This Amendment No. 7 to Note Agreement (the "Amendment") is
made as of July 22, 1994 by and between PLM International, Inc., a
Delaware corporation ("Company"), and Principal Mutual Life
Insurance Company ("Purchaser"), and amends that certain Note
Agreement dated as of January 15, 1989, as amended by Amendment No.
1 to Note Agreement dated as of May     , 1989, by Amendment No. 2
to Note Agreement dated as of June 1, 1989, by Amendment No. 3 to
Note Agreement dated as of August 6, 1990, by Amendment No. 4 to
Note Agreement dated as of June 21, 1991, by Amendment No. 5 to
Note Agreement dated as of December 16, 1991, and Amendment No. 6
to Note Agreement dated as of October 30, 1992 by and between the
Company and the Purchaser (as so amended, the "Note Agreement").


     A.   The Company and the Purchaser have entered into the Note
Agreement and the Company has issued and delivered to Purchasers
the Notes (as defined in the Note Agreement).

     B.   The Company and Purchaser now desire to amend the Note
Agreement and the Notes.

     C.   As of the date hereof, the Purchaser is the holder of
100% in aggregate principal amount of the Notes.

     D.   Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set
forth, the Company and Purchaser are willing to amend the Note
Agreement and the Notes.

     NOW, THEREFORE, the Company and the Purchaser hereby agree as

          1.   Section 5.5.  Section 5.5 of the Note Agreement is
hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

               "5.5.  Nature of Business.  The Company,
          its Restricted Subsidiaries and Special
          Subsidiaries will engage only in (i) the
          business of or a business relating to (a) the
          ownership, operation, maintenance or leasing
          of transportation equipment, (b) the financing
          of transportation equipment and (c) the
          management of transportation equipment
          portfolios and (ii) any other business
          provided that, as a result of engaging in such
          business, the general nature of the business,
          taken on a consolidated basis, which would
          then be engaged in by the Company, its
          Restricted Subsidiaries and Special
          Subsidiaries would not be substantially
          changed from the general nature of the
          business engaged in by the Company, its
          Restricted Subsidiaries and Special
          Subsidiaries on the date of this Agreement.
          The Company shall cause no more than 50% of
          its Equipment (as defined in Section 5.14)
          determined on the basis of market value to be
          in any one transportation sector (e.g.
          aircraft, marine vessels, marine containers,
          storage containers, railcars or trailers). 
          Without limiting the foregoing, the Company
          shall ensure that each category of Equipment
          listed below shall not exceed the percentages
          set forth opposite its category (determined on
          the basis of market value) of the aggregate
          Equipment of the Company: 

               Type of Equipment        Maximum Percentage
           Any one item of Equipment         15%
               Marine containers             10%"

     2.   Section 5.8(b).  Section 5.8(b) is hereby amended to read
in its entirety as follows:

               "(b) Directly or indirectly, or through
          any Subsidiary, purchase, redeem or retire any
          shares of capital stock of any class or any
          warrants, rights or options to purchase or
          acquire any shares of its capital stock
          (except purchases, redemptions or retirement
          of up to $3,500,000 in the aggregate of common
          shares of the Company);"

     3.   Section 5.8(c).  Section 5.8(c) is hereby amended to read
in its entirety as follows:

               "(c) Directly or indirectly, or through
          any Subsidiary, purchase, redeem, retire or
          make any prepayment (other than mandatory
          payments) on Subordinated Debt other than: (i)
          on the Notes; (ii) on the Existing
          Subordinated Notes;"

     4.   Section 5.11.  The second paragraph set forth in Section
5.11 of the Note Agreement is hereby amended to read in its
entirety to read as follows:

               "As used in this Sec. 5.11, "Management
          Change" shall mean (i) a Restricted Management
          Change, (ii) a Special Restricted Management
          Change or (iii) the discontinuance of
          employment with the Company for any reason
          including death or disability of four (4) of
          any of the five (5) following individuals:  J.
          Michael Allgood, Stephen M. Bess, Douglas P.
          Goodrich, Allen V. Hirsch, or Robert N.
          Tidball, provided that in the case of death or
          disability the Substitute Officer (as defined
          below) shall replace the individual on the
          foregoing list the position of whom such
          Substitute Officer assumes."

     The third paragraph set forth in Section 5.11 of the Note
Agreement is hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

               "As used in this Sec. 5.11, the term
          "Restricted Management Change" shall mean (i)
          the discontinuance of employment with the
          Company of four (4) of any of the five (5)
          following individuals: J. Michael Allgood,
          Stephen M. Bess, Allen V. Hirsch, Douglas P.
          Goodrich, or Robert N. Tidball, to positions
          designated as, and having responsibilities
          customarily associated with, the respective
          offices held by such individuals on June 30,
          1994 for any reason other than death or
          disability or (ii) the failure of any four (4)
          of such individuals for any reason other than
          death or disability (a) to actively discharge
          the duties customarily associated with their
          respective offices, or (b) to actively
          participate in the management and operations
          of the Company in substantially equal or
          greater capacities to those engaged in by such
          individuals on June 30, 1994."

     5.   Section 5.13.  Section 5.13 of the Note Agreement is
hereby deleted in its entirety.  Hereafter Section 5.13 shall be
intentionally left blank.

