Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                       Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of
                       the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                        Date of Event: September 29, 2000
                         Date of Report: October 9, 2000

                             PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                         (State or other jurisdiction of
                         incorporation or organization)

           1-9670                                     94-3041257
(Commission File Number)                 (I.R.S. Employer Identification Number)

One Market
Steuart Street Tower, Suite 800
San Francisco, California                             94105-1301
(Address of principal executive offices)              (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (415) 974-1399

Item 2.    Acquisition or Disposition of Assets.

On September 29, 2000, the registrant  completed the sale of its trailer leasing
operations,  including  the sale of all trailers  owned and leased by registrant
and all agreements for the lease of trailers to customers, pursuant to the Asset
Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of May 24, 2000 and amended as of  September  29,
2000,  among  registrant  and three of its  subsidiaries  and  Marubeni  America
Corporation.  The Asset  Purchase  Agreement  (excluding  the September 29, 2000
amendment) is attached as Annex A to the registrant's definitive proxy statement
filed with the Commission on July 27, 2000,  which is  incorporated by reference
herein.  The September  29, 2000  amendment to the Asset  Purchase  Agreement is
attached as Exhibit 2.2  hereto.  The  consideration  that  registrant  received
included $70 million in cash, subject to post-closing  adjustments including for
certain  tax and  indemnification  obligations  pursuant  to the Asset  Purchase
Agreement.  Additionally,  Marubeni has assumed  $48.6 million in debt and other
liabilities of registrant.

Item 5.    Other Matters.

Effective upon the closing of the sale of the trailer leasing operations, Robert
N. Tidball stepped down as registrant's  President and Chief Executive  Officer,
but will  continue as  Non-Executive  Chairman of the Board of  Directors of the
registrant.  The Board of Directors has selected Mr.  Stephen M. Bess as the new
President and Chief Executive Officer and has also appointed him to the Board of

On September 29, the Board of Directors adopted a plan of partial liquidation of
PLM International,  Inc. and authorized a partial liquidating distribution of $5
per  share  to  the  registrant's   shareholders,   subject  to  the  waiver  by
registrant's lenders of certain loan covenants.  The record date will be set and
the  distribution  will be made following the  registrant's  compliance with the
lenders'  requirements and receipt of those waivers.  It is anticipated that the
distribution will be made during October 2000.

Item 7.    Financial Statements, Pro Forma Financial Information and Exhibits.

(b)      Pro Forma Financial Information.

Pro forma financial  information required by Article 11 of Regulation S-X is set
forth in the  registrant's  definitive proxy statement filed with the Commission
on July 27, 2000, which is incorporated by reference herein.

(c)      Exhibits.

2.1      Asset Purchase  Agreement,  dated as of May 24, 2000 among  registrant,
         PLM  Transportation  Equipment  Corporation,   PLM  Rental,  Inc.,  TEC
         AcquiSub,  Inc.  and  Marubeni  America  Corporation  (incorporated  by
         reference to Annex A to the  registrant's  definitive  proxy  statement
         filed with the Commission on July 27, 2000).

2.2      Amendment to Asset Purchase Agreement,  dated as of September 29, 2000,
         among registrant, PLM Transportation Equipment Corporation, PLM Rental,
         Inc., TEC AcquiSub, Inc. and Marubeni America Corporation.

99       Additional  Exhibit - Registrant's  Press Release,  dated September 29,
         2000, announcing completion of sale of assets,  changes in officers and
         directors, and partial liquidation, as described above.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  in its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                  PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.

DATE:    October 9, 2000

                                   By:     /s/ Susan C. Santo
                                           Susan C. Santo
                                           Vice President, Secretary and
                                           General Counsel

                                 AMENDMENT NO. 1
                           TO ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT
                                  BY AND AMONG
                            PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.,
                               TEC ACQUISUB, INC.
                          MARUBENI AMERICA CORPORATION

         This Amendment No. 1 to Asset Purchase  Agreement  dated  September 29,
2000 (the "Amendment"),  is entered into by and among PLM  International,  Inc.,
PLM Rental,  Inc.  (d/b/a PLM Trailer  Leasing),  PLM  Transportation  Equipment
Corporation,  TEC AcquiSub,  Inc. and Marubeni America Corporation.  Capitalized
terms used herein  without  definition  shall have the same  meanings  herein as
given to them in the Original Agreement (as defined below).


