THIS AGREEMENT, dated January 1, 1991,
  is made between HILB, ROGAL AND HAMILTON COMPANY, a Virginia
  corporation ("HRH"), and Dianne F. Fox
  ("Employee"), a resident of Richmond. Virginia


     WHEREAS, HRH desires that Employee be employed for the
period of time and in a capacity with HRH as specified herein;

     WHEREAS, Employee desires to accept such employment subject
to the terms and conditions specified herein; and

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises stated
above and the sum of $1.00, receipt of which is acknowledged by
Employee, HRH's employment or continued employment of Employee,
and the mutual promises contained in this Agreement, the parties
agree as follows:

employ Employee for an initial term of three (3) years  (the
"Initial Term"), effective as of January 1, 1991 ("Effective
Date"), and to compensate Employee as described herein.

     Upon the expiration of the Initial Term, Employee shall
continue in the employ of HRH, upon the same terms and conditions
as provided herein, until either HRH or Employee gives the other
party ninety (90) days advance written notice of its or his
intention to discontinue such relationship as of a specific
future date.

     Employee's principal areas of responsibility shall be those
of  Senior Vice President & Corporate Secretary of HRH. HRH agrees
that Employee shall have such executive powers and authority as
may reasonably be required by him in order to discharge his
duties in an efficient and proper manner

     Employee's base annual salary at the beginning of the
Initial Term will be $74,000.00 payable semi-monthly, as earned.

     Employee's compensation shall be reviewed by HRH not less
frequently than annually during the term of this Agreement and
any extensions or renewals thereof, may be adjusted upward or
downward in HRH's sole discretion and shall be full compensation
for all services performed by Employee under this Agreement,
provided however, notwithstanding anything said to the contrary,
Employee shall not be paid a base salary less than $74,000.00 per
annum during the Initial Term.

     2.  FULL EFFORTS OF EMPLOYEE. Employee agrees (i) to  devote
his  full business time and energies to the business and  affairs
of  HRH,  (ii)  to use his best efforts, skills and abilities  to
promote the interests of HRH and its other subsidiaries and (iii)
to  perform  faithfully  and  to the  best  of  his  ability  all
assignments of work given to him by HRH. During the course of his
employment hereunder, Employee shall not, directly or indirectly,
enter  into  or  engage in any business which competes  with  the
business of HRH without the written consent of HRH.

     3.  CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Employee acknowledges that, in
the course of his employment hereunder, he will become acquainted
and  entrusted  with certain confidential information  and  trade
secrets of HRH and the HRH Companies (any company directly  owned
by  or  operationally or administratively controlled by  HRH,  is
herein   referred   to   as  the  "HRH  Companies"),   concerning
acquisitions,  prospects  for  acquisitions  and  customers   and
prospects  of HRH and the HRH Companies ("HRH Customers"),  which
confidential  information  includes,  but  is  not  limited   to,
customer lists, financial data and marketing programs of HRH and
the   HRH  Companies,  policy  expiration  dates,  policy  terms,
conditions  and  rates,  customers'  risk  characteristics,   and
information concerning the insurance markets for large or unusual
commercial  risks  (the  "Confidential  Information").   Employee
agrees  that he will safeguard the Confidential Information  from
exposure  to, or appropriation by, unauthorized persons and  that
he  will not, without the prior written consent of HRH during the
term  of  this Agreement or any time thereafter, divulge or  make
any use of the Confidential Information except as may be required
in  the course of his employment hereunder.  Upon termination  of
his   employment,  Employee  promises  to  deliver  to  HRH   all
materials,  including personal notes and reproductions,  relating
to  the  Confidential Information, to HRH and the HRH  Companies,
and to the HRH Customers, which are in his possession or control.
Employee agrees that compensation and benefits otherwise owing to
him  may be withheld for failure to comply with the terms of this

     4.  EMPLOYEE  COVENANTS.  Employee agrees  that  during  the
initial  term of his employment under this Agreement  and  during
any extension of such term, and for an additional period of three
years  after  the  first to occur of (i) the  expiration  of  the
initial  term  of  his  employment under this  Agreement  or  any
extension  of  such  term,  (ii)  his  voluntary  resignation  or
departure  from the employment of HRH, or (iii) his inability  to
perform  his duties under this Agreement for reason of mental  or
physical  disability for a continuous period  in  excess  of  180
days, Employee will not:

