Note:  This is the policy for the Company's United States  employees. The
Company has other plans for its foreign employees that are translated in
various languages with substantially the same provisions.


                                   CODE OF

                         BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS



                                               Code of Business Conduct

Dear Fellow Employee:

      DENTSPLY  International Inc. has been in business since 1899, and we are
proud  of  the  global  reputation  and  trust  we  have  earned.  This  is  a
reputation  that  we are  determined  to  protect  and  enhance.  Our  Code of
Business  Conduct  sets forth our  guiding  principles  for the conduct of our
business  that must be  followed by  everyone  who does  business on behalf of

      All  employees,   agents,   consultants,   independent  contractors  and
representatives of DENTSPLY have the responsibility to read,  understand,  and
abide  by  the  principles  and  standards  contained  in  this  Code.  It  is
difficult  to make a policy that  applies to every  situation,  and there will
be times  when the Code  does not  address  a  particular  question.  Applying
common sense,  good judgment,  and integrity to every business issue will help
to ensure that your  decisions are  consistent  with DENTSPLY  values and this
Code.  If you are an employee  and you have  questions,  please  contact  your
supervisor,  the relevant Senior  Management,  or the General Counsel.  If you
are not an employee,  please feel free to ask your  DENTSPLY  contact,  or the
General Counsel's office.

      DENTSPLY's  success  depends upon each of us. Acting with  integrity and
the  highest  ethical  standards  is not only  good  policy,  it is also  good
business.  Every DENTSPLY  employee and  shareowner  relies upon you to do the
right thing.  We know that our confidence in you is well placed.

Vice Chairman and                         President   and   Chief    Operating
Chief Executive Officer

                           GENERAL CODE OF CONDUCT

1.    Introduction

DENTSPLY   International  Inc.  (the  "Company")  has  adopted  this  Code  of
Business   Conduct,   consisting  of  the  components   described  below  (the
"Program"),  to assist the Company and its  personnel in  conducting  business
in an  ethical  manner and in full  compliance  with the  requirements  of all
applicable  laws and  regulations.  It is the policy of the  Company to comply
with all applicable laws,  including,  without limitation,  medical device and
similar requirements,  employment,  discrimination, health, safety, antitrust,
securities  and  environmental  laws.  No  director,   officer,  executive  or
manager of the Company has  authority to violate any law or to direct  another
employee  or any other  person to  violate  any law on behalf of the  Company.
This  Program  reflects  the  Company's  intent to operate not only in a legal
manner,  but in accordance  with sound business  ethics.  The Program  applies
to all Company  business  operations  and  subsidiaries  worldwide  and to all
employees,  officers  and  directors  of  the  Company  and  its  subsidiaries
("personnel"),   except  for  legal  requirements  which  are  specific  to  a
jurisdiction.  Because the Program  documents may not be  translated  into the
local  language  in  every  location  where  we do  business,  it shall be the
responsibility  of management  responsible  for those areas to communicate the
general purpose and requirements of the Program.

The Program  consists of 1) a Code of Business  Conduct ("Code") setting forth
general  standards  for  the  conduct  of  Company  business  and  operations,
including  procedures  for  reporting of concerns  about  compliance  with the
Code and/or legal  requirements;  2) a set of more specific  policies oriented
toward  compliance with specific laws and  requirements;  and 3) procedures to
help  ensure  that the  Program is  effective  in  preventing,  detecting  and
taking  appropriate  action in regard to violations of applicable laws and the
Code,  such  as  periodic  monitoring  and  auditing  programs.   All  Company
personnel  must be aware of the  contents of the  Program  and  perform  their
responsibilities  in a  manner  which is fully  consistent  with the  Program.
Because the principles  described in the Code are general,  Company  personnel
should review the specific applicable  policies for specific  instructions and
contact their  supervisors,  the relevant Senior Management and/or the General
Counsel's office  regarding proper conduct in a particular  situation in which
they have any questions.

The Program will be overseen by a Corporate  Compliance  Committee  consisting
of the Company's Chief Executive Officer,  Chief Operating Officer,  the Chief
Financial  Officer  and  the  General  Counsel.  The  Committee  will  meet as
necessary to review the Program,  the Code and  compliance  activities  within
the Company.

