Washington, D.C.  20549

                            FORM 10-Q


         For the quarterly period ended:  June 30, 2010

               Commission File Number:  000-24003

     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

       State of Minnesota                  41-1848181
(State or other jurisdiction of         (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)        Identification No.)

    30 East 7th Street, Suite 1300, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
             (Address of principal executive offices)

                          (651) 227-7333
                 (Registrant's telephone number)

                        Not Applicable
 (Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed
                       since last report)

Indicate  by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed  all
reports  required  to be filed by Section  13  or  15(d)  of  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding  12  months
(or  for such shorter period that the registrant was required  to
file  such  reports),  and (2) has been subject  to  such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.               [X] Yes  [ ] No

Indicate  by  check  mark  whether the registrant  has  submitted
electronically  and posted on its corporate  Web  site,  if  any,
every  Interactive Data File required to be submitted and  posted
pursuant  to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (232.405 of this chapter)
during  the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period  that
the registrant was required to submit and post such files).
                                                 [ ] Yes  [ ]  No

Indicate  by  check  mark  whether  the  registrant  is  a  large
accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer,
or  a  smaller reporting company.  See the definitions of  "large
accelerated  filer," "accelerated filer" and  "smaller  reporting
company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

  Large accelerated filer [ ]       Accelerated filer [ ]

  Non-accelerated filer [ ]         Smaller reporting company [X]

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell  company
(as  defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).    [ ] Yes [X] No



Part I - Financial Information

 Item 1. Financial Statements:

         Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2010 and December 31,  2009

         Statements for the Periods ended June 30, 2010 and 2009:


           Cash Flows

           Changes in Partners' Capital (Deficit)

         Notes to Financial Statements

 Item 2. Management's Discussion and Analysis  of  Financial Condition
           and Results of Operations

 Item 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

 Item 4. Controls and Procedures

Part II - Other Information

 Item 1. Legal Proceedings

 Item 1A. Risk Factors

 Item 2. Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities and  Use  of Proceeds

 Item 3. Defaults Upon Senior Securities

 Item 5. Other Information

 Item 6. Exhibits


                          BALANCE SHEET
               JUNE 30, 2010 AND DECEMBER 31, 2009


                                                      2010           2009
  Cash                                            $   522,712   $   590,840
  Receivables                                          12,056             0
                                                   -----------   -----------
      Total Current Assets                            534,768       590,840
                                                   -----------   -----------
  Land                                              3,170,347     3,807,598
  Buildings and Equipment                           8,219,513     8,954,701
  Accumulated Depreciation                         (1,459,372)   (1,603,038)
                                                   -----------   -----------
                                                    9,930,488    11,159,261
  Real Estate Held for Sale                           831,082             0
                                                   -----------   -----------
      Net Investments in Real Estate               10,761,570    11,159,261
                                                   -----------   -----------
           Total  Assets                          $11,296,338   $11,750,101
                                                   ===========   ===========


  Payable to AEI Fund Management, Inc.            $    25,661   $    47,396
  Distributions Payable                               212,883       212,575
  Unearned Rent                                        34,221        34,665
                                                   -----------   -----------
      Total Current Liabilities                       272,765       294,636
                                                   -----------   -----------
  General Partners                                    (16,520)       (3,616)
  Limited Partners, $1,000 per Unit;
    24,000 Units authorized; 16,917 Units issued;
    15,698 and 15,699 Units outstanding in
    2010 and 2009, respectively                    11,040,093    11,459,081
                                                   -----------   -----------
      Total Partners' Capital                      11,023,573    11,455,465
                                                   -----------   -----------
        Total Liabilities and Partners' Capital   $11,296,338   $11,750,101
                                                   ===========   ===========

 The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral
                     part of this statement.

                     STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS
                  FOR THE PERIODS ENDED JUNE 30

                                  Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                                 6/30/10      6/30/09    6/30/10     6/30/09

RENTAL INCOME                   $ 212,888   $ 210,347   $ 425,594   $ 420,514

  Partnership Administration  -
   Affiliates                      39,223      36,058      78,483      77,617
  Partnership Administration
   and Property Management  -
   Unrelated  Parties               7,693       6,492      17,282      16,063
  Depreciation                     82,190      82,190     164,380     163,486
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
      Total Expenses              129,106     124,740     260,145     257,166
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------

OPERATING INCOME                   83,782      85,607     165,449     163,348

  Interest Income                   1,126       1,238       2,300       2,711
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
   OPERATIONS                      84,908      86,845     167,749     166,059

