Washington, D.C. 20549
                                   FORM 10-Q

[x]      Annual  Report   Pursuant  to  Section  13  or  15(d)  of  the
         Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 [Fee Required] For the fiscal
         quarter ended March 31, 1995.

[ ]      Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
         Exchange Act of 1934 [No Fee Required]
         For the transition period from              to

                         Commission file number 1-9670

                            PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

       Delaware                                         94-3041257
(State or other jurisdiction of                       (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                        Identification No.)

One Market, Steuart Street Tower
Suite 900, San Francisco, CA                                94105-1301
    (Address of principal                                   (Zip code)
    executive offices)

       Registrant's telephone number, including area code (415) 974-1399

     Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

     Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:

     Title of each class              Name on each exchange on which registered
 Common Stock, $.01 Par Value           American Stock Exchange

         Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12  months  or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No ______

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to
Item 405 of  Regulation  S-K (Sec.  229.405 of this  chapter)  is not  contained
herein,  and will not be contained,  to the best of registrant's  knowledge,  in
definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III
of this Form 10-Q or any amendment to this Form 10-Q. [X]

         The aggregate  market value of the voting stock held by  non-affiliates
of the registrant as of May 11, 1995 was $42,426,214.

         The  number of shares  outstanding  of the  issuer's  classes of common
stock as of May 11, 1995: Common Stock, $.01 Par Value -- 12,570,730 shares


                                               PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                             CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                      March 31,    December 31,
                                                          1995          1994
                                                         (in thousands)


Cash and cash equivalents                           $    9,006       $   16,131
Receivables                                              5,206            5,747
Receivables from affiliates                              5,459            7,001
Assets held for sale                                    25,396           17,644
Equity interest in affiliates                           19,159           18,374
Transportation equipment held for
 operating leases                                      136,442          141,836
 Less accumulated depreciation                         (76,102)         (77,744)
                                                    ----------       ----------
                                                        60,340           64,092
Restricted cash and cash equivalents                     2,269            1,409
Other                                                    6,525            9,974
                                                    ----------       ----------

    Total assets                                    $  133,360       $  140,372
                                                    ==========       ==========


  Short-term secured debt                                   --           $ 6,404
  Senior secured debt                                     35,000          35,000
  Other secured debt                                         728           2,119
  Subordinated debt                                       23,000          23,000
  Payables and other liabilities                          10,258          11,589
  Deferred income taxes                                   17,300          16,165
                                                         -------         -------
    Total liabilities                                     86,286          94,277

Minority Interest                                            373             400

Shareholders' Equity:
  Common stock, $.01 par value, 50,000,000 shares authorized,  11,570,273 shares
   issued and outstanding at March 31, 1995, and 11,699,673 at December 31, 1994
   (excluding  1,000,457  and 871,057  shares held in treasury at March 31, 1995
   and December 31,
 1994, respectively)                                        117             117
Paid in capital, in excess of par                        77,699          77,699
Treasury stock                                           (3,277)         (2,831)
                                                      ---------       ---------
                                                         74,539          74,985
Accumulated deficit                                     (27,838)        (29,290)
                                                      ---------       ---------
  Total shareholders' equity                             46,701          45,695
                                                      ---------       ---------

  Total liabilities, minority interest,
    and shareholders' equity                          $ 133,360       $ 140,372
                                                      =========       =========

             See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial

                            PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                    (in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                        For the three months
                                                           ended March 31,   

                                                          1995         1994  
                                                        --------      -------- 

  Operating leases                                      $   6,408     $   7,272
  Management fees                                           2,691         2,543
  Partnership interests and other fees                        597           901
  Acquisition and lease negotiation fees                      540         1,726
  Commissions                                               1,029         1,517
  Aircraft brokerage and services                           1,022           804
  Gain (loss) on the sale or disposition of
    transportation equipment, net                           4,587          (117)
  Other                                                       244           321
                                                        ---------     ---------
    Total revenues                                         17,118        14,967

Costs and expenses:
  Operations support                                        6,820         5,604
  Depreciation and amortization                             2,221         3,168
  Commissions                                               1,141         1,556
  General and administrative                                2,670         2,354
                                                        ---------     ---------
    Total costs and expenses                               12,852        12,682

Operating income                                            4,266         2,285

Interest expense                                            2,315         2,291
Other (expense) income, net                                   (27)          152
Interest income                                               678           803
                                                        ---------     ---------
Income before income taxes                                  2,602           949

Provision (benefit) for income taxes                        1,115          (112)
                                                        ---------     ---------