The Code of Business Conduct  reflects  general  principles to guide employees
in making  ethical  decisions  and cannot and is not intended to address every
specific  situation.  As such,  nothing in this Code  prohibits  or  restricts
the Company from taking any disciplinary  action on any matters  pertaining to
employee  conduct,  whether  or not  they  are  expressly  discussed  in  this
document.  The Program,  including  the Code, is not intended to and shall not
be deemed or construed to provide any rights,  contractual  or  otherwise,  to
any third  parties or to any  personnel  of the  Company or its  subsidiaries.
The  provisions of the Program may be revised,  changed or amended at any time
as determined appropriate by the Company.

2.    General Standards of Conduct

A.    One of the Company's  strongest assets is a reputation for integrity and
           honesty.  A  fundamental   principle  on  which  the  Company  will
           operate  its  business is full  compliance  with  applicable  laws.
           The Company  will also  conduct its  business in  conformance  with
           sound  ethical  standards.  Achieving  business  results by illegal
           acts or unethical conduct is not acceptable.

           All   Company   personnel   shall  act  in   compliance   with  the
           requirements  of  applicable  law  and  this  Code  and in a  sound
           ethical manner when conducting Company business and operations.

B.    Each  Company   supervisor  and  manager  is  responsible  for  ensuring
           compliance by the personnel  which he or she  supervises or manages
           with  applicable  law and the Code.  All personnel are  responsible
           for   acquiring   sufficient   knowledge  to  recognize   potential
           compliance    issues   applicable   to   their   duties   and   for
           appropriately seeking advice regarding such issues.

C.    This Code has been distributed to all applicable  Company  personnel and
           sets forth general standards  applicable to the Company's  business
           and  operations.  In addition,  there are a number of more detailed
           and  specific  policies  covering   particular  business  units  or
           subject  matters.  The  Company  will  communicate  those  specific
           policies to  personnel  who are  particularly  affected by them and
           they  must  be  complied  with  in  the  course  of  the  Company's
           business.   These  policies  may  be  changed   and/or   additional
           policies may be issued from time to time.

D.    All of the  Company's  business  transactions  shall be  carried  out in
           accordance with management's general or specific directives.

E.    Company  personnel  shall be  honest  in all  dealings  with  government
           agencies  and  representatives.   No  misrepresentations  shall  be
           made,  and  no  false  bills  or  requests  for  payment  or  other
           documents   shall  be   submitted   to   government   agencies   or

F.    All of the Company books and records  shall be kept in  accordance  with
           U.S. generally accepted  accounting  standards (U.S. GAAP) or other
           applicable  local or statutory  principles with  reconciliation  to
           U.S.  GAAP.  All  transactions,  payments,  receipts,  accounts and
           assets  shall  be  completely  and   accurately   recorded  on  the
           Company's  books and  records  on a  consistent  basis.  No payment
           shall be  approved  or made  with the  intention  or  understanding
           that it will be used for any purpose  other than that  described in
           the  supporting   documentation  for  the  payment.   All  internal
           financial and other control procedures shall be followed.

3.    Reporting of Violations

A.    Illegal  acts or improper  conduct  may  subject  the  Company  (and its
           employees)  to  severe  civil  and  criminal  penalties,  including
           large fines and being  barred from certain  types of  business.  It
           is therefore  very important  that any suspected  illegal  activity
           or  violations  of the Code be  promptly  brought to the  Company's

B.    Any Company  personnel  who believes or becomes aware that any violation
           of  this  Code,  including  violation  of  applicable   accounting,
           internal  controls or auditing  matters,  or any suspected  illegal
           activity   has  been   engaged  in  by  Company   personnel  or  by
           non-employees   acting  on  the  Company's  behalf  shall  promptly
           report  the  violation  or  activity  in  person,  by  phone  or in
           writing, to one of the following persons:

1.    The personnel's immediate  supervisor,  business unit or department head
                or another senior manager.
2.    The  General  Counsel  or  another   attorney  in  the  Company's  Legal
3.    The Chief Financial Officer or Director of Internal Audit.

           To the extent an employee is  uncomfortable  contacting  any of the
           above  people,   employees   should  contact  the  Chief  Executive
           Officer, the Chief Operating Officer or a Senior Vice President.

