Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    Form N-14


Pre-Effective Amendment No.    1  (File No. 333-32324)                [X]

Post-Effective Amendment No.                                          [ ]

IDS Tower 10
Minneapolis, MN  55440-0010

Leslie L. Ogg
901 S. Marquette Avenue, Suite 2810
Minneapolis, MN  55402-3268
(612) 330-9283

Approximate Date of Proposed Public Offering:      As soon as practicable after
                                                   the effective date of the
                                                   Registration Statement.

Title of Securities Being Registered:              Common Stock

No filing fee is due  because of  reliance  on Section  24(f) of the  Investment
Company Act of 1940.

This Registration  Statement shall hereafter become effective in accordance with
the  provisions  of Section 8(a) of the  Securities  Act of 1933.

                             STRATEGIST FUND GROUP


                             TO BE HELD MAY 9, 2000

Strategist Growth Fund, Inc.
 -Strategist Growth Fund
 -Strategist Growth Trends Fund
 -Strategist Special Growth Fund
Strategist Growth and Income Fund, Inc.
 -Strategist Balanced Fund
 -Strategist Equity Fund
 -Strategist Equity Income Fund
 -Strategist Total Return Fund
Strategist Income Fund, Inc.
 -Strategist Government Income Fund
 -Strategist High Yield Fund
 -Strategist Quality Income Fund
Strategist World Fund, Inc.
 -Strategist Emerging Markets Fund
 -Strategist World Growth Fund
 -Strategist World Income Fund
 -Strategist World Technologies Fund
Strategist Tax-Free Income Fund, Inc.
 -Strategist Tax-Free High Yield Fund

Your Fund will hold a special shareholders' meeting at 2:00 p.m. on May 9, 2000,
at the IDS Tower, 80 South Eighth Street, Minneapolis, MN, in Conference Room A
on the 27th floor. This will be a joint meeting for all of the Funds listed
above. At the meeting, shareholders will consider the following:

- -  A proposal to approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between the
   Strategist Fund and the corresponding AXP Fund investing in the same master
   fund. Under this Agreement, the Strategist Fund will transfer all of its
   assets to the AXP Fund in exchange for Class A shares of the AXP Fund. These
   shares will be distributed proportionately to you and the other shareholders
   of the Strategist Fund. The AXP Fund will assume the Strategist Fund's
   liabilities. The Board of Directors recommends that you vote FOR the
- -  Any other business that may come before the meeting.

Please take a few minutes to read the proxy statement. It discusses the proposal
in more detail. If you were a shareholder on April 5, 2000, you may vote at the
meeting or any adjournment of the meeting. We hope you can attend the meeting.
For those of you who cannot attend, please complete and return the enclosed
proxy card. If you have questions, please call 1-800-775-5805. This proxy
statement was first mailed to shareholders the week of April 17, 2000.

                                                                  April 17, 2000

                              DATED APRIL 17, 2000

This document is a proxy statement for each of the Strategist Funds and a
prospectus for the corresponding AXP Fund as shown in the table below. It
contains the information you should know before voting on the proposed
reorganization of the Strategist Fund into the corresponding AXP Fund (the
"Reorganization"). Please read it carefully and keep it for future reference.
The table shows the investment objective for each Strategist Fund and
corresponding AXP Fund. Investment policies for the Strategist Fund and its
corresponding AXP Fund are identical. The address of the Strategist Fund is IDS
Tower 10, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440-0010. The address of the AXP Fund is 901
Marquette Avenue South, Suite 2810, Minneapolis, MN 55402-3268.


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Balanced        AXP Mutual           Balance of growth of capital and
                                                current income.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Emerging        AXP Emerging         Long-term capital growth.
Markets                    Markets
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity          AXP Stock            Current income and growth of capital.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity          AXP Diversified      High level of current income.
Income                     Equity Income        Secondary goal is steady growth of
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Government      AXP Federal          High level of current income and
Income                     Income               safety of principal consistent with
                                                investment in U.S. government and
                                                government agency securities.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth          AXP Growth           Long-term capital growth.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth          AXP New              Long-term growth of capital.
Trends                     Dimensions
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist High Yield      AXP Extra Income     High current income. Secondary goal is
                                                capital growth.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Quality         AXP Selective        Current income and preservation of
Income                                          capital.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Special         AXP Research         Long-term capital growth.
Growth                     Opportunities
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Tax-Free        AXP High Yield       High yield generally exempt from
High Yield                 Tax-Exempt           federal income taxes.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Total Return    AXP Managed          Maximum total return through a
                           Allocation           combination of growth of capital and
                                                current income.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Growth    AXP Global Growth    Long-term capital growth.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Income    AXP Global Bond      High total return through income and
                                                growth of capital.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World           AXP Innovations      Long-term capital growth.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- -  The Strategist Fund will transfer all of its assets to the corresponding AXP
   Fund. The AXP Fund will assume the Strategist Fund's stated liabilities.

- -  The AXP Fund will issue Class A shares to the Strategist Fund in an amount
   equal to the value of the assets it receives, less the liabilities it
   assumes. These Class A shares will be distributed to the Strategist Fund's
   shareholders in proportion to their holdings in the Strategist Fund. You will
   not pay any sales charge in connection with this distribution of shares.

Please note that the AXP Fund is not a bank deposit, is not federally insured,
is not endorsed by any bank or government agency and is not guaranteed to
achieve its goal.

As with all mutual funds, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") has
not approved or disapproved these securities or passed on the adequacy of this
prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.


                         WHERE TO GET MORE INFORMATION*

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The AXP Fund's most recent prospectus       In the same envelope as this proxy
and annual report.                          statement/prospectus.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The AXP Fund's most recent statement of     Incorporated by reference into this
additional information and semi-annual      proxy statement/prospectus. For a copy
report to shareholders (if a semi-annual    at no charge, call toll-free
report has been issued subsequent to the    1-800-862-7919 or write to the address
most recent annual report).                 below.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Strategist Fund's most recent           Incorporated by reference into this
prospectus.                                 proxy statement/prospectus. For a copy
                                            at no charge, call toll-free
                                            1-800-297-8800 or write to the address
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Strategist Fund's most recent annual    Incorporated by reference into this
report and semi-annual report to            proxy statement/prospectus. For a copy
shareholders (if a semi-annual report       at no charge, call toll-free
has been issued subsequent to the most      1-800-297-8800 or write to the address
recent annual report).                      below.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Statement of additional information         Incorporated by reference into this
dated the same date as this proxy           proxy statement/prospectus. For a copy
statement/prospectus. This document         at no charge, call toll-free
contains information about both the         1-800-862-7919 or write to the address
Strategist Fund and the AXP Fund.           below.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
To ask questions about this proxy           Call toll-free 1-800-775-5805 or write
statement/prospectus.                       to: American Express Client Service
                                            Corporation, P.O. Box 534, Minneapolis,
                                            MN 55440-0534.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*   See Table G-2 for the dates of each of these documents.


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

A. Summary..................................................      7

  - How the Reorganization Will Work........................      7

  - Comparison of the Strategist Fund to the AXP Fund.......      8

  - Tax Consequences........................................     10

  - Investment Policies and Risk Factors....................     10

B. Fees and Expenses........................................     13

C. The Reorganization.......................................     17

  - Terms of the Reorganization.............................     17

  - Conditions to Closing the Reorganization................     18

  - Termination of the Agreement............................     18

  - Tax Status of the Reorganization........................     18

  - Reasons for the Proposed Reorganization and Board
    Deliberations...........................................     19

  - Boards' Determination...................................     21

D. Information Concerning the Meeting.......................     22

  - Recommendation and Vote Required........................     22

  - Voting..................................................     22

  - Revoking Your Proxy.....................................     22

  - Simultaneous Meetings...................................     22

  - Solicitation of Proxies.................................     22

  - Dissenters' Right of Appraisal..........................     23

  - Other Business..........................................     23

  - Adjournment.............................................     23


E. Capitalization and Ownership of Fund Shares..............     24

  - Capitalization..........................................     24

  - Ownership of Fund Shares................................     25

F. Experts..................................................     28

G. Additional Information About the Funds' Businesses.......     28


1. Form of Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between the
  Strategist Fund and the AXP Fund..........................     30

2. Minnesota Business Corporation Act Sections 302A.471 and
  302A.473..................................................     42

3. Most recent AXP Fund prospectus and annual report


                                   A. SUMMARY

This proxy statement/prospectus is being used by the Board of Directors (the
"Board") of the Strategist Fund to solicit proxies to vote at a special meeting
of shareholders. The purpose of the meeting is to consider a proposal to approve
an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization (the "Agreement") providing for the
Reorganization of the Strategist Fund into the corresponding AXP Fund invested
in the same master fund.

The following is a summary. More complete information appears later in this
proxy statement/prospectus. You should read the entire proxy
statement/prospectus and the exhibits because they contain details that are not
in the summary. The materials in the statement of additional information dated
the same date as this proxy statement/prospectus for the Strategist Fund and the
AXP Fund are incorporated by reference into this proxy statement/prospectus.


- -  The Strategist Fund will transfer all of its assets to the corresponding AXP
   Fund. The AXP Fund will assume all the Strategist Fund's stated liabilities.
   There are no outstanding liabilities with respect to the Strategist Fund's
   12b-1 plan.

- -  The AXP Fund will issue Class A shares to the Strategist Fund in an amount
   equal to the value of the assets it receives, less the liabilities it
   assumes. These Class A shares will be distributed to the Strategist Fund's
   shareholders in proportion to their holdings in the Strategist Fund.

- -  Neither the Strategist Fund nor the shareholders of the Strategist Fund will
   pay any sales charge in connection with the Reorganization.

- -  After the Reorganization is completed, Strategist shareholders will be
   shareholders of Class A shares of the corresponding AXP Fund. The Strategist
   Fund will be deregistered as a mutual fund and terminated under state law.


                                   TABLE A-1.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 STRATEGIST FUND                     AXP FUND
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
General                    A series of capital stock of    A series of capital stock of
                           an open-end management          an open-end management
                           investment company organized    investment company organized
                           as a Minnesota corporation.     as a Minnesota corporation.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment Structure       A feeder fund, as shown in      A feeder fund, as shown in
                           Table A-2, investing all of     Table A-2, investing all of
                           its assets in a master fund.    its assets in a master fund.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment Adviser         American Express Financial      AEFC is the investment
                           Corporation ("AEFC") is the     adviser for the master fund.
                           investment adviser for the
                           master fund.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment Objectives,     Identical for both Funds.
Policies, Investment       See Table A-2 for more information on each fund.
Strategies, Risks and
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Pricing                    Each Fund calculates its net asset value per share at the
                           close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange (the "NYSE")
                           (normally 3:00 p.m. Central Time) each business day.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                 STRATEGIST FUND                     AXP FUND
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Classes of Shares          One class of shares, offered    Three classes of shares.
                           without a sales charge.         Only Class A shares are
                           Effective October 4, 1999       being offered to Strategist
                           the Strategist Fund             Fund shareholders in this
                           discontinued a 0.25% 12b-1      proxy statement/prospectus.
                           fee.                            - Class A has a front-end
                                                           sales charge and a 0.25%
                                                           12b-1 fee.*
                                                           - Class B has a contingent
                                                           deferred sales charge and a
                                                           1% 12b-1 fee.
                                                           - Class Y is offered only to
                                                           institutional investors with
                                                           no sales charge and a 0.10%
                                                           service fee.
                                                           *No sales charge will be
                                                           charged as part of the
                                                           Reorganization. On
                                                           subsequent purchases, the
                                                           sales charge will be waived
                                                           permanently for former
                                                           Strategist shareholders.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Buying and Selling         Strategist Fund shares are      Investors may purchase and
Shares                     no longer available for new     redeem shares directly,
                           investment. Existing            through their American
                           shareholders may make add-on    Express financial advisor or
                           purchases to existing           through other authorized
                           accounts.                       broker-dealers or third
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Minimum Investment         Initial: No new investments     Initial: $2,000*
Amounts                    allowed                         Subsequent: $100
                           Subsequent: $100 for            *The AXP Fund will waive the
                           existing investors              minimum investment amount
                                                           for any Strategist Fund
                                                           account that, after the
                                                           Reorganization, contains
                                                           less than $2,000.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                 STRATEGIST FUND                     AXP FUND
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Exchanges                  Permitted only between          Class A shares of the AXP
                           existing Strategist Fund        Fund may be exchanged for
                           accounts.                       Class A shares of 38 other
                                                           AXP Funds.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Voting Rights              No cumulative voting rights     Cumulative voting rights
                           when voting on the election     when voting on the election
                           of directors.                   of directors.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

TAX CONSEQUENCES. The Reorganization is expected to be tax-free for federal
income tax purposes and will not take place unless the Strategist Fund and the
AXP Fund receive a satisfactory opinion from the law firm of Ropes & Gray,
substantially to that effect.

INVESTMENT POLICIES AND RISK FACTORS. Because both the Strategist Fund and the
AXP Fund invest in the same master fund and are subject to the same investment
objectives, investment strategies and restrictions, the risks of an investment
in the AXP Fund are identical to the risks of an investment in the Strategist
Fund. Investment policies and risk factors are described in detail in the
enclosed AXP Fund prospectus under the headings "Investment Strategies" and
"Risks". The following table provides a brief summary of the investment policies
and risks.


                                   TABLE A-2.
(policies and risks are identical for the Strategist Fund and its corresponding
                                   AXP Fund)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Balanced     AXP Mutual              Primarily invests in a combination of  Market risk, interest rate risk,
                                                common stocks and senior securities.   sector/ concentration risk,
                                                                                       call/prepayment risk, credit risk,
                                                                                       liquidity risk, style risk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Emerging     AXP Emerging Markets    Primarily invests in equity            Market risk, foreign/emerging markets
Markets                                         securities of companies in emerging    risk, liquidity risk, style risk,
                                                market countries.                      sector/ concentration risk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity       AXP Stock               Primarily invests in common stocks     Market risk, inflation risk, foreign
                                                and securities convertible into        risk
                                                common stocks.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity       AXP Diversified Equity  Primarily invests in dividend-paying   Market risk, sector/concentration
Income                  Income                  equity securities.                     risk, inflation risk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Government   AXP Federal Income      Primarily invests in debt obligations  Market risk, correlation risk,
Income                                          issued or guaranteed as to principal   interest rate risk, call/prepayment
                                                and interest by the U.S. government,   risk
                                                its agencies or instrumentalities.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth       AXP Growth              Primarily invests in common stocks     Market risk, style risk, foreign risk
                                                and securities convertible into
                                                common stocks that appear to offer
                                                growth opportunities.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth       AXP New Dimensions      Primarily invests in common stocks     Market risk, style risk, foreign risk
Trends                                          showing potential for significant
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist High Yield   AXP Extra Income        Primarily invests in high-yielding,    Market risk, interest rate risk,
                                                high risk corporate bonds (junk        credit risk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                   TABLE A-2.
(policies and risks are identical for the Strategist Fund and its corresponding
                                   AXP Fund)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Quality      AXP Selective           Primarily invests in debt obligations  Market risk, interest rate risk,
Income                                          that are investment grade or           credit risk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Special      AXP Research            Primarily invests in securities of     Market risk, issuer risk, style risk
Growth                  Opportunities           companies that are part of the S&P
                                                500 and are believed to be
                                                undervalued or offer the potential
                                                for long-term growth.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Tax-Free     AXP High Yield Tax-     Primarily invests in medium and lower  Market risk, interest rate risk,
High Yield              Exempt                  quality bonds (junk bonds) and other   credit risk, legal/legislative risk,
                                                debt obligations issued by or on       call/ prepayment risk
                                                behalf of state or local governmental
                                                units whose interest is exempt from
                                                federal income tax.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Total        AXP Managed Allocation  Primarily allocates investments among  Market risk, interest rate risk,
Return                                          four asset classes: U.S. equities,     foreign/ emerging markets risk,
                                                U.S. and foreign debt securities,      call/prepayment risk, credit risk,
                                                foreign equity securities and cash.    event risk, liquidity risk, small
                                                                                       company risk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World        AXP Global Growth       Primarily invests in equity            Market risk, foreign/emerging markets
Growth                                          securities of companies around the     risk, style risk
                                                world that are positioned to meet
                                                market needs in a changing world
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World        AXP Global Bond         Primarily invests in debt obligations  Interest rate risk, foreign/emerging
Income                                          of U.S. and foreign issuers.           markets risk, credit risk, liquidity
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World        AXP Innovations         Primarily invests in equity            Market risk, sector/concentration
Technologies                                    securities of companies in the         risk, style risk
                                                information technology industry.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                              B. FEES AND EXPENSES

The following table describes the fees and expenses that you pay if you buy and
hold shares of the Strategist Fund or Class A shares of the AXP Fund. The table
also shows Pro Forma expenses of Class A shares of the AXP Fund assuming the
proposed Reorganization had been effective during the most recent fiscal year.


                                   TABLE B-1.
                        For the Most Recent Fiscal Year
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    SHAREHOLDER FEES                   ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSES(A)
                                                   (fees paid directly         (expenses that are deducted from Fund assets)
                      FUND                        from your investment)         (as a percent of average daily net assets)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      Maximum sales        Management     Distribution        Other
                                                         charge             fees(b)      (12b-1) fees(c)   expenses(d)   Total(e)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Balanced.............................            0%                0.48%           0.25%            2.41%       3.14%
AXP Mutual - Class A............................            5%                0.46%           0.25%            0.19%       0.90%
AXP Mutual - Class A Pro Forma..................            *                 0.46%           0.25%            0.19%       0.90%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Emerging Markets.....................            0%                1.10%           0.25%            4.82%       6.17%
AXP Emerging Markets - Class A..................            5%                1.10%           0.25%            0.76%       2.11%
AXP Emerging Markets - Class A Pro Forma........            *                 1.10%           0.25%            0.76%       2.11%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity...............................            0%                0.48%           0.25%            1.42%       2.15%
AXP Stock - Class A.............................            5%                0.48%           0.25%            0.15%       0.88%
AXP Stock - Class A Pro Forma...................            *                 0.48%           0.25%            0.15%       0.88%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity Income........................            0%                0.49%           0.25%            2.88%       3.62%
AXP Diversified Equity Income - Class A.........            5%                0.49%           0.25%            0.22%       0.96%
AXP Diversified Equity Income - Class A
Pro Forma.......................................            *                 0.49%           0.25%            0.22%       0.96%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Government Income....................            0%                0.50%           0.25%            0.66%       1.41%
AXP Federal Income - Class A....................            5%                0.50%           0.25%            0.23%       0.98%
AXP Federal Income - Class A Pro Forma..........            *                 0.50%           0.25%            0.23%       0.98%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth...............................            0%                0.52%           0.25%            0.26%       1.03%
AXP Growth - Class A............................            5%                0.53%           0.25%            0.19%       0.97%
AXP Growth - Class A Pro Forma..................            *                 0.53%           0.25%            0.19%       0.97%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth Trends........................            0%                0.53%           0.25%            0.17%       0.95%
AXP New Dimensions -- Class A...................            5%                0.53%           0.25%            0.15%       0.93%
AXP New Dimensions -- Class A Pro Forma.........            *                 0.53%           0.25%            0.15%       0.93%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist High Yield...........................            0%                0.56%           0.25%            1.04%       1.85%
AXP Extra Income - Class A......................            5%                0.56%           0.25%            0.20%       1.01%
AXP Extra Income - Class A Pro Forma............            *                 0.56%           0.25%            0.20%       1.01%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Quality Income.......................            0%                0.52%           0.25%            2.81%       3.58%
AXP Selective - Class A.........................            5%                0.51%           0.25%            0.22%       0.98%
AXP Selective - Class A Pro Forma...............            *                 0.51%           0.25%            0.22%       0.98%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                   TABLE B-1.
                        For the Most Recent Fiscal Year
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    SHAREHOLDER FEES                   ANNUAL OPERATING EXPENSES(A)
                                                   (fees paid directly         (expenses that are deducted from Fund assets)
                      FUND                        from your investment)         (as a percent of average daily net assets)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                      Maximum sales        Management     Distribution        Other
                                                         charge             fees(b)      (12b-1) fees(c)   expenses(d)   Total(e)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Special Growth.......................            0%                0.64%           0.25%            1.38%       2.27%
AXP Research Opportunities - Class A............            5%                0.63%           0.25%            0.33%       1.21%
AXP Research Opportunities - Class A
Pro Forma.......................................            *                 0.63%           0.25%            0.33%       1.21%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Tax-Free High Yield..................            0%                0.45%           0.25%            2.55%       3.25%
AXP High Yield Tax-Exempt - Class A.............            5%                0.44%           0.25%            0.11%       0.80%
AXP High Yield Tax-Exempt - Class A
Pro Forma.......................................            *                 0.44%           0.25%            0.11%       0.80%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Total Return.........................            0%                0.44%           0.25%            0.62%       1.31%
AXP Managed Allocation - Class A................            5%                0.43%           0.25%            0.21%       0.89%
AXP Managed Allocation - Class A Pro Forma......            *                 0.43%           0.25%            0.21%       0.89%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Growth.........................            0%                0.75%           0.25%            1.85%       2.85%
AXP Global Growth - Class A.....................            5%                0.74%           0.25%            0.32%       1.31%
AXP Global Growth - Class A Pro Forma...........            *                 0.74%           0.25%            0.32%       1.31%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Income.........................            0%                0.75%           0.25%            2.46%       3.46%
AXP Global Bond - Class A.......................            5%                0.74%           0.25%            0.28%       1.27%
AXP Global Bond - Class A Pro Forma.............            *                 0.74%           0.25%            0.28%       1.27%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Technologies...................            0%                0.72%           0.25%            2.24%       3.21%
AXP Innovations - Class A.......................            5%                0.72%           0.25%            0.15%       1.12%
AXP Innovations - Class A Pro Forma.............            *                 0.72%           0.25%            0.15%       1.12%
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*    The 5% sales charge will be waived permanently for former
     Strategist shareholders.
(a)  For all Funds, operating expenses include expenses charged
     by both the Fund and the master fund. Expenses are based on
     actual expenses for the last fiscal year, restated to
     reflect current fees.
(b)  The management fee is paid by the master fund and is
     allocated between the Strategist Fund and the AXP Fund based
     on respective net assets. For some Funds, the chart shows a
     slight difference between the management fee for the
     Strategist Fund and the management fee for the AXP Fund.
     This difference is due to rounding.
(c)  Effective October 4, 1999 the 0.25% distribution fee was
     discontinued for the Strategist Fund.
(d)  Other expenses include an administrative services fee, a
     transfer agency fee and other nonadvisory expenses.
(e)  For the Strategist Fund, AEFC has agreed to waive certain
     fees and to absorb certain other Fund expenses until the end
     of the Fund's current fiscal year. The agreement may be
     terminated at any time after that date. Under the agreement,
     total expenses will not exceed 0.95% for Tax-Free High
     Yield; 1.10% for Government Income and Quality Income; 1.20%
     for High Yield; 1.25% for Balanced, Equity and Equity
     Income; 1.30% for Growth, Growth Trends and Total Return;
     1.35% for World Income and World Technologies; 1.40% for
     Special Growth; 1.75% for World Growth; and 2.20% for
     Emerging Markets. For the most recent fiscal year, actual
     total expenses with fee waivers and expense reimbursement
     were 0.95% for Tax-Free High Yield; 1.09% for Government
     Income, 1.09% for Quality Income, 1.19% for High Yield;
     0.98% for Balanced; 1.25% for Equity; 1.25% for Equity
     Income; 1.03% for Growth; 0.95% for Growth Trends; 1.22% for
     Total Return; 1.35% for World Income, 1.47% for World
     Technologies; 1.39% for Special Growth; 1.71% for World
     Growth; and 2.20% for Emerging Markets.


EXAMPLE: This example is intended to help you compare the cost of investing in
the Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds. Assume you invest
$10,000 and the Fund earns a 5% return. The operating expenses remain the same
each year. If you hold your shares until the end of the year shown, the
following table shows your costs under the current arrangements and your costs
if the proposed reorganization had been in effect. The numbers for the AXP Fund
reflect the costs that would be incurred if a shareholder paid $500 in sales
charge to purchase Class A shares. You will not incur that cost since the sales
charge will be waived permanently for former Strategist Fund shareholders.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   FUND                       1 YEAR    3 YEARS    5 YEARS    10 YEARS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Balanced........................    $317      $  969     $1,645     $3,451
AXP Mutual - Class A.......................     587         773        974      1,557
AXP Mutual - Class A Pro Forma.............     587         773        974      1,557
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Emerging Markets................     613       1,819      2,996      5,823
AXP Emerging Markets - Class A.............     703       1,128      1,578      2,824
AXP Emerging Markets - Class A Pro Forma..      703       1,128      1,578      2,824
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity..........................     218         673      1,155      2,487
AXP Stock - Class A........................     585         767        964      1,534
AXP Stock - Class A Pro Forma..............     585         767        964      1,534
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity Income...................     365       1,109      1,874      3,882
AXP Diversified Equity Income - Class A....     593         791      1,005      1,623
AXP Diversified Equity Income - Class A
Pro Forma..................................     593         791      1,005      1,623
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Government Income...............     144         447        772      1,696
AXP Federal Income - Class A...............     595         797      1,015      1,646
AXP Federal Income - Class A Pro Forma.....     595         797      1,015      1,646
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth..........................     105         328        570      1,264
AXP Growth - Class A.......................     594         794      1,010      1,634
AXP Growth - Class A Pro Forma.............     594         794      1,010      1,634
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth Trends...................      97         303        526      1,171
AXP New Dimensions - Class A...............     590         782        990      1,590
AXP New Dimensions - Class A Pro Forma.....     590         782        990      1,590
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist High Yield......................     188         582      1,002      2,174
AXP Extra Income - Class A.................     598         806      1,031      1,679
AXP Extra Income - Class A Pro Forma.......     598         806      1,031      1,679
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Quality Income..................     361       1,097      1,855      3,847
AXP Selective - Class A....................     595         797      1,015      1,646
AXP Selective - Class A Pro Forma..........     595         797      1,015      1,646
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Special Growth..................     230         710      1,216      2,610
AXP Research Opportunities - Class A.......     617         865      1,133      1,897
AXP Research Opportunities - Class A
Pro Forma..................................     617         865      1,133      1,897
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Tax-Free High Yield.............     328       1,001      1,698      3,552
AXP High Yield Tax-Exempt - Class A........     578         743        923      1,444
AXP High Yield Tax-Exempt - Class A
Pro Forma..................................     578         743        923      1,444
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                1          3          5          10
                                         FUND  YEAR      YEARS      YEARS      YEARS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Total Return....................    $133      $  415     $  719     $1,584
AXP Managed Allocation - Class A...........     586         770        969      1,545
AXP Managed Allocation - Class A
Pro Forma..................................     586         770        969      1,545
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Growth....................     288         883      1,504      3,179
AXP Global Growth - Class A................     627         895      1,183      2,005
AXP Global Growth - Class A Pro Forma......     627         895      1,183      2,005
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Income....................     349       1,062      1,798      3,740
AXP Global Bond - Class A..................     623         883      1,163      1,962
AXP Global Bond - Class A Pro Forma........     623         883      1,163      1,962
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Technologies..............     324         989      1,679      3,515
AXP Innovations - Class A..................     608         838      1,087      1,800
AXP Innovations - Class A Pro Forma........     608         838      1,087      1,800
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                             C. THE REORGANIZATION

TERMS OF THE REORGANIZATION.  The Board has approved the Agreement, a copy of
which is attached as Exhibit 1. The Agreement provides for Reorganization on the
following terms:

- -  The Reorganization is scheduled to occur on the first day that the NYSE is
   open for business following shareholder approval and receipt of any necessary
   regulatory approvals, but may occur on any later date agreed to by the Funds.

- -  The Strategist Fund will transfer all of its assets to the AXP Fund and, in
   exchange, the AXP Fund will assume the Strategist Fund's stated liabilities
   and issue Class A shares.

- -  The AXP Fund will issue Class A shares to the Strategist Fund in an amount
   equal to the value of the assets received by the AXP Fund, less the
   liabilities assumed by the AXP Fund in the transaction. These shares will
   immediately be distributed by the Strategist Fund to its shareholders in
   proportion to their holdings in the Strategist Fund. As a result,
   shareholders of the Strategist Fund will become Class A shareholders of the
   AXP Fund.

- -  Neither the Strategist Fund nor the shareholders of the Strategist Fund will
   pay any sales charge in connection with the Reorganization.