Net income before cumulative effect
  of accounting change                                      1,487         1,061

Cumulative effect of accounting change                       --           5,130
                                                        ---------     ---------

Net income (loss)                                           1,487        (4,069)

Preferred dividend imputed on allocated shares               --             562
                                                        ---------     ---------

Net income (loss) to common shares                      $   1,487     $  (4,631)
                                                        =========     =========

Earnings (loss) per common share outstanding            $    0.13     $   (0.37)
                                                        =========     =========

             See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial

                            PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
         For the Periods Ended December 31, 1993 through March 31, 1995
                                 (in thousands)

                                             Preferred     Loan to       
                                             Stock at    Employee Stock                           
                                             Paid-in      Ownership        At     
                                             Amount      Plan (ESOP)       par    
                                             ---------   -----------       ----     

Balances, December 31, 1993                  $  63,569    $ (50,280)   $     109

Net loss
Cumulative effect of change in
 accounting on unearned compensation                          7,130
Common stock repurchase
Conversion of preferred stock                     (192)
Allocation of shares                            (4,091)       6,044
Current year imputed dividend on
 allocated ESOP shares
Prior year preferred dividend not charged
 to equity until paid
Cancellation of preferred stock and
 issuance of common stock upon
 termination of the ESOP                       (59,286)      37,106            8
Exercise of stock options
Translation gain/loss
                                             ---------    ---------    ---------
Balances, December 31, 1994                       --           --            117

Net income
Common stock repurchase
Translation gain/loss
                                             ---------    ---------    ---------
Balances, March 31, 1995                          --           --      $     117
                                             =========    =========    =========

                                                                  Common Stock             
                                                          -------------------------          Retained
                                                             Paid-in                         Earnings      Total
                                                             Capital in        Treasury     Accumulated   Shareholders'
                                                          Excess of par       Stock         (Deficit)     Equity    
                                                          -------------       -----         ---------     --------   

Balances, December 31, 1993                                    $55,557         $(131)      $(17,691)         $51,133

Net loss                                                                                     (6,641)          (6,641)
Cumulative effect of change in
 accounting on unearned compensation                                                                           7,130
Common stock repurchase                                                       (2,997)                         (2,997)
Conversion of preferred stock                                      161            31                              --
Allocation of shares                                                                                           1,953
Current year imputed dividend on
 allocated ESOP shares                                                                       (2,430)          (2,430)
Prior year preferred dividend not charged
 to equity until paid                                                                        (2,565)          (2,565)
Cancellation of preferred stock and
 issuance of common stock upon
 termination of the ESOP                                        21,906           266                              --
Exercise of stock options                                           75                                            75
Translation gain/loss                                                                            37               37
                                                               -------       -------       --------         --------
Balances, December 31, 1994                                     77,699        (2,831)       (29,290)          45,695

Net income                                                                                    1,487            1,487
Common stock repurchase                                                         (446)                           (446)
Translation gain/loss                                                                           (35)             (35)
                                                               -------       -------       --------         -------- 
Balances, March 31, 1995                                       $77,699       $(3,277)      $(27,838)        $ 46,701
                                                               =======       =======       =========        ========

             See accompanying notes to these consolidated financial

                            PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                 (in thousands)

                                                                                                   For the three months
                                                                                                     ended March 31,       
                                                                                                     1995             1994  
                                                                                                   --------          ------- 
Operating activities:
   Net income (loss)                                                                              $ 1,487          $(4,069)
   Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
   (used in) provided by operating activities:
      Depreciation and amortization                                                                 2,221            3,168
      Foreign currency translations                                                                   (35)              --
      Cumulative effect of accounting change                                                           --            5,130
      Increase (decrease) in deferred income taxes                                                  1,135             (503)
      Compensation expense for ESOP                                                                    --               85
      (Gain) loss on sale or disposition of assets, net                                            (4,587)             117
      Reduction in residual value interests                                                           450              217
      Minority interest in net (loss) income of subsidiaries                                          (27)              20
      Decrease in payables and other liabilities                                                   (1,125)          (5,666)
      Increase in receivables and receivables from
     affiliates                                                                                     1,155            2,314
      Cash distributions from affiliates in excess of
     income accrued                                                                                   119              109
      (Increase) decrease in other assets                                                             (83)             248
      Purchase of equipment for lease                                                                (254)            (365)
      Proceeds from sale of equipment for lease                                                    11,105            1,182
      Purchase of assets held for sale                                                            (17,152)          (3,695)
      Proceeds from sale of assets held for sale                                                      128            3,695
   Financing of assets held for sale to affiliates                                                  9,800            2,953
   Repayment of financing of assets held for sale
     to affiliates                                                                                (16,204)          (2,953)
                                                                                                 --------         -------- 
      Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities                                         (11,867)           1,987
                                                                                                 --------         --------

