  borrowings
           outstanding under the Company's credit facilities in place as of June
           30,  1997 and to provide  initial  funding  for  construction  of the
           undersea fiber optic cable  described  above.  The Company expects to
           borrow  funds  under its new  credit  facility  in the future to fund
           capital expenditures and for other general corporate purposes.




            Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements


( 7 )      Supplemental financial information                                                                
                 (Amounts in thousands)

                                               ------------------------------------------------- ------------
Six-month periods ended June 30,                                     1997                           1996
- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------
                                                  Long-                                              Long-
                                                 Distance      Cable       Local     Combined      Distance
                                               ------------------------------------------------- ------------
   Telecommunication revenues                   $  81,356          ---       ---      81,356         77,169
   Cable revenues                                     ---       27,711       ---      27,711            ---
                                               ------------------------------------------------- ------------ 
Total revenues                                     81,356       27,711       ---     109,067         77,169
                                               -------------------------------------------------- ------------

Cost of sales and services:
   Distribution costs and costs of
     services                                      50,379          ---       236      50,615         43,776
   Programming and copyright 
     costs                                            ---        6,331       ---       6,331            ---
                                               -------------------------------------------------- ------------
Total cost of sales and services                   50,379        6,331       236      56,946         43,776
                                               -------------------------------------------------- ------------

Selling, general and administrative expenses:
   Operating and engineering                        5,430          ---       ---       5,430          5,445
   Cable television, including
       management fees of $545                        ---        9,286       ---       9,286            ---
   Sales and communications                         6,580          ---       229       6,809          5,848
   General and administrative                       9,969          ---       779      10,748          8,670
   Legal and regulatory                               696          ---       204         900            850
   Bad debts                                          936          206       ---       1,142            857
                                               -------------------------------------------------- ------------
Total selling, general and administrative
     expenses                                      23,611        9,492     1,212      34,315         21,670
                                               -------------------------------------------------- ------------

Depreciation and amortization                       4,918        6,810       ---      11,728          3,805
                                               -------------------------------------------------- ------------
     Operating income (loss)                    $   2,448        5,078    (1,448)      6,078          7,918
                                               ================================================== ============




The following  discussion and analysis  should be read in  conjunction  with the
Company's  Interim  Condensed  Consolidated  Financial  Statements and the notes
thereto.  As used herein,  EBITDA  consists of earnings  before  interest (net),
income taxes, depreciation, amortization and other income (expense). EBITDA is a
measure commonly used in the  telecommunications and cable television industries
to analyze companies on the basis of operating performance.  It is not a measure
of financial  performance  under generally  accepted  accounting  principles and
should  not be  considered  as an  alternative  to net  income as a  measure  of
performance nor as an alternative to cash flow as a measure of liquidity.


The Company has historically reported revenues principally from the provision of
interstate  and  intrastate   long  distance   telecommunications   services  to
residential,  commercial and governmental customers and to other common carriers
(principally MCI  Telecommunications,  Inc. ("MCI") and U.S. Sprint ("Sprint")).
These   services   accounted   for   approximately   93.5%   of  the   Company's
telecommunications  services  revenues  during the first six months of 1997. The
balance  of  telecommunications  services  revenues  have been  attributable  to
corporate network management contracts,  telecommunications  equipment sales and
service and other  miscellaneous  revenues  (including revenues from prepaid and
debit calling cards,  the  installation and leasing of customers' VSAT equipment
and fees charged to MCI and Sprint for certain billing  services).  Factors that
have the greatest impact on year-to-year changes in telecommunications  services
revenues  include the rate per minute  charged to customers  and usage  volumes,
usually  expressed as minutes of use.  These factors in turn depend in part upon
economic  conditions  in Alaska.  The  economy of Alaska is  dependent  upon the
natural resource industries,  in particular oil production,  as well as tourism,
government and United States military spending.

The  Company's  telecommunications  cost of sales  and  services  has  consisted
principally of the direct costs of providing  services,  including  local access
charges  paid to  local  exchange  carriers  ("LECs")  for the  origination  and
termination of long distance  calls in Alaska,  fees paid to other long distance
carriers  to carry  calls that  terminate  in areas not served by the  Company's
network  (principally the lower 49 states,  most of which calls are carried over
MCI's network, and international locations,  which calls are carried principally
over  Sprint's  network),  and the  cost  of  equipment  sold  to the  Company's
customers.  During the first six months of 1997, local access charges  accounted
for 45.6% of telecommunications  cost of sales and services,  fees paid to other
long  distance  carriers  represented  37.0%,  satellite  transponder  lease and
undersea  fiber  maintenance  costs  represented  8.4%,  and  telecommunications
equipment accounted for 3.4% of telecommunications cost of sales and services.