Income (Loss) from Discontinued
 Operations                      (199,538)     29,515    (172,961)     58,991
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
NET INCOME (LOSS)               $(114,630)  $ 116,360   $  (5,212)  $ 225,050
                                 =========   =========   =========   =========
  General Partners              $  (3,387)  $   3,491   $    (104)  $   6,752
  Limited Partners               (111,243)    112,869      (5,108)    218,298
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
                                $(114,630)  $ 116,360   $  (5,212)  $ 225,050
                                 =========   =========   =========   =========
  Continuing Operations         $    5.25   $    5.37   $   10.37   $   10.26
  Discontinued Operations          (12.34)       1.82      (10.70)       3.65
                                 ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
       Total                    $   (7.09)  $    7.19   $   (0.33)  $   13.91
                                 =========   =========   =========   =========
Weighted Average Units Outstanding -
  Basic and Diluted                15,698      15,699      15,698      15,699
                                 =========   =========   =========   =========

 The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral
                     part of this statement.

                     STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS
                FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30

                                                      2010          2009

  Net Income (Loss)                                $    (5,212)  $   225,050

  Adjustments To Reconcile Net Income
  To Net Cash Provided By Operating Activities:
     Depreciation                                      179,084       178,190
     Real Estate Impairment                            218,607             0
     Increase in Receivables                           (12,056)         (378)
     Decrease in Payable to
        AEI Fund Management, Inc.                      (21,735)       (5,595)
     Increase (Decrease) in Unearned Rent                 (444)        3,978
                                                    -----------   -----------
       Total Adjustments                               363,456       176,195
                                                    -----------   -----------
       Net Cash Provided By
          Operating Activities                         358,244       401,245
                                                    -----------   -----------

  Distributions Paid to Partners                      (425,462)     (464,397)
  Redemption Payments                                     (910)            0
                                                    -----------   -----------
       Net Cash Used For
          Financing Activities                        (426,372)     (464,397)
                                                    -----------   -----------

NET DECREASE IN CASH                                   (68,128)      (63,152)

CASH, beginning of period                              590,840       639,409
                                                    -----------   -----------
CASH, end of period                                $   522,712   $   576,257
                                                    ===========   ===========

 The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral
                     part of this statement.

                FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30

                             General     Limited                   Units
                             Partners    Partners     Total     Outstanding

BALANCE, December 31, 2008 $  7,050    $11,847,737  $11,854,787   15,698.78

  Distributions Declared    (11,747)      (413,503)    (425,250)

  Net Income                  6,752        218,298      225,050
                            --------    -----------  -----------  ----------
BALANCE, June 30, 2009     $  2,055    $11,652,532  $11,654,587   15,698.78
                            ========    ===========  ===========  ==========

BALANCE, December 31, 2009 $ (3,616)   $11,459,081  $11,455,465   15,698.78

  Distributions Declared    (12,773)      (412,997)    (425,770)

  Redemption Payments           (27)          (883)        (910)      (1.25)

  Net Loss                     (104)        (5,108)      (5,212)
                            --------    -----------  -----------  ----------
BALANCE,  June 30, 2010    $(16,520)   $11,040,093  $11,023,573   15,697.53
                            ========    ===========  ===========  ==========

 The accompanying Notes to Financial Statements are an integral
                     part of this statement.

                          JUNE 30, 2010

(1)  The  condensed  statements included herein have been  prepared
     by  the  registrant, without audit, pursuant to the rules  and
     regulations  of  the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  and
     reflect   all  adjustments  which  are,  in  the  opinion   of
     management,  necessary to a fair statement of the  results  of
     operations for the interim period, on a basis consistent  with
     the  annual audited statements.  The adjustments made to these
     condensed   statements  consist  only  of   normal   recurring
     adjustments.   Certain information, accounting  policies,  and
     footnote    disclosures   normally   included   in   financial
     statements  prepared  in  accordance with  generally  accepted
     accounting principles have been condensed or omitted  pursuant
     to   such  rules  and  regulations,  although  the  registrant
     believes  that  the  disclosures  are  adequate  to  make  the
     information  presented not misleading.  It is  suggested  that
     these  condensed financial statements be read  in  conjunction
     with  the  financial statements and the summary of significant
     accounting  policies  and  notes  thereto  included   in   the
     registrant's latest annual report on Form 10-K.

