ACCELERATED BENEFIT RIDER

The Company has issued this Rider as a part of the Base Policy. Receipt of these
Accelerated Benefits may be taxable. Assistance should be sought from a
professional tax advisor.

Definitions specific to this Rider that are not in the Definitions section of
the Base Policy follow.

    ACCELERATED BENEFIT is the benefit that will be paid under this Rider when
    the Conditions of Eligibility are met.

    ACCIDENT means accidental bodily injury sustained by the Insured which is
    the direct result of an accident independent of disease or bodily infirmity
    or any other cause.

    BASE POLICY is the policy to which this Rider is attached.

    BASE POLICY ATTRIBUTES means the Current Specified Amount, Accumulation
    Value, Planned Premium, surrender charge, and indebtedness of the Base
    Policy at a given point in time.

    BENEFIT CALCULATION DATE is the first day you meet the Conditions of
    Eligibility for a Covered Condition.

    BENEFIT PERCENTAGES are used to determine the Accelerated Benefit. You may
    elect a Benefit Percentage for the Covered Condition up to the maximum
    amount shown in the Covered Conditions section of this Rider.

    CHILD means any child who was born to the Insured, or is a legally adopted
    child of the Insured, and who is at least 15 days old or becomes 15 days
    old, and who is not yet 18 years old.

    DOCTOR is a person licensed in the United States to practice the healing
    arts acting within the scope of his or her license in treating an injury or
    illness. It does not include you, the Insured or a member of your or the
    Insured's family.

    DUE PROOF is information or evidence submitted to us sufficient to satisfy
    us of the existence of a fact or condition.

    LIFE FUND is the Current Specified Amount, less any indebtedness, of the
    Base Policy on the Benefit Calculation Date.

    PREMIUM WAIVED is the lesser of the average premium paid over the previous
    three years or the Planned Premium for the Base Policy.

    RECOVERY applies to the Monthly Benefit and is the date upon which you no
    longer meet the Conditions of Eligibility.

    REQUEST is a request in writing on a form acceptable to us, signed and dated
    by you and received by us.

    SPOUSE is a person who is legally married to the Insured and has provided us
    with authorization for insurance on his/her life.

    TOTAL DISABILITY means that because of injury or sickness, the Insured is
    unable to engage in any occupation for which he/she is reasonably qualified
    by education, training or prior experience.

This Rider is issued in consideration of the application and the payment of the
Monthly Deduction. A copy of the application is attached to the Base Policy.

The effective date of this Rider is shown on the Policy Schedule.

This Rider does not participate in our profits or surplus.

If an Accelerated Benefit becomes payable the amount to be paid will depend on
the specific Benefit Percentage for the Covered Condition or any lower Benefit
Percentage elected by you. The benefit will be one of the following:

    (a)  Lump Sum Benefit; or
    (b)  Monthly Benefit.

THE LUMP SUM BENEFIT is the Benefit Percentage times the Life Fund on the
Benefit Calculation Date. This benefit does not apply to the Monthly Benefits.

THE MONTHLY BENEFIT applies to the Chronic Illness benefit and the Disabled and
Receiving Social Security Disability Payments benefit (found in the Covered
Condition section of this Rider).


The Monthly Benefits paid will be equal to one-twelfth of the yearly Benefit
Percentage times the Life Fund on the Benefit Calculation Date.

The Monthly Benefit will be paid monthly until the earlier of: Recovery,
Termination of the Base Policy or Rider, or as described in the Limitations and
Exclusions provision.

Any amounts withdrawn from or borrowed against the Net Cash Value after the
Benefit Calculation Date will be considered advances against these monthly
payments and will be deducted from the amounts of future payments.

Prior to Age 65, we will credit the Premium Waived to the Accumulation Value of
the Base Policy on the next Monthly Anniversary Date from the date that:

    (a) a benefit of 50% or greater has been paid for a Lump Sum Benefit; or
    (b)you have received your first payment for a claim for a Monthly Benefit.

We will continue to credit the Premium Waived on the Monthly Anniversary Date
until the earlier of Age 65 or Recovery from the Covered Condition.

This Waiver of Premium benefit does not guarantee that the Base Policy and this
Rider will remain in force.

If an Accelerated Benefit is paid, the Base Policy Attributes are each reduced
by an amount equal to (a) times (b) divided by (c) where:

    (a) is the amount of the Base Policy Attribute on the Benefit Calculation
    (b) is the amount of Accelerated Benefit paid; and
    (c) is the Life Fund on the Benefit Calculation Date.

Each Annual Report will include a statement showing the effect of any benefit
payments on the Base Policy Attributes.

An Accelerated Benefit will be payable to you if you meet all of the following

    (a)  Due proof has been received by us that the Insured meets (and continues
         to meet for the Monthly Benefits) the requirements of an occurrence of
         one of the Covered Conditions.
    (b)  The Base Policy and this Rider were in force at the time of the
         occurrence of the Covered Condition.
    (c)  None of the limitations and exclusions in the Limitations and
         Exclusions section of this Rider apply.
    (d)  If the policy is assigned, the assignee has agreed in writing for you
         to receive the benefit; otherwise the benefit will be payable to the
    (e)  If an irrevocable Beneficiary has been named, the irrevocable
         Beneficiary has agreed in writing for you to receive the benefit.
    (f)  The Insured is living at the time when all requirements, (a) through
         (e) above, are met.

