
                            MANUFACTURING AGREEMENT

This MANUFACTURING AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), having an effective date of the
1st day of March, 2004, (the "Effective Date"), is made and entered into by
and between AstraZeneca LP, having a principal place of business at 50 Otis
Street, Westborough, MA 01581("AZ") and the Dentsply Anesthetics Division of
Maillefer Instruments Trading S.a.r.L., having a place of business at Chemin
du Verger 3, CH-1338 Ballaigues, Switzerland ("Dentsply").


      WHEREAS, as of the date last written below (the "Execution Date"), AZ is
      manufacturing certain Products (as defined in Article 1 below) for sale
      by Dentsply pursuant to the AZLAD Products Manufacturing Agreement
      between AstraZeneca AB and Maillefer Instruments Holding S.A. ("MIH")
      (the respective parent companies of AZ and Dentsply) dated January 18,
      2001 (the "2001 Agreement"); and

      WHEREAS, AZ's obligations to manufacture and Dentsply's obligations to
      purchase the Products under the 2001 Agreement terminate on February 29,
      2004; and

      WHEREAS, AZ and Dentsply desire to enter into an arrangement for the
      manufacturing of the Products as of the Effective Date, which Products
      will be manufactured by AZ for sale by Dentsply, on the terms and
      conditions set forth in this Agreement; and

      WHEREAS, in order to allow AZ to take into account such manufacturing
      obligations for its strategic planning purposes, AZ and Dentsply have
      agreed to enter into this Agreement on the Execution Date.

      NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, agree
      to the following:


      The following terms for the purpose of this Agreement shall have the
      following respective meanings:

1.1   "Active Ingredient" means, with respect to any Product, the active
           pharmaceutical ingredient in a Product.

1.2   "Affiliate" means, with respect to any Person, another Person that
           directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries,
           controls, is controlled by or is under common control with such
           Person.  "Control," and with correlative meanings, the terms
           "controlled by" and "under common control with" means the power to
           direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of a
           Person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by
           contract, resolution, regulation or otherwise.  With respect to AZ,
           "Affiliate" shall also mean any corporation or other business
           entity that controls, is controlled by or under common control with
           AstraZeneca PLC.  With respect to Dentsply, "Affiliate" shall also
           mean any corporation or other business entity that controls, is
           controlled by, or is under common control with MIH.

1.3   "Annual Period" means a calendar year, provided, however, that the first
           Annual Period shall run from the Effective Date through December 31
           of such year and is therefore less than a calendar year.

1.4   "Batch" means a quantity of 3,750 Sales Units, and is equal to 375,000
           individual dental cartridges of one Product

1.5   "CGMP Requirements" means the FDA's current Good Manufacturing Practice
           requirements as promulgated under the FFDCA at 21 CFR (Parts 210
           and 211), and as further defined by FDA guidance documents, as such
           may be amended from time to time, applicable to the clinical
           processing and bulk packaging of the Products.

1.6   "Components" means all containers, closures, packaging components,
           labels and labeling necessary for the manufacture of the Product as
           finished goods.

1.7   "Confidential Information" has the meaning set forth in Section 12.1 of
           this Agreement.

1.8   "Effective Date" means the date written in the preamble of this

1.9   "Facility" means AZ's facility in Westborough, Massachusetts.

1.10  "FDA" means the United States Food and Drug Administration, or any such
           successor agency of the Federal government.

1.11  "FFDCA" means the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21
           et seq., as amended.

1.12  "Firm Order" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(b) of this

1.13  "Forecast" has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(b) of this Agreement.

1.14  "Government and Regulatory Authority Approval" means any and all actions
           of a Government or Regulatory Authority necessary for the
           Manufacture and distribution of the Products.

1.15  "Government or Regulatory Authority" means any United States Federal,
           state, or local government, governmental instrumentality or
           governmental or other regulatory or administrative authority,
           agency, department, board or court, tribunal or judicial,
           administrative or arbitration tribunal, and any foreign counterpart

1.16  "Law" means any Federal, state or local law, statute or ordinance, or
           any rule, regulation, or published guidelines, or any statement
           having the effect of law, promulgated by any Government or
           Regulatory Authority.

1.17  "Materials" means, with respect to any Product, all inactive raw
           materials used in the formulation of the Product necessary for the
           manufacture of the Product as finished goods.

1.18  "Manufacture" and "Manufacturing" means the manufacturing, processing,
           formulating, packaging and holding of such Product prior to
           delivery to Dentsply and performing the in-process and other
           testing of the Product required to be performed by AZ pursuant to
           the Quality Agreement prior to delivery to Dentsply.

1.19  "Party" means each of AZ and Dentsply.

