$2,151,145.48                                           Chicago, Illinois

                                                        March 4, 1998

FOR VALUE  RECEIVED,  the  undersigned  Maker,  promises  to pay to the order of
Heller  Financial,  Inc.  at its  office  at 500 West  Monroe  Street,  Chicago,
Illinois  60661 or at such other place as the holder may appoint,  the principal
sum of Two Million One Hundred  Fifty One  Thousand,  One Hundred Forty Five and
48/10 Dollars  ($2,151,145.48)  together with interest on the principal  balance
remaining  from time to time  unpaid  payable  in  Thirty-six  (36)  consecutive
monthly  installments,  each in the amount of  Sixty-seven  thousand six hundred
ninety-six Dollars ($67,696.00), with the first such installment due on April 1,
1998, continuing on the same date of each month thereafter until paid in full.

Interest,  prior to maturity, at the rate of Eight and Thirty-two One Hundredths
percent  (8.32%)  per annum on the basis of a year  consisting  of 360 days,  is
included in the foregoing  installments.  If any installment due hereunder shall
not be paid within ten (10) days after such  installment is due, Maker shall pay
to holder  hereof (i) a "late  charge" of five percent  (5%) of such  delinquent
amount to defray  the cost of  collection,  plus (ii)  interest  after  maturity
whether by  acceleration or otherwise,  at the rate of one and one-half  percent
(1.5%) per month (or the maximum  amount  permitted  by law,  whichever is less)
plus  reasonable  attorneys'  fees if placed  with an attorney  for  collection.
Demand,  presentment for payment,  protest, notice of non-payment or protest, is
hereby waived by Maker.

If this Note is not dated  when  executed  by the  Maker,  the  holder is hereby
authorized,  without notice to the Maker,  to date this Note as of the date when
the loan evidenced hereby is made. Maker furthermore hereby authorizes holder to
insert  the date of the first  installment  due  hereunder.  Holder's  books and
records shall be dispositive of the date disbursement is made hereunder.

This Note is secured by and entitled to the benefits of both (i) for  collateral
identification  purposes  the  original  copy of the Lease  (including,  without
limitation,  the Equipment  described thereon and the Proceeds thereof) and (ii)
the Security  Agreement  (Chattel  Mortgage and Assignment of Lease) dated as of
the 4th day of March,  1998,  and to which  reference is made for a statement of
the nature and extent of the protection and security afforded, the rights of the
payee or holder  hereof,  and the rights  and  obligations  of the  undersigned,
including payment. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the
meanings set forth in the Security Agreement.

If a default  shall occur under the Security  Agreement or any Lease,  this Note
may become or be  declared  due in the manner and with the effect  provided  for
herein and in the Security Agreement.  Furthermore, except for any breach of the
warranties,  representations  and covenants  contained in that certain  Security
Agreement  executed by the  undersigned  Maker to Heller  Financial,  Inc.,  the
undersigned  Maker shall have no liability  for the payment of the principal of,
or interest on, this Note,  and any judgment  obtained  against the  undersigned
Maker (except for a breach of warranty,  representation  or covenant or a breach
of any other obligation by the undersigned  Maker under the Security  Agreement)
may be enforced only against the Lessee, the related Lease(s), and the Equipment
described  therein,  that are the subject of the aforesaid  Security  Agreement.
Nothing herein shall be deemed to constitute, intended to be, or construed as, a
release  or  impairment  of the  indebtedness  evidenced  by this Note or of the
assignment(s) and security interest(s) created by the Security Agreement.

Maker may prepay the  indebtedness  evidenced  hereby  only as  provided in said
Security Agreement.

All remedies  conferred  upon the holder of this Note or the Security  Agreement
shall be  cumulative  and not  exclusive,  and such  remedies  may be  exercised
concurrently   or   consecutively   at  the  holder's   option.   The  validity,
interpretation,  enforcement  and effect of this Note shall be  governed  by the
laws of the State of Illinois.



IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  undersigned  Maker has  caused  this Note to be duly
executed on the date first above written.

ATTEST:                               VARILEASE CORPORATION, Maker

/s/ Marjorie A. Biglin                /s/ Gary F. Miller
- -----------------------------         ----------------------------
Marjorie A. Biglin                    Gary F. Miller
Assistant Secretary                   Senior Vice President


                               SECURITY AGREEMENT

Security  Agreement  dated  March 4,  1998,  between  VARILEASE  CORPORATION,  a
Michigan corporation ("Debtor"), having its principal place of business at 28525
Orchard Lake Road,  Farmington  Hills,  MI 48334 and HELLER  FINANCIAL,  INC., a
Delaware corporation  ("Secured Party"),  having its principal place of business
at 500 West Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois 60661.


WHEREAS, Debtor is indebted to Secured Party pursuant to a promissory note dated
March 4, 1998, and any other  promissory  note made by Debtor  ("Note"),  and in
order to secure the payment of principal  and  interest on the Note,  Debtor has
agreed to grant  Secured  Party a security  interest  in certain  equipment  and
assign its interest as lessor in Rental  Schedule(s) No. 01  incorporating  that
certain  Master Lease dated  February 10, 1998,  ("Lease") by and between Debtor
and Oxford Health Plans, Inc. ("Lessee");

Now, Therefore, for valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1.  SECURITY  INTEREST IN  EQUIPMENT.  In order to induce  Secured Party to make
loans to Debtor  pursuant  to the Note and in order to  secure  the  payment  of
principal and interest on the Note and rent and other sums due and to become due
under the Lease and any other  indebtedness of every kind now or hereafter owing
from  Debtor  to  Secured  Party,  created,  incurred  or  arising  directly  or
indirectly out of the Note, the Lease, the Assignment and Security  Agreement or
hereunder,   whether  direct  or  indirect,   primary  or  secondary,  fixed  or
contingent,   liquidated  or   unliquidated   (hereafter   referred  to  as  the
"Indebtedness")  and the performance and observance of all other  obligations of
the Debtor  contained  herein and in the Lease,  Debtor hereby grants to Secured
Party a  security  interest  in all  machinery,  equipment  and  other  personal
property  and  fixtures,   together  with  all   attachments,   accessories  and
replacements thereto and therefor (hereafter referred to as the "Equipment") and
all proceeds of the Equipment  now or hereafter  acquired by Debtor for lease to
Lessee  under  the Lease (to which  Lease  reference  is hereby  made for a more
specific description of the Equipment),  subject,  however, to the rights of the
Lessee under the Lease.

2.  ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE.  In order to further induce Secured party to make loans
to Debtor  pursuant to the Note,  and in order to further  secure the payment of
the Indebtedness and the performance and observation of all other obligations of
the Debtor  contained herein and in the Lease,  Debtor hereby assigns,  conveys,
transfers and sets over to Secured Party all right,  title and interest now held
or hereafter  acquired by the Debtor in and to the Equipment,  the Lease and all
instruments and documents  related thereto (all such  instruments and documents,
whenever arising being hereafter called "Related Documents") and all proceeds of
the Lease, the Equipment and the Related Documents.  The assignment of the Lease
to Secured Party by Debtor pursuant to this Security Agreement is being made for
collateral  purposes  only and Debtor shall be deemed the owner of the Equipment
for all  purposes.  The  Equipment,  the Lease and Related  Documents;  Debtor's
right,  title  and  interest  thereto;  all books and  records  relating  to the
foregoing,  and all proceeds (including  insurance proceeds)  pertaining thereto
shall hereinafter collectively be referred to as the "Collateral."

3.  REPRESENTATIONS  AND  WARRANTIES  OF DEBTOR.  Debtor hereby  represents  and
warrants to Secured  Party,  as of the date any  Indebtedness  is incurred,  and
covenants thereafter, that:

         (a) except for the security  interest  granted hereby (and the Lease to
         which each item of Equipment is subject), Debtor is and will remain the
         owner of, and has good title to, the Collateral,  free and clear of all
         liens, encumbrances,  security interests and adverse claims, and Debtor
         will  defend the  Collateral  against  all  claims  and  demands of all
         persons at any time claiming the same or any interest therein;

         (b) (i) Debtor is  legally  organized  and  validly  existing,  in good
         standing  under  the  laws of its  state  of  organization  and is duly
         qualified  to do business and in good  standing  under the laws of each
         jurisdiction  where the nature of its business or the  character of its
         properties makes it necessary for it to so qualify to do business; (ii)
         Debtor  has full  power and  authority  to  execute  and  deliver  this
         Agreement,   together  with  all  Notes,   Lease(s),   agreements   and
         instruments  evidencing  Indebtedness,  and to perform its  obligations
         thereunder;  (iii)  Debtor  has full  power  and  authority  to own its
         properties and carry on its business as now being  conducted;  and (iv)
         this Agreement,  each Note, and all other  documents  evidencing any of
         the Indebtedness  have been duly authorized,  executed and delivered by
         Debtor and  constitute  the valid,  legal and binding  Indebtedness  of
         Debtor,  enforceable in accordance with their terms, and performance of
         same  by  Debtor  will  not  violate  the  terms  of  its  Articles  of
         Incorporation,  by-laws or any agreement, indenture, order or decree by
         which Debtor is bound, nor cause default under any thereof;

         (c) Secured Party has and will retain,  so long as any Indebtedness are
         outstanding,  a first,  prior and  perfected  security  interest in the
         Collateral; and

Debtor hereby further represents and warrants with respect to the Equipment,  as
of the date any  Indebtedness is incurred and covenants  thereafter,  so long as
any Indebtedness are outstanding, that;

         (d) except for such  financing  statements as may have been  heretofore
         filed by Debtor  as  Secured  Party and  lessor  under  the  Lease,  no
         financing  statement  covering  the  Leases  and any  Equipment  or any
         Proceeds  thereof  is on file in any  public  office  and  Debtor  will
         execute such Uniform  Commercial Code financing  statements  (including
         fixture  filings,  and  filings  made by  Debtor  against  the  Lessee,
         describing the Lease and the  Equipment,  which filings shall have been
         assigned  to  Secured  Party  by  Debtor),  in any  case  covering  the
         Collateral or a portion thereof as Secured Party may desire;

         (e)  Debtor  will not sell the  Equipment  or  otherwise  transfer  any
         interest therein (except pursuant to the Lease) without written consent
         of Secured Party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; and

Debtor  hereby  further  expressly  represents  and warrants with respect to the
Lease as of the date any Indebtedness is incurred and covenants  thereafter,  so
long as any Indebtedness are outstanding, that:

         (f) all of the  documents  comprising  the  Lease  are as  respectively
         described  in Exhibit "A" herein,  and the Lease and all  documents  or
         instruments  related  thereto  arise  out of a bona  fide  lease of the
         Equipment described, to the Lessee;

         (g) prior to the  execution  of the Lease,  the Lessee had no interest,
         directly or indirectly,  in the  Equipment,  or the Lessee has conveyed
         any such interest or good title to the Equipment to Debtor;

         (h) all rental and other payments under the Lease are to be made by the
         Lessee in cash or cash  equivalent in accordance  with the terms of the

         (i) Except in accordance  with the cure provisions of Section 6 hereof,
         Debtor  has not and will not give or loan to any  Lessee,  directly  or
         indirectly, any unpaid rent;

         (j) the Lessee has not received,  nor will the Lessee receive,  from or
         through Debtor,  directly or indirectly,  any part of the consideration
         received by Debtor hereunder from Secured Party;

         (k) Debtor shall have  delivered the Original  counterpart of the Lease
         to  Secured  Party,  and the  counterparts  in  Debtor's  and  Lessee's
         possession are marked to indicate that they are duplicate  counterparts
         and that the rental  payments  thereunder have been assigned to Secured
         Party.  Debtor  will  retain  physical  possession  and  control of the
         original  Master  Lease in trust  for the  benefit  of  Secured  Party,
         subject to the following:

                  (i)  Debtor  will  not  sell,  assign,  pledge,   encumber  or
                  hypothecate   the  original  Master  Lease,  or  any  interest
                  therein, without the prior written consent of Secured Party;

                  (ii)  Debtor  will  not  surrender,   deliver,  or  part  with
                  possession  of the original  Master  Leases to any other party
                  without the prior written consent of Secured Party;

                  (iii)  Debtor will store and  safeguard  the  original  Master
                  Lease and will use its best efforts,  at all times, to protect
                  the original Master Lease from fire,  theft,  water, and smoke
                  damage, mutilation, alteration, and destruction;

                  (iv)  Debtor  may  from  time to time  enter  into  additional
                  schedules  to the Master  Lease with Lessee  without the prior
                  consent of Secured Party;

                  (v)  Debtor may sell,  assign,  pledge or  hypothecate  Rental
                  Schedules other than the Schedule(s)  assigned  hereunder,  or
                  the stream of rental payments therefrom, to parties other than
                  Secured Party.  The interest,  if any, that such other parties
                  may have in the  Master  Lease  will be in pari passu with the
                  interests  of Secured  Party in the Master  Lease,  and Debtor
                  will advise all such other  parties of the interest of Secured
                  Party in the Master Lease.  Secured  Party's  interest in each
                  Rental  Schedule  assigned   hereunder  shall  be  and  remain
                  superior  in right to that of Debtor and to all other  parties
                  interested in the original Master Lease;

                  (vi)  Debtor  will  represent  and  surrender  and  deliver to
                  Secured  Party,  upon demand by Secured  Party,  the  original
                  Master Lease in the event of default by Lessee under the Lease
                  and,  furthermore,  will  advise  Secured  Party  prior to the
                  surrender  and  delivery of the  original  Master Lease to any
                  other  party in the  event  of a  default  by a Lessee  on any
                  rental schedule held by any other party;

         (l) upon due inquiry,  Debtor knows of no default under the Lease,  nor
         of anything which would impair the value of the Lease,  and Debtor will
         not by any act or  omission  on its part  cause any  impairment  of the
         value or  validity  of the  Lease,  and will,  promptly  upon  learning
         thereof,  give notice to Secured Party of the occurrence of any default
         under the Lease;

         (m) Debtor  will not make any  modifications  to the Lease  without the
         prior  written  consent of Secured  Party,  which  consent shall not be
         unreasonably  withheld;  provided,  that,  as to any such  modification
         which results in a reduction of rental  payments under the Lease,  or a
         prepayment  of rental  payments  under the  Lease,  or in any other way
         causes the present  value of the Lease to Secured Party to be lessened,
         it shall be a condition to the  effectiveness of any such consent given
         by Secured  Party that Debtor shall  promptly pay to Secured  Party the
         amount which  Secured Party  reasonably  determines to be the amount of
         said decreased value to Secured Party,  as a partial  prepayment of the
         outstanding  principal  portion of the Indebtedness  under the relevant
         Note, together with any accrued late charges and interest thereon;

         (n) the Lease  constitutes the entire  agreement of the parties thereto
         and neither party shall be bound except in accordance therewith;

         (o) the Lease  constitutes  the valid  contract  of Debtor and  Lessee,
         enforceable  against the Lessee in accordance with its terms,  and each
         party  thereto has  executed the Lease with full power,  authority  and
         capacity to contract;

         (p)  Debtor  has  performed,  and so  long as any  Indebtedness  remain
         unperformed,  Debtor will at all times continue to perform,  its duties
         and Indebtedness as lessor under the Lease;

         (q) the obligation of Lessee to pay rent under the Lease is not, nor is
         claimed to be,  and will not be, nor will be claimed to be,  subject to
         any claims, defenses or rights of counterclaim or setoff against Debtor
         or its assignee; and

         (r) To the extent that the  manufacturer  of the Equipment has not been
         paid for the  Equipment,  Debtor  shall use the proceeds of the Note to
         pay the manufacturer the applicable purchase price. If manufacturer has
         been so paid,  then the proceeds of the Note shall be used by Debtor to
         reimburse it for payment of the applicable purchase price.

4.  BREACH  OF  WARRANTIES.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein to the
contrary, Secured Party shall have full recourse against Debtor for any material
breach of Debtor's representations and warranties contained in Section 3 hereof,
for any material breach of Debtor's covenants, as applicable,  as more fully set
forth in Section 4 hereof,  or for any damages  suffered  by Secured  Party as a
result of any fraudulent  conduct by Debtor not otherwise  covered herein.  Upon
such breach,  Secured Party may,  without  notice or demand,  declare the entire
unpaid  balance  of the  Indebtedness  to be  immediately  due and  payable  and
exercise its rights and remedies, to wit: (a) demand and receive from Debtor all
sums due and payable  under the Note or hereunder,  including all  out-of-pocket
attorney's fees actually  incurred by Secured Party;  and (b) exercise any other
rights and remedies available to Secured Party under the Lease, or this Security

5. COVENANTS OF DEBTOR.  Debtor further  covenants and agrees with Secured Party
as follows:

         (a) to keep the  Equipment  insured  against  all  risks  of the  kinds
         customarily  insured  against by companies  similarly  situated for the
         full  insurable  value  thereof,  including,  but not limited to, fire,
         theft,  vandalism,  windstorm,  explosion and extended  coverage on the
         Equipment,   comprehensive   general  liability  insurance  in  amounts
         reasonably  acceptable to Secured Party for property  damage,  personal
         liability,  bodily injury and medical,  and to deliver evidence of such
         coverage or all such policies to the Secured Party, with such companies
         and in  such  amounts  and  by  policies  in  such  form  as  shall  be
         satisfactory to the Secured Party,  which insurance  policies shall, by

                  (i)      name Secured Party as the sole loss payee;

                  (ii)  provide  that the policies  will not be  invalidated  as
                  against  Secured party because of any violation of a condition
                  or warranty of the policy or  application  therefor by Debtor;

                  (iii) provide that the policies may only be materially altered
                  or  cancelled  by the  insurer  after  thirty (30) days' prior
                  written notice to Secured Party;

                  Debtor hereby  appoints  Secured Party  attorney for Debtor to
         prove and adjust any losses and to endorse any loss drafts,  and Debtor
         hereby assigns to Secured Party all sums which may become payable under
         such insurance, including returned premiums and dividends as additional
         security  hereunder;  and Debtor shall give immediate written notice to
         Secured  Party  and to  the  insurers  of any  loss  or  damage  to the
         Equipment and shall promptly file proofs of loss with such insurers;

         (b) to pay, as and when the same becomes  due, all taxes,  assessments,
         license fees, registration fees, and governmental charges, local, state
         or federal (including any interest and/or penalties thereon) of any and
         every  nature,  special  or  otherwise,  levied  or  assessed  upon the
         Equipment or any portion thereof, or upon the use or operation thereof,
         or upon or in respect of Indebtedness or this Security  Agreement,  and
         to file or cause  to be filed  with  the  appropriate  authorities  all
         returns and/or reports incident thereto;

         (c) not to sell, lease, transfer, encumber, grant security interests in
         or  otherwise  dispose  of the  Equipment  or any  part  hereof  or any
         interest therein,  or attempt so to do, or suffer or permit any lien of
         any  kind to  attach  to any of the  Equipment  except  in favor of the
         Secured Party;

         (d) not to  remove  or  suffer  or  permit  to be  removed,  any of the
         Equipment  from  the  locations  specified  in the  Lease,  or make any
         modifications  thereto without the prior written consent of the Secured

         (e) at its sole  expense,  to (i) keep the  Equipment  in good and safe
         operating order,  repair and condition,  and maintain and use same in a
         safe and proper  manner,  in accordance  with the  requirements  of any
         federal,  state,  county,  municipal,  regulatory  or other  authority,
         having   jurisdiction   thereof,   (ii)  pay  for  all  fuel,  service,
         inspections,  overhauls,  replacements,  substitutions,  materials  and
         labor necessary or desirable for the proper use, repair,  operation and
         maintenance  of the  Equipment,  and (iii) maintain in force and effect
         all  licenses  and other  approvals  required  in  connection  with the
         conduct of its existing business;

         (f) in case of any failure of the Debtor to keep the Equipment  insured
         and in good repair and  operating  condition,  or to keep the same free
         from liens,  security interests,  encumbrances or adverse claims, or to
         pay taxes on or in respect thereof,  as herein covenanted,  or to fully
         and punctually keep and perform any other covenant hereof,  then in any
         such case,  Secured  Party may (but shall not be required so to do) pay
         or perform such  obligation for Debtor;  Debtor  covenants to reimburse
         Secured  Party  promptly  for all sums  paid or  advanced  for any such
         purpose,  and any other sums  disbursed by Secured Party to protect the
         Equipment or the lien and security interest of this Security Agreement,
         together with all costs,  expenses and attorneys' fees paid or incurred
         by Secured Party, all with interest from the date of advancement  until
         repaid to Secured Party at the rate of one and one-half  percent (1.5%)
         per month (or the maximum per annum rate of interest  permitted by law,
         whichever is less);

         (g) to pay all filing, recording, search and other expenses incurred by
         the  Secured  Party with  respect  to the  perfection  of its  security
         interest in the Equipment and confirming the priority thereof;

         (h) to execute and deliver such further  documents  (including  Uniform
         Commercial  Code  financing  statements)  and do such  further acts and
         things as Secured Party may reasonably request in order to fully effect
         the purposes of this Security  Agreement and Secured  Party's rights in
         the Equipment; and

         (i) to  preserve  and  protect  the  Equipment  as  personal  property,
         regardless of the manner or degree of its attachment to realty.