     (a)   Compete, directly or indirectly, with HRH or  the  HRH
Companies  within the City of Richmond, Virginia, and a  100-mile
radius  of the City of Richmond, Virginia or within the  City  or
County in which any HRH Company is located; or


     (b)   Disclose to any other person, firm or corporation  the
names  or  addresses  of  any of the  customers  of  HRH  or  HRH
Companies, who were customers at any time during the term of this
Agreement or any extension hereof or communicate with or  contact
in  any manner whatsoever such customers of HRH or HRH Companies,
regardless  of  location, for the purpose of: (i)  inducing  such
customers to patronize any business other than that of HRH or HRH
Companies, (ii) canvassing, soliciting or accepting from any such
customers any business relating to the insurance agency business;
(iii)  requesting  or  advising  any  customers  of  HRH  or  HRH
Companies,   to  withdraw,  curtail  or  cancel  such  customer's
business with HRH or HRH Companies; nor will he induce or attempt
to  induce  any  employee of HRH or HRH Companies  to  leave  the
employ of his respective employer;
    (c)(i)     The term "insurance agency business" as used
               herein shall be deemed to include, without
               limitation, the sale, and servicing of policies of
               life, health, group, casualty, or other forms of

          (ii) The  word "compete" as used herein shall be deemed
               to  include,  without limitation;  (a)  permitting
               use  of  Employee's  name  in competition with HRH
               or   HRH  Companies;  (b)  becoming  or  being  an
               employee  (in  any capacity in which  he  performs
               services comparable to any services performed  for
               HRH hereunder), owner, partner, agent, stockholder
               (other  than a stockholder in a corporation listed
               on   a   national   securities  exchange,   or   a
               corporation  whose securities are  traded  in  the
               over-the-counter market), director or  officer  of
               any  person,  firm  or corporation  that  engages,
               directly  or  indirectly, in the insurance  agency
               business,  or (c) undertaking to perform  services
               comparable  to  any  services  performed  for  HRH
               pursuant  to  this  Agreement  on  behalf  of  any
               person, firm or corporation.

     5.  EMPLOYEE BREACH OF AGREEMENT. If, during the  period  of
three   (3)   years  following  the  termination  of   employment
hereunder,  any commission or fee becomes payable to Employee  or
to  any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity by
or with whom Employee is then employed or affiliated, as a result
of a violation by Employee of the provisions of paragraph 3 or  4
of  this  Agreement, Employee agrees to promptly pay  to  HRH  an
amount equal to 75% of such commission or fee.


     In  addition,  the parties agree that, in  the  event  of  a
breach  by  Employee of the terms of paragraph 3 or  4,  monetary
damages alone will not be sufficient to protect the interests  of
HRH  and,  as a result, that HRH shall be entitled to  injunctive
relief  against  Employee  to prevent  the  breach  of  any  such
provisions  hereunder. It is further agreed  that  the  foregoing
remedies shall be cumulative and not exclusive, and shall  be  in
addition  to  any other remedies available to HRH at  law  or  in

     6.  STANDARDS OF PERFORMANCE: CAUSE. In addition to the full
efforts   required  of  Employee  in  paragraph  2   hereof   and
notwithstanding  anything  herein  to  the  contrary,  Employee's
employment may be terminated or altered, without notice,  in  the
discretion  of HRH, prior to the expiration (including  renewals)
of  this  Agreement for "Cause." For purposes hereof and  without
limitation Cause shall include any dishonest, criminal or immoral
conduct  or  any act which will have more than a nominal  adverse
effect  against  HRH  and  shall also  include  the  failure  of
Employee, whether through incompetence, inefficiency, negligence,
inability, incapacity or otherwise, to observe or perform any  or
his duties or obligations hereunder.

HRH  may  terminate this Agreement, at its sole option, upon  the
occurrence  of  "Long-Term  Disability."  "Long-Term  Disability"
means  a  physical  or  mental incapacity,  or  any  combinations
thereof  which has prevented Employee from performing the  duties
customarily  assigned to him by HRH for one hundred-eighty  (180)
days,  whether  or  not  consecutive,  out  of  any  twelve  (12)
consecutive  months,  and  which  thereafter  can  reasonably  be
expected by HRH to continue or to recur with similar frequency.

     8. ATTORNEYS' FEES. In any dispute over this Agreement or in
pursuit of any remedy permitted under this Agreement, each  party
shall  bear  its  own costs and fees, including attorneys'  fees,
irrespective  of  the laws of that jurisdiction  concerning  such
fees and costs.