1.20  "Person" means any natural person, corporation, general partnership,
           limited partnership, limited liability company, proprietorship,
           other business organization, trust, union, association or
           Government or Regulatory Authority.

1.21  "Product" means any of the products set forth in Exhibit A attached
           hereto and made a part hereof.

1.22  "Quality Agreement" means the Agreement executed between the Parties on
           the date hereof, in the form set forth in Exhibit B hereto, and any
           similar successor agreement governing the same subject matter.

1.23  "Specifications" means, with respect to each Product, the Product
           description and attributes set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto
           and made a part hereof, and any changes thereto as mutually agreed
           upon by the Parties in accordance with Section 2.1.

1.24  "Territory" means the United States of America, Canada and Puerto Rico.

1.25  "Sales Unit" means one hundred (100) dental cartridges of a Product

1.26  "Work in Process" shall mean, with respect to any Product, all Materials
           and Active Ingredient from the time of pre-weighing for allocation
           to a manufacturing lot until satisfactory completion of quality
           testing for such manufacturing lot.


2.1   Manufacturing.  AZ agrees to Manufacture the Products, subject to the
           terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, to meet
           Dentsply's requirements for the Products.  AZ shall Manufacture the
           Products (a) in accordance with the Specifications, as may be
           amended in writing from time to time, with written notice by
           Dentsply and mutual agreement of the Parties and (b) in material
           compliance with the Quality Agreement, this Agreement, the CGMP
           Requirements and all other applicable legal requirements.
           Notwithstanding the provisions of this Agreement or any of its
           Exhibits, including but not limited to the Specifications, AZ shall
           implement, as soon as possible, any change to the Manufacture of
           Products that is required or recommended by the FDA or required by
           CGMP Requirements or other applicable Law, and in such event, will
           provide written notice to Dentsply of any such change as soon as is
           reasonably practicable.  Any and all direct costs (including but
           not limited to documented internal administrative costs, costs of
           external technical consultants engaged by AZ in effectuating such
           changes, the lost value and disposal cost of obsolescent Work in
           Process, Materials, Components and completed, packaged Products)
           associated with any change in the Manufacture of the Products shall
           be borne by Dentsply.  If a change is made to the Specifications,
           Dentsply shall first obtain any required Government and Regulatory
           Authority approvals and shall make any necessary amendments to
           regulatory filings.

2.2   Supply and Ownership of Materials.  AZ shall arrange to have all Active
           Ingredients necessary for the Manufacture of the Products shipped
           to AZ unless otherwise mutually agreed by the Parties.  AZ shall be
           responsible for release of the Active Ingredients in accordance
           with the Specifications.  AZ shall supply the Components and
           Materials necessary for the Manufacture of the Products listed in
           Exhibit A.  AZ shall retain title and ownership of all Products
           until shipment in accordance with Section 2.5.

2.3   Forecasts and Orders

           (a)  Dentsply shall provide Forecasts and Firm Orders for Products
             in whole Batches in accordance with the procedures set forth in
             Section 2.3(b).  AZ shall use commercially reasonable efforts to
             deliver Product in accordance with timelines set forth in the
             Firm Orders submitted by Dentsply as set forth in Section 2.3(b).

           (b)  Commencing on December 1, 2003 (the "Initial Forecast Date"),
             Dentsply will provide AZ a forecast of Dentsply's requirements in
             Batches for each Product for each month for a twelve (12) month
             period (a "Forecast"); provided, however, that from the Initial
             Forecast Date until the Effective Date, each Forecast shall
             reflect Dentsply's requirements for the twelve-month period
             beginning on the Effective Date.  Such Forecast shall be revised
             monthly for (i) a rolling twelve (12) month period, or (ii)
             through the remaining period to termination of this Agreement,
             with the first three (3) months' forecast in each twelve (12)
             month period beginning on December 1, 2003 reflected in the form
             of a firm, non-cancelable purchase order (a "Firm Order"). The
             maximum monthly quantity specified in the Forecast or Firm Order
             shall not exceed 17 Batches (63,750 Sales Units) per month as the
             total for all Products.  The minimum monthly quantity specified
             in the Forecast or Firm Order shall not be less than 12 Batches
             (45,000 Sales Units) per month as the total for all Products.
             For the term of this Agreement, should Dentsply provide a Firm
             Order that is below the minimum monthly quantity, AZ will invoice
             Dentsply as if the minimum monthly quantity of Sales Units of the
             highest priced Product had been Manufactured; provided, however,
             that Dentsply may provide a Firm Order that is below the minimum
             monthly quantity of Batches for the month during which AZ
             conducts its annual shutdown of the Facility or for a month that
             AstraZeneca determines it can not provide such minimum quantity
             due to a decrease in available capacity such as equipment
             maintenance or SAP software installation.  AZ will notify
             Dentsply in writing of the month that such shutdown is to occur
             at least three (3) months prior to the first day of such month.