- -  The net asset value of both Funds will be computed as of 3:00 p.m. Central
   time, on the closing date.


- -  After the Reorganization, the Strategist Fund will be deregistered as a
   mutual fund and terminated under state law.

CONDITIONS TO CLOSING THE REORGANIZATION.  The completion of the Reorganization
is subject to certain conditions described in the Agreement, including:

- -  The Strategist Fund will have declared and paid a dividend that will
   distribute all of the Fund's taxable income, if any, to the shareholders of
   the Strategist Fund for the taxable years ending at or prior to the closing.

- -  The Funds will have received any approvals, consents or exemptions from the
   SEC or any regulatory body necessary to carry out the Reorganization.

- -  A registration statement on Form N-14 will have been filed with the SEC and
   declared effective for each of the Funds.

- -  The shareholders of the Strategist Funds will have approved the Agreement.

- -  The Funds will have received an opinion of tax counsel that the proposed
   Reorganization will be tax-free for each Fund and its shareholders.

TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT.  The Agreement and the transactions contemplated
by it may be terminated and abandoned by resolutions of the Board of the
Strategist Fund or the AXP Fund at any time prior to closing. In the event of a
termination, there will be no liability for damages on the part of either the
Strategist Fund or the AXP Fund or the directors, officers or shareholders of
either Fund.

TAX STATUS OF THE REORGANIZATION.  The Reorganization is expected to be tax-free
for federal income tax purposes and will not take place unless the Strategist
Fund and the AXP Fund receive a satisfactory opinion from the law firm of
Ropes & Gray, substantially to the effect that:

- -  The transfer of the Strategist Fund's assets to the AXP Fund in exchange for
   Class A shares of the AXP Fund and the assumption of the Strategist Fund's
   liabilities, followed by the distribution of those shares to the Strategist
   Fund's shareholders and the termination of the Strategist Fund will be a
   "reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1) of the Internal
   Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code"), and the Strategist Fund and the
   corresponding AXP Fund will each be


   a "party to the reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the

- -  No gain or loss will be recognized by the Strategist Fund upon the transfer
   of all of its assets to the AXP Fund or on the distribution by the Strategist
   Fund of Class A shares of the AXP Fund to Strategist Fund shareholders.

- -  No gain or loss will be recognized by the AXP Fund upon the receipt of the
   Strategist Fund's assets solely in exchange for the issuance of the AXP
   Fund's Class A shares to the Strategist Fund and the assumption of all of the
   Strategist Fund's liabilities by the AXP Fund.

- -  The basis of the assets of the Strategist Fund acquired by the AXP Fund will
   be, in each instance, the same as the basis of those assets in the hands of
   the Strategist Fund immediately before the transfer.

- -  The tax holding period of the assets of the Strategist Fund in the hands of
   the AXP Fund will include the Strategist Fund's tax holding period for those

- -  The shareholders of the Strategist Fund will not recognize gain or loss upon
   the exchange of all their shares of the Strategist Fund solely for the AXP
   Fund Class A shares as part of the Reorganization.

- -  The basis of the Class A shares of the AXP Fund received by the Strategist
   Fund shareholders in the Reorganization will be the same as the basis of the
   shares of the Strategist Fund surrendered in exchange.

- -  The tax holding period of the Class A shares of the AXP Fund received by the
   Strategist Fund shareholders will include, for each shareholder, the tax
   holding period of the shares of the Strategist Fund surrendered in exchange,
   provided that the Class A shares of the AXP Fund were held as capital assets
   on the date of the exchange.

believes that the proposed Reorganization will be advantageous to the Strategist
Fund shareholders for several reasons. The Board considered the following
matters, among others, in approving the Reorganization.

- -  TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE REORGANIZATION. The Board considered the terms
   and conditions of the Reorganization as described in the previous paragraphs.


- -  TAX CONSEQUENCES. The Board considered the tax-free nature of the

- -  CONTINUITY OF INVESTMENT. The Board took into account the fact that,
   following the Reorganization, shareholders of the Strategist Funds will be
   invested in a fund holding an identical investment securities portfolio, with
   identical investment objectives, policies, and restrictions.

- -  CONTINUED NO-LOAD PURCHASES. The Board took into account that shareholders of
   the Strategist Fund will be able to make future purchases of shares of the
   AXP Fund on a no-load basis.

- -  EXPENSE RATIOS. Following the Reorganization, the expense ratio for the AXP
   Fund is expected to be lower than the expense ratio of the Strategist Fund.
   The Reorganization is expected to eliminate or reduce costs associated with
   maintaining separate funds, including costs of separate audits, printing
   costs and blue sky fees. The Strategist Fund has been unable to attract
   sufficient assets to operate effectively without significant expense
   subsidization. Since commencement of operations, AEFC has been waiving a
   portion of its fees. AEFC has committed to continue capping fees through the
   end of the 2000 fiscal year for the Strategist Fund, although waivers can be
   discontinued at any time after that. AEFC does not expect to waive fees
   indefinitely and, without continued fee waivers or growth in assets, the
   Strategist Fund's expense ratios would likely exceed those of many other
   funds with similar investment objectives. This could have an adverse impact
   on the Strategist Fund's performance. As a result, it is possible that the
   Strategist Fund's asset base will decline and the Strategist Fund's expense
   ratio will rise even higher as fixed costs are spread over a shrinking asset

    The AXP Fund, on the other hand, has achieved viable size. Certain fixed
    shareholder expenses (such as accounting fees, printing costs and blue sky
    expenses) are expected to be lower for the AXP fund than they would be for
    the Strategist Fund if AEFC discontinued waiving fees. Thus, Strategist Fund
    shareholders will experience lower per share fixed costs by holding AXP Fund
    shares than they would if they continued to hold shares in the Strategist
    Fund. Expense ratios for each of the Funds for the last fiscal year are
    shown under the heading "Fees and Expenses".

   approving the Reorganization, as part of its deliberations the Board also
   considered the potential benefits from the Reorganization


   that could be realized by AEFC and its affiliates. The Board recognized that
   the potential benefits to AEFC consist principally of the elimination of
   expenses incurred in duplicative efforts to administer two separate funds.
   AEFC also will benefit to the extent it no longer waives its fees. The Board
   also noted, however, that shareholders of the Strategist Funds will benefit
   directly from any decrease in overall operating ratios resulting from the
   proposed Reorganization.

- -  COSTS. The Board considered the fact that AEFC has agreed to bear the costs
   of effecting the Reorganization.

- -  ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS. The Board determined that the Reorganization provided
   greater benefits to shareholders than other options, such as the liquidation
   of the Strategist Fund. Liquidating the Strategist Fund would require most
   shareholders, subject to federal income taxation, to recognize either gains
   or losses in the current tax year when many shareholders might prefer to
   defer those gains or losses. Another alternative, a voluntary exchange into
   the corresponding AXP Fund, generally also would require shareholders to
   recognize a gain or loss for tax purposes. The Reorganization, on the other
   hand, is expected to be achieved on a tax-free basis resulting in a deferral
   of any gain or loss for federal income tax purposes. Any shareholder who does
   not want to participate in the Reorganization may redeem shares. This would
   be a taxable event for the shareholder similar to what would happen if the
   Strategist Fund was liquidated.

BOARDS' DETERMINATION.  After considering the factors described above and other
relevant information, at a meeting held on March 10, 2000, the Strategist Fund
Board members, including a majority of the Independent Directors, found that
participation in the Reorganization is in the best interests of the Strategist
Fund and that the interests of existing shareholders of the Fund will not be
diluted as a result of the Reorganization. The Independent Directors were
advised, in their deliberations, by special counsel as to their fiduciary duties
under state law and the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the "1940 Act"), and met
separately on a number of occasions with counsel prior to approving the
Reorganization. In addition, AEFC agreed that, following the Reorganization, it
will provide the Independent Directors with the same level of indemnification
for their actions as directors of the Fund as is currently provided by the Fund.

The Board of Directors of the AXP Fund approved the Agreement at a meeting held
on March 8-9, 2000. The Board members considered the terms of the Agreement, the
provisions intended to avoid the dilution of


shareholder interests and the anticipated tax consequences of the
Reorganization. The Board found that participation in the Reorganization is in
the best interests of the AXP Fund and that the interests of existing
shareholders of the Fund will not be diluted as a result of the Reorganization.


RECOMMENDATION AND VOTE REQUIRED.  The Board recommends that shareholders
approve the proposed Agreement. The Agreement must be approved by a majority of
the Fund's shares voted at the meeting. If the Agreement is not approved, the
Board will consider what further action should be taken.

VOTING.  Each share is entitled to one vote. For those of you who cannot come to
the meeting, the Board is asking permission to vote for you. The shares will be
voted as you instruct. Signed proxy cards returned without instructions will be
voted in favor of the proposal.

All votes count toward a quorum, regardless of how they are voted (For, Against
or Abstain). Broker non-votes will be counted toward a quorum but not toward the
approval of the proposal. Broker non-votes are shares for which the underlying
owner has not voted and the broker holding the shares does not have authority to

REVOKING YOUR PROXY.  If your plans change and you can attend the meeting,
simply inform the Secretary at the meeting that you will be voting your shares
in person. Also, if you change your mind after you vote, you may change your
vote or revoke it by writing us or by sending another card.

SIMULTANEOUS MEETINGS.  The meeting of your Fund will be held simultaneously
with meetings of the other funds in the Strategist Fund Group. If any
shareholder objects to the holding of simultaneous meetings, the shareholder may
move for an adjournment of his or her Fund's meeting to a time immediately after
the simultaneous meetings so that a meeting of that Fund may be held separately.
If a shareholder makes this motion, the persons named as proxies will take into
consideration the reasons for the objection in deciding whether to vote in favor
of the adjournment.

SOLICITATION OF PROXIES.  The Board is asking for your vote and for you to vote
as promptly as possible. AEFC will pay the expenses for the proxy material and
the postage. Supplementary solicitations may be made by mail, telephone,
electronic means or personal contact. The expenses of supplementary solicitation
will be paid by AEFC.


DISSENTERS' RIGHT OF APPRAISAL.  Under Sections 302A.471 and 302A.473 of the
Minnesota Business Corporation Act, Strategist Fund shareholders are entitled to
assert dissenters' rights in connection with the Reorganization and obtain
payment of the "fair value" of their shares, provided that they comply with the
requirements of Minnesota law. A copy of the relevant provisions is attached as
Exhibit 2.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Minnesota law, the SEC has taken the position
that use of state appraisal procedures by a mutual fund would be a violation of
Rule 22c-1, the forward pricing rule, under the 1940 Act. This rule states that
no mutual fund may redeem its shares other than at net asset value next computed
after receipt of a request for redemption. It is the SEC's position that Rule
22c-1 supersedes appraisal provisions in state statutes.

In the interest of ensuring equal valuation for all shareholders, dissenters'
rights will be determined in accordance with the SEC's interpretation. As a
result, if any shareholder elects to exercise dissenters' rights under Minnesota
law, the Strategist Fund intends to submit this question to a court of competent
jurisdiction. In that event, a dissenting shareholder would not receive any
payment until the end of the court proceeding.

OTHER BUSINESS.  The Board does not know at this time of any other business to
come before the meetings. If something does come up, the proxies will use their
best judgment to vote for you on the matter.

ADJOURNMENT.  In the event that not enough votes are received by the time
scheduled for the meeting, the persons named as proxies may move for one or more
adjournments of the meeting for a period of not more than 120 days in the
aggregate to allow further solicitation of shareholders on the proposal. Any
adjournment requires the affirmative vote of a majority of the shares present at
the meeting. The persons named as proxies will vote in favor of adjournment
those shares they are entitled to vote that have voted in favor of the
proposals. They will vote against any adjournment those shares that have voted
against any of the proposals. AEFC will pay the costs of any additional
solicitation and of any adjourned meeting.



CAPITALIZATION.  The following table shows the capitalization of the Strategist
Fund and the AXP Fund as of February 29, 2000 and on a pro forma basis, assuming
the proposed Reorganization had taken place.

                                   TABLE E-1.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                    NET ASSET VALUE      SHARES
              FUND                  NET ASSETS         PER SHARE       OUTSTANDING
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Balanced.............  $     1,121,480       $14.19               79,051
AXP Mutual - Class A............    2,845,139,084        11.80          241,151,956
AXP Mutual - Class A
Pro Forma.......................    2,846,260,564        11.80          241,246,997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Emerging Markets.....          838,627         5.57              150,488
AXP Emerging Markets -
Class A.........................      345,604,086         6.63           52,129,590
AXP Emerging Markets - Class A
Pro Forma.......................      346,442,713         6.63           52,256,080
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity...............        1,268,457        33.36               38,021
AXP Stock - Class A.............    3,435,951,038        26.88          127,833,144
AXP Stock - Class A
Pro Forma.......................    3,437,219,495        26.88          127,880,334
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity Income........          911,061         8.90              102,388
AXP Diversified Equity Income -
Class A.........................    1,753,394,316         8.06          217,495,354
AXP Diversified Equity Income -
Class A Pro Forma...............    1,754,305,377         8.06          217,608,389
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Government Income....          839,068         4.55              184,345
AXP Federal Income - Class A....    1,333,443,659         4.67          285,435,290
AXP Federal Income - Class A
Pro Forma.......................    1,334,282,727         4.67          285,614,962
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth...............       30,296,472        58.84              514,904
AXP Growth - Class A............    6,211,706,008        53.38          116,377,239
AXP Growth - Class A
Pro Forma.......................    6,242,002,480        53.38          116,944,801
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth Trends........       29,539,340        37.92              779,012
AXP New Dimensions - Class A....   17,183,848,180        35.80          480,021,047
AXP New Dimensions - Class A
Pro Forma.......................   17,213,387,520        35.80          480,846,168
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist High Yield...........        1,695,722         3.73              454,423
AXP Extra Income - Class A......    2,501,563,029         3.75          667,793,439
AXP Extra Income - Class A
Pro Forma.......................    2,503,258,751         3.75          668,245,632
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                    NET ASSET VALUE      SHARES
              FUND                  NET ASSETS         PER SHARE       OUTSTANDING
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Quality Income.......  $       740,918       $ 8.68               85,385
AXP Selective - Class A.........    1,014,413,269         8.46          119,970,541
AXP Selective - Class A
Pro Forma.......................    1,015,154,187         8.46          120,058,120
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Special Growth.......        1,913,631         5.99              319,504
AXP Research Opportunities -
Class A.........................      555,284,904         7.60           73,040,677
AXP Research Opportunities -
Class A Pro Forma...............      557,198,535         7.60           73,292,471
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Tax-Free High
Yield...........................          785,483         4.24              185,369
AXP High Yield Tax-Exempt -
Class A.........................    4,794,230,093         4.27        1,123,660,941
AXP High Yield Tax-Exempt -
Class A Pro Forma...............    4,795,015,576         4.27        1,123,844,895
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Total Return.........          868,449        12.73               68,215
AXP Managed Allocation -
Class A.........................    1,879,003,429        10.22          183,876,234
AXP Managed Allocation -
Class A Pro Forma...............    1,879,871,878        10.22          183,961,209
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Growth.........        1,093,025        11.46               95,390
AXP Global Growth - Class A.....    1,576,608,728        10.30          153,028,755
AXP Global Growth - Class A
Pro Forma.......................    1,577,701,753        10.30          153,134,874
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Income.........          597,880         5.56              107,505
AXP Global Bond - Class A.......      501,761,454         5.57           90,123,823
AXP Global Bond - Class A
Pro Forma.......................      502,359,334         5.57           90,231,162
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Technologies...        2,448,011        22.60              108,321
AXP Innovations - Class A.......       16,240,712        22.69              715,673
AXP Innovations - Class A
Pro Forma.......................       18,688,723        22.69              823,562
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

OWNERSHIP OF FUND SHARES.  The following table provides information on
shareholders who owned more than 5% of any Fund's outstanding shares as of
February 29, 2000. As of that date, AEFC or its parent company, American Express
Company, held more than 25% of the outstanding shares of each of the Strategist
Funds. Under the 1940 Act, any person who owns more than 25% of the voting
securities of a company is presumed to "control" the company. Under this
definition, as shown below, AEFC and American Express are deemed to be
controlling persons of the Strategist Funds. As of February 29, 2000, officers
and directors of each of the Funds as a group owned less than 1% of the
outstanding shares of each of the Funds.


                                   TABLE E-2.
                           OWNERSHIP OF FUND SHARES*
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                  PERCENT OF AXP
                                                                  CLASS A SHARES
                                     NUMBER OF    PERCENT OF    HELD FOLLOWING THE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balanced.............   AEFC (1)       52,033        65.8%            0.03%
AXP Mutual...........     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Emerging
Markets..............     AEFC        120,595        80.0%            0.19%
AXP Emerging
Markets..............     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity....     AEFC         28,661        75.4%            3.15%
AXP Stock............     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity
Income...............     AEFC         82,394        80.5%            0.04%
AXP Diversified
Equity Income........     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Government     AEFC        134,197        72.8%            0.05%
Income...............     (2)          17,348         9.4%              **
                          (3)          10,947         5.9%              **
AXP Federal Income...     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth....     (4)         402,401        78.2%            0.38%
AXP Growth...........     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth
Trends...............     (4)         621,855        79.8%            0.14%
AXP New Dimensions...     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist High           AEFC        165,462        36.4%            0.03%
Yield................     (5)         123,529        27.4%            0.02%
                          (6)         104,720        23.0%            0.01%
AXP Extra Income.....     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Quality        AEFC         71,657        83.9%            0.06%
Income...............     (7)           5,328         6.2%              **
AXP Selective........     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Special
Growth...............     AEFC        163,702        51.2%            0.18%
AXP Research
Opportunities........     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                                  PERCENT OF AXP
                                                                  CLASS A SHARES
                                     NUMBER OF    PERCENT OF    HELD FOLLOWING THE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Tax-Free       AEFC        141,173        76.2%            0.01%
High Yield...........     (8)          16,723         9.0%              **
AXP High Yield Tax-
Exempt...............     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Total          AEFC         58,061        85.1%            0.04%
Return...............     (9)           6,530         9.6%              **
AXP Managed
Allocation...........     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World          AEFC         80,173        84.0%
Growth...............     (10)          6,185         6.5%            0.06%
AXP Global Growth....     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World
Income...............     AEFC        101,305        94.2%            0.11%
AXP Global Bond......     None         --           --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World
Technologies.........     AEFC        108,321         100%             100%
AXP Innovations......     AEFC        759,090         100%             100%
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * For the AXP Fund, 5% ownership is shown for Class A shares.

  ** Less than 0.01%

 (1) AEFC, a Delaware corporation, is located at IDS Tower 10, Minneapolis, MN

 (2) Norrine F. Baggett, 326 East Southfield Road, Shreveport, LA 71105.

 (3) Nadia Hamidian, 22 68th Street, Guttenberg, NJ 07093.

 (4) American Express Company, a Delaware corporation, the parent company of
     AEFC, is located at American Express Tower, World Financial Center, New
     York, NY 10285.

 (5) American Latvian Association in the US, Inc., 400 Hurley Ave., Rockville,
     MD 20850.

 (6) Latvijas Brivibas Fonds LTD, 400 Hurley Ave., Rockville, MD 20850.

 (7) Barbara B. Ismel, 328 West 86th No. 2C, New York, NY 10024.

 (8) John L. and Rosana L. Warren, 4971 Little Cub Creek Road, Evergreen, CO

 (9) Peter L. Rowe and Fredda Rosenblatt, 6887 Palm Grove Court, West Palm
     Beach, FL 33418.

 (10) William J. and Frances M. Russell, 1443 Creekside Court, Vienna, VA 22182.


                                   F. EXPERTS

The audited financial statements for the Strategist Fund and the AXP Fund
included in or incorporated by reference in this proxy statement/ prospectus or
the Statement of Additional Information, have been audited by KPMG LLP,
independent auditors for the Funds, whose reports are included in the annual
report. The financial statements have been incorporated in this document in
reliance on KPMG's reports given on their authority as experts in auditing and
accounting matters.


The following table shows where in each Fund's prospectus you can find
additional information about the business of the Fund.

                                   TABLE G-1.
                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   HEADING IN PROSPECTUS
         TYPE OF INFORMATION              STRATEGIST FUND             AXP FUND
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment objective                   Goal                    Goal
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Principal investment strategies        Investment Strategy     Investment Strategy
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Principal risks                        Risks                   Risks
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fee table                              Fees and Expenses       Fees and Expenses
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Management                             Management              Management
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fund share price                       Valuing Fund Shares     Valuing Fund Shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Buying and selling fund shares         Purchasing Shares;      Purchasing Shares;
                                       Exchanging/Selling      Exchanging/Selling
                                       Shares                  Shares
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Distributions and taxes                Distributions and       Distributions and
                                       Taxes                   Taxes
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Financial highlights                   Financial Highlights    Financial Highlights
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                   TABLE G-2.
                            DATES OF FUND DOCUMENTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                          ANNUAL          REPORT
                                                          REPORT      (IF APPLICABLE)
                                PROSPECTUS     SAI      (FOR PERIOD     (FOR PERIOD
             FUND                (DATED)     (DATED)      ENDED)          ENDED)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Balanced...........   11/29/99    11/29/99    9/30/99            NA
AXP Mutual....................   11/29/99    11/29/99    9/30/99            NA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity.............   11/29/99    11/29/99    9/30/99            NA
AXP Stock.....................   11/29/99    11/29/99    9/30/99            NA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Equity Income......   11/29/99    11/29/99    9/30/99            NA
AXP Diversified Equity
Income........................   11/29/99    11/29/99    9/30/99            NA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Emerging Markets...   12/30/99    12/30/99    10/31/99           NA
AXP Emerging Markets..........   12/30/99    12/30/99    10/31/99           NA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Government Income..   7/30/99     7/30/99     5/31/99         11/30/99
AXP Federal Income............   7/30/99     7/30/99     5/31/99         11/30/99
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth.............   9/29/99     9/29/99     7/31/99          1/31/00
AXP Growth....................   9/29/99     9/29/99     7/31/99          1/31/00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Growth Trends......   9/29/99     9/29/99     7/31/99          1/31/00
AXP New Dimensions............   9/29/99     9/29/99     7/31/99          1/31/00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist High Yield.........   7/30/99     7/30/99     5/31/99         11/30/99
AXP Extra Income..............   7/30/99     7/30/99     5/31/99         11/30/99
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Quality Income.....   7/30/99     7/30/99     5/31/99         11/30/99
AXP Selective.................   7/30/99     7/30/99     5/31/99         11/30/99
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Special Growth.....   9/29/99     9/29/99     7/31/99          1/31/00
AXP Research Opportunities....   9/29/99     9/29/99     7/31/99          1/31/00
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Tax-Free High
Yield.........................   1/28/00     1/28/00     11/30/99           NA
AXP High Yield Tax-Exempt.....   1/28/00     1/28/00     11/30/99           NA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist Total Return.......   11/29/99    11/29/99    9/30/99            NA
AXP Managed Allocation........   11/29/99    11/29/99    9/30/99            NA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Growth.......   12/30/99    12/30/99    10/31/99           NA
AXP Global Growth.............   12/30/99    12/30/99    10/31/99           NA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World Income.......   12/30/99    12/30/99    10/31/99           NA
AXP Global Bond...............   12/30/99    12/30/99    10/31/99           NA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Strategist World
Technologies..................   12/30/99    12/30/99    10/31/99           NA
AXP Innovations...............   3/15/00     3/15/00     10/31/99           NA
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Each Fund is subject to the information requirements of the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 and the 1940 Act and files reports, proxy materials and other
information with the SEC. These reports, proxy materials and other information
can be inspected and copied at the Public Reference Room maintained by the SEC
at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., the Midwest Regional Office of the
SEC at 500 West Madison Street, Suite 400, Chicago, Illinois 60611, and the
Northeast Regional Office of the SEC at 7 World Trade Center, Suite 1300, New
York, New York 10048. Copies of these materials also can be obtained from the
Public Reference Branch, Office of Consumer Affairs and Information Services,
Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.
20549 at prescribed rates. In addition, copies of these documents may be viewed
on-line or downloaded from the SEC's website at


                                                                       EXHIBIT 1

                                    FORM OF

This Agreement and Plan of Reorganization dated as of March 10, 2000 (the
"Agreement") is between Strategist Growth and Income Fund, Inc. (the "Strategist
Corporation"), a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of Strategist Balanced Fund
(the "Acquired Fund"), a series of capital stock of the Strategist Corporation,
and AXP Investment Series, Inc. (the "AXP Corporation"), a Minnesota
corporation, on behalf of AXP Mutual (the "Acquiring Fund"), a series of capital
stock of the AXP Corporation. The Acquired Fund and the Acquiring Fund are
feeder funds investing in a single master trust.

In consideration of the mutual promises, the parties agree as follows:


  The Acquired Fund will call a meeting of its shareholders for the purpose of
  approving the Agreement and the transactions it contemplates (the
  "Reorganization"). The Acquiring Fund agrees to furnish data and information,
  as reasonably requested, for the proxy statement to be furnished to
  shareholders of the Acquired Fund.


  a. Plan of Reorganization. At the closing, the Strategist Corporation will
  convey all of the assets of the Acquired Fund to the Acquiring Fund. The
  Acquiring Fund will assume all liabilities of the Acquired Fund, reflected on
  an unaudited statement of assets and liabilities, as of the Closing. At the
  Closing, the AXP Corporation will deliver Class A shares of the Acquiring
  Fund, including fractional shares, to the Strategist Corporation. The number
  of shares will be determined by dividing the value of the net assets of the
  Acquired Fund, computed as described in paragraph 3(a), by the net asset value
  of one share of the Acquiring Fund, computed as described in paragraph 3(b).
  The Acquired Fund will not pay a sales charge on the receipt of Acquiring Fund
  shares in exchange for the assets of the Acquired Fund. In addition, the
  shareholders of the Acquired Fund will not pay a sales charge on distribution
  to them of Class A shares of the Acquiring Fund.

  b. Closing and Effective Time of the Reorganization. The Reorganization and
  all related acts necessary to complete the Reorganization (the


  "Closing") will occur on the first day on which the New York Stock Exchange
  (the "NYSE") is open for business following approval of shareholders of the
  Acquired Fund and receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals, or such later
  date as the parties may agree.


  a. The value of the net assets of the Acquired Fund will be computed as of the
  close of regular trading on the NYSE on the day of Closing (the "Valuation
  Date") using the valuation procedures in the Acquiring Fund's prospectus.

  b. The net asset value per share of Class A shares of the Acquiring Fund will
  be determined as of the close of regular trading on the NYSE on the Valuation
  Date, using the valuation procedures in the Acquiring Fund's prospectus.

  c. At the Closing, the Acquired Fund will provide the Acquiring Fund with a
  copy of the computation showing the valuation of the Acquired Fund's net
  assets on the Valuation Date. The Acquiring Fund will provide the Acquired
  Fund with a copy of the computation showing the determination of the net asset
  value per share of Class A shares of the Acquiring Fund on the Valuation Date.
  Both computations will be certified by an officer of American Express
  Financial Corporation.


  a. As soon as practicable after the Valuation Date, the Strategist Corporation
  will liquidate the Acquired Fund and distribute Class A shares of the
  Acquiring Fund to the Acquired Fund's shareholders of record. The Acquiring
  Fund will establish shareholder accounts in the names of each Acquired Fund
  shareholder, representing the respective pro rata number of full and
  fractional shares of the Acquiring Fund due to each shareholder. All issued
  and outstanding shares of the Acquired Fund will simultaneously be cancelled
  on the books of the Strategist Corporation. Shareholder accounts will be
  established by the Acquiring Fund or its transfer agent in accordance with
  instructions from the Strategist Corporation.

  b. Immediately after the Valuation Date, the share transfer books of the
  Strategist Corporation relating to the Acquired Fund will be closed and no
  further transfer of shares will be made.


  c. Promptly after the distribution, the Acquiring Fund or its transfer agent
  will notify each shareholder of the Acquired Fund of the number of Class A
  shares distributed to the shareholder and confirm the registration in the
  shareholder's name.

  d. As promptly as practicable after the liquidation of the Acquired Fund, and
  in no event later than twelve months from the date of the Closing, the
  Acquired Fund will be dissolved.


