EXHIBIT 10.22(b)

                      DATED 18TH JANUARY 2001

                        astrazeneca ab (1)

                             S.A. (2)






(1)      astrazeneca ab a company  incorporated under the laws of
         Sweden  and  having  its  principal  office at SE-151 85
         Sodertalje, Sweden ("AZ"), and

(2)      MAILLEFER   INSTRUMENTS   HOLDINGS   S.A.,   a   company
         incorporated  under the laws of  Switzerland  and having
         its  principal  office  at Chemin du Verger 3, CH - 1338
         Ballaigues, Switzerland (the "Purchaser").


A.       Under the AZLAD  Products  Agreement,  AZ has granted to
         the Purchaser on the terms therein  stated the permanent
         right  to use AZ's  Technical  Information  (as  therein
         defined)  for the  purpose of  manufacturing  injectable
         dental local  anaesthetic  products in the Territory and
         the  permanent  right  to use  certain  trade  marks  in
         respect of specific  injectable dental local anaesthetic

B.       In accordance  with the AZLAD  Products  Agreement,  the
         Parties are  entering  into this  Agreement  relating to
         the manufacture of injectable  dental local  anaesthetic
         products by AZ for the Purchaser.



1.1      In this Agreement:

         (i)     the  term  "this   Agreement"  shall  mean  this
                 Agreement  and  any  Schedules  and   amendments


         (ii)    the terms "AZ" and  "Purchaser"  and  references
                 to  the  "Parties"  shall,  unless  the  context
                 otherwise  requires,  mean AZ and its Affiliates
                 or any one of them  and  the  Purchaser  and its
                 Affiliates  or any  one of  them  and  the  term
                 "Party" shall be construed accordingly.

1.2      In this  Agreement  the  following  terms shall have the
         following meanings:

         "Affiliate"  means any corporation,  partnership,  joint
         venture,  limited  liability  company or other  business
         entity now or hereafter  controlling,  controlled  by or
         under  common  control  with AZ or the  Purchaser as the
         case  may be and for  the  purposes  of this  definition
         "control"  means  the  possession,   whether  direct  or
         indirect,   of  the  power  to  direct  the   management
         policies  of a  business  entity,  whether  through  the
         ownership  of a majority  of the voting  rights in it or
         by contract.

         "Agreement  Date"  means the date of this  Agreement  as
         shown above.

         "AZLAD  Products"  means the LAD  Products  manufactured
         and/or  sold  by AZ as  defined  in the  AZLAD  Products

         "AZLAD Products  Agreement"  means the agreement of even
         date  herewith  between the Parties which is referred to

         "AZLAD  Products   Specifications"   means  the  release
         specifications for AZLAD Products.

         "Classified    Areas"   means   in   respect   of   each
         Manufacturing  Site the areas  designated by AZ as areas
         required to be  maintained to  appropriate  standards of
         cleanliness  for  the   manufacture  of   pharmaceutical

         "Competent  Authority"  means in respect of each Country
         the  competent  regulatory  authority  for the  grant of
         Marketing  Authorisations and/or manufacturing  licences
         and  approval  of  applications   for  the  transfer  of
         Marketing Authorisations.


         "Contract  Manufacturers" has the same meaning as in the
         AZLAD Products Agreement.

         "Contract    Manufacturing    Agreements"    means   the
         agreements  listed in Schedule 5, Part B,  paragraphs  1
         and 2 of the AZLAD Products  Agreement  relating  (inter
         alia) to the  manufacture  of AZLAD  Products  for AZ by
         the Contract  Manufacturers as amended from time to time
         in  accordance  with  the  terms  thereof  or  with  the
         Purchaser's written approval.

         "Country" means a country within the Territory.

         "Effective Date" means 1st March 2001.

         "Equipment"  means  the  equipment  used by AZ solely in
         the  manufacture of AZLAD Products as listed in Schedule

         "Equipment    Transfer     Arrangements"    means    the
         arrangements  for  handover of the  Equipment as set out
         in  Schedule  2, as revised  by  agreement  between  the
         Parties in writing from time to time.

         "Excess  Period" means for each  Manufacturing  Site the
         period so  described  in Schedule  3, Part D  calculated
         from the expiry of the  Initial  Period,  or such longer
         period  as  may  be  agreed   between   the  Parties  in

         "Existing  Contracts"  has the  same  meaning  as in the
         AZLAD Products Agreement;

         "Force  Majeure"  means  any  circumstances  beyond  the
         control of a Party, including strikes,  lockouts,  civil
         commotion,    accidents,   wars,   acts   of   God   and
         governmental regulations.

         "GMP" means the  requirement set out in the World Health
         Organisation  code on "Good Practice for the Manufacture
         and Quality  Control of Drugs"  and/or other  applicable
         regulations  in the  Country of  manufacture  concerning
         the  manufacture,  formulation,  processing or packaging
         of pharmaceutical products.


         "Initial Period" means for each  Manufacturing  Site the
         period so  described  in Schedule  3, Part D  calculated
         from the Effective Date.

