Moderator: John Miles
                                 July 31, 2003
                                  7:30 am CT

Operator:    Good morning.  My name is (Katy) and I will be your conference
             facilitator today.  At this time I would like to welcome everyone
             to the Dentsply International Second Quarter Earnings Release
             Conference Call.

             All lines have been placed on mute to prevent any background
             noise.  After the speakers' remarks, there will be a question and
             answer period.  If you would like to ask a question during this
             time, simply press star, then the number one on your telephone
             keypad.  If you'd like to withdraw your question, press the pound
             key.  Thank you.  I would now like to turn the call over to Mr.
             John Miles, Chairman and CEO.  You may begin your conference.

John Miles:  Thank you, (Katy).  Good morning everyone and thank you for
             joining the Dentsply Second Quarter 2003 Conference Call.  My
             name is John Miles.  I'm Dentsply's Chairman and Chief Executive
             Officer and with me this morning is Gary Kunkle, President and
             Chief Operating Officer and Bret Wise, Senior Vice President and
             Chief Financial Officer.

             As is our usual format, I'll start by giving some overview
             comments concerning our second quarter results and our overall
             business.  Bret will then go through a more detailed review of
             the P&L and balance sheet.  And finally, we'd collectively be
             pleased to answer any questions that you may have.

             Before starting, I need to read you our Safe Harbor Statement.
             In accordance with the rules of the Security and Exchange
             Commission, information discussed during this conference call,
             including the question and answer session, will be part of an 8K
             filing that will be made by the company after the call.

             To the extent that during this conference call any non-GAAP
             financial items are discussed, the additional information
             required by the SEC about such non-GAAP financial matters will be
             available through our Web site by going to, then
             going to the investor relations section and clicking on the SEC
             filings link which will provide access to the 8K filed for this
             conference call and further information about any non-GAAP items.

             The conference call may include forward-looking statements and as
             such are made in accordance with the Safe Harbor Provisions of
             the Securities Litigation Reform Act.

             Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties which
             could materially affect the company's business and should be
             considered in conjunction with the risk factors and uncertainties
             described in the company's most recent annual report on Form 10-K.

             I'm sure that each of you have received a copy of our second
             quarter earnings announcement released yesterday after the market
             closed.  I am extremely pleased to report that Dentsply achieved
             an all time record for both quarterly sales and profits.

             Our reported sales for the second quarter were $417.9 million, a
             9.7% increase over the year earlier quarter.  And on an
             ex-precious metals basis, sales increased 10.9%.

             Diluted earnings per share were 55 cents, an increase of 19.6%
             over the year earlier period.

             The 10.9% sales gain ex-precious metals for the quarter broke out
             as follows -- our dental base business growth, 4.5%; non-dental
             base business, negative three-tenths of a percent; foreign
             exchange, 6.9% favorable; and acquisitions divestitures net, a
             negative two-tenths of one percent.

             Three factors adversely impacted our base business growth during
             the quarter.  First, sales of (Cercon) machines in the United
             States slowed sharply from the year earlier period, which was
             actually the launch quarter for (Cercon) machines in the United

             The important news is that (Cercon) restoration prescriptions
             from dentists continued to grow rapidly despite the slowdown in
             machine sales.  There was plenty of capacity in terms of the
             installed machine base to handle current and projected demand.

             We're seeing small to mid sized labs outsource their (Cercon
             copings) to a larger lab with (Cercon) milling capabilities.
             These smaller labs pay a higher price per coping by outsourcing,
             but on the other hand avoid the upfront capital investment of
             nearly $50,000.

             Today more than 300 US dental labs are currently outsourcing
             their (Cercon) restorations.  As their volume builds and the
             overall US laboratory market improves, I'm sure these labs will
             revisit their make versus buy decision.

             Finally, we must bear in mind that nearly all profits associated
             with the (Cercon) product line reside with the consumable, not
             with the equipment.

             Secondly, SARS in several key Asian countries turned strongly
             positive regional growth into negative growth for the quarter.
             More specifically, dental visits in China, Hong Kong, Singapore,
             and Taiwan dropped sharply due to this epidemic and therefore
             sales were adversely affected.  By the end of the second quarter
             dental visits had returned to approximately 80% of normal.