  The AXP Corporation represents and warrants to the Strategist Corporation as

  a. Organization, Existence, etc. The AXP Corporation is a corporation duly
  organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the State
  of Minnesota and has the power to carry on its business as it is now being

  b. Registration as Investment Company. The Acquiring Fund is a series of the
  AXP Corporation, registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the
  "1940 Act") as an open-end, management investment company.

  c. Capitalization. The Acquiring Fund has authorized capital of 10,000,000,000
  shares of common stock, par value $0.01 per share. All of the outstanding
  shares have been duly authorized and are validly issued, fully paid and
  non-assessable. Since the Acquiring Fund is engaged in the continuous offering
  and redemption of its shares, the number of outstanding shares may vary daily.

  d. Financial Statements. The audited financial statements as of the end of the
  last fiscal year, and the subsequent unaudited semi-annual financial
  statements, if any (the "Acquiring Fund Financial Statements"), fairly present
  the financial position of the Acquiring Fund, and the results of its
  operations and changes in its net assets for the periods shown.

  e. Shares to be Issued Upon Reorganization. The shares to be issued in
  connection with the Reorganization will be duly authorized and, at the time of
  the Closing, will be validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable.

  f. Authority Relative to the Agreement. The AXP Corporation has the power to
  enter into and carry out the obligations described in this


  Agreement. The Agreement and the transactions contemplated by it have been
  duly authorized by the Board of Directors and no other proceedings by the AXP
  Corporation or the Acquiring Fund are necessary.

  g. No Violation. The AXP Corporation is not in violation of its Articles of
  Incorporation or By-Laws (the "Articles") or in default in the performance of
  any material agreement to which it is a party. The execution of this Agreement
  and the completion of the transactions contemplated by it will not conflict
  with, or constitute a breach of, any material contract or other instrument to
  which the Acquiring Fund is subject. Nor will the transactions result in any
  violation of the provisions of the Articles or any law, administrative
  regulation or administrative or court decree applicable to the Acquiring Fund.

  h. Liabilities. There are no liabilities of the Acquiring Fund other than:

  - liabilities disclosed in the Acquiring Fund Financial Statements

  - liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business subsequent to the
    date of the latest annual or semi-annual financial statements, or

  - liabilities previously disclosed to the Strategist Corporation, none of
    which has been materially adverse to the business, assets or results of
    operation of the Acquiring Fund.

  i. Litigation. There is no litigation, administrative proceeding or
  investigation before any court or governmental body currently pending or, to
  the knowledge of the Acquiring Fund, threatened, that would materially and
  adversely affect the Acquiring Fund, its financial condition or the conduct of
  its business, or that would prevent or hinder completion of the transactions
  contemplated by this Agreement. The Acquiring Fund knows of no facts that
  might form the basis for the institution of any such litigation, proceeding or
  investigation and is not a party to or subject to the provisions of any order,
  decree or judgment.

  j. Contracts. Except for contracts and agreements previously disclosed to the
  Strategist Corporation, the Acquiring Fund is not a party to or subject to any
  material contract, debt instrument, plan, lease, franchise, license or permit.

  k. Taxes. The federal tax returns of the Acquiring Fund have been filed for
  all taxable years since commencement of its operations. The Acquiring Fund has
  qualified and will qualify as a regulated investment company under the
  Internal Revenue Code with respect to each taxable year since commencement of
  its operations.


  l. Registration Statement. The Acquiring Fund will file a registration
  statement on Form N-14 (the "Registration Statement") with the Securities and
  Exchange Commission under the Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") relating
  to the shares to be issued in the Reorganization. At the time the Registration
  Statement becomes effective, at the time of the shareholders' meeting and at
  the Closing, the Registration Statement will not contain an untrue statement
  of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the
  statements therein not misleading. However, none of the representations and
  warranties in this subsection apply to statements in, or omissions from, the
  Registration Statement made in reliance on information furnished by the
  Strategist Corporation for use in the Registration Statement.


  The Strategist Corporation represents and warrants to the AXP Corporation as

  a. Organization, Existence, etc. The Strategist Corporation is a corporation
  duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of the
  State of Minnesota and has the power to carry on its business as it is now
  being conducted.

  b. Registration as Investment Company. The Acquired Fund is a series of the
  Strategist Corporation, registered under the 1940 Act as an open-end,
  management investment company.

  c. Capitalization. The Acquired Fund has authorized capital of 10,000,000,000
  shares of common stock, par value $0.01 per share. All of the outstanding
  shares have been duly authorized and are validly issued, fully paid and
  non-assessable. Since the Acquired Fund is engaged in the continuous offering
  and redemption of its shares, the number of outstanding shares may vary daily.

  d. Financial Statements. The audited financial statements as of the end of the
  last fiscal year, and the subsequent unaudited semi-annual financial
  statements, if any, (the "Acquired Fund Financial Statements") fairly present
  the financial position of the Acquired Fund, and the results of its operations
  and changes in its net assets for the periods shown.

  e. Authority Relative to the Agreement. The Strategist Corporation has the
  power to enter into and to carry out its obligations under this Agreement. The
  Agreement and the transactions contemplated by it


  have been duly authorized by the Board of Directors and no other proceedings
  by the Strategist Corporation or the Acquired Fund are necessary.

  f. No Violation. The Strategist Corporation is not in violation of its
  Articles or in default in the performance of any material agreement to which
  it is a party. The execution of this Agreement and the completion of the
  transactions contemplated by it will not conflict with or constitute a breach
  of, any material contract to which the Acquired Fund is subject. Nor will the
  transactions result in any violation of the provisions of the Articles or any
  law, administrative regulation or administrative or court decree applicable to
  the Acquired Fund.

  g. Liabilities. There are no liabilities of the Acquired Fund other than:

  - liabilities disclosed in the Acquired Fund Financial Statements

  - liabilities incurred in the ordinary course of business subsequent to the
    date of the latest annual or semi-annual financial statements, or

  - liabilities previously disclosed to the AXP Corporation, none of which has
    been materially adverse to the business, assets or results of operation of
    the Acquired Fund.

  h. Litigation. There is no litigation, administrative proceeding or
  investigation before any court or governmental body currently pending or, to
  the knowledge of the Acquired Fund, threatened, that would materially and
  adversely affect the Acquired Fund, its financial condition or the conduct of
  its business, or that would prevent or hinder completion of the transactions
  contemplated by this Agreement. The Acquired Fund knows of no facts that might
  form the basis for the institution of any such litigation, proceeding or
  investigation and is not a party to or subject to the provisions of any order,
  decree or judgment.

  i. Contracts. Except for contracts and agreements previously disclosed to the
  AXP Corporation, the Acquired Fund is not a party to or subject to any
  material contract, debt instrument, plan, lease, franchise, license or permit.

  j. Taxes. The federal tax returns of the Acquired Fund have been filed for all
  taxable years since commencement of its operations. The Acquired Fund has
  qualified and will qualify as a regulated investment company under the
  Internal Revenue Code with respect to each taxable year since commencement of
  its operations.

  k. Fund Securities. All securities listed in the schedule of investments of
  the Acquired Fund as of the Closing will be owned by the Acquired


  Fund free and clear of any encumbrances, except as indicated in the schedule.

  l. Registration Statement. The Acquired Fund will cooperate with the Acquiring
  Fund and will furnish information relating to the Strategist Corporation and
  the Acquired Fund required in the Registration Statement. At the time the
  Registration Statement becomes effective, at the time of the shareholders'
  meeting and at the Closing, the Registration Statement, as it relates to the
  Strategist Corporation or the Acquired Fund, will not contain an untrue
  statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to
  make the statements therein not misleading. However, the representations and
  warranties in this subsection apply only to statements in or omissions from
  the Registration Statement made in reliance upon information furnished by the
  Strategist Corporation for use in the Registration Statement.


  The obligations of the AXP Corporation with respect to the Reorganization are
  subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions:

  a. Shareholder Approval. This Agreement will have been approved by the
  affirmative vote of the holders of the majority of the outstanding shares of
  common stock of the Acquired Fund.

  b. Representations, Warranties and Agreements. The Strategist Corporation and
  the Acquired Fund will have complied with this Agreement and each of the
  representations and warranties in this Agreement will be true in all material
  respects as of the Closing. An officer of the Strategist Corporation will
  provide a certificate to the AXP Corporation confirming that, as of the
  Closing, the representations and warranties set forth in Section 6 are true
  and correct and that there have been no material adverse changes in the
  financial condition, results of operations, business, properties or assets of
  the Acquired Fund since the date of its last financial statement, except as
  otherwise indicated in any financial statements, certified by an officer of
  the Strategist Corporation, and delivered to the AXP Corporation on or prior
  to the last business day before the Closing.

  c. Regulatory Approvals.

  - The Registration Statement referred to in Section 5(l) will be effective and
    no stop orders under the 1933 Act will have been issued.

  - All necessary approvals, consents and exemptions from federal and state
    regulatory authorities will have been obtained.


  d. Tax Opinion. The AXP Corporation will have received the opinion of Ropes &
  Gray dated as of the Closing, as to the federal income tax consequences of the
  Reorganization to the Acquiring Fund and its shareholders. For purposes of
  rendering their opinion, Ropes & Gray may rely, as to factual matters, upon
  the statements made in this Agreement, the proxy statement which will be
  distributed to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund, and other written
  representations as an officer of the Strategist Corporation and the AXP
  Corporation, respectively will have verified as of Closing. The opinion of
  Ropes & Gray will be to the effect that: (i) neither the Acquired Fund nor the
  Acquiring Fund will recognize any gain or loss upon the transfer of the assets
  of the Acquired Fund to, and assumption of its liabilities by, the Acquiring
  Fund in exchange for shares of the Acquiring Fund and upon the distribution of
  the shares to the Acquired Fund shareholders in exchange for their shares of
  the Acquired Fund; (ii) the shareholders of the Acquired Fund who receive
  shares of the Acquiring Fund in the Reorganization will not recognize any gain
  or loss on the exchange of their shares of the Acquired Fund for the shares of
  the Acquiring Fund; (iii) the holding period and the basis of the shares
  received by the Acquired Fund shareholders will be the same as the holding
  period and the basis of the shares of the Acquired Fund surrendered in the
  exchange; (iv) the holding period and the basis of the assets acquired by the
  Acquiring Fund will be the same as the holding period and the basis of the
  assets to the Acquired Fund immediately prior to the Reorganization.

  e. Opinion of Counsel. The AXP Corporation will have received an opinion of
  counsel for the Acquired Fund, dated as of the Closing, to the effect that:
  (i) the Strategist Corporation is a corporation duly organized and validly
  existing under the laws of the state of Minnesota; (ii) the Acquired Fund is a
  series of the Strategist Corporation, an open-end investment company
  registered under the 1940 Act; (iii) this Agreement and the Reorganization
  have been duly authorized and approved by all requisite action of the
  Strategist Corporation and the Acquired Fund and this Agreement has been duly
  executed by, and is a valid and binding obligation of, the Acquired Fund.

  f. Declaration of Dividend. The Strategist Corporation will have declared a
  dividend with respect to the Acquired Fund which, together with all previous
  dividends, will have the effect of distributing to the Acquired Fund's
  shareholders all of the Acquired Fund's investment company taxable income for
  the taxable years ending on or prior to the Closing (computed without regard
  to deduction for dividends paid) and


  all of its net capital gain realized in taxable years ending on or prior to
  the Closing (after reduction for capital loss carry forward).


  The obligations of the Strategist Corporation with respect to the
  Reorganization are subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions:

  a. Shareholder Approval. This Agreement will have been approved by the
  affirmative vote of the holders of the majority of the outstanding shares of
  common stock of the Acquired Fund.

  b. Representations, Warranties and Agreements. The Acquiring Fund will have
  complied with this Agreement and each of the representations and warranties in
  this Agreement will be true in all material respects as of the Closing. An
  officer of the AXP Corporation will provide a certificate to the Strategist
  Corporation confirming that, as of the Closing, the representations and
  warranties set forth in Section 5 are true and correct and that there have
  been no material adverse changes in the financial condition, results of
  operations, business, properties or assets of the Acquiring Fund since the
  date of its last financial statement, except as otherwise indicated in any
  financial statements, certified by an officer of the AXP Corporation, and
  delivered to the Strategist Corporation on or prior to the last business day
  before the Closing.

  c. Regulatory Approvals.

  - The Registration Statement referred to in Section 5(l) will be effective and
    no stop orders under the 1933 Act will have been issued.

  - All necessary approvals, consents and exemptions from federal and state
    regulatory authorities will have been obtained.

  d. Tax Opinion. The Strategist Corporation will have received the opinion of
  Ropes & Gray dated as of the Closing, as to the federal income tax
  consequences of the Reorganization to the Acquired Fund and its shareholders.
  For purposes of rendering their opinion, Ropes & Gray may rely, as to factual
  matters, upon the statements made in this Agreement, the proxy statement which
  will be distributed to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund, and other
  written representations as an officer of the Strategist Corporation and the
  AXP Corporation, respectively will have verified as of Closing. The opinion of
  Ropes & Gray will be to the effect that: (i) neither the Acquired Fund nor the
  Acquiring Fund will recognize any gain or loss upon the transfer of the assets
  of the Acquired Fund to, and assumption of its liabilities by, the Acquiring


  Fund in exchange for shares of the Acquiring Fund and upon the distribution of
  the shares to the Acquired Fund shareholders in exchange for their shares of
  the Acquired Fund; (ii) the shareholders of the Acquired Fund who receive
  shares of the Acquiring Fund in the Reorganization will not recognize any gain
  or loss on the exchange of their shares of the Acquired Fund for the shares of
  the Acquiring Fund; (iii) the holding period and the basis of the shares
  received by the Acquired Fund shareholders will be the same as the holding
  period and the basis of the shares of the Acquired Fund surrendered in the
  exchange; (iv) the holding period and the basis of the assets acquired by the
  Acquiring Fund will be the same as the holding period and the basis of the
  assets to the Acquired Fund immediately prior to the Reorganization.

  e. Opinion of Counsel. The Strategist Corporation will have received the
  opinion of counsel for the Acquiring Fund, dated as of the Closing, to the
  effect that: (i) the AXP Corporation is a corporation duly organized and
  validly existing under the laws of the state of Minnesota; (ii) the Acquiring
  Fund is a series of the AXP Corporation, an open-end investment company
  registered under the 1940 Act; (iii) this Agreement and the Reorganization
  have been authorized and approved by all requisite action of the AXP
  Corporation and the Acquiring Fund and this Agreement has been duly executed
  by, and is a valid and binding obligation of, the AXP Corporation; and
  (iv) the shares to be issued in the Reorganization are duly authorized and
  upon issuance in accordance with this Agreement will be validly issued, fully
  paid and non-assessable shares of the Acquiring Fund.


  a. This Agreement may be amended in writing if authorized by the respective
  Boards of Directors. The Agreement may be amended at any time before or after
  approval by the shareholders of the Acquired Fund, but after shareholder
  approval, no amendment shall be made that substantially changes the terms of
  paragraphs 2 or 3.

  b. At any time prior to the Closing, any of the parties may waive in writing
  (i) any inaccuracies in the representations and warranties made to it and (ii)
  compliance with any of the covenants or conditions made for its benefit.

  c. The Strategist Corporation may terminate this Agreement at any time prior
  to the Closing by notice to the AXP Corporation if a material


  condition to its performance or a material covenant of the AXP Corporation is
  not fulfilled on or before the date specified for its fulfillment or a
  material breach of this Agreement is made by the AXP Corporation and is not

  d. The AXP Corporation may terminate this Agreement at any time prior to the
  Closing by notice to the Strategist Corporation if a material condition to its
  performance or a material covenant of the Strategist Corporation is not
  fulfilled on or before the date specified for its fulfillment or a material
  breach of this Agreement is made by the Strategist Corporation and is not

  e. This Agreement may be terminated by any party at any time prior to the
  Closing, whether before or after approval by the shareholders of the Acquired
  Fund, without any liability on the part of either party or its respective
  directors, officers, or shareholders, on written notice to the other party,
  and shall be terminated without liability as of the close of business on
  December 31, 2000, or a later date agreed upon by the parties, if the Closing
  is not on or prior to that date.

  f. The representations, warranties and covenants contained in this Agreement,
  or in any document delivered in connection with this Agreement, will survive
  the Reorganization.


  The expenses of the reorganization, whether or not the Reorganization is
  completed, will be borne by American Express Financial Corporation.


  a. Headings. The headings contained in this Agreement are for reference
  purposes only and will not affect the meaning or interpretation of this
  Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to confer upon any other
  person any rights or remedies by reason of this Agreement.

  b. Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the state of


  Each party will indemnify and hold the other and its officers and directors
  (each an "Indemnitee") harmless from and against any liability or other cost
  and expense, in connection with the defense or disposition of any action,
  suit, or other proceeding, before any court or administrative


  or investigative body in which the Indemnitee may be involved as a party, with
  respect to actions taken under this Agreement. However, no Indemnitee will be
  indemnified against any liability or expense arising by reason of willful
  misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of the duties
  involved in the conduct of the Indemnitee's position.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the parties has caused this Agreement to be signed.

Strategist Growth and Income Fund, Inc.
    on behalf of Strategist Balanced Fund

By   /s/ James A. Mitchell
     James A. Mitchell

AXP Investment Series, Inc.
    on behalf of AXP Mutual

By   /s/ Leslie L. Ogg
     Leslie L. Ogg
     Vice President

The undersigned is a party to this Agreement for the purposes of Sections 3c and
10 only.

American Express Financial Corporation

By   /s/ Pamela J. Moret
     Pamela J. Moret
     Senior Vice President


                                                                       EXHIBIT 2

                         SECTIONS 302A.471 AND 302A.473

Minnesota law requires that we provide you with a copy of the state law on
dissenters' rights. Notwithstanding the provisions of the law set out below, the
SEC has taken the position that use of state appraisal procedures by a
registered mutual fund such as the Strategist Fund would be a violation of
Rule 22c-1, the forward pricing rule, under the 1940 Act. As a result, if any
shareholder elects to exercise dissenters' rights under Minnesota law, the
Strategist Fund intends to submit this question to a court of competent
jurisdiction. In that event, a dissenting shareholder would not receive any
payment until the end of the court proceeding.


SUBDIVISION 1. ACTIONS CREATING RIGHTS.  A shareholder of a corporation may
dissent from, and obtain payment for the fair value of the shareholder's shares
in the event of, any of the following corporate actions:

(a) An amendment of the articles that materially and adversely affects the
    rights or preferences of the shares of the dissenting shareholder in that

    (1) alters or abolishes a preferential right of the shares;

    (2) creates, alters, or abolishes a right in respect of the redemption of
        the shares, including a provision respecting a sinking fund for the
        redemption or repurchase of the shares;

    (3) alters or abolishes a preemptive right of the holder of the shares to
        acquire shares, securities other than shares, or rights to purchase
        shares or securities other than shares;

    (4) excludes or limits the right of a shareholder to vote on a matter, or to
        cumulate votes, except as the right may be excluded or limited through
        the authorization or issuance of securities of an existing or new class
        or series with similar or different voting rights; except that an
        amendment to the articles of an issuing public corporation that provides
        that section 302A.671 does not apply to a control share acquisition does
        not give rise to the right to obtain payment under this section;


(b) A sale, lease, transfer, or other disposition of all or substantially all of
    the property and assets of the corporation, but not including a transaction
    permitted without shareholder approval in section 302A.661, subdivision 1,
    or a disposition in dissolution described in section 302A.725, subdivision
    2, or a disposition pursuant to an order of a court, or a disposition for
    cash on terms requiring that all or substantially all of the net proceeds of
    disposition be distributed to the shareholders in accordance with their
    respective interests within one year after the date of disposition;

(c) A plan of merger, whether under this chapter or under chapter 322B, to which
    the corporation is a party, except as provided in subdivision 3;

(d) A plan of exchange, whether under this chapter or under chapter 322B, to
    which the corporation is a party as the corporation whose shares will be
    acquired by the acquiring corporation, if the shares of the shareholder are
    entitled to be voted on the plan; or

(e) Any other corporate action taken pursuant to a shareholder vote with respect
    to which the articles, the bylaws, or a resolution approved by the board
    directs that dissenting shareholders may obtain payment for their shares.


(a) A shareholder shall not assert dissenters' rights as to less than all of the
    shares registered in the name of the shareholder, unless the shareholder
    dissents with respect to all the shares that are beneficially owned by
    another person but registered in the name of the shareholder and discloses
    the name and address of each beneficial owner on whose behalf the
    shareholder dissents. In that event, the rights of the dissenter shall be
    determined as if the shares as to which the shareholder has dissented and
    the other shares were registered in the names of different shareholders.

(b) The beneficial owner of shares who is not the shareholder may assert
    dissenters' rights with respect to shares held on behalf of the beneficial
    owner, and shall be treated as a dissenting shareholder under the terms of
    this section and section 302A.473, if the beneficial owner submits to the
    corporation at the time of or before the assertion of the rights a written
    consent of the shareholder.



(a) Unless the articles, the bylaws, or a resolution approved by the board
    otherwise provide, the right to obtain payment under this section does not
    apply to a shareholder of the surviving corporation in a merger, if the
    shares of the shareholder are not entitled to be voted on the merger.

(b) If a date is fixed according to section 302A.445, subdivision 1, for the
    determination of shareholders entitled to receive notice of and to vote on
    an action described in subdivision 1, only shareholders as of the date
    fixed, and beneficial owners as of the date fixed who hold through
    shareholders, as provided in subdivision 2, may exercise dissenters' rights.

SUBDIVISION 4. OTHER RIGHTS.  The shareholders of a corporation who have a right
under this section to obtain payment for their shares do not have a right at law
or in equity to have a corporate action described in subdivision 1 set aside or
rescinded, except when the corporate action is fraudulent with regard to the
complaining shareholder or the corporation.


(a) For purposes of this section, the terms defined in this subdivision have the
    meanings given them.

(b) "Corporation" means the issuer of the shares held by a dissenter before the
    corporate action referred to in section 302A.471, subdivision 1 or the
    successor by merger of that issuer.

(c) "Fair value of the shares" means the value of the shares of a corporation
    immediately before the effective date of the corporate action referred to in
    section 302A.471, subdivision 1.

(d) "Interest" means interest commencing five days after the effective date of
    the corporate action referred to in section 302A.471, subdivision 1, up to
    and including the date of payment, calculated at the rate provided in
    section 549.09 for interest on verdicts and judgments.

SUBDIVISION 2. NOTICE OF ACTION.  If a corporation calls a shareholder meeting
at which any action described in section 302A.471, subdivision 1 is to be voted
upon, the notice of the meeting shall inform each shareholder of the right to
dissent and shall include a copy of section 302A.471 and this


section and a brief description of the procedure to be followed under these

SUBDIVISION 3. NOTICE OF DISSENT.  If the proposed action must be approved by
the shareholders, a shareholder who is entitled to dissent under section
302A.471 and who wishes to exercise dissenters' rights must file with the
corporation before the vote on the proposed action a written notice of intent to
demand the fair value of the shares owned by the shareholder and must not vote
the shares in favor of the proposed action.


(a) After the proposed action has been approved by the board and, if necessary,
    the shareholders, the corporation shall send to all shareholders who have
    complied with subdivision 3 and to all shareholders entitled to dissent if
    no shareholder vote was required, a notice that contains:

    (1) The address to which a demand for payment and certificates of
        certificated shares must be sent in order to obtain payment and the date
        by which they must be received;

    (2) Any restrictions on transfer of uncertificated shares that will apply
        after the demand for payment is received;

    (3) A form to be used to certify the date on which the shareholder, or the
        beneficial owner on whose behalf the shareholder dissents, acquired the
        shares or an interest in them and to demand payment; and

    (4) A copy of section 302A.471 and this section and a brief description of
        the procedures to be followed under these sections.

(b) In order to receive the fair value of the shares, a dissenting shareholder
    must demand payment and deposit certificated shares or comply with any
    restrictions on transfer of uncertificated shares within 30 days after the
    notice required by paragraph (a) was given, but the dissenter retains all
    other rights of a shareholder until the proposed action takes effect.


(a) After the corporate action takes effect, or after the corporation receives a
    valid demand for payment, whichever is later, the corporation shall remit to
    each dissenting shareholder who has complied with


    subdivisions 3 and 4 the amount the corporation estimates to be the fair
    value of the shares, plus interest, accompanied by:

    (1) The corporation's closing balance sheet and statement of income for a
        fiscal year ending not more than 16 months before the effective date of
        the corporate action, together with the latest available interim
        financial statements;

    (2) An estimate by the corporation of the fair value of the shares and a
        brief description of the method used to reach the estimate; and

    (3) A copy of section 302A.471 and this section, and a brief description of
        the procedure to be followed in demanding supplemental payment.

(b) The corporation may withhold the remittance described in paragraph (a) from
    a person who was not a shareholder on the date the action dissented from was
    first announced to the public or who is dissenting on behalf of a person who
    was not a beneficial owner on that date. If the dissenter has complied with
    subdivisions 3 and 4, the corporation shall forward to the dissenter the
    materials described in paragraph (a), a statement of the reason for
    withholding the remittance, and an offer to pay to the dissenter the amount
    listed in the materials if the dissenter agrees to accept that amount in
    full satisfaction. The dissenter may decline the offer and demand payment
    under subdivision 6. Failure to do so entitled the dissenter only to the
    amount offered. If the dissenter makes demand, subdivision 7 and 8 apply.

(c) If the corporation fails to remit payment within 60 days of the deposit of
    certificates or the imposition of transfer restrictions on uncertificated
    shares, it shall return all deposited certificates and cancel all transfer
    restrictions. However, the corporation may again give notice under
    subdivision 4 and require deposit or restrict transfer at a later time.

SUBDIVISION 6. SUPPLEMENTAL PAYMENT; DEMAND.  If a dissenter believes that the
amount remitted under subdivision 5 is less than the fair value of the shares
plus interest, the dissenter may give written notice to the corporation of the
dissenter's own estimate of the fair value of the shares, plus interest, within
30 days after the corporation mails the remittance under subdivision 5, and
demand payment of the difference. Otherwise, a dissenter is entitled only to the
amount remitted by the corporation.


SUBDIVISION 7. PETITION; DETERMINATION.  If the corporation receives a demand
under subdivision 6, it shall, within 60 days after receiving the demand, either
pay to the dissenter the amount demanded or agreed to by the dissenter after
discussion with the corporation or file in a court a petition requesting that
the court determine the fair value of the shares, plus interest. The petition
shall be filed in the county in which the registered office of the corporation
is located, except that a surviving foreign corporation that receives a demand
relating to the shares of a constituent domestic corporation shall file the
petition in the county in this state in which the last registered office of the
constituent corporation was located. The petition shall name as parties all
dissenters who have demanded payment under subdivision 6 and who have not
reached agreement with the corporation. The corporation shall, after filing the
petition, serve all parties with a summons and copy of the petition under the
rules of civil procedure. Nonresidents of this state may be served by registered
or certified mail or by publication as provided by law. Except as otherwise
provided, the rules of civil procedures apply to this proceeding. The
jurisdiction of the court is plenary and exclusive. The court may appoint
appraisers, with powers and authorities the court deems proper, to receive
evidence on and recommend the amount of the fair value of the shares. The court
shall determine whether the shareholder or shareholders in question have fully
complied with the requirements of this section, and shall determine the fair
value of the shares, taking into account any and all factors the court finds
relevant, computed by any method or combination of methods that the court, in
its discretion, sees fit to use, whether or not used by the corporation or by a
dissenter. The fair value of the shares as determined by the court is binding on
all shareholders, wherever located. A dissenter is entitled to judgment in cash
for the amount by which the fair value of the shares as determined by the court,
plus interest, exceeds the amount, if any, remitted under subdivision 5, but
shall not be liable to the corporation for the amount, if any, by which the
amount, if any, remitted to the dissenter under subdivision 5 exceeds the fair
value of the shares as determined by the court, plus interest.


(a) The court shall determine the costs and expenses of a proceeding under
    subdivision 7, including the reasonable expenses and compensation of any
    appraisers appointed by the court, and shall assess those costs and expenses
    against the corporation, except that the court may assess part or all of
    those costs and expenses against a dissenter


    whose action in demanding payment under subdivision 6 is found to be
    arbitrary, vexatious, or not in good faith.

(b) If the court finds that the corporation has failed to comply substantially
    with this section, the court may assess all fees and expenses of any experts
    or attorneys as the court deems equitable. These fees and expenses may also
    be assessed against a person who has acted arbitrarily, vexatiously, or not
    in good faith in bringing the proceeding, and may be awarded to a party
    injured by those actions.

(c) The court may award, in its discretion, fees and expenses to an attorney for
    the dissenters out of the amount awarded to the dissenters, if any.