         "LAD Products" means  cartridges  containing  injectable
         dental local anaesthetic drug products,  being medicinal
         products  designed  for and placed on the market  solely
         and  specifically  for use by  dentists,  periodontists,
         oral surgeons and other practitioners of dentistry.

         "LIBOR"   means  the  30  days  US  dollar   BBA  London
         Interbank Offered Rate as published by Reuters.

         "Manufacturing  Charges"  means the sums  payable by the
         Purchaser  to AZ for the  manufacture  and  packaging of
         AZLAD  Products  and, upon  termination  of packaging or
         manufacturing,  for the sale of stocks of Product Packs,
         Product   Formulations,   raw  materials  and  packaging
         components as stated in clause 5.

         "Manufacturing   Completion   Date"   means   for   each
         Manufacturing  Site the date on which the  production of
         the last batch of AZLAD  Products  manufactured  at that
         Manufacturing Site is completed and released for sale.

         "Manufacturing  Period"  means  for  each  Manufacturing
         Site  the  period  from the  Effective  Date  until  the
         expiry of the Excess  Period,  or, if there  shall be no
         Excess Period, until the expiry of the Initial Period.

         "Manufacturing   Sites"   means  the   sites   where  AZ
         manufactures AZLAD Products namely:

             Sodertalje Site, Sweden;
             Sydney Site, Australia;
             Naucalpan Site, Mexico;
             Haedo Site, Argentina;
             Westborough Site, USA; and
             Mississagua Site, Canada.


         "Marketing  Authorisations"  has the same  meaning as in
         the AZLAD Products Agreement.

         "Product    Formulations"   means   the   pharmaceutical
         formulations  of AZLAD  Products as defined in the AZLAD
         Products Agreement.

         "Product  Packs" means the shelf  keeping units of AZLAD
         Products as defined in the AZLAD Products Agreement.

         "Quality  Assurance   Agreements"  means  the  documents
         referred to in clause 7.1.

         "Quarter" means a calendar quarter.

         "Technical  Information"  has the same meaning as in the
         AZLAD Products Agreement.

         "Territory" means the World, excluding India.

         "Transfer  Date"  has the same  meaning  as in the AZLAD
         Products Agreement.

         "Transfer  Process" means the arrangements for effecting
         the transfer of  responsibility  for the manufacture and
         packaging of AZLAD  Products  from AZ to the  Purchaser,
         and the obtaining of all  regulatory  approvals for such
         manufacture  and packaging by the Purchaser,  all as set
         out in Schedule 1, as revised by  agreement  between the
         Parties in writing from time to time.

1.3      In this  Agreement,  where  appropriate,  references  to
         packaging shall include labelling.

1.4      In this  Agreement,  where  appropriate,  words denoting
         the  masculine  gender  shall  include the  feminine and
         neuter   genders  and  vice  versa;   words  denoting  a
         singular  number  shall  include  the  plural  and  vice
         versa;  references to the definite article shall include
         the  indefinite  article and vice versa;  references  to
         persons  shall  include   firms,   companies  and  other
         organisations  and vice versa;  words such as  "include"
         or "including" are to be construed  without limiting the
         generality  of the  preceding  words and  references  to
         "from" any date shall  mean  "from and  including"  such



2.1      AZ  shall  manufacture  or  have  manufactured  for  the
         Purchaser  the  whole  or  part of its  requirements  of
         AZLAD  Products  for sale in the  Territory  during  the
         Manufacturing  Period in accordance  with and subject to
         the provisions of this Agreement.

2.2      Except as  otherwise  agreed,  AZLAD  Products  shall be
         shipped by AZ to the  Purchaser as finished  goods ready
         for sale.

2.3      AZ shall  not be  required  to make any  changes  to the
         packaging  of the AZLAD  Products  unless  such  changes
         have been or will be required  by a Competent  Authority
         or are  requested by the  Purchaser  and approved by AZ.
         Any  such  changes  shall  be  carried  out as  soon  as
         practicable in accordance  with a timetable to be agreed
         between the Parties.

2.4      In the event that such  changes  are made for any reason
         other  than  a  decision  by  AZ  to  sub-contract   its
         obligations under this Agreement:

(i)      the Purchaser  shall supply AZ with all artwork and text
                 for  packaging  components   (including  package
                 inserts)  and shall  approve  final  artwork and
                 text before printing of packaging components;

         (ii)    the Purchaser shall  compensate AZ for any stock
                 write-off  to the extent  that it is not covered
                 by the purchase of  inventory  and is within the
                 shelf  life  as   provided   for  in  the  AZLAD
                 Products Agreement; and

         (iii)   the Purchaser  shall  reimburse AZ for all costs
                 incurred by AZ in implementing such changes.