The Covered Conditions are listed below, and are limited to the maximum
percentage of the Life Fund shown below. All of the following Covered Conditions
pertain to the Insured.

    1.   Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Lump Sum Benefit of (50)%:  is an
         unequivocal diagnosis of ALS.

    2.   Blindness,  Lump Sum Benefit of (50)%:  is the total and permanent,
         non-correctable  loss of all sight in both eyes.  Loss
         of sight is corrected  vision not better than  20/200.  If the
         Blindness is caused by Accident,  the Lump Sum Benefit will
         be up to (100)%.

    3.   Cancer, Lump Sum Benefit of (50)%: is an unequivocal diagnosis of a
         disease manifested by the presence of one or more tumors classified
         histologically as malignant (a tumor which is not encapsulated and has
         properties to infiltrate and cause metastases) and characterized by the
         uncontrolled growth and spread of malignant cells and with invasion of
         normal tissue. The diagnosis must be supported by histological evidence
         of malignancy diagnosed by a legally licensed doctor of medicine
         certified by the American Board of Pathology or American Board of
         Osteopathic Pathology. The following Cancers are specifically excluded:

         (a)   All skin cancers except invasive malignant melanomas.
         (b)   Carcinoma in-situ.
         (c)   All tumors which are histologically described as pre-malignant
               or showing early malignant change.
         (d)   Stage I Hodgkin's.
         (e)   Papillary cancer of the bladder.
         (f)   Stage A & B prostate cancer.
         (g)   Duke's A colo-rectal cancer.


    4.   Chronic Illness, Monthly Benefit of (10)% per year: is the permanent,
         total and irreversible disability by reason of bodily injury or mental
         or physical illness to the extent that the Insured is unable to
         perform, in the opinion of a Doctor, any two of the following
         activities without the assistance of another person or the use of
         special devices or equipment. Such disability must be established for a
         continuous period of 90 days.

         (a)   Bathing: Washing yourself by sponge bath in either a tub or
               shower, including the task of getting into or out of the tub or
               shower without assistance.
         (b)   Continence: The ability to maintain control of bowel and bladder
               function, or when unable to maintain control of bowel or bladder
               function, the ability to perform associated personal hygiene,
               including caring for a catheter or colostomy bag without
         (c)   Dressing:  Putting on and taking off all items of clothing or
               any braces,  fasteners,  or  artificial  limbs  without
         (d)   Eating: Feeding yourself by getting food into your body from a
               receptacle (such as a plate, cup or table), or by feeding tube or
               intravenously without assistance.
         (e)   Toileting:  Getting to and from the  toilet,  getting  on and off
               the  toilet,  and  performing  associated  personal
               hygiene without assistance.
         (f)   Transferring:  Moving into or out of a bed, chair or wheelchair
               without assistance.

    5.   Death of Spouse,  Lump Sum Benefit of (25)%:  is the  occurrence  of
         the death of the  Insured's  Spouse.  This benefit may
         only be claimed once.  This benefit has a maximum benefit of $50,000.

    6.   Death of Child,  Lump Sum Benefit of (10)%:  is the  occurrence  of
         death of a Child.  This  benefit  has a maximum  single
         benefit of $10,000 per child.  We must be notified of the names and
         birthdates  of the children who will be covered  under  this benefit.

    7.   Disabled and Receiving  Social  Security  Disability  Payments,
         Monthly Benefit of (12)% per year: is if the Insured meets
         the  following:  have not reached Age 65,  qualify under Total
         Disability,  and are currently  Receiving  Social  Security
         Disability Payments.

    8.   End Stage Renal  Failure,  Lump Sum Benefit of (50)%:  is the end stage
         renal failure  presenting  as chronic  irreversible
         failure of both kidneys to function as a result of which regular renal
         dialysis is instituted or renal  transplantation  is
         carried out.

    9.   Hearing Loss,  Lump Sum Benefit of (25)%:  is the total and  permanent,
         non-correctable  hearing loss in both ears. If the Hearing Loss is
         caused by Accident, the Lump Sum Benefit will be up to (50)%.

    10.  Major  Heart  Attack,  Lump Sum  Benefit  of  (25)%:  is the  death of
         part of the  coronary  myocardium  as a result of an
         ischemic  event with an ejection  fraction of less than 35%.  The
         diagnosis  for this will be based on the presence of all
         of the following:

         (a)   A history of typical chest pain.
         (b)   New EKG changes indicative of myocardial infarction.
         (c)   Unequivocal elevation of cardiac enzymes.
         (d)   Ejection fraction of less than 35%.

         Subendocardial infarct or any infarct of less than full thickness of
         the myocardium are specifically excluded.