Growth Fund

 Sept. 29, 1999


AXP Growth Fund seeks to provide  shareholders  with long-term  capital  growth.
Please note that this Fund:

o    is not a bank deposit

o    is not federally insured

o    is not endorsed by any bank or government agency

o    is not guaranteed to achieve its goal

Like all mutual funds,  the Securities and Exchange  Commission has not approved
or disapproved  these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this prospectus.
Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.


Table of Contents

The Fund                               3p
Goal                                   3p
Investment Strategy                    3p
Risks                                  4p
Past Performance                       5p
Fees and Expenses                      7p
Management                             8p
Buying and Selling Shares              8p
Valuing Fund Shares                    8p
Investment Options                     9p
Purchasing Shares                     10p
Transactions Through Third Parties
Sales Charges                         13p
Exchanging/Selling Shares             17p
Distributions and Taxes               22p
Master/Feeder Structure               24p
Financial Highlights                  28p


Goal and Investment Strategy

The Fund's  particular  investment  goal and the strategies it intends to use in
pursuing its goal.


The major risk factors associated with the Fund.

Fees and  Expenses

The overall costs incurred by an investor in the Fund,  including  sales charges
and annual expenses.


The  individual  or group  designated  by the  investment  manager to handle the
Fund's day-to-day management.

Master/Feeder Structure

Describes the Fund's investment structure.

Financial Highlights

Tables showing the Fund's financial performance.

The Fund

AXP Growth Fund (the Fund) seeks to provide  shareholders with long-term capital
growth.  Because any  investment  involves  risk,  achieving this goal cannot be
guaranteed. The Fund seeks to achieve its goal by investing all of its assets in
a master  portfolio  rather than by directly  investing  in and managing its own
portfolio of securities.  The master  portfolio has the same goal and investment
policies as the Fund.

The Fund  primarily  invests in common stocks and  securities  convertible  into
common  stocks  that  appear  to  offer  growth   opportunities.   These  growth
opportunities  could  result  from  new  management,   market  developments,  or
technological superiority.  The Fund may invest up to 25% of its total assets in
foreign investments.

The  selection  of  common  stocks  is the  primary  decision  in  building  the
investment portfolio.

In pursuit of the Fund's goal,  American Express Financial  Corporation  (AEFC),
the Fund's investment manager,  chooses investments by:

o    Identifying  companies  that AEFC  believes  have  above-average  long-term
     growth potential based on:

     -- effective management,
     -- financial strength,
     -- competitive  market or product  position,  and
     -- technological  advantage relative to other companies.

In evaluating whether to sell a security,  AEFC considers,  among other factors,

     -- the company has met AEFC's earnings and/or growth  expectations,
     -- political,   economic,   or  other  events  could  affect  the
        company's performance,
     -- AEFC  identifies a more attractive  opportunity,  and
     -- the company continues to meet the other standards described above.

Although not a primary  investment  strategy,  the Fund also may invest in other
instruments, such as money market securities,  preferred stock, investment grade
debt obligations, and convertible securities. Additionally, the Fund may utilize
derivative  instruments  to  produce  incremental  earnings,  to hedge  existing
positions and to increase flexibility.

During  weak or  declining  markets,  the Fund may invest  more of its assets in
money  market  securities.  Although  the Fund  primarily  will  invest in these
securities to avoid losses,  this type of investing  also could prevent the Fund
from  achieving  its  investment  objective.  During these times,  AEFC may make
frequent  securities trades that could result in increased fees,  expenses,  and

For more  information  on strategies and holdings,  see the Fund's  Statement of
Additional Information (SAI) and the annual/semiannual reports.

This Fund is designed for investors with  above-average  risk tolerance.  Please
remember  that with any mutual fund  investment  you may lose  money.  Principal
risks associated with an investment in the Fund include:
   Market Risk
   Style Risk
   Foreign Risk

Market Risk
The  market  may drop and you may lose  money.  Market  risk may affect a single
issuer,  sector of the economy,  industry,  or the market as a whole. The market
value  of  all  securities  may  move  up  and  down,   sometimes   rapidly  and

Style Risk
AEFC purchases  growth stocks based on the  expectation  that the companies will
have strong growth in earnings.  The price paid often  reflects an expected rate
of growth.  If that  growth  fails to occur,  the price of the stock may decline

Foreign Risk
The following are all components of foreign risk:

Country  risk  includes  the  political,  economic,  and other  conditions  of a
country. These conditions include lack of publicly available  information,  less
government  oversight  (including  lack of accounting,  auditing,  and financial
reporting standards),  the possibility of government-imposed  restrictions,  and
even the nationalization of assets.

Currency risk results from the constantly  changing  exchange rate between local
currency and the U.S.  dollar.  Whenever the Fund holds  securities  valued in a
foreign  currency or holds the  currency,  changes in the  exchange  rate add or
subtract from the value of the investment.

Custody  risk refers to the process of clearing  and  settling  trades.  It also
covers  holding  securities  with local  agents and  depositories.  Low  trading
volumes and volatile  prices in less  developed  markets  make trades  harder to
complete  and settle.  Local agents are held only to the standard of care of the
local  market.  Governments  or trade  groups  may compel  local  agents to hold
securities  in  designated  depositories  that are not  subject  to  independent
evaluation. The less developed a country's securities market is, the greater the
likelihood of problems occuring.

The  following  bar chart  and table  indicate  the  risks  and  variability  of
investing in the Fund by showing:

o    how the Fund's  performance has varied for each full calendar year shown on
     the chart below, and

o    how the Fund's  average  annual total returns  compare to other  recognized
     indexes below.

How the Fund has  performed  in the past  does not  indicate  how the Fund  will
perform in the future.

 Class A Performance (based on calendar years)

+36.54% +3.27% +46.94% +8.05% +8.57% +2.99% +41.10% +24.51% +20.65%  +22.56%
 1989    1990    1991   1992   1993   1994    1995    1996    1997    1998

During the  period  shown in the bar chart,  the  highest  return for a calendar
quarter was +27.10%  (quarter  ending December 1998) and the lowest return for a
calendar quarter was -17.60% (quarter ending September 1990).

The 5% sales charge applicable to Class A shares of the Fund is not reflected in
the bar chart;  if  reflected,  returns  would be lower than  those  shown.  The
performance  of Class B and Class Y may vary from that  shown  above  because of
differences in sales charges and fees.

The Fund's year to date return as of June 30, 1999 was +19.78%.

            Average Annual Total Returns (as of Dec. 31, 1998)
                            1 year     5 years      10 years    Since inception
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Class A                   +16.43%     +20.51%     +19.97%          --%
  Class B                   +17.63%       --%          --%         +24.82%a
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Class Y                   +22.64%       --%          --%         +26.35%a
 S&P 500 Index              +28.57%     +24.01%     +19.19%        +29.48%b
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lipper Growth Fund Index   +25.69%     +19.82%     +17.21%        +25.44%b

a Inception date was March 20, 1995.
b Measurement period started April 1, 1995.

This table shows total returns from hypothetical investments in Class A, Class B
and Class Y shares of the Fund.  These returns are compared to the indexes shown
for the same  periods.  The  performance  of Classes A, B and Y vary  because of
differences  in sales  charges and fees.  Past  performance  for Class Y for the
periods prior to March 20, 1995 may be calculated  based on the  performance  of
Class A,  adjusted to reflect  differences  in sales  charges,  although not for
other differences in expenses.

For purposes of this calculation we assumed:

o    a sales charge of 5% for Class A shares,

o    sales at the end of the period and deduction of the  applicable  contingent
     deferred sales charge (CDSC) for Class B shares,

o    no sales charge for Class Y shares, and

o    no adjustments  for taxes paid by an investor on the reinvested  income and
     capital gains.

Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P500 Index),  an unmanaged list of common stocks,
is  frequently  used as a  general  measure  of  market  performance.  The index
reflects  reinvestment of all  distributions  and changes in market prices,  but
excludes brokerage commissions or other fees. However, the S&P 500 companies may
be generally larger than those in which the Fund invests.

Lipper  Growth Fund Index,  an unmanaged  index  published by Lipper  Analytical
Services,  Inc.,  includes  30 funds  that are  generally  similar to this fund,
although some funds in the index may have somewhat different investment policies
or objectives.


Fund  investors  pay various  expenses.  The table below  describes the fees and
expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold shares of the Fund.

Shareholder Fees (fees paid directly from your investment)
                                                              Class A           Class B           Class Y
Maximum sales charge (load) imposed on purchasesa
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(as a percentage of offering price)                              5%              none              none

Maximum deferred sales charge (load) imposed on
sales (as a percentage of offering price at time
of purchase)                                                     none              5%               none

Annual Fund operating  expensesb  (expenses that are deducted from Fund assets)
As a percentage of average daily net assets:

                                       Class A         Class B      Class Y
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Management feesc                       0.53%            0.53%        0.53%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distribution (12b-1) fees              0.25%            1.00%        0.00%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Other expensesd                        0.19%            0.20%        0.28%
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Total                                  0.97%            1.73%        0.81%

a    This charge may be reduced  depending on your total investments in American
     Express mutual funds. See "Sales Charges."
b    Both in this  table  and the  following  example  fund  operating  expenses
     include  expenses  charged  by both the Fund and its  Master  Portfolio  as
     described under "Management." Expenses for Class A, Class B and Class Y are
     based on actual  expenses  for the last  fiscal  year,  restated to reflect
     current fees.
c    Includes the impact of a  performance  adjustment  fee that  decreased  the
     management fee by 0.02% for the most recent fiscal year.
d    Other  expenses  include an  administrative  services  fee,  a  shareholder
     services  fee for Class Y, a  transfer  agency  fee and  other  nonadvisory


This  example is intended to help you compare the cost of  investing in the Fund
with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

Assume you invest $10,000 and the Fund earns a 5% annual  return.  The operating
expenses remain the same each year. If you hold your shares until the end of the
years shown, your costs would be:

                    1 year            3 years          5 years         10 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Class Aa            $594              $794           $1,010           $1,634
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Class Bb            $676              $945           $1,140           $1,844d
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Class Bc            $176              $545           $  940           $1,844d
 Class Y             $ 83              $259           $  450           $1,006

a    Includes a 5% sales charge.

b    Assumes you sold your Class B shares at the end of the period and  incurred
     the applicable CDSC.

c    Assumes you did not sell your Class B shares at the end of the period.

d    Based on  conversion  of Class B shares to Class A shares in the ninth year
     of ownership.

This example does not represent actual expenses, past or future. Actual expenses
may be higher or lower than those shown.

The Fund's assets are invested in Growth  Portfolio  (the  Portfolio),  which is
managed by AEFC. Mitzi Malevich,  vice president and senior  portfolio  manager,
joined AEFC in 1983. She has managed the assets of the Fund since 1992. She also
serves as portfolio manager of IDS Life Funds A and B.

Buying and Selling Shares

The public  offering price for Class A is the net asset value (NAV) adjusted for
the sales charge. For Class B and Class Y, it is the NAV.

The NAV is the value of a single Fund share.  The NAV usually changes daily, and
is calculated at the close of business of the New York Stock Exchange,  normally
3 p.m.  Central  Standard  Time (CST),  each  business day (any day the New York
Stock Exchange is open).

The Fund's  investments are valued based on market  quotations,  or where market
quotations are not readily available, based on methods selected in good faith by
the board. If the Fund's  investment  policies permit it to invest in securities
that are listed on foreign stock  exchanges that trade on weekends or other days
when the Fund does not  price its  shares,  the value of the  Fund's  underlying
investments  may  change on days  when you  could not buy or sell  shares of the
Fund. Please see the SAI for further information.


1.   Class A shares  are sold to the public  with a sales  charge at the time of
     purchase and an annual distribution (12b-1) fee.

2.   Class  B  shares  are  sold  to  the  public  with a  CDSC  and  an  annual
     distribution (12b-1) fee.

3.   Class Y shares are sold to  qualifying  institutional  investors  without a
     sales charge or  distribution  fee.  Please see the SAI for  information on
     eligibility to purchase Class Y shares.

Investment options summary:

Class A        Maximum sales charge of 5%

               Initial sales charge waived or reduced for certain purchases

               Annual distribution fee of 0.25% of average daily net assets*

               Lower annual expenses than Class B shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Class B         No initial sales charge

                CDSC on shares sold in the first six years  (maximum of 5%
                in first year, reduced to 0% after year six)

                CDSC waived in certain circumstances

                Shares convert to Class A in ninth year of ownership

                Annual distribution fee of 1.00% of average daily net assets*

                Higher annual expenses than Class A shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y         No initial sales charge

                No annual distribution fee

                Service fee of 0.10% of average daily net assets

                Available only to certain qualifying institutional investors
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*    The Fund has adopted a plan under Rule 12b-1 of the Investment  Company Act
     of 1940 that allows it to pay distribution and  servicing-related  fees for
     the sale of Class A and Class B shares.  Because these fees are paid out of
     the  Fund's  assets  on an  on-going  basis,  the fees  may cost  long-term
     shareholders  more than paying other types of sales charges imposed by some
     mutual funds.

Should you purchase Class A or Class B shares?

If your  investments  in American  Express  mutual funds total $250,000 or more,
Class A shares  may be the better  option.  If you  qualify  for a waiver of the
sales charge, Class A shares will be the best option.

If you  invest  less  than  $250,000,  consider  how long you plan to hold  your
shares.  Class B shares have a higher annual distribution fee and a CDSC for six
years.  To help  you  determine  what is best for you,  consult  your  financial

Class B  shares  convert  to  Class  A  shares  in the  ninth  calendar  year of
ownership.   Class  B  shares  purchased   through   reinvested   dividends  and
distributions  also will convert to Class A shares in the same proportion as the
other Class B shares.


To purchase  shares  through a  brokerage  account or from  entities  other than
American Express Financial  Advisors Inc., please consult you selling agent. The
following  section  explains how you can purchase  shares from American  Express
Financial Advisors (the Distributor).

If you do not have a  mutual  fund  account,  you need to  establish  one.  Your
financial  advisor will help you fill out and submit an  application.  Once your
account is set up, you can choose among several convenient ways to invest.

When you  purchase  shares  for a new or  existing  account,  your order will be
priced at the next NAV  calculated  after your order is accepted by the Fund. If
your application  does not specify which class of shares you are purchasing,  we
will assume you are investing in Class A shares.

Important:  When you open an account,  you must provide  your  correct  Taxpayer
Identification  Number (TIN),  which is either your Social  Security or Employer
Identification number.

If you  do not  provide  the  correct  TIN,  you  could  be  subject  to  backup
withholding of 31% of taxable  distributions and proceeds from certain sales and
exchanges. You also could be subject to further penalties, such as:

o    a $50 penalty for each failure to supply your correct TIN,

o    a civil  penalty of $500 if you make a false  statement  that results in no
     backup withholding, and

o    criminal penalties for falsifying information.

You also could be subject to backup  withholding if the IRS requires us to do so
because you failed to report required interest or dividends on your tax return.

            How to determine the correct TIN
For this type of account:                        Use the Social Security or Employer Identification number of:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Individual or joint account                      The individual or one of the individuals listed on the joint account
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Custodian account of a minor                     The minor
(Uniform Gifts/Transfers to Minors Act)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A revocable living trust                          The grantor-trustee (the person who puts the money into the trust)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
An irrevocable trust, pension trust or estate     The legal entity (not the personal representative or
                                                  trustee, unless no legal entity is designated in the
                                                  account title)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sole proprietorship                               The owner
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Partnership                                       The partnership
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Corporate                                         The corporation
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Association, club or tax-exempt organization      The organization
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

For details on TIN requirements, contact your financial advisor to obtain a copy
of  federal  Form  W-9,   "Request  for  Taxpayer   Identification   Number  and

Three ways to invest
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 By mail:
Once your account has been established,  send your check with the account number
on it to:

American Express Funds
P.O. Box 74
Minneapolis, MN 55440-0074

Minimum amounts
Initial investment:             $2,000

Additional investments:         $100

Account balances:               $300

Qualified accounts:             none

If your account  balance  falls below $300,  you will be asked to increase it to
$300 or  establish a scheduled  investment  plan.  If you do not do so within 30
days, your shares can be sold and the proceeds mailed to you.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 By scheduled investment plan:

Contact your financial advisor for assistance in setting up one of the following
scheduled plans:

o    automatic payroll deduction,

o    bank authorization,

o    direct deposit of Social Security check, or

o    other plan approved by the Fund.

Minimum amounts

Initial investment:        $100

Additional investments:    $50/mo. for qualified accounts; $100/mo. for

                           nonqualified accounts

Account balances:          none (on active plans with monthly payments)

If your  account  balance  is below  $2,000,  you must  make  payments  at least

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 By wire or electronic funds transfer:
If you have an established account, you may wire money to:

Norwest Bank Minnesota
Routing Transit No. 091000019

Give these instructions:

Credit American  Express  Financial  Advisors  Account  #0000030015 for personal
account # (your account  number) for (your name).  Please remember that you need
to provide all 10 digits.

If this  information is not included,  the order may be rejected,  and all money
received by the Fund, less any costs the Fund or American Express Client Service
Corporation (AECSC) incurs, will be returned promptly.

Minimum amounts
Each wire investment: $1,000


You may buy or sell shares through certain 401 (k) plans, banks, broker-dealers,
financial advisors or other investment  professionals.  These  organizations may
charge you a fee for this service and may have different  policies.  Some policy
differences  may  include  different  minimum   investment   amounts,   exchange
privileges,  fund  choices and cutoff  times for  investments.  The Fund and the
Distributor are not responsible for the failure of one of these organizations to
carry out its  obligations  to its  customers.  Some  organizations  may receive
compensation   from  the   Distributor  or  its   affiliates   for   shareholder
recordkeeping  and  similar   services.   When  authorized  by  the  Fund,  some
organizations may designate selected agents to accept purchase of sale orders on
the Fund's  behalf.  To buy or sell shares through third parties or determine if
there are policy  differences,  please  consult  your selling  agent.  For other
pertinent  information related to buying or selling shares,  please refer to the
appropriate section in the prospectus.

           SALES CHARGES

Class A -- initial sales charge alternative

When you purchase Class A shares, you pay a 5% sales charge on the first $50,000
of your total investment and less on investments after the first $50,000:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Total investment                   Sales charge as percentage of:a
                         Public offering priceb          Net amount invested
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Up to $50,000                    5.0%                          5.26%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Next $50,000                     4.5                           4.71
 Next $400,000                    3.8                           3.95
 Next $500,000                    2.0                           2.04
 $1,000,000 or more               0.0                           0.00

a    To calculate the actual sales charge on an investment  greater than $50,000
     and less than $1,000,000, you must total the amounts of all increments that

b    Offering price includes a 5% sales charge.

The sales charge on Class A shares may be lower than 5%,  depending on the total

o    you now are investing in this Fund,

o    you have previously invested in this Fund, or

o    you and your primary  household  group are  investing  or have  invested in
     other American Express mutual funds that have a sales charge.  (The primary
     household  group  consists  of  accounts  in any  ownership  for spouses or
     domestic  partners and their  unmarried  children under 21. For purposes of
     this  policy,  domestic  partners  are  individuals  who  maintain a shared
     primary  residence and have joint property or other  insurable  interests.)
     AXP Tax-Free Money Fund and Class A shares of AXP Cash  Management  Fund do
     not have sales charges.

Other Class A sales charge policies:

o    IRA  purchases  or other  employee  benefit plan  purchases  made through a
     payroll  deduction  plan  or  through  a  plan  sponsored  by an  employer,
     association of employers, employee organization or other similar group, may
     be added together to reduce sales charges for all shares purchased  through
     that plan, and

o    if you  intend to invest $1  million  over a period of 13  months,  you can
     reduce the sales charges in Class A by filing a letter of intent.  For more
     details, please see the SAI.

Waivers of the sales charge for Class A shares

Sales charges do not apply to:

o    current or retired board members, officers or employees of the Fund or AEFC
     or its  subsidiaries,  their  spouses or domestic  partners  and  unmarried
     children under 21.

o    current or retired American Express  financial  advisors,  their spouses or
     domestic partners and unmarried children under 21.

o    investors  who  have  a  business  relationship  with  a  newly  associated
     financial  advisor who joined the Distributor from another  investment firm
     provided  that (1) the purchase is made within six months of the  advisor's
     appointment  date  with the  Distributor,  (2) the  purchase  is made  with
     proceeds  of shares sold that were  sponsored  by the  financial  advisor's
     previous broker-dealer, and (3) the proceeds are the result of a sale of an
     equal or greater value where a sales load was assessed.
o    qualified  employee  benefit plans  offering  participants  daily access to
     American  Express mutual funds.  Eligibility must be determined in advance.
     For assistance,  please contact your financial  advisor.  (Participants  in
     certain  qualified  plans where the initial  sales  charge is waived may be
     subject to a deferred sales charge of up to 4%.)
o    shareholders  who have at least $1 million  invested  in  American  Express
     mutual funds. If the investment is sold in the first year after purchase, a
     CDSC  of 1%  will  be  charged.  The  CDSC  will  be  waived  only  in  the
     circumstances described for waivers for Class B shares.
o    purchases  made  within 90 days  after a sale of shares  (up to the  amount

   -- of American Express mutual funds in a qualified plan subject to a deferred
      sales charge,  or

   -- in a qualified plan or account where American Express Trust Company has a
      recordkeeping, trustee, investment management, or investment servicing

Send the Fund a written request along with your payment, indicating the date and
the amount of the sale.

o    purchases made:

- --   with dividend or capital gain distributions from this Fund or from the same
     class of another American Express mutual fund that has a sales charge,

- --   through or under a wrap fee product or other investment  product  sponsored
     by the Distributor or another  broker-dealer,  investment advisor,  bank or
     investment professional,

- --   within the University of Texas System ORP,

- --   within a segregated  separate  account offered by Nationwide Life Insurance
     Company or Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company,

- --   within the University of Massachusetts After-Tax Savings Program,

- --   with the proceeds from IDS Life Real Estate Variable Annuity surrenders, or

- --   through or under a subsidiary of AEFC  offering  Personal  Trust  Services'
     Asset-Based pricing alternative.

Class B -- contingent  deferred sales charge (CDSC) alternative

A CDSC is based on the sale amount and the number of calendar years -- including
the year of purchase -- between purchase and sale. The following table shows how
CDSC percentages on sales decline after a purchase:

            If the sale is made during the:     The CDSC percentage rate is:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      First year                             5%
                      Second year                            4%
                      Third year                             4%
                      Fourth year                            3%
                      Fifth year                             2%
                      Sixth year                             1%
                      Seventh year                           0%

If the amount you are  selling  causes the value of your  investment  in Class B
shares to fall below the cost of the shares you have  purchased  during the last
six years including the current year, the CDSC is based on the lower of the cost
of those shares purchased or market value.


Assume you had invested  $10,000 in Class B shares and that your  investment had
appreciated in value to $12,000 after 15 months,  including reinvested dividends
and  capital  gain  distributions.  You could sell up to $2,000  worth of shares
without paying a CDSC ($12,000 current value less $10,000 purchase  amount).  If
you sold $2,500 worth of shares,  the CDSC would apply to the $500  representing
part of your original purchase price. The CDSC rate would be 4% because the sale
was made during the second year after the purchase.

Because  the CDSC is imposed  only on sales  that  reduce  your  total  purchase
payments,  you  never  have  to  pay  a  CDSC  on  any  amount  that  represents
appreciation  in the value of your  shares,  income  earned by your  shares,  or
capital  gains.  In  addition,  the CDSC rate on your sale will be based on your
oldest purchase  payment.  The CDSC on the next amount sold will be based on the
next oldest purchase payment.

The CDSC on Class B shares will be waived on sales of shares:

o    in the event of the shareholder's death,

o    held in trust for an employee benefit plan, or

o    held in IRAs or certain  qualified plans if American  Express Trust Company
     is the custodian, such as Keogh plans,  tax-sheltered custodial accounts or
     corporate pension plans, provided that the shareholder is:

     --   at least 59 1/2 years old AND

     --   taking a retirement distribution (if the sale is part of a transfer to
          an IRA or qualified plan, or a  custodian-to-custodian  transfer,  the
          CDSC will not be waived) OR

     --   selling  under  an  approved   substantially  equal  periodic  payment



You can  exchange  your Fund shares at no charge for shares of the same class of
any other publicly  offered  American  Express  mutual fund.  Exchanges into AXP
Tax-Free  Money  Fund  may  only  be made  from  Class A  shares.  For  complete
information on the other funds,  including  fees and expenses,  read that fund's
prospectus  carefully.  Your exchange will be priced at the next NAV  calculated
after it is accepted by that fund.

You may make up to three exchanges (1 1/2 round trips) within any 30-day period.
These limits do not apply to scheduled  exchange  programs and certain  employee
benefit plans. Exceptions may be allowed with pre-approval of the Fund.

Other exchange policies:

o    Exchanges must be made into the same class of shares of the new fund.

o    If your  exchange  creates  a new  account,  it must  satisfy  the  minimum
     investment amount for new purchases.

o    Once we receive your exchange request, you cannot cancel it.

o    Shares  of the  new  fund  may  not be used  on the  same  day for  another

o    If your  shares are pledged as  collateral,  the  exchange  will be delayed
     until AECSC receives written approval from the secured party.

AECSC and the Fund reserve the right to reject any  exchange,  limit the amount,
or modify or  discontinue  the exchange  privilege,  to prevent abuse or adverse
effects on the Fund and its  shareholders.  For example,  if  exchanges  are too
numerous  or too large,  they may disrupt the Fund's  investment  strategies  or
increase its costs.

Selling Shares

You can sell your shares at any time.  The payment  will be mailed  within seven
days after accepting your request.

When you sell shares, the amount you receive may be more or less than the amount
you invested. Your sale price will be the next NAV calculated after your request
is accepted by the Fund, minus any applicable CDSC.

You can  change  your mind  after  requesting  a sale and use all or part of the
proceeds to purchase new shares in the same account from which you sold.  If you
reinvest  in Class A, you will  purchase  the new shares at NAV rather  than the
offering  price on the date of a new  purchase.  If you reinvest in Class B, any
CDSC you paid on the amount you are reinvesting also will be reinvested. To take
advantage  of this option,  send a request  within 90 days of the date your sale
request was  received and include your account  number.  This  privilege  may be
limited or withdrawn at any time and may have tax consequences.

The Fund reserves the right to redeem in kind.

For more details and a description of other sales policies, please see the SAI.

           Two ways to request an exchange or sale of shares

To sell or exchange  shares held  through a brokerage  account or with  entities
other than American  Express  Financial  Advisors,  please  consult your selling
agent.  The following  section explains how you can exchange or sell shares held
with American Express Financial Advisors.

Requests  to sell  shares  of the  Fund  are  not  allowed  within  30 days of a
telephoned-in address change.

Important:  If you request a sale of shares you recently purchased by a check or
money order that is not guaranteed,  the Fund will wait for your check to clear.
It may take up to 10 days  from the date of  purchase  before  payment  is made.
(Payment may be earlier if your bank provides evidence  satisfactory to the Fund
and AECSC that your check has cleared.)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1 By letter:

Include in your letter:

o    the name of the fund(s),

o    the class of shares to be exchanged or sold,

o    your  mutual  fund  account  number(s)(for  exchanges,  both  funds must be
     registered in the same ownership),

o    your TIN,

o    the dollar amount or number of shares you want to exchange or sell,

o    signature(s) of all registered account owners,

o    for sales, indicate how you want your money delivered to you, and

o    any paper certificates of shares you hold.

Regular mail:
American Express Client Service Corporation
Attn: Transactions
P.O. Box 534
Minneapolis,  MN 55440-0534

Express mail:

American Express Client Service Corporation
Attn: Transactions
733 Marquette Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55402

2  By telephone:

American Express Client Service Corporation
Telephone Transaction Service

o    The Fund and AECSC will use reasonable  procedures to confirm  authenticity
     of telephone exchange or sale requests.

o    Telephone exchange and sale privileges  automatically apply to all accounts
     except  custodial,  corporate or  qualified  retirement  accounts.  You may
     request that these  privileges NOT apply by writing AECSC.  Each registered
     owner must sign the request.

o    Acting on your  instructions,  your financial advisor may conduct telephone
     transactions on your behalf.

o    Telephone privileges may be modified or discontinued at any time.

Minimum sale amount: $100  Maximum sale amount: $50,000

           Three ways to receive payment when you sell shares

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 1 By regular or express mail:

o    Mailed to the address on record.

o    Payable to names listed on the account.

