SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP, INC.

                         1998 OFFICER STOCK OPTION PLAN

Witnesseth this 1998 OFFICER STOCK OPTION PLAN dated as of the _____ day of
_______, 2003, by SUMMIT FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. ("Corporation"), a West Virginia

1.       PURPOSE OF PLAN. The purpose of this 1998 Officer Stock Option Plan
         ("Plan") is to further the success of the Corporation and its
         subsidiaries by making stock of the Corporation available for purchase
         by officers of the Corporation or its subsidiaries through stock option
         grants. The Plan provides an additional incentive to such officers to
         continue in the Corporation's service and give them a greater interest
         as stockholders in the success of the Corporation.

2.       REFERENCE, CONSTRUCTION, AND DEFINITIONS. Unless otherwise indicated,
         all references made in this Plan shall be to articles, sections and
         subsections of this Plan. This Plan shall be construed in accordance
         with the laws of the state of West Virginia. The headings and
         subheadings in this Plan have been inserted for convenience of
         reference only and are to be ignored in construction of the provision
         of this Plan. In the construction of this Plan, the masculine shall
         include the feminine and singular the plural, wherever appropriate. The
         following terms shall have the meanings set forth opposite such terms:

         (a)    "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

         (b)    "Business Day" means each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
                and Friday on which the Corporation's Common Stock is
                available for purchase or sale.

         (c)    "Change of Control" means (a) a report is filed with the
                Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on Schedule 13D
                or Schedule 14D-1 (or any successor schedule, form or report),
                each as promulgated pursuant to the Exchange Act, disclosing
                that any "person", as such term is used in section 13(d) and
                Section 14(d)(2) of the Exchange Act, other than the company or
                any company employee benefit plan, is or has become a beneficial
                owner, directly or indirectly, of securities of the Company
                representing twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the combined
                voting power of the Company's then outstanding securities; (b)
                the Company files a report or proxy statement with the SEC
                pursuant to the Exchange Act disclosing in response to Item 1 of
                Form 8-K thereunder or Item 6(e) of Schedule 14A thereunder that
                a Change of Control of the Company has or may have occurred or
                will or may occur in the future pursuant to any then-existing
                contract or transaction; (c) the Company is merged or
                consolidated with another corporation and, as a result thereof,
                securities representing less than fifty percent (50%) of the
                combined voting power of the surviving or resulting
                corporation's securities (or of the securities of a parent
                corporation in case of a merger in which the surviving or
                resulting corporation becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of the
                parent corporation) are owned in the aggregate by holders of the
                Company's securities immediately prior to such merger or
                consolidation; (d) all or substantially all of the assets of the
                Company are sold in a single transaction or a series of related
                transactions to a single purchaser or a group of affiliated
                purchasers; or (e) during any period of twenty-four (24)
                consecutive months, individuals who were Directors of the
                Company at the beginning of such period cease to constitute at
                least a majority of the Company's board unless the election, or
                nomination for election by the Company's shareholders, of more
                than one-half of any new Directors of the Company was approved
                by a vote of at least two-thirds of the Directors of the Company
                then still in office who were Directors of the Company at the
                beginning of such twenty-four (24) month period, either actually
                or by prior operation of this clause (e). A Change of Control
                shall not include any transaction described in the definition of
                Change of Control in connection with which the Corporation
                executes a letter of intent or similar agreement with another
                company within one year from the effective date of the Plan. The
                date of a Change of Control shall be deemed to be the date of
                the earlier of the date of (i) consummation of the transaction
                involving the Change of Control, or (ii) the execution of a
                definitive agreement by the Corporation involving a transaction
                deemed to be a Change of Control; .

         (d)    "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
                from time to time.

         (e)    "Committee" means the Committee of the Board appointed by the
                Board to administer the Plan as constituted from time to time
                in accordance with Section 4(a); provided, however, that if
                the Committee shall not be in existence, the term "Committee"
                shall mean the Board.

         (f)    "Common Stock" means the common stock ($2.50 par value) of the

         (g)    "Corporation" means Summit Financial Group, Inc., a West
                Virginia banking corporation.

         (h)    "Date of Grant" means the date on which an option is granted
                under the Plan.

         (i)    "Effective Date" means the date on which the Plan is approved
                and adopted by the shareholders of the Corporation.