C.    Company  personnel may report  suspected  illegal acts or a violation of
           this Code  anonymously.  To the extent  practical  and  appropriate
           under the  circumstances  and as permitted by law, the Company will
           take  reasonable  precautions  to maintain the  confidentiality  of
           those  individuals  who report  illegal  activity or  violations of
           this  Code  and  of  those  individuals  involved  in  the  alleged
           improper  activity,  whether or not it turns out that improper acts
           occurred.  Anonymous  reports may be made by phone,  web  reporting
           or letter.  Reports by phone can be made to a third  party  hotline
           service at  800-461-9330,  reports by letter  should be directed to
           the General  Counsel's  office,  and web  reporting  can be made at
           the   following   web   addresses:    www/    or

D.    It shall be a  violation  of this  Code if  personnel  fail to  report a
           known  illegal  activity or  violation  of the Code.  If you have a
           question  about whether  particular  acts or conduct may be illegal
           or violate the Code,  you should  contact one of the persons listed
           above in  subsection  B. It shall be a  violation  of this  Code if
           personnel  to whom a  suspected  illegal  act or  violation  of the
           Code is reported  fail to ensure that the act or  violation  of the
           Code comes to the attention of the General  Counsel's  office,  the
           Director   of  Internal   Audit  or  a  member  of  the   Corporate
           Compliance Committee.

           If the  suspected  illegal acts or conduct in violation of the Code
           involve a person to whom such acts or  violations  might  otherwise
           be reported,  the acts or  violation  should be reported to another
           person to whom reporting is appropriate.

E.    It is Company policy to promptly and thoroughly  investigate  reports of
           suspected  illegal  activity or  violations  of this Code.  Company
           personnel  must cooperate  with these  investigations.  It shall be
           a  violation  of this  Code for  personnel  to  prevent,  hinder or
           delay discovery and full  investigation  of suspected  illegal acts
           or violations of this Code.

F.    No reprisals or disciplinary  action will be taken or permitted  against
           personnel  for good  faith  reporting  of,  or  cooperating  in the
           investigation  of,  suspected  illegal acts or  violations  of this
           Code.  It shall be a violation  of this Code for Company  personnel
           to punish or conduct  reprisals  against other personnel for making
           a good faith report of, or  cooperating  in the  investigation  of,
           suspected illegal acts or violations of this Code.

G.    Personnel  who  violate the Code or commit  illegal  acts are subject to
           disciplinary  action,  up  to  and  including  dismissal  from  the
           Company.  Personnel  who report  their own illegal acts or improper
           conduct,   however,   will  have  such  self-reporting  taken  into
           account in determining the appropriate disciplinary action.

4.    Government Interviews or Investigation

A.    The Company and its personnel  shall  cooperate  fully and promptly with
           appropriate  government  investigations  into  possible  civil  and
           criminal  violations  of the law. It is  important,  however,  that
           in this  process,  the Company is able to protect the legal  rights
           of  the   Company   and  its   personnel.   To   accomplish   these
           objectives,    any   governmental   inquiries   or   requests   for
           information,   documents   or   interviews,   other  than   routine
           operating  inspections (e.g., OSHA, FDA, etc.),  should be promptly
           referred to the General Counsel's office.

5.    Compliance Procedures

A.    Introduction.  The Purpose of these procedures is to increase  awareness
           of the  Program  and Code,  facilitate  internal  reporting  of any
           suspected  violation  of the law or the  Code and  ensure  that any
           reported  violations  are fully  investigated  and that the Company
           responds appropriately to any violations.

B.    Maintaining Awareness of the Program

1.    A copy of the  Code,  which  includes  a  description  of how to  report
                suspected   violations  of  the  law  or  the  Code,  will  be
                provided to employees of the Company.

2.    New employees will be provided a copy of the Code upon their employment.

3.    Applicable  employees  will  periodically  be  required  to  sign a form
                stating their  awareness of and  compliance  with the Code and
                the Program.

4.    A  copy  of  the  Code  and a  description  of  the  violation-reporting
                procedure will be available to all Company employees.

5.    The Internal  Audit  Department  shall,  as it  determines  appropriate,
                include   in  its  audits  a  review  of   awareness   of  and
                compliance  with  the  Code,   particularly   with  regard  to
                management   employees  or  other   employees  who  are  in  a
                position  to  engage  in  conduct  which  may  not  be  easily
                observed by other  employees,  or in a position where there is
                frequent   involvement   in  activities   which  may  carry  a
                significant risk of liability.

6.    The  General  Counsel's  office,  in  cooperation  with  other  relevant
                departments,  shall  create  and  distribute  policies  and/or
                guides   applicable  to  the  Company's   business  and  shall
                periodically   review   compliance  of  the  Company  and  its
                business units with applicable law.

