Washington, D.C.  20549   
                                   FORM 10-Q 
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 
                  For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1996 
                         Commission File No. 0-15360   
                       BIOJECT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES INC.   
          (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)   
           Oregon                                       93-1099680   
(State of other jurisdiction of                (I.R.S. identification no.)   
 employer incorporation or organization)   
       7620 SW Bridgeport Road   
           Portland, Oregon                                 97224   
(Address of principal executive offices)                 (Zip code)   
                               (503) 639-7221   
           (Registrant's telephone number, including areas code)   
     Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports   
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act 
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the 
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to    
such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes [X]   No [ ]   
     At June 30, 1996 there were 15,616,712 outstanding shares of common stock 
of the registrant. 
                                     PART I 
                              FINANCIAL INFORMATION 
     The following unaudited consolidated financial statements of Bioject  
Medical Technologies Inc. (BMT) and its subsidiaries, Bioject Medical Systems  
Ltd. (BMSL) and Bioject Inc. (BI) (together, unless the context otherwise  
requires, the "Company"), have been prepared pursuant to the rules and  
regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  BMT, BMSL and BI were  
formed for the purpose of developing, manufacturing and distributing a new  
drug delivery system, capable of injecting medications through the skin  
without the traditional needle puncture.  The following 10-Q report reflects  
the consolidated results of operations, cash flows and financial position for  
the first quarter of the year ending March 31, 1997.  The results of  
operations for interim periods are not necessarily indicative of the results  
to be expected for the year. 
     -    Consolidated Statements of Operations for the quarters ended 
            June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1995  
     -    Consolidated Balance Sheets dated June 30, 1996 and March 31, 1996 
     -    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the quarters ended  
            June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1995 
                                               Three-Month Period Ended 
                                                       June 30,                
                                               1996            1995 
     Net sales of products                     $   176,869     $ 703,444 
     Licensing/technology fees                     314,900       225,000 
                                               -----------     ---------   
                                                   491,769       928,444 
                                               -----------   ----------- 
     Manufacturing                                 581,542     1,408,790 
     Research and development                      408,368       367,806 
     Selling, general and administrative           747,427       866,309 
     Other (income) expense, net                   (21,672)      (67,718)  
                                               -----------   ----------- 
                                                 1,715,665     2,575,187 
                                               -----------   ----------- 
INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE TAXES                      (1,223,896)   (1,646,743) 
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAXES                               -             - 
                                               -----------   ----------- 
NET INCOME (LOSS)                              $(1,223,896)  $(1,646,743) 
                                               ===========   =========== 
EARNINGS (LOSS) PER SHARE                      $      (.08)  $      (.12)  
                                               ===========   =========== 
SHARES USED IN PER SHARE CALCULATION            15,585,232    13,259,197 
                                               ===========   =========== 
                   The accompanying notes are an integral part 
                   of these consolidated financial statements. 
                        CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS 
                                               June 30,        March 31, 
                                               1996            1996 
- ------------------------------------------ 
     Cash and cash equivalents                  $ 2,753,489    $ 3,098,251 
     Securities available for sale                        -        993,056 
     Accounts receivable                             72,710        424,859 
     Inventories                                  1,517,180      1,255,945 
     Prepaid and other current assets                47,782         45,714 
                                                -----------    ----------- 
          Total current assets                    4,391,161      5,817,825 
CASH - RESTRICTED                                   173,163              - 
     Machinery and equipment                      1,431,295      1,428,001 
     Production molds                               780,980        777,353 
     Furniture and fixtures                         163,116        163,116 
     Leasehold improvements                          73,854         73,854 
     Equipment and molds under 
       construction, pledged                        279,559              - 
                                                -----------    ----------- 
                                                  2,728,804      2,442,324 
     Less - Accumulated depreciation             (1,213,338)    (1,048,638)  
                                                -----------    ----------- 
                                                  1,515,466      1,393,686 
OTHER ASSETS                                        301,394        307,105 
                                                -----------    ----------- 
                                                $ 6,381,184    $ 7,518,616 
                                                ===========    =========== 
- -------------------------------------------- 
     Accounts payable                           $   305,977    $   550,174 
     Accrued payroll                                136,158        158,225 
     Other accrued liabilities                      225,702        216,924 
     Deferred revenue                               300,600        566,000 
                                                -----------    ----------- 
          Total current liabilities                 968,437      1,491,323 
LONG-TERM DEBT                                      450,000              - 
     Preferred stock, no par, 10,000,000 
       shares authorized; no shares issued 
       and outstanding                                    -              -
     Common stock, no par, 100,000,000  
       shares authorized; issued and 
       outstanding 15,616,712 shares at 
       June 30, 1996 and 15,585,232 at 
       March 31, 1996                            36,160,508     36,001,158 
     Accumulated deficit                        (31,197,761)   (29,973,865)  
                                                -----------    ----------- 
          Total shareholders' equity              4,962,747      6,027,293 
                                                -----------    ----------- 
                                                $ 6,381,184    $ 7,518,616 
                                                ===========    =========== 
                   The accompanying notes are an integral part 
                   of these consolidated financial statements. 
