SECURITIES & EXCHANGE COMMISSION
                               WASHINGTON DC 20549

                   Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or 15 (d)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For Period Ended                                  September 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Commission file number                            33-12519
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
             (exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

             California                                             94-3031211
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  (State or other jurisdiction of                                I.R.S. Employer
   incorporation or organization)                             Identification No.

              650 El Camino Real, Suite G, Redwood City, CA. 94063
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     (address of principal executive office)

                                 (650) 365-5341
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

                                 NOT APPLICABLE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              (Former name, former address and former fiscal year,
                          if changed since last report)

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15 (d) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant  was  required  to file  reports),  and (2) has been  subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days.

YES                   XX                                    NO
                ----------------                                -------------


         Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant  has filed all documents
and reports  required to be filed by Sections 12, 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the  distribution of securities  under a plan
confirmed by a court.

YES                     NO                   NOT APPLICABLE           XX
    --------------         --------------                       ---------------


         Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's class
of common stock, as of the latest date.

                                 NOT APPLICABLE

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                         DECEMBER 31, 1999 (audited) AND
                         SEPTEMBER 30, 2000 (unaudited)


                                                                      Sept. 30,       December 31,
                                                                         2000             1999
                                                                     (unaudited)        (audited)
                                                                     -------------    --------------

Cash                                                                     $216,608        $1,120,295
                                                                     -------------    --------------

Accounts receivable:
  Mortgage Investments, secured by deeds of trust                       5,770,419         5,282,773
  Accrued Interest on Mortgage Investments                                787,316           706,841
  Advances on Mortgage Investments                                        136,388           137,930
                                                                     -------------    --------------
                                                                        6,694,123         6,127,544
  Less allowance for doubtful accounts                                    257,655           303,249
                                                                     -------------    --------------
                                                                        6,436,468         5,824,295
                                                                     -------------    --------------

Note receivable - Redwood Mortgage Corp.                                   79,907           300,000
Real estate owned, held for sale, acquired through foreclosure            866,647           133,300
Real estate in process of acquisition, to be sold                               0           668,132
                                                                     -------------    --------------

          Total Assets                                                 $7,599,630        $8,046,022
                                                                     =============    ==============


  Deferred Interest                                                            $0           $15,676
  Other                                                                    13,423                 0
                                                                     -------------    --------------
          Total Liabilities                                                13,423            15,676
                                                                     -------------    --------------

Partners' Capital:
  Limited Partners' capital, subject to redemption, (note 4D):          7,576,441         8,020,580
  General Partners' Capital:                                                9,766             9,766
                                                                     -------------    --------------
    Total Partners' capital                                             7,586,207         8,030,346
                                                                     -------------    --------------
          Total Liabilities and Partners' capital                      $7,599,630        $8,046,022
                                                                     =============    ==============

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                              STATEMENTS OF INCOME
                       FOR THE NINE AND THREE MONTHS ENDED
                     SEPTEMBER 30, 2000 AND 1999 (unaudited)

                                                   NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPT. 30,           THREE MONTHS ENDED SEPT 30,
                                                             2000             1999                 2000             1999
                                                      ------------     ------------        -------------    -------------
  Interest on Mortgage Investments                       $433,489         $588,361             $140,335         $180,525
  Interest on bank deposits                                 8,261            3,497                1,641            1,494
  Late charges, prepayment penalties, and fees             24,548           19,346               11,160            7,111
  Interest on Promissory Note                              15,107                0                5,107                0
                                                      ------------     ------------        -------------    -------------
                                                          481,405          611,204              158,243          189,130
                                                      ------------     ------------        -------------    -------------

  Mortgage servicing fees                                  32,914           40,804               16,233            9,188
  Asset management fee                                      7,403            8,043                2,420            2,634
  Clerical costs through Redwood Mortgage Corp.            14,738           16,305                4,663            5,174
  Interest and line of credit costs                             0           14,713                    0            2,582
  Provision for doubtful accounts and losses
     on real estate acquired through foreclosure           30,941          111,762               17,978           36,312
  Professional services                                    23,612           16,867              (1,946)              761
  Other                                                     8,858           10,306                1,870            1,661
                                                      ------------     ------------        -------------    -------------
                                                          118,466          218,800               41,218           58,312
                                                      ------------     ------------        -------------    -------------

Net Income                                               $362,939         $392,404             $117,025         $130,818
                                                      ============     ============        =============    =============

Net income:  To General Partners(1%)                       $3,629           $3,924               $1,170           $1,308
             To Limited Partners (99%)                   $359,310         $388,480             $115,855         $129,510
                                                      ------------     ------------        -------------    -------------
                                                         $362,939         $392,404             $117,025         $130,818
                                                      ============     ============        =============    =============

Net income per $1,000 invested by Limited Partners for entire period:

  -where income is reinvested and
   compounded                                              $46.42           $46.21               $15.03           $15.45
                                                      ============     ============        =============    =============

  -where partner receives income
    in monthly distributions                               $45.50           $45.29               $14.96           $15.37
                                                      ============     ============        =============    =============

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
            FOR THE THREE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1999 (audited) and
              THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000 (unaudited)

                                                                     PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                                                LIMITED PARTNERS' CAPITAL
                                       Capital                                              Capital
                                       Account          Formation                           Account
                                       Limited            Loan                              General
                                       Partners        Receivable           Total           Partners          Total
                                     -------------    --------------    --------------    -------------    -------------

Balances at December 31, 1996          10,507,101         (121,849)        10,385,252           $9,766       10,395,018

Formation Loan collections                      0            53,833            53,833                0           53,833
Net income                                523,895                 0           523,895            5,292          529,187
Early withdrawal penalties               (13,409)             8,495           (4,914)                0          (4,914)
Partners' withdrawals                 (1,536,379)                 0       (1,536,379)          (5,292)      (1,541,671)
                                     -------------    --------------    --------------    -------------    -------------

Balances at December 31, 1997          $9,481,208         ($59,521)        $9,421,687            9,766       $9,431,453