(2)  Organization -

     AEI   Income   &   Growth  Fund  XXII  Limited   Partnership
     ("Partnership")  was formed to acquire and lease  commercial
     properties   to   operating  tenants.    The   Partnership's
     operations  are  managed by AEI Fund  Management  XXI,  Inc.
     ("AFM"),  the Managing General Partner.  Robert P.  Johnson,
     the  President  and  sole director of  AFM,  serves  as  the
     Individual   General  Partner.   AFM  is  a   wholly   owned
     subsidiary  of AEI Capital Corporation of which Mr.  Johnson
     is  the  majority  shareholder.  AEI Fund  Management,  Inc.
     ("AEI"),  an  affiliate of AFM, performs the  administrative
     and operating functions for the Partnership.

     The   terms  of  the  Partnership  offering  called  for   a
     subscription  price of $1,000 per Limited Partnership  Unit,
     payable   on  acceptance  of  the  offer.   The  Partnership
     commenced   operations   on  May  1,   1997   when   minimum
     subscriptions    of   1,500   Limited   Partnership    Units
     ($1,500,000)   were   accepted.   The  offering   terminated
     January  9, 1999 when the extended offering period  expired.
     The   Partnership  received  subscriptions  for   16,917.222
     Limited  Partnership Units.  Under the terms of the  Limited
     Partnership  Agreement,  the Limited  Partners  and  General
     Partners  contributed  funds  of  $16,917,222  and   $1,000,

     During operations, any Net Cash Flow, as defined, which  the
     General Partners determine to distribute will be distributed
     97%  to the Limited Partners and 3% to the General Partners.
     Distributions to Limited Partners will be made pro  rata  by

     Any  Net  Proceeds  of Sale, as defined, from  the  sale  or
     financing of properties which the General Partners determine
     to distribute will, after provisions for debts and reserves,
     be  paid  in  the following manner: (i) first,  99%  to  the
     Limited  Partners and 1% to the General Partners  until  the
     Limited  Partners  receive an amount  equal  to:  (a)  their
     Adjusted Capital Contribution plus (b) an amount equal to 9%
     of their Adjusted Capital Contribution per annum, cumulative
     but not compounded, to the extent not previously distributed
     from  Net  Cash  Flow; (ii) any remaining  balance  will  be
     distributed  90%  to the Limited Partners  and  10%  to  the
     General  Partners.   Distributions to the  Limited  Partners
     will be made pro rata by Units.


(2)  Organization - (Continued)

     For  tax  purposes,  profits  from  operations,  other  than
     profits  attributable  to  the  sale,  exchange,  financing,
     refinancing  or  other  disposition  of  property,  will  be
     allocated  first  in the same ratio in  which,  and  to  the
     extent,  Net  Cash Flow is distributed to the  Partners  for
     such year.  Any additional profits will be allocated in  the
     same  ratio  as  the  last  dollar  of  Net  Cash  Flow   is
     distributed.   Net losses from operations will be  allocated
     99% to the Limited Partners and 1% to the General Partners.

     For  tax purposes, profits arising from the sale, financing,
     or  other  disposition  of property  will  be  allocated  in
     accordance  with the Partnership Agreement as  follows:  (i)
     first,  to  those  partners with deficit balances  in  their
     capital  accounts  in an amount equal to  the  sum  of  such
     deficit  balances; (ii) second, 99% to the Limited  Partners
     and  1%  to the General Partners until the aggregate balance
     in  the Limited Partners' capital accounts equals the sum of
     the Limited Partners' Adjusted Capital Contributions plus an
     amount  equal  to 9% of their Adjusted Capital Contributions
     per  annum, cumulative but not compounded, to the extent not
     previously  allocated;  (iii)  third,  the  balance  of  any
     remaining  gain  will then be allocated 90% to  the  Limited
     Partners  and 10% to the General Partners.  Losses  will  be
     allocated 98% to the Limited Partners and 2% to the  General

     The  General Partners are not required to currently  fund  a
     deficit   capital   balance.   Upon   liquidation   of   the
     Partnership or withdrawal by a General Partner, the  General
     Partners will contribute to the Partnership an amount  equal
     to  the  lesser  of  the deficit balances in  their  capital
     accounts  or  1%  of  total Limited  Partners'  and  General
     Partners' capital contributions.

(3)  Reclassification -

     Certain  items  related to discontinued  operations  in  the
     prior year's financial statements have been reclassified  to
     conform  to 2010 presentation.  These reclassifications  had
     no effect on Partners' capital, net income or cash flows.

