One Insignia Financial Plaza
                      Post Office Box 2347
                Greenville, South Carolina 29602
                         (864) 239-1000


                         AUGUST 30, 1996



          This consent  solicitation ("Consent Solicitation")  is furnished  in
connection with  the  solicitation  of consents  by  ConCap  Equities,  Inc.,  a
Delaware corporation  ("General  Partner"  or "CEI"),  the  General  Partner  of
Johnstown/Consolidated Income Partners/2, a California limited partnership  (the
"Partnership"), to  grant the  General  Partner the  authority  to sell  all  or
substantially all the assets of the Partnership (the "Partnership Assets") to an
entity or entities not affiliated with  the General Partner or the  Partnership.
If such a sale were to occur, it would consequently bring about the  liquidation
of the  Partnership.    This Consent  Solicitation  and  enclosed  consent  form
("Consent") are first being  mailed to unitholders  ("Unitholders") on or  about
August 30, 1996.  Please complete, date and sign the enclosed Consent and return
it to Johnstown/Consolidated  Income Partners/2  Proxy Returns,  P.O. Box  2347,
Greenville, South  Carolina   29602,  in the  enclosed  envelope.   The  Consent
Solicitation and Consent will expire on the earlier of (i) the Consent Effective
Date (as defined herein) and (ii) midnight on October 11, 1996 (the  "Expiration
Date"), unless the General  Partner elects to extend  the Expiration Date for  a
period of up to an additional sixty (60) days.

          This Consent Solicitation is not being made to, and Consents will  not
be  accepted  from,  Unitholders  in  any  jurisdiction  in  which  the  Consent
Solicitations would violate blue sky or securities laws of such jurisdiction.

          Under the  California  Revised  Limited Partnership  Act,  unless the
partnership agreement provides  otherwise, limited  partners have  the right  to
vote on certain matters,  and action may  be taken by  the General Partner  only
after the affirmative vote  of a majority in  interest of the limited  partners.
Under  the   Fourth  Amended   and  Restated   Certificate  and   Agreement   of
Johnstown/Consolidated Income Partners/2  (the "Partnership  Agreement"), it  is
unclear  whether  the  General  Partner  has  the  authority  to  sell  all   or
substantially all of the  Partnership Assets without first  seeking the vote  of
the limited  partners.   See "Discussion  of the  Partnership Agreement."    The
General Partner believes the sale of substantially all of the Partnership Assets
at a price  of not  less than  Two Million  Dollars ($2,000,000),  if a  binding
contract can be entered  into on or before  December 31, 1996,  would be in  the
Unitholders' best interest.  The General Partner further believes that having to
seek limited partners' approval  of a sale of  the Partnership's Assets after  a
buyer is  located  would  adversely impact  the  General  Partner's  ability  to
effectuate a  sale on  favorable terms  and conditions.   See  "REASONS FOR  THE
CONSENT SOLICITATION."  A consequence of the closing of such a sale would be the
dissolution and  termination of  the Partnership.   See  "Dissolution  Following
Authorized Sale."

The Proposal

          Unitholders' consent is sought to  amend the Partnership Agreement  to
authorize  the  General  Partner  to  sell  all  or  substantially  all  of  the
Partnership Assets  to a  person  or persons  not  affiliated with  the  General
Partner or the Partnership, pursuant to  a binding agreement to be entered  into
on or before December 31, 1996, at a price of not less than Two Million  Dollars
($2,000,000) (the "Amendment").  The Partnership  Assets are a 2/3rds  undivided
interest in Florida #6  Mini Warehouse -  Lauderhill, Florida (the  "Property").
The General Partner is not  authorized to sell all  or substantially all of  the
Partnership Assets to any buyer affiliated  with the Partnership or the  General
Partner.  The full text of the Amendment is set forth herein.

Interests of Certain Persons

          The General Partner is entitled to receive a distribution of one  (1%)
percent of distributable cash from operations  which includes net cash  proceeds
from the sale of Partnership Assets.   On Dissolution following such sale, at  a
price of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000),  the General Partner would receive  a
cash distribution of approximately  Seven Hundred Fifteen  Dollars ($715).   See
"Certain Federal Income Tax Considerations - Distributions to Unitholders."

Record Date

          The General Partner  has fixed 5:00  P.M. (Greenville, South  Carolina
time) on August  29, 1996, as  the record date  ("Record Date") for  determining
those Unitholders  entitled  to notice  of  and to  vote  the interests  in  the
Partnership (the "Limited  Partnership Interests") with  respect to matters  set
forth herein.  The  General Partner anticipates that  there will be  sixty-seven
thousand  eight  hundred  fourteen  (67,814)  units  (the  "Units")  of  Limited
Partnership Interests outstanding and entitled to vote on the Amendment.