                                                 Three-Month Period Ended 
                                                         June 30,               
                                                1996           1995 
     Net loss                                   $(1,223,896)   $(1,646,743) 
     Adjustments to net loss: 
        Depreciation and amortization               172,200        132,600 
        Common stock issued for services            159,350         16,768 
     Net changes in assets and liabilities: 
        Accounts receivable                         352,149        (69,249) 
        Inventories                                (261,235)      (267,876) 
        Prepaid and other current assets             (2,068)        14,516 
        Accounts payable                           (244,197)        51,133 
        Accrued payroll                             (22,067)       (49,808) 
        Other accrued liabilities                     8,778         14,316 
        Deferred revenue                           (265,400)       (75,000)  
                                                -----------    ----------- 
     Net Cash Used in Operating Activities       (1,326,386)    (1,879,343)  
                                                -----------    ----------- 
     Transfers to restricted cash                  (173,163)             - 
     Purchase of securities available for sale            -       (986,320) 
     Sale of securities available for sale          993,056      3,989,468 
     Capital expenditures                          (286,480)      (467,298) 
     Other assets                                    (1,789)       (25,555)  
                                                -----------    ----------- 
     Net Cash Used in Investing Activities          531,624      2,510,295 
                                                -----------    ----------- 
     Insurance of long-term debt                    450,000              - 
     Cash proceeds from common stock                      -              - 
                                                -----------    ----------- 
     Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities      450,000              - 
                                                -----------    ----------- 
     Net increase (decrease) in cash and 
       cash equivalents                            (344,762)       630,952 
     Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
       of period                                  3,098,251      2,057,384 
                                                -----------    ----------- 
     Cash and cash equivalents at end 
       of period                                $ 2,753,489    $ 2,688,336 
                                                ===========    =========== 
                   The accompanying notes are an integral part 
                   of these consolidated financial statements. 
     The consolidated financial statements of Bioject Medical Technologies  
Inc. and its subsidiaries (the "Company"), include the accounts of Bioject  
Medical Technologies Inc. ("BMT") and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Bioject  
Medical Systems Ltd. ("BMSL") and Bioject Inc. ("BI"). All significant  
intercompany transactions have been eliminated. BMT was incorporated on  
December 17, 1992 under the laws of the State of Oregon for the purpose of  
acquiring all of the outstanding common shares of BMSL in exchange for an  
equivalent number of common shares of BMT stock under a plan of U.S.  
reincorporation approved by the Company's shareholders on November 20, 1992.  
BMSL was incorporated on February 14, 1985, under the laws of British  
Columbia, and BI was incorporated on February 8, 1985, under the laws of the  
State of Oregon. 
     The Company commenced operations in 1985 for the purpose of developing,  
manufacturing and distributing a new drug delivery system. Since its  
formation, the Company has been engaged principally in organizational,  
financing, research and development, and marketing activities. In the last  
quarter of fiscal 1993, the Company launched U.S. distribution of its  
Biojector 2000 system primarily to the hospital and large clinic market.  
The Company's products and manufacturing operations are subject to extensive  
government regulation, both in the U.S. and abroad. In the U.S., the  
development, manufacture, marketing and promotion of medical devices is  
regulated by the Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") under the Federal Food,  
Drug, and Cosmetic Act ("FFDCA"). In 1987, the Company received clearance from 
the FDA under Section 510(k) of the FFDCA to market a hand-held CO2-powered  
jet injection system. In June 1994, the Company received clearance from the  
FDA under 510(k) to market a version of its Biojector 2000 system in a  
configuration targeted at high volume injection applications. 