2.5      In respect of the range of AZLAD  Products  manufactured
         for AZ under the Contract Manufacturing  Agreements,  AZ
         shall not be obliged to  manufacture  such  products for
         the  Purchaser,  but shall provide for the Purchaser the
         benefit of such  Contract  Manufacturing  Agreements  in
         accordance  with the provisions of clause 4 of the AZLAD
         Products  Agreement,   provided  that  if  AZ  shall  be
         obliged to continue to


         purchase such products from the Contract  Manufacturers,
        to provide raw  materials to the  Contract  Manufacturers
        or to incur  capital or other  costs in  connection  with
        the  manufacture  and  supply  of  such  products  by the
        Contract Manufacturers,  the Purchaser shall pay to AZ an
        amount  equal  to the  costs so  incurred  by AZ plus 2%,
        insofar  as such  costs  shall not be  reimbursed  by the
        Purchaser  to AZ in  accordance  with the  provisions  of
        clause 9 of the AZLAD Products  Agreement,  such payments
        to be made by the  Purchaser  within  60 days of the date
        of AZ's invoice.  The  provisions of clauses 3 to 8 shall
        not  apply  in  respect  of  the  supply  by  AZ  to  the
        Purchaser  of  AZLAD  Products   manufactured  under  the
        Contract Manufacturing Agreements.

2.6      All  forecasting,  ordering and shipping  shall be dealt
         with  on a  Manufacturing  Site  by  Manufacturing  Site
         basis and  clauses  3, 4 and 6 shall  accordingly  apply
         separately in respect of each  Manufacturing  Site.  All
         invoicing   shall  be  dealt  with  centrally  or  on  a
         Manufacturing  Site by  Manufacturing  Site  basis as AZ
         shall determine.

2.7      Special  arrangements  with  respect to the  Westborough
         Site, USA are set out in Schedule 3 Part F.

2.8      During the continuance of the Manufacturing  Period, the
         Parties   shall  carry  out  the  Transfer   Process  in
         accordance with Schedule 1.

2.9      At the expiry of the  Manufacturing  Period the  Parties
         shall effect the  transfer and removal of the  Equipment
         in    accordance    with    the    Equipment    Transfer

3.       FORECASTS

3.1      Prior  to  the   commencement   of  each  Quarter,   the
         Purchaser shall deliver to AZ a monthly  forecast of its
         requirement  of  AZLAD  Products  for the  period  of 18
         months  commencing  at the start of the next  succeeding
         Quarter or for the duration of the Manufacturing  Period
         (whichever  shall  be  shorter).   In  this  clause  and
         clause 4, the  expression  "Firm  Period" shall mean the
         first Quarter of the forecasted  period,  the expression
         "Forecast  Period" shall mean the second  Quarter of the
         forecasted period, and the expression  "Estimate Period"
         shall  mean  the  last  12  months  of  the   forecasted
         period.  The  Purchaser's  forecast for the period of 18
         months  commencing on 1st July 2001 shall be provided to
         AZ on or before 31st March 2001.


3.2      Each  forecast  shall  contain  for  each  Product  Pack
         details  of the  Purchaser's  requirements  for the Firm
         Period  and  estimated  requirements  for  the  Forecast
         Period and  Estimate  Period and shall  comply  with the
         conditions  contained  in clause  4.3.  Having  provided
         such  forecasts  for the Firm  Period  and the  Forecast
         Period,  the  Purchaser  shall be  obliged to place firm
         production  orders for such periods in  accordance  with
         clause 4.1.

3.3      In each forecast the  requirements for each month of the
         Firm  Period  for each  Product  Pack  shall not vary by
         more than 10% from the  quantities  for the same  months
         (then  being  the  Forecast  Period)  in  the  preceding
         quarterly forecast.

3.4      The Purchaser's  forecasts for the Estimate Period shall
         be  prepared in good faith as best  estimates  but shall
         not be binding.

3.5      Forecasts  shall  be  sent  by  the  Purchaser  to  such
         persons as AZ shall from time to time request.

3.6      The Parties  shall have  regular  meetings to review the
         forecasts and forecasting arrangements.


4.1      Prior to the  commencement  of each Quarter,  other than
         the final  Quarter,  the Purchaser  shall deliver a firm
         production  order to AZ for AZLAD  Products for the Firm
         Period.  The  quantity  of  AZLAD  Products  so  ordered
         shall be the same as stated  for the Firm  Period in the
         forecast.   AZ  shall   acknowledge   receipt   of  each
         production  order. A firm production  order for delivery
         at the  commencement  or during the  continuance  of the
         Quarter  commencing  1st July 2001 shall be delivered by
         the  Purchaser  to AZ on or before  31st  March  2001 in
         accordance  with the forecast for such period.  AZ shall
         be responsible  for deciding what AZLAD Products will be
         manufactured  for  delivery  up to  30th  June  2001 in
         accordance with  reasonable  expected market demand and
         consistent with past practice.