         (j)    "Fair Market Value" means the value of Common Stock (i) if
                listed on an established stock exchange, based on its price on
                such exchange at the close of business on the date in question;
                (ii) if traded on a reasonably active basis but not listed on an
                established stock exchange, based on its price as reflected on
                the NASDAQ Inter-dealer Quotation System of the National
                Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. at the close of business
                on the date in question; (iii) if the Common Stock is not traded
                on any United States securities exchange but is traded on any
                formal over-the-counter quotation system in general use in the
                United States, the value per share shall be the mean of the
                closing prices reported on the last five (5) Business Days on
                which the common stock traded prior to the date of grant.

         (k)    "Non Qualified Stock Option" means an Option which is not of the
                type described in Section 422(b) or 423(b) of the Code.

         (l)    "Option" means an option to purchase a share or shares of the
                Corporation's par value Common Stock.

         (m)    "Option Agreement" means the written agreement to be entered
                into by the Corporation and the Participant, as provided in
                Section 6 hereof.


         (n)    "Participant" means any officer of the Corporation or its
                subsidiaries designated by the Committee and approved by the
                Board to receive a stock option grant pursuant to this Plan.

         (o)    "Plan" means this 1998 Officer Stock Option Plan.

         (p)    "Retirement" shall mean termination of employment by the
                Participant (i) at the age of 65 or more, or (ii) after
                twenty-five years of service with the Corporation.

         (q)    "Term" means the period during which a particular Option may
                be exercised in accordance with Section 8(b) hereof.

         (r)    "Vest" or "Vesting" means the date, event, or act prior to
                which an Option, in whole or in part, is not exercisable, and
                as a consequence of which the Option, in whole or in part,
                becomes exercisable for the first time.

3.       STOCK SUBJECT TO PLAN. Subject to the provisions of Sections 6, 7, and
         8, there shall be reserved for issuance or transfer upon the exercise
         of Options to be granted from time to time under the Plan an aggregate
         of one hundred twenty thousand (120,000) shares of Common Stock, which
         shares may be in whole or in part, as the Board shall from time to time
         determine, authorized and unissued shares of Common Stock, or issued
         shares of Common Stock which shall have been reacquired by the
         Corporation. If any Option granted under the Plan shall expire,
         terminate, or be canceled for any reason without having been exercised
         in full, the unpurchased shares subject thereto shall again be
         available for the purpose of the Plan.


         (a)    The Plan shall be administered by the Committee. Actions by
                the Committee for purposes of this Plan shall be by not less
                than a majority of its members. Any decision or determination
                reduced to writing and signed by all Committee members shall
                be fully as effective as if it had been made by a majority
                vote at a meeting duly called and held. The Committee shall
                report all action taken by it to the Board.

         (b)    The Board may authorize the Committee to administer the Plan.
                In the event the Board elects to administer the Plan, the
                Board shall have the power and authority otherwise delegated
                to the Committee in the Plan documents and all acts performed
                by the Committee under the Plan shall be performed by the

         (c)    The Committee shall have authority in its discretion, but
                subject to the express provisions of the Plan:

                (1)    to determine Participants to whom Option may be granted;

                (2)    to determine the time or times when Option may be

                (3)    to determine the purchase price of the Common Stock
                       covered by each Option grant;

                (4)    to determine the number of shares of Common Stock to
                       be subject to each Option;


                (5)    to determine when an Option can be exercised and
                       whether in whole or in installments as the result of
                       a Vesting schedule triggered by the passage of time
                       or the attainment of performance goals set by the
                       Committee and approved by the Board;

                (6)    to prescribe, amend, or rescind rules and regulations
                       relating to the Plan;

                (7)    to determine any other terms and provisions and any
                       related amendments to the individual Option
                       Agreements, which need not be identical for each
                       Participant, including such terms and provisions and
                       amendments as shall be required in the judgment of
                       the Committee to conform to any change in any law or
                       regulation applicable thereto, and with particular
                       regard to any changes in or effect of the Code and
                       the regulations thereunder; and

                (8)    to make all other determinations deemed necessary or
                       advisable for the administration of the Plan.

5.       PARTICIPATION. Options may be granted to officers employed by the
         Corporation or its subsidiaries. In determining the officers to whom
         Options may be granted and the number of shares to be covered by each
         grant, the Committee may take into account the nature of the services
         rendered by the respective officers, their present and potential
         contributions to the Corporation's success, and such other factors as
         the Committee in its discretion shall deem relevant. Options may be
         granted to officers who currently hold Corporate stock or who hold or
         have held Options under this Plan.