The Company's  telecommunications  selling, general, and administrative expenses
have  consisted of operating  and  engineering,  service,  sales and  marketing,
management information systems, general and administrative, legal and regulatory
expenses.  Most of these  expenses  consist of  salaries,  wages and benefits of
personnel and certain other indirect costs (such as rent, travel,  utilities and
certain equipment costs). A significant portion of  telecommunications  selling,
general, and administrative expenses, 27.9% during the six


months ended June 30, 1997,  represents  the cost of the Company's  advertising,
promotion and market analysis programs.

Following the cable system acquisitions  effective October 31, 1996, the Company
now reports a  significant  level of revenues  and EBITDA from the  provision of
cable services.  During the first six months of 1997,  cable revenues and EBITDA
represented 25.4% and 66.8%, respectively,  of consolidated revenues and EBITDA.
The cable  systems  serve 21  communities  and areas in  Alaska,  including  the
state's three largest population centers, Anchorage, Fairbanks and Juneau.

The Company  generates cable services  revenues from three primary sources:  (1)
programming  services,  including  monthly  basic or premium  subscriptions  and
pay-per-view  movies or other one-time  events,  such as sporting  events;  (2)
equipment rentals or installation;  and (3) advertising sales.  During the six
months ended June 30, 1997 programming  services  generated 85.9% of total cable
services revenues,  equipment rental and installation fees accounted for 8.0% of
such revenues,  advertising sales accounted for 3.7% of such revenues, and other
services accounted for the remaining 2.4% of total cable services revenues.  The
primary  factors  that  contribute  to  year-to-year  changes in cable  services
revenues are average monthly  subscription and pay-per-view rates, the mix among
basic, premium and pay-per-view  services, and the average number of subscribers
during a given reporting period.

The cable systems' operating,  selling, general and administrative expenses have
consisted principally of programming and copyright expenses,  labor, maintenance
and repairs,  marketing and  advertising,  rental  expense,  property  taxes and
depreciation and  amortization.  In the first six months of 1997 programming and
copyright  expenses  represented  approximately  27.8% of total cable  operating
expenses. Marketing and advertising costs represented approximately 1.8% of such
total  expenses and  depreciation  and  amortization  represented  30.1% of such
expenses.  The  Company  anticipates  that  depreciation  and  amortization  and
interest expense on a consolidated basis will be substantially higher in 1997 as
compared to 1996 resulting primarily from the cable company  acquisitions.  As a
result, the Company anticipates recording a net loss in 1997.

The Company expects to commence  offering local exchange  services  initially in
Anchorage  during the  second  half of 1997,  and  expects  that local  exchange
services will represent less than 2.0% of revenues in 1997 and less than 8.0% of
revenues in 1998. The Company expects that it will generate  moderately negative
EBITDA from local exchange services during this time period.

In 1995 the  Company  began  developing  plans for PCS  wireless  communications
service  deployment  and is  currently  evaluating  various  technologies  for a
proposed PCS network.  The Company expects to launch PCS service in Anchorage as
early as 1999.



The  following  table sets forth  selected  financial  data of the  Company as a
percentage  of total  revenues  for the  periods  indicated  and the  percentage
changes in such data as compared to the corresponding prior year period:

                                                                                              Percentage Change
                                                                                          Six Months    Three Months
                                           Six Months Ended       Three Months Ended       1997 vs.       1997 vs.
                                               June 30,                June 30,           Six Months    Three Months
                                            1996       1997        1996        1997          1996          1996
                                            ----       ----        ----        ----          ----          ----
Statement of Operations Data:
   Telecommunications services            100.0%       74.6%      100.0%       75.0%          5.4%          7.5%
   Cable services                           0.0%       25.4%        0.0%       25.0%           ---           ---
Total revenues                            100.0%      100.0%      100.0%      100.0%         41.3%         43.3%
   Cost of sales and services              56.7%       52.2%       57.3%       53.0%         30.1%         32.5%
   Selling, general and
      administrative expenses              28.1%       31.5%       27.6%       32.1%         58.4%         66.2%
   Depreciation and amortization            4.9%       10.8%        4.9%       10.0%        208.2%        192.4%
Operating income                           10.3%        5.6%       10.1%        5.0%        -23.2%        -29.8%
Net earnings (loss) before
   income taxes                             9.4%       -1.9%        9.2%       -2.6%       -128.8%       -140.0%
Net earnings (loss)                         5.6%       -1.2%        5.5%       -1.5%       -131.6%       -138.7%