             Finally, European sales of heavy equipment dropped very sharply
             in the second quarter.  In hindsight, I have to say we shot
             ourselves in the foot.  We previewed our new all digital
             panoramic x-ray machine, the (Orthoralix 9200 DDE) at the IDS
             meeting at the end of March.

             Market response was very enthusiastic.  Orders for the new unit
             poured in but orders for the older unit dried up.  Shipment of
             the (Orthoralix 9200 DDE) however only commenced in July of this
             year.  We are now fully up and running and expect to satisfy
             demand fully during the third quarter.

             These three issues reduced the overall dental internal sales
             growth rate by nearly two full percentage points.

             Dental base business growth on a geographic basis ex-precious
             metals broke out as follows:  in the United States, 2.9%; strong
             double digit growth was again achieved by Tulsa Endodontics led
             by nickel titanium files and GAC Orthodontics, primarily led by
             Innovation R, our self ligating bracket and Mystique, our clear
             all ceramic bracket.

             (Cercon) prescriptions soared during the quarter while sales of
             (Cercon) machines slowed sharply, as previously explained.  The
             overall US dental laboratory market remained modestly down.

             Europe's/CIS ex-precious metals, 9.8%; European sales were led by
             strong growth in both the dental implant product lines as well as
             the endodontic product lines. IDS orders received in late March
             but shipped in April also accelerated growth during the quarter.

             Asia had negative growth of 3.9%.  As previously mentioned, SARS
             resulted in sharply reduced dental visits in China, Hong King,
             Singapore and Taiwan which offset solid performance by Dentsply
             Korea. By the end of the second quarter, dental visits in SARS
             related regions had increased to approximately 80% of normal.

             In Latin America we had positive growth of 4.6%.  Latin economies
             continued to improve with increased activity reported by Brazil,
             Argentina and Venezuela.

             Rest of the world was negative growth of 3.1% principally due to
             political and economic unrest in the Mid East African region
             resulted in this performance.

             Turning to other business topics, first I want to start by
             commenting on Germany reimbursement.  Last week the German
             political parties forged a consensus concerning total healthcare
             reimbursement changes and while it must still be passed by
             Parliament, I'm quite sure that it represents what will in fact
             become the new healthcare reimbursement plan.

             The salient points are as follows:  first, all changes will be
             effective January 2005; both employee and employer healthcare
             contribution rates will be reduced from 14.6% to 13% of wages;
             co-pays on the medical side will be introduced for doctor visits,
             hospital stays and prescriptions.

             No changes will be made in dental co-pays.  Dental prosthetics --
             and by that I mean crown and bridge and dentures -- will be
             dropped from the overall healthcare plan and replaced with a
             mandatory private insurance for dental prosthetics only.
             Employees' cost for this mandatory insurance will be between
             7-1/2 to 8 Euros per month.

             We view these proposed changes as frankly quite positive in terms
             of the future dental demand.

             Progress continues on target for Dentsply's new sterile filling
             plant in Chicago for dental anesthetic production.  Phase I,
             which is completion of the sterile portion of the facility, will
             be done a in a couple of weeks, by mid August, followed by
             validation of equipment, media fills in September and stability
             trials, which will commence in October.

             Regarding Oraqix, we filed a response to all open FDA questions
             in mid June and would expect final FDA approval by year-end.
             After approval, applicator molds and automatic assembly equipment
             will have to be made, which would indicate a mid 2004 USA launch.

             In Europe we received approval from Sweden, which is our member
             reference state.  Labeling and equipment validation issues remain
             to be completed and are in process.

             We plan a controlled launch of Oraqix in Sweden during the fourth
             quarter of this year to gain valuable knowledge and experience
             before launching this product in the larger markets.  Approval of
             other E.U. member states is anticipated by year-end 03 with a
             phased 2004 rollout throughout Europe.

             Several of our first half new products or launches continue to
             enjoy strong market success.  Notable would be (Aquasil Ultra),
             our revolutionary new impression material, (QuixFil), a posterior
             product with significantly reduced procedure time, (Xeno III),
             which we launched in Europe during the fourth quarter of last
             year but launched in the United States in the first quarter of
             this year, our new Stylus high speed hand piece and most
             recently, the Duceragold Kiss Porcelain System, which is a
             different and new type of porcelain system which is simpler for
             the crown and bridge technician to achieve shade.