Approval of an Authorized Sale

          Unitholders  should  note  that  subsequent  to  the  Amendment,   the
Unitholders will  have no  opportunity to  evaluate the  terms of  any  purchase
offers for the  Partnership Assets.   See "Certain Considerations."   As  stated
above, upon approval, the General Partner  shall, consistent with obtaining  the
fair value  of the  Partnership Assets,  take full  account of  the  Partnership
Assets, seek  potential purchasers,  and distribute  the proceeds  or assets  as
promptly as practicable.

Procedure for Consenting to the Amendment

          The Amendment will  be approved  (the "Consent  Effective Date")  when
properly completed, unrevoked consents with respect  to such sale are signed  by
holders of record on the Record  Date of at least a  majority of the Units  then
outstanding (the  "Majority  Vote")  and such  consents  are  delivered  to  the
Partnership, provided the requisite consents are so delivered by the  Expiration
Date.  If the  Amendment is adopted, the  proposed amendment to the  Partnership
Agreement set forth above  will be effective and  will apply prospectively  from
and after the date of approval of such proposal by the Limited Partners.

          Each Unit  shall be  entitled to  one  (1) vote  with respect  to  the
proposed Amendment.   If a  Unitholder specifies a  choice with  respect to  the
matter identified  on  the  form  of  Consent, the  Consent  will  be  given  in
accordance with the specification so made.   If a Unitholder executes a  Consent
but has  failed to  check a  box marked  "CONSENT" or  "WITHHOLD CONSENT,"  such
Unitholder will be deemed to have consented  to the Amendment.  If a  Unitholder
votes to "WITHHOLD CONSENT" or does not return the Consent, then such associated
Unit or Units will not count towards satisfying the Majority Vote requirement.

Revocation of Consent

          Unitholders are hereby  advised that  the delivery  of a  subsequently
executed  Consent  will  revoke  all  previously  executed  Consents.     Hence,
Unitholders may revoke their Consent at any time prior to the Consent  Effective
Date.  After the Consent Effective Date, no revocations can be made.

          Any Unitholder who desires to revoke a previously executed Consent may
do so by furnishing the General Partner with a later dated Consent or letter  or
other written notice  stating such Unitholder's  name and  that such  Unitholder
wishes to revoke a previously executed Consent.  Such revocations will be deemed
effective on the  date of  receipt by  Johnstown/Consolidated Income  Partners/2
Proxy Returns  at  the  following  address:  P.O.  Box 2347, Greenville,  South
Carolina  29602.

Consent Solicitation Expenses

          The Partnership has retained  Beacon Hill Partners  Inc. to assist  in
contacting the  Unitholders  at a  fee  of approximately  Two  Thousand  Dollars
($2,000), plus expenses.   In  addition, certain  officers, representatives  and
regular employees of  the General Partner  may also contact  the Unitholders  by
telephone or facsimile or in person.  The Partnership will reimburse brokers and
other  custodians  or  nominees  for  their  reasonable  expenses  incurred   in
forwarding solicitation materials to beneficial owners of the Units.  The entire
cost of this solicitation will be borne by the Partnership.

Expenses of Sale

          If the Partnership sells the Partnership Assets (its undivided  2/3rds
interest in the Property), rather than selling the Property in conjunction  with
Johnstown/Consolidated Income Partners (the owners  of the other 1/3rd  interest
in the Property), the Partnership shall bear all expenses incurred in connection
with the sale.  The General  Partner believes that a  higher price and a  better
return to the Limited Partners can  be obtained if the  Property is sold as  one
unit, rather than selling the Partnership Assets separately.  If the Partnership
and Johnstown/Consolidated Income Partners work  together to sell the  Property,
the Partnership will divide  the expenses incurred in  connection with the  sale
with Johnstown/Consolidated Income Partners.  The expenses will be divided on  a
percentage  of  ownership   basis  with  the   Partnership  paying  2/3rds   and
Johnstown/Consolidated Income Partners paying the other 1/3rd.  This arrangement
is dictated by an agreement executed between the partnerships in 1991, when  the
partnerships foreclosed on the mortgage on the Property.


          The relevant provisions of the Partnership Agreement are as follows:

Section 2.04,  Powers  and  Duties of  the  Limited  Partners  and  Unitholders,
provides as follows:

     Neither the Limited Partners  nor the Unitholders shall  have any right  to
     vote on or  approve (i) transactions  in which the  General Partner has  an
     actual  or  potential  conflict  of  interest;  (ii)  the  sale,  exchange,
     financing, refinancing, or other disposition of Assets; or (iii) any  other
     matter not specifically provided for in this Agreement.

Section 9.01, Dissolving Events, provides as follows:

     The Partnership shall be liquidated and dissolved in the manner hereinafter
     provided upon the  happening of any  of the following  events (referred  to
     herein as "Dissolving Events"):

          (a)  the sale or other disposition and the conversion to cash of
          all or substantially all of the Assets of the Partnership; . . .

Section 2.02(b),  General Restrictions  on the  Powers of  the General  Partner,

          . .  . Unless  the prior  consent of  the Limited  Partners holding  a
          majority of  the  Limited  Partner Interests  of  the  Partnership  is
          obtained, the General Partner shall be prohibited from: . . .