Other Operating Data:
Cable operating income (1)                  0.0%       18.3%        0.0%       18.1%            NA            NA
Cable EBITDA (1)                            0.0%       42.9%        0.0%       41.7%            NA            NA
Consolidated EBITDA                        15.2%       16.3%       15.0%       14.9%         51.9%         42.6%

- --------------------------------------
(1) Computed as a percentage of total cable services revenues.

30, 1996 ("1996")

REVENUES.  Total  revenues  increased  43.4% from $39.2 million in 1996 to $56.2
million  in  1997.  Long  distance   transmission   revenues  from   commercial,
residential,  governmental,  and other common carrier  customers  increased 9.2%
from $36.0 in 1996 to $39.3 million in 1997. This increase in revenues  resulted
in part from a 8.4% increase in minutes of interstate and international  traffic
carried,  which traffic totaled 153.0 million minutes during the quarter,  and a
10.8%  increase in minutes of intrastate  traffic,  which  traffic  totaled 33.9
million  minutes  during the quarter.  The  increases in traffic  resulted  from
growth in the underlying economy, usage stimulation resulting from reductions in
rates, an increase in the number of presubscribed lines assigned to the Company,
and an expansion of the Company's  service area  resulting from the turn-up of a
number of new  satellite  earth  station  facilities  located  in rural  Alaska.
Revenue and minutes growth were also driven by an increase in services  provided
to other  common  carriers  (principally  MCI and  Sprint),  which other  common
carrier revenues  increased 16.5% from $12.1 million in 1996 to $14.1 million in
1997. Private line and private network transmission revenues increased 5.1% from
$3.9 million in 1996 to $4.1 million in 1997. The Company reported six months of
cable services revenues in 1997 following its 


acquisition of the cable systems  effective  October 31, 1996.  There was little
change in the number of  subscribers  or the number of homes passed by the cable
systems during the three-month period ended June 30, 1997.  Anchorage area basic
rates  were  increased  approximately  4.4%  in  April  1997  to  reduce  margin
compression resulting from increasing programming costs.

The increases in  telecommunication  services  revenues were offset in part by a
2.7%  reduction in the  Company's  average  revenue per minute on long  distance
traffic  from  $0.183 per  minute  for the second  quarter of 1996 to $0.178 per
minute for the same period of 1997.  The  decrease  in the  average  revenue per
minute  resulted from the Company's  promotion of, and customers'  acceptance of
new  calling  plans  offering  discounted  rates and length of service  rebates,
offset in part by an increase in calling card rates commencing May 1997.

COST OF SALES AND SERVICES.  Cost of sales and services totaled $22.5 million in
1996 and $29.8 million in 1997.  Of this  increase,  $3.2 million  resulted from
cable  services   programming  and  copyright   charges  incurred  during  1997.
Transmission  access and distribution  costs,  which represent cost of sales for
transmission  services,  increased  16.5%  from  $20.6  million in 1996 to $24.0
million in 1997 and amounted to  approximately  57.1 percent and 60.9 percent of
transmission  revenues  in  1996  and  1997,   respectively.   The  increase  in
distribution  costs as a percentage of transmission  revenues results  primarily
from reduced  average rate per minute billed to customers in 1997 as compared to
1996  without  an  offsetting  reduction  in the rate per  minute  billed to the
Company  for  access and  termination  services.  Additionally,  1996 costs were
reduced  by  a  refund   received  in  the  second   quarter  of  1996  totaling
approximately  $530,000  from the  National  Exchange  Carriers  Association  in
respect of earnings which exceeded  regulatory  requirements.  1996 transmission
access and  distribution  costs excluding this refund were 58.6% of transmission
services  revenues.  Changes in  distribution  costs as a percentage of revenues
will also occur as the Company's traffic mix changes.

