- -----------------------------------------------------------------

                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT



                          AMERICAN FINANCE GROUP, INC.


                             AFG CREDIT CORPORATION


                                   Dated as of

                                  July 1, 1995

- -----------------------------------------------------------------

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


                                    ARTICLE I


1.1      Definitions.......................................................1
1.2  Other Definitional Provisions.........................................5
       (a)  Terms Used in Related Documents................................5
       (b)  Accounting Terms...............................................5
       (c)  "Hereof", etc..................................................5

                                   ARTICLE II

       SALE OF ADDITIONAL ASSETS;..........................................6

2.1  Sale of Original Assets...............................................6
      (a)  Sale............................................................6
      (b)  Purchase Price..................................................6
      (c)  Recordation.....................................................6
      (d)  Marking of Original Leases......................................7
      (e)  Custody of Lease Files..........................................7
      (f)  Title to Equipment..............................................7
2.2  Contribution or Sale of Additional Assets.............................7
      (a)  Additional Sales and Contributions..............................7
      (b)  Purchase Price..................................................7
      (c)  Recordation.....................................................8
      (d)  Marking of Additional Leases....................................8
      (e)  Custody of Lease Files..........................................8
      (f)  Title to Equipment..............................................8

                                   ARTICLE III

           ORIGINATION OF LEASES BY AFG CREDIT.............................9

3.1  Agency Agreement......................................................9
      (a)  Origination of AFG Credit Leases................................10
      (b)  Custody of Lease Files..........................................10

                                   ARTICLE IV

      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES.......................................11

4.1  Representations and Warranties of AFG.................................11
       (a)  Representations and Warranties with Respect
            to the Assets..................................................11



       (b)  Representations and Warranties with Respect
            to the AFG Credit Leases........................................12
       (c)  Representations and Warranties as to AFG........................13
4.2  Representations and Warranties of AFG Credit...........................15
       (a)  Organization and Good Standing..................................15
       (b)  Due Qualification...............................................15
       (c)  Due Authorization...............................................16
       (d)  No Conflict.....................................................16
       (e)  No Violation....................................................16
       (f)  All Consents Required...........................................16
4.3  Purchase of Ineligible Leases and Equipment by
4.4  Indemnification........................................................17

                                    ARTICLE V

      COVENANTS OF AFG AND AFG Credit.......................................17

5.1  AFG Covenants..........................................................17
       (a)  Lease Files.....................................................18
       (b)  Compliance with Law.............................................18
       (c)  Preservation of Ownership Interest..............................18
       (d)  Obligations with Respect to Leases..............................18
       (e)  No Bankruptcy Petition..........................................18
       (f)  Security Interests..............................................19
       (g)  Location of Records.............................................19
       (h)  Agency Relationship.............................................19
       (i)  Indemnification.................................................19
5.2  Consent to Assignment..................................................19

                                   ARTICLE VI

      CONDITIONS PRECEDENT.............................................     20

6.1  Conditions to AFG Credit's Obligations.................................20
       (a)  Representations and Warranties..................................20
       (b)  Other Information...............................................20
       (c)  Obligations.....................................................20
       (d)  Corporate Proceedings...........................................20
6.2  Conditions to AFG's Obligations........................................20
       (a)  Representations and Warranties..................................21
       (b)  Corporate Proceedings...........................................21

                                   ARTICLE VII

      TERMINATION................................................. 21

7.1  Termination............................................................21
7.2  Effect of Termination..................................................21


                                  ARTICLE VIII

      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS........................................... 22

8.1  Amendment............................................................22
8.2  Governing Law........................................................22
8.3  Notice...............................................................22
8.4  Severability of Provisions...........................................22
8.5  Assignment...........................................................22
8.6  Further Assurances...................................................22
8.7  No Waiver; Cumulative Remedies.......................................23
8.8  Counterparts.........................................................23
8.9  Third-Party Beneficiaries............................................23
8.10  Merger and Integration..............................................23
8.11  Headings............................................................23
8.12  Schedules and Exhibits..............................................23


Exhibit A                  Form of Assignment for Original Assets
Exhibit B                  Form of Assignment for Additional Assets


1.       Original Lease Schedule
2.       Portfolio Parameters Schedule



                            ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT

                  THIS ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT,  dated as of July 1, 1995 (this
"Agreement"),  is entered into between American Finance Group, Inc.  ("AFG"),  a
Delaware  corporation,  and AFG Credit  Corporation  ("AFG Credit"),  a Delaware

                  AFG  in  the  ordinary  course  of  its  business   originates
equipment and other leases, and purchases  equipment and other leases originated
by other Persons, in the United States and abroad.

                  AFG  desires,  on the date  hereof,  to transfer  the Original
Leases,  its  interests  in the  related  Equipment  and other  assets  (as such
capitalized  terms are  defined  pursuant to Article I below) to AFG Credit upon
the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

                  It is  contemplated  that,  from  time to time  after the date
hereof,  AFG and AFG Credit may agree that AFG will transfer  additional Leases,
its  interests in the related  Equipment and other assets to AFG Credit upon the
terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

                  It is contemplated that, following such transfers, AFG, in its
capacity  as  Servicer  pursuant to the  Pooling  and  Servicing  Agreement  and
Indenture  of Trust,  will  continue  to  administer  and service the Leases and
Equipment transferred to AFG Credit.

                  AFG and AFG Credit  desire  that from time to time on or after
the date hereof,  AFG Credit will purchase Property and originate  equipment and
other leases,  and that in connection  therewith AFG will act as agent on behalf
of AFG Credit,  as principal,  upon the terms and  conditions  set forth in this

                  It is contemplated that,  following such origination of leases
by AFG  Credit,  AFG, in its  capacity  as Servicer  pursuant to the Pooling and
Servicing  Agreement  and Indenture of Trust,  will  continue to administer  and
service the leases and Equipment originated by AFG Credit.

                  In  consideration  of the mutual  covenants  set forth in this
Agreement,  and other good and valuable consideration,  the receipt and adequacy
of which is hereby acknowledged, AFG and AFG Credit agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I


                  1.1 Definitions.  (a) Capitalized terms used in this Agreement
shall have the  respective  meanings  assigned  to such terms in the Pooling and
Servicing  Agreement (as defined in this Section 1.1) unless  otherwise  defined



                  (b) Whenever used in this  Agreement,  the following words and
phrases will have the following meanings:

                  "Additional  Assets" shall mean all right,  title and interest
         of AFG in, to, and under (i) the  Additional  Leases  (including  AFG's
         obligations  under the  Additional  Leases)  and all  monies  due or to
         become due thereunder after the related Additional Cut-Off Date and all
         Collections in respect thereof,  (ii) the related Equipment,  (iii) the
         related  Lease Files,  (iv) the  Insurance  Policies and any  Insurance
         Proceeds  related  to the  Additional  Leases  and (v) all  income  and
         proceeds of the foregoing or relating thereto.

                  "Addition  Date"  shall have the  meaning set forth in Section
         2.2(a) of this Agreement.

                  "Additional  Lease  Schedule" shall have the meaning set forth
         in Section 2.2(d) of this Agreement.

                  "Additional  Cut-Off Date" shall mean each date as of which an
         Additional Lease is to be contributed or sold to AFG Credit.

