<ARTICLE>                  5
<PERIOD-TYPE>                                        12-MOS
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                                    MAR-31-1998
<PERIOD-END>                                         MAR-31-1998
<CASH>                                               213,966
<SECURITIES>                                         1,486,224
<RECEIVABLES>                                        000
<ALLOWANCES>                                         000
<INVENTORY>                                          000
<CURRENT-ASSETS>                                     000
<PP&E>                                               000
<DEPRECIATION>                                       000
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                                       26,827,966<F1>
<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>                                000
<BONDS>                                              000
<COMMON>                                             000
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                                000
<PREFERRED>                                          000
<OTHER-SE>                                           26,519,402
<TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY>                         26,827,966<F2>
<SALES>                                              000
<TOTAL-REVENUES>                                     98,132<F3>
<CGS>                                                000
<TOTAL-COSTS>                                        000
<OTHER-EXPENSES>                                     422,584<F4>
<LOSS-PROVISION>                                     000
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                                   000
<INCOME-PRETAX>                                      000
<INCOME-TAX>                                         000
<INCOME-CONTINUING>                                  000
<DISCONTINUED>                                       000
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                      000
<CHANGES>                                            000
<NET-INCOME>                                         (2,408,077)<F5>
<EPS-PRIMARY>                                        (65.32)
<EPS-DILUTED>                                        000
<F1>Total  assets  includes:   Investments  in  Local  Limited  Partnerships  of
$25,099,334,  Organization  costs,  net of $9,167 and other  assets of  $19,275.
<F2>Other  liabilities  include  Accounts  payable to affiliates of $268,817 and
Accrued expenses of $39,747.
<F3>Total revenue includes: Investment of $92,781 and Other of $5,351.
<F4>Other Expenses include: Asset Management fees of $199,592, General and 
Administrative of $183,048, and Amortization of $39,944.
<F5>Net loss includes:  Equity in losses of Local Limited Partnerships of 