           (c)  AZ will respond within 10 business days of receiving from
             Dentsply the monthly rolling Forecast and Firm Order and will
             either (i) confirm acceptance by AZ of the Forecast and Firm
             Order quantities or (ii) reject the requested quantities and
             initiate a dialogue between the Parties to arrive at mutually
             acceptable values for the Forecast and Firm Order.  AZ will use
             commercially reasonable efforts to accommodate any additional
             quantity of Products requested by Dentsply after the Firm Order
             has been sent to AZ, but AZ shall not be liable in any respect
             for its inability to do so.  Notwithstanding anything in this
             Agreement to the contrary, AZ shall have no obligation to
             Manufacture in any month more than 17 Batches in total for all
             Products, and AZ shall have no obligation to Manufacture any
             quantity of Products during the specified shutdown month.   Firm
             Orders may be amended only by mutual agreement of the Parties, in

2.4   Inability of AZ to meet Requirements.  If during the term of this
           Agreement AZ cannot meet substantially all of Dentsply's
           requirements for the Product for any reason other than Dentsply's
           failure to comply with Section 2.3, then AZ promptly shall so
           advise Dentsply in writing, and, after a period of forty-five (45)
           days with no deliveries, Dentsply shall be free to purchase
           replacement Products from other sources for as long as AZ's
           inability to supply Dentsply's requirements continues.

2.5   Delivery of Products.  AZ agrees to arrange delivery of the Products to
           Dentsply F.O.B. AZ's Facility in Westborough, Massachusetts.
           Dentsply will select appropriate carriers.  AZ agrees to provide
           reasonable assistance in this selection. Products shall be shipped
           in accordance with FDA regulations, and other applicable federal
           and state regulations.


3.1   Each Product will be Manufactured, controlled, tested, and released in
           accordance with the Quality Agreement.  If there is any
           inconsistency between this Agreement and the Quality Agreement, the
           terms of the Quality Agreement shall control with respect to
           quality issues, and this Agreement shall control with respect to
           all other issues.

3.2   AZ warrants that, as of the date of each delivery hereunder to Dentsply,
           and until its date of expiration, each Product, whether for
           intended sale in the United States or elsewhere, shall comply with
           the provisions of the FFDCA, and such Product shall not, when
           delivered to Dentsply, be adulterated or misbranded within the
           meaning of the FFDCA.  A material default by either Party of the
           Quality Agreement shall be deemed a default under this Agreement.

3.3   Dentsply warrants that each Product shall have all necessary and
           appropriate Government and Regulatory Approval for commercial sale
           by Dentsply in the Territory and further warrants such Product
           after delivery to Dentsply will not be adulterated or misbranded
           within the meaning of the FFDCA.


4.1   Government and Regulatory Approval.  Dentsply shall have responsibility
           for making all filings and submissions with respect to the Products
           to the FDA or other applicable Government and Regulatory
           Authorities in the Territory and for obtaining all Government and
           Regulatory Approvals required for the commercial sale of Product in
           the Territory.  AZ shall, at Dentsply's request, cooperate and
           provide reasonable assistance with such filings and submissions,
           including, the provision of appropriate data when necessary.

4.2   Government and Regulatory Contacts.  Dentsply shall be responsible for
           all Government and Regulatory contacts, meetings or filings with
           the FDA or equivalent contacts with Government and Regulatory
           Authorities in the Territory.  AZ agrees to provide reasonable
           assistance during this Agreement as required.

4.3   Adverse Experience Reporting.  Dentsply and AZ shall report to the other
           any information that they have knowledge of concerning any adverse
           drug experience in connection with the use of the Products,
           including the incidence or severity thereof, associated with
           non-clinical toxicity studies, clinical uses, studies,
           investigations or tests, whether or not determined to be
           attributable to the Products, all as further outlined in the
           Quality Agreement.

4.4   Recalls.  All coordination of any recall or field correction activities
           involving Products shall be handled by Dentsply whether or not such
           action was requested by AZ.