                  "Additional  Leases"  shall  mean  the  Leases  listed  on any
         Additional  Lease Schedule  created  pursuant to Section 2.2(d) of this

                  "AFG Credit  Assets" shall mean all right,  title and interest
         of AFG Credit in,  to, and under (i) the AFG Credit  Leases  (including
         AFG Credit's  obligations  under the AFG Credit  Leases) and all monies
         due or to become due thereunder after the related  Origination  Cut-Off
         Date  and  all  Collections  in  respect  thereof,   (ii)  the  related
         Equipment,  (iii) the related Lease Files, (iv) the Insurance  Policies
         and any Insurance Proceeds related to the AFG Credit Leases and (v) all
         income and proceeds of the foregoing or relating thereto.

                  "AFG Credit Lease" shall mean each  agreement,  including,  as
         applicable, schedules, subschedules, summary schedules, supplements and
         amendments to a master  lease,  that is entered into by AFG as agent on
         behalf of AFG Credit as lessor  thereunder,  and  pursuant to which AFG
         Credit,  as lessor,  leases specified assets to a Lessee at a specified
         monthly or quarterly or semi-annual  rental, and which is identified in
         the AFG Credit Lease Schedule;  provided, that, from and after the date
         on which  an AFG  Credit  Lease is  purchased  from AFG  Credit  by AFG
         pursuant to Section  4.3 of this  Agreement  or an AFG Credit  Lease is
         otherwise transferred by AFG Credit to AFG, such AFG Credit Lease shall
         no longer be an AFG Credit Lease for purposes of this Agreement.



                  "AFG Credit Lease  Schedule"  shall have the meaning set forth
         in Section 3.2(a) of this Agreement.

                  "Assets" shall mean the Original Assets and any
         Additional Assets.

                  "Assignee"  shall  mean,  at any time,  any Person to whom the
         Assets and the AFG Credit Assets have been assigned, whether absolutely
         or by way of the grant of a security  interest  therein  under any then
         existing Transfer Agreement and to which AFG Credit's rights under this
         Agreement have been assigned,  and shall  initially refer to AFG Master
         Trust created pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                  "Business  Day"  shall  mean  each  day  which  is  neither  a
         Saturday,  a Sunday nor any other day on which banking  institutions in
         New York,  New York, or San  Francisco,  California  are  authorized or
         obligated by law or required by executive order to be closed.

                  "Closing Date" shall mean _____ __, 1995.

                  "Cut-Off Date" shall mean _____ __, 1995.

                  "Equipment"  shall mean the assets  (including office or other
         equipment)  leased to a Lessee pursuant to a Lease or AFG Credit Lease,
         as the case may be, and/or,  unless the context otherwise  requires,  a
         security interest in such assets.

                  "Filing Locations" shall mean the States of California
         and Massachusetts.

                  "Ineligible Lease" shall have the meaning set forth in Section
         4.3 of this Agreement.

                  "Lease" shall mean each agreement,  including,  as applicable,
         schedules,  subschedules, summary schedules, supplements and amendments
         to a master lease, pursuant to which the Originator,  as lessor, leases
         specified  assets to a Lessee at a specified  monthly or  quarterly  or
         semi-annual  rental,  and which is  identified  in the Lease  Schedule,
         including all Original Leases and Additional  Leases;  provided,  that,
         from and after the date on which a Lease is repurchased by AFG pursuant
         to Section 4.3 of this Agreement or a Lease is otherwise transferred by
         AFG Credit to AFG,  such Lease shall no longer be a Lease for  purposes
         of this Agreement.

                  "Lease Files" shall mean,  with respect to each Lease and each
         AFG Credit Lease,  the fully  executed  original  counterpart  (for UCC
         purposes)  of such Lease,  the original  certificate  of title or other
         title document with respect to


         the related Equipment (if applicable), and otherwise such documents, if
         any,  that  AFG  keeps  on  file  in  accordance   with  its  customary
         procedures, indicating ownership of such Equipment.

                  "Lease  Schedule"  shall mean the Original  Lease Schedule and
         all  Additional  Lease  Schedules,  as amended to show the  deletion of
         Leases  repurchased  by  AFG  pursuant  to  Section  4.3  or  otherwise
         transferred by AFG Credit to AFG.

                  "Opinion of Counsel" shall mean a written  opinion of counsel,
         who may be counsel  (including  internal counsel) to AFG, and who shall
         be reasonably acceptable to AFG Credit.

                  "Original Assets" shall mean all right,  title and interest of
         AFG  in,  to,  and  under  (i) the  Original  Leases  (including  AFG's
         obligations  under the Original Leases) and all monies due or to become
         due  thereunder  after the Cut-Off Date and all  Collections in respect
         thereof,  (ii) the related  Equipment,  (iii) the related  Lease Files,
         (iv) the Insurance  Policies and any Insurance  Proceeds related to the
         Original  Leases and (v) all income and  proceeds of the  foregoing  or
         relating thereto.

                  "Original Leases" shall mean the Leases listed on the Original
         Lease Schedule attached hereto.

                  "Original  Lease Schedule" shall have the meaning set forth in
         Section 2.1(d) of this Agreement.

                  "Origination Cut-Off Date" shall mean each date as of which an
         AFG Credit Lease is to be  originated  by AFG as agent on behalf of AFG
         Credit as lessor thereunder.

                  "Pooling and Servicing Agreement" shall mean, at any time, any
         agreement  then in effect  pursuant  to which any  Person has agreed to
         service the Assets (as such  agreement  is then in  effect),  and shall
         initially refer to the Pooling and Servicing Agreement and Indenture of
         Trust dated as of the date hereof,  among AFG Credit, AFG, as Servicer,
         and the Trustee.

                  "Property"  shall mean any interest in any kind of property or
         asset, whether real, personal or mixed, whether tangible or intangible.

                  "Responsible  Officer" shall mean, with respect to AFG and AFG
         Credit,  any officer of such entity with direct  responsibility for the
         administration of this Agreement and also, with respect to a particular
         matter,  any other  officer to whom such matter is referred  because of
         such  officer's  knowledge  of  and  familiarity  with  the  particular
         subject. The term "Responsible Officer", when used herein with


         respect to any Person  other than either AFG or AFG Credit,  shall mean
         an officer or employee of such Person  corresponding  to any officer or
         employee described in the preceding sentence.

                  "Servicer"  shall mean, at any time, any Person then acting as
         servicer under a servicing agreement,  and shall initially refer to AFG
         in its capacity as servicer under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement.

                  "Transfer  Agreement"  shall  mean,  at  any  time,  any  then
         existing agreement pursuant to which AFG Credit has assigned its rights
         in the Assets and the AFG Credit Assets,  whether  absolutely or by way
         of the grant of a security  interest therein (as such agreement is then
         in effect),  and shall  initially  refer to the  Pooling and  Servicing

                  "Trustee" shall mean the institution executing the Pooling and
         Servicing  Agreement as trustee,  or its successor in interest,  or any
         successor trustee appointed as therein provided.

                  "Warranty  Purchase  Price"  shall mean,  with  respect to any
         Lease or AFG Credit Lease and the related  Equipment to be  repurchased
         or purchased, respectively, by AFG, (a) the amount set forth as such in
         any then applicable Transfer Agreement, or (b) if no such amount is set
         forth or no Transfer  Agreement is then in effect,  an amount agreed to
         by AFG and AFG Credit as  reflecting  the fair market  value  therefor,
         determined  on the  same  basis  as the  purchase  price  for  sales of
         Original Leases and Additional Leases has been determined hereunder.

