Draft of March 31, 1994
Marked to Show Changes
From Draft Dated March 30, 1994

                          PLM Equipment Growth Fund II
                                 Note Agreement
                           Dated as of March 1, 1994
        Re: $35,000,000 Adjustable Rate Senior Notes Due March 31, 2000

        Table of Contents(Not a Part of the Agreement)SectionHeadingPage
Section 1.
Description of Notes and Commitment.                           1
Section 1.1.
Description of Notes.                                          1
Section 1.2.
Commitment, Closing Date                                       2
Section 1.3.
Other Agreements                                               3
Section 2.
Prepayment of Notes                                            3
Section 2.1.
Required Prepayments                                           3
Section 2.2.
Optional Prepayments                                           4
Section 2.3.
Prepayment in Certain Extraordinary Events                     4
Section 2.4.
Prepayment of the Notes Following the Post-Closing
Appraisal                                                      6
Section 2.5.
Notice of Prepayments.                                         6
Section 2.6.
Allocation of Prepayments.                                     7
Section 2.7.
Direct Payment.                                                7
Section 3.
Representations                                                8
Section 3.1.
Representations of the Company                                 8
Section 3.2.
Representations of the Purchasers.                             8
Section 4.
Closing Conditions.                                            8
Section 4.1.
Closing Certificate.                                           8
Section 4.2.
Legal Opinions                                                 9
Section 4.3.
Private Placement Number                                       9
Section 4.4.
Related Transactions                                           9
Section 4.5.
Insurance Certificate                                          9
Section 4.6.
Rating                                                         9
Section 4.7.
Funding Instructions                                           9
Section 4.8.
Satisfactory Proceedings.                                      9
Section 4.9.
Waiver of Conditions.                                          10
Section 5.

Company Covenants                                              10
Section 5.1.
Existence, Etc                                                 10
Section 5.2.
Insurance                                                      10
Section 5.3.
Taxes, Claims for Labor and Materials, Compliance with
Laws                                                           10
Section 5.4.
Maintenance, Etc                                               11
Section 5.5.
Nature of Business                                             11
Section 5.6.
Special Provisions for Marine Vessels and Aircraft             11
Section 5.7.
Fixed Charge Coverage                                          13
Section 5.8.
Sale and Leaseback                                             13
Section 5.9.
Limitations on Indebtedness                                    13
Section 5.10.
Limitation on Liens                                            13
Section 5.11.
Distributions, Certain Payments.                               14
Section 5.12.
Limitation on Long-Term Leases and Joint Ownership of
Equipment.                                                     15
Section 5.13.
Mergers, Consolidations and Sales of Assets                    15
Section 5.14.
Guaranties.                                                    17
Section 5.15.
Repurchase of Notes.                                           17
Section 5.16.
Transactions with Affiliates                                   17
Section 5.17.
Investments                                                    18
Section 5.18.
Termination of Pension Plans                                   19
Section 5.19.
Reports and Rights of Inspection                               19
Section 5.20.
Certain Appraisals                                             23
Section 6.
Events of Default and Remedies Therefor                        24
Section 6.1.
Events of Default                                              24
Section 6.2.
Notice to Holders                                              26
Section 6.3.
Acceleration of Maturities.                                    26
Section 6.4.
Rescission of Acceleration                                     26
Section 7.

Amendments, Waivers and Consents                               27
Section 7.1.
Consent Required.                                              27
Section 7.2.
Solicitation of Noteholders.                                   27
Section 7.3.
Effect of Amendment or Waiver                                  28
Section 8.
Interpretation of Agreement                                    28
Section 8.1.
Definitions.                                                   28
Section 8.2.
Accounting Principles.                                         40
Section 8.3.
Directly or Indirectly.                                        41
Section 9.
Miscellaneous                                                  41
Section 9.1.
Registered Notes.                                              41
Section 9.2.
Exchange of Notes                                              41
Section 9.3.
Loss, Theft, Etc. of Notes.                                    41
Section 9.4.
Expenses, Stamp Tax Indemnity.                                 42
Section 9.5.
Powers and Rights Not Waived                                   42
Section 9.6.
Notices                                                        42
Section 9.7.
Successors and Assigns                                         43
Section 9.8.
Survival of Covenants and Representations.                     43
Section 9.9.
Severability.                                                  43
Section 9.10.
Governing Law                                                  43
Section 9.11.
Submission to Jurisdiction.                                    43
Section 9.12.
Captions.                                                      43
Section 9.13.
Limitation of Liability.                                       43

Attachments to Note Agreement:

Schedule I -- Names and Addresses of Purchasers
Schedule II -- Names of Appraisers
     Schedule III -- Names of  Underwriters,  Protection and Indemnity Clubs and
Insurers relating to Extensions and Renewals of Insurance Policies

Exhibit A -- Form of Adjustable Rate Senior Note due March 31, 2000 Exhibit B --
Closing Certificate of the Company Exhibit C -- Description of Special Counsel's
Closing  Opinion  Exhibit D -- Description of Closing  Opinion of Counsel to the

PLM Equipment Growth Fund II
                                                    One Market
                                               Steuart Street Tower
                                                     Suite 900
                                           San Francisco, CA 94105-1301
                                                  Note Agreement
Re:                                 $35,000,000 Adjustable Rate Senior Notes
                             Due March 31, 2000_________________
Dated as of  March 1, 1994

To the Purchaser named in
  Schedule I which is a signatory
  to this Agreement

Ladies and Gentlemen:
         The  undersigned,  PLM Equipment  Growth Fund II, a California  limited
partnership (the "Company"), agrees with you as follows:
.c1.Section 1.           Description of Notes and Commitment.
         .c2.Section 1.1. Description of Notes. ; (a) The Company will authorize
the issue and sale of $35,000,000  aggregate  principal amount of its Adjustable
Rate Senior Notes (the "Notes") to be dated the date of issue,  to bear interest
from such date at the Adjustable Rate,  payable quarterly in arrears on the last
day of each March, June,  September,  and December in each year (commencing June
30, 1994) and at maturity and to bear interest on overdue  principal  (including
any overdue required or optional  prepayment of principal) and premium,  if any,
and (to the extent legally  enforceable) on any overdue  installment of interest
at the Overdue Rate after maturity,  whether by acceleration or otherwise, until
paid, to be expressed to mature on March 31, 2000,  and to be  substantially  in
the form  attached  hereto as Exhibit A. Interest on the Notes shall be computed
on the  basis of a  360-day  year and  actual  days  elapsed.  The Notes are not
subject to  prepayment or redemption at the option of the Company prior to their
expressed  maturity  dates except on the terms and conditions and in the amounts
and with the premium, if any, set forth in Section 2 of this Agreement. The term
"Notes" as used  herein  shall  include  each Note  delivered  pursuant  to this
Agreement  and the  separate  agreements  with  the  other  purchasers  named in
Schedule I. You and the other  purchasers  named in  Schedule I are  hereinafter
sometimes referred to as the "Purchasers".
           (b) (1) The Indexing Agent shall, as soon as practicable  after 11:00
a.m.,  London,  England time two (2) Business Days prior to the  commencement of
each  Interest   Period,   determine  the  Adjustable  Rate  applicable  to  the
outstanding principal amount of the Notes and inform the Company and each of the
holders of the Notes of the Adjustable Rate so determined.  Such Adjustable Rate
shall be applicable to the outstanding principal amount of the Notes during such
Interest Period. Neither the Indexing Agent nor any holder of the Notes shall be
under any duty or obligation to notify the Company that the Interest Period then
applicable to the outstanding principal amount of the Notes is about to expire.
                  (2)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement or
any Note, if at any time after the date hereof any change in any applicable law,
rule,  regulation  or treaty or in the  interpretation  thereof makes it, in the
judgment  of the  Requisite  Holders,  unlawful  for the holders of the Notes to
continue to maintain  the loan  evidenced by the Notes based upon a LIBO Rate or
to give effect to the  obligations  of the holders as  contemplated  thereby and
hereby, the

Requisite  Holders shall  promptly  give notice  thereof to the Company (and the
Company shall then and thereupon  promptly notify each other holder of the Notes
in the manner  provided in ss.9.6).  The obligations of the holders of the Notes
to  maintain  the loan  evidenced  by the Notes  based  upon a LIBO  Rate  shall
thereupon  terminate,  effective  on and as of the  expiration  date of the then
current  Interest  Period,  and the  Company  and the  Requisite  Holders  shall
negotiate in good faith in order to arrive at a mutually  satisfactory method of
computing the interest rate  applicable to the Notes.  If no substitute  rate is
agreed upon between the Company and the Requisite Holders, the Company shall, on
the expiration date of such Interest  Period,  prepay the outstanding  principal
amount of the Notes,  together with all interest  accrued  thereon and all other
amounts then due and payable to such holder under this Agreement.
                  (3) If on or prior to the  Business  Day  next  preceding  any
Interest  Period (i) the Indexing Agent shall have  determined  that U.S. Dollar
deposits for a period equal to such Interest Period and in an amount  comparable
to the outstanding  principal amount of the Notes are not being offered by prime
banks in the London interbank  market,  or (ii) the Requisite Holders advise the
Indexing  Agent that the method of computing  the rate  applicable  to the Notes
does not accurately  reflect the cost to the holders of the Notes of funding the
outstanding  balance of the Notes, the Indexing Agent shall on such Business Day
next preceding  such Interest  Period give notice of such  determination  to the
Company and each holder of the Notes, and the Company and the Requisite  Holders
shall  negotiate  in good  faith in order to arrive at a  mutually  satisfactory
method of computing the interest rate  applicable to the Notes. If no substitute
rate is agreed upon between the Company and the Requisite  Holders,  the Company
shall on the  expiration  date of the Interest  Period then expiring  prepay the
outstanding  principal  amount of the Notes,  together with all interest accrued
thereon and all other  amounts  then due and payable to the holders of the Notes
under this Agreement.
         .c2.Section 1.2.  Commitment,  Closing Date;.  Subject to the terms and
conditions  hereof  and  on the  basis  of the  representations  and  warranties
hereinafter  set forth,  the  Company  agrees to issue and sell to you,  and you
agree to  purchase  from the  Company,  Notes of the  Company  in the  aggregate
principal  amount set forth opposite your name in Schedule I, at a price of 100%
of the principal amount thereof on the Closing Date hereinafter mentioned.
         Delivery  of the  Notes  will be made at the  offices  of  Chapman  and
Cutler,  111 West  Monroe  Street,  Chicago,  Illinois  60603,  against  payment
therefor in Federal or other  funds  current and  immediately  available  at the
principal  office of First Union  National  Bank of North  Carolina,  Charlotte,
North Carolina,  ABA Routing No. 053000219,  in the amount of the purchase price
for credit to the Company's account (PLM Receipts Trust #2000000371782) at 10:00
A.M.,  Chicago  time, on March 31, 1994 or such later date (not later than April
15,  1994) as shall be mutually  agreed  upon by the Company and the  Purchasers
(the  "Closing  Date").  The Notes  delivered to you on the Closing Date will be
delivered to you in the form of a single  registered Note for the full amount of
your purchase (unless different  denominations are specified by you), registered
in  your  name  or in the  name  of  such  nominee  as you  may  specify  and in
substantially  the form attached  hereto as Exhibit A, all as you may specify at
any time prior to the date fixed for delivery.
         .c2.Section 1.3. Other Agreements;.  Simultaneously  with the execution
and delivery of this Agreement,  the Company is entering into similar agreements
with the other  Purchasers  under which such other  Purchasers agree to purchase
from the Company the  principal  amount of Notes set opposite  such  Purchasers'
name in  Schedule  I, and your  obligation  and the  obligations  of the Company
hereunder are subject to the execution and delivery of the similar

agreements by the other  Purchasers.  The obligations of each Purchaser shall be
several and not joint and no Purchaser  shall be liable or  responsible  for the
acts of any other Purchaser.
.c1.Section 2.           Prepayment of Notes;.
         .c2.Section 2.1. Required Prepayments;. The Company agrees that on each
of the dates set forth in the table  below,  it will  prepay and apply and there
shall  become due and payable on the  principal  indebtedness  evidenced  by the
Notes the lesser of (a) the amount set opposite such date in the table below and
(b) the then outstanding aggregate principal amount of the Notes:
                                             Required Prepayment Dates
                                               Principal Prepayment

                                                  March 31, 1996

                                                  March 31, 1997

                                                  March 31, 1998

                                                  March 31, 1999

         The entire  unpaid  principal  amount of the Notes shall become due and
payable on March 31, 2000. No premium  shall be payable in  connection  with any
required  prepayment  made  pursuant to this  ss.2.1.  For the  purposes of this
ss.2.1,  any  prepayment of less than all of the  outstanding  Notes (i) if made
pursuant  to ss.2.2  shall be deemed to be  applied to the  scheduled  principal
payments in  chronological  order,  or (ii) if made pursuant to ss.2.3 or ss.2.4
shall be deemed to be applied pro rata to the payment of all remaining principal
payments  required  by this  ss.2.1,  so that each  such  remaining  payment  of
principal  shall  thereupon be reduced in the same proportion that the principal
amount of Notes outstanding immediately preceding the payment pursuant to ss.2.3
or ss.2.4, as the case may be, was reduced by such prepayment.
         .c2.Section 2.2. Optional Prepayments;. (a) In addition to the payments
required by ss.2.1,  upon  compliance  with  ss.2.5,  but subject  always to the
limitations  expressed in clause (b) of this ss.2.2,  the Company shall have the
privilege on each Interest Rate  Adjustment  Date, of prepaying the  outstanding
Notes,  either in whole or in part  (but if in part,  then in units in excess of
$100,000) by payment of the principal amount of the Notes, or portion thereof to
be  prepaid,  and  accrued  interest  thereon  to the  date of such  prepayment,
together with the premium equal to the Make-Whole Amount, if applicable.
           (b)  Anything   contained  in  this  Agreement,   including   without
limitation this ss.2.2, to the contrary notwithstanding,  upon the occurrence of
any Change  Event or  Withdrawal  Event,  the  Company may only prepay the Notes
pursuant to and within the  limitations  of ss.2.3(a) or ss.2.3(b),  as the case
may be, and not pursuant to this ss.2.2.
         .c2.Section 2.3.    Prepayment in Certain Extraordinary Events;.  
           (a) In the event that any  Material  Agreement  shall be  canceled or
terminated for any reason whatsoever or shall be modified or amended in a manner
materially  adverse to the rights of the  Company  thereunder  (herein a "Change
Event") and the Company has knowledge of a Change Event or an impending

Change  Event,  the Company will give written  notice  (herein  called a "Change
Notice") of such fact to all holders of the Notes then outstanding.  Said Change
Notice shall be delivered at least 60 days and no more than 90 days prior to the
occurrence of such Change Event; provided, however that if the Company shall not
then have knowledge of such fact,  such Change Notice shall be delivered  within
two Business Days after receipt of such knowledge by the Company. In addition to
notifying the holders of the Notes of a Change Event or a proposed Change Event,
the Change Notice shall state that the  occurrence of such Change Event entitles
said  holders  to  declare  the  Notes  held by them to become  due and  payable
pursuant to this  ss.2.3(a)  and the date by which said  holders must respond to
such Change Notice pursuant to clause (ii) of the next  succeeding  paragraph if
they desire to waive such right. The Company shall not be required to prepay any
Notes  pursuant to this  ss.2.3(a)  unless and until such Change  Event shall be
         Upon the  receipt  of such  Change  Notice  or, if no Change  Notice is
given, upon the occurrence of a Change Event, any holder of Notes shall have the
privilege,  upon written notice (the  "Declaration  Notice") to the Company,  of
either (i)  declaring  all Notes held by such holder  serving  such  Declaration
Notice due and  payable or (ii)  waiving the right of such holder to declare the
Notes held by it to be due and  payable.  In the event  that a Change  Notice is
given and a holder of the Notes  fails to waive  such right in  accordance  with
this Sec. 2.3(a),  the Notes held by such holder shall  irrevocably be deemed to
be and the same shall on the Payment Date (as  hereinafter  defined)  become due
and payable as a result of such Change Event. All Notes declared due and payable
shall become due and payable and paid on such date (the  "Payment  Date") as the
Company  shall  specify in a written  notice  delivered to the holder or holders
which have declared their Notes due and payable (which notice shall be delivered
by the  Company to such  holder or  holders  not later than 10 days prior to the
Payment  Date) and the  Payment  Date  shall be not later than 10 days after the
consummation of such Change Event, in the event that such Declaration  Notice is
served on or prior to the date of the  consummation  of such Change  Event or 10
days  after the date such  Declaration  Notice is  served,  if such  Declaration
Notice is not served on or prior to the date of such Change  Event.  The Company
covenants  and  agrees to prepay in full on the  Payment  Date all Notes held by
such holder serving such Declaration  Notice to the Company declaring such Notes
due and payable.
         In the event that any holder of the Notes  shall have  declared  all of
the Notes held by it to become due and payable pursuant to Sec. 2.3(a), then the
Company shall  promptly,  but in any event within five days after the receipt of
the  Declaration  Notice,  deliver  written  notice  of  such  declaration  (the
"Notification   of  Declaration")  to  each  other  holder  of  the  Notes  and,
notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement,  each such
other holder which has previously  waived its right to declare the Notes held by
it to be due and payable pursuant to ss.2.3(a)(ii)  shall then have the right to
declare  all of the  Notes  held by it to become  due and  payable  pursuant  to
ss.2.3(a)(i)  until  the  later to occur of (x) 60 days  after  receipt  by such
holders of the Change  Notice or (y) 20 days after  receipt by such holders of a
Notification  of  Declaration,  with  respect to a  Declaration  Notice  made by
holders of Notes.
           (b) In the  event  that PLM  Financial  Services,  Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation,  or PLM Investment Management,  Inc., a California corporation,  or
any  successor  to either such entity  shall resign or withdraw or be removed or
transfer its  interest as General  Partner or Fund  Manager,  as the case may be
(such event being herein  referred to as a  "Withdrawal  Event"),  then, in such
event, the Company will promptly,  but in any event within 10 days, give written
notice thereof (a "Withdrawal  Notice") to the holders of all outstanding Notes,
which notice shall

make  specific  reference  to this  Section  and to the  rights  of the  holders
hereunder.  If, within 90 days after the Withdrawal Notice, the Company procures
a successor  entity  qualified and  experienced in performing  functions such as
those performed by the General Partner or Fund Manager,  as the case may be, the
Company shall  promptly,  but in any event within five days, send notice thereof
to the holders of all outstanding  Notes.  Should the holders of 33-1/3% or more
in  aggregate  principal  amount of the Notes  then  outstanding  object to such
successor  entity  within 10 days of the receipt of such  notice,  or should the
Company not be able to procure such successor  within such 90-day  period,  each
holder  of  outstanding  Notes  shall  have the right by  written  notice to the
Company  given not  earlier  than five  days nor  later  than 45 days  after the
expiration of such period (the "Withdrawal Event Prepayment  Election  Period"),
to either (i) demand that the Company  prepay all of the Notes then held by such
holder or (ii) notify the Company  that such holder has waived its right to have
the Notes held by it prepaid. In the event that a Withdrawal Notice is given and
a holder of the Notes fails to provide such written notice within the Withdrawal
Event  Prepayment   Election  Period,  the  Notes  held  by  such  holder  shall
irrevocably be deemed to be and the same shall on a date five days following the
expiration of the Withdrawal  Event  Prepayment  Election  Period become due and
payable. With respect to any prepayment,  the prepayment date shall be specified
in writing to each  holder by the Company and shall be the same date as the date
established  for the  prepayment of Notes held by all holders  exercising  their
rights under this ss.2.3(b) by reason of the occurrence of the Withdrawal Event.
         The Company will also  promptly  notify the holders of the Notes of the
receipt of any demand by any Note holder for the prepayment of its Note pursuant
to this ss.2.3(b).
           (c) All  prepayments  on the Notes  pursuant to this ss.2.3  shall be
made by the payment of the aggregate  principal  amount  remaining unpaid on the
Notes to be prepaid and accrued interest thereon to the date of such prepayment,
and if such  prepayment  is to be made on any date other than an  Interest  Rate
Adjustment  Date,  then together with a premium equal to the Make-Whole  Amount,
determined as of two Business Days prior to the date of such prepayment pursuant
to this Sec. 2.3.
         .c2.Section  2.4.  Prepayment of the Notes  Following the  Post-Closing
Appraisal;. In the event that for any reason whatsoever,  the Equipment Value of
the Aircraft,  Containers and Vessels owned by the Company on and as of the date
(the  "Post-Closing  Appraisal  Delivery  Date")  of the last of the  appraisals
delivered  by the Company to the holders of the Notes  pursuant to Sec.  5.20(a)
(the "Post-Closing Appraisal"),  does not constitute at least $34,002,680,  then
in such event the Company will, within 10 days of the date of such appraisals so
delivered to the holders of the Notes,  give written  notice (the  "Post-Closing
Appraisal  Notice") of such fact by prepaid overnight air courier to the holders
of the Notes.  Such  notice  shall (a) be  accompanied  by a true,  correct  and
complete copy of each of such  Post-Closing  Appraisals,  (b) make  reference to
this Sec. 2.4 and the right of the holders of the Notes to require prepayment on
the terms and conditions  provided for in this Sec. 2.4, (c) offer in writing to
prepay, on a date (the "Post-Closing  Appraisal Prepayment Date") which shall be
not more than 20 Business  Days nor less than 10  Business  Days  following  the
Post-Closing  Appraisal  Delivery Date,  the  outstanding  Notes,  together with
accrued interest thereon to the date of prepayment and, if such prepayment is to
be made on any date other than an Interest Rate Adjustment  Date, with a premium
equal to the then applicable  Make-Whole  Amount,  determined as of two Business
Days prior to the date of such prepayment pursuant to this Sec. 2.4. Each holder
of the then  outstanding  Notes  shall  have the right to accept  such offer and
require prepayment of the Notes held by such holder by