     The Company's revenues to date have been derived primarily from licensing 
and technology fees and more recently from sales of the Biojector 2000 system  
and Biojector syringes to public health clinics and to Health Management Inc.  
with whom the Company signed an two-year distribution agreement in fiscal  
1995. Subsequent to year end this agreement was cancelled. Although not  
obligated to do so, the Company agreed to repurchase a portion of the goods  
sold (see Note 5). Future revenues will depend upon acceptance and use by  
healthcare providers of the Company's jet injection technology. Uncertainties  
over government regulation and competition in the healthcare industry may  
impact healthcare provider expenditures and third party payer reimbursements  
and, accordingly, the Company cannot predict what impact, if any, subsequent  
healthcare reforms might have on its business. In the future the Company may  
require additional financing. Failure to obtain such financing on favorable  
terms could adversely affect the Company's business. 
Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Cost is determined in a 
manner which approximates the first-in, first out (FIFO) method. Costs  
utilized for inventory valuation purposes include labor, materials and  
manufacturing overhead. Net inventories consist of the following:  
                                            June 30,        March 31,  
                                              1996            1996 
                                           ----------      ---------- 
           Raw Materials                   $  696,093      $  697,694 
           Work in Process                     12,467          12,467 
           Finished Goods                     808,620         545,784 
                                           ----------      ---------- 
                                           $1,517,180      $1,255,945 
                                           ==========      ==========   
During the first quarter, although not obligated to do so, the Company  
committed to repurchase certain inventories from one customer.  The purchase  
price totalled $660,000 of which $322,000 has been satisfied and the balance  
is to be acquired and paid in two equal installments in July and October 1996. 
In the first quarter of fiscal 1997, the Company commenced acquiring tooling  
and molds under a contract with Schering AG.  Under the contract, Schering has 
agreed to advance the Company up to $1.6 million on an agreed-upon schedule to 
acquire this capital equipment which is pledged to Schering subject to  
repayment of the loans.  During the quarter, $450,000 of these loans were  
received from Schering.  Unexpended funds advanced to the Company must be held 
in a separate account and are also pledged against repayment of the debt.  The 
loans bear interest at Wells Fargo Bank prime plus 2 1/2%.  Interest only is  
payable in annual installments until March 1998 at which time repayment of  
principal and interest will commence and be amortized over a 24-36 month  
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted  
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions  
that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of  
the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses  
during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. 
     The accompanying, unaudited consolidated financial statements do not 
include all information and footnote disclosures normally included in an 
audited financial statement.  However, in the opinion of management, all 
adjustments (which include only normal, recurring adjustments except as 
described below) necessary to present fairly the financial position, cash 
flows, and results of operations have been made.  It is suggested that these 
statements be read in conjunction with the financial statements included in 
the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 1996. 
     On June 3, 1996, the British Columbia Securities Commission informed the 
Company that its Executive Director (formerly the Superintendent of Brokers)  
consented to the release of all shares originally held in escrow pursuant to  
an escrow agreement dated May 30, 1986.  This means that the 1.5 million  
shares of common stock which had been held under this escrow arrangement since 
the Company's initial public offering in July 1986 are now held by the owners  
of the shares without risk of cancellation and may be sold.  As previously  
disclosed, a non-cash charge to compensation expense is required to be  
recorded for certain of the shares being released from the escrow account and  
transferred to certain former employees and consultants of the Company.  
Accordingly, a non-cash charge totalling $120,000 has been recorded in the  
financial statements during the quarter. 
     The Company has been developing a self-injection system for Schering AG,  
Germany, under a multi-year contract signed in March 1994.  On June 26, 1996,  
the Company and Schering entered into a Supply Agreement which specifies the  
terms under which the Company will manufacture and sell the self-injection  
systems to Schering.  Subject to Schering's satisfaction with certain product  
test results and receipt of regulatory approval in the United States and  
certain foreign countries, Bioject will manufacture the self-injection systems 
exclusively for Schering AG which will distribute the systems on a worldwide  
basis to multiple sclerosis patients using Betaseron.  The agreement extends  
for an initial term of eight years and provides for minimum amounts which must 
be produced by Bioject and which must be purchased by Schering AG in order for 
both parties to maintain their rights under the agreement.  The Company has  
commenced preparation to manufacture the self-injection systems, and initial  
shipments under the agreement are scheduled to commence in the first quarter  
of fiscal 1998.  