Formation Loan collections                      0            53,291            53,291                0            53,291
Net Income                                507,380                 0           507,380            5,125           512,505
Early withdrawal penalties                (9,834)             6,230           (3,604)                0           (3,604)
Partners' withdrawals                 (1,280,986)                 0       (1,280,986)          (5,125)       (1,286,111)
                                     -------------    --------------    --------------    -------------    --------------

Balances at December 31, 1998          $8,697,768                 0        $8,697,768           $9,766        $8,707,534

Net Income                                515,700                 0           515,700            5,209           520,909
Early withdrawal penalties               (10,028)                 0          (10,028)                0          (10,028)
Partners' withdrawals                 (1,182,860)                 0       (1,182,860)          (5,209)       (1,188,069)
                                     -------------    --------------    --------------    -------------    --------------

Balances at December 31, 1999          $8,020,580                 0        $8,020,580           $9,766        $8,030,346

Net Income                                359,310                 0           359,310            3,629           362,939
Early withdrawal penalties               (13,446)                 0          (13,446)                0          (13,446)
Partners' withdrawals                   (790,003)                 0         (790,003)          (3,629)         (793,632)
                                     -------------    --------------    --------------    -------------    --------------

Balances at September 30, 2000         $7,576,441                 0        $7,576,441           $9,766        $7,586,207
                                     =============    ==============    ==============    =============    ==============

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
        FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2000 AND 1999 (unaudited)

                                                                     NINE MONTHS ENDED

                                                                        SEPTEMBER 30

                                                               2000                     1999
                                                           -------------            --------------
Cash flows from operating activities:

  Net income                                                   $362,939                  $392,404
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net
   cash provided by operating activities:
   Provision for doubtful accounts                               30,391                   111,762
   Provision for Losses (recovery) on real estate
     held for sale                                                  550                         0
   Early withdrawal penalty credited to income                 (13,446)                   (6,698)
   (Increase) decrease in assets:
      Accrued interest & advances                              (80,605)                 (149,933)
   Increase (decrease) in liabilities:
      Accounts payable and accrued expenses                      13,423                  (22,668)
      Deferred Interest on Mortgage Investments                (15,676)                  (20,463)
                                                           -------------            --------------

    Net cash provided by operating activities                   297,576                   304,404
                                                           -------------            --------------

Cash flows from investing activities:

  Principal collected on Mortgage Investments                 1,110,352                 1,557,392
  Mortgage Investments made                                 (1,672,861)                 (591,458)
  Additions to real estate held for sale                       (65,215)                   (2,800)
  Dispositions of real estate held for sale                           0                    64,146
  Investment in Partnership                                           0                  (14,067)
  Proceeds from Partnership                                           0                         0
  Proceeds from unsecured accounts receivable                         0                       (1)
                                                           -------------            --------------
    Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities       (627,724)                 1,013,212
                                                           -------------            --------------

Cash flows from financing activities:

 Net increase (decrease) in note payable-bank                         0                 (390,000)
 Partners withdrawals                                         (793,632)                 (853,256)
 Note receivable - Redwood Mortgage Corp.                       220,093                         0
                                                           -------------            --------------

    Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities       (573,539)               (1,243,256)
                                                           -------------            --------------

Net increase (decrease) in cash                               (903,687)                    74,360

Cash - beginning of period                                    1,120,295                   299,775
                                                           -------------            --------------

Cash - end of period                                           $216,608                  $374,135
                                                           =============            ==============

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000


Redwood  Mortgage  Investors  VI, (the  "Partnership")  is a California  Limited
Partnership,  of which the General Partners are D. Russell  Burwell,  Michael R.
Burwell and Gymno  Corporation,  a California  corporation owned and operated by
the individual  General  Partners.  The  Partnership  was organized to engage in
business  as a  mortgage  lender  for the  primary  purpose  of making  Mortgage
Investments  secured  by  Deeds of Trust on  California  real  estate.  Mortgage
Investments are being arranged and serviced by Redwood Mortgage Corp.,  (Redwood
Mortgage),  an affiliate of the General  Partners.  The offering was closed with
contributed capital totaling $9,772,594.

Each month's income is  distributed  to partners based upon their  proportionate
share of partners'  capital.  Some partners have elected to withdraw income on a
monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

A.  Sales Commissions - Formation Loan

Sales  commissions  ranging  from 0% (units sold by General  Partners) to 10% of
gross  proceeds were paid by Redwood  Mortgage Corp. an affiliate of the General
Partners  that  arranges and services the Mortgage  Investments.  To finance the
sales  commissions,  the Partnership  loaned to Redwood Mortgage Corp.  $623,255
(the  "Formation  Loan")  relating to  contributed  capital of  $9,781,366.  The
Formation Loan was unsecured,  and was repaid without  interest,  over 10 years,
commencing December 31, 1989. The last payment was made during 1998.

B.  Other Organizational and Offering Expenses

Organizational and offering expenses,  other than sales commissions,  (including
printing  costs,  attorney and accountant  fees,  and other costs),  paid by the
Partnership  from the offering  proceeds  totaled $360,885 or 3.69% of the gross
proceeds  contributed by the Partners.  Such costs have been fully amortized and
allocated to the Partners.


A.  Accrual Basis

Revenues and  expenses  are  accounted  for on the accrual  basis of  accounting
wherein  income is recognized as earned and expenses are recognized as incurred.
Once a Mortgage  Investment is  categorized  as impaired,  interest is no longer
accrued thereon.

B.  Management Estimates

In preparing the financial statements,  management is required to make estimates
based on the  information  available that affect the reported  amounts of assets
and  liabilities  as of the balance sheet date and revenues and expenses for the
related periods.  Such estimates relate  principally to the determination of the
allowance for doubtful  accounts,  including the valuation of impaired  Mortgage
Investments,  and the  valuation of real estate  acquired  through  foreclosure.
Actual results could differ significantly from these estimates.

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

C.  Mortgage Investments, Secured by Deeds of Trust

The Partnership has both the intent and ability to hold the Mortgage Investments
to maturity,  i.e., held for long-term investment.  They are therefore valued at
cost for financial statement purposes with interest thereon being accrued by the
simple interest method.

