This Amendment No. 2 to Warehousing Credit Agreement dated as of June
28, 1994 (the "Amendment"), is entered into by and among TEC
AcquiSub, Inc., a California special purpose corporation
("Borrower"), and First Union National Bank of North Carolina ("FUNB")
and each other financial institution which may hereafter execute
and deliver an instrument of assignment pursuant to Section 11.10
of that certain Warehousing Credit Agreement dated June 30, 1993
(any one financial institution individually, a "Lender," and
collectively, "Lenders"), and FUNB, as agent on behalf of Lenders
(not in its individual capacity, but solely as agent, "Agent"). 
Capitalized terms used herein without definition shall have the
same meanings herein as given to them in the Credit Agreement.


     A.   Borrower, Lenders and Agent have entered into the
Warehousing Credit Agreement as amended by that certain Amendment
No. 1 to Warehousing Credit Agreement, dated December 20, 1993
(collectively, the "Credit Agreement") pursuant to which Lenders
have agreed to extend and make available to Borrower certain
advances of money.

     B.   Borrower desires that Lenders and Agent amend the Credit
Agreement to provide for, among other things, (i) a new subfacility
for commercial letter of credit borrowings not to exceed Five
Million ($5,000,000) in the aggregate undrawn face amount
outstanding at any time and (ii) a one year extension of the
Commitment Termination Date, upon the terms and conditions more
fully set forth herein.

     C.   Subject to the representations and warranties of Borrower
and upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Amendment, the
Lenders and Agent are willing to so amend the Credit Agreement.


     Now, Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing Recitals and
intending to be legally bound, the parties hereto agree as follows:

     Section 1.  Borrower's Representations and Warranties.  Borrower
represents and warrants that, immediately before and immediately
after giving effect to this Amendment, no event shall have occurred
and be continuing which constitutes an Event of Default or a
Potential Event of Default.

     Section 2.  Amendments. 

          2.1  The definition of "Borrowing Base" set forth in
Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is amended (1) by deleting
clause (a) in its entirety and replacing it with the following:

               (a)  an amount equal to:

                    (i)  eighty percent (80.0%) of the aggregate
               Invoice Price of all Eligible Inventory then owned
               of record by Borrower or any Marine Subsidiary or
               of record by an Owner Trustee for the beneficial
               interest of Borrower or any Marine Subsidiary
               (provided, however, that there shall be excluded
               from this clause (a)(i) the aggregate Invoice Price
               of all items of Eligible Inventory subject to a
               Lease under which any applicable lease or rental
               payment is more than ninety (90) days past due),
               computed (1) with respect to any requested Loan, as
               of the requested Funding Date (and shall include
               the item(s) of Eligible Inventory to be acquired
               with the proceeds of the requested Loan), and
               (2) with respect to the delivery of any monthly
               Borrowing Base Certificate to be furnished pursuant
               to Section 5.1(c), as of the last day of the
               calendar month for which such Borrowing Base
               Certificate is furnished (provided that if any
               portion of Borrower's, such Marine Subsidiary's or
               such Owner Trustee's ownership interest in any such
               item of Eligible Inventory is sold or assigned to
               one or more of the Equipment Growth Funds such that
               Borrower, such Marine Subsidiary or such Owner
               Trustee continues to retain less than the entire
               record or beneficial ownership interest therein,
               then for the purpose of computing the Borrowing
               Base under this clause (a)(i), the Invoice Price of
               such item of Eligible Inventory shall be deemed to
               be equal to Borrower's or such Marine Subsidiary's
               ratable portion of the Invoice Price of such item
               of Eligible Inventory); 

                    (ii)  one hundred percent (100.0%) of the sum
               of the undrawn face amount of all outstanding
               Qualified Letters of Credit; or

and (2) by deleting clause (b)(ii) in its entirety and replacing it
with the following:

                    (ii)  fifty percent (50.0%) of an amount equal
               to the aggregate net book value of all Equipment
               then owned of record by Growth Fund or a wholly-
               owned Subsidiary of Growth Fund organized for the
               purpose of holding legal or record title to one or
               more marine vessels or to aircraft rotables and
               spare parts or of record by an Owner Trustee for
               the beneficial interest of Growth Fund (provided,
               however, that there shall be excluded from this
               clause (b)(ii) the aggregate net book value of all
               such items of Equipment which are either (y) off-
               lease or (z) subject to a Lease under which any
               applicable lease or rental payment is more than
               ninety (90) days past due, but only to the extent
               and in the amount that the aggregate net book value
               of such otherwise excluded Equipment exceeds
               fifteen percent (15.0%) of the net book value of
               all Equipment included in this clause (b)(ii)
               notwithstanding this proviso),

          2.2  A definition of "Collateralized Portion" is added to
Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement to read as follows:

               "Collateralized Portion" means that portion of the
          face amount of a Letter of Credit which is cash
          collateralized with and covered by designated funds on
          deposit in the Restricted L/C Cash Collateral Account. 

          2.3  The definition of "Combined Off-Lease Percentage"
set forth in Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is deleted in its

          2.4  The definition of "Commitment Termination Date" set
forth in Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is deleted in its
entirety and is replaced with the following:

               "Commitment Termination Date" means June 30, 1995.

          2.5  A definition of "Letter of Credit" is added to
Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement to read as follows:

               "Letter of Credit" has the meaning set forth in
          Section 2.1.1.

          2.6  A definition of "Letter of Credit Commitment
Sublimit" is added to Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement to read
as follows:

               "Letter of Credit Commitment Sublimit" means the
          combined Commitments of the Lenders to participate in
          Letters of Credit issued pursuant to Section 2.1.4 in the
          aggregate stated amount of not more than Five Million
          Dollars ($5,000,000), which amount is a sublimit of, and
          not in addition to, the Commitments of the Lenders. 

          2.7  The definition of "Loan Document" set forth in
Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement is amended to add the words
"Letters of Credit," after the words "the Note," in line 2. 
          2.8  The definition of "Overadvance" set forth in Section
1.1 of the Credit Agreement is amended to substitute the words
"Section 2.1.1(a)(iv)" for "Section 2.1.1(a)(iii)". 

          2.9  A definition of "Qualified Letter of Credit" is
added to Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement to read as follows:

               "Qualified Letter of Credit" means a Letter of
          Credit issued by FUNB pursuant to this Agreement as to
          which not less than twenty percent (20.0%) of the face
          amount thereof is supported by cash collateral in the
          form of designated deposits in the Restricted L/C Cash
          Collateral Account. 

          2.10 A definition of "Restricted L/C Cash Collateral
Account" is added to Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement to read as

               "Restricted L/C Cash Collateral Account" means a
          restricted money market account maintained by Borrower at
          FUNB into which Borrower, at the time of each requested
          issuance of a Letter of Credit by FUNB pursuant to this
          Agreement, is to deposit funds equal to not less than
          twenty percent (20.0%) of the face amount thereof as cash
          collateral for Borrower's obligations in respect of an
          honor by FUNB of such Letter of Credit. 

          2.11 A definition of "Uncollateralized Portion" is added
to Section 1.1 of the Credit Agreement to read as follows:

               "Uncollateralized Portion" means that portion of the
          face amount of a Letter of Credit which is not cash
          collateralized with and is not otherwise covered by
          designated funds on deposit in the Restricted L/C Cash
          Collateral Account. 

          2.12 Section 2.1(a)(ii) of the Credit Agreement is
deleted in its entirety, Sections 2.1.1(a)(iii), (iv), and (v) are
renumbered to become Sections 2.1.1(a)(iv), (v) and (vi),
respectively, and new Sections 2.1.1(a)(ii) and (iii) are added as

               (ii) Each Lender also severally agrees that Borrower
          may, at its option as specified in a notice given to the
          Agent in accordance with Section 2.1.4(b) also request
          FUNB to issue one or more commercial letters of credit
          (each a "Letter of Credit"), in which event, after
          satisfaction of all conditions precedent set forth in
          Section 3, including, without limitation, Section 3.4,
          FUNB shall issue such Letters of Credit subject to and in
          accordance with Section 2.1.4; provided, however, nothing
          contained in this Agreement shall under any circumstance
          be deemed to require FUNB to issue any Letter of Credit
          which, in its undrawn face amount, taking into account
          the sum of the undrawn face amounts of all other Letters
          of Credit then outstanding, exceeds the Letter of Credit
          Commitment Sublimit. 