         A. Sellers and Buyer entered into that Asset Purchase  Agreement  dated
as of May 24, 2000 (the  "Original  Agreement"),  pursuant to which Sellers have
agreed to sell, and Buyer has agreed to buy,  certain trailer leasing assets and

         B. Sellers and Buyer desire to amend the  Original  Agreement  upon the
terms and conditions as set forth herein.


         NOW,  THEREFORE,   in  consideration  of  the  foregoing  Recitals  and
intending to be legally bound, the parties hereto agree as follows:


                     1.1  REFERENCES TO AGREEMENT.   All  references  to  the
"Agreement" in the Original  Agreement and in this Amendment  shall refer to the
Original Agreement, as amended by this Amendment.

                     1.2  CLOSING  DATE. The  definition  of "Closing  Date" set
forth in Section 1.1 of the Agreement is deleted in its entirety and is replaced
with the following:

         "CLOSING  DATE"  means  11:59  p.m.  of the date on which  the  Closing
occurs,  and in the event the Closing  Date is September  29, 2000,  the Closing
shall be effective as of 11:59 p.m. on September 30, 2000.

                     1.3 ESTIMATED  PURCHASE PRICE. The definition of "Estimated
Purchase  Price" set forth in Section 1.1 of the  Agreement is amended by adding
the words ", but minus the Upfront Fees Contribution"  after the words "plus the

                     1.4 UPFRONT FEES CONTRIBUTION.  The following definition is
added to Section 1.1 of the Agreement:

         "UPFRONT  FEES  CONTRIBUTION"  is the amount  identified in the defined
term "Upfront Fees Contribution" set forth in Schedule 1.

                     1.5 ALLOCATION OF PURCHASE  PRICE.  The following  sentence
shall be added at the end of Section 2.2(d) of the Agreement: "Once the Purchase
Price is finally  determined in accordance with Section 1.5(c) of the Agreement,
the parties shall promptly allocate the Purchase Price among the Acquired Assets
and the Assumed Liabilities."

                     1.6  EXPENSES.  Section 11.4 of the Agreement is deleted in
its entirety and is replaced with the following:

                     11.4 Expenses.

                           (a)  The  Sellers  agree  to  pay  the  Upfront  Fees
                  Contribution  as  defined  in  Schedule  1, such  amount to be
                  effectuated by a reduction in the Purchase Price, as set forth
                  in Schedule 1.

                           (b) To the extent that Fortis Bank (Nederland)  N.V.,
                  successor in interest to Mees Pierson  N.V.,  as lender in the
                  Mees  Pierson  Facility,  identifies  legal fees and  expenses
                  payable  under  the  Assignment,   Assumption,  Amendment  and
                  Restatement   of  Facility   Agreement  with  respect  to  the
                  preparation,  negotiation,  execution  and  perfection of such
                  agreement as of the Closing Date,  then such fees and expenses
                  shall be shared on the one hand two-thirds by Buyer and on the
                  other hand  one-third by Sellers.  Other than to the extent of
                  the  legal  fees  and   expenses  as  of  the   Closing   Date
                  specifically referred to and dealt with in the prior sentence,
                  Buyer  shall  pay all of the fees  and  expenses  incurred  in
                  obtaining,  directly  or  indirectly,  an increase in the Mees
                  Pierson  Facility of $5,000,000.  To the extent there are fees
                  and expenses  relating to the retitling of any trailers in the
                  Mees Pierson facility  (including all of the fees and expenses
                  of  Maine  counsel)  arising  out of the  consummation  of the
                  Agreement,  all of such  fees  and  expenses  shall be paid by

                           (c)  Subject to Sections  11.4(a) and 11.4(b)  above,
                  whether or not the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
                  shall be  consummated,  each Seller agrees that all other fees
                  and expenses  incurred by it in connection with this Agreement
                  and any and all  documentation  related thereto shall be borne
                  by  Sellers,  and  Buyer  agrees  that all  fees and  expenses
                  incurred by it in connection  with this  Agreement and any and
                  all  documentation  related  thereto  shall  be borne by Buyer
                  including,   without  limitation,  all  fees  of  counsel  and
                  accountants in connection therewith.

                     1.7 SCHEDULE 1.

                         1.7.1 The first  sentence  of the  first  paragraph  of
Schedule 1 to the  Agreement is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the
following:  "The  Purchase  Price is  calculated  by  subtracting  the estimated
Schedule  1  Liabilities  from the  estimated  Schedule  1 Assets  and  adding a
Premium, but subtracting the Upfront Fees Contribution."