SELLING,   GENERAL   AND   ADMINISTRATIVE   EXPENSES.   Selling,   general   and
administrative  expenses  increased  66.7% from  $10.8  million in 1996 to $18.0
million in 1997, and, as a percentage of total revenues, increased from 27.6% in
1996 to 32.1% in 1997. Selling, general and administrative expenses increased as
a result of (1)  increased  sales,  advertising  and  telemarketing  costs which
totaled $2.8  million in 1996 as compared to $3.9 million in 1997;  (2) bad debt
expense  totaling  $460,000  in 1996  compared  to  $619,000  in 1997  (directly
associated with increased  revenues);  and (3) increased costs totaling $850,000
in engineering,  operations,  accounting, human resources, legal and regulatory,
and  management  information  services.  Such  costs  were  associated  with the
development  and  introduction,  or planned  introduction,  of new  products and
services including local exchange services, PCS services, and Internet services.
Cable services selling, general and administrative costs totaled $5.0 million in

DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION.  Depreciation and amortization  expense increased
$3.7  million  from  $1.9  million  in 1996 to $5.6  million  in  1997.  Of this
increase,  $3.3 million  resulted  from the Company's  acquisition  of the cable
systems   effective   October  31,  1996,  with  the  balance  of  the  increase
attributable to the Company's $38.6 million investment in facilities during 1996
for which a full year of  depreciation  will be recorded  during the year ending
December 31, 1997.

INTEREST EXPENSE, NET. Interest expense, net of interest income,  increased from
$368,000 in 1996 to $4.2 million in 1997. This increase resulted  primarily from
increases  in  the  Company's  average  outstanding   indebtedness  incurred  in
connection  with its  acquisition  of the cable  systems and  investment  in new
facilities  during  1996,  offset in part by increases in the amount of interest
capitalized during 1997.


INCOME TAX EXPENSE.  Income tax expense decreased from $1.5 million in 1996 to a
benefit of  $610,000  in 1997 due to the  Company  incurring  a net loss  before
income taxes in 1997 as compared to net earnings in 1996.

1996 ("1996")

REVENUES.  Total revenues increased 41.3% from $77.2 million in 1996 as compared
to $109.1 million in 1997. Long distance  transmission revenues from commercial,
residential,  other common carriers and  governmental  customers  increased 7.8%
from $70.1 million in 1996 to $75.6 million in 1997.  This increase  reflected a
10.1%  increase in interstate  and  international  minutes of use to 302 million
minutes  and a 10.1%  increase  in  intrastate  minutes  of use to 65.5  million
minutes.  Approximately $4.8 million of the long distance  transmission  revenue
growth  in 1997  was due to a 21.1%  increase  in  revenues  from  other  common
carriers  (principally  MCI and  Sprint),  from  $22.8  million in 1996 to $27.6
million in 1997.  Revenue  growth in 1997 was also due to (1) a 4.1% increase in
private  line and private  network  transmission  services  revenues,  from $7.3
million in 1996 to $7.6 million in 1997;  and (2) reporting six months' of cable
services  revenues in 1997  following  the  Company's  acquisition  of the cable
systems effective October 31, 1996.

The above  increases in revenues were offset in part by a 3.8%  reduction in the
Company's  average  revenue per minute on long distance  traffic from $0.183 per
minute in 1996 to $0.176 per minute in 1997. The decrease in revenues per minute
resulted  from the  Company's  promotion  of and  customers'  enrollment  in new
calling plans offering  discounted rates and length of service rebates.  Systems
sales and services  revenues  decreased  13.0% from $5.4 million in 1996 to $4.7
million in 1997, primarily due to fewer larger dollar equipment sales in 1997 as
compared to 1996.

COST OF SALES AND SERVICES. Cost of sales and services was $43.8 million in 1996
and $56.9 million in 1997. As a percentage of total revenues,  cost of sales and
services  decreased from 56.7% in 1996 to 52.2% in 1997. The decrease in cost of
sales and services as a percentage  of revenues  during 1997 as compared to 1996
resulted primarily from the addition of cable television  operations  commencing
October 31, 1996 which has proportionately lower cost of sales and services as a
percentage of revenues than does telecommunication operations. 

Transmission access and distribution costs increased 14.8% from $39.8 million in
1996 to $45.7 million in 1997 and amounted to  approximately  56.7% and 60.4% of
transmission  revenues  in  1996  and  1997,   respectively.   The  increase  in
distribution  costs as a percentage of transmission  revenues results  primarily
from reduced  average rate per minute billed to customers in 1997 as compared to
1996  without  an  offsetting  reduction  in the rate per  minute  billed to the
Company  for  access and  termination  services.  Additionally,  1996 costs were
reduced  by  refunds  received  in  the  first  and  second  quarters   totaling
approximately  $960,000 from a local exchange carrier and the National  Exchange
Carriers  Association in respect of earnings by them which  exceeded  regulatory
requirements.  1996 transmission  access and distribution  costs excluding these
refunds were 58.1% of transmission  services  revenues.  Changes in distribution
costs as a percentage of revenues  will also occur as the Company's  traffic mix
changes.  Increases in cost of products sold and network  services cost of sales
as a proportion of the associated  revenues also  contributed to the increase in
1997 costs as compared to 1996.

