Moderator: Gary Kunkle
                                April 26, 2005
                                  7:30 am CT

Operator:    Good morning. My name is (Kelly) and I will be your conference
             facilitator today. At this time I would like to welcome everyone
             to the Dentsply International First Quarter Earning's Release
             conference call.

             All lines have been placed on mute to prevent any background
             noise. After the speakers remarks there will be a question and
             answer period. If you would like to ask a question during this
             time simply press star then the number 1 on your telephone key
             pad. If you would like to withdraw your question press the pound

             Thank you. I would like to turn the call over to Mr. Gary Kunkle,
             Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. Sir you may begin.

Gary Kunkle: Thank you (Kelly) and good morning. And thank you all for joining
             the Dentsply First Quarter 2005 Conference Call. My name is Gary
             Kunkle and I am the Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
             Also with me today are Tom Whiting, our President and Chief
             Operating Officer. And Bill Jellison, Senior Vice President and
             Chief Financial Officer.

             I will begin today's call with some overview comments regarding
             our first quarter results and our overall business. And before
             turning the call over to Bill I will conclude with some remarks
             regarding our outlook for the balance of the year.

             Bill will then go through a more detailed review of the P&L and
             balance sheet. And finally we'll all be pleased to answer any
             questions that you may have.

             Before we get started it's important to note that this conference
             call may include forward looking statements involving risks and
             uncertainties. These should be considered in conjunction with the
             risk factors and uncertainties described in the company's most
             recent annual report on form 10K and its subsequent periodic
             reports on form 10Q filed with the Securities and Exchange

             This conference in its entirety will be part of an 8K filing and
             will be available on our web site.

             By now each of you should have received a copy of our first
             quarter earnings announcement that we released yesterday after
             the market closed. Our reported sales during the first quarter
             were 407 million. This represented a decrease of 1.8% compared to
             the first quarter of 2004.

             If you exclude the precious metal content sales increased 3% for
             the quarter. The 3% sales gain for the quarter broke out as
             follows. Base business was minus 1.6%. Foreign exchange was plus
             3.3%. And acquisition was plus 1.3%. The geographic base business
             growth -- and this is ex-precious metals -- was as follows.

             The United States was plus 7%. Europe was minus 13%. And the
             balance of the world was +3%. And this was with really strong
             growth in Asia -- 15% -- and Latin America with 8%. And this was
             offset by negative growth in the Middle East and Japan.

             Now clearly the negative growth in Europe was the contributing
             factor to the low quarterly performance. And this was driven by
             the reimbursement issues in the German dental market. As you may
             recall from our fourth quarter conference call in 2004 we
             explained that Germany had announced a new dental reimbursement
             for 2005.

             It stated that effective January 1, 2005 fixed reimbursement for
             prosthetic work will replace the percentage pay formula. In
             making this change a patient will now be able to apply the
             reimbursement towards any prosthetic procedure. This included all
             ceramic bridges and implants -- areas that did not receive any
             reimbursement under the percentage reimbursement (scheme).

             While we were encouraged then -- and we remain encouraged now --
             by what the reimbursement changes can mean for our business in
             the long term, at that time, we expressed our concern during the
             fourth quarter conference call over the lack of preparedness of
             the German dentists, the labs, and the insurance companies to
             initiate this change on such short notice.

             As a result of these concerns we stated that we expected the
             first quarter growth to be low. But that the second quarter and
             the balance of the year should show considerable improvements.
             The impact of slow implementation on the new reimbursement
             program has been far greater than we anticipated or -- in fact --
             greater than anyone else projected.

             There have been estimates from the President of the German Dental
             Technician Association, from a number of industry leaders and
             others that prosthetic work -- in other words the dental lab
             business -- has decreased over 50% during the first quarter. Some
             have estimated it as high as 60%.

             Most of this has attributed to the slow implementation of the
             reimbursement program with some attributed to the reduction in
             reimbursement benefits for certain high-end procedures.

             It's estimated that over 50% of the 64,000 dental technicians in
             Germany are working less than full time, either working part time
             or on mandatory holiday with 10% having been dismissed.
             Expectations are that those working part time and those that are
             on holiday will return to work during the year as the demand

             We've already seen improvement in the prosthetic segment of the
             German dental market as the backlog of requested procedures moves
             into the dental offices. And we expect it will continue to
             improve during the year.

