Securities and Exchange Commission Judiciary Plaza 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20549 RE: Fidelity Institutional Trust (the trust): 	 CIK: 0000819118 Request for Withdrawal of Amendment to Registration Statement on Form N-1A File No. 33-15983 Gentlemen: As Secretary and Agent of the above trust, the undersigned hereby requests, pursuant to Rule 477 under the Securities Act of 1933, to withdraw Post-Effective Amendment No. 26 to the trust's current effective registration statement on Form N-1A, File No. 33-15983. The submission was accepted July 12, 1994, Accession No. 0000028540-94-000014. The Post-Effective Amendment was inadvertently transmitted on behalf of the above referenced trust. It should have been filed on behalf of Fidelity Institutional Tax-Exempt Cash Portfolios, CIK No. 0000700859, SEC File No. 2-76309. Very truly yours, /s/Arthur S. Loring Arthur S. Loring Secretary and Agent for Service