written  notice to the  Company  given not later than 7 Business  Days after the
date of the Post-Closing  Appraisal Notice from the Company. In the event that a
Post-Closing  Appraisal  Notice  is given  and a holder  of the  Notes  fails to
provide such written notice within such 7 Business Day time period following the
Post-Closing  Appraisal Notice,  the Notes held by such holder shall irrevocably
be deemed to be and the same shall on the Post-Closing Appraisal Prepayment Date
become due and payable as herein provided. The Company shall on the Post-Closing
Appraisal  Prepayment  Date prepay all (but not less than all) of the Notes held
by each holder which has so accepted  such offer of  prepayment or has failed to
provide written notice as herein contemplated. The prepayment price of the Notes
required  by this  ss.2.4  shall be an amount  equal to 100% of the  outstanding
principal  amount of the Notes so to be prepaid and accrued  interest thereon to
the date of such  prepayment,  and if such  prepayment is to be made on any date
other than an Interest Rate Adjustment  Date, then together with a premium equal
to the then  applicable  Make-Whole  Amount,  determined as of two Business Days
prior to the date of such prepayment pursuant to this ss.2.4.
         .c2.Section 2.5. Notice of  Prepayments.;  The Company will give notice
of any  prepayment  of the Notes  pursuant to ss.2.2 to each holder  thereof not
less than 30 days nor more than 60 days before the Interest Rate Adjustment Date
fixed for such optional prepayment  specifying (a) such date, (b) the section of
this  Agreement  under which the prepayment is to be made, and (c) the principal
amount  of the  holder's  Notes to be  prepaid  on such  date.  Such  notice  of
prepayment  shall also certify all facts which are  conditions  precedent to any
such  prepayment  and, in the case of any prepayment  pursuant to ss.2.2,  shall
contain (i) the  certification of the Company that it is not prepaying the Notes
with the proceeds of any Indebtedness or Equity Capital of the Company or any of
its Restricted  Subsidiaries  or Affiliates and (ii) the covenant of the Company
to the effect that  neither the Company nor any of its  Restricted  Subsidiaries
will incur any  Indebtedness  from and after the date of prepayment of the Notes
pursuant  to said  ss.2.2.  Notice  of  prepayment  having  been so  given,  the
aggregate  principal  amount of the Notes  specified  in such notice and accrued
interest  thereon shall become due and payable on such Interest Rate  Adjustment
         .c2.Section 2.6.  Allocation of Prepayments.;  Except for prepayment of
less than all of the Notes at the time outstanding pursuant to ss.2.3 or ss.2.4,
all partial  prepayments  shall be applied on all  outstanding  Notes ratably in
accordance  with  the  unpaid  principal  amounts  thereof  but only in units of
$1,000,  and to the extent that such ratable  application shall not result in an
even multiple of $1,000,  adjustment  may be made by the Company to the end that
successive applications shall result in substantially ratable payments.  Partial
prepayments  made  pursuant  to  ss.2.2  shall  be  credited  in  each  case  in
chronological order against the required prepayments provided for by ss.2.1.
         .c2.Section  2.7.  Direct  Payment.;  Notwithstanding  anything  to the
contrary  in this  Agreement  or the  Notes,  in the case of any Note owned by a
Purchaser  or its  nominee  or owned by any other  institutional  holder who has
given  written  notice to the Company  requesting  that the  provisions  of this
Section shall apply,  the Company will promptly and  punctually pay when due the
principal  thereof  and  premium,  if any,  and  interest  thereon,  without any
presentment  thereof directly to such Purchaser or such subsequent holder at the
address of such  Purchaser  set forth in Schedule I or at such other  address as
such  Purchaser  or such  subsequent  holder may from time to time  designate in
writing to the Company or, if a bank account is designated for such Purchaser on
Schedule I hereto or in any written notice to the Company from such Purchaser or
any such subsequent holder, the Company will make such payments in immediately

available funds to such bank account no later than 12:00 Noon Chicago,  Illinois
time on the date due, marked for attention as indicated, or in such other manner
or to such other  account of such  Purchaser  or such  holder in any bank in the
United  States as the Purchaser or any such  subsequent  holder may from time to
time direct in writing.  If for any reason  whatsoever the Company does not make
any such payment by such 12:00 Noon Chicago, Illinois time on the date due, such
payment shall be deemed to have been made on the next following Business Day and
such payment shall bear interest at the Overdue Rate. The holder of any Notes to
which this  Section  applies  agrees that in the event it shall sell or transfer
any such  Notes it will,  prior to the  delivery  of such  Notes  (unless it has
already done so), make a notation  thereon of all principal,  if any, prepaid on
such Notes and will also note  thereon the date to which  interest has been paid
on such Notes. With respect to Notes to which this Section applies,  the Company
shall be entitled to presume  conclusively  that the original or such subsequent
institutional  holder as shall have requested the provisions  hereof to apply to
its Notes  remains  the holder of such Notes  until (a) the  Company  shall have
received  notice of the  transfer of such Notes,  and of the name and address of
the  transferee,  or (b) such Notes shall have been  presented to the Company as
evidence of the transfer. .c1.Section 3. Representations;.
         .c2.Section  3.1.   Representations   of  the  Company;.   The  Company
represents  and  warrants  that  all  representations  set  forth in the form of
certificate  attached  hereto as  Exhibit B are true and  correct as of the date
hereof and are  incorporated  herein by reference with the same force and effect
as though herein set forth in full.
         .c2.Section 3.2. Representations of the Purchasers.; You represent, and
in entering  into this  Agreement the Company  understands,  that (a) you are an
"accredited  investor"  within the meaning of  Regulation D  promulgated  by the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission and (b) you are acquiring the Notes for the
purpose of investment and not with a view to the distribution  thereof, and that
you have no present intention of selling,  negotiating or otherwise disposing of
the Notes;  provided that the disposition of your Property shall at all times be
and remain within your control.  You further represent that either:  (i) no part
of the  funds  to be  used  by you to  purchase  the  Notes  constitutes  assets
allocated  to any  separate  account  maintained  by you; or (ii) no part of the
funds to be used by you to purchase the Notes  constitutes  assets  allocated to
any separate  account  maintained by you such that the application of such funds
constitutes  a  prohibited   transaction  under  Section  406  of  the  Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ("ERISA"); or (iii) all or a part of such
funds constitute assets of one or more separate accounts  maintained by you, and
you have disclosed to the Company the names of such employee benefit plans whose
assets in such separate account or accounts exceed 10% of the total assets as of
the date of such  purchase  and the Company  has advised you in writing  (and in
making the  representations  set forth in this  clause  (iii) you are relying on
such  advice)  that the  Company  is not a  party-in-interest  nor are the Notes
employer  securities  with  respect  to the  particular  employee  benefit  plan
disclosed  to the  Company by you as  aforesaid  (for the purpose of this clause
(iii),  all employee  benefit plans  maintained by the same employer or employee
organizations  are deemed to be a single  plan).  As used in this  Section,  the
terms  "separate  account",   "party-in-interest",   "employer  securities"  and
"employee  benefit plan" shall have the respective  meanings assigned to them in
ERISA. .c1.Section 4. Closing Conditions.
         Your  obligation  to purchase  the Notes on the  Closing  Date shall be
subject to the  performance by the Company of its agreements  hereunder which by
the terms hereof are to be

performed at or prior to the time of delivery of the Notes and to the  following
further conditions precedent:

         .c2.Section 4.1. Closing  Certificate.;  Concurrently with the delivery
of Notes to you on the Closing Date, you shall have received a certificate dated
the  Closing  Date,  signed by an  authorized  officer  of the  General  Partner
substantially  in the form attached  hereto as Exhibit B, the truth and accuracy
of which shall be a condition to your  obligation to purchase the Notes proposed
to be sold to you.
         .c2.Section  4.2. Legal  Opinions;.  Concurrently  with the delivery of
Notes to you on the  Closing  Date,  you shall have  received  from  Chapman and
Cutler,  who are acting as your special  counsel in this  transaction,  and from
Stephen Peary,  General Counsel of the Company,  their respective opinions dated
the Closing Date, in form and  substance  satisfactory  to you, and covering the
matters set forth in Exhibits C and D, respectively, hereto.
           .c2.Section  4.3.  Private  Placement  Number;.  A Private  Placement
Number relating to the Notes shall have been duly ordered from Standard & Poor's
         .c2.Section 4.4. Related  Transactions;.  Prior to or concurrently with
the issuance and sale of Notes to you, the Company  shall have  consummated  the
sale of the entire  principal  amount of the Notes  scheduled  to be sold on the
Closing Date pursuant to this Agreement and the other agreements  referred to in
         .c2.Section 4.5. Insurance Certificate;.  Prior to or concurrently with
the  issuance  and sale of the Notes to you, the Company will furnish to you and
to your  special  counsel a report  signed by an  independent  insurance  broker
satisfactory  to  you  with  respect  to the  insurance  maintained  under  this
Agreement  (including,  without  limitation,  as to each policy, its number, the
amount, the insurer,  the named assureds,  the type of risk, the loss payees and
the expiration  date) and stating the opinion of said broker that such insurance
is in such amounts,  against such risks, and with such insurers as to adequately
protect the Company.
           .c2.Section 4.6. Rating;. The Notes shall have received a preliminary
rating  of  "2"  or  better  from  the   National   Association   of   Insurance
         .c2.Section  4.7. Funding  Instructions;.  At least three Business Days
prior to the Closing Date, you shall have received written instructions executed
by an authorized  officer of the General Partner directing the manner of payment
of funds  and  setting  forth  (1) the  name of the  transferee  bank,  (2) such
transferee  bank's ABA number,  (3) the  account  name and number into which the
purchase price for the Notes is to be deposited,  and (4) the name and telephone
number of the account  representative  responsible  for verifying the receipt of
the funds.
         .c2.Section 4.8.  Satisfactory  Proceedings.;  All proceedings taken in
connection  with  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement,  and all
documents necessary to the consummation  thereof,  shall be satisfactory in form
and  substance to you and your special  counsel,  and you shall have  received a
copy  (executed or certified as may be  appropriate)  of all legal  documents or
proceedings taken in connection with the consummation of said transactions.
         .c2.Section  4.9.  Waiver of  Conditions.;  If on the Closing  Date the
Company  fails to tender to you the Notes to be issued to you on such date or if
the conditions specified in this ss.4 have not been fulfilled, you may thereupon
elect to be relieved of all further  obligations  under this Agreement.  Without
limiting the foregoing,  if the conditions  specified in this ss.4 have not been
fulfilled,  you may waive  compliance by the Company with any such  condition to
such extent as you may in your sole discretion determine. Nothing in this ss.4.9
shall operate to relieve the Company of any of its  obligations  hereunder or to
waive any of your rights against the Company.

.c1.Section 5.           Company Covenants;.
         From and after the Closing  Date and  continuing  so long as any amount
remains unpaid on any Note:
         .c2.Section 5.1. Existence, Etc;. The Company will preserve and keep in
force and effect, and will cause each Restricted Subsidiary to preserve and keep
in force and effect, its existence and all licenses and permits necessary to the
proper  conduct of its business,  provided that the foregoing  shall not prevent
any transaction permitted by ss.5.13.
         .c2.Section 5.2. Insurance;.  The Company will maintain, or cause to be
maintained,  and will cause each Restricted  Subsidiary to maintain, or cause to
be  maintained,  insurance  coverage on the Equipment by  financially  sound and
reputable  hull and other  underwriters  or protection and indemnity  clubs,  or
Lloyds of London or a foreign insurer certified by a reputable  insurance broker
as a financially  sound insurance carrier or domestic insurers accorded a rating
by A.M. Best Company, Inc. of A+ or better at the time of issuance of any policy
(other than  renewals or extensions of policies  maintained  with  underwriters,
protection  and indemnity  clubs or insurers  identified on Schedule III hereto,
provided  that at the time of any such renewal or extension,  such  underwriter,
protection  or  indemnity  club or  insurer  is rated A or better  by A.M.  Best
Company,  Inc. in the case of any such  underwriter,  club or insurer other than
Pacific Insurance Company and in the case of Pacific Insurance Company, it shall
be rated A- or better by A.M. Best Company, Inc. at the time of any such renewal
or  extension) in such forms and amounts and against such risks as are customary
for  businesses  of  established  reputation  engaged  in the same or a  similar
business  and owning and  operating  similar  Properties.  Without  limiting the
foregoing,  the Company  will  maintain,  or cause to be  maintained,  insurance
coverage  against  third-party  bodily injury and property  damage  liability in
connection  with  equipment  ownership  and  operation and will also maintain or
cause to be maintained, insurance coverage with a limit of liability of not less
than $500,000 per occurrence, to insure the Company and its Subsidiaries against
loss caused by the fraud or dishonesty of any of its employees and the employees
of the General Partner and its Affiliates.
         .c2.Section 5.3. Taxes, Claims for Labor and Materials, Compliance with
Laws;.  (a) The Company  will  promptly pay and  discharge,  and will cause each
Restricted  Subsidiary  promptly  to  pay  and  discharge,   all  lawful  taxes,
assessments and governmental  charges or levies imposed upon the Company or such
Restricted Subsidiary, respectively, or upon or in respect of all or any part of
the Property or business of the Company or such Restricted Subsidiary, all trade
accounts payable in accordance with usual and customary  business terms, and all
claims for work,  labor or  materials,  which if unpaid  might  become a Lien or
charge upon any Property of the Company or such Restricted Subsidiary;  provided
the Company or such Restricted  Subsidiary shall not be required to pay any such
tax,  assessment,  charge,  levy,  account payable or claim if (i) the validity,
applicability  or amount thereof is being contested in good faith by appropriate
actions or proceedings which will prevent the forfeiture or sale of any Property
of the Company or such Restricted  Subsidiary or any material  interference with
the use  thereof by the  Company  or such  Restricted  Subsidiary,  and (ii) the
Company or such  Restricted  Subsidiary  shall set aside on its books,  reserves
deemed by it to be adequate with respect thereto.
           (b) The Company will promptly  comply and will cause each  Subsidiary
to comply with all laws,  ordinances or  governmental  rules and  regulations to
which it is subject, including,  without limitation, the Occupational Safety and
Health Act of 1970,  ERISA and any  Environmental  Law,  the  violation of which
would  materially  and adversely  affect the  properties,  business,  prospects,
profits or condition of the Company and its Subsidiaries or would result in

any Lien or charge  upon any  Property  of the  Company  or any  Subsidiary  not
permitted by ss.5.10.

         .c2.Section 5.4. Maintenance, Etc;. The Company will maintain, preserve
and keep, or cause to be maintained,  preserved and kept,  all Properties  which
are used or  useful  in the  conduct  of the  business  of the  Company  and its
Restricted  Subsidiaries  (whether owned in fee or a leasehold interest) in good
repair and working order and from time to time will make all necessary  repairs,
replacements, renewals and additions so that at all times the efficiency thereof
shall be maintained.
         .c2.Section  5.5.  Nature of Business;.  The Company and its Restricted
Subsidiaries  taken as a whole  will not engage in any  business  other than the
business  of owning and leasing a  diversified  equipment  portfolio  consisting
primarily of used  transportation  and  transportation-related  equipment with a
secondary  emphasis on new equipment all as more fully described in Section 1.05
of the Partnership Agreement as in effect on the date hereof.
         .c2.Section 5.6.  Special  Provisions for Marine Vessels and Aircraft;.
Without  limiting the  foregoing  provisions  of ss.5.2 and ss.5.4,  the Company
shall cause any Vessels or Aircraft  owned by it or in which it has an ownership
interest to be maintained and insured as provided in this ss.5.6.
           (a)  Maintenance  of Marine  Vessels.  The Company  will at all times
cause any Vessel to be maintained and preserved in good condition, working order
and repair as will entitle her to retain the highest  classification  and rating
for vessels of the same age and type in the  American  Bureau of  Shipping,  Det
Norske  Veritas,   Bureau  Veritas,   Lloyds  Register,   Nippon  Kaiji  Kyokai,
Germanischer Lloyd or classification societies of similar stature.
           (b) Insurance on Marine Vessels.  The Company will at all times cause
the following insurance to be carried and maintained with respect to any Vessel:
           (i) Marine  insurance  in an amount at least  equal to the  Equipment
Value of such Vessel  covering the hull and all equipment and  appurtenances  of
the Vessel, against all usual marine risks;
          (ii) Insurance  covering the customary  protection and indemnity risks
in an amount  equal to the  higher of (1) an amount  customary  with  operations
conducted by any such Vessel and (2) the Equipment Value of such Vessel;
         (iii) Insurance against liability arising out of pollution, spillage or
leakage in connection with  operations  conducted by any Vessel in an amount not
less than the usual and customary  coverage amounts carried in the international
shipping industry for comparable marine vessels handling or transporting similar
cargo; provided that in no event shall such insurance be maintained in an amount
less than that required by the laws of any jurisdiction in which any such Vessel
is  operated  for so long as such  Vessel  is  operated  under  the laws of such
jurisdiction; and

           (iv) War risk  insurance,  if  available at  commercially  reasonable
           (c) Certificate of Financial Responsibility. When required for access
to  U.S.   ports,   the  Company  shall  obtain  a   Certificate   of  Financial
Responsibility  issued  by the  United  States  pursuant  to the  Federal  Water
Pollution  Control  Act to the extent  that the same may be  required  by law or

           (d)  Maintenance  and Servicing of Aircraft.  The Company will at all
times cause:

           (i) any Aircraft to be  serviced,  repaired,  maintained,  tested and
overhauled  so as to keep such  Aircraft in such  operating  condition as may be
necessary  to enable  the  airworthiness  certification  of the  Aircraft  to be
maintained in good standing at all times

under the Federal Aviation Act or the governmental authority having jurisdiction
over such Aircraft;

