<ARTICLE>                  5
<PERIOD-TYPE>                                        6-MOS
<FISCAL-YEAR-END>                                    MAR-31-1999
<PERIOD-END>                                         SEP-30-1998
<CASH>                                               840,957
<SECURITIES>                                         2,637,557
<RECEIVABLES>                                        000
<ALLOWANCES>                                         000
<INVENTORY>                                          000
<CURRENT-ASSETS>                                     000
<PP&E>                                               784,878
<DEPRECIATION>                                       000
<TOTAL-ASSETS>                                       27,255,540<F1>
<CURRENT-LIABILITIES>                                000
<BONDS>                                              000
<COMMON>                                             000
<PREFERRED-MANDATORY>                                000
<PREFERRED>                                          000
<OTHER-SE>                                           26,206,898
<TOTAL-LIABILITY-AND-EQUITY>                         27,255,540<F2>
<SALES>                                              000
<TOTAL-REVENUES>                                     206,569<F3>
<CGS>                                                000
<TOTAL-COSTS>                                        000
<OTHER-EXPENSES>                                     281,781<F4>
<LOSS-PROVISION>                                     000
<INTEREST-EXPENSE>                                   36,365
<INCOME-PRETAX>                                      000
<INCOME-TAX>                                         000
<INCOME-CONTINUING>                                  000
<DISCONTINUED>                                       000
<EXTRAORDINARY>                                      000
<CHANGES>                                            000
<NET-INCOME>                                         (1,608,504)<F5>
<EPS-PRIMARY>                                        (23.10)
<EPS-DILUTED>                                        000
<F1>Included  in Total assets is  Mortgagee  escrow  deposits of $1,325,  Tenant
security  deposit escrow of $3,512,  Investments in Local Limited  Partnerships,
net of  $22,948,281,  Replacement  reserve  escrow of $3,421 and Other assets of
$35,609.  <F2>Included  in Total  liability  and equity is  Accounts  payable to
affiliates of $8,746, Accounts payable and accrued expenses of $45,572, Mortgage
note payable of $707,165,  Tenant security deposits payable of $3,512,  Deferred
revenue of $143,278  and  Minority  interest  in Local  Limited  Partnership  of
$140,369.  <F3>Total  revenue includes Rental of $58,463,  Investment of $74,558
and  Other  of  $73,548.   <F4>Included   in  Other   expenses  is  General  and
administrative   of  $107,066,   Asset  management  fees  of  $121,112,   Rental
operations,  exclusive of depreciation  of $20,017,  Depreciation of $21,177 and
Amortization of $12,409.  <F5>Net loss includes  Minority  interest in losses of
Local  Limited  Partnership  of $185 and  Equity  in  losses  of  Local  Limited
Partnerships of $(1,497,112). 