               (D)  selling substantially all of  the Partnership's Assets in  a
               single sale or  in multiple sales  in the  same 12-month  period,
               except in the orderly liquidation and winding up of the  business
               of the Partnership upon its termination and dissolution;

               (E)  dissolving the Partnership,  except as  provided in  Section
               2.01(e); . . . [Section 2.01(e) is not applicable here]

          As noted above, Sections 2.02(b)(D) and 2.04 give  the General Partner
the power to sell  Partnership Assets  but ' 2.02(b)(E)  does not  give the  
General Partner the power to dissolve the  Partnership except as provided in 
Section 2.02(e), which does not  apply here.   Consequently, it  is unclear  
whether the  General Partner has the authority, without the approval of the
limited partners, to sell the Assets of the Partnership, if such  sale would
result in the dissolution  of the Partnership.  The Amendment will  give the 
General Partner the authority  to enter into a binding agreement to sell, at 
any time prior to December 31,  1996, the Partnership  Assets  for  a price 
of  not  less than  Two  Million  Dollars ($2,000,000), and, thereafter, 
dissolve the Partnership.



     The following  sets  forth  the  text of  the  proposed  amendment  to  the
Partnership Agreement,  showing the  changes (additions  are indicated  by  text
printed in italics; deletions are indicated by struck-through text):

2.01 Rights and Powers of the General Partner

     (h)  Sale of  Substantially All  of the  Partnership Assets.   The General
     Partner may act  to sell  all or  substantially all  of the  Assets of  the
     Partnership without the  prior consent of  the Limited  Partners holding  a
     majority of the  Limited Partner Interests  if the General  Partner has  an
     executed contract of sale with a  buyer by December 31, 1996, provided  the
     offer  to  purchase  the  Assets  is  for  at  least  Two  Million  Dollars
     ($2,000,000), and the buyer is not  affiliated with the Partnership or  the
     General Partner.

2.02 General Limitations

     (b)  General Restrictions  on  the Powers  of  the General  Partner.   The
     General Partner  shall  not cause  the  Partnership to:  (i)  reinvest  any
     Distributable Cash from Operations; (ii) operate the Partnership in such  a
     manner as to have the Partnership classified as an "investment company" for
     purposes of the Investment Company Act of 1940; (iii) grant the Sponsor  or
     an Affiliate an  exclusive right to  sell or exclusive  employment to  sell
     Assets for the Partnership;  (iv) cause the Partnership  to enter into  any
     agreements with the  General Partner or  its Affiliates that  shall not  be
     subject to termination without penalty by  either party upon not more  than
     sixty (60) days' written notice, except for the Depository Agreement or any
     joint-venture agreement  with an  Affiliate; (v)  invest in  securities  of
     other issuers  for investment  or for  the  purpose of  exercising  control
     unless it  acquires all  of  such securities  in  order to  facilitate  the
     acquisition  of  real  property  or,  unless  the  securities  are  limited
     partnership  interests  described  in  Section  2.02(e);  (vi)   underwrite
     securities of other issuers; (vii)  issue senior securities; (viii)  engage
     in the purchase and sale (or  turnover) of investments (ix) acquire  Assets
     in exchange for Units  or Interests.  Neither  the General Partner nor  the
     Sponsor may receive a rebate, give-up, or similar payment or enter into any
     reciprocal business  arrangement  that would  circumvent  the  restrictions
     against dealing with  Affiliates or  Sponsors contained  in the  Agreement.
     Unless the prior consent of Limited Partners holding a majority of  Limited
     Partner Interests of the Partnership is obtained, the General Partner shall
     be prohibited from:

          (A)       amending this  Agreement, except  as otherwise  provided  in
                    Article XVI;
          (B)       withdrawing or retiring from its position as General Partner
                    except as otherwise provided in Section 8.02;
          (C)       appointing a  new  General  Partner or  Partners  except  as
                    otherwise provided in Section 8.02;
          (D)       Reserved;
          (E)       Reserved;
          (F)       executing or delivering  any assignment for the benefit  of
                    the creditors or the Partnership; or
          (G)       releasing, assigning, or  transferring a Partnership  claim,
                    security, commodity, or any other Assets of the  Partnership
                    without full and adequate consideration.


Background and Reasons for the Amendment

          The Partnership was organized  as a limited  partnership to invest  in
mortgage loans originated or purchased by  the Partnership and to acquire,  own,
operate and  ultimately  dispose of  income-producing  real properties  for  the
benefit of its Unitholders.  The Partnership concluded its investment activities
by acquiring  a 2/3rds  undivided interest  in a  mortgage on  a  mini-warehouse
located in Lauderhill, Florida  and a real  estate acquisition, development  and
construction lending  arrangement which  was subsequently  repaid in  1989.   In
September 1991, the  Partnership was  forced to  foreclose the  mortgage on  the
Partnership's sole asset, the 2/3rds  undivided interest in the  mini-warehouse.
Since the interest in  the Property is  the only asset  of the Partnership,  the
General  Partner  seeks  to  maximize  the  return  on  the  investment  of  the
Unitholders by selling the Partnership Assets  and distributing the proceeds  to
the  Unitholders.    The  General  Partner  is  also  the  General  Partner   of
Johnstown/Income Consolidated Partners, a  California limited partnership  which
owns the other 1/3rd undivided interest in the Property.