                  1.2  Other Definitional Provisions.

                  (a) Terms Used in Related Documents. All terms defined in this
Agreement shall have the defined  meanings when used in any certificate or other
document made or delivered  pursuant hereto or thereto unless otherwise  defined

                  (b)  Accounting  Terms.  As used in this  Agreement  or in any
certificate  or other  document made or delivered  pursuant  hereto,  accounting
terms not defined in Section  1.1, and  accounting  terms  partially  defined in
Section 1.1 to the extent not  defined,  shall have the  meanings  given to them
under  generally  accepted  accounting  principles.   To  the  extent  that  the
definitions  of accounting  terms herein are  inconsistent  with the meanings of
such terms under  generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  the  definitions
contained herein shall control.

                  (c)  "Hereof", etc.  The words "hereof"; "herein" and
"hereunder" and words of similar import when used in this
Agreement shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any


particular  provision  of this  Agreement;  and  Section,  Schedule  and Exhibit
references contained in this Agreement are references to Sections, Schedules and
Exhibits in or to this Agreement, unless otherwise specified.

                                   ARTICLE II

                            SALE OF ORIGINAL ASSETS;
                           SALE OF ADDITIONAL ASSETS;

                  2.1  Sale of Original Assets.

                  (a) Sale. On the Closing Date, AFG will sell, assign, transfer
and convey to AFG Credit the  Original  Assets and will deliver to AFG Credit an
executed  assignment  substantially  in the form of  Exhibit  A.  Except for the
obligations of AFG pursuant to Section 4.3, the sale of the Original Assets will
be without recourse to AFG.

                  (b) Purchase Price. The purchase price for the Original Assets
shall be paid in immediately available funds on the Closing Date from AFG Credit
to AFG and shall be equal to the sum of (i) the sum of the discounted  values of
the Original Leases,  as estimated by AFG at the Cut-Off Date in accordance with
its normal valuation procedures, on a cumulative basis, plus (ii) the sum of the
anticipated  residual  values of each piece of Equipment  related to an Original
Lease upon the  expiration  of each such Original  Lease in accordance  with its
terms (as such  residual  values  are  estimated  by AFG on or about the date on
which  each such  Lease was  created in  accordance  with its  normal  valuation
procedures), but not in excess of any purchase option price with respect thereto
set forth in each such Lease, on a cumulative basis.

                  (c)  Recordation.  AFG  shall  record  and  file,  at its  own
expense,  financing  statements  (including  any  continuation  statements  with
respect  to such  financing  statements  when  applicable)  with  respect to the
Original Assets meeting the  requirements of applicable state law in such manner
and in such  jurisdictions  as are necessary to perfect the sale of the Original
Leases  from AFG to AFG  Credit,  and to  deliver  file-stamped  copies  of such
financing  statements  or  continuation  statements  or other  evidence  of such
filings  (which may,  for  purposes of this  Section  2.1,  consist of telephone
confirmations of such filings with the  file-stamped  copy to be provided to AFG
Credit as soon as practicable  after receipt  thereof by AFG) to AFG Credit (and
copies to the Assignee) on or prior to the Closing Date,  and in the case of any
continuation  statements  filed  pursuant  to this  Section  2.1(c),  as soon as
practicable after receipt thereof by AFG.


                  (d) Marking of Original Leases. AFG shall, at its own expense,
on or prior to the Closing Date in the case of the Original  Leases (A) indicate
in its books and records,  including the appropriate  computer files relating to
the Original  Leases,  that such Leases have been sold to AFG Credit pursuant to
this Agreement and stamp such Leases or otherwise mark such Leases with a legend
to the effect  that such Leases have been  assigned  to the  Assignee  under the
Pooling and Servicing Agreement and (B) on or prior to the Closing Date, deliver
to AFG Credit a computer file or microfiche or written list (the "Original Lease
Schedule") containing a true and complete list of all Original Leases then being
sold to AFG Credit,  identified by account  number and by the  Discounted  Lease
Balance as of the Cut-Off Date.  The Original Lease Schedule is attached to this
Agreement as Schedule 1.

                  (e) Custody of Lease Files. AFG shall, at its own expense,  on
or prior to the Initial  Closing Date in the case of the Original Leases deliver
to the  Custodian  the  related  Lease  Files  to be  held by the  Custodian  in
accordance with the Custodian Agreement.

                  (f) Title to Equipment.  AFG shall, at its own expense,  on or
prior to the Closing  Date in the case of the Original  Leases,  with respect to
any item of related  Equipment with respect to which title thereto or a security
interest  therein is required to be noted on a certificate of title or otherwise
recorded,  take  such  steps  as  shall  be  necessary  or  appropriate,  in the
reasonable judgement of AFG, to fully vest all right, title and interest in such
Equipment in the Assignee.

                  2.2  Contribution or Sale of Additional Assets.

                  (a)  Additional  Sales  and  Contributions.  From time to time
after the date hereof, AFG Credit may request to purchase additional assets from
AFG, and AFG may agree to so sell,  assign,  transfer and convey such additional
assets.  From time to time after the date hereof,  in connection  with a sale of
Additional  Assets  or  otherwise,  AFG  may  contribute  to  AFG  Credit  as  a
contribution to capital,  Additional  Assets. The date on which any such sale or
contribution of any Additional  Assets to be purchased by AFG Credit takes place
is herein  referred to as an "Addition  Date".  On each Addition  Date, AFG will
deliver  to AFG  Credit  an  executed  assignment  substantially  in the form of
Exhibit B. Except for the  obligations  of AFG pursuant to Section 4.3, the sale
and contribution of the Additional Assets will be without recourse to AFG.

                  (b) Purchase  Price. If AFG agrees to sell,  assign,  transfer
and convey any  additional  assets as described  in Section  2.2(a)  above,  the
purchase  price  for any  Additional  Assets  shall be  payable  in  immediately
available funds on the Additional  Closing Date from AFG Credit to AFG and shall
be equal to the sum


of (i) the sum of the discounted  values of the Additional  Leases, as estimated
by AFG at the related  Additional  Cut-Off  Date in  accordance  with its normal
valuation  procedures,  on  a  cumulative  basis,  plus  (ii)  the  sum  of  the
anticipated  residual values of each piece of Equipment related to an Additional
Lease upon the expiration of each such  Additional  Lease in accordance with its
terms (as such  residual  values  are  estimated  by AFG on or about the date on
which  each such  Lease was  created in  accordance  with its  normal  valuation
procedures), but not in excess of any purchase option price with respect thereto
set forth in each such Lease, on a cumulative basis.

                  (c)  Recordation.  In connection with any sale or contribution
of Additional Assets,  AFG shall record and file, at its own expense,  financing
statements (including any continuation statements with respect to such financing
statements when  applicable)  with respect to the Additional  Assets meeting the
requirements of applicable state law in such manner and in such jurisdictions as
are necessary to perfect the sale or contribution of the Additional  Leases from
AFG  to AFG  Credit,  and to  deliver  file-stamped  copies  of  such  financing
statements or  continuation  statements or other evidence of such filings (which
may, for purposes of this Section  2.2,  consist of telephone  confirmations  of
such filings with the file-stamped  copy to be provided to AFG Credit as soon as
practicable  after  receipt  thereof  by AFG) to AFG Credit  (and  copies to the
Assignee) on or prior to the Addition Date, and in the case of any  continuation
statements filed pursuant to this Section 2.2(c),  as soon as practicable  after
receipt thereof by AFG.