     The Company's revenues to date have not been sufficient to cover  
operating expenses.  However, the Company believes that if its products  
achieve market acceptance and the volume of sales increases, and its product  
costs are reduced, its costs of goods as a percentage of sales will decrease  
and eventually the Company will generate net income.  (See "Forward Looking  
Statements")  The level of sales required to generate net income will be  
affected by a number of factors including the pricing of the Company's  
products, its ability to attain efficiencies that can be attained through  
volume and automated manufacturing, and the impact of inflation on the  
Company's manufacturing and other operating costs.  There can be no assurance  
that the Company will be able to successfully implement its manufacturing cost 
reduction program or sell its products at prices or in volumes sufficient to  
achieve profitability or offset increases in its costs should they occur. 
     Revenues and results of operations have fluctuated and can be expected to 
continue to fluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter and from year to  
year.  Various factors may affect quarterly and yearly operating results  
including (i) length of time to close product sales, (ii) customer budget  
cycles, (iii) implementation of cost reduction measures, (iv) uncertainties  
and changes in purchasing due to third party payor policies and proposals  
relating to national healthcare reform, (v) timing and amount of payments  
under technology development agreements and (vi) timing of new product  
introductions by the Company and its competition. 
     On June 3, 1996, the British Columbia Securities Commission informed the  
Company that its Executive Director (formerly the Superintendent of Brokers)  
consented to the release of all shares originally held in escrow pursuant to  
an escrow agreement dated May 30, 1986.  This means that the 1.5 million  
shares of common stock which had been held under this escrow arrangement since 
the Company's initial public offering in July 1986 are now held by the owners  
of the shares without risk of cancellation and may be sold.  As previously  
disclosed, a non-cash charge to compensation expense is required to be  
recorded for certain of the shares being released from the escrow account and  
transferred to certain former employees and consultants of the Company.   
Accordingly, a non-cash charge totalling $120,000 has been recorded in the  
financial statements during the quarter. 
     During fiscal 1997, the Company will continue to focus its efforts on  
expanding sales, reducing the cost of its products, developing injectors for  
Schering and Hoffmann-La Roche, pursuing additional alliances with  
pharmaceutical companies and conserving its fiscal resources.  The Company  
does not expect to report net income from options in fiscal 1997.  (See  
Forward Looking Statements). 
     Product sales decreased from $703,000 in the first quarter of fiscal 1996 
to $177,000 in the first quarter of fiscal 1997. Sales in the first quarter of 
fiscal 1996 consisted of approximately $650,000 of sales to Health Management  
Inc., and the remainder to hospitals, large clinics, and individual physician  
offices.  Sales in the first quarter of fiscal 1997 consisted primarily of  
non-HMI sales to public health clinics. 
     License and technology fees increased from $225,000 in the first quarter  
of fiscal 1996 to $315,000 in the first quarter of fiscal 1997.  Both quarters  
consisted of product development fees recognized for work performed to develop 
a self injection device for the administration of Betaseron to multiple   
sclerosis patients under an agreement with Schering, AG, and product  
development fees for work to develop proprietary drug delivery systems under  
an agreement with Hoffmann-La Roche.  The increase in fees reflected an  
increase in activity for the first quarter of fiscal 1997 compared to the  
first quarter in the prior year. 
     Manufacturing expense decreased from the first quarter of fiscal 1996 to  
the first quarter of fiscal 1997 by $827,000.  This decrease was the result of 
the decline in product sales and the elimination of certain excess materials  
and labor costs incurred in installing and validating the automated syringe  
assembly equipment and testing Biojector prototypes in the first quarter of  
the prior year. 
     Research and development expenses were up from $368,000 in the first  
quarter of fiscal 1996 to $408,000 in the first quarter of fiscal 1997 due to  
a one-time non cash charge totalling $95,000 for past research and development 
consulting services resulting from the release of certain escrowed shares  
offset by a fluctuation in activity associated with the Schering and Hoffmann- 
La Roche projects. 
     Selling, general and administrative expense decreased from $866,000 in  
the first quarter of fiscal 1996 to $747,000 in the first quarter of fiscal  
1997.  The decrease was due primarily to a reduction in personnel from the  
prior year's quarter offset by a one-time non cash charge totalling $25,000  
for past selling and administrative employee services. 