         (a)    Nothing contained in this Plan or in any resolution adopted or
                to be adopted by the Board shall constitute the granting of
                any Option hereunder. The granting of an Option pursuant to
                the Plan shall take place only when a written Option Agreement
                shall have been duly executed and delivered by or on behalf of
                the Corporation and the officer (or his duly authorized
                attorney-in-fact) in whom such Option is to be granted.

         (b)    During the Participant's lifetime, any Option granted under
                this Plan shall be exercisable only by the Participant or any
                guardian or legal representative of the Participant, and the
                Option shall not be transferable except, in case of the death of
                the Participant, by will or the laws of descent and distribution
                ,nor shall the Option be subject to attachment, execution, or
                other similar process. In the event of (i) any attempt by the
                Participant to alienate, assign, pledge, hypothecate, or
                otherwise dispose of the Option, except as provided in this
                Plan, or (ii) the levy of any attachment, execution, or similar
                process upon the rights or interests conferred by the Option,
                the Corporation may terminate the Option by notice to the
                Participant and upon such notice the Option shall become null
                and void.

         (c)    Each Option Agreement shall include a Vesting schedule
                describing the date, event, or act upon which an Option shall
                Vest, in whole or in part, with respect to all or a specified
                portion of the shares covered by such Option. This condition
                shall not impose upon the Corporation any obligation to retain
                the Participant in its employ for any period.

         (d)    Options shall be limited to Non Qualified Stock Options.


7.       OPTION PRICES. The Option price to be paid by the Participants to the
         Corporation for each share purchased upon the exercise of the Option
         shall be not less than the Fair Market Value of the share on the date
         the Option is granted. In no event may an Option be granted under the
         Plan if the Option price per share is less than the par value of a


         (a)    A Participant may exercise any Option granted under this Plan
                with respect to all or any part of the number of shares then
                exercisable under the terms of the written Option Agreement by
                giving the Committee written notice of intent to exercise. The
                notice of exercise shall specify the number of shares to be
                purchased under the Option and the date of exercise.

         (b)    Each Option granted under the Plan shall be exercisable only
                during a Term established by the Committee as set forth in the
                applicable Option Agreement.

         (c)    Full payment of the option price for the shares purchased
                shall be made by the Participant on or before the exercise
                date specified in the notice of exercise. Payment of the
                purchase price of any shares with respect to which the Option
                is being exercised shall be (i) cash, (ii) certified check to
                the order of the Corporation, or (iii) shares of Common Stock
                of the Corporation valued at the Fair Market Value on such
                Business Day as the Option or portion thereof is exercised.

         (d)    The Corporation shall not be required to deliver certificates
                for such shares until full payment of the Option price has been
                made. On or as soon as is practicable after the exercise date
                specified in the Participant's notice and upon full payment of
                the Option price, the Corporation shall cause to be delivered to
                the Participant a certificate or certificates for the shares
                then being purchased (out of previously unissued Common Stock or
                reacquired Common Stock, as the Corporation may elect). The
                exercise of the Option and the resulting obligation of the
                Corporation to deliver Common Stock shall, however, be subject
                to the condition that the listing, registration, or
                qualification of the Option or the shares upon any securities
                exchange or under any state or federal law, or the consent, or
                approval of any governmental regulatory body shall have been
                effected or obtained free of any conditions not acceptable to
                the Committee.

         (e)    If the Participant fails to pay for any of the shares
                specified in such notice or fails to accept delivery of the
                shares, his right to purchase such shares may be terminated by
                the Corporation. The date specified in the Participant's
                notice as the date of exercise shall be deemed the date of
                exercise of the Option, provided that payment in full for the
                shares to be purchased upon such exercise shall have been
                received by such date.

         (f)    The holder of an Option shall not have any of the rights of a
                stockholder with respect to the shares subject to the Option
                until such shares shall be issued or transferred to him upon
                the exercise of his Option.

         (g)    Notwithstanding the foregoing, any shares that may be
                purchased as of the Effective Date, pursuant to the terms of
                any Option granted prior to the Effective Date, shall continue
                thereafter to be purchasable pursuant to the exercise of such


         exercise Options under this Plan shall be conditioned as follows:

         (a)    Exercise During and After Employment. Unless otherwise
                provided in the terms of an Option, an Option may be exercised
                by the Participant while he is an employee if it is vested and
                if he has maintained since the date of the grant of the Option
                continuous status as an employee.