SELLING,   GENERAL   AND   ADMINISTRATIVE   EXPENSES.   Selling,   general   and
administrative  expenses  increased  58.1% from  $21.7  million in 1996 to $34.3
million  in 1997.  As a  percentage  of total  revenues,  selling,  general  and
administrative  expenses increased from 28.1% in 1996 to 31.5% in 1997. Selling,
general and administrative expenses increased as a result of increased sales and
customer service


volumes,  additional bad debt expense  totaling $1.1 million in 1997 compared to
$857,000 in 1996 (directly  associated with increased  revenues),  and increased
sales,  advertising  and  telemarketing  costs  totaling  $6.8  million  in 1997
compared  to $5.8  million in 1996,  due to the  introduction  of new  services,
various marketing plans and other proprietary rate plans. Additionally, selling,
general  and  administrative  expenses  increased  in 1997 due to an increase of
approximately  $2.2  million  in  engineering,   operations,  accounting,  human
resources,  legal and regulatory,  and management information services expenses.
Such costs were associated with the  development  and  introduction,  or planned
introduction,  of new products  and services  including  local  services,  cable
television  services,  rural message and data telephone services,  PCS services,
and Internet services.  Cable services selling, general and administrative costs
totaled $9.5 million in 1997.

DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION.  Depreciation and amortization  expense increased
207.9%  from  $3.8  million  in 1996 to $11.7  million  in 1997.  This  increase
resulted primarily from the Company's acquisition of the cable systems effective
October 31, 1996.

INTEREST EXPENSE, NET. Interest expense, net of interest income,  increased from
$628,000 in 1996 to $8.2 million in 1997. This increase resulted  primarily from
increases in the Company's average outstanding  indebtedness resulting primarily
from its acquisition of the cable systems and  construction of new facilities in
rural Alaska,  offset in part by increases in the amount of interest capitalized
during 1997.

INCOME TAX EXPENSE.  Income tax expense decreased from $3.0 million in 1996 to a
benefit of  $742,000  in 1997 due to the  Company  incurring  a net loss  before
income  taxes  in 1997 as  compared  to net  earnings  in  1996.  The  Company's
effective  income tax rate  decreased from 41.2% in 1996 to 35.4% in 1997 due to
the net loss and the  proportional  amount of items that are  nondeductible  for
income tax purposes.

As a result of its  acquisition of the cable systems,  the Company  acquired net
operating  loss  carryforwards  ("NOL  carryforwards")  for income tax  purposes
totaling  $58.5 million which begin to expire in 2004 if not utilized.  However,
the  Company's  utilization  of these NOL  carryforwards  is  subject to certain
limitations pursuant to Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code. Because of the
limitation on the NOL  carryforwards,  the Company  established  an $8.1 million
valuation  allowance to offset the gross  amount of the deferred tax asset.  The
amount of the valuation  allowance was based on an estimate of the amount of the
NOL carryforwards that will not be utilized,  and the effective income tax rate.
The  amount of  deferred  tax asset  considered  realizable,  however,  could be
reduced if estimates of future taxable income during the  carryforward  periods
are reduced.


The following  chart provides  selected  unaudited  statement of operations data
from the Company's quarterly results of operations during 1996 and 1997:

                                          (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)
                                        First        Second       Third      Fourth      Total 
                                       Quarter       Quarter     Quarter     Quarter      Year
   Telecommunications services         $  37,969      39,199     38,664      39,587     155,419
   Cable services                            ---         ---        ---       9,475       9,475
Total revenues                            37,969      39,199     38,664      49,062     164,894

Operating income                           3,947       3,970      4,017       4,475      16,409


                                         (Dollars in thousands, except per share amounts)
                                        First        Second       Third      Fourth      Total 
                                       Quarter       Quarter     Quarter     Quarter      Year

Net earnings (loss)                    $   2,137       2,150      2,140       1,035       7,462

Net earnings (loss) per share          $    0.09        0.09       0.09        0.02        0.27                                  

Cable EBITDA                           $     ---         ---        ---       4,416       4,416