     9.  SEVERABILITY.  If any provision of this Agreement or any
part  of  any  provision of this Agreement is  determined  to  be
unenforceable  for any reason whatsoever, it shall  be  severable
from  the  rest  of  this Agreement and shall not  invalidate  or
affect the other portions or parts of the Agreement, which  shall
remain  in full force and effect and be enforceable according  to
their terms.

     10.   GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be construed under
and governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

     11.   CASE  AND GENDER. Wherever required by the context  of
this  Agreement, the singular and plural cases and the masculine,
feminine and neuter genders shaft be interchangeable.


     12.   NONWAIVER.  The  waiver by HRH  of  a  breach  of  any
provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed  as
a  waiver  of any subsequent breach or as a waiver of  any  other
provisions of this Agreement.

     13.  CAPTIONS.  The captions provided in this Agreement  are
intended for descriptive and reference purposes only and are  not
intended to limit the applicability of the terms of any paragraph
to that caption.

     14.   SUCCESSION. This Agreement shall be binding  upon  the
parties  hereto and is not assignable by Employee. This Agreement
shall   inure,  however,  to  the  benefit  of  HRH's  respective
successors   and  assigns,  including  without  limitation,   any
successor corporation by way of merger and consolidation  or  any
entity which purchases substantially all of the assets of HRH.

     WITNESS the following signatures.


                      HILB, ROGAL AND HAMILTON COMPANY

                      By /s/Robert H.Hilb
                      Its  President


                      /s/Dianne F. Fox
                      Dianne F.  Fox


                     AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE

     THIS AMENDMENT NUMBER ONE, dated September 1, 1991, by and

between Hilb, Rogal and Hamilton Company, a Virginia corporation

(hereinafter called "HRH"), and Dianne F. Fox of Richmond,

Virginia (hereinafter called "Employee"):

                      W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, HRH and Employee have heretofore entered into a

certain Employment Agreement ("Employment Agreement"; terms

defined therein being used herein as therein defined) dated as of

January 1, 1991; and

     WHEREAS, HRH and Employee desire to make amendments to the

Employment Agreement as set forth below;

     1.  For all purposes therein, Section 1 of the Employment

Agreement is hereby amended by deleting the amount of $74,000 and

substituting in lieu thereof the amount of $80,000.

     2.  All other provisions or terms of the Employment

Agreement are hereby ratified and confirmed, including, but not

limited to, the provisions and terms of  Section 4 thereof.

     3.   The effective date of this Amendment Number One is

September 1, 1991.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, HRH has caused this Agreement to be

executed by its officers thereunto duly authorized and Employee

has hereunto set his hand and seal, all as of the day and year

first above written.

                                    HILB,ROGAL AND HAMILTON COMPANY

                                    By:  /s/Robert H. Hilb

                                    its    President

/s/Ann B Davis

                                   /s/ Dianne F. Fox
                                   Dianne F  Fox
Witness By:

/s/ Ann B. Davis

                      AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO

     THIS AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO, dated September 1, 1993, by and

between Hilb, Rogal and Hamilton Company, a Virginia corporation

(hereinafter called "HRH"), and Dianne F. Fox of Richmond,

Virginia (hereinafter called "Employee")

                      W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, HRH and Employee have heretofore entered into a

certain Employment Agreement ("Employment Agreement"; terms

defined therein being used herein as therein defined) dated as of

January 1, 1991; and

     WHEREAS, HRH and Employee desire to make amendments to the

Employment Agreement as set forth below;

     1.   For all purposes therein, Section 1 of the Employment

Agreement is hereby amended by deleting the amount of $80,000 and

substituting in lieu thereof the amount of $88,000.

     2.  All other provisions or terms of the Employment

Agreement are hereby ratified and confirmed, including, but not

limited to, the provisions and terms of Section 4 thereof.

     3.   The effective date of this Amendment Number Two is

September 1, 1993.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, HRH has caused this Agreement to be

executed by its officers thereunto duly authorized and Employee

has hereunto set his hand and seal, all as of the day and year

first above written.