Financial  Accounting  Standards Board Statements  (SFAS) 114 and 118 (effective
January 1, 1995) provide that if the probable  ultimate recovery of the carrying
amount of a Mortgage  Investment,  with due  consideration for the fair value of
collateral, is less than the recorded investment and related amounts due and the
impairment is considered to be other than temporary,  the carrying amount of the
investment  (cost)  shall be reduced to the present  value of future cash flows.
The adoption of these statements did not have a material effect on the financial
statements of the Partnership  because that was the valuation method  previously
used on impaired loans.

At September  30, 2000,  December 31, 1999 and 1998,  reductions  in the cost of
Mortgage  Investments  categorized  as  impaired  by  the  Partnership  totalled
$283,249, $283,249 and $84,736,  respectively. The reduction in stated value was
accomplished by increasing the allowances for doubtful accounts.

As presented in Note 10 to the  financial  statements  as of September 30, 2000,
the average  mortgage  investment to appraised value of security at the time the
loans  were  consummated  was  68.89%.  When a loan  is  valued  for  impairment
purposes, an updating is made in the valuation of collateral security.  However,
a low loan to value ratio tends to minimize reductions for impairment.

D.  Cash and Cash Equivalents

For purposes of the statements of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents  include
interest bearing and non-interest bearing bank deposits.

E.  Real Estate Owned, Held for Sale

Real  estate  owned,  held for  sale,  includes  real  estate  acquired  through
foreclosure  and is  stated  at the  lower  of the  recorded  investment  in the
property,  net of any senior  indebtedness,  or at the property's estimated fair
value, less estimated costs to sell. At December 31, 1999, one property that was
in the process of becoming Real Estate Owned,  actually became Real Estate Owned
as of March 31, 2000. It was valued at fair value of $668,132 based on a current
appraisal. The $668,132 is net of reduction in value of $287,548.

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

The  following  schedule  reflects  the costs of real  estate  acquired  through
foreclosure and the recorded reductions to estimated fair values, less estimated
costs to sell as of September 30, 2000 and December 31, 1999:

                                 September 30, 2000            December 31, 1999
                              ----------------------       ---------------------

Costs of properties                  $1,181,760                         $161,415
Reduction in value                      315,113                           28,115
                                ---------------                 ----------------

Fair value reflected
  in financial statements              $866,647                         $133,300
                                ===============                 ================

Effective  January 1, 1996, the Partnership  adopted the provisions of statement
No 121 (SFAS 121) of the Financial Accounting  Standards Board,  "Accounting for
the  Impairment  of Long Lived  Assets and for Long Lived  Assets to be disposed
of".  The  adoption  of  SFAS  121  did  not  have  a  material  impact  on  the
Partnership's  financial position because the methods indicated were essentially
those previously used by the Partnership.

F.  Income Taxes

No  provision  for  Federal  and  State  income  taxes is made in the  financial
statements  since  income taxes are the  obligation  of the partners if and when
income taxes apply.

G.  Organization and Syndication Costs

The Partnership  bears its own  organization  and syndication  costs (other than
certain  sales  commissions  and  fees  described  above)  including  legal  and
accounting expenses,  printing costs, selling expenses, a 1% wholesale brokerage
fee and filing fees.  Organizational  costs of $14,750 were capitalized and were
amortized  over a five year period.  Syndication  costs of $346,135 were charged
against partners' capital and were allocated to individual  partners  consistent
with the Partnership Agreement.

H.  Allowance for Doubtful Accounts

Mortgage  Investments  and the related accrued  interest,  fees and advances are
analyzed on a continuous basis for recoverability.  Delinquencies are identified
and followed as part of the Mortgage  Investment system. A provision is made for
doubtful  accounts to adjust the  allowance  for doubtful  accounts to an amount
considered by management  to be adequate  with due  consideration  to collateral
value to provide  for  unrecoverable  accounts  receivable,  including  impaired
Mortgage  Investments,  unspecified Mortgage  Investments,  accrued interest and
advances on Mortgage Investments, and other accounts receivable (unsecured). The
composition of the allowance for doubtful  accounts as of September 30, 2000 and
December 31, 1999 was as follows:

                                   September 30, 2000          December 31, 1999
                                  ---------------------      -------------------

Impaired Mortgage Investments          $237,655                         $283,249
Unspecified Mortgage Investments         20,000                           20,000
Accounts receivable, unsecured                0                                0
                                  -------------                    -------------
                                       $257,655                         $303,249
                                  =============                    =============

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

I.  Net Income Per $1,000 Invested

Amounts  reflected in the statements of income as net income per $1,000 invested
by Limited  Partners  for the entire  period are  actual  amounts  allocated  to
Limited  Partners  who have  their  investment  throughout  the  period and have
elected to either  leave their  earnings to compound or have  elected to receive
monthly  distributions of their net income.  Individual income is allocated each
month  based on the  Limited  Partners'  pro rata  share of  Partners'  Capital.
Because the net income percentage varies from month to month, amounts per $1,000
will vary for those  individuals  who made or  withdrew  investments  during the
period,  or select other  options.  However,  the net income per $1,000  average
invested  has  approximated  those  reflected  for those whose  investments  and
options have remained constant.


The following are commissions and/or fees which are paid to the General Partners
and/or related parties.

A.  Mortgage Brokerage Commissions

Mortgage  brokerage  commissions  for  services in  connection  with the review,
selection,  evaluation,  negotiation  and extension of the Mortgage  Investments
were limited up to 12% of the  principal  amount of the loans through the period
ending  6  months  after  the  termination  date  of the  offering.  Thereafter,
commissions  are limited to an amount not to exceed 4% of the total  Partnership
assets  per year.  Such  commissions  are paid by the  borrowers,  thus,  not an
expense of the Partnership.  Such  commissions  totalled $34,164 and $46,527 for
the nine months  ended  September  30, 2000 and for the year ended  December 31,
1999, respectively.

B.  Mortgage Servicing Fees

Monthly  mortgage  servicing  fees are paid to Redwood  Mortgage up to 1/8 of 1%
(1.5%  annual) of the unpaid  principal,  or such lesser amount as is reasonable
and customary in the  geographic  area where the property  securing the Mortgage
Investment is located.  Mortgage servicing fees of $32,914, $50,150 and $70,630,
were incurred for the nine months ended  September 30, 2000, and the years ended
December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively.