(4)  Payable to AEI Fund Management, Inc. -

     AEI  Fund  Management, Inc. performs the administrative  and
     operating functions for the Partnership.  The payable to AEI
     Fund   Management  represents  the  balance  due  for  those
     services.    This  balance  is  non-interest   bearing   and
     unsecured  and  is  to  be  paid in  the  normal  course  of


(5)  Discontinued Operations -

     On  February  2,  2010, Hollywood Entertainment  Corporation
     (HEC),  the tenant of the Hollywood Video stores  in  Minot,
     North Dakota (100% ownership interest) and Saraland, Alabama
     (3.08%  ownership interest) filed for Chapter 11  bankruptcy
     reorganization  for  the second time.   In  July  2010,  HEC
     closed  its  remaining  stores,  filed  a  motion  with  the
     bankruptcy court to reject the Lease for the Minot store and
     returned  possession  of the property  to  the  Partnership.
     While the property is vacant, the Partnership is responsible
     for  real  estate  taxes  and other  costs  associated  with
     maintaining  the property.  The Partnership is preparing  to
     market  the  property for sale.  Based  on  an  analysis  of
     market  conditions  in the area, the Partnership  determined
     the  property  was  impaired.  As a result,  in  the  second
     quarter  of  2010, a charge to discontinued  operations  for
     real estate impairment of $218,607 was recognized, which was
     the  difference between the book value at June 30,  2010  of
     $1,018,607  and the estimated fair value of  $800,000.   The
     charge  was  recorded  against the  cost  of  the  land  and
     building.  At June 30, 2010, the property was classified  as
     Real Estate Held for Sale.

     In February 2010, HEC closed the Saraland store and filed  a
     motion  with  the bankruptcy court to reject the  Lease  for
     this  property.   The  court approved  the  motion  and  HEC
     returned possession of the property to the Partnership.  The
     Partnership  listed the property for sale or  lease  with  a
     real estate broker in the Saraland area.  While the property
     is  vacant,  the Partnership is responsible  for  its  3.08%
     share  of real estate taxes and other costs associated  with
     maintaining  the  property.  In May  2010,  the  Partnership
     entered  into  an  agreement to sell  its  interest  in  the
     Hollywood  Video store in Saraland, Alabama to an  unrelated
     third  party.  The sale is subject to contingencies and  may
     not be completed.  If the sale is completed, the Partnership
     expects  to  receive net proceeds of approximately  $33,000,
     which  will result in a small net gain.  If the sale is  not
     completed, the Partnership will seek another buyer  for  the
     property  interest  and  may not  be  able  to  negotiate  a
     purchase agreement with similar economic terms.  At June 30,
     2010,  the property was classified as Real Estate  Held  for
     Sale with a carrying value of $31,082.

     During  the  first  six  months  of  2009,  the  Partnership
     distributed net sale proceeds of $50,505 to the Limited  and
     General  Partners as part of their quarterly  distributions,
     which  represented a return of capital of $3.19 per  Limited
     Partnership  Unit.  The proceeds were generated  from  sales
     completed prior to 2009.


(5)  Discontinued Operations - (Continued)

     The financial results for these properties are reflected  as
     Discontinued   Operations  in  the  accompanying   financial
     statements.   The following are the results of  discontinued
     operations for the periods ended June 30:

                                Three Months Ended       Six Months Ended
                               6/30/10     6/30/09     6/30/10      6/30/09

 Rental Income                $  36,167   $  37,284   $  72,334   $  74,568
 Property Management Expenses    (9,746)       (417)    (11,984)       (873)
 Depreciation                    (7,352)     (7,352)    (14,704)    (14,704)
 Real Estate Impairment        (218,607)          0    (218,607)          0
                               ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
 Income (Loss) from
  Discontinued Operations     $(199,538)  $  29,515   $(172,961)  $  58,991
                               =========   =========   =========   =========

(6)  Fair Value Measurements -

     Fair  value, as defined by United States Generally  Accepted
     Accounting  Principles ("US GAAP"), is the price that  would
     be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability
     in an orderly transaction between market participants at the
     measurement  date  in  the principal  or  most  advantageous
     market.  US GAAP establishes a hierarchy in determining  the
     fair  value  of  an  asset  or liability.   The  fair  value
     hierarchy  has  three levels of inputs, both observable  and
     unobservable. US GAAP requires the utilization of the lowest
     possible  level  of input to determine fair value.  Level  1
     inputs include quoted market prices in an active market  for
     identical assets or liabilities.  Level 2 inputs are  market
     data,  other than Level 1 inputs, that are observable either
     directly or indirectly. Level 2 inputs include quoted market
     prices  for  similar  assets or liabilities,  quoted  market
     prices   in   an  inactive  market,  and  other   observable
     information that can be corroborated by market data. Level 3
     inputs  are  unobservable and corroborated by little  or  no
     market data.

