THIS STOCK OPTION  AGREEMENT  (the  "Agreement")  is made and entered into as of
October 8, 1998 by and  between  Vanstar  Corporation,  a  Delaware  corporation
("Grantor"), and InaCom Corp., a Delaware corporation ("Grantee").


         Concurrently  with  the  execution  and  delivery  of  this  Agreement,
Grantor,   Grantee,   and  Indigo  Sub,  Inc.,  a  Delaware  corporation  and  a
wholly-owned  subsidiary of Grantee ("Sub"),  are entering into an Agreement and
Plan of  Merger,  dated as of October 8, 1998 (the  "Merger  Agreement"),  which
provides  for the  merger of Sub with and into  Grantor in  accordance  with the
terms of the  Merger  Agreement  and the  laws of the  State  of  Delaware  (the
"Merger").  As a condition and inducement to Grantee's willingness to enter into
the Merger Agreement,  Grantee has requested that Grantor agree, and Grantor has
agreed,  to grant to Grantee an option to acquire  certain  shares of  Grantor's
authorized  but unissued  common stock  (together  with any  associated  rights,
"Grantor  Common  Stock"),  on the terms and subject to the conditions set forth

         NOW THEREFORE, to induce Grantee to enter into the Merger Agreement and
in consideration of the  representations,  warranties,  covenants and agreements
contained herein and in the Merger Agreement,  the parties hereto,  intending to
be legally bound, hereby agree as follows. Capitalized terms used herein but not
defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Merger Agreement.


         Section  1.  Grant of  Option.  

                  Grantor  hereby grants to Grantee an  irrevocable  option (the
                  "Grantor  Option")  to  purchase a number of shares of Grantor
                  Common Stock equal to the Option Number (as defined in Section
                  2(d)),  on the terms and subject to the  conditions  set forth

         Section 2.             Exercise and Termination of the Grantor Option.

                  Exercise.  The Grantor Option may be exercised by Grantee,  in
                  whole or in part,  at any time or from  time to time  prior to
                  the  termination  of  Grantee's  right to exercise the Grantor
                  Option by the terms of this  Agreement  and upon and after the
                  occurrence  of  a  "Trigger  Event".   For  purposes  of  this
                  Agreement, a "Trigger Event" shall occur, if, and only if, all
                  of the following occur: (i) the Merger Agreement is terminated
                  and,  as a result of such  termination,  a fee is  payable  by
                  Grantor to Grantee  pursuant  to Sections  8.2(d),  (e) or (f)
                  thereof;   (ii)  prior  to  such  termination  an  Acquisition
                  Proposal  (as such term is defined  in the  Merger  Agreement)
                  shall have been made for Grantor (other than made, directly or
                  indirectly,  by Grantee or any affiliate  thereof),  and (iii)
                  either prior to, or within twelve (12) months  following  such
                  termination,   the   shareholders  of  Grantor  approve  -that
                  Acquisition  Proposal.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
                  Grantor Option may not be exercised if Grantee is in breach in
                  any material  respect of any of its material  representations,
                  warranties,   covenants  or   agreements   contained  in  this
                  Agreement,  subject to reasonable  notice and  opportunity  to

                  Exercise  Procedure.  In the  event  that  Grantee  wishes  to
                  exercise the Grantor Option,  Grantee shall deliver to Grantor
                  written  notice (an "Exercise  Notice")  specifying  the total
                  number of shares of Grantor  Common Stock that Grantee  wishes
                  to purchase (the "Option Shares").  To the extent permitted by
                  law and the  Certificate  of  Incorporation,  as  amended,  of
                  Grantor  (the  "Grantor  Charter"),   and  provided  that  the
                  conditions  set forth in Section 3 to Grantor's  obligation to
                  issue the shares of Grantor Common Stock to Grantee  hereunder
                  have been satisfied or waived, Grantee shall, upon delivery of
                  the  Exercise  Notice and tender of the  applicable  aggregate
                  Exercise Price (as defined in Section 2(e) below), immediately
                  be deemed to be the  holder  of record of the  Option  Shares,
                  notwithstanding that the stock transfer books of Grantor shall
                  then be closed or that  certificates  representing  the Option
                  Shares shall not  theretofore  have been delivered to Grantee.
                  Each  closing of a purchase of shares of Grantor  Common Stock
                  hereunder (a "Closing") shall occur at a place, on a date, and
                  at  a  time  designated  by  Grantee  in  an  Exercise  Notice
                  delivered at least two (2) business  days prior to the date of
                  such Closing.

                  Termination of the Grantor Option. Grantee's right to exercise
                  the Grantor Option shall  terminate upon the earliest to occur

                           the Effective Time of the Merger;

                           the date on which the Merger  Agreement  is  properly
terminated  pursuant to Article VIII thereof other than under  circumstances set
forth in Sections 2(a)(i) and 2(a)(ii); and

                           thirteen  (13)  months  after  the date on which  the
Merger Agreement is terminated.

Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  with respect to clause (iii) in the immediately
preceding  sentence,  if the Grantor Option cannot be exercised by reason of any
applicable judicial or governmental judgment,  decree, order, law or regulation,
the Grantor Option shall remain  exercisable  and shall not terminate  until the
earlier  of (x) the date on which such  impediment  shall  become  final and not
subject to appeal and (y) 5:00 p.m., Atlanta,  Georgia time, on the tenth (10th)
business day after such impediment shall have been removed;  provided,  however,
that if such  judgment,  decree or order shall have been obtained at the request
of  Grantor  or any of its  Affiliates  or a  party  that  has  been  made or is
proposing to make an Acquisition Proposal (as such term is defined in the Merger
Agreement)  for  Grantor,  and such  judgment,  decree or order is vacated,  set
aside,  withdrawn,  reversed or otherwise  nullified,  the time during which the
Grantor  Option shall remain  exercisable  shall be extended for as long as such
judgment, decree, or order shall be in effect. The rights of Grantee and Grantor
set forth in Sections 7 (other than Section  7(a)(i),  and 9 shall not terminate
upon  termination of Grantee's right to exercise the Grantor Option with respect
to shares acquired prior to  termination,  but shall extend to the time provided
in such sections. Notwithstanding the termination of the Grantor Option, Grantee
shall be entitle to purchase the shares of Grantor  Common Stock with respect to
which Grantee had exercised the Grantor Option prior to such termination.