                  (d)  Marking of  Additional  Leases.  In  connection  with any
contribution or sale of Additional Assets, AFG shall, at its own expense,  on or
prior to the Addition Date (A) indicate in its books and records,  including the
appropriate  computer files relating to the Additional Leases,  that such Leases
have been sold or contributed to AFG Credit pursuant to this Agreement and stamp
such Leases or otherwise  mark such Leases with a legend to the effect that such
Leases have been assigned to the Assignee under a Transfer  Agreement and (B) on
or prior  to the  Addition  Date,  deliver  to AFG  Credit  a  computer  file or
microfiche or written list (an "Additional  Lease  Schedule")  containing a true
and complete list of all Additional Leases then being sold or contributed to AFG
Credit,  identified by account number and by the Discounted  Lease Balance as of
the related  Additional  Cut-Off Date. Each  Additional  Lease Schedule shall be
attached to the related assignment as a schedule thereto.

                  (e) Custody of Lease Files. AFG shall, at its own expense,  on
or prior to the  related  Addition  Date in the  case of the  Additional  Leases
deliver to the  Custodian the related Lease Files to be held by the Custodian in
accordance with the Custodian Agreement.


                  (f) Title to Equipment.  AFG shall, at its own expense,  on or
prior to the  related  Addition  Date in the  case of  Additional  Leases,  with
respect to any item of related  Equipment with respect to which title thereto or
a security interest therein is required to be noted on a certificate of title or
otherwise recorded, take such steps as shall be necessary or appropriate, in the
reasonable judgement of AFG, to fully vest all right, title and interest in such
Equipment in the Assignee.

                                   ARTICLE III

                       AFG TO ACT AS AGENT FOR AFG CREDIT;

                  3.1  Agency Agreement.

                  (a) Appointment of Agent. AFG and AFG Credit  contemplate that
from time to time on or after the date hereof, AFG and AFG Credit may agree that
AFG Credit will purchase Property and originate  equipment and other leases with
Lessees,  and that in connection  therewith,  AFG will act as agent on behalf of
AFG Credit as principal.  AFG Credit hereby appoints AFG to act as its agent and
grants to AFG the power and  authority to act on its behalf and to take whatever
actions are deemed by AFG to be necessary in connection  with such  purchases of
Property  and  origination  of leases by AFG  Credit.  AFG hereby  accepts  such
appointment  as agent on the terms and conditions and for the purposes set forth

                  (b) Duties of Agent.  AFG,  as agent for AFG  Credit,  will be
wholly  responsible for performing such functions as are necessary in connection
with all  matters  relating  to the  purchase  of Property by AFG Credit and the
origination  of the AFG Credit  Leases by AFG Credit,  including  reviewing  and
preparing  contracts,  certificates,  legal opinions and other  instruments  and
performing  due  diligence,  providing  and  receiving  all  notices  and  other
documentation and otherwise  fulfilling all ongoing duties and  responsibilities
that may be required  under any  documents  that are entered  into by AFG Credit
through AFG, as its agent,  and fulfilling  and complying  with, in all material
respects,  all  obligations  on the  part of the  "lessor"  to be  fulfilled  or
complied with under or in connection with each AFG Credit Lease.

                  (c) Power of Attorney.  In connection  with the appointment of
AFG to act as agent on its behalf,  AFG Credit hereby appoints AFG to act as AFG
Credit's  attorney-in-fact for the purposes of entering into purchase or similar
agreements  with  vendors  in  connection  with the  purchase  by AFG  Credit of
Property,  entering  into the AFG Credit Leases with Lessees with respect to the
leasing of Equipment by AFG Credit,  and  executing any  certificates,  reports,
filings,  instruments or other documents incident to the foregoing.  AFG and AFG
Credit hereby


agree  that the power of  attorney  granted  hereby  shall be  limited  to those
documents  incident to the  specific  transactions  to be entered into by AFG as
agent for AFG Credit as contemplated by Section 3.1(a).  AFG Credit will execute
such powers of attorney as are requested by AFG to evidence the  appointment  of
AFG as its attorney-in-fact.

                  3.2  The AFG Credit Leases.

                  (a)  Origination  of AFG  Credit  Leases.  AFG and AFG  Credit
contemplate  that  from time to time on or after  the date  hereof,  AFG and AFG
Credit may agree that AFG Credit  will  originate  leases as lessor and that AFG
will act as agent on AFG Credit's behalf in connection therewith pursuant to the
agency  relationship  established in Section 3.1(a) above. The date on which any
such  origination of an AFG Credit lease takes place is herein referred to as an
"Origination  Date". In connection with the origination of the AFG Credit Leases
by AFG as agent for AFG Credit,  AFG shall,  at its own expense,  on or prior to
the  Origination  Date,  deliver to AFG Credit a computer  file or microfiche or
written  list (an "AFG Credit  Lease  Schedule")  containing a true and complete
list of all AFG Credit Leases then being originated by AFG as agent on behalf of
AFG Credit,  identified by account number and by the Discounted Lease Balance as
of the related Origination Cut-Off Date.

                  (b) Custody of Lease Files. AFG shall, at its own expense,  on
or prior to the related  Origination  Date in the case of the AFG Credit  Leases
deliver to the  Custodian the related Lease Files to be held by the Custodian in
accordance with the Custodian Agreement.

                  (c) Criteria for AFG Credit  Leases.  AFG agrees that it will,
in  evaluating  and  selecting  Lessees to be parties to the AFG Credit  Leases,
utilize the same  credit  guidelines,  eligibility  and other  criteria  that it
customarily  utilizes  in  selecting  lessees for Leases that AFG enters into as
lessor on its own behalf.

                  3.3  Payment; Compensation.

                  (a)  Purchase of Property  by AFG  Credit.  AFG Credit  hereby
authorizes  AFG, as agent on its behalf,  to pay to the vendor  thereof the full
purchase price of any Property purchased by AFG as agent on behalf of AFG Credit
pursuant  to  Section  3.1.  AFG shall  promptly  notify AFG Credit and send AFG
Credit an invoice for any such payments made by AFG on AFG Credit's behalf.  AFG
Credit  hereby  agrees to reimburse  AFG,  promptly  upon receipt of an invoice,
fully for any amounts paid by AFG, as agent on behalf of AFG Credit, to a vendor
for the purchase of Property by AFG Credit pursuant to this Article III.


                  (b)  Compensation  of Agent.  AFG and AFG Credit  hereby agree
that as  compensation  for acting  hereunder  as agent for AFG  Credit,  AFG, as
Servicer, will retain the right to service the AFG Credit Leases pursuant to the
Pooling and  Servicing  Agreement and shall be entitled to receive the Servicing
Fee payable thereunder with respect to the AFG Credit Leases.

                                   ARTICLE IV


                  4.1  Representations  and  Warranties  of AFG.  AFG  makes the
following  representations  and warranties for the benefit of AFG Credit and any
Assignee,  on which AFG Credit relies in purchasing the Original  Assets and any
Additional  Assets, in accepting any contribution of any Additional  Assets, and
in purchasing any Property and  originating any AFG Credit Leases through AFG as
its agent  pursuant to Article  III hereof.  Unless  otherwise  indicated,  such
representations  and warranties,  with respect to the Original Assets, are as of
the Closing Date, with respect to any Additional  Assets,  are deemed to be made
as of the related  Addition  Date, and with respect to the AFG Credit Leases and
the assets subject thereto,  are deemed to be made as of the related Origination
Date, and in each case will survive the contribution and/or sale of the Original
and Additional  Leases and related  Equipment to AFG Credit,  the origination of
the AFG Credit  Leases by AFG  Credit,  and the  transfer  of an interest in the
Leases and the AFG Credit Leases to any Assignee.  Upon  discovery by AFG or AFG
Credit or its assignee of a breach of any of the  representations and warranties
contained  in this Section  4.1,  the party  discovering  such breach shall give
prompt written notice to the other.