          (ii) all records,  logs and other materials  required to be maintained
by the Federal Aviation  Administration,  or the  governmental  authority having
jurisdiction  over any  Aircraft,  to be  maintained in respect of each Aircraft
(including any item of Equipment included therein); and
         (iii) any Aircraft to comply with all  airworthiness  directives issued
by any governmental authority having jurisdiction over any Aircraft.
           (e) Public  Liability  and Property  Damage  Liability  Insurance for
Aircraft.  The Company  will at all times cause third party  aircraft  liability
insurance,  passenger legal  liability  insurance,  if applicable,  and property
damage liability insurance to be carried with respect to any Aircraft.
           (f)  Insurance  Against Loss or Damage to the  Aircraft.  The Company
shall at all times cause the  following  to be  maintained  with  respect to any
Aircraft:  (i) all-risk ground and flight  aircraft hull insurance  covering the
airframe  and engines of any such  Aircraft;  (ii) fire,  transit  and  extended
coverage with respect to any engines or parts while removed from such  Aircraft;
and (iii) war risk insurance,  including,  hijacking (air piracy),  governmental
confiscation and expropriation insurance.
         .c2.Section  5.7.  Fixed  Charge  Coverage;.  The Company will keep and
maintain as of the end of each fiscal  quarter  the ratio of  Consolidated  Cash
Flow  Available  for Fixed  Charges  for the  Four-Quarter  Period then ended to
Consolidated Fixed Charges for such Four-Quarter Period at not less than 3.25 to
1.00 (it being  understood that any such failure to comply with this covenant at
the end of any fiscal quarter shall be deemed to continue until such time as the
Company  shall  be in  full  compliance  with  this  covenant  at  the  end of a
subsequent fiscal quarter).
         .c2.Section  5.8. Sale and  Leaseback;.  The Company will not, and will
not permit any Restricted  Subsidiary to, enter into any arrangement whereby the
Company or any Restricted  Subsidiary  shall sell or transfer any Property owned
by the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary to any Person other than the Company
or  a  Restricted  Subsidiary  and  thereupon  the  Company  or  any  Restricted
Subsidiary shall lease or intend to lease, as lessee, the same Property,  except
that the  Company  shall be  permitted  to enter into such  arrangements  to the
extent that the related lease would be permitted under ss.5.12.
         .c2.Section  5.9.  Limitations on  Indebtedness;.  (a) The Company will
not, and will not permit any Restricted  Subsidiary to, create,  assume or incur
or in any manner be or become liable in respect of any Debt (including,  without
limitation,  any extension,  renewal or replacement thereof), except in the case
of the Company, the Notes.
           (b) The  Company  will not at any time  permit Debt of the Company to
exceed the lesser of (i) $35,000,000 or (ii) 45% of Consolidated Assets.
        .c2.Section 5.10.  Limitation on Liens;.  The Company will not, and will
not  permit  any  Restricted  Subsidiary  to,  create or incur,  or suffer to be
incurred or to exist, any mortgage, pledge, security interest, encumbrance, Lien
or charge of any kind on its or their  Property or assets,  whether now owned or
hereafter  acquired,  or assigned,  or upon any income or profits therefrom,  or
transfer any Property for the purpose of  subjecting  the same to the payment of
obligations  in priority to the payment of its or their  general  creditors,  or
acquire or agree to acquire, or permit any Restricted Subsidiary to acquire, any
Property or assets upon  conditional  sales  agreements or other title retention
devices, except:

           (a) Liens for Property taxes and assessments or governmental  charges
or levies and Liens  securing  claims or demands of mechanics  and  materialmen,
provided that payment thereof is not at the time required by ss.5.3;
           (b) Liens of or resulting  from any  judgment or award,  the time for
the appeal or petition  for  rehearing  of which shall not have  expired,  or in
respect of which the  Company or a  Restricted  Subsidiary  shall at any time in
good faith be prosecuting an appeal or proceeding for a review and in respect of
which a stay of  execution  pending such appeal or  proceeding  for review shall
have been secured;  provided,  however,  that (i) the Company or such Restricted
Subsidiary shall have made adequate reserves for said judgment or award in their
financial  statements and (ii) such Liens shall not cause  interference with the
use of any Equipment;
           (c) Liens  incidental  to the conduct of business or the ownership of
Properties  and  assets  (including  warehousemen's  and  attorneys'  Liens  and
statutory  landlords'  Liens)  and  deposits,  pledges  or Liens to  secure  the
performance  of  bids,  tenders  or  trade  contracts,  or to  secure  statutory
obligations,  surety  or  appeal  bonds or other  Liens of like  general  nature
incurred in the  ordinary  course of  business  and not in  connection  with the
borrowing of money, provided in each case, the obligation secured is not overdue
or, if overdue,  (i) is being contested in good faith by appropriate  actions or
proceedings,  (ii) adequate  reserves therefor have been set up on the financial
statements of the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary, and (iii) such Liens shall
not cause interference with the use of any Equipment;
           (d) minor  survey  exceptions  or minor  encumbrances,  easements  or
reservations, or rights of others for rights-of-way, utilities and other similar
purposes,  or zoning  or other  restrictions  as to the use of real  Properties,
which are  necessary  for the conduct of the  activities  of the Company and its
Restricted Subsidiaries or which customarily exist on properties of corporations
engaged in similar  activities  and  similarly  situated and which do not in any
event  materially  impair  their use in the  operation  of the  business  of the
Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries;
           (e) Liens in favor of  lessees  consisting  of, or  granted to secure
purchase  options  contained in or related to leases of  Equipment  owned by the
Company or a Restricted  Subsidiary  (including any extension or renewal of such
Lien);  provided that consideration payable pursuant to any such option shall in
no event be less than the Current  Fair Market  Value of the  Equipment  subject
thereto; and
           (f) Liens arising in  connection  with the purchase of Vessels by the
Company or any Restricted  Subsidiary for a purchase price 100% of which will be
paid to the seller of such  Vessel not more than 90 days  following  the date of
execution  by the  Company or such  Restricted  Subsidiary  of a  memorandum  of
agreement relating to the sale of such Vessel.
        .c2.Section 5.11. Distributions, Certain Payments.; The Company will not
directly  or  indirectly,  or through  any  Subsidiary,  make any payment to the
General  Partner or any Affiliate on account of management  fees pursuant to the
Partnership  Agreement or equipment  management  fees  pursuant to the Equipment
Management  Agreement  in each case in excess of the amount  provided for in the
Partnership  Agreement  or the  Equipment  Management  Agreement  as  each  such
agreement is in effect on the Closing Date,  or make or declare any  Partnership
Distribution, if in each such case, after giving effect thereto, a Default or an
Event of Default shall have occurred and be continuing.

         The  Company  will  not,   directly  or  indirectly,   or  through  any
Subsidiary,  pay any  Subordinated  Incentive Fee (as defined in the Partnership
Agreement  as in effect on the  Closing  Date)  unless  and until,  among  other
things,  all liabilities of the Company,  including any and all liability on the
Notes, shall have been fully paid, all as provided in the Partnership  Agreement
as in effect on the Closing Date.
        .c2.Section 5.12.  Limitation on Long-Term Leases and Joint Ownership of
Equipment.;  (a) The  Company  will  not,  and will not  permit  any  Restricted
Subsidiary to, become obligated,  as lessee, under any Long-Term Lease if at the
time of entering into any such Long-Term  Lease and after giving effect thereto,
the  aggregate  Rentals  payable  by the  Company  and  all  of  its  Restricted
Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis in any one fiscal year thereafter under all
Long-Term Leases would exceed 10% of Partnership Capital.
           (b) The  Company  will  not,  and  will  not  permit  any  Restricted
Subsidiary  to, acquire any Equipment  subject to a purchase  option in favor of
any  Person  other  than the  lessee  of such  Equipment  or to a right of first
refusal by any Person  (including,  without  limitation,  by any Affiliate,  any
lessee of such  Equipment or any joint venturer with the Company) or subject any
Equipment  to a purchase  option in favor of any Person other than the lessee of
such  Equipment  or a right of first  refusal if, as a result  thereof and after
giving effect thereto,  the aggregate  Equipment Value of all items of Equipment
subject to such options or rights of first refusal shall exceed 30% of Equipment
Value of Aggregate Equipment.

           .c2.Section 5.13. Mergers,  Consolidations and Sales of Assets;.  (a)
The Company  will not,  and will not permit any  Restricted  Subsidiary  to: (i)
consolidate  with or be a party  to a  merger  with  any  other  Person  or (ii)
license,  transfer, sell or otherwise dispose of (herein a "Disposition") all or
any part of the assets of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries, provided,
however, that:

           (1) any Restricted  Subsidiary may merge or consolidate  with or into
the Company or any Wholly-owned  Restricted  Subsidiary so long as in any merger
or  consolidation  involving the Company,  the Company shall be the surviving or
continuing entity;

           (2) any Restricted Subsidiary may sell or otherwise dispose of all or
any part of its assets to the Company or any Wholly-owned Restricted Subsidiary;

           (3) the Company or any  Restricted  Subsidiary  may sell or otherwise
dispose of any of its assets in the  ordinary  course of business for fair value
and, in each such case, if:
           (A) (x)  the  proceeds  of  such  Disposition  are  deposited  with a
financial  institution and held in an account which is segregated from all other
accounts and funds of the Company and invested in cash or Cash  Equivalents  and
(y) within 270 days of such Disposition,  either such proceeds are reinvested in
the Company's  transportation  equipment  leasing business by either  purchasing
Equipment (including costs necessary to place Equipment in service) or procuring
services  and other goods  necessary  for the  operation  of the business of the
Company or a Restricted  Subsidiary  or the Company or a  Restricted  Subsidiary
shall have  entered into a binding  commitment  to purchase  Equipment  with the
proceeds  of such  Disposition,  provided,  however,  that if in any  case  such
proceeds are not applied to purchase  Equipment  within 12 months after the date
of any such Disposition,  such proceeds shall be applied in the manner described
in clause (B) below, or

           (B) the proceeds of such  Disposition are applied to the payment of a
Partnership  Distribution,  provided,  however,  that if a  Default  or Event of
Default then  exists,  or would exist after  giving  effect to such  Partnership
Distribution,  such  proceeds  shall first be applied to: (x) the  prepayment of
principal  on the  Notes in an  amount  such that  after  giving  effect to such
prepayment and to the proposed Partnership Distribution,  no Default or Event of
Default would then exist,  plus (y) the payment of interest accrued on the Notes
so  prepaid to such date of  prepayment,  plus (z) the  payment of a  Make-Whole
Amount on the principal amount of the Notes so prepaid; or
           (C) the proceeds of such  Disposition  are applied in any combination
of the purposes set forth in clauses (A) and (B) above.
         In the event that the proceeds of any  Disposition  which is subject to
the  foregoing  ss.5.13(a)(3)  are to be applied in whole or in part pursuant to
clause (B) or clause (C) above,  then and in such event the  Company  will,  not
more than ten Business Days following the date of such Disposition, give written
notice to the  holders of the Notes of such  Disposition  and  indicate  in such
notice the amount of proceeds available to be applied as set forth in clause (B)
or (C)  above and the date on which any  prepayment  of the Notes in  connection
with any such Disposition  shall occur,  which prepayment date shall be not more
than twenty nor less than ten Business Days following such notice.
           (b) The Company will not permit any Restricted Subsidiary to issue or
sell any Equity Capital of such  Restricted  Subsidiary to any Person other than
the Company or a Wholly-owned  Restricted Subsidiary,  except for the purpose of
qualifying directors or the equivalent thereof, or except in satisfaction of the
validly  pre-existing   preemptive  rights  of  minority   shareholders  or  the
equivalent  thereof  in  connection  with the  simultaneous  issuance  of Equity
Capital to the Company and/or a Restricted Subsidiary whereby the Company and/or
such Restricted  Subsidiary  maintain their same proportionate  interest in such
Restricted Subsidiary.
           (c) The Company will not sell,  transfer or otherwise  dispose of any
Equity Capital in any Restricted  Subsidiary (except to qualify directors or the
equivalent thereof) or any Indebtedness of any Restricted  Subsidiary,  and will
not permit any Restricted  Subsidiary to sell,  transfer or otherwise dispose of
(except  to the  Company or a  Wholly-owned  Restricted  Subsidiary)  any Equity
Capital or any Indebtedness of any other Restricted Subsidiary, unless:
           (1)  simultaneously  with such sale,  transfer,  or disposition,  all
shares of Equity Capital and all  Indebtedness of such Restricted  Subsidiary at
the time  owned by the  Company  and by every  other  Subsidiary  shall be sold,
transferred or disposed of as an entirety;
           (2) the General  Partner  shall have  determined,  as  evidenced by a
resolution of the Board of Directors thereof,  that the retention of such Equity
Capital and Indebtedness is no longer in the best interests of the Company;
           (3) such Equity  Capital and  Indebtedness  is sold,  transferred  or
otherwise  disposed  of to a  Person,  for a cash  consideration  and  on  terms
reasonably deemed by the General Partner to be adequate and satisfactory;
           (4)  the  proceeds  from  such  disposition   shall  be  utilized  in
accordance  with  the  requirements  of  clauses  (3)(A),   (B)  and/or  (C)  of
ss.5.13(a)(3); and
           (5) the  Restricted  Subsidiary  being disposed of shall not have any
continuing  investment  in  the  Company  or  any  other  Subsidiary  not  being
simultaneously disposed of.

        .c2.Section 5.14. Guaranties.; The Company will not, and will not permit
any  Restricted  Subsidiary,  to become or be liable in respect of any  Guaranty
except Guaranties by the Company of the obligations of any Restricted Subsidiary
as a lessor of Equipment so long as the  obligation  of the Company as Guarantor
is not in excess of that which the Company would have were it the lessor of such
        .c2.Section  5.15.  Repurchase  of Notes.;  Neither  the Company nor any
Restricted  Subsidiary or Affiliate,  directly or indirectly,  may repurchase or
make any  offer to  repurchase  any  Notes  unless  the  offer  has been made to
repurchase  Notes,  pro rata, from all holders of the Notes at the same time and
upon the same terms. In case the Company repurchases any Notes, such Notes shall
thereafter be cancelled and no Notes shall be issued in substitution therefor.
        .c2.Section 5.16.  Transactions with Affiliates;.  The Company will not,
and will not permit any  Restricted  Subsidiary  to, enter into or be a party to
any  transaction  or  arrangement   with  any  Affiliate   (including,   without
limitation,  the purchase  from,  sale to or exchange of Property  with,  or the
rendering  of any  service by or for,  any  Affiliate),  except in the  ordinary
course of, and pursuant to the reasonable  requirements of the Company's or such
Restricted  Subsidiary's,  business and upon fair and  reasonable  terms no less
favorable to the Company or such Restricted Subsidiary than it would obtain in a
comparable  arm's-length  transaction  with a Person  other  than an  Affiliate;
provided,  however,  that nothing  contained in this ss.5.16 shall  prohibit any
transaction  or arrangement  otherwise  permitted  under Section  2.02(q) of the
Partnership Agreement as in effect on the Closing Date.

           .c2.Section  5.17.  Investments;.  The Company will not, and will not
permit any Restricted  Subsidiary to, make any investments in or loans, advances
or extensions of credit to, any Person, except:

           (a) investments, loans and advances by the Company and its Restricted
Subsidiaries  in and to Restricted  Subsidiaries,  including any investment in a
Person which,  after giving effect to such investment,  will become a Restricted
           (b) investments in commercial paper maturing in 270 days or less from
the date of issuance  which,  at the time of  acquisition  by the Company or any
Restricted  Subsidiary,  is  accorded  the  highest  rating by Standard & Poor's
Corporation,  Moody's  Investors  Service,  Inc. or other nationally  recognized
credit rating agency of similar standing;
           (c)  investments  in  direct  obligations  of the  United  States  of
America, or any agency thereof,  maturing in twelve months or less from the date
of acquisition thereof, which are in each such case backed by the full faith and
credit of the United States of America and which, at all times,  are rated "AA-"
or better  by  Standard  & Poor's  Corporation  or "Aa3" or  better  by  Moody's
Investors Service, Inc.;
           (d)  investments in direct  obligations of the federal  government of
Canada,  or any agency thereof,  maturing in twelve months or less from the date
of acquisition thereof, which are in each such case backed by the full faith and
credit of the federal  government of Canada and which,  at all times,  are rated
"AA-" or better by Standard & Poor's  Corporation  or "Aa3" or better by Moody's
Investors Service, Inc.;
           (e)  investments in demand  deposits  and/or  certificates of deposit
maturing  within one year from the date of acquisition  thereof issued by a bank
or trust  company  organized  under the laws of the  United  States or any state
thereof,  having  capital,  surplus and undivided  profits  aggregating at least
$100,000,000  and  substantially  all of whose  assets are located in the United
States; provided that at all times, the senior unsecured

long-term  deposits  of such  bank or  trust  company  or the  senior  unsecured
long-term  debt of the  holding  company of such bank or trust  company  (in the
event no such  rating  exists  for such bank or trust  company)  is rated "A" or
better by Standard & Poor's  Corporation or "A2" or better by Moody's  Investors
Service, Inc.;
           (f) loans or advances in the usual and ordinary course of business to
officers,  directors  and  employees  for expenses  (including  moving  expenses
related to a transfer)  incidental to carrying on the business of the Company or
any Restricted Subsidiary;

           (g)  receivables  arising  from the sale of Equipment in the ordinary
course  or   liquidation   of  business  of  the  Company  and  its   Restricted

           (h)  the  investment  of  the  Company  in  Dorado  Offshore  Limited
Partnership,  a California Limited Partnership ("Dorado");  provided that Dorado
remains an Affiliated Partnership; and
           (i)  investments  by the Company and its Restricted  Subsidiaries  in
Property and Equipment to be used in the ordinary course of business.
         In valuing  any  investments,  loans and  advances  for the  purpose of
applying the limitations set forth in this Sec. 5.17,  such  investments,  loans
and advances shall be taken at the original cost thereof,  without allowance for
any subsequent  write-offs or appreciation or depreciation therein, but less any
amount repaid or recovered on account of capital or principal.
         For purposes of this Sec.  5.17,  at any time when a  corporation  or a
partnership becomes a Restricted Subsidiary, all investments of such corporation
or  partnership  at  such  time  shall  be  deemed  to  have  been  made by such
corporation or such partnership, as a Restricted Subsidiary, at such time.
        .c2.Section  5.18.  Termination of Pension Plans;.  The Company will not
and will  not  permit  any  Subsidiary  to  permit  any  employee  benefit  plan
maintained  by it to be  terminated  in a  manner  which  could  result  in  the
imposition of a lien on any Property of the Company or any  Subsidiary  pursuant
to Section 4068 of ERISA.
        .c2.Section  5.19.  Reports and Rights of Inspection;.  The Company will
keep, and will cause each Subsidiary to keep, proper books of record and account
in which full and correct  entries will be made of all dealings or  transactions
of or in relation to the business and affairs of the Company or such Subsidiary,
in accordance  with  generally  accepted  principles of accounting  consistently
maintained (except for changes disclosed in the financial  statements  furnished
to you pursuant to this ss.5.19 and  concurred  with by the  independent  public
accountants  referred to in ss.5.19(b) hereof),  and will furnish to you so long
as you are the holder of any Note and to each other institutional  holder of the
then  outstanding  Notes  (in  duplicate  if so  specified  below  or  otherwise
requested) and, in the case of the financial statements required to be delivered
pursuant to ss.5.19(b) below,  within the same time limitation  imposed therein,
to  the  Securities   Valuation  Office,   National   Association  of  Insurance
Commissioners 195 Broadway, Suite 1903, New York, NY 10007:
           (a)  Quarterly  Statements.  As soon as  available  and in any  event
within 60 days after the end of each  quarterly  fiscal period (except the last)
of each fiscal year, duplicate copies of:
           (1) a  consolidated  balance sheet of the Company and its  Restricted
Subsidiaries as of the close of such quarter  setting forth in comparative  form
the consolidated figures for the end of the preceding fiscal year,

           (2) consolidated  statements of income and partnership  equity of the
Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries for such quarterly period and for the

portion  of  the  fiscal  year  ending  with  such  quarter,  setting  forth  in
comparative form the consolidated  figures for the  corresponding  period of the
preceding fiscal year,
           (3)  consolidated  statements  of cash flows of the  Company  and its
Restricted  Subsidiaries  for such  quarterly  period and for the portion of the
fiscal year ending with such  quarter,  setting  forth in  comparative  form the
consolidated  figures for the corresponding period of the preceding fiscal year,
           (4) a list of all Equipment, all sales of Equipment, all purchases of
additional  Equipment  and of any  Equipment  which has become the  subject of a
total loss,  in any such case during such  quarterly  period,  all in reasonable
detail and certified as complete and correct, by an authorized financial officer
of the Company or the General Partner;

           (b) Annual  Statements.  As soon as available and in any event within
105 days after the close of each fiscal year of the  Company,  duplicate  copies