NOTE:  The express  mail  delivery  charges you pay will vary  depending  on the
courier you select.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 2 By wire or electronic funds transfer:

o    Minimum wire: $1,000.

o    Request that money be wired to your bank.

o    Bank account must be in the same  ownership as the American  Express mutual
     fund account. NOTE:  Pre-authorization required. For instructions,  contact
     your financial advisor or AECSC.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 3 By scheduled payout plan:

o    Minimum payment: $50.

o    Contact  your  financial  advisor or AECSC to set up regular  payments on a
     monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual basis.

o    Purchasing  new shares  while  under a payout  plan may be  disadvantageous
     because of the sales charges.

Distributions and Taxes

As a shareholder you are entitled to your share of the Fund's net income and net
gains.  The  Fund  distributes  dividends  and  capital  gains to  qualify  as a
regulated  investment  company and to avoid paying  corporate  income and excise


The Fund's net investment  income is  distributed  to you as dividends.  Capital
gains are realized  when a security is sold for a higher price than was paid for
it. Each realized  capital gain or loss is long-term or short-term  depending on
the length of time the Fund held the security. Realized capital gains and losses
offset  each  other.  The Fund  offsets any net  realized  capital  gains by any
available capital loss carryovers.  Net short-term capital gains are included in
net  investment  income.  Net  realized  long-term  capital  gains,  if any, are
distributed by the end of the calendar year as capital gain distributions.  As a
result of the Fund's goal and investment strategies, distributions from the Fund
may consist of a significant amount of capital gains.

Dividends  and  capital  gain  distributions  are  automatically  reinvested  in
additional  shares  in  the  same  class  of the  Fund,  unless:

o    you request distributions in cash, or

o    you direct the Fund to invest your  distributions  in the same class of any
     publicly offered American Express mutual fund for which you have previously
     opened an account.

We  reinvest  the  distributions  for you at the next  calculated  NAV after the
distribution is paid.

If you choose cash  distributions,  you will receive cash only for distributions
declared after your request has been processed.


Distributions  are subject to federal income tax and may be subject to state and
local taxes in the year they are declared. You must report distributions on your
tax returns, even if they are reinvested in additional shares.

If you buy shares shortly  before the record date of a distribution  you may pay
taxes on money  earned by the Fund before you were a  shareholder.  You will pay
the full  pre-distribution  price for the shares, then receive a portion of your
investment back as a distribution, which may be taxable.

For tax purposes, an exchange is considered a sale and purchase,  and may result
in a gain or loss. A sale is a taxable transaction.  If you sell shares for less
than their cost,  the  difference is a capital loss. If you sell shares for more
than their cost, the  difference is a capital gain.  Your gain may be short term
(for  shares  held for one year or less) or long term (for  shares held for more
than one year).

If you buy Class A shares of this or another  American  Express  mutual fund and
within 91 days exchange into this Fund,  you may not include the sales charge in
your  calculation  of tax  gain or  loss  on the  sale  of the  first  fund  you
purchased.  The sales charge may be included in the calculation of your tax gain
or loss on a subsequent sale of this Fund.

Selling shares held in an IRA or qualified retirement account may subject you to
federal  taxes,  penalties and reporting  requirements.  Please consult your tax

Important:  This information is a brief and selective summary of some of the tax
rules that apply to this Fund.  Because tax matters  are highly  individual  and
complex, you should consult a qualified tax advisor.

Master/Feeder Structure

This Fund uses a  master/feeder  structure.  This  means that the Fund (a feeder
fund) invests all of its assets in the Portfolio (the master fund). Other feeder
funds also  invest in the  Portfolio.  The  master/feeder  structure  offers the
potential  for  reduced  costs  because  it  spreads  fixed  costs of  portfolio
management  over a larger pool of assets.  The Fund may withdraw its assets from
the  Portfolio at any time if the Fund's board  determines  that it is best.  In
that event,  the board would  consider  what action  should be taken,  including
whether to hire an investment advisor to manage the Fund's assets directly or to
invest all of the Fund's assets in another pooled investment entity.  Here is an
illustration of the structure:

                       Investors buy shares in the Fund

                      The Fund buys units in the Portfolio

               The Portfolio invests in securities, such as stocks or bonds

Other feeders may include mutual funds and institutional accounts. These feeders
buy the Portfolio's  securities on the same terms and conditions as the Fund and
pay  their  proportionate  share of the  Portfolio's  expenses.  However,  their
operating  costs  and  sales  charges  are  different  from  those of the  Fund.
Therefore,  the  investment  returns for other  feeders are  different  from the
returns of the Fund.  Information about other feeders may be obtained by calling
American Express Financial Advisors at 800-AXP-SERV.

YEAR 2000

The Fund could be adversely  affected if the  computer  systems used by AEFC and
the Fund's  other  service  providers  do not  properly  process  and  calculate
date-related  information from and after Jan. 1, 2000.  While Year  2000-related
computer  problems could have a negative  effect on the Fund, AEFC is working to
avoid such problems and to obtain  assurances  from service  providers that they
are taking similar steps.

The companies,  governments or  international  markets in which the Fund invests
also may be adversely  affected by Year 2000  issues.  To the extent a portfolio
holding is adversely affected by a Year 2000 processing issue, the Fund's return
could be adversely affected.

The  investment  manager  of the  Portfolio  is AEFC,  located  at IDS Tower 10,
Minneapolis,  MN  55440-0010.  The  Portfolio  pays AEFC a fee for  managing its
assets.  The Fund pays its proportionate  share of the fee. Under the Investment
Management Services Agreement, the fee for the most recent fiscal year was 0.63%
of its average daily net assets.  Under the  agreement,  the Portfolio also pays
taxes,  brokerage commissions and nonadvisory  expenses.  AEFC is a wholly-owned
subsidiary  of American  Express  Company,  a financial  services  company  with
headquarters at American  Express Tower,  World Financial  Center,  New York, NY

Financial Highlights

Fiscal period ended July 31,

 Per share income and capital changesa

                                                                      Class A

                                             1999           1998      1997      1996           1995

Net asset value, beginning of period         $36.58         $35.47    $23.16    $21.50         $17.39

Income from investment operations:

Net investment income (loss)                 (.03)          (.07)     (.05)      --             .03

Net gains (losses) (both realized and
unrealized)                                  7.29           2.14      13.04     2.81           5.63

Total from investment operations             7.26           2.07      12.99     2.81           5.66

Less distributions:

Dividends from net investment income         --             --        --        (.01)          (.04)

Distributions from realized gains            (1.70)        (.96)     (.68)     (1.14)          (1.51)

Total distributions                          (1.70)         (.96)    (.68)      (1.15)         (1.55)

Net asset value, end of period               $42.14         $36.58   $35.47     $23.16         $21.50

Ratios/supplemental data

Net assets, end of period (in millions)      $4,576         $3,681    $3,215    $1,871         $1,380

Ratio of expenses to average daily net
assetsb                                      .89%           .87%       .97%     1.04%          .93%

Ratio of net investment income (loss)

to average daily net assets                  (.08%)         (.22%)    (.18%)    --%           .18%

Portfolio turnover rate

(excluding short-term securities)            17%            28%       24%       22%            30%

Total returnc                                20.49%         6.32%     57.00%    13.29%         35.15%

a    For a share outstanding throughout the period. Rounded to the nearest cent.

b    Effective fiscal year 1996, expense ratio is based on total expenses of the
     Fund before reduction of earnings credits on cash balances.

c    Total return does not reflect payment of a sales charge.

 Fiscal period ended July 31,
 Per share income and capital changesa

                                       Class B                                  Class Y

                              1999      1998      1997      1996      1995b     1999      1998      1997      1996      1995b
Net asset value,
beginning of period           $35.61    $34.82    $22.92    $21.45    $17.85    $36.74    $35.60    $23.21    $21.51    $17.85

Income from investment operations:

Net investment
income (loss)                 (.28)     (.29)     (.22)     (.02)     (.03)     --        (.04)     (.01)     .01       .03

Net gains (losses) (both
realized and unrealized)      7.02      2.04      12.80     2.63      3.63      7.33      2.14      13.08     2.85      3.63

Total from investment
operations                    6.74      1.75      12.58     2.61      3.60      7.33      2.10      13.07     2.86      3.66

Less distributions:

Dividends from net
investment income             --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --        (.02)     --

Distributions from
realized gains                (1.70)    (.96)     (.68)    (1.14)     --        (1.70)    (.96)     (.68)     (1.14)    --

Total distributions           (1.70)    (.96)     (.68)    (1.14)     --        (1.70)    (.96)     (.68)     (1.16)    --

Net asset value,
end of period                 $40.65    $35.61    $34.82    $22.92    $21.45    $42.37    $36.74    $35.60    $23.21    $21.51
 Ratios/supplemental data

Net assets, end of period
(in millions)                 $1,458    $1,021    $713      $281      $38       $914      $582      $179      $29       $8

Ratio of expenses to
average daily net assetsc     1.65%     1.63%     1.74%     1.82%     1.76%d    .80%      .80%      .85%      .88%      0.85%d

Ratio of net investment
income (loss) to average
daily net assets              (.85%)    (.97%)    (.94%)    (.80%)    (.70%)d   --%      (.12%)     (.07%)    .13%      .26%d

Portfolio turnover rate
(excluding short-term
securities)                   17%       28%       24%       22%       30%       17%       28%       24%       22%       30%

Total returne                 19.58%    5.52%     55.81%    12.43%    20.20%    20.59%    6.40%     57.23%    13.40%    20.50%

a    For a share outstanding throughout the period. Rounded to the nearest cent.

b    Inception date was March 20, 1995.

c    Effective fiscal year 1996, expense ratio is based on total expenses of the
     Fund before reduction of earnings credits on cash balances.

d    Adjusted to an annual basis.

e    Total return does not reflect payment of a sales charge.

The  information  in these  tables  has been  audited  by KPMG LLP,  independent
auditors.  The independent auditor's report and additional information about the
performance of the Fund are contained in the Fund's annual report which,  if not
included with this prospectus, may be obtained without charge.

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This Fund,  along with the other  American  Express  funds,  is  distributed  by
American  Express  Financial  Advisors Inc. and can  purchased  from an American
Express  financial  advisor or from  other  authorized  broker-dealers  or third
parties.  The funds can be found under the "Amer Express"  banner in most mutual
fund quotations.

Additional  information  about the Fund and its  investments is available in the
Fund's Statement of Additional  Information (SAI), annual and semiannual reports
to  shareholders.  In the Fund's  annual  report,  you will find a discussion of
market conditions and investment strategies that significantly affected the Fund
during its last  fiscal  year.  The SAI is  incorporated  by  reference  in this
prospectus.  For a free copy of the SAI,  the  annual  report or the  semiannual
report   contact  your  selling  agent  or  American   Express   Client  Service

American Express Client Service Corporation
P.O. Box 534, Minneapolis, MN 55440-0534
800-862-7919 TTY: 800-846-4852
Web site address:

You may review and copy  information  about the Fund,  including the SAI, at the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission's  (Commission)  Public  Reference  Room in
Washington,   D.C.  (for  information  about  the  public  reference  room  call
1-800-SEC-0330).  Reports and other  information about the Fund are available on
the Commission's Internet site at Copies of this information
may be obtained by writing and paying a duplicating fee to the Public  Reference
Section of the Commission, Washington, D.C. 20549-6009.

Investment Company Act File #811-2111

Class A: INIDX    Class B: IGRBX    Class Y: IGRYX
S-6455-99 P (9/99)


Independent Auditors' Report


We have  audited the  accompanying  statement of assets and  liabilities  of AXP
Growth Fund (a series of AXP Growth  Series,  Inc.) as of July 31, 1999, and the
related  statement of  operations  for the year then ended,  the  statements  of
changes in net assets for each of the years in the  two-year  period then ended,
and the financial highlights for each of the years in the five-year period ended
July 31, 1999. These financial  statements and the financial  highlights are the
responsibility of fund management.  Our  responsibility is to express an opinion
on these financial statements and the financial highlights based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable  assurance  about whether the financial  statements and the financial
highlights are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects,  the financial position of AXP Growth Fund as of July 31,
1999,  and the  results  of its  operations,  changes  in its net assets and the
financial  highlights for the periods stated in the first  paragraph  above,  in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

    Minneapolis, Minnesota
    September 3, 1999

Financial Statements

Statement of assets and liabilities
AXP Growth Fund

July 31, 1999

Investment in Growth Portfolio (Note 1)                                  $6,948,334,060

Accrued distribution fee                                                         73,714
Accrued service fee                                                               2,578
Accrued transfer agency fee                                                      21,712
Accrued administrative services fee                                               7,554
Other accrued expenses                                                          488,898
Total liabilities                                                               594,456
Net assets applicable to outstanding capital stock                       $6,947,739,604

Represented by
Capital stock-- $.01 par value (Note 1)                                  $    1,660,283
Additional paid-in capital                                                3,845,301,389
Accumulated net realized gain (loss)                                        135,918,376
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments                     2,964,859,556
Total -- representing net assets applicable to outstanding capital stock $6,947,739,604
Net assets applicable to outstanding shares: Class A                     $4,575,763,796
                                             Class B                     $1,457,944,915
                                             Class Y                     $  914,030,893
Net asset value per share of outstanding capital stock:
                                             Class A shares 108,594,621  $        42.14
                                             Class B shares  35,862,198  $        40.65
                                             Class Y shares  21,571,462  $        42.37

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Statement of operations

AXP Growth Fund
Year ended July 31, 1999

Investment income
Dividends                                                               $    29,248,050
Interest                                                                     18,068,103
   Less foreign taxes withheld                                                  (71,099)
Total income                                                                 47,245,054
Expenses (Note 2):
Expenses allocated from Growth Portfolio                                     31,402,338
Distribution fee
   Class A                                                                      990,355
   Class B                                                                    9,241,692
Transfer agency fee                                                           5,926,955
Incremental transfer agency fee
   Class A                                                                      296,769
   Class B                                                                      252,306
Service fee
   Class A                                                                    6,187,744
   Class B                                                                    1,855,241
   Class Y                                                                      716,746
Administrative services fees and expenses                                     2,363,210
Compensation of board members                                                    13,055
Printing and postage                                                            881,837
Registration fees                                                               550,122
Audit fees                                                                        8,750
Other                                                                            41,962
Total expenses                                                               60,729,082
   Earnings credits on cash balances (Note 2)                                  (178,874)
Total net expenses                                                           60,550,208
Investment income (loss) -- net                                             (13,305,154)

Realized and unrealized gain (loss) -- net
Net realized gain (loss) on security transactions                           135,947,987
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments       1,009,565,309
Net gain (loss) on investments                                            1,145,513,296
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations          $1,132,208,142

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Statements of changes in net assets
AXP Growth Fund

Year ended July 31,                                             1999           1998

Operations and distributions
Investment income (loss) -- net                           $  (13,305,154) $ (15,832,745)
Net realized gain (loss) on security transactions            135,947,987    329,053,735
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)
  on investments                                           1,009,565,309      7,415,824
                                                           -------------      ---------
Net increase  (decrease) in net assets  resulting
  from  operations                                         1,132,208,142    320,636,814
                                                           -------------    -----------
Distributions to shareholders from:
   Net realized gain
      Class A                                               (172,407,217)   (90,606,005)
      Class B                                                (52,235,570)   (22,988,716)
      Class Y                                                (29,774,192)    (7,852,912)
                                                             -----------     ----------
Total distributions                                         (254,416,979)  (121,447,633)
                                                            ------------   ------------

Capital share transactions (Note 3)
Proceeds from sales
   Class A shares (Note 2)                                 1,593,251,466  1,333,555,813
   Class B shares                                            381,473,406    338,050,707
   Class Y shares                                            461,488,618    488,734,157
Reinvestment of distributions at net asset value
   Class A shares                                            162,883,602     86,660,124
   Class B shares                                             51,981,272     22,898,191
   Class Y shares                                             29,774,192      7,852,912
Payments for redemptions
   Class A shares                                         (1,455,485,776)(1,090,747,624)
   Class B shares (Note 2)                                  (167,880,843)   (87,327,778)
   Class Y shares                                           (271,060,330)  (122,660,109)
                                                            ------------   ------------
Increase  (decrease)  in net assets from capital
  share  transactions                                        786,425,607    977,016,393
                                                             -----------    -----------
Total increase (decrease) in net  assets                   1,664,216,770  1,176,205,574
Net assets at beginning of year                            5,283,522,834  4,107,317,260
                                                           -------------  -------------
Net assets at end of year                                $ 6,947,739,604 $5,283,522,834
                                                         =============== ==============

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Notes to Financial Statements
AXP Growth Fund

The Fund is a series of AXP Growth  Series,  Inc.  and is  registered  under the
Investment  Company  Act  of  1940  (as  amended)  as  a  diversified,  open-end
management investment company. AXP Growth Series, Inc. has 10 billion authorized
shares of  capital  stock that can be  allocated  among the  separate  series as
designated by the board.

The Fund offers  Class A, Class B and Class Y shares.

o  Class A shares are sold with a front-end sales charge.
o  Class B shares may be  subject  to a  contingent  deferred  sales  charge and
   automatically  convert to Class A shares  during the ninth  calendar  year of
o  Class Y shares  have no  sales  charge  and are  offered  only to  qualifying
   institutional investors.

All classes of shares have identical  voting,  dividend and liquidation  rights.
The  distribution  fee,  incremental  transfer agency fee and service fee (class
specific  expenses)  differs among classes.  Income,  expenses (other than class
specific  expenses) and realized and  unrealized  gains or losses on investments
are allocated to each class of shares based upon its relative net assets.

Investment in Growth Portfolio
The Fund invests all of its assets in Growth Portfolio (the Portfolio), a series
of Growth Trust (the Trust),  an open-end  investment  company that has the same
objectives as the Fund.  The Portfolio  invests  primarily in stocks of U.S. and
foreign companies that appear to offer growth opportunities.

The Fund  records  daily  its  share of the  Portfolio's  income,  expenses  and
realized  and  unrealized  gains and losses.  The  financial  statements  of the
Portfolio  are  included  elsewhere  in  this  report  and  should  be  read  in
conjunction with the Fund's financial statements.

The Fund records its  investment  in the Portfolio at the value that is equal to
the Fund's  proportionate  ownership interest in the Portfolio's net assets. The
percentage  of the  Portfolio  owned by the Fund as of July 31, 1999 was 99.66%.
Valuation  of  securities  held by the  Portfolio  is discussed in Note 1 of the
Portfolio's "Notes to financial statements" (included elsewhere in this report).

Use of estimates
Preparing  financial  statements that conform to generally  accepted  accounting
principles   requires   management  to  make  estimates  (e.g.,  on  assets  and
liabilities) that could differ from actual results.

Federal taxes
The Fund's  policy is to comply with all sections of the  Internal  Revenue Code
that  apply to  regulated  investment  companies  and to  distribute  all of its
taxable income to the shareholders. No provision for income or excise taxes is
thus required.

Net  investment  income  (loss) and net realized  gains  (losses) may differ for
financial  statement and tax purposes  primarily  because of deferred  losses on
certain futures  contracts,  the  recognition of certain foreign  currency gains
(losses) as ordinary income (loss) for tax purposes,  and losses deferred due to
"wash sale"  transactions.  The character of distributions  made during the year
from net investment  income or net realized gains may differ from their ultimate
characterization  for federal  income tax purposes.  Also,  due to the timing of
dividend  distributions,  the fiscal year in which amounts are  distributed  may
differ from the year that the income or realized gains (losses) were recorded by
the Fund.

On the statement of assets and liabilities, as a result of permanent book-to-tax
differences,   undistributed   net  investment  income  has  been  increased  by
$13,305,154 and paid-in capital has been decreased by $13,305,154.

Dividends to shareholders
An annual dividend from net investment  income,  declared and paid at the end of
the calendar  year, is reinvested in additional  shares of the Fund at net asset
value or payable in cash.  Capital gains, when available,  are distributed along
with the income dividend.

In addition to the expenses  allocated from the Portfolio,  the Fund accrues its
own expenses as follows:

The Fund has an agreement with American Express Financial  Corporation (AEFC) to
provide administrative services. Under an Administrative Services Agreement, the
Fund pays AEFC a fee for administration and accounting  services at a percentage
of the Fund's  average  daily net assets in reducing  percentages  from 0.05% to
0.03% annually.  Additional administrative service expenses paid by the Fund are
office expenses,  consultants'  fees and compensation of officers and employees.
Under this  agreement,  the Fund also pays taxes,  audit and certain legal fees,
registration  fees for shares,  compensation of board members,  corporate filing
fees,  and any other expenses  properly  payable by the Fund and approved by the

Under a separate  Transfer  Agency  Agreement,  American  Express Client Service
Corporation (AECSC) maintains  shareholder  accounts and records.  The Fund pays
AECSC an annual fee per shareholder account for this service as follows:

o Class A $19
o Class B $20
o Class Y $17

Under  terms of a prior  agreement  that ended Jan.  31,  1999,  the Fund paid a
transfer agency fee at an annual rate per shareholder account of $15 for Class A
and $16 for Class B. Under terms of a prior agreement that ended March 31, 1999,
the Fund paid a transfer agency fee at an annual rate per shareholder account of
$15 for Class Y.

The Fund has  agreements  with  American  Express  Financial  Advisors  Inc. for
distribution   and  shareholder   services.   Under  a  Plan  and  Agreement  of
Distribution  (the Plan),  the Fund pays a distribution fee at an annual rate up
to 0.25% of the Fund's average daily net assets  attributable  to Class A shares
and up to 1.00% for Class B shares.  The Plan  went into  effect  July 1,  1999.
Under terms of a prior Plan and Agreement of Distribution  (the Prior Plan) that

June 30, 1999, the Fund paid a distribution  fee for Class B shares at an annual
rate up to 0.75% of average  daily net assets.  The Prior Plan was not effective
with respect to Class A shares.

Under a Shareholder  Service  Agreement,  the Fund's Class Yshares pay a fee for
service  provided to  shareholders  by financial  advisors  and other  servicing
agents. The fee is calculated at a rate of 0.10% of the Fund's average daily net
assets  attributable  to Class Y shares.  Under terms of a prior  agreement that
ended June 30,  1999,  the Fund paid a  shareholder  service fee for Class A and
Class B shares at a rate of 0.175% of average daily net assets.  Effective  July
1, 1999,  the agreement for Class A and Class B shares was converted to the Plan
and Agreement of Distribution discussed above.

Sales  charges  received  by  American  Express  Financial   Advisors  Inc.  for
distributing Fund shares were $11,561,743 for Class A and $1,012,923 for Class B
for the year ended July 31, 1999.

During the year ended  July 31,  1999,  the  Fund's  transfer  agency  fees were
reduced  by  $178,874  as a result  of  earnings  credits  from  overnight  cash

Transactions in shares of capital stock for the years indicated are as follows:

                                          Year ended July 31, 1999
                               Class A            Class B          Class Y
Sold                         42,090,006         10,280,610       12,052,825
Issued for reinvested
  distributions               4,405,749          1,450,211          801,761
Redeemed                    (38,533,190)        (4,540,479)      (7,109,224)
                            -----------         ----------       ----------
Net increase (decrease)       7,962,565          7,190,342        5,745,362

                                         Year ended July 31, 1998
                               Class A             Class B         Class Y
Sold                         38,522,405          9,983,484       14,058,750
Issued for reinvested
  distributions               2,812,368            759,904          253,811
Redeemed                    (31,346,336)        (2,553,367)      (3,507,138)
                            -----------         ----------       ----------
Net increase (decrease)       9,988,437          8,190,021       10,805,423

The Fund has a revolving credit agreement with U.S. Bank, N.A., whereby the Fund
is permitted to have bank borrowings for temporary or emergency purposes to fund
shareholder redemptions. The Fund must have asset coverage for borrowings not to
exceed the  aggregate  of 333% of advances  equal to or less than five  business
days plus 367% of advances over five business days. The agreement, which enables
the Fund to participate with other American Express funds, permits borrowings up
to $200  million,  collectively.  Interest  is charged to each Fund based on its
borrowings  at a  rate  equal  to the  Federal  Funds  Rate  plus  0.30%  or the
Eurodollar Rate (Reserve  Adjusted) plus 0.20%.  Borrowings are payable up to 90
days after such loan is executed.  The Fund also pays a commitment  fee equal to
its pro rata share of the amount of the credit  facility  at a rate of 0.05% per
annum.  The Fund had no  borrowings  outstanding  during the year ended July 31,

"Financial highlights" showing per share data and selected financial information
are presented on pages 28 and 29 of the prospectus.

Independent Auditors' Report

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities,  including
the schedule of  investments  in  securities,  of Growth  Portfolio (a series of
Growth Trust) as of July 31, 1999,  the related  statement of operations for the
year then  ended and the  statements  of  changes  in net assets for each of the
years in the two-year period ended July 31, 1999. These financial statements are
the responsibility of portfolio management.  Our responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included
confirmation of securities owned as of July 31, 1999, by correspondence with the
custodian.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting  principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of Growth Portfolio as of July 31,
1999,  and the results of its  operations  and the changes in its net assets for
the periods stated in the first  paragraph  above,  in conformity with generally
accepted accounting principles.

     Minneapolis, Minnesota
     September 3, 1999

Financial Statements

Statement of assets and liabilities
Growth Portfolio

July 31, 1999

Investments in securities, at value (Note 1):
   Investment  in   securities  of   unaffiliated
   issuers   (identified   cost $3,929,816,861)                          $6,904,483,965
   Investment in securities of affiliated issuers
   (identified cost $60,266,600)                                             64,125,000
Total investments in securities (identified cost $3,990,083,461)          6,968,608,965
Cash in bank on demand deposit                                                  213,062
Dividends and accrued interest receivable                                     3,503,000
Total assets                                                              6,972,325,027

Accrued investment management services fee                                      107,114
Other accrued expenses                                                           69,420
Total liabilities                                                               176,534
Net assets                                                               $6,972,148,493

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Statement of operations

Growth Portfolio
Year ended July 31, 1999

Investment income
Dividend                                                                  $  29,359,999
Interest                                                                     18,102,948
   Less foreign taxes withheld                                                  (71,371)
Total income                                                                 47,391,576
Expenses (Note 2):
Investment management services fee                                           31,067,869
Compensation of board members                                                    21,256
Custodian fees                                                                  340,609
Audit fees                                                                       26,250
Other                                                                            73,854
Total expenses                                                               31,529,838
   Earnings credits on cash balances (Note 2)                                    (7,674)
Total net expenses                                                           31,522,164
Investment income (loss) -- net                                              15,869,412

Realized and unrealized gain (loss) -- net
Net realized gain (loss) on security transactions
   (including loss of $18,604,351 on sale of affiliated issuers) (Note 3)   136,823,917
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments       1,012,968,938
Net gain (loss) on investments                                            1,149,792,855
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations          $1,165,662,267

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Statements of changes in net assets

Growth Portfolio
Year ended July 31,                                              1999          1998

Investment income (loss)-- net                            $   15,869,412   $  5,304,359
Net realized gain (loss) on investments                      136,823,917    330,872,649
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation)
   on investments                                          1,012,968,938      6,947,483
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from
   operations                                              1,165,662,267    343,124,491
Net contributions (withdrawals) from partners                500,388,589    831,889,423
Total increase (decrease) in net assets                    1,666,050,856  1,175,013,914
Net assets at beginning of year                            5,306,097,637  4,131,083,723
Net assets at end of year                                 $6,972,148,493 $5,306,097,637

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Notes to Financial Statements
Growth Portfolio

Growth  Portfolio (the Portfolio) is a series of Growth Trust (the Trust) and is
registered  under  the  Investment  Company  Act  of  1940  (as  amended)  as  a
diversified,  open-end management  investment company.  Growth Portfolio invests
primarily  in stocks of U.S. and foreign  companies  that appear to offer growth
opportunities.   The   Declaration  of  Trust  permits  the  Trustees  to  issue
non-transferable interests in the Portfolio.

The Portfolios' significant accounting policies are summarized below:

Use of estimates
Preparing  financial  statements that conform to generally  accepted  accounting
principles   requires   management  to  make  estimates  (e.g.,  on  assets  and
liabilities) that could differ from actual results.

Valuation of securities
All securities are valued at the close of each business day.  Securities  traded
on national  securities  exchanges  or included in national  market  systems are
valued at the last quoted sales price.  Debt securities are generally  traded in
the  over-the-counter  market and are valued at a price that reflects fair value
as quoted by dealers in these  securities or by an independent  pricing service.
Securities for which market  quotations are not readily  available are valued at
fair value according to methods selected in good faith by the board.  Short-term
securities  maturing in more than 60 days from the valuation  date are valued at
the market price or approximate  market value based on current  interest  rates;
those maturing in 60 days or less are valued at amortized cost.