                  (a)  Representations and Warranties with Respect to the
Assets.  As to the Assets:

                      (i) as of the Cut-Off Date, the Original Lease Schedule is
         an accurate  and complete  listing in all material  respects of all the
         Original Leases and the information  contained  therein with respect to
         the identity of such Leases and the amounts  owing  thereunder  is true
         and correct in all material respects as of the Cut-Off Date;

                     (ii)           each Original Lease is an Eligible Lease;

                    (iii) each Original Lease and the related Equipment has been
         transferred to AFG Credit or its Assignee free and clear of any Lien of
         any Person (other than Permitted  Liens) and is in  compliance,  in all
         material  respects,  with all  Requirements of Law applicable to AFG or
         the Originator thereof;


                     (iv) with  respect to each  Original  Lease,  all  material
         consents,  licenses, approvals or authorizations of or registrations or
         declarations with any Governmental  Authority  required to be obtained,
         effected or given by AFG in connection  with the transfer of such Lease
         and the related  Equipment to AFG Credit or its Assignee have been duly
         obtained, effected or given and are in full force and effect;

                      (v)           as of the Closing Date, the Original Leases
         satisfy the criteria set forth on the Portfolio Parameters
         Schedule attached to this Agreement as Schedule 2;

                     (vi)  as  of  any  Additional  Cut-Off  Date,  the  related
         Additional  Lease  Schedule is an accurate and complete  listing in all
         material respects of all the Additional Leases being transferred on the
         related  Addition  Date  and the  information  contained  therein  with
         respect to the identity of such Leases and the amounts owing thereunder
         is  true  and  correct  in all  material  respects  as of  the  related
         Additional Cut-Off Date;

                   (vii) each such Additional Lease is an Eligible Lease;

                   (viii) each such Additional  Lease and the related  Equipment
         has been  transferred  to AFG Credit or its Assignee  free and clear of
         any  Lien  of  any  Person  (other  than  Permitted  Liens)  and  is in
         compliance,  in all material  respects,  with all  Requirements  of Law
         applicable to AFG or the Originator thereof;

                     (ix)  with  respect  to each  such  Additional  Lease,  all
         material  consents,   licenses,   approvals  or  authorizations  of  or
         registrations or declarations with any Governmental  Authority required
         to be  obtained,  effected  or  given  by AFG in  connection  with  the
         transfer of such Lease and the related  Equipment  to AFG Credit or its
         Assignee  have been duly  obtained,  effected  or given and are in full
         force and effect; and

                      (x) as of any Addition  Date,  the addition of the related
         Additional  Leases does not cause any of the  criteria set forth on the
         Portfolio  Parameters Schedule attached to this Agreement as Schedule 2
         to be untrue; and

                      (xi) as of any Addition  Date,  AFG is not  insolvent  and
         will not be rendered  insolvent by selling or contributing  the related
         Additional Leases to AFG Credit.

                  (b)  Representations and Warranties with Respect to the
AFG Credit Leases.  As to the AFG Credit Leases:

                      (i)           each AFG Credit Lease is an Eligible Lease;


                     (ii)  each  AFG  Credit  Lease  satisfies  all of the  same
         eligibility   and  other  criteria  as  the  Original  Leases  and  the
         Additional  Leases  being  sold  or to be  sold  by AFG  to AFG  Credit
         pursuant to Article II of this Agreement;

                    (iii) AFG will not record  any of the AFG  Credit  Assets on
         its own books and will take no actions that are  inconsistent  with all
         right,  title and  interest of AFG Credit or any Assignee in and to the
         AFG Credit Assets;

                     (iv)  as of  any  Origination  Date,  the  addition  of the
         related AFG Credit  Lease does not cause any of the  criteria set forth
         on the  Portfolio  Parameters  Schedule  attached to this  Agreement as
         Schedule 2 to be untrue,  unless, with respect to any of the Individual
         Lessee Excess  Concentration  Amount, the Industry Excess Concentration
         Amount,  the  SemiAnnual  Lease  Excess  Concentration  Amount  or  the
         Equipment  Excess  Concentration  Amount,  the Rating Agency  Condition
         shall have been satisfied with respect thereto; and

                      (v)  each  AFG  Credit  Lease  is in  compliance,  in  all
         material  respects,  with all  Requirements  of Law  applicable  to the
         Originator thereof (if other than AFG Credit).

                  (c)  Representations and Warranties as to AFG.  As to

                      (i) Organization  and Good Standing.  AFG is a corporation
         duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of
         the State of Delaware, with all requisite corporate power and authority
         to own  its  properties  and  to  conduct  its  business  as  presently
         conducted  and to enter into and  perform its  obligations  pursuant to
         this Agreement;

                     (ii) Due Qualification.  AFG is qualified to do business as
         a  foreign  corporation,  is in good  standing,  and has  obtained  all
         licenses  and  approvals  as required  under the laws of, all states in
         which the ownership or lease of its property,  the  performance  of its
         obligations  pursuant  to this  Agreement  or the other  conduct of its
         business requires such  qualification,  standing,  license or approval,
         except to the extent  that the  failure to so  qualify,  maintain  such
         standing or be so licensed  or  approved  would not, in the  aggregate,
         materially and adversely  affect the ability of AFG to comply with this
         Agreement or to perform its obligations  hereunder or adversely  effect
         the enforceability of the Leases;

                      (iii) Power and Authority. AFG has the corporate power and
         authority  to execute and deliver this  Agreement  and to carry out its
         terms. AFG has duly authorized the execution,


         delivery, and performance of this Agreement by all requisite
         corporate action;

                     (iv) No Violation.  The  consummation  of the  transactions
         contemplated by, and the fulfillment of the terms of, this Agreement by
         AFG (with or  without  notice or lapse of time)  will not (i)  conflict
         with,  result in any  breach of any of the terms or  provisions  of, or
         constitute a default under, the certificate of incorporation or by-laws
         of AFG,  or any term of any  indenture,  agreement,  mortgage,  deed of
         trust or  other  instrument  to which  AFG is a party or by which it is
         bound,  (ii) result in the creation or  imposition of any Lien upon any
         of  its  properties  pursuant  to the  terms  of  any  such  indenture,
         agreement,  mortgage,  deed of  trust  or  other  instrument,  or (iii)
         violate any law, regulation, order, writ, judgment, injunction, decree,
         determination or award of any Governmental  Authority applicable to AFG
         or any of its properties;

                      (v)  No  Consent.  No  consent,  approval,  authorization,
         order,  registration,  filing,  qualification,  license or permit of or
         with any Governmental  Authority having jurisdiction over AFG or any of
         its  properties is required to be obtained by or with respect to AFG in
         order for AFG to enter into this  Agreement or perform its  obligations