     At June 30, 2010, the Partnership had no financial assets or
     liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring  basis  or
     nonrecurring basis that would require disclosure under  this

     The  Hollywood  Video store in Minot, North Dakota,  with  a
     carrying amount of $1,108,607 at June 30, 2010, was  written
     down to its fair value of $800,000 after completing our long-
     lived  asset  valuation analysis.  The  fair  value  of  the
     property   was  based  upon  comparable  sales  of   similar
     properties,  which  are considered Level  2  inputs  in  the
     valuation  hierarchy.   The resulting impairment  charge  of
     $218,607 was included in earnings for the second quarter  of


        This  section contains "forward-looking statements" which
represent management's expectations or beliefs concerning  future
events, including statements regarding anticipated application of
cash, expected returns from rental income, growth in revenue, the
sufficiency  of  cash  to  meet  operating  expenses,  rates   of
distribution,  and  other  matters.  These,  and  other  forward-
looking  statements,  should be evaluated in  the  context  of  a
number  of  factors  that may affect the Partnership's  financial
condition and results of operations, including the following:

     Market  and  economic conditions which affect the  value
     of  the  properties the Partnership owns and  the  cash
     from rental income such properties generate;

     the  federal  income tax consequences of rental  income,
     deductions,  gain  on  sales and other  items  and  the
     effects of these consequences for the Partners;

     resolution  by  the General Partners of  conflicts  with
     which they may be confronted;

     the   success  of  the  General  Partners  of   locating
     properties with favorable risk return characteristics;

     the effect of tenant defaults; and

     the  condition of the industries in which the  tenants  of
     properties owned by the Partnership operate.

Application of Critical Accounting Policies

        The preparation of the Partnership's financial statements
requires  management to make estimates and assumptions  that  may
affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues  and
expenses,  and  related  disclosure  of  contingent  assets   and
liabilities. Management evaluates these estimates on  an  ongoing
basis,  including  those related to the carrying  value  of  real
estate  and  the  allocation  by AEI  Fund  Management,  Inc.  of
expenses  to  the  Partnership as opposed  to  other  funds  they

        Prior  to  January  1,  2009, the  Partnership  purchased
properties and recorded them in the financial statements at  cost
(including  capitalized acquisition expenses).  For  acquisitions
completed  on  or  after  January  1,  2009,  acquisition-related
transaction costs will be expensed as incurred as a result of the
Partnership  adopting new guidance on business combinations  that
expands  the  scope  of acquisition accounting.  The  Partnership
tests long-lived assets for recoverability when events or changes
in  circumstances  indicate that the carrying value  may  not  be
recoverable.   For  properties  the  Partnership  will  hold  and
operate, management determines whether impairment has occurred by
comparing the property's probability-weighted future undiscounted
cash  flows  to its current carrying value.  For properties  held
for  sale, management determines whether impairment has  occurred
by  comparing  the property's estimated fair value less  cost  to
sell  to  its current carrying value.  If the carrying  value  is
greater than the realizable value, an impairment loss is recorded
to  reduce  the carrying value of the property to its  realizable
value.   Changes  in  these assumptions  or  analysis  may  cause
material changes in the carrying value of the properties.


        AEI  Fund Management, Inc. allocates expenses to each  of
the  funds  they manage primarily on the basis of the  number  of
hours  devoted  by their employees to each fund's affairs.   They
also  allocate  expenses at the end of each month  that  are  not
directly related to a fund's operations based upon the number  of
investors  in the fund and the fund's capitalization relative  to
other  funds  they  manage.   The  Partnership  reimburses  these
expenses  subject  to  detailed  limitations  contained  in   the
Partnership Agreement.

         Management   of  the  Partnership  has   discussed   the
development  and selection of the above accounting estimates  and
the management discussion and analysis disclosures regarding them
with the managing partner of the Partnership.

Results of Operations

        For  the  six  months ended June 30, 2010 and  2009,  the
Partnership  recognized rental income from continuing  operations
of  $425,594 and $420,514, respectively.  In 2010, rental  income
increased due to rent increases on two properties.