Option transactions
To produce incremental earnings, protect gains and facilitate buying and selling
of securities for investments, the Portfolio may buy and write options traded on
any U.S. or foreign exchange or in the over-the-counter  market where completing
the  obligation  depends  upon the  credit  standing  of the  other  party.  The
Portfolio  also may buy and sell put and call  options  and write  covered  call
options on portfolio  securities as well as write cash-secured put options.  The
risk in writing a call option is that the Portfolio gives up the opportunity for
profit if the market price of the security increases.  The risk in writing a put
option  is that  the  Portfolio  may  incur a loss if the  market  price  of the
security decreases and the option is exercised.  The risk in buying an option is
that the Portfolio  pays a premium  whether or not the option is exercised.  The
Portfolio also has the  additional  risk of being unable to enter into a closing
transaction if a liquid secondary market does not exist.

Option  contracts  are  valued  daily at the  closing  prices  on their  primary
exchanges and unrealized appreciation or depreciation is recorded. The Portfolio
will realize a gain or loss when the option transaction  expires or closes. When
an option is  exercised,  the proceeds on sales for a written  call option,  the
purchase cost for a written put option or the cost of a security for a purchased
put or call option is adjusted by the amount of premium received or paid.

Futures transactions
To gain exposure to or protect itself from market changes, the Portfolio may buy
and sell financial futures contracts traded on any U.S. or foreign exchange. The
Portfolio  also  may buy and  write  put  and  call  options  on  these  futures
contracts.  Risks of entering into futures contracts and related options include
the  possibility  of an  illiquid  market  and that a change in the value of the
contract or option may not correlate with changes in the value of the underlying

Upon  entering  into a futures  contract,  the  Portfolio is required to deposit
either  cash or  securities  in an amount  (initial  margin)  equal to a certain
percentage of the contract value.  Subsequent  payments  (variation  margin) are
made or received by the Portfolio  each day. The variation  margin  payments are
equal to the daily changes in the contract  value and are recorded as unrealized
gains and losses.  The  Portfolio  recognizes  a realized  gain or loss when the
contract is closed or expires.

Foreign currency translations and foreign currency contracts
Securities and other assets and  liabilities  denominated in foreign  currencies
are translated daily into U.S. dollars.  Foreign currency amounts related to the
purchase or sale of  securities  and income and expenses are  translated  at the
exchange rate on the transaction date. The effect of changes in foreign exchange
rates on realized  and  unrealized  security  gains or losses is  reflected as a
component of such gains or losses. In the statement of operations,  net realized
gains or losses from foreign currency transactions, if any, may arise from sales
of foreign currency, closed forward contracts, exchange gains or losses realized
between the trade date and settlement date on securities transactions, and other
translation   gains  or  losses  on  dividends,   interest  income  and  foreign
withholding taxes.

The Portfolio may enter into forward  foreign  currency  exchange  contracts for
operational  purposes and to protect against adverse exchange rate  fluctuation.
The net U.S.  dollar  value  of  foreign  currency  underlying  all  contractual
commitments held by the Portfolio and the resulting  unrealized  appreciation or
depreciation  are  determined  using  foreign  currency  exchange  rates from an
independent  pricing  service.  The Portfolio is subject to the credit risk that
the other party will not complete its contract obligations.

Federal taxes
For federal  income tax purposes the Portfolio  qualifies as a  partnership  and
each  investor  in the  Portfolio  is treated as the owner of its  proportionate
share of the net assets, income,  expenses and realized and unrealized gains and
losses of the Portfolio.  As a "pass-through"  entity,  the Portfolio  therefore
does not pay any income dividends or capital gain distributions.

Security  transactions are accounted for on the date securities are purchased or
sold. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date and interest income,
including level-yield amortization of premium and discount, is accrued daily.

The Trust,  on behalf of the Portfolio,  has an Investment  Management  Services
Agreement  with  AEFC to  manage  its  portfolio.  Under  this  agreement,  AEFC
determines which securities will be purchased,  held or sold. The management fee
is a  percentage  of the  Portfolio's  average  daily  net  assets  in  reducing
percentages  from 0.6% to 0.5% annually.  The fees may be increased or decreased
by a performance  adjustment based on a comparison of the performance of Class A
shares of the AXP Growth  Fund to the Lipper  Growth  Fund  Index.  The  maximum
adjustment  is 0.12% of the  Portfolio's  average  daily net assets on an annual
basis.  The  adjustment  decreased the fee by $1,358,693 for the year ended July
31, 1999.

Under the  agreement,  the Trust  also pays  taxes,  brokerage  commissions  and
nonadvisory  expenses,  which include  custodian  fees,  audit and certain legal
fees,  fidelity bond premiums,  registration  fees for units,  office  expenses,
consultants'  fees,  compensation of trustees,  corporate filing fees,  expenses
incurred in  connection  with lending  securities of the Portfolio and any other
expenses properly payable by the Trust or Portfolio and approved by the board.

During the year ended July 31, 1999, the Portfolio's custodian fees were reduced
by $7,674 as a result of earnings  credits from  overnight  cash  balances.  The
Portfolio  also pays  custodian  fees to  American  Express  Trust  Company,  an
affiliate of AEFC.

According to a Placement Agency Agreement,  American Express Financial  Advisors
Inc. acts as placement agent of the Trust's units.

Cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of securities  (other than  short-term
obligations) aggregated $1,490,372,501 and $1,000,931,993, respectively, for the
year ended July 31, 1999. For the same period,  the portfolio  turnover rate was
17%. Realized gains and losses are determined on an identified cost basis.

Brokerage commissions paid to brokers affiliated with AEFC were $291,000 for the
year ended July 31, 1999.

Income from securities  lending amounted to $166,787 for the year ended July 31,
1999. The risks to the Portfolio of securities lending are that the borrower may
not provide  additional  collateral  when required or return the securities when

Investments in Securities

Growth Portfolio
July 31, 1999

(Percentages represent value of investments compared to net assets)

Common stocks (95.6%)
Issuer                                                     Shares             Value(a)

Airlines (1.2%)
Southwest Airlines                                        4,500,000         $83,250,000

Automotive & related (0.4%)
Gentex                                                    1,000,000(b)       26,062,500

Banks and savings & loans (5.6%)
Bank of America                                           1,957,920         129,956,940
BankBoston                                                2,500,000         117,343,750
Washington Mutual                                         4,250,000         145,828,125
Total                                                                       393,128,815

Beverages & tobacco (2.4%)
Coca-Cola                                                 2,781,700         167,771,281

Chemicals (2.4%)
Monsanto                                                  1,600,000          62,600,000
Waste Management                                          3,975,000         101,610,938
Total                                                                       164,210,938

Communications equipment & services (7.8%)
Andrew Corp                                               1,100,000(b)       22,000,000
MasTec                                                    1,800,000(b,d)     64,125,000
Nokia Oyj ADR Cl A                                          920,000(c)       78,257,500
Tellabs                                                   6,200,000(b)      381,687,500
Total                                                                       546,070,000

Computer software (5.2%)
Microsoft                                                 4,200,000(b)      360,412,500

Computers & office equipment (21.4%)
America Online                                              800,000(b)       76,100,000
Cisco Systems                                             6,200,000(b)      385,174,999
Compaq Computer                                           1,000,000          24,000,000
EMC                                                       5,200,000(b)      314,925,000
Hewlett-Packard                                           1,000,000         104,687,500
Intl Business Machines                                    2,600,000         326,787,500
Keane                                                     1,800,000(b)       41,512,500
Lexmark Intl Group Cl A                                   1,000,000(b)       63,000,000
Solectron                                                   925,000(b)       59,604,688
Yahoo!                                                      700,000(b)       95,506,250
Total                                                                     1,491,298,437

Electronics (14.4%)
Applied Materials                                         3,000,000(b)      215,812,500
Broadcom Cl A                                               200,000(b)       24,100,000
Intel                                                     3,000,000         207,000,000
Maxim Integrated Products                                 2,400,000(b)      153,750,000
STMicroelectronics                                        1,000,000(c)       70,500,000
Texas Instruments                                         2,300,000         331,200,000
Total                                                                     1,002,362,500

Energy (1.6%)
Anadarko Petroleum                                        3,000,000         114,562,500

Energy equipment & services (2.7%)
Halliburton                                               1,500,000          69,187,500
Schlumberger                                              2,000,000(c)      121,125,000
Total                                                                       190,312,500

Financial services (5.1%)
Citigroup                                                 5,250,000         233,953,125
Merrill Lynch & Co                                        1,800,000         122,512,500
Total                                                                       356,465,625

Furniture & appliances (0.7%)
Ethan Allen Interiors                                     1,521,000          48,291,750

Health care (6.6%)
Boston Scientific                                         2,000,000(b)       81,125,000
Johnson & Johnson                                           700,000          64,487,500
Medtronic                                                   500,000          36,031,250
Pfizer                                                    4,800,000         162,900,000
Warner-Lambert                                            1,800,000         118,800,000
Total                                                                       463,343,750

Health care services (0.8%)
HEALTHSOUTH Rehabilitation                                4,800,000(b)       58,800,000

Household products (2.3%)
Avon Products                                             2,500,000         113,750,000
ServiceMaster                                             2,650,000          47,700,000
Total                                                                       161,450,000

Industrial equipment & services (0.7%)
Deere & Co                                                1,200,000          45,900,000

Insurance (0.5%)
UnumProvident                                               730,000          37,777,500

Leisure time & entertainment (0.8%)
Harley-Davidson                                           1,000,000          55,375,000

Multi-industry conglomerates (3.5%)
Apollo Group Cl A                                         1,800,000(b)       46,350,000
Tyco Intl                                                 2,000,000(c)      195,375,000
Total                                                                       241,725,000

Restaurants & lodging (1.3%)
Marriott Intl Cl A                                        2,600,000          91,162,500

Retail (2.2%)
Home Depot                                                2,400,000         153,150,000

Utilities -- telephone (6.0%)
AT&T                                                      1,800,000          93,487,500
MCI WorldCom                                              3,900,000(b)      321,750,000
Total                                                                       415,237,500

Total common stocks
(Cost: $3,667,634,991)                                                   $6,668,120,596

Bonds (2.1%)
Issuer                                        Coupon        Principal         Value(a)
                                               rate          amount

U.S. government obligations
Resolution Funding Corp
   Zero Coupon
   07-15-20                                    5.93%    $400,000,000(e)    $101,778,240
   10-15-20                                    6.03      185,000,000(e)      46,309,959

Total bonds
(Cost: $170,020,254)                                                       $148,088,199

Short-term securities (2.2%)
Issuer                                     Annualized      Amount              Value(a)
                                          yield on date  payable at
                                           of purchase    maturity

U.S. government agencies (1.1%)
Federal Home Loan Bank Disc Nt
   08-18-99                                    4.92%     $16,200,000        $16,157,908
Federal Home Loan Mtge Corp Disc Nts
   08-16-99                                    4.98        2,800,000          2,793,428
   09-16-99                                    4.99        6,100,000          6,059,658
   09-29-99                                    5.01        6,300,000          6,244,277
Federal Natl Mtge Assn Disc Nts
   08-24-99                                    5.06        1,500,000          1,494,750
   08-25-99                                    4.91       21,900,000         21,822,657
   09-02-99                                    5.05       11,000,000         10,944,669
   09-27-99                                    5.03       12,400,000         12,298,592
Total                                                                        77,815,939

Commercial paper (1.1%)
BMW US Capital
   08-13-99                                    4.99        1,200,000          1,197,676
   09-07-99                                    5.13        5,000,000          4,971,725
Ciesco LP
   09-14-99                                    5.15        7,400,000          7,351,588
   09-07-99                                    5.13        7,900,000          7,856,351
   08-10-99                                    4.83        1,200,000(f)       1,198,148
Delaware Funding
   08-06-99                                    5.11       10,000,000(f)       9,990,082
Falcon Asset
   08-12-99                                    5.21        5,000,000(f)       4,990,611
Fleet Funding
   08-10-99                                    5.11        5,000,000(f)       4,992,208
   08-20-99                                    5.12        4,600,000(f)       4,586,315
Intl Securitization
   08-18-99                                    5.13        7,800,000(f)       7,778,922
Sheffield Receivables
   08-04-99                                    5.13        5,900,000(f)       5,895,796
Variable Funding Capital
   08-05-99                                    5.11        5,000,000(f)       4,995,742
Windmill Funding
   09-10-99                                    5.15        2,800,000(f)       2,783,275
Xerox Credit
   08-04-99                                    5.05        6,000,000          5,995,792
Total                                                                        74,584,231

Total short-term securities
(Cost: $152,428,216)                                                       $152,400,170

Total investments in securities
(Cost: $3,990,083,461)(g)                                                $6,968,608,965

Notes to investments in securities

(a)  Securities  are valued by  procedures  described in Note 1 to the financial

(b) Non-income producing.

(c) Foreign security values are stated in U.S. dollars. As of July 31, 1999, the
value of foreign securities represented 6.67% of net assets.

(d) Investments  representing 5% or more of the outstanding voting securities of
the issuer.  Transactions  with companies that are or were affiliates during the
year ended July 31, 1999 are as follows:

 Issuer       Beginning      Purchase    Sales        Ending     Dividend      Value(a)
                cost           cost      cost          cost       income

First Health
  Group*     $65,389,879        $--   $65,389,879          $--      $--              $--

MasTec        60,266,600        --             --   60,266,600       --       64,125,000

Total       $125,656,479        $--   $65,389,879  $60,266,600       $--     $64,125,000

*Issuer was not an affiliate for the entire year ended July 31, 1999.

(e) For zero coupon bonds, the interest rate disclosed represents the annualized
effective yield on the date of acquisition.

(f) Commercial paper sold within terms of a private placement memorandum, exempt
from registration  under Section 4(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,
and may be sold only to dealers in that program or other "accredited investors."
This security has been determined to be liquid under  guidelines  established by
the board.

(g) At July 31, 1999, the cost of securities for federal income tax purposes was
$3,990,083,461 and the aggregate gross unrealized  appreciation and depreciation
based on that cost was:

Unrealized appreciation                        $3,239,085,037
Unrealized depreciation                          (260,559,533)
Net unrealized appreciation                    $2,978,525,504

AXPSM Research Opportunities Fund
Sept. 29, 1999


IDS Research  Opportunities  Fund seeks to provide  shareholders  with long-term
capital growth.

Please note that this Fund:

o    is not a bank deposit

o    is not federally insured

o    is not endorsed by any bank or  government  agency

o    is not guaranteed to achieve its goal

Like all mutual funds,  the Securities and Exchange  Commission has not approved
or disapproved  these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this prospectus.
Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.


Table of Contents

The Fund                               3p
Goal                                   3p
Investment Strategy                    3p
Risks                                  5p
Past Performance                       6p
Fees and Expenses                      8p
Management                             9p
Buying and Selling Shares              9p
Valuing Fund Shares                    9p
Investment Options                    10p
Purchasing Shares                     11p
Transactions Through Third Parties
Sales Charges                         14p
Exchanging/Selling Shares             18p
Distributions and Taxes               23p
Master/Feeder Structure               25p
Financial Highlights                  29p


icon of magnifying glass         Goal and  Investment  Strategy
                                 The Fund's particular investment goal and the
                                 strategies it intends to use in pursuing its

icon of die                      Risks
                                The major risk factors associated with the Fund.

icon of checkbook                Fees and  Expenses
                                 The overall costs incurred by an  investor in
                                 the Fund, including sales charges and annual

icon of folder                   Management
                                 The individual or group designated by the
                                 investment manager to handle the Fund's
                                 day-to-day management.

icon of umbrella                 Master/Feeder  Structure
                                 Describes the Fund's  investment  structure.

icon of stack of dollar bills    Financial Highlights
                                 Tables showing the Fund's financial


The Fund


AXP Research  Opportunities  Fund (the Fund) seeks to provide  shareholders with
long-term capital growth.  Because any investment involves risk,  achieving this
goal cannot be  guaranteed.  The Fund seeks to achieve its goal by investing all
of its assets in a master  portfolio  rather than by directly  investing  in and
managing its own portfolio of securities. The master portfolio has the same goal
and investment policies as the Fund.


The Fund primarily invests in securities of companies that comprise the Standard
& Poor's 500  Composite  Stock Price Index (S&P 500).  The Fund does not seek to
replicate the S&P 500. Rather,  it researches  securities within the universe of
S&P 500 stocks and invests in those that are believed to be  undervalued  or are
believed  to  offer  potential  for  long-term   growth.   Under  normal  market
conditions,  at least  65% of the  Fund's  assets  will be  invested  in  equity

The  selection  of  common  stocks  is the  primary  decision  in  building  the
investment portfolio.

In pursuit of the Fund's goal,  American Express Financial  Corporation  (AEFC),
the Fund's investment manager,  chooses investments by:

o    Identifying companies within the S&P 500 with:

     -- effective  management,
     -- financial  strength,
     -- competitive  market position, and
     -- growth  potential.

o    Utilizing the proprietary research rating system that AEFC has developed to
     rate  securities  on a daily basis based on each  company's  merits and its
     industry grouping(s).

o    Purchasing  those  securities  that carry the highest ratings (in doing so,
     AEFC  focuses  on those  securities  that  have  the  highest  ratings  and
     considers the sector or industry that the security  represents in assigning
     a weighting).

In evaluating whether to sell a security, AEFC considers, among
other factors, whether:

- -- the security is overvalued,
- -- the security has reached  AEFC's price  objective,
- -- the company has met AEFC's earnings and/or growth expectations,
- -- political, economic, or other events could affect the company's  performance,
- -- AEFC wishes to minimize  potential  losses (i.e., in a market  downturn),
- -- AEFC  wishes  to  lock-in  profits,  and
- -- AEFC identifies a more attractive opportunity.

Although not a primary  investment  strategy,  the Fund also may invest in other
instruments,  such as  money  market  securities,  preferred  stock,  derivative
instruments (typically S&P 500 futures) and convertible securities.

During  weak or  declining  markets,  the Fund may invest  more of its assets in
money  market  securities.  Although  the Fund  primarily  will  invest in these
securities to avoid losses,  this type of investing  also could prevent the Fund
from  achieving  its  investment  objective.  During these times,  AEFC may make
frequent  securities trades that could result in increased fees,  expenses,  and

For more  information  on strategies and holdings,  see the Fund's  Statement of
Additional Information (SAI) and the annual/semiannual reports.


This Fund is designed for investors with  above-average  risk tolerance.  Please
remember  that with any mutual fund  investment  you may lose  money.  Principal
risks associated with an investment in the Fund include:

Market Risk

Issuer Risk

Style Risk

Market Risk

The  market  may drop and you may lose  money.  Market  risk may affect a single
issuer,  sector of the economy,  industry,  or the market as a whole. The market
value  of  all  securities  may  move  up  and  down,   sometimes   rapidly  and

Issuer Risk

The risk that an  issuer,  or the value of its  stocks  or bonds,  will  perform
poorly. Poor performance may be caused by poor management decisions, competitive
pressures, breakthroughs in technology, reliance on suppliers, labor problems or
shortages, corporate restructurings, fraudulent disclosures, or other factors.

Style Risk

AEFC purchases  growth stocks based on the  expectation  that the companies will
have strong growth in earnings.  The price paid often  reflects an expected rate
of growth.  If that  growth  fails to occur,  the price of the stock may decline


The  following  bar chart  and table  indicate  the  risks  and  variability  of
investing in the Fund by showing:

o    how the Fund's  performance has varied for each full calendar year that the
     Fund has existed, and

o    how the Fund's average annual total returns compare to a recognized index.

How the Fund has  performed  in the past  does not  indicate  how the Fund  will
perform in the future.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Class A Performance (based on calendar years)

                                                       +26.20%     +23.37%
1989   1990   1991   1992   1993   1994   1995   1996   1997        1998
During the  period  shown in the bar chart,  the  highest  return for a calendar
quarter was +24.86%  (quarter  ending December 1998) and the lowest return for a
calendar quarter was -12.00% (quarter ending September 1998).

The 5% sales charge applicable to Class A shares of the Fund is not reflected in
the bar chart;  if  reflected,  returns  would be lower than  those  shown.  The
performance  of Class B and Class Y may vary from that  shown  above  because of
differences in sales charges and fees.

The Fund's year to date return as of June 30, 1999 was +12.06%.

Average Annual Total Returns (as of Dec. 31, 1998)

                                   1 year        Since inception
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Research Opportunities:
  Class A                         +17.20%                +22.09%a
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Class B                         +18.43%                +22.56%a
  Class Y                         +23.53%                +24.96%a
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
 S&P 500 Index                    +28.57%                +33.47%b

a Inception date was Aug 19, 1996.
b Measurement period started Sept. 1, 1996.

This table shows total returns from hypothetical investments in Class A, Class B
and Class Y shares of the Fund.  These  returns are  compared to the index shown
for the same  periods.  The  performance  of Classes A, B and Y vary  because of
differences in sales charges and fees.

For purposes of this calculation we assumed:

o    a sales charge of 5% for Class A shares,

o    sales at the end of the period and deduction of the  applicable  contingent
     deferred sales charge (CDSC) for Class B shares,

o    no sales charge for Class Y shares, and

o    no adjustments  for taxes paid by an investor on the reinvested  income and
     capital gains.

Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500 Index), an unmanaged list of common stocks,
is  frequently  used as a  general  measure  of  market  performance.  The index
reflects  reinvestment of all  distributions  and changes in market prices,  but
excludes brokerage commissions or other fees. However, the S&P 500 companies may
be generally larger than those in which the Fund invests.


Fund  investors  pay various  expenses.  The table below  describes the fees and
expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold shares of the Fund.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Shareholder Fees (fees paid directly from
your investment)
                                                Class A    Class B     Class Y
Maximum sales charge (load) imposed on
purchasesa (as a percentage of offering price)     5%        none       none

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Maximum deferred sales charge (load)
imposed on sales (as a percentage of
offering price at time of purchase)               none        5%         none

Annual Fund operating expensesb (expenses that are deducted from Fund assets) As
a percentage of average daily net assets:

                                           Class A       Class B      Class Y
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Management feesc                          0.63%         0.63%        0.63%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Distribution (12b-1) fees                 0.25%         1.00%        0.00%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Other expensesc                           0.33%         0.33%        0.40%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Total                                     1.21%         1.96%        1.03%

a This charge may be reduced  depending  on your total  investments  in American
Express mutual funds.  See "Sales  Charges."
b Both in this table and the following example,  fund operating expenses include
expenses  charged by both the Fund and its Master  Portfolio as described  under
"Management."  Expenses  for  Class A,  Class B and  Class Y are based on actual
expenses for the last fiscal year, restated to reflect current fees.
c Other expenses include an administrative  services fee, a shareholder services
fee for Class Y, a transfer agency fee and other nonadvisory expenses.


This  example is intended to help you compare the cost of  investing in the Fund
with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

Assume you invest $10,000 and the Fund earns a 5% annual  return.  The operating
expenses remain the same each year. If you hold your shares until the end of the
years shown, your costs would be:

               1 year           3 years           5 years          10 years
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Class Aa       $617           $   865            $1,133           $1,897
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Class Bb       $699            $1,016            $1,258           $2,095d
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Class Bc       $199           $   616            $1,058           $2,095d
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Class Y        $105           $   328           $   570           $1,264

a    Includes a 5% sales charge.
b    Assumes you sold your Class B shares at the end of the period and  incurred
     the applicable CDSC.
c    Assumes you did not sell your Class B shares at the end of the period.
d    Based on  conversion  of Class B shares to Class A shares in the ninth year
     of ownership.

This example does not represent actual expenses, past or future. Actual expenses
may be higher or lower than those shown.

The Fund's assets are invested in Aggressive  Growth  Portfolio (the Portfolio),
which is managed by AEFC. Keith Tufte, co-manager of the Portfolio,  joined AEFC
in 1990. He became  manager of the Portfolio and AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund in
November 1998. He also became director of  research-equities  in 1998.  Prior to
that he was manager of Equity Income Portfolio.  Jim Johnson,  co-manager of the
Portfolio,  joined  AEFCin  1994 as an  equity  quantitative  analyst.  He began
managing  portfolios for American  Express Asset Management Group in 1996. Prior
to  joining  AEFC,  he  worked  for  Piper  Capital   Management  as  an  equity
quantitative  analyst.  He currently  also serves as co-manager of AXP Blue Chip
Advantage Fund and manager of AXP Small Company Index Fund.

Buying and Selling Shares

The public  offering price for Class A is the net asset value (NAV) adjusted for
the sales charge. For Class B and Class Y, it is the NAV.

The NAV is the value of a single Fund share.  The NAV usually changes daily, and
is calculated at the close of business of the New York Stock Exchange,  normally
3 p.m.  Central  Standard  Time (CST),  each  business day (any day the New York
Stock Exchange is open).

The Fund's  investments are valued based on market  quotations,  or where market
quotations are not readily available, based on methods selected in good faith by
the board. If the Fund's  investment  policies permit it to invest in securities
that are listed on foreign stock  exchanges that trade on weekends or other days
when the Fund does not  price its  shares,  the value of the  Fund's  underlying
investments  may  change on days  when you  could not buy or sell  shares of the
Fund. Please see the SAI for further information.

1.  Class A shares  are sold to the  public  with a sales  charge at the time of
purchase and an annual distribution (12b-1) fee.

2. Class B shares are sold to the public with a CDSC and an annual  distribution
(12b-1) fee.

3. Class Y shares are sold to qualifying institutional investors without a sales
charge or distribution fee. Please see the SAI for information on eligibility to
purchase Class Y shares.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Investment options summary:
Class A               Maximum sales charge of 5%

                      Initial sales charge waived or reduced for certain

                      Annual distribution fee of 0.25% of average daily net

                      Lower annual expenses than Class B shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Class B               No  initial  sales  charge

                      CDSC on  shares  sold in the first six years(maximum
                      of 5% in first  year,  reduced  to 0% after  year  six)

                      CDSC  waived in certain circumstances

                      Shares convert to Class A in ninth year of ownership

                      Annual distribution fee of 1.00% of average daily net

                      Higher annual expenses than Class A shares
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y               No initial sales charge

                      No annual distribution fee

                      Service fee of 0.10% of average daily net assets

                      Available only to certain qualifying institutional
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* The Fund has adopted a plan under Rule 12b-1 of the Investment  Company Act of
1940 that allows it to pay distribution and servicing-related  fees for the sale
of Class A and Class B shares.  Because  these  fees are paid out of the  Fund's
assets on an on-going basis, the fees may cost long-term  shareholders more than
paying other types of sales charges imposed by some mutual funds.

Should you purchase Class A or Class B shares?

If your  investments  in American  Express  mutual funds total $250,000 or more,
Class A shares  may be the better  option.  If you  qualify  for a waiver of the
sales charge, Class A shares will be the best option.

If you  invest  less  than  $250,000,  consider  how long you plan to hold  your
shares.  Class B shares have a higher annual distribution fee and a CDSC for six
years.  To help  you  determine  what is best for you,  consult  your  financial

Class B  shares  convert  to  Class  A  shares  in the  ninth  calendar  year of
ownership.   Class  B  shares  purchased   through   reinvested   dividends  and
distributions  also will convert to Class A shares in the same proportion as the
other Class B shares.


To purchase  shares  through a  brokerage  account or from  entities  other than
American Express Financial Advisors Inc., please consult your selling agent. The
following  section  explains how you can purchase  shares from American  Express
Financial Advisors (the Distributor).

If you do not have a  mutual  fund  account,  you need to  establish  one.  Your
financial  advisor will help you fill out and submit an  application.  Once your
account is set up, you can choose among several convenient ways to invest.

When you  purchase  shares  for a new or  existing  account,  your order will be
priced at the next NAV  calculated  after your order is accepted by the Fund. If
your application  does not specify which class of shares you are purchasing,  we
will assume you are investing in Class A shares.

Important:  When you open an account,  you must provide  your  correct  Taxpayer
Identification  Number (TIN),  which is either your Social  Security or Employer
Identification number.

If you  do not  provide  the  correct  TIN,  you  could  be  subject  to  backup
withholding of 31% of taxable  distributions and proceeds from certain sales and
exchanges.  You also could be subject  to  further  penalties,  such as:

o    a $50 penalty for each failure to supply your correct TIN,

o    a civil  penalty of $500 if you make a false  statement  that results in no
     backup withholding, and

o    criminal penalties for falsifying information.