                         1.7.2  The  second  paragraph  of  Schedule  1  to  the
Agreement is deleted in its entirety and is replaced with the following:

                           The estimated  Schedule 1  Liabilities  and estimated
                  Schedule 1 Assets will be  estimated,  as of the Closing Date,
                  by  Sellers  using  the  methodology  set forth  herein,  and,
                  notwithstanding  Sellers'  policies  and past  practices as to
                  prorations  which  may be to the  contrary,  in the  event the
                  Closing  Date occurs on a day which is other than the last day
                  of a  month,  the  items of  income  and  expense  used in the
                  calculation  of  the  estimated  Schedule  1  Liabilities  and
                  estimated Schedule 1 Assets shall be prorated to reflect,  for
                  the month in which the Closing  occurs,  only that  portion of
                  the  amount  related  to the  period  of such  month up to and
                  including the Closing Date.  Not less than three business days
                  before the Closing,  Sellers  shall notify Buyer in writing of
                  the amount of the Estimated  Purchase Price, and shall provide
                  the  support  for the  estimated  Schedule 1  Liabilities  and
                  estimated  Schedule  1  Assets.  As  an  example  of  how  the
                  methodologies  set forth in this Schedule 1 will be applied by
                  Sellers,  Sellers have attached an example financial statement
                  of Schedule 1 Assets and  Schedule 1  Liabilities  as of April
                  30, 2000.

                         1.7.3 UPFRONT FEES CONTRIBUTION.  A new third paragraph
to page one of Schedule 1 is added as follows:

         "UPFRONT  FEES  CONTRIBUTION"  shall  mean  the  sum of:  (a)  Sellers'
$140,000  contribution  to the Buyer's cost of the letter of credit  required by
U.S. Bancorp, and (b):

                  Associates:               $0
                  SafeCo:                   $29,125.62
                  Wells Fargo:              $1,000
                  Fleet:                    $2,500
                  U.S. Bancorp:             $46,671.48
                  HSR Fees:                 $22,500

                          1.7.4  PREPAIDS.  The  description of the  methodology
under the  category  "Prepaids"  shall be revised by adding a new sentence to be
inserted prior to the last sentence, as follows:

                  "Additionally,  PLM shall pay (i) all amounts  payable as rent
                  under the Facility  Leases which are being  assigned or sublet
                  to Buyer to cover  the  period  of  October  1,  2000  through
                  October 31, 2000,  and (ii) amounts to the state of California
                  relating to the registration of trailers in California for the
                  period starting October 1, 2000; and notwithstanding  Sellers'
                  policies  and  past  practices  as to  including  the  amounts
                  referred  to in (i) and  (ii) on the  consolidated  books  and
                  records of Sellers  (which  policies and past practices may be
                  to the  contrary),  all such  amounts  shall be  included as a
                  component of the amounts designated as "Prepaids"."

                     1.8   LEASED    FACILITIES   AND   SUBLEASED    FACILITIES.
Notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary:

                            1.8.1 the  Acquired  Assets and Assumed  Liabilities
shall not include any rights or obligations  relating to Sellers'  former Leased
Facilities  located at 6000 N.W. 72nd Avenue,  Miami,  FL 33166,  or 1700 Aurora
Avenue, San Leandro, CA 94577, and Buyer shall not be required to deliver at the
Closing an  Assignment  and  Assumption  of  Facility  Leases for either of such

                            1.8.2 the Acquired Assets and Assumed Liabilities
shall,  however,  include those rights and  obligations  that are referred to in
Exhibit B-1 to the Closing List against the description of the premises  located
at 411 High Street, Oakland,  California (the "Oakland Facility"), and 7500 N.W.
82nd  Place,  Miami,  Florida  33166 (the "New  Miami  Facility"),  and,  at the
Closing, Buyer shall be required to deliver an Assignment and Assumption of such
rights and obligations for both the Oakland Facility and the New Miami Facility;

                            1.8.3 at Closing,  the Buyer shall agree to sublease
from  Sellers,  and the Sellers  shall  agree to  sublease to Buyer,  the Leased
Facility located at the Los Angeles site located at 13787 Santa Ana, Fontana, CA
92337,  on the terms and conditions  set forth in the form of Sublease  attached
hereto as  Exhibit A and each of the  parties  shall be  required  to deliver at
Closing a duly executed counterpart of said Sublease.