                     (vi) Valid Contribution and Sale; Binding Obligations.  The
         sale of the Original Assets constitutes, and each contribution and sale
         of any  Additional  Assets  will  constitute,  a valid  transfer to AFG
         Credit or its  assignee of all right,  title and interest of AFG in, to
         and under the Assets,  and such  property will be held by AFG Credit or
         its assignee free and clear of any Lien of any Person claiming  through
         or under AFG or its Affiliates,  except for Permitted  Liens;  and this
         Agreement  constitutes  a legal,  valid and binding  obligation of AFG,
         enforceable  against AFG in accordance  with its terms,  except as such
         enforceability may be limited by (i) applicable bankruptcy, insolvency,
         reorganization,  moratorium  or other  similar laws now or hereafter in
         effect  affecting the  enforcement of creditors'  rights  generally and
         (ii) general principles of equity (whether  considered in a suit at law
         or in equity);

                    (vii)  No   Proceedings.   There  are  no   proceedings   or
         investigations pending, or, to the best of AFG's knowledge,  threatened
         against  AFG,  before any  Governmental  Authority  (i)  asserting  the
         invalidity of this Agreement,  (ii) seeking to prevent the consummation
         of any of the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement  or (iii)
         seeking  any  determination  or ruling  that  might (in the  reasonable
         judgment of AFG) materially and adversely affect the


         performance by AFG of its obligations under, or the validity
         or enforceability of, this Agreement;

                   (viii)           Bulk Sales.  The execution, delivery and
         performance of this Agreement do not require compliance with
         any "bulk sales" law by AFG;

                     (ix) Fair Consideration.  The consideration received by AFG
         in  exchange  for the  transfer of the Assets on the date hereof and on
         each Addition Date is fair consideration  having value equivalent to or
         in excess of the value of the Assets transferred on each such date; and
         the  consideration  received  by AFG in  exchange  for  performing  the
         services as agent for AFG Credit pursuant to Article III hereof is fair

                      (x) Principal Place of Business.  AFG's principal place of
         business  is in  the  State  of  California,  City  and  County  of San

                      (xi) Ability to Perform.  At the date hereof, AFG does not
         believe,  nor does it have any  reasonable  cause to  believe,  that it
         cannot perform each and every covenant contained in this Agreement; and

                    (xii) Transfer  Taxes.  The sale,  transfer,  assignment and
         conveyance  of the Assets by AFG described in this  Agreement  will not
         result in the imposition of any tax Lien or any liability of AFG Credit
         for any tax on such sale, transfer, assignment and conveyance.

                  4.2  Representations and Warranties of AFG Credit.  AFG
Credit makes the following representations and warranties on
which AFG relies in selling the Original Assets, contributing and
selling any Additional Assets and purchasing Property and acting
as agent on behalf of AFG Credit in connection with the purchase
of Property and the origination of the AFG Credit Leases by AFG
Credit.  Such representations and warranties speak as of the
Closing Date and each Addition Date and Origination Date, but
shall survive the contribution and/or sale of the Leases and
related Equipment to AFG Credit, the origination of the AFG
Credit Leases, and the grant of a security interest to the Leases
and to the AFG Credit Leases and the related Equipment to any
Assignee.  Upon discovery by AFG or AFG Credit or its assignee of
a breach of any of the representations and warranties contained
in this Section 4.2, the party discovering such breach shall give
prompt written notice to the others.

                  (a)   Organization   and  Good  Standing.   AFG  Credit  is  a
corporation  duly organized and validly existing in good standing under the laws
of the State of Delaware,  and has full  corporate  power,  authority  and legal
right to own its  properties  and conduct its  business as such  properties  are
presently owned and


such business is presently  conducted,  and to execute,  deliver and perform its
obligations under this Agreement and the Pooling and Servicing Agreement;

                  (b) Due  Qualification.  AFG  Credit is duly  qualified  to do
business  and is in good  standing as a foreign  corporation  (or is exempt from
such  requirements),  and has obtained or will obtain all necessary licenses and
approvals, in each jurisdiction in which failure to so qualify or to obtain such
licenses and approvals  would have a material  adverse  effect on its ability to
perform its obligations hereunder;

                  (c)  Due Authorization.  The execution and delivery of
this Agreement and the Pooling and Servicing Agreement and the
consummation of the transactions provided for herein and therein
have been duly authorized by AFG Credit by all necessary
corporate action on the part of AFG Credit;

                  (d) No Conflict.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement
and the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement,  the  performance of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and thereby  and the  fulfillment  of the terms  hereof and
thereof  will not  conflict  with,  result in any breach of any of the  material
terms and provisions of, or constitute  (with or without notice or lapse of time
or both) a default under, any indenture,  contract, agreement, mortgage, deed of
trust, or other  instrument to which AFG Credit is a party or by which it or any
of its property is bound;

                  (e) No Violation. The execution and delivery of this Agreement
and the Pooling and Servicing  Agreement,  the  performance of the  transactions
contemplated  hereby and thereby  and the  fulfillment  of the terms  hereof and
thereof  will  not  conflict  with or  violate,  in any  material  respect,  any
Requirements of Law applicable to AFG Credit;

                  (f) All  Consents  Required.  All  approvals,  authorizations,
consents, orders or other actions of any Person or of any Governmental Authority
required in connection  with the execution and delivery of this  Agreement,  the
performance  of  the  transactions  contemplated  by  this  Agreement,  and  the
fulfillment of or terms hereof, have been obtained.

                  4.3 Purchase of Ineligible Leases and Equipment by AFG. In the
event of a breach of any  representation or warranty set forth in Section 4.1(a)
with  respect to a Lease or Section  4.1(b) with  respect to an AFG Credit Lease
(each such Lease or AFG Credit Lease, an "Ineligible Lease"),  within 60 days of
the  receipt by AFG of written  notice of such breach  given by AFG Credit,  AFG
shall repurchase each such Lease or purchase each such AFG Credit Lease to which
such  breach  relates on the terms and  conditions  set forth  below;  provided,
however,  that no such  repurchase or purchase shall be required to be made with


to such  Ineligible  Lease (and such Lease or AFG Credit Lease,  as the case may
be,  shall  cease to be an  Ineligible  Lease) if, on any day within such 60 day
period,  the  representations  and warranties in subsection 4.1(a) or 4.1(b), as
the case may be, with  respect to such  Ineligible  Lease shall then be true and
correct in all material  respects  with respect to such  Ineligible  Lease as if
such  Ineligible  Lease had been sold or contributed to AFG Credit or originated
by AFG Credit,  as the case may be, on such day. With respect to each repurchase
or  purchase of an  Ineligible  Lease,  as the case may be,  required to be made
pursuant to this Section 4.3, AFG shall repurchase or purchase,  as the case may
be, and AFG Credit shall convey,  without recourse,  representation or warranty,
all of its right,  title and  interest in each  Ineligible  Lease.  AFG shall be
obligated to  repurchase or purchase,  as the case may be, each such  Ineligible
Lease. As payment for the Ineligible  Leases, AFG shall, on the date of transfer
or retransfer,  as the case may be, of such Ineligible Lease, (i) make a payment
to AFG Credit in immediately  available funds in an amount equal to the Warranty
Purchase Price. Upon each repurchase or purchase,  as the case may be, by AFG of
each such Ineligible  Lease, AFG Credit shall  automatically and without further
action be deemed to  transfer,  assign and  set-over to AFG,  without  recourse,
representation or warranty,  all the right, title and interest of AFG Credit in,
to and under  such  Ineligible  Lease and all  monies  due or to become due with
respect thereto,  the related Equipment and all proceeds of the Ineligible Lease
and Liquidation  Proceeds and Insurance Proceeds relating thereto and all rights
to security for any such Ineligible  Lease, and all proceeds and products of the
foregoing.  AFG Credit shall execute such documents and  instruments of transfer
and  purchase or  repurchase,  as the case may be, as may be prepared by AFG and
take such other  actions as shall  reasonably  be requested by AFG to effect the
purchase or repurchase, as the case may be, of such Ineligible Lease pursuant to
this  subsection.  The obligation of AFG to purchase or repurchase,  as the case
may be, any Ineligible Lease and the indemnification provided for in Section 4.4
shall  constitute the sole remedy  respecting any breach of the  representations
and  warranties  set forth in  subsection  4.1(a) with  respect to such Lease or
subsection  4.1(b) with  respect to such AFG Credit  Lease,  as the case may be,
available to AFG Credit or the Assignee.

