Moderator: Gary Kunkle
                           July 27, 2005
                            7:30 am CT

Operator:    Good morning my name is (Lowanna) and I will be your
             conference facilitator today.  At this time I'd like
             to welcome everyone to the Second Quarter Earnings
             Release conference call.

             All lines have been placed on mute to prevent any
             background noise.

             After the speakers' remarks there will be a question
             and answer period.  If you would like to ask a
             question during this time, simply press star and the
             number 1 on your telephone keypad.

             If you would like to withdraw your question, press
             the pound key.  Thank you.  Mr. Kunkle you may begin
             your conference.

Gary Kunkle: Thank you Lowanna and good morning and thank you all
             for joining the Dentsply Second Quarter conference
             call.  My name is Gary Kunkle and I am the Chairman
             and Chief Executive Officer.

             Also with me today are Tom Whiting, our President and
             Chief Operating Officer, and Bill Jellison, Senior
             Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

             I'll begin today's call with some overview comments
             regarding our second quarter results and the overall
             business.  And then before I turn the call over to
             Bill, I'll conclude with some remarks regarding our
             outlook for the balance of the year.  Bill will then
             take you through a more detailed review of the P&L
             and balance sheets.  And finally, we'll all be
             pleased to answer any questions that you may have.

             Before we get started -- it's important to note that
             this conference call may include forward-looking
             statements involving risks and uncertainties.  This
             should be considered in conjunction with the risk
             factors and uncertainties described in the Company's
             most recent annual report on Form 10-K and its
             subsequent periodic reports on Form 10-Q filed with
             the Securities and Exchange Commission.

             This conference in its entirety will be part of an
             8-K filing and will be available on our Web site.

             By now each of you should have received a copy of the
             Second Quarter Earnings announcement that we released
             yesterday after the market closed.  Our reported
             sales during the second quarter were $444.8 million.
             This represented an increase of 4.8% as reported and
             7.4% if you exclude the precious metal content.

             The 7.4 percent sales gain broke out as follows for
             the quarter:  base business was up 3.9%, foreign
             exchange was up 2.2% and acquisitions contributed

             Looking at it on a geographic basis, the United
             States was up 4.7%, Europe was up 1.8% and the
             balance of the world was up 6%.  While the dental
             reimbursement issues in Germany continue to have an
             impact on our European and overall performance, we
             were really pleased to see the improving trend since
             we last reported to you.

             As you may recall from our recent conference calls,
             beginning in January '05, Germany replaced their
             percentage pay reimbursements with a fixed
             reimbursement for dental work.  This new
             reimbursement scheme also now provides for
             reimbursement of dental implant procedures and
             prosthetic procedures using all ceramic materials.
             This is a very positive change, as these categories
             were not reimbursable before.

             The new reimbursement, however, is proving to be
             somewhat different from what was originally
             expected.  Communications going into the program
             implied that the actual amount of the reimbursement
             under the new program would remain the same as the
             prior percentage reimbursements for the same

             The significant difference, however, which was not
             communicated, is that the new program establishes a
             reimbursement based on a standard of care and not the
             actual procedure.

             Let me give you an example.  Last year a patient was
             reimbursed approximately 50% for a single crown
             procedure whether the restorations were done with a
             precious metal or a non-precious metal.  Thus a
             precious metal procedure costing approximately 500
             Euros would have been reimbursed at 250 Euros, while
             the non-precious metal procedure would have had a
             cost of approximately 350 Euros and have a
             reimbursement of 175.

             Under the new scheme the non-precious metal procedure
             is considered the standard of care for single
             crowns.  Therefore, the fixed reimbursements would be
             175, the amount previously given for non-precious
             metal crowns.  This is the amount of reimbursement
             whether you use a precious metal or non-precious
             metal in the procedure.

             This caused an initial confusion in the market place,
             but it is gaining a better understanding.  It also
             has generated a number of complaints.  This is
             leading politicians to push for further reform that
             would provide more equity between the new program and
             the former reimbursement.

