Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                       Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

    Filed by the Registrant /X/
    Filed by a Party other than the Registrant / /

    Check the appropriate box:
    / /  Preliminary Proxy Statement

    / /  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
    /X/  Definitive Proxy Statement
    / /  Definitive Additional Materials
    / /  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Section 240.14a-11(c) or Section

                                             INACOM CORP.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

/X/  No fee required.
/ /  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4)and 0-11.
     1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
     2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
     3) Per unit  price  or  other  underlying  value  of  transaction  computed
        pursuant  to  Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the
        filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
     4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
     5) Total fee paid:

/ /  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

/    / Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

     1) Amount Previously Paid:
     2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3) Filing Party:
     4) Date Filed:

                                   NOTICE OF
                                 ANNUAL MEETING
                                OF STOCKHOLDERS

                                PROXY STATEMENT

                                  INACOM CORP.

                            FARNAM EXECUTIVE CENTER
                               10810 FARNAM DRIVE
                             OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68154
                                 (402) 392-3900



                               NOTICE OF MEETING

To InaCom Corp. Stockholders:

     The annual meeting of  stockholders  of InaCom Corp.  will be held on April
22, 1997 at 9:00 A.M. local time, at the Omaha  Community  Playhouse,  6915 Cass
Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68132.

     We hope you will be able to attend this year's  Stockholders'  Meeting.  If
you do not expect to be present  and wish your stock to be voted,  please  sign,
date and mail the  enclosed  proxy  form.  If you later  decide  to  attend  the
meeting,  you may  withdraw  your  proxy at that  time and vote  your  shares in

     Matters  to  be  considered  by  the  stockholders:
     Item 1. Election of Directors.
     Item 2. Approval of the  appointment of independent  accountants for fiscal
             year 1997.
     Item 3. Approval of Executive Incentive Plan
     Item 4. Approval of 1997 Stock Plan

     Stockholders of record as of the close of business on February 28, 1997 are
eligible to vote at the annual Stockholders' Meeting.

                                         By order of the Board of Directors.

                                         MICHAEL A. STEFFAN,
March 21, 1997

                                PROXY STATEMENT

To our Stockholders:

     The Board of  Directors of InaCom Corp.  ("InaCom" or  "Company")  solicits
your proxy in the form enclosed for use at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to
be held on Tuesday, April 22, 1997.

     Stockholders  of record at the close of business  on February  28, 1997 are
entitled to vote at the meeting. The Company at February 28, 1997 had issued and
outstanding 10,850,008,  shares of common stock. All holders of common stock are
entitled  to one vote for each share of stock held by them.  The  presence  of a
majority of the outstanding shares of common stock,  represented in person or by
proxy at the meeting,  will constitute a quorum.  Shares  represented by proxies
that are marked  "abstain"  will be counted as shares  present  for  purposes of
determining the presence of a quorum.  Proxies  relating to "street name" shares
that are voted by brokers on some matters will be treated as shares  present for
purposes of  determining  the  presence of a quorum,  but will not be treated as
shares  entitled  to vote at the  annual  meeting  on those  matters as to which
authority to vote is withheld by the broker ("broker non-votes").

     The eight  nominees  receiving  the highest  vote totals will be elected as
directors of InaCom.  Accordingly,  abstentions  and broker  non-votes  will not
affect the outcome of the election of  directors.  All other matters to be voted
on will be decided by the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares present
or  represented  at the meeting and  entitled to vote.  On any such  matter,  an
abstention  will have the same effect as a negative vote. A broker non-vote will
not be counted as an affirmative  vote or a negative vote because shares held by
brokers  will not be  considered  entitled  to vote on  matters  as to which the
brokers withhold authority.

     A stockholder  giving a proxy may revoke it before the meeting by mailing a
signed  instrument  revoking  the  proxy to:  Secretary,  InaCom  Corp.,  Farnam
Executive Center,  10810 Farnam Drive,  Omaha,  Nebraska 68154. To be effective,
the revocation must be received by the Secretary before the date of the meeting.
A  stockholder  may attend the meeting in person,  and at that time withdraw the
proxy and vote in person.  This proxy  statement is being mailed to stockholders
on or about March 21, 1997.

     The cost of  solicitation  of proxies,  including  the cost of  reimbursing
banks  and  brokers  for  forwarding  proxies  and  proxy  statements  to  their
principals, will be borne by the Company.

                              CERTAIN STOCKHOLDERS

     The  following  table sets forth  information  relating  to the  beneficial
ownership of the  Company's  common stock by each person known to the Company to
be the  beneficial  owner of more  than 5% of the  outstanding  shares of common
stock, by each director,  by each of the executive officers named in the Summary
Compensation Table, and by all directors and executive officers as a group.

                                                 AS OF FEBRUARY 28,    PERCENT
NAME OF BENEFICIAL OWNER                                1997           OF CLASS
- -----------------------------------------------  -------------------   --------

Legg Mason, Inc. ..............................        909,500(1)          8.4%
111 South Calvert Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
George D. Bjurman & Associates ................        781,500(2)          7.2%
10100 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 1200
Los Angeles, California 90067
Travelers Group ...............................        729,016(3)          6.7%
388 Greenwich Street
New York, NY 10013
Duncan-Hurst Capital Management ...............        727,980(4)          6.7%
4365 Executive Drive Suite 1520
San Diego, California 92121
Rick Inatome ..................................        452,216(5)(6)       4.0%
1800 West Maple Road
Troy, Michigan 48084
Joseph Inatome ................................        452,216(5)(6)       4.0%
4957 Mt. Pleasant Lane
Las Vegas, Nevada 89113
Bill Fairfield.................................        303,025(6)          2.7%
Robert Schultz.................................         31,725(6)            *
Michael Steffan................................         60,761(6)            *
George DeSola..................................         17,000(6)            *
David Guenthner................................         66,335(6)            *
All Executive Officers and Directors as a Group
(17 persons)...................................        984,852(6)          8.8%

     * Less than 1% of outstanding common stock. See "Election of Directors" for
stock ownership information on certain other directors.

     (1) Based on a Schedule 13G,  dated  February 11, 1997 filed by Legg Mason,
Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     (2) Based on a Schedule  13G,  dated  January  10,  1997 filed by George D.
Bjurman & Associates with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     (3) Based on a Schedule  13G,  dated  February  6, 1997 filed by  Travelers
Group with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     (4) Based on a Schedule 13G, dated February 12, 1997 filed by  Duncan-Hurst
Capital Management with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

     (5)  Beneficial  ownership  for each of Rick  Inatome  and  Joseph  Inatome
includes 361,936 shares which Rick Inatome and Joseph Inatome,  acting together,
are empowered to vote pursuant to the terms of a September 1993 voting agreement
(the "1993 Voting  Agreement"),  as reported on Schedule 13D, as amended,  filed
with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The following shares are subject to
the 1993 Voting Agreement:  158,171 shares owned directly by Rick Inatome, 1,122
shares  owned by Rick  Inatome and Joyce  Inatome,  1,122  shares owned by Joyce
Inatome  under  Uniform  Gifts to Minors Act,  75,668  shares owned  directly by
Joseph Inatome,  38,353 shares owned directly by Nan Inatome,  and 87,500 shares
owned  jointly  by Rick  Inatome  and Nan  Inatome.  The 1993  Voting  Agreement
terminates on September 30, 2003. Joseph Inatome and Nan Inatome are the parents
of Rick Inatome.

     (6) Beneficial  ownership includes shares which the persons indicated have,
or within  sixty  days of  February  28,  1997 will  have,  the right to acquire
through the exercise of stock options as follows:  Rick Inatome  89,818  shares;
Joseph Inatome 462 shares; Bill Fairfield 138,100 shares;  Robert Schultz 27,600
shares; Mike Steffan 43,700 shares; George DeSola 11,000 shares; David Guenthner
54,400  shares;  and all directors and  executive  officers as a group,  381,830

                                     - 2 -

                             ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

     The Company's  Board of Directors is elected on an annual basis.  There are
currently nine directors. Durward Varner is retiring from the Board of Directors
prior to the annual meeting of stockholders.  Consequently, eight directors will
be elected at the stockholders' meeting.

     The  following  table sets forth the  Company's  nominees  for the Board of
Directors. Each nominee is a member of the present Board of Directors.