                In the event of termination of the employment of a Participant
                by either the Participant or the Corporation to whom an Option
                has been granted under the Plan, other than a termination by
                reason of Retirement, permanent disability, or death (all as
                more fully described below), the Participant may (unless
                otherwise provided in his or her Option Agreement) exercise
                his or her Option at any time within six months after such
                termination, or such other time as the Committee may
                authorize, but in no event after ten years from the date of
                the granting thereof, with respect to, the number of shares
                covered by his or her Option which were Vested at the date of
                termination of employment.

         (b)    Exercise Upon Retirement. Unless otherwise provided in the
                terms of an Option, if a Participant's continuous employment
                shall terminate by reason of his Retirement, at a retirement
                date authorized by the Committee, from the Corporation or its
                subsidiaries, a retired Participant shall be come one hundred
                percent (100%) Vested in any Option he has been granted under
                the Plan as of that date, and he may exercise the otherwise
                exercisable Option anytime within one year of his retirement

         (c)    Exercise Upon Permanent Disability. Unless otherwise provided
                in the terms of an Option, if a Participant's continuous
                employment shall terminate by reason of a permanent disability
                (as determined by the Participant establishing to the
                Committee his disability as defined in Code Section 22(e))(3)
                of the Code, as amended from time to time), then such Option
                of the disabled Participant may be exercised with respect to
                the number of shares covered by the Participant's Option that
                were Vested immediately prior to that disability. Such Option
                of the permanently disabled Participant may be exercised
                during the period the Option would have been exercisable if
                the permanently disabled Participant had not been permanently
                disabled and had remained in employment.

         (d)    Exercise Upon Death. Unless otherwise provided in the terms of
                an Option, if a Participant's continuous employment shall
                terminate by reason of his death, then to the extent that the
                Participant would have been entitled to exercise the Option
                immediately prior to his death, such Option of the deceased
                Participant may be exercised during the period the Option
                would have been exercisable if the deceased Participant had
                not died and had remained in employment, by the person or
                persons (including his estate) to whom his rights under such
                Option shall have passed by will or by laws of descent and


         (a)    In the event that the outstanding shares of Common Stock are
                hereafter increased or decreased or changed into or exchanged
                for a different number or kind of shares or other securities of
                the Corporation or of another corporation, by reason of a
                recapitalization, reclassification, stock split-up, combination
                of shares or dividend or other distribution payable in capital
                stock, appropriate adjustment shall be made by the Committee in
                the number and kind of shares for which Options may be granted
                under the Plan. In addition, the Committee shall make
                appropriate adjustment in the number and kind of shares as to
                which outstanding Options, or portions thereof then unexercised,
                shall be exercisable, to the end that the proportionate interest
                of the holder of the Option shall, to the extent practicable, be
                maintained as before the occurrence of such event. Such
                adjustment in outstanding Options shall be made without change
                in the total price applicable to the unexercised portion of the
                Option but with a corresponding adjustment in the Option price
                per share.


         (b)    In the event of a Change of Control, any Option under the Plan
                shall terminate as of a date to be fixed by the Committee,
                provided that not less than ninety (90) days' written notice
                of the date so fixed shall be given to each Participant, and
                each such Participant shall have the right during such period
                to exercise any of his or her Options as to all or any part of
                the shares covered thereby including shares as to which such
                Options would not otherwise be exercisable by reason of any
                insufficient lapse of time.
         (c)    Adjustment and determinations under this Section 10 shall be
                made by the Committee, whose decisions as to what adjustments
                or determinations shall be made, and the extent thereof, shall
                be final, binding, and conclusive.

11.      CHANGE OF CONTROL. Notwithstanding any other Plan provisions or grant
         term, in the event of a Change of Control, all Options granted
         hereunder shall become Vested and exercisable regardless of the number
         of years that have passed since the Date of Grant and regardless of any
         vesting provisions in the Option Agreements.