All  references  in the  Agreement to the Leased  Facilities  shall  include the
Oakland Facility and the New Miami Facility to the extent not inconsistent  with
the provisions hereof.

                     1.9 INFORMATION SYSTEMS CONTRACTS. Notwithstanding anything
in the Agreement to the contrary,  the Information  Systems  Contracts shall not
constitute Acquired Assets or Assumed Liabilities,  and Sections 1.2(h), 1.3(g),
1.4(b)(xiv), 1.4(c)(xi) of the Agreement are hereby deleted in their entirety.

                     1.9 SCHEDULE 1. The Estimated  Purchase Price as calculated
by Sellers and  delivered  to Buyer  pursuant to Schedule 1 to the  Agreement is
attached hereto as Exhibit B.


                  The  amendments set forth in Section 1 above are effective for
the  purposes  set forth  herein and shall be limited  precisely  as written and
shall not be deemed to be a consent to any amendment,  waiver or modification of
any other term or condition of the Agreement.

         SECTION 3. COUNTERPARTS.  This Amendment may be signed in any number of
counterparts, and by different parties hereto in separate counterparts, with the
same effect as if the  signatures  to each such  counterpart  were upon a single
instrument. All counterparts shall be deemed an original of this Amendment.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be
duly executed as of the day and year first above written.

                          MARUBENI AMERICA CORPORATION

                          By  /s/Toru Nishimi
                            Name:  Toru Nishimi
                            Title: Senior Vice President

                          PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                          By  /s/Susan Santo
                            Name:  Susan Santo
                            Title: Vice President

                          PLM RENTAL, INC.
                            d/b/a PLM TRAILER LEASING

                          By  /s/Susan Santo
                            Name:  Susan Santo
                            Title: Vice President

                          TEC ACQUISUB, INC.

                          By     /s/Susan Santo
                            Name:  Susan Santo
                            Title: Vice President


                          By     s/s Susan Santo
                            Name:  Susan Santo
                            Title: Vice President

                                    EXHIBIT A

                                FORM OF SUBLEASE


1.       Parties

         This  Sublease  is entered  into by and between  PLM  RENTAL,  INC.,  a
Delaware  corporation doing business as PLM Trailer Leasing  ("Sublessor"),  and
MAC TRAILER LEASING, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Sublessee"), as
a Sublease under that certain Commercial Lease Agreement,  dated April 27, 1998,
between Slater  Investments,  L.P.  (successor in interest to Mark J. Guho),  as
lessor,  and Sublessor,  as lessee (the "Master Lease"),  a copy of which Master
Lease is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

2.       Provisions Constituting Sublease

         (a) This Sublease is subject to all of the terms and  conditions of the
Master Lease and, except as otherwise  provided  herein,  Sublessee shall assume
and perform the obligations of Sublessor as lessee under the Master Lease.

         (b) All of the terms and  conditions  contained  the  Master  Lease are
incorporated  herein  as  terms  and  conditions  of this  Sublease  (with  each
reference  therein to the lessor and the lessee thereunder to be deemed to refer
to Sublessor and Sublessee,  respectively).  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  any
provisions of the Master Lease which are inconsistent with any provisions hereof
are not incorporated herein.

         (c) Without limiting any provision of the Master Lease,  throughout the
term of this  Sublease,  Sublessee  shall  maintain the  insurance  described on
Exhibit B attached hereto.

3.       Premises

         Sublessor  leases to Sublessee and Sublessee  hires from  Sublessor the
entire premises (as defined in the Master Lease).

4.       Term

         The term of this  Sublease  shall be for a  period  of six (6)  months,
commencing on _____________, 2000, and ending on ___________ , 2001.

         Sublessor  shall  maintain  the  Master  Lease in full force and effect
during the term of this Sublease.

5.       Assignment of Master Lease

         Sublessee  shall have the option to acquire,  subject to the consent of
the lessor under the Master Lease, all of Sublessor's  right, title and interest
in and to the Master Lease,  which option may be exercised by written  notice to
Sublessor  not  later  than  ninety  (90) days  before  the  expiration  of this
Sublease.  Within fifteen (15) days after such notice,  Sublessor shall transfer
and assign to Sublessee all of Sublessor's  right,  title and interest in and to
the Master Lease.