    11.  Minor  Heart  Attack,  Lump Sum  Benefit  of (10)%:  is the death of
         the  coronary  myocardium  as a result of an  ischemic
         event.  The diagnosis for this will be based on the presence of all of
         the following:

         (a)   A history of typical chest pain.
         (b)   New EKG changes indicative of myocardial infarction.
         (c)   Unequivocal elevation of cardiac enzymes.

    12.  Organ Transplant,  Lump Sum Benefit of (50)%: is the actual undergoing
         of a human-to-human  transplant of a heart,  kidney,
         lung,  liver,  pancreas,  or bone marrow.  The  transplantation  of all
         other  organs,  parts of organs or any other tissue transplant  is
         excluded.  Organs or tissues  received  from  nonhuman  donors  are not
         covered.  Donors are  specifically excluded.

    13.  Paralysis  of two or more limbs,  Lump Sum Benefit of (50)%:  is the
         total and  permanent  loss of use of two or more limbs through
         paralysis or loss of limbs due to Accident or sickness.  Evidence of
         paralysis must persist for at least 3 months.


    14.  Stroke, Lump Sum Benefit of (50)%: is any cerebrovascular incident
         producing neurological sequels lasting more than 24 hours and including
         infarction of brain tissue, hemorrhage or embolism from an extracranial
         source. Evidence of measurable neurological deficit persisting for at
         least 3 months must be produced. Transient ischemic attacks are
         specifically excluded. Diagnosis of stroke must be evidenced by a
         clinical picture of permanent neurological damage proved from a
         Computed Axial Tomograph (CAT scan), a Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI),
         or some similar device.

    For Due Proof of occurrence, we must be furnished a diagnosis of a Covered
    Condition by a Doctor, including documentation supported by clinical,
    radiological, histological and laboratory evidence of the Covered Condition.
    The Due Proof of occurrence must be satisfactory to us and we may require,
    at our expense, an examination or tests by a Doctor of our choice.

    For the Disabled and Receiving Social Security Disability Payments benefit,
proof of occurrence also requires the following:

         (a) Due Proof that payments from the Social Security Administration are
         being received by the Insured; and (b) Due Proof of Total Disability;
         (c) The Insured is not otherwise gainfully employed; and (d) The
         Insured is not yet Age 65.

    Written Notice of Claim must be given within 90 days after an occurrence of
    a Covered Condition. If it was not reasonably possible for you to give us
    Notice of Claim in the time required, we will not reduce or deny the claim
    for this reason if the proof is filed. In any event, the Notice of Claim
    required must be given no later than one year from the time specified unless
    you were legally unable to act. The notice can be given to us at our address
    shown on the front page of the policy or to any one of our agents. Notice
    should include Insured's name and the policy number.

    When we get Notice of Claim, we will send you forms for filing a claim.

    In no case will the total amount of benefits payable under the Base Policy
    and this Rider ever exceed the Life Fund. In no event will the total amount
    of benefits payable under this Rider ever exceed 90% of the Initial
    Specified Amount with the exception of any Covered Conditions with a Benefit
    Percentage exceeding 90%.

    Benefits are not payable for any Covered Condition which occurs within the
    thirty days immediately following the Rider Date, and for which medical
    treatment or advice was given or recommended during the six months
    immediately prior to the Rider Date.

    Only one Lump Sum Benefit is payable for each Covered Condition excluding
the Death of Child.

    Only one Accelerated Benefit is payable as a result of onset of an Accident,
    illness, disease, or any other cause used as Due Proof for a Covered

    A Claim for a Lump Sum Benefit must be made within 90 days of the
    occurrence. Claims for a Monthly Benefit cannot occur within the two years
    immediately following any claim paid for a Lump Sum Benefit excluding Death
    of Spouse and Death of Child. The onset of the Covered Condition must occur
    after payments for all prior claims have ceased.

    No benefits under this rider will be provided for any loss that is caused by
or occurs as a result of:

         (a) intentionally self-inflicted bodily injury, suicide or attempted
         suicide, whether sane or insane; (b) any act that was caused by war,
         declared or undeclared, or during service in any of the armed forces;
         (c) participation in, or attempting to participate in, a felony, riot
         or insurrection; or (d) the misuse of alcohol or the taking of drugs
         (unless administered by a physician or taken according to the
               physician's instructions).

    No legal action may be brought to recover on this Rider within sixty days
    after written Notice of Claim has been given as required. No such action may
    be brought after three years from the time written Notice of Claim is
    required to be given.


    The Monthly Rider Cost Charge is the Annual Rider Cost Charge, shown on the
    Policy Schedule, divided by twelve. The Monthly Deduction for this Rider is
    the Monthly Rider Cost Charge times the Life Fund divided by 1,000.

    This Rider terminates upon Termination of the Base Policy.

    The provisions in the Base Policy regarding Reinstatement apply to this

Signed for the Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota and effective on the date the
policy is issued unless a different effective date is shown here.

                   /s/ Suzanne J. Pepin                 /s/Margery G Hughes
                       Suzanne J. Pepin                  Margery G. Hughes
                  Senior Vice President, Secretary          President
                      and Chief Legal Officer