          The General  Partner believes  that the  return on  investment to  the
Unitholders would be maximized by the  sale of the 2/3rds undivided interest  in
the Property and  the subsequent liquidation  and distribution  of the  proceeds
thereof to the Unitholders.  The  General Partner has concluded the  Partnership
Assets should be sold if a desirable price can be achieved.  The General Partner
has concluded that the sale and subsequent liquidation are in the best  interest
of the Unitholders for each of the following reasons taken together and  without
specifically placing  any greater  or lesser  importance on  any of  them:   (1)
according to section 1.05(a) of the  Partnership Agreement, in section  1.05(a),
one objective of  the Partnership is  to preserve and  protect the  Unitholders'
investments "in a diversified portfolio," the Partnership Agreement, in  section
1.05(b) specifically  contemplates a  diversified portfolio  of properties,  the
Partnership presently holds only  one (1) investment in  one (1) property,  thus
the goal is  not being  met; (2) the  Partnership has  held an  interest in  the
Property for longer than anticipated (3)  because of increasing competition,  as
evidenced by decreasing occupancy (from  97% to 90% from  1994 to 1995) and  the
fact that there are now twenty-eight  (28) similar facilities within a five  (5)
mile radius,  the General  Partner,  has through  an  analysis of  the  Property
determined that  a  longer holding  period  will  not necessarily  result  in  a
significant increase in market  value; (4) the General  Partner believes that  a
fair value  can  currently be  achieved  for  the Partnership  Assets;  (5)  the
Partnership may need to expend capital to maintain the Property in the next  few
years;  (6)  operating  expenses  of  the  Property  and  the  Partnership   are
significant in  relation  to the  value  of the  Partnership  Assets,  presently
expenses  are  forty-five  (45%)  percent  of  revenue;  (7)  the  expenses   of
maintaining and operating a  public partnership when  the partnership owns  only
one asset do  not allow for  any economies of  scale; (7) the  evolution of  the
Partnership has been such that  the General Partner believes  that it is in  the
best interests of the Unitholders to  sell the Partnership Assets and  liquidate
the Partnership; and (8) specific factors as set forth below.

          As more fully described below, as of the date hereof, the  Partnership
owns and operates only this one investment property.

          Florida #6 Mini Warehouse - Lauderhill, Florida.  This mini-warehouse

is located on approximately 4.01 acres of land and contains approximately 61,039
square feet of leasable space, with 43,315 square feet being non-air conditioned
and 17,724 being air conditioned.  The facility contains 751 self storage units,
located in seven (7) one-story buildings  and 1 three-story building.  In  1995,
the average occupancy  was ninety  (90%) percent.   The self  storage units  are
rented on a short-term basis, typically month-to-month.

          Occupancy Rates  and  Average Leasing  Income.   The  following table

summarizes the occupancy rate and average rental income per square foot for  the
#6 Florida Mini Warehouse (the "Property") for each of the last five (5)  fiscal

                                                   AVERAGE RENTAL
YEAR                     OCCUPANCY RATE         INCOME PER SQ. FT

1995...........................90%........................ $10.44

1994...........................97%.........................$ 9.77

1993...........................95%.........................$ 6.80*

1992...........................99%.........................$ 9.79

1991...........................90%.........................$ 9.72

*Hurricane Year.

          Principal Tenants.  Currently there are no tenants occupying ten (10%)
percent or more of the leasable square footage of the Property.

          The principal business  carried on at  the Property is  the rental  of
individual storage  spaces to  consumers who  lease the  space on  a  short-term
basis, in almost all instances month-to-month.

          In summary, because the Partnership never intended to own and operate
the Property, and  because the  general and  specific reasons  state above,  the
General Partner believes that it is in the best interest of the Partnership  and
its Partners  to  pursue  the sale  of  its  interest in  the  Property  and  to
subsequently dissolve the Partnership.

          As of June 30,  1996, the Partnership  had approximately Five  Hundred
Fifty-Three Thousand  Dollars  ($553,000)  in  cash.    These  funds  are  being
accumulated to provide sufficient funds to cover any capital improvements and/or
operating expenses  which may  arise at  the Partnership's  property.   Attached
hereto as Exhibit "A" is a schedule of cash distributions which the  Partnership
has made to Unitholders since the Partnership's inception.

          As of June 30,  1996, the Partnership's  2/3rds undivided interest  in
the Property had an  undepreciated book value of  approximately Two Million  One
Hundred  Eighty-Seven  Thousand  Dollars  ($2,187,000),  as  reflected  in   the
Partnership's updated financial statements.  As  of June 30, 1996, the  Property
was not  encumbered  by  any  mortgage, note  or  other  indebtedness,  and  the
Partnership's 2/3rds interest was owned clear of any other encumbrances.