It is  expressly  understood  that  some of the  undertakings  contained  in the
foregoing  paragraph  may have been assumed by the Lessee  under the Lease,  and
therefore  performance by the Lessee of such undertakings  shall be deemed to be
performance by Debtor. It is further expressly  understood that, with respect to
the undertakings  assumed by Lessee under the Lease, Secured Party shall have no
recourse  to Debtor for the failure of either  Debtor or Lessee to perform  such
undertakings except as otherwise provided herein.

6.  TAX  ADMINISTRATION.  Any  and all  sales,  use,  property  or  other  taxes
applicable  to or arising  out of each  Lease,  the  Equipment  or the  proceeds
thereof (sometimes  collectively  referred to as "Taxes"),  are current and have
been paid by Debtor or the party  obligated  to make such payment as of the date
of this  Agreement.  Pursuant  to the  Leases,  Debtor or Lessees  will file all
property  tax  returns  and pay the  property  taxes  levied or  assessed on the
Equipment.  Debtor  will bill the  Lessees for all sales and use tax that is due
and payable during the terms of the Leases, and direct the Lessees to remit such
taxes to Secured Party. Secured Party agrees to remit any sales and use taxes it
receives   from   the   Lessees   to  the   appropriate   taxing   jurisdiction.
Notwithstanding  the above,  in the event Debtor or a Lessee shall fail to remit
the  necessary  property  taxes  to the  taxing  jurisdiction  within  the  time
prescribed,  or Debtor  shall fail to timely  bill the  Lessees  for the correct
amount of the sales and use tax due during the term of the Lease,  Debtor  shall
remit the amount of such overdue Taxes to Secured Party in Lessee's name, within
five (5)  business  days of written  notification  by Secured  Party,  and shall
indemnify  and hold harmless  Secured  Party for all such overdue  and/or unpaid
Taxes, and any fines, penalties and late charges related thereto.

7. DEFAULT.  Subject to Debtor's right to cure as set forth in Section 7 of this
Security  Agreement,  the occurrence of any of the following  events shall be an
event of default  hereunder:  (a)  Debtor  shall  default in the  payment of any
principal or interest or any other  payment  obligation  under the Note for more
than ten (10) days after the due date,  (b) Debtor shall  default in the payment
or  performance of any other term or condition  hereunder,  or under the Note or
Lease,  and such  default  continues  for more than ten (10) days after  written
notice is given to Debtor, (c) any representation or warranty made herein by the
Debtor is false or  misleading  in any  material  respect at the time made,  (d)
dissolution,  termination of existence, insolvency, appointment of a receiver of
any part of the Property of,  assignment for the benefit of creditors by, or the
commencement  of any proceeding  under any  bankruptcy or insolvency  laws by or
against Debtor,  (e) loss, theft, or substantial damage to any of the Equipment,
or (f) a default by Lessee under the Lease.

8. RIGHT TO CURE.  In the event of any  default on the part of Lessee  under the
Lease,  Secured Party shall notify Debtor in writing of such default, and Debtor
may,  within ten (10) days after receiving  notice of such default,  at Debtor's
option:  (a) cure the  default  on  behalf  of the  Lessee;  or (b)  assume  and
immediately  perform the  obligations  of the Lessee  under the Lease to Secured
Party. In the event Debtor does not exercise either such option, Debtor will, at
the request of Secured  Party,  (i)  cooperate  with Secured Party in exercising
Secured Party's rights under the Lease,  (ii) if Secured Party takes  possession
of any Equipment,  properly store such Equipment on Secured Party's behalf,  and
(iii) assist in Secured Party's search for a satisfactory purchaser or lessee of
such Equipment.

9.  REMEDIES OF SECURED  PARTY.  Upon the breach of any warranty  made by Debtor
hereunder or upon the occurrence of an event of default  hereunder which has not
been timely cured as provided in Section 7 of this Security  Agreement,  Secured
Party may,  without  notice or demand  declare all  liabilities  secured  hereby
immediately  due and  payable,  and  Secured  Party  shall  have the  rights and
remedies  of a Secured  Party under the  Uniform  Commercial  Code and all other
remedies to which  Secured  Party is  entitled by law or equity.  Subject to the
then existing  rights of Lessee,  if any, under the Lease,  Secured Party or its
representative may enter upon the premises where the Equipment may be and remove
same or maintain  possession on such premises pending disposition  thereof,  all
without charge to or liability on the part of Secured Party, or, upon request of
Secured Party,  Debtor  agrees,  at its expense to assemble the Equipment and to
deliver same to Secured Party at a place  designated by Secured Party.  Debtor's
obligation  to  assemble  and deliver  the  Equipment  is of the essence of this
Security Agreement and accordingly, upon application to a court of equity having
jurisdiction,  Secured  Party shall be entitled to a decree  requiring  specific
performance by Debtor of said  obligation.  DEBTOR HEREBY  EXPRESSLY  WAIVES ITS
disposition of Equipment, less the expenses of retaking,  holding, preparing for
disposition,   disposing  of  Equipment  and  the  like  (including   reasonable
attorneys'  fees,  collection  agency fees and other legal expenses  incurred by
Secured Party),  shall be credited to the Indebtedness  secured hereby,  in such
order of  preference  as Secured  Party may  determine.  Except as  provided  in
Section 9 below,  the  deficiency,  if any,  shall be paid by Debtor to  Secured
Party  forthwith,  upon  demand,  with  interest  thereon at the rate of one and
one-half percent (1.5%) per month, but not exceeding the lawful maximum, if any.
Secured Party agrees to pay forthwith to Debtor any surplus  remaining  from the
Equipment  after  payment of all  Indebtedness.  Secured  Party will give Debtor
reasonable  notice of the time and place of any  public  sale  thereof or of the
time after which any private sale or other intended disposition thereof is to be
made.  The  requirements  of  reasonable  notice  shall be met if such notice is
mailed, postage prepaid, to the address of Debtor shown at the beginning of this
Security  Agreement  at least five (5) days before the time of the sale or other

10.  RECOURSE TO DEBTOR.  Notwithstanding  any of the  foregoing,  Secured Party
acknowledges that except as provided in this Section,  the Indebtedness is to be
repaid  solely  from the  payments  to be made by the  Lessee  under the  Lease.
Provided that no breach of Debtor's representations, warranties and/or covenants
shall have occurred under  Sections 3, 4 and 5 hereof,  Secured Party shall have
no recourse against Debtor for any default in the payment of the Indebtedness or
any default by the Lessee  under the Lease,  and Secured  Party's sole remedy in
the event of any such default shall be to exercise its rights and remedies under
the Lease and this Security Agreement.

11.  PREPAYMENT.  The  Indebtedness may be prepaid upon the occurrence of: (a) a
casualty loss, in which event the voluntary  prepayment shall be limited to that
portion of the Note  proportionately  equal to the portion of the Lease which is
terminated due to the casualty loss; or (b) a permitted early termination of the
Lease as negotiated  between Debtor and the Lessee, in which event the voluntary
prepayment shall be limited to that portion of the Note proportionately equal to
the portion of the Lease which is terminated early. In addition,  the Debtor may
voluntarily  prepay the Note in full upon ten (10) days prior written  notice to
Secured  Party  and upon  payment  to  Secured  Party  of the sum of the  unpaid
principal on the date of prepayment  and all accrued but unpaid  interest on the
Note to such  date,  together  with a  prepayment  fee  equal  to the  following
percentages of unpaid principal and accrued but unpaid interest on the Note:

Time of Prepayment Request                          Payment Fee (%)
- ----------------------------                 --------------------------

     Year 1                                               3%
     Year 2                                               2%
     Year 3                                               1%
     After Year 3                                         1%

12.  COLLECTION.  Upon  notice  sent to  Lessee by  Debtor  at  Secured  Party's
direction,  Secured Party shall collect all Rental Payments to be made under the
Lease and shall  apply  such  payments  to the  amount  due and  payable  on the
Indebtedness. Provided that no default exists by Lessee or Debtor, Secured Party
agrees to pay to Debtor the  portion of any Lease  payment  received  by Secured
Party in excess of the rental  payments set forth in the Lease.  At such time as
the  Indebtedness  is paid in full,  Debtor  shall  collect all  further  rental
payments made under the Lease.

13. REMITTANCES.  If Debtor shall obtain possession of any item of Equipment (as
a result of its return,  rejection or  repossession),  Debtor agrees to hold the
same subject to the security  interest of Secured Party hereunder and to dispose
of such Equipment, at Debtor's expense, but for the account of Secured Party, in
such manner as Secured Party may direct.

14. NOTICES.  All notices and demands  required or permitted to be given or made
hereunder  on any party  shall be deemed  duly  given or made and  received  for
purposes of this Agreement when  personally  delivered or mailed,  by registered
mail, return receipt  requested,  postage prepaid,  to the party intended as the
recipient  thereof  at the  address  of such  party set forth on the first  page
hereof or at such other  address as the intended  recipient  shall have provided
for such purpose in a notice given in  accordance  with the  provisions  of this
paragraph.  If  mailed,  such  notice  shall be  deemed  delivered  on the fifth
business day after mailing.

15. TERMINATION;  NO WAIVER. This Agreement and the security interest of Secured
Party hereunder shall terminate when the  Indebtedness has been paid in full, at
which time Secured Party shall reassign and deliver to Debtor,  Secured  Party's
interest in the Lease,  the excess  proceeds,  if any, the Equipment and Related
Documents in which the Secured Party shall have any interest  hereunder or which
shall then be held by Secured  Party or in its  possession  and, if requested by
Debtor,  Secured  Party  shall  execute  and file in each  office  in which  any
financing statement relative to the Collateral,  or any part thereof, shall have
been filed, a termination  statement under the Uniform Commercial Code releasing
Secured Party's interest therein, all without recourse to or warranty by Secured
Party and at the cost and expense of Debtor.

16. NO WAIVER.  Failure of the Secured  Party to exercise any right or privilege
or the granting of any  indulgence to Debtor or Lessee shall not be deemed to be
a waiver of such right or  privilege.  No waiver by Secured Party of any default
shall  operate  as a waiver of any other  default  or of the same  default  on a
future occasion.  Debtor hereby irrevocably  appoints Secured Party its true and
lawful attorney,  with power of substitution,  to endorse Debtor's name upon any
checks or other  items of payment  relating  to the Lease or upon any  documents
relating to the sale or other  disposition  of the Lease or Equipment  and to do
all other things necessary in Secured Party's judgment to carry out the purposes
of this Security Agreement.

17.  LATE  CHARGE;  BINDING  CHARACTER;  GOVERNING  LAW. If any payment due from
Debtor to Secured Party is in default for more than ten (10) days,  Debtor shall
pay to Secured  Party a "late  charge" of five percent  (5.0%) per month (or the
maximum  amount  permitted  by law,  whichever  is less) on the  amount  of said
payment in default.  This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit
of Debtor and Secured Party, and their respective  successors and assigns.  None
of the terms or provisions hereof may be waived,  altered,  modified or amended,
except by an  agreement  in writing  executed by Debtor and Secured  Party.  The
validity,  interpretation,  enforcement  and effect of this  Security  Agreement
shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois.

18.  HEADINGS.  Section headings and titles used herein are for convenience only
and  shall  in no  way  be  held  to  explain,  modify,  amplify  or  aid in the
interpretation of this Agreement.



21. COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts,  each
of which shall be deemed to be an  original  and all of which,  taken  together,
shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

In Witness  Whereof,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be duly
executed  and its  corporate  seal to be affixed  hereto by its duly  authorized
officers this _____ day of _________________, 19___.

                                             VARILEASE CORPORATION


                                             /s/ Gary F. Mller
/s/ Marjorie A. Biglin                       --------------------------------
- -------------------------------              Gary F. Miller
Marjorie A. Biglin                           Senior Vice President
Assistant Secretary

                                             HELLER FINANCIAL, INC.

                                             /s/ Robert Kelderhouse
                                             Vice President

                          TERM NOTE (LIMITED RECOURSE)

$1,581,452.26                                            Princeton, NJ
                                                         March 27, 1998

         FOR VALUE RECEIVED and intending to be legally bound,  the undersigned,
Varilease  Corporation  ("Borrower"),  a Michigan  corporation,  with a place of
business at 28525 Orchard Lake Road,  Farmington  Hills,  MI 48334,  promises to
pay, in lawful money of the United States,  to the order of Interpool,  Inc. and
its assigns ("Lender"), at Lender's offices at 211 College Road East, Princeton,
NJ 08540, the sum of One Million Five Hundred  Eighty-One  Thousand Four Hundred
Fifty-Two  and  26/100   ($1,581,452.26)   Dollars  in  thirty-six   (36)  equal
consecutive  monthly  installments  of principal and interest of $50,327.00 each
commencing on April 1, 1998 and on the first day of each month thereafter with a
final payment of the entire  outstanding  principal  balance of the Loan and all
accrued but unpaid interest,  fees, costs and expenses due on March 1, 2001. The
actual  amount due and owing from time to time  hereunder  shall be evidenced by
Lender's  records of  disbursements  and receipts with respect to the Loan which
shall be presumptive conclusive evidence of such amount.

         Interest  shall  accrue  on the  unpaid  principal  amount  outstanding
hereunder  from time to time at the per annum  rate  equal to nine and  one-half
percent (9.50%) ("Contract Rate").  Interest shall be calculated on a basis of a
year of 360 days but computed for the actual number of days  elapsed.  After the
occurrence of an Event of Default (as defined in the Loan  Agreement)  such rate
shall be increased to a per annum rate equal to three  percent (3%) in excess of
the Contract Rate. In no event shall the amount of interest paid or agreed to be
paid to Lender hereunder  exceed the highest lawful rate  permissible  under any
law which a court of competent  jurisdiction may deem applicable hereto. In such
event,  the  interest  rate shall  automatically  be reduced to the maximum rate
permitted  by such law and Lender shall apply any such excess to  principal,  in
the inverse order of maturity.

         This Term Note is the Note referred to in the Limited Recourse Loan and
Security  Agreement  between  Borrower  and Lender  dated of even date  herewith
("Loan Agreement"). This Term Note ("Note") shall evidence Borrower's obligation
to repay all sums  advanced by Lender  pursuant to this Note,  provided  however
that Borrower's  obligations  under this Note are with limited  recourse as more
fully set forth below and in the Loan  Agreement.  If Borrower fails to make any
payment  required  hereunder  or if an Event of  Default  occurs  under the Loan
Agreement,  Lender may  declare  Borrower in default  hereunder  and declare the
unpaid principal balance of this Note to be immediately due and payable.  Lender
shall  thereupon  have the option at any time and from time to time to  exercise
all rights and remedies set forth herein, and in the Loan Agreement,  as well as
all rights and remedies  otherwise  available to Lender at law or in equity,  to
collect the unpaid indebtedness  hereunder and thereunder.  This Note is secured
by the Collateral described in the Loan Agreement. This Note may be prepaid only
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement.

         Borrower  hereby waives protest,  demand,  notice of nonpayment and all
other  notices in  connection  with the  delivery,  acceptance,  performance  or
enforcement  of this Note.  Any failure or delay of Lender to exercise any right
hereunder  shall not be  construed as a waiver of the right to exercise the same
or any other right at any other time or times.  The waiver by Lender of a breach
or default of any  provision of this Note shall not operate or be construed as a
waiver of any subsequent breach or default thereof.  Subject to the terms of the
Loan Agreement, Borrower agrees to reimburse Lender for all expenses, including,
without  limitation,   attorneys'  fees,  incurred  by  Lender  to  enforce  the
provisions of this Note, to protect,  preserve and defend  Lender's rights under
the Loan Agreement, and collect Borrower's obligations hereunder as described in
the Loan Agreement.

         Notwithstanding  the entry of any judgment  under this Note, the unpaid
principal  balance  under  this Note  shall  continue  to bear  interest  at the
applicable rate set forth above.

         This Note shall be  construed  and governed by the laws of the State of
New Jersey, without regard to its otherwise applicable principles of conflict of
laws.  The  provisions  of  this  Note  are  severable  and  the  invalidity  or
unenforceability  of any  provision  shall  not alter or  impair  the  remaining
provisions of this Note.  All  capitalized  terms not otherwise  defined  herein
shall have the respective meanings as set forth in the Loan Agreement.


         Lender,  and any  subsequent  holder of this Note, by acceptance of the
Note agrees that except as provided in the Loan  Agreement,  Borrower shall have
no  personal  liability  or  obligation  with  respect to payment of  principal,
interest and other amounts  payable under this Note and such amounts are payable
from the  proceeds  received by Lender (or the Lender's  successors  or assigns)
from Lender's right, title and interest in and to the Collateral.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and intending to be legally bound hereby,  Borrower
has executed these presents the day and year first above written.


By: /s/ Marjorie Biglin               Attest: /s/ Jennifer Charles-Rentz
      ---------------------                   ----------------------------
Name: Assistant Secretary

Title:Assistant Secretary

                                LIMITED RECOURSE
                           LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT  made this 27th day of March,  1998,  by and among  Varilease
Corporation ("Borrower"), a Michigan corporation and Interpool, Inc. ("Lender"),
a Delaware corporation.

                               B A C K G R O U N D

         A.  Borrower is in the business of leasing  personal  property to third
party lessees. Borrower desires to borrow funds on a limited recourse basis from
Lender and Lender is willing to lend such funds to Borrower  under the terms and
provisions set forth below.

         B. The parties desire to define the terms and conditions of the Loan as
defined in Section 2.2 and to reduce their agreements to writing.

         NOW, THEREFORE,  with the foregoing  Background  incorporated herein by
reference  and  intending  to be legally  bound,  the  parties  hereto  agree as

SECTION 1.        Definitions

         1.1 "Books and Records" means all of Borrower's  original ledger cards,
payment  schedules,  credit  applications,   contract  rights,  liens,  security
instruments, guarantees and other General Intangibles relating in any way to the
Lease(s) or Leased Property.

         1.2  "Collateral"  means the Lease(s),  Leased  Property and all now or
hereafter existing Books and Records and all cash and noncash proceeds, thereof,
including insurance proceeds.

         1.3 "Contract Rate" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3.

         1.4  "Defaulted  Lease"  means  any Lease  where  (i) the  Lessee is in
default  under the terms of such  Lease,  (ii) the Lease or Leased  Property  is
subject to any tax lien or security  interest,  lien or  encumbrance  other than
Lender's,  except as otherwise  consented to by Lender in writing,  or (iii) the
Lessee has prepaid any amounts and such  prepayment  has not been  delivered  to
Lender  within ten days of receipt by Borrower,  or (iv) the Leased  Property is

         1.5  "Equipment"  shall have the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in the New
Jersey Uniform Commercial Code.

         1.6 "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles and practices
at the time for companies engaged in similar businesses, consistently applied.

         1.7 "General  Intangibles"  shall have the meaning  ascribed thereto in
the New Jersey Uniform Commercial Code and shall include, but not be limited to,
all contract  rights  (including  without  limitation  rights under  remarketing
agreements),  chattel paper, documents,  instruments,  books, records,  ledgers,
journals, check books, print outs, designs,  computer programs,  computer tapes,
customer lists, causes of action, claims, goodwill, designs and plans, licenses,
license  agreements,  tax and all other types of refunds,  returned and unearned
insurance premiums, rights and claims under insurance policies,  patents, patent
application,  trademarks,  trade names, trade styles, trademark applications and

         1.8  "Inventory"  shall have the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in the New
Jersey Uniform Commercial Code.

         1.9  "Lease"  means  all of  Borrower's  Accounts,  Documents,  General
Intangibles,  Instruments  and Chattel Paper arising in connection with each and
every equipment lease and/or schedule to a master lease agreement  identified on
Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.  The term "Lease"  includes
(i) all payments to be made thereunder, (ii) all rights of Borrower therein, and
(iii) any and all amendments, renewals, extensions or guarantees thereof.

         1.10 "Leased  Property"  means any  property  leased or to be leased by
Borrower to a Lessee pursuant to a Lease;  the term "Leased  Property"  includes
all of  Borrower's  Inventory or Equipment so leased and any and all  additions,
improvements,  accessions,  attachments,  upgrades  (except to the  extent  such
upgrades are severable  without  diminishing the value of the underlying  Leased
Property), replacements and substitutions thereto and therefor.

         1.11 "Lessee" means the lessee(s) or obligor(s) responsible for payment
and/or performance under a Lease.