12.      AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION. Unless the Plan shall theretofore have been
         terminated as hereinafter provided, no Option shall be granted
         thereunder after the tenth (10th) anniversary of the Effective Date.
         All other Plan provisions shall remain in effect with respect to
         Options granted prior to the tenth (10th) anniversary of the Effective
         Date. The Board may terminate the Plan or make such modifications or
         amendments thereof as it shall deem advisable, or to conform to any
         change in any law or regulation applicable thereto, including without
         limitation (a) increasing the maximum number of shares to which Options
         may be granted under the Plan, subject to shareholder approval, (b)
         changing the class of employees eligible to be granted Options, subject
         to shareholder approval, (c) increasing the periods during which
         Options may be granted or Options may be exercised, or (d) providing
         for the administration of the Plan in a manner which may avoid, without
         the consent of the Participant to whom any Option shall theretofore
         have been granted, adversely affecting the rights of such Participant
         under such grant.

13.      RESTRICTIONS ON ISSUING SHARES. The transfer of a share of Common Stock
         upon the exercise of each Option shall be subject to the condition that
         if at any time the Corporation shall determine in its discretion that
         the satisfaction of withholding tax or other withholding liabilities,
         or that the listing, registration or qualification of any shares
         otherwise deliverable upon any securities exchange or under any state
         or federal law, or that the consent or approval of such regulatory
         body, is necessary or desirable as a condition, of, or in connection
         with, such transfer of shares pursuant thereto, then in any such event,
         such transfer shall not be effective unless such withholding, listing,
         registration, qualification, consent, or approval shall have been
         effected or obtained under conditions acceptable to the Corporation.

14.      USE OF PROCEEDS. The proceeds received from the sale of Common Stock
         pursuant to the exercise of Options granted under the Plan shall be
         added to the Corporation's general funds and used for general corporate


15.      INDEMNIFICATION OF COMMITTEE. In addition to such other rights of
         indemnification as they may have as members of the Board or as members
         of the Committee, the members of the Committee shall be indemnified by
         the Corporation against all costs and expenses reasonable incurred by
         them in connection with any action, suit, or proceeding to which they
         or any of them may be party by reason of any action taken or failure to
         act under or in connection with the Plan, or any Option and against all
         amounts paid by them in settlement thereof (provided such settlement is
         approved by legal counsel selected by the Corporation) or paid by them
         in satisfaction of a judgment in any such action, suit, or proceeding,
         except a judgment based upon a finding of bad faith. Upon the
         institution of any such action, suit, or proceeding, a Committee member
         shall notify the Corporation in writing, giving an opportunity, at its
         own expense, to handle and defend the same before such Committee member
         undertakes to handle it on his own behalf.

16.      EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PLAN. The Plan shall become effective as of the
         Effective Date.


         (a)    Employment Not Affected. Neither the granting of an Option nor
                its exercise shall be construed as granting to the Participant
                any right with respect to continuance of his employment with
                the Corporation or its subsidiaries. Except as may otherwise
                be limited by a written agreement between the Corporation or
                its subsidiaries and the Participant, the right of the
                Corporation or its subsidiaries to terminate at will the
                Participant's employment with it at any time (whether by
                dismissal, discharge, retirement, or otherwise) is
                specifically reserved by the Corporation or its subsidiaries
                as the employer or on behalf of the employer (whichever the
                case may be) and acknowledged by the Participant.

         (b)    Binding on Successors and Assigns. This Plan shall be binding
                on the Corporation, its successors and assigns.

         (c)    Notice. Any notice to the Corporation provided for in this
                instrument shall be addressed to it in care of its President
                at its principal office in West Virginia, and any notice to
                the Participant shall be addressed to the Participant at the
                current address shown on the payroll records of the
                Corporation. Any notice shall be deemed to be duly given if
                and when properly addressed and posed by registered or
                certified mail, postage prepaid.

        (d)     Construction. If any provision of the Plan or any Option
                Agreement is held to be illegal or void, such illegality or
                invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions of the Plan
                or Option Agreement, but shall be fully severable, and the Plan
                or Option Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if said
                illegal or invalid provisions had never been inserted herein.
                For all purposes of the Plan, where the context permits, the
                singular shall include the plural, and the plural shall include
                the singular. Headings of Articles and Sections herein are
                inserted only for convenience of reference and are not to be
                considered in the construction of the Plan. The laws of the
                State of West Virginia shall govern, control and determine all
                questions of law arising with respect to the Plan and the
                interpretation and validity of its respective provisions.



By:  _________________________________
         H. Charles Maddy, III
                                            Attest:  _______________________
                                                          Teresa Sherman
                                            Title:        Assistant Secretary