        For  the  six  months ended June 30, 2010 and  2009,  the
Partnership  incurred  Partnership administration  expenses  from
affiliated  parties of $78,483 and $77,617, respectively.   These
administration  expenses  include  costs  associated   with   the
management of the properties, processing distributions, reporting
requirements and communicating with the Limited Partners.  During
the   same   periods,   the  Partnership   incurred   Partnership
administration  and property management expenses  from  unrelated
parties  of  $17,282 and $16,063, respectively.   These  expenses
represent  direct payments to third parties for legal and  filing
fees,  direct  administrative costs, outside audit costs,  taxes,
insurance and other property costs.

        For  the  six  months ended June 30, 2010 and  2009,  the
Partnership  recognized interest income  of  $2,300  and  $2,711,

        Upon complete disposal of a property or classification of
a property as Real Estate Held for Sale, the Partnership includes
the  operating  results and sale of the property in  discontinued
operations.  In addition, the Partnership reclassifies the  prior
periods'  operating  results  of  the  property  to  discontinued
operations.   For  the  six  months  ended  June  30,  2010,  the
Partnership  recognized  a loss from discontinued  operations  of
$172,961, representing a real estate impairment loss of $218,607,
which  was  partially  offset  by  rental  income  less  property
management  expenses and depreciation of $45,646.   For  the  six
months  ended  June  30, 2009, the Partnership recognized  income
from  discontinued  operations  of $58,991,  representing  rental
income less property management expenses and depreciation.


        On  February 2, 2010, Hollywood Entertainment Corporation
(HEC),  the tenant of the Hollywood Video stores in Minot,  North
Dakota  (100%  ownership interest) and Saraland,  Alabama  (3.08%
ownership    interest)   filed   for   Chapter   11    bankruptcy
reorganization for the second time.  In July 2010, HEC closed its
remaining  stores,  filed a motion with the bankruptcy  court  to
reject  the Lease for the Minot store and returned possession  of
the  property to the Partnership.  While the property is  vacant,
the  Partnership is responsible for real estate taxes  and  other
costs  associated with maintaining the property.  The Partnership
is  preparing  to  market the property for  sale.   Based  on  an
analysis  of  market  conditions in  the  area,  the  Partnership
determined the property was impaired.  As a result, in the second
quarter  of  2010, a charge to discontinued operations  for  real
estate  impairment  of  $218,607 was recognized,  which  was  the
difference  between the book value at June 30, 2010 of $1,018,607
and  the  estimated  fair  value of  $800,000.   The  charge  was
recorded against the cost of the land and building.  At June  30,
2010, the property was classified as Real Estate Held for Sale.

        In February 2010, HEC closed the Saraland store and filed
a  motion with the bankruptcy court to reject the Lease for  this
property.   The  court  approved  the  motion  and  HEC  returned
possession  of the property to the Partnership.  The  Partnership
listed  the property for sale or lease with a real estate  broker
in  the  Saraland  area.   While  the  property  is  vacant,  the
Partnership  is  responsible for its 3.08% share of  real  estate
taxes  and  other costs associated with maintaining the property.
In  May  2010, the Partnership entered into an agreement to  sell
its interest in the Hollywood Video store in Saraland, Alabama to
an  unrelated  third party.  The sale is subject to contingencies
and  may  not  be  completed.   If the  sale  is  completed,  the
Partnership  expects  to  receive net proceeds  of  approximately
$33,000, which will result in a small net gain.  If the  sale  is
not  completed, the Partnership will seek another buyer  for  the
property  interest  and may not be able to negotiate  a  purchase
agreement  with similar economic terms.  At June  30,  2010,  the
property  was  classified as Real Estate Held  for  Sale  with  a
carrying value of $31,082.

         Management  believes  inflation  has  not  significantly
affected  income  from  operations.   Leases  may  contain   rent
increases, based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index over
a  specified period, which will result in an increase  in  rental
income over the term of the leases.  Inflation also may cause the
real  estate  to  appreciate in value.   However,  inflation  and
changing  prices  may  have an adverse impact  on  the  operating
margins  of  the  properties' tenants, which could  impair  their
ability  to  pay rent and subsequently reduce the Net  Cash  Flow
available for distributions.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         During   the  six  months  ended  June  30,  2010,   the
Partnership's  cash balances decreased $68,128  as  a  result  of
distributions  paid to the Partners in excess of  cash  generated
from operating activities.  During the six months ended June  30,
2009,  the  Partnership's cash balances decreased  $63,152  as  a
result  of distributions paid to the Partners in excess  of  cash
generated from operating activities.


