Summary of 2001 Incentive Compensation Plan

At the end of 2000, the Human Resources Committee of the Board of
Directors adopted the Year 2001 Incentive Compensation Plan (the
"Plan"). The Plan established target award opportunities ranging
from 23% of base salary for key employees to 75% of base salary for
the Chief Executive Officer. The bonuses were earned based on the
achievement of certain financial targets, which are established
based on the individual participant's position. For the Chief
Executive Officer and the Chief Operating Officer the bonus awards
for 100% of targeted performance were set at 75% and 60%,
respectively, of their base salaries. For the Senior Vice
Presidents and the General Counsel the bonus awards for 100% of
targeted performance were set at 55% and 40%, respectively, of
their base salaries. Messrs. Miles, Kunkle, Jellison, Roos, Weston,
Whiting and Addison received bonus awards for 2001 of 98.4%, 78.7%,
72.1%, 67.7%, 60.5%, 75.8% and 52.5%, respectively.