                                                                                               COMMON STOCK OWNED
                                                                                               AS OF FEBRUARY 28,
                                                                                    DIRECTOR  NUMBER OF   PERCENT
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------   --------
Joseph Auerbach, Age 80...........................................................   9/14/87   11,500        *
Professor of Business Administration, Emeritus, at the Harvard Business School;
Counsel to the firm of Sullivan & Worcester, Boston.
Mogens C. Bay, Age 48.............................................................    3/4/97     -0-         *
President and Chief Executive Officer of Valmont Industries (metal fabrication);
Director, ConAgra, Inc.
Bill L. Fairfield, Age 50.........................................................    3/1/85  303,025(1)    2.7%
President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since March 1985; Director,
Norwest Bank Nebraska, Sitel Corp., and International Computer Group (ICG) Paris.
W. Grant Gregory, Age 56..........................................................  12/17/92    2,100        *
Chairman, Gregory & Hoenemeyer,  Inc., New York (investment banking);  Director,
Bozell Inc.,  Ambac,  Inc., HCIA Health Care Inc., and  Renaissance  Hotel Group
Rick Inatome, Age 43..............................................................    8/6/91  452,216(2)    4.0%
Chairman of the Board of Directors; Co-founder Inacomp Computer Centers, Inc. in
1976 and its Chief Executive Officer from 1979 to August 1991; Director, Atlantic
Beverage, Liberty BIDCO, Action Technologies, Inc., R.L. Polk, Saturn Electronic
and Engineering, Inc., and Tripe AAA.
Joseph Inatome, Age 71............................................................    8/6/91  452,216(2)    4.0%
Co-founder Inacomp Computer Centers, Inc., and an executive officer until July
1989, and director until August 1991; Director, American Speedy Print.
Gary Schwendiman, Age 56..........................................................    7/8/87    5,500        *
Professor of International Studies in the College of Business at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln; Dean of the College of Business Administration for the
University of Nebraska-Lincoln from 1977 to 1994. Director, The Gallup
Organization, Inc. and Security Mutual Life Insurance Co.
Linda S. Wilson, Age 61...........................................................    3/4/97     -0-         *
President of Radcliffe College; Director, Citizens Financial Group and Trustee,
Massachusetts General Hospital Corporation

     * Less than 1% of outstanding common stock.

     (1) Beneficial ownership for Mr. Fairfield includes 138,100 shares which he
has, or will have within sixty days of February  28, 1997,  the right to acquire
through the exercise of stock options.

     (2) See notes (5) and (6) under Certain Stockholders.

     It is  intended  that  proxies  will be  voted  for the  election  of these
nominees. In the event any nominee should become unavailable, which the Board of
Directors has no reason to believe will be the case, the proxy holders will have
discretionary authority in that instance to vote the proxies for a substitute.

                                     - 3 -


     The Board of Directors meets on a regularly  scheduled  basis. The Board of
Directors  met eleven times during 1996,  including  four meetings via telephone

     The Board of Directors has assigned certain responsibilities to committees.
The  Audit  Committee,   which  met  six  times  in  1996,  is  responsible  for
recommending  to the Board of Directors,  subject to stockholder  approval,  the
independent certified public accounting firm to be retained each year. The Audit
Committee  meets   periodically  with  the  certified  public   accountants  and
management  to review  performance.  Members of the Audit  Committee  are Joseph
Auerbach (Chairman), Joseph Inatome, Gary Schwendiman and Durward Varner.

     The  Compensation  Committee,  which met five times in 1996  (including one
meeting  via  telephone   conference)   determines  the  amounts  and  types  of
remuneration  to be paid to management  employees.  Members of the  Compensation
Committee are W. Grant Gregory (Chairman), Joseph Auerbach, Gary Schwendiman and
Durward Varner.

     The  Nominating  Committee,  which met four times in 1996,  identifies  and
recommends  candidates for election as directors of the Company.  Members of the
Nominating  Committee are Joseph  Auerbach  (Chairman) and Durward  Varner.  The
Committee's  policy  is  to  consider  qualified  candidates,   including  those
submitted by stockholders.  Stockholders may recommend  candidates by writing to
the Corporate Secretary.

     Directors who are not employees of InaCom receive fees of $20,000 per annum
plus $1,250 per meeting  attended  ($500 for meetings via telephone  conference)
and the right to  designate  a charity to  receive  up to  $20,000  of  computer
equipment annually.  The compensation  committee chairman receives an additional
$250  per  compensation  committee  meeting  and the  audit  committee  chairman
receives an additional $750 per audit committee  meeting.  Directors who are not
employees  of InaCom  receive 100 shares of common stock of the Company for each
regular  Board meeting  attended by the director  subsequent to the prior annual
stockholders'  meeting  (other  than  meetings by written  consent or  telephone
conference).  Directors  Auerbach,  Joseph Inatome,  Varner and Schwendiman each
received 700 shares of common stock and director  Gregory received 600 shares of
common stock on April 18,  1996.  On April 22,  1997,  for meetings  attended in
1996, directors Auerbach,  Joseph Inatome, and Schwendiman will each receive 700
shares of common stock and directors  Varner and Gregory will receive 600 shares
of common stock.

                                     - 4 -

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

     The following  Summary  Compensation  Table shows  compensation paid by the
Company for services  rendered  during fiscal years 1996,  1995 and 1994 for the
Chief  Executive  Officer and the other four most highly  compensated  executive
officers of the Company whose salary and bonus exceeded $100,000 in 1996.

                                                                                        LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                                               ANNUAL COMPENSATION      RESTRICTED
                                                             ------------------------  STOCK AWARDS   NUMBER OF      ALL OTHER
          NAME AND PRINCIPAL POSITION               YEAR       SALARY      BONUS(4)     AMOUNT(1)      OPTIONS    COMPENSATION(2)
- ------------------------------------------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ----------------
Bill Fairfield                                     1996  $   424,035  $   925,742              0            0      $   59,175
President, Chief Executive                         1995  $   373,554  $   729,261     $  419,000       12,500      $   43,986
Officer and Director                               1994  $   296,151  $   175,000              0       20,000      $   27,081

Robert Schultz                                     1996  $   199,519  $   417,526              0            0      $   33,133
Group Executive,                                   1995  $   162,500  $   343,780              0        8,000      $   17,733
Information Systems                                1994  $   144,231  $    72,000              0       10,000      $   13,379

Michael Steffan                                    1996  $   176,923  $   381,572              0            0      $   22,801
President, Distribution                            1995  $   152,885  $   292,914              0        8,000      $   11,333
and Operations                                     1994  $   121,154  $    63,000              0       10,000      $    8,746

George DeSola (3)                                  1996  $   200,000  $   355,076              0            0      $   30,892
Group Executive,                                   1995  $   181,731  $   279,040              0        8,000      $   20,923
Technology Services                                1994  $   136,634  $    75,000     $   60,750        7,000      $    5,140
Group and President,
Inacom Communications

David Guenthner                                    1996  $   181,731  $   339,260              0            0      $   26,581
Executive Vice President                           1995  $   175,000  $   261,502              0        8,000      $   15,370
and Chief Financial Officer                        1994  $   171,154  $    50,000              0       10,000      $   15,815

     (1) Mr. Fairfield received restricted stock awards of 55,000 shares in 1995
which vest in  installments  of 10% annually  beginning on January 17, 1996. Mr.
DeSola  received a restricted  stock award of 6,000 shares in 1994.  Vesting for
the restricted stock award for Mr. DeSola occurred in two equal  installments on
March 16, 1995 and 1996. At the end of fiscal 1996,  Mr.  Fairfield was the only
executive officer named above holding  restricted shares; the aggregate value of
Mr. Fairfield's  unvested restricted stock (59,500 shares) valued at the closing
price of the Company's  Common Stock at December 28, 1996 without  giving effect
to the diminution of value  attributable to the  restrictions on such stock, was

     (2) Amounts reported in this column represent  contributions by the Company
to the Company's 401 (k) savings plan and the related supplemental savings plan.
Company  contributions  to such plans for 1996, 1995 and 1994,  respectively for
the named executive officers were: Mr. Fairfield,  $48,861, $33,685 and $16,735;
Mr.  Schultz,  $26,486,  $11,099 and $6,719;  Mr. Steffan,  $21,143,  $9,715 and
$7,121; Mr. DeSola,  $21,557,  $11,603 and $5,140;  and Mr. Guenthner,  $21,302,
$10,125 and $10,554.  In addition,  this column also  includes the amount of the
premium  paid  by  the  Company  in  1996,  1995  and  1994,   respectively  for
split-dollar  insurance  on the named  executive  officers  under the  Company's
Executive Death Benefit Plan as follows:  Mr.  Fairfield,  $10,314,  $10,301 and
$10,346; Mr. Schultz,  $6,647, $6,634 and $6,660; Mr. DeSola, $9,335 in 1996 and
$9,320 in 1995;  Mr.  Steffan,  $1,658,  $1,618 and $1,625;  and Mr.  Guenthner,
$5,279, $5,245 and $5,261.

     (3) Mr. DeSola became an executive officer of the Company in 1994.