                    (iii)     The obligation of Lenders to make any
          Loan or for FUNB to issue (and the other Lenders to
          purchase participations in) Letters of Credit from time
          to time hereunder shall be limited to the then applicable
          Maximum Availability.  For the purpose of determining the
          amount of the Borrowing Base available at any one time,
          the amount available shall be the total amount of the
          Borrowing Base as set forth in the Borrowing Base
          Certificate delivered to Agent pursuant to Section 3.2(a)
          with respect to each requested Loan or Letter of Credit. 
          Nothing contained in this Agreement shall under any
          circumstance be deemed to require any Lender to make any
          Advance or to purchase any participation in a Letter of
          Credit under the Facility which, in the aggregate
          principal amount, either (1) taking into account such
          Lender's Pro Rata Share of the principal amounts
          outstanding under this Agreement and the making of such
          Advance or the purchase of such participation interest
          exceeds the lesser of (A) such Lender's Commitment for
          the Facility and (B) such Lender's Pro Rata Share of the
          Borrowing Base, or (2) taking into account such Lender's
          Pro Rata Share of the principal amounts outstanding under
          this Agreement and under the Growth Fund Agreement and
          the making of such Advance or the purchase of such
          participation exceeds such Lender's Commitment for the
          Facility.  To the extent that, following the honoring or
          any draw on a Letter of Credit and the resulting
          conversion of such drawn amounts into Loans pursuant to
          Section 2.1.4(d), there shall exist an Overadvance, such
          Overadvance shall be immediately due and payable pursuant
          to Section 2.1.1(a)(iv). 

          2.13 Renumbered Section 2.1.1(a)(iv) of the Credit
Agreement is amended by substituting "Section 2.1.1(a)(iv)" for
"Section 2.1.1(a)(iii)" appearing in line 8.

          2.14 Section 2.1.3 of the Credit Agreement is deleted in
its entirety and is replaced with the following: 

               2.1.3  Utilization of the Loans and Letters of
          Credit.  The Loans made and the Letters of Credit issued
          under the Facility may be used solely for the purpose of
          acquiring the specific items of Eligible Inventory
          approved by Requisite Lenders, in their sole discretion,
          and against which Lenders have made Advances or with
          respect to which FUNB has issued (and the Lenders have
          purchased participations in) Letters of Credit; provided,
          however, in no event shall the proceeds of (a) any Loan
          be used to finance more than eighty percent (80.0%) of
          the Invoice Price of any item of Eligible Inventory to be
          purchased with the proceeds of such Loan or (b) any
          Letter of Credit be used for any reason other than to
          finance up to one hundred percent (100.0%) of the Invoice
          Price of any item of Eligible Inventory to be purchased
          with the proceeds of such Letter of Credit.  The parties
          hereto understand and contemplate that the Loans and
          Letters of Credit are being requested to finance the
          acquisition of items of Eligible Equipment and that only
          upon the funding of such Loans or the honoring of such
          Letters of Credit, as the case may be, and the
          acquisition of record title by Borrower or a Marine
          Subsidiary or by an Owner Trustee for the beneficial
          interest of Borrower or a Marine Subsidiary in a single
          or back-to-back transaction will the ownership
          requirements of Eligible Inventory be satisfied.