             Key second half new product launches will include an E-Stylus
             electric hand piece, dental implants with a new surface treatment
             for more rapid osteo-integration and LED curing lights.

             Let me conclude by commenting on our guidance for 2003.  We are
             comfortable with an EPS range of $2.07 to $2.10 per share without
             consideration of the one time pickup on Practice Works stocks and
             warrants which will be realized upon the closing of the
             Kodak/Practice Works transaction.

             This guidance is an increase from our earlier quarter EPS
             guidance.  And as most of our second half new product launches
             will occur in the early fall, we would anticipate the larger EPS
             effect to occur during the fourth quarter of 03.

             I'll now turn over the conference to Bret who will take you
             through the P&L and balance sheet.

Bret Wise:   Thank you, John.  Good morning everyone and thank you for joining
             us on our second quarter conference call.  I have a few comments
             on each earnings, the balance sheet and cash flows for the
             quarter.  I'd like to start with earnings.

             As John mentioned, sales increased in the quarter by 9.7% and
             10.9% without precious metals.  Internal sales growth for dental
             was 4-1/2% and currency added 6.9% to sales without precious

             Gross margins ex-precious metals were 55.2% and improved from the
             55.1% we saw in the second quarter of 2002, while operating
             margins were 19.1% compared to 19.3% in the year earlier period.

             Net interest and other expenses declined by $3.5 million compared
             to the prior year.  Interest expense as a component decreased by
             $1.3 million and that's due primarily to lower variable interest
             rates.  Approximately half of our long-term debt is carried with
             variable interest rates.

             During the 2003 quarter we also had currency transaction gains of
             $1.2 million and that compares to currency transaction losses of
             $2.3 million during the 2002 quarter.

             Valuation of the PracticeWorks warrants was a $600,000 charge
             this quarter and that compares to a $400,000 gain in the year
             earlier quarter.  Just a note on the Practice Works transaction
             with Kodak -- assuming the transaction closes at the announced
             share price, we would recognize a pretax gain in the period that
             the deal closes of approximately $6.5 million on our holdings of
             both the common stocks and warrants.

             Until the transaction does close, we'll continue to value the
             warrants using the Black-Scholes method and they'll be marked to
             market each period.

             The tax rate for the second quarter was 32-1/2% and that's
             roughly the same as the first quarter of 2003.  And as announced,
             net income was $44.2 million representing a 20.1% improvement
             over the prior year and earnings per share were 55 cents and that
             represents a 19.6% improvement over the second quarter of 2002.

             Turning to the balance sheet, we built approximately $35 million
             of cash this quarter and that brings our total cash position to
             $81.4 million.  You may recall that we discussed the likelihood
             of some cash build this year rather than debt reduction due to
             the favorable investment rates we can receive on the cash
             invested versus the carrying cost of our debt and penalties that
             we would incur in retiring debt at this point.

             Accordingly, this is a planned cash build and we would anticipate
             that there will be a further cash build throughout the rest of
             this year.

             Thinking about uses of the cash and other sources, late this year
             we do have approximately $20 million of Japanese denominated
             borrowings which are maturing and we will either retire those
             borrowings or roll them over, depending upon the interest rate
             scenario at the time and also our cash position in that
             jurisdiction at the time.

             We're also anticipating that (Oraqix) would be approved late this
             year, which will trigger the final $16 million payments to
             Astra-Zeneca, which is the final piece or payment for that
             acquisition.  We did make a $2 million milestone payment related
             to the (Oraqix) product during the second quarter of 2003.

             And on a separate matter, we're also currently in arbitration
             with (Degussa) to resolve the last potential purchase price
             adjustment, which could be up to $10 million to close that

             Looking at sources of cash, of course, the PracticeWorks
             transaction, if it closes as it's been announced, would provide
             us with approximately $23-1/2 million in proceeds from both our
             common stock holdings and the warrants.

             Turning to working capital, accounts receivable days were 53 days
             at the end of the second quarter and that's roughly the same as
             the end of the first quarter.  Inventories stood at 102 days at
             the end of the second quarter.  That's down two days from the end
             of the first quarter.

             We are maintaining our target of 95 days by the end of 2003, so
             we would expect to see some cash flow benefit from inventories
             over the remainder of this year.