          The General Partner believes  that all of the  Property is covered  by
adequate  insurance  provided  by  reputable  companies  and  with  commercially
reasonable deductibles, limits and policy specifications customarily carried for
similar properties.

                        THE SALE PROCESS

Coordination with Other Owners

          ConCap   Equities,   Inc.   is    the   general   partner   of   both
Johnstown/Consolidated Income Partners  (a California  limited partnership)  and
Johnstown/Consolidated  Income   Partners/2.     Johnstown/Consolidated   Income
Partners is the  record owner  of the remaining  1/3 undivided  interest in  the
Property and has indicated  its desire to sell  its 1/3rd undivided interest  in
the Property, in conjunction with the sale by the Partnership of the Partnership
Assets, if fair value is obtained.   The General Partner believes that the  sale
proceeds of the Property may be greater if a purchaser can purchase all,  rather
than an undivided  2/3rds portion,  of the  Property.   Regardless, the  General
Partner intends to pursue a sale of the Partnership Assets if the Minimum  Price
can be secured.

          If the General Partner elects to sell the Property in conjunction with
Johnstown/Consolidated Income Partners, the Partnership will divide the expenses
incurred  in  connection  with  the  sale  with  Johnstown/Consolidated   Income
Partners.   The  expenses  will  be  divided on  an  ownership  basis  with  the
Partnership paying 2/3rds and Johnstown/Consolidated Income Partners paying  the
other 1/3rd.  This arrangement is dictated by an agreement executed between  the
partnerships in 1991, when  the partnerships foreclosed on  the mortgage on  the
Property.  However, if  the Partnership sells the  interests in the  Partnership
itself, rather  than  the Property,  the  Partnership shall  bear  all  expenses
incurred in connection with the sale.

          All expenses  associated with  selling the  Property will  be  divided
2/3rds to the Partnership and  1/3rd to Johnstown/Consolidated Income  Partners.
Each limited  partnership will  be responsible  for its  own separate  expenses,
including the Partnership's responsibility for the  cost of solicitation of  the
consents to the Agreement.
The Sale Price

          If the Amendment is approved, the General Partner will seek to  obtain
a fair price for the Partnership Assets based on the market.  Such price may  be
obtained through a negotiated sale or  public auction.  The General Partner  may
list the Property  with a  real estate broker  experienced in  sales of  similar

          The General Partner does not intend to have the Partnership Assets  or
the Property  appraised  by  an independent  appraiser.    The  General  Partner
believes that based  on its experience  in managing  self-storage concerns,  the
interest previously  shown  in the  property  from other  national  self-storage
management and operation firms, and the sales interest to be generated by it  in
the sales process, it will be  in a position to  determine whether a fair  price
can be obtained.  In 1995, the Partnership received indications of interest from
a non-affiliated potential buyer to purchase  the entire Property at a price  of
approximately Three  Million Five  Hundred  Thousand Dollars  ($3,500,000),  the
Partnership's 2/3rds  interest  being  Two Million  Three  Hundred  Thirty-three
Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-three Dollars ($2,333,333).   Due to the lapse  of
time, an increase  in the cost  of funds, and  the need  for additional  capital
expenditures in the next several years which are estimated at Sixty-six Thousand
Dollars ($66,000) over the next four  (4) years, it is  not clear that an  offer
for  the  entire  Property  at  Three  Million  Five  Hundred  Thousand  Dollars
($3,500,000) can  be obtained.   The  General Partner's  inability to  bind  the
Partnership to  a sale  was one  of the  reasons the  transaction could  not  be

          The minimum price  of Two Million  Dollars ($2,000,000) (the  "Minimum
Price") may or may not be the fair  market value of the Partnership Assets,  and
the General Partner shall be under no obligation to sell the Partnership  Assets
for the Minimum Price if  it, in its sole  judgment, determines that this  price
does not reflect a fair value for the Partnership Assets.  Moreover, there is no
assurance that the General Partner will  be able to sell the Partnership  Assets
for the Minimum Price.  The Minimum Price was established by the General Partner
based on its knowledge of the  Partnership Assets, using, among other things,  a
discounted cash flow analysis of the  operating revenue stream generated by  the
Property as a whole, using an eleven (11%) percent discount rate, and  factoring
in other relevant determinants  that affect the value  of similar types of  real
estate developments as the  Property.  The factors  considered included (i)  the
need for future  capital expenditures, estimated  at Sixty-six Thousand  Dollars
($66,000) over the  next four (4)  years; (ii) the  costs of  selling the  self-
storage facility; (iii) as the Property ages, operating costs are anticipated to
increase;  (iv)  opportunity costs of  funds; and (v)  external factors such  as
increased competition, as evidenced by the fact that there are now  twenty-eight
(28) similar  facilities  within  a  five (5)  mile  radius,  and  the  economic
conditions of the Lauderhill-Miami metro area.

