


                           BRET W. WISE

THIS  AGREEMENT  is entered  into as of  December  1, 2002,  by and
DENTSPLY   International   Inc.,   a  Delaware   corporation   (the
"Company") and Bret W. Wise, ("Employee").

WHEREAS,  it is in the best  interest of the  Company and  Employee
that the terms and  conditions of  Employee's  services be formally
set forth:

NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  mutual  covenants  and
agreements of the parties hereto, it is hereby agreed as follows:

1.    Services

      1.1  The Company shall employ  Employee and Employee  accepts
such  employment  and agrees to serve as Senior Vice  President and
Chief  Financial  Officer of the Company,  effective as of the date
stated below,  and, if elected  thereto,  as an officer or director
of any  Affiliate,  for the term and on the  conditions  herein set
forth.  Employee  shall  be  responsible  for  the  activities  and
duties presently  associated with these  positions.  Employee shall
perform such other services not  inconsistent  with his position as
shall  from  time  to  time  be  assigned  to him by the  Board  of
Directors,  the Chief  Executive  Officer,  or the President of the
Company.  Employee's  services  shall be  performed  at a  location
suitable for the performance of the Employee's assigned duties.

      1.2  Employee  shall at all times  devote  his full  business
time and  efforts to the  performance  of his duties and to promote
the best interests of the Company and its Affiliates.

2.    Period of  Employment  Employment  as Senior  Vice  President
and Chief Financial Officer shall begin and continue from
, 2002,  and  terminate on the  happening  of any of the  following

      2.1  Death  The date of death of Employee;


      2.2  Termination  by  Employee  Without  Good Reason The date
specified in a written notice of  termination  given to the Company
by  Employee  not less than 180 days in advance  of such  specified
date, at which date the Employee's  obligation to perform  services
pursuant to this Agreement shall cease.
      2.3  Termination  by Employee  with Good  Reason  Thirty (30)
days following the date of a written  notice of  termination  given
to the  Company by Employee  within  thirty (30) days after any one
or more of the following events have occurred:

           (a)  failure by the  Company  to  maintain  the  duties,
      status, and  responsibilities  of the Employee  substantially
      consistent  with those of Employee's  position as of the date
      of the Agreement, or

           (b)  a  reduction  by the  Company  in  Employee's  base
      salary as in effect as of the date hereof plus all  increases
      thereof   subsequent   thereto;   other  than  any  reduction
      implemented as part of a formal  austerity  program  approved
      by the Board of  Directors of the Company and  applicable  to
      all  continuing  employees  of  the  Company,  provided  such
      reduction does not reduce  Employee's  salary by a percentage
      greater  than the average  reduction in the  compensation  of
      all  employees  who  continue  as  employees  of the  Company
      during such austerity program; or

           (c)  the  failure  of the  Company  to  maintain  and to
      continue  Employee's  participation in the Company's  benefit
      plans   as  in   effect   from   time  to  time  on  a  basis
      substantially  equivalent to the  participation  and benefits
      of Company employees similarly situated to the Employee; or

           (d)  any  substantial  and  uncorrected  breach  of  the
                Agreement by the Company.

      2.4  Termination  by  the  Company  Upon  written  notice  of
termination  given  to  Employee  by the  Company,  the  Employee's
obligation to perform  services  pursuant to this  Agreement  shall
cease as of the date of such notice.

3.    Payments by the Company

      3.1  During the Period of  Employment,  the Company shall pay
to the  Employee  for all  services  to be  performed  by  Employee
hereunder  a salary of not less than  $325,000  per annum,  or such
larger  amount  as may from  time to time be fixed by the  Board of
Directors  of  the  Company  or,  if   applicable,   by  the  Human
Resources  Committee  of the Board (or its  successor),  payable in
accordance with the Company's normal pay schedule.


      3.2  During  the  Period  of  Employment,  Employee  shall be
entitled  to  participate  in all  plans and  other  benefits  made
available  by  the  Company  generally  to its  domestic  executive
employees,   including  (without  limitation)  benefits  under  any
pension,  profit sharing,  employee stock ownership,  stock option,
bonus,    performance   stock   appreciation   right,    management
incentive,  vacation,  disability,  annuity,  or insurance plans or
programs.   Any  payments  to  be  made  to  Employee  under  other
provisions  of  this  Section  3  shall  not be  diminished  by any
payments made or to be made to Employee or his  designees  pursuant
to any such plan,  nor shall any  payments  to be made to  Employee
or his  designees  pursuant to any such plan be  diminished  by any
payment made or to be made to Employee  under other  provisions  of
this Section 3.