                  Option  Number.  The  aggregate  number of  shares of  Grantor
                  Common Stock  issuable  upon  exercise of this Grantor  Option
                  (the "Option Number") shall initially be the number of shares,
                  rounded down to the nearest whole share, equal to nineteen and
                  nine-tenths  percent  (19.9%) of the total number of shares of
                  Grantor Common Stock issued and  outstanding as of the date of
                  this  Agreement,  and shall be adjusted  hereafter  to reflect
                  changes in Grantor's  capitalization  occurring after the date
                  hereof in  accordance  with  Section 10.  Notwithstanding  any
                  other  provision,  in no event shall the Option  Number exceed
                  nineteen and  nine-tenths  percent (19.9%) of the total number
                  of shares of Grantor Common Stock issued and outstanding as of
                  the  date of  this  Agreement,  adjusted  in  accordance  with
                  Section 10.

                  Exercise Price. The purchase price per share of Grantor Common
                  Stock pursuant to the Grantor  Option (the  "Exercise  Price")
                  shall be  payable  in cash.  The  Exercise  Price per share of
                  Grantor Common Stock, shall be a cash amount equal to $9 1/8.

                  Certain  Limitations.  In the event  Grantee  would  otherwise
                  receive aggregate,  cumulative Net Proceeds (as defined below)
                  of more than the Cap Amount (as defined  below) in  connection
                  with the sale (or other disposition) to any third party of the
                  shares  of  Grantor  Common  Stock  acquired  pursuant  to the
                  Grantor  Option,  all Net Proceeds in excess of the Cap Amount
                  shall be  remitted  to Grantor  promptly  upon  receipt.  "Net
                  Proceeds"  shall mean the  aggregate  proceeds of such sale or
                  disposition (less brokers commissions and discounts) in excess
                  of the product of the Exercise Price  multiplied by the number
                  of shares of Grantor  Common  Stock  included  in such sale or
                  disposition.  Cap  Amount  shall  mean the amount by which $18
                  million exceeds the aggregate of the termination  fees payable
                  by Grantor to Grantee  pursuant  to Section  8.2 of the Merger
                  Agreement.  Notwithstanding  anything in this  Agreement or in
                  the Merger  Agreement to the contrary,  the maximum  aggregate
                  amount  payable  by  Grantor  to  Grantee  and its  affiliates
                  pursuant to this  Agreement and the  provisions of Section 8.2
                  of the Merger  Agreement  shall not exceed the sum of eighteen
                  million  dollars  ($18,000,000)  plus, in the case of payments
                  pursuant to Section 7(a)(i)(y),  7(a)(ii),  7(b)(ii),  8(c) or
                  9(c) of this Agreement,  the aggregate  Exercise Price for the
                  shares of Grantor  Common  Stock  repurchased  by Grantor from
                  Grantee pursuant to this Agreement.

         Section 3.  Conditions to Closing.  The  obligation of Grantor to issue
the Option Shares to Grantee hereunder is subject to the conditions that (a) all
waiting periods, if any, under the Hart Scott Rodino Antitrust  Improvements Act
of 1976,  as amended (the "HSR Act"),  applicable  to the issuance of the Option
Shares hereunder shall have expired or have been terminated;  (b) no preliminary
or permanent  injunction  or other order by any court of competent  jurisdiction
prohibiting or otherwise  restraining such issuance shall be in effect;  and (c)
all  consents,  approvals,  orders,  authorizations  and permits of any federal,
state, local and foreign governmental  authority, if any, required in connection
with the issuance of the shares of Grantor  Common Stock and the  acquisition of
such shares by Grantee hereunder shall have been obtained.

         Section 4.  Closing.  At any  Closing:  (a)  Grantor  shall  deliver to
Grantee or its designee a single certificate in definitive form representing the
number of shares of Grantor  Common Stock  designated by Grantee in its Exercise
Notice, such certificate to be registered in the name of Grantee and to bear the
legend set forth in Section  11; and (b)  Grantee  shall  deliver to Grantor the
aggregate  Exercise  Price for the shares of Grantor  Common Stock so designated
and being  purchased  by wire  transfer of  immediately  available  funds to the
account or accounts  specified  in writing by Grantor.  Effective at or prior to
the  Closing,  Grantor  shall  cause the shares of Grantor  Common  Stock  being
delivered  at the  Closing  to be  approved  for  listing  on The New York Stock

         Section  5. Representations and Warrants of Grantor. Grantor represents
                  and warrants to Grantee as follows:

                  Organization  and  Standing.  Grantor  is a  corporation  duly
                  organized validly existing and in good standing under the laws
                  of the  State of  Delaware  and has all  corporate  power  and
                  authority  required to enter into this  Agreement and to carry
                  out its obligations hereunder.

                  Authority.  The  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement by
                  Grantor and the  consummation  by Grantor of the  transactions
                  contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all necessary
                  corporate action on the part of Grantor and no other corporate
                  proceedings  on the part of  Grantor  and no action of Grantor
                  shareholders  are necessary to authorize this Agreement or any
                  of the transactions  contemplated  hereby;  this Agreement has
                  been duly and validly  executed and  delivered by Grantor and,
                  assuming the due authorization,  execution and delivery hereby
                  by  Grantee  and  the  receipt  of all  required  governmental
                  approvals,  constitutes  the valid and binding  obligation  of
                  Grantor,  enforceable  against  Grantor in accordance with its
                  terms,  except as may be  limited  by  applicable  bankruptcy,
                  insolvency  reorganization or other similar laws affecting the
                  enforcement of creditor's  rights  generally,  and except that
                  the  availability of equitable  remedies,  including  specific
                  performance,  may be  subject to the  discretion  of any court
                  before which any proceeding therefor may be brought.