C.  Asset Management Fee

The General  Partners are  authorized  to receive  monthly fees for managing the
Partnership's  Mortgage Investment  portfolio and operations of up to 1/32 of 1%
(3/8 of 1%  annually).  Management  fees  incurred  for the  nine  months  ended
September  30, 2000 and for years ended  December 31, 1999 and 1998 were $7,403,
$10,626 and $6,640, respectively.

D.  Other Fees

The Partnership Agreement provides for other fees such as reconveyance, mortgage
assumption and mortgage  extension fees. These fees are paid by the borrowers to
parties related to the General Partners.

E.  Income and Losses

All income is credited  or charged to  partners in relation to their  respective
partnership  interests.   The  partnership  interest  of  the  General  Partners
(combined) is a total of 1%.

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

F.  Operating Expenses

The General Partners or their affiliate  (Redwood Mortgage Corp.) are reimbursed
by the  Partnership  for all  operating  expenses  actually  incurred by them on
behalf of the Partnership,  including without limitation,  out-of-pocket general
and administration expenses of the Partnership, accounting and audit fees, legal
fees and expenses,  postage and preparation of reports to Limited Partners.  For
the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2000 and for the  years  1999 and 1998,
clerical  costs  totaling  $14,738,  $21,748  and  $24,440,  respectively,  were
reimbursed  to Redwood  Mortgage  Corp.  and are  included  in  expenses  in the
Statements of Income.


A.  Term of the Partnership

The term of the Partnership is approximately 40 years,  unless sooner terminated
as provided.  The  provisions  provided for no capital  withdrawal for the first
five years, subject to the penalty provision set forth in (D) below. Thereafter,
investors have the right to withdraw over a five-year period, or longer.

B.  Election to Receive Monthly, Quarterly or Annual Distributions

Upon  subscriptions,  investors elected either to receive monthly,  quarterly or
annual distributions of earnings  allocations,  or to allow earnings to compound
for at least a period of 5 years.

C.  Profits and Losses

Profits and losses are allocated monthly among the Limited Partners according to
their respective capital accounts after 1% is allocated to the General Partners.

D.  Withdrawal From Partnership

A Limited Partner had no right to withdraw from the Partnership or to obtain the
return of his  capital  account  for at least  five  years  after such units are
purchased which in all instances had occurred by September 30, 2000.  After that
time,  at the election of the Partner,  capital  accounts can be returned over a
five year period in 20 equal quarterly  installments or such longer period as is

Notwithstanding  the above, in order to provide a certain degree of liquidity to
the Limited  Partners,  the General Partners will liquidate a Limited  Partner's
entire capital account in four quarterly  installments beginning on the last day
of the calendar quarter  following the quarter in which the notice of withdrawal
is given. Such liquidations shall, however, be subject to a 10% early withdrawal
penalty  applicable  to any sums  withdrawn  prior to the time  when  such  sums
otherwise could have been withdrawn  pursuant to the  liquidation  procedure set
forth  above.  The  10%  early  withdrawal  penalty  will  be  received  by  the
Partnership, and a portion of the sums collected as such penalty will be applied
toward the next installment(s) of principal under the Formation Loan owed to the
Partnership by Redwood  Mortgage  Corp.  Such portion shall be determined by the
ratio between the initial amount of Formation Loan and the total amount of other
organization and syndication costs incurred by the Partnership in this offering.
The  balance of any such early  withdrawal  penalties  shall be  retained by the
Partnership for its own account and applied against syndication costs. Since the
syndication  costs have been fully  amortized as of December  31, 1993,  and the
formation loan was paid in 1998, the early  withdrawal  penalties  gained in the
future will be credited to income for the period received.

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

The Partnership will not establish a reserve from which to fund withdrawals and,
accordingly,  the  Partnership's  capacity to return a Limited Partner's capital
account is restricted to the availability of Partnership cash flow. Furthermore,
no more than 20% of the total Limited Partners' capital accounts  outstanding at
the beginning of any year shall be liquidated during any calendar year.


Redwood  Mortgage Corp., an affiliate of the General Partners which arranges and
services the Mortgage  Investments of the  Partnership,  has subsidized  certain
loan losses of the Partnership in the form of a note receivable.  The note bears
interest  at 8% and will be paid over a three  year  period to the  extent  that
Partnership  losses  occur  relative  to certain  identified  properties  net of
assigned  allowance and write-offs.  If the identified  properties  recover from
their  write-downs,  Redwood Mortgage Corp. will be credited or reimbursed up to
the amount of the note receivable.


The  Partnership  had a bank line of credit  secured by its Mortgage  Investment
portfolio up to $2,000,000  at 1% over prime.  The balances were $0 and $390,000
at December 31, 1999 and 1998,  respectively,  and the interest rate at December
31, 1999 was 9.25% (8.25% prime + 1%). The line of credit  expired  December 31,
1999, and was paid in full at that time.


The  Partnership  is a defendant  along with  numerous  defendants,  including a
developer,   contractor,   and  other  lenders,   in  a  lawsuit  involving  the
Partnership's attempt to recover it's investment in real estate acquired through

Management  anticipates  that the ultimate outcome of the legal matters will not
have a material  adverse effect on the net assets of the  Partnership,  with due
consideration  having  been given in  arriving  at the  allowance  for  doubtful


The following  reflects a  reconciliation  from net assets  (Partners'  Capital)
reflected in the financial statements to the tax basis of those net assets:

                                    September 30, 2000         December 31, 1999
                                    -------------------        -----------------

Net assets - Partners'
  Capital per financial statements       $7,586,207                   $8,030,346

Allowance for doubtful accounts             257,655                      303,249
                                     ----------------           ----------------
Net assets tax basis                     $7,843,862                   $8,333,595
                                     ================           ================

As of September  30, 2000 and December  31, 1999,  approximately  72% of taxable
income was allocated to tax exempt  organizations  i.e.,  retirement plans. Such
plans do not have to file income tax returns  unless their  "unrelated  business
income" exceeds $1,000.  Applicable  amounts become taxable when distribution is
made to participants.