           (1)    a consolidated balance sheet of the Company and its Restricted
Subsidiaries as of the close of such fiscal year,
           (2) consolidated statements of income and partnership equity and cash
flows of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries for such fiscal year, and
           (3) a list of all Equipment, all sales of Equipment, all purchases of
additional  Equipment  and of any  Equipment  which has become the  subject of a
total loss,  in any such case during the last  quarterly  fiscal  period of such
fiscal year, in each case setting  forth in  comparative  form the  consolidated
figures for the preceding fiscal year, all in reasonable  detail and accompanied
by a report  thereon of a firm of independent  public  accountants of recognized
national  standing  selected by the Company to the effect that the  consolidated
financial  statements have been prepared in accordance  with generally  accepted
accounting  principles  and  present  fairly,  in  all  material  respects,  the
financial condition of the Company and its Restricted  Subsidiaries and that the
examination of such accountants in connection with such financial statements has
been  made  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing  standards  and
accordingly  includes  such  tests of the  accounting  records  and  such  other
auditing  procedures as were considered  necessary to provide a reasonable basis
for the opinion expressed in the report;

           (c) Audit Reports.  Promptly upon receipt  thereof,  one copy of each
interim or special  audit made by  independent  accountants  of the books of the
Company or any Restricted Subsidiary;

           (d) SEC and Other Reports.  Promptly upon their  becoming  available,
one copy of each financial statement,  report, notice or proxy statement sent by
the  Company to  limited  partners  generally  and of each  regular or  periodic
report, and any registration statement or prospectus filed by the Company or any
Subsidiary  with  any  securities   exchange  or  the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission or any successor agency,  and copies of any orders in any proceedings
to which  the  Company  or any of its  Subsidiaries  is a party,  issued  by any
governmental  agency,  Federal or state, having jurisdiction over the Company or
any of its Subsidiaries;

           (e)  Requested  Information.  With  reasonable  promptness,  all such
information which at the time you or any successor qualified institutional buyer
(as defined in Rule

144A of the  General  Rules  and  Regulations  of the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission) may need to comply with said Rule 144A upon a sale of Notes pursuant
to said  Rule as well as such  other  data  and  information  as you or any such
institutional holder may reasonably request;
           (f) Officer's Certificates. Within the periods provided in paragraphs
(a) and (b) above,  a  certificate  of an  authorized  financial  officer of the
Company or the  General  Partner  stating  that such  officer has  reviewed  the
provisions of this  Agreement and setting  forth:  (i) the  information  and any
computations (in sufficient  detail) required in order to establish  whether the
Company was in  compliance  with the  requirements  of ss.5.7  through  ss.5.18,
inclusive,  at the end of the period  covered by the financial  statements  then
being  furnished,  (ii) whether there  existed as of the date of such  financial
statements and whether, to the best of such officer's knowledge, there exists on
the date of the  certificate or existed at any time during the period covered by
such  financial  statements  any  Default or Event of Default  and,  if any such
condition or event exists on the date of the certificate,  specifying the nature
and  period of  existence  thereof  and the  action  the  Company  is taking and
proposes  to take  with  respect  thereto,  and  (iii)  the  Equipment  Value of
Aggregate Equipment as of the end of such period;
           (g) Accountants Certificates. Within the period provided in paragraph
(b) above,  a report of the  accountants  who render an opinion  with respect to
such financial statements,  stating that they have reviewed ss.ss.5.7, 5.8, 5.9,
5.11, 5.12 and ss.5.17 of this Agreement and stating further whether,  in making
their  audit,  such  accountants  have  become  aware of any Default or Event of
Default under any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement insofar as any of
such  terms  or  provisions   pertain  to  or  involve   accounting  matters  or
determinations,  and if any such condition or event then exists,  specifying the
nature and period of existence thereof;

           (h) Unrestricted Subsidiaries. Within the respective periods provided
in paragraph (b) above,  financial statements of the character and for the dates
and  periods  as in said  paragraph  (b)  provided  covering  each  Unrestricted
Subsidiary (or groups of Unrestricted Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis);

           (i)  Reports to  Partners.  Promptly  upon their  becoming  available
copies of all  financial  statements  and reports other than tax reports sent by
the Company to its Partners generally; and

           (j) Annual  Insurance  Certificates.  Within 90 days after the end of
each fiscal  year of the  Company,  a  certificate  signed by Sedgwick  James of
California,  Inc. or any other independent  insurance broker satisfactory to the
Requisite  Holders  containing a statement of the  insurance  maintained  by the
Company pursuant to ss.5.6 (including as to each policy, its number, the amount,
the  insurer,  the named  assureds,  the type of risk,  the loss  payees and the
expiration date) and a statement that such insurance is in such amounts, against
such risks and with such insurers as to adequately protect the Company; and
           (k) Accounting Controls. Promptly upon becoming available, and in any
event within three Business Days after receipt, copies of any report relating to
material  inadequacies  in the  accounting  controls of the  Company  (including
reports  advising  of  the  absence  of  any  such  inadequacies)  submitted  by
independent  accountants  in  connection  with any audit of the  Company  or any
Restricted Subsidiary.

           Without limiting the foregoing,  the Company will permit you, so long
as you are the

holder  of any  Note,  and  each  institutional  holder  of 10% or  more  of the
aggregate  principal  amount of the then  outstanding  Notes (or such Persons as
either  you or such  holder  may  designate),  to visit and  inspect,  under the
Company's guidance,  any of the properties of the Company or any Subsidiary,  to
examine all their books of account,  records,  reports and other papers, to make
copies and extracts therefrom, and to discuss their respective affairs, finances
and accounts with their respective officers,  employees,  and independent public
accountants  (and by this provision the Company  authorizes said  accountants to
discuss with you the  finances and affairs of the Company and its  Subsidiaries)
all at such  reasonable  times  and as  often  as may be  reasonably  requested;
provided,  however, that any inspections of Equipment shall only be permitted to
be  conducted at such times and in such manner as shall not  interfere  with the
normal and customary use of such Equipment by the Lessee.  The Company shall not
be required to pay or reimburse you or any such holder for expenses which you or
any such holder may incur in connection  with any such  visitation or inspection
unless a Default or Event of Default shall have occurred and be  continuing,  in
which case,  any such  visitation or inspection  shall be at the sole expense of
the Company.
         You agree that all non-public  information furnished to you pursuant to
this Agreement shall be treated as confidential  information by you and that you
will use reasonable  efforts to refrain from disclosing such  information to any
other Person (excluding any of your officers,  employees,  agents,  auditors and
counsel),  provided that (a) you shall not be liable to the Company or any other
Person in damages for any failure to comply with the foregoing  covenant  except
in  any  case  involving  gross  negligence,  wilful  misconduct  or  fraudulent
misconduct on your part, (b) you may disclose any or all of such  information if
in your  judgment such  disclosure is necessary or advisable in connection  with
the  preservation or protection of your interests as a holder of any Notes or in
connection  with  selling,  or otherwise  realizing  upon your  interest in, the
Notes,  and (c) you may disclose any such  information to, or in response to the
order  or  request  of,  any  governmental  agency,  regulatory  or  supervisory
authority  (including  for this  purpose the National  Association  of Insurance
Commissioners) or court or any nationally recognized rating agency in connection
with its rating of the holder of the Notes.  The  restrictions  contained herein
shall not apply to information  which (i) is or becomes  generally  available to
the  public   other  than  as  a  result  of  a   disclosure   by  you  or  your
representatives,  (ii) becomes available to you on a non-confidential basis from
a source  other than the  Company or one of its agents or (iii) was known to you
on a non-confidential basis prior to its disclosure to you by the Company or one
of its agents.
         The foregoing provisions of this ss.5.19  notwithstanding,  the Company
shall not be  required  to  furnish  any of the above  information  which is not
otherwise  generally available to the public to any holder of the Notes which is
engaged in the transportation equipment leasing or service business.
        .c2.Section 5.20. Certain  Appraisals;.  (a) On or prior to the sixtieth
day next  following  the Closing  Date,  the Company  will, at its sole expense,
deliver to the holders of the Notes  appraisals  of the  Equipment  Value of the
Aircraft,  Containers  and Vessels owned by the Company on and as of the Closing
Date,  which  appraisal of such Equipment  shall have been conducted by Aircraft
Information Services, Inc. in the case of the Aircraft,  International Equipment
Marketing,  Inc. in the case of the Containers and American  Marine  Advisors in
the  case  of the  Vessels.  Each  such  appraisal  shall  be  accompanied  by a
certificate  of an authorized  officer of the Company to the effect that, to the
best of the  knowledge  of such  authorized  officer,  such  appraisal  does not
contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit a material

fact  necessary to make the  statements and  conclusions  contained  therein not
misleading  and that there is no fact peculiar to such appraisal  which,  to the
best  knowledge  of such  authorized  officer,  has not been  disclosed  in such
appraisal which would materially affect adversely the statements and conclusions
therein contained.
           (b) (i) Without  limiting the  foregoing  clause (a),  the  Requisite
Holders shall,  in addition to receipt of the appraisal  required by said clause
(a), have the additional  right,  exerciseable  not more than two times from and
after the  sixty-first  day next  following the Closing Date, to require that at
the expense of the Company an appraisal be made of the Current Fair Market Value
of the Equipment (the "Appraised Current Fair Market Value"). In such event, the
Company shall promptly  notify all of the holders of the Notes of the request to
have the  Appraised  Current  Fair Market  Value  determined  and the  Appraised
Current Fair Market Value shall  thereupon be determined in accordance  with the
Appraisal  Procedure set forth below.  The Company  shall make  available to any
appraiser who so requests all  information  regarding  the Equipment  reasonably
requested by any appraiser. Any appraisal made pursuant to this ss.5.20(b) shall
be limited to an appraisal of only such  Equipment  designated by the Company as
is necessary to demonstrate compliance with Sec. 5.6, Sec. 5.9 or Sec. 5.12.
          (ii)  "Appraisal  Procedure"  shall mean the  following  procedure for
determining  the Current Fair Market Value of any  Equipment:  If the  Requisite
Holders shall have given written notice to the Company requesting  determination
of such Current Fair Market Value by the Appraisal Procedure,  the Company shall
designate  which  appraiser(s)  listed on Schedule II hereto  shall  conduct the
Appraisal  Procedure.  The  Requisite  Holders shall have the right to cause any
appraiser  listed on  Schedule  II to be removed  from such  Schedule II if such
Requisite  Holders shall indicate  their  objection to any such appraiser to the
Company and state a  reasonable  basis  therefor.  If the Company  shall seek to
designate  any  appraiser  other than one listed on Schedule II, the Company and
such requesting  Requisite Holders shall consult for the purpose of appointing a
qualified independent appraiser skilled in the valuation of Property such as the
Equipment by mutual  agreement.  If no such appraiser is so appointed  within 15
days after such notice is given, the Company and such holders shall each appoint
a qualified  independent appraiser within 20 days after such notice is given. If
one  party  appoints  an  appraiser  pursuant  to the  preceding  sentence,  the
appraisal  shall be made by such appraiser if the other party fails to appoint a
second  appraiser  within the  applicable  time limit.  If both parties  appoint
appraisers,  the two  appraisers  so  appointed  shall within 30 days after such
notice  is  given,  appoint  a third  independent  appraiser.  If no such  third
appraiser is appointed  within 30 days after such notice is given,  either party
may apply to the American Arbitration Association to make such appointment,  and
both parties shall be bound by any such  appointment.  If the parties shall have
appointed a single  appraiser,  his  determination  of Current Fair Market Value
shall be final. If three appraisers shall be appointed,  the Current Fair Market
Value determined by the three appraisers  shall be averaged,  the  determination
which  differs  most from such  average  shall be excluded,  the  remaining  two
determinations  shall be  averaged  and such  average  shall be final  and shall
constitute  the Appraised  Current Fair Market Value.  .c1.Section  6. Events of
Default and Remedies Therefor;.

           .c2.Section 6.1. Events of Default;. Any one or more of the following
shall constitute an "Event of Default" as the term is used herein:

           (a)  Default  shall occur in the payment of interest on any Note when
the same shall have become due and such  default  shall  continue  for more than
five days; or

           (b) Default  shall occur in the making of any required  prepayment on
any of

the Notes as provided in Sec. 2.1; or
           (c)  Default  shall  occur in the making of any other  payment of the
principal of any Note or the premium thereon at the expressed or any accelerated
maturity date or at any date fixed for prepayment; or
           (d)  Default  shall be made in the  payment  of the  principal  of or
interest  or  premium,  if  any,  on  any  Indebtedness  of the  Company  or any
Restricted Subsidiary for borrowed money aggregating in excess of $1,000,000, as
and when  the  same  shall  become  due and  payable  by the  lapse of time,  by
declaration,  by call  for  redemption  or  otherwise,  and such  default  shall
continue beyond the grace period, if any, allowed with respect thereto; provided
however, this Sec. 6.1(d) shall not apply to alleged defaults under contracts or
leases (other than relating to  Indebtedness  for borrowed money) that are being
contested in good faith; or
           (e)  Default or the  happening  of any event  shall  occur  under any
indenture,  agreement,  or other  instrument under which any Indebtedness of the
Company or any Restricted Subsidiary for borrowed money aggregating in excess of
$1,000,000  may be issued and such default or event shall  continue for a period
of  time  sufficient  to  permit  the   acceleration  of  the  maturity  of  any
Indebtedness of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary outstanding thereunder;
provided  however,  this  ss.6.1(e)  shall not apply to alleged  defaults  under
contracts or leases (other than  relating to  Indebtedness  for borrowed  money)
that are being contested in good faith; or
           (f)  Default  shall occur in the  observance  or  performance  of any
covenant or agreement  contained in ss.5.7,  ss.5.8,  ss.5.9 and ss.5.11 through
ss.5.16, inclusive hereof; or
           (g) Default shall occur in the observance or performance of any other
provision  of this  Agreement  which is not  remedied  within 30 days  after any
officer of the General  Partner  shall have  received  actual  knowledge of such
Default; or
           (h) Any  representation  or warranty made by the Company  herein,  or
made by the Company in any statement or certificate  furnished by the Company in
connection  with the  consummation  of the issuance and delivery of the Notes or
furnished by the Company pursuant  hereto,  is untrue in any material respect as
of the date of the issuance or making thereof; or
           (i) The Company or any  Restricted  Subsidiary  becomes  insolvent or
bankrupt,  is  generally  not  paying  its debts as they  become due or makes an
assignment  for the  benefit of  creditors,  or the  Company  or any  Restricted
Subsidiary applies for or consents to the appointment of a custodian, trustee or
receiver for the Company or such Restricted  Subsidiary or for the major part of
the Property of either; or
           (j) A custodian,  trustee or receiver is appointed for the Company or
any Restricted Subsidiary or for the major part of the Property of either and is
not discharged within 30 days after such appointment; or
           (k) Final judgment or judgments for the payment of money  aggregating
in  excess  of  $500,000  is or  are  outstanding  against  the  Company  or any
Restricted Subsidiary or against any Property or assets of either and any one of
such judgments has remained unpaid, unvacated, unbonded or unstayed by appeal or
otherwise for a period of 30 days from the date of its entry; or
           (l)   Bankruptcy,    reorganization,    arrangement   or   insolvency
proceedings, or other proceedings for relief under any bankruptcy or similar law
or laws for the relief of debtors,  are  instituted by or against the Company or
any Restricted Subsidiary and,

           if instituted against the Company or any Restricted  Subsidiary,  are
consented to or are not dismissed within 60 days after such institution; or

           (m) Any of the Events of Dissolution described in clauses (a) through
(d) of Section  10.01 of the  Partnership  Agreement as in effect on the Closing
Date shall occur or the Partnership shall be terminated.
         Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if any  one  or  more  of the  events
described in (i),  (j), (k) or (l) above shall have  occurred and be  continuing
involving  one or more  Restricted  Subsidiaries,  it  shall  not be  deemed  to
constitute an Event of Default unless the Restricted  Subsidiary or Subsidiaries
so involved own, in the aggregate, 5% or more of the Tangible Assets at the time
owned by the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries.
         .c2.Section  6.2.  Notice  to  Holders;.  When  any  Event  of  Default
described in the foregoing ss.6.1 has occurred,  or if the holder of any Note or
of any other evidence of  Indebtedness  of the Company gives any notice or takes
any other action with respect to a claimed  default,  the Company agrees to give
notice within three Business Days of such event to all holders of the Notes then
outstanding,  such notice to be in writing and sent by  registered  or certified
mail or by telegram.
         .c2.Section 6.3. Acceleration of Maturities.; When any Event of Default
described in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of ss.6.1 has happened and is continuing,
any  holder  of any Note  may,  and  when any  Event  of  Default  described  in
paragraphs  (d)  through  (k),  inclusive,  of said ss.6.1 has  happened  and is
continuing,  the  holder or holders  of 25% or more of the  principal  amount of
Notes at the time  outstanding  may, by notice in writing sent by  registered or
certified  mail to the Company,  declare the entire  principal  and all interest
accrued on all Notes to be, and all Notes shall thereupon become,  forthwith due
and payable,  without any  presentment,  demand,  protest or other notice of any
kind,  all of which are  hereby  expressly  waived.  When any  Event of  Default
described in paragraph (l) or (m) of ss.6.1 has occurred,  then all  outstanding
Notes shall immediately  become due and payable without  presentment,  demand or
notice of any kind.  Upon the Notes  becoming due and payable as a result of any
Event of Default as aforesaid,  the Company will forthwith pay to the holders of
the Notes the entire  principal  and  interest  accrued on the Notes and if such
payment is not made on an Interest Rate Adjustment Date, to the extent permitted
by law, an amount,  payable as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, equal to
the  Make-Whole  Amount,  if any,  determined  as of the date on which the Notes
shall  become  so due and  payable.  No  course  of  dealing  on the part of any
Noteholder  nor any delay or failure on the part of any  Noteholder  to exercise
any right shall  operate as a waiver of such right or otherwise  prejudice  such
holder's rights, powers and remedies.  The Company further agrees, to the extent
permitted  by law,  to pay to the  holder or  holders of the Notes all costs and
expenses  incurred  by them in the  collection  of any  Notes  upon any  default
hereunder or thereon,  including  reasonable  compensation  to such  holder's or
holders' attorneys for all services rendered in connection therewith.
         .c2.Section 6.4.  Rescission of Acceleration;  The provisions of ss.6.3
are subject to the condition  that if the  principal of and accrued  interest on
all or any outstanding  Notes have been declared  immediately due and payable by
reason of the  occurrence of any Event of Default  described in  paragraphs  (a)
through  (k),  inclusive,  of ss.6.1,  the  Requisite  Holders  may,  by written
instrument filed with the Company, waive such default and rescind and annul such
declaration  and  the  consequences  thereof,  provided  that at the  time  such
declaration is annulled and rescinded:

           (a) no  judgment  or decree has been  entered  for the payment of any
monies due

pursuant to the Notes or this Agreement;
           (b) all  arrears  of  interest  upon all the Notes and all other sums
payable under the Notes and under this Agreement (except any principal, interest
or premium on the Notes  which has  become due and  payable  solely by reason of
such declaration under ss.6.3) shall have been duly paid; and
           (c) each and every  Default and Event of Default shall have been made
good,  cured or waived pursuant to ss.7.1;  and provided  further,  that no such
rescission  and annulment  shall extend to or affect any  subsequent  Default or
Event of Default or impair any right consequent thereto.
.c1.Section 7.           Amendments, Waivers and Consents;.
         .c2.Section 7.1. Consent Required. ; Any term,  covenant,  agreement or
condition of this Agreement may, with the consent of the Company,  be amended or
compliance therewith may be waived (either generally or in a particular instance
and either  retroactively or prospectively),  if the Company shall have obtained
the  consent in writing of the  Requisite  Holders;  provided  that  without the
written  consent of the  holders of all of the Notes then  outstanding,  no such
waiver, modification,  alteration or amendment shall be effective (a) which will
change the time of payment (including any prepayment  required by ss.2.1) of the
principal of or the interest on any Note or reduce the principal  amount thereof
or change the rate of  interest  thereon,  or (b) which  will  change any of the
provisions  with respect to optional  prepayments,  (c) which will change any of
the  provisions of ss.6,  or (d) which will change the  percentage of holders of
the Notes required to consent to any such amendment,  alteration or modification
or any of the provisions of this ss.7.
         .c2.Section  7.2.  Solicitation of  Noteholders.;  The Company will not
solicit,  request or negotiate  for or with  respect to any  proposed  waiver or
amendment of any of the  provisions  of this  Agreement or the Notes unless each
holder of the Notes (irrespective of the amount of Notes then owned by it) shall
be informed  thereof by the Company and shall be  afforded  the  opportunity  of
considering  the same and  shall be  supplied  by the  Company  with  sufficient
information  to enable it to make an informed  decision  with  respect  thereto.
Executed or true and correct copies of any waiver or consent  effected  pursuant
to the  provisions  of this  ss.7.2  shall be  delivered  by the Company to each
holder of outstanding Notes forthwith following the date on which the same shall
have been  executed  and  delivered  by the holder or  holders of the  requisite
percentage of outstanding  Notes. The Company will not,  directly or indirectly,
pay or cause to be paid any  remuneration,  whether  by way of  supplemental  or
additional  interest,  fee  or  otherwise,   to  any  holder  of  the  Notes  in
consideration  for or as an  inducement to any waiver or amendment of any of the
terms and provisions of this Agreement unless such  remuneration is concurrently
paid,  on the same  terms,  ratably  to the  holders  of all of the  Notes  then
         .c2.Section 7.3. Effect of Amendment or Waiver;.  Any such amendment or
waiver  shall  apply  equally  to all of the  holders  of the Notes and shall be
binding  upon them,  upon each future  holder of any Note and upon the  Company,
whether or not such Note shall have been marked to indicate  such  amendment  or
waiver. No such amendment or waiver shall extend to or affect any obligation not
expressly amended or waived or impair any right consequent thereon.
.c1.Section 8.           Interpretation of Agreement; Definitions;.
         .c2.Section 8.1.  Definitions.;  Unless the context otherwise requires,
the terms  hereinafter  set forth  when used  herein  shall  have the  following
meanings and the following  definitions shall be equally  applicable to both the
singular and plural forms of any of the terms herein defined:

         "Adjustable  Rate"  shall mean a rate per annum equal to the sum of (i)
1.55%, plus (ii) the LIBO Rate for the applicable Interest Period.
         "Affiliate" shall mean any Person (other than a Wholly-owned Restricted
Subsidiary) (a) which directly or indirectly through one or more  intermediaries
controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with, the Company, (b)
which  beneficially  owns or holds 5% or more of any class of the Equity Capital
of the  Company,  (c) 5% or  more of the  Voting  Equity  Capital  of  which  is
beneficially owned or held by the Company or a Subsidiary,  or (iv) Officers and
members of the Board of Directors  of the General  Partner.  The term  "control"
means the  possession,  directly or indirectly,  of the power to direct or cause
the direction of the  management and policies of a Person,  whether  through the
ownership of Voting Equity Capital, by contract or otherwise.
         "Affiliated  Partnerships"  shall  mean all  partnerships  of which the
General  Partner is a controlling  general  partner and which are engaged in the
business  of owning and leasing a  diversified  equipment  portfolio  consisting
primarily of used  transportation  and  transportation  related equipment with a
secondary emphasis on new equipment.
         "Agreement"  shall mean this Note  Agreement  dated as of March 1, 1994
between  the Company  and the  Purchasers,  as the same may from time to time be
supplemented or amended.
         "Aircraft" shall mean any corporate,  commuter,  or commercial aircraft
or  helicopters,  purchased,  owned  and  leased  or held for lease to others or
otherwise  used by or on behalf of the Company or any  Restricted  Subsidiary as
described in the  Partnership  Agreement,  together with all  modifications  (as
applicable)  and  replacement  or  spare  parts  used in  connection  therewith,
including, without limitation, engines, rotables or propellers, and any engines,
rotables and propellers used on a stand-alone basis, title to which vests in the
Company or any Restricted  Subsidiary or in a trust or other entity of which the
Company or any Restricted Subsidiary is the sole or a participating  beneficiary
or owner.

           "Appraisal  Procedure"  shall have the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in

           "Appraised Current Fair Market Value" shall have the meaning ascribed
thereto in ss.5.20(b)(i).

         "Asset Class" shall mean any of the  following  categories of Equipment
owned by the Company or any of the  Restricted  Subsidiaries:  (a) the Aircraft;
(b) the Containers; (c) the Vessels; (d) the Mobile Offshore Drilling Units; (e)
the Railroad Rolling Stock; and (f) the Tractor Trailers.
         "Business  Day"  shall mean any day other  than a  Saturday,  Sunday or
other day on which banks in San Francisco,  California or Chicago, Illinois, are
required  by law  to  close  or are  customarily  closed  and if the  applicable
"Business  Day"  relates to the  determination  of the LIBO Rate, a day on which
banks are dealing in U.S.  Dollar  deposits in the  Interbank  Market in London,
         "Capitalized  Lease"  shall mean any lease the  obligation  for Rentals
with respect to which is required to be  capitalized  on a balance  sheet of the
lessee in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
         "Capitalized  Rentals"  shall mean as of the date of any  determination
the  amount  at which the  aggregate  Rentals  due and to  become  due under all
Capitalized  Leases under which the Company or any  Restricted  Subsidiary  is a
lessee would be reflected as a liability on a consolidated  balance sheet of the
Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries.

           "Cash Equivalents" shall mean those investments  described in clauses
(b) and (c) of ss.5.17.

         "Change Event" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Sec. 2.3(a).
         "Change Notice" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Sec. 2.3(a).
         "Closing Date" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Sec. 1.2.
         "Company" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in the Preamble.

           "Consolidated  Assets" as of any date of determination shall mean the
sum of (a) cash,  (b) Cash  Equivalents  and (c)  Equipment  Value of  Aggregate

         "Consolidated  Cash Flow  Available  for Fixed  Charges" for any period
shall mean the sum of (a)  Consolidated  Net Income  during such period plus (to
the extent deducted in determining  Consolidated Net Income), (b) all provisions
for any  Federal,  state or  other  income  taxes  made by the  Company  and its
Restricted  Subsidiaries during such period, (c) all provisions for depreciation
and  amortization  made during such period and (d)  Consolidated  Fixed  Charges
during such period.
         "Consolidated   Fixed   Charges"   for  any  period  shall  mean  on  a
consolidated basis the sum of (a) all Rentals (other than Rentals on Capitalized
Leases)   payable   during  such  period  by  the  Company  and  its  Restricted
Subsidiaries,  and (b) all Interest Charges on all  Indebtedness  (including the
imputed  interest  applicable  to  Capitalized  Rentals)  of the Company and its
Restricted Subsidiaries.
         "Consolidated  Net Income" for any period shall mean the gross revenues
of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries for such period less all expenses
and  other  proper  charges  (including  taxes  on  income),   determined  on  a
consolidated basis in accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles
consistently  applied and after eliminating  earnings or losses  attributable to
outstanding Minority Interests, but excluding in any event:
           (a)    the proceeds of any life insurance policy;

           (b) net  earnings  and losses of any  Restricted  Subsidiary  accrued
prior to the date it became a Restricted Subsidiary;

           (c)  net  earnings  and  losses  of  any  corporation  (other  than a
Restricted Subsidiary), substantially all the assets of which have been acquired
in any  manner,  realized  by such other  corporation  prior to the date of such
           (d)  net  earnings  and  losses  of  any  corporation  (other  than a
Restricted  Subsidiary) with which the Company or a Restricted  Subsidiary shall
have  consolidated  or which  shall have  merged  into or with the  Company or a
Restricted Subsidiary prior to the date of such consolidation or merger;
           (e) net  earnings of any  business  entity  (other than a  Restricted
Subsidiary) in which the Company or any  Restricted  Subsidiary has an ownership
interest  unless such net  earnings  shall have  actually  been  received by the
Company or such Subsidiary in the form of cash distributions;

           (f) any  portion of the net  earnings  of any  Restricted  Subsidiary
which for any reason is  unavailable  for payment of dividends to the Company or
any other Restricted Subsidiary;

           (g) earnings resulting from any reappraisal,  revaluation or write-up
of assets;

           (h) any  deferred  or other  credit  representing  any  excess of the
equity in any  Subsidiary  at the date of  acquisition  thereof  over the amount
invested in such Subsidiary;

           (i) any gain arising from the  acquisition  of any  Securities of the
Company or any Restricted Subsidiary; and

           (j) any  reversal of any  contingency  reserve,  except to the extent
that  provision  for such  contingency  reserve shall have been made from income
arising during such

         "Container"   shall   mean   any   (i)   dry   van   container,    (ii)
temperature-controlled unit (refrigerated and insulated containers),  (iii) tank
container,  and  (iv)  "special"  container  - flat,  folding  flat or  platform
container, bulk container and open-top container, purchased, owned and leased or
held for lease to others or otherwise used by or on behalf of the Company or any
Restricted Subsidiary as described in the Partnership  Agreement,  together with
all appliances, parts, instruments,  appurtenances,  accessories, furnishings or
other equipment included therein and all substitutions, renewals or replacements
of, and all  additions,  improvements  and  accessions  to, any and all thereof,
title to which vests in the Company or any  Restricted  Subsidiary or in a trust
or other entity of which the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary is the sole or
a participating beneficiary or owner.
         "Current Fair Market Value" with respect to any item of Equipment shall
mean the fair  market  value  thereof as  determined  by an equally  willing and
informed buyer and seller,  neither under a short time  constraint or compulsion
to buy or sell,  for a single  unit cash  transaction  with no  hidden  value or
liability,  as adjusted by prevailing  market  conditions  (whether at, above or
below  fair  market  value),  including  without  limitation:  the status of the
economy in which such item of Equipment is used, the status of supply and demand
for items of equipment  which are the same as such item of Equipment,  the value
of recent transactions  involving similar items of equipment and the opinions of
informed buyers and sellers with no immediate constraint or compulsion to buy or
         "Debt" of any Person shall mean and be limited to  Indebtedness of such
Person for and in respect of money  borrowed,  as well as  Indebtedness  of such
Person of the types  described in clauses (a) through (e) of the  definition  of
Indebtedness set forth below.

           "Declaration  Notice" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Sec.

           "Default"  shall mean any event or condition the  occurrence of which
would,  with the lapse of time or the giving of notice,  or both,  constitute an
Event of Default as defined in ss.6.1.

         "Disposition" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Sec. 5.13(a).

           "Environmental   Law"  shall  mean  any  current  or  future  treaty,
convention, statute, law, regulation,  ordinance, permit, governmental approval,
injunction,   judgment,   order,  consent  decree  or  other  legal  requirement
pertaining  to (a) the  protection  of health,  safety and the indoor or outdoor
environment,  (b) the  conservation,  management or use of natural resources and
wildlife,  (c) the protection or use of surface water and  groundwater,  (d) the
management, manufacture, possession, presence, use, generation,  transportation,
treatment,  storage, disposal, release, threatened release, abatement,  removal,
remediation  or handling of, or exposure to, any hazardous  material  (including
asbestos and crude oil or any fraction thereof) or (e) pollution  (including any
release to air,  land,  surface water and  groundwater),  and includes,  without
limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability
Act of 1980, as amended by the Superfund  Amendments and  Reauthorization Act of
1986, 42 U.S.C.  ss.ss.9601 et seq., Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the
Resource  Conservation  and Recovery Act of 1976 and  Hazardous  and Solid Waste
Amendments of 1984, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 6901 et seq., Federal Water Pollution Control
Act, as amended by the Clean  Water Act of 1977,  33 U.S.C.  Sec.  1251 et seq.,
Clean Air Act of 1966, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 7401 et seq., Toxic Substances
Control  Act  of  1976,  15  U.S.C.  Sec.  2601  et  seq.,  Hazardous  Materials
Transportation  Act, 49 U.S.C. App. Sec. 1801 et seq.,  Occupational  Safety and
Health Act of 1970, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Sec. 651 et seq., Oil Pollution Act of
1990,  33  U.S.C.   Sec.  2701  et  seq.,   Emergency   Planning  and  Community
Right-to-Know Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 11001 et seq., National

           Environmental  Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C.  Sec. 4321 et seq., Safe
Drinking  Water Act of 1974,  as amended,  42 U.S.C.  Sec.  300(f) et seq.,  any
similar,  implementing  or successor law, and any amendment,  rule,  regulation,
order or directive issued thereunder.

         "Equipment"  shall  mean  each  item of and  all of the  transportation
equipment and other personal Property  purchased,  owned, and leased or held for
lease  to  others  or  otherwise  used by or on  behalf  of the  Company  or any
Restricted Subsidiary as described in the Partnership  Agreement,  together with
all appliances, parts, instruments,  appurtenances,  accessories, furnishings or
other  equipment  included  therein  (including  any and all engines  originally
installed thereon), and all substitutions,  renewals or replacements of, and all
additions,  improvements and accessions to, any and all thereof,  title to which
vests in the Company or any Restricted  Subsidiary or in a trust or other entity
of which the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary is the sole or a participating
beneficiary or owner.
         "Equipment  Management  Agreement" shall mean the Equipment  Management
Agreement  dated  June 5, 1987  entered  into on behalf  of the  Company  by the
General Partner with its Affiliate, PLM Investment Management, Inc., pursuant to
Section 2.05(f) of the Partnership Agreement.
         "Equipment  Value"  when used with  reference  to an item of  Equipment
shall mean,  as of any date of  determination  thereof,  the Current Fair Market
Value (determined in good faith by the General Partner or, if an appraisal shall
have been made  within one year of the date of  determination  pursuant  to Sec.
5.20, the Appraised  Current Fair Market Value) of such item of Equipment  owned
and leased or available for lease (as lessor) by the Company and its  Restricted
         "Equipment Value of Aggregate  Equipment" shall mean, as of any date of
determination  thereof,  the Current Fair Market Value (determined in good faith
by the General  Partner or, if an appraisal shall have been made within one year
of the date of  determination  pursuant to ss.5.20,  the Appraised  Current Fair
Market  Value) of all of the  Equipment  owned and leased or available for lease
(as lessor) by the Company and its Restricted  Subsidiaries and, with respect to
any Equipment owned jointly, the pro rata share thereof, it being understood and
agreed  that  nothing  contained  in this  definition  of  "Equipment  Value  of
Aggregate  Equipment" shall be deemed or construed to relieve the Company of its
obligation  pursuant  to Sec.  5.6 to  maintain  the full  amount  of  insurance
required pursuant thereto in respect of Vessels,  Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
and Aircraft  notwithstanding that the Company and its Subsidiaries may own less
than 100% of any such item of Equipment. For the purposes of all computations of
Equipment Value of Aggregate Equipment pertaining to Sec. 5.9(b), there shall be
excluded  therefrom that portion of the Equipment Value of any Asset Class which
exceeds the amount equal to the sum of (a) 30% of  Consolidated  Assets plus (b)
the product of (i) 30% of Consolidated Assets multiplied by (ii) a fraction, the
numerator of which is the aggregate  principal  amount of the Notes which at the
time of any  determination  pursuant  hereto  has  been  prepaid  or paid by the
Company (whether as a required or voluntary  prepayment or payment or otherwise)
and the denominator of which is $35,000,000.
         "Equity  Capital"  shall mean in the case of a  corporation,  shares of
stock of any  class,  including  as stock any  warrants,  rights or  options  to
purchase or otherwise  acquire  stock or other  Securities  exchangeable  for or
convertible into stock, and in the case of any partnership or other entity shall
mean any partnership  interest or like interest  constituting equity, and in the
case of each of the foregoing, any part or portion thereof.
         "ERISA" is defined in Sec. 3.2.

         "Event of Default" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in ss.6.1.
         "Four-Quarter  Period" shall mean a period of four,  full,  consecutive
quarter-annual fiscal periods, taken together as one accounting period.
         "Fund Manager" shall mean PLM Investment Management, Inc., a California
corporation,  or any Person or Persons  who, at the time of  reference  thereto,
shall have been appointed as successor to the Fund Manager.
         "General Partner" shall mean PLM Financial  Services,  Inc., a Delaware
corporation, or any Person or Persons who, at the time of reference thereto, has
become the General Partner of the Company pursuant to the Partnership  Agreement
and if there is more than one such General  Partner,  the General Partner of the
Company  vested  under the  provisions  of the  Partnership  Agreement  with the
responsibility  and authority for the  management  and direction of its business
and operations shall be the General Partner.
         "Guaranties"  by any Person  shall  mean all  obligations  (other  than
endorsements  in the ordinary  course of business of negotiable  instruments for
deposit or collection) of such Person guaranteeing or in effect guaranteeing any
Indebtedness,  dividend or other  obligation  of any other Person (the  "primary
obligor") in any manner,  whether  directly or  indirectly,  including,  without
limitation,  all  obligations  incurred  through  an  agreement,  contingent  or
otherwise,  by such Person:  (a) to purchase such  Indebtedness or obligation or
any Property or assets constituting security therefor,  (b) to advance or supply
funds (i) for the purchase or payment of such  Indebtedness or obligation,  (ii)
to maintain  working  capital or other balance  sheet  condition or otherwise to
advance or make available funds for the purchase or payment of such Indebtedness
or obligation, (c) to lease Property or to purchase Securities or other Property
or services primarily for the purpose of assuring the owner of such Indebtedness
or  obligation  of the  ability of the  primary  obligor to make  payment of the
Indebtedness  or  obligation,  or (d)  otherwise  to  assure  the  owner  of the
Indebtedness  or  obligation  of the  primary  obligor  against  loss in respect
thereof.  For the  purposes of all  computations  made under this  Agreement,  a
Guaranty in respect of any Indebtedness for borrowed money shall be deemed to be
Indebtedness  equal to the principal  amount of such  Indebtedness  for borrowed
money  which  has been  guaranteed,  and a  Guaranty  in  respect  of any  other
obligation or liability or any dividend shall be deemed to be Indebtedness equal
to the maximum aggregate amount of such obligation, liability or dividend.
         "Indebtedness"  of any Person shall mean and include all obligations of
such Person which in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles
shall be classified  upon a balance sheet of such Person as  liabilities of such
Person, and in any event shall include, without duplication, all (a) obligations
of such Person for borrowed money or which has been incurred in connection  with
the acquisition of Property or assets,  (b)  obligations  secured by any Lien or
other  charge upon  Property or assets  owned by such  Person,  even though such
Person has not  assumed or become  liable for the  payment of such  obligations,
excluding,  however,  any Lien  which is being  contested  in good faith and the
continued  existence thereof shall not cause any material  interference with the
use of the Property,  (c)  obligations  created or arising under any conditional
sale or other title  retention  agreement  with respect to Property  acquired by
such  Person,  notwithstanding  the fact that the  rights  and  remedies  of the
seller,  lender or lessor  under  such  agreement  in the event of  default  are
limited to repossession or sale of Property, excluding, however, any arrangement
for the  acquisition  of Property by such Person  where the risk of loss of such
Property  has not  passed to such  Person,  (d)  Capitalized  Rentals  under any
Capitalized  Lease  and  (e)  Guarantees.  For  the  purpose  of  computing  the
"Indebtedness" of any Person,

there shall be excluded any particular  Indebtedness to the extent that, upon or
prior to the maturity  thereof,  there shall have been deposited with the proper
depositary in trust the necessary funds (or evidences of such  Indebtedness,  if
permitted  by the  instrument  creating  such  Indebtedness)  for  the  payment,
redemption or satisfaction of such  Indebtedness;  and thereafter such funds and
evidences of  Indebtedness so deposited shall not be included in any computation
of the assets including cash or Cash Equivalents of such Person.
         "Indexing  Agent"  shall  mean  First  Union  National  Bank  of  North
Carolina,  or any other Person or Persons who, at the time of reference thereto,
shall have been  appointed as successor to the Indexing  Agent by the  Requisite
         "Interest  Charges"  for any  period  shall mean all  interest  and all
amortization  of debt discount and expense on any particular Debt for which such
calculations  are being made and shall include the imputed  interest  portion of
Capitalized  Rentals.  Computations of Interest Charges on a pro forma basis for
Debt having a variable  interest  rate shall be calculated at the rate in effect
on the date of any determination.
         "Interest  Periods" with respect to the Notes shall mean in the case of
the first  Interest  Period,  the period  commencing  on the Closing Date to and
including  June 30,  1994 and  thereafter  shall  mean each  three-month  period
commencing on June 30, 1994 and each  September  30,  December 31, March 31, and
June 30 thereafter through and including the March 31, June 30, September 30, or
December 31 date on which the Notes are paid in full; provided that:
           (a) whenever the last day of any Interest Period would otherwise be a
day that is not a Business  Day, the last day of such  Interest  Period shall be
extended to the next succeeding Business Day, provided,  however,  that, if such
extension  would  cause  the last day of such  Interest  Period  to occur in the
following  calendar  month,  the last day of such  Interest  Period shall be the
immediately preceding Business Day;
           (b) a month means a period  starting  on one day in a calendar  month
and ending on the  numerically  corresponding  day in the next  calendar  month;
provided,  however,  that if there is no  numerically  corresponding  day in the
month in which such an Interest  Period is to end or if such an Interest  Period
begins on the last Business Day of a calendar  month,  then such Interest Period
shall end on the last Business Day of the calendar  month in which such Interest
Period is to end;
           (c) the interest rate to be applicable for each Interest Period shall
apply from and including the first day of such Interest  Period to but excluding
the last day thereof; and
           (d) if any such Interest  Period would  otherwise end after March 31,
2000, such Interest Period shall end on March 31, 2000.