                  Reservation  of  Shares.   Grantor  has  taken  all  necessary
                  corporate  action to authorize and reserve for issuance and to
                  permit it to issue,  upon exercise of the Grantor Option,  and
                  at all times from the date hereof  through the  expiration  of
                  the Grantor  Option will have  reserved a number of authorized
                  and unissued  shares of Grantor Common Stock not less than the
                  Option  Number,  such amount being  subject to  adjustment  as
                  provided in Section 10, all of which,  upon their issuance and
                  delivery in accordance with the terms of this Agreement,  will
                  be  duly   authorized,   validly   issued,   fully   paid  and

                  No Liens. The shares of Grantor Common Stock issued to Grantee
                  upon the exercise of the Grantor Option will be, upon delivery
                  thereof  to  Grantee,  free and  clear of all  claims,  liens,
                  charges,  encumbrances  and  security  interests of any nature

                  No Conflicts.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement by
                  Grantor does not, and,  subject to compliance  with applicable
                  law,  the   consummation   by  Grantor  of  the   transactions
                  contemplated hereby will not violate, conflict with, or result
                  in a breach of any provision of, or constitute a default (with
                  or without notice or lapse of time, or both) under,  or result
                  in the termination of, or accelerate the performance  required
                  by,  or  result in a right of  termination,  cancellation,  or
                  acceleration  of any  obligation  or the  loss  of a  material
                  benefit  under,  or the creation of a lien,  pledge,  security
                  interest or other  encumbrance on assets (any such  violation,
                  conflict, breach, default, termination, acceleration, right of
                  termination,  cancellation or acceleration, loss, or creation,
                  a "Violation")  by Grantor or any of its  Subsidiaries  of (i)
                  any  provision  of the charter or the bylaws of Grantor or any
                  of its  Subsidiaries,  each  as  amended  to  date,  (ii)  any
                  material  provision of any material loan or credit  agreement,
                  note,  mortgage,  indenture,  lease,  benefit  plan  or  other
                  agreement,   obligation,   instrument,   permit,   concession,
                  franchise or license or any subsequently adopted "shareholders
                  rights plan" (a "Material  Contract") of Grantor or any of its
                  Subsidiaries  or to  which  any of them is a party or by which
                  any of them or their  properties  or assets are bound or (iii)
                  except as  contemplated  by Sections 3.7 or 3.13 of the Merger
                  Agreement (or the schedules thereunder) or Section 5(f) below,
                  any judgment,  order, decree, statue, law, ordinance,  rule or
                  regulation applicable to Grantor or any of its subsidiaries or
                  any of their properties or assets.

                  Consents and  Approvals.  The  execution  and delivery of this
                  Agreement   by  Grantor   does  not,   and   (except  for  the
                  notifications  required  under  the  HSR  Act  and  applicable
                  foreign laws, the  expiration or early  termination of waiting
                  periods under the HSR Act and applicable foreign laws, and the
                  receipt of approvals  under  applicable  securities  laws, and
                  except as  contemplated  by Section 9) the performance of this
                  Agreement by Grantor and the  consummation of the transactions
                  contemplated  hereby will not, require any consent,  approval,
                  order authorization or permit of, filing with, or notification
                  to any governmental or regulatory  authority,  other than such
                  consents, approvals, orders, authorizations,  permits, filings
                  and notifications which, in the aggregate,  if not obtained or
                  made,  could  not  reasonably  be  expected  to have a  Parent
                  Material  Adverse Effect or a Company  Material Adverse Effect
                  (as such  terms are  defined  in the  Merger  Agreement)  or a
                  material  adverse  effect on the  ability  of the  parties  to
                  consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

       Section 6. Representations and Warranties of Grantee.  Grantee represents
                  and warrants to Grantor as follows:

                  Organization  and  Standing.  Grantee  is a  corporation  duly
                  organized,  validly  existing and in good  standing  under the
                  laws of the State of Delaware and has all corporate  power and
                  authority  required to enter into this  Agreement and to carry
                  out its obligations hereunder.

                  Authority.  The  execution  and delivery of this  Agreement by
                  Grantee and the  consummation  by Grantee of the  transactions
                  contemplated hereby have been duly authorized by all necessary
                  corporate action on the part of Grantee and no other corporate
                  proceedings  on the part of  Grantee  and no action of Grantee
                  shareholders  are necessary to authorize this Agreement or any
                  of the transactions  contemplated  hereby;  this Agreement has
                  been duly and validly  executed and  delivered by Grantee and,
                  assuming the due authorization,  execution and delivery hereby
                  by  Grantee  and  the  receipt  of all  required  governmental
                  approvals,  constitutes  the valid and binding  obligation  of
                  Grantee,  enforceable  against  Grantee in accordance with its
                  terms,  except as may be  limited  by  applicable  bankruptcy,
                  insolvency  reorganization or other similar laws affecting the
                  enforcement of creditor's  rights  generally,  and except that
                  the  availability of equitable  remedies,  including  specific
                  performance,  may be  subject to the  discretion  of any court
                  before which any proceeding therefor may be brought.

                  No Conflicts.  The execution and delivery of this Agreement by
                  Grantee  does not,  and the  consummation  by  Grantee  of the
                  transactions  contemplated  hereby will not violate,  conflict
                  with,  or  result  in a  Violation  by  Grantee  or any of its
                  Subsidiaries,  of (i)  any  provision  of the  Certificate  of
                  Incorporation   or  Bylaws  of  Grantee,   (ii)  any  material
                  provision  of any  Material  Contract of Grantee or any of its
                  Subsidiaries  or to  which  any of them is a party or by which
                  any of them or their  properties or assets are bound, or (iii)
                  except as  contemplated  by Sections 4.7 or 4.13 of the Merger
                  Agreement (or the schedules thereunder) or Section 6(d) below,
                  any judgment,  order, decree, statute, law, ordinance, rule or
                  regulation applicable to Grantee or any of its Subsidiaries or
                  any of their properties or assets.

                  Consents and  Approvals.  The  execution  and delivery of this
                  Agreement   by  Grantee   does  not,   and   (except  for  the
                  notifications  required  under  the  HSR  Act  and  applicable
                  foreign laws, the  expiration or early  termination of waiting
                  periods under the HSR Act and applicable foreign laws, and the
                  receipt of approvals  under  applicable  securities  laws, and
                  except as  contemplated  by Section 9) the performance of this
                  Agreement by Grantor and the  consummation of the transactions
                  contemplated  hereby will not, require any consent,  approval,
                  order authorization or permit of, filing with, or notification
                  to any governmental or regulatory  authority,  other than such
                  consents, approvals, orders, authorizations,  permits, filings
                  and notifications which, in the aggregate,  if not obtained or
                  made,  could  not  reasonably  be  expected  to have an Parent
                  Material  Adverse Effect or a Company  Material Adverse Effect
                  (as such  terms are  defined  in the  Merger  Agreement)  or a
                  material  adverse  effect on the  ability  of the  parties  to
                  consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

                  Investment  Purposes.  Any  shares  of  Grantor  Common  Stock
                  acquired by Grantee upon  exercise of the Grantor  Option will
                  be acquired for Grantee's own account, for investment purposes
                  only,  and will not be, and the  Grantor  Option is not being,
                  acquired  by Grantee  with a view to the  public  distribution
                  thereof  in  violation  of  any  applicable  provision  of the
                  Securities Act.