Investing activities:
   Additional investment in affiliates                                                             (1,354)             (51)
  Purchase of residual option                                                                        (200)              --
   Proceeds from the disposition of residual options                                                2,059               89
   Proceeds from the sale of leveraged leases                                                       4,530               --
   Proceeds from the maturity and sale of restricted
    marketable securities                                                                              --           15,792
   Purchase of restricted marketable securities                                                        --           (9,472)
   Increase in restricted cash and cash equivalents                                                  (860)          (6,257)
  Acquisition of subsidiaries net of cash acquired                                                     --           (1,139)
                                                                                                 --------         -------- 
      Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                                           4,175           (1,038)
                                                                                                 --------         -------- 

Financing activities:
  Proceeds from long-term equipment loans                                                              85               --
   Principal payments under loans                                                                      --           (8,350)
   Cash dividends paid on Preferred Stock                                                              --             (934)
   Payments received from ESOP Trustee                                                                928              834
  Repurchase of treasury stock                                                                       (446)              --
   Proceeds from exercise of stock options                                                             --               19
                                                                                                 --------         --------
      Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities                                             567           (8,431)
                                                                                                 --------         -------- 

Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                                          (7,125)          (7,482)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                                   16,131           19,685
                                                                                                 --------         --------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                                       $  9,006         $ 12,203
                                                                                                 ========         ========

Supplemental information:
   Interest paid during the period                                                               $  1,880         $  2,535
                                                                                                 ========         ========

   Income taxes paid during the period                                                           $     20         $  3,875
                                                                                                 ========         ========

                  See accompanying notes to these consolidated
                             financial statements.

                                               PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                                     NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                                   March 31, 1995

1.    General

      In the opinion of  management,  the  accompanying  unaudited  consolidated
      financial  statements contain all adjustments  necessary to present fairly
      the Company's  financial position as of March 31, 1995, and the statements
      of  operations  and cash flows for the three  months ended March 31, 1995,
      and 1994. Certain information and footnote  disclosures  normally included
      in financial  statements  prepared in accordance  with generally  accepted
      accounting principles have been condensed or omitted from the accompanying
      consolidated  financial  statements.  For further  information,  reference
      should be made to the financial  statements and notes thereto  included in
      the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended  December 31,
      1994, on file at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Certain amounts in the 1994 financial statements have been reclassified to
conform to the 1995 presentation.

      The Company is involved as plaintiff or defendant in various legal actions
      incident to its  business.  Management  does not believe that any of these
      actions will be material to the financial condition of the Company.

2.    Equipment

      The Company  classifies assets as held for sale if the particular asset is
      subject to a pending  contract  for sale,  is held for sale to one or more
      affiliated parties or third parties,  or is being marketed for sale by the
      Company's aircraft brokerage and services subsidiary("Aeromil").  At March
      31, 1995, $25.1 million in  transportation  equipment was held for sale to
      one or more  affiliated  parties  or third  parties  and $0.3  million  in
      aircraft inventory was held for sale to third parties by Aeromil.

      During the last three years, the Company has  significantly  downsized the
      equipment  portfolio,  through the sale or disposal of underperforming and
      nonperforming    assets.   The   Company   will   continue   to   identify
      underperforming   and  nonperforming   assets  for  sale  or  disposal  as

      Periodically,  the Company will purchase  groups of assets whose ownership
      may be allocated among affiliated partnerships and the Company.  Generally
      in these  cases,  only assets that are  on-lease  will be purchased by the
      affiliated  partnerships.  The Company will generally assume the ownership
      and remarketing risks associated with off-lease  equipment.  Allocation of
      the purchase  price will be determined  by a combination  of the Company's
      knowledge and  assessment of the relevant  equipment  market,  third party
      industry sources,  and recent  transactions or published fair market value

      During the quarter ended March 31, 1995, the Company sold 40 railcars that
      were a part  of a  group  purchase  in  December  1994.  These  cars  were
      off-lease when  purchased and  remarketing  efforts  resulted in a sale in
      which the Company realized a gain of approximately $0.2 million.

3.    Debt

      On March 28,  1995,  the Company  used  surplus  cash on hand to repay the
      entire $16.2  million that was  outstanding  on its  short-term  equipment
      acquisition loan facility on that date.