           "Interest  Rate  Adjustment  Date"  shall  mean  the last day of each
Interest Period.

           "LIBO Rate" means,  with respect to each Interest Period which occurs
while  any  principal  amount  of the  Notes  remains  outstanding;  the rate of
interest (expressed as an annual rate) determined by the Indexing Agent equal to
the arithmetic  average (expressed as a percentage rounded upward, if necessary,
to the nearest whole multiple of 1/16th of 1%) of the offered rates for deposits
in U.S.  Dollars for a period equal to such  Interest  Period that appear on the
display designated as page "LIBO" on the Reuter System, or on such other display
on the Reuter  System as shall then  replace or succeed  page "LIBO" and display
the London  Interbank  offered rates for deposits in Dollars  quoted by selected
banks (page "LIBO" or such other display being herein referred to as the "Reuter
LIBO Screen"), for delivery on the first day

of such Interest  Period,  such rate to be established from quotes on the Reuter
LIBO Screen at (or as near to as  practicable  to) 11:00 A.M.  (London time) two
(2) Business Days prior to the first day of such Interest Period (which shall be
a Business Day); provided,  that, if fewer than two such offered rates appear on
the Reuter LIBO Screen, the LIBO Rate in respect of that Interest Period will be
the  composite  offered rate of interest per annum shown on Page 3750 of the Dow
Jones Company  Telerate  screen or any successor  page as the composite  offered
rate for  London  interbank  deposits  and with a period  equal to the  Interest
Period of such loan as shown  under the heading  "USD" as of 11:00 A.M.  (London
time) two (2) Business Days prior to the first day of such Interest  Period.  As
used herein, "Reuter System" shall mean the Reuter Money Service Monitor System.
         "Lien" shall mean any interest in Property  securing an obligation owed
to, or a claim by, a Person other than the owner of the  Property,  whether such
interest is based on the common law, statute or contract,  and including but not
limited to the security  interest or lien arising from a mortgage,  encumbrance,
pledge,  conditional  sale or trust receipt or a lease,  consignment or bailment
for security purposes.  The term "Lien" shall include reservations,  exceptions,
encroachments,  easements, rights-of-way,  covenants, conditions,  restrictions,
leases and other title exceptions and encumbrances  (including,  with respect to
stock, stockholder agreements, voting trust agreements,  buy-back agreements and
all similar arrangements) affecting Property but shall not include the interests
of any Affiliated  Partnership,  or any subsidiary of the General Partner in any
Equipment  owned jointly by the Company,  such  Affiliated  Partnership  and any
subsidiary  of the General  Partner  through a trust or a  partnership.  For the
purposes of this  Agreement,  the Company or a  Restricted  Subsidiary  shall be
deemed to be the owner of any Property which it has acquired or holds subject to
a conditional sale agreement, Capitalized Lease or other arrangement pursuant to
which title to the Property has been  retained by or vested in some other Person
for security purposes and such retention or vesting shall constitute a Lien.
         "Long-Term  Lease"  shall mean any lease of real or  personal  Property
(other than a Capitalized  Lease) having an original term,  including any period
for which the lease may be renewed or extended  at the option of the lessor,  of
more than three years.
         "Make-Whole Amount" with respect to the Notes shall mean the following:
in the  event any  holder  of a Note  shall  incur  any  loss,  cost or  expense
(including,  without  limitation,  any loss of  profit,  and any  loss,  cost or
expense  incurred by reason of the liquidation or  re-employment  of deposits or
other funds  acquired by such holder to fund or maintain  the loan  evidenced by
the Notes or the  relending or  reinvesting  of such deposits or amounts paid or
prepaid to such holder) as a result of:

           (a) any payment or prepayment  of the Notes,  other than any required
prepayment pursuant to Sec. 2.1, or

           (b) any  acceleration of the maturity of the Notes as a result of the
occurrence  of any Event of  Default  hereunder,  then,  upon the demand of such
holder,  the Company shall pay to such holder such amount as will reimburse such
holder for such loss,  cost or expense,  which  amount  shall  include,  without
limitation,  an amount  equal to the  interest  which would have  accrued on the
loans evidenced by the Notes through the end of the then current Interest Period
if such prepayment had not occurred, discounted to the date of payment at a rate
per annum at which the holders of the Notes are able to reinvest such amount. If
any holder of a Note makes such a claim for  compensation,  it shall  provide to
the Company a certificate setting forth the amount of such loss, cost or expense
in reasonable detail (including an explanation of the basis for and the

computation  of such  loss,  cost or  expense)  and the  amounts  shown  on such
certificate  shall be  conclusive  and  binding on the Company  absent  manifest

           "Material  Agreement" shall mean the Equipment  Management  Agreement
and the Partnership Agreement.

         "Minority  Interests"  shall  mean any Equity  Capital of a  Restricted
Subsidiary (other than directors' qualifying shares of stock as required by law)
that  are  not  owned  by the  Company  and/or  one or  more  of its  Restricted
Subsidiaries.  Minority  Interests  shall be  valued  by  valuing  (a)  Minority
Interests   constituting   preferred  stock  at  the  voluntary  or  involuntary
liquidating  value of such preferred stock,  whichever is greater,  (b) Minority
Interests  constituting  common  stock at the book value of capital  and surplus
applicable thereto adjusted, if necessary,  to reflect any changes from the book
value of such common stock required by the foregoing  method of valuing Minority
Interests in preferred stock and (c) Minority Interests  constituting limited or
general partnership interests at the book value thereof determined in accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States.
         "Mobile   Offshore   Drilling   Unit"  shall  mean  any  jack-up   rig,
semi-submersible  rig or platform drilling rig,  purchased,  owned and leased or
held for lease to others or otherwise used by or on behalf of the Company or any
Restricted Subsidiary as described in the Partnership  Agreement,  together with
all appliances, parts, instruments,  appurtenances,  accessories, furnishings or
other equipment included therein and all substitutions, renewals or replacements
of, and all  additions,  improvements  and  accessions  to, any and all thereof,
title to which vests in the Company or any  Restricted  Subsidiary or in a trust
or other entity of which the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary is the sole or
a participating beneficiary or owner.
         "Notes" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Sec. 1.1(a).

           "Notification of Declaration" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto
in Sec. 2.3(a).

           "Officer"  shall mean any  officer as  provided in the by-laws of the
General Partner.

           "Overdue  Rate"  shall  mean  the  Adjustable  Rate  plus 2% for each
Interest  Period for so long as any payment or prepayment  remains due and owing
after  the due  date  thereof,  whether  or not any  Event of  Default  has been
declared hereunder.

         "Partner"  shall mean any limited or general  partner,  of any class or
kind,  of the  Company or, if  indicated  by the context in which such terms are
used, any Subsidiary which is a Partnership.
         "Partnership  Agreement"  shall mean the Second  Amended  and  Restated
Limited  Partnership  Agreement  dated  as of June  16,  1987 by and  among  PLM
Financial Services,  Inc., a Delaware  corporation,  as the General Partner, and
the limited partners named therein.
         "Partnership  Capital" at the time of any  determination  thereof shall
mean the aggregate amount of all capital accounts of the Partners of the Company
determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
         "Partnership  Distribution"  shall mean and  include (a) any payment or
distribution of income or profits of the Company, (b) any other payment or other
distribution of Property  (including,  without  limitation,  cash distributions)
made by or on behalf of the Company to any of its Partners  (general or limited)
which under generally  accepted  accounting  principles  would be required to be
deducted from the capital  account for such Partner on the books of the Company,
and (c) any payment or other  distribution to any Person to purchase,  redeem or
retire any  warrant,  option or other right to acquire an interest as a partner,
general or limited, in the Company.
         "Payment Date" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in ss.2.3(a).

         "Person" shall mean an individual,  partnership,  corporation, trust or
unincorporated organization, and a government or agency or political subdivision

           "Post-Closing  Appraisal"  shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in
Sec. 2.4.

           "Post-Closing   Appraisal  Delivery  Date"  shall  have  the  meaning
ascribed thereto in Sec. 2.4.

           "Post-Closing  Appraisal  Notice"  shall  have the  meaning  ascribed
thereto in Sec. 2.4.

           "Post-Closing  Appraisal  Prepayment  Date"  shall  have the  meaning
ascribed thereto in ss.2.4.

         "Property"  shall mean any  interest  in any kind of property or asset,
whether real, personal or mixed, and whether tangible or intangible.
         "Purchasers" shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Sec. 1.1(a).

           "Railroad  Rolling  Stock" shall mean any open top gondola car,  open
top hopper car, covered hopper car,  pressure tank car,  non-pressure  tank car,
intermodal car, box car, flatcar,  locomotive, or maintenance-of-way  equipment,
purchased,  owned and leased or held for lease to others or otherwise used by or
on behalf of the  Company  or any  Restricted  Subsidiary  as  described  in the
Partnership  Agreement,   together  with  all  appliances,  parts,  instruments,
appurtenances,  accessories, furnishings or other equipment included therein and
all substitutions,  renewals or replacements of, and all additions, improvements
and accessions  to, any and all thereof,  title to which vests in the Company or
any Restricted  Subsidiary or in a trust or other entity of which the Company or
any Restricted  Subsidiary is the sole or a participating  beneficiary or owner.
"Rentals" shall mean and include all fixed rents (including as such all payments
which the lessee is obligated to make to the lessor on  termination of the lease
or surrender of the Property) payable by the Company or a Restricted Subsidiary,
as lessee or sublessee under a lease of real or personal Property,  but shall be
exclusive  of any amounts  required  to be paid by the  Company or a  Restricted
Subsidiary  (whether or not designated as rents or additional  rents) on account
of maintenance, repairs, insurance, taxes and similar charges. Fixed rents under
any so-called  "percentage  leases" shall be computed solely on the basis of the
minimum  rents,  if any,  required to be paid by the lessee  regardless of sales
volume  or gross  revenues.  "Requisite  Holders"  shall  mean as of any date of
determination  thereof  the  holders  of not  less  than  66-2/3%  in  aggregate
principal amount of outstanding  Notes.  "Restricted  Subsidiary" shall mean (a)
those  Subsidiaries  designated  as such on the Closing Date and whose names are
set forth on Annex A to Exhibit B, (b) any Subsidiary  designated as such by the
General Partner in a written notice to the holders of the Notes,  and (c) unless
designated an Unrestricted Subsidiary by the General Partner in a written notice
to the holders of the Notes,  any  Subsidiary  (i) which is organized  under the
laws  of  the  United  States  or  any  State   thereof;   (ii)  which  conducts
substantially all of its business and has substantially all of its assets within
the United States;  and (iii) of which more than 50% (by number of votes) of the
Voting Equity  Capital,  is owned by the Company  and/or one or more  Restricted
Subsidiaries.   Any  Subsidiary  which  has  been  designated  as  a  Restricted
Subsidiary may not thereafter be designated as an Unrestricted  Subsidiary.  The
Company  shall,   notwithstanding   the  foregoing   definition  of  "Restricted
Subsidiary",  include any profits or losses of any Affiliated Partnership in any
computation  pursuant  to Sec.  5.7 to the extent of, but only to the extent of,
the Equity Capital of such Affiliated Partnership owned by the Company, provided
that any such  computation  pursuant  to said  Sec.  5.7 shall so  include  such
profits  and  losses to the  extent of the  Equity  Capital  of such  Affiliated
Partnership so owned by the Company for so long as 100% of the Equity Capital of
such Affiliated Partnership is owned by the Company and other Affiliated

         "Security"  shall  have  the same  meaning  as in  Section  2(1) of the
Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
         The term  "subsidiary"  shall mean, as to any particular parent entity,
any  corporation,  partnership  or other  entity  of which  more than 50% of the
Voting Equity Capital, and more than 50% of the Equity Capital shall be owned by
such parent entity and/or one or more entities which are themselves subsidiaries
of such parent  entity.  The term  "Subsidiary"  shall mean a subsidiary  of the
         "Tangible  Assets"  shall  mean,  as of the  date of any  determination
thereof,  the total  amount  of all  assets of the  Company  and its  Restricted
Subsidiaries   determined  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting
principles (less depreciation, depletion and other properly deductible valuation
reserves),  after  deducting  goodwill,   patents,  trade  names,  trade  marks,
copyrights, franchises,  experimental expense, organization expense, unamortized
debt  discount and expense,  deferred  assets other than prepaid  insurance  and
prepaid taxes,  the excess of cost of shares acquired over book value of related
assets and such other assets as are properly  classified as "intangible  assets"
in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
         "Tractor  Trailer"  shall mean any piggyback  trailer or  over-the-road
trailer  purchased,  owned and  leased or held for lease to others or  otherwise
used by or on behalf of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary as described in
the Partnership  Agreement,  together with all appliances,  parts,  instruments,
appurtenances,  accessories, furnishings or other equipment included therein and
all substitutions,  renewals or replacements of, and all additions, improvements
and accessions  to, any and all thereof,  title to which vests in the Company or
any Restricted  Subsidiary or in a trust or other entity of which the Company or
any Restricted Subsidiary is the sole or a participating beneficiary or owner.

           "Unrestricted  Subsidiary"  shall mean any Subsidiary  which is not a
Restricted Subsidiary.

           "U.S. Dollars" shall mean the lawful currency of the United States of

           "Vessel"  shall mean any marine dry or liquid bulk  carrier or tanker
purchased,  owned and leased or held for lease to others or otherwise used by or
on behalf of the  Company  or any  Restricted  Subsidiary  as  described  in the
Partnership  Agreement,   together  with  all  appliances,  parts,  instruments,
appurtenances,  accessories,  furnishings or other  equipment  included  therein
(including  any and  all  engines  installed  thereon),  and all  substitutions,
renewals or replacements of, and all additions,  improvements and accessions to,
any and all  thereof,  title to which  vests in the  Company  or any  Restricted
Subsidiary or in a trust or other entity of which the Company or any  Restricted
Subsidiary is the sole or a participating beneficiary or owner.

         "Voting Equity Capital" shall mean Securities or partnership  interests
of any class or classes,  the owners or holders of which are entitled to elect a
majority of the corporate directors (or Persons performing similar functions).
         "Wholly-owned" when used in connection with any Subsidiary shall mean a
Subsidiary of which all of the issued and  outstanding  Equity  Capital  (except
shares of stock required as directors'  qualifying  shares) and all Indebtedness
for  borrowed  money  shall be owned by the  Company  and/or  one or more of its
Wholly-owned Subsidiaries.

           "Withdrawal  Event" shall have the meaning  ascribed  thereto in Sec.

           "Withdrawal Event Prepayment  Election Period" shall have the meaning
ascribed thereto in ss.2.3(b).

           "Withdrawal  Notice" shall have the meaning  ascribed thereto in Sec.

           .c2.Section  8.2.  Accounting  Principles.;  Where the  character  or
amount of any asset or

liability  or item of income or  expense is  required  to be  determined  or any
consolidation  or other  accounting  computation  is required to be made for the
purposes of this Agreement,  the same shall be done in accordance with generally
accepted  accounting  principles in the United States, to the extent applicable,
except where such  principles are  inconsistent  with the  requirements  of this

           .c2.Section 8.3. Directly or Indirectly.; Where any provision in this
Agreement  refers to action to be taken by any  Person,  or which such Person is
prohibited from taking, such provision shall be applicable whether the action in
question is taken directly or indirectly by such Person.

.c1.Section 9.           Miscellaneous;.
         .c2.Section 9.1.  Registered Notes.; The Company shall cause to be kept
at its  principal  office a register  for the  registration  and transfer of the
Notes,  and the Company will  register or transfer or cause to be  registered or
transferred, as hereinafter provided and under such reasonable regulations as it
may prescribe, any Note issued pursuant to this Agreement.
         At any time and from time to time the holder of any Note which has been
duly  registered as  hereinabove  provided may transfer such Note upon surrender
thereof at the principal office of the Company duly endorsed or accompanied by a
written  instrument  of transfer duly executed by the holder of such Note or its
attorney duly authorized in writing.
         The Person in whose name any Note shall be  registered  shall be deemed
and treated as the owner and holder thereof for all purposes of this  Agreement.
Payment of or on account of the principal,  premium, if any, and interest on any
Note shall be made to or upon the written order of such holder.
         .c2.Section 9.2. Exchange of Notes;. At any time and from time to time,
upon not less than ten days'  notice to that  effect  given by the holder of any
Note initially delivered or of any Note substituted therefor pursuant to ss.9.1,
this ss.9.2 or ss.9.3,  and,  upon  surrender  of such Note at its  office,  the
Company will deliver in exchange therefor, without expense to the holder, except
as set forth below, a Note for the same aggregate  principal  amount as the then
unpaid  principal  amount  of the  Note so  surrendered  or  Notes  for the same
aggregate  principal  amount as the then unpaid  principal amount of the Note so
surrendered  in minimum  denominations  of $1,000,000  (or such lesser amount as
shall  constitute  100% of the  Notes of such  holder)  or any  amount in excess
thereof as such holder shall specify, dated as of the date to which interest has
been  paid on the Note so  surrendered  or,  if such  surrender  is prior to the
payment of any interest thereon,  then dated as of the date of issue, payable to
such Person or Persons,  or  registered  assigns,  as may be  designated by such
holder, and otherwise of the same form and tenor as the Notes so surrendered for
exchange.  The Company may require the payment of a sum  sufficient to cover any
stamp tax or governmental charge imposed upon such exchange or transfer.
         .c2.Section 9.3. Loss, Theft, Etc. of Notes.;  Upon receipt of evidence
satisfactory to the Company of the loss, theft, mutilation or destruction of any
Note, and in the case of any such loss,  theft or destruction upon delivery of a
bond of indemnity to the Company in such form and amount as shall be  reasonably
satisfactory  to the Company,  or in the event of such mutilation upon surrender
and  cancellation of the Note, the Company will make and deliver without expense
to the holder thereof,  a new Note, of like tenor, in lieu of such lost, stolen,
destroyed or mutilated  Note. If the Purchaser or any  subsequent  institutional
holder  is the  owner of any such  lost,  stolen  or  destroyed  Note,  then the
affidavit  of an  authorized  officer of such owner,  setting  forth the fact of
loss,  theft or destruction and of its ownership of the Note at the time of such
loss,  theft or destruction  shall be accepted as satisfactory  evidence thereof
and no further

indemnity  shall be required as a condition to the  execution  and delivery of a
new Note  other  than the  written  agreement  of such  owner to  indemnify  the
         .c2.Section  9.4.  Expenses,  Stamp Tax Indemnity.;  Whether or not the
transactions herein contemplated shall be consummated, the Company agrees to pay
directly all of your out-of-pocket  expenses in connection with the preparation,
execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement  and the  transactions  contemplated
hereby, including but not limited to the reasonable charges and disbursements of
Chapman and Cutler,  your special  counsel,  the initial and ongoing  reasonable
charges and disbursements of the Indexing Agent,  duplicating and printing costs
and  charges  for  shipping  the Notes,  adequately  insured to you at your home
office  or at such  other  place as you may  designate,  and all  such  expenses
relating  to any  amendment,  waivers or  consents  pursuant  to the  provisions
hereof,  including,  without  limitation,  any  amendments,  waivers or consents
resulting from any work-out,  restructuring or similar  proceedings  relating to
the performance by the Company of its  obligations  under this Agreement and the
Notes.  The Company  agrees that it will pay the  charges and  disbursements  of
Chapman  and  Cutler  not  later  than  five  Business  Days  from  the  date of
presentation  of an invoice  therefor  subsequent to the Closing  Date.  Without
limiting the  foregoing,  the Company also agrees to pay,  within five  Business
Days of receipt  thereof,  supplemental  statements  of  Chapman  and Cutler for
disbursements  unposted  or not  incurred as of the  Closing  Date.  The Company
further  agrees  that it will  pay and  save you  harmless  against  any and all
liability  with  respect  to stamp and other  taxes,  if any  (other  than taxes
measured  by  income),  which may be  payable or which may be  determined  to be
payable in connection  with the execution and delivery of this  Agreement or the
Notes,  whether or not any Notes are then  outstanding.  The  Company  agrees to
protect and indemnify  you against any liability for any and all brokerage  fees
and  commissions  payable or  claimed to be payable to any Person in  connection
with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.
         .c2.Section 9.5. Powers and Rights Not Waived; Remedies Cumulative;. No
delay or failure on the part of the  holder of any Note in the  exercise  of any
power or right  shall  operate  as a waiver  thereof;  nor shall  any  single or
partial exercise of the same preclude any other or further exercise thereof,  or
the  exercise  of any other power or right,  and the rights and  remedies of the
holder of any Note are  cumulative  to and are not  exclusive  of any  rights or
remedies any such holder would otherwise  have, and no waiver or consent,  given
or extended pursuant to ss.7 hereof, shall extend to or affect any obligation or
right not expressly waived or consented to.
         .c2.Section 9.6. Notices;.  All  communications  provided for hereunder
shall be in  writing  and,  if to you,  delivered  or  mailed by  registered  or
certified mail, by overnight air courier, or by facsimile transmission (in which
case, such  communication  shall be concurrently sent by registered or certified
mail or overnight air courier) in each case prepaid and addressed to you at your
address  appearing on Schedule I to this  Agreement or such other address as you
or the subsequent  holder of any Note  initially  issued to you may designate to
the Company in writing, and if to the Company, delivered or mailed by registered
or certified mail, by overnight air courier,  or by facsimile  transmission  (in
which case,  such  communication  shall be  concurrently  sent by  registered or
certified  mail or overnight  air courier) in each case prepaid and addressed to
the Company at One Market,  Steuart Street Tower,  Suite 900, San Francisco,  CA
94105-1301,  Attention:  Vice President - Chief  Financial  Officer,  or to such
other address as the Company may in writing  designate to you or to a subsequent
holder of the Note initially issued to you.

