Consent of Independent Certified Public Accountants

To the Board of Directors and Shareholders'
of Peoples Telephone Company, Inc.

We  hereby  consent  to  the   incorporation  by  reference  in  the  Prospectus
constituting  part of the Registration  Statement on Form S-3 (no.  33-58607) of
Peoples Telephone Company, Inc. of our report dated March 28, 1995, except as to
the second  paragraph of Note 18 (except for the  statements  related to Messrs.
Rubin,  Hanft and Frank  resignations),  and the matters discussed in the second
and third paragraphs of that report,  which are as of May 31, 1995, on our audit
of the  financial  statements  as of  December  31,  1994 and for the year ended
December  31, 1994,  appearing on Pages 37 and 38 of this Annual  Report on Form
10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.

We also consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration  Statement
on Form S-8 (no.  33-58603)  of Peoples  Telephone  Company,  Inc. of our report
dated March 28, 1995,  except as to the second  paragraph of Note 18 (except for
the statement related to Mr. Hanft's resignation) , and the matters discussed in
the second and third paragraphs of that report, which are as of May 31, 1995, on
our audit of the  financial  statements as of December 31, 1994 and for the year
ended  December 31, 1994,  appearing on Pages 37 and 38 of this Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 1996.


Miami, Florida
March 26, 1997