     Section 7.   Certain  Repurchases.   Upon  written  notice  (a  "Repurchase

          (i)              Grantee "Put".  By Grantee to Grantor:

                           (x) during the time the Grantor Option is exercisable
                           pursuant to Section 2, Grantor and its  successors in
                           interest  shall  repurchase  from  Grantee all or any
                           portion  of  the  Grantor  Option,  as  specified  by
                           Grantee, to the extent not previously  exercised,  at
                           the  Option  Repurchase  Price set  forth in  Section
                           7(b)(i),  subject to and as  limited by Section  2(f)
                           above; and

                           (y) at any time,  during which  Grantee  holds Option
                           shares  Grantor and its  successors in interest shall
                           repurchase  from  Grantee  all or any  portion of the
                           shares of Grantor  Common Stock  purchased by Grantee
                           pursuant  to the  Grantor  Option,  as  specified  by
                           Grantee,  at the Share  Repurchase Price set forth in
                           Section 7(b)(ii) subject to and as limited by Section
                           2(f) above.

                           (ii)     Grantor "Call." By Grantor to Grantee:

                           (x) Grantee  shall sell to Grantor  all, but not less
                           than  all,  of the  Grantor  Option,  at  the  Option
                           Repurchase   Price  set  forth  in  Section  7(b)(i),
                           subject to and as limited by Section 2(f) above; and

                           (y) at any time during  which  Grantee  holds  Option
                           Shares,  Grantee and its successors in interest shall
                           sell to  Grantor  all or any  portion  of the  Option
                           Shares,  as  specified  by  Grantor,   at  the  Share
                           Repurchase  Price as set  forth in  Section  7(b)(ii)
                           subject to and limited by Section 2(f) above.

                Certain    Definitions.  For  purposes  of this  Section  7, the
                           following definitions shall apply:

                           (i)  Option  Repurchase  Price.   "Option  Repurchase
                           Price"  shall  mean (A) the  amount (if any) by which
                           the  Fair   Market   Value  (as  defined  in  Section
                           7(b)(iii)) of a single share of Grantor  Common Stock
                           as of the date of the  applicable  Repurchase  Notice
                           exceeds the per share  Exercise  Price  multiplied by
                           (B) the  number  of shares of  Grantor  Common  Stock
                           purchasable  pursuant  to the  Grantor  Option or the
                           portion thereof covered by the applicable  Repurchase

                           Share  Repurchase  Price.  "Share  Repurchase  Price"
                           shall mean the  product of (A) the greater of (I) the
                           Exercise  Price paid by Grantee  per share of Grantor
                           Common Stock acquired  pursuant to the Grantor Option
                           and (II) the Fair Market Value (as defined in Section
                           7(b)(iii)) of a single share of Grantor  Common Stock
                           as of the date of the applicable  Repurchase  Notice,
                           and (B) the number of shares of Grantor  Common Stock
                           to be  repurchased  pursuant  to  this  Section  7 as
                           covered by the applicable Repurchase Notice.

                           Fair Market Value. As used in this  Agreement,  "Fair
                           Market  Value"  shall  mean,   with  respect  to  any
                           security,  the per share average of the last reported
                           sale prices on the New York Stock  Exchange  (or such
                           other  national  stock  exchange or  national  market
                           system as shall then be the  primary  trading  market
                           for  such  security)  for the ten (10)  trading  days
                           immediately  preceding the applicable date or highest
                           price  to  be  paid  per  share  in  an   Acquisition

                  Payment and  Redelivery of Grantor  Options or Shares.  In the
                  event  that  Grantee  or Grantor  exercises  their  respective
                  rights  under  Section  7(a),  Grantor  shall  within ten (10)
                  business days  thereafter,  pay the required amount to Grantee
                  in  immediately  available  and  Grantee  shall  surrender  to
                  Grantor the Grantor Option or the  certificate or certificates
                  evidencing  the shares of Grantor Common  Stocksubject  to the
                  applicable  Repurchase  Notice, and Grantee shall warrant that
                  it has sole beneficial ownership of the Grantor Option or such
                  shares  and that the  Grantor  Option or such  shares are then
                  free and clear of all claims, liens, charges, encumbrances and
                  security interests of any nature whatsoever.

                  Repurchase  Price  Reduced at Grantee's  Option.  In the event
                  that payment of the repurchase price specified in Section 7(a)
                  would  subject the  repurchase  of the  Grantor  Option or the
                  shares of Grantor Common Stock  purchased by Grantee  pursuant
                  to the Grantor Option to a vote of the stockholders of Grantor
                  pursuant to applicable law, regulations,  or requirements of a
                  national  securities exchange or national market system or the
                  Grantor Charter,  the Grantee may at its election,  reduce the
                  repurchase  price  or the  number  of  shares  covered  by the
                  Grantee  repurchase  request to an amount  which would  permit
                  such repurchase without the necessity for such vote.

         Section 8.                 Restrictions on Transfer.

                  Restrictions  on Transfer.  Prior to the fifth  anniversary of
                  the date hereof (the  "Expiration  Date"),  Grantee shall not,
                  directly or  indirectly,  by  operation  of law or  otherwise,
                  sell,  assign,  pledge or otherwise dispose of or transfer any
                  Option Shares ("Restricted  Shares"),  other than (i) pursuant
                  to Section 7 or (ii) in accordance with Sections 8(b) or 9.