     (4) Bonus  compensation  includes  all amounts  paid for 1996  services and
includes  certain  amounts  initially  based on 1995 services but conditional on
1996  performance;  payment of certain  bonus  amounts has been  deferred and is
contingent on future performance. 
                                     - 5 -

                       OPTION GRANTS IN FISCAL YEAR 1996

     No stock options or stock  appreciation  rights were granted  during fiscal
1996 to the executive officers named in the Summary Compensation Table.

                                     - 6 -


     The following table sets forth information on aggregate option exercises in
the last fiscal year and  information  with respect to the value of  unexercised
options to purchase the Company's Common Stock for the executive  officers named
in the Summary Compensation Table. 

                                                         OF                  NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED         VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                       SHARES                   OPTIONS HELD AT          IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS HELD
                                                      ACQUIRED                 DECEMBER 28, 1996          AT DECEMBER 28, 1996(1)
                                                         ON      VALUE    ---------------------------   ---------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -----------   -------------   -----------   -------------

Bill Fairfield                                           0         0        133,100        116,250       $3,164,527     $ 2,302,125
Robert Schultz                                           0         0         25,100          6,500       $  652,310     $   192,010
Mike Steffan                                             0         0         41,200          6,500       $1,110,971     $   192,010
George DeSola                                            0         0          9,250          5,750       $  261,885     $   169,135
David Guenthner                                        10,000    95,375      51,900          6,500       $1,375,332     $   192,010

     (1) Value is common stock  closing price of $38.50 per share at 1996 fiscal
year end, less the option exercise price, multiplied by the number of shares.

                                     - 7 -


     A consulting  agreement  between Rick Inatome and Inacomp Computer Centers,
Inc., which was assumed by InaCom in connection with the 1991 merger between the
Company and Inacomp Computer Centers,  Inc., became effective on August 5, 1994.
The consulting  agreement  requires payments to Mr. Inatome for a period of five
years beginning with a fee equal to 110% of base salary as of August 5, 1994 and
increasing  annually by 10% of such base salary during the term thereafter.  The
Company paid Mr. Inatome $356,250 under the consulting agreement during 1996.

     The Company leases certain office and warehouse space in Troy,  Michigan to
an entity  controlled by Rick  Inatome.  The lease  commenced  February 1, 1995,
extends  through  January 31, 2000, and provides  certain  renewal  options,  an
option to terminate the lease after two years, and a purchase option.  The lease
requires  base  rental  payments  of $10,050  per month  with the lessee  paying
applicable taxes, utilities and insurance.

     The Company has long-term cash incentive agreements with Messrs. Fairfield,
Guenthner  and Steffan.  The  agreements  were entered into in 1987.  Under each
agreement,  the executive will receive a cash incentive  bonus to be established
and  paid as  follows:  the  incentive  bonus  will  be an  amount  equal  to $7
multiplied by the number of shares  acquired by the  executive  upon exercise of
stock  options  granted  to such  executive  under the 1987 Stock  Option  Plan;
provided,  however,  that the $7 amount  will be reduced on a  dollar-for-dollar
basis if the fair  market  value of the  Company's  common  stock on the date of
payment is less than $12 and will be further reduced on a proportionate basis if
the  Company's  return on  stockholders'  equity is less than 20% for the fiscal
year preceding the payment date.

     The Company entered into change-in-control agreements (the "Agreements") in
1994 with seven of its senior officers,  including Messrs.  Fairfield,  Schultz,
DeSola,  Steffan and Guenthner.  The Agreements  provide  generally that, if the
officer is terminated (excluding a termination on account of death or for cause,
but  including a termination  by the officer for good reason,  all as defined in
the  Agreements)  within  twelve  months  following a  change-in-control  of the
Company  (as  defined in the  Agreements),  the  officer  will  receive  certain
severance  benefits including (i) payment of a lump sum equal to a multiple (3.0
for Mr. Fairfield,  1.5 for Messrs. Guenthner and Steffan, and 1.0 for the other
officers)  of the sum of (A) the  annual  rate of  base  salary  on the  date of
termination  and (B) the average annual  incentive bonus received by the officer
for  the  three   fiscal   years   preceding   the  fiscal  year  in  which  the
change-in-control  occurred, and (ii) certain reasonable legal fees and expenses
incurred as a result of termination.

                                     - 8 -


     The  Company's  executive  compensation  program  is  administered  by  the
Compensation  Committee  of  the  Board  of  Directors  (the  "Committee").  The
Committee  is composed  of  nonemployee  directors.  The  Committee's  executive
compensation policies are designed to provide competitive levels of compensation
that integrate pay with the Company's  annual and long-term  performance  goals,
reward  above-average   corporate  performance,   encourage  constant  strategic
analysis,  recognize  individual  initiative  and  achievements,  and assist the
Company in attracting, motivating and retaining qualified executives.

     The Committee  believes that the Company's current  executive  compensation
program has been designed and is administered in a manner  consistent with these
objectives.  The Committee also intends that compensation paid under the various
programs  will  generally  meet the  requirements  to be  deductible  under  the
Internal Revenue Code's $1 million compensation limit.

     The program consists of three components:  base salary,  annual incentives,
and long-term incentives. The Committee recommended or established the executive
compensation  within  each of  these  components  during  1996.  In  determining
competitive   levels  of  compensation,   the  Committee  obtains  and  utilizes
information  from outside  compensation  consultants  and other  sources such as
executive  compensation surveys and comparative analyses of compensation data in
proxy statements of others. The Committee specifically reviews compensation data
for those  companies  included in the Peer Group  Index used in the  performance

     BASE SALARY.  The Committee  targets base salary for  executives at a level
somewhat  below the  competitive  median  for the  Company's  peer  competitors,
intending  that the Company  rely to a larger  degree on annual  incentives  and
long-term  compensation to achieve its  compensation  goals.  For the purpose of
establishing  these  levels,   the  Committee  reviews  available   compensation
information of competitive  companies and is periodically advised by independent
compensation consultants concerning salary competitiveness.

     The  Committee  approves  all salary  changes for the  Company's  executive
officers,  and bases  individual  salary  changes on a  combination  of factors,
including  the  performance  of the  executive,  salary  level  relative  to the
competitive  market,  and the  recommendations  of the Company's chief executive
     The Committee  increased the Chief Executive Officer's base salary for 1996
to $425,000  following a review of chief executive  officer  compensation in the
computer  reseller  industry and the Chief  Executive  Officer's  performance in
achieving superior results during 1995.

     ANNUAL INCENTIVES.  The Committee believes that an executive's contribution
to the  Company's  profitability  should  form the basis for annual  incentives,
since such results maximize  earnings in the best interests of the Company.  The
Committee  also  believes  that  bonuses are a necessary  part of the  Company's
compensation  structure  since base  compensation  is maintained at levels below
competitive medians.

     The Committee  established during 1995 a program for paying short-term cash
bonuses based on the Company's  annual  "economic value added"  improvement (the
"Program").  The Program defines  "economic value added" as net operating profit
after tax minus a capital  charge based on the Company's cost of equity and debt
capital. Bonuses are earned only if the Company's economic value added increases
over the prior year,  with higher bonus levels paid if the economic  value added
exceeds targets  established by the Committee.  If the  performance  targets are
exceeded,  two-thirds of the bonus  attributable  to such excess is payable over
the following two years,  subject to reduction if the Company's  economic  value
added drops below the prior year's performance.

     The Committee selected eleven  participants for the Program during 1996 and
established the portion of the total award  allocable to each such  participant,
the economic value added  performance for 1995 and the  improvement  targets for
1996. The allocable  share of each  participant,  including the Chief  Executive
Officer, was generally based on the relative  relationship of each such person's
base salary.

     Based on these factors,  following a review of the Company's 1996 financial
statements, the Committee approved the payment of bonuses totaling $1,781,620 to
the eleven  senior  officers  based on 1996  results,  and payment of previously
deferred bonuses of $1,837,289 with respect to 1995 results.  The bonus payments
for the named  executive  officers  are  reflected  in the Summary  Compensation
Table.  Potential  bonus  payments  aggregating  approximately  $1,677,132  were
deferred pursuant to the terms of the Program and will be earned and paid if the
Company meets certain economic value added levels in 1997 and 1998.

                                     - 9 -


     LONG-TERM  INCENTIVES.  The Company's  long-term  incentives  for executive
officers are provided  through  restricted  stock awards and stock option grants
under  InaCom's  1990 and 1994  Stock  Plans.  The  Committee  did not award any
restricted stock in 1996. The Committee awarded a special restricted stock grant
to the Chief  Executive  Officer in 1995,  vesting  over ten years,  and did not
issue any stock-based grants to the Chief Executive Officer in 1996.