        Net  cash provided by operating activities decreased from
$401,245  in 2009 to $358,244 in 2010 as a result of an  increase
in Partnership administration and property management expenses in
2010  and  net timing differences in the collection  of  payments
from  the  tenants  and  the  payment  of  expenses,  which  were
partially  offset  by  an increase in total rental  and  interest
income in 2010.

        The  Partnership's primary use of cash flow,  other  than
investment   in  real  estate,  is  distribution  and  redemption
payments  to  Partners.   The Partnership  declares  its  regular
quarterly distributions before the end of each quarter  and  pays
the distribution in the first week after the end of each quarter.
The  Partnership attempts to maintain a stable distribution  rate
from  quarter  to  quarter.   Redemption  payments  are  paid  to
redeeming Partners on a semi-annual basis.

        For  the  six  months ended June 30, 2010 and  2009,  the
Partnership  declared  distributions of  $425,770  and  $425,250,
respectively.     Pursuant   to   the   Partnership    Agreement,
distributions of Net Cash Flow were allocated 97% to the  Limited
Partners  and 3% to the General Partners.  Distributions  of  Net
Proceeds  of Sale were allocated 99% to the Limited Partners  and
1%  to  the  General  Partners.  The  Limited  Partners  received
distributions  of $412,997 and $413,503 and the General  Partners
received  distributions of $12,773 and $11,747 for  the  periods,

        During  the  first  six months of 2009,  the  Partnership
distributed  net  sale proceeds of $50,505  to  the  Limited  and
General Partners as part of their quarterly distributions,  which
represented  a return of capital of $3.19 per Limited Partnership
Unit.  The proceeds were generated from sales completed prior  to

        The  Partnership may acquire Units from Limited  Partners
who have tendered their Units to the Partnership.  Such Units may
be acquired at a discount.  The Partnership will not be obligated
to purchase in any year any number of Units that, when aggregated
with  all  other transfers of Units that have occurred since  the
beginning   of  the  same  calendar  year  (excluding   Permitted
Transfers as defined in the Partnership Agreement), would  exceed
5%  of the total number of Units outstanding on January 1 of such
year.  In no event shall the Partnership be obligated to purchase
Units if, in the sole discretion of the Managing General Partner,
such  purchase  would  impair the capital  or  operation  of  the

        On  April  1,  2010,  one Limited Partner  redeemed  1.25
Partnership  Units  for $883 in accordance with  the  Partnership
Agreement.  The Partnership acquired these Units using  Net  Cash
Flow  from  operations.   During 2009, the  Partnership  did  not
redeem  any Units from the Limited Partners.  In prior  years,  a
total  of 70 Limited Partners redeemed 1,218.44 Partnership Units
for  $974,262.   The  redemptions increase the remaining  Limited
Partner's ownership interest in the Partnership.  As a result  of
this   redemption   payment  and  pursuant  to  the   Partnership
Agreement, the General Partners received distributions of $27  in

       The continuing rent payments from the properties, together
with  cash  generated from property sales, should be adequate  to
fund   continuing   distributions  and  meet  other   Partnership
obligations on both a short-term and long-term basis.


The Economy and Market Conditions

       The impact of conditions in the current economy, including
the  turmoil  in the credit markets, has adversely affected  many
real  estate investment funds.  However, the absence of  mortgage
financing on the Partnership's properties eliminates the risks of
foreclosure and debt-refinancing that can negatively  impact  the
value  and  distributions  of leveraged  real  estate  investment
funds.  Nevertheless, a prolonged economic downturn may adversely
affect the operations of the Partnership's tenants and their cash
flows.  If a tenant were to default on its lease obligations, the
Partnership's  income  would decrease,  its  distributions  would
likely be reduced and the value of its properties might decline.

        Historically,  the Partnership has sold properties  at  a
gain  and  distributed the gain proceeds as part of  its  regular
quarterly  distributions,  and to make special  distributions  on
occasion.   The  remaining  sales  proceeds  were  reinvested  in
additional properties.  Beginning in the fourth quarter of  2008,
general  economic conditions caused the volume of property  sales
to  slow dramatically for all real estate sellers.  In 2010,  the
Partnership will likely complete fewer property sales than it has
in  the  past.  Until such time as economic conditions allow  the
Partnership  to  begin selling properties at  attractive  prices,
quarterly distributions will reflect the distribution of net core
rental income and capital reserves, if any.