4.5   Expenses.  In the event that any Product is recalled as a result of (i)
           the supply by AZ of Product that does not conform to the warranty
           set forth in Section 3.2 or (ii) the negligent or intentionally
           wrongful act of AZ or its representatives, then AZ shall bear all
           of the reasonable, documented out-of-pocket costs and expenses of
           such recall including without limitation expenses related to
           communications and meetings with all required Government and
           Regulatory Authorities, expenses of replacement stock, the cost of
           notifying customers and costs associated with shipment of recalled
           Product from customers and shipment of an equal amount of
           replacement Product to those customers.  In the event that any
           Product is recalled as a result of any act other than as set forth
           in the immediately preceding sentence, then Dentsply shall bear all
           of the reasonable, documented costs and expenses of such recall,
           including without limitation expenses related to communications and
           meetings with all required Government and Regulatory Authorities,
           expenses of replacement stock, the cost of notifying customers and
           costs associated with shipment of recalled Product from customers
           and shipment of an equal amount of replacement Product to those
           customers. In the event that the reason for any recall of Product
           hereunder is in part the responsibility of AZ as described in the
           first sentence of this Section 4.5 and in part the responsibility
           of Dentsply as described in the immediately preceding sentence,
           then the expenses related to such recall shall be allocated in an
           equitable manner between the Parties.


5.1   Price.  The price for the Products to be delivered by AZ during the term
           of this Agreement, shall be as set forth in Exhibit D.   AZ shall
           invoice for the Products such amounts upon shipment of the Products
           to Dentsply.  The terms of payment shall be net thirty (30) days
           from date of invoice provided that the invoice is promptly mailed,
           sent via overnight courier, or telefaxed, to Dentsply.

5.2   Price Changes.  AstraZeneca may increase its price for the Products to
           absorb increased costs in the supply price to AstraZeneca of Active
           Ingredients, Materials and Components used in the production of
           Dentsply Products.  AstraZeneca agrees to provide reasonable
           documentation to substantiate any such increase.

5.3   Equipment.  The Parties have mutually agreed that Exhibit E represents
           equipment known to require repair or replacement during 2004.
           Within 30 days of the Execution Date, the parties shall undertake
           to schedule in a timely manner the repairs or replacement work. The
           actual cost of performing these equipment repairs and replacements
           will be borne by Dentsply.

5.4   Equipment Repair Costs.  During the term of this Agreement, AstraZeneca
           shall be responsible for the cost of maintenance, repair, and
           replacement for the items of equipment owned by Dentsply and listed
           in Exhibit F, with the exception of the maintenance, repairs and
           replacements listed in Exhibit E as set forth in Section 5.3
           above.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the cost
           of any specific maintenance, repair or replacement, including all
           equipment vendor support costs, AstraZeneca labor and materials,
           exceeds $50,000, Dentsply shall, upon written notification thereof
           by AstraZeneca, reimburse AstraZeneca for the entire cost of that
           repair or replacement.  AstraZeneca agrees, where reasonably
           practicable, to provide Dentsply with written notice of its best
           estimate of the cost of such repairs prior to beginning to make, or
           have made, those repairs.  In addition, in the event the estimated
           cost of the repairs exceeds $75,000, Dentsply shall have 72 hours
           from receipt of notice of the estimated repair cost and request for
           approval to decide whether to give its approval to AstraZeneca
           making those repairs, which approval may not be unreasonably
           withheld.  In the event Dentsply does not respond to AstraZeneca's
           request for approval within that 72 hour period, Dentsply shall be
           deemed to have given its approval to any such requested repairs.
           AstraZeneca agrees to provide reasonable documentation to
           substantiate any such maintenance event.

5.5   Equipment Removal and Facility Restoration. For the term of this
           Agreement Dentsply will retain ownership of the equipment set forth
           in Exhibit F and such Dentsply equipment shall remain at AZ's
           Facility. Dentsply shall complete disassembly and removal of this
           equipment as soon as reasonably practicable after termination of
           this Agreement and as mutually agreed to by the Parties. The
           removal of equipment from classified Manufacturing areas must be
           scheduled with the annual Westborough site shutdown in order to
           minimize disruption to other AstraZeneca activities.  The cost of
           disassembly, removal and transport of all such equipment, and any
           repairs or modifications to the Facility that are necessary to
           restore the Facility to working order and area classification, will
           be Dentsply's responsibility.

5.6   Active Ingredients, Materials, Components.  Upon termination of this
           Agreement, all Active Ingredients, Materials and Components unique
           to the Manufacture of the products, shall be either (i) destroyed
           pursuant to Dentsply's written instructions and at Dentsply's loss
           of inventory value and disposal expense, or (ii) sold to Dentsply
           at cost FOB Westborough, MA.


6.1   Term.  Except with respect to Dentsply's forecasting obligations
           specified in Section 2.3, the obligations of the Parties hereunder
           shall commence on the Effective Date and continue until February,
           28, 2005 (the "Termination Date") unless this Agreement is extended
           by Dentsply notifying AstraZeneca in writing, no later than
           September 1, 2004, of its intention to extend the Agreement beyond
           the "Termination Date" to a new date not to extend beyond December
           31, 2005.