         1.12  "Liability"  or  "Liabilities"  means  all  existing  and  future
recourse  liabilities of Borrower to Lender,  including without limitation,  the
obligations  of Borrower  under Sections 2.5, and 12.4 of this Agreement and all
other recourse liabilities and obligations of every kind or nature whatsoever of
Borrower  to Lender,  whether  now  existing  or  hereafter  incurred,  joint or
several, matured or unmatured, direct or indirect, primary or secondary, related
or  unrelated  or due or to  become  due,  including  but not  limited  to,  any
extensions,  modifications,  substitutions,  increases and renewals thereof, and
substitutions therefor.

         1.13 "New  Jersey  Uniform  Commercial  Code"  shall  mean the  Uniform
Commercial  Code as enacted in New Jersey as the same shall be amended from time
to time.

         1.14  "Note"  means  all  notes  evidencing  the Loan made by Lender to
Borrower hereunder, as may be amended, modified,  replaced or restated from time
to time.

         1.15 All other capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have
the meanings  ascribed thereto in the New Jersey Uniform  Commercial Code unless
the text clearly indicates otherwise.

SECTION 2.        The Loans

         2.1 Preconditions to Loan. All of the following events must occur prior
to Lender making the Loan hereunder:

                           (a)  The  Board  of  Directors  and,  if  stockholder
approval is deemed  necessary,  the  stockholders of Borrower shall have adopted
appropriate  general or  specific  resolutions  authorizing  the  execution  and
delivery of this Agreement and the taking of all action called for herein;

                           (b) Counsel for Borrower shall have furnished general
or specific opinions satisfactory to Lender that
include without  limitation that the corporate action of Borrower referred to in
Section 2.1(a) is  satisfactory to such counsel and that this Agreement has been
duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Borrower, and it constitutes, and
the Loan to  Borrower  hereunder  will  constitute,  legal,  valid  and  binding
obligations of Borrower in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

                           (c) There must not exist an Event of Default or event
which with the lapse of time or notice or both would  become an Event of Default
under Section 7;

                           (d) There has been no material  adverse change in the
business, operations or condition (financial or otherwise) of Borrower since the
date of the most recent financial statement of Borrower delivered to the Lender;

                           (e) Borrower has  delivered or caused to be delivered
such other documents,  instruments and agreements  reasonably required by Lender
or required by the terms of this Agreement; and

                           (f) Borrower  shall have  delivered  the following to

                                    (i) A written  statement  setting  forth the
Lessee and a description of the Lease and the Leased Property;

                                    (ii) A fully  executed  counterpart  of this

                                    (iii) A Note  executed  by  Borrower in form
and substance satisfactory to Lender;

                                    (iv)  Invoices  showing the true cost of the
Leased  Property net of any servicing or maintenance  charges,  brokers' fees or
similar type of "soft costs";

                                    (v)  Uniform   Commercial   Code   financing
statements listing Lender as secured party and Borrower
as debtor, to be filed in all locations satisfactory to Lender;

                                    (vi)  Each  original   counterpart  of  each
Lease,  together  with,  if Borrower  is not the  original  lessor,  an original
counterpart  of an  assignment  of the Lease to  Borrower  by the  original  and
intermediary lessors thereof;

                                    (vii) The original Certificate of Acceptance
evidencing that the Lessee has received and accepted the Leased Property;

                                    (viii)  The Notice  and  Acknowledgement  of
Assignment  of Lease  executed and  delivered  by Lessee  agreeing to pay Lender

                                    (ix) All guaranties,  agreements,  sureties,
insurance  policies,  subordination  agreements and opinions of counsel  arising
pursuant to or in connection with, the Collateral;

                                    (x) Such additional UCC financing statements
as Lender may  request  in number,  form and  substance  satisfactory  to Lender
necessary to perfect Lender's security interest in the Lease and Leased Property
including without  limitation UCC-1 financing  statements filed by Borrower,  as
secured party, against Lessee, as Debtor, and assigned to Lender;

                                    (xi)  Such  UCCs,   federal  tax  lien,  and
judgment  searches as Lender  requests  showing that the  Collateral is free and
clear of all liens,  claims and encumbrances  other than those granted to Lender

                                    (xii) Such other agreements, instruments and
documents and information (financial or otherwise) concerning Borrower or Lessee
as Lender may reasonably request; and

                                    (xiii)  Evidence  that  Leased  Property  is
insured  against all risks in form and amount,  with an insurer  satisfactory to
Lender, against fire (with extended coverage),  liability and such other hazards
as are customary  with  companies in the same or similar  business as the Lessee
and cause Lender's security interest as indicated in Section 3.1, to be endorsed
on all policies of insurance as lender loss payee, so that: (i) all payments for
losses  will be paid  solely to Lender;  (ii) the policy  shall cover and insure
Lender's  interest  in the  Collateral  notwithstanding  any act or  neglect  of
Borrower or Lessee,  and (iii) the Borrower  shall  furnish  Lender upon request
with evidence of such insurance  together with a certificate  thereof  requiring
not less than thirty (30) days written notice to Lender prior to cancellation or

         2.2 Limited  Recourse Loan. Upon the occurrence of all events set forth
in  Section  2.1  above,  and  simultaneously  with the  execution  hereof  (the
"Closing") and of all  instruments  or documents  necessary or in the opinion of
Lender proper to  effectuate  the  intention of the parties  hereto,  the Lender
shall lend to Borrower  the sum of  $1,581,452.26  for the purpose of  financing
Leases or Leased Property on a limited recourse basis ("Loan").

         2.3 Interest. Interest on the outstanding principal balance of the Loan
will be paid monthly (with such payments  coinciding  with the lease payments on
the  Collateral) at the per annum rate equal to nine and 50/100 percent  (9.50%)
("Contract  Rate").  Upon  the  occurrence  of an Event  of  Default  hereunder,
interest shall accrue on the outstanding  principal balance of the Loan at a per
annum rate of three percent (3%) in excess of the Contract Rate except, however,
where any amount  due by Lessee  under the Lease is more than five (5) days past
due,  interest on such amount shall accrue at the interest rate set forth in the
Lease.  Interest  shall be charged on a 360 day year  counting  the actual  days
elapsed.  Interest at the applicable  rate shall be paid and continue to be paid
even after default, maturity,  acceleration,  recovery of judgment,  Bankruptcy,
insolvency  proceedings  of any kind or the happening of any event or occurrence
similar or dissimilar.  In no event shall any interest  accrued  pursuant to the
second sentence of this paragraph be a recourse liability of Borrower unless the
same accrued as a result of an Event of Default which gives rise to a Liability.

         2.4  Invoices.  Each  month,  Lessor  under the Lease  shall  render to
Lessee,  an  invoice  for the Lease  payments  due and  owing.  Lessee  shall be
instructed to, and shall agree to, make all payments under the Lease directly to
Lender to be applied against the Loan balance.

         2.5  Reimbursement  of Expenses.  It is  anticipated  that Borrower and
Lender  will  enter  into a  series  of loan  transactions  on the  date  hereof
("Transactions")  and in  conjunction  therewith  Borrower  shall pay Lender the
aggregate  sum of $7,500 for all out of pocket  expenses of any kind incurred by
Lender in connection with the Transactions, including reasonable attorneys fees,
UCC searches, the cost of filing financing statements,  continuation,  amendment
and  termination  statements,  search fees and any other fees incurred solely in
connection with the  negotiation,  drafting and closing of the  Transactions and
perfection of its security interest in the Collateral.

         2.6 Use of  Proceeds.  The proceeds of the Loan shall be used solely to
finance or refinance Borrower's purchase of the Lease(s) or Leased Property.

         2.7 Limited  Recourse.  Subject to the Lender's  rights and  Borrower's
recourse liability under Sections 2.5 and 12.4 or as otherwise agreed to between
Borrower and Lender from time to time,  Lender's recourse against Borrower under
the Note shall be limited to the Collateral.

SECTION 3.        Collateral

         3.1 Security  Interest.  As security for  repayment of the Loan and all
Liabilities of Borrower to Lender arising hereunder or under the Note,  Borrower
grants to Lender a first  priority  security  interest in, and assigns to Lender
the Collateral.

         3.2 Financing  Statements.  Borrower will, from time to time, join with
Lender  in  executing   financing   statements,   assignments  and  continuation
statements,  under the Uniform  Commercial  Code covering the Collateral and any
portion thereof and such other  instruments and documents as may be necessary to
perfect Lender's security interest in the Collateral or otherwise effectuate the
purposes of this  Agreement.  Borrower  irrevocably  grants to Lender a power of
attorney  to  execute  for  Borrower  all  such  financing  statements,  and any
amendments thereto.  Further,  Borrower  irrevocably  authorizes the filing of a
carbon,  photographic or other  reproduction of this Agreement or of a financing
statement as a financing  statement and agrees that such filing is sufficient as
a financing statement.

         3.3 Sole Original  Leases.  Borrower shall deliver the sole original of
Counterpart 1 of each Lease Schedule to the Lender and all other existing copies
of such  Leases  shall be marked  "copy" or "this  lease  has been  assigned  to
Interpool,  Inc.  as  security  for the  obligations  pursuant  to that  Limited
Recourse Loan and Security Agreement dated March 27, 1998." For purposes of this
paragraph the term "sole original of Counterpart 1 of each Lease Schedule" shall
not  include  a master  lease  agreement  where a  schedule  to a  master  lease
agreement is assigned to the Lender and such schedule  incorporates the terms of
such master lease  agreement by reference  and the schedule is a separate  lease
for "chattel paper" purposes under the Uniform Commercial Code and possession of
such  schedule  constitutes  possession  of  "chattel  paper"  under the Uniform
Commercial Code.

SECTION 4.        Representations and Warranties

                  The  Borrower  represents  and  warrants to the Lender,  which
representations and warranties shall survive the execution hereof and all action
hereunder as follows:

         4.1 Borrower is a corporation duly organized,  validly existing, and in
good standing under the laws of the State of its incorporation and has the power
to  carry  on its  business  as  now  constituted,  is  qualified  as a  foreign
corporation and is in good standing in other  jurisdictions  where the nature of
its business makes such qualification necessary.

         4.2 The  execution  and delivery by Borrower of this  Agreement and the
performance by it of the transactions herein contemplated are and will be within
its corporate  powers,  have been and will be duly  authorized,  and are not and
will  not be in  contravention  of  any  order  of  court  or  other  agency  of
government, of law or the terms of its Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, or of
any indenture, agreement or undertaking to which it is a party or by which it or
its  property  is  bound,  or be in  conflict  with,  result  in a breach  of or
constitute  (with due  notice  and/or  lapse of time) a  default  under any such
indenture,  agreement or  undertaking,  or result in the imposition of any lien,
charge or encumbrance of any nature on any of Borrower's properties.

         4.3 This  Agreement,  the Note,  all Leases and any assignment or other
document when  delivered,  will be the valid,  legal and binding  obligations of
Borrower, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms.

         4.4  There  are no suits in law or equity  or  proceedings  before  any
governmental  instrumentality or agency against Borrower,  now pending or to the
knowledge of Borrower's officers is there threatened or likely any litigation or
any  proceedings  against or  affecting  Borrower,  the  outcome of which  might
materially and adversely affect the Collateral.

         4.5 All Collateral is free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances
and security interests, except those granted to Lender hereunder.

         4.6 All taxes, federal, state and local, due by Borrower have been paid
or accrued to date.

         4.7 Borrower's tax identification number is as follows: 38-237-9524.

         4.8 All  operations  of the Borrower have been carried on in accordance
with all  applicable  laws,  statutes,  ordinances,  rules and  regulations.  No
investigation by any governmental authority, federal, state or local, is pending
or threatened against Borrower.

         4.9 All places of  business  of  Borrower  are listed on Exhibit  "4.9"
attached hereto and made a part hereof.

         4.10  Within  five (5) years  prior to the  Closing,  Borrower  has not
conducted business under or used any other name (whether corporate or assumed).

         4.11 The following representations and warranties are made with respect
to each Lease and/or  items of Leased  Property and shall be true and correct at
the time each such Lease is assigned to Lender:

                           (a) Each Lease is genuine,  based on  contracts  that
are  enforceable in accordance  with its terms against the Lessee and the Leased
Property named and referenced therein,  constitutes the entire agreement for the
leasing of the Leased Property thereby covered, has not been altered or amended,
except as set forth in the related  schedules,  and Borrower's Books and Records
relating thereto are accurate, complete and genuine;

                           (b)  The  sole   original  of  each  Lease  has  been
delivered  to  Lender  and any  counterpart  of any  lease  which  has not  been
delivered to the Lender bears the legend "Copy" or "This Lease has been assigned
to  Interpool,  Inc. as security  for the  obligations  pursuant to that certain
Limited  Recourse Loan and Security  Agreement  dated March 27 1998," or similar
language on the face thereof;

                           (c)  Where  the  Lease  consists  of a  Master  Lease
Agreement and specific  schedules which describe the terms of any specific items
to be leased pursuant to such schedule,  delivery of the original schedule shall
constitute delivery of the original Lease, provided that the terms of the Master
Lease  Agreement  and the  schedule  make it clear that for purposes of "Chattel
Paper" under the Uniform  Commercial Code, the sole original schedule  delivered
to Lender is a separate lease and that  possession of such schedule  constitutes
possession of "Chattel Paper" under the Uniform Commercial Code;

                           (d) With respect to each Lease,  unless Lender agrees
otherwise  in  writing,  Borrower  will file  within ten (10) days of receipt by
Lessee of possession of Leased Property,  such UCC financing statements (listing
Borrower as Secured  Party,  the Lessee as Debtor,  Lender as Assignee  and such
Leased  Property  as  Collateral)  in such  locations  as would be  required  by
applicable  law (if Borrower  were a Secured  Party and Lessee were a Debtor) in
order to perfect a security  interest in such Leased  Property  under the UCC in
favor of Lender as Borrower's Assignee;

                           (e) The  original  amount and unpaid  balance of each
Lease shown on  Borrower's  Books and Records and on any  statement  or schedule
delivered  to Lender in  connection  therewith  is the true and  correct  amount
actually owed to Lender,  no portion of which,  except as specifically  provided
for in the Lease, has been prepaid;

                           (f) The amounts due under the Leases are not and will
not be subject to any claim or reduction,  counterclaim,  setoff, recoupment, or
any other claim,  allowance or adjustment  and no Lease has been  re-negotiated,
restructured  or  compromised  except  as  renewed  in the  ordinary  course  of

                           (g)  All   security   agreements,   title   retention
instruments  and other  documents  and  instruments  which are  security for any
Lease, and/or each Lease,  contained a correct and sufficient description of the
Leased Property  covered thereby and all security  interests  granted therein to
Borrower  (either  directly or as assignee)  have been  properly  perfected  and
assigned to Lender;

                           (h)  Borrower  has not and  will not  enter  into any
agreement with a Lessee of any Leased Property which
provides,  directly  or  indirectly,  for the  crediting  of any  obligation  or
liability of Borrower to such Lessee against  future rentals  accruing under the

                           (i)  Each  item  of  Leased   Property   is  in  good
condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, has not been lost, stolen, destroyed
or damaged;

                           (j) Each item of Leased  Property has been  delivered
to and,  in all  instances,  unconditionally  accepted by the Lessee and has not
been removed from service or the place of installation indicated in the Lease;

                           (k) Each Lease has been duly  executed  by the lessor
named therein and each Lessee,  and is a valid,  legal and binding obligation of
Borrower,  and such Lessee, and is enforceable  against Borrower and such Lessee
in  accordance  with its terms.  Following  the making of the Loan in accordance
with  Borrower's  instructions  to Lender,  Borrower,  subject  to the  security
interest  of  Lender,  will be the  sole  owner  of the  Collateral  and has the
authority to assign all of its right,  title and interest therein upon the terms
herein set forth;

                           (l) All costs,  fees, and expenses incurred in making
and  closing  each of the  Leases  has been  paid  and each  Lease is or will be
current at the time of the assignment  thereof to Lender.  No event exists which
with the  giving of notice or the  passage of time or both,  will  result in the
occurrence of a default of any obligation as expressed in any Lease;

                           (m) All rentals,  fees,  costs,  expenses and charges
paid or payable by the Lessee under any Lease, including without limitation, any
brokerage  and other fees paid to Borrower  do not violate any laws  relating to
the maximum fees, costs, expenses or charges that can be charged in any state in
which any Leased  Property  is located or in which the  corresponding  Lessee is
located, or in which a transaction was consummated,  or in any other state which
may have jurisdiction with respect to any such Leased Property, Lease or Lessee;

                           (n) Lender has a first lien security  interest in the
Collateral subject to no other security interest or other interest. Borrower has
taken all steps necessary to maintain  Lender's first lien security  interest in
the  Collateral,  including,  if required,  perfecting the  Borrower's  security
interest   through  filing  financing   statements,   amendments   thereto,   or

                           (o) Each item of Leased  Property has been insured in
the ordinary course of Borrower's or the corresponding Lessee's business;

                           (p) Neither  Borrower  nor to the best of  Borrower's
knowledge has any lessor or prior lender  holding a security  interest in any of
the Collateral  received notice of a Bankruptcy,  receivership,  reorganization,
insolvency or financial embarrassment of any Lessee;

                           (q)  No  Lessee  is a  subsidiary,  or  affiliate  of
Borrower,  or under common control with Borrower or is an officer or employee of

                           (r)      No Lease is a Defaulted Lease;

                           (s)  No  Lease   constitutes   a   sublease   of  the
corresponding Leased Property.

SECTION 5.        Affirmative Covenants

                           Borrower covenants with Lender as follows:

         5.1 Borrower  will take the  necessary  steps to preserve its rights to
conduct business in all  jurisdictions in which the nature of its business shall
require  qualifications  to do  business  or where the failure to so qualify may
have a material  adverse  effect on the ability of Borrower or Lender to enforce
any Lease or realize on any Leased Property.

         5.2 Borrower will notify Lender, in writing,  not less than thirty (30)
days prior to any change in the location of the Chief Executive Office or if the
Collateral is moved to a location other than that specified in the corresponding

         5.3  Borrower  will  comply  with  and  observe  all  laws,   statutes,
ordinances,  rules and regulations material to the operation of its business and
maintain all licenses and permits  necessary  for the operation of its business,
and Borrower will pay all taxes,  assessments and governmental  charges required
by law.

         5.4 Borrower shall permit Lender, and any representative  designated by
Lender,  to visit and  inspect any of  Borrower's  property,  assets,  Books and
Records, and finance and other records, including, without limitation, financial
statements and Leases, and to discuss Borrower's affairs,  finances and accounts
as they relate to the Collateral with Borrower's agents,  officers and employees
(including Borrower's  independent  accountants) at such reasonable times and as
often as Lender may reasonably request.

         5.5 Unless Lender consents otherwise in writing,  Borrower shall at all
times keep all Collateral free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and security
interests of every kind without limitation.

         5.6 Borrower  shall mark its Books and Records to indicate the Lender's
security  interest in the Collateral,  including the Lease(s) and, unless Lender
consents  otherwise in writing,  Borrower shall retain title at all times to the
Leased Property.  However,  where Lender consents in writing to an assignment of
any of Borrower's right,  title and interest in the Lease and/or the Collateral,
(which  consent  shall  not be  unreasonably  withheld)  and  provided  Borrower
complies  with the  requirements  of a Transferee  Agreement  (which  Transferee
Agreement  shall be the same in form and  substance as that  attached  hereto as
Exhibit  5.6),  Borrower  may sell,  assign or  transfer  its  right,  title and
interest,  subject  always to the prior  rights of Lender,  in the Lease  and/or

         5.7  Borrower  shall join with  Lender to notify all  Lessee(s)  of the
Lender's  security  interest  in the  Collateral  and direct  payment  under the
Lease(s) to be made directly to Lender and Lender may, in its own name or in the
name  of the  Borrower  collect,  sue  for  and  receive  payment  of any or all
Lease(s),  and  settle,  compromise  and  adjust the same on any terms as may be
satisfactory  to Lender,  in its sole and absolute  discretion for any reason or
without reason.

         5.8 Borrower  will  immediately  notify  Lender of the  institution  or
threat of any  litigation,  administrative  proceeding or  investigation  or any
other  event or  happening  which  might have a material  adverse  affect on the
Collateral or Borrower's or Lender's ability to enforce their respective  rights
under the Lease(s).

         5.9 Borrower shall, at Lender's request,  within ninety (90) days after
the close of the fiscal year,  furnish  Lender with a complete  financial  audit
prepared by Borrower's  independent  certified public accounting firm acceptable
to Lender,  including a balance  sheet,  income  statement and statement of cash
flows prepared in accordance with GAAP.

SECTION 6.        Negative Covenants

                  Borrower covenants with Lender that it will not:

         6.1  Without  the prior  written  consent  of Lender,  sell,  assign or
transfer  any  portion of the  Collateral.  However,  where  Lender  consents in
writing to an assignment of any of Borrower's  right,  title and interest in the
Lease and/or the Collateral,  (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld)
and provided Borrower  complies with the requirements of a Transferee  Agreement
(which  Transferee  Agreement  shall be the same in form and  substance  as that
attached  hereto as Exhibit  5.6),  Borrower  may sell,  assign or transfer  its
right, title and interest,  subject always to the prior rights of Lender, in the
Lease and/or Collateral.