      C.   Company Investigations

1.    If a report of  potential  illegal  acts or conduct in  violation of the
                Code is made,  it shall  promptly be brought to the  attention
                of the General Counsel.

2.    The General  Counsel  shall oversee the  investigation  of any report of
                suspected  illegal acts or  violation  of the Code,  utilizing
                appropriate   legal,   internal  audit  and  other  department
                personnel  and shall  involve  outside  legal  counsel  or the
                Company's independent auditors when appropriate.

3.    Reports of  suspected  illegal acts or  violations  of the Code shall be
                promptly   investigated;   such   investigations  may  include
                interviews  of employees  and external  parties and the review
                of relevant  documents or other materials.  The  investigation
                will  be   conducted  in  a  manner   which,   to  the  degree
                reasonable,   protects  any  applicable  legal  privileges  in
                regard to the investigation.

4.    Once an  investigation  is completed,  if determined  appropriate by the
                General  Counsel,   the  Corporate  Compliance  Committee  and
                appropriate  management  of the Company  shall be apprised and
                evaluate  the results of the  investigation  and decide if any
                corrective,  disciplinary  or other  action is  warranted  and
                shall direct and oversee implementation of any such action.

5.    The Audit  Committee of the Board of Directors,  Executive  Committee of
                the Board of Directors  or the full Board of  Directors  shall
                be  informed,  as  determined  appropriate  by  the  Corporate
                Compliance   Committee  or  as  required  by  law,   regarding
                investigations  and any  actions  taken  or to be  taken  as a
                result of investigations under the Code.

      D.   Ongoing Evaluation of Program

1.    The  Company  will  monitor  and  audit  compliance  with  the  Code and
                applicable laws.

2.    The Corporate  Compliance  Committee will review the  effectiveness  and
                content  of the  Program  on a  regular  periodic  basis.  The
                Code  and  other  compliance   policies  will  be  updated  as

6.    International Matters

A.    International  Operations.  Laws and customs vary  throughout the world,
- -------------------------------
           but all  employees  must  uphold the  integrity  of the  Company in
           other  nations  as  diligently  as they  would do so in the  United
           States.  When  conducting  business  in  other  countries,   it  is
           imperative   that   employees  be   sensitive   to  foreign   legal
           requirements   and  United   States  laws  that  apply  to  foreign
           operations,  including  the  Foreign  Corrupt  Practices  Act.  The
           Foreign  Corrupt  Practices Act generally makes it unlawful to give
           anything  of  value  to  foreign  government   officials,   foreign
           political  parties,  party  officials,  or  candidates  for  public
           office for the purposes of obtaining,  or  retaining,  business for
           the  Company.  Employees  should  contact  the  Internal  Audit  or
           Legal  Department if they have any questions  concerning a specific

B.    Sanctions  and  Trade  Embargoes.  The  United  States  government  uses
- --------------------------------------
           economic  sanctions and trade  embargoes to further various foreign
           policy and national  security  objectives.  Employees must abide by
           all economic  sanctions or trade  embargoes  that the United States
           has  adopted,  whether they apply to foreign  countries,  political
           organizations  or  particular  foreign  individuals  and  entities.
           Inquires  regarding  whether a transaction on behalf of the Company
           complies  with  applicable  sanction  and  trade  embargo  programs
           should be referred to the Legal Department.

C.    Antiboycott.  Certain  countries  have  adopted  boycott  laws which are
           designed  to  discourage   companies   from  doing   business  with
           Israel.  Laws in the United  States make it illegal  for  companies
           to abide by or acknowledge such boycotts.

7.    Waivers

It is  recognized  that a rare  circumstance  might  arise in  which  the Code
should not apply.  No waivers of the  provisions  of this Code to any Director
or Executive  Officer  shall be made or granted  unless  approved by the Board
of  Directors  (or a designated  Committee  of the Board) of the Company.  Any
such waiver shall be promptly disclosed by the Company.


One  critical  element  of  the  Company's  reputation  for  integrity  is its
adherence to both legal and generally  accepted  ethical  standards  governing
the use of Company  funds and  resources.  The  following  directives  provide
specific standards of conduct to be followed:

1.    No funds shall be used for any purpose  which would be in  violation  of
      any  applicable  law;  or to make  payments  to, or for the  benefit of,
      domestic or foreign  government  employees;  provided that gratuities in
      small  amounts  may be  paid to  foreign  government  employees  if such
      gratuities  merely  enable the  Company to receive  services to which it
      would otherwise be entitled.