     The Committee provides long-term  incentives through annual grants of stock
options.  Stock  options  are  granted  at the  prevailing  market  price of the
Company's  common stock and  therefore  have value only if the  Company's  stock
price  increases.  Option  grants  generally  vest over a period of two to three
years, and the executives must be employed by the Company at the time of vesting
in order to exercise  the options.  The size of the option  grants is based upon
competitive  practice and position  level,  the  expected  contribution  of each
member of the executive officer group to the Company's strategic and operational
goals,  and the  Committee's  desire to provide the  executive  officers with an
opportunity  to build a meaningful  stake in the Company  with the  objective of
aligning the executive officers'  long-range interests with those of the Company
stockholders.  Past stock option grants are not considered when  determining the
number of stock options to grant in a given year.

     The Committee intends to grant options averaging an aggregate of 1% to 1.5%
of the  Company's  outstanding  common stock on an annual  basis.  The Committee
granted  options to 30  employees  in October  1996 for an  aggregate  of 36,500
shares of the Company's  common stock,  which options vest in installments  over
three years.

     InaCom Compensation Committee

        W. Grant Gregory, Chairman
        Joseph Auerbach
        Gary Schwendiman
        Durward B. Varner

                                     - 10 -


     The Board of  Directors  has  unanimously  approved  the  InaCom  Executive
Incentive  Plan (the  "Plan").  The Plan is  designed to provide  incentives  to
executive officers of InaCom who have significant responsibility for the success
and  growth  of InaCom  and to  assist  InaCom  in  attracting,  motivating  and
retaining executive officers on a competitive basis.

     Stockholder approval of the Plan is required if payments under the Plan are
to be tax deductible as  performance-based  compensation under Section 162(m) of
the Internal Revenue Code.  Section 162(m)  generally  disallows a tax deduction
for  compensation  over $1 million  paid to an  executive  officer  named in the
Summary   Compensation   Table,   unless   such   compensation    qualifies   as
performance-based.  No payments will be made under the Plan if the  stockholders
do not approve the Plan.

     The principal features of the Plan are described below:

                           ADMINISTRATION OF THE PLAN

     The Plan will be administered by the Compensation Committee of the Board of
Directors  (the  "Committee").  The Committee  will have the sole  discretion to
interpret the Plan; approve a pre-established  objective  performance measure or
measures  annually;  certify  the level to which each  performance  measure  was
attained prior to any payment under the Plan;  approve the amount of awards made
under the Plan; and determine who shall receive any payment under the Plan.

     The  Committee  will  have full  power  and  authority  to  administer  and
interpret the Plan and to adopt such rules,  regulations  and guidelines for the
administration  of the Plan and for the conduct of its business as the Committee
deems necessary or advisable.  The Committee's  interpretations of the Plan, and
all  actions  taken and  determinations  made by the  Committee  pursuant to the
powers  vested in it, will be conclusive  and binding on all parties  concerned,
including  InaCom,  its stockholders and any person receiving an award under the


     Executive  officers  and other key  management  personnel of InaCom will be
eligible to receive  awards under the Plan.  The  Committee  will  designate the
executive  officers and other key management  personnel who will  participate in
the Plan each year. 

     The Committee  will  establish  annual  and/or  long-term  incentive  award
targets  for  participants  within  ninety days after the  commencement  of each
fiscal year (or such later date as may be permitted  under Section 162(m) of the
Internal Revenue Code);  provided, if an individual becomes an executive officer
during the year,  such  individual may be granted  eligibility  for an incentive
award for that year upon such individual  becoming an executive  officer.  Since
the  number  of  participants   may  change  over  time  and  the  selection  of
participants  is  discretionary,  it is not possible to determine  the number of
persons who will be eligible for awards under the Plan during its term. However,
it is anticipated that approximately  thirteen  individuals,  including InaCom's
Chief Executive Officer, will be eligible to participate in the Plan.

     The  Committee  will also  establish  annual and/or  long-term  performance
targets  which  must be  achieved  in order for an award to be earned  under the
Plan. Such targets will be based on cash earnings, earnings per share, growth in
cash earnings per share, achievement of annual operating profit plans, return on
equity  performance,  economic  value  added or  similar  financial  performance
measures as may be determined by the Committee. The specific performance targets
for each  participant  will be  established  in writing by the Committee  within
ninety days after the  commencement  of the fiscal year to which the performance
target relates. The performance target will be established in such a manner that
a third party having knowledge of the relevant facts could determine whether the
performance goal has been met.

     Awards will be payable  following the completion of the  applicable  fiscal
year upon  certification  by the  Committee  that InaCom  achieved the specified
performance  targets  established  for  the  participant.   Notwithstanding  the
attainment by InaCom of the specified performance targets, the Committee has the
discretion,  for each participant,  to reduce some or all of an award that would
otherwise be paid. In no event may a  participant  receive an award of more than
$2,500,000 in any fiscal year under the Plan.

                                     - 11 -


     The Plan becomes effective beginning with fiscal 1997, upon approval by the
stockholders of InaCom.  The Committee may at any time terminate or from time to
time  amend the Plan in whole or in part,  but no such  action  shall  adversely
affect any rights or  obligations  with respect to any awards  theretofore  made
under the Plan.  However,  unless the  stockholders  of InaCom  shall have first
approved  thereof,  no  amendment  of the Plan shall be  effective  which  would
increase the maximum amount which can be paid to any one executive officer under
the Plan in any fiscal year, which would change the specified  performance goals
for payment of awards,  or which would modify the  requirement as to eligibility
for participation in the Plan.

                           VOTE REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL

     The favorable vote of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  shares
of  InaCom's  common  stock  present  in person or  represented  by proxy at the
meeting is required for approval of the Plan.


                                     - 12 -

                     APPROVAL OF THE INACOM 1997 STOCK PLAN


     InaCom's  Board of  Directors  has  adopted the InaCom 1997 Stock Plan (the
"Plan"),  subject to stockholder approval. The Board of Directors recognizes the
value of stock  incentives  in assisting  InaCom in the hiring and  retaining of
management  personnel  and in enhancing of the  long-term  mutuality of interest
between InaCom  stockholders  and its directors,  officers and employees.  Since
fewer than  100,000  shares of common  stock  remain  available  for grant under
InaCom's  current  stock plans,  the Board of  Directors  has approved the Plan.
Assuming  exercise of all outstanding  stock options and assuming  conversion of
all  outstanding  convertible   debentures,   InaCom  would  have  approximately
13,800,000 shares of common stock outstanding. The Board intends that the common
stock  available  under  the  Plan  shall be used for two  purposes.  First,  an
aggregate of 1,100,000  shares may be used as stock  incentives for officers and
other employees of the Company.  Second, up to 300,000 shares may be used solely
for the purpose of granting  stock options  exercisable  at fair market value to
substantially  all  of  the  Company's  3,100  employees   (excluding  executive
officers) as a special  one-time grant on the Company's  tenth  anniversary as a
public company in 1997.

     Under the Plan, the Compensation  Committee (the  "Committee") of the Board
may grant stock options,  stock appreciation rights,  restricted stock and stock
bonuses to officers  and other  employees  of InaCom and its  subsidiaries.  The
number of grantees may vary from year to year. The number of employees  eligible
to participate in the Plan is estimated to be approximately 3,100. The Committee
administers  the Plan  and its  determinations  are  binding  upon  all  persons
participating in the Plan.

     The maximum  number of shares of InaCom's  common  stock that may be issued
under the Plan is  1,400,000.  Any  shares of common  stock  subject to an award
which for any reason are canceled,  terminated or otherwise  settled without the
issuance of any common stock are again  available for awards under the Plan. The
maximum  number of shares of common  stock which may be issued under the Plan to
any one  employee  shall not  exceed  20% of the  aggregate  number of shares of
common  stock that may be issued  under the Plan.  The  shares  may be  unissued
shares  or  treasury  shares.  If  there  is  a  stock  split,  stock  dividend,
recapitalization  or other  relevant  change  affecting  InaCom's  common stock,
appropriate  adjustments  may be made by the  Committee  in the number of shares
issuable  in the  future  and in the  number  of  shares  and  price  under  all
outstanding grants made before the event. 