4.2      The Purchaser's  orders shall be sent to such persons as
         AZ shall from time to time request.

4.3      The Purchaser acknowledges:

         (i)     that  each  Manufacturing  Site  has  restricted
                 capacity for producing  AZLAD  Products and that
                 the  orders  placed  by the  Purchaser  in  each
                 Quarter shall not exceed such capacity;

         (ii)    that  AZ  will  manufacture  cartridges  in full
                 batch  quantities  and  accordingly AZ shall not
                 be required to produce  cartridges in quantities
                 other than the full batch  quantities set out in
                 Schedule 3, Part B; and

         (iii)   that AZ's  packaging  lines are  designed to run
                 within a certain  volume range,  that  packaging
                 volumes  outside that range may be impossible or
                 uneconomic,  and  accordingly  that AZ  shall be
                 entitled   to   place    minimum   and   maximum
                 quantities,  as are  reasonable  and  consistent
                 with  past  practice,   on  orders  for  Product
                 Packs.   The  current  minimum  is  set  out  in
                 Schedule 3, Part C.

4.4      AZ  shall  produce  the   quantities  of  Product  Packs
         ordered by the Purchaser in accordance  with clauses 4.1
         and  4.3  and in  accordance  with  the  AZLAD  Products
         Specifications  and  the  Marketing  Authorisations  and
         shall  deliver such  quantities  to the Purchaser at the
         commencement  or during the course of the Firm Period as
         agreed between the Parties, provided as follows:

         (i)     the  Parties  recognise  that  the  quantity  of
                 AZLAD   Products   produced   in  a  batch  will
                 fluctuate  and the quantity  supplied by AZ will
                 be the amount  produced  in each  batch,  but AZ
                 shall  be  responsible  for  ensuring  that  the
                 quantity   supplied  shall  not  vary  from  the
                 quantity  ordered by the  Purchaser by more than
                 10%, and


         (ii)    if the Purchaser  without AZ's written agreement
                 shall  order  AZLAD  Products  in  excess of the
                 quantity  permitted  under  clauses 4.1 and 4.3,
                 AZ  shall   endeavour   to  supply   the  excess
                 quantity  within  the same time  frame but shall
                 not be liable for its failure to do so.

4.5      An order,  once  acknowledged by AZ, shall be binding on
         both Parties (subject to clause 4.4).


5.1      The  prices  payable  by the  Purchaser  to AZ  for  the
         manufacture and packaging of AZLAD Products  ordered for
         delivery  in the Initial  Period for each  Manufacturing
         Site are set out in  Schedule  3, Part A and the  prices
         payable for AZLAD  Products  ordered for delivery in the
         Excess  Period  for  each  Manufacturing  Site  will  be
         calculated  in  accordance  with  Schedule 3, Part E. In
         addition the Purchaser  shall pay  transportation  costs
         (including  insurance  and  brokerage  costs)  from AZ's
         works,   and  where   applicable   VAT,   sales   taxes,
         consumption  taxes and other  similar  taxes  payable at
         the  prevailing  rate together with any customs  duties,
         levies and  similar  taxes  payable on  importing  AZLAD
         Products  to the  delivery  points  as set out in clause

5.2      Upon AZ ceasing to package any  category of Product Pack
         for the Purchaser,  the Purchaser shall purchase from AZ
         any   stocks  of  such   Product   Pack  and   packaging
         components   held  by  AZ,   and  upon  AZ   ceasing  to
         manufacture any category of Product  Formulation for the
         Purchaser,  the  Purchaser  shall  purchase  from AZ any
         stocks of such  Product  Formulation  and raw  materials
         and packaging  components  held by AZ, provided that the
         Purchaser  shall not be  obliged to  purchase  stocks of
         Product  Packs  having a  remaining  shelf  life of less
         than  seven  months  nor to  purchase  stocks of Product
         Formulations  having a remaining shelf life of less than
         twelve  months.  The prices payable by the Purchaser for
         stocks of Product Packs and Product  Formulations  shall
         be  determined  in  accordance   with  clause  5.1.  The
         Purchaser   shall   purchase  the  stocks  of  packaging
         components   and  raw  materials  at  AZ's  cost  price,
         together with  transportation  and other costs  referred
         to in clause 5.1.


5.3      AZ shall  deliver an invoice  to the  Purchaser  for the
         Manufacturing  Charges in respect  of each  shipment  of
         AZLAD  Products and payment shall be made within 60 days
         of the later of the date of invoice or shipment.

5.4      All sums  payable  under  this  Agreement  shall be paid
         without  deduction  of any bank or transfer  charges and
         all sums are net of MOMS and other  similar  sales taxes
         which shall be added if appropriate.

5.5      In the  event  of delay in  payment,  interest  shall be
         payable  at LIBOR plus 3%  calculated  from the due date
         for payment until the date of payment.


6.1      Each  Manufacturing  Site shall ship AZLAD  Products  on
         DDU terms  (Incoterms  2000) or on such  other  terms as
         shall be  customarily  used by such  Manufacturing  Site
         and as  shall be  notified  to the  Purchaser  to one or
         more  Purchaser  distribution  centres in the  Territory
         designated  by  the  Purchaser.  The  Purchaser,  or its
         agent,  shall take  delivery of the AZLAD  Products when
         tendered.  Without  affecting  any  other  rights,  each
         Party  shall  reimburse  the  other  Party for any costs
         incurred (by way of storage,  insurance or otherwise) as
         a result of any  variation  or delay in delivery  caused
         by its act or default.