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000


The following  methods and  assumptions  were used to estimate the fair value of
financial instruments:

(a) Cash and Cash  Equivalents  - The  carrying  amount  equals fair value.  All
amounts, including interest bearing, are subject to immediate withdrawal.

(b) The Carrying Value of Mortgage Investments - (see note 2 (c)) was $5,770,419
at September 30, 2000.  The fair value of these  investments  of $5,822,115  was
estimated  based upon projected cash flows  discounted at the estimated  current
interest rates at which similar loans would be made.  The  applicable  amount of
the allowance  for doubtful  accounts  along with accrued  interest and advances
related  thereto  should also be considered in evaluating  the fair value versus
the carrying value.


The Mortgage  Investments  are secured by recorded deeds of trust.  At September
30, 2000,  there were 33 Mortgage  Investments  outstanding  with the  following

Number of Mortgage Investments outstanding                                    33
Total Mortgage Investments outstanding                                $5,770,419

Average Mortgage Investment outstanding                                 $174,861
Average Mortgage Investment as percent of total                            3.03%
Average Mortgage Investment as percent of Partners' Capital                2.30%

Largest Mortgage Investment outstanding                               $1,376,117
Largest Mortgage Investment as percent of total                           23.85%
Largest Mortgage Investment as percent of Partners' Capital               18.14%

Number of counties where security is located (all California)                  9
Largest percentage of Mortgage Investments in one county                  33.11%
Average Mortgage Investment to appraised value of security
     at time Mortgage Investment was consummated                          68.89%
Number of Mortgage Investments in foreclosure                                  1

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI
                       (A California Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

The following  categories of Mortgage Investments are pertinent at September 30,
2000 and December 31, 1999:

                                           September 30,            December 31,
                                               2000                     1999
                                         ------------------       --------------
First Trust Deeds                            4,273,886                 3,810,670
Second Trust Deeds                           1,473,027                 1,273,693
Third Trust Deeds                               23,506                   198,410
                                         ------------------       --------------

  Total Mortgage Investments                 5,770,419                 5,282,773
Prior liens due other lenders                6,876,069                 6,705,986
                                         ------------------       --------------
  Total debt                               $12,646,488               $11,988,759
                                         ==================       ==============

Appraised property value
   at time of loan                         $18,358,049               $18,027,960
                                         ==================       ==============

Total investments as a
   percent of appraisals                        68.89%                    66.50%
                                         ==================       ==============

Investments by Type of Property

Owner occupied homes                           646,841                   264,673
Non-Owner occupied homes                       571,976                   403,809
Apartments                                     578,998                   730,934
Commercial                                   3,972,604                 3,883,357
                                         ------------------       --------------
                                            $5,770,419                $5,282,773
                                         ==================       ==============

                          REDWOOD MORTGAGE INVESTORS VI

                       (A California Limited Partnership)

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                               SEPTEMBER 30, 2000

Scheduled maturity dates of Mortgage Investments as of September 30, 2000 are as

                         Year Ending
                         December 31,


                             2000                                     $3,058,261
                             2001                                      1,076,858
                             2002                                        779,285
                             2003                                        504,015
                             2004                                         37,429
                          Thereafter                                     314,571

The scheduled  maturities  for 2000 include  $3,058,261 in Mortgage  Investments
which are past maturity at September 30, 2000.

Seven Mortgage Investments with principal outstanding of $2,367,097 had interest
payments overdue in excess of 90 days.

The cash  balance  at  September  30,  2000 of  $216,608  were in two banks with
interest  bearing  balances  totalling  $203,314.  The  balances  exceeded  FDIC
insurance limits (up to $100,000 per bank) by $103,116.  As and when deposits in
the Partnership's bank accounts increase significantly beyond the insured limit,
the funds are generally placed in new Mortgage Investments.

Management's  Discussion and Analysis  of Financial  Condition  and  Results  of

On  September  2,  1989,  the  Partnership  had  sold  97,725.94  Units  and its
contributed  capital totalled  $9,772,594 of the approved  $12,000,000 issue, in
Units of $100  each.  As of that  date the  offering  was  formally  closed.  On
September 30, 2000, the Partnership's net capital totalled $7,586,207.

The  Partnership  began  funding  Mortgage  Investments  in  October  1987.  The
Partnership's Mortgage Investments  outstanding for the years ended December 31,
1998, 1999 and for the nine months ended  September 30, 2000,  were  $7,969,735,
$5,282,773 and $5,770,419,  respectively.  The decrease in Mortgage  Investments
outstanding  from December 31, 1998 to September 30, 2000,  was due primarily to
the Partnership  utilizing  Mortgage  Investment payoffs to meet Limited Partner
capital  liquidations,  line of credit  pay-down,  uninvested  cash in  Mortgage
Investments and an increase in Real Estate Owned or in process. During the years
1998,  1999 and nine months  through  September  30, 2000,  Mortgage  Investment
principal collections exceeded Limited Partner liquidations.

Since the Fall of 1999,  mortgage  interest rates have been rising due primarily
to economic  forces and by the Federal  Reserve raising its core interest rates.
New Mortgage Investments will be originated at these higher interest rates which
could  increase  the  average  return  across  the  entire  Mortgage  Investment
portfolio  held by the  Partnership.  In the future,  interest rates likely will
change  from their  current  levels.  The General  Partners  cannot at this time
predict at what levels interest rates will be in the future.  Although the rates
charged by the  Partnership are influenced by the level of interest rates in the
market,  the  General  Partners  do not  anticipate  that  rates  charged by the
Partnership  to its borrowers  will change  significantly  from the beginning of
2000 over the next 12 months.  As of September 30, 2000 the  Partnership's  Real
Estate Owned account  balance was $866,647.  The increase was due to acquisition
of a property through foreclosure.  This account had a balance of $1,017,460 and
$169,922, as of December 31, 1997 and 1998,  respectively.  The General Partners
anticipate  that the annualized  yield for the  forthcoming  year 2000,  will be
similar to the current year's performance level.