                             GRANTS UNDER THE PLAN

     STOCK OPTIONS FOR EMPLOYEES. The Committee may grant employees nonqualified
options and options  qualifying as incentive stock options.  The option price of
either a nonqualified stock option or an incentive stock option will be the fair
market value of the common  stock on the date of grant.  Options  qualifying  as
incentive stock options must meet certain  requirements of the Internal  Revenue
Code,  including the  requirement  that the  aggregate  fair market value of the
common stock (determined at the time of the grant of the option) with respect to
which such options are  exercisable for the first time by an employee during any
calendar year shall not exceed $100,000.  To exercise an option, an employee may
pay the option price in cash, or if permitted by the  Committee,  by withholding
shares  otherwise  issuable  on exercise  of the option or by  delivering  other
shares of common  stock if such  shares have been owned by the  optionee  for at
least six months. The term of each option will be fixed by the Committee but may
not exceed ten years from the date of grant.  The Committee  will  determine the
time or times when each option is exercisable.  Options may be made  exercisable
in  installments,  and the  exercisability  of options may be accelerated by the
Committee.  All outstanding options become immediately  exercisable in the event
of a change-in-control of InaCom.

     STOCK  APPRECIATION  RIGHTS.  The Committee may grant a stock  appreciation
right  (an  "SAR")  in  conjunction  with an  option  granted  under the Plan or
separately  from any  option.  Each SAR  granted in tandem with an option may be
exercised  only to the extent that the  corresponding  option is exercised,  and
such SAR terminates upon  termination or exercise of the  corresponding  option.
Upon the exercise of an SAR granted in tandem with an option,  the corresponding
option will terminate.  SAR's granted  separately from options may be granted on
such terms and conditions as the Committee establishes. If an employee exercises
an SAR, the employee will generally receive a payment equal to the excess of the
fair market  value at the time of  exercise of the shares with  respect to which
the SAR is  being  exercised  over  the  price  of such  shares  as fixed by the
Committee  at the  time the SAR was  granted.  Payment  may be made in cash,  in
shares of InaCom  common  stock,  or any  combination  of cash and shares as the
Committee determines.

     RESTRICTED  STOCK.  The Committee  may grant awards of restricted  stock to
employees  under the Plan. The  restrictions on such shares shall be established
by the Committee, which may include restrictions relating to

                                     - 13 -

continued employment and InaCom financial  performance.  The Committee may issue
such restricted  stock awards without any cash payment by the employee,  or with
such cash payment as the Committee may determine. The Committee has the right to
accelerate the vesting of restricted shares and to waive any  restrictions.  All
restrictions lapse in the event of a change-in-control of InaCom.

     STOCK  BONUSES.  The Committee may grant a bonus in shares of InaCom common
stock to  employees  under the Plan.  Such stock  bonuses may be in lieu of cash
compensation  otherwise payable to such employee,  or may be in addition to such
cash compensation.

     DIRECTOR  PARTICIPATION.  Each non-employee director will receive under the
Plan (i) an annual  grant of 150 shares of common  stock for each board  meeting
attended by such director  (other than meetings by written  consent or telephone
communications)  and (ii) an  annual  grant of a  nonstatutory  stock  option to
acquire 1,000 shares of common stock exercisable at the fair market value of the
common  stock on the date of grant.  The per meeting  grants under the Plan will
commence at the time of the 1998 annual  stockholders'  meeting (with respect to
meetings held  subsequent  to the 1997 annual  stockholders'  meeting),  and the
annual  stock  option grant will first be made  immediately  following  the 1997
annual stockholders' meeting. In addition,  each non-employee director who first
becomes a director on or after January 1, 1997 will receive a one-time  grant of
a nonstatutory  stock option to acquire 5,000 shares of common stock exercisable
at the fair  market  value on the date on which  such  person  first  becomes  a
director of the Company,  with such options  becoming  exercisable  in one-third
increments beginning on the first anniversary of the date of grant.  Pursuant to
this provision, directors Bay and Wilson received option grants for 5,000 shares
each on March 4, 1997, contingent upon stockholder approval of the Plan.

     TAX WITHHOLDING. The Committee may permit an employee to satisfy applicable
federal,  state  and local  income  tax  withholding  requirements  through  the
delivery to InaCom of  previously-acquired  shares of common  stock or by having
shares otherwise issuable under the Plan withheld by InaCom.

     OTHER  INFORMATION.  The Board may  terminate the Plan at any time but such
termination shall not affect any stock options, SAR's, restricted stock or stock
bonuses then  outstanding  under the Plan.  Unless  terminated  by action of the
Board,  the Plan will  continue in effect until  December  31, 2006,  but awards
granted  prior to such  date  will  continue  in  effect  until  they  expire in
accordance  with  their  terms.  The Board  may also  amend the Plan as it deems
advisable. Amendments which materially modify the requirements for participation
in the Plan or increase the number of shares of common stock subject to issuance
under the Plan must be submitted to stockholders for approval.


     With respect to incentive  stock  options,  if the holder of an option does
not dispose of the shares  acquired  upon exercise of the option within one year
from the transfer of such shares to such employee,  or within two years from the
date the  option to acquire  such  shares is  granted,  for  federal  income tax
purposes  (i) the  optionee  will not  recognize  any  income at the time of the
exercise of the option;  (ii) the excess of the fair market  value of the shares
as of the date of exercise  over the option  price will  constitute  an "item of
adjustment"  for  purposes  of  the  alternative  minimum  tax;  and  (iii)  the
difference between the option price and the amount realized upon the sale of the
shares by the  optionee  will be treated as a  long-term  capital  gain or loss.
InaCom  will not be allowed a  deduction  for  federal  income tax  purposes  in
connection  with the  granting of an  incentive  stock option or the issuance of
shares thereunder.

     With respect to the grant of options which are not incentive stock options,
the person receiving an option will recognize no income on receipt thereof. Upon
the exercise of the option,  the optionee will recognize  ordinary income in the
amount of the  difference  between the option price and the fair market value of
the  shares  on the date  the  option  is  exercised.  InaCom  will  receive  an
equivalent deduction at that time.

     With respect to  restricted  stock awards and bonuses of common  stock,  an
amount equal to the fair market value of the InaCom  shares  distributed  to the
employee  (in  excess  of any  purchase  price  paid  by the  employee)  will be
includable  in the  employee's  gross  income at the time of receipt  unless the
award is not  transferable  and subject to a  substantial  risk of forfeiture as
defined in Section 83 of the Internal Revenue Code (a "Forfeiture Restriction").
If an  employee  receives  an award  subject to a  Forfeiture  Restriction,  the
employee  may elect to include  in gross  income  the fair  market  value of the
award.  In the absence of such an election,  the employee  will include in gross
income the fair market value of the award subject to a Forfeiture Restriction on
the earlier of the date such  restrictions  lapse or the date the award  becomes
transferable.  InaCom is entitled  to a deduction  at the time and in the amount
income is included in the gross income of an employee.

                                     - 14 -

     With respect to stock  appreciation  rights, the amount of any cash (or the
fair market  value of any common  stock)  received  upon the exercise of a stock
appreciation right will be subject to ordinary income tax in the year of receipt
and InaCom will be entitled to a deduction for such amount.

                                 VOTE REQUIRED

     The favorable vote of the holders of a majority of the  outstanding  shares
of  InaCom's  common  stock  present  in person or  represented  by proxy at the
meeting is required for approval of the Plan.

                         OF THE INACOM 1997 STOCK PLAN.

                                     - 15 -

                         STOCK PRICE PERFORMANCE GRAPH

     The following  performance  graph compares the performance of the Company's
common stock to the Total Return Index for the NASDAQ Stock Market-United States
Companies  (Broad Market Index) and a Peer Group Index developed by the Company.
The Peer  Group  Index  consists  of  Intelligent  Electronics,  Inc.,  CompuCom
Systems,  Inc., MicroAge,  Inc. and Dataflex Corporation.  The performance graph
shows  cumulative,  five-year  stockholder  returns with the returns of the Peer
Group weighted according to each such company's stock market capitalization. The
graph assumes that the value of the investment in the Company's common stock and
each Index was $100 at December 31, 1991 and that any dividends were reinvested.


                            NASDAQ STOCK MARKET    SELF-DETERMINED

              InaCom Corp          (US Companies)        Peer Group
              -----------          --------------        ----------
1991               100.00                  100.00            100.00
1992               146.20                  118.60             72.70
1993               133.30                  135.00            180.00
1994                71.80                  135.30             74.50
1995               144.90                  191.40             86.60
1996               394.90                  235.70            111.20

                                     - 16 -


     Section 16 (a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 requires  executive
officers  and  directors  to file  reports of changes in  ownership  of InaCom's
common stock with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Executive officers and
directors are required by SEC  regulations  to furnish InaCom with copies of all
Section 16 (a) forms they file.  Based  solely on a review of the copies of such
forms furnished to InaCom and written  representations  from InaCom's  executive
officers  and  directors,  InaCom  believes  that all  persons  subject to these
reporting requirements filed the required reports on a timely basis during 1996,
except that Joseph Inatome, a director, did not timely report one transaction.