7.1      The   Parties   shall  enter  into   Quality   Assurance
         Agreements   which  shall  govern  the  obligations  and
         responsibilities  of  each  Party  with  respect  to the
         quality  assurance   requirements  of  the  manufacture,
         analysis  and  packing by AZ of AZLAD  Products  and the
         supply  by AZ to the  Purchaser  of such  products.  The
         Quality Assurance  Agreement for each Manufacturing Site
         shall be  substantially  in the form set out at Schedule
         6.  Any  amendments  to such  form  shall  be as  agreed
         between the  Parties in writing  with the  intention  of
         ensuring   quality  of  products  in   accordance   with
         applicable  laws and  regulations.  Neither  Party shall
         unreasonably   withhold  its  consent  to  an  amendment
         requested by the other Party.


7.2      In addition to its product recall  obligation  under the
         Quality  Assurance  Agreements,  the  Purchaser  shall,
         after the  Transfer  Date,  if  appropriate  and at AZ's
         request  and expense  carry out any recall  which may be
         required by AZ in respect of AZLAD Products  released by
         AZ prior to the Effective Date.

7.3      AZ shall maintain and manage its  manufacturing  plants,
         facilities  and  operations  and  the  Purchaser   shall
         maintain  and manage its  warehousing  and  distribution
         facilities in compliance  with all  applicable  laws and
         regulations  and in such manner as not to jeopardise the
         validity of the Marketing  Authorisations and continuous
         supply of AZLAD  Products under this  Agreement.  During
         the time that AZ is  manufacturing  AZLAD  Products  for
         the Purchaser  under this Agreement the Purchaser  shall
         have access on  reasonable  notice to the  Manufacturing
         Sites for the purpose of assessing  the  production  and
         quality of the AZLAD Products.

7.4      The  provisions  of clause  7.3 shall not  preclude  AZ,
         from   sub-contracting   the   whole   or  part  of  the
         manufacture  or storage of AZLAD  Products  but AZ shall
         be  responsible  for  ensuring  that the  changes do not
         prejudice the validity of the  Marketing  Authorisations
         and  continuous  supply  of AZLAD  Products  under  this
         Agreement  and AZ shall  give to the  Purchaser  as much
         prior  notice  of such  changes  as it shall  reasonably
         require for  regulatory  purposes.  AZ shall provide the
         Purchaser with the manufacturing,  technical and quality
         assurance  data  required to prepare  and  support  such
         submissions  and AZ  shall  co-operate,  at its cost and
         expense,  as necessary to support such  submissions.  In
         the  event  of AZ  sub-contracting  the  manufacture  or
         storage of AZLAD  Products,  it shall be responsible for
         ensuring the due compliance by its  sub-contractor  with
         the terms of this Agreement.

8.       DEFECTS

8.1      Any  delivery  shortage,  visible  damage  or  defect in
         AZLAD  Products shall be reported by the Purchaser to AZ
         within 30 days of  opening  of the  transport  container
         which shall mean the  shrink-wrapped  pallet  container.
         All  complaints,  other than defects which are incapable
         of  being  discovered  upon  opening  of  the  transport
         container,  shall be waived unless reported to AZ within
         such period of 30 days.


8.2      In the  event  that the  defect  is  found to have  been
         caused  by  AZ  breaching  its  obligations   under  the
         Quality  Assurance  Agreement,  AZ shall replace free of
         charge such  quantity of AZLAD  Products as are affected
         by the defect  together  with  reimbursing  or crediting
         the  Purchaser  for either (at AZ's  option) the cost of
         destruction  or the return of the affected  Product.  No
         AZLAD  Product may be returned to AZ without  AZ's prior
         written permission.

8.3      If the Parties are unable to agree on the  allocation of
         responsibility  for a defect in an AZLAD  Product,  then
         the  Parties  shall  refer the  matter to a  specialised
         pharmaceutical   laboratory  of   international   repute
         acceptable  to  both  Parties  (the  "Laboratory").  The
         Laboratory  shall be deemed to act as an expert  and not
         as an  arbitrator  and any  decision  by the  Laboratory
         shall (in the  absence of  objection  on the  grounds of
         manifest  error  within  30  days  of the  issue  of its
         decision)  be  conclusive  and  binding on the  Parties.
         The fees and expenses of the  Laboratory  shall be borne
         equally by the Parties.

8.4      In the event that  AZLAD  Products  need to be  replaced
         due  to  a  defect,  regardless  of  the  allocation  of
         responsibility,  AZ shall use its reasonable  endeavours
         to  manufacture   replacement  AZLAD  Products  for  the
         Purchaser as quickly as possible.