Consolidated EBITDA                    $   5,834       5,888      5,829       8,267      25,818


   Telecommunications services         $  39,225      42,131
   Cable services                         13,656      14,055
Total revenues                            52,881      56,186

Operating income                           3,292       2,786

Net earnings (loss)                    $   (525)       (832)

Net earnings (loss) per share          $  (0.01)      (0.02)

Cable EBITDA                           $   6,025       5,863

Consolidated EBITDA                    $   9,412       8,394


Total  revenues  in  the  quarter  ended  June  30,  1997  were  $56.2  million,
representing a 6.2% increase over total revenues in the first quarter of 1997 of
$52.9  million.  This  increase in revenues  resulted in part from (1) by a 7.4%
increase in telecommunications  services revenues to $42.1 million in the second
quarter  of 1997 from $39.2  million  during  the first  quarter  of 1997.  This
increase is  attributable  in part to the increase in minutes of traffic carried
during  the second  quarter  of 1997 of  approximately  6.0  million  minutes as
compared to the first quarter of 1997 (a 3.3% increase),  (2) an increase in the
average  rate  per  minute  billed   during  the  second   quarter  of  1997  of
approximately $0.005 as compared to the first quarter of 1997 (a 2.9% increase),
and (3) an increase in cable  services  revenues to $14.1  million in the second
quarter of 1997 from $13.7 million in the first quarter of 1997.

Operating  expenses  increased  during the second quarter of 1997 as compared to
the  first  quarter  of 1997  principally  as a  result  of (1)  turn-up  costs,
including  rent  and  utilities,  of the  Company's  new  rural  DAMA  satellite
earth-station facilities,  and (2) personnel,  sales,  engineering,  operations,
management  information  systems,   accounting,   human  resources,   legal  and
regulatory expenses associated with the development and introduction, or planned
introduction,  of new  products  and  services  including  local  services,  PCS
services and Internet services.

The Company  expects that its EBITDA and EBITDA  margins during 1997 may improve
due to (1) cable service rate increases beginning in April 1997, and (2) revenue
generation  from the  Company's  rural  telephony  expansion and new service and
product offerings to offset expenses already  generated by these 


endeavors. The Company reported a net loss of $832,000 for the second quarter of
1997 as compared to net loss of $525,000  during the first quarter of 1997.  The
net loss was  attributable  to (1)  increased  sales  and  marketing  costs  and
pre-operating  costs for local  services  incurred  during the second quarter of
1997 as compared to the first quarter of 1997, (2) increased  interest  expense,
and (3) margin compression as previously described.

Long distance  revenues have historically been highest in the summer months as a
result of temporary population  increases  attributable to tourism and increased
seasonal economic activity such as construction, commercial fishing, and oil and
gas activities.  Cable television revenues, on the other hand, are higher in the
winter months because  consumers tend to watch more  television,  and spend more
time  at  home,  during  these  months.   The  Company's  ability  to  implement
construction  projects is also reduced  during the winter months because of cold
temperatures, snow and short daylight hours.


Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 128,  Earnings Per Share,  supersedes  APB
Opinion No. 15, Earnings Per Share, and specifies the computation, presentation,
and  disclosure  requirements  for earnings per share  ("EPS") for entities with
publicly held common stock or common stock  equivalents.  The statement replaces
Primary EPS and Fully Diluted EPS with Basic EPS and Diluted EPS,  respectively.
Basic EPS,  unlike  Primary EPS,  excludes all dilution  while Diluted EPS, like
Fully  Diluted  EPS,  reflects  the  potential  dilution  that  could  occur  if
securities or other  contracts to issue common stock were exercised or converted
into common  stock or resulted in the  issuance of common stock that then shared
in the earnings of the entity.

Due to an  immaterial  difference  between  Primary and Fully  Diluted  EPS, the
Company has historically  only presented a single EPS. The Company in the future
will  present  both Basic and  Diluted  EPS for income  (loss)  from  continuing
operations  and net income  (loss).  The  statement is effective  for  financial
statements  for both interim and annual  periods ending after December 15, 1997.
After adoption,  all prior period EPS data will be restated. The adoption of the
new statement will have minimal effect on the Company's EPS.