          Upon approval of the Amendment, the General Partner will use its  best
efforts to  consummate  the  sale  of the  Partnership  Assets  upon  terms  and
conditions  which  the  General  Partner  expects  will  maximize  the  proceeds
distributable to Unitholders.  Although none of  the final terms of the Sale  of
the Partnership Assets in  connection with the  Sale and subsequent  liquidation
can be determined presently, the General Partner will only consider sales of the
Partnership Assets only if such sales are for cash.

Dissolution Following Authorized Sale

          Pursuant to  the Amendment,  upon the  sale of  significantly all  the
Assets of the  Partnership, the  Partnership will  be liquidated.   The  General
Partner will take full account of  the Partnership's assets and liabilities  and
apply and distribute  the proceeds as  follows:  distributions  will be made  in
accordance with  the  Positive Capital  Account  balances of  the  Partners  and
Unitholders, after taking into account all  Capital Account adjustments for  the
Partnership taxable year during which the liquidation occurs, by the end of such
taxable year (or,  if later,  within ninety  (90) days  after the  date of  such
liquidation).  The  General Partner  will be  obligated to  restore its  deficit
Capital Account balance, if any exists, after the liquidation of its interest in
the Partnership, but Limited Partners shall have no such obligation (per '  5.04
of the Partnership Agreement).

          It should be noted that the California Revised Limited Partnership Act
provides that  a  general partner  may  wind up  the  affairs of  a  partnership
subsequent to  its dissolution  and  that subsequent  to  such a  dissolution  a
general partner  may,  among  other things,  (i)  prosecute  and  defend  civil,
criminal or  administrative  suits  and (ii)  distribute  to  the  partners  any
remaining assets of the limited partnership.  Accordingly, any amounts  received
by the  Partnership  subsequent  to  the  sale  and  subsequent  liquidation  in
settlement of  any proceeding  described  herein and  any  unused funds  in  any
reserves established  by  the  General Partner,  as  described  above,  will  be
distributed by the General Partner in accordance with the provisions above.  Any
unused amount  in any  reserve  will be  distributed  when the  General  Partner
determines in it reasonable judgment that such amount is no longer necessary  to
satisfy its intended purpose or to satisfy any actual or anticipated  shortfalls
in amounts reserved for other purposes.
Certain Considerations

          The General  Partner  cannot  predict  when, or  if,  a  sale  of  the
Partnership Assets or the Property will  be consummated or when the  liquidation
will occur.  Moreover, there can be no assurance that the Property will be  sold
at a price which will result in  the Partnership receiving the Minimum Price  or
that such amount would equal the appraised value of an undivided 2/3rds interest
in the Property.

          Unitholders should  note  that  subsequent  to  the  approval  of  the
Amendment, Unitholders will  have no opportunity  to evaluate the  terms of  any
purchase offer for the Partnership Assets or the Property.  Unitholders are also
advised that neither California Law nor  the Partnership Agreement provide  them
with any right to dissent from or seek an independent appraisal of the value  of
the Partnership Assets or the Property.  Accordingly, subsequent to approval  of
the Amendment, if the Partnership Assets are sold, the Unitholders will  receive
whatever net proceeds  are generated  from the  sale of  the Partnership  Assets
based on terms approved solely by the General Partner.


Certain Federal Income Tax Considerations

          As stated above, upon approval of the Liquidation, the General Partner
intends to  sell the  Partnership  Assets and  distribute  the proceeds  to  the
Unitholders (after payment  of certain expenses  and priority items  - see  "The
Liquidation Process").   Such sales and  distributions will be  subject to  U.S.
federal income tax in the manner described below.  Section references are to the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

          The following discussion does not address the U.S. federal income  tax
consequences of such  sales and  distributions to  a "Non-U.S.  Unitholder."   A
"non-U.S. Unitholder" is a  Unitholder other than (i)  a citizen or resident  of
the United States, (ii) a corporation or partnership created or organized in the
United States or under the laws of the United States or of any state thereof  or
(iii) an estate or trust whose income can  be included in gross income for  U.S.
federal income tax purposes regardless of its source.

          In General.  As long  as the Partnership is  treated as a partnership
for U.S. federal income  tax purposes, it  will not be  subject to U.S.  federal
income tax.  Rather, each Unitholder  and General partner is required to  report
on his own  U.S. federal income  tax return his  share of  Partnership items  of
income, gain, loss, deduction and credit, including items realized in respect of
the sale of the Partnership's property, for each taxable year of the Partnership
ending within or with his taxable  year.  Accordingly, each Unitholder and  each
General Partner may be subject to  tax on his distributive share of  Partnership
income regardless  of  whether any  cash  distribution is  made  to him.    Each
Unitholder's basis  in  his  Units is  increased  by  the amount  by  which  his
distributable share of  income exceeds any  distributions made or  deemed to  be
made (e.g., a deemed distribution resulting  from a reduction of a  Unitholder's
share of the Partnership's liabilities) to him during such year.