          2.15 A new Section 2.1.4 is added to the Credit Agreement
to read as follows:

               2.1.4     Letters of Credit.

                    (a)  Without limiting the generality of Section
          2.1.1, Borrower,at its option as specified in a notice
          given to the Agent in accordance with Section 2.1.4(b)
          may use the Commitments to request FUNB to issue Letters
          of Credit, in which event, after satisfaction of all
          conditions precedent set forth in Section 3, including,
          without limitation, Section 3.4, FUNB shall issue and
          each Lender shall be deemed to have purchased a
          participation from FUNB in the original stated amount of
          such Letter of Credit equal to such Lender's Pro Rata
          Share of such Letter of Credit.  Nothing contained in
          this Agreement shall under any circumstance be deemed to
          require any Lender to participate in the issuance of any
          Letter of Credit which, taking into account such Lender's
          participation in such Letter of Credit, when added to the
          aggregate of such Lender's participation in all other
          issued and undrawn Letters of Credit, exceeds such
          Lender's Pro Rata Share of the Letter of Credit
          Commitment Sublimit.  

                    (b)  Subject to the terms and conditions of
          this Agreement and in reliance upon the representations
          and warranties of Borrower set forth herein, at any time
          and from time to time from the Closing Date through the
          Business Day immediately prior to the Commitment
          Termination Date, FUNB shall issue for the account of
          Borrower such Letters of Credit as Borrower may request,
          which request shall be made by delivering to the Agent a
          duly executed Application and Agreement for Irrevocable
          Commercial Letter of Credit, in such form as Borrower and
          FUNB shall reasonably agree.  No Letter of Credit shall
          have an expiration date that is later than the Commitment
          Termination Date or one hundred fifty (150) days after
          the issuance of the Letter of Credit, whichever is

                    (c)    Upon the honoring of any draw under a
          Letter of Credit, the full amount of such draw shall be
          immediately due and payable by Borrower to FUNB.  FUNB
          shall immediately notify the Agent, each Lender and
          Borrower of the amount of such draw and to the extent
          that FUNB has not been immediately reimbursed by Borrower
          for any payment required to be made by FUNB under such
          Letter of Credit (and all commissions incurred but unpaid
          in connection therewith), each Lender shall, according to
          its Pro Rata Share of the Uncollateralized Portion of
          such Letter of Credit, reimburse FUNB upon written demand
          for the amount of such payment (and such unpaid
          commissions).  The obligation of each Lender to so
          reimburse FUNB shall be absolute and unconditional and
          shall not be affected by the occurrence of an Event of
          Default or Potential Event of Default or any other
          occurrence or event.  Any such reimbursement shall not
          relieve or otherwise limit or impair the obligation of
          Borrower to reimburse the Lenders for the amount of any
          payment made by FUNB under any Letter of Credit.

                    (d)  Without limiting the generality of the
          preceding Subsections of this Section 2.1.4, in the event
          Borrower shall fail to reimburse FUNB immediately for any
          honor of a draw on any Letter of Credit as confirmed by
          FUNB's written notice and demand for payment from each
          Lender of its ratable participation amount pursuant to
          Subsection 2.1.4(c), each Lender shall be deemed to have
          made, without further notice to Borrower, Loans in the
          principal amount equal to each Lender's Pro Rata Share of
          the amount drawn under such Letter of Credit (up to but
          not exceeding the Uncollateralized Portion thereof), plus
          any unpaid commission, and, for this purpose, the
          conditions precedent set forth in Section 3 shall not
          apply.  The proceeds of such Loans shall be applied to
          reimburse FUNB for such payment required to be made by
          FUNB under the Letter of Credit.  In the event that any
          Loan shall be deemed to be made to Borrower pursuant to
          this Section 2.1.4(d), such Loan shall be deemed to have
          been made as of the date of the honor of the draw under
          the respective Letter of Credit and interest shall accrue
          thereon at the same rate as provided for other Loans
          under this Agreement.  In the event that FUNB does not
          receive the proceeds of any Loans made pursuant to this
          Subsection by 1:00 p.m., North Carolina time, on the date
          that the draw on the Letter of Credit is honored, the
          Lender whose funds are delayed shall pay interest to FUNB
          on the amount not received at the Federal Funds Rate from
          the date of such honor until the date on which FUNB
          receives such proceeds by 1:00 p.m.