In February 1997, the Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No. 129, Disclosure
Of Information About Capital  Structure.  SFAS No. 129 consolidates the existing
guidance in authoritative  literature relating to a company's capital structure.
SFAS No. 129 is effective  for  financial  statements  for periods  ending after
December 15,  1997.  Capital  structure  disclosures  required by this  standard
include  liquidation  preferences  of  preferred  stock,  information  about the
pertinent rights and privileges of the outstanding  equity  securities,  and the
redemption  amounts for all issues of capital stock that are redeemable at fixed
or determinable prices on fixed or determinable dates. Management of the Company
does not expect that adoption of SFAS No. 129 will have a material impact on the
Company's financial statement disclosures.

In June 1997,  the  Accounting  Standards  Board issued SFAS No. 130,  Reporting
Comprehensive  Income.  SFAS No. 130  establishes  standards  for  reporting and
display  of  comprehensive  income and its  components  in a full set of general
purpose financial  statements.  Statement 130 is applicable to all entities that
provide  a  full  set of  financial  statements  consisting  of a  statement  of
financial  position,  results  of  operations  and cash  flows.  SFAS No. 130 is
effective  for interim and annual  periods  beginning  after  December 15, 1997.
Management  of the Company  does not expect  that  adoption of SFAS No. 130 will
have a material impact on the Company's financial statement disclosures.

In June 1997,  the  Accounting  Standards  Board issued SFAS No. 131,  Financial
Reporting  for  Segments of a Business  Enterprise  which  applies to all public
business enterprises. SFAS No. 131 specifies the computation,  presentation, and
disclosure   requirements  for  business  segment  information.   SFAS  No.  131


supersedes  SFAS  No.  14,  Financial  Reporting  for  Segments  of  a  Business
Enterprise,  but  retains  the  requirement  to report  information  about major
customers.   It  amends  SFAS  No.  94,   Consolidation  of  All  Majority-Owned
Subsidiaries,  to remove the  special  disclosure  requirements  for  previously
unconsolidated subsidiaries. Statement 131 is effective for financial statements
for periods  beginning  after December 15, 1997.  Management of the Company does
not expect  that  adoption  of SFAS No.  131 will have a material  impact on the
Company's financial statement disclosures.


The Company reported cash flows from operating  activities during the six months
ended June 30, 1997 of $8.6 million, net of changes in the components of working
capital.  Additional  sources of cash during the six months  ended June 30, 1997
included long-term borrowings of $20.0 million.  The Company's  expenditures for
property  and  equipment,  including  construction  in progress,  totaled  $16.7
million and $21.1  million  during the six months  ended June 30, 1996 and 1997,
respectively.  Uses of cash  during  the first  two  quarters  of 1997  included
repayment of $12.5 million of long-term borrowings and capital lease obligations
and an increase in notes receivable of $549,000.

Net  receivables  increased $3.3 million from December 31, 1996 to June 30, 1997
resulting  from:  (1)  increased  MTS revenues in 1997 as compared to 1996;  (2)
increased  amounts due from other common carriers  attributed to growth in their
traffic carried by the Company; and (3) increased private line sales activity in
1997 as compared to 1996.

The Company  reported a working  capital deficit of $22.8 million as of December
31, 1996.  The  Company's  then  existing  credit  facility  matured  within the
following  twelve-month  period  resulting  in  the  outstanding  balance  as of
December 31, 1996 being included in current maturities of long-term debt. Except
for the classification of the Company's senior indebtedness as current,  working
capital at December 31, 1996 totaled $4.6 million.  Working  capital at June 30,
1997  totaled  $6.1  million,  a $1.5  million  increase  from  working  capital
recomputed at December 31, 1996.

General  Communication,  Inc.  issued 7.0  million  shares of its class A common
stock on  August 1, 1997 for $7.25  per  share,  before  deducting  underwriting
discounts and commissions.  Net proceeds to General Communication,  Inc. totaled
$47,959,100.  Concurrently  with the stock  offering,  $180.0  million  of 9.75%
senior notes due 2007 were issued to the public by GCI,  Inc.,  a newly  created
wholly owned subsidiary of General Communication, Inc. Net proceeds to GCI, Inc.
after deducting underwriting discounts and commissions totaled $174,600,000.

Concurrently  with the public  offerings  described  above,  GCI Holdings,  Inc.
("Holdings",  a newly created wholly-owned subsidiary of GCI, Inc.) entered into
a new  $250,000,000  credit facility  effective August 1, 1997. The new facility
matures  June 30, 2005 and bears  interest  at either  Libor plus 0.75% to 2.5%,
depending on the leverage ratio of Holdings and its restricted subsidiaries,  or
at the  greater  of the  prime  rate or the  federal  funds  effective  rate (as
defined) plus 0.05%, in each case plus an additional  0.0% to 1.375%,  depending
on the leverage ratio of Holdings and its restricted  subsidiaries.  $57,700,000
was drawn on the credit facility on August 1, 1997.