             We also believe, however, that it's unlikely the market will
             recover enough to offset the entire deficit created during the
             first quarter. Best estimates are that by the end of 2005 the
             prosthetic market will be approximately 90% of the previous year
             volume for the full year and return to positive growth in 2006.

             On a more positive note the International Dental Show -- which is
             held every other year in Germany -- was very well-attended in
             spite of the current market conditions. We considered it a great
             success for Dentsply. With respect to the prosthetic market we
             did introduce a new software for Cercon -- which is our all
             ceramic technology for crowns and bridges that will optimize the
             use of our current Cercon blocks.

             With this benefit -- and along with the fact that all ceramics
             are now part of the reimbursement -- labs can now not only
             produce Cercon cost competitively with precious metal
             alternatives as they did before but they can now be cost
             competitive with non-precious metal alternatives.

             This was of particular interest to labs given the current
             environment. The Cercon production is significantly less labor
             intense than its precious and non-precious metal alternatives.
             This will allow a lab to increase their production of Cercon
             without a corresponding increase in labor. Of course this is a
             great benefit given the current cut-back in labor in dental labs.

             Looking at the United States we are very pleased to see the
             improvement in our first quarter internal growth in the US to
             approximately 7% -- which is really the strongest growth we've
             seen in the US since 2002. This was led by double digit growth in
             orthodontics and implants -- areas that continue to have
             consistently high growth for us. We also experienced solid high
             single digit growth in our chair-side consumables - those
             products sold to dental offices.

             Asia had a strong quarter with internal growth of 15%. This
             strong growth occurred -- in most categories -- reflecting the
             return to our pre-SARS growth expectations.

             Latin America experienced solid growth of 8% internally. This
             region -- like Asia -- showed strong growth across most
             categories. It was led geographically by high growth in Brazil
             and Mexico.

             In the first quarter we bough GAC SA -- which is our European
             distributor of our orthodontic products. They service France,
             Germany, Switzerland and Norway. This vertical integration
             improved our first quarter sales by over $4 million. And it's
             expected to add about $16 million for the full year.

             It'll be neutral to modestly accretive in 2005. We expect it to
             add four to five cents in 2006. And of course we also expect that
             with this ownership we will be in a better position to improve
             our effectiveness through this organization.

             We remain very active in the market pursuing other acquisition
             targets. And while I can't be specific, we continue to be
             encouraged by what we see. And -- with few exceptions -- (fair)

             Just some other items of interest. With respect to our anesthetic
             pharmaceutical plant in Chicago, we are pleased to announce that
             we received approval from MHRA -- which is the regulatory
             authority for the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. And we've
             recently begun shipping to those countries.

             We've also received facilities approval for Canada and expect to
             receive product approval this quarter. We've also made our
             submission for facility approval to the FDA, and are awaiting a
             date for the inspection. While it's always difficult to
             anticipate an approval date we're expecting approval before the
             year end.

             Just some comments on new products that were recently released.
             We continue to be very pleased with the market acceptance of
             Oraqix -- our new non-injectable dental anesthetic for scaling
             and root planing. And while we don't disclose sales volume for
             specific products I can tell you that both the sale of the
             initial starter kits and the reorders from previous purchasers
             are above our forecast.

             It was also very favorably received at the IDS in Germany where
             it was previewed. And we expect to receive approvals across
             Europe throughout the balance of the year.

             BioPure continues to receive a high degree of interest from
             dentists doing endodontic procedures. It is our new irrigant that
             is used to disinfect the canal as well as remove the smear layer
             that is created in a root canal procedure. As a result, its use
             dramatically reduces the probability of complications or failure
             resulting from bacterial contamination.

             Calamus was introduced in the first quarter. This is a unique,
             very user friendly obturation delivery system used in root canal
             procedures. The filling material that is to be put into the canal
             during the procedure is in a cartridge that's designed for single
             patient use.

             It makes it more convenient, disposable, and provides for quick
             easy clean up following the procedure. It is yet another
             innovative product added to our very broad and successful
             portfolio of products for endodontics.

