Exhibit 10.5                                                     


     The definition of "Plan Year" in Article II of the Plan
shall be amended to read as follows:

          "'Plan Year' shall mean the twelve-month period
          beginning on January 1 and ending on December 31,
          provided, however, that the initial Plan Year shall be
          a short Plan Year commencing on the Effective Date and
          the final Plan Year shall be a short Plan Year ending
          on the effective date of termination of the Plan."

     The definition of "Compensation" in Article II of the Plan
shall be amended, as conformed to Amendment No. 2,  to read as

               "'Compensation' shall mean, for each Plan Year,
          the compensation (within the meaning of such term under
          Section 415(c)(3) of the Code) paid to an Employee for
          the performance of Service during such Plan Year,
          including (except for purposes of Article X) amounts
          otherwise excludable from such individual's gross
          income under Section 125, 402(e)(3) or 402(h) of the
          Code.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the maximum
          amount of Compensation taken into account for an
          individual in any Plan Year beginning before January 1,
          1994, shall not exceed $200,000, as such amount is
          adjusted for increases in the cost-of-living in
          accordance with Section 401(a)(17) of the Code, and the
          maximum amount of Compensation that may be taken into
          account in any Plan Year beginning on or after January
          1, 1994 shall not exceed $150,000, as such amount is
          adjusted for increases in the cost-of-living in
          accordance with Code section 401(a)(17). The cost-of-
          living adjustment in effect for a calendar year applies
          to any period, not exceeding 12 months, over which
          compensation is determined (determination period)
          beginning in such calendar year.  If a determination
          period consists of fewer than 12 months, the limit set
          forth in this paragraph shall be multiplied by a
          fraction, the numerator of which is the number of
          months in the determination period, and the denominator
          of which is 12."

     A new section 9.8 of the Plan shall be added to read as

               "9.8  Direct Rollovers.  This Section applies to
          distributions made on or after January 1, 1993. 
          Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the
          contrary that would otherwise limit a distributee's
          election under this Article IX or a distribution on
          Plan termination under Article XVII, a distributee may
          elect, at the time and in the manner prescribed by the
          Committee, to have any portion of an eligible rollover
          distribution paid directly to an eligible retirement
          plan specified by the distributee in a direct rollover. 

          (a)  For purposes of this section, the following terms
               shall be defined as follows:

               (i)       Eligible rollover distribution:  An
                         eligible rollover distribution is any
                         distribution of all or any portion of
                         the balance to the credit of the
                         distributee, except that an eligible
                         rollover distribution does not include: 
                         any distribution that is one of a series
                         of substantially equal periodic payments
                         (not less frequently than annually) made
                         for the life (or life expectancy) of the
                         distributee or the joint lives (or joint
                         life expectancies) of the distributee
                         and the distributee's designated
                         beneficiary, or for a specified period
                         of ten years or more; any distribution
                         to the extent such distribution is
                         required under section 401(a)(9) of the
                         Code; and the portion of any
                         distribution that is not includable in
                         gross income (determined without regard
                         to the exclusion for net unrealized
                         appreciation with respect to employer
                         securities).  An eligible rollover
                         distribution also does not include
                         distribution of Code section 404(k)
                         dividends, and any additional items
                         designated by the Commissioner in
                         revenue rulings, notices, and other

               (ii)      Eligible retirement plan:  An eligible
                         retirement plan is an individual
                         retirement account described in section
                         408(a) of the Code, an individual
                         retirement annuity described in section
                         408(b) of the Code, an annuity plan
                         described in section 403(a) of the Code,
                         or a qualified trust described in
                         section 401(a) of the Code, that accepts
                         the distributee's eligible rollover
                         distribution.  However, in the case of
                         an eligible rollover distribution to the
                         surviving spouse, an eligible retirement
                         plan is an individual retirement account
                         or individual retirement annuity.