             On a more positive note, now that the administrative
             startup problems are resolved, we are experiencing
             double-digit growth in both Cercon products and our
             dental implant products in Germany.  Both of these
             categories are positively influenced now that they're
             being included in the new reimbursement program.

             The year-to-date internal growth in Europe is
             negative 5.3%.  If you exclude the businesses that
             are being affected by the German reimbursement, the
             balance of Europe has a year-to-date internal growth
             of plus 7.5%.

             We are very pleased with our performance in our
             non-German markets in Europe, and quite frankly, we
             give our German organization great credit for their
             contributions and results in what we consider a very
             challenging environment in Germany.

             Moving on to the United States, we are pleased with
             the continued strong growth in the U.S. of 4.7%
             overall.  This is following a first quarter internal
             growth of the U.S. of 7%.  We had exceptionally
             strong sales in our chairside businesses.  Those are
             the products sold to dental offices.  This was led by
             double-digit growth in orthodontics, implants, and
             anesthetics, which was really driven by Oraqix.

             The strong performance of our chairside products was
             offset by weak sales in labs.  Within the U.S. lab
             business, Cercon products are also growing at a
             double-digit rate,  but the balance of our lab
             products are not performing well.  We believe much of
             this is impacted by lab work moving offshore to lower
             labor cost areas in the world.  We have analyzed this
             and we've come up with a two-part strategy, if you
             will, to address this issue.

             First of all, we're promoting Cercon as an
             all-ceramic, more-aesthetic, low- labor solution.
             This is really being driven by the new software we
             introduced last quarter for Cercon that provides a
             better, more efficient utilization of the Cercon
             block and really makes it an economically competitive
             alternative to both precious metal and non-precious
             metal procedures.

             Secondly, as many of you do know, we have
             considerable lab technology and resources all over
             the world and we are currently finalizing a strategy
             for our U.S. lab operations to work in conjunction
             with our other global lab subsidiaries to provide a
             competitive alternative to the offshore option that
             many U.S. labs are choosing today.  The strategy, at
             this point, is a work-in-progress, but we expect to
             have it finalized and implemented by year-end.

             Looking at the rest of the world, the balance of the
             world grew internally by approximately 6%.  This was
             led by continuing strong growth in Asia, 20% for the
             quarter bringing their year-to-date growth to 18%.

             Middle East and Africa also grew in double-digits and
             Japan grew at 8% internally and we find this very
             encouraging in Japan, given that their dental market
             is flat.

             Just some comments on acquisitions.  During the
             second quarter we announced two additional
             acquisitions -- Glenroe Technologies and Raintree
             Essix, both orthodontic companies.  Combined, they
             will add $14 to $16 million in annual revenue.

             We remain very active in the market pursuing other
             acquisition targets, and while I can't be specific,
             we continue to be encouraged by what we see and with
             the few exceptions, fair valuations.

             Some other items of interest, with respect to our
             anesthetic pharmaceutical plant in Chicago, we had
             previously announced that we received approval from
             the MHRA, which is the regulatory authority for the
             UK, Australia and New Zealand.  We have begun
             shipping to these countries.

             The FDA is currently in our facilities conducting
             their audit.  We are pleased that we're finally
             getting this review under way so that we can get this
             facility up to a higher utilization by adding
             production for the U.S. market.

             But given the lateness of this review, however, we
             are in discussions with our current suppliers to
             extend the supply agreement with them to ensure that
             we have products available.

             We also anticipate that this delay will postpone any
             manufacturing of products for the U.S. in our Chicago
             facility until 2006.  As a result, we will have
             additional unforecasted costs of approximately $4
             million for the unabsorbed overhead in 2005.

             Moving on to our new product, Oraqix.  We continue to
             be very pleased with the market acceptance of this
             product.  As you recall it is our new non-injectable
             dental anesthetic for scaling and root planing.