                    (e)  All Letters of Credit advanced under the
          Commitments are to be Qualified Letters of Credit. 
          Borrower hereby acknowledges and reaffirms the grant to
          the Agent, on behalf of FUNB and the other Lenders, under
          the Security Agreement of a duly and fully perfected
          security interest in all of Borrower's right, title and
          interest in and to the Restricted L/C Cash Collateral
          Account and all funds on deposit therein and all proceeds
          thereof.  So long as any Letter of Credit shall be
          outstanding and undrawn, Borrower shall continue to
          maintain separate funds in the Restricted L/C Cash
          Collateral Account so to assure that each such
          outstanding Letter of Credit remains a Qualified Letter
          of Credit.  Upon the honoring of a draw on a Letter of
          Credit and the delivery of a demand from FUNB pursuant to
          Section 2.1.4(c) that Borrower reimburse FUNB for the
          entire amount of such draw, Borrower hereby authorizes
          FUNB to direct debit the Restricted L/C Cash Collateral
          Account in the amount of the Collateralized Portion of
          the Letter of Credit, which amount FUNB may apply in
          reimbursement of itself for the Collateralized Portion of
          the honored draw. 

     2.16 Section 2.3 of the Credit Agreement is deleted in its
entirety and is replaced with the following: 

          2.3  Fees and Commissions.  Borrower agrees to pay to
FUNB, as set forth below, a nonrefundable commission fee with
respect to each Letter of Credit issued hereunder, according to the
following commission schedule:

               (a)  Issuance Fee.  An issuance fee equal to one-
               eighth of one percent
          (0.125%) of the face amount of the requested Letter of
          Credit, payable at the time of Borrower's request
          therefor to the Agent for the ratable account of FUNB for
          the Collateralized Portion of such Letter of Credit and
          of each Lender (including FUNB) according to each
          Lender's Pro Rata Share of the Uncollateralized Portion
          of such Letter of Credit.

               (b)  Negotiation Fee.  A negotiation fee equal to
          one-fourth of one percent (0.250%) of the face amount of
          any draw honored under any Letter of Credit, payable to
          the negotiating financial institution at the time such
          draw is honored.  

               (c)  Acceptance Fee.  For each accepted Letter of
          Credit, an acceptance fee calculated at a rate equal to
          two and one-half percent (2.5%) per annum of the face
          amount of such Letter of Credit (for the period
          commencing with the date of acceptance of such Letter of
          Credit through such Letter of Credit's expiration date),
          payable in advance on the date of acceptance to the Agent
          for the ratable account of FUNB for the Collateralized
          Portion of such Letter of Credit and of each Lender
          (including FUNB) according to each Lender's Pro Rata
          Share of the Uncollateralized Portion of such Letter of

     2.17 Sections 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 of the Credit Agreement are
modified so that each reference to a Loan or the making of any
Advance shall also be deemed to mean and include a Letter of Credit
or the issuance of a Letter of Credit, as the context may dictate.

     2.18 A new Section 3.4 is added to the Credit Agreement to
read as follows:

               3.4  Further Conditions to All Letters of Credit. 
          Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in
          this Agreement, unless waived in writing by Requisite
          Lenders, FUNB shall have no obligation to issue (and no
          Lender shall have any obligation to purchase any
          participation in) any Letter of Credit if any of the
          following events shall no have occurred: 

                    (a)  Borrower shall not have executed and
          delivered to FUNB, with appropriate insertions
          satisfactory to FUNB in its sole discretion, an
          Application and Agreement for Irrevocable Commercial
          Letter of Credit with respect to the requested Letter of

                    (b)  Borrower shall not have deposited
          sufficient funds into the Restricted L/C Cash Collateral
          Account to cash collateralize at least twenty percent
          (20.0%) of the face amount of the requested Letter of