               (iii)     Distributee:  A distributee includes an
                         employee or former Employee.  In
                         addition, the Employee's or former
                         Employee's Surviving Spouse and the
                         Employee's or former Employee's Spouse
                         or former Spouse who is the alternate
                         payee under a qualified domestic
                         relations order, as defined in section
                         414(p) of the Code, are distributees
                         with regard to the interest of the
                         Spouse or former Spouse.

               (iv)      Direct rollover:  A direct rollover is a
                         payment by the plan to the eligible
                         retirement plan specified by the

          (b)  The Committee may prescribe reasonable procedures
               for the election of direct rollovers under this
               section, including, but not limited to:

               (i)       Requirements that the distributee
                         provide the Committee with adequate
                         information, including, but not limited
                         to, the name of the eligible retirement
                         plan to which the rollover is to be
                         made, a representation that the
                         recipient plan is an individual
                         retirement plan, a qualified plan, or a
                         403(a) annuity, as appropriate,
                         acknowledgement from the recipient plan
                         that it will accept the direct rollover,
                         and any other information necessary to
                         make the direct rollover;
               (ii)      Requirements that direct rollover
                         elections be made within 30 days of
                         receipt of the notice required under
                         section 402(f) of the Code and
                         procedures for default which either
                         provide that a failure to make an
                         affirmative election within this time
                         period will constitute an election to
                         make a direct rollover or provide that
                         failure to make an affirmative election
                         within this time period shall constitute
                         an election to receive the distribution;

               (iii)     Requirements prohibiting the division of
                         an eligible rollover distribution into
                         separate distributions to be paid to
                         more than one plan;

               (iv)      Requirements prohibiting a direct
                         rollover if the total distributions for
                         the year to the distributee are
                         reasonably expected to total less than

               (v)       Requirements prohibiting division of an
                         eligible rollover distribution into a
                         portion to be paid in a direct rollover
                         and a portion to be paid to the
                         distributee, unless the amount to be
                         paid in the direct rollover is equal to
                         or greater than $500."
     Section 9.1 of the Plan is amended by adding ", Section 9.9,
and Section 9.10" after the reference to "Section 9.6" in the
first line of text.

     Section 9.2(a) of the Plan is amended by adding ", Section
9.9 and Section 9.10" after the reference to "Section 9.6" in the
first line of text. 

     A new section 9.9 of the Plan shall be added to read as

               "9.9 Distribution of Vested Interest Less than or
          Equal to $3,500.  Notwithstanding any provision of this
          Plan to the contrary, if the value of the Vested
          Interest of a Member is less than or equal to $3,500
          (and has never exceeded $3,500 at the time of any prior
          distribution), then it shall be distributed in a lump
          sum as soon as practicable on or after the later of
          June 17, 1994 or the day the Member terminates Service. 
          For the purpose of determining the value of the Vested
          Interest of a Member who has terminated Service under
          this Section 9.9, Stock held in the Member's Account
          shall be valued based on the fair market value of the
          shares of common stock of PLM into which any Series A
          Convertible Preferred Stock would be converted upon
          distribution.  For the purpose of this Section 9.9,
          fair market value shall mean the closing price for the
          common stock of PLM on the date immediately prior to
          the date of distribution as reported on the America
          Stock Exchange by the Wall Street Journal on such date,
          or if no such common stock was traded on the relevant
          date, on the next preceding day on which such common
          stock was so traded.  Any distribution made pursuant to
          this Section 9.9 shall be made in kind, in whole shares
          of Stock, consisting of shares of common stock of PLM
          into which any Series A Convertible Preferred Stock
          shall have been converted, together with any cash
          credited to the Member either awaiting investment in
          Stock or representing a fractional share of Stock." 