You also could be subject to backup  withholding if the IRS requires us to do so
because you failed to report required interest or dividends on your tax return.

How to determine the correct TIN


For this type of account:                   Use the Social Security or Employer Identification number of:

Individual or joint account                 The individual or one of the individuals listed on the joint

Custodian account of a minor                The minor
(Uniform Gifts/Transfers to Minors Act)

A revocable living trust                    The grantor-trustee (the person who puts the money into
the trust)

An irrevocable trust, pension trust or      The legal entity (not the personal representative or
estate                                      trustee,  unless no legal entity is designated in the account

Sole proprietorship                         The owner

Partnership                                 The partnership

Corporate                                   The corporation

Association, club or tax-exempt             The organization

For details on TIN requirements, contact your financial advisor to obtain a copy
of  federal  Form  W-9,   "Request  for  Taxpayer   Identification   Number  and

Three ways to invest

1 By mail:

Once your account has been established,  send your check with the account number
on it to:

American Express Funds
P.O. Box 74
Minneapolis, MN 55440-0074

Minimum amounts
Initial investment:        $2,000

Additional investments:    $100

Account balances:          $300

Qualified accounts:        none

If your account  balance  falls below $300,  you will be asked to increase it to
$300 or  establish a scheduled  investment  plan.  If you do not do so within 30
days, your shares can be sold and the proceeds mailed to you.

2 By scheduled investment plan:

Contact your financial advisor for assistance in setting up one of the following
scheduled plans:
o automatic payroll deduction,
o bank authorization,
o direct deposit of Social Security check, or
o other plan approved by the Fund.

Minimum amounts
Initial investment:        $100
Additional investments:    $50/mo. for qualified accounts; $100/mo. for
nonqualified accounts
Account balances:          none (on active plans with monthly payments)

If your  account  balance  is below  $2,000,  you must  make  payments  at least

3 By wire or electronic funds transfer: If you have an established account, you
may wire money to:

Norwest Bank Minnesota
Routing Transit No. 091000019

Give these instructions:
Credit American  Express  Financial  Advisors  Account  #0000030015 for personal
account # (your account  number) for (your name).  Please remember that you need
to provide all 10 digits.

If this  information is not included,  the order may be rejected,  and all money
received by the Fund, less any costs the Fund or American Express Client Service
Corporation (AECSC) incurs, will be returned promptly.

Minimum amounts
Each wire investment: $1,000

You may buy or sell shares through certain 401 (k) plans, banks, broker-dealers,
financial advisors or other investment  professionals.  These  organizations may
charge you a fee for this service and may have different  policies.  Some policy
differences  may  include  different  minimum   investment   amounts,   exchange
privileges,  fund  choices and cutoff  times for  investments.  The Fund and the
Distributor are not responsible for the failure of one of these organizations to
carry out its  obligations  to its  customers.  Some  organizations  may receive
compensation   from  the   Distributor  or  its   affiliates   for   shareholder
recordkeeping  and  similar   services.   When  authorized  by  the  Fund,  some
organizations may designate selected agents to accept purchase of sale orders on
the Fund's  behalf.  To buy or sell shares through third parties or determine if
there are policy  differences,  please  consult  your selling  agent.  For other
pertinent  information related to buying or selling shares,  please refer to the
appropriate section in the prospectus.

Class A -- initial sales charge alternative

When you purchase Class A shares, you pay a 5% sales charge on the first $50,000
of your total investment and less on investments after the first $50,000:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Total investment                   Sales charge as percentage of:a
                         Public offering priceb          Net amount invested
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Up to $50,000                    5.0%                          5.26%
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Next $50,000                     4.5                           4.71
 Next $400,000                    3.8                           3.95
 Next $500,000                    2.0                           2.04
$1,000,000 or more                0.0                           0.00
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

a To calculate the actual sales charge on an investment greater than $50,000 and
  less than $1,000,000, you must total the amounts of all increments that apply.
b Offering price includes a 5% sales charge.

The  sales charge on Class A shares may be lower than 5%, depending on the total

o    you now are investing in this Fund,
o    you have previously invested in this Fund, or
o    you and your primary  household  group are  investing  or have  invested in
     other American Express mutual funds that have a sales charge.  (The primary
     household  group  consists  of  accounts  in any  ownership  for spouses or
     domestic  partners and their  unmarried  children under 21. For purposes of
     this  policy,  domestic  partners  are  individuals  who  maintain a shared
     primary  residence and have joint property or other  insurable  interests.)
     AXP Tax-Free Money Fund and Class A shares of AXP Cash  Management  Fund do
     not have sales charges.

Other Class A sales charge policies:

o    IRA  purchases  or other  employee  benefit plan  purchases  made through a
     payroll  deduction  plan  or  through  a  plan  sponsored  by an  employer,
     association of employers, employee organization or other similar group, may
     be added together to reduce sales charges for all shares purchased  through
     that plan, and
o    if you  intend to invest $1  million  over a period of 13  months,  you can
     reduce the sales charges in Class A by filing a letter of intent.  For more
     details, please see the SAI.

Waivers of the sales charge for Class A shares
Sales charges do not apply to:

o    current or retired board members, officers or employees of the Fund or AEFC
     or its  subsidiaries,  their  spouses or domestic  partners  and  unmarried
     children under 21.
o    current or retired American Express  financial  advisors,  their spouses or
     domestic partners and unmarried children under 21.
o    investors  who  have  a  business  relationship  with  a  newly  associated
     financial  advisor who joined the Distributor from another  investment firm
     provided  that (1) the purchase is made within six months of the  advisor's
     appointment  date  with the  Distributor,  (2) the  purchase  is made  with
     proceeds  of shares sold that were  sponsored  by the  financial  advisor's
     previous broker-dealer, and (3) the proceeds are the result of a sale of an
     equal or greater value where a sales load was assessed.
o    qualified  employee  benefit plans  offering  participants  daily access to
     American  Express mutual funds.  Eligibility must be determined in advance.
     For assistance,  please contact your financial  advisor.  (Participants  in
     certain  qualified  plans where the initial  sales  charge is waived may be
     subject to a deferred sales charge of up to 4%.)
o    shareholders  who have at least $1 million  invested  in  American  Express
     mutual funds. If the investment is sold in the first year after purchase, a
     CDSC  of 1%  will  be  charged.  The  CDSC  will  be  waived  only  in  the
     circumstances described for waivers for Class B shares.
o    purchases  made  within 90 days  after a sale of shares  (up to the  amount

     --   of American  Experss  mutual  funds in a qualified  plan  subject to a
          deferred sales charge, or
     --   in a qualified  plan or account where  American  Express Trust Company
          has a recordkeeping,  trustee,  investment  management,  or investment
          servicing relationship.

Send the Fund a written request along with your payment, indicating the date and
the amount of the sale.

o  purchases made:

     --   with dividend or capital gain distributions from this Fund or from the
          same class of another  American  Express  mutual fund that has a sales
     --   through or under a wrap fee product or other  investment  sponsored by
          the Distributor or another broker-dealer,  investment adviser, bank or
          investment professional,
     --   within the University of Texas System ORP,
     --   within a  segregated  separate  account  offered  by  Nationwide  Life
          Insurance Company or Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company,
     --   within the University of Massachusetts After-Tax Savings Program,
     --   with  the  proceeds  from  IDS  Life  Real  Estate  Variable   Annuity
          surrenders, or
     --   through  or  under  a  subsidiary  of  AEFC  offering  Personal  Trust
          Services' Asset-Based pricing alternative.

Class B -- contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) alternative

A CDSC is based on the sale amount and the number of calendar years -- including
the year of purchase -- between purchase and sale. The following table shows how
CDSC percentages on sales decline after a purchase:

            If the sale is made during the:     The CDSC percentage rate is:
                      First year                             5%
                      Second year                            4%
                      Third year                             4%
                      Fourth year                            3%
                      Fifth year                             2%
                      Sixth year                             1%
                      Seventh year                           0%

If the amount you are  selling  causes the value of your  investment  in Class B
shares to fall below the cost of the shares you have  purchased  during the last
six years including the current year, the CDSC is based on the lower of the cost
of those shares purchased or market value.


Assume you had invested  $10,000 in Class B shares and that your  investment had
appreciated in value to $12,000 after 15 months,  including reinvested dividends
and  capital  gain  distributions.  You could sell up to $2,000  worth of shares
without paying a CDSC ($12,000 current value less $10,000 purchase  amount).  If
you sold $2,500 worth of shares,  the CDSC would apply to the $500  representing
part of your original purchase price. The CDSC rate would be 4% because the sale
was made during the second year after the purchase.

Because  the CDSC is imposed  only on sales  that  reduce  your  total  purchase
payments,  you  never  have  to  pay  a  CDSC  on  any  amount  that  represents
appreciation  in the value of your  shares,  income  earned by your  shares,  or
capital  gains.  In  addition,  the CDSC rate on your sale will be based on your
oldest purchase  payment.  The CDSC on the next amount sold will be based on the
next oldest purchase payment.

The CDSC on Class B shares will be waived on sales of shares:

o    in the event of the shareholder's death,

o    held in trust for an employee benefit plan, or

o    held in IRAs or certain  qualified plans if American  Express Trust Company
     is the custodian, such as Keogh plans,  tax-sheltered custodial accounts or
     corporate  pension  plans,  provided that the  shareholder  is:

     --   at least 59 1/2 years old AND

     --   taking a retirement distribution (if the sale is part of a transfer to
          an IRA or qualified plan, or a  custodian-to-custodian  transfer,  the
          CDSC will not be waived) Or

     --   selling  under  an  approved   substantially  equal  periodic  payment


You can  exchange  your Fund shares at no charge for shares of the same class of
any other publicly  offered  American  Express  mutual fund.  Exchanges into AXP
Tax-Free  Money  Fund  may  only  be made  from  Class A  shares.  For  complete
information on the other funds,  including  fees and expenses,  read that fund's
prospectus  carefully.  Your exchange will be priced at the next NAV  calculated
after it is accepted by that fund.

You may make up to three exchanges (1 1/2 round trips) within any 30-day period.
These limits do not apply to scheduled  exchange  programs and certain  employee
benefit plans. Exceptions may be allowed with pre-approval of the Fund.

Other exchange policies:

o    Exchanges must be made into the same class of shares of the new fund.

o    If your  exchange  creates  a new  account,  it must  satisfy  the  minimum
     investment amount for new purchases.

o    Once we receive your exchange request, you cannot cancel it.

o    Shares  of the  new  fund  may  not be used  on the  same  day for  another

o    If your  shares are pledged as  collateral,  the  exchange  will be delayed
     until AECSC receives written approval from the secured party.

AECSC and the Fund reserve the right to reject any  exchange,  limit the amount,
or modify or  discontinue  the exchange  privilege,  to prevent abuse or adverse
effects on the Fund and its  shareholders.  For example,  if  exchanges  are too
numerous  or too large,  they may disrupt the Fund's  investment  strategies  or
increase its costs.

Selling Shares

You can sell your shares at any time.  The payment  will be mailed  within seven
days after accepting your request.

When you sell shares, the amount you receive may be more or less than the amount
you invested. Your sale price will be the next NAV calculated after your request
is accepted by the Fund, minus any applicable CDSC.

You can  change  your mind  after  requesting  a sale and use all or part of the
proceeds to purchase new shares in the same account from which you sold.  If you
reinvest  in Class A, you will  purchase  the new shares at NAV rather  than the
offering  price on the date of a new  purchase.  If you reinvest in Class B, any
CDSC you paid on the amount you are reinvesting also will be reinvested. To take
advantage  of this option,  send a request  within 90 days of the date your sale
request was  received and include your account  number.  This  privilege  may be
limited or withdrawn at any time and may have tax consequences.

The Fund reserves the right to redeem in kind.

For more details and a description of other sales policies, please see the SAI.

Two ways to request an exchange or sale of shares

To sell or exchange  shares held  through a brokerage  account or with  entities
other than American  Express  Financial  Advisors,  please  consult your selling
agent.  The following  section explains how you can exchange or sell shares held
with American Express Financial Advisors.

Requests  to sell  shares  of the  Fund  are  not  allowed  within  30 days of a
telephoned-in address change.

Important:  If you request a sale of shares you recently purchased by a check or
money order that is not guaranteed,  the Fund will wait for your check to clear.
It may take up to 10 days  from the date of  purchase  before  payment  is made.
(Payment may be earlier if your bank provides evidence  satisfactory to the Fund
and AECSC that your check has cleared.)

 (1) By letter:
Include in your letter:
o  the name of the fund(s),
o  the class of shares to be exchanged or sold,
o  your  mutual  fund  account  number(s)  (for  exchanges,  both  funds must be
   registered in the same ownership),
o  your TIN,
o  the  dollar  amount  or  number  of shares  you want to  exchange  or sell,
o  signature(s)  of all registered  account owners,
o  for sales,  indicate how you want your money  delivered  to you, and
o  any paper  certificates  of shares you hold.

Regular mail:

American Express Client Service Corporation
Attn: Transactions
P.O. Box 534
Minneapolis, MN 55440-0534

Express mail:

American Express Client Service Corporation
Attn: Transactions
733 Marquette Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55402

(2) By telephone:

American Express Client Service Corporation
Telephone Transaction Service

o    The Fund and AECSC will use reasonable  procedures to confirm  authenticity
     of telephone exchange or sale requests.

o    Telephone exchange and sale privileges  automatically apply to all accounts
     except  custodial,  corporate or  qualified  retirement  accounts.  You may
     request that these  privileges NOT apply by writing AECSC.  Each registered
     owner must sign the request.

o    Acting on your  instructions,  your financial advisor may conduct telephone
     transactions on your behalf.

o    Telephone  privileges may be modified or discontinued at any time.  Minimum
     sale amount: $100 Maximum sale amount: $50,000

Three ways to receive payment when you sell shares

 (1) By regular or express mail:

o    Mailed to the address on record.

o    Payable to names listed on the  account.
NOTE:  The express mail delivery charges you pay will vary depending on the
       courier  you  select.

 (2) By wire or electronic funds transfer:

o    Minimum wire: $1,000.

o    Request that money be wired to your bank.

o    Bank account must be in the same  ownership as the American  Express mutual
     fund account.

NOTE:  Pre-authorization  required.  For  instructions,  contact your  financial
advisor or AECSC.

(3) By  scheduled  payout  plan:

o    Minimum payment: $50.

o    Contact  your  financial  advisor or AECSC to set up regular  payments on a
     monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual basis.

o    Purchasing  new shares  while  under a payout  plan may be  disadvantageous
     because of the sales charges.

Distributions and Taxes

As a shareholder you are entitled to your share of the Fund's net income and net
gains.  The  Fund  distributes  dividends  and  capital  gains to  qualify  as a
regulated  investment  company and to avoid paying  corporate  income and excise

The Fund's net investment  income is  distributed  to you as dividends.  Capital
gains are realized  when a security is sold for a higher price than was paid for
it. Each realized  capital gain or loss is long-term or short-term  depending on
the length of time the Fund held the security. Realized capital gains and losses
offset  each  other.  The Fund  offsets any net  realized  capital  gains by any
available capital loss carryovers.  Net short-term capital gains are included in
net  investment  income.  Net  realized  long-term  capital  gains,  if any, are
distributed by the end of the calendar year as capital gain distributions.  As a
result of the Fund's goal and investment strategies, distributions from the Fund
may consist of a significant amount of capital gains.

Dividends  and  capital  gain  distributions  are  automatically  reinvested  in
additional  shares  in  the  same  class  of the  Fund,  unless:

o    you request distributions in cash, or

o    you direct the Fund to invest your  distributions  in the same class of any
     publicly offered American Express mutual fund for which you have previously
     opened an account.

We  reinvest  the  distributions  for you at the next  calculated  NAV after the
distribution is paid.

If you choose cash  distributions,  you will receive cash only for distributions
declared after your request has been processed.

Distributions  are subject to federal income tax and may be subject to state and
local taxes in the year they are declared. You must report distributions on your
tax returns, even if they are reinvested in additional shares.

If you buy shares shortly  before the record date of a distribution  you may pay
taxes on money  earned by the Fund before you were a  shareholder.  You will pay
the full  pre-distribution  price for the shares, then receive a portion of your
investment back as a distribution, which may be taxable.

For tax purposes, an exchange is considered a sale and purchase,  and may result
in a gain or loss. A sale is a taxable transaction.  If you sell shares for less
than their cost,  the  difference is a capital loss. If you sell shares for more
than their cost, the  difference is a capital gain.  Your gain may be short term
(for  shares  held for one year or less) or long term (for  shares held for more
than one year).

If you buy Class A shares of this or another  American  Express  mutual fund and
within 91 days exchange into this Fund,  you may not include the sales charge in
your  calculation  of tax  gain or  loss  on the  sale  of the  first  fund  you
purchased.  The sales charge may be included in the calculation of your tax gain
or loss on a subsequent sale of this Fund.

Selling shares held in an IRA or qualified retirement account may subject you to
federal  taxes,  penalties and reporting  requirements.  Please consult your tax

Important:  This information is a brief and selective summary of some of the tax
rules that apply to this Fund.  Because tax matters  are highly  individual  and
complex, you should consult a qualified tax advisor.

Master/Feeder Structure
This Fund uses a  master/feeder  structure.  This  means that the Fund (a feeder
fund) invests all of its assets in the Portfolio (the master fund). Other feeder
funds also  invest in the  Portfolio.  The  master/feeder  structure  offers the
potential  for  reduced  costs  because  it  spreads  fixed  costs of  portfolio
management  over a larger pool of assets.  The Fund may withdraw its assets from
the  Portfolio at any time if the Fund's board  determines  that it is best.  In
that event,  the board would  consider  what action  should be taken,  including
whether to hire an investment advisor to manage the Fund's assets directly or to
invest all of the Fund's assets in another pooled investment entity.  Here is an
illustration of the structure:

                        Investors buy shares in the Fund

                      The Fund buys units in the Portfolio

              The Portfolio invests in securities, such as stocks or bonds

Other feeders may include mutual funds and institutional accounts. These feeders
buy the Portfolio's  securities on the same terms and conditions as the Fund and
pay  their  proportionate  share of the  Portfolio's  expenses.  However,  their
operating  costs  and  sales  charges  are  different  from  those of the  Fund.
Therefore,  the  investment  returns for other  feeders are  different  from the
returns of the Fund.

YEAR 2000
The Fund could be adversely  affected if the  computer  systems used by AEFC and
the Fund's  other  service  providers  do not  properly  process  and  calculate
date-related  information from and after Jan. 1, 2000.  While Year  2000-related
computer  problems could have a negative  effect on the Fund, AEFC is working to
avoid such problems and to obtain  assurances  from service  providers that they
are taking similar steps.

The companies,  governments or  international  markets in which the Fund invests
also may be adversely  affected by Year 2000  issues.  To the extent a portfolio
holding is adversely affected by a Year 2000 processing issue, the Fund's return
could be adversely affected.

The  investment  manager  of the  Portfolio  is AEFC,  located  at IDS Tower 10,
Minneapolis,  MN  55440-0010.  The  Portfolio  pays AEFC a fee for  managing its
assets.  The Fund pays its proportionate  share of the fee. Under the Investment
Management Services Agreement, the fee for the most recent fiscal year was 0.63%
of its average daily net assets.  Under the  agreement,  the Portfolio also pays
taxes,  brokerage commissions and nonadvisory  expenses.  AEFC is a wholly-owned
subsidiary  of American  Express  Company,  a financial  services  company  with
headquarters at American  Express Tower,  World Financial  Center,  New York, NY

Financial Highlights

Fiscal period ended July 31,

Per share income and capital changesa

                                        Class A                            Class B                       Class Y
                               1999     1998      1997b          1999      1998      1997b     1999      1998      1997b

Net asset value,

beginning of period           $6.98     $6.86     $5.00          $6.88     $6.82     $5.00     $7.01     $6.88     $5.00

Income from investment operations:

Net investment income (loss)  (.01)     .02       .01            (.02)     (.02)     (.02)       --      .03       .01

Net gains (losses) (both

realized and unrealized)      1.32      .65       1.86           1.25       .63      1.85      1.32      .65       1.88

Total from investment
operations                    1.31      .67       1.87           1.23       .61      1.83      1.32      .68       1.89

Less distributions:

Dividends from net

investment income             --        --        --             --         --       --        (.02)      --       --

Distributions from realized
gains                        (.35)      (.55)     (.01)          (.35)     (.55)     (.01)     (.35)     (.55)     (.01)

Total distributions          (.35)      (.55)     (.01)          (.35)     (.55)     (.01)     (.37)     (.55)     (.01)

Net asset value, end of
period                       $7.94      $6.98     $6.86          $7.76    $6.88     $6.82     $7.96     $7.01     $6.88

Ratios/supplemental data

Net assets, end of period

(in millions)                $481       $337      $205           $276      $184      $96       $--       $--       $--

Ratio of expenses to average
daily net assetsd             1.12%     1.12%     1.52%c         1.88%     1.88%     2.25%c    1.02%     .87%      1.45%c

Ratio of net investment income
(loss) to average daily net
assets                        .04%      .30%      .20%c          (.72%)    (.46%)    (.53%)c   .12%      .40%      .33%c

Portfolio turnover rate (excluding
short-term securities)        143%      148%      171%           143%      148%      171%      143%      148%      171%

Total returne                 19.21%    10.76%    37.44%         18.31%    9.92%     36.48%    19.34%    10.93%    37.66%

a For a share outstanding throughout the period. Rounded to the nearest cent.
b Inception date was Aug. 19, 1996.
c Adjusted to an annual basis.
d Expense  ratio is based on total  expenses  of the Fund  before  reduction  of
earnings credits on cash balances.
e Total return does not reflect payment of a sales charge.

The  information  in these  tables  has been  audited  by KPMG LLP,  independent
auditors.  The independent auditor's report and additional information about the
performance of the Fund are contained in the Fund's annual report which,  if not
included with this prospectus, may be obtained without charge.

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This Fund,  along with the other  American  Express  funds,  is  distributed  by
American Express  Financial  Advisors Inc. and can be purchased from an American
Express  financial  advisor or from  other  authorized  broker-dealers  or third
parties.  The Funds can be found under the "Amer Express"  banner in most mutual
fund quotations.

Additional  information  about the Fund and its  investments is available in the
Fund's Statement of Additional  Information (SAI), annual and semiannual reports
to  shareholders.  In the Fund's  annual  report,  you will find a discussion of
market conditions and investment strategies that significantly affected the Fund
during its last  fiscal  year.  The SAI is  incorporated  by  reference  in this
prospectus.  For a free copy of the SAI,  the  annual  report or the  semiannual
report   contact  your  selling  agent  or  American   Express   Client  Service

American Express Client Service Corporation
P.O. Box 534, Minneapolis, MN 55440-0534
800-862-7919 TTY: 800-846-4852
Web site address:

You may review and copy  information  about the Fund,  including the SAI, at the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission's  (Commission)  Public  Reference  Room in
Washington,   D.C.  (for  information  about  the  public  reference  room  call
1-800-SEC-0330).  Reports and other  information about the Fund are available on
the Commission's Internet site at Copies of this information
may be obtained by writing and paying a duplicating fee to the Public  Reference
Section of the Commission, Washington, D.C.

Investment Company Act File #811-2111

Class A: IRDAX    Class B: IROBX    Class Y: N/A


Independent Auditors' Report


We have  audited the  accompanying  statement of assets and  liabilities  of AXP
Research  Opportunities  Fund, (a series of AXP Growth Series,  Inc.) as of July
31, 1999, and the related  statement of operations for the year then ended,  and
the  statements  of changes in net assets for each of the years in the  two-year
period ended July 31, 1999,  and the financial  highlights for each of the years
in the two-year period ended July 31, 1999, and for the period from

August 19, 1996  (commencement  of operations) to July 31, 1997. These financial
statements  and  the  financial   highlights  are  the  responsibility  of  fund
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements and the financial highlights based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable  assurance  about whether the financial  statements and the financial
highlights are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audits  provide  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of AXP Research Opportunities Fund
as of July 31,  1999,  and the  results  of its  operations,  changes in its net
assets  and  the  financial  highlights  for the  periods  stated  in the  first
paragraph above, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

     Minneapolis, Minnesota
     September 3, 1999

Financial Statements

Statement of assets and liabilities
AXP Research Opportunities Fund

July 31, 1999

Investment in Aggressive Growth Portfolio (Note 1)                                                        $757,246,627

Accrued distribution fee                                                                                        11,136
Accrued transfer agency fee                                                                                      3,773
Accrued administrative services fee                                                                              1,166
Other accrued expenses                                                                                          76,497
Total liabilities                                                                                               92,572
Net assets applicable to outstanding capital stock                                                        $757,154,055

Represented by
Capital stock-- $.01 par value (Note 1)                                                                   $    961,408
Additional paid-in capital                                                                                 610,628,278
Accumulated net realized gain (loss)                                                                        84,107,266
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments                                                       61,457,103
Total-- representing net assets applicable to outstanding capital stock                                   $757,154,055
Net assets applicable to outstanding shares:                 Class A                                      $480,679,176
                                                             Class B                                      $276,076,754
                                                             Class Y                                      $    398,125
Net asset value per share of outstanding capital stock:      Class A shares        60,509,438             $       7.94
                                                             Class B shares        35,581,335             $       7.76
                                                             Class Y shares            49,996             $       7.96

See accompanying notes to the financial statements.

Statement of operations
AXP Research Opportunities Fund

Year ended July 31, 1999

Investment income
Dividends                                                                                                 $  6,335,825
Interest                                                                                                       754,536
    Less foreign taxes withheld                                                                                (19,023)
Total income                                                                                                 7,071,338
Expenses (Note 2):
Expenses allocated from Aggressive Growth Portfolio                                                          3,935,784
Distribution fee
    Class A                                                                                                    102,060
    Class B                                                                                                  1,717,114
Transfer agency fee                                                                                          1,042,200
Incremental transfer agency fee
    Class A                                                                                                     55,204
    Class B                                                                                                     60,622
Service fee
    Class A                                                                                                    607,702
    Class B                                                                                                    344,636
    Class Y                                                                                                        304
Administrative services fees and expenses                                                                      344,928
Compensation of board members                                                                                    7,886
Postage                                                                                                        142,215
Registration fees                                                                                               94,805
Reports to shareholders                                                                                         45,083
Audit fees                                                                                                       5,000
Other                                                                                                            4,036
Total expenses                                                                                               8,509,579
    Earnings credits on cash balances (Note 2)                                                                 (18,579)
Total net expenses                                                                                           8,491,000
Investment income (loss) -- net                                                                             (1,419,662)

 Realized and unrealized gain (loss) -- net Net realized gain (loss) on:
    Security transactions                                                                                   81,323,015
    Financial futures contracts                                                                              4,602,553
Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                                                     85,925,568
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments                                         18,671,763
Net gain (loss) on investments                                                                             104,597,331
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations                                           $103,177,669

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Statements of changes in net assets
AXP Research Opportunities Fund

Year ended July 31,                                                                         1999              1998

Operations and distributions
Investment income (loss)-- net                                                      $   (1,419,662)    $       166,575
Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                                 85,925,568          38,530,756
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments                     18,671,763           8,223,315
                                                                                        ----------           ---------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations                        103,177,669          46,920,646
                                                                                       -----------          ----------
Distributions to shareholders from:
    Net investment income
        Class A                                                                           (167,981)                  --
        Class B                                                                                  --                  --
        Class Y                                                                               (840)                  --
    Net realized gain
        Class A                                                                        (17,205,662)        (20,657,813)
        Class B                                                                         (9,873,913)        (10,689,824)
        Class Y                                                                            (15,203)               (109)
                                                                                           -------                ----
Total distributions                                                                    (27,263,599)        (31,347,746)
                                                                                       -----------         -----------

Capital share transactions (Note 3)
Proceeds from sales
    Class A shares (Note 2)                                                            146,775,769         142,356,044
    Class B shares                                                                      86,101,455          86,426,593
    Class Y shares                                                                         378,451                  --
Reinvestment of distributions at net asset value
    Class A shares                                                                      16,502,649          19,606,825
    Class B shares                                                                       9,816,826          10,635,286
    Class Y shares                                                                          16,043                 109
Payments for redemptions
    Class A shares                                                                     (69,195,817)        (39,846,496)
    Class B shares (Note 2)                                                            (30,310,794)        (14,553,014)
    Class Y shares                                                                         (72,990)                 --
                                                                                           -------              ------
Increase (decrease) in net assets from capital share transactions                      160,011,592         204,625,347
                                                                                       -----------         -----------
Total increase (decrease) in net assets                                                235,925,662         220,198,247
Net assets at beginning of year                                                        521,228,393         301,030,146
                                                                                       -----------         -----------
Net assets at end of year                                                             $757,154,055        $521,228,393
                                                                                      ============        ============
Undistributed net investment income                                                   $         --        $    166,685
                                                                                      ------------        ------------

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Notes to Financial Statements
AXP Research Opportunities Fund

The Fund is a series of AXP Growth  Series,  Inc.  and is  registered  under the
Investment  Company  Act  of  1940  (as  amended)  as  a  diversified,  open-end
management investment company. AXP Growth Series, Inc. has 10 billion authorized
shares of  capital  stock that can be  allocated  among the  separate  series as
designated by the board.