2.    Funds or  assets  shall not be used,  directly  or  indirectly,  to make
      gifts to, provide  entertainment  for, or furnish assistance in the form
      of transportation  or other services to, government  employees or public
      officials,  if such  gifts,  entertainment,  or  assistance  would  be a
      violation of governmental  regulations or would adversely reflect on the
      Company's or the officials' integrity or reputation.

3.    All assets and liabilities  must be recorded in the regular books of the
      Company and its  subsidiaries;  no  undisclosed  or unrecorded  funds or
      assets  shall be  established  for any purpose;  no false or  artificial
      entries  shall be made in the books and records  for any reason;  and no
      payments  shall be approved or made with the intention or  understanding
      that any part of such  payments  are to be used  for any  purpose  other
      than that described by the material supporting the disbursement.

4.    No  direct  or  indirect  political  contributions  shall  be made  with
      Company  funds  without the express  approval of the Board of  Directors
      and  subject  to  review  by the  Company's  General  Counsel  as to the
      legality of such contributions.

5.    Any  officer  or  employee  who  has  information  or  knowledge  of any
      violation of these  directives  shall promptly  report the matter to the
      General Counsel or the appropriate corporate or divisional officer.

6.    All  officers  and  managers  are  obligated to seek advice and guidance
      from the Company's Legal  Department in order to insure  compliance with
      all applicable laws, rules and regulations.

7.    All  managers  shall  be  responsible   for  the   enforcement  of,  and
      compliance  with,  all policies of the Company,  including  distribution
      and  communications to insure employee  knowledge thereof and compliance

                             CONFLICT OF INTEREST

Directors and employees of the Company are expected to avoid  involvements  or
situations which could interfere,  or appear to interfere,  with the impartial
discharge  of their  responsibilities.  Therefore,  these  persons  shall NOT,
for their own  account or for the  account of any other  person,  directly  or

1.    Seek to profit from information  about the business  affairs,  financial
      position,  or any  transactions  of the  Company  which  have  not  been
      publicly disseminated.

2.    Divert to themselves  or others any business or  investment  opportunity
      in  which  the  Company  is or  might  be  interested  if  aware  of the

3.    Become a  director  or  officer  of any  firm or  obtain  any  financial
      interest  (other  than the  acquisition  of publicly  traded  securities
      which  do not  exceed  3% of such  enterprise  or of such  person's  net
      worth) in any firm  supplying  goods or services to the Company or which
      purchases goods or services from the Company,  unless  authorized by the
      Board of Directors.

4.    Have  a  proprietary   interest  in  or   participate  in  any  business
      enterprise  involving  the  manufacture  or sale of any product which is
      competitive  with or similar to  products  produced by the  Company,  or
      involving  the  offering  of any type of  services  competitive  with or
      similar to services  offered by the Company.  In  addition,  any conduct
      which might give rise to  potential  for misuse of the  Company's  trade
      secrets  or  confidential   business  information  is  also  prohibited.
      However,  this  policy  shall not  preclude  an  investment  interest in
      publicly held  corporations  which manufacture and sell such products or
      offer such services within the limits described in Paragraph 3 above.

5.    Give   or   accept   personal   gifts,    payments,    favors,   special
      considerations,  discounts,  etc. which are of more than a normal value,
      unless approved by the employee's  manager.  Common social amenities may
      be given or accepted  without  manager  approval only if they are of the
      type  that are  normally  associated  with  accepted  business  practice
      within the industry or relative work discipline.  Additional  management
      approval  beyond the  employee's  manager should be secured if any doubt
      exists with respect to a particular item or situation.

6.    Enter into personal  transactions  with suppliers of the Company or with
      customers  of the  Company  other  than on terms and  conditions  as are
      available to the public,  except as disclosed to the Audit  Committee of
      the Board of Directors.


All  employees  are  expected  to maintain  high  ethical  standards  in their
actions  and  working   relationships   with  customers,   fellow   employees,
competitors,  representatives of government,  communication  media and others.
All  employees  of the Company are  expected to act in business  matters  with
dual responsibility to the public interest and the Company's  interest,  above
their own.