             Sales in the United States are ahead of forecast and
             have a high reorder rate.  We recently received
             approval for sale in Denmark, Spain and Finland and
             began selling activities this month.  We expect
             approvals in Ireland and England this quarter with an
             expected launch in the fourth quarter.

             I mentioned several products during the first quarter
             conference call that continue to perform well.  Those
             are BioPure, which is our new irrigant that is used
             to disinfect the canal in a root canal procedure,
             thus, really dramatically reducing the probability of
             complications, or failure resulting from bacterial
             contamination.  Also, Calamus, which is a very
             unique, simple, and user-friendly obturation delivery
             system, which is also used in root canals.  The
             filling materials that is being put into the canal
             during the procedure is in cartridges that are
             designed for single-patient use, which really makes
             it more convenient, disposable and provides for
             quick, easy clean-up following the procedure.

             Those are two innovative products added to the very
             extensive and very successful portfolio that we have
             of endodontic products.

             We're also very pleased with the sales performance of
             Xeno IV, which is our first single component
             self-etching adhesive and Smartlite PS), which was an
             addition to our Smartlite LED Curing Light product

             During the second quarter we introduced Interactive
             Mystique.  This is the world's first low friction
             translucent ceramic bracket.  It has a clear
             interactive clip called (Neoclip), which can be
             rapidly placed and removed from Mystique, which is
             our ceramic bracket.  It engages the wire very
             similarly to self-ligation, which is known for its
             benefits of reducing appointment time and improving
             oral hygiene.  It was very well received at the
             recent orthodontic meeting in San Francisco and we
             began shipping in June.

             There were also numerous product line extensions that
             we introduced around the world during the second
             quarter and we have a number of other new products
             scheduled for market introduction during the balance
             of 2005.

             We plan on introducing in excess of 20 new products
             in 2005 and that number excludes line extensions.

             Just some closing comments.  Before I turn the call
             over to Bill, I would like to make some closing
             remarks.  We continue to be encouraged by the
             improvements in Germany and we are very pleased with
             our performance in other markets around the world.

             We expect the rate of growth to continue to improve
             throughout the year as the German market stabilizes.

             With respect to profits, I have already mentioned
             that we'll experience additional expenses associated
             with the Chicago anesthetic plant.

             We would also incur additional expenses associated
             with tax consultation that's related to our repayment
             strategy and some other tax-related opportunities,
             which Bill will discuss in more detail.

             These costs in total will be between $6 and $7
             million.  However, we expect to absorb these
             additional costs and are maintaining our guidance of
             $2.59 to $2.63 earnings per share for 2005.

             That really concludes all of my remarks.  So I will
             now turn the call over to Bill Jellison to take you
             through the P&L and balance sheet.

Bill Jellison:  Thanks Gary.  Good morning everyone.  As Gary
             mentioned, net sales for the quarter of 2005
             increased by 4.8% in total and increased by 7.4%
             excluding precious metals.  The sales increase, ex
             precious metals, for the quarter included a 2.2%
             increase from foreign exchange translation and 1.3%
             increase from acquisitions.

             The geographic mix of sales, ex pm, in its second
             quarter of 2005, showed little change from last
             year's percent.

             The U.S. represented 42.9% of sales compared to 43.5%
             in the second quarter of last year.

             Europe was 36.9% this year compared to 37.2% in the
             same period last year.  And the rest of the world was
             20.2% of sales compared to 19.2% in the same period
             last year.

             Germany continued to run lower than last year in the
             second quarter.  However, was improved during the
             second quarter compared to drastically lower levels
             in the first quarter.

             We expect continued improvements for Germany in the
             second half.  With the German market projected to be
             down for the year, due to dental claim and
             reimbursement level changes implemented at the
             beginning of 2005.

             Gross margins for the second quarter were 56.7% ex
             precious metals, which were virtually flat compared
             to the second quarter of 2004.