           .c2.Section  9.7.  Successors and Assigns;.  This Agreement  shall be
binding upon the

Company and its  successors  and assigns and shall inure to your  benefit and to
the benefit of your successors and assigns,  including each successive holder or
holders of any Notes.
         .c2.Section  9.8.  Survival  of  Covenants  and  Representations.;  All
covenants,  representations and warranties made by the Company herein and in any
certificates  delivered  pursuant hereto,  whether or not in connection with the
Closing Date,  shall survive the closing and the delivery of this  Agreement and
the Notes.
         .c2.Section 9.9.  Severability.;  Should any part of this Agreement for
any reason be declared  invalid,  such decision shall not affect the validity of
any remaining portion,  which remaining portion shall remain in force and effect
as if this  Agreement  had  been  executed  with  the  invalid  portion  thereof

           .c2.Section 9.10. Governing Law;. This Agreement and the Notes issued
and sold  hereunder  shall be  governed  by and  construed  in  accordance  with
Illinois law.

        .c2.Section  9.11.  Submission  to  Jurisdiction.;  Any legal  action or
proceeding  with respect to this Agreement or the Notes or any document  related
thereto shall be brought in the courts of the State of Illinois or of the United
States of America for the Northern  District of Illinois and in no other courts,
and, by execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Company hereby accepts for
itself  and in  respect  of its  property  generally  and  unconditionally,  the
jurisdiction  of the  aforesaid  courts.  The  Company  hereby  irrevocably  and
unconditionally  waives  any  objection,   including,  without  limitation,  any
objection to the laying of venue or based on the grounds of forum non conveniens
which it may now or hereafter  have to the bringing of any action or  proceeding
in such respective jurisdiction.

        .c2.Section  9.12.  Captions.;  The descriptive  headings of the various
Sections  or parts of this  Agreement  are for  convenience  only and  shall not
affect the meaning or construction of any of the provisions hereof.
        .c2.Section 9.13. Limitation of Liability.; Except in the event of fraud
on the part of the General  Partner or any of its Affiliates in connection  with
the  transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement,  no holder of any Note shall
have any right at any time to seek recovery of the Indebtedness evidenced by the
Notes from the assets of the General Partner.

                  Principal Amount
                 Name and Address
of Notes to be
                   of Purchasers

Allstate Life Insurance Company
Private Placements Department
3100 Sanders Road, STE J2A
Northbrook, Illinois  60062-7154

All  payments  on or in respect of the Notes to be made by Fedwire  transfer  of
immediately  available funds  (identifying each payment with name of Issuer, the
Private  Placement  Number  preceded  by "DPP"  and the  payment  as  principal,
interest or premium) in the exact format as follows:

BBK =         Harris Trust and Savings Bank
     ABA #071000288
BNF =         Allstate Life Insurance Company
              Collection Account #168-117-0
ORG =         PLM Equipment Growth Fund II
OBI  =        DPP - 693414 A* 5
              Payment Due Date (MM/DD/YY)
              P ______ (enter "P" and the
amount of
                  principal being remitted, for
                  example, P5000000.00) -
              I ______ (enter "I" and the amount
                  interest being remitted, for
All notices of scheduled payments and written confirmation of each such payment,
to be addressed:

Allstate Insurance Company
Investment Operations - Private

2880 Sanders Road, STE G4A
Northbrook, IL  60062-7127
Telephone:  (708) 402-8709
Telecopy:  (708) 402-7331

All  financial   reports,   compliance   certificates   and  all  other  written
communications,  including  notice  of  prepayments  to be  addressed  as  first
provided above.

Name of Nominee in which Notes are to be issued:  None

Taxpayer I.D. Number:  36-2554642

Principal Amount
                 Name and Address
of Notes to be
                   of Purchasers

Keyport Life Insurance Company
c/o Stein Roe & Farnham Incorporated
1 South Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois  60606
Attn:  Private Placements
Telecopier No.:  (312) 368-8100


All  payments  on or in  respect  of the  Notes to be by bank wire  transfer  of
Federal or other immediately  available funds  (identifying each payment as "PLM
Equipment Growth Fund II,  Adjustable Rate Senior Notes, due 2000, PPN 693414 A*
5, principal or interest") to:

Bank of Boston/Cust
ABA# 011000390
For further credit to
A/C 50757004 - Keyport
Clearance #009-8527
Attn:  Carol McDermott
Mail Stop 45-02-03


All notices and  communications,  including notices with respect to payments and
written  confirmation  of each such payment,  to be addressed as first  provided

Name of Nominee in which Notes are to be issued:  BOB & CO.

Taxpayer I.D. Number:  05-0302931

Principal Amount
                 Name and Address
of Notes to be
                   of Purchasers

Alexander Hamilton Life Insurance
   Company of America
33045 Hamilton Boulevard
Farmington Hills, Michigan  48334
Attention:  Treasury and Asset Management

         All payments on or in respect of the Notes to be by bank wire  transfer
         of Federal  or other  immediately  available  funds  (identifying  each
         payment as "PLM Equipment Growth Fund II, Adjustable Rate Senior Notes,
         due 2000, PPN 693414 A* 5, principal or interest") to:

         Comerica Bank (ABA # 0720-0009-6)
         411 W. Lafayette
         Detroit, Michigan  48226
         Account Number:  82043
         Bnfac:  21585-98546, Master Trust

         All notices  and  communications,  including  notices  with  respect to
         payments and written confirmation of each such payment, to be addressed
         as first provided above.
Name of Nominee in which Notes are to be issued:  Calhoun & Co.
Taxpayer I.D. Number:  38-2190143

Names of Appraisers
List of Approved Appraisal Firms:
1.  American Appraisal Associates
2.  Marshal & Stevens
3.  Valuation Research
4.  Manufacturers Appraisal
5.  Strategis Asset Valuation & Management
               (Alexander & Alexander - Appraisal Division)
6.  Valuation Engineering Associates

1.  International Equipment Marketing, Inc.
                  Tractor Trailers
1.  Taylor & Martin, Inc.

1.  American Marine Advisers - Connecticut
2.  Fearnleys - Oslo, Norway
3.  Clarkson - London, England
4.  Jacques Pierot & Sons - New York, NY
5.  Victoria Ship Brokers - Hong Kong
6.  R.S. Platou (USA) Co. - Houston, Texas
7.  R.S. Platou A/S - Oslo, Norway

List of Approved Appraisal Firms continued:

1.     Aircraft Information Services, Inc.
       as successor to
       Airclaims Information Services, Inc.
       23232 Peralta Drive
       Suite 115
       Laguna Hills, California  92653
       (714) 830-0101

2.     Avitas Aviation
                835 Alexander Bell Drive
                Reston, Virginia 22091
                (703) 476-2300

3.     USAir Leasing and Services
                2345 Crystal Drive
                Arlington, VA 22227
                (703) 418-7500

Railroad Rolling Stock

1.    Railmark Ltd.
               Robert E. Krause, President
               8058 12th Avenue So.
               St. Petersburg, FL  33707

2.    Jerry Gregg
               9911 Nieman Road
               Overland Park, KS 66214
               Madeira Beach, Florida 33708
               (913) 541-9133

Mobile Offshore Drilling Units

1.    R.S. Platou (USA) Co. - Houston, Texas

       Names of Underwriters, Protection and Indemnity Clubsand Insurers
            Relating to Extensions and Renewalsof Insurance Policies
             (Domestic insurers with a Best's rating less than A+)

                                                   Best's Rating

Associated International Insurance Company
DIC Earthquake & Flood

Fireman's Fund Insurance Company
Worker's Compensation

Pacific Insurance Company
Excess Liability $10 million excess $11 million

Reliance Insurance Company
Directors & Officers and General Partner Liability

PLM Equipment Growth Fund II
                                   Adjustable Rate Senior NoteDue March 31, 2000
No. R-                                             ___________, 1994

$                                          PPN 693414 A* 5

           PLM Equipment Growth Fund II, a California  limited  partnership (the
"Company"), for value received, hereby promises to pay to

                             or registered assigns,
                         on the last day of March, 2000
                            the principal amount of
                              Dollars ($________)

and to pay  interest  (computed  on the basis of a 360-day  year and actual days
elapsed) on the principal  amount from time to time  remaining  unpaid hereon at
the Adjustable  Rate from the date hereof until maturity,  payable  quarterly on
the  last  day of each  March,  June,  September,  and  December  in  each  year
commencing June 30, 1994, and at maturity. The Company agrees to pay interest on
overdue  principal  (including  any overdue  required or optional  prepayment of
principal) and premium,  if any, and (to the extent legally  enforceable) on any
overdue installment of interest, at the Overdue Rate after maturity,  whether by
acceleration or otherwise, until paid.
         For purposes of this Note,  the terms  hereinafter  set forth when used
herein shall have the following meanings:
         "Adjustable  Rate"  shall mean a rate per annum equal to the sum of (i)
1.55%, plus (ii) the LIBO Rate for the applicable Interest Period.
         "Indexing  Agent"  shall  mean  First  Union  National  Bank  of  North
Carolina,  or any other Person or Persons who, at the time of reference thereto,
shall have been  appointed as successor to the Indexing  Agent by the  Requisite
         "Interest Periods" with respect this Note shall mean in the case of the
first  Interest  Period,  the  period  commencing  on the  Closing  Date  to and
including  June 30,  1994 and  thereafter  shall  mean each  three-month  period
commencing on June 30, 1994 and each  September  30,  December 31, March 31, and
June 30 thereafter through and including the March 31, June 30, September 30, or
December 31 date on which this Note is paid in full; provided that:
           (a) whenever the last day of any Interest Period would otherwise be a
day that is not a Business  Day, the last day of such  Interest  Period shall be
extended to the next succeeding Business Day, provided,  however,  that, if such
extension  would  cause  the last day of such  Interest  Period  to occur in the
following  calendar  month,  the last day of such  Interest  Period shall be the
immediately preceding Business Day;
           (b) a month means a period  starting  on one day in a calendar  month
and ending on the  numerically  corresponding  day in the next  calendar  month;
provided,  however,  that if there is no  numerically  corresponding  day in the
month in which such an Interest  Period is to end or if such an Interest  Period
begins on the last Business Day of a calendar  month,  then such Interest Period
shall end on the last Business Day of the calendar  month in which such Interest
Period is to end;
           (c) the interest rate to be applicable for each Interest Period shall
apply from and including the first day of such Interest  Period to but excluding
the last day thereof;

           (d) if any such Interest  Period would  otherwise end after March 31,
2000, such Interest Period shall end on March 31, 2000.

           "Interest  Rate  Adjustment  Date"  shall  mean  the last day of each
Interest Period.

           "LIBO Rate" means,  with respect to each Interest Period which occurs
while  any  principal  amount  of this  Note  remains  outstanding;  the rate of
interest (expressed as an annual rate) determined by the Indexing Agent equal to
the arithmetic  average (expressed as a percentage rounded upward, if necessary,
to the nearest whole multiple of 1/16th of 1%) of the offered rates for deposits
in U.S.  Dollars for a period equal to such  Interest  Period that appear on the
display designated as page "LIBO" on the Reuter System, or on such other display
on the Reuter  System as shall then  replace or succeed  page "LIBO" and display
the London  Interbank  offered rates for deposits in Dollars  quoted by selected
banks (page "LIBO" or such other display being herein referred to as the "Reuter
LIBO Screen"),  for delivery on the first day of such Interest Period, such rate
to be  established  from  quotes on the Reuter  LIBO Screen at (or as near to as
practicable  to) 11:00 A.M.  (London  time) two (2)  Business  Days prior to the
first day of such  Interest  Period (which shall be a Business  Day);  provided,
that, if fewer than two such offered rates appear on the Reuter LIBO Screen, the
LIBO Rate in respect of that Interest Period will be the composite  offered rate
of  interest  per annum  shown on Page 3750 of the Dow  Jones  Company  Telerate
screen or any successor page as the composite  offered rate for London interbank
deposits and with a period  equal to the  Interest  Period of such loan as shown
under the heading  "USD" as of 11:00 A.M.  (London  time) two (2) Business  Days
prior to the first day of such Interest Period. As used herein,  "Reuter System"
shall mean the Reuter Money Service  Monitor System.  Both the principal  hereof
and interest  hereon are payable at the  principal  office of the Company in San
Francisco,  California in coin or currency of the United States of America which
at the time of  payment  shall be legal  tender  for the  payment  of public and
private debts. If any amount of principal, premium, if any, or interest on or in
respect of this Note  becomes due and payable on any day which is not a Business
Day, such amount shall be payable on the  immediately  succeeding  Business Day,
provided  that  interest  shall be due and payable  through and  including  such
succeeding  Business  Day.  "Business  Day"  shall  mean  any day  other  than a
Saturday,  Sunday or other day on which banks in San  Francisco,  California  or
Chicago, Illinois, are required by law to close or are customarily closed and if
the applicable  "Business Day" relates to the  determination of the LIBO Rate, a
day on which banks are dealing in U.S. Dollar  deposits in the Interbank  Market
in London,  England. This Note is one of the Adjustable Rate Senior Notes of the
Company in the aggregate  principal amount of $35,000,000 issued or to be issued
under and  pursuant to the terms and  provisions  of separate  and several  Note
Agreements,  each  dated as of March 1, 1994 (the "Note  Agreements",  words and
phrases not otherwise  defined in this Note having the meanings ascribed thereto
in  said  Note  Agreements)  entered  into  by the  Company  with  the  original
purchasers  therein referred to and this Note and the holder hereof are entitled
equally and ratably  with the holders of all other Notes  outstanding  under the
Note  Agreements  to all the  benefits  and  security  provided  for  thereby or
referred to therein,  to which Note Agreements  reference is hereby made for the
statement  thereof.  This Note and the other  Notes  outstanding  under the Note
Agreements  may be  declared  due prior to their  expressed  maturity  dates and
certain  prepayments are required to be made thereon,  all in the events, on the
terms and in the manner and amounts as provided in the Note

         Except in the event of fraud on the part of the General  Partner or any
of its Affiliates in connection  with the  transaction  contemplated by the Note
Agreements,  no  holder of this  Note  shall  have any right at any time to seek
recovery  of the  Indebtedness  evidenced  by this Note  from the  assets of the
General Partner.
         The Notes are not subject to  prepayment or redemption at the option of
the Company  prior to their  expressed  maturity  dates  except on the terms and
conditions and in the amounts and with the premium, if any, set forth in Section
2 of the Note Agreements.
         This Note is registered on the books of the Company and is transferable
only by surrender  thereof at the principal  office of the Company duly endorsed
or  accompanied  by a  written  instrument  of  transfer  duly  executed  by the
registered  holder of this Note or its  attorney  duly  authorized  in  writing.
Payment of or on account of  principal,  premium,  if any,  and interest on this
Note  shall be made  only to or upon  the  order in  writing  of the  registered

This Note and said  Agreements are governed by and construed in accordance  with
the laws of the State of Illinois.
PLM Equipment Growth Fund II

By: PLM Financial Services, Inc.,
       Its General Partner

         This Note has not been registered  under the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended.  This  Note  may not be  sold or  transferred  in the  absence  of such
registration or any exemption therefrom under said Act.
         Under the terms of the Note Agreements,  the Company is not required to
deliver   certain   financial   information  to   noteholders   engaged  in  the
transportation equipment leasing or servicing business.

PLM Equipment Growth Fund II
                                                Closing Certificate

To the Parties listed on theSchedule attached hereto Ladies and Gentlemen:
         This   certificate   is  delivered  to  you  in  compliance   with  the
requirements of the separate and several Note Agreements, each dated as of March
1, 1994 (the  "Agreements"),  entered  into by the  undersigned,  PLM  Equipment
Growth Fund II, a California limited  partnership (the "Company"),  with each of
you, and as an inducement to and as part of the  consideration for your purchase
on this date  aggregating  $35,000,000  principal  amount of the Adjustable Rate
Senior  Notes due March 31, 2000 (the  "Notes")  of the Company  pursuant to the
Agreements.  The terms which are capitalized herein shall have the same meanings
as in the Agreements.
         The Company represents and warrants to each of you as follows:

           1.  Subsidiaries.  Annex A attached hereto states the name of each of
the Company's Restricted Subsidiaries,  its jurisdiction of organization and the
percentage  of its Voting  Equity  Capital or other Equity  Capital owned by the
Company and/or its Subsidiaries.  The Company and each Restricted Subsidiary has
good and  marketable  title to all of the Voting Equity  Capital or other Equity
Capital it purports to own of each Restricted Subsidiary, free and clear in each
case of any Lien.  All such Voting Equity  Capital and other Equity  Capital has
been duly  issued  and are fully paid and  non-assessable.  The  Company  has no
Subsidiary which is not a Restricted Subsidiary.