                  Permitted  Sales.  Following  the  termination  of the  Merger
                  Agreement,  Grantee shall be permitted to sell any  Restricted
                  Shares  beneficially  owned  by it if such  sale  is made  (i)
                  pursuant  to a tender  or  exchange  offer  or other  business
                  combination transaction or (ii) subject to Section 8(c) or (d)
                  as the case may be,  to a person  who,  immediately  following
                  such sale, would  beneficially own (within the meaning of Rule
                  13d-3  promulgated under the Exchange Act), either alone or as
                  part of a "group"  (as used in Rule 13d-5  under the  Exchange
                  Act),  not  more  than  ten  percent  (10%)  of  such  party's
                  outstanding  voting  securities,  which  person  is a  passive
                  institutional  investor  who  would  be  eligible  under  Rule
                  13d-1(b)(1)  under the Exchange Act to report such holdings of
                  Restricted Shares on Schedule 13G under the Exchange Act.

                  Grantor's Right of First Refusal.  At any time after the first
                  occurrence of a Trigger Event and prior to the Expiration Date
                  if Grantee shall desire to sell, assign, transfer or otherwise
                  dispose of all or any of the shares of Grantor Common Stock or
                  other  securities  acquired  by it  pursuant  to  the  Grantor
                  Option,  it shall give Grantor  written notice of the proposed
                  transaction  (an  "Grantee  Offer  Notice"),  identifying  the
                  proposed transferee,  accompanied by a copy of a binding offer
                  to  purchase  such shares or other  securities  signed by such
                  transferee  and  setting  forth  the  terms  of  the  proposed
                  transaction.  A Grantee  Offer Notice shall be deemed an offer
                  by Grantee to Grantor, which may be acceptable within five (5)
                  business days of the receipt of such Grantee Offer Notice,  on
                  the same terms and  conditions  and at the same price at which
                  Grantee  is  proposing  to  transfer   such  shares  or  other
                  securities to such transferee. The purchase of any such shares
                  or other  securities by Grantor  shall be settled  within five
                  (5) business  days of the date of the  acceptance of the offer
                  and the purchase price shall be paid to Grantee in immediately
                  available  funds.  In the event of the  failure  or refusal of
                  Grantor to purchase all the shares or other securities covered
                  by a Grantee Offer Notice,  Grantee may sell all, but not less
                  than all, of such shares or other  securities  to the proposed
                  transferee at no less than the price specified and on terms no
                  more favorable to the  transferee  than those set forth in the
                  Grantee Offer Notice as long as such sale is completed  within
                  ninety (90) days of the  receipt by Grantor of the  applicable
                  Grantee  Office  Notice;  provided that the provisions of this
                  sentence shall not limit the rights Grantee may otherwise have
                  in the event  Grantor has accepted the offer  contained in the
                  Grantee  Offer Notice and  wrongfully  refuses to purchase the
                  shares or other securities  subject thereto.  The requirements
                  of this Section 8(c) shall not apply to (i) any disposition as
                  a  result  of  which  the   proposed   transferee   would  own
                  beneficially   not  more  than  three   percent  (3%)  of  the
                  outstanding  voting power of Grantor,  (ii) any disposition of
                  Grantor  Common Stock or other  securities by a person to whom
                  Grantee has assigned its rights under the Grantor  Option with
                  the  consent of  Grantor,  (iii) any sale by means of a public
                  offering  registered  under the  Securities  Act,  or (iv) any
                  transfer to a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Grantee which agrees
                  in writing to be bound by the terms hereof.

                  (d) Additional  Restrictions.  Prior to any permitted sales of
                  any  Restricted  Shares  under  Section  8(b)(ii),  the holder
                  thereof  shall  give  written  notice  to the  issuer  of such
                  Restricted  Shares of its  intention to effect such  transfer.
                  Each such notice  shall  describe  the manner of the  proposed
                  transfer  and, if  required  by the issuer of such  Restricted
                  Shares,   shall  be  accompanied  by  an  opinion  of  counsel
                  satisfactory  to such  issuer  (it being  agreed  that each of
                  Arter & Hadden  LLP,  a  limited  liability  partnership,  and
                  McGrath,  North,  Mullin & Kratz, P.C., shall be satisfactory)
                  to  the  effect  that  such  sale  may  be  effected   without
                  registration under the Securities Act and any applicable state
                  securities  laws.  Each  certificate  for  Restricted   Shares
                  transferred  as above provided shall bear the legend set forth
                  in Section  11,  except that such  certificate  shall not bear
                  such  legend if (i) such  transfer is in  accordance  with the
                  provisions  of Rule 144 (or any other rule  permitting  public
                  sale without  registration  under the Securities  Act) or (ii)
                  the  opinion of counsel  referred  to above is to the  further
                  effect that the transferee and any subsequent transferee would
                  be  entitled  to  transfer  such  securities  in a public sale
                  without   registration   under  the   Securities  Act  or  any
                  applicable state  securities  laws. The restrictions  provided
                  for in this Section 8(d) shall not apply to  securities  which
                  are not required to bear the legend  prescribed  in Section 11
                  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of this  Agreement.  The
                  foregoing  restrictions on  transferability  set forth in this
                  Section 8(d) shall terminate as to any particular  shares when
                  such shares shall have been  effectively  registered under the
                  Securities Act and any applicable  state  securities  laws and
                  sold  or  otherwise   disposed  of  in  accordance   with  the
                  registration statement covering such shares.

                  Section 9.                Registration Rights.

                  (a) Procedure.  Following termination of the Merger Agreement,
                  Grantee   (the   "Holder")   may  by   written   notice   (the
                  "Registration  Notice")  to  the  Grantor  (the  "Registrant")
                  request the  Registrant to register  under the  Securities Act
                  all or any  part of the  Restricted  Shares  acquired  by such
                  Holder   pursuant   to  this   Agreement   (the   "Registrable
                  Securities") in order to permit the sale or other  disposition
                  of such shares pursuant to a bona fide commitment underwritten
                  public  offering,  in which the  Holder  and the  underwriters
                  shall  effect  as  wide a  distribution  of  such  Registrable
                  Securities  as is reasonable  practicable  and shall use their
                  best efforts to prevent any person  (including  any "group" as
                  used in Rule 13d-5 under the Exchange Act) and its  affiliates
                  from  purchasing  through  such  offering   Restricted  Shares
                  representing  more than three percent (3%) of the  outstanding
                  shares of common stock of the  Registrant  on a fully  diluted
                  basis  (a  "Permitted   Offering").   Any  rights  to  require
                  registration  hereunder  shall  terminate  with respect to any
                  shares  that may be sold  pursuant  to Rule  144(k)  under the
                  Securities Act.