         6.2 Without the prior written consent of Lender, liquidate, dissolve or
discontinue normal operations with the intention to liquidate,  dissolve,  sell,
lease,  transfer or  otherwise  dispose of any  substantial  part of its assets.
Lender  acknowledges that the Borrower  anticipates a merger with other entities
that may occur during the term hereof, however,  according to the terms thereof,
Varilease  Corporation  will be a wholly owned  subsidiary  and will continue to
operate in the same or like manner as prior to said merger.

         6.3 Without the prior  written  consent of Lender,  permit the removal,
other  than in the  ordinary  course of  business,  of any Books and  Records or
Leased Property from the place of business where presently located.

         6.4 Without  providing to Lender thirty (30) days prior written notice,
change  its name or any  trade  style it  uses,  or adopt  any new name or trade

SECTION 7.        Events of Default

                  The occurrence of any one or more of the following events with
respect to Borrower  shall  constitute an event of default  ("Event of Default")

         7.1  Termination  of  existence,  business  failure or the making of an
assignment for the benefit of creditors;

         7.2 Non-payment of any sum or sums due to Lender or others hereunder or
otherwise when due or  non-performance  of any contractual  obligation to Lender
including without  limitation a breach of a Lease by the Lessee or Borrower that
results in a Lease becoming a Defaulted Lease;

         7.3    Institution    of    Bankruptcy,    arrangement,    composition,
reorganization,   liquidation   or   receivership   proceedings,   voluntary  or
involuntary,   or  the   appointment  of  a  receiver,   trustee,   conservator,
sequestrator or other judicial representative, similar or dissimilar;

         7.4 Any financial statements of Borrower, warranties or representations
herein, or in any other document or certificate  heretofore or hereafter made by
Borrower are false, misleading, incomplete or incorrect in any material manner;

         7.5 If Borrower has engaged in any activity which may reasonably result
in the forfeiture of any Collateral to any governmental entity,  federal,  state
or local;  then,  in any such event which is not cured  within seven (7) days of
the earlier of receipt of notice from Lender of the Event of Default or Borrower
obtaining  knowledge of the Event of Default,  Lender, at its option may declare
the unpaid principal balance, accrued interest, and all other sums due to Lender
hereunder or otherwise  immediately  due and payable  (except with respect to an
Event of Default  arising under paragraph 7.1 or 7.3 above, in which case all of
Borrower's  obligations and liabilities to Lender shall be automatically  deemed
to be immediately due and payable).

SECTION 8.        Remedies on Default

         8.1 (a) Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder,  Borrower
grants to Lender in addition to any rights,  powers or remedies  Lender may have
under any applicable law, all of which shall be cumulative,  the right,  subject
always  to the  rights of  Lessees  under  the  Leases,  to do any or all of the
following  (which list is given by way of example  and is not  intended to be an
exhaustive list of all rights and remedies):

                               (i) By its own means,  with or  without  judicial
assistance, enter any of Borrower's premises or other locations where Collateral
is kept,  and take  possession  of the  Collateral,  or render it  unusable,  or
dispose of the  Collateral  on such  premises  without any  liability  for rent,
storage,  utilities or other sums,  and  Borrower  shall not resist or interfere
with such action; and

                               (ii) Lender  shall have all rights,  remedies and
powers of Borrower under the Leases as lessor, including without limitation, the
right to collect and receive all rental,  insurance proceeds and other payments,
payable  pursuant to the Leases;  amend or  terminate  any Lease;  and take such
action  upon  default  under any Lease,  as any lessor  may do, in  Lender's  or
Borrower's  name,  including  without  limitation  repossession  of  any  Leased
Property and  commencement  of suit,  and to exercise any rights and remedies as
lessor under the Lease(s).

                           (b) Anything herein to the contrary  notwithstanding,
the execution of this  Agreement and the exercise by Lender of any of its rights
hereunder  shall not (i) release  Borrower from any of its duties or obligations
under the  Leases,  and (ii) shall not  obligate  Lender  (x) to perform  any of
Borrower's  obligations or duties under the Leases, or (y) to take any action to
collect or enforce any claim for payment.

                           (c) Borrower  hereby agrees that a notice received by
it at least ten (10) days before the time of any intended  public sale or at the
time after which any private sale or other  disposition  of the Collateral is to
be made,  shall be deemed to be commercially  reasonable  notice of such sale or
other  disposition.  If  permitted  by law, any  Collateral  which  threatens to
speedily  decline in value or which is sold on a  recognized  market may be sold
immediately by Lender without prior notice to Borrower.

         8.2 Lender  shall have the right to proceed  against all or any portion
of the Collateral in any order and may apply such  Collateral to the Liabilities
of  Borrower  to Lender in any order.  All rights and  remedies  granted  Lender
hereunder and under any agreement referred to herein, or otherwise  available at
law or in equity, shall be deemed concurrent and cumulative, and not alternative
remedies,  and Lender may  proceed  with any number of remedies at the same time
until all existing and future  Liabilities of Borrower to Lender,  are satisfied
in full. The exercise of any one right or remedy shall not be deemed a waiver or
release of any other  right or remedy,  and upon the  occurrence  of an Event of
Default, Lender may proceed against Borrower and/or the Collateral, at any time,
under any agreement, with any available remedy and in any order.

         8.3 Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in this Section
8 or Section 7 above,  the  occurrence  of an Event of Default due solely to the
non-payment  of sums owed to Lender  resulting from a Lease becoming a Defaulted
Lease shall  constitute an Event of Default  hereunder  only with respect to the
Loan and  Lender's  recourse to Borrower  with respect to amounts due under such
Loan shall be limited to the Collateral.

SECTION 9.        Termination

         9.1 Lender shall have the right to retain,  until final payment in full
of all  Liabilities  of the Borrower all of the Collateral and all of its rights
with respect thereto; provided, however, that so long as no Event of Default has
occurred,  Lender shall  release its lien on  Collateral at the time the Loan is
repaid in full. All terms,  conditions  and  provisions of this Agreement  shall
remain  in full  force  and  effect  until  such  time as all sums  owed  Lender
hereunder are paid in full.

SECTION 10.       Waivers

         Borrower  waives  presentment,  demand,  protest,  notice  of  default,
non-payment,  partial payments and all other notices and formalities relating to
this Agreement  other than notices  specifically  required  hereunder.  Borrower
consents to and waives  notice of the granting of  indulgences  or extensions of
time or payment, the taking or releasing of security, the addition or release of
persons  primarily or secondarily  liable on or with respect to the Liabilities.
No delay by the Lender in exercising any right, power or remedy hereunder and no
indulgence  given to Borrower in case of any default shall impair any such right
or  power  or be  construed  as a  waiver  of  any  default  by  Lender  or  any
acquiescence  therein  or as a  violation  or  waiver  of any of  the  terms  or
provisions of this Agreement.

SECTION 11.       Notices

         All notices and other  communications  hereunder shall be in writing or
confirmed  in writing,  and they shall be deemed to have been duly  delivered or
given,  if hand  delivered,  if  telecopied,  if sent by  nationally  recognized
overnight  courier,  or if mailed via certified mail,  return receipt  requested
when delivered, as follows:

                  (a)      If to Borrower:
                           Varilease Corporation
                           28525 Orchard Lake Road
                           Farmington Hills, MI  48334

                           Attention: Gary F. Miller, Senior Vice President
                           Telecopy:(248) 488-0162

                  (b)      If to Lender:
                           Interpool, Inc.
                           211 College Road East
                           Princeton, NJ 08540

                           Attention:Raoul J. Witteveen, President
                           Telecopy: (609)951-0362


                           Interpool, Inc.
                           211 College Road East
                           Princeton, NJ 08540

                           Attention:  Richard W. Gross, Senior Vice
                           Telecopy:  (609)951-0362


                           MicroTech Leasing Corporation
                           211 College Road East
                           Princeton, NJ  08540

                           Attention:  Allen M. Olinger, President
                           Telecopy:  (609) 987-1011

SECTION 12.       Miscellaneous

         12.1 Borrower  agrees that Lender may sell or assign this Loan or grant
participation(s) in this Loan and may without liability furnish information with
respect to this Loan to any prospective purchaser, assignee or participant(s).

         12.2 Borrower hereby irrevocably appoints Lender as Borrower's attorney
in fact with full  authority  in the place and stead of Borrower and in the name
of Borrower,  Lender or otherwise in Lender's discretion, to take any action and
to execute any  instrument,  agreement or document  which Lender may  reasonably
deem  necessary  or  advisable to  accomplish  the  purposes of this  Agreement.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Lender may:

                           (a) obtain  and adjust  insurance  that  Borrower  or
Lessee is required to maintain;

                           (b) ask, demand, collect, sue for, recover, compound,
receive or give  acquittance  and receipts for money due and to become due under
or in respect of any of the Collateral;

                           (c) receive,  endorse and collect any drafts or other
instruments, documents or chattel paper, in connection with (a) or (b) above;

                           (d) after the occurrence of an Event of Default, file
any claim or take any action or institute any proceedings  which Lender may deem
necessary or desirable for the  collection of any of the Collateral or otherwise
to enforce the rights of Lender with respect to any of the Collateral; and

                           (e) after the occurrence of an Event of Default, with
respect  to a  Defaulted  Lease,  execute  in  Borrower's  name,  a bill of sale
relating to any  Collateral,  transferring  title to such  Collateral to a third
party purchaser.

         12.3 If  Borrower  fails to perform  any  agreement  contained  herein,
Lender may (but is not  obligated  to)  perform or cause  performance  of,  such
agreement, at Borrower's expense payable on demand.

         12.4 (a)  Borrower  shall pay,  on demand,  all of  Lender's  costs and
expenses  (including  but not  limited  to all  legal  fees  and  costs)  (i) in
connection with the negotiation or preparation of any extensions, modifications,
amendments,  waivers  or  consents  to this  Agreement,  any note,  or any other
instrument,  agreement or document in connection herewith (but not including the
Lease(s) or  corresponding  equipment  schedules  and  agreements),  and (ii) in
connection with the  enforcement of any right,  remedy or power pursuant to this
Agreement,  any  note  or  any  other  instrument,  agreement,  or  document  in
connection herewith as such rights pertain to the Liabilities. In no event shall
Borrower  be  personally  liable  for any of said  costs or fees  relating  to a
default by the Lessee under the Lease which does not also  constitute  or result
in a breach of any  representation,  warranty or covenant made by Borrower to or
in favor of Lender; and

                           (b) Borrower  shall  indemnify,  defend (with counsel
satisfactory  to Lender) and hold harmless  Lender against and in respect of (i)
any  loss,   damage  or  deficiency   related  to  any  breach  of  warranty  or
representation  or  non-fulfillment  of any  agreement  by  Borrower  under this
Agreement or any related instrument,  agreement,  document, schedule, exhibit or
other legal  obligations in connection  herewith,  and (ii) all actions,  suits,
proceedings,  demands,  assessments,  judgments,  costs, legal fees and expenses
incident  to any of the  foregoing.  Any amount  reasonably  required to be paid
pursuant to the foregoing  shall be paid by Borrower to Lender on demand and may
at Lender's  option be deducted  from or set off against any  existing or future
debt,   liability  or  obligation  of  Lender  to  Borrower   relating  to  this
transaction.  In no event shall  Borrower be  personally  liable for any of said
costs or fees relating to a default by the Lessee under the Lease which does not
also  constitute  or  result  in a breach  of any  representation,  warranty  or
covenant made by Borrower to or in favor of Lender.

         12.5 This Agreement and all rights  hereunder  shall be governed by the
substantive law of the State of New Jersey. This Agreement shall bind Lender and
Borrower  and shall  inure to the benefit of Lender and the terms  "Lender"  and
"Borrower" as used in this Agreement  shall include the  respective  parties and
their respective successors and assigns.

         12.6 The terms of this  Agreement  shall be in addition to those of any
other evidence of liability held by the Lender,  all of which shall be construed
as complementary to each other,  except as herein otherwise  expressly  provided
and such other agreements,  instruments and documents not modified or superseded
pursuant to the terms hereof remain in full force and effect.

         12.7 This Agreement  contains the entire agreement  between the parties
hereto and may not be modified or changed in any way except in writing signed by
all parties.

         12.8  Any  express  waiver  by  Lender  of any  power,  right,  remedy,
obligation or duty shall not under any  circumstances  be deemed to constitute a
waiver of Lender's  powers,  rights or  remedies  upon the later  occurrence  or
reoccurrence of any event,  transaction or matter.  No course of dealing between
Lender and  Borrower  shall  operate as or be deemed to  constitute  a waiver of
Lender's rights hereunder or affect the duties or obligations of Borrower.

         12.9 All  powers,  rights and  remedies  of Lender  hereunder  shall be
cumulative  and not  exclusive of other  powers,  rights or remedies  granted or
available  to  Lender  under  any  applicable  law  unless  specifically  stated

         12.10  All   warranties,   covenants   and   representations,   whether
affirmative or negative, shall survive the making of this Agreement and the loan
of monies  hereunder  and each  shall be deemed  to be  continuing  in force and
effect and substantial and material in nature.

         12.11 Borrower  irrevocably  consents to the exclusive  jurisdiction of
the State  Courts of New  Jersey or the  United  States  District  Court for the
District of New Jersey in any and all actions and  proceedings  whether  arising
hereunder or under any other agreement or undertaking and irrevocably  agrees to
service of process by certified mail, return receipt requested to the address of
Borrower set forth herein.

         12.12  Borrower  waives and shall not  interpose any objection of forum
non  conveniens  or to venue  and  waives  any right to  remove  any  proceeding
commenced in a state court to a federal court.


         12.14 Headings  preceding the text of the several  Sections  hereof are
for the  convenience  of reference  only and shall not constitute a part of this
Agreement nor shall they affect its meaning, construction or effect.

         12.15 This  Agreement  may be executed  in any number of  counterparts,
each  of  which  so  executed  shall  be  deemed  to be an  original,  and  such
counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

         12.16 All  instruments,  agreements  and  documents  to be  executed or
delivered by Borrower shall be in form and substance  satisfactory  to Lender in
its sole discretion.

         12.17    Time is of the essence.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  have caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed as of the day and year first above written.

LENDER:                                  Interpool, Inc.

ATTEST:/s/ Kathleen Francis              BY:/s/ Richard W. Gross
       ----------------------------      ----------------------------
       Kathleen Francis                  Name:Richard W. Gross

                                         Title:Senior Vice President

BORROWER:                                            VARILEASE CORPORATION

ATTEST: /s/ Jennifer Charles-Rentz          BY: /s/ Marjorie Biglin
        --------------------------              ------------------------------
                                            Name: Marjorie Biglin

                                            Title: Assistant Secretary

                                  SCHEDULE "A"


                          TERM NOTE (LIMITED RECOURSE)

$1,581,452.26                                  Princeton, NJ
                                               March 27, 1998

         FOR VALUE RECEIVED and intending to be legally bound,  the undersigned,
Varilease  Corporation  ("Borrower"),  a Michigan  corporation,  with a place of
business at 28525 Orchard Lake Road,  Farmington  Hills,  MI 48334,  promises to
pay, in lawful money of the United States,  to the order of Interpool,  Inc. and
its assigns ("Lender"), at Lender's offices at 211 College Road East, Princeton,
NJ 08540, the sum of One Million Five Hundred  Eighty-One  Thousand Four Hundred
Fifty-Two  and  26/100   ($1,581,452.26)   Dollars  in  thirty-six   (36)  equal
consecutive  monthly  installments  of principal and interest of $50,327.00 each
commencing on April 1, 1998 and on the first day of each month thereafter with a
final payment of the entire  outstanding  principal  balance of the Loan and all
accrued but unpaid interest,  fees, costs and expenses due on March 1, 2001. The
actual  amount due and owing from time to time  hereunder  shall be evidenced by
Lender's  records of  disbursements  and receipts with respect to the Loan which
shall be presumptive conclusive evidence of such amount.

         Interest  shall  accrue  on the  unpaid  principal  amount  outstanding
hereunder  from time to time at the per annum  rate  equal to nine and  one-half
percent (9.50%) ("Contract Rate").  Interest shall be calculated on a basis of a
year of 360 days but computed for the actual number of days  elapsed.  After the
occurrence of an Event of Default (as defined in the Loan  Agreement)  such rate
shall be increased to a per annum rate equal to three  percent (3%) in excess of
the Contract Rate. In no event shall the amount of interest paid or agreed to be
paid to Lender hereunder  exceed the highest lawful rate  permissible  under any
law which a court of competent  jurisdiction may deem applicable hereto. In such
event,  the  interest  rate shall  automatically  be reduced to the maximum rate
permitted  by such law and Lender shall apply any such excess to  principal,  in
the inverse order of maturity.

         This Term Note is the Note referred to in the Limited Recourse Loan and
Security  Agreement  between  Borrower  and Lender  dated of even date  herewith
("Loan Agreement"). This Term Note ("Note") shall evidence Borrower's obligation
to repay all sums  advanced by Lender  pursuant to this Note,  provided  however
that Borrower's  obligations  under this Note are with limited  recourse as more
fully set forth below and in the Loan  Agreement.  If Borrower fails to make any
payment  required  hereunder  or if an Event of  Default  occurs  under the Loan
Agreement,  Lender may  declare  Borrower in default  hereunder  and declare the
unpaid principal balance of this Note to be immediately due and payable.  Lender
shall  thereupon  have the option at any time and from time to time to  exercise
all rights and remedies set forth herein, and in the Loan Agreement,  as well as
all rights and remedies  otherwise  available to Lender at law or in equity,  to
collect the unpaid indebtedness  hereunder and thereunder.  This Note is secured
by the Collateral described in the Loan Agreement. This Note may be prepaid only
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement.

         Borrower  hereby waives protest,  demand,  notice of nonpayment and all
other  notices in  connection  with the  delivery,  acceptance,  performance  or
enforcement  of this Note.  Any failure or delay of Lender to exercise any right
hereunder  shall not be  construed as a waiver of the right to exercise the same
or any other right at any other time or times.  The waiver by Lender of a breach
or default of any  provision of this Note shall not operate or be construed as a
waiver of any subsequent breach or default thereof.  Subject to the terms of the
Loan Agreement, Borrower agrees to reimburse Lender for all expenses, including,
without  limitation,   attorneys'  fees,  incurred  by  Lender  to  enforce  the
provisions of this Note, to protect,  preserve and defend  Lender's rights under
the Loan Agreement, and collect Borrower's obligations hereunder as described in
the Loan Agreement.

         Notwithstanding  the entry of any judgment  under this Note, the unpaid
principal  balance  under  this Note  shall  continue  to bear  interest  at the
applicable rate set forth above.

         This Note shall be  construed  and governed by the laws of the State of
New Jersey, without regard to its otherwise applicable principles of conflict of
laws.  The  provisions  of  this  Note  are  severable  and  the  invalidity  or
unenforceability  of any  provision  shall  not alter or  impair  the  remaining
provisions of this Note.  All  capitalized  terms not otherwise  defined  herein
shall have the respective meanings as set forth in the Loan Agreement.


         Lender,  and any  subsequent  holder of this Note, by acceptance of the
Note agrees that except as provided in the Loan  Agreement,  Borrower shall have
no  personal  liability  or  obligation  with  respect to payment of  principal,
interest and other amounts  payable under this Note and such amounts are payable
from the  proceeds  received by Lender (or the Lender's  successors  or assigns)
from Lender's right, title and interest in and to the Collateral.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and intending to be legally bound hereby,  Borrower
has executed these presents the day and year first above written.


By: /s/ Marjorie Biglin                Attest: /s/ Jennifer Charles-Rentz
      ---------------------------              ------------------------------
Name: Marjorie Biglin

Title: Assistant Secretary

                                LIMITED RECOURSE
                           LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT  made this 27th day of March,  1998,  by and among  Varilease
Corporation ("Borrower"), a Michigan corporation and Interpool, Inc. ("Lender"),
a Delaware corporation.

                               B A C K G R O U N D

         A.  Borrower is in the business of leasing  personal  property to third
party lessees. Borrower desires to borrow funds on a limited recourse basis from
Lender and Lender is willing to lend such funds to Borrower  under the terms and
provisions set forth below.

         B. The parties desire to define the terms and conditions of the Loan as
defined in Section 2.2 and to reduce their agreements to writing.

         NOW, THEREFORE,  with the foregoing  Background  incorporated herein by
reference  and  intending  to be legally  bound,  the  parties  hereto  agree as

SECTION 1.        Definitions

         1.1 "Books and Records" means all of Borrower's  original ledger cards,
payment  schedules,  credit  applications,   contract  rights,  liens,  security
instruments, guarantees and other General Intangibles relating in any way to the
Lease(s) or Leased Property.