      3.3  Upon   termination  of  the  Period  of  Employment  for
whatever  reason,   Employee  shall  be  entitled  to  receive  the
compensation   accrued   and   unpaid   as  of  the   date  of  his
termination.  If  Employee at the time of  termination  is eligible
to  participate  in any  Company  incentive  or bonus  plan then in
effect,  Employee  shall be entitled to receive a pro-rata share of
such  incentive  or bonus award based upon the number of days he is
employed  during  the plan year up to the date of his  termination.
Such  pro-rata  amount  shall be  calculated  in the  usual way and
paid at the usual time.

      3.4  If the Period of  Employment  terminates  upon the death
of  Employee,  the  Company  shall  continue  payment  of his  then
current  salary  for a period of 12 months  from the date of death,
together  with  his  pro-rata  share  of  any  incentive  or  bonus
payments  due for the  period  prior to his  death,  to  Employee's
designated  beneficiary or, if no beneficiary has been  effectively
designated, then to Employee's estate.

      3.5  If  the  Period  of  Employment  is  terminated  by  the
Employee  under  Section 2.3, or by the Company  under Section 2.4,
the  Company  shall  continue  to  pay   compensation  and  provide
benefits to the  employee  as  provided  in this  Section 3.5 for a
period  (the  "Termination  Period")  beginning  on the date of the
termination  notice  and ending on the  earlier  of: (i) the second
annual  anniversary  of the  date of such  termination  notice;  or
(ii)  the  date on which  the  Employee  would  attain  age 65,  as

           (a)  Compensation  shall be paid to the  Employee at the
      rate of salary  being  paid to  Employee  under  Section  3.1
      immediately before the termination;

           (b)  Bonus and incentive  compensation  shall be paid to
      the Employee in accordance  with plans  approved by the Board
      of  Directors  and  similar  to those in which  the  Employee
      participated at time of  termination,  using the same formula
      and  calculations  as if  termination  had not occurred.  The
      Employee  shall not be entitled to receive any further grants
      of stock  options under any stock option or similar such plan
      subsequent to the date of termination,  but outstanding stock
      options shall continue to vest during the Termination  Period
      in accordance with the applicable stock option plan;


           (c)  Employee  shall  receive  the  benefits  that would
      have been  accrued by the  Employee  during  the  Termination
      Period from  participation by the Employee under any pension,
      profit  sharing,  employee  stock  ownership plan ("ESOP") or
      similar  retirement  plan  or  plans  of the  Company  or any
      Affiliate  in which  the  Employee  participated  immediately
      before the  termination,  in accordance with the terms of any
      such  plan  (or,  if  not  available,   in  lieu  thereof  be
      compensated  for  such   benefits),   based  on  service  the
      Employee  would have had during  the  Termination  Period and
      compensation   (and,  if  applicable,   bonus  and  incentive
      compensation)  as  determined  under  Section  (a)  (and,  if
      applicable, Subsection (b) above);

           (d)  Employee shall receive  continued  coverage  during
      the  Termination   Period  under  all  employee   disability,
      annuity,  insurance, or other employee welfare benefit plans,
      programs or  arrangements  of the Company or any Affiliate in
      which Employee participated  immediately before the notice of
      termination,  plus all improvements  subsequent  thereto (or,
      if not  available,  in lieu thereof be  compensated  for such
      coverage); and

           (e)  In the event of the death of  Employee  during  the
      Termination  Period,  the  Company  shall  continue  to  make
      payments under  Subsection  3.5(a) for the period that is the
      lesser of the remainder of the  Termination  Period or twelve
      (12) months,  and shall pay any bonuses due under  Subsection
      3.5(b)  on a  pro-rata  basis  until  the date of  Employee's
      death,  to  Employee's  designated   beneficiary  or,  if  no
      beneficiary  has  been   effectively   designated,   then  to
      Employee's estate.