                  (b) Manager's  Certificate.  The managing underwriter shall be
                  an investment banking firm of nationally  recognized standing,
                  and shall be  selected by (i) the  Registrant  within ten (10)
                  business days after receipt of a Registration Notice,  subject
                  to  approval  of  the  Holder  (which  approval  shall  not be
                  unreasonably  withheld,  delayed or  conditioned),  or (ii) if
                  Registrant   fails  to  deliver   notice  (the   "Registrant's
                  Designation  Notice") to Holder of such  selection  within ten
                  (10)  business days after  receipt of a  Registration  Notice,
                  then  by  Holder  subject  to  the   reasonable   approval  of
                  Registrant (which approval shall not be unreasonable withheld,
                  delayed or  conditioned)  (the  "Manager"),  and Holder  shall
                  deliver written notice (the "Holder's  Designation Notice") of
                  such selection  within ten (10) business days after expiration
                  of the ten (10) day period in which  Registrant  is entitle to
                  give  notice.  The  Registrant's  Designation  Notice  or  the
                  Holder's  Designation Notice, as the cause may be, shall state
                  that (i) the party  delivering  such  notice and its  proposed
                  Manager  have a good faith  intention  to commence  promptly a
                  Permitted  Offering,  and (ii) such  proposed  Manager in good
                  faith  believes  that,  based  on the  then-prevailing  market
                  conditions, it will be able to sell the Registrable Securities
                  to the  public in a  Permitted  Offering  within  one  hundred
                  twenty  (120)  days at a per  share  price  equal  to at least
                  eighty  percent  (80%) of the then Fair  Market  Value of such

                  (c) First Refusal  Right.  The  Registrant  (and/or any person
                  designated by the Registrant)  shall thereupon have the option
                  exercisable by written  notice  delivered to the Holder within
                  five (5) business  days after the receipt of the  Registration
                  Notice proposed to be so sold for cash at a price equal to the
                  product of (i) the number of  Registrable  Securities to be so
                  purchased  by the  Registrant  and (ii) the then  Fair  Market
                  Value of such shares, subject to Section 2(f) hereof.

                  (d) Closing.  Any purchase of  Registrable  Securities  by the
                  Registrant  (or its  designee)  under  Section 9(c) shall take
                  place  at a  closing  to be  held at the  principal  executive
                  offices of the  Registrant or at the offices of its counsel at
                  any  reasonable  date and time  designated  by the  Registrant
                  and/or  such  designee  in  such  notice  within  twenty  (20)
                  business days after  delivery of such notice,  and any payment
                  for the shares to be so purchased shall be made by delivery at
                  the time of such closing in immediately available funds.

                  (e) Certain  Limitations.  If the Registrant does not elect to
                  exercise  its option  pursuant to Section 9(c) with respect to
                  all Registrable  Securities,  it shall use its best efforts to
                  effect, as promptly as practicable, the registration under the
                  Securities  Act  of  the  unpurchased  Registrable  Securities
                  proposed to be sold; provided,  however, that (i) holder shall
                  not be entitled to demand  more than an  aggregate  of two (2)
                  effective  registration  statements  hereunder,  and  (ii) the
                  Registrant will not be required to file any such  registration
                  statement  during any period of time (not to exceed sixty (60)
                  days  after  such  request  in the case of clause (A) below or
                  ninety (90) days after such request in the case of clauses (B)
                  and (C) below) when (A) the  Registrant  is in  possession  of
                  material  non-public  information which it reasonably believes
                  would be  detrimental to be disclosed at such time and, in the
                  opinion of counsel to the Registrant such information would be
                  required to be disclosed if a registration statement was filed
                  at that  time;  (B)  the  Registrant  is  required  under  the
                  Securities Act to include audited financial statements for any
                  period  in such  registration  statement  and  such  financial
                  statements  are  not  yet  available  for  inclusion  in  such
                  registration statement;  or (C) the Registrant determines,  in
                  its  reasonable   judgement,   that  such  registration  would
                  interfere with any financing, acquisition or other transaction
                  involving the  Registrant or any of its material  subsidiaries
                  and that such  transaction  is material to the  Registrant and
                  its subsidiaries taken as a whole. If consummation of the sale
                  of any  Registrable  Securities  pursuant to the  registration
                  hereunder  does not occur within one hundred twenty (120) days
                  after the effectiveness of the initial registration statement,
                  the  provisions of this Section 9 shall again be applicable to
                  any proposed registration.

                  (f)  State  Securities  Laws.  The  Registrant  shall  use its
                  reasonable  best efforts to cause any  Registrable  Securities
                  registered pursuant to this Section 9 to be qualified for sale
                  under the  securities  laws of such  states as the  Holder may
                  reasonably  request and shall  continue such  registration  or
                  qualification  in  effect  in  such  jurisdiction;   provided,
                  however,  that the Registrant shall not be required to qualify
                  to do  business  in, or consent to general  service of process
                  in, any jurisdiction by reason of this provision.

                  (g) Obligations of Registrant. The Registrant shall provide to
                  the underwriters such documentation  (including  certificates,
                  opinions of counsel and "comfort" letters from auditors) as is
                  customary in connection with underwritten  public offerings as
                  such  underwriters  may reasonably  require.  The registration
                  rights  set  forth  in  this  Section  9 are  subject  to  the
                  condition  that the Holder shall provide the  Registrant  with
                  such information  with respect to its Registrable  Securities,
                  the  plans  for  the  distribution  thereof,  and  such  other
                  information  with respect to the Holder as, in the  reasonable
                  judgement  of counsel  for the  Registrant,  is  necessary  to
                  enable  the   Registrant  to  include  in  such   registration
                  statement  all material  facts  required to be disclosed  with
                  respect to a registration thereunder.

                  (h)  Indemnification.  In  connection  with  any  registration
                  effected  under  this  Section  9, the  parties  agree  (i) to
                  indemnify each other (and each other's directors and officers)
                  and the  underwriters in the customary  manner,  (ii) to enter
                  into an underwriting agreement in form and substance customary
                  for  transactions  of such type with the Manager and the other
                  underwriters participating in such offering, and (iii) to take
                  all further  actions  which shall be  reasonably  necessary to
                  effect such  registration and sale (including,  if the Manager
                  deems it necessary, participating in road-show presentations).