9.1      All information of a confidential or proprietary  nature
         received  or  obtained  by  either  Party  under  or  in
         connection  with  this  Agreement  shall be  treated  as
         confidential  by both Parties and shall not be disclosed
         by  either  Party to any  third  party or used by either
         Party except:

         (i)     to the extent  necessary  to fulfil the  express
                 purposes of this Agreement;

         (ii)    in the case of  information  disclosed by AZ, as
                 required for or in connection  with its business
                 relating to medical  products  or its  business
                 outside  the  Territory   relating  to  dental
                 products; or


         (iii)   as  required  by  law,  or  any   regulatory  or
                 governmental authority.

9.2      In  the  event  of  a  Party   disclosing   confidential
         information  to a third party in accordance  with clause
         9.1(i) or (ii),  it shall  ensure that the  recipient is
         aware of the  confidential  nature  of such  information
         and,  in the case of  information  relating  solely  to
         dental   products,   shall   be   bound  by  the  same
         restrictions  on use and  disclosure as the  disclosing

9.3      The  following  information  is not subject to the above
         confidentiality obligations or restrictions on use:

         (i)    information  which,  at the time of  acquisition,
         is in the public domain;

         (ii)    information which,  after  acquisition,  becomes
                 part of the  public  domain  by  publication  or
                 otherwise,  except by breach  of  obligation  of
                 the receiving Party;

         (iii)   information   which  the  receiving   Party  can
                 establish   by   competent   proof  was  in  its
                 possession  at the time of  acquisition  and not
                 subject  to any  restriction  on  disclosure  or

         (iv)    information   independently   developed  by  the
                 receiving  Party  without  the benefit or use of
                 confidential information; and

         (v)     information   received   from   third   parties,
                 provided that such  information was not obtained
                 by such third  party,  indirectly  or  directly,
                 from  the  other  Party  under   obligation   of

9.4      The obligations and restrictions  imposed by this clause
         shall  continue  in force for the  duration  of 10 years
         from the Effective Date.


10.      TERM

10.1     Subject to clause 10.2,  this  Agreement  shall continue
         in force until the  obligations  of the  Parties,  other
         than  obligations  under  the  clauses  referred  to  in
         clause 10.6, shall have been fulfilled.

10.2     Either  Party shall be entitled  forthwith  to terminate
         this Agreement by written notice to the other if:

         (i)     that other  Party  commits  any breach of any of
                 the  provisions  of this  Agreement  and, in the
                 case of a breach  capable  of  remedy,  fails to
                 remedy the same within 30 days after  receipt of
                 a written notice giving full  particulars of the
                 breach and requiring it to be remedied;

         (ii)    an encumbrancer  takes  possession or a receiver
                 is appointed  over any of the property or assets
                 of that other Party;

         (iii)   that   other   Party    makes   any    voluntary
                 arrangement   with  its   creditors  or  becomes
                 subject to an administration order;

         (iv)    that other Party goes into  liquidation  (except
                 for   the    purposes   of    amalgamation    or
                 reconstruction  and  in  such  manner  that  the
                 company resulting  therefrom  effectively agrees
                 to  be  bound  by  or  assume  the   obligations
                 imposed   on  that   other   Party   under  this

         (v)     anything  analogous  to  any  of  the  foregoing
                 under  the  law of any  jurisdiction  occurs  in
                 relation to that other Party; or

         (vi)    that other Party ceases,  or threatens to cease,
                 to carry on business.

10.3     For the  purposes of clause  10.2(i),  a breach shall be
         considered  capable of remedy if the Party in breach can
         comply with the  provision  in question in all  respects
         other than as to the time of performance.


10.4     Any waiver by either Party of a breach of any  provision
         of this  Agreement  shall not be  considered as a waiver
         of any  subsequent  breach  of  the  same  or any  other
         provision hereof.

10.5     The  right to  terminate  this  Agreement  given by this
         clause shall be without  prejudice to any other right or
         remedy  of  either   Party  in  respect  of  the  breach
         concerned (if any) or any other breach.

10.6     Notwithstanding  the termination of this Agreement,  the
         provisions  of clauses 9, 11, and 12 shall  continue  in


11.1     The Purchaser  shall  indemnify and hold harmless AZ and
         each of its officers,  employees and agents (each an "AZ
         Indemnitee")  against  any  and  all  losses,   damages,
         liabilities  or expenses in connection  with any actions
         or  demands   that  may  be  brought   against   any  AZ
         Indemnitee by any  non-Affiliate  of the Parties arising
         out  of  the  manufacture,  use or  sale  of  any  AZLAD
         Product by the  Purchaser,  or by AZ in accordance  with
         this Agreement,  the Existing  Contracts,  or clause 9.1
         of  the  AZLAD   Products   Agreement,   including   any
         investigation  by any  governmental  agency with respect
         to the quality of such Product,  or any claim for death,
         personal  injury or property damage asserted by any user
         of such Product,  provided that the Purchaser  shall not
         be  obliged  to  indemnify  any AZ  Indemnitee  from any
         loss,  damage,  liability or expense in connection  with
         any  action  or  demand  arising  out  of any  event  or
         circumstance  in which AZ is  obliged to  indemnify  the
         Purchaser pursuant to clause 11.2.