4.    Shareholders' Equity

      Effective   February  1995,  the  Company   adopted  the  Directors'  1995
      Non-qualified  Stock  Option  Plan which  reserves  120,000  shares of the
      Company's common stock for issuance to directors who are  non-employees of
      the Company.  All options  outstanding  are exercisable at prices equal to
      the closing  price as of the date of grant.  Vesting of options  occurs in
      three equal installments of 33 1/3% per year,  initiating from the date of
      the grant.  During the three months ended March 31, 1995,  80,000  options
      were granted under this plan at $2.63 per share.

      In  February  1995,  the  Company  announced  that its Board of  Directors
      authorized  the  repurchase of up to $0.5 million of the Company's  common
      stock.  The shares may be purchased in the open market or through  private
      transactions.  The timing and amount of repurchases,  which will be funded
      through working capital and existing cash reserves,  will depend on market
      conditions and corporate requirements.  Shares repurchased may be used for
      corporate  purposes,  including option plans, or they may be retired.  The
      Company had  repurchased  the entire $0.5 million or 151,477  shares under
      this program as of May 11, 1995.

      During the first quarter of 1995,  129,400 common shares were  repurchased
      by  the  Company.   Consequently,  the  total  common  shares  outstanding
      decreased to 11,570,273 at March 31, 1995, from the 11,699,673 outstanding
      at December 31, 1994.  Net income  (loss) per common share was computed by
      dividing net income  (loss) to common  shares by common stock  equivalents
      which  included the weighted  average  number of shares and stock  options
      deemed  outstanding  during the period.  The  weighted  average  number of
      shares and stock options deemed outstanding as of March 31, 1995 and 1994,
      were 11,867,815 and 12,348,162, respectively.

5.    Recent Developments

      In January  1995,  the Company  entered into an  agreement,  through a new
      equipment leasing and management  subsidiary,  to manage the operations of
      Boston-based,  privately-held  American  Finance  Group  ("AFG").  The new
      entity,  as a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of PLM Financial  Services,  Inc.
      ("FSI"),  will acquire AFG's  proprietary  software and provide  equipment
      management  and investor  relations  services to AFG's  existing  investor
      programs.  The Company has the right to terminate the contract  subject to
      certain  terms  and  conditions  any  time  on or  after  June  30,  1995.
      Affiliates  of AFG,  which will change its name,  will  continue to be the
      general  partners  of the  existing  programs.  AFG  currently  manages  a
      portfolio of approximately  $807 million of capital equipment (at original
      cost),  subject to primarily full payout  leases,  for its own account and
      approximately 50,000 investors.

      In January 1995, the  registration  statement for the  Professional  Lease
      Management Income Fund I, L.L.C. ("LLC") became effective.  FSI will serve
      as the Manager for the new program.  This product,  organized as a Limited
      Liability Company with a no front-end fee structure,  began syndication in
      the first quarter of 1995.  There will be no compensation  paid to FSI, or
      any of its subsidiaries,  for the organization of the LLC, the acquisition
      of equipment, nor the negotiation of the leases. FSI will fund the cost of
      organization,  syndication and offering  through use of operating cash and
      will treat this as its  investment  in the LLC. The Company will  amortize
      its investment in the LLC over the life of the program.  In return for its
      investment,   FSI  will  be  entitled  to  a  15%  interest  in  the  cash
      distributions  and  earnings  of the LLC  subject  to  certain  allocation
      provisions.  FSI's interest in the cash  distributions and earnings of the
      LLC will increase to 25% after the investors  have received  distributions
      equal to their  invested  capital.  The  Company  will also be entitled to
      monthly  fees for  equipment  management  services and  reimbursement  for
      certain accounting and administrative services provided by the Company.

      As of the date of this  report,  the LLC had raised $4.1 million in equity
      and had met the legal  requirements  for breaking impound and entering the
      equipment investment phase of the program.

6.    Subsequent Events

      On April  27,  1995,  the  Company  sold 82  railcars  to the LLC at their
      original cost plus  capitalized  repairs of $1.6 million.  On May 9, 1995,
      the Company sold an additional  232 railcars to the LLC at their  original
      cost plus  capitalized  repairs of $6.6  million.  All 314  railcars  were
      included in assets held for sale at March 31, 1995.

      On April 18, 1995, the Company purchased two commuter aircraft for a total
      of $1.5 million and sold both aircraft for a gain of $0.3 million,  net of
      selling  costs.  On March 9, 1995,  the  Company  purchased  one  commuter
      aircraft for $0.6 million.