             Xeno IV is our first single component self etching adhesive. It
             comes in one bottle with one brush applicator requiring no
             mixing. It's extremely user friendly. And of course it provides
             the superior bond strength of our other adhesive products. Xeno
             IV was introduced in the first quarter.

             SmartLite PS is another addition to our SmartLite LED curing
             light product line. It is very user-friendly with a simple pen
             design and size that offers high powered LED curing and a
             convenient style light with a quick ten second cure. And it is

             And finally already previewed in the market and being shown at
             the upcoming American Association of Orthodontics in May is
             Interactive Mystique. This is the world's first low friction
             translucent ceramic bracket. It has a clear interactive clip that
             we call Neo-Clip -- which can be rapidly placed and removed from
             Mystique -- which is our new ceramic bracket.

             It engages the wire similarly to self-ligation -- which is known
             for its benefits of reduced appointment time and improved oral

             We will begin shipping this by the end of the quarter immediately
             following the AAO meeting in May. So this is just some highlights
             of some of the products released during the first quarter and
             scheduled to release shortly.

             We continue to be very excited about the pipeline of new products
             that we have. And look forward to telling you more about them as
             they approach our introduction.

             Before I turn the call over the Bill I would like to make some
             closing remarks. While we can't change the impact the German
             reimbursement has on their dental market we can change what we do
             to respond to it. Our marketing efforts will be focused on market
             share gains with such products as Cercon that, as I said before,
             has a unique opportunity for growth during this period of
             transition in Germany.

             It is unlikely, however, that we'll be able to completely offset
             the entire impact of the first quarter and deliver on our initial
             internal growth targets of 5 to 6% for the full year. However we
             do expect the growth to improve throughout the year as the German
             market stabilizes and to be above 5% growth for the balance of
             this year.

             Also we have plans in place to adjust our cost structure, to
             address the lower demand for prosthetics in Germany. With these
             changes we remain comfortable with our original guidance of $2.59
             to $2.63 earnings per share for 2005.

             That concludes my remarks. I will now turn the call over to Bill
             Jellison to take you through the P&L and balance sheet.

Bill Jellison:  Thanks Gary. Good morning everyone. As Gary mentioned net
             sales for the first quarter of 2005 decreased by 1.8% in total
             and increased by 3% excluding precious metals. The sales increase
             -- ex-precious metals -- for the quarter included a 3.3% increase
             from FX translation.

             The geographic mix of sales -- ex-pm -- in the first quarter of
             2005 included the US at 43.2% -- compared to 41.7% in the first
             quarter of last year. Europe represented 37.8% this year compared
             to 40% in the same period last year. And the rest of the world
             was 19.1% of sales compared to 18.3% in the same period last year.

             Most of the geographic changes occurred as sales grew outside of
             Germany. The negative sales impact from delays and dental claim
             processing tied to the German dental reform implementation not
             only impacted sales growth for the company but also negatively
             impacted margins while slightly benefiting the corporation's tax

             Gross margins for the first quarter were 56.6% -- that's
             ex-precious metals -- compared to 56.8% in the first quarter of
             2004. Margin rates were negatively impacted in the quarter as a
             result of lower volume and product mix. Rates are expected to
             increase as we move through the year and benefit from improved
             leverage, product mix, and manufacturing initiatives.

             SG&A was 138.4 million -- or 37.5% of sales ex-precious -- metals
             this quarter versus 37.1% in the prior year's first quarter. The
             higher expense level in the first quarter primarily resulted from
             non-capitalized costs relating to the new anesthetic plant in
             Chicago, costs related to our Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, the
             acquisition of GAC SA in Europe, and foreign exchange movements.
             Expenses are expected to be lower as a percent of sales for the
             entire year than in 2004.

             Operational margins for the quarter were 17.3% compared to 16.9%
             in the 2004 first quarter. Operating margins based on sales --
             excluding precious metals -- were 19%. And compared to 19.6% last
             year in the same period.

             We still expect that operating margins for the entire year will
             improve from last year as a result of both improved product mix
             and the operational leverage.

             Net interest and other income in the quarter was .2 million --
             which is an improvement of 5.7 million compared to last year's
             first quarter. Net interest expense improved by 1.3 million in
             the quarter. And other income improved by 4.3 million primarily
             as a result of foreign exchange transaction gains occurring in
             the period.