                  4.4  Indemnification.  In addition  to any remedy  pursuant to
Section 4.3, AFG agrees to indemnify,  defend and hold AFG Credit  harmless from
and against any out of pocket expense (including interest, penalties, reasonable
attorneys'  fees and  amounts  paid in  settlement)  to which AFG  Credit or the
Assignee may become  subject  insofar as such expense arises solely out of or is
based solely upon the untruth of any representation or warranty of AFG set forth
in Section 4.1. The obligations of AFG under this Section 4.4 will be considered
to have been relied  upon by AFG Credit and the  Assignee  and will  survive the
execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement regardless


of any investigation made by AFG Credit or the Assignee or on
their behalf.

                                    ARTICLE V

                         COVENANTS OF AFG AND AFG Credit

                  5.1 AFG Covenants. AFG covenants and agrees with AFG Credit as
follows for the benefit of AFG Credit and any Assignee:

                  (a)  Lease Files.  AFG will comply with the provisions
         of the Custodian Agreement insofar as such provisions are
         applicable to it.

                  (b)  Compliance  with Law.  AFG will  comply,  in all material
         respects,  with all laws and regulations of any Governmental  Authority
         applicable  to AFG, the Leases or the AFG Credit Leases and the related
         Equipment  and Lease Files or any part  thereof;  provided that AFG may
         contest any such law or regulation in any reasonable  manner which will
         not materially and adversely  affect the value of (or the rights of AFG
         Credit or the  Assignee,  with respect to) the Assets or the AFG Credit

                  (c) Preservation of Ownership  Interest.  AFG will execute and
         file such financing and continuation statements and any other documents
         reasonably requested by AFG Credit to be filed or which may be required
         by any law or regulation of any Governmental  Authority to preserve and
         protect  fully the  interest of AFG Credit and the  Assignee in, to and
         under the Assets and the AFG Credit Assets.

                  (d) Obligations with Respect to Leases.  AFG will duly fulfill
         and comply with, in all material respects,  all obligations on the part
         of the "lessor" to be fulfilled or complied with under or in connection
         with each Lease, and will do nothing to impair the rights of AFG Credit
         in, to and under the Assets.  AFG,  as agent for AFG Credit,  will duly
         fulfill and comply with, in all material  respects,  all obligations on
         the part of the "lessor" to be  fulfilled or complied  with under or in
         connection with each AFG Credit Lease and will do nothing to impair the
         rights of AFG Credit in, to and under the AFG Credit  Assets.  AFG will
         perform  such  obligations  under the Leases and AFG Credit  Leases and
         will not change or modify the  Leases or AFG Credit  Leases,  except as
         otherwise  provided in the Pooling and  Servicing  Agreement and except
         insofar as any such failure to perform,  change or  modification  would
         not materially and adversely  affect the value of (or the rights of AFG
         Credit or the  Assignee,  with respect to) the Leases or the AFG Credit
         Leases, or the related Equipment.


                  (e) No Bankruptcy Petition. AFG agrees that, prior to the date
         that is one year and one day after the  termination  of this  Agreement
         pursuant  to Section  7.1  herein,  it will not  institute  against AFG
         Credit, or join any other Person in instituting against AFG Credit, any
         bankruptcy,  reorganization,  arrangement,  insolvency  or  liquidation
         proceedings or other similar  proceedings  under the laws of the United
         States or any state of the United  States.  This  Section  5.1(e)  will
         survive the termination of this Agreement.

                  (f) Security  Interests.  Except as otherwise herein provided,
         AFG will not sell,  pledge,  assign or transfer to any other Person, or
         grant,  create,  incur, assume or suffer to exist any Lien on any Lease
         or related Equipment,  whether now existing or hereafter transferred to
         AFG Credit,  or any interest therein.  AFG will immediately  notify AFG
         Credit and the  Assignee of the  existence  of any Lien on any Lease or
         related  Equipment;  and AFG shall defend the right, title and interest
         of AFG Credit in, to and under the  Leases and the  related  Equipment,
         against all claims of third parties; provided, however, that nothing in
         this subsection  5.1(f) shall prevent or be deemed to prohibit AFG from
         suffering to exist upon any of the Leases Permitted Liens.

                  (g)  Location of Records.  AFG (i) shall not move  outside the
         State of California the location of its chief executive  office without
         45 days' prior written notice to AFG Credit and (ii) will promptly take
         all  actions  required  (including  but not  limited to all filings and
         other  acts  necessary  or  advisable  under  the UCC of each  relevant
         jurisdiction)  in  order  to  continue  the  first  priority  perfected
         ownership  interest of the  Assignee  in the Leases.  AFG will give AFG
         Credit  prompt notice of a change within the State of California of the
         location of its chief executive office.

                  (h) Agency Relationship. AFG (i) shall not take any actions on
         behalf of AFG Credit that are outside the scope of or are in  violation
         of the agency agreement set forth herein, and (ii) when acting as agent
         for AFG Credit,  will fully disclose this fact to the related Equipment
         vendor or Lessee, as applicable.

                  (i) Indemnification.  AFG agrees to indemnify, defend and hold
         AFG Credit and the Assignee harmless from and against any and all loss,
         liability,  damage, judgment,  claim, deficiency, or expense (including
         interest,  penalties,  reasonable  attorneys'  fees and amounts paid in
         settlement)  to which AFG Credit or the  Assignee  may  become  subject
         insofar as such loss, liability, damage, judgment, claim, deficiency or
         expense arises out of or is based upon a breach by AFG of its covenants
         contained in this Section


         5.1.  The  obligations  of  AFG  under  this  Section  5.1(i)  will  be
         considered  to have been relied upon by AFG Credit and the Assignee and
         will survive the execution, delivery, and performance of this Agreement
         regardless of any  investigation  made by AFG Credit or the Assignee or
         on their behalf.

                  5.2 Consent to  Assignment.  AFG  understands  that AFG Credit
intends to assign all its right,  title and interest in, to and under the Assets
and the AFG Credit Assets to the Assignee  pursuant to the Pooling and Servicing
Agreement.  AFG  consents  to the  assignment  of all or  any  portion  of  this
Agreement by AFG Credit to any such Assignee.  AFG agrees that any such Assignee
(or, in each case,  the  Servicer or Trustee on its  behalf)  may  exercise  the
rights of AFG Credit  hereunder  and will be entitled to all of the  benefits of
AFG Credit  hereunder to the extent provided in the Pooling and Servicing or the
related Transfer Agreement, as applicable.