             Margin rates were positively impacted by new
             products, manufacturing improvements, and improved
             leverage in many of our businesses.  However, these
             positives were offset in the quarter by lower
             precious metal sales and the unleveraged start-up
             costs of our new anesthetic facility.

             Rates are expected to only improve slightly by the
             end of 2005 due to the negative impact of the
             precious metal product mix, primarily the result of
             the soft German dental market and the higher
             unleveraged start-up cost for the anesthetic

             SG&A expenses were $146.4 million or 36.5% of sales,
             ex precious metals, this quarter versus 35.8% in the
             prior year's second quarter.  The higher expense
             level in the second quarter primarily resulted from
             non-capitalized costs relating to the anesthetic
             plant in Chicago, cost related to the IDS or the
             International Dental Show, which occurs every two
             years in the second quarter, and foreign exchange

             Expenses are still projected to be lower as a percent
             of sales for the entire year.

             Operational margins for the second quarter were 18.2%
             compared to 18.3% in the same period last year.
             While operating margins based on sales excluding
             precious metals were 20.2% compared to 20.8% in the
             second quarter of 2004.

             Operating margins are expected to run higher than
             last year by the time we get into the fourth quarter
             as a result of both the improved product mix and
             operational leverage.

             Net interest and other expenses in the quarter was
             $.7 million, which is an improvement of $4.5 million
             compared to last year's second quarter.  Net interest
             expenses improved by $2.3 million in the quarter due
             to both lower borrowing levels and the net investment
             hedges utilizing the Japanese Yen and the Swiss Franc
             that we put into place in the first quarter of this

             Other income expense improved by about $2.2 million,
             primarily resulting from a foreign exchange
             transaction gain in the period compared to a slight
             transaction loss last year.

             The corporate tax rate in the second quarter was 28%
             compared to 32% in the second quarter of 2004.  The
             current quarter's operational tax rate is 30.3% or
             30.5% year-to-date.

             We also had a favorable tax rate impact for the
             period from the settlement of tax audits, which had a
             2 cents per diluted share favorable impact in the

             In light of this 2 cents per share pickup, and to
             better evaluate our repatriation options and
             opportunities under the American Jobs Creation Act,
             the genesis of internal Revenue Code Section 965.
             We've begun a global tax project using external
             consultants.  While this project will be an increase
             to our SG&A cost over the next two quarters, we
             expect it will help minimize our overall tax exposure
             on any current year and/or for future year

             Income from continuing operations in the second
             quarter of 2005 was $57.9 million or 71 cents per
             diluted share.  That's an 18.3% increase in diluted
             earnings per share over the second quarter of 2004
             and without the 2 cents favorable tax impact in the
             period, diluted earnings per share would have still
             increased 15% in the period.

             Operating cash flow was $40 million in the second
             quarter of 2005 compared to $62 million in the same
             period last year.

             Both receivables and inventories ended higher than
             anticipated in the period.  However, tighter controls
             and divisional commitments should improve both of
             those categories by year-end.  An increase in
             inventory base is required to support the anesthetic
             products during the new plant transition.  However,
             many other inventory areas should improve resulting
             in inventory base closer to 90 to 92 by year-end.

             Receivable days stood at 55 days at the end of the
             second quarter compared to 56 days at the end of the
             first quarter and the record low level of 47 days
             achieved at year-end.  Improvements are also expected
             in this area during the second half resulting in AR
             days closer to 50 by year-end.

             Capital expenditures were $12 million in the second
             quarter yielding free cash flow or operating cash
             flow less cap ex of about $28 million.

             Appreciation and amortization for the quarter were
             $14 million, as dividends were $5 million again this

             At the end of the second quarter of 2005, we had $366
             million in cash and short-term investments compared
             to $506 million at the end of 2004.  Long-term debt
             was $658 million at the end of the quarter compared
             to $780 million at the end of 2004.  In addition, we
             have $69 million of short-term debt and a derivative
             asset value of $27 million at the end of the quarter.