             The corporate tax rate in the quarter was 30.3% compared to 29.2%
             in the first quarter of 2004. The first quarter's current period
             operational tax rate was 30.8%.

             Income from continuing operations in the first quarter of 2005
             was 49 million or 60 cents per diluted share. That's a 7.1%
             increase over the first quarter of 2004. Income from continuing
             operations in the first quarter of last year included a 1 cent
             per diluted share negative impact from restructuring.

             Let's now look at cash flow and a few balance sheet items. Cash
             flow was lower in the first quarter than the same period last
             year as receivables increased off a low point at year end and a
             patent settlement payment was made. Operating cash flow in the
             first quarter of 2005 were approximately $25 million compared to
             $47 million in the same period of 2004.

             Capital expenditures were 9 million -- yielding a free cash flow
             of about 16 million for the first quarter excluding $5 million of
             dividends. Depreciation and amortization for the first quarter of
             2005 was $13 million. Inventory days were 97 at the end of the
             first quarter of 2005 compared to 92 days at year-end.

             Inventory days should improve as sales begin to strengthen
             through the year. Receivable days stood at 56 days at the end of
             the first quarter compared to the record low level of 47 days
             achieved at year end. We do expect some slight improvement here
             as well moving into the year as our target for (AR) days is in
             the low 50s.

             At the end of the first quarter of 2005 we had $437 million in
             cash and short term investments compared to $506 million at the
             end of 2004. Long term debt was $771 million at the end of the
             first quarter compared to 780 million at the end of 2004.

             In addition we had $70 million of short term debt and a
             derivative asset value of $25 million at the end of the quarter.
             Dentsply repurchased $29 million of stock -- or approximately
             522,000 shares at an average price of $56.38 in the first quarter
             of 2005.

             Based on the company's current authorization to maintain up to 3
             million shares of treasury stock we still have approximately 2.2
             million shares available for repurchase. And we expect to
             continue to be in the market repurchasing shares during the
             second quarter.

             Finally -- as Gary noted -- we remain comfortable with a diluted
             EPS range of $2.59 to $2.63 for 2005. This guidance does not
             include the affect of any potential future decision to repatriate
             foreign earnings for purposes consistent with the American Jobs
             Creation Act of 2004.

             That concludes our prepared remarks. And we'd be glad to answer
             any questions that you may have at this time.

Gary Kunkle: (Kelly)?

Operator:    At this time I would like to remind everyone in order to ask a
             question please press star then the number 1 on your telephone
             key pad. We'll pause for just a moment to compile the Q&A roster.

             Your first question comes from (Derek Leckow).

(Derek Leckow): Good morning.

Gary Kunkle: Hi (Derek).

(Derek Leckow): Had a question here on the guidance. It looks like you're
             maintaining the guidance. As I make changes to my model here in
             the latter three quarters of the year the biggest assumption that
             jumps out is the tax rate. Also you mentioned that you felt the
             gross profit margin would improve. Does that mean that you'll be
             above last year in gross profit in the following three quarters?

Bill Jellison:  Yes. We believe that that is a true statement.

(Derek Leckow): Okay. And as we look at the German market you did say you saw
             some rebound already here in the second quarter. But you're not
             anticipating making up for the deficit in the first quarter. As
             we - perhaps it might be helpful to talk about the German revenue
             contribution in total. And then also give us the breakdown
             between lab and general dental in Germany.

Gary Kunkle: I can give you an estimate Derek. It's difficult to be too
             definitive because we have dealers in Germany that sell outside
             of Germany to other countries in Europe.

(Derek Leckow): Oh okay.

Gary Kunkle: But our estimate is that our German volume represents about 50%
             of our entire European volume. And I believe Europe's about 38%
             of our total.

(Derek Leckow): Okay.

Gary Kunkle: We are number 1 in the lab business in Europe. And a lot of it is
             driven by our high share in Germany. And our lab business --
             including the precious metals -- in Europe probably makes up plus
             30 plus percent of our volume. Maybe slightly higher than that.

(Derek Leckow): Okay. And that's really where you saw the most dramatic drop.

Gary Kunkle: Yes. If you look at the, you know, while the reimbursement
             affected dentistry its biggest effect was on lab. Our non-lab --
             or chair side --  businesses in Germany were positive and low
             single digits -- which is, you know, the market is about 3.5% in
             total. And while they're impacted they were still positive.