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
         of Operations

The Company owns a diversified portfolio of transportation  equipment from which
it earns operating lease revenue and incurs  operating  expenses.  The Company's
transportation  equipment held for operating leases, which consists of aircraft,
marine containers,  trailers,  railcars and storage vaults at March 31, 1995, is
mainly equipment built prior to 1988. As the trailer equipment ages, the Company
is generally  replacing it with newer  equipment.  However,  aged  equipment for
other equipment types may not be replaced. Rather, proceeds from the liquidation
of other  equipment  types  may be  invested  in  trailers  or in other  Company
investment  opportunities.  Failure to replace  equipment  may result in shorter
lease terms and higher costs of maintaining and operating aged equipment and, in
certain instances, limited remarketability.

        The Company  also  syndicates  investment  programs  from which it earns
various  fees and equity  interests.  The  Company  is  currently  marketing  an
investment program structured as a limited liability company with a no front-end
fee  structure.  The Company  invests the equity raised  through  syndication in
transportation  equipment which is then managed on behalf of the investors.  The
equipment  management  activities  for this type of program  generate  equipment
management  fees for the Company over the life of the program,  typically  10-12

        The limited  partnership  agreements have allowed the Company to receive
fees for the acquisition  and initial lease of the equipment.  The LLC agreement
does not provide for acquisition and lease negotiation fees.

        The  limited  partnership  agreements  generally  entitle the Company to
receive between a 1% and 5% interest in the cash  distributions  and earnings of
the  partnership  subject to certain  allocation  provisions.  The LLC agreement
entitles the Company to a 15% interest in the cash distributions and earnings of
the program subject to certain allocation  provisions which will increase to 25%
after the investors have received distributions equal to their invested capital.

For the Three Months Ended March 31, 1995 vs. March 31, 1994

The following analysis reviews the operating results of the Company:

Revenue:                                                   For the three months
                                                             ended March 31, 

                                                        1995              1994
                                                             (in thousands)

Operating leases                                       $  6,408        $  7,272
Management fees                                           2,691           2,543
Partnership interests and
 other fees                                                 597             901
Acquisition and lease
 negotiation fees                                           540           1,726
Commissions                                               1,029           1,517
Aircraft brokerage and services                           1,022             804
Gain (loss) on the sale or
 disposition of transportation
 equipment, net                                           4,587            (117)
Other                                                       244             321
                                                       --------        --------
  Total revenues                                       $ 17,118        $ 14,967

The  fluctuations in revenues for the three months ended March 31, 1995 from the
same period in 1994 are summarized and explained below.

Operating lease revenue:                                  For the three months
                                                            ended March 31, 
                                                        1995              1994
                                                        ----              ----
                                                          (in thousands)
By equipment type:
Trailers                                              $ 3,039            $ 3,333
Aircraft                                                1,557              2,196
Marine vessels                                            558              1,235
Marine containers                                         154                240
Storage vaults                                            257                173
Railcars                                                  843                 95
                                                      -------            -------
                                                      $ 6,408            $ 7,272

As of March 31,  1995,  the  Company  owned  transportation  equipment  held for
operating  leases  with an  original  cost of  $136.4  million,  which was $67.0
million less than the original  cost of equipment  owned and held for  operating
leases at March 31, 1994. The reduction in equipment, on an original cost basis,
is a  consequence  of the  Company's  strategic  decision  to dispose of certain
underperforming  and  nonperforming  assets resulting in a 100% reduction in its
marine vessel fleet, a 26% net reduction in its marine  container  portfolio,  a
35% net reduction in its aircraft portfolio,  a 19% net reduction in its trailer
portfolio,  and a 20% net reduction in its railcar  portfolio  compared to 1994.
Operating  lease  revenue  will be impacted on an ongoing  basis by the level of
assets held for operating lease and held for sale,  which can earn lease revenue
for the Company.

         The reduction in equipment  available  for lease is the primary  reason
marine vessel, trailer, marine container,  and aircraft revenue were all reduced
as compared to the prior year. Although the net cost of equipment in the railcar
portfolio  decreased 20% from the 1994 period,  railcar  revenue  increased $0.7
million in 1995 due to the purchase of 227 railcars in December of 1994,  and 11
doublestack  railcars  which were not sold until  March of 1995.  Storage  vault
revenue increased $0.1 million for the period ended March 31, 1995,  compared to
the same period in 1994,  due to additions of $0.6 million in new storage vaults
made during the fourth quarter of 1994.