Except as provided in Section 3.6,  payment of  compensation  under
Subsection  3.5(a)  above  shall  be  made  at  the  same  time  as
payments of  compensation  under Section 3.1, and payments of other
benefits  under  Subsections  3.5(b)  and (c)  shall be paid at the
same  time and to the  same  person  as  compensation  or  benefits
would have been paid under the plan,  program,  or  arrangement  to
which they relate  (after  taking into account any election made by
the  Employee  with respect to payments  under such plan,  program,
or  arrangement),  and  shall be  pro-rated  for any  partial  year
through the date of expiration of the Termination Period.


      3.6  If at any time after a Change of  Control  the Period of
Employment  is  terminated  by the Employee  under  Section 2.3, or
the Company  terminates or gives written  notice of  termination of
the Period of  Employment  to the Employee  (regardless  of whether
in accordance with
Section 2.4),  then in lieu of the periodic  payment of the amounts
specified  in  Subsections  3.5(a),  (b), and (c) (except as may be
otherwise  prohibited  by law or by said plans),  the  Company,  at
the written  election  of  Employee,  shall pay to Employee  within
five  (5)  business   days  of  such   termination   or  notice  of
termination   the  present  value  of  the  amounts   specified  in
Subsections  3.5(a),  (b), and (c), discounted at the greatest rate
of interest  then payable by Mellon Bank (or its  successor) on any
federally   insured  savings  account  into  which  Employee  could
deposit  such  amount  and  make  immediate  withdrawals  therefrom
without  penalty,  and  shall  provide  for  the  remainder  of the
Termination  Period,  if any,  the  benefit  coverage  required  by
Subsection  3.5(d).  Employee  shall not be  required  to  mitigate
damages payable under this Section 3.6.

      3.7  In no event will the  Company be  obligated  to continue
Employee's  compensation  and other  benefits  under the  Agreement
beyond  Employee's  sixty-fifth  (65th)  birthday or if  Employee's
employment   is   terminated   because  of  gross   negligence   or
significant     willful    misconduct    (e.g.     conviction    of
misappropriation of corporate assets or serious criminal offense).

4.    Non-Competition  Agreement  During the  Period of  Employment
and for a period of five (5) years after the  termination  thereof,
Employee  shall not,  without the written  consent of the  Company,
directly or  indirectly  be employed or retained  by, or render any
services  for,  or  be  financially  interested  in,  any  firm  or
corporation  engaged in any business which is competitive  with any
business  in which the  Company or any of its  Affiliates  may have
been  engaged  during  the  Period  of  Employment.  The  foregoing
restriction  shall not apply to the  purchase  by Employee of up to
5% of the  outstanding  shares of capital stock of any  corporation
whose securities are listed on any national securities exchange.

5.    Loyalty   Commitments   During   and  after  the   Period  of
Employment:  (a)  Employee  shall  not  disclose  any  confidential
business  information  about the  affairs of the  Company or any of
its  Affiliates;  and (b)  Employee  shall not,  without  the prior
written  consent  of the  Company,  induce or attempt to induce any
employee or agency  representative  of the Company or any Affiliate
to leave the  employment or  representation  of the Company or such

6.    Separability  of  Provisions  The  terms  of  this  Agreement
shall be  considered  to be separable  from each other,  and in the
event any shall be found to be  invalid,  it shall not  affect  the
validity of the remaining terms.

7.    Binding  Effect  This  Agreement  shall be  binding  upon and
inure to the  benefit of (a) the  Company  and its  successors  and
assigns,  and (b) Employee,  his personal  representatives,  heirs,
and legatees.


8.    Entire  Agreement  This  Agreement   constitutes  the  entire
agreement  between  the  parties  and  supersedes  and  revokes all
prior oral or written  understandings  between the parties relating
to   Employee's   employment,   except  with   respect  to  matters
addressed in the offer letter dated
October    , 2002  between the  parties to the extent such  matters
are  not  covered  in  this  Agreement.  The  Agreement  may not be
changed orally but only by a written  document  signed by the party
against  whom  enforcement  of any  waiver,  change,  modification,
extension, or discharge is sought.