             Goodwill rose during this quarter by $23 million and that is due
             entirely to movements in currencies.

             Looking at liabilities, long term debt rose by $28 million.
             Again, that's due entirely to the weakening of the US dollar
             versus the currencies that our debt is reported in. And in fact,
             we actually reduced debt on a cash basis by approximately two
             million during the quarter.  And recall that rather than reducing
             debt we were building cash of $35 million during the quarter, so
             on a net debt basis, cash and actual debt payments, we reduced
             debt by approximately $37 million this quarter.

             Equity rose by $81 million.  That's reflecting of course the
             earnings during the quarter but also reflecting the affect of
             currency translation on the equity component of the balance sheet.

             Our debt to total capitalization ratio fell to 45.8% at the end
             of the second quarter and that's down from 47.1% at the end of
             the first quarter and 47.9% at the end of 2002.

             And if you look at debt on a net basis, net of cash accumulated
             and net of the Euro and the interest rate swaps, the ratio of net
             debt to total capitalization now stands at 40.5% compared to
             43.2% at the end of Q1 and 45.1% at the end of 2002.

             You might recall that our stated long term goal is to maintain
             the debt to total capitalization ratio of 35 to 40% and on a net
             basis, net of the cash accumulation and the swaps, we're now
             approaching the high end of that range.  We're really actually at
             the high end of that range.

             From a cash flow perspective, operating cash flow was
             approximately $95.6 million year to date in 2003 and that's
             substantially ahead of the $54.4 million reported for the 2002

             Depreciation and amortization for the six month period was $25
             million and capital expenditures were approximately $40 million,
             which is substantially higher as expected than the $22 million we
             had in the first half of 2002.  And that, of course, reflects the
             investment in our new Pharma plant in Chicago.

             Absent that investment, cap ex would have been about $22 million
             for the first six months of this year, which is closer to a
             normal run rate.  As a reminder, we expect cap ex for the full
             year to be in the $70 million range and again, that's heavily
             influenced by the Pharma plant.

             We also commented in the release on certain charges we took
             during the quarter and during the six month period.  Those are
             relating primarily to accounting issues that arose at three of
             our 34 divisions that had been involved in integrating
             acquisitions from the 2001 transactions.

             In the first quarter we took a charge of approximately $4 million
             relating to these issues and decided in April that we needed to
             take a physical inventory at one division to fully address the

             The results of the additional work done in the second quarter
             including the physical inventory was that we took an additional
             $5.5 million charge this quarter.

             We believe we have taken appropriate actions including personnel
             changes to address these issues and we believe that the issues
             are now fully addressed.

             On an unrelated matter during the second quarter we undertook an
             independent evaluation of our reserving practices focused on
             areas where the highest judgment is involved.  Examples would be
             product return reserves or excess and obsolete inventory.

             As a result, we found that our actual experience had been
             consistently more favorable than the assumptions used in
             establishing certain of the reserves and that some of the
             reserves should have been reversed in earlier periods or were
             erroneously established.

             The impact of the establishment and reversal of these reserves
             was not material to the results of operations in the prior
             periods and will not be material to the result of operations in

             As a result of this evaluation, however, the company is revising
             certain procedures for identifying and estimating reserves to
             improve the accuracy of its accounting for loss contingencies in
             the future.

             That concludes our prepared remarks.  I'd like to thank you for
             listening in and I'd like to turn the call back now to the
             operator for questions.  Thank you.

Operator:    At this time I would like to remind everyone, in order to ask a
             question, please press star, then the number 1 on your telephone
             keypad.  We'll pause for just a moment to compile the Q&A roster.

             Your first question comes from Suey Wong with Robert W. Baird.

Suey Wong:   Thank you.  John and Bret, can you talk about your outlook for
             organic growth over the next few quarters?

John Miles:  Certainly.  I would say based on our experience for the first
             half of this year, we probably should say we'll be growing in the
             5 to 7% range for the balance of the year.  That's a little lower
             than frankly where we had hoped to be, but I think until the US
             lab business, really the worldwide lab business gets a little
             stronger, that's probably where we will be.

             I would say that we are generating excellent profitability off of
             our organic sales growth rate and that's reflected, of course, in
             our upwardly revised EPS guidance.

Suey Wong:   Okay.  So John, you're looking for an acceleration of internal
             growth over the balance of the year and the number you're saying
             is roughly 5 to 7%?