          Gain or  Loss from  Sale of  Partnership Property.   Partnership real
property and depreciable property used in  the Partnership's business (which  is
not held for sale to customers in the ordinary course of business) and held more
than one year  is "section  1231 property."   Losses  (if any)  realized by  the
Partnership from the  sale of section  1231 property  generally will  constitute
"passive activity  losses" with  respect to  a  Unitholder, other  than  certain
Unitholders eligible to treat  all of their rental  real estate activities as  a
single activity.   Passive  activity losses  can  only offset  passive  activity
income, until the  Unitholder disposes  of his  entire interest  in the  passive
activity.  Gain (if any)  realized by the Partnership  from the sale of  section
1231 property will be "section 1231  gain" except as to depreciation subject  to
recapture under section 1245 of the Code and rent recapture under section 467 of
the Code.  A Unitholder's share of any section 1231 gain from the Partnership in
any year will  first offset any  current passive activity  losses and  suspended
passive activity losses form the Partnership  and other passive activities;  any
excess will be combined with any  other section 1231 gains or losses  (exclusive
of passive activity  losses) incurred by  the Unitholder.   If the section  1231
gains exceed the section 1231  losses, such net gains  will be treated as  long-
term capital gains.  However, a taxpayer's net section 1231 gain will be treated
as ordinary income (rather than capital  gain) to the extent of such  taxpayer's
net section 1231 losses  within the preceding five  years.  In  the case of  any
property, the gain reported by the Partnership will be measured by the excess of
the amount realized from the sale over the Partnership's adjusted basis for that
property.   Consequently, the  gain from  any sale  may exceed  the actual  cash
proceeds realized upon the sale.

          The distribution of cash to a  Unitholder pursuant to the  Liquidation
will be treated as a taxable distribution,  with the amount of taxable gain  (or
loss) realized equal to the difference  between (i) the amount of cash  received
plus such Unitholder's  share of any  reduction of  Partnership liabilities  and
(ii) the tax basis of his unit.

          Upon the Liquidation, the  Unitholder's share of  any losses from  the
Partnership previously suspended pursuant to the passive activity loss rules may
be used to offset certain taxable income from other sources, including the gain,
if any, realized as a result  of the Liquidation.   Any remaining gain from  the
Liquidation may be offset by current  or previously suspended losses from  other
passive activities of the Unitholder.

          Gain or loss realized  on the Liquidation will  be treated as  capital
gain or loss, and will be long-term if the Unitholder has held his Unit for more
than one year when the Liquidation is consummated.  Capital losses generally are
deductible only to  the extent  of capital gains  plus, in  the case  of a  non-
corporate Unitholder, up to Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) of ordinary  income.
Capital losses realized upon the Liquidation  may be utilized to offset  capital
gains from  other sources  and may  be carried  forward, subject  to  applicable

          Special considerations  may  be  applicable  to  particular  types  of
Unitholders.   Each Unitholder  should consult  his  tax advisor  regarding  the
specific tax consequences of disposing of  Units in the Partnership pursuant  to
the liquidation,  under not  only the  U.S.  federal income  tax laws  but  also
applicable state, local, foreign or other tax laws.

          Distributions to  Unitholders  based  on  Sale  at  Minimum  Price  of
$2,000,000 if Sale had taken place on December 31, 1995.  The total tax basis of
Johnstown/Consolidated  Income  Partners/2  was  Two  Million  Two  Hundred  Ten
Thousand One  Hundred  Eighty-one  Dollars ($2,210,181),  which  includes  Forty
Thousand Dollars ($40,000) in anticipated closing  costs assuming a sale at  the
Minimum Price.   This tax basis  would result in  there being approximately  Two
Hundred Ten Thousand One Hundred Eighty-one  ($210,181) in section 1231  losses.
This would result in section 1231  losses averaging approximately Three  Dollars
and 10/100 ($3.10) per Unit.  In addition, the unamortized costs of the  initial
formation are approximately  Eight Hundred  Thousand Dollars  ($800,000).   This
would result in capital losses averaging approximately Eleven Dollars and 75/100
($11.75) per Unit.

          Based on the cash  held by the Partnership  at December 31, 1995,  and
certain assumed selling expenses, total cash  to be distributed after all  costs
and liabilities are paid and all assets are collected would be approximately Two
Million Four  Hundred  One  Thousand  Dollars  ($2,401,000).    Of  this  amount
approximately Seven Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($715)  would be distributed to  the
General  Partner   and  approximately   $2,400,000  would   be  distributed   to
Unitholders.  Each  Unit would receive  an amount  of approximately  Thirty-five
Dollars ($35).

Security Ownership of Management and Certain Beneficial Owners

          No person  (including any  "group" as  that term  is used  in  Section
13(d)(3) of the Securities  Exchange Act of  1934, as amended)  is known to  the
Partnership to be the  beneficial owner of  more than five  (5%) percent of  the
outstanding units as of the Record Date.