             Dentsply repurchased $73 million of stock for
             approximately 1.3 million shares at an average price
             of $55.51 in the second quarter of 2005.  Our total
             repurchases in 2005 now stand at $103 million or 1.8
             million shares at an average price of $55.80.  Based
             on the Company's current authorization to make up to
             3 million shares of treasury stock, we still have
             approximately 1 million shares available for

             Finally, as Gary noted, we remain comfortable with a
             diluted EPS range of $2.59 to $2.63 for 2005,
             including the expenses associated with our global tax
             project and the additional expenses associated with
             the Chicago anesthetic plant, as well as the second
             quarter's two cents per share tax benefit.

             This guidance does not include the effect of any
             potential future decision to repatriate foreign
             earnings and for purposes consistent with the
             American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.

             That concludes our prepared remarks and we'd be glad
             to answer any questions that any of you may have at
             this time.

Operator:    At this time I must remind everyone if you want to
             ask a questions, please press star then the number 1
             on your telephone keypad.

             We'll pause for just a moment to compile the Q&A

             Your first question comes from Michael Gaugler,
             Boenning & Scattergood.

Michael Gaugler:     Good morning everyone.

Men:         Good morning Michael.

Michael Gaugler:     Just two quick questions.  One with regard to
             the repatriation of cash.  I was wondering, you know,
             about how much you guys have sitting overseas and
             what the range is that you're looking at?

Bill Jellison:  We currently have approximately $350 million that
             is sitting overseas, but we're actually looking in a
             range of up to $500 million on the repatriation.

Michael Gaugler:     And just the second question, what are you
             seeing on the acquisition front?

Gary Kunkle: Well, we're still very active Michael.  Obviously I
             can't be specific with it.  As I have said on
             previous calls, a lot of what we're looking at are
             both private and public, and when you get into the
             private ones, decisions come into play that go beyond
             valuations.  When does the family want to exit the
             business and who in the family wants to stay with the
             business?  So there are issues that are affecting the
             timing more than the actual decision to divest the

             That is about all I can offer you without getting a
             little more specific.  I guess the other thing I can
             offer is we're looking at acquisitions primarily in
             the United States and Europe.

Michael Gaugler:     All right gentlemen.  Thank you.

Gary Kunkle: Yes.

Operator:    Your next question comes from Derek Leckow,
             Barrington Research.

Derek Leckow:   Thank you.  Good morning everyone.

Men:         Good morning Derek.

Derek Leckow:   It's a question on the guidance for the next
             couple of quarters here.  It looks like we're going
             to have to adjust our models to these expenses -- the
             tax expense and the Chicago plant delay.  Could you
             help me with that a little bit?  Where would we
             allocate those expenses, and to which quarters?

Bill Jellison:  I think really for both of those categories that
             you could probably equally split them up between both
             the third quarter and the fourth quarter.

Derek Leckow:   Okay.  And primarily it looks like on gross
             margins for the Chicago plant and then the tax
             expenses would be out of SG&A?

Gary Kunkle: Correct.  Some of the - some will be expensed on the
             Chicago plant.  Most of it will be gross profit.

Derek Leckow:   Gross profit.  Okay.  And then I wonder if you
             could talk about your long-term debt plans.  You've
             got $658 million out there.

             Bill could you just take us through the components of
             that and then talk about some maturities and what
             options you might have or any plans to reduce your
             debt levels going forward, or do you think you're at
             a comfortable level today?

Bill Jellison:  Well, from an overall funding perspective, I say
             one, we're very comfortable in our overall at debt
             cap level, a mandate of 35% to 40%.  So we'd expect
             to actually be more leveraged in total than we
             currently our today, which is what we got into before
             when you talk about the amount of cash flow that we
             generate, the level of acquisitions.  Based on our
             overall debt cap basis, that should imply that we
             should be doing either additional acquisitions or
             additional stock buy-back and utilizing some of those
             funds that we ultimately have available. As it
             relates to the specific debt that we've got out
             there, as I mentioned, we're looking to bring back up
             to $500 million of cash from the repatriation side,
             $350 million of that is true cash that is sitting
             overseas.  We probably leverage up our overseas
             entities just a little bit associated with that as
             well, which would allow us then to pay down some
             additional that year.