     The firm of KPMG  Peat  Marwick  LLP has  been  appointed  by the  Board of
Directors to conduct the 1997 audit of the Company's financial  statements.  The
same firm conducted the 1996 audit. The Board of Directors requests  stockholder
approval of their appointment.  A representative from KPMG Peat Marwick LLP will
be present at the Stockholders'  Meeting and will have the opportunity to make a
statement and to respond to appropriate questions.

                             STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

     Stockholder   proposals  intended  to  be  presented  at  the  next  annual
stockholders' meeting must be received by the Company no later than November 20,
1997 in order for such proposals to be considered for inclusion in the Company's
proxy statement relating to such meeting.

     The Company's bylaws set forth certain  procedures which  stockholders must
follow in order to  nominate a  director  or present  any other  business  at an
annual stockholders'  meeting.  Generally, a stockholder must give timely notice
to the Secretary of the Company.  To be timely,  such notice must be received by
the Company at 10810 Farnam Drive, Omaha,  Nebraska,  68154, not less than sixty
nor more  than  ninety  days  prior  to the  meeting.  The  bylaws  specify  the
information  which must accompany any such  stockholder  notice.  Details on the
provision of the bylaws may be obtained by any stockholder from the Secretary of
the Company.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

     The  Board of  Directors  does not know of any  matter,  other  than  those
described  above,  that may be  presented  for action at the  annual  meeting of
stockholders.  If any other matter or proposal  should be  presented  and should
properly  come  before  the  meeting  for  action,  the  persons  named  in  the
accompanying  proxy  will vote  upon  such  matter  and upon  such  proposal  in
accordance with their best judgment.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          MICHAEL A. STEFFAN
                                          InaCom Corp.

                                     - 17 -

                   I   N   A   C   O   M      C   O   R   P.


The undersigned  hereby  constitutes and appoints Bill L. Fairfield and David C.
Guenthner,  or either of them,  with full power of substitution in each of them,
for and on  behalf  of the  undersigned  to vote as  proxies,  as  directed  and
permitted herein at the annual meeting of stockholders of the Company to be held
at the Omaha Community Playhouse,  6915 Cass Street,  Omaha,  Nebraska 68132, on
April 22, 1997 at 9:00 a.m.  and at any  adjournment  thereof,  upon matters set
forth in the Proxy Statement,  and, in their judgment and discretion,  upon such
other business as may properly come before the meeting.

Election of Directors - for the following nominees for Director:
Joseph Auerbach, Mogens C. Bay, Bill L. Fairfield, W. Grant Gregory, Joseph T.
Inatome, Rick Inatome, Gary Schwendiman and Linda S. Wilson.
/ / Vote For All Nominees
/ / Withhold Vote For All Nominees
Withhold Vote For Only The Following Nominee(s) ________________________________

Approval of  appointment of  independent  accountants  KPMG Peat Marwick LLP for
fiscal 1997.

/ / For    / / Against    / / Abstain

Approval of the Inacom Executive Incentive Plan.

/ / For    / / Against    / / Abstain

Approval of the 1997 Inacom Stock Plan.

/ / For    / / Against    / / Abstain
properly  executed,  will  be  voted  in  the  manner  directed  herein  by  the
undersigned  stockholder.  If no direction is made, this proxy will be voted for
proposals 1, 2, 3 and 4.

    Dated this _____ day of _________________________________________________,

          (When signing as attorney, executor, administrator,  trustee, guardian
           or conservator, designate full title. All joint tenants must sign.)

              Pursuant to Instructions to Item 10 of Rule 14a-101

                             INACOM 1997 STOCK PLAN

                                    SECTION 1

                                NAME AND PURPOSE

         1.1      Name.  The name of the plan shall be the InaCom 1997
Stock Plan (the "Plan").

         1.2.  Purpose of Plan. The purpose of the Plan is to foster and promote
the long-term financial success of the Company and increase stockholder value by
(a)  motivating  superior   performance  by  means  of  stock  incentives,   (b)
encouraging  and providing for the  acquisition of an ownership  interest in the
Company by  Employees  and (c)  enabling  the  Company to attract and retain the
services of a management team responsible for the long-term financial success of
the Company.

                                    SECTION 2


         2.1      Definitions.  Whenever used herein, the following terms
shall have the respective meanings set forth below:

         (a)      "Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

         (b)      "Award" means any Option, Stock Appreciation Right, Restricted
                  Stock,  Stock Bonus,  or any  combination  thereof,  including
                  Awards  combining  two or more  types  of  Awards  in a single

         (c)      "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

         (d)      "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as

         (e)      "Committee"  means the  Compensation  Committee  of the Board,
                  which shall consist of two or more members, each of whom shall
                  be a "non-employee  director" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3
                  as promulgated under the Act.

         (f)      "Company" means InaCom Corp., a Delaware corporation (and
                  any successor thereto) and its Subsidiaries.

         (g)      "Director  Award" means an award of Stock and a grant of stock
                  options granted to each Eligible  Director pursuant to Section
                  7.1 without any action by the Board or the Committee.

         (h)      "Eligible Director" means a person who is serving as a
                  member of the Board and who is not an Employee.

         (i)      "Employee" means any employee of the Company or any of
                  its Subsidiaries.

         (j)      "Fair Market Value" means, on any date, the average of
                  the high and low sales prices of the Stock as reported on
                  the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated
                  Quotation system (or on such other recognized market or
                  quotation system on which the trading prices of the Stock
                  are traded or quoted at the relevant time) on such date.
                  In the event that there are no Stock transactions
                  reported on such system (or such other system) on such
                  date, Fair Market Value shall mean the average of the
                  high and low sale prices on the immediately preceding
                  date on which Stock transactions were so reported.

         (k)      "Option"  means the right to purchase  Stock at a stated price
                  for a specified  period of time.  For purposes of the Plan, an
                  Option may be either (i) an Incentive  Stock Option within the
                  meaning  of  Section  422 of the  Code or (ii) a  Nonstatutory
                  Stock Option.

         (l)      "Participant" means any Employee designated by the
                  Committee to participate in the Plan.

         (m)      "Plan" means the InaCom Corp. 1997 Stock Plan, as in
                  effect from time to time.

         (n)      "Restricted Stock" shall mean a share of Stock granted to
                  a Participant subject to such restrictions as the
                  Committee may determine.

         (o)      "Stock" means the Common Stock of the Company, par value
                  $.10 per share.

         (p)      "Stock Appreciation Right" means the right, subject to
                  such terms and conditions as the Committee may determine,
                  to receive an amount in cash or Stock, as determined by
                  the Committee, equal to the excess of (i) the Fair Market
                  Value, as of the date such Stock Appreciation Right is
                  exercised, of the number shares of Stock covered by the
                  Stock Appreciation Right being exercised over (ii) the
                  aggregate exercise price of such Stock Appreciation

         (q)      "Stock  Bonus" means the grant of Stock as  compensation  from
                  the  Company,  which  may  be in  lieu  of  cash  compensation
                  otherwise receivable by the Participant or in addition to such
                  cash compensation.


         (r)      "Subsidiary" means any corporation or partnership in which the
                  Company owns, directly or indirectly, 50% or more of the total
                  combined  voting  power  of  all  classes  of  stock  of  such
                  corporation or of the capital  interest or profits interest of
                  such partnership.

     2.2 Gender and Number.  Except when  otherwise  indicated  by the  context,
words in the  masculine  gender  used in the Plan  shall  include  the  feminine
gender,  the singular shall include the plural, and the plural shall include the

                                    SECTION 3

                          ELIGIBILITY AND PARTICIPATION

     Except as otherwise  provided in Section 7.1, the only persons  eligible to
participate  in the Plan shall be those  Employees  selected by the Committee as

                                    SECTION 4

                             POWERS OF THE COMMITTEE

     4.1 Power to Grant.  The Committee shall determine the Participants to whom
Awards  shall be  granted,  the type or types of Awards to be  granted,  and the
terms and  conditions  of any and all such Awards.  The  Committee may establish
different  terms and  conditions  for different  types of Awards,  for different
Participants receiving the same type of Awards, and for the same Participant for
each Award such  Participant  may  receive,  whether or not granted at different

     4.2   Administration.   The  Committee   shall  be   responsible   for  the
administration  of the Plan.  The  Committee,  by majority  action  thereof,  is
authorized to prescribe,  amend,  and rescind rules and regulations  relating to
the Plan, to provide for conditions deemed necessary or advisable to protect the
interests  of the  Company,  and to make all other  determinations  necessary or
advisable  for the  administration  and  interpretation  of the Plan in order to
carry out its provisions and purposes. Determinations, interpretations, or other
actions made or taken by the  Committee  pursuant to the  provisions of the Plan
shall be final, binding, and conclusive for all purposes and upon all persons.