In addition to being in compliance  with all Company  policies,  all employees
must also be in compliance with the following:

o     Any employee who has  information  or knowledge of any  violation of any
   Company  Policies or any  violation of a legal  obligation  or  requirement
   shall  promptly  report  the  matter  to their  manager/supervisor,  to any
   corporate or divisional officer, or to the General Counsel.

o     All confidential  information about the Company,  including  inventions,
   discoveries,  formulas,  trade  secrets,  customer  lists,  employee  data,
   etc.,  as well as  confidential  information  acquired by the Company  from
   another   company,   individual   or  entity   subject  to  a  secrecy  and
   proprietary  rights  agreement,  shall  be  kept  confidential  during  and
   subsequent to the period of employment with the Company.

o     Information gathered on competitors,  customers,  suppliers,  etc., must
   be acquired  legally and in a manner  consistent  with the  Company's  high
   level of ethics and proper  business  conduct.  Employees on the  receiving
   end of  another  company's  confidential  information  should  alert  their
   supervisor  of the  situation,  who in turn should seek  guidance  from the
   Legal Department.

It is  recognized  that in many  situations  and issues  involving  ethical or
moral  judgment,  it may be difficult to determine  the right course of action
with certainty.  In such  instances,  employees shall not rely solely on their
own  judgment,  but shall  discuss  the matter in full with  their  respective
manager/supervisor.  In such  instances,  full  disclosure  of the  facts in a
timely  fashion  and to the  proper  management  level  will serve to meet the
employees' responsibilities with respect to this Policy.

                         AND OTHER RELATED SECURITIES

Federal laws and  regulations  prohibit  purchases  and sales of the Company's
stock and other related  securities  by  directors,  officers and employees on
the basis of material  information  which is not  generally  available  to the
public.  The passing of such  inside  information  - "tipping" - to  outsiders
who may  then  trade  on it is also  prohibited.  To  assure  compliance  with
these laws,  the following  rules apply to  directors,  officers and employees
of the Company.

1.    They shall not purchase or sell or otherwise  trade in securities of the
      Company or derivative  securities,  such as listed stock options,  while
      in possession of material, non-public information about the Company.

2.    For purposes of this policy, the term "material  information" means that
      information  as to which  there  is a  substantial  likelihood  that the
      information  would be viewed by a reasonable  investor as  significantly
      altering the "total mix" of information  available in making  investment

3.    "Non-public  information"  is that  information  which  has  not  become
      generally  available to the investing  public,  through such channels as
      the Company's  publications,  e.g.,  press releases,  Annual and Interim
      Reports to Stockholders,  Proxy  Statements and SEC filings;  as well as
      news  articles,  stock  analysts'  reports and like  writings  about the
      Company and subjects relating to its businesses.

4.    They  shall  not  divulge   confidential  -  and  possibly   material  -
      information  about  the  Company,   either  to  other  employees  or  to
      outsiders, except on a "need-to-know" basis.

5.    They shall not buy or sell  securities  of any other company about which
      material   non-public   information   has  been  obtained   through  the
      performance   of   their   position    responsibilities    at   DENTSPLY
      International Inc.

Should  there  be any  questions  concerning  the  above  with  regard  to any
particular  transaction  involving DENTSPLY  International Inc.  securities or
other related  securities,  please consult with the Legal  Department prior to
taking any action.


The  Company's  financial  records  should  accurately  reflect the nature and
purpose of all transactions.

All of the Company's books,  records,  accounts and financial  statements must
be maintained in reasonable detail,  must appropriately  reflect the Company's
transactions  and must conform both to applicable  legal  requirements  and to
the  Company's  system of  internal  controls.  Unrecorded  or "off the books"
funds or assets should not be maintained  unless  permitted by applicable  law
or regulation.

Business records and  communications  often become public, and we should avoid
exaggeration,   derogatory  remarks,  or  inappropriate  characterizations  of
people  and  companies  that can be  misunderstood.  This  applies  equally to
e-mail,  internal  memos,  and  formal  reports.   Records  should  always  be
retained or destroyed  according to the Company's record  retention  policies.
In   accordance   with  those   policies,   in  the  event  of  litigation  or
governmental  investigation,  you must  consult  the Legal  Department  before
taking any action with respect to any such records.

The  Company's  public   statements,   including  press  releases  and  public
filings,  shall not contain any material  incorrect  information and shall not
omit any information  necessary to make the statements  contained  therein not
misleading.  Required  filings with the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission
("SEC") shall be complete,  timely and in compliance with the  requirements of
the SEC.