                                   Hilb, Rogal and Hamilton

                                   By:  /s/ Robert H. Hilb
                                   its  President

/s/Ann B. Davis
                                   /s/Dianne F. Fox (SEAL)

                                      Dianne F. Fox

Witness By:
/s/ Ann B. Davis

                     AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE

     THIS AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE, dated as of December 1, 1997,

by and between Hilb, Rogal and Hamilton Company, a Virginia

corporation, (hereinafter called "HRH") and Dianne F. Fox of

Richmond, Virginia (hereinafter called "Employee"):

                      W I T N E S S E T H:

     WHEREAS, HRH and Employee have heretofore entered into a

certain Employment Agreement dated as of January 1, 1991 and

amended on September 1, 1991 and September 1, 1993 ("Employment

Agreement"; terms defined therein being used herein as therein

defined); and

     WHEREAS, HRH and Employee have agreed upon and duly executed

the Severance and Release Agreement relating to the severance of

Employee's employment attached hereto as Exhibit A;

     WHEREAS, HRH and Employee wish to make amendments the

Employment Agreement as set forth below;

     A.   For all purposes therein, Section 1, the first sentence

of Section 2, Section 6 and Section 7 of the Employment Agreement

are hereby deleted and substituted in lieu thereof is the


          1.   EMPLOYMENT TERM; COMPENSATION.  HRH agrees to
     employ Employee for a term of thirteen (13) months,
     effective as of December 1, 1997 ("Effective Date"),
     and to compensate Employee as described herein.

          Employee's principal areas of responsibility has
     been that of Senior Vice President and Corporate
     Secretary of HRH.  Employee will begin this term of
     employment with substantially the same employment
     responsibilities as she has had, however, a transition
     of those responsibilities to other personnel will take
     place over the course of this term of the Agreement.
     HRH agrees that Employee shall have such executive
     powers and authority as may reasonably be required by
     her in order to discharge her duties in an efficient
     and proper manner.

          Employee's base annual salary at the beginning of
     this term of the Agreement will be $121,200.00, payable
     semi-monthly, as earned.  Employee shall be entitled to
     a bonus for 1997, payable in February, 1998, in the
     gross amount of $25,000, or such higher amount as the
     Compensation Committee of the Company may award.
     Employee shall not be granted any further stock
     options.  Employee shall continue participation in the
     qualified and non-qualified plans of the Company to the
     extent that Employee continues to qualify for

     B.   All other provisions or terms of the Employment

Agreement are hereby ratified and confirmed, including but not

limited to, the provisions and terms of Section 4 thereof.

          IN WITNESS WHEREOF, HRH has caused this Agreement to be

executed by its officers thereunto duly authorized and Employee

has hereunto set her hand and seal, all as of the day and year

first above written.

                              HILB, ROGAL AND HAMILTON COMPANY

                              By: /s/ Andrew L. Rogal

                              Its: President and Chief Executive


                                   /s/Dianne F. Fox  (SEAL)
                                   Dianne F. Fox



     This Severance and Release Agreement (the "Agreement"),

dated as of this 1st day of December, 1997, by and between DIANNE


Virginia corporation (the "Company") provides:

     1.   Termination of Employment; Severance Benefits.

     Employee's employment shall terminate on December 31, 1998.

In consideration of Employee's acceptance of this Agreement, the

Company will pay Employee the following benefits:

     The Company agrees to pay Employee a gross sum equivalent to

twelve (12) months' salary continuation at Employee's last

regular rate of pay.  This sum shall be paid to Employee in

regular installments on a monthly basis, each coinciding with the

Company's regularly scheduled pay days and commencing with the

first pay day following the Effective Date of this Agreement.

The Company will also reimburse Employee for any group health

insurance premiums paid by Employee pursuant to the Consolidated

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 ("COBRA") for coverage

through the twelve (12) months following the termination of

Employee's employment.

     Employee understands that prior to payment of salary

continuation, the Company will deduct from these gross sums all

federal withholding taxes and other payroll deductions the

Company is required by law to make from wage payments to

employees.  Employee further understands that these amounts are

all the Employee is entitled to receive from the Company except

for payments for any accrued but unused vacation days and pension

or other retirement benefits, if any, to which Employee may be

entitled under the Company's standard retirement program.

     2.   No Obligation to Make Payment under Normal Policies.

     Employee agrees that this payment is more than the Company

is required to pay under its normal policies and procedures.