John Miles:  Yes sir, (Suey).

Suey Wong:   Great.  Could you give us an outlook for the lab business?  When
             do you see that turning around?

John Miles:  You know, I'm not actually sure.  I almost hesitate to say this,
             Suey.  I will say that July has been a significantly stronger
             month for US lab business for us.  I hesitate to say whether
             that's a turnaround in a trend or not, although I certainly
             consider it welcome.

             We're just going to have to get through another couple of months
             before I'd be comfortable making that call.  But the quarter
             started out quite nicely.

Suey Wong:   John, your first statement in your lab business, even if it stays
             flat, there's a mixed shift towards ceramic, which is more
             profitable.  And also the comps would be possibly favorable in
             the back half.

John Miles:  Well, the -- there's certainly going to be a shift towards
             consumables and as a result of that, improved margin on the lab
             business.  I'm a little nervous about the total sales level,
             (Suey), because specifically in terms of the lab business, it
             depends on how many (Cercon) units you sell in total because even
             though you really make almost no money on them, they are 50,000 a

             So I'm not sure about the second part, but the first part of your
             question, absolutely, there'll be a shift toward more profitable

Suey Wong:   Okay.  Can you talk about your projections for (Cercon) system
             sales, the machine sales over the back half?

John Miles:  We're clearly selling (Cercon) machines.  As I indicated in my
             earlier comments, this quarter we compared with the launch
             quarter in the US, which was extremely strong.  And then, of
             course, it slowed down after the initial quarter launch.

             So the comparison on the back half would be less favorable than
             it was on the first half.  But I have to tell you, (Suey) -- if
             you look at all of the ads that we're running the dental
             publications, our total focus today is not on selling (Cercon)
             machines.  It's on getting more prescriptions from doctors
             because there's plenty of machine capacity to provide that.

             So you've seen our ads change their focus from initially really
             focused at the dental lab explaining this new technology today to
             being focused totally on the dentists who would drive end user
             demand, which to us is what it's all about because frankly that's
             where all the profit is.

Suey Wong:   Okay, one last question -- Bret, could you give me the numbers
             for the consumables business and also for the equipment business?

John Miles:  Yes, I have that, (Suey), not to cut off Bret.  Heavy equipment,
             which would include the (Cercon) units, of course, was negative
             10%, which reflects not only fewer (Cercon) units sold but of
             course the problem that we encountered in terms of heavy
             equipment in Europe.

             Consumables and small equipment was favorable 5.5% and non-dental
             was a negative 11.3% and that generated 4-1/2%.  Those were all
             ex-precious metals, (Suey).

Suey Wong:   Great.  Thank you, John.

John Miles:  You are welcome.

Operator:    Your next question comes from Mike Carlotti with Palmyra.

Mike Carlotti:  Yes, hi.  A couple of questions -- first, can you quantify
             what the EPS benefit was for the reversal of the reserves in the
             first and second quarters and should we expect more coming
             forward or has that been resolved?

John Miles:  I think I can do that.  I think we tried to lay that out pretty
             clearly in the press release.  The charges in the second quarter
             as indicated in the press release were $5.5 million in the second

Mike Carlotti:  Uh huh.

John Miles:  The reversal of reserves was $4.4 million in the second quarter.
             So net, there was a net charge to EPS of $1.1 million.  On the
             first six months basis, it would be $9.6 million of charges and
             $6.8 million of reversals or a net charge of $2.8 million.  And
             the second part of the answer to your question is yes, I believe
             it is a closed issue.

Mike Carlotti:  Okay.  And then on the 5 to 7% growth outlook, is that
             excluding foreign exchange benefit or would that be inclusive?

John Miles:  No, excluding foreign currency, base growth without foreign
             currency movement.  If the, you know, euro dollar relationship
             stays where it is, currency will obviously continue to be
             strongly favorable over the balance of the year.

Mike Carlotti:  Okay.  And then you had mentioned that the European implant
             market was doing quite well.  Is that the same case in the United

John Miles:  We, I have to say, Mike, only talk about total product line basis
             if we talk about it at all.  And I would say that our total
             worldwide implant business grew very strongly.  Our first number
             was probably a two, not a one.  I think the implant market
             worldwide today is probably growing 12 - 13%.  So we were very
             pleased with that performance during the quarter.