9.    Definitions   The   following   terms  herein  shall  (unless
otherwise  expressly   provided)  have  the  following   respective

      9.1  "Affiliate"  when used  with  reference  to the  Company
means  any   corporations,   joint  ventures,   or  other  business
enterprises directly or indirectly  controlling,  controlled by, or
under  common  control  with  the  Company.  For  purposes  of this
definition,  "control"  means  ownership  or  power  to vote 50% or
more of the voting stock,  venture  interests,  or other comparable
participation in such business enterprises.

      9.2  "Period of  Employment"  means the period  commencing on
the date hereof and terminating pursuant to Section 2.

      9.3  "Beneficiary"  means the person or persons designated in
writing by Employee to Company.

      9.4  "Change  of  Control"  means  any  event by which (i) an
Acquiring  Person has become  such,  or (ii)  Continuing  Directors
cease  to  comprise  a  majority  of the  members  of the  Board of
Directors  of the Company or the  applicable  Parent of the Company
(a "Board").  For purposes of this definition:

           (a)  An  "Acquiring  Person"  means any  person or group
      (as defined in Section  13(d)(3) of the  Securities  Exchange
      Act of  1934,  as  amended,  and the  rules  and  regulations
      promulgated  thereunder  as in  effect  on the  date  of this
      Agreement  (the "Exchange  Act") who or which,  together with
      all  affiliates  and  associates  (as  defined  in Rule 12B-2
      under the Exchange Act) becomes,  by way of any  transaction,
      the  beneficial  owner  of  shares  of the  Company,  or such
      Parent,  having  20% or  more  of (i)  the  then  outstanding
      shares of Common  Stock of the Company,  or such  Parent,  or
      (ii)  the  voting  power  of  the  then  outstanding   voting
      securities of the Company,  or such Parent,  entitled to vote
      generally  in the  election  of  directors  of the Company or
      such Parent; and


           (b)  "Continuing  Director" means any member of a Board,
      while  such  person is a member  of such  Board who is not an
      Acquiring   Person,  or  an  affiliate  or  associate  of  an
      Acquiring Person or a  representative  of an Acquiring Person
      or of any  such  affiliate  or  associate  and  who (i) was a
      member of such Board prior to the date of this Agreement,  or
      (ii)  subsequently  becomes a member of such  Board and whose
      nomination   for  election  or  election  to  such  Board  is
      recommended  or approved by  resolution  of a majority of the
      Continuing  Directors  or who is  included  as a nominee in a
      proxy  statement  of the  Company  or the  applicable  Parent
      distributed  when  a  majority  of  such  Board  consists  of
      Continuing Directors.

      9.5  "Parent"  means any  Affiliate  directly  or  indirectly
controlling (within the meaning of Section 9.1) the Company.

10.   Notices  Where there is provision  herein for the delivery of
written  notice to  either of the  parties,  such  notice  shall be
deemed to have been  delivered  for the purposes of this  Agreement
when delivered in person or placed in a sealed,  postpaid  envelope
addressed  to such  party and  mailed by  registered  mail,  return
receipt  requested  to the  address  set  forth  below  or the most
recent address as may be on the Company records for the Employee:

           For Employee:                  Bret W. Wise
                                    6157 Burr Oak Way
                                    Hudson, OH  44236

           For Company:                   DENTSPLY    International
                                    570 West College Avenue
                                    York, PA    17405

11.   Arbitration Any  controversy  arising from or related to this
Agreement  shall  be  determined  by  arbitration  in the  City  of
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  in  accordance  with the rules of the
American  Arbitration  Association,  and  judgment  upon  any  such
determination   or  award  may  be  entered  in  any  court  having
jurisdiction.  In the  event of any  arbitration  between  Employee
and Company  related to the  Agreement,  if  employee  shall be the
successful  party,  Company will  indemnify and reimburse  Employee
against any  reasonable  legal fees and  expenses  incurred in such

12.   Applicable  Law  The  Agreement  shall  be  governed  by  and
construed  in  accordance  with  the  laws of the  Commonwealth  of


      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties have executed the Agreement
on the day and year
first above written.

Attest:                             DENTSPLY INTERNATIONAL INC.

- ------------    -------------------
Secretary                           President  and Chief  Operating

- ----------------------------------------
                                    Bret W. Wise