     2.19 Section 3.3(f) of the Credit Agreement is deleted in its

     2.20 Sections 8.3(b) and (c) of the Credit Agreement are
renumbered as Sections 8.3(c) and (d) and a new Section 8.3(b) is
added to read as follows:

                    (b)  Demand that Borrower (i) deposit cash in
          the Restricted L/C Cash Collateral Account in an amount
          equal to the Uncollateralized Portions of any Letters of
          Credit remaining undrawn, as collateral security for the
          repayment of any future drawings under such Letters of
          Credit, and Borrower shall forthwith deposit and pay such
          amounts, and (ii) pay in advance all Letter of Credit
          fees and commissions scheduled or payable over the
          remaining terms of the Letter of Credit.

     2.21 Exhibit B (form of Borrowing Base Certificate) to the
Credit Agreement is replaced and superseded by Attachment 1 to this

     Section 3.  Limitation.  The amendments set forth in this
Amendment shall be limited precisely as written and shall not be
deemed (a) to be a modification of any other term or condition of
the Credit Agreement or of any other instrument or agreement
referred to therein or to prejudice any right or remedy which any
of the Lenders or Agent may now have or may have in the future
under or in connection with the Credit Agreement or any instrument
or agreement referred to therein; or (b) to be a consent to any
future amendment or modification to any instrument or agreement the
execution and delivery of which is consented to hereby, or to any
waiver of any of the provisions thereof.  Except as expressly
amended hereby, the Credit Agreement shall continue in full force
and effect.

     Section 4.  Facility Extension Fee.  In consideration of the
Lenders' agreement to enter into this Amendment and to extend the
Commitment Termination Date, Borrower agrees to pay to Agent, for
the account of FUNB (in its capacity as the sole Lender as of the
date of this Amendment), an amendment and extension fee of
$125,000, due and payable on the effective date of this Amendment. 

     Section 5.  Effectiveness.  This Amendment shall become effective
upon the last to occur of:

          (a)  Receipt by Agent, in form and substance satisfactory
to FUNB (in its capacity as the sole Lender) of a certified copy of
the records of all actions taken by Borrower, TEC and FSI,
including all corporate resolutions of Borrower, TEC and FSI
authorizing or relating to the execution, delivery and performance
of this Amendment.

          (b)  The execution and delivery of a copy hereof, whether
the same or different copies, by Borrower, FUNB (in its capacity as
the sole Lender) and Agent. 

          (c)  The execution and delivery of the Acknowledgement of
Amendment and Reaffirmation of Guaranty attached to this Amendment,
whether the same or different copies, by each of FSI and TEC.

          (d)  Receipt by Agent of an originally executed legal
opinion of Stephen Peary, general counsel of Borrower, on behalf of
Borrower, in form and substance satisfactory to Agent as to the due
authorization and enforceability of this Amendment, dated as of the
effective date of this Amendment and addressed to the Lenders and

          (e)  Receipt by Agent, for the account of FUNB (in its
capacity as the sole Lender), of the $125,000 facility extension
fee described in Section 4, above.

          (f)  The execution and delivery of an Amendment No. 1 to
the Growth Fund Agreement by Growth Fund, FUNB (in its capacity as
the sole Lender) and Agent. 

          (g)  Receipt by Agent of such other documents as the
Agent shall reasonably request.

     Section 6.  Counterparts.  This Amendment may be signed in any
number of counterparts, and by different parties hereto in separate
counterparts, with the same effect as if the signatures to each
such counterpart were upon a single instrument.  All counterparts
shall be deemed an original of this Amendment. 

     In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment
to be executed as of the date first written above.

Borrower                 TEC Acquisub, Inc. 

                         By: /s/ Stephen Peary                   
                         Printed Name: Stephen Peary             
                         Title: Vice President                   

Lenders                  First Union National Bank Of North Carolina

                         By: /s/ Milt Anderson                   
                         Printed Name: Milt Anderson             
                         Title: Vice President                   

Agent                    First Union National Bank Of North Carolina, as

                         By: /s/ Milt Anderson                   
                         Printed Name: Milt Anderson             
                         Title: Vice President