The Company  provides  equal  employment  opportunities  to all  employees and
applicants  for  employment  without  regard to race,  color,  religion,  sex,
national origin, age, non-job related  disability,  or status as a Vietnam-era
or special disabled veteran in accordance with all applicable  federal,  state
and local laws,  including  executive  orders as  appropriate  for any federal
contracts.  This policy  applies to all terms and  conditions  of  employment,
including,  but not limited to,  hiring,  placement,  promotion,  termination,
layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation and training.

The  Company  expressly  prohibits  any  form  of  employee  harassment.  This
policy  extends not only to the Company's  employees,  but also to all persons
with whom the Company's employees deal, such as suppliers and customers.

Sexual  harassment  is defined as  unwelcome  sexual  advances,  requests  for
sexual  favors,  and all  other  verbal  or  physical  conduct  of a sexual or
otherwise   offensive   nature,   and  is  prohibited   especially  where  (a)
submission  to such conduct is made either  explicitly or implicitly a term or
condition of  employment;  (b)  submission  to or rejection of such conduct is
used as the basis for decisions affecting an individual's  employment;  or (c)
such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an  intimidating,  hostile,
or offensive working  environment.  Furthermore,  offensive  comments,  jokes,
innuendoes,  pictures,  cartoons and other  sexually  oriented  documents  and
statements are prohibited.

Each member of management is  responsible  for creating an atmosphere  free of
discrimination  and harassment,  sexual or otherwise.  Further,  employees are
responsible  for  respecting  the rights of their  co-workers  and expected to
conduct themselves in a business-like manner at all times.

If an employee  experiences  any improper  job-related  harassment or believes
they have been  treated in an  unlawful,  discriminatory  manner,  they should
first  attempt to resolve  the  problem  with the  individual  exhibiting  the
conduct  toward  them.  If  attempting  to  resolve  the issue  themselves  is
inappropriate  or not  successful,  they should promptly report the occurrence
to their  supervisor,  a member of management,  or to a representative  of the
Human Resources  Department.  The Human Resources  Department will investigate
all  matters  related to  discrimination  and/or  harassment  and take  proper

If the Company  determines  that an  employee  has  engaged in  harassment  or
other prohibited  conduct,  appropriate  disciplinary action will be taken, up
to and including termination of employment.

The  Company  prohibits  any form of  retaliation  against  any  employee  for
filing  a  legitimate  complaint  under  this  policy  or for  assisting  in a
complaint investigation.

                                ANTITRUST LAW

The  antitrust  laws  generally  are  intended to promote the free  enterprise
system by  eliminating  artificial  restraints on  competition.  Violations of
the  antitrust  laws can subject  violators  to criminal  penalties  and civil
damages,  and individuals to criminal  penalties,  imprisonment or both. These
laws  are  often  complex  and not  easily  understood.  Nevertheless,  it has
always been the  uncompromising  policy of the Company that its employees will
comply  strictly with such laws.  Certain  activities are legally deemed to be
inherently  anti-competitive  and no defense of any kind will be  permitted to
justify or excuse the conduct.  Other  activities will  constitute  violations
if  they  are  anti-competitive  and  cannot  otherwise  be  justified.  It is
difficult to provide specific  directives  governing employee conduct involved
in such "rule of reason"  activities  because of the fact  specific  nature of
antitrust analysis.  However,  based on well-established  court decisions,  no
director,  officer or employee  should engage in any of the following  conduct
without first discussing the circumstances with the General Counsel.

1.    Discuss with competitors past,  present or future prices of or marketing
      plans for, any of the  Company's  products;  or past,  present or future
      prices paid or to be paid for  products or  materials  purchased  by the
      Company,  or other business  information  affecting such prices ("price"
      includes   all   terms  of  sale,   including   discounts,   allowances,
      promotional programs, credit terms and the like).

2.    Discuss  with   competitors  the  division  or  allocation  of  markets,
      territories  or  customers,  or discuss with  customers  the division or
      allocation among customers of their markets, territories or customers.

3.    Discuss with competitors or customers the boycotting of third parties.

4.    Reach an  agreement  or  understanding  with a customer on the  specific
      price at which the customer will resell the Company's products.

Whenever an employee  becomes  involved in any activity in which a competitive
restraint  may be present or that could lead to a problem  under the antitrust
laws, he or she should  consult with a member of the Legal  Department  before
taking any action.