          The following  persons  as  directors or  executive  officers  of  the
General Partner have interests in the Partnership as shown in the chart below:

Name of Individual       Position in CEIInterest in the Partnership

Carroll D. Vinson...........President..........................0%

William H. Jarrard.......Vice President .......................0%

John K. Lines.......Vice President/Secretary ..................0%

Kelley M. Buechler.....Assistant Secretary.....................0%

Robert D. Long, Jr. Chief Accounting Officer/..................0%

          The following table presents certain information regarding the  number
of Units beneficially owned by the  General Partner as of  the Record Date.   At
such date none  of the directors  or executive officers  of the General  Partner
beneficially owned any Units.

Beneficial Owner         Number of Units         Percent of Class

ConCap Equities, Inc............0..............................0%

          The benefit  to  the General  Partner  upon the  sale  and  subsequent
dissolution would be that  the General Partner  would receive its  proportionate
share, taking into account  the capital account balances.   The General  Partner
will receive approximately Seven Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($715).

Other Matters

          Even though the Partnership  is not required to  and does not  conduct
Partnership meetings, the General Partner may call a Partnership meeting at  any
time, and the General Partner is  required to call a Partnership meeting  within
ten (10) days after written request for  such a meeting by Limited Partners  who
are the record holders of  at least ten percent  (10%) of the total  outstanding
Units.   Any such  request submitted  to  the General  Partner shall  state  the
purpose of  the proposed  meeting and  the matters  proposed to  be acted  upon.
Partnership meetings shall be held at the principal office of the Partnership or
at such other place as may be designated by the General Partner.  As of the date
hereof, the General Partner has not received any written requests by any Limited
Partner for a Partnership meeting.


Further Information

          Unitholders having  questions  about the  Amendment  should  telephone
Beacon Hill Partners Inc. at (1-212-843-8500).

Information Delivered with Consent Solicitation

          This Consent Solicitation is  accompanied by the Partnership's  Annual
Report on Form 10-KSB for the year ended December 31, 1995, (the "Form 10-K") as
Exhibit "B."  This document and the subsequently filed Quarterly Report on  Form
10-QSB, for the quarter ending June  30, 1996, as Exhibit "C", are  incorporated
by reference herein and shall be  deemed to be a part  hereof.  The Exhibits  to
such documents are available without charge to any person, upon oral or  written
request, from Beacon Hill  Partners, Inc., 90 Broad  Street, New York, New  York
10004 (telephone: 212-843-8500).  Any document so requested will be furnished by
first-class mail or other equally prompt  means within two (2) business days  of
receipt of such request.

                                       EXHIBIT "A"

Schedule of Cash Distributions to Unitholders since the Partnerships' Inception

                           FROM OPERATIONS            OF CAPITAL          DISTRIBUTIONS

          (WEIGHTED                                                     UNIT

 1987      40,942           $ .83      $ 34,000     $ .29    $ 12,000   $ 1.12   $ 46,000

 1988      65,882             .00             0      6.41     422,000     6.41    422,000

 1989      68,854             .00             0     50.50   3,477,000    50.50  3,470,000

 1990      68,854             .00             0         0           0        0          0

 1991      68,854             .00             0         0           0        0          0

 1992      68,841            1.80       124,000      4.60     317,000     6.40    441,000

 1993      68,729            3.60       248,000         0           0     3.60    248,000

 1994      67,814            5.97       405,000         0           0     5.97    405,000

 1995      67,814            2.92       198,000         0           0     2.92    198,000

       TOTALS              $15.12    $1,009,000    $61.80  $4,228,000   $76.92 $5,237,000



     The  undersigned,  a  limited  partner  in  Johnstown/Consolidated   Income
Partners/2 (the "Partnership"), a California limited partnership, does hereby



with respect to  all units of  limited partnership interest  of the  Partnership
held of record by the undersigned  on August 29, 1996,  to the amendment to  the
Partnership's  Limited   Partnership  Agreement   which  would   eliminate   the
requirement that the limited partners of the Partnership consent to any sale  or
other disposition of all or substantially all of the Partnership's Assets to the
extent that,  in  the  determination  of  the  General  Partner,  such  sale  or
disposition is in the best interests of the Partnership, which amendment is  set
forth in the Consent Solicitation Statement dated August 30, 1996 which has been
furnished  to  the  undersigned.    If  no  specification  is  made  above,  the
undersigned by signing and returning this card will be deemed to have given  the
above consent.


                     Dated                                 , 1996


Please mark an "X" in the appropriate box  above and then sign, date and  return
this Consent promptly by using the enclosed envelope.  No Postage is required if
mailed in the United States.  This Consent should be signed exactly as your name
appears hereon.  When signing as an attorney, executor, administrator,  trustee,
guardian or officer of a corporation, give your full title as such.  In the case
of joint ownership, each joint owner should sign.  If a corporation please  sign
in full  corporate  name  by  president  or other  authorized  officer.    If  a
partnership, please sign in the partnership name by authorized person.