AZ  shall  indemnify  the  Purchaser  and  each of its  officers,
         employees  and agents  (each a  "Purchaser  Indemnitee")
         against any losses, damages,  liabilities or expenses in
         connection  with  any  actions  or  demands  that may be
         brought   against  any   Purchaser   Indemnitee  by  any
         non-Affiliate  of the  Parties to the extent  such event
         or circumstance:  (i) occurred before the Effective Date
         or (ii) arises out of the  manufacture of AZLAD Products
         by AZ  otherwise  than in  accordance  with  GMP and the
         relevant  Marketing  Authorisation or the sale of AZLAD
         Products by AZ otherwise  than in  accordance  with the
         relevant Marketing Authorisation.

11.3     As  promptly  as   practicable   after  any   indemnitee
         referred to in clauses  11.1 or 11.2  obtains  knowledge
         of any  action  or  demand as to which it will or may be
         entitled to indemnity  under such clause,  it shall give
         notice to the  Parties,  provided  that the  failure  to
         give such notice  shall not  preclude or bar such claims
         but shall  reduce such claims to the extent of prejudice
         to  the  indemnifying   Party.  The  indemnifying  Party
         shall be  entitled  to  participate  in any  proceedings
         relating to such action or demand.  The indemnitee shall
         obtain the prior  approval  of the  indemnifying  Party,
         which  approval  shall  not  be  unreasonably  withheld,
         before  entering  into any  settlement  or compromise of
         such  action  or  demand,  if as a  result  thereof  the
         indemnifying Party's indemnity  obligations with respect
         to such action or demand will not be discharged.


12.1     Neither  Party  shall be liable on any  account  for any
         failure  to fulfil any terms of this  Agreement  if such
         fulfilment   has  been   frustrated  by  Force  Majeure,
         provided   that  the  Party  which  is  prevented   from
         performing  exercises  diligent  efforts  to resume  its
         performance hereunder as soon as practicable.

12.2     Subject to clauses  2.5,  7.4 and 12.13,  neither  Party
         shall be  entitled to assign or  sub-license  any of its
         rights or obligations  under this Agreement  without the
         written  consent of the other Party,  which shall not be
         unreasonably withheld.

12.3     If either Party shall assign or  sub-license  any of its
         rights or obligations  under this Agreement  (other than
         under the Contract Manufacturing Agreements):


         (i)     it  shall  give  notice  of such  assignment  or
                 sub-licence  to the other  Party in writing  not
                 later  than  seven  days  after the date of such
                 assignment or sub-licence,

         (ii)    if so required by the other  Party,  it shall be
                 a condition of such  assignment  or  sub-licence
                 that the  assignee or  sub-licensee  shall enter
                 into a direct  undertaking  with the other Party
                 to   exercise   any   right  and   perform   any
                 obligation    assigned   or    sub-licensed   in
                 accordance  with the  terms  of this  Agreement,
                 including  the  provisions  of clause 9 and this
                 clause, and

         (iii)   the  original  Party shall  indemnify  the other
                 Party  against  any loss or damage  which it may
                 suffer  as  the  result  of  any  breach  of any
                 assigned or  sub-licensed  obligation  or of the
                 terms  of  this  Agreement  by an  immediate  or
                 subsequent assignee or sub-licensee.

12.4     Notices to be served by either  Party on the other shall
         be in writing  and shall be deemed for the  purposes  of
         this  Agreement to be properly  given if sent by telefax
         with confirmed receipt thereof,  by courier service with
         evidence  of  delivery or by  registered  mail,  postage
         prepaid,  to the other Party at its address as set forth
         below.  Either  Party may change  such  address  for the
         purposes of this  Agreement  by notice in writing to the
         other  Party.  A notice  shall be deemed to be served 24
         hours  after  telefax   transmission  or  4  days  after
         posting by registered mail, whichever is sooner.

                 If to AZ:
                 AstraZeneca AB
                 For attn of President
                 SE-151 85 Sodertalje
                 Facsimile:  +46 8 553 29010


                 with copy to:
                 AstraZeneca plc
                 For attn of Company Secretary
                 15 Stanhope Gate
                 London, W1Y 6LN
                 Facsimile:  (020) 7304 5151

                 If to the Purchaser:
                 Maillefer Instruments Holdings S.A.
                 For attn of General Manager
                 Chemin du Verger 3
                 CH - 1338 Ballaigues
                 Facsimile:  +41 21 843 9293

           with copy to:
           DENTSPLY International Inc
           570 West College Avenue
           York, PA 17404
           Attention: Secretary
           Facsimile: (717) 849 4753

12.5     The   Parties   agree  that  this   Agreement   and  the
         transactions  contemplated  hereby  shall be governed by
         and  interpreted in accordance  with the laws of England
         unless  otherwise  stated herein or in any  supplemental

12.6     This  Agreement and any amendments  hereto  comprise all
         the terms and  conditions of the  agreement  between the
         Parties in respect of the subject  matter  hereof.  This
         Agreement  may not be  amended  or  modified  except  in
         writing duly signed by both Parties.