                                   ARTICLE VI

                              CONDITIONS PRECEDENT

                  6.1 Conditions to AFG Credit's Obligations. The obligations of
AFG Credit to purchase the Original Assets on the Closing Date, to accept and/or
purchase,  as the case may be, any  Additional  Assets on the  related  Addition
Date, and to originate any AFG Credit Leases on the related Origination Date are
subject to the  satisfaction  or waiver of the  following  conditions as of such
Closing Date, Addition Date or Origination Date, as applicable:

                  (a)  Representations  and Warranties.  All representations and
         warranties of AFG contained in this  Agreement will be true and correct
         in all material  respects as of the Closing Date,  such Addition  Date,
         and such Origination Date (except as otherwise specified herein), as if
         each such  representation or warranty were made as of the Closing Date,
         such Addition Date or such Origination Date;

                  (b)  Other Information.  All information concerning the
         Assets and the AFG Credit Assets provided to AFG Credit will
         be true and correct as of the Cut-Off Date, the related
         Additional Cut-Off Date or the related Origination Cut-Off
         Date, as applicable, in all material respects;

                  (c)  Obligations.  AFG will  have  performed  in all  material
         respects all obligations required to be performed by AFG on or prior to
         the Closing Date, the related Addition Date, or the related Origination
         Date, as applicable, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement; and


                  (d) Corporate Proceedings. All corporate and legal proceedings
         and all instruments in connection with the transactions contemplated by
         this  Agreement  will be  satisfactory  in form  and  substance  to AFG
         Credit,  and AFG  Credit  will have  received  from AFG such  copies of
         documents (including records of corporate proceedings,  certificates of
         Responsible   Officers  and  Opinions  of  Counsel)   relevant  to  the
         transactions  herein  contemplated  as AFG Credit may  reasonably  have

                  6.2 Conditions to AFG's Obligations. The obligations of AFG to
sell  the  Original  Assets  on the  Closing  Date,  to  contribute  or sell any
Additional  Assets as of any Addition Date, and to act as agent on behalf of AFG
Credit pursuant to Article III hereof as of any Origination Date will be subject
to the  satisfaction  or waiver of the  following  conditions  as of the Closing
Date, such Addition Date or such Origination Date, as applicable:

                  (a)  Representations  and Warranties.  All representations and
         warranties of AFG Credit  contained in this  Agreement will be true and
         correct in all material  respects as of the Closing Date, such Addition
         Date or such Origination Date (except as otherwise  specified  herein),
         as if each such  representation or warranty were made as of the Closing
         Date, such Addition Date or such Origination Date;

                  (b) Corporate Proceedings. All corporate and legal proceedings
         and all instruments in connection with the transactions contemplated by
         this Agreement will be  satisfactory  in form and substance to AFG, and
         AFG will  have  received  from AFG  Credit  such  copies  of  documents
         (including   records  of   corporate   proceedings,   certificates   of
         Responsible  Officers,   and  Opinions  of  Counsel)  relevant  to  the
         transactions herein contemplated as AFG may reasonably have requested.

                                   ARTICLE VII


                  7.1    Termination.    The    respective    obligations    and
responsibilities  of AFG and AFG Credit created by this Agreement and the agency
relationship  established  pursuant to Article III hereunder will terminate upon
the last to occur of (i) the maturity or other liquidation of all Leases and AFG
Credit Leases and (ii) the termination of all Transfer Agreements.

                  7.2  Effect  of  Termination.  No  termination,  rejection  or
failure to assume the executory  obligations of this Agreement in the bankruptcy
of AFG or AFG  Credit  will be  deemed  to  impair  or  affect  the  obligations
pertaining to any executed


contribution,  executed  sale or  executed  obligations,  including  breaches of
representations  and  warranties  by AFG or AFG  Credit  prior  to  termination.
Without limiting the foregoing, prior to termination,  the failure of AFG to pay
a Warranty Purchase Price will not render such contribution, sale or obligations
executory and the continued  respective duties of AFG and AFG Credit pursuant to
Article V will not render an executed sale or contribution executory.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

                  8.1 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended from time to time
by AFG and AFG  Credit,  without the  consent of the  Assignee,  (i) to cure any
ambiguity,  to revise any Exhibits or Schedules,  to correct or  supplement  any
provisions herein or thereon or (ii) to add any other provisions with respect to
matters or questions raised under this Agreement which shall not be inconsistent
with the provisions of this Agreement; provided, however, that such action shall
not, as  evidenced  by an Opinion of Counsel,  adversely  affect in any material
respect the interests of the Assignee.

                  8.2  Governing Law.  THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED

                  8.3 Notice. All demands,  notices and communications hereunder
shall be in writing  and shall be deemed to have been duly  given if  personally
delivered at or mailed by registered mail, return receipt  requested,  to (a) in
the case of AFG,  to One Market  Place,  Suite 900,  San  Francisco,  California
94105, Attn:  _________  ____________,  Chief Financial Officer,  with a copy to
_______________________, and (b) in the case of AFG Credit, to One Market Place,
Suite 900, San Francisco, California 94105, Attn:  ____________________,  with a
copy to
- ------------------------.

                  8.4  Severability  of  Provisions.  If any  one or more of the
covenants,  agreements,  provisions  or terms of this  Agreement  shall  for any
reason whatsoever be held invalid, then such covenants,  agreements,  provisions
or terms shall be deemed  severable  from the remaining  covenants,  agreements,
provisions or terms of this Agreement and shall in no way affect the validity or
enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement.

                  8.5  Assignment.  This Agreement may not be assigned by
AFG, without the prior written consent of AFG Credit and the


                  8.6  Further  Assurances.  AFG and AFG Credit  agree to do and
perform,  from time to time, any and all acts and to execute any and all further
instruments  required or  reasonably  requested  by the  Assignee  more fully to
effect the  purposes  of this  Agreement,  including,  without  limitation,  the
execution of any financing statements or continuation statements relating to the
Assets  for  filing  under  the   provisions  of  the  UCC  of  any   applicable

                  8.7 No Waiver; Cumulative Remedies. No failure to exercise and
no delay in  exercising,  on the part of AFG Credit or AFG,  any right,  remedy,
power or privilege  under this Agreement will operate as a waiver of such right,
remedy,  power or  privilege;  nor will any  single or partial  exercise  of any
right,  remedy,  power or privilege  under this Agreement  preclude any other or
further  exercise  of such  right,  remedy,  power  or  privilege.  The  rights,
remedies, powers and privileges provided under this Agreement are cumulative and
not exhaustive of any other rights, remedies,  powers and privileges provided by

                  8.8  Counterparts.  This  Agreement  may be executed in two or
more counterparts (and by different parties on separate  counterparts),  each of
which shall be an original,  but all of which together shall  constitute one and
the same instrument.

                  8.9 Third-Party  Beneficiaries.  This Agreement shall inure to
the benefit of and be binding  upon the  parties  hereto,  and their  respective
successors and permitted assigns and will also, to the extent expressly provided
in this Agreement, inure to the benefit of the Servicer and the Assignee. Except
as  otherwise  provided in this Section 8.9, no other Person will have any right
or obligation hereunder.

                  8.10 Merger and  Integration.  Except as  specifically  stated
otherwise  herein,  this  Agreement sets forth the entire  understanding  of the
parties  relating to the subject  matter hereof,  and all prior  understandings,
written or oral,  are  superseded by this  Agreement.  This Agreement may not be
modified, amended, waived or supplemented except as provided herein.

                  8.11  Headings.  The  headings  herein  are  for  purposes  of
reference only and shall not otherwise affect the meaning or  interpretation  of
any provision hereof.

                  8.12  Schedules  and  Exhibits.  The  Schedules  and  Exhibits
constitute a part of this Agreement and are incorporated into this Agreement for
all purposes.


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Agreement to
be duly executed by their respective officers as of the day and year first above