Management fees:
                                              For the three months    Year
                                                 ended March 31,     Liquidation
                                              1995            1994  Phase Begins
                                              ----            ----    ----------
                                                       (in thousands)
Management fees by fund were:

EGF I                                     $   336         $   363           1998
EGF II                                        238             299           1999
EGF III                                       295             392           2000
EGF IV                                        285             262           1999
EGF V                                         448             438           2000
EGF VI                                        430             422           2002
EGF VII                                       197              64           2003
AFG programs                                  180              --             --
Other programs                                282             303             --
                                          -------          ------
                                          $ 2,691          $2,543

         Management  fees are,  for the most part,  based on the gross  revenues
generated by equipment under management.  The managed equipment  portfolio grows
correspondingly  with  new  syndication  activity.  Affiliated  partnership  and
investment  program surplus  operating cash flows and loan proceeds  invested in
additional  equipment favorably influence  management fees. The original cost of
the  equipment  under  management,  excluding  equipment  managed  under the AFG
programs,  (measured  at  original  cost)  amounted  to $1.05  billion and $1.14
billion at March 31, 1995 and 1994,  respectively.  The  increase in  management
fees of $0.1 million  resulted from a $0.2 million increase from the new January
1995  agreement  with AFG to  provide  management  services  to  their  existing
investor  programs,  partially offset by a decrease in management fees generated
by gross revenues of the equipment growth funds which fell due to a net decrease
in  managed  equipment  and a  decrease  in lease  rates  for  certain  types of

         Partnership interests and other fees:

         The Company  records as revenues its equity interest in the earnings of
the Company's affiliated partnerships.  The net earnings and distribution levels
from the affiliated  partnerships  were $0.9 million for the periods ended March
31,  1995 and 1994,  which were  impacted  by net  reductions  in the  Company's
recorded residual values when partnership  assets were sold and the reinvestment
proceeds  were  significantly  less  than the  original  investment  in the sold
equipment. The net reductions were $0.3 million in 1995 and $0.2 million for the
same period in 1994.  Residual income is recognized on residual  interests based
upon  the  general  partners'  share  of the  present  value  of  the  estimated
disposition proceeds of the equipment portfolios of the affiliated partnerships.
During the quarter ended March 31, 1994,  the Company also recorded $0.2 million
in debt financing fees earned for debt placed in affiliated partnerships.

                  No equipment  was purchased by the LLC in the first quarter of
1995. Consequently, no residual interests were recorded related to the LLC.

         Acquisition and lease negotiation fees:

         On behalf of the various investor programs and partnerships, a total of
$4.4 million of equipment was purchased during the quarter ended March 31, 1995,
compared to $31.9 million  purchased during the same quarter of 1994,  resulting
in a $1.5 million decrease in acquisition and lease  negotiation  fees. This was
partially  offset by a $0.3 million  increase in acquisition fees related to AFG
related transactions.


         Commission revenue represents  syndication placement fees, generally 9%
of  equity  raised  for the  equipment  growth  funds,  earned  upon the sale of
partnership units to investors. During the quarter ended March 31, 1995, program
equity raised for the equipment  growth funds totaled $11.4 million  compared to
$17.0 million  during the same quarter  during 1994,  resulting in a decrease in
placement commissions of $0.5 million. The Company closed PLM Equipment Growth &
Income Fund VII ("EGF  VII")  syndication  activities  on April 30,  1995.  As a
result of the Company's  decision to market a new  investment  program with a no
front-end fee  structure,  commission  revenue will be  eliminated  unless a new
program with a front-end fee is brought to market.

         Aircraft brokerage and services:

         Aircraft  brokerage and services revenue  represents  revenue earned by
Aeromil,  the Company's  aircraft  leasing,  spare parts brokerage,  and related
services subsidiary,  acquired in February 1994. For the quarter ended March 31,
1995, Aeromil produced three months of revenue compared to two months during the
same quarter of 1994 resulting in a $0.2 million increase in Aeromil revenues.

         Gain (loss) on the sale or  disposition  of  transportation  equipment,

         The $4.6  million  gain on the sale or  disposition  of  transportation
equipment for the quarter  ended March 31, 1995 resulted  mainly from a net gain
of $2.8 million from the sale or disposition  of one marine  vessel,  147 marine
containers,  two commercial  aircraft,  one  helicopter,  214 railcars,  and 130
trailers,  and from the sale of three option contracts,  for railcar  equipment,
for gains of $1.8 million. The $0.1 million net loss for the same period in 1994
resulted from the sale or disposition of approximately 142 trailers.