12.7     In the event of any conflict  between the  provisions of
         this  Agreement  and  any  supplemental  agreement,  the
         provisions  of this  Agreement  shall prevail and in the
         event of any  conflict  between  the  provisions  of the
         clauses  of this  Agreement  and the  provisions  of any
         Schedule, the provisions of the clauses shall prevail.

12.8     If the Parties  shall  execute  any  document in English
         and another language,  or if the Parties shall agree the
         text of any  document  in  English  and the  text of the
         executed   Agreement   shall  be   written   in  another
         language,  the English text shall prevail as between the
         Parties  in the  event of there  being  any  discrepancy
         between the texts and either  Party shall at the request
         of  the  other  Party  join  with  it  in   executing  a
         supplemental  agreement  to amend  the  foreign  text to
         remove such discrepancy.

12.9     If  any  provision  of  this  Agreement  is  held  to be
         invalid   or   unenforceable   by  a   competent   legal
         authority,  the Parties shall meet and mutually agree to
         amend this  Agreement  to  incorporate  new terms  which
         shall,  to the  greatest  extent  possible,  restore the
         economic   balance   contemplated   by  the  Parties  in
         entering into this Agreement.

12.10    The  failure by either  Party to exercise or enforce any
         right  conferred  upon it hereunder  shall not be deemed
         to be a  waiver  of such  right  or  operate  to bar the
         exercise or enforcement thereof at any time thereafter.

12.11    Completion of the performance of any obligation  arising
         under this  Agreement  shall not  affect the  continuing
         validity of any provision of this Agreement.

12.12    It is the  intention of the Parties that this  Agreement
         shall be  binding  on their  respective  Affiliates  and
         accordingly  each  of them  undertakes  to  procure  the
         compliance  with the  provisions  of this  Agreement  of
         their respective Affiliates as if signatories hereto.


12.13    Either  Party  hereto may  transfer any of its rights or
         obligations   hereunder   to  any  of  its   Affiliates,
         provided that each Party (i) guarantees the  performance
         of such Party's  obligations so transferred  pursuant to
         this clause,  (ii) such  transfer  shall not relieve the
         transferring   Party  of  its  obligations   under  this
         Agreement and (iii) prior to such  Affiliate  ceasing to
         be an Affiliate  the  transferring  Party shall  procure
         that all  rights  and  obligations  so  transferred  are
         transferred back to the transferring Party.

12.14    Both Parties hereto agree to execute  promptly and shall
         compel their  respective  Affiliates to execute promptly
         any   separate    agreements    or   other    documents,
         undertakings,  or consents  necessary or  appropriate to
         carry  out  the  provisions  of  this  Agreement.   Such
         agreements,  documents,  undertakings and consents shall
         neither  expand nor contract the rights and  obligations
         of the Parties hereto.

12.15    Except as otherwise  provided  for herein,  all disputes
         arising in  connection  with this  Agreement,  including
         any  amendments,  shall be  finally  settled  under  the
         Rules   of   Conciliation   and   Arbitration   of   the
         International  Chamber of Commerce by three  arbitrators
         appointed in  accordance  with such Rules.  The arbitral
         proceedings  shall be held in  English  and  shall  take
         place in London.  The arbitral  tribunal  shall  conduct
         and complete its  proceedings and render a final written
         opinion  within  180  days  of the  date  on  which  the
         arbitral  proceedings  are initiated.  The Parties agree
         that any right of appeal  against any arbitral  award or
         order  to  the  Court  is  hereby  waived.  The  Parties
         further  agree that it is their  expressed  intent  that
         until the tribunal  renders its final award,  the status
         quo of the continuing  relationship  is to be maintained
         to the maximum  possible extent and that the arbitrators
         are hereby  directed to enforce  such  agreement  of the
         Parties.  In  addition,   the  Parties  agree  that  any
         injunctive  relief  must  be  sought  in  such  arbitral
         proceeding  and  not  in  any  other  proceedings.   The
         Parties  further agree that any award or order issued by
         the   arbitral   tribunal   shall  be   enforceable   in
         accordance  with  its  terms in any  court of  competent

12.16    Each Party shall be entitled to make such  announcements
         relating  to  this   Agreement   and  any   supplemental
         agreements  as shall  be  appropriate,  but  each  Party
         shall  first  consult in good faith with the other Party
         concerning the contents of such announcements.


IN WITNESS  whereof the Parties have caused this  Agreement to be
executed  the day and year  first  above  written,  in  duplicate
counterparts,  each of which shall  constitute  an  original,  by
their respective duly authorised representatives.

SIGNED for and on behalf of         SIGNED for and on behalf of
(publ)               HOLDINGS S.A.