             Once we finalize on that specific amount and the
             strategy of that, I would expect that we will lay out
             a more formal refinancing plan associated with our
             overall Euro bond offering, which expires at the end
             of next year and really our overall tax position.

             But right now with the revolving credit agreement
             that we've got in place, even without the
             repatriation, we should be in good shape.

Derek Leckow:   And can you give us some idea for the average
             interest rate you are expecting for 2006?

Bill Jellison:  You want to tell me where the interest rates are
             going on both sides?  What I guess I can tell you
             that if you look at how our interest rate dollars
             are, in our second quarter year, you should expect us
             to kind of run at that same type of level or slightly
             below in the next couple of quarters.  That will
             obviously continue to be a substantial improvement
             off the interest expense levels that we had last year.

             That despite the level of increased stock repurchase
             that was done.  As I mentioned early on, we've done a
             couple of different net investment hedge positions,
             in essence, allowing us to place the debt that we do
             have in some of the lower interest rate environments
             like Japan, like the Swiss Franc.  With obviously
             some still sitting on the Euro end, as well.

             That positioning was meant to make sure that it took
             us out of the higher volatility within the U.S.
             rate.  Because obviously most of our debt now is
             denominated in foreign currency, which allows us to
             match or hedge on our investments in those locations
             as well too.  So you should expect this to continue
             to stay quite a bit below our overall U.S. rates.

Derek Leckow:   That's great.  Looks like you guys are really
             keeping up the pace on the share repurchases,
             offsetting on the impact of options and so forth.  Do
             you anticipate making any changes to your
             compensation plan regarding the effective options?

Gary Kunkle: Not at this point Derek.  We have a very low percent
             of our population that is actually eligible for
             options.  I think it is under 2%.

Derek Leckow:   Okay.  And just Gary could you talk a little bit
             about the research that you are doing on the
             pharmaceutical and biotechnology side.  Any new
             potential technologies that you've seen that might
             have applications for new products in the near term?

Gary Kunkle: Yes.  Actually there are.  For competitive reasons I
             can't get into the specifics, but we do have two
             projects that are going on within the pharmaceutical
             group.  Of course, we have the other projects, which
             we've talked about before, that are within Georgia

             All of those -- all of those projects at George Tech
             are on target, and all of them have moved to the next
             stage.  So those that were in proof of principal,
             have in fact, been successful.

             And, of course, the other two technologies that we
             acquired were Satif and Doxa, and both of those are
             in product development.  You won't see a product from
             them this year.  But one of the two (static

Derek Leckow:   Sorry, I missed the last part there because of the
             static.  You said the Doxa products.

Gary Kunkle: One of the two being Doxa, or Satif may very well be
             a product launched in 2006.

Derek Leckow:   2006, okay.  And what is the current budget for
             this pharmaceutical research,  in total?

Gary Kunkle: I don't have it broken out by division.

Derek Leckow:   Okay.  Can you give us an overall number or just a
             general idea range?

Gary Kunkle: It is approximately $50 million in expense.

Derek Leckow:   Okay.

Gary Kunkle: Of course we have a lot of other research that falls
             into costs of goods, which is generally licensing
             agreements and technologies that we've acquired.

Derek Leckow:   So it is $50 million in total not just for the
             pharmaceutical fees?

Gary Kunkle: Correct.

Derek Leckow:   Okay.  All right.  Thanks a lot guys.  Appreciate

Gary Kunkle/Bill Jellison:     You bet.

Operator:    Thank you.  At this time there are no further

Gary Kunkle: Okay.  Well thank you all for joining the conference
             call this morning, and thank you for your continued
             interest in our Company.

Operator:    Thank you.  This concludes today's Second Quarter
             Earnings Release conference call.  You may now