         1.2  "Collateral"  means the Lease(s),  Leased  Property and all now or
hereafter existing Books and Records and all cash and noncash proceeds, thereof,
including insurance proceeds.

         1.3 "Contract Rate" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3.

         1.4  "Defaulted  Lease"  means  any Lease  where  (i) the  Lessee is in
default  under the terms of such  Lease,  (ii) the Lease or Leased  Property  is
subject to any tax lien or security  interest,  lien or  encumbrance  other than
Lender's,  except as otherwise  consented to by Lender in writing,  or (iii) the
Lessee has prepaid any amounts and such  prepayment  has not been  delivered  to
Lender  within ten days of receipt by Borrower,  or (iv) the Leased  Property is

         1.5  "Equipment"  shall have the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in the New
Jersey Uniform Commercial Code.

         1.6 "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles and practices
at the time for companies engaged in similar businesses, consistently applied.

         1.7 "General  Intangibles"  shall have the meaning  ascribed thereto in
the New Jersey Uniform Commercial Code and shall include, but not be limited to,
all contract  rights  (including  without  limitation  rights under  remarketing
agreements),  chattel paper, documents,  instruments,  books, records,  ledgers,
journals, check books, print outs, designs,  computer programs,  computer tapes,
customer lists, causes of action, claims, goodwill, designs and plans, licenses,
license  agreements,  tax and all other types of refunds,  returned and unearned
insurance premiums, rights and claims under insurance policies,  patents, patent
application,  trademarks,  trade names, trade styles, trademark applications and

         1.8  "Inventory"  shall have the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in the New
Jersey Uniform Commercial Code.

         1.9  "Lease"  means  all of  Borrower's  Accounts,  Documents,  General
Intangibles,  Instruments  and Chattel Paper arising in connection with each and
every equipment lease and/or schedule to a master lease agreement  identified on
Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.  The term "Lease"  includes
(i) all payments to be made thereunder, (ii) all rights of Borrower therein, and
(iii) any and all amendments, renewals, extensions or guarantees thereof.

         1.10 "Leased  Property"  means any  property  leased or to be leased by
Borrower to a Lessee pursuant to a Lease;  the term "Leased  Property"  includes
all of  Borrower's  Inventory or Equipment so leased and any and all  additions,
improvements,  accessions,  attachments,  upgrades  (except to the  extent  such
upgrades are severable  without  diminishing the value of the underlying  Leased
Property), replacements and substitutions thereto and therefor.

         1.11 "Lessee" means the lessee(s) or obligor(s) responsible for payment
and/or performance under a Lease.

         1.12  "Liability"  or  "Liabilities"  means  all  existing  and  future
recourse  liabilities of Borrower to Lender,  including without limitation,  the
obligations  of Borrower  under Sections 2.5, and 12.4 of this Agreement and all
other recourse liabilities and obligations of every kind or nature whatsoever of
Borrower  to Lender,  whether  now  existing  or  hereafter  incurred,  joint or
several, matured or unmatured, direct or indirect, primary or secondary, related
or  unrelated  or due or to  become  due,  including  but not  limited  to,  any
extensions,  modifications,  substitutions,  increases and renewals thereof, and
substitutions therefor.

         1.13 "New  Jersey  Uniform  Commercial  Code"  shall  mean the  Uniform
Commercial  Code as enacted in New Jersey as the same shall be amended from time
to time.

         1.14  "Note"  means  all  notes  evidencing  the Loan made by Lender to
Borrower hereunder, as may be amended, modified,  replaced or restated from time
to time.

         1.15 All other capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have
the meanings  ascribed thereto in the New Jersey Uniform  Commercial Code unless
the text clearly indicates otherwise.

SECTION 2.        The Loans

         2.1 Preconditions to Loan. All of the following events must occur prior
to Lender making the Loan hereunder:

                           (a)  The  Board  of  Directors  and,  if  stockholder
approval is deemed  necessary,  the  stockholders of Borrower shall have adopted
appropriate  general or  specific  resolutions  authorizing  the  execution  and
delivery of this Agreement and the taking of all action called for herein;

                           (b) Counsel for Borrower shall have furnished general
or specific opinions satisfactory to Lender that include without limitation that
the corporate  action of Borrower  referred to in Section 2.1(a) is satisfactory
to such counsel and that this Agreement has been duly  authorized,  executed and
delivered  by the  Borrower,  and it  constitutes,  and  the  Loan  to  Borrower
hereunder will constitute,  legal, valid and binding  obligations of Borrower in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

                           (c) There must not exist an Event of Default or event
which with the lapse of time or notice or both would  become an Event of Default
under Section 7;

                           (d) There has been no material  adverse change in the
business, operations or condition (financial or otherwise) of Borrower since the
date of the most recent financial statement of Borrower delivered to the Lender;

                           (e) Borrower has  delivered or caused to be delivered
such other documents,  instruments and agreements  reasonably required by Lender
or required by the terms of this Agreement; and

                           (f) Borrower  shall have  delivered  the following to

                                    (i) A written  statement  setting  forth the
Lessee and a description of the Lease and the Leased Property;

                                    (ii) A fully  executed  counterpart  of this

                                    (iii) A Note  executed  by  Borrower in form
and substance satisfactory to Lender;

                                    (iv)  Invoices  showing the true cost of the
Leased  Property net of any servicing or maintenance  charges,  brokers' fees or
similar type of "soft costs";

                                    (v)  Uniform   Commercial   Code   financing
statements  listing Lender as secured party and Borrower as debtor,  to be filed
in all locations satisfactory to Lender;

                                    (vi)  Each  original   counterpart  of  each
Lease,  together  with,  if Borrower  is not the  original  lessor,  an original
counterpart  of an  assignment  of the Lease to  Borrower  by the  original  and
intermediary lessors thereof;

                                    (vii) The original Certificate of Acceptance
evidencing that the Lessee has received and accepted the Leased Property;

                                    (viii)  The Notice  and  Acknowledgement  of
Assignment  of Lease  executed and  delivered  by Lessee  agreeing to pay Lender

                                    (ix) All guaranties,  agreements,  sureties,
insurance  policies,  subordination  agreements and opinions of counsel  arising
pursuant to or in connection with, the Collateral;

                                    (x) Such additional UCC financing statements
as Lender may  request  in number,  form and  substance  satisfactory  to Lender
necessary to perfect Lender's security interest in the Lease and Leased Property
including without  limitation UCC-1 financing  statements filed by Borrower,  as
secured party, against Lessee, as Debtor, and assigned to Lender;

                                    (xi)  Such  UCCs,   federal  tax  lien,  and
judgment  searches as Lender  requests  showing that the  Collateral is free and
clear of all liens,  claims and encumbrances  other than those granted to Lender

                                    (xii) Such other agreements, instruments and
documents and information (financial or otherwise) concerning Borrower or Lessee
as Lender may reasonably request; and

                                    (xiii)  Evidence  that  Leased  Property  is
insured  against all risks in form and amount,  with an insurer  satisfactory to
Lender, against fire (with extended coverage),  liability and such other hazards
as are customary  with  companies in the same or similar  business as the Lessee
and cause Lender's security interest as indicated in Section 3.1, to be endorsed
on all policies of insurance as lender loss payee, so that: (i) all payments for
losses  will be paid  solely to Lender;  (ii) the policy  shall cover and insure
Lender's  interest  in the  Collateral  notwithstanding  any act or  neglect  of
Borrower or Lessee,  and (iii) the Borrower  shall  furnish  Lender upon request
with evidence of such insurance  together with a certificate  thereof  requiring
not less than thirty (30) days written notice to Lender prior to cancellation or

         2.2 Limited  Recourse Loan. Upon the occurrence of all events set forth
in  Section  2.1  above,  and  simultaneously  with the  execution  hereof  (the
"Closing") and of all  instruments  or documents  necessary or in the opinion of
Lender proper to  effectuate  the  intention of the parties  hereto,  the Lender
shall lend to Borrower  the sum of  $1,581,452.26  for the purpose of  financing
Leases or Leased Property on a limited recourse basis ("Loan").

         2.3 Interest. Interest on the outstanding principal balance of the Loan
will be paid monthly (with such payments  coinciding  with the lease payments on
the  Collateral) at the per annum rate equal to nine and 50/100 percent  (9.50%)
("Contract  Rate").  Upon  the  occurrence  of an Event  of  Default  hereunder,
interest shall accrue on the outstanding  principal balance of the Loan at a per
annum rate of three percent (3%) in excess of the Contract Rate except, however,
where any amount  due by Lessee  under the Lease is more than five (5) days past
due,  interest on such amount shall accrue at the interest rate set forth in the
Lease.  Interest  shall be charged on a 360 day year  counting  the actual  days
elapsed.  Interest at the applicable  rate shall be paid and continue to be paid
even after default, maturity,  acceleration,  recovery of judgment,  Bankruptcy,
insolvency  proceedings  of any kind or the happening of any event or occurrence
similar or dissimilar.  In no event shall any interest  accrued  pursuant to the
second sentence of this paragraph be a recourse liability of Borrower unless the
same accrued as a result of an Event of Default which gives rise to a Liability.

         2.4  Invoices.  Each  month,  Lessor  under the Lease  shall  render to
Lessee,  an  invoice  for the Lease  payments  due and  owing.  Lessee  shall be
instructed to, and shall agree to, make all payments under the Lease directly to
Lender to be applied against the Loan balance.

         2.5  Reimbursement  of Expenses.  It is  anticipated  that Borrower and
Lender  will  enter  into a  series  of loan  transactions  on the  date  hereof
("Transactions")  and in  conjunction  therewith  Borrower  shall pay Lender the
aggregate  sum of $7,500 for all out of pocket  expenses of any kind incurred by
Lender in connection with the Transactions, including reasonable attorneys fees,
UCC searches, the cost of filing financing statements,  continuation,  amendment
and  termination  statements,  search fees and any other fees incurred solely in
connection with the  negotiation,  drafting and closing of the  Transactions and
perfection of its security interest in the Collateral.

         2.6 Use of  Proceeds.  The proceeds of the Loan shall be used solely to
finance or refinance Borrower's purchase of the Lease(s) or Leased Property.

         2.7 Limited  Recourse.  Subject to the Lender's  rights and  Borrower's
recourse liability under Sections 2.5 and 12.4 or as otherwise agreed to between
Borrower and Lender from time to time,  Lender's recourse against Borrower under
the Note shall be limited to the Collateral.

SECTION 3.        Collateral

         3.1 Security  Interest.  As security for  repayment of the Loan and all
Liabilities of Borrower to Lender arising hereunder or under the Note,  Borrower
grants to Lender a first  priority  security  interest in, and assigns to Lender
the Collateral.

         3.2 Financing  Statements.  Borrower will, from time to time, join with
Lender  in  executing   financing   statements,   assignments  and  continuation
statements,  under the Uniform  Commercial  Code covering the Collateral and any
portion thereof and such other  instruments and documents as may be necessary to
perfect Lender's security interest in the Collateral or otherwise effectuate the
purposes of this  Agreement.  Borrower  irrevocably  grants to Lender a power of
attorney  to  execute  for  Borrower  all  such  financing  statements,  and any
amendments thereto.  Further,  Borrower  irrevocably  authorizes the filing of a
carbon,  photographic or other  reproduction of this Agreement or of a financing
statement as a financing  statement and agrees that such filing is sufficient as
a financing statement.

         3.3 Sole Original  Leases.  Borrower shall deliver the sole original of
Counterpart 1 of each Lease Schedule to the Lender and all other existing copies
of such  Leases  shall be marked  "copy" or "this  lease  has been  assigned  to
Interpool,  Inc.  as  security  for the  obligations  pursuant  to that  Limited
Recourse Loan and Security Agreement dated March 27, 1998." For purposes of this
paragraph the term "sole original of Counterpart 1 of each Lease Schedule" shall
not  include  a master  lease  agreement  where a  schedule  to a  master  lease
agreement is assigned to the Lender and such schedule  incorporates the terms of
such master lease  agreement by reference  and the schedule is a separate  lease
for "chattel paper" purposes under the Uniform Commercial Code and possession of
such  schedule  constitutes  possession  of  "chattel  paper"  under the Uniform
Commercial Code.

SECTION 4.        Representations and Warranties

                  The  Borrower  represents  and  warrants to the Lender,  which
representations and warranties shall survive the execution hereof and all action
hereunder as follows:

         4.1 Borrower is a corporation duly organized,  validly existing, and in
good standing under the laws of the State of its incorporation and has the power
to  carry  on its  business  as  now  constituted,  is  qualified  as a  foreign
corporation and is in good standing in other  jurisdictions  where the nature of
its business makes such qualification necessary.

         4.2 The  execution  and delivery by Borrower of this  Agreement and the
performance by it of the transactions herein contemplated are and will be within
its corporate  powers,  have been and will be duly  authorized,  and are not and
will  not be in  contravention  of  any  order  of  court  or  other  agency  of
government, of law or the terms of its Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, or of
any indenture, agreement or undertaking to which it is a party or by which it or
its  property  is  bound,  or be in  conflict  with,  result  in a breach  of or
constitute  (with due  notice  and/or  lapse of time) a  default  under any such
indenture,  agreement or  undertaking,  or result in the imposition of any lien,
charge or encumbrance of any nature on any of Borrower's properties.

         4.3 This  Agreement,  the Note,  all Leases and any assignment or other
document when  delivered,  will be the valid,  legal and binding  obligations of
Borrower, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms.

         4.4  There  are no suits in law or equity  or  proceedings  before  any
governmental  instrumentality or agency against Borrower,  now pending or to the
knowledge of Borrower's officers is there threatened or likely any litigation or
any  proceedings  against or  affecting  Borrower,  the  outcome of which  might
materially and adversely affect the Collateral.

         4.5 All Collateral is free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances
and security interests, except those granted to Lender hereunder.

         4.6 All taxes, federal, state and local, due by Borrower have been paid
or accrued to date.

         4.7 Borrower's tax identification number is as follows: 38-237-9524.

         4.8 All  operations  of the Borrower have been carried on in accordance
with all  applicable  laws,  statutes,  ordinances,  rules and  regulations.  No
investigation by any governmental authority, federal, state or local, is pending
or threatened against Borrower.

         4.9 All places of  business  of  Borrower  are listed on Exhibit  "4.9"
attached hereto and made a part hereof.

         4.10  Within  five (5) years  prior to the  Closing,  Borrower  has not
conducted business under or used any other name (whether corporate or assumed).

         4.11 The following representations and warranties are made with respect
to each Lease and/or  items of Leased  Property and shall be true and correct at
the time each such Lease is assigned to Lender:

                           (a) Each Lease is genuine,  based on  contracts  that
are  enforceable in accordance  with its terms against the Lessee and the Leased
Property named and referenced therein,  constitutes the entire agreement for the
leasing of the Leased Property thereby covered, has not been altered or amended,
except as set forth in the related  schedules,  and Borrower's Books and Records
relating thereto are accurate, complete and genuine;

                           (b)  The  sole   original  of  each  Lease  has  been
delivered  to  Lender  and any  counterpart  of any  lease  which  has not  been
delivered to the Lender bears the legend "Copy" or "This Lease has been assigned
to  Interpool,  Inc. as security  for the  obligations  pursuant to that certain
Limited  Recourse Loan and Security  Agreement dated March 27, 1998," or similar
language on the face thereof;

                           (c)  Where  the  Lease  consists  of a  Master  Lease
Agreement and specific  schedules which describe the terms of any specific items
to be leased pursuant to such schedule,  delivery of the original schedule shall
constitute delivery of the original Lease, provided that the terms of the Master
Lease  Agreement  and the  schedule  make it clear that for purposes of "Chattel
Paper" under the Uniform  Commercial Code, the sole original schedule  delivered
to Lender is a separate lease and that  possession of such schedule  constitutes
possession of "Chattel Paper" under the Uniform Commercial Code;

                           (d) With respect to each Lease,  unless Lender agrees
otherwise  in  writing,  Borrower  will file  within ten (10) days of receipt by
Lessee of possession of Leased Property,  such UCC financing statements (listing
Borrower as Secured  Party,  the Lessee as Debtor,  Lender as Assignee  and such
Leased  Property  as  Collateral)  in such  locations  as would be  required  by
applicable  law (if Borrower  were a Secured  Party and Lessee were a Debtor) in
order to perfect a security  interest in such Leased  Property  under the UCC in
favor of Lender as Borrower's Assignee;

                           (e) The  original  amount and unpaid  balance of each
Lease shown on  Borrower's  Books and Records and on any  statement  or schedule
delivered  to Lender in  connection  therewith  is the true and  correct  amount
actually owed to Lender,  no portion of which,  except as specifically  provided
for in the Lease, has been prepaid;

                           (f) The amounts due under the Leases are not and will
not be subject to any claim or reduction,  counterclaim,  setoff, recoupment, or
any other claim,  allowance or adjustment  and no Lease has been  re-negotiated,
restructured  or  compromised  except  as  renewed  in the  ordinary  course  of

                           (g)  All   security   agreements,   title   retention
instruments  and other  documents  and  instruments  which are  security for any
Lease, and/or each Lease,  contained a correct and sufficient description of the
Leased Property  covered thereby and all security  interests  granted therein to
Borrower  (either  directly or as assignee)  have been  properly  perfected  and
assigned to Lender;

                           (h)  Borrower  has not and  will not  enter  into any
agreement  with a Lessee of any Leased  Property  which  provides,  directly  or
indirectly, for the crediting of any obligation or liability of Borrower to such
Lessee against future rentals accruing under the Lease;

                           (i)  Each  item  of  Leased   Property   is  in  good
condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, has not been lost, stolen, destroyed
or damaged;

                           (j) Each item of Leased  Property has been  delivered
to and,  in all  instances,  unconditionally  accepted by the Lessee and has not
been removed from service or the place of installation indicated in the Lease;

                           (k) Each Lease has been duly  executed  by the lessor
named therein and each Lessee,  and is a valid,  legal and binding obligation of
Borrower,  and such Lessee, and is enforceable  against Borrower and such Lessee
in  accordance  with its terms.  Following  the making of the Loan in accordance
with  Borrower's  instructions  to Lender,  Borrower,  subject  to the  security
interest  of  Lender,  will be the  sole  owner  of the  Collateral  and has the
authority to assign all of its right,  title and interest therein upon the terms
herein set forth;

                           (l) All costs,  fees, and expenses incurred in making
and  closing  each of the  Leases  has been  paid  and each  Lease is or will be
current at the time of the assignment  thereof to Lender.  No event exists which
with the  giving of notice or the  passage of time or both,  will  result in the
occurrence of a default of any obligation as expressed in any Lease;

                           (m) All rentals,  fees,  costs,  expenses and charges
paid or payable by the Lessee under any Lease, including without limitation, any
brokerage  and other fees paid to Borrower  do not violate any laws  relating to
the maximum fees, costs, expenses or charges that can be charged in any state in
which any Leased  Property  is located or in which the  corresponding  Lessee is
located, or in which a transaction was consummated,  or in any other state which
may have jurisdiction with respect to any such Leased Property, Lease or Lessee;

                           (n) Lender has a first lien security  interest in the
Collateral subject to no other security interest or other interest. Borrower has
taken all steps necessary to maintain  Lender's first lien security  interest in
the  Collateral,  including,  if required,  perfecting the  Borrower's  security
interest   through  filing  financing   statements,   amendments   thereto,   or

                           (o) Each item of Leased  Property has been insured in
the ordinary course of Borrower's or the corresponding Lessee's business;

                           (p) Neither  Borrower  nor to the best of  Borrower's
knowledge has any lessor or prior lender  holding a security  interest in any of
the Collateral  received notice of a Bankruptcy,  receivership,  reorganization,
insolvency or financial embarrassment of any Lessee;

                           (q)  No  Lessee  is a  subsidiary,  or  affiliate  of
Borrower,  or under common control with Borrower or is an officer or employee of

                           (r) No Lease is a Defaulted Lease;

                           (s)  No  Lease   constitutes   a   sublease   of  the
corresponding Leased Property.

SECTION 5.        Affirmative Covenants

                           Borrower covenants with Lender as follows:

         5.1 Borrower  will take the  necessary  steps to preserve its rights to
conduct business in all  jurisdictions in which the nature of its business shall
require  qualifications  to do  business  or where the failure to so qualify may
have a material  adverse  effect on the ability of Borrower or Lender to enforce
any Lease or realize on any Leased Property.

         5.2 Borrower will notify Lender, in writing,  not less than thirty (30)
days prior to any change in the location of the Chief Executive Office or if the
Collateral is moved to a location other than that specified in the corresponding

         5.3  Borrower  will  comply  with  and  observe  all  laws,   statutes,
ordinances,  rules and regulations material to the operation of its business and
maintain all licenses and permits  necessary  for the operation of its business,
and Borrower will pay all taxes,  assessments and governmental  charges required
by law.