       Not required for a smaller reporting company.


       (a)  Disclosure Controls and Procedures.

        Under  the  supervision  and with  the  participation  of
management, including its President and Chief Financial  Officer,
the  Managing  General Partner of the Partnership  evaluated  the
effectiveness  of  the  design and operation  of  our  disclosure
controls  and procedures (as defined in Rule 13a-15(e) under  the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934 (the "Exchange  Act")).   Based
upon  that evaluation, the President and Chief Financial  Officer
of  the Managing General Partner concluded that, as of the end of
the  period  covered by this report, our disclosure controls  and
procedures  were effective in ensuring that information  required
to be disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit under
the  Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summarized and reported
within  the time periods specified in applicable rules and  forms
and  that  such  information is accumulated and  communicated  to
management,  including the President and Chief Financial  Officer
of  the  Managing General Partner, in a manner that allows timely
decisions regarding required disclosure.

       (b)  Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting.

        During  the  most recent period covered by  this  report,
there  has  been no change in our internal control over financial
reporting  (as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) under the Exchange  Act)
that  has  materially  affected,  or  is  reasonably  likely   to
materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.

                   PART II - OTHER INFORMATION


        There are no material pending legal proceedings to  which
the Partnership is a party or of which the Partnership's property
is subject.


       Not required for a smaller reporting company.


       (a) None.

       (b) Not applicable.

        (c) Pursuant to Section 7.7 of the Partnership Agreement,
each  Limited  Partner  has the right to  present  Units  to  the
Partnership  for  purchase by submitting notice to  the  Managing
General  Partner  during  January or  July  of  each  year.   The
purchase  price  of the Units is equal to 90% of  the  net  asset
value  per Unit, as of the first business day of January or  July
of  each  year, as determined by the Managing General Partner  in
accordance  with  the  provisions of the  Partnership  Agreement.
Units  tendered to the Partnership during January  and  July  are
redeemed on April 1st and October 1st, respectively, of each year
subject  to the following limitations.  The Partnership will  not
be  obligated to purchase in any year any number of  Units  that,
when  aggregated  with all other transfers  of  Units  that  have
occurred since the beginning of the same calendar year (excluding
Permitted  Transfers  as  defined in the Partnership  Agreement),
would  exceed  5%  of  the total number of Units  outstanding  on
January  1  of  such year.  In no event shall the Partnership  be
obligated  to  purchase Units if, in the sole discretion  of  the
Managing General Partner, such purchase would impair the  capital
or operation of the Partnership.

      Small Business Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities

                                          Total Number of    Maximum Number
                                          Units Purchased as of Units that May
                 Total Number  Average    Part of Publicly   Yet Be Purchased
                   of Units   Price Paid  Announced Plans    Under the Plans
Period            Purchased    per Unit     or Programs      or Programs

4/1/10 to 4/30/10   1.25      $706.50        1,219.70(1)           (2)

5/1/10 to 5/31/10     --           --              --              --

6/1/10 to 6/30/10     --           --              --              --

 (1) The  Partnership's  repurchase plan is  mandated  by  the
     Partnership Agreement as included in the prospectus related to
     the original offering of the Units.
 (2) The Partnership Agreement contains annual limitations  on
     repurchases  described in the paragraph  above  and  has  no
     expiration date.

                   PART II - OTHER INFORMATION






    31.1  Certification  of Chief Executive  Officer  of  General
    Partner pursuant to Rule 15d-14(a)(17 CFR 240.15d-14(a))  and
    Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    31.2  Certification  of Chief Financial  Officer  of  General
    Partner pursuant to Rule 15d-14(a)(17 CFR 240.15d-14(a))  and
    Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

    32    Certification  of  Chief Executive  Officer  and  Chief
    Financial Officer of General Partner pursuant to Section  906
    of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.


        Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities  Exchange
Act  of  1934, the registrant has duly caused this report  to  be
signed   on   its  behalf  by  the  undersigned  thereunto   duly

Dated:  August 11, 2010       AEI Income & Growth Fund XXII
                              Limited Partnership
                              By:  AEI Fund Management XXI, Inc.
                              Its: Managing General Partner

                              By: /s/ ROBERT P JOHNSON
                                      Robert P. Johnson
                                      (Principal Executive Officer)

                              By: /s/ PATRICK W KEENE
                                      Patrick W. Keene
                                      Chief Financial Officer
                                      (Principal Accounting Officer)