     A new section 9.10 of the Plan shall be added to read as
               "9.10  Elective Distributions on Termination of
          Service.  Notwithstanding any provision of this Plan to
          the contrary, a Member who has terminated Service may
          elect, in such form and manner specified by the
          Committee or its delegates, to receive the Vested
          Interest of the Member in the Member's Account as soon
          as practicable on or after the later of June 17, 1994
          or the date of the Member's termination of Service. 
          Any distribution made pursuant to the Section 9.10
          shall be made in kind, in whole shares of Stock,
          consisting of shares of common stock of PLM into which
          any Series A Convertible Preferred Stock shall have
          been converted, together with any cash credited to the
          Member either awaiting investment in Stock or
          representing a fractional share of Stock."  
     Section 17.1 of the Plan shall be amended to read as

                    "17.1 Amendment, Suspension or Termination of
               the Plan. (a)  Subject to the provisions of
               Section 17.1(b), the Board of Directors reserves
               the right at any time to amend, suspend or
               terminate the Plan, any Company Contributions
               thereunder, or the Trust in whole or in part and
               for any reason and without the consent of any
               Participating Company, Member, Beneficiary or
               other interested party.  Any action taken pursuant
               to this Subsection shall be formally adopted by
               resolution, unanimous written consent, or any
               other method authorized under the by-laws of PLM
               and shall be effective on the date of its adoption
               or such other date as may be specified in the
               resolution or other Board of Directors' action."

     Section 17.4 of the Plan shall be amended to read as

                    "17.4  Termination of the Plan.  Upon
               termination of the Plan, the Company shall not
               make any further Company Contributions under the
               Plan and no amount shall thereafter be payable
               under the Plan to or in respect of any Member
               except as provided in this Article XVII.  Any
               Financed Stock credited to the Loan Suspense
               Account shall be used first to satisfy any
               obligations under the ESOP Loan. Any Financed
               Stock remaining after satisfaction of all
               liabilities under the ESOP Loan shall be credited
               to the Accounts of Members who are Employees on
               the date of termination of the Plan in the
               proportion that each such member's Covered
               Compensation for the Plan Year bears to the
               aggregate Covered Compensation of all such Member
               for such Plan Year.  To the maximum extent
               permitted by ERISA, transfers, distributions or
               other dispositions of the assets of the Plan as
               provided in this Article XVII shall constitute a
               complete discharge of all liabilities under the
               Plan.  The Committee shall remain in existence and
               all of the provisions of the Plan which in the
               opinion of the Committee are necessary for the
               execution of the Plan and the administration and
               distribution, transfer or other disposition of the
               assets of the Plan in accordance with this Section
               17.4 shall remain in force.  After (i) payment of
               or provision for all expenses and charges referred
               to in Section 6.3 and Section 6.4 and (ii)
               adjustment for earnings, profits and losses of the
               Trust to such termination date in the manner
               described in Section 6.1, the interest of each
               Member in Service as of the date of such
               termination in the amount, if any, credited to his
               or her Account after the foregoing adjustments,
               shall be nonforfeitable as of such date.  As of
               the date of termination, the shares and cash, if
               any, credited to the Account of each Member or
               former Member shall be paid in kind in a lump sum
               as soon as practicable from the Trust to each
               Member and former Member (or, in the event of the
               death of a Member or former Member, the
               Beneficiary thereof), if the Company and every
               other entity within the same controlled group as
               the Company does not maintain another defined
               contribution plan.  Otherwise, such lump sum shall
               be transferred to another defined contribution
               plan of the Company or an entity within the same
               control group as the Company.  Such a lump sum
               shall include whole shares of Stock, consisting of
               shares of common stock of PLM into which Series A
               Cumulative Convertible Preferred stock shall have
               been converted, together with any cash credited to
               the Member or former Member's Account either
               awaiting investment in Stock or representing a
               fractional share of Stock. Any amounts remaining
               unallocated in a suspense account created in
               accordance with Section 415 of the Code shall,
               after application to the extent necessary to
               satisfy the outstanding balance on any ESOP Loan,
               be returned to the Company specified by PLM.

                    All determinations, approvals and
               notifications referred to above shall be in form
               and substance and from a source satisfactory to
               the Committee."