     6.   Section 5.14.  Section 5.14 of the Note Agreement is
hereby amended to read in its entirety as follows:

               "5.14.  Equipment Off-Lease.  The Company
          shall not permit as at the end of any two
          consecutive calendar months the Invoice Price
          of all Equipment (other than Designated
          Trailers) then Off-lease to exceed twenty
          percent (20%) of the sum of (A) the Invoice
          Price of all Equipment, plus (B) the amount
          then on deposit in any Sold Equipment Cash
          Collateral Account.  For purposes of this
          Sec. 5.14 and Exhibit E, "Designated Trailers"
          means any and all Equipment constituting
          trailers designated by the Company for use
          through rental yards for short-term rentals or
          for rail-car revenue sharing agreements;
          "Invoice Price" means, with respect to any
          item or items of Equipment, the aggregate
          manufacturer's or seller's invoice price(s)
          for such Equipment (including any reasonable
          costs directly incurred as a result of the
          acquisition of such Equipment), net of any
          acquisition or other fees payable (or paid) by
          the Company (or its predecessor) to FSI or any
          Affiliate of the Company of FSI; "Off-lease"
          means not subject to a Lease or subject to a
          Lease under which the lessee is an Affiliate
          of the Company, a Subsidiary of the Company or
          the Company, unless the Equipment subject to
          such a Lease has been subleased by any such
          Affiliate, any such Subsidiary or the Company
          (as applicable) to a person that is not an
          Affiliate of the Company, a Subsidiary of the
          Company or the Company; "Equipment " means all
          items of transportation-related equipment
          acquired, by purchase, lease or otherwise, by
          the Company or by PLM Rental, Inc. for lease
          at anytime, and shall include items of
          equipment legal or record title to which is
          held by any trustee of a trust in which the
          Company holds any beneficial interest or by a
          wholly-owned Subsidiary of the Company
          organized for the purpose of holding legal or
          record title to a single marine vessel (a
          "Marine Subsidiary");

          "Sold Equipment Cash Collateral Account" means
          any cash collateral account maintained for the
          benefit of any holder of Senior Debt for the
          purpose of holding proceeds received in
          connection with the sale of Equipment."

     7.   Section 5.18.  Section 5.18 of the Note Agreement is
hereby amended to reletter certain paragraphs and for such
paragraphs to read in their entirety as follows:

               "(k) investment by the Company or a
          Restricted Subsidiary in joint ventures which
          provided services to or complement the
          Company's or such Restricted Subsidiary's
          operating businesses, provided that such
          investments do not exceed ten percent (10%) of
          the Borrowing Base at the time any such
          investment is made; 

               (l) Investments listed on Schedule
          5.18(l), provided, however, that only ESOP
          Cash Collateral may be invested pursuant to
          Schedule 5.18(l).  For purposes of this
          Sec. 5.18(l), the term "ESOP Cash Collateral" and
          all definitions related thereto shall have the
          meanings given in (a) Amendment No. 1 to
          Second Amended and Restated Loan Agreement
          dated as of December 9, 1991, attached hereto
          in Exhibit "A", (b) Second Amended and
          Restated Loan Agreement dated as of December
          9, 1991, attached hereto in Exhibit "A", (c)
          Second Amended and Restated Security Agreement
          dated December 9, 1991, and attached hereto a
          Exhibit "A", as each of such documents listed
          in (a), (b) and (c) is in effect on December
          16, 1991; provided, however, that any
          references to any documents in such
          definitions for purposes hereof will be to the
          documents in effect on December 16, 1991,
          whether or not such documents are subsequently
          modified, altered, amended, or supplemented;

               (m) Restricted Investments made within
          the limitations of Sec. 5.8" 

     8.   Section 5.20(f) is hereby amended to read in its entirety
as follows:

               "(f)  Officers' Certificates.  Within the
          periods provided in paragraphs (a) and (b)
          above, a certificate of the chief financial
          officer of the Company and an executive vice
          president or the chief executive officer of
          the Company stating that they have reviewed
          the provisions of this Agreement and setting
          forth:  (i) the information and computations
          (in sufficient detail) required in order to
          establish whether the Company was in
          compliance with the requirements of Sec. 5.5
          through Sec. 5.14, inclusive, at the end of the
          period covered by the financial statements
          then being furnished, and (ii) whether there
          existed as of the date of such financial
          statements and whether, to the best of their
          knowledge, there exists on the date of the
          certificate or existed at any time during the
          period covered by such financial statements
          any Default or Event of Default and, if any
          such condition or event exists on the date of
          the certificate, specifying the nature and
          period of existence thereof and the action the
          Company is taking and proposes to take with
          respect thereto;"

     9.   Amendment Fee.  In consideration of the Purchaser's
agreement to execute and deliver this Amendment, the Company agrees
to pay the Purchaser, upon the Company's receipt of a copy of this
Amendment executed by the Purchaser a fee in the amount of
$200,000, provided however, that this Amendment shall not become
effective for any purpose until Purchaser has received said

     10.  Effectiveness.  Subject to, and only after compliance
with, the provisions of paragraph 8 hereof, this Amendment and each
of its terms shall be effective as of June 30, 1994 and will apply
to all periods from and after June 30, 1994.

     11.  Express Amendment.  Except as specifically provided
herein, the Note Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. 
No provision of this Amendment shall be construed to limit any
obligation of the Company under the Note Agreement or any right of
the Purchaser under the Note Agreement.

     12.  Counterparts.  This Amendment may be signed in any number
of counterparts with the same effect as if the signatures to each
such counterpart were upon a single instrument.  All counterparts
shall be deemed an original of this Agreement.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
Amendment to be executed as of the date first written above.

     COMPANY:                           PURCHASER:

                                        INSURANCE COMPANY

     By: /s/ J. Michael Allgood         By: /s/ Jon C. Heiny
     Its:  Vice President & CFO         Its: Counsel              

                                        By: /s/ Annette Masterson
                                        Its: Assistant Director
                                             Securities Investment