                                    SECTION 5

                              STOCK SUBJECT TO PLAN

     5.1 Number.  Subject to the provisions of Section 5.3, the number of shares
of Stock subject to Awards (including Director


Awards) under the Plan may not exceed  1,400,000  shares of Stock. The shares to
be delivered under the Plan may consist,  in whole or in part, of treasury Stock
or  authorized  but unissued  Stock,  not reserved  for any other  purpose.  The
maximum number of shares of Stock with respect to which Awards may be granted to
any one  Employee  under  the Plan is 20% of the  aggregate  number of shares of
Stock available for Awards under Section 5.1.

     5.2 Cancelled,  Terminated or Forfeited Awards. Any shares of Stock subject
to an Award which for any reason are cancelled,  terminated or otherwise settled
without the issuance of any Stock shall again be available  for Awards under the

     5.3  Adjustment in  Capitalization.  In the event of any Stock  dividend or
Stock split, recapitalization (including,  without limitation, the payment of an
extraordinary   dividend),   merger,   consolidation,   combination,   spin-off,
distribution  of assets to  stockholders,  exchange of shares,  or other similar
corporate  change,  (i) the  aggregate  number of shares of Stock  available for
Awards under  Section 5.1 and (ii) the number of shares and exercise  price with
respect to Options and the number,  prices and dollar value of other Awards, may
be  appropriately  adjusted  by the  Committee,  whose  determination  shall  be
conclusive. If, pursuant to the preceding sentence, an adjustment is made to the
number  of  shares  of  Stock   authorized   for  issuance  under  the  Plan,  a
corresponding  adjustment  shall be made with respect to Director Awards granted
pursuant to Section 7.1.

                                    SECTION 6

                                  STOCK OPTIONS

     6.1 Grant of Options.  Options may be granted to  Participants at such time
or times as shall be determined by the Committee. Options granted under the Plan
may be of two types:  (i) Incentive  Stock Options and (ii)  Nonstatutory  Stock
Options.  The Committee shall have complete discretion in determining the number
of  Options,  if any,  to be  granted to a  Participant.  Each  Option  shall be
evidenced by an Option  agreement that shall specify the type of Option granted,
the exercise price, the duration of the Option, the number of shares of Stock to
which the  Option  pertains,  the  exercisability  (if any) of the Option in the
event of death,  retirement,  disability or termination of employment,  and such
other terms and conditions not inconsistent with the Plan as the Committee shall

     6.2 Option Price.  Nonstatutory  Stock Options and Incentive  Stock Options
granted pursuant to the Plan shall have an exercise price which is not less than
the Fair Market Value on the date the Option is granted.


     6.3 Exercise of Options.  Options  awarded to a Participant  under the Plan
shall be exercisable at such times and shall be subject to such restrictions and
conditions  as the  Committee may impose,  subject to the  Committee's  right to
accelerate the exercisability of such Option in its discretion.  Notwithstanding
the foregoing,  no Option shall be exercisable for more than ten years after the
date on which it is granted.

     6.4  Payment.  The  Committee  shall  establish  procedures  governing  the
exercise of Options,  which shall  require  that  written  notice of exercise be
given  and that the  Option  price be paid in full in cash or cash  equivalents,
including  by  personal  check,  at the  time of  exercise  or  pursuant  to any
arrangement  that  the  Committee  shall  approve.  The  Committee  may,  in its
discretion,  permit a Participant  to make payment (i) in Stock already owned by
the Participant valued at its Fair Market Value on the date of exercise (if such
Stock has been  owned by the  Participant  for at least six  months)  or (ii) by
electing to have the Company  retain  Stock which would  otherwise  be issued on
exercise of the Option, valued at its Fair Market Value on the date of exercise.
As soon as  practicable  after  receipt  of a written  exercise  notice and full
payment of the exercise  price,  the Company shall deliver to the  Participant a
certificate or certificates representing the acquired shares of Stock.

     6.5 Incentive  Stock Options.  Notwithstanding  anything in the Plan to the
contrary,  no term of this Plan  relating to Incentive  Stock  Options  shall be
interpreted,  amended or altered,  nor shall any discretion or authority granted
under the Plan be so exercised,  so as to disqualify  the Plan under Section 422
of the Code, or, without the consent of any  Participant  affected  thereby,  to
cause any Incentive Stock Option  previously  granted to fail to qualify for the
Federal income tax treatment afforded under Section 421 of the Code.

                                    SECTION 7

                                 DIRECTOR AWARDS

     7.1 Amount of Award.  Each Eligible  Director shall receive an annual grant
of Stock in the amount of 150 shares of Stock for each Board meeting attended by
such  Eligible  Director  (other than  meetings by written  consent or telephone
communications);  such  grants  shall  be  made on the  date of and  immediately
following the annual  meeting of  stockholders  (beginning  with the 1998 annual
stockholders' meeting) based on the number of Board meetings attended subsequent
to the prior annual stockholders'  meeting. In addition,  each Eligible Director
shall  receive an annual grant of a  Nonstatutory  Stock Option to acquire 1,000
shares of Stock  exercisable  at the Fair Market Value of the  Company's  common
stock on the date of grant; such grant shall be made on the date of and


immediately  following the annual meeting of  stockholders  (beginning  with the
1997 Annual  Stockholders'  Meeting).  Furthermore,  each Eligible  Director who
becomes an  Eligible  Director  for the first  time on or after  January 1, 1997
shall receive a one-time grant of a  Nonstatutory  Stock Option to acquire 5,000
shares of Stock  exercisable  at the Fair Market Value of the  Company's  common
stock on the date on which such person first  becomes a director of the Company;
such options shall become exercisable in one-third  increments  beginning on the
first anniversary of the date of grant. The Stock and Nonstatutory Stock Options
awarded to a director hereunder shall be appropriately  adjusted in the event of
any stock changes as described in Section 5.3.

                                    SECTION 8

                            STOCK APPRECIATION RIGHTS

     8.1 SAR's In Tandem with Options.  Stock Appreciation Rights may be granted
to Participants  in tandem with any Option granted under the Plan,  either at or
after  the  time of the  grant  of  such  Option,  subject  to  such  terms  and
conditions,  not inconsistent  with the provisions of the Plan, as the Committee
shall determine.  Each Stock Appreciation Right shall only be exercisable to the
extent that the  corresponding  Option is exercisable,  and shall terminate upon
termination or exercise of the  corresponding  Option.  Upon the exercise of any
Stock Appreciation Right, the corresponding Option shall terminate.

     8.2 Other Stock Appreciation  Rights. Stock Appreciation Rights may also be
granted to Participants  separately  from any Option,  subject to such terms and
conditions,  not inconsistent  with the provisions of the Plan, as the Committee
shall determine.

                                    SECTION 9

                                RESTRICTED STOCK

     9.1 Grant of Restricted  Stock. The Committee may grant Restricted Stock to
Participants at such times and in such amounts,  and subject to such other terms
and conditions not inconsistent with the Plan as it shall determine.  Each grant
of Restricted Stock shall be subject to such  restrictions,  which may relate to
continued  employment  with the Company,  performance  of the Company,  or other
restrictions,  as the Committee may  determine.  Each grant of Restricted  Stock
shall be evidenced by a written agreement setting forth the terms of such Award.

     9.2 Removal of  Restrictions.  The Committee  may  accelerate or waive such
restrictions in whole or in part at any time in its discretion.


                                   SECTION 10

                                  STOCK BONUSES

     10.1 Grant of Stock  Bonuses.  The  Committee  may grant a Stock Bonus to a
Participant  at such times and in such amounts,  and subject to such other terms
and conditions not inconsistent with the Plan, as it shall determine.

     10.2 Effect on Compensation.  The Committee may from time to time determine
to grant a Stock Bonus in lieu of salary or cash bonuses  otherwise payable to a

                                   SECTION 11


     11.1  General.  The Board may from time to time amend,  modify or terminate
any or all of the  provisions  of the Plan,  subject to the  provisions  of this
Section 11.1.  The Board may not change the Plan in a manner which would prevent
outstanding  Incentive Stock Options granted under the Plan from being Incentive
Stock Options without the consent of the optionees concerned.  Furthermore,  the
Board  may not  make  any  amendment  which  would  (i)  materially  modify  the
requirements for participation in the Plan or (ii) increase the number of shares
of Stock  subject to Awards under the Plan pursuant to Section 5.1, in each case
without the consent and approval of the holders of a majority of the outstanding
shares of Stock  entitled to vote thereon.  No amendment or  modification  shall
affect the rights of any Employee  with respect to a previously  granted  Award,
nor shall any  amendment  or  modification  affect  the  rights of any  Eligible
Director pursuant to a previously granted Director Award.