Mike Carlotti:  Okay, great.  Thank you.

John Miles:  You are welcome.

Operator:    Your next question comes from Richard Yett with Monness, Crispi,
             Hardt & Co.

Richard Yett:   Thank you.  What was the impact of price increases in the US
             dental market?

John Miles:  They were pretty modest.  We basically take annual price
             increases generally effective January 1 at about the rate of
             inflation and I would estimate 2003 price increases in the US
             were probably 1.2 to 1.3%.

Richard Yett:   That's it.  Thank you.

John Miles:  You are welcome.

Operator:    Your next question comes from Dax Vlassis with Gates Capital

Dax Vlassis: Yes, I was wondering, the charges in the quarter, where are those
             located on the P&L?

Bret Wise:   The charges in the second quarter, the $5.5 million, about $4.6
             million of that is in cost of sales and the balance would be in

Dax Vlassis: Okay, and then what about the $4.4 of gains?

Bret Wise:   Right, the $4.4 million of reserve reversals, $2.1 million of
             that affects SG&A and the balance affects gross margins, so cost
             of sales.

Dax Vlassis: Okay, thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from Greg Halter with LJR.

Greg Halter: Good morning, gentlemen.

John Miles:  Good morning.

Greg Halter: Congratulations on a good quarter.  I'm wondering if you could
             bring us up to speed on the acquisition integration and what
             you're seeing in the acquisition market generally?

John Miles:  You know that we've indicated that as we've de-leveraged our
             balance sheet, we are going to be back in the M&A game as a
             consolidator.  We really had that position all year.  There's
             lots of discussions going on, which have actually made some bids
             but have not been successful.

             So I still believe that you will see us make dental acquisitions
             probably in the consumables area as we go forward.

Greg Halter: Okay.  And is there anything in particular areas that you would
             like to fill in in your product line offering?

John Miles:  Sure.  I mean, we've talked about where the key holes are --
             infection control is certainly one.  Preventive products, while
             we have some, it's a very broad category, so certainly we would
             see opportunities there, just as two kind of big categories.

             I also think we would be interested in what I would call longer
             term emerging technologies because longer term, I think you'll
             see dentistry (bifurcate) somewhat.

             There's always going to be a strong what I call mechanical
             component to dentistry in terms of crowns and bridges and
             dentures.  But I think as we gaze down the road, you'll see
             pharmaceuticals and biology start to play a role in dentistry and
             we would probably be interested in establishing the technologies
             in those areas as well.

Greg Halter: Okay.  And I know we've -- you guys have been dealing with this
             for a long time, but the lawsuit on the artificial teeth?

John Miles:  Yes sir, long time is an understatement.  1996 I think is when it
             actually started.  You know that the testimony -- everything was
             totally finished at the end of September last year and the blunt
             truth is we're waiting for the judge to render her opinion.

             And initially we had thought that it would be by year-end 2002.
             It clearly wasn't and I guess all I can say is we kind of expect
             it at any time.  But I don't really have any knowledge as to
             precisely when it will be issued.

Greg Halter: Okay.  And can you comment on the sales force additions?  I think
             on the last call you had mentioned that there were 35 US sales
             professionals and just wondering how that effort's going and if
             there's any plans to add any new folks?

John Miles:  No, I think the 35 sales people that we had talked about was
             really added -- they were kind of over and above the normal
             addition rates in the fourth quarter of 2002.  In 2003 I'd say
             we've been growing our sales force pretty much inline with our
             organic growth rates as we do every year.

Greg Halter: Okay.  And Bret, is there any short term debt included in the
             current liability piece?

Bret Wise:   There is a small component; it's a couple million dollars so it's
             really almost nothing.

Greg Halter: Okay, great.  Thank you.

Operator:    Again, I would like to remind everyone, in order to ask a
             question, please press star, then the number 1 on your telephone

             Your next question comes from (Bob Plezia) with RJJP Incorporated.

Bob Plezia:  Good morning.

John Miles:  Good morning.

Bob Plezia:  Could you go over again the growth rate of the dental market and
             you -- and your sales in US and Europe?

John Miles:  Yes.  I think worldwide dental market is probably growing today
             5, maybe 5-1/2%.  I mean, you know, there's some executive
             judgment in that because there's not a lot of hard statistics.