6.2   Termination for Breach.  This Agreement may be terminated by either
           Party if the other Party fails to remedy and make good any material
           default in the performance of any condition or obligation under
           this Agreement within ninety (90) days of the date a written notice
           of such default and intention to terminate is sent to the
           defaulting Party; provided that if a defaulting Party has promptly
           from receipt of notice commenced to cure such default and can
           demonstrate that it is diligently attempting to cure such default
           at the lapse of such ninety (90) days, then such party shall have
           such additional time to cure as may be reasonably required but not
           to exceed an additional seventy-five (75) days.

6.3   Termination for Bankruptcy.  This Agreement may be terminated by either
           Party immediately, or at any time thereafter by notice to the other
           if the other becomes bankrupt or insolvent, or enters into
           liquidation whether compulsorily or voluntarily, or convenes a
           meeting of its creditors, or has a receiver appointed over all or
           part of its assets, or ceases for any reason to carry on business.

6.4   Termination for Force Majeure.  This Agreement may be terminated by a
           Party, upon thirty (30) days written prior notice in the event of
           the other Party's inability to substantially perform its
           obligations hereunder for more than one hundred eighty (180) days
           due to an event of force majeure as defined in Section 11.1 herein,
           provided that if the breaching Party reasonably expects that such
           condition of force majeure will be remedied within ninety (90) days
           from the date on which the breaching Party receives the
           non-breaching Party's notice of termination, then the breaching
           Party shall have ninety (90) days from the date of such notice to
           remedy such breach before termination becomes effective.

6.5   No Waiver.  The failure of either Party to terminate this Agreement by
           reason of the breach of any of its provisions by the other Party
           shall not be construed as a waiver of the rights or remedies
           available for any subsequent breach of the terms and provisions of
           this Agreement.

6.6   Accrued Liabilities.  Termination of this Agreement for any reason shall
           not discharge either Party's liability for obligations incurred
           hereunder and amounts unpaid at the time of such termination.
           Dentsply shall pay AZ for any finished Product ordered by Dentsply
           prior to termination.  Dentsply shall also pay AZ for any Work in
           Process and Materials (supplied by AZ) that were to be used in the
           Manufacture of Products hereunder and that are in AZ's possession
           upon termination of the Agreement.  All Materials, Work in Process
           and finished goods of Products ordered by Dentsply in AZ's
           possession shall be returned to Dentsply upon termination.

6.7   Property.  Subject to the provisions of Section 5.5, in the event of
           termination of this Agreement for whatever cause, in addition to
           the other obligations of the Parties hereunder, each Party shall
           return to the other Party or to the other Party's designee, at the
           owner's sole cost and expense, no later than thirty (30) days after
           the effective date of termination, all of such other Party's
           property, including, but not limited to, all proprietary
           information, in its possession, except to the extent required to be
           retained by Law or to comply with such Party's continuing
           obligations hereunder.


      The Parties acknowledge, agree and declare that the relationship hereby
      established between them is solely that of provider and recipient of
      manufacturing services and that each Party hereto is an independent
      contractor with respect to the other.  Nothing contained in this
      Agreement shall be construed as creating a partnership, joint venture or
      agency relationship between the Parties or, except as otherwise
      expressly provided in this Agreement, as granting either Party the
      authority to bind or contract any obligation in the name of or on the
      account of the other Party or to make any statements, representations,
      warranties or commitments on behalf of the other Party.  All person
      employed by a Party shall be employees of such Party and not of the
      other Party and all costs and obligations incurred by reason of any such
      employment shall be for the account and expense of such Party.


8.1   Indemnification by AZ.  AZ agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless
           Dentsply, its Affiliates and their respective employees against any
           and all third-party claims, including claims made against Dentsply
           by any of its distributors; losses; damages and liabilities;
           including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by any of them
           arising out of any material breach of any obligation by AZ
           hereunder or any grossly negligent or intentionally wrongful act or
           omission by AZ in connection with its Manufacturing services

8.2   Indemnification by Dentsply.  Dentsply agrees to indemnify, defend and
           hold harmless AZ, its Affiliates and their employees against any
           and all third-party claims, losses, damages and liabilities,
           including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by any of them
           arising out of any Manufacture of the Products in accordance with
           the Specifications, including any claim of infringement of
           intellectual property rights as further set forth in Section 14.7,
           any breach of any obligation by Dentsply hereunder or any negligent
           or intentionally wrongful act or omission of Dentsply in connection
           with the marketing, distribution or sale of the Product in the