     11.2  Termination  of Plan.  No further  Options shall be granted under the
Plan  subsequent to December 31, 2006, or such earlier date as may be determined
by the Board.

                                   SECTION 12

                            MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS

     12.1 Beneficiary Designation. Each Participant under the Plan may from time
to time name any beneficiary or  beneficiaries  (who may be named  contingent or
successively)  to whom any  benefit  under the Plan is to be paid or by whom any
right under the Plan is to be exercised in case of his death.  Each  designation
will revoke all prior  designations by the same  Participant  shall be in a form
prescribed by the Committee, and will be effective only when filed


in writing with the Committee.  In the absence of any such  designation,  Awards
outstanding at death may be exercised by the Participant's  surviving spouse, if
any, or  otherwise  by his estate,  subject to the terms and  conditions  of the

     12.2 No Guarantee of Employment or Participation. Nothing in the Plan shall
interfere with or limit in any way the right of the Company or any Subsidiary to
terminate  any  Participant's  employment  at any  time,  nor  confer  upon  any
Participant  any  right  to  continue  in  the  employ  of  the  Company  or any
Subsidiary. No Employee shall have a right to be selected as a Participant,  or,
having been so selected, to receive any future Awards.

     12.3 Tax  Withholding.  The Company  shall have the power to  withhold,  or
require a Participant  or Eligible  Director to remit to the Company,  an amount
sufficient to satisfy federal,  state, and local withholding tax requirements on
any Award under the Plan, and the Company may defer issuance of Stock until such
requirements  are  satisfied.  The Committee  may, in its  discretion,  permit a
Participant to elect,  subject to such conditions as the Committee shall impose,
(i) to have shares of Stock  otherwise  issuable  under the Plan withheld by the
Company or (ii) to deliver to the Company  previously  acquired shares of Stock,
in each case having a Fair Market Value sufficient to satisfy all or part of the
Participant's estimated total federal, state and local tax obligation associated
with the transaction.

     12.4 Change of Control. On the date of a Change of Control, all outstanding
options and stock appreciation  rights shall become immediately  exercisable and
all  restrictions  with  respect to  Restricted  Stock shall  lapse.  "Change of
Control" shall mean:

         (i)      The acquisition (other than from the Company) by any
                  person, entity or "group", within the meaning of Section
                  13(d)(3) or 14(d)(2) of the Act (excluding any
                  acquisition or holding by (i) the Company or its
                  subsidiaries or (ii) any employee benefit plan of the
                  Company or its subsidiaries which acquires beneficial
                  ownership of voting securities of the Company) of
                  beneficial ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3
                  promulgated under the Act) of 50% or more of either the
                  then outstanding shares of common stock or the combined
                  voting power of the Company's then outstanding voting
                  securities entitled to vote generally in the election of
                  directors; or

         (ii)     Individuals  who, as of the date hereof,  constitute the Board
                  (as of the date hereof the  "Incumbent  Board")  cease for any
                  reason  to  constitute  at  least  a  majority  of the  Board,
                  provided that any person becoming a director subsequent to the
                  date hereof whose election,  or nomination for the election by
                  the Company's


                  stockholders, was approved by a vote of at least a majority of
                  the directors then  comprising  the Incumbent  Board shall be,
                  for  purposes of this Plan,  considered  as though such person
                  were a member of the Incumbent Board; or

   (iii)          Approval by the stockholders of the Company of a
                  reorganization, merger or consolidation, in each case,
                  with respect to which persons who were the stockholders
                  of the Company immediately prior to such reorganization,
                  merger or consolidation do not, immediately thereafter,
                  own more than 50% of the combined voting power entitled
                  to vote generally in the election of directors of the
                  reorganized, merged or consolidated company's then
                  outstanding voting securities, or a liquidation or
                  dissolution of the Company or of the sale of all or
                  substantially all of the assets of the Company.

     12.5  Company  Intent.  The  Company  intends  that the Plan  comply in all
respects with Rule 16b-3 under the Act, and any  ambiguities or  inconsistencies
in the  construction  of the Plan shall be  interpreted  to give  effect to such

     12.6 Requirements of Law. The granting of Awards and the issuance of shares
of Stock shall be subject to all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, and to
such approvals by any  governmental  agencies or securities  exchanges as may be

     12.7  Effective  Date. The Plan shall be effective upon its adoption by the
Board subject to approval by the  affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority
of the shares of Stock present in person or by proxy at a stockholders' meeting.

     12.8  Governing  Law.  The Plan,  and all  agreements  hereunder,  shall be
construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Delaware.


                         INACOM EXECUTIVE INCENTIVE PLAN

     1. Purpose.  The principal purpose of the InaCom Corp.  Executive Incentive
Plan (the "Plan") is to provide incentives to executive officers of InaCom Corp.
("InaCom")  who have  significant  responsibility  for the success and growth of
InaCom and to assist InaCom in attracting,  motivating  and retaining  executive
officers on a competitive basis.

     2.  Administration  of the  Plan.  The Plan  shall be  administered  by the
Compensation  Committee  of  the  Board  of  Directors  (the  "Committee").  The
Committee  shall  have the sole  discretion  to  interpret  the Plan;  approve a
pre-established objective performance measure or measures annually;  certify the
level to which each performance  measure was attained prior to any payment under
the Plan;  approve the amount of awards made under the Plan;  and  determine who
shall receive any payment under the Plan.

     The  Committee  shall  have full  power and  authority  to  administer  and
interpret the Plan and to adopt such rules,  regulations  and guidelines for the
administration  of the Plan and for the conduct of its business as the Committee
deems necessary or advisable.  The Committee's  interpretations of the Plan, and
all  actions  taken and  determinations  made by the  Committee  pursuant to the
powers  vested in it hereunder,  shall be conclusive  and binding on all parties
concerned,  including InaCom, its stockholders and any person receiving an award
under the Plan.

     3. Eligibility.  Executive  officers and other key management  personnel of
InaCom shall be eligible to receive awards under the Plan.  The Committee  shall
designate the  executive  officers and other key  management  personnel who will
participate in the Plan each year.

     4. Awards. The Committee shall establish annual and/or long-term  incentive
award targets for  participants.  If an individual  becomes an executive officer
during the year,  such  individual may be granted  eligibility  for an incentive
award for that year upon such individual becoming an executive officer.

     The Committee  shall also  establish  annual and/or  long-term  performance
targets  which  must be  achieved  in order for an award to be earned  under the
Plan.  Such targets  shall be based on earnings,  earnings per share,  growth in
earnings per share,  achievement  of annual  operating  profit plans,  return on
equity  performance,  economic  value  added or  similar  financial  performance
measures as may be determined by the Committee. The specific performance targets
for each  participant  shall be established  in writing by the Committee  within
ninety days after the commencement of the fiscal year (or within such other time
period as may be required by Section  162(m) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code) to
which  the  performance   target  relates.   The  performance  target  shall  be
established in such a manner than a third party having knowledge of

the relevant facts could determine whether the performance goal has been met.

     Awards shall be payable  following the completion of the applicable  fiscal
year upon  certification  by the  Committee  that InaCom  achieved the specified
performance  target  established  for  the  participant.   Notwithstanding   the
attainment by InaCom of the specified performance targets, the Committee has the
discretion,  for each participant,  to reduce some or all of an award that would
otherwise be paid.  However,  in no event may a participant  receive an award of
more than $2,500,000 under the Plan in any fiscal year.

     5. Miscellaneous Provisions. InaCom shall have the right to deduct from all
awards  hereunder  paid in cash  any  federal,  state,  local or  foreign  taxes
required by law to be withheld with respect to such awards. Neither the Plan nor
any action taken  hereunder  shall be construed as giving any employee any right
to be retained in the employ of InaCom.  The costs and expenses of administering
the Plan  shall be borne by InaCom  and shall not be  charged to any award or to
any participant receiving an award.

     6.  Effective  Date,  Amendments  and  Termination.  The Plan shall  become
effective on March 4, 1997 subject to approval by the  stockholders of InaCom at
the 1997 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. The Committee may at any time terminate
or from  time to time  amend  the Plan in whole or in part,  but no such  action
shall  adversely  affect any rights or  obligations  with  respect to any awards
theretofore  made under the Plan.  However,  unless the  stockholders  of InaCom
shall have first approved  thereof,  no amendment of the Plan shall be effective
which would  increase the maximum  amount which can be paid to any one executive
officer  under the Plan in any fiscal  year,  which would  change the  specified
performance  goals for payment of awards,  or which would modify the requirement
as to eligibility for participation in the Plan.