Previously the Partnership had a line of credit with a commercial bank which was
secured by its Mortgage  Investment  portfolio.  The outstanding  balance of the
bank line of credit was  $390,000 and $0 for the years ended  December  1998 and
1999.  For the  years  ended  December  31,  1999  and  1998,  interest  on Note
Payable-Bank was $14,714 and $43,170,  respectively. The primary reason for this
decrease  was  that  the   Partnership  had  a  lower  overall  credit  facility
utilization  from 1998 to  December  31,  1999.  During  1999 the  Partnership's
borrowing ranged between $0 and $410,000,  at an interest rate of Prime plus one
percent.  This added source of funds helped in maximizing the Partnership  yield
by  allowing  the  Partnership  to  minimize  the amount of funds in lower yield
investment  accounts when  appropriate  Mortgage  Investments  are not currently
available and because the Mortgage  Investments made by the Partnership  usually
bear interest at a rate in excess of the rate payable to the bank which extended
the line of credit, the amount to be retained by the Partnership,  after payment
of the line of credit cost,  will be greater than without the use of the line of
credit. On December 31, 1999 the Partnership  closed its line of credit with the
existing  bank.  As of December 31, 1999,  all accrued  interest and the line of
credit balances were paid in full.

The  Partnership's  operating  results and  delinquencies  are within the normal
range of the  General  Partners  expectations,  based upon their  experience  in
managing similar  Partnerships  over the last twenty- three years.  Foreclosures
are  a  normal  aspect  of  partnership  operations  and  the  General  Partners
anticipate  that  they  will not have a  material  effect  on  liquidity.  As of
September 30, 2000,  there was one property in foreclosure.  Cash is continually
being  generated from interest  earnings,  late charges,  prepayment  penalties,
amortization  of notes and  pay-off of notes.  Currently,  this  amount  exceeds
Partnership  expenses  and  earnings and Partner  liquidation  requirements.  As
Mortgage Investment  opportunities  become available,  excess cash and available
funds are invested in new Mortgage Investments.

The  General  Partners  regularly  review  the  Mortgage  Investment  portfolio,
examining the status of delinquencies,  the underlying collateral securing these
Mortgage  Investments,  REO expenses,  sales activities,  and borrower's payment
records and other data relating to the Mortgage  Investment  portfolio.  Data on
the local real estate market, and on the national and local economy are studied.
Based upon this  information  and more,  Mortgage  Investment  loss reserves and
allowance  for doubtful  accounts are  increased  or  decreased.  Because of the
number of variables  involved,  the magnitude of possible swings and the General
Partners  inability to control many of these factors,  actual results may and do
sometimes  differ  significantly  from estimates  made by the General  Partners.
Management  provided  $180,054,  $437,558 and $30,941 as provision  for doubtful
accounts  for the years ended  December  31,  1998,  December  31, 1999 and nine
months ended September 30, 2000, respectively.  The decrease in the provision in
1998 reflects the decrease in the amount of REO,  unsecured  receivables and the
decreasing levels of delinquency within the portfolio. The increase in allowance
for  1999 is to build up  reserve  for any  potential  loss in the  future.  The
Partnership  acquired a piece of Real Estate  through  foreclosure  in 2000.  In
anticipation  of this event,  the  Partnership  carried  $668,132 in its balance
sheet as Real Estate Owned in Process as of December 31, 1999.

Extracts from recent publications  regarding  California's economy,  population,
employment and real estate said:

"In the next 10 years we  (California)  will again add  approximately  5 million
people,  but with far less building  activity.  In the decade after that we will
add another 7 million  people with a similar  pace of  building  activity.  This
mismatch  between  demand  and  supply  will not only  manifest  itself  in home
appreciation,  but  also  crowding  in  existing  housing  -  something  one now
experiences not only in old city quarters like Europe and Asia but  increasingly
now in places like Manhattan and San Francisco...California's unemployment rate,
currently  at 5 percent  will hold  steady at this  level for the next 12 months
whereas the U.S. unemployment rate rises from 4.1% this year to 4.4% next year."
(Source: UCLA Anderson Forecast, September, 2000)

"- Only 31 percent of Californians  can afford to buy a median-priced  home, the
California Association of Realtors said yesterday.

That figure,  calculated for September,  compared to a 53 percent  affordability
rating  nationwide and was down from the same period a year ago, when 36 percent
of state residents could afford to buy a home.

The  median   price of a  single-family  home  in September was   $248,020,  the
Association reported last month." (Source:  Redwood City Daily News, November 3,

"Interest Rates - a really toss up - if the economy does indeed continue to slow
the Feds will keep a "steady  as we go"  course  but if they  sense a heating up
they will inch up rates again.

Of  course,  for all of us in the Bay Area we will be  focused  on the high tech
industries and real estate.  As with most emerging  industries  some of the high
tech players will survive and do very well - think Cisco,  Sun,  Oracle,  Intel,
Exodus,  America OnLine/Time Warner and others with a dream and no business plan
will fall out. As for real estate we have seen gains of from 35-105 percent over
the last few years.  Next year  appreciation  will slow down to more  historical
valuations  but the demand will still be strong.  The key for sellers will be to
price  their  homes  "properly"  (don't  live in the  market of six months ago -
today's market has slowed down somewhat and is different). The key for buyers is
to accept that the demand is still  strong and that prices are not "out of line"
- - people said that 2 years ago, 1 year ago, six months ago.

Perhaps  in America  we  find   ourselves  after 10  years "on hold" - a time to
take stock and smell the roses we have bloomed. And that's not all bad. (Source:
The Independent published by Redwood City Almanac, October 28, 2000)

To  the  Partnership,   low  unemployment,   an  increasing   population,   home
appreciation,  and  relatively  stable  interest  rates  all  bode  well for the
California  and San  Francisco  Bay Area real  estate  markets,  our  underlying
mortgage loan collateral.