         5.4 Borrower shall permit Lender, and any representative  designated by
Lender,  to visit and  inspect any of  Borrower's  property,  assets,  Books and
Records, and finance and other records, including, without limitation, financial
statements and Leases, and to discuss Borrower's affairs,  finances and accounts
as they relate to the Collateral with Borrower's agents,  officers and employees
(including Borrower's  independent  accountants) at such reasonable times and as
often as Lender may reasonably request.

         5.5 Unless Lender consents otherwise in writing,  Borrower shall at all
times keep all Collateral free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and security
interests of every kind without limitation.

         5.6 Borrower  shall mark its Books and Records to indicate the Lender's
security  interest in the Collateral,  including the Lease(s) and, unless Lender
consents  otherwise in writing,  Borrower shall retain title at all times to the
Leased Property.  However,  where Lender consents in writing to an assignment of
any of Borrower's right,  title and interest in the Lease and/or the Collateral,
(which  consent  shall  not be  unreasonably  withheld)  and  provided  Borrower
complies  with the  requirements  of a Transferee  Agreement  (which  Transferee
Agreement  shall be the same in form and  substance as that  attached  hereto as
Exhibit  5.6),  Borrower  may sell,  assign or  transfer  its  right,  title and
interest,  subject  always to the prior  rights of Lender,  in the Lease  and/or

         5.7  Borrower  shall join with  Lender to notify all  Lessee(s)  of the
Lender's  security  interest  in the  Collateral  and direct  payment  under the
Lease(s) to be made directly to Lender and Lender may, in its own name or in the
name  of the  Borrower  collect,  sue  for  and  receive  payment  of any or all
Lease(s),  and  settle,  compromise  and  adjust the same on any terms as may be
satisfactory  to Lender,  in its sole and absolute  discretion for any reason or
without reason.

         5.8 Borrower  will  immediately  notify  Lender of the  institution  or
threat of any  litigation,  administrative  proceeding or  investigation  or any
other  event or  happening  which  might have a material  adverse  affect on the
Collateral or Borrower's or Lender's ability to enforce their respective  rights
under the Lease(s).

         5.9 Borrower shall, at Lender's request,  within ninety (90) days after
the close of the fiscal year,  furnish  Lender with a complete  financial  audit
prepared by Borrower's  independent  certified public accounting firm acceptable
to Lender,  including a balance  sheet,  income  statement and statement of cash
flows prepared in accordance with GAAP.

SECTION 6.        Negative Covenants

                  Borrower covenants with Lender that it will not:

         6.1  Without  the prior  written  consent  of Lender,  sell,  assign or
transfer  any  portion of the  Collateral.  However,  where  Lender  consents in
writing to an assignment of any of Borrower's  right,  title and interest in the
Lease and/or the Collateral,  (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld)
and provided Borrower  complies with the requirements of a Transferee  Agreement
(which  Transferee  Agreement  shall be the same in form and  substance  as that
attached  hereto as Exhibit  5.6),  Borrower  may sell,  assign or transfer  its
right, title and interest,  subject always to the prior rights of Lender, in the
Lease and/or Collateral.

         6.2 Without the prior written consent of Lender, liquidate, dissolve or
discontinue normal operations with the intention to liquidate,  dissolve,  sell,
lease,  transfer or  otherwise  dispose of any  substantial  part of its assets.
Lender  acknowledges that the Borrower  anticipates a merger with other entities
that may occur during the term hereof, however,  according to the terms thereof,
Varilease  Corporation  will be a wholly owned  subsidiary  and will continue to
operate in the same or like manner as prior to said merger.

         6.3 Without the prior  written  consent of Lender,  permit the removal,
other  than in the  ordinary  course of  business,  of any Books and  Records or
Leased Property from the place of business where presently located.

         6.4 Without  providing to Lender thirty (30) days prior written notice,
change  its name or any  trade  style it  uses,  or adopt  any new name or trade

SECTION 7.        Events of Default

                  The occurrence of any one or more of the following events with
respect to Borrower  shall  constitute an event of default  ("Event of Default")

         7.1  Termination  of  existence,  business  failure or the making of an
assignment for the benefit of creditors;

         7.2 Non-payment of any sum or sums due to Lender or others hereunder or
otherwise when due or  non-performance  of any contractual  obligation to Lender
including without  limitation a breach of a Lease by the Lessee or Borrower that
results in a Lease becoming a Defaulted Lease;

         7.3    Institution    of    Bankruptcy,    arrangement,    composition,
reorganization,   liquidation   or   receivership   proceedings,   voluntary  or
involuntary,   or  the   appointment  of  a  receiver,   trustee,   conservator,
sequestrator or other judicial representative, similar or dissimilar;

         7.4 Any financial statements of Borrower, warranties or representations
herein, or in any other document or certificate  heretofore or hereafter made by
Borrower are false, misleading, incomplete or incorrect in any material manner;

         7.5 If Borrower has engaged in any activity which may reasonably result
in the forfeiture of any Collateral to any governmental entity,  federal,  state
or local;  then,  in any such event which is not cured  within seven (7) days of
the earlier of receipt of notice from Lender of the Event of Default or Borrower
obtaining  knowledge of the Event of Default,  Lender, at its option may declare
the unpaid principal balance, accrued interest, and all other sums due to Lender
hereunder or otherwise  immediately  due and payable  (except with respect to an
Event of Default  arising under paragraph 7.1 or 7.3 above, in which case all of
Borrower's  obligations and liabilities to Lender shall be automatically  deemed
to be immediately due and payable).

SECTION 8.        Remedies on Default

         8.1 (a) Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder,  Borrower
grants to Lender in addition to any rights,  powers or remedies  Lender may have
under any applicable law, all of which shall be cumulative,  the right,  subject
always  to the  rights of  Lessees  under  the  Leases,  to do any or all of the
following  (which list is given by way of example  and is not  intended to be an
exhaustive list of all rights and remedies):

                               (i) By its own means,  with or  without  judicial
assistance, enter any of Borrower's premises or other locations where Collateral
is kept,  and take  possession  of the  Collateral,  or render it  unusable,  or
dispose of the  Collateral  on such  premises  without any  liability  for rent,
storage,  utilities or other sums,  and  Borrower  shall not resist or interfere
with such action; and

                               (ii) Lender  shall have all rights,  remedies and
powers of Borrower under the Leases as lessor, including without limitation, the
right to collect and receive all rental,  insurance proceeds and other payments,
payable  pursuant to the Leases;  amend or  terminate  any Lease;  and take such
action  upon  default  under any Lease,  as any lessor  may do, in  Lender's  or
Borrower's  name,  including  without  limitation  repossession  of  any  Leased
Property and  commencement  of suit,  and to exercise any rights and remedies as
lessor under the Lease(s).

                           (b) Anything herein to the contrary  notwithstanding,
the execution of this  Agreement and the exercise by Lender of any of its rights
hereunder  shall not (i) release  Borrower from any of its duties or obligations
under the  Leases,  and (ii) shall not  obligate  Lender  (x) to perform  any of
Borrower's  obligations or duties under the Leases, or (y) to take any action to
collect or enforce any claim for payment.

                           (c) Borrower  hereby agrees that a notice received by
it at least ten (10) days before the time of any intended  public sale or at the
time after which any private sale or other  disposition  of the Collateral is to
be made,  shall be deemed to be commercially  reasonable  notice of such sale or
other  disposition.  If  permitted  by law, any  Collateral  which  threatens to
speedily  decline in value or which is sold on a  recognized  market may be sold
immediately by Lender without prior notice to Borrower.

         8.2 Lender  shall have the right to proceed  against all or any portion
of the Collateral in any order and may apply such  Collateral to the Liabilities
of  Borrower  to Lender in any order.  All rights and  remedies  granted  Lender
hereunder and under any agreement referred to herein, or otherwise  available at
law or in equity, shall be deemed concurrent and cumulative, and not alternative
remedies,  and Lender may  proceed  with any number of remedies at the same time
until all existing and future  Liabilities of Borrower to Lender,  are satisfied
in full. The exercise of any one right or remedy shall not be deemed a waiver or
release of any other  right or remedy,  and upon the  occurrence  of an Event of
Default, Lender may proceed against Borrower and/or the Collateral, at any time,
under any agreement, with any available remedy and in any order.

         8.3 Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in this Section
8 or Section 7 above,  the  occurrence  of an Event of Default due solely to the
non-payment  of sums owed to Lender  resulting from a Lease becoming a Defaulted
Lease shall  constitute an Event of Default  hereunder  only with respect to the
Loan and  Lender's  recourse to Borrower  with respect to amounts due under such
Loan shall be limited to the Collateral.

SECTION 9.        Termination

         9.1 Lender shall have the right to retain,  until final payment in full
of all  Liabilities  of the Borrower all of the Collateral and all of its rights
with respect thereto; provided, however, that so long as no Event of Default has
occurred,  Lender shall  release its lien on  Collateral at the time the Loan is
repaid in full. All terms,  conditions  and  provisions of this Agreement  shall
remain  in full  force  and  effect  until  such  time as all sums  owed  Lender
hereunder are paid in full.

SECTION 10.       Waivers

         Borrower  waives  presentment,  demand,  protest,  notice  of  default,
non-payment,  partial payments and all other notices and formalities relating to
this Agreement  other than notices  specifically  required  hereunder.  Borrower
consents to and waives  notice of the granting of  indulgences  or extensions of
time or payment, the taking or releasing of security, the addition or release of
persons  primarily or secondarily  liable on or with respect to the Liabilities.
No delay by the Lender in exercising any right, power or remedy hereunder and no
indulgence  given to Borrower in case of any default shall impair any such right
or  power  or be  construed  as a  waiver  of  any  default  by  Lender  or  any
acquiescence  therein  or as a  violation  or  waiver  of any of  the  terms  or
provisions of this Agreement.

SECTION 11.       Notices

         All notices and other  communications  hereunder shall be in writing or
confirmed  in writing,  and they shall be deemed to have been duly  delivered or
given,  if hand  delivered,  if  telecopied,  if sent by  nationally  recognized
overnight  courier,  or if mailed via certified mail,  return receipt  requested
when delivered, as follows:

                  (a)      If to Borrower:
                           Varilease Corporation
                           28525 Orchard Lake Road
                           Farmington Hills, MI  48334

                           Attention: Gary F. Miller, Senior Vice President
                           Telecopy:(248) 488-0162

                  (b)      If to Lender:
                           Interpool, Inc.
                           211 College Road East
                           Princeton, NJ 08540

                           Attention:Raoul J. Witteveen, President
                           Telecopy: (609)951-0362


                           Interpool, Inc.
                           211 College Road East
                           Princeton, NJ 08540

                           Attention:  Richard W. Gross, Senior Vice
                           Telecopy:  (609)951-0362


                           MicroTech Leasing Corporation
                           211 College Road East
                           Princeton, NJ  08540

                           Attention:  Allen M. Olinger, President
                           Telecopy:  (609) 987-1011

SECTION 12.       Miscellaneous

         12.1 Borrower  agrees that Lender may sell or assign this Loan or grant
participation(s) in this Loan and may without liability furnish information with
respect to this Loan to any prospective purchaser, assignee or participant(s).

         12.2 Borrower hereby irrevocably appoints Lender as Borrower's attorney
in fact with full  authority  in the place and stead of Borrower and in the name
of Borrower,  Lender or otherwise in Lender's discretion, to take any action and
to execute any  instrument,  agreement or document  which Lender may  reasonably
deem  necessary  or  advisable to  accomplish  the  purposes of this  Agreement.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Lender may:

                           (a) obtain  and adjust  insurance  that  Borrower  or
Lessee is required to maintain;

                           (b) ask, demand, collect, sue for, recover, compound,
receive or give  acquittance  and receipts for money due and to become due under
or in respect of any of the Collateral;

                           (c) receive,  endorse and collect any drafts or other
instruments, documents or chattel paper, in connection with (a) or (b) above;

                           (d) after the occurrence of an Event of Default, file
any claim or take any action or institute any proceedings  which Lender may deem
necessary or desirable for the  collection of any of the Collateral or otherwise
to enforce the rights of Lender with respect to any of the Collateral; and

                           (e) after the occurrence of an Event of Default, with
respect  to a  Defaulted  Lease,  execute  in  Borrower's  name,  a bill of sale
relating to any  Collateral,  transferring  title to such  Collateral to a third
party purchaser.

         12.3 If  Borrower  fails to perform  any  agreement  contained  herein,
Lender may (but is not  obligated  to)  perform or cause  performance  of,  such
agreement, at Borrower's expense payable on demand.

         12.4 (a)  Borrower  shall pay,  on demand,  all of  Lender's  costs and
expenses  (including  but not  limited  to all  legal  fees  and  costs)  (i) in
connection with the negotiation or preparation of any extensions, modifications,
amendments,  waivers  or  consents  to this  Agreement,  any note,  or any other
instrument,  agreement or document in connection herewith (but not including the
Lease(s) or  corresponding  equipment  schedules  and  agreements),  and (ii) in
connection with the  enforcement of any right,  remedy or power pursuant to this
Agreement,  any  note  or  any  other  instrument,  agreement,  or  document  in
connection herewith as such rights pertain to the Liabilities. In no event shall
Borrower  be  personally  liable  for any of said  costs or fees  relating  to a
default by the Lessee under the Lease which does not also  constitute  or result
in a breach of any  representation,  warranty or covenant made by Borrower to or
in favor of Lender; and

                           (b) Borrower  shall  indemnify,  defend (with counsel
satisfactory  to Lender) and hold harmless  Lender against and in respect of (i)
any  loss,   damage  or  deficiency   related  to  any  breach  of  warranty  or
representation  or  non-fulfillment  of any  agreement  by  Borrower  under this
Agreement or any related instrument,  agreement,  document, schedule, exhibit or
other legal  obligations in connection  herewith,  and (ii) all actions,  suits,
proceedings,  demands,  assessments,  judgments,  costs, legal fees and expenses
incident  to any of the  foregoing.  Any amount  reasonably  required to be paid
pursuant to the foregoing  shall be paid by Borrower to Lender on demand and may
at Lender's  option be deducted  from or set off against any  existing or future
debt,   liability  or  obligation  of  Lender  to  Borrower   relating  to  this
transaction.  In no event shall  Borrower be  personally  liable for any of said
costs or fees relating to a default by the Lessee under the Lease which does not
also  constitute  or  result  in a breach  of any  representation,  warranty  or
covenant made by Borrower to or in favor of Lender.

         12.5 This Agreement and all rights  hereunder  shall be governed by the
substantive law of the State of New Jersey. This Agreement shall bind Lender and
Borrower  and shall  inure to the benefit of Lender and the terms  "Lender"  and
"Borrower" as used in this Agreement  shall include the  respective  parties and
their respective successors and assigns.

         12.6 The terms of this  Agreement  shall be in addition to those of any
other evidence of liability held by the Lender,  all of which shall be construed
as complementary to each other,  except as herein otherwise  expressly  provided
and such other agreements,  instruments and documents not modified or superseded
pursuant to the terms hereof remain in full force and effect.

         12.7 This Agreement  contains the entire agreement  between the parties
hereto and may not be modified or changed in any way except in writing signed by
all parties.

         12.8  Any  express  waiver  by  Lender  of any  power,  right,  remedy,
obligation or duty shall not under any  circumstances  be deemed to constitute a
waiver of Lender's  powers,  rights or  remedies  upon the later  occurrence  or
reoccurrence of any event,  transaction or matter.  No course of dealing between
Lender and  Borrower  shall  operate as or be deemed to  constitute  a waiver of
Lender's rights hereunder or affect the duties or obligations of Borrower.

         12.9 All  powers,  rights and  remedies  of Lender  hereunder  shall be
cumulative  and not  exclusive of other  powers,  rights or remedies  granted or
available  to  Lender  under  any  applicable  law  unless  specifically  stated

         12.10  All   warranties,   covenants   and   representations,   whether
affirmative or negative, shall survive the making of this Agreement and the loan
of monies  hereunder  and each  shall be deemed  to be  continuing  in force and
effect and substantial and material in nature.

         12.11 Borrower  irrevocably  consents to the exclusive  jurisdiction of
the State  Courts of New  Jersey or the  United  States  District  Court for the
District of New Jersey in any and all actions and  proceedings  whether  arising
hereunder or under any other agreement or undertaking and irrevocably  agrees to
service of process by certified mail, return receipt requested to the address of
Borrower set forth herein.

         12.12  Borrower  waives and shall not  interpose any objection of forum
non  conveniens  or to venue  and  waives  any right to  remove  any  proceeding
commenced in a state court to a federal court.


         12.14 Headings  preceding the text of the several  Sections  hereof are
for the  convenience  of reference  only and shall not constitute a part of this
Agreement nor shall they affect its meaning, construction or effect.

         12.15 This  Agreement  may be executed  in any number of  counterparts,
each  of  which  so  executed  shall  be  deemed  to be an  original,  and  such
counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

         12.16 All  instruments,  agreements  and  documents  to be  executed or
delivered by Borrower shall be in form and substance  satisfactory  to Lender in
its sole discretion.

         12.17    Time is of the essence.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  have caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed as of the day and year first above written.

LENDER:                                     Interpool, Inc.

ATTEST: /s/ Kathleen Francis                BY: /s/ Richard W. Gross
        -----------------------------           ------------------------------
        Kathleen Francis
        Assistant Secretary
                                            Name: Richard W. Gross

                                            Title: Senior Vice President

BORROWER:                                   VARILEASE CORPORATION

ATTEST: /s/ Jennifer Charles-Rentz          BY: /s/ Marjorie Biglin
            -----------------------             -------------------------------

                                            Name: Marjorie Biglin

                                            Title: Assistant Secretary

                                  SCHEDULE "A"


                          TERM NOTE (LIMITED RECOURSE)

$1,265,300.08                                           Princeton, NJ
                                                        March 27, 1998

         FOR VALUE RECEIVED and intending to be legally bound,  the undersigned,
Varilease  Corporation  ("Borrower"),  a Michigan  corporation,  with a place of
business at 28525 Orchard Lake Road,  Farmington  Hills,  MI 48334,  promises to
pay, in lawful money of the United States,  to the order of Interpool,  Inc. and
its assigns ("Lender"), at Lender's offices at 211 College Road East, Princeton,
NJ 08540,  the sum of One Million Two Hundred Sixty Five Thousand  Three Hundred
and 08/100 ($1,265,300.08)  Dollars in thirty-six (36) equal consecutive monthly
installments of principal and interest of $40,266.00 each commencing on April 1,
1998 and on the first day of each month  thereafter  with a final payment of the
entire  outstanding  principal  balance of the Loan and all  accrued  but unpaid
interest,  fees,  costs and expenses due on March 1, 2001. The actual amount due
and owing from time to time hereunder shall be evidenced by Lender's  records of
disbursements  and receipts with respect to the Loan which shall be  presumptive
conclusive evidence of such amount.

         Interest  shall  accrue  on the  unpaid  principal  amount  outstanding
hereunder  from time to time at the per annum  rate  equal to nine and  one-half
percent (9.50%) ("Contract Rate").  Interest shall be calculated on a basis of a
year of 360 days but computed for the actual number of days  elapsed.  After the
occurrence of an Event of Default (as defined in the Loan  Agreement)  such rate
shall be increased to a per annum rate equal to three  percent (3%) in excess of
the Contract Rate. In no event shall the amount of interest paid or agreed to be
paid to Lender hereunder  exceed the highest lawful rate  permissible  under any
law which a court of competent  jurisdiction may deem applicable hereto. In such
event,  the  interest  rate shall  automatically  be reduced to the maximum rate
permitted  by such law and Lender shall apply any such excess to  principal,  in
the inverse order of maturity.

         This Term Note is the Note referred to in the Limited Recourse Loan and
Security  Agreement  between  Borrower  and Lender  dated of even date  herewith
("Loan Agreement"). This Term Note ("Note") shall evidence Borrower's obligation
to repay all sums  advanced by Lender  pursuant to this Note,  provided  however
that Borrower's  obligations  under this Note are with limited  recourse as more
fully set forth below and in the Loan  Agreement.  If Borrower fails to make any
payment  required  hereunder  or if an Event of  Default  occurs  under the Loan
Agreement,  Lender may  declare  Borrower in default  hereunder  and declare the
unpaid principal balance of this Note to be immediately due and payable.  Lender
shall  thereupon  have the option at any time and from time to time to  exercise
all rights and remedies set forth herein, and in the Loan Agreement,  as well as
all rights and remedies  otherwise  available to Lender at law or in equity,  to
collect the unpaid indebtedness  hereunder and thereunder.  This Note is secured
by the Collateral described in the Loan Agreement. This Note may be prepaid only
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement.