         Other  revenues  decreased  $0.1 million in the quarter ended March 31,
1995, from the same period in 1994, due to a decrease in insurance  underwriting
revenue earned from services provided to the Company's affiliated partnerships.

         Costs, Expenses and Other:
                                                         For the three months
                                                            ended March 31,  
                                                          1995            1994
                                                             (in thousands)

Operations support                                      $ 6,820          $ 5,604
Depreciation and amortization                             2,221            3,168
Commissions                                               1,141            1,556
General and administrative                                2,670            2,354
Interest expense                                          2,315            2,291
Other (expense) income, net                                 (27)             152
Interest income                                             678              803

         Operations support:

         Operations   support  expense   (including  salary  and  office-related
expenses for operational activities,  provision for doubtful accounts, equipment
insurance,  repair and  maintenance  costs,  and  equipment  remarketing  costs)
increased $1.2 million (22%) for the quarter ended March 31, 1995, from the same
quarter in 1994.  The increase  resulted  from $1.0 million in costs  associated
with the operation of AFG, and a $0.4 million  increase in accrued  compensation
expense primarily to compensate  employees for lost benefits  resulting from the
termination of the Company's 401K plan, offset partially by a decrease in marine
charter expenses due to the sale of the entire owned marine vessel portfolio.

         Depreciation and amortization:

         Depreciation and amortization  expense decreased $0.9 million (30%) for
the quarter  ended March 31,  1995,  as compared to the quarter  ended March 31,
1994. The decrease resulted from the reduction in depreciable equipment.


         Commission expenses are primarily incurred by the Company in connection
with the  syndication  of  investment  partnerships  and  represent  payments to
brokers  and  financial   planners  for  sales  of  investment   program  units.
Commissions  are  also  paid to  certain  of the  Company's  employees  directly
involved in  syndication  and leasing  activities.  Commission  expenses for the
quarter ended March 31, 1995,  decreased $0.4 million (27%) from the same period
in 1994.  The reduction is the result of a decrease in syndicated  equity raised
in 1995 versus 1994.

         General and administrative:

         General and administrative expenses increased $0.3 million (13%) during
the quarter  ended  March 31,  1995,  compared  to the same period in 1994.  The
increase resulted from an increase in accrued  compensation expense primarily to
compensate  employees for lost benefits  resulting  from the  termination of the
Company's 401K plan.

         Interest expense:

         Interest  expense was $2.3 million  during the quarters ended March 31,
1995 and 1994.  The  reduction in debt levels in 1995 from the first  quarter of
1994 was offset by increased interest rates.

         Other (expense) income:

         Other  (expense)  income  decreased  $0.2 million in the quarter  ended
March 31, 1995 from the same quarter of 1994 due to a reduction in the estimated
cost related to the Company's interest rate SWAP agreement caused by an increase
in interest rates in 1994.

         Interest income:

         Interest income decreased $0.1 million (16%) in the quarter ended March
31, 1995,  compared to the same  quarter in 1994.  The reduced  interest  income
resulted  from a $0.3 million  reduction in interest  income  earned on the ESOP
cash  collateral  account due to the  termination of the Company's ESOP in 1994,
and due to a $0.1 million  reduction in interest  from  finance  leases,  offset
partially  by a  $0.3  million  increase  in  interest  income  from  short-term
investments which increased due to deposited proceeds from equipment sales.

         Income taxes:

         For the three  months ended March 31, 1995,  the  provision  for income
taxes was $1.1 million, which represented an effective rate of 43%. For the same
period in 1994,  the $0.1 million tax benefit  reflected  the  provision for the
Company's  income  net of the  entire  tax  benefit  on the ESOP  dividend.  The
corresponding effective rate for the 1994 period income tax benefit was 12%.

         Cumulative effect of accounting change:

         The adoption of SOP 93-6 in the quarter ended March 31, 1994,  resulted
in a noncash  charge to earnings of $5.1 million for the impact of the change in
accounting  principle and is reflected as the  "Cumulative  effect of accounting
change" in the Consolidated Statement of Operations.

         Net income (loss):

         As a result of the  foregoing,  the three  months ended March 31, 1995,
net income was $1.5 million  resulting in net income to common  shares of $0.13.
For the same  period  in 1994,  net loss was $4.0  million.  In  addition,  $0.6
million was  required in 1994 for the imputed  preferred  dividend  allocated on
ESOP shares resulting in a net loss to common shares of $4.6 million, with a per
share net loss to common shareholders of $0.37.

         Liquidity and Capital Resources

         Cash  requirements  historically  have been satisfied through cash flow
from operations, borrowings, or sales of transportation equipment.