The  Partnership's  interest in land located in East Palo Alto,  CA was acquired
through foreclosure.  The investment was previously  classified as Investment in
Partnership  in the Financial  Statements  and has been  reclassified  into Real
Estate Owned. The Partnership's basis of $46,609,  $20,377 and $ 0, for the nine
months ended  September 30, 2000,  and for the years ended December 31, 1999 and
1998,  respectively,  has been invested with that of two other Partnerships.  In
order  to  pursue  development  options,  rezoning  of the  property's  existing
residential  zoning   classification  will  be  required.   The  Partnership  is
continuing to explore  remediation  options  available to mitigate the pesticide
contamination, which affects the property.

This pesticide contamination appears to be the result of agricultural operations
by  prior  owners.  The  General  Partners  do not  believe  at this  time  that
remediation of the pesticide contaminants will have a material adverse effect on
the financial condition of the Partnership.

At the  time  of  subscription  to the  Partnership,  Limited  Partners  made an
irrevocable decision to either take distributions of earnings monthly, quarterly
or annually or to compound  earnings  in their  capital  account.  For the years
ended December 31, 1998 and 1999, and for the nine months through  September 30,
2000, the Partnership  made  distributions of earnings to Limited Partners after
allocation   of   syndication   costs  of  $235,837,   $217,526  and   $137,977,
respectively.  Distribution of Earnings to Limited  Partners after allocation of
syndication  costs for the years ended December 31, 1998,  December 31, 1999 and
for nine months through September 30, 2000 to Limited Partners' capital accounts
and not withdrawn,  was $271,543,  $298,174, and $221,333,  respectively.  As of
December 31, 1998,  December 31, 1999 and September 30, 2000,  Limited  Partners
electing to withdraw earnings represented 43%, 42% and 42% respectively,  of the
Limited Partners outstanding capital accounts.

The  Partnership  also allows the Limited  Partners  to withdraw  their  capital
account  subject  to  certain   limitations  (see   liquidation   provisions  of
Partnership Agreement). For the years ended December 31, 1998, December 31, 1999
and nine months  through  September  30, 2000,  $122,069,  $128,295 and $164,308
respectively,  were  liquidated  subject to the 10% and/or 8% penalty  for early
withdrawal. These withdrawals are within the normally anticipated range that the
General   Partners   would  expect  in  their   experience  in  this  and  other
Partnerships.  The General  Partners  expect that a small  percentage of Limited
Partners will elect to liquidate their capital accounts over one year with a 10%
and/or 8% early withdrawal  penalty.  In originally  conceiving the Partnership,
the General  Partners wanted to provide Limited  Partners  needing their capital
returned a degree of liquidity. Generally, Limited Partners electing to withdraw
over one year  need to  liquidate  investments  to raise  cash.  The  trend  the
Partnership is  experiencing in withdrawals by Limited  Partners  electing a one
year  liquidation  program  represents  a small  percentage  of Limited  Partner
capital as of  December  31,  1998,  December  31, 1999 and  September  30, 2000
respectively, and is expected by the General Partners to commonly occur at these

Additionally,  for the years ended December 31, 1998,  December 31, 1999 and the
nine  months  through  September  30,  2000,  $938,040,  $847,067  and  $501,164
respectively, were liquidated by Limited Partners who have elected a liquidation
program over a period of five years or longer.  Once the initial  five-year hold
period  has  passed,   the  General  Partners  expect  to  see  an  increase  in
liquidations due to the ability of Limited Partners to withdraw without penalty.
This ability to withdraw after five years by Limited  Partners has the effect of
providing  Limited Partner  liquidity  which the General  Partners then expect a
portion of the Limited Partners to avail themselves of. This has the anticipated
effect of the partnership growing, primarily through reinvestment of earnings in
years one through five. The General Partners expect to see increasing numbers of
Limited Partner withdrawals in years five through eleven, at which time the bulk
of those Limited Partners who have sought  withdrawal will have been liquidated.
After year eleven,  liquidation  generally subsides and the Partnership  capital
again tends to increase.

Actual  liquidation  of both capital and earnings from year five (1992)  through
year twelve  (1999),  and for nine months  through  September  30, 2000 is shown

                                    Years ended December 31,
                                 1992               1993              1994                1995               1996
                         -------------     --------------     -------------      --------------    ---------------
Earnings                     $323,037            377,712           303,014             303,098            294,678
Capital                     *$232,370           *528,737          *729,449            *892,953         *1,183,099
                         -------------     --------------     -------------      --------------    ---------------
Total                        $555,407           $906,449        $1,032,463          $1,196,051         $1,477,777
                         =============     ==============     =============      ==============    ===============

                                                                                9 months through
                                 1997              1998               1999      September 30, 2000
                        --------------     -------------      -------------     ----------------------
Earnings                      257,670           235,837            217,526                   $137,977
Capital                    *1,297,410        *1,060,109           *975,362                   *665,472
                        --------------     -------------      -------------     ----------------------
Total                      $1,555,080        $1,295,946         $1,192,888                   $803,449
                        ==============     =============      =============     ======================

*These amounts represent gross of early withdrawal penalties.

The Year 2000 was considered by most to be a challenge for the entire world with
respect to the conversion of existing computerized  operations.  The Partnership
relies on Redwood Mortgage Corp., third parties and various software vendors for
its  hardware  and  software  needs.  Since  year  2000  has  come,  we have not
experienced  any computer  hardware  breakdowns.  We assume that our testing and
upgrading of computer  hardware prior to year 2000 identified all hardware areas
of concern.  Computer  software  programs  are all  operational  with only minor
problems  being  experienced  with  some  programs.  These  problems  are  being
addressed  by the  appropriate  software  vendors or software  programmers.  All
annual  computerized  functions have not yet been run,  however,  testing of the
operations has taken place. We do not expect any significant problems.

The costs of updating our computer systems were  substantially  borne by the non
affiliated  software  vendors and the in house  system  conversion  costs to the
partnership were marginal.

Year 2000 issues do not appear to have affected,  in any significant manner, any
industries or businesses in the marketplace in which the Partnership  places its
loans.  We believe that year 2000 issues are a non-event and will have little if
any  future  effect  on  the  Partnership,  its  affiliates  or the  people  and
businesses with which it associates.