6.       Notices

         All  notices or demands of any kind  required or desired to be given by
Sublessor  to  Sublessee  hereunder  shall be in  writing  and  shall be  deemed
delivered  forty-eight  (48) hours after  depositing the notice or demand in the
United States mail, certified or registered,  postage prepaid, addressed to such
party at the address set forth after its signature at the end of this  Sublease.
All rent and other payments due under this Sublease or the Master Lease shall be
made by Sublessee to Sublessor at such address.

Dated:____________________________, 2000.

                   SUBLESSOR:  PLM RENTAL, INC.,
                               a Delaware corporation doing business as
                               PLM Trailer Leasing



                               a Delaware limited liability company

                               By:  _______________________________________
                               Name:  _____________________________________
                               Title:  ____________________________________


                                    EXHIBIT B
                            ESTIMATED PURCHASE PRICE
                                   SCHEDULE 1

(IN 000'S)


Accounts Receivable                                  $   6,397,644.00
Accounts Receivable - Allowance                      $    (267,588.00)
Trailer Equipment - Cost                             $ 126,584,569.00
Trailer Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation         $ (28,221,944.00)
Property, Plant and Equipment                        $     208,360.00
Prepaids                                             $     270,607.00
Building Lease Deposits                              $      87,356.00
Loan Fees - MeesPierson                              $     145,048.00

                  A.       SCHEDULE 1 ASSETS:        $ 105,204,052.00


TRAC Leases                                          $  33,276,401.00
MeesPierson Facility                                 $  14,511,000.00
Accounts Payable                                     $     744,480.00
Accrued Interest                                     $      27,103.00
Deposits                                             $      37,591.00

                  B.       SCHEDULE 1 LIABILITIES    $  48,596,575.00

                  C.       PREMIUM                   $  13,587,270.00
                  D.       UPFRONT FEE CONTRIBUTION  $    (219,297.00)

Purchase Price = (A - B) + C - D                     $  69,975,450.00

                                           Contact: Eileen Doyle
                                           Vice President, Investor Relations
                                           (415) 905-7467

                         PLM TRAILER LEASING OPERATIONS


San  Francisco,  California,  September  29,  2000  -  San  Francisco-based  PLM
International,  Inc. (AMEX:  PLM) announced today that it has completed the sale
of its trailer  leasing  operations  to  Marubeni  America  Corporation  for $70
million  in cash,  which is subject to certain  post  closing  adjustments.  The
Company  utilized  $5.9  million of these  proceeds  to retire its senior  debt.
Additionally,  Marubeni has assumed $48.6 million in debt and other  liabilities
of the  Company.  The sale  closed  pursuant  to the terms of an asset  purchase
agreement  dated as of May 24, 2000 and amended as of September  29,  2000,  and
following  shareholder  approval of the proposed  sale at a special  shareholder
meeting held on August 25, 2000.

Effective immediately, Robert N. Tidball has stepped down as PLM International's
President  and Chief  Executive  Officer,  but will  continue  as  Non-Executive
Chairman of the Board of  Directors.  The Board of  Directors  has  selected Mr.
Stephen M. Bess as the new  President and Chief  Executive  Officer and has also
appointed him to the Board of Directors.  PLM  International's  former President
and Chief Executive Officer Robert N. Tidball said, "The positive performance of
our trailer leasing business and the successful sale of that unit represents the
accomplishment  of one of our primary  goals.  The  selection  of Mr. Bess as my
successor  is  appropriate,  since  the  Company's  remaining  business  is  the
management of investment  programs,  an operating  segment which has been one of
Mr. Bess's primary  responsibilities."  In addition,  the Board of Directors has
appointed Pamela  Clark-Barquinero  as Vice President of Human Resources for the
Company, to replace Robin L. Austin, who is retiring.

In  connection  with the sale of the trailer  leasing  operations,  the Board of
Directors  today  adopted  a plan of  partial  liquidation  of the  Company  and
authorized a partial  liquidating  distribution of $5 per share to the Company's
shareholders,  subject  to  the  waiver  by  Company  lenders  of  certain  loan
covenants.  The  record  date  will  be set and  the  distribution  will be made
following the Company's compliance with the lenders' requirements and receipt of
those  waivers.  It is  anticipated  that the  distribution  will be made during
October 2000.

PLM International is a management  company providing services to transportation,
industrial,  and  commercial  companies.  The Company also manages a diversified
portfolio  of  over  $700  million  (based  on  original   equipment   cost)  of
transportation  and  related  equipment  for  approximately  60,000  third-party