(Derek Leckow): Okay. And then just a question on the anesthetic business. It
             sounds like you're shipping already out of the Chicago plant. And
             you said that you thought the FDA approval might come before the
             end of the year. Does that mean you're looking at about fourth
             quarter to begin shipments from that plant in the US?

Gary Kunkle: It'll be the first quarter (Derek).

(Derek Leckow): First quarter of '05. Okay. Or '06 rather.

Gary Kunkle: Yeah well one of the things that we obviously have to do not
             knowing the release date is go ahead and build inventory from our
             current supplier.

(Derek Leckow): Okay.

Gary Kunkle: Before we start shipping we'll have to burnoff the inventory.

(Derek Leckow): Does that reflect (the year) on the inventory balance that
             you're seeing? The increase?

Gary Kunkle: Yes.

(Derek Leckow): Okay. That's it for me right now. Thanks a lot.

Operator:    Your next question comes from (Frank Pinkerton).

(Frank Pinkerton):   Hey good morning. Can you run through what was the cost
             of the acquisition for GAC in Europe?

Gary Kunkle: While we agreed not to disclose the entire part of the cost,
             basically it is $5 million upfront with an earn-out for the
             balance of the next three years. Excuse me -- 5 million euro.

(Frank Pinkerton):   Five mil - I'm sorry. Five million euro. Okay. Secondly,
             can you just update us on some of, you know, what I'll call your
             technology initiatives with Georgia Tech? And then also I guess
             the (SATIF) product that you've licensed from Sanofi?

Gary Kunkle: Yes. Both the (SATIF) and (DOXA) -- which were two technologies
             that we did acquire.  Both of those are now in the hands of our
             operating units in R&D and product development. I would basically
             say they're beyond the proof of principle stage.

             With respect to the three projects that are active in Georgia
             Tech actually all of them are still in proof of principle. And
             those are probably much longer term (Frank).

(Frank Pinkerton):   Okay. From a standpoint of -- I guess -- the German
             market is this something that's going to require, you know,
             broader sales effort? Broader marketing effort? Or is it really a
             sense where you have everything there and you just need the
             market to turn around?

Gary Kunkle: Well I'd say it's both. I mean we're not going to wait for the
             market. We're instituting as many programs as we can to gain
             share during this period. And we think we can do that. You know,
             the one opportunity that I cited was Cercon -- I think -- is very

             Cercon is recognized as very technologically innovative. But
             people have not moved to it because they just - it's easier not
             to change. And here is a huge incentive and a huge opportunity
             for them to move to this new technology.

(Frank Pinkerton):   Okay great. Thank you.

Operator:    Your next question comes from (Suey Wong).

(Suey Wong): Thank you. Gary I'd like to drill down a little bit more on
             Germany here. I want to make sure that I heard you right. Did you
             say that the German lab market - you estimate -- was down 50%?

Gary Kunkle: The estimates are between 50% and 60%. That's correct.

(Suey Wong): Okay. And you talked before about the confusion reimbursement
             such. Could you just review the key factors there for people that
             might not be as new to the - or might not know the Dentsply story
             as well.

Gary Kunkle: Probably the biggest piece isn't confusion as much as it was
             delay. They announced the change in the late fourth quarter. And
             really weren't administratively prepared to put it in place in
             the first quarter.

             The request for a procedure has to go through channels -- if it's
             a laboratory product it has to be approved by the lab, by the
             dentist, and then by the regulatory authority. And then it goes
             back - normally it would go back to the dentist. Today now it
             goes back to the patient -- which is a further complication.

             And so just by virtue of the fact they weren't administratively
             prepared, there was an immediate backlog in that no one could get
             a procedure done until it went through the system.

             So for the first four to six weeks you were seeing virtually
             nothing done. So I would say that was the biggest piece.
             Certainly there's confusion on the part of the patient as to
             what's reimbursed and at what rate, as they're discovering as
             they go through the process of applying for reimbursements.

             I think it will settle out, Suey. It's just going to take time.
             As I said earlier in the call we're already seeing a pick up, as
             many of these requested procedures are now being approved, and
             are being brought back to the dental office. And hopefully, you
             know, we'll see this shake out - we'd like to see it during
             second quarter. But probably more realistically as you move
             through the third quarter.