The foregoing analysis of year 2000 issues includes  forward-looking  statements
and  predictions  about  possible or future events,  results of operations,  and
financial  condition.  As such, this analysis may prove to be inaccurate because
of assumptions made by the General Partners or the actual  development of future
events.  No assurance can be given that any of these  statements or  predictions
will ultimately prove to be correct or substantially correct.


         The  Partnership  has no  officers or  directors.  The  Partnership  is
managed by the General Partners.  There are certain fees and other items paid to
management  and related  parties.  A more  complete  description  of  management
compensation  is  found  in the  Prospectus,  pages  11-12,  under  the  section
"Compensation of the General Partners and the Affiliates," which is incorporated
by reference. Such compensation is summarized below.

         The following  compensation  has been paid to the General  Partners and
their  affiliates for services  rendered  during the nine months ended September
30,  2000.  All such  compensation  is in  compliance  with the  guidelines  and
limitations set forth in the Prospectus.

Entity Receiving         Description of Compensation                      Amount
Compensation              and Services Rendered
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Redwood Mortgage         Mortgage Servicing Fee for
Corp.                    servicing Mortgage Investments                  $32,914

General Partners
&/or Affiliates          Asset Management Fee
                         for managing assets                              $7,403

General Partners         1% interest in profits                           $3,629


Redwood Mortgage         Mortgage Brokerage Commissions for services
Corp.                    in connection with the review, selection,
                         evaluation, negotiation, and extension of the
                         Mortgage Investments paid by the borrowers
                         and not by the Partnership                      $34,164

Redwood Mortgage         Processing and Escrow Fees for services in
Corp.                    connection with notary, document preparation,
                         credit investigation, and escrow fees payable by
                         the borrowers and not by the Partnership         $2,042

Gymno Corp. Inc.         Reconveyance Fee                                  $ 413

STATEMENT OF INCOME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . .$14,738

As of September  30, 2000, a summary of the  Partnership's  Mortgage  Investment
portfolio is set forth below.

Mortgage Investments as a Percentage of Total Mortgage Investments

First Trust Deeds                                         $4,273,885.75
Appraised Value of Properties                              6,235,507.00
   Total Investment as a % of Appraised Value                    68.54%

First Trust Deeds                                         $4,273,885.75
Second Trust Deed Mortgage Investments                     1,473,027.10
Third Trust Deed Mortgage Investments                         23,506.57

First Trust Deeds due other Lenders                        6,803,671.00
Second Trust Deeds due other Lenders                          72,398.00

Total Debt                                               $12,646,488.42

   Appraised Property Value                              $18,358,049.00
   Total Investments as a % of Appraised Value                   68.89%

Number of Mortgage Investments Outstanding                           33

Average Investment                                           174,861.19
Average Investment as a % of Net Assets                           2.30%
Largest Investment Outstanding                             1,376,117.03
Largest Investment as a % of Net Assets                          18.14%

Mortgage Investments  as a Percentage of Total Mortgage Investments

First Trust Deeds                                                74.06%
Second Trust Deeds                                               25.53%
Third Trust Deeds                                                 0.41%


Mortgage Investments by Type of           Amount                Percent

Owner Occupied Homes                      $646,841.10            11.21%
Non-Owner Occupied Homes                   571,976.51             9.91%
Apartments                                 578,998.20            10.03%
Commercial                               3,972,603.61            68.85%
                                      ----------------      ------------
Total                                   $5,770,419.42           100.00%

The  following  is a  distribution  of Mortgage  Investments  outstanding  as of
September 30, 2000 by Counties.

Santa Clara                $1,910,698.49            33.11%
Alameda                     1,204,226.67            20.87%
San Mateo                     945,634.71            16.39%
Placer                        527,801.34             9.15%
Sacramento                    515,827.63             8.94%
San Francisco                 345,037.50             5.98%
Stanislaus                    197,333.47             3.42%
Shasta                         79,684.44             1.38%
Sonoma                         44,175.17             0.76%
                      -------------------      ------------
Total                      $5,770,419.42           100.00%

Statement of Condition of Mortgage Investments:

         Number of Mortgage Investments in Foreclosure                 1

                                     PART 2

                                OTHER INFORMATION

         Item 1.           Legal Proceedings

                                No legal action has been  initiated  against the
                                Partnership.  The  Partnership had filed a legal
                                action for collection against  borrowers,  which
                                is   routine   litigation   incidental   to  its
                                business. Please refer to note (7) of financial

         Item 2.           Changes in the Securities

                               Not Applicable

         Item 3.           Defaults upon Senior Securities

                               Not Applicable

         Item 4.           Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

                               Not Applicable

         Item 5.           Other Information

                               Not Applicable

         Item 6.           Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

                               (a)  Exhibits
                                    Not Applicable

                               (b)  Form 8-K

                                    The  registrant has not filed any reports on
                                    Form  8-K  during  the  three-month   period
                                    ending September 30, 2000.


         Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15 (d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 the  registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its  behalf  by the  undersigned,  thereto  duly  authorized  on the  9th day of
November, 2000.


By:       /S/ D. Russell Burwell
          D. Russell Burwell, General Partner

By:       /S/ Michael R. Burwell
          Michael R. Burwell, General Partner

By:       Gymno Corporation, General Partner

          By:     /S/ D. Russell Burwell

                  D. Russell Burwell, President

          By:     /S/ Michael R. Burwell

                  Michael R. Burwell, Secretary/Treasurer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following person on behalf of the registrant and in
the capacity indicated on the 9th day of November, 2000.

Signa                              Title                                Date

/S/ D. Russell Burwell

- -----------------------------
D. Russell Burwell             General Partner                  November 9, 2000

/S/ Michael R. Burwell

- -----------------------------
Michael R. Burwell             General Partner                  November 9, 2000

/S/ D. Russell Burwell

- -----------------------------
D. Russell Burwell       President of Gymno Corporation,        November 9, 2000
                         (Principal Executive Officer);
                         Director of Gymno Corporation

/S/ Michael R. Burwell

- -----------------------------
Michael R. Burwell       Secretary/Treasurer of Gymno           November 9, 2000
                         Corporation (Principal Financial
                              and Accounting Officer);
                         Director of Gymno Corporation