                  (i)  Inclusion  of  Additional   Shares  of  Registrant.   The
                  Registrant  shall be  entitled  to  include  (at its  expense)
                  additional  shares  of  its  common  stock  in a  registration
                  effected  pursuant to this Section 9 only if and to the extent
                  the Manager  determines that such inclusion will not adversely
                  affect the prospects for success of such offering.

         Section 10.                Adjustment Upon Changes in Capitalization.

                  (a) Without  limiting any restriction on Grantor  contained in
                  this Agreement or in the Merger Agreement, in the event of any
                  change  in  Grantor  Common  Stock  by  reason  of  any  stock
                  dividend,  stock split,  reclassification,  merger (other than
                  the Merger), recapitalization, combination, exchange of shares
                  or any similar  transaction,  the type and number of shares or
                  securities  subject to the Grantor  Option,  and the  Exercise
                  Price   per  share   provided   herein,   shall  be   adjusted
                  appropriately  and  proper  provision  shall  be  made  in the
                  agreements  governing  such  transaction so that Grantee shall
                  receive,  upon exercise of the Grantor Option,  the number and
                  class of  securities  or  property  that  Grantee  would  have
                  received  in respect of the  shares of  Grantor  Common  Stock
                  issuable to Grantee if the Grantor  Option had been  exercised
                  immediately prior to such event or the record date thereof, as

                  (b) In the event that Grantor  shall enter into an  agreement:
                  (i) to consolidate with or merger into any person,  other than
                  Grantee  or one  of its  Subsidiaries,  and  shall  not be the
                  continuing or surviving  corporation of such  consolidation or
                  merger;  (ii) to permit any person,  other than Grantee or one
                  of its  Subsidiaries,  to merge into Grantor and Grantor shall
                  be the continuing or surviving corporation, but, in connection
                  with such  merger,  the then  outstanding  shares  of  Grantor
                  Common Stock shall be changed  into or exchanged  for stock or
                  other securities of Grantor or any person or cash or any other
                  property;  or  (iii)  to sell  or  otherwise  transfer  all or
                  substantially  all of its  assets to any  person,  other  than
                  Grantee  or one of its  Subsidiaries,  then,  and in each such
                  case,  the agreement  governing  such  transaction  shall make
                  proper   provision  so  that  the  Grantor   Option  upon  the
                  consummation  of such  transaction  and  upon  the  terms  and
                  conditions set forth herein,  be converted  into, or exchanged
                  for, an option with identical terms appropriately  adjusted to
                  acquire the number and class of shares or other  securities or
                  property that Grantee would have received in respect of Common
                  Stock if Grantor Option had been exercised  immediately  prior
                  to such consoliation,  merger,  sale or transfer or the record
                  date  therefor,  as  applicable  and make any other  necessary
                  adjustments subject to Section 2(f) hereof.

         Section  11. Restrictive Legends. Each certificate  representing Option
                  Shares shall include a legend in  substantially  the following


It is understood and agreed that (i) the reference to the resale restrictions of
the Securities Act and state securities or Blue Sky laws in the foregoing legend
shall be removed by delivery of substitute certificate(s) without such reference
if Grantee of Grantor,  as the case may be,  shall have  delivered  to the other
party  a copy  of a  letter  from  the  staff  of the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,  or  an  opinion  of  counsel,  in  form  and  substance  reasonably
satisfactory  to the other party, to the effect that such legend is not required
for  purposes of the  Securities  Act or such laws;  (ii) the  reference  to the
provisions  of this  Agreement  in the  foregoing  legend  shall be  removed  by
delivery of substitute  certificate(s) without such reference if the shares have
been sold or transferred in compliance with the provisions of this Agreement and
under  circumstances  that do not require the retention of such  reference;  and
(iii) the legend  shall be  removed in its  entirety  if the  conditions  in the
preceding  clauses  (i)  and  (ii)  are  both  satisfied.   In  addition,   such
certificates shall bear any other legend as may be required by law. Certificates
representing  shares sold in a registered  public offering pursuant to Section 9
shall not be required to bear the legend set forth in this Section 11.

         Section   12.   Binding   Effect;   No   Assignment;   No  Third  Party
Beneficiaries.  This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of
the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Except
as expressly  provided for in this  Agreement,  neither this  Agreement  nor the
rights  or  obligations  of  either  party  thereto  are  assignable,  except by
operation of law, or with the written  consent of the other party,  and any such
attempted  assignment  in  violation of this  Agreement  shall be void and of no
force or effect.  Except as provided in Section  9(h)(i),  nothing  contained in
this Agreement,  express or implied, is intended to confer upon any person other
than the parties  hereto and their  respective  permitted  assigns and rights or
remedies  of any nature  whatsoever.  Any  Restricted  Shares sold by a party in
compliance  with the provisions of Section 9 shall,  upon  consummation  of such
sale, be free of the restrictions imposed and the benefits provided with respect
to such shares by this Agreement.

         Section 13.  Specific  Performance.  The parties  hereto  recognize and
agree that if for any reason any of the  provisions  of this  Agreement  are not
performed in accordance  with their  specific  terms or are otherwise  breached,
immediate and irreparable harm or injury would be caused for which money damages
would not be an  adequate  remedy.  Accordingly,  each  party  agrees  that,  in
addition to other remedies,  whether at law or in equity,  the other party shall
be entitled to an  injunction to prevent or restrain any violation or threatened
violation of the provisions of this Agreement,  and to enforce  specifically the
terms and  provisions  hereof,  in any court of the State of  Delaware or of the
United States of America located in the State of Delaware. In the event that any
action should be brought in equity to enforce the provisions of this  Agreement,
neither party will allege, and each party hereby waives the defense,  that there
is an adequate remedy at law. Each party hereto irrevocably and  unconditionally
consents and submits to the  jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Delaware
for any  actions,  suits  or  proceedings  arising  out of or  relating  to this
Agreement and the transactions  contemplated hereby, and waives any objection to
venue in any such court therein.

         Section 14.                Validity.

                  (a) The  invalidity  or  unenforceability  of any provision of
                  this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability
                  of the other provisions of this Agreement,  which shall remain
                  in full force and effect.