The new  credit  facility  and  the  public  notes  impose  restrictions  on the
operations  and  activities  of the  Company,  including  requirements  that the
Company comply with certain financial covenants and financial ratios.  Under the
credit facility,  Holdings may not permit the ratio of senior debt to annualized
operating cash flow of Holdings and its restricted subsidiaries to exceed 3.5 to
1.0,  total debt to  annualized  operating  cash flow to exceed 7.0 to 1.0,  and
annualized operating cash flow to interest expense to exceed 1.5 to 1.0. 


Each of the foregoing ratios decreases in specified  increments  during the life
of the credit  facility.  The credit  facility  will also  require  Holdings  to
maintain a ratio of annualized  operating  cash flow to debt service of Holdings
and  its  restricted  subsidiaries  of at  least  1.25 to  1.0,  and  annualized
operating  cash flow to fixed  charges of at least 1.0 to 1.0 (which  adjusts to
1.05 to 1.0 in April, 2003 and thereafter).  The credit facility will also limit
capital expenditures of Holdings and its restricted subsidiaries to no more than
$55.0 million (post-closing), $90.0 million, and $65.0 million in 1997, 1998 and
1999,  respectively.  The public  notes impose a  requirement  that the leverage
ratio of GCI, Inc. and its  restricted  subsidiaries  will not exceed 7.5 to 1.0
prior to December 31, 1999 and 6.0 to 1.0 thereafter,  subject to the ability of
GCI,  Inc.  and  its  restricted   subsidiaries  to  incur  specified  permitted
indebtedness without regard to such ratios.

Net proceeds  from the public  offerings  and new credit  facility  were used to
retire amounts owing under the Company's  existing credit  agreements,  fund $50
million in capital for use in constructing an undersea fiberoptic cable, and for
working capital requirements.

The Company anticipates that its capital  expenditures in 1997 may total as much
as $135 million.  Planned capital  expenditures over the next five years include
$240.0 million to $260.0 million to fund expansion of long distance  facilities,
(including   approximately   $40.0  million  for  satellite   transponders   and
approximately $115.0 million for new undersea fiber optic cable facilities which
will be financed by GCI Transport  Co. Inc., a newly  created  subsidiary of GCI
Holdings,  Inc.) between $140.0 million and $160.0 million to fund  development,
construction  and  operating  costs of its local  exchange  and PCS networks and
businesses;  and between  $65.0  million and $85.0  million to upgrade its cable
television plant and to purchase  equipment for new cable  television  services.
Sources of funds for these planned capital  expenditures include net proceeds of
the  public  offerings  described  above,  internally  generated  cash flows and
borrowings  under the  Company's  new credit  facility  described  above and its
separate  committed  financing for GCI Transport  Co.,  Inc., all of which funds
will be necessary to complete the Company's planned capital expenditures.

Management expects that cash flow generated by the Company and funds provided by
its  public  offerings  and credit  facilities  will be  sufficient  to meet its
planned capital  expenditures  and working capital  requirements.  The Company's
ability to invest in  discretionary  capital and other projects will depend upon
its future cash flows and access to borrowings under its credit facilities.


The Company  does not believe that  inflation  has a  significant  effect on its



ITEM 1.    Legal Proceedings

           Information  regarding pending legal proceedings to which the Company
           is a party  is  included  in Note 5 of  Notes  to  Interim  Condensed
           Consolidated  Financial  Statements  and is  incorporated  herein  by

ITEM 6.    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

            (a) Exhibits:
                Exhibit 27 - Financial Data Schedule

           (b)  Reports on Form 8-K filed during the quarter ended 
                June 30, 1997 - None




Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                        GENERAL COMMUNICATION, INC.

      August 14, 1997       By:        /s/ Ronald A. Duncan
           (Date)                      Ronald A. Duncan, President and Director
                                       (Principal Executive Officer)

      August 14, 1997       By:        /s/ John M. Lowber
           (Date)                      John M. Lowber, Senior Vice President and
                                       Chief Financial Officer
                                       (Principal Financial Officer)

      August 14, 1997       By:        /s/ Alfred J. Walker
           (Date)                      Alfred J. Walker, Vice President and
                                       Chief Accounting Officer
                                       (Principal Accounting Officer)