          3.   Complete Release.

     Employee agrees to release the Company and any other related

companies, and the employees, officers, agents and directors of

any of them from all claims or demands Employee may have based on

Employee's employment with the Company or the termination of that

employment.  This includes but is not limited to a release of any

rights or claims Employee may have under Title VII of the Civil

Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination in employment

based on race, color, national origin, religion or sex; the Age

Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, which prohibits

discrimination in employment based on age; the Equal Pay Act,

which prohibits paying men and women unequal pay for equal work;

the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits

discrimination against otherwise qualified disabled individuals,

or any other federal, state or local laws or regulations

prohibiting employment discrimination.  This also includes but is

not limited to a release by Employee of any claims for wrongful

discharge or breach of contract.  This release covers both claims

that Employee knows about and those the Employee may not know


     This release does not include, however, a release of

Employee's right, if any, to payment from ERISA benefits under

the Company's standard retirement program, and the right to

continuation in Company medical plans as provided by COBRA.

     4.   No Future Lawsuits.

     Employee promises never to file a lawsuit asserting any

claims that are released in the Third Paragraph.

     5.   Disclaimer of Liability.

     This Agreement and the payments and performances hereunder

are made solely to assist Employee in making the transition from

employment with the Company, and are not and shall not be

construed to be an admission of liability, an admission of the

truth of any fact, or a declaration against interest on the part

of the Company.

     6.    Confidential Information.

     Employee shall not use or divulge, publish or disclose to

any person or organization, information obtained by Employee

during the course of Employee's employment, which the Company, in

its sole discretion, determines to be of a confidential or

sensitive nature.  Such information expressly includes, but is

not limited to, this Agreement itself, information concerning the

Company's formulas, designs, methods of business, trade secrets,

technology, business operations, business records, customer lists

and other customer information.  Employee further agrees to

immediately return to the Company all of the Company's property,

including but not limited to all cellular phones, computer

equipment, keys, credit cards, records, files, and other

documentation of whatever nature relating to the Company's

business or to the business of any of the Company's customers.

     7.   Claim for Reinstatement

     Employee agrees to waive and abandon any claim to

reinstatement with the Company.

     8.   Statements Regarding Company And/Or Employment.

     Employee agrees not to make any derogatory statement with

regard to the performance, character, or reputation of the

Company, its personnel and any and all related companies, or

assert that any current or former employee, agent, director or

officer of same has acted improperly or unlawfully with respect

to Employee regarding employment.

     9.   Period for Review and Consideration of Agreement.

     Employee understands that Employee has been given a period

of twenty-one (21) days to review and consider this Agreement

before signing it.  Employee further understands that Employee

may use as much of this twenty-one (21) day period as Employee

wishes prior to signing.  The twenty-one (21) day period shall

commence upon receipt by Employee of this Agreement.

     10.  Employee's Right to Revoke Agreement.

     Employee may revoke this Agreement within seven (7) days of

Employee's signing it.  Revocation can be made by delivering a

written notice of revocation to the Company at 4235 Innslake

Drive, Glen Allen, Virginia  23060-1220; Attn:  Andrew L. Rogal.

For this revocation to be effective, written notice must be

received by the Company no later than the close of business on

the seventh day after Employee signs this Agreement.  If Employee

revokes this Agreement, it shall not be effective or enforceable

and Employee will not receive the benefits described in Paragraph

1 of the Agreement.  In no event shall this Agreement be

effective or enforceable until after the period during which

Employee may revoke it (the "Revocation Period"); therefore, the

eighth day following the date on which Employee signs this

Agreement shall be the "Effective Date" of this Agreement, unless

Employee has revoked the Agreement during the Revocation Period,

in which case it shall not be effective or enforceable.

     11.  Encouragement to Consult with Attorney.

     Employee has been strongly encouraged to consult with an

attorney before signing this Agreement, and understands that

whether or not to do so is Employee's own decision.

     12.  Acknowledgment.

     Employee acknowledges that she has signed this Agreement

freely and voluntarily without duress of any kind.

     13.  Entire Agreement.

     This Agreement, coupled with Amendment Number Three to

Employee's Employment Agreement, constitutes the entire Agreement

between Employee and the Company related to severance of

employment.  The Company has made no promises to Employee other

than set forth therein.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, all

restrictive covenants binding Employee and contained in the

Employment Agreement between Employee and the Company dated

January 1, 1991, as thereafter amended, shall continue in full

force and effect.

     14.  Successorship.

     It is the intention of the parties that the provisions

hereof be binding upon the parties, their employees, affiliates,

agents, heirs, successors and assigns forever.

     15.  Governing Law.

     This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the

Commonwealth of Virginia.


11/26/97                      /s/ Dianne F. Fox
Date                          Dianne F. Fox

                              HILB, ROGAL AND HAMILTON COMPANY

                              By:  /s/ Andrew L. Rogal

                              Its: President and Chief Executive
11/26/97                           Officer