8.3   Procedure.  If Dentsply, its Affiliates or their respective employees,
           or AZ, its Affiliates or their respective employees (in each case
           an "Indemnified Party") receive any written claim which such
           Indemnified Party believes is the subject of indemnity hereunder by
           AZ or Dentsply as the case may be (in each case an "Indemnifying
           Party"), the Indemnified Party shall, as soon as reasonably
           practicable after forming such belief, give notice thereof to the
           Indemnifying Party; provided, that the failure to give timely
           notice to the Indemnifying Party as contemplated hereby shall not
           release the Indemnifying Party from any liability to the
           Indemnified Party unless the Indemnifying party demonstrates that
           the defense of such claim is prejudiced by such failure.  The
           Indemnifying Party shall have the right, by prompt notice to the
           Indemnified Party, to assume the defense of such claim, at its
           cost, with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the Indemnified
           Party.  If the Indemnifying Party does not so assume the defense of
           such claim or, having done so, does not diligently pursue such
           defense, the Indemnified Party may assume such defense, with
           counsel of its choice, but at the cost of the Indemnifying Party.
           If the Indemnifying Party so assumes such defense, it shall have
           absolute control of the conduct of the litigation; the Indemnified
           Party may, nevertheless, participate therein through counsel of its
           choice and at its cost.  The party not assuming the defense of any
           such claim shall render all reasonable assistance to the party
           assuming such defense, and all out-of-pocket costs of such
           assistance shall be for the account of the Indemnifying Party.  No
           such claim shall be settled other than by the party defending the
           same, and then only with the consent of the other party, which
           shall not be unreasonably withheld; provided, that the Indemnified
           Party shall have no obligation to consent to any settlement of any
           such claim which imposes on the Indemnified Party any liability or
           obligation which cannot be assumed and performed in full by the
           Indemnifying Party.


9.1   Each Party shall obtain and keep in force during the term of this
           Agreement, (a) worker's compensation insurance in compliance with
           the worker's compensation laws of the state or states in which such
           Party has employees performing work related to this Agreement and
           employer's liability insurance with respect to such employees
           written on a per occurrence basis with a minimum limit of One
           Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; and (b) commercial
           general liability insurance, written on a per occurrence basis,
           including, without limitation, premises, broad form property
           damages, contractual and products liability/completed operations
           coverage, which shall specifically cover such Party's
           indemnification obligations under Section 8.1 or 8.2 hereof, as
           applicable, with a combined single limit for bodily injury and
           property damage of not less than Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000).

9.2   Each Party shall furnish certificates of insurance for the policies of
           such Party to the other Party within ten (10) days after the
           Effective Date.  Each Party shall immediately provide the other
           with written notice of any cancellation, non-renewal, expiration or
           material modification of any policy.  Should either Party at any
           time neglect or refuse to provide the insurance required herein, or
           should such insurance be canceled or materially modified, the other
           Party shall have the right to procure the same and the cost thereof
           shall be deducted from any compensation then due or thereafter to
           become due to the first Party.


      Limitation.  Except in the event of (a) a claim pursuant to a Party's
      indemnification obligations herein, (b) a Party's fraud or willful
      misrepresentation or willful misconduct, or (c) a breach of a party's
      confidentiality obligations herein, in no event shall either Party be
      liable to the other for special, indirect, incidental or consequential
      damages, including lost profits, in any way arising out of or relating
      to this Agreement.


      Force Majeure.  Neither Party shall be liable to the other for default
      or delay in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement, if
      such default or delay shall be caused directly or indirectly by
      accident, fire, flood, riot, war, terrorism, act of God, embargo,
      strike, failure or delay of normal source of supply of materials, or
      delay of carriers, or complete or partial shutdown of plant by any of
      the foregoing causes or other causes beyond its reasonable control,
      provided same are not due to the fault or neglect of such Party and
      provided further that any such delay or failure shall be remedied by
      such Party as soon as possible after the cause of such failure or delay.


12.1  Any information or data (including but not limited to, any technical
           information, experience or data) regarding either Party's
           formulations, plans, programs, plants, processes, technical
           materials, Product, production requirements, standard
           specifications, costs, equipment, operations, procedures,
           instructions or customers  (all of which is herein referred to as
           "Confidential Information") is the sole property of the respective
           Party.  Each Party shall treat the other Party's Confidential
           Information in the same protective manner that it treats its own
           Confidential Information.  Parties shall not use, except for the
           purpose of carrying out this Agreement, or disclose to others or
           permit their employees, agents, consultants or subcontractors to
           use, except for the purpose of carrying out this Agreement, or
           disclose to others, during the term of this Agreement and for a
           period of four (4) years from the date of termination or expiration
           of this Agreement, Confidential Information which has heretofore
           come or hereafter may come within the knowledge of, or which has
           been or may hereafter be acquired or developed by the respective
           party, its employees, agents, consultants or subcontractors, in the
           performance of any services hereunder.  This paragraph shall not
           prevent either Party from using or disclosing to others information:

           (a)   which is known to the receiving Party at the time it is
             disclosed by or obtained from the disclosing Party, which
             knowledge can be established by competent evidence; or
           (b)   which is, or through no fault of the receiving Party becomes,
             lawfully available to the public; or
(c)   which lawfully becomes available to the receiving Party from a source
             other than the disclosing Party; or
(d)   which is independently developed by the Party without reliance upon or
             reference to the Confidential Information which independent
             development can be established by competent evidence; or
           (e)  which the receiving Party is required by applicable Law, a
             court having jurisdiction, or Government or Regulatory Authority
             to disclose.

12.2  Upon termination of this Agreement, if requested, the receiving Party
           shall deliver to the disclosing party all notes, drawings,
           blueprints, manuals, letters, notebooks, reports and other writings
           of or pertaining to Confidential Information, including all copies
           thereof, and all other Confidential Information which is in the
           possession of or under the control of the receiving Party.  Parties
           shall restrict access to Confidential Information to as few as
           practicable of their employees, agents, consultants and
           subcontractors, and in all cases shall restrict such knowledge to
           only those employees, agents, consultants and subcontractors who
           are directly connected with the performance of the services


      Each Party shall comply with, and shall not be in material violation of,
      all valid, applicable Laws of the Territory which materially affect the
      Manufacture, processing, packaging, shipment, or storage of the Products.


14.1  AZ's Rights.  Dentsply hereby acknowledges that it does not have, and
           shall not acquire by virtue of this Agreement, any rights to or
           under any goodwill, trademark, tradename, copyright, patent of AZ,
           nor in any of AZ's trademarks or tradenames appearing on the label
           or packaging materials of the Products. Dentsply agrees to do
           nothing by act or omission which would impair AZ's or its
           Affiliates' rights, ownership and title in the aforementioned.

14.2  Dentsply's Rights.  AZ hereby acknowledges that it does not have, and
           shall not acquire by virtue of this Agreement, any rights to or
           under any goodwill, trademark, tradename, copyright, patent or
           other intellectual property of Dentsply, nor in any of Dentsply's
           trademarks or tradenames appearing on the label or packaging
           materials of the Products.  AZ agrees to do nothing by act or
           omission which would impair Dentsply's or its Affiliates' rights,
           ownership and title in the aforementioned.

14.3  No Contest.  Each Party further agrees not to contest, deny or dispute
           the validity of any trademarks or tradenames owned by the other
           Party appearing on the labels or packaging materials of the
           Products or the title of such other Party thereto, and not to
           assist others in doing so, and not to take action of any kind
           inconsistent with the holding of all such trademark rights by such
           other Party.

14.4  Use.  Neither Party shall use the trademarks or tradenames owned by the
           other Party under which the Products are Manufactured on any other
           goods or products, except as provided hereunder.

14.5  Infringement.  Each Party shall immediately report in writing to the
           other Party upon being acquainted through any source whatsoever of
           any and all infringements or threatened infringements of the
           tradenames or trademarks owned by such other Party appearing on the
           labels and packaging materials of the Products, and any attempt on
           the part of anyone to register, copy, infringe upon or imitate such
           trademarks or tradenames, and if required by such party, the
           notifying Party will, at the other Party's sole expense, take such
           steps as the other Party may deem advisable against the
           infringement or otherwise for the protection of the other Party's

14.6  Survival.  The obligations set forth in this Article 14 shall survive
           the termination or expiration of this Agreement.

14.7  Intellectual Property Indemnification.  Dentsply shall indemnify, defend
           and hold AstraZeneca, its Affiliates, and their employees,
           contractors and agents harmless from and against any and all
           claims, demands, actions, suits, losses, damages, costs, expenses
           (including reasonable attorney's fees), and liabilities which they
           may incur, suffer or be required to pay by reason of any patent
           infringement suit or other intellectual property suit brought
           against them as a result of or in connection with AZ's Manufacture
           of a Product provided such Product is manufactured in accordance
           with all material Specifications.