(Suey Wong): Do you think that your strong fourth quarter in Germany stole
             away from the first quarter?

Gary Kunkle: No I don't.

(Suey Wong): Okay. It seems like your problems in Germany reflect the industry
             here. Because (Stroman) has reported, (Danaher) has reported. And
             both those companies have talked about the issues in Germany. So
             it sounds like it's not company specific.

Gary Kunkle: Absolutely. I think one thing you need to make note of though
             Suey, is, it is more prominent in the lab than it is the balance
             of dentistry, so companies that are heavily lab-focused are being
             impacted more. And certainly Straumann would be one of those.

(Suey Wong): Good. Bill could you go over the net interest and (other line)?
             (It varies) quite a bit from our projections here. I want to make
             sure I understand that.

Bill Jellison:  Sure. From a net interest expense perspective included in that
             line we've got about $4 million of interest expense in this
             period versus $5.2, $5.3 last year. So that's about a 1.2 million
             improvement off of the 2004 levels. There's also included in that
             line other categories, one of which is exchange, gain, or loss on
             transactions that are taking place. And we had a $4.8 million
             gain on an exchange transaction within the period versus only a
             $200,000 gain last year. So that was a net improvement of about
             $4.5 million within the quarter.

             From a transaction perspective - obviously we're impacted at
             different stages based on transactions and translations. In this
             period because of transferring intangible assets on the pharma
             business, we actually picked up a gain on the transaction off of
             that of about -- as I mentioned -- about $4.7 million. So that's
             about a $4.5 million swing.

             We think that that's primarily associated with the quarter. And
             we aren't expecting that type of a level moving forward in each
             of the quarters coming up through this year.

(Suey Wong): Sounds like the exchange gain explains basically the difference
             in my model. Lastly here, could you talk about your acquisition
             pipeline? I know you guys have been talking about making
             acquisitions for a while now.

             Is it a case that the acquisition prices are being bid up to
             levels that you're not comfortable with paying? And if (given
             that) your competitors are very active in the market and you have
             newer companies -- like (Danaher) and also (Kodak) -- that are
             either building presences in dental or expanding their presences?

Gary Kunkle: We don't see that at all. And, you know, to the best of our
             knowledge when you're talking about companies like (Danaher)
             we're targeting different companies. Most of their businesses
             have been - most of their acquisitions have been large equipment.
             Of which we have strategically decided we're not going to be in.

             Because you know they bought (Gendex) from us. With few
             exceptions we think valuations are fine. It's more of an issue of
             timing. Many of these companies are private. So the decisions go
             beyond just valuation. It includes family matters. And we think
             it's just a matter of time when they come to that decision.

             And we think they recognize that we are probably -- at least
             among -- the best buyers for them. And bring them the best value.

(Suey Wong): Okay. One more question if I may. The US was as strong as it's
             been in three years. Could you talk about the key drivers of
             performance there? What's different now than in the past?

Gary Kunkle: Well as I mentioned we had very strong performance in
             orthodontics and implants. And in our orthodontics business has
             been strong all along. It's just been the recent years that we
             put a strong emphasis behind the implants. And I think you're
             seeing that in the most recent quarters by the growth that
             they've experienced.

             We also had very strong growth in -- what I call -- our
             chair-side consumables. And, you know, we've had strong effort to
             improve in that area. We've had a tremendous focus on improving
             our sales effectiveness. And I think you're seeing the benefit of
             it in this quarter.

(Suey Wong): Thanks Gary.

Operator:    Your next question comes from (Greg Halter).

(Greg Halter):  Hi guys.

Bill Jellison:  Hi (Greg).

Gary Kunkle: Yeah hi (Greg).

(Greg Halter)   Bill. I think you had mentioned that your long term debt was
             771 million? Or was that total debt?

Bill Jellison:  That's long term debt.

(Greg Halter):  Okay. On your balance sheet you show 700.9 million. Is there
             something else in there that we're not seeing?

Operator:    At this time there are no further questions.

Gary Kunkle: (Kelly) there's a question right now. (Kelly)?