             In the United States I would say consumables, dental consumables
             are probably growing in the 4-1/2 to 6-1/2% range.  And I think
             what I call heavy equipment -- chairs, units and lights -- even
             though we're not in that business, has been growing much more
             rapidly on that based on the reported results that I see from
             companies like Henry Schein and Patterson. I'd say that that
             business is growing double digit.  But probably I'm not the best
             one to comment on that.

             I'd say in Europe the dental market is growing a little slower
             than it is in the United States and I'd say it's a reflection of
             the economy being poor in Europe and the fact that there in
             total, their unemployment rates are significantly higher than
             they are in the United States.

             Historically, you know, Asia has been a very rapidly growing area
             for us.  It wasn't in this quarter because of SARS, but I would
             anticipate we'll see positive growth in the third quarter and it
             will continue to be probably the most rapidly growing area as we
             get SARS further and further behind us.

             Latin America is also rapidly growing.  At least, it's really
             kind of bumpy.  But right now it's more rapidly growing and the
             economies seem to be doing well and rest of the world, Mid East,
             Africa is kind of a coin toss I guess.  There you're going to
             have to get the political issues resolved before those markets
             are very attractive.

Bob Plezia:  Okay.  Your sales seem to be below these numbers in the second
             quarter.  Could you...

John Miles:  Yeah, I guess I'd say that's true and I tried to explain why that
             occurred.  We actually had 4-1/2% growth although on consumables
             we actually had 5.5% growth, which I'd say is at least at dead
             market if not slightly better because the 5.5% is a worldwide
             growth number, not just a US number.

             But (Cercon) units, the machines itself, the $50,000 milling
             machine sales were down sharply this quarter versus a year ago in
             the United States because a year ago was the initial launch of

Bob Plezia:  Right.

John Miles:  While it's nice to sell the $50,000 machines, what's really
             important is how many prescriptions that you're getting for
             (Cercon), which is growing frankly I'd say explosively.  And
             that's really where all the profit is in terms of that product
             line.  So it could make the top line sales look lower, but
             frankly it doesn't impact the bottom line.

             I explained that in Europe our heavy equipment sales were
             terrible for the second quarter and I have to say it was self
             induced.  We showed a really exciting major new unit at the IDS,
             the European Dental Show, end of March.  The market really liked
             it.  We've gotten lots of orders for it.

             But we didn't get any orders for the older unit and we weren't
             able to start delivery of the new unit until July of this year.
             And if I had to do over again, probably I wouldn't have shown it
             at IDS and I'd of kept getting orders for the older one and
             introduced the new one when I was 100% ready to ship.

             You know, we indicated I think those factors impacted our growth
             this quarter by a full two percentage points.  So I guess I think
             we're doing at least market in total and maybe a little better.

Bob Plezia:  Good.  Thanks, John.

John Miles:  Yes sir.

Operator:    You have a follow up question from Mike Carlotti with Palmyra.

Mike Carlotti:  Yes, I was wondering if you could just outline the breakdown
             of the charges and cost on SG&A for Q1 like you did in Q2?

Bret Wise:   Sure, we'd be glad to do that.  Actually what I have here is the
             year to date number so we'll just take the difference.  Well,
             actually we don't need to.  All of the charges in Q1 were to cost
             of sales and none of it was to SG&A.

Mike Carlotti:  And same for the reserves that was in cost of sales too?

Bret Wise:   All of the reversals in the first quarter, the $2.4 million, all
             would affect the gross margin.  So yes, it'd be running through
             sales and cost of sales actually because those were sales return

Mike Carlotti:  Okay.  Great, thank you.

Operator:    At this time, there are no further questions.  Mr. Miles, are
             there any closing remarks?

John Miles:  Yes.  I'd just like to say that our business continues to run
             well.  As you know, we earned 55 cents a share for the quarter
             and as a result of that performance have increased our EPS
             guidance for the full year.

             And we continue to rapidly generate cash, as evidenced by the $81
             million of cash on our balance sheet as of quarter end.  So I'd
             like to conclude by thanking all of our shareholders, both for
             their interest in and support of our company.  Thank you.

Operator:    This concludes today's Dentsply International Second Quarter
             Earnings Release Conference Call.  You may now disconnect.