         Liquidity in 1995 will depend, in part, on continued remarketing of the
equipment  portfolio at similar  lease rates,  management  of existing and newly
sponsored  programs,  effectiveness  of  cost  control  programs,  and  possible
additional  equipment sales.  Management believes the Company can accomplish the
preceding  and will have  sufficient  liquidity  and capital  resources  for the
future. Specifically, future liquidity is influenced by the following:

         (a)      Debt Financing

         Senior  Debt:  On June 30,  1994,  the Company  closed a $45.0  million
senior loan  facility  with a syndicate  of insurance  companies  and repaid the
prior facility.  The Company has pledged  substantially  all of its equipment as
collateral  to the loan  facility.  The facility  provides that  equipment  sale
proceeds,  from  pledged  equipment,  or  cash  deposits  will  be  placed  into
collateral  accounts  or used to purchase  additional  equipment.  The  facility
requires quarterly interest only payments through March 31, 1997, with quarterly
principal  payments of $2.1 million plus  interest  charges  beginning  June 30,
1997, through the termination of the loan in June 2001.

                  In December  1994,  the Company  repaid  $10.0  million of its
senior  debt  through  the use of  cash  collateral  from  the  sale of  pledged

                  At this time,  the  Company  has no  intention  of paying down
additional senior debt if additional equipment is sold.

         Bridge  Financing:  Assets  acquired  and held on an interim  basis for
placement with affiliated  partnerships  have, from time to time, been partially
funded by a $25.0 million short-term  equipment  acquisition loan facility.  The
Company  amended this  facility on June 28,  1994.  The  amendment  extended the
facility  until  September 30, 1995,  and provides for a $5.0 million  letter of
credit facility as part of the $25.0 million facility.

                  This  facility,  which is  shared  with EGF  VII,  allows  the
Company to purchase  equipment  prior to the  designated  program or partnership
being identified,  or prior to having raised sufficient  capital to purchase the
equipment.  This facility provides 80% financing to the Company.  The Company or
EGF VII uses working capital for the non-financed  costs of these  acquisitions.
The Company retains the difference  between the net lease revenue earned and the
interest expense during the interim holding period since its capital is at risk.
As of May 11,  1995,  the  Company  and EGF VII  had no  borrowings  under  this

                  The Company is working on having this  facility  extend to the
LLC. This is anticipated to occur in the second quarter of 1995.

                  On March 28,  1995,  the Company  used surplus cash on hand to
repay the entire  $16.2  million  that was  outstanding  on the facility on that

         (b)      Portfolio Activities:

         During the first quarter 1995, the Company generated  proceeds of $11.1
million from the sale of equipment for lease.  These net proceeds were placed in
a collateral  account as required by the senior secured term loan agreement.  In
March 1995,  the lender  consented  to the  Company's  request to release  $10.8
million in funds from the cash collateral account.  The request to release funds
and the subsequent approval were based on the appraised fair market value of the
equipment portfolio and the related collateral coverage ratio.

                  Over the last three  years,  the  Company  has  downsized  the
equipment  portfolio,  through  the  sale or  disposal  of  underperforming  and
nonperforming assets. The Company will continue to identify  underperforming and
nonperforming assets for sale or disposal as necessary.

         (c)      Syndication Activities:

         The Company earns fees generated from  syndication  activities.  In May
1993, EGF VII became effective and selling activities commenced.  As of the date
of this report,  $107.4  million had been raised for this  partnership.  EGF VII
closed  April 30,  1995;  hence,  there will be no more  equity  raised for this

                  The overall limited  partnership  syndication  market has been
contracting.   The  Company's   management  is  concerned   with  the  continued
contraction of the equipment  leasing  syndication  market and its effect on the
volume of partnership  equity that can be raised. The Company's newly registered
and  currently  marketed no front-end fee  syndication  product was developed to
capture a larger share of the syndication market.

                  Management  believes  that through debt and equity  financing,
possible sales of transportation equipment, and cash flows from operations,  the
Company  will  have  sufficient  liquidity  and  capital  resources  to meet its
projected future operating needs.

         Item 1.  Legal Proceedings

         See Note 1 of Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.

         (A)  Exhibits


         (B)  Reports on Form 8-K

                  January  11,  1995  -  Announcement  regarding  the  Company's
agreement with AFG to form a new equipment leasing and management company.

         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                      PLM INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                      /s/ David J. Davis
                                      David J. Davis
                                      Vice President and Corporate

      Date: May 11, 1995