         Borrower  hereby waives protest,  demand,  notice of nonpayment and all
other  notices in  connection  with the  delivery,  acceptance,  performance  or
enforcement  of this Note.  Any failure or delay of Lender to exercise any right
hereunder  shall not be  construed as a waiver of the right to exercise the same
or any other right at any other time or times.  The waiver by Lender of a breach
or default of any  provision of this Note shall not operate or be construed as a
waiver of any subsequent breach or default thereof.  Subject to the terms of the
Loan Agreement, Borrower agrees to reimburse Lender for all expenses, including,
without  limitation,   attorneys'  fees,  incurred  by  Lender  to  enforce  the
provisions of this Note, to protect,  preserve and defend  Lender's rights under
the Loan Agreement, and collect Borrower's obligations hereunder as described in
the Loan Agreement.

         Notwithstanding  the entry of any judgment  under this Note, the unpaid
principal  balance  under  this Note  shall  continue  to bear  interest  at the
applicable rate set forth above.

         This Note shall be  construed  and governed by the laws of the State of
New Jersey, without regard to its otherwise applicable principles of conflict of
laws.  The  provisions  of  this  Note  are  severable  and  the  invalidity  or
unenforceability  of any  provision  shall  not alter or  impair  the  remaining
provisions of this Note.  All  capitalized  terms not otherwise  defined  herein
shall have the respective meanings as set forth in the Loan Agreement.


         Lender,  and any  subsequent  holder of this Note, by acceptance of the
Note agrees that except as provided in the Loan  Agreement,  Borrower shall have
no  personal  liability  or  obligation  with  respect to payment of  principal,
interest and other amounts  payable under this Note and such amounts are payable
from the  proceeds  received by Lender (or the Lender's  successors  or assigns)
from Lender's right, title and interest in and to the Collateral.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, and intending to be legally bound hereby,  Borrower
has executed these presents the day and year first above written.


By: /s/ Marjorie Biglin                 Attest: /s/ Jennifer Charles-Rentz
    -------------------------------             -------------------------------
Name: Marjorie Biglin

Title: Assistant Secretary

                                LIMITED RECOURSE
                           LOAN AND SECURITY AGREEMENT

         AGREEMENT  made this 27th day of March,  1998,  by and among  Varilease
Corporation ("Borrower"), a Michigan corporation and Interpool, Inc. ("Lender"),
a Delaware corporation.

                               B A C K G R O U N D

         A.  Borrower is in the business of leasing  personal  property to third
party lessees. Borrower desires to borrow funds on a limited recourse basis from
Lender and Lender is willing to lend such funds to Borrower  under the terms and
provisions set forth below.

         B. The parties desire to define the terms and conditions of the Loan as
defined in Section 2.2 and to reduce their agreements to writing.

         NOW, THEREFORE,  with the foregoing  Background  incorporated herein by
reference  and  intending  to be legally  bound,  the  parties  hereto  agree as

SECTION 1.        Definitions

         1.1 "Books and Records" means all of Borrower's  original ledger cards,
payment  schedules,  credit  applications,   contract  rights,  liens,  security
instruments, guarantees and other General Intangibles relating in any way to the
Lease(s) or Leased Property.

         1.2  "Collateral"  means the Lease(s),  Leased  Property and all now or
hereafter existing Books and Records and all cash and noncash proceeds, thereof,
including insurance proceeds.

         1.3 "Contract Rate" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3.

         1.4  "Defaulted  Lease"  means  any Lease  where  (i) the  Lessee is in
default  under the terms of such  Lease,  (ii) the Lease or Leased  Property  is
subject to any tax lien or security  interest,  lien or  encumbrance  other than
Lender's,  except as otherwise  consented to by Lender in writing,  or (iii) the
Lessee has prepaid any amounts and such  prepayment  has not been  delivered  to
Lender  within ten days of receipt by Borrower,  or (iv) the Leased  Property is

         1.5  "Equipment"  shall have the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in the New
Jersey Uniform Commercial Code.

         1.6 "GAAP" means generally accepted accounting principles and practices
at the time for companies engaged in similar businesses, consistently applied.

         1.7 "General  Intangibles"  shall have the meaning  ascribed thereto in
the New Jersey Uniform Commercial Code and shall include, but not be limited to,
all contract  rights  (including  without  limitation  rights under  remarketing
agreements),  chattel paper, documents,  instruments,  books, records,  ledgers,
journals, check books, print outs, designs,  computer programs,  computer tapes,
customer lists, causes of action, claims, goodwill, designs and plans, licenses,
license  agreements,  tax and all other types of refunds,  returned and unearned
insurance premiums, rights and claims under insurance policies,  patents, patent
application,  trademarks,  trade names, trade styles, trademark applications and

         1.8  "Inventory"  shall have the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in the New
Jersey Uniform Commercial Code.

         1.9  "Lease"  means  all of  Borrower's  Accounts,  Documents,  General
Intangibles,  Instruments  and Chattel Paper arising in connection with each and
every equipment lease and/or schedule to a master lease agreement  identified on
Schedule "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof.  The term "Lease"  includes
(i) all payments to be made thereunder, (ii) all rights of Borrower therein, and
(iii) any and all amendments, renewals, extensions or guarantees thereof.

         1.10 "Leased  Property"  means any  property  leased or to be leased by
Borrower to a Lessee pursuant to a Lease;  the term "Leased  Property"  includes
all of  Borrower's  Inventory or Equipment so leased and any and all  additions,
improvements,  accessions,  attachments,  upgrades  (except to the  extent  such
upgrades are severable  without  diminishing the value of the underlying  Leased
Property), replacements and substitutions thereto and therefor.

         1.11 "Lessee" means the lessee(s) or obligor(s) responsible for payment
and/or performance under a Lease.

         1.12  "Liability"  or  "Liabilities"  means  all  existing  and  future
recourse  liabilities of Borrower to Lender,  including without limitation,  the
obligations  of Borrower  under Sections 2.5, and 12.4 of this Agreement and all
other recourse liabilities and obligations of every kind or nature whatsoever of
Borrower  to Lender,  whether  now  existing  or  hereafter  incurred,  joint or
several, matured or unmatured, direct or indirect, primary or secondary, related
or  unrelated  or due or to  become  due,  including  but not  limited  to,  any
extensions,  modifications,  substitutions,  increases and renewals thereof, and
substitutions therefor.

         1.13 "New  Jersey  Uniform  Commercial  Code"  shall  mean the  Uniform
Commercial  Code as enacted in New Jersey as the same shall be amended from time
to time.

         1.14  "Note"  means  all  notes  evidencing  the Loan made by Lender to
Borrower hereunder, as may be amended, modified,  replaced or restated from time
to time.

         1.15 All other capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have
the meanings  ascribed thereto in the New Jersey Uniform  Commercial Code unless
the text clearly indicates otherwise.

SECTION 2.        The Loans

         2.1 Preconditions to Loan. All of the following events must occur prior
to Lender making the Loan hereunder:

                           (a)  The  Board  of  Directors  and,  if  stockholder
approval is deemed  necessary,  the  stockholders of Borrower shall have adopted
appropriate  general or  specific  resolutions  authorizing  the  execution  and
delivery of this Agreement and the taking of all action called for herein;

                           (b) Counsel for Borrower shall have furnished general
or specific opinions satisfactory to Lender that include without limitation that
the corporate  action of Borrower  referred to in Section 2.1(a) is satisfactory
to such counsel and that this Agreement has been duly  authorized,  executed and
delivered  by the  Borrower,  and it  constitutes,  and  the  Loan  to  Borrower
hereunder will constitute,  legal, valid and binding  obligations of Borrower in
accordance with the terms of this Agreement;

                           (c) There must not exist an Event of Default or event
which with the lapse of time or notice or both would  become an Event of Default
under Section 7;

                           (d) There has been no material  adverse change in the
business, operations or condition (financial or otherwise) of Borrower since the
date of the most recent financial statement of Borrower delivered to the Lender;

                           (e) Borrower has  delivered or caused to be delivered
such other documents,  instruments and agreements  reasonably required by Lender
or required by the terms of this Agreement; and

                           (f) Borrower  shall have  delivered  the following to

                                    (i) A written  statement  setting  forth the
Lessee and a description of the Lease and the Leased Property;

                                    (ii) A fully  executed  counterpart  of this

                                    (iii) A Note  executed  by  Borrower in form
and substance satisfactory to Lender;

                                    (iv)  Invoices  showing the true cost of the
Leased  Property net of any servicing or maintenance  charges,  brokers' fees or
similar type of "soft costs";

                                    (v)  Uniform   Commercial   Code   financing
statements  listing Lender as secured party and Borrower as debtor,  to be filed
in all locations satisfactory to Lender;

                                    (vi)  Each  original   counterpart  of  each
Lease,  together  with,  if Borrower  is not the  original  lessor,  an original
counterpart  of an  assignment  of the Lease to  Borrower  by the  original  and
intermediary lessors thereof;

                                    (vii) The original Certificate of Acceptance
evidencing that the Lessee has received and accepted the Leased Property;

                                    (viii)  The Notice  and  Acknowledgement  of
Assignment  of Lease  executed and  delivered  by Lessee  agreeing to pay Lender

                                    (ix) All guaranties,  agreements,  sureties,
insurance  policies,  subordination  agreements and opinions of counsel  arising
pursuant to or in connection with, the Collateral;

                                    (x) Such additional UCC financing statements
as Lender may  request  in number,  form and  substance  satisfactory  to Lender
necessary to perfect Lender's security interest in the Lease and Leased Property
including without  limitation UCC-1 financing  statements filed by Borrower,  as
secured party, against Lessee, as Debtor, and assigned to Lender;

                                    (xi)  Such  UCCs,   federal  tax  lien,  and
judgment  searches as Lender  requests  showing that the  Collateral is free and
clear of all liens,  claims and encumbrances  other than those granted to Lender

                                    (xii) Such other agreements, instruments and
documents and information (financial or otherwise) concerning Borrower or Lessee
as Lender may reasonably request; and

                                    (xiii)  Evidence  that  Leased  Property  is
insured  against all risks in form and amount,  with an insurer  satisfactory to
Lender, against fire (with extended coverage),  liability and such other hazards
as are customary  with  companies in the same or similar  business as the Lessee
and cause Lender's security interest as indicated in Section 3.1, to be endorsed
on all policies of insurance as lender loss payee, so that: (i) all payments for
losses  will be paid  solely to Lender;  (ii) the policy  shall cover and insure
Lender's  interest  in the  Collateral  notwithstanding  any act or  neglect  of
Borrower or Lessee,  and (iii) the Borrower  shall  furnish  Lender upon request
with evidence of such insurance  together with a certificate  thereof  requiring
not less than thirty (30) days written notice to Lender prior to cancellation or

         2.2 Limited  Recourse Loan. Upon the occurrence of all events set forth
in  Section  2.1  above,  and  simultaneously  with the  execution  hereof  (the
"Closing") and of all  instruments  or documents  necessary or in the opinion of
Lender proper to  effectuate  the  intention of the parties  hereto,  the Lender
shall lend to Borrower  the sum of  $1,265,300.08  for the purpose of  financing
Leases or Leased Property on a limited recourse basis ("Loan").

         2.3 Interest. Interest on the outstanding principal balance of the Loan
will be paid monthly (with such payments  coinciding  with the lease payments on
the  Collateral) at the per annum rate equal to nine and 50/100 percent  (9.50%)
("Contract  Rate").  Upon  the  occurrence  of an Event  of  Default  hereunder,
interest shall accrue on the outstanding  principal balance of the Loan at a per
annum rate of three percent (3%) in excess of the Contract Rate except, however,
where any amount  due by Lessee  under the Lease is more than five (5) days past
due,  interest on such amount shall accrue at the interest rate set forth in the
Lease.  Interest  shall be charged on a 360 day year  counting  the actual  days
elapsed.  Interest at the applicable  rate shall be paid and continue to be paid
even after default, maturity,  acceleration,  recovery of judgment,  Bankruptcy,
insolvency  proceedings  of any kind or the happening of any event or occurrence
similar or dissimilar.  In no event shall any interest  accrued  pursuant to the
second sentence of this paragraph be a recourse liability of Borrower unless the
same accrued as a result of an Event of Default which gives rise to a Liability.

         2.4  Invoices.  Each  month,  Lessor  under the Lease  shall  render to
Lessee,  an  invoice  for the Lease  payments  due and  owing.  Lessee  shall be
instructed to, and shall agree to, make all payments under the Lease directly to
Lender to be applied against the Loan balance.

         2.5  Reimbursement  of Expenses.  It is  anticipated  that Borrower and
Lender  will  enter  into a  series  of loan  transactions  on the  date  hereof
("Transactions")  and in  conjunction  therewith  Borrower  shall pay Lender the
aggregate  sum of $7,500 for all out of pocket  expenses of any kind incurred by
Lender in connection with the Transactions, including reasonable attorneys fees,
UCC searches, the cost of filing financing statements,  continuation,  amendment
and  termination  statements,  search fees and any other fees incurred solely in
connection with the  negotiation,  drafting and closing of the  Transactions and
perfection of its security interest in the Collateral.

         2.6 Use of  Proceeds.  The proceeds of the Loan shall be used solely to
finance or refinance Borrower's purchase of the Lease(s) or Leased Property.

         2.7 Limited  Recourse.  Subject to the Lender's  rights and  Borrower's
recourse liability under Sections 2.5 and 12.4 or as otherwise agreed to between
Borrower and Lender from time to time,  Lender's recourse against Borrower under
the Note shall be limited to the Collateral.

SECTION 3.        Collateral

         3.1 Security  Interest.  As security for  repayment of the Loan and all
Liabilities of Borrower to Lender arising hereunder or under the Note,  Borrower
grants to Lender a first  priority  security  interest in, and assigns to Lender
the Collateral.

         3.2 Financing  Statements.  Borrower will, from time to time, join with
Lender  in  executing   financing   statements,   assignments  and  continuation
statements,  under the Uniform  Commercial  Code covering the Collateral and any
portion thereof and such other  instruments and documents as may be necessary to
perfect Lender's security interest in the Collateral or otherwise effectuate the
purposes of this  Agreement.  Borrower  irrevocably  grants to Lender a power of
attorney  to  execute  for  Borrower  all  such  financing  statements,  and any
amendments thereto.  Further,  Borrower  irrevocably  authorizes the filing of a
carbon,  photographic or other  reproduction of this Agreement or of a financing
statement as a financing  statement and agrees that such filing is sufficient as
a financing statement.

         3.3 Sole Original  Leases.  Borrower shall deliver the sole original of
Counterpart 1 of each Lease Schedule to the Lender and all other existing copies
of such  Leases  shall be marked  "copy" or "this  lease  has been  assigned  to
Interpool,  Inc.  as  security  for the  obligations  pursuant  to that  Limited
Recourse Loan and Security Agreement dated March 27, 1998." For purposes of this
paragraph the term "sole original of Counterpart 1 of each Lease Schedule" shall
not  include  a master  lease  agreement  where a  schedule  to a  master  lease
agreement is assigned to the Lender and such schedule  incorporates the terms of
such master lease  agreement by reference  and the schedule is a separate  lease
for "chattel paper" purposes under the Uniform Commercial Code and possession of
such  schedule  constitutes  possession  of  "chattel  paper"  under the Uniform
Commercial Code.

SECTION 4.        Representations and Warranties

                  The  Borrower  represents  and  warrants to the Lender,  which
representations and warranties shall survive the execution hereof and all action
hereunder as follows:

         4.1 Borrower is a corporation duly organized,  validly existing, and in
good standing under the laws of the State of its incorporation and has the power
to  carry  on its  business  as  now  constituted,  is  qualified  as a  foreign
corporation and is in good standing in other  jurisdictions  where the nature of
its business makes such qualification necessary.

         4.2 The  execution  and delivery by Borrower of this  Agreement and the
performance by it of the transactions herein contemplated are and will be within
its corporate  powers,  have been and will be duly  authorized,  and are not and
will  not be in  contravention  of  any  order  of  court  or  other  agency  of
government, of law or the terms of its Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, or of
any indenture, agreement or undertaking to which it is a party or by which it or
its  property  is  bound,  or be in  conflict  with,  result  in a breach  of or
constitute  (with due  notice  and/or  lapse of time) a  default  under any such
indenture,  agreement or  undertaking,  or result in the imposition of any lien,
charge or encumbrance of any nature on any of Borrower's properties.

         4.3 This  Agreement,  the Note,  all Leases and any assignment or other
document when  delivered,  will be the valid,  legal and binding  obligations of
Borrower, enforceable in accordance with their respective terms.

         4.4  There  are no suits in law or equity  or  proceedings  before  any
governmental  instrumentality or agency against Borrower,  now pending or to the
knowledge of Borrower's officers is there threatened or likely any litigation or
any  proceedings  against or  affecting  Borrower,  the  outcome of which  might
materially and adversely affect the Collateral.

         4.5 All Collateral is free and clear of all liens, claims, encumbrances
and security interests, except those granted to Lender hereunder.

         4.6 All taxes, federal, state and local, due by Borrower have been paid
or accrued to date.

         4.7 Borrower's tax identification number is as follows: 38-237-9524.

         4.8 All  operations  of the Borrower have been carried on in accordance
with all  applicable  laws,  statutes,  ordinances,  rules and  regulations.  No
investigation by any governmental authority, federal, state or local, is pending
or threatened against Borrower.

         4.9 All places of  business  of  Borrower  are listed on Exhibit  "4.9"
attached hereto and made a part hereof.

         4.10  Within  five (5) years  prior to the  Closing,  Borrower  has not
conducted business under or used any other name (whether corporate or assumed).

         4.11 The following representations and warranties are made with respect
to each Lease and/or  items of Leased  Property and shall be true and correct at
the time each such Lease is assigned to Lender:

                           (a) Each Lease is genuine,  based on  contracts  that
are  enforceable in accordance  with its terms against the Lessee and the Leased
Property named and referenced therein,  constitutes the entire agreement for the
leasing of the Leased Property thereby covered, has not been altered or amended,
except as set forth in the related  schedules,  and Borrower's Books and Records
relating thereto are accurate, complete and genuine;

                           (b)  The  sole   original  of  each  Lease  has  been
delivered  to  Lender  and any  counterpart  of any  lease  which  has not  been
delivered to the Lender bears the legend "Copy" or "This Lease has been assigned
to  Interpool,  Inc. as security  for the  obligations  pursuant to that certain
Limited  Recourse Loan and Security  Agreement dated March 27, 1998," or similar
language on the face thereof;

                           (c)  Where  the  Lease  consists  of a  Master  Lease
Agreement and specific  schedules which describe the terms of any specific items
to be leased pursuant to such schedule,  delivery of the original schedule shall
constitute delivery of the original Lease, provided that the terms of the Master
Lease  Agreement  and the  schedule  make it clear that for purposes of "Chattel
Paper" under the Uniform  Commercial Code, the sole original schedule  delivered
to Lender is a separate lease and that  possession of such schedule  constitutes
possession of "Chattel Paper" under the Uniform Commercial Code;

                           (d) With respect to each Lease,  unless Lender agrees
otherwise  in  writing,  Borrower  will file  within ten (10) days of receipt by
Lessee of possession of Leased Property,  such UCC financing statements (listing
Borrower as Secured  Party,  the Lessee as Debtor,  Lender as Assignee  and such
Leased  Property  as  Collateral)  in such  locations  as would be  required  by
applicable  law (if Borrower  were a Secured  Party and Lessee were a Debtor) in
order to perfect a security  interest in such Leased  Property  under the UCC in
favor of Lender as Borrower's Assignee;

                           (e) The  original  amount and unpaid  balance of each
Lease shown on  Borrower's  Books and Records and on any  statement  or schedule
delivered  to Lender in  connection  therewith  is the true and  correct  amount
actually owed to Lender,  no portion of which,  except as specifically  provided
for in the Lease, has been prepaid;

                           (f) The amounts due under the Leases are not and will
not be subject to any claim or reduction,  counterclaim,  setoff, recoupment, or
any other claim,  allowance or adjustment  and no Lease has been  re-negotiated,
restructured  or  compromised  except  as  renewed  in the  ordinary  course  of

                           (g)  All   security   agreements,   title   retention
instruments  and other  documents  and  instruments  which are  security for any
Lease, and/or each Lease,  contained a correct and sufficient description of the
Leased Property  covered thereby and all security  interests  granted therein to
Borrower  (either  directly or as assignee)  have been  properly  perfected  and
assigned to Lender;

                           (h)  Borrower  has not and  will not  enter  into any
agreement  with a Lessee of any Leased  Property  which  provides,  directly  or
indirectly, for the crediting of any obligation or liability of Borrower to such
Lessee against future rentals accruing under the Lease;

                           (i)  Each  item  of  Leased   Property   is  in  good
condition, ordinary wear and tear excepted, has not been lost, stolen, destroyed
or damaged;

                           (j) Each item of Leased  Property has been  delivered
to and,  in all  instances,  unconditionally  accepted by the Lessee and has not
been removed from service or the place of installation indicated in the Lease;

                           (k) Each Lease has been duly  executed  by the lessor
named therein and each Lessee,  and is a valid,  legal and binding obligation of
Borrower,  and such Lessee, and is enforceable  against Borrower and such Lessee
in  accordance  with its terms.  Following  the making of the Loan in accordance
with  Borrower's  instructions  to Lender,  Borrower,  subject  to the  security
interest  of  Lender,  will be the  sole  owner  of the  Collateral  and has the
authority to assign all of its right,  title and interest therein upon the terms
herein set forth;

                           (l) All costs,  fees, and expenses incurred in making
and  closing  each of the  Leases  has been  paid  and each  Lease is or will be
current at the time of the assignment  thereof to Lender.  No event exists which
with the  giving of notice or the  passage of time or both,  will  result in the
occurrence of a default of any obligation as expressed in any Lease;

                           (m) All rentals,  fees,  costs,  expenses and charges
paid or payable by the Lessee under any Lease, including without limitation, any
brokerage  and other fees paid to Borrower  do not violate any laws  relating to
the maximum fees, costs, expenses or charges that can be charged in any state in
which any Leased  Property  is located or in which the  corresponding  Lessee is
located, or in which a transaction was consummated,  or in any other state which
may have jurisdiction with respect to any such Leased Property, Lease or Lessee;

                           (n) Lender has a first lien security  interest in the
Collateral subject to no other security interest or other interest. Borrower has
taken all steps necessary to maintain  Lender's first lien security  interest in
the  Collateral,  including,  if required,  perfecting the  Borrower's  security
interest   through  filing  financing   statements,   amendments   thereto,   or

                           (o) Each item of Leased  Property has been insured in
the ordinary course of Borrower's or the corresponding Lessee's business;

                           (p) Neither  Borrower  nor to the best of  Borrower's
knowledge has any lessor or prior lender  holding a security  interest in any of
the Collateral  received notice of a Bankruptcy,  receivership,  reorganization,
insolvency or financial embarrassment of any Lessee;

                           (q)  No  Lessee  is a  subsidiary,  or  affiliate  of
Borrower,  or under common control with Borrower or is an officer or employee of

                           (r) No Lease is a Defaulted Lease;

                           (s)  No  Lease   constitutes   a   sublease   of  the
corresponding Leased Property.