      Any notice or request expressly provided for or permitted under this
      Agreement shall be in writing, delivered manually or by mail, telegram,
      telefax or cable and shall be deemed sufficiently given if and when
      received by the Party to be notified at its address first set forth
      below, or if and when mailed by registered mail or certified mail,
      postage prepaid, addressed to such party at such address.  Either Party,
      by notice to the other, may change its address for receiving such

      To AZ:                   AstraZeneca LP
                          50 Otis Street
                          Westborough, MA  01581

                          Attention:  General Manager

      With a copy to:     General Counsel
                          AstraZeneca LP
                          1800 Concord Pike
                          Wilmington, DE  19850

      To Dentsply:             Maillefer Instruments Trading S.a.r.L.
                          Dentsply Anesthetics Division
                          Chemin du Verger 3
                          CH-13333 Ballaigues

      With a copy to:     DENTSPLY Pharmaceutical Division
                          Concord Executive Center
                          3427 Concord Road
                          York, PA 17402

      And to:             Dentsply International Inc.
                          570 West College Avenue
                          York, PA 17404
                          Attention: Secretary


      Other than claims for equitable or injunctive relief, any dispute or
      claim under this Agreement or any amendment thereto (unless such
      amendment provides otherwise), including without limitation as to their
      existence, validity, enforceability, interpretation, performance,
      breach, or damages, including claims in tort, whether arising before or
      after the termination of this Agreement, shall be settled only by
      binding arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration
      Association (the "Rules"); provided, however, that: (a) the arbitration
      shall take place in Wilmington, Delaware; (b) there shall be three (3)
      arbitrators, who shall be selected under the normal procedures
      prescribed in the Rules, (c) at the arbitration hearing, each party may
      make written and oral presentations to the arbitrators, present
      testimony and written evidence, and examine witnesses; (d) the
      arbitrators shall have the power to award as damages the expenses of the
      arbitrators and of the administrator's fees for the arbitration; (e) the
      arbitrators shall issue a written decision explaining the basis for such
      decision; (f) such decision shall be final, binding, and enforceable in
      any court having jurisdiction over either of the parties..

      The parties hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consent to the
      exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Delaware for any
      action, suit, or proceeding for equitable or injunctive relief arising
      out of or relating to this Agreement, and agree not to commence any such
      action, suit, or proceeding related thereto except in such courts.


      This document, together with the exhibits thereto constitutes the
      complete and exclusive statement of the terms of the Agreement between
      the Parties hereto with reference to the subject matter hereof, and no
      statement or agreements, oral or written, made prior to or at the
      signing hereof shall vary or modify the written terms hereof, and
      neither Party shall claim any modification or rescission from any
      provision hereof unless such modification or rescission is in writing,
      signed by the other Party.


      During the term of this Agreement the rights of either Party under this
      Agreement shall not be assigned, nor shall the performance of either
      Party's duties be delegated without the other Party's prior written
      consent, except either Party may assign this agreement to an Affiliate
      without obtaining the other Party's prior written consent.  Notice of
      assignment shall be given to other Party at least thirty (30) days prior
      to the effective date of said assignment.

19.   WAIVER

      A Party's failure to enforce, at any time or for any period of time, any
      provision of this Agreement, or to exercise any right or remedy, shall
      not constitute a waiver of that provision, right or remedy or prevent
      such Party from enforcing any or all provisions of this Agreement and
      exercising any rights or remedies.  All rights and remedies are
      cumulative and do not exclude any other right or remedy provided by Law
      or otherwise available.


      This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of
      which shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall
      be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument.  An executed
      signature page of this Agreement delivered by facsimile transmission
      shall be as effective as an original executed signature page.


      The provisions of this Agreement are for the sole benefit of the Parties
      and their successors and permitted assigns, and they shall not be
      construed as conferring any rights in any other persons except as
      otherwise provided in this Agreement.


      If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or
      unenforceable, in nay respect, then, to the fullest extent permitted by
      applicable Law and if the rights or obligations of any Party will not be
      materially and adversely affected:  (a) such provision will be given no
      effect by the Parties and shall not form part of this Agreement, (b) all
      other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect
      and (c) the Parties will use their best efforts to negotiate a provision
      in replacement of the provision held invalid, illegal or unenforceable
      that is consistent with applicable Law and achieves, as nearly as
      possible, the original intention of the Parties.  To the fullest extent
      permitted by applicable Law, the Parties waive any provision of law that
      would render any provision of this Agreement invalid, illegal or
      unenforceable in any respect.


      The respective rights and obligations of the Parties set forth in this
      Agreement shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement
      to the extent necessary to the intended preservation of such rights and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by
their respective duly authorized representatives as of the Execution Date.

Maillefer Instruments Trading S.a.r.L.    ASTRAZENECA LP

By:    _________________________   By:   ________________________
Name:  _________________________   Name: ________________________
Title: _________________________   Title:________________________
Date:  _________________________   Date: ___________________________