     Other income consists of earnings on available cash balances and, in  
fiscal 1997, such income is net of interest expense on a long-term debt due to 
Schering AG.  Other income decreased from $68,000 in the first quarter of  
fiscal 1996 to $22,000 in the first quarter of fiscal 1997, as a result of  
decreases in cash balances and the offsetting effect of interest expense. 
     Since its inception in 1985, the Company has financed its operations,  
working capital needs and capital expenditures primarily from private  
placements of securities, exercises of stock options, proceeds received from  
its initial public offering in 1986, proceeds received from a public offering  
of Common Stock in November 1993, licensing and technology revenues and more  
recently from sales of products and a private placement of common stock  
completed in fiscal 1996 with net proceeds of approximately $3.5 million. Net  
proceeds received upon issuance of securities from inception through June 30,  
1996 totalled approximately $36.0 million. 
     Cash, cash equivalents and marketable securities totalled, $2.8 million  
at June 30, 1996 and $4.1 million at March 31, 1996.  The decrease resulted  
primarily from operating losses and from reductions in certain short term  
     Inventories increased from $1.3 million at March 31, 1996 to $1.5 million 
at June 30, 1996, due to the repurchase of certain inventories from HMI.  The  
Company has committed to repurchase an additional $338,000 in inventories in  
July and October 1996. The repurchase of these inventories was optional and  
was at a substantial discount to the original selling price to HMI. 
     The Company expects to expend approximately $2.0 million for capital  
equipment in fiscal 1997. Substantially all of these expenditures are related  
to ramp-up of manufacturing for the Schering product launch. Based on its  
contract with Schering, the Company believes that up to $1.6 million of these  
expenditures will be funded by interest bearing loans to be provided by  
Schering with repayment by Bioject over a period of 4 to 5.5 years. During the 
quarter, a total of $450,000 of these funds was advanced by Schering to the  
Company.  Of this total, $277,000 was used as deposits on molds and $173,000  
was held in a restricted cash account for future mold expenditures. 
    The Company believes that its current cash position and loans from  
Schering combined with revenues and other cash receipts will be adequate to  
fund the Company's operations through fiscal 1997. (See "Forward Looking  
Statements"). Thereafter, the Company is likely to require additional  
financing. However, unforeseen costs and expenses or lower than anticipated  
cash receipts from product sales or research and development activities could  
accelerate the financing requirement. The Company has been successful in  
raising additional financing in the past and believes that sufficient funds  
will be available to fund future operations. (See "Forward Looking  
Statements"). However, there can be no assurance that such financing will be  
available on favorable terms or at all. Failure to obtain additional financing 
when required would significantly restrict the Company's operations and  
ability to continue product development, and materially adversely affect the  
Company's business. The Company has no banking line of credit or other  
established source of borrowing.  
     Certain statements in this report constitute "forward looking statements" 
within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  
Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties 
and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or  
achievements of the Company, or industry results, to be materially different  
from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by  
such forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and factors are  
described in more detail in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K and other 
S.E.C. filings. 
                                   PART II 
                              OTHER INFORMATION 
Item 1.   Legal Proceedings 
          None during the quarter ended June 30, 1997. 
Item 2.   Changes in Securities 
          None during the quarter ended June 30, 1997. 
Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities 
          None during the quarter ended June 30, 1997. 
Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders 
          None during the quarter ended June 30, 1997. 
Item 5.   Other Information 
          None during the quarter ended June 30, 1997. 
Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K 
          10.32.1     Security Agreement dated June 26, 1996 between 
                      Bioject Inc. and Schering Aktiengesellschaft. 
          REPORTS ON FORM 8-K: 
          Form 8-K dated June 3, 1996 reporting the release of the  
          WAM Partnership Escrowed Shares by the British Columbia 
          Securities Commission. 
          Form 8-K dated June 26, 1996 reporting the signing of a supply 
          agreement between Schering Aktiengesellschaft and Bioject Inc. 
          Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to certain  
          portions of this agreement. 
     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the 
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the  
undersigned thereunto duly authorized. 
                                    BIOJECT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES INC. 
Date:  August 12, 1996              /S/ James C. O'Shea 
                                    James C. O'Shea 
                                    Chairman, Chief Executive Officer 
                                    and President 
                                    /S/ Peggy J. Miller 
                                    Peggy J. Miller 
                                    Vice President and Chief Financial Officer