Operator:    Yes sir. He has been removed from queue. Please press star 1

Bill Jellison:  Yeah. That's - the debt that was mentioned there that's 700 of
             long term debt plus the 70 of the short term portion of debt.

(Greg Halter):  So total debt is $771 million.

Bill Jellison:  $771 million in total. That's correct.

(Greg Halter):  Okay. And your maturities this year look like what?

Bill Jellison:  We actually had some debt pay down in the first quarter on one
             of our private placements. So that was really what the debt
             reduction was tied into. That was 43 million.

             And, you know, moving forward we'll also have pay downs moving
             into next year on the euro bonds as well. And then we're in the
             process at this point of renewing our entire revolving credit
             agreement -- which we believe should get wrapped up sometime
             within the second quarter.

(Greg Halter):  And looking at the cash flow obviously you mentioned down in
             the quarter. What do you foresee for the full year '05?

Bill Jellison:  We don't specifically talk about the overall in cash flow. But
             obviously, you know, we've given our earnings expectations. On
             the working capital side, we mentioned at the beginning of the
             period that we're still expecting to have a few day improvement
             on the inventory end. The receivable side ended -- obviously --
             on the low side at year-end.

             So, you know, getting back to that level -- I think -- is
             probably a little bit - or further below an overall expectation.
             We'd expect that our receivable day should be right around kind
             of the 50, low 50 range on average. And we think that that's a
             good level.

             Could it be down below the 50 range or slightly above? I think,
             you know, either one of those could take place depending on where
             our sales come at the end of the period.

             And then as I've mentioned we also had the litigation payment
             that occurred in the first quarter that impacted our overall
             growth. But for the remaining parts of the year we feel very
             positive about how we should move forward.

(Greg Halter):  Okay. And I think in the past you had talked about capital
             spending. This year being between $55 and $60 million. Has that
             varied at all?

Bill Jellison:  That has not. We've obviously in the first quarter at only
             about 9 million is lower than kind of an overall run rate for the
             entire year. But we still expect that our cap-ex will be
             somewhere in that range.

(Greg Halter):  And is the Chicago plant done? Or is there more spending
             related to that?

Gary Kunkle: The Chicago plant is completed. The only spending would be
             related in future years for additional capacity and equipment.
             But the facility is complete.

(Greg Halter):  Okay. And on that $55 to $60 million can you break that down
             between maybe new expansions and maintenance and so forth?

Bill Jellison:  I think what we said in general before was that, you know,
             most of the maintenance related items make up probably about -
             roughly about 30% of the total cap-ex that we have. The remaining
             portion is typically for added capacity and or additional
             facility requirements.

(Greg Halter):  All right. Thank you.

Operator:    (Don) your line is open.

(Don Geer):  (Don Geer). (Cold Stream Capital). Could you go back to your
             repatriation comments? What are the issues you're struggling with
             as to whether or not to repatriate? And what is the total size
             that you could do?

Bill Jellison:  I think that there's a couple different points there. One, I
             believe that, you know we definitely want to be bringing cash
             back into the States. Whether it's under the repatriation act or
             not - a different question.

             And I think that there's different strategies that we've actually
             kicked off a global (tax) revenue process on to take a look at
             really what our options are. Because we generate a lot of cash in
             a lot of different countries around the world. Especially chunks
             within Europe.

             We also obviously are well balanced on our geographic footprint.
             And we would expect to have acquisitions both in the US and in
             Europe. And we want to make sure that we're best assessing what
             are needs are going to be in the next few years directly
             associated with that.

             So there's really two pieces. The (tax) strategy on what's the
             best way to bring it back. And it may actually be a different way
             other than just through the repatriation act. Or do a second
             piece is actually to look at where we believe those outflows are
             going to occur on some of the acquisitions moving forward.

             But we think that, you know, amount could range, you know,
             anywhere from - anywhere from 0 to, you know, $500 to $600
             million in aggregate. Because we could potentially utilize the
             act to even bring back more cash from those locations knowing
             that we generate so much cash internationally as well.

(Don Geer):  Thank you.

Operator:    At this time there's no further questions.

Gary Kunkle: Okay. Well first of all we appreciate you joining the call this
             morning. And thank you for your interest in our company. Thank
             you (Kelly).

Operator:    Thank you. This concludes today's conference call. You may now