            2.  Organization  and  Authority.  (a)  The  Company  is  a  limited
partnership duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws
of the State of California.  The Company's sole general partner is PLM Financial
Services,  Inc. The General  Partner and each  Subsidiary is a corporation  duly
organized,  validly  existing  and  in  good  standing  under  the  laws  of its
jurisdiction of incorporation.
           (b)    The Company, the General Partner and each Subsidiary
           (i)    has all requisite power and authority and all necessary
licenses and permits to own and operate its properties and to carry on its
business as now conducted and as presently proposed to be conducted; and
          (ii) is duly  licensed or  qualified  and is in good  standing in each
jurisdiction  wherein the nature of the business  transacted by it or the nature
of the  Property  owned or leased by it makes such  licensing  or  qualification
necessary, except where the failure to be duly licensed or qualified or to be in
good  standing  would not have a  materially  adverse  effect on the business or
financial condition of the Company.
            3. Business and Property.  You have heretofore been furnished with a
copy of the Private  Placement  Offering  Memorandum  dated  January,  1994 (the
"Memorandum")  prepared by the Company with assistance from First Union National
Bank of North  Carolina which  generally  sets forth the business  conducted and
proposed to be conducted by the Company and its  Subsidiaries  and the principal
properties of the Company and its  Subsidiaries.  As disclosed in the Prospectus
of the Company dated June 9, 1987, it is and has been since the inception of the
Company the intention of the Company to incur  Indebtedness  in order to finance
in part the purchase of Equipment to be held for lease by the Company. The issue
and  sale of the  Notes  constitutes  an  incurrence  of  Indebtedness  which is
consistent with the business of the Company as

described in the Partnership Agreement and such Prospectus.
         Under  the  terms of the  Partnership  Agreement,  the  Company  is not
permitted  to pay,  directly  or  indirectly,  or through  any  Subsidiary,  any
Subordinated  Incentive Fee (as defined in the Partnership Agreement) unless and
until, among other things, all liabilities of the Company, including any and all
liability on the Notes, shall have been fully paid.
            4. Financial  Statements.  (a) The consolidated balance sheet of the
Company and its  Subsidiaries  as of December  31,  1992,  and the  statement of
operations and changes in partners'  capital and the statement of cash flows for
the fiscal year ended on said date accompanied by a report thereon containing an
opinion unqualified as to scope limitations imposed by the Company and otherwise
without  qualification except as therein noted, by KPMG Peat Marwick,  have been
prepared  in  accordance   with   generally   accepted   accounting   principles
consistently  applied  except as therein  noted,  are correct and  complete  and
present fairly the financial  position of the Company and its Subsidiaries as of
such date and the results of their  operations and changes in partners'  capital
and cash flows for such period. The unaudited consolidated balance sheets of the
Company  and its  Subsidiaries  as of  September  30,  1993,  and the  unaudited
statement of  operations  and changes in partners'  capital and the statement of
cash flows for the nine-month  period ended on said date prepared by the Company
have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles
consistently  applied, are correct and complete and present fairly the financial
position of the Company and its  Subsidiaries as of said date and the results of
their  operations  and  changes  in  partners'  capital  and cash flows for such
                  (b) Since  December 31, 1992,  there has been no change in the
condition,  financial or otherwise, of the Company and its Subsidiaries as shown
on the consolidated balance sheet as of such date except changes in the ordinary
course of business,  none of which  individually  or in the  aggregate  has been
materially adverse.
            5.  Indebtedness.  Annex B attached hereto  correctly  describes all
Debt,  including without limitation Debt secured by Liens within the limitations
of  ss.5.10,  Capitalized  Leases and  Long-Term  Leases of the  Company and its
Restricted Subsidiaries outstanding on the Closing Date.
            6.  Full  Disclosure.   The  financial  statements  referred  to  in
paragraph  4 do not,  nor does the  Memorandum  or any other  written  statement
furnished by the Company to you in connection  with the  negotiation of the sale
of the Notes  (including  the  Memorandum),  contain any untrue  statement  of a
material fact or omit a material fact necessary to make the statements contained
therein or herein not  misleading.  There is no fact  peculiar to the Company or
its  Subsidiaries  which the Company has not  disclosed to you in writing  which
materially  affects  adversely nor, so far as the Company can now foresee,  will
materially  affect  adversely the properties,  business,  prospects,  profits or
condition (financial or otherwise) of the Company and its Subsidiaries.

           7. Pending  Litigation.  There are no proceedings  pending or, to the
knowledge of the  Company,  threatened  against or affecting  the Company or any
Subsidiary  in any court or before any  governmental  authority  or  arbitration
board or tribunal  which involve the  possibility  of  materially  and adversely
affecting the properties,  business,  prospects, profits or condition (financial
or otherwise) of the Company and its  Subsidiaries.  Neither the Company nor any
Subsidiary is in default with respect to any

order of any court or governmental authority or arbitration board or tribunal.

           8. Title to Properties.  The Company and each Subsidiary has good and
marketable  title in fee simple (or its equivalent  under applicable law) to all
the real  Property  and has good title to all the other  Property it purports to
own,  including  that  reflected in the most recent balance sheet referred to in
paragraph 4, except as sold or otherwise  disposed of in the ordinary  course of
business  and except for  material  liens  disclosed  in notes to the  financial
statements  referred to in  paragraph  4 hereof or  otherwise  permitted  by the

            9. Patents and  Trademarks.  The Company and each Subsidiary owns or
possesses all the patents,  trademarks,  trade names, service marks, copyrights,
licenses and rights with respect to the foregoing  necessary for the present and
planned  future  conduct of its  business,  without any known  conflict with the
rights of others.
           10.  Sale is Legal  and  Authorized.  The sale of the  Notes  and the
execution  and  delivery  of, and  performance  by the  Company  and the General
Partner of their respective obligations under, the Agreements and the Notes have
been duly authorized by all requisite  partnership and corporate  action, as the
case may be, and will not violate any  provision of law, any order,  judgment or
decree  of any court or other  agency  of  corporate  or other  government,  the
Partnership Agreement,  the corporate charter or by-laws of the General Partner,
or any  indenture,  agreement  or other  instrument  to which the Company or the
General  Partner is a party,  or by which the Company or the General  Partner is
bound,  or be in conflict with,  result in a breach of, or constitute  (with due
notice or lapse of time or both) a default  under,  or result in the creation or
imposition  of any Lien of any nature  whatsoever  upon any of the  Property  or
assets of the Company or the General  Partner  pursuant to, any such  indenture,
agreement or instrument except as permitted by the Agreements.
           11. No  Defaults.  No  Default  or Event of Default as defined in the
Agreements has occurred and is continuing.  The Company is not in default in the
payment of principal or interest on any  Indebtedness  for borrowed money and is
not in default under any  instrument  or  instruments  or  agreements  under and
subject to which any  Indebtedness  for  borrowed  money has been  issued and no
event has occurred and is continuing under the provisions of any such instrument
or  agreement  which with the lapse of time or the  giving of  notice,  or both,
would constitute an event of default thereunder.
           12.  Governmental  Consent.  No approval,  consent or  withholding of
objection  on the part of any  regulatory  body,  state,  Federal  or local,  is
necessary in  connection  with the  execution and delivery by the Company of the
Agreements or the Notes or compliance by the Company with any of the  provisions
of the Agreements or the Notes.
           13. Taxes. All tax returns required to be filed by the Company or any
Subsidiary  in any  jurisdiction  have,  in fact,  been  filed,  and all  taxes,
assessments,  fees  and  other  governmental  charges  upon the  Company  or any
Subsidiary or upon any of their  respective  properties,  income or  franchises,
which are shown to be due and payable in such returns have been paid, except any
such returns for the failure to file would not have a material adverse effect on
the  business  or  financial   condition  of  the  Company  and  its  Restricted
Subsidiaries,  taken  as a whole.  The  Company  does  not know of any  proposed
additional tax assessment  against it for which adequate  provision has not been
made in its  accounts,  and no  material  controversy  in respect of  additional
Federal or state  income  taxes is pending or to the  knowledge  to the  Company
threatened. The provisions

for taxes on the books of the Company and each  Subsidiary  are adequate for all
open years, and for its current fiscal period.
           14. Use of Proceeds. The net proceeds from the sale of the Notes will
be used to pay in full Debt outstanding under the Loan Agreement, as amended and
supplemented,  dated as of June 29, 1989 among  Bergen  Bank A/S, as Agent,  the
banks listed on Schedule 1 thereto, the Company and PLM Financial Services, Inc.
None of the  transactions  contemplated  in the Agreements  (including,  without
limitation  thereof,  the use of proceeds  from the  issuance of the Notes) will
violate or result in a violation of Section 7 of the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, or any regulation issued pursuant thereto, including,  without
limitation,  Regulations  G, T and X of the Board of  Governors  of the  Federal
Reserve  System,  12 C.F.R.,  Chapter II. Neither the Company nor any Subsidiary
owns or intends to carry or purchase  any "margin  stock"  within the meaning of
said  Regulation G. None of the proceeds from the sale of the Notes will be used
to purchase,  or  refinance  any  borrowing,  the proceeds of which were used to
purchase any  "security"  within the meaning of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934, as amended.
           15. Private  Offering.  Neither the Company,  directly or indirectly,
nor any agent on its behalf has  offered or will offer the Notes or any  similar
Security or has  solicited  or will solicit an offer to acquire the Notes or any
similar Security from or has otherwise approached or negotiated or will approach
or  negotiate  in respect of the Notes or any similar  Security  with any Person
other than you and not more than 35 other institutional investors,  each of whom
was offered a portion of the Notes at private sale for  investment.  Neither the
Company, directly or indirectly, nor any agent on its behalf has offered or will
offer the Notes or any similar  Security  or has  solicited  or will  solicit an
offer to  acquire  the Notes or any  similar  Security  from any Person so as to
bring the issuance and sale of the Notes within the  provisions  of Section 5 of
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.
           16. Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The consummation
of the transactions  provided for in the agreement and compliance by the Company
with the provisions thereof and the Notes issued thereunder will not involve any
prohibited  transaction  within the meaning of the  Employee  Retirement  Income
Security Act of 1974  ("ERISA") or Section 4975 of the Internal  Revenue Code of
1986, as amended.  The Company does not maintain any "employee  pension  benefit
plans", as defined in ERISA.
           17.  Compliance  with Law.  Neither the  Company  nor any  Restricted
Subsidiary (a) is in violation of any law,  ordinance,  franchise,  governmental
rule or  regulation  to which it is  subject;  or (b) has  failed to obtain  any
license, permit, franchise or other governmental  authorization necessary to the
ownership of its Property or to the conduct of its business,  which violation or
failure to obtain could  materially  adversely  affect the business,  prospects,
profits, properties or condition (financial or otherwise) of the Company and its
Restricted  Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole,  or the  ability of the  Company to
perform its obligations contained in the Agreements or the Notes.
           18.  Compliance  with  Environmental  Laws.  The  Company  is  not in
violation  of any  applicable  Environmental  Law which  violation  could have a
material  adverse  effect on the  business,  prospects,  profits,  properties or
condition   (financial  or   otherwise)  of  the  Company  and  its   Restricted
Subsidiaries,  taken as a whole.  The Company does not know of any  liability or
class of liability of the Company or any Restricted Subsidiary

under the Comprehensive  Environmental Response,  Compensation and Liability Act
of  1980,  as  amended  (42  U.S.C.  Section  9601  et  seq.),  or the  Resource
Conservation  and  Recovery Act of 1976,  as amended (42 U.S.C.  Section 6901 et
           19.  Fungible  Securities.  When  issued,  the Notes will  constitute
"securities"  within the  meaning of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 (the
"Exchange  Act")  and will not be of the same  class as  securities  listed on a
national  security  exchange  registered  under Section 6 of the Exchange Act or
quoted  in a U.S.  automated  inter-dealer  quotation  system,  and  will not be
convertible or exchangeable into any such securities.

           20.  Investment  Company  Act.  Neither  the  Company  nor any of its
Subsidiaries  is an "investment  holding  company" or "affiliated  company" or a
company  "controlled  by" an  "investment  company"  within  the  meaning of the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

PLM Equipment Growth Fund II

By PLM Financial Services, Inc.,
     Its General Partner


Subsidiaries of the Company
Restricted Subsidiaries:
Name of Vessel/Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Subsidiaries

                         Jurisdiction of Incorporation
 Percentage of Voting Equity Capital Owned by Company and Each Other Restricted

Carrier Gretchen W.Gretchen W, Inc.

Beverlee Vessel L.P.Beverlee Vessel, Inc. (General Partner)

Embarcadero Vessel Limited PartnershipEmbarcadero Vessel Inc. (General Partner)

           Fairweather  Offshore  Limited  PartnershipFairweather  Offshore Inc.
(General Partner)


Description of Debt and Leases

1.       Unsecured Debt as of the Closing Date:

2.         Debt Secured by Liens within the  Limitations of ss.5.10,  other than
           Capitalized Leases, as of the Closing Date:

3.       Capitalized Leases as of the Closing Date:
4.       Long-Term Leases as of the Closing Date:

Description of Special Counsel's Closing Opinion
         The  closing  opinion of Chapman  and  Cutler,  special  counsel to the
Purchasers,  called  for by  ss.4.2  of the Note  Agreement,  shall be dated the
Closing Date and addressed to the Purchasers,  and shall be satisfactory in form
and substance to the Purchasers and shall be to the effect that:
           (1) The Company is a limited partnership,  duly organized and validly
existing  under  the laws of the  State of  California,  has the  power  and the
authority to execute and deliver the Note Agreements and to issue the Notes.
           (2) The Note  Agreements  have been duly  authorized by all necessary
partnership  action on the part of the  Company,  have been  duly  executed  and
delivered by an authorized  officer of the General  Partner and  constitute  the
legal, valid and binding contracts of the Company enforceable in accordance with
their terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent conveyance or similar
laws affecting  creditors'  rights generally,  and general  principles of equity
(regardless  of whether the  application  of such  principles is considered in a
proceeding in equity or at law).
           (3) The Notes have been duly authorized by all necessary  partnership
action on the part of the Company,  have been duly  executed and delivered by an
authorized  officer of the General  Partner and constitute the legal,  valid and
binding  obligations of the Company  enforceable in accordance with their terms,
subject  to  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent  conveyance  or  similar  laws
affecting  creditors'  rights  generally,   and  general  principles  of  equity
(regardless  of whether the  application  of such  principles is considered in a
proceeding in equity or at law).
           (4)  The  issuance,   sale  and  delivery  of  the  Notes  under  the
circumstances  contemplated by the Note Agreements does not, under existing law,
require the  registration  of the Notes  under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as
amended,  or the  qualification of an indenture under the Trust Indenture Act of
1939, as amended.
         The opinion of Chapman and Cutler  shall also state that the opinion of
Stephen Peary,  Esq. is satisfactory in scope and form to Chapman and Cutler and
that, in their  opinion,  the  Purchasers  are justified in relying  thereon and
shall  cover  such  other  matters  relating  to the  sale of the  Notes  as the
Purchasers may reasonably request.
         In rendering  the opinion set forth in  paragraph 1 above,  Chapman and
Cutler may rely,  as to matters  referred  to in  paragraph  1,  solely  upon an
examination of the Amended and Restated Limited Partnership  Agreement certified
by an authorized  officer of the General  Partner and the Certificate of Limited
Partnership  and all amendments  thereto  certified by the Secretary of State of
the State of  California.  The  opinion of Chapman  and Cutler is limited to the
laws of the State of Illinois and the Federal laws of the United States.
         With  respect to  matters  of fact upon  which  such  opinion is based,
Chapman and Cutler may rely on appropriate  certificates of public officials and
officers  of the  Company  and  upon  representations  of the  Company  and  the
Purchasers delivered in connection with the issuance and sale of the Notes.

Description of Closing Opinion of General Counsel to the Company
         The closing  opinion of Stephen  Peary,  Esq.,  general  counsel of the
General Partner,  which is called for by ss.4.2 of the Note Agreement,  shall be
dated the  Closing  Date,  shall be  addressed  to the  Purchasers  and shall be
satisfactory in form and substance to the Purchasers to the effect that:
           (1) The Company is a limited partnership,  duly organized and validly
existing under the laws of the State of California,  has all requisite power and
authority and is duly  authorized to enter into and perform the Note  Agreements
and to issue the Notes and incur the  Indebtedness  to be evidenced  thereby and
has full  power and  authority  to  conduct  the  activities  in which it is now
engaged and is duly  licensed or qualified  and is in good standing as a foreign
limited  partnership  in  each  jurisdiction  in  which  the  character  of  the
properties owned or leased by it or the nature of the business  transacted by it
makes such licensing or qualification necessary,  except where the failure to be
duly licensed or qualified or to be in good standing would not have a materially
adverse effect on the business or financial condition of the Company.
           (2) Each Restricted Subsidiary that is a corporation or a partnership
is a corporation or  partnership,  as the case may be, duly  organized,  legally
existing and in good standing under the laws of its jurisdiction of organization
and is duly licensed or qualified  and is in good standing in each  jurisdiction
in which the character of the properties  owned or leased by it or the nature of
the business  transacted by it makes such licensing or qualification  necessary,
except  where the  failure to be duly  licensed  or  qualified  or to be in good
standing would not have a materially adverse effect on the business or financial
condition  of the  Company;  and all of the  issued  and  outstanding  shares of
capital stock of each such Restricted Subsidiary that is a corporation have been
duly issued, are fully paid and non-assessable and are owned by the Company,  by
one  or  more  Restricted  Subsidiaries,  or by the  Company  and  one  or  more
Restricted Subsidiaries.
           (3) The Note  Agreements  have been duly  authorized by all necessary
partnership  action on the part of the  Company,  have been  duly  executed  and
delivered by an authorized  officer of the General  Partner and  constitute  the
legal,  valid,  binding and enforceable  contracts of the Company enforceable in
accordance  with their  terms,  subject to  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent
conveyance or similar laws  affecting  creditors'  rights  generally and general
principles of equity  (regardless of whether the  application of such principles
is considered in a proceeding in equity or at law).
           (4) The Notes have been duly authorized by all necessary  partnership
action on the part of the Company,  have been duly  executed and delivered by an
authorized  officer of the General  Partner and constitute the legal,  valid and
binding  obligations of the Company  enforceable in accordance with their terms,
subject  to  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  fraudulent  conveyance  or  similar  laws
affecting   creditors'  rights  generally  and  general   principles  of  equity
(regardless  of whether the  application  of such  principles is considered in a
proceeding in equity or at law).
           (5) The  issuance and sale of the Notes and the  execution,  delivery
and  performance by the Company of the Note  Agreements do not (i) conflict with
or  contravene  any law,  rule or  regulation  applicable to the Company or (ii)
conflict with or result in any breach of any of the  provisions of or constitute
a  default  under  or  result  in the  creation  or  imposition  of any  lien or
encumbrance upon any of the property of the

Company pursuant to the provisions of the Partnership Agreement or any agreement
or other  instrument known to such counsel to which the Company is a party or by
which the Company may be bound except as permitted by the Note Agreements.
           (6) The courts of the State of  California  will give effect to those
provisions  of the Note  Agreements  and the  Notes  which  stipulate  that such
documents shall be governed,  and construed in accordance  with, the laws of the
State of Illinois.
           (7) The execution and delivery of the Note  Agreements  and the issue
and sale of the Notes does not conflict with or violate any of the provisions of
the Partnership Agreement.
           (8) The  payment by the  Company of all  amounts  required to be paid
with respect to the Notes in  accordance  with the terms and  conditions  of the
Note  Agreements  will not violate the  provisions  of any  applicable  state or
federal law limiting or regulating the payment of interest on obligations.
           (9) Neither the Company nor any of its Subsidiaries is an "investment
holding  company"  or  "affiliated  company"  or a  company  "controlled  by" an
"investment  company" within the meaning of the Investment  Company Act of 1940,
as amended.
          (10) The transaction  contemplated by the Note Agreements  (including,
without  limitation,  the use of the  proceeds  of the Notes)  will not  violate
Section  7 of the  Securities  and  Exchange  Act of 1934 or the  provisions  of
Regulation G, Regulation T or Regulation U promulgated by the Board of Governors
of the Federal Reserve System.
          (11)  The  issuance,   sale  and  delivery  of  the  Notes  under  the
circumstances contemplated by the Note Agreements is an exempt transaction under
the Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and does not under existing law, as at
the date of closing,  require the registration of the Notes under the Securities
Act of 1933, as amended, or the qualification of an indenture in respect thereof
under the Trust Indenture Act of 1939.
          (12) To the knowledge of such counsel,  there are no actions, suits or
proceedings pending or threatened against or affecting the Company,  the General
Partner  or any  Subsidiary,  at law or in equity  or before or by any  federal,
state, municipal or other governmental  department,  commission,  board, bureau,
agency or  instrumentality,  domestic  or  foreign,  which are likely to result,
either  individually  or  collectively,  in any material  adverse  change in the
business,  Properties,  operations or condition,  financial or otherwise, of the
Company or of the  Company  and its  Restricted  Subsidiaries  taken as a whole,
impair the ability of the Company and its  Restricted  Subsidiaries  to carry on
their business substantially as now conducted, impair the ability of the Company
to perform its obligations under the Note Agreements or under the Notes.
          (13) No approval,  consent or withholding of objection on the part of,
or filing,  registration or qualification  with, any governmental body, Federal,
State or local,  is necessary in  connection  with the execution and delivery of
the Note Agreements or the Notes.
         The  opinion of Stephen  Peary,  Esq.  shall  cover such other  matters
relating to the sale of the Notes as the Purchasers may reasonably request. With
respect to matters of fact on which such opinion is based, such counsel shall be
entitled to rely on appropriate certificates of public officials and officers of
the Company.