                  (b) In the event any court or other governmental or regulatory
                  authority  holds any  provisions of this Agreement to be null,
                  void or  unenforceable,  the parties hereto shall negotiate in
                  good faith the  execution and delivery of an amendment to this
                  Agreement in order, as nearly as possible,  to effectuate,  to
                  the extent  permitted by law, the intent of the parties hereto
                  with respect to such provision of the economic effect thereof.

                  (c) If for any reason any such court or other  governmental or
                  regulatory  authority determines that Grantee is not permitted
                  to acquire, or Grantor is not permitted to repurchase pursuant
                  to  Section  7, the full  number of shares of  Grantor  Common
                  Stock   provided  in  this  Agreement  (as  the  same  may  be
                  adjusted),  it is the  express  intention  of Grantor to allow
                  Grantee to acquire or to require  Grantor to  repurchase  such
                  lesser  number  of shares as may be  permissible  without  any
                  other amendment or modification hereof.

                  (d)  Each  party  agrees  that,  should  any  court  or  other
                  governmental  or  regulatory  authority  hold any provision of
                  this   Agreement   or  part   hereof  to  be  null,   void  or
                  unenforceable,   or  order  any  party  to  take  any   action
                  inconsistent herewith, or not take any action required herein,
                  the other party shall not be entitled to specific  performance
                  of such  provision  or part  hereof  or to any  other  remedy,
                  including but not limited to money damages,  for breach hereof
                  or any other provision of this Agreement or part hereof as the
                  result of such holding or order.

         Section 15.  Notices.  All notices and other  communications  hereunder
shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if (a)  delivered  personally,  or
(b) if sent by overnight courier service (receipt confirmed in writing),  or (c)
if delivered by facsimile  transmission (with receipt  confirmed),  (d) five (5)
days  after  being  mailed by  registered  or  certified  mail  (return  receipt
requested)  to the parties in each case to the  following  addresses (or at such
other address for a party as shall be specified by like notice):

         If to Grantor, to:         Vanstar Corporation
                                    1100 Abernathy Road
                                    Building 500, Suite 1200
                                    Atlanta, Georgia
                                    Attention:  General Counsel
                                    Fax:  (770) 522-4587

         With a copy to:            Arter & Hadden, LLP
                                    1717 Main Street, Suite 4100
                                    Dallas, Texas 75201-4605
                                    Attention:  Stan Huller
                                    Fax:  (214) 741-7139

         If to Grantee, to:         InaCom Corp.
                                    10810 Farnam Drive
                                    Omaha, Nebraska 68154
                                    Attention:  Chief Financial Officer
                                    Fax:  (402) 758-3602

         With a copy to:            McGrath, North, Mullin & Kratz, P.C.
                                    1400 One Central Park Plaza
                                    Omaha, Nebraska 68102
                                    Attention:  David L. Hefflinger
                                    Fax:  (402) 341-0216

         Section 16.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be governed by and
construed,  and any  controversy  arising out of or  otherwise  relating to this
Agreement  shall be  determined,  in  accordance  with the laws of the  State of
Delaware  applicable to agreements made and to be performed entirely within such
state and  without  regard to its choice of law  principles.  Each party  hereto
consents and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of
Delaware  and the  courts of the  United  States  located  in such state for the
adjudication of any action, suit, proceeding, claim or dispute arising out of or
otherwise relating to this Agreement.

         Section 17.  Interpretation.  The headings  contained in this Agreement
are for  reference  purposes  and shall not  affect  in any way the  meaning  or
interpretation  of the Agreement.  When reference is made in this Agreement to a
Section,  such  reference  shall  be to a  Section  of  this  Agreement,  unless
otherwise  indicated.  Whenever the words "include,"  "includes," or "including"
are used in this  Agreement,  they shall be deemed to be  followed  by the words
"without  limitation."  Whenever  "or" is used in this  Agreement  it  shall  be
construed in the nonexclusive sense. The words "herein," "hereby," "hereof," and
"hereunder" and words of similar import refer to this Agreement.

         Section 18. Counterparts; Effect. This Agreement may be executed in two
or more counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed to be an original,  but all
of which shall constitute one and the same agreement.

         Section 19. Expenses.  Grantor shall pay all expenses,  and any and all
federal,  state  and  local  taxes and other  charges,  that may be  payable  in
connection  with  the  preparation,  issuance  and  delivery  of  Grantor  stock
certificates   under  Section  4  and  any  stock  listing  or  stock  quotation
application  required  to be filed by Grantor  with  respect to such  shares.  A
registration  effected  under  Section 9 shall be effected  at the  Registrant's
expense,  except for underwriting discounts and commissions and the fees and the
expenses  of  counsel to the  Holder.  Subject  to the  foregoing  and except as
otherwise expressly provided herein or in the Merger Agreement,  all other costs
and expenses  incurred in connection with the transactions  contemplated by this
Agreement shall be paid by the party incurring such expenses.

         Section 20.  Amendments;  Waiver.  This Agreement may be amended by the
parties  hereto and the terms and  conditions  hereof  may be waived  only by an
instrument in writing signed on behalf of each of the parties hereto, or, in the
case of a waiver,  by an  instrument  signed  on  behalf  of the  party  waiving

         Section 21.  Extension of Time Periods.  The time periods for exercises
of certain rights  hereunder shall be extended (but in no event by more than six
(6) months):  (a) to the extent necessary to obtain all  governmental  approvals
for the exercise of such rights, and for the expiration of all statutory waiting
periods;  and (b) to the extent necessary to avoid any liability or disgorgement
of profits under Section 16(b) of the Exchange Act by reason of such exercise.

         Section  22.  Further  Assurances.  Each party  agrees to  execute  and
deliver all such further  documents  and  instruments  and take all such further
action as may be necessary in order to consummate the transactions  contemplated

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Grantor and Grantee have caused this Agreement to
be duly executed and delivered on the day and year first above written.

                                          VANSTAR CORPORATION

                                     By:  /s/ William Y. Tauscher
                                   Name:  William Y. Tauscher
                                  Title:  Chairman of the Board and Chief
                                          Executive Officer


                                          INACOM CORP.

                                     By:  /s/ Bill Fairfield
                                   Name:  Bill Fairfield
                                  Title:  President and Chief Executive Officer