SECTION 5.        Affirmative Covenants

                           Borrower covenants with Lender as follows:

         5.1 Borrower  will take the  necessary  steps to preserve its rights to
conduct business in all  jurisdictions in which the nature of its business shall
require  qualifications  to do  business  or where the failure to so qualify may
have a material  adverse  effect on the ability of Borrower or Lender to enforce
any Lease or realize on any Leased Property.

         5.2 Borrower will notify Lender, in writing,  not less than thirty (30)
days prior to any change in the location of the Chief Executive Office or if the
Collateral is moved to a location other than that specified in the corresponding

         5.3  Borrower  will  comply  with  and  observe  all  laws,   statutes,
ordinances,  rules and regulations material to the operation of its business and
maintain all licenses and permits  necessary  for the operation of its business,
and Borrower will pay all taxes,  assessments and governmental  charges required
by law.

         5.4 Borrower shall permit Lender, and any representative  designated by
Lender,  to visit and  inspect any of  Borrower's  property,  assets,  Books and
Records, and finance and other records, including, without limitation, financial
statements and Leases, and to discuss Borrower's affairs,  finances and accounts
as they relate to the Collateral with Borrower's agents,  officers and employees
(including Borrower's  independent  accountants) at such reasonable times and as
often as Lender may reasonably request.

         5.5 Unless Lender consents otherwise in writing,  Borrower shall at all
times keep all Collateral free and clear of all liens, encumbrances and security
interests of every kind without limitation.

         5.6 Borrower  shall mark its Books and Records to indicate the Lender's
security  interest in the Collateral,  including the Lease(s) and, unless Lender
consents  otherwise in writing,  Borrower shall retain title at all times to the
Leased Property.  However,  where Lender consents in writing to an assignment of
any of Borrower's right,  title and interest in the Lease and/or the Collateral,
(which  consent  shall  not be  unreasonably  withheld)  and  provided  Borrower
complies  with the  requirements  of a Transferee  Agreement  (which  Transferee
Agreement  shall be the same in form and  substance as that  attached  hereto as
Exhibit  5.6),  Borrower  may sell,  assign or  transfer  its  right,  title and
interest,  subject  always to the prior  rights of Lender,  in the Lease  and/or

         5.7  Borrower  shall join with  Lender to notify all  Lessee(s)  of the
Lender's  security  interest  in the  Collateral  and direct  payment  under the
Lease(s) to be made directly to Lender and Lender may, in its own name or in the
name  of the  Borrower  collect,  sue  for  and  receive  payment  of any or all
Lease(s),  and  settle,  compromise  and  adjust the same on any terms as may be
satisfactory  to Lender,  in its sole and absolute  discretion for any reason or
without reason.

         5.8 Borrower  will  immediately  notify  Lender of the  institution  or
threat of any  litigation,  administrative  proceeding or  investigation  or any
other  event or  happening  which  might have a material  adverse  affect on the
Collateral or Borrower's or Lender's ability to enforce their respective  rights
under the Lease(s).

         5.9 Borrower shall, at Lender's request,  within ninety (90) days after
the close of the fiscal year,  furnish  Lender with a complete  financial  audit
prepared by Borrower's  independent  certified public accounting firm acceptable
to Lender,  including a balance  sheet,  income  statement and statement of cash
flows prepared in accordance with GAAP.

SECTION 6.        Negative Covenants

                  Borrower covenants with Lender that it will not:

         6.1  Without  the prior  written  consent  of Lender,  sell,  assign or
transfer  any  portion of the  Collateral.  However,  where  Lender  consents in
writing to an assignment of any of Borrower's  right,  title and interest in the
Lease and/or the Collateral,  (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld)
and provided Borrower  complies with the requirements of a Transferee  Agreement
(which  Transferee  Agreement  shall be the same in form and  substance  as that
attached  hereto as Exhibit  5.6),  Borrower  may sell,  assign or transfer  its
right, title and interest,  subject always to the prior rights of Lender, in the
Lease and/or Collateral.

         6.2 Without the prior written consent of Lender, liquidate, dissolve or
discontinue normal operations with the intention to liquidate,  dissolve,  sell,
lease,  transfer or  otherwise  dispose of any  substantial  part of its assets.
Lender  acknowledges that the Borrower  anticipates a merger with other entities
that may occur during the term hereof, however,  according to the terms thereof,
Varilease  Corporation  will be a wholly owned  subsidiary  and will continue to
operate in the same or like manner as prior to said merger.

         6.3 Without the prior  written  consent of Lender,  permit the removal,
other  than in the  ordinary  course of  business,  of any Books and  Records or
Leased Property from the place of business where presently located.

         6.4 Without  providing to Lender thirty (30) days prior written notice,
change  its name or any  trade  style it  uses,  or adopt  any new name or trade

SECTION 7.        Events of Default

                  The occurrence of any one or more of the following events with
respect to Borrower  shall  constitute an event of default  ("Event of Default")

         7.1  Termination  of  existence,  business  failure or the making of an
assignment for the benefit of creditors;

         7.2 Non-payment of any sum or sums due to Lender or others hereunder or
otherwise when due or  non-performance  of any contractual  obligation to Lender
including without  limitation a breach of a Lease by the Lessee or Borrower that
results in a Lease becoming a Defaulted Lease;

         7.3    Institution    of    Bankruptcy,    arrangement,    composition,
reorganization,   liquidation   or   receivership   proceedings,   voluntary  or
involuntary,   or  the   appointment  of  a  receiver,   trustee,   conservator,
sequestrator or other judicial representative, similar or dissimilar;

         7.4 Any financial statements of Borrower, warranties or representations
herein, or in any other document or certificate  heretofore or hereafter made by
Borrower are false, misleading, incomplete or incorrect in any material manner;

         7.5 If Borrower has engaged in any activity which may reasonably result
in the forfeiture of any Collateral to any governmental entity,  federal,  state
or local;  then,  in any such event which is not cured  within seven (7) days of
the earlier of receipt of notice from Lender of the Event of Default or Borrower
obtaining  knowledge of the Event of Default,  Lender, at its option may declare
the unpaid principal balance, accrued interest, and all other sums due to Lender
hereunder or otherwise  immediately  due and payable  (except with respect to an
Event of Default  arising under paragraph 7.1 or 7.3 above, in which case all of
Borrower's  obligations and liabilities to Lender shall be automatically  deemed
to be immediately due and payable).

SECTION 8.        Remedies on Default

         8.1 (a) Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default hereunder,  Borrower
grants to Lender in addition to any rights,  powers or remedies  Lender may have
under any applicable law, all of which shall be cumulative,  the right,  subject
always  to the  rights of  Lessees  under  the  Leases,  to do any or all of the
following  (which list is given by way of example  and is not  intended to be an
exhaustive list of all rights and remedies):

                           (i)  By its  own  means,  with  or  without  judicial
assistance, enter any of Borrower's premises or other locations where Collateral
is kept,  and take  possession  of the  Collateral,  or render it  unusable,  or
dispose of the  Collateral  on such  premises  without any  liability  for rent,
storage,  utilities or other sums,  and  Borrower  shall not resist or interfere
with such action; and

                           (ii)  Lender  shall  have all  rights,  remedies  and
powers of Borrower under the Leases as lessor, including without limitation, the
right to collect and receive all rental,  insurance proceeds and other payments,
payable  pursuant to the Leases;  amend or  terminate  any Lease;  and take such
action  upon  default  under any Lease,  as any lessor  may do, in  Lender's  or
Borrower's  name,  including  without  limitation  repossession  of  any  Leased
Property and  commencement  of suit,  and to exercise any rights and remedies as
lessor under the Lease(s).

                           (b) Anything herein to the contrary  notwithstanding,
the execution of this  Agreement and the exercise by Lender of any of its rights
hereunder  shall not (i) release  Borrower from any of its duties or obligations
under the  Leases,  and (ii) shall not  obligate  Lender  (x) to perform  any of
Borrower's  obligations or duties under the Leases, or (y) to take any action to
collect or enforce any claim for payment.

                           (c) Borrower  hereby agrees that a notice received by
it at least ten (10) days before the time of any intended  public sale or at the
time after which any private sale or other  disposition  of the Collateral is to
be made,  shall be deemed to be commercially  reasonable  notice of such sale or
other  disposition.  If  permitted  by law, any  Collateral  which  threatens to
speedily  decline in value or which is sold on a  recognized  market may be sold
immediately by Lender without prior notice to Borrower.

         8.2 Lender  shall have the right to proceed  against all or any portion
of the Collateral in any order and may apply such  Collateral to the Liabilities
of  Borrower  to Lender in any order.  All rights and  remedies  granted  Lender
hereunder and under any agreement referred to herein, or otherwise  available at
law or in equity, shall be deemed concurrent and cumulative, and not alternative
remedies,  and Lender may  proceed  with any number of remedies at the same time
until all existing and future  Liabilities of Borrower to Lender,  are satisfied
in full. The exercise of any one right or remedy shall not be deemed a waiver or
release of any other  right or remedy,  and upon the  occurrence  of an Event of
Default, Lender may proceed against Borrower and/or the Collateral, at any time,
under any agreement, with any available remedy and in any order.

         8.3 Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary contained in this Section
8 or Section 7 above,  the  occurrence  of an Event of Default due solely to the
non-payment  of sums owed to Lender  resulting from a Lease becoming a Defaulted
Lease shall  constitute an Event of Default  hereunder  only with respect to the
Loan and  Lender's  recourse to Borrower  with respect to amounts due under such
Loan shall be limited to the Collateral.

SECTION 9.        Termination

         9.1 Lender shall have the right to retain,  until final payment in full
of all  Liabilities  of the Borrower all of the Collateral and all of its rights
with respect thereto; provided, however, that so long as no Event of Default has
occurred,  Lender shall  release its lien on  Collateral at the time the Loan is
repaid in full. All terms,  conditions  and  provisions of this Agreement  shall
remain  in full  force  and  effect  until  such  time as all sums  owed  Lender
hereunder are paid in full.

SECTION 10.       Waivers

         Borrower  waives  presentment,  demand,  protest,  notice  of  default,
non-payment,  partial payments and all other notices and formalities relating to
this Agreement  other than notices  specifically  required  hereunder.  Borrower
consents to and waives  notice of the granting of  indulgences  or extensions of
time or payment, the taking or releasing of security, the addition or release of
persons  primarily or secondarily  liable on or with respect to the Liabilities.
No delay by the Lender in exercising any right, power or remedy hereunder and no
indulgence  given to Borrower in case of any default shall impair any such right
or  power  or be  construed  as a  waiver  of  any  default  by  Lender  or  any
acquiescence  therein  or as a  violation  or  waiver  of any of  the  terms  or
provisions of this Agreement.

SECTION 11.       Notices

         All notices and other  communications  hereunder shall be in writing or
confirmed  in writing,  and they shall be deemed to have been duly  delivered or
given,  if hand  delivered,  if  telecopied,  if sent by  nationally  recognized
overnight  courier,  or if mailed via certified mail,  return receipt  requested
when delivered, as follows:

                  (a)      If to Borrower:
                           Varilease Corporation
                           28525 Orchard Lake Road
                           Farmington Hills, MI  48334

                           Attention: Gary F. Miller, Senior Vice President
                           Telecopy:(248) 488-0162

                  (b)      If to Lender:
                           Interpool, Inc.
                           211 College Road East
                           Princeton, NJ 08540

                           Attention:Raoul J. Witteveen, President
                           Telecopy: (609)951-0362


                           Interpool, Inc.
                           211 College Road East
                           Princeton, NJ 08540

                           Attention:  Richard W. Gross, Senior Vice
                           Telecopy:  (609)951-0362


                           MicroTech Leasing Corporation
                           211 College Road East
                           Princeton, NJ  08540

                           Attention:  Allen M. Olinger, President
                           Telecopy:  (609) 987-1011

SECTION 12.       Miscellaneous

         12.1 Borrower  agrees that Lender may sell or assign this Loan or grant
participation(s) in this Loan and may without liability furnish information with
respect to this Loan to any prospective purchaser, assignee or participant(s).

         12.2 Borrower hereby irrevocably appoints Lender as Borrower's attorney
in fact with full  authority  in the place and stead of Borrower and in the name
of Borrower,  Lender or otherwise in Lender's discretion, to take any action and
to execute any  instrument,  agreement or document  which Lender may  reasonably
deem  necessary  or  advisable to  accomplish  the  purposes of this  Agreement.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Lender may:

                           (a) obtain  and adjust  insurance  that  Borrower  or
Lessee is required to maintain;

                           (b) ask, demand, collect, sue for, recover, compound,
receive or give  acquittance  and receipts for money due and to become due under
or in respect of any of the Collateral;

                           (c) receive,  endorse and collect any drafts or other
instruments, documents or chattel paper, in connection with (a) or (b) above;

                           (d) after the occurrence of an Event of Default, file
any claim or take any action or institute any proceedings  which Lender may deem
necessary or desirable for the  collection of any of the Collateral or otherwise
to enforce the rights of Lender with respect to any of the Collateral; and

                           (e) after the occurrence of an Event of Default, with
respect  to a  Defaulted  Lease,  execute  in  Borrower's  name,  a bill of sale
relating to any  Collateral,  transferring  title to such  Collateral to a third
party purchaser.

         12.3 If  Borrower  fails to perform  any  agreement  contained  herein,
Lender may (but is not  obligated  to)  perform or cause  performance  of,  such
agreement, at Borrower's expense payable on demand.

         12.4 (a)  Borrower  shall pay,  on demand,  all of  Lender's  costs and
expenses  (including  but not  limited  to all  legal  fees  and  costs)  (i) in
connection with the negotiation or preparation of any extensions, modifications,
amendments,  waivers  or  consents  to this  Agreement,  any note,  or any other
instrument,  agreement or document in connection herewith (but not including the
Lease(s) or  corresponding  equipment  schedules  and  agreements),  and (ii) in
connection with the  enforcement of any right,  remedy or power pursuant to this
Agreement,  any  note  or  any  other  instrument,  agreement,  or  document  in
connection herewith as such rights pertain to the Liabilities. In no event shall
Borrower  be  personally  liable  for any of said  costs or fees  relating  to a
default by the Lessee under the Lease which does not also  constitute  or result
in a breach of any  representation,  warranty or covenant made by Borrower to or
in favor of Lender; and

                           (b) Borrower  shall  indemnify,  defend (with counsel
satisfactory  to Lender) and hold harmless  Lender against and in respect of (i)
any  loss,   damage  or  deficiency   related  to  any  breach  of  warranty  or
representation  or  non-fulfillment  of any  agreement  by  Borrower  under this
Agreement or any related instrument,  agreement,  document, schedule, exhibit or
other legal  obligations in connection  herewith,  and (ii) all actions,  suits,
proceedings,  demands,  assessments,  judgments,  costs, legal fees and expenses
incident  to any of the  foregoing.  Any amount  reasonably  required to be paid
pursuant to the foregoing  shall be paid by Borrower to Lender on demand and may
at Lender's  option be deducted  from or set off against any  existing or future
debt,   liability  or  obligation  of  Lender  to  Borrower   relating  to  this
transaction.  In no event shall  Borrower be  personally  liable for any of said
costs or fees relating to a default by the Lessee under the Lease which does not
also  constitute  or  result  in a breach  of any  representation,  warranty  or
covenant made by Borrower to or in favor of Lender.

         12.5 This Agreement and all rights  hereunder  shall be governed by the
substantive law of the State of New Jersey. This Agreement shall bind Lender and
Borrower  and shall  inure to the benefit of Lender and the terms  "Lender"  and
"Borrower" as used in this Agreement  shall include the  respective  parties and
their respective successors and assigns.

         12.6 The terms of this  Agreement  shall be in addition to those of any
other evidence of liability held by the Lender,  all of which shall be construed
as complementary to each other,  except as herein otherwise  expressly  provided
and such other agreements,  instruments and documents not modified or superseded
pursuant to the terms hereof remain in full force and effect.

         12.7 This Agreement  contains the entire agreement  between the parties
hereto and may not be modified or changed in any way except in writing signed by
all parties.

         12.8  Any  express  waiver  by  Lender  of any  power,  right,  remedy,
obligation or duty shall not under any  circumstances  be deemed to constitute a
waiver of Lender's  powers,  rights or  remedies  upon the later  occurrence  or
reoccurrence of any event,  transaction or matter.  No course of dealing between
Lender and  Borrower  shall  operate as or be deemed to  constitute  a waiver of
Lender's rights hereunder or affect the duties or obligations of Borrower.

         12.9 All  powers,  rights and  remedies  of Lender  hereunder  shall be
cumulative  and not  exclusive of other  powers,  rights or remedies  granted or
available  to  Lender  under  any  applicable  law  unless  specifically  stated

         12.10  All   warranties,   covenants   and   representations,   whether
affirmative or negative, shall survive the making of this Agreement and the loan
of monies  hereunder  and each  shall be deemed  to be  continuing  in force and
effect and substantial and material in nature.

         12.11 Borrower  irrevocably  consents to the exclusive  jurisdiction of
the State  Courts of New  Jersey or the  United  States  District  Court for the
District of New Jersey in any and all actions and  proceedings  whether  arising
hereunder or under any other agreement or undertaking and irrevocably  agrees to
service of process by certified mail, return receipt requested to the address of
Borrower set forth herein.

         12.12  Borrower  waives and shall not  interpose any objection of forum
non  conveniens  or to venue  and  waives  any right to  remove  any  proceeding
commenced in a state court to a federal court.


         12.14 Headings  preceding the text of the several  Sections  hereof are
for the  convenience  of reference  only and shall not constitute a part of this
Agreement nor shall they affect its meaning, construction or effect.

         12.15 This  Agreement  may be executed  in any number of  counterparts,
each  of  which  so  executed  shall  be  deemed  to be an  original,  and  such
counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.

         12.16 All  instruments,  agreements  and  documents  to be  executed or
delivered by Borrower shall be in form and substance  satisfactory  to Lender in
its sole discretion.

         12.17    Time is of the essence.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  have caused  this  Agreement  to be
executed as of the day and year first above written.

LENDER:                                     Interpool, Inc.

ATTEST: /s/ Kathleen Francis                BY: /s/ Richard W. Gross
        ----------------------------            ------------------------------
        Kathleen Francis
        Assistant Secretary

                                            Name: Richard W. Gross

                                            Title: Senior Vice President

BORROWER:                                   VARILEASE CORPORATION

ATTEST: /s/ Jennifer Charles-Rentz          BY: /s/ Marjorie Biglin
        --------------------------------        ----------------------------

                                            Name: Marjorie Biglin

                                            Title: Assistant Secretary

                                  SCHEDULE "A"