The Fund offers  Class A, Class B and Class Y shares.

o Class A shares are sold with a front-end sales charge.
o Class B shares  may be  subject  to a  contingent  deferred  sales  charge and
  automatically  convert  to Class A shares  during  the  ninth  calendar  year
  of ownership.
o Class Y  shares  have no  sales  charge  and are  offered  only to qualifying
  institutional investors.

All classes of shares have identical  voting,  dividend and liquidation  rights.
The  distribution  fee,  incremental  transfer agency fee and service fee (class
specific  expenses)  differs among classes.  Income,  expenses (other than class
specific  expenses) and realized and  unrealized  gains or losses on investments
are allocated to each class of shares based upon its relative net assets.

Investment in Aggressive Growth Portfolio
The  Fund  invests  all  of its  assets  in  Aggressive  Growth  Portfolio  (the
Portfolio), a series of Growth Trust (the Trust), an open-end investment company
that has the same  objectives as the Fund.  The Portfolio  invests  primarily in
equity securities of companies that comprise the S&P 500.

The Fund  records  daily  its  share of the  Portfolio's  income,  expenses  and
realized  and  unrealized  gains and losses.  The  financial  statements  of the
Portfolio  are  included  elsewhere  in  this  report  and  should  be  read  in
conjunction with the Fund's financial statements.

The Fund records its  investment  in the Portfolio at the value that is equal to
the Fund's  proportionate  ownership interest in the Portfolio's net assets. The
percentage of the Portfolio  owned by the Fund as of July 31, 1999,  was 99.76%.
Valuation  of  securities  held by the  Portfolio  is discussed in Note 1 of the
Portfolio's "Notes to financial statements" (included elsewhere in this report).

Use of estimates
Preparing  financial  statements that conform to generally  accepted  accounting
principles   requires   management  to  make  estimates  (e.g.,  on  assets  and
liabilities) that could differ from actual results.

Federal taxes
The Fund's  policy is to comply with all sections of the  Internal  Revenue Code
that  apply to  regulated  investment  companies  and to  distribute  all of its
taxable income to the  shareholders.  No provision for income or excise taxes is
thus required.

Net  investment  income  (loss) and net realized  gains  (losses) may differ for
financial  statement and tax purposes  primarily  because of deferred  losses on
certain futures  contracts,  the  recognition of certain foreign  currency gains
(losses) as ordinary income (loss) for tax purposes,  and losses deferred due to
"wash sale"  transactions.  The character of distributions  made during the year
from net investment  income or net realized gains may differ from their ultimate
characterization  for federal  income tax purposes.  Also,  due to the timing of
dividend  distributions,  the fiscal year in which amounts are  distributed  may
differ from the year that the income or realized gains (losses) were recorded by
the Fund.

On the statement of assets and liabilities, as a result of permanent book-to-tax
differences,   undistributed   net  investment  income  has  been  increased  by
$1,421,798 and accumulated net realized gain has been decreased by $1,421,798.

Dividends to shareholders
An annual dividend from net investment  income,  declared and paid at the end of
the calendar year,  when  available,  is reinvested in additional  shares of the
Fund at net asset value or payable in cash.  Capital gains, when available,  are
distributed along with the income dividend.

In addition to the expenses  allocated from the Portfolio,  the Fund accrues its
own expenses as follows:

The Fund has an agreement with American Express Financial  Corporation (AEFC) to
provide administrative services. Under an Administrative Services Agreement, the
Fund pays AEFC a fee for administration and accounting  services at a percentage
of the Fund's  average  daily net assets in reducing  percentages  from 0.06% to
0.03% annually.  Additional administrative service expenses paid by the Fund are
office expenses,  consultants'  fees and compensation of officers and employees.
Under this  agreement,  the Fund also pays taxes,  audit and certain legal fees,
registration  fees for shares,  compensation of board members,  corporate filing
fees and any other  expenses  properly  payable by the Fund and  approved by the

Under a separate  Transfer  Agency  Agreement,  American  Express Client Service
Corporation (AECSC) maintains  shareholder  accounts and records.  The Fund pays
AECSC an annual fee per shareholder account for this service as follows:

o  Class A $19
o  Class B $20
o  Class Y $17

Under  terms of a prior  agreement  that ended Jan.  31,  1999,  the Fund paid a
transfer agency fee at an annual rate per shareholder account of $15 for Class A
and $16 for Class B. Under terms of a prior agreement that ended March 31, 1999,
the Fund paid a transfer agency fee at an annual rate per shareholder account of
$15 for Class Y.

The Fund has  agreements  with  American  Express  Financial  Advisors  Inc. for
distribution   and  shareholder   services.   Under  a  Plan  and  Agreement  of
Distribution  (the Plan),  the Fund pays a distribution fee at an annual rate up
to 0.25% of the Fund's average daily net assets  attributable  to Class A shares
and up to 1.00% for Class B shares.  The Plan  went into  effect  July 1,  1999.
Under terms of a prior Plan and Agreement of Distribution  (the Prior Plan) that
ended June 30, 1999, the Fund paid a  distribution  fee for Class B shares at an
annual  rate up to 0.75% of  average  daily net  assets.  The Prior Plan was not
effective with respect to Class A shares.

Under a Shareholder  Service Agreement,  the Fund's Class Y shares pay a fee for
service  provided to  shareholders  by financial  advisors  and other  servicing
agents. The fee is calculated at a rate of 0.10% of the Fund's average daily net
assets  attributable  to Class Y shares.  Under terms of a prior  agreement that
ended June 30,  1999,  the Fund paid a  shareholder  service fee for Class A and
Class B shares at a rate of 0.175% of average daily net assets.  Effective  July
1, 1999,  the agreement for Class A and Class B shares was converted to the Plan
and Agreement of Distribution discussed above.

Sales  charges  received  by  American  Express  Financial   Advisors  Inc.  for
distributing  Fund shares were  $2,214,893  for Class A and $208,035 for Class B
for the year ended July 31, 1999.

During the year ended  July 31,  1999,  the  Fund's  transfer  agency  fees were
reduced by $18,579 as a result of earnings credits from overnight cash balances.

Transactions in shares of capital stock for the years indicated are as follows:

                                                Year ended July 31, 1999
                                        Class A         Class B        Class Y
Sold                                   19,385,593     11,676,332        57,556
Issued for reinvested distributions     2,251,690      1,365,120         2,185
Redeemed                               (9,439,919)    (4,195,350)       (9,963)
                                       ----------     ----------        ------
Net increase (decrease)                12,197,364      8,846,102        49,778

                                                Year ended July 31, 1998
                                        Class A         Class B       Class Y
Sold                                   21,213,882     13,008,512           --
Issued for reinvested distributions     3,188,620      1,748,937           18
Redeemed                               (5,883,949)    (2,177,029)          --
                                       ----------     ----------        -----
Net increase (decrease)                18,518,553     12,580,420           18

The Fund has a revolving credit agreement with U.S. Bank, N.A., whereby the Fund
is permitted to have bank borrowings for temporary or emergency purposes to fund
shareholder redemptions. The Fund must have asset coverage for borrowings not to
exceed the  aggregate  of 333% of advances  equal to or less than five  business
days plus 367% of advances over five business days. The agreement, which enables
the Fund to participate with other American Express funds, permits borrowings up
to $200  million,  collectively.  Interest  is charged to each Fund based on its
borrowings  at a  rate  equal  to the  Federal  Funds  Rate  plus  0.30%  or the
Eurodollar Rate (Reserve  Adjusted) plus 0.20%.  Borrowings are payable up to 90
days after such loan is executed.  The Fund also pays a commitment  fee equal to
its pro rata share of the amount of the credit  facility  at a rate of 0.05% per
annum.  The Fund had no  borrowings  outstanding  during the year ended July 31,

"Financial  highlights"  showing per data and selected financial  information is
presented on page 29 of the prospectus.

Independent Auditors' Report


We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities,  including
the schedule of  investments in securities,  of Aggressive  Growth  Portfolio (a
series of Growth  Trust)  as of July 31,  1999,  and the  related  statement  of
operations  for the year then ended and the  statements of changes in net assets
for  each of the  years in the  two-year  period  ended  July  31,  1999.  These
financial  statements  are  the  responsibility  of  portfolio  management.  Our
responsibility  is to express an opinion on these financial  statements based on
our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included
confirmation of securities owned as of July 31, 1999, by correspondence with the
custodian  and  brokers.   An  audit  also  includes  assessing  the  accounting
principles  used  and  significant  estimates  made  by  management,  as well as
evaluating the overall  financial  statement  presentation.  We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects,  the financial position of Aggressive Growth Portfolio as
of July 31,  1999 and the results of its  operations  and the changes in its net
assets for the periods stated in the first  paragraph  above, in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles.

     Minneapolis, Minnesota
     September 3, 1999

Financial Statements

Statement of assets and liabilities
Aggressive Growth Portfolio

July 31, 1999

Investments in securities, at value (Note 1)
    (identified cost $694,722,016)                                                                        $756,473,502
Cash in bank on demand deposit                                                                               2,302,425
Dividends receivable                                                                                           739,848
Receivable for investment securities sold                                                                    3,627,963
Total assets                                                                                               763,143,738

Payable for investment securities purchased                                                                  4,011,972
Accrued investment management services fee                                                                      13,319
Other accrued expenses                                                                                          19,877
Total liabilities                                                                                            4,045,168
Net assets                                                                                                $759,098,570

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Statement of operations
Aggressive Growth Portfolio

Year ended July 31, 1999

Investment income
Dividends                                                                                                 $  6,353,815
Interest                                                                                                       754,377
    Less foreign taxes withheld                                                                                (19,088)
Total income                                                                                                 7,089,104
Expenses (Note 2):
Investment management services fee                                                                           3,864,984
Compensation of board members                                                                                    8,381
Custodian fees                                                                                                  55,195
Audit fees                                                                                                      15,000
Other                                                                                                           12,195
Total expenses                                                                                               3,955,755
    Earnings credits on cash balances (Note 2)                                                                  (8,913)
Total net expenses                                                                                           3,946,842
Investment income (loss) -- net                                                                              3,142,262
Realized and unrealized gain (loss) -- net Net realized gain (loss) on:
    Security transactions (Note 3)                                                                          81,559,386
    Financial futures contracts                                                                              4,616,593
Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                                                     86,175,979
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments                                         18,690,185
Net gain (loss) on investments                                                                             104,866,164
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations                                           $108,008,426

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Statements of changes in net assets
Aggressive Growth Portfolio

Year ended July 31,                                                                       1999                1998

Investment income (loss)-- net                                                        $  3,142,262        $  3,194,481
Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                                 86,175,979          38,876,071
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments                     18,690,185           8,046,666
                                                                                        ----------           ---------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations                        108,008,426          50,117,218
Net contributions (withdrawals) from partners                                          127,976,287         170,560,308
                                                                                       -----------         -----------
Total increase (decrease) in net assets                                                235,984,713         220,677,526
Net assets at beginning of year                                                        523,113,857         302,436,331
                                                                                       -----------         -----------
Net assets at end of year                                                             $759,098,570        $523,113,857
                                                                                      ============        ============

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Notes to Financial Statements
Aggressive Growth Portfolio

Aggressive  Growth  Portfolio  (the  Portfolio) is a series of Growth Trust (the
Trust) and is registered  under the Investment  Company Act of 1940 (as amended)
as a diversified,  open-end  management  investment  company.  Aggressive Growth
Portfolio  invests primarily in equity securities of companies that comprise the
S&P 500. The Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue non-transferable
interests in the Portfolio.

The Portfolio's significant accounting policies are summarized below:

Use of estimates
Preparing  financial  statements that conform to generally  accepted  accounting
principles   requires   management  to  make  estimates  (e.g.,  on  assets  and
liabilities) that could differ from actual results.

Valuation of securities
All securities are valued at the close of each business day.  Securities  traded
on national  securities  exchanges  or included in national  market  systems are
valued at the last quoted sales price.  Debt securities are generally  traded in
the  over-the-counter  market and are valued at a price that reflects fair value
as quoted by dealers in these  securities  or by  independent  pricing  service.
Securities for which market  quotations are not readily  available are valued at
fair value according to methods selected in good faith by the board.  Short-term
securities  maturing in more than 60 days from the valuation  date are valued at
the market price or approximate  market value based on current  interest  rates;
those maturing in 60 days or less are valued at amortized cost.

Option transactions
To produce incremental earnings, protect gains and facilitate buying and selling
of securities for investments, the Portfolio may buy and write options traded on
any U.S. or foreign exchange or in the over-the-counter  market where completing
the  obligation  depends  upon the  credit  standing  of the  other  party.  The
Portfolio  also may buy and sell put and call  options  and write  covered  call
options on portfolio  securities as well as write cash-secured put options.  The
risk in writing a call option is that the Portfolio gives up the opportunity for
profit if the market price of the security increases.  The risk in writing a put
option  is that  the  Portfolio  may  incur a loss if the  market  price  of the
security decreases and the option is exercised.  The risk in buying an option is
that the Portfolio  pays a premium  whether or not the option is exercised.  The
Portfolio also has the  additional  risk of being unable to enter into a closing
transaction if a liquid secondary market does not exist.

Option  contracts  are  valued  daily at the  closing  prices  on their  primary
exchanges and unrealized appreciation or depreciation is recorded. The Portfolio
will realize a gain or loss when the option transaction  expires or closes. When
an option is  exercised,  the proceeds on sales for a written  call option,  the
purchase cost for a written put option or the cost of a security for a purchased
put or call option is adjusted by the amount of premium received or paid.

Futures transactions
To gain exposure to or protect itself from market changes, the Portfolio may buy
and sell financial futures contracts traded on any U.S. or foreign exchange. The
Portfolio  also  may buy and  write  put  and  call  options  on  these  futures
contracts.  Risks of entering into futures contracts and related options include
the  possibility  of an  illiquid  market  and that a change in the value of the
contract or option may not correlate with changes in the value of the underlying

Upon  entering  into a futures  contract,  the  Portfolio is required to deposit
either  cash or  securities  in an amount  (initial  margin)  equal to a certain
percentage of the contract value.  Subsequent  payments  (variation  margin) are
made or received by the Portfolio  each day. The variation  margin  payments are
equal to the daily changes in the contract  value and are recorded as unrealized
gains and losses.  The  Portfolio  recognizes  a realized  gain or loss when the
contract is closed or expires.

Foreign currency translations and foreign currency contracts
Securities and other assets and  liabilities  denominated in foreign  currencies
are translated daily into U.S. dollars.  Foreign currency amounts related to the
purchase or sale of  securities  and income and expenses are  translated  at the
exchange rate on the transaction date. The effect of changes in foreign exchange
rates on realized  and  unrealized  security  gains or losses is  reflected as a
component of such gains or losses. In the statement of operations,  net realized
gains or losses from foreign currency transactions, if any, may arise from sales
of foreign currency, closed forward contracts, exchange gains or losses realized
between the trade date and settlement date on securities transactions, and other
translation   gains  or  losses  on  dividends,   interest  income  and  foreign
withholding taxes.

The Portfolio may enter into forward  foreign  currency  exchange  contracts for
operational  purposes and to protect against adverse exchange rate  fluctuation.
The net U.S.  dollar  value  of  foreign  currency  underlying  all  contractual
commitments held by the Portfolio and the resulting  unrealized  appreciation or
depreciation  are  determined  using  foreign  currency  exchange  rates from an
independent  pricing  service.  The Portfolio is subject to the credit risk that
the other party will not complete its contract obligations.

Federal taxes
For federal  income tax purposes the Portfolio  qualifies as a  partnership  and
each  investor  in the  Portfolio  is treated as the owner of its  proportionate
share of the net assets, income,  expenses and realized and unrealized gains and
losses of the Portfolio.  As a "pass-through"  entity,  the Portfolio  therefore
does not pay any income dividends or capital gain distributions.

Security  transactions are accounted for on the date securities are purchased or
sold. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date and interest income,
including level-yield amortization of premium and discount, is accrued daily.

The Trust,  on behalf of the Portfolio,  has an Investment  Management  Services
Agreement  with  AEFC to  manage  its  portfolio.  Under  this  agreement,  AEFC
determines which securities will be purchased,  held or sold. The management fee
is a  percentage  of the  Portfolio's  average  daily  net  assets  in  reducing
percentages  from  0.65% to 0.5%  annually.  Effective  with the new  Investment
Management Services Agreement,  the fee will be adjusted upward or downward by a
performance  incentive  adjustment  based on the Fund's average daily net assets
over a rolling  12-month  period as  measured  against  the change in the Lipper
Growth Fund Index.  The maximum  adjustment is 0.12% of the Fund's average daily
net  assets  after  deducting  1%  from  the  performance  difference.   If  the
performance  difference is less than 1%, the adjustment  will be zero. The first
adjustment  will be made on Jan.  1, 2000 and will  cover the  six-month  period
beginning July 1, 1999.

Under the  agreement,  the Trust  also pays  taxes,  brokerage  commissions  and
nonadvisory  expenses,  which include  custodian  fees,  audit and certain legal
fees,  fidelity bond premiums,  registration  fees for units,  office  expenses,
consultants'  fees,  compensation of trustees,  corporate filing fees,  expenses
incurred in  connection  with lending  securities of the Portfolio and any other
expenses properly payable by the Trust or Portfolio and approved by the board.

During the year ended July 31, 1999, the Portfolio's custodian fees were reduced
by $8,913 as a result of earnings  credits from  overnight  cash  balances.  The
Portfolio  also pays  custodian  fees to  American  Express  Trust  Company,  an
affiliate of AEFC.

According to a Placement Agency Agreement,  American Express Financial  Advisors
Inc. acts as placement agent of the Trust's units.

Cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of securities  (other than  short-term
obligations) aggregated $989,362,522 and $858,273,717 respectively, for the year
ended July 31, 1999. For the same period,  the portfolio turnover rate was 143%.
Realized gains and losses are determined on an identified cost basis.

Brokerage  commissions paid to brokers affiliated with AEFC were $71,634 for the
year ended July 31, 1999.

As of July 31, 1999,  investments in securities  included  securities  valued at
$6,534,813  that were pledged as collateral to cover initial margin  deposits on
17 open purchase  contracts.  The market value of the open purchase contracts as
of July 31, 1999 was $5,660,150 with a net unrealized loss of $118,831.

Investments in Securities

Aggressive Growth Portfolio
July 31, 1999

(Percentages represent value of investments compared to net assets)

Common stocks (98.8%)
Issuer                                                                               Shares                    Value(a)

Aerospace & defense (1.0%)
AlliedSignal                                                                         111,600                  $7,219,125

Airlines (0.6%)
Southwest Airlines                                                                   251,550                   4,653,675

Automotive & related (3.0%)
Dana                                                                                  92,300                   3,853,525
Delphi Automotive Systems                                                            255,856                   4,605,408
Ford Motor                                                                           154,400                   7,507,700
General Motors                                                                       108,100                   6,587,344
Total                                                                                                         22,553,977

Banks and savings & loans (8.9%)
Bank of America                                                                      283,551                  18,820,697
Bank of New York                                                                     139,700                   5,160,169
Bank One                                                                             276,512                  15,087,186
BankBoston                                                                           171,400                   8,045,088
Mellon Bank                                                                          134,300                   4,532,625
Wachovia                                                                              51,700                   4,035,831
Washington Mutual                                                                    122,200                   4,192,988
Wells Fargo                                                                          200,000                   7,800,000
Total                                                                                                         67,674,584

Beverages & tobacco (2.7%)
Coca-Cola                                                                            343,800                  20,735,438

Chemicals (1.1%)
Monsanto                                                                             143,700                   5,622,262
Waste Management                                                                     112,248                   2,869,340
Total                                                                                                          8,491,602

Communications equipment & services (4.7%)
Lucent Technologies                                                                  342,385                  22,276,424
Motorola                                                                             143,400                  13,085,250
Total                                                                                                         35,361,674

Computers & office equipment (14.9%)
3Com                                                                                 177,200(b,d)              4,274,950
America Online                                                                       108,000(b)               10,273,500
BMC Software                                                                          55,800(b)                3,006,225
Cisco Systems                                                                        313,820(b)               19,496,067
Computer Sciences                                                                     49,000(b)                3,154,375
Electronic Data Systems                                                              104,300                   6,290,594
EMC                                                                                  162,710(b)                9,854,124
First Data                                                                            93,050                   4,611,791
Hewlett-Packard                                                                      125,700                  13,159,218
Intl Business Machines                                                               146,900                  18,463,493
Novell                                                                               186,880(b)                4,812,160
Pitney Bowes                                                                          84,600                   5,382,675
Solectron                                                                             87,300(b)                5,625,394
Unisys                                                                               125,000(b)                5,101,563
Total                                                                                                        113,506,129

Electronics (2.3%)
Corning                                                                               75,030                   5,252,100
KLA-Tencor                                                                            51,200(b)                3,468,800
LSI Logic                                                                             73,500(b)                3,697,969
Natl Semiconductor                                                                   189,400(b)                4,687,650
Total                                                                                                         17,106,519

Energy (4.7%)
Apache                                                                               150,000                   6,365,625
Chevron                                                                              108,800                   9,928,000
Mobil                                                                                111,700                  11,421,325
Texaco                                                                               127,500                   7,944,844
Total                                                                                                         35,659,794

Energy equipment & services (1.0%)
Halliburton                                                                          161,000                   7,426,125

Financial services (3.8%)
Associates First Capital Cl A                                                        163,026                   6,245,934
Capital One Financial                                                                121,400                   5,629,925
Kansas City Southern Inds                                                             77,600                   4,287,400
MBNA                                                                                 245,100                   6,985,350
Providian Financial                                                                   61,500                   5,596,500
Total                                                                                                         28,745,109

Food (2.6%)
Bestfoods                                                                             79,000                   3,851,250
General Mills                                                                         47,800(d)                3,958,438
Sara Lee                                                                             186,500                   4,103,000
SUPERVALU                                                                            169,200                   3,849,300
Sysco                                                                                120,000                   3,922,500
Total                                                                                                         19,684,488

Health care (10.0%)
American Home Products                                                               280,400                  14,300,400
Amgen                                                                                143,000(b)               10,993,125
Bausch & Lomb                                                                         65,875                   4,730,648
Boston Scientific                                                                    127,700(b)                5,179,831
Bristol-Myers Squibb                                                                 255,800                  17,010,700
Guidant                                                                               57,100                   3,343,919
Medtronic                                                                             95,890                   6,910,073
Schering-Plough                                                                      276,120                  13,529,880
Total                                                                                                         75,998,576

Health care services (0.2%)
Cardinal Health                                                                       23,900                   1,631,175

Household products (2.4%)
Colgate-Palmolive                                                                    176,420                   8,710,738
Kimberly-Clark                                                                       150,600                   9,186,600
Total                                                                                                         17,897,338

Industrial equipment & services (0.6%)
Parker-Hannifin                                                                       92,500                   4,364,844

Insurance (3.5%)
American General                                                                      68,550                   5,304,056
American Intl Group                                                                  115,000                  13,354,375
Lincoln Natl                                                                          85,700                   4,285,000
MBIA                                                                                  64,700                   3,704,075
Total                                                                                                         26,647,506

Leisure time & entertainment (1.0%)
Disney (Walt)                                                                        271,500                   7,500,188

Media (2.3%)
Comcast Special Cl A                                                                 156,900                   6,040,650
MediaOne Group                                                                        94,600(b)                6,846,675
New York Times Cl A                                                                  116,300                   4,572,044
Total                                                                                                         17,459,369

Multi-industry conglomerates (6.2%)
General Electric                                                                     314,400                  34,269,600
Grainger (WW)                                                                         31,000                   1,464,750
Tyco Intl                                                                            116,250(c)               11,356,172
Total                                                                                                         47,090,522

Paper & packaging (0.4%)
Intl Paper                                                                            63,500                   3,246,438

Restaurants & lodging (0.3%)
Wendy's Intl                                                                          72,800                   2,115,750

Retail (10.9%)
Albertson's                                                                          102,975                   5,116,570
Best Buy                                                                              42,600(b)                3,179,025
Circuit City Stores                                                                   93,000                   4,394,250
Costco Companies                                                                      62,200(b)                4,649,450
CVS                                                                                   96,000                   4,776,000
Dayton Hudson                                                                        166,400                  10,763,999
Dollar General                                                                       138,500                   3,661,594
Home Depot                                                                           157,700                  10,063,231
Kroger                                                                               182,800(b)                4,809,925
Safeway                                                                              107,700(b)                5,802,338
TJX Companies                                                                        137,400                   4,542,788
Wal-Mart Stores                                                                      501,400                  21,184,149
Total                                                                                                         82,943,319

Utilities -- telephone (9.8%)
Ameritech                                                                            193,200                  14,151,900
AT&T                                                                                 349,775                  18,166,438
Bell Atlantic                                                                        229,820                  14,651,025
MCI WorldCom                                                                         212,285(b)               17,513,512
U S WEST Communications Group                                                        176,300                  10,104,194
Total                                                                                                         74,587,069

Total common stocks
(Cost: $688,548,473)                                                                                       $750,300,333

Short-term securities (0.8%)
Issuer                                                     Annualized               Amount                    Value(a)
                                                          yield on date           payable at
                                                           of purchase             maturity

U.S. government agencies (0.7%)
Federal Home Loan Bank Disc Nt
    08-18-99                                                     4.95%            $1,100,000                 $1,096,926
Federal Home Loan Mtge Corp Disc Nts
    08-19-99                                                     4.98              1,200,000                  1,196,859
    09-16-99                                                     4.99              2,400,000                  2,384,458
    09-23-99                                                     5.01                500,000                    496,273
Federal Natl Mtge Assn Disc Nt
    08-18-99                                                     5.08                400,000                    398,990
Total                                                                                                         5,573,506

Commercial paper (0.1%)
Xerox Credit
    08-04-99                                                     5.07                600,000                    599,663

Total short-term securities
(Cost: $6,173,543)                                                                                           $6,173,169

Total investments in securities
(Cost: $694,722,016)(e)                                                                                    $756,473,502

See accompanying notes to investments in securities.

 Notes to investments in securities

(a)  Securities  are valued by  procedures  described in Note 1 to the financial

(b) Non-income producing.

(c) Foreign security values are stated in U.S. dollars. As of July 31, 1999, the
value of foreign securities represented 1.50% of net assets.

(d) Partially  pledged as initial  margin  deposit on the  following  open stock
index futures purchase contracts (see Note 4 to the financial statements):

Type of security                          Contracts

S&P 500 Index, Sept. 1999                        17

(e) At July 31, 1999, the cost of securities for federal income tax purposes was
$696,290,614  and the aggregate gross  unrealized  appreciation and depreciation
based on that cost was:

Unrealized appreciation                             $85,454,416
Unrealized depreciation                             (25,271,528)
Net unrealized appreciation                         $60,182,888

                               Form of Proxy Card

Proxy Card Front

Proxy Card

[Fund name]

This Proxy is Solicited on Behalf of the Board of Directors.

The undersigned  hereby appoints Heidi S. Brommer,  James A. Mitchell and Eileen
J. Newhouse, or any one of them, as proxies, with full power of substitution, to
represent  and to vote  all of the  shares  of the  undersigned  at the  special
meeting to be held on May 9, 2000, and any adjournment thereof.




Date _______, 2000

Owners please sign as names appear at
left. Executors, administrators,
trustees, etc., should indicate
position when signing.

Proxy Card Back

Vote on Proposal

Approve the Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between the Strategist Fund and
the  AXP  Fund  providing  for  the  acquisition  of all of  the  assets  of the
Strategist  Fund by the AXP Fund in exchange  for Class A shares of the AXP Fund
and assumption by the AXP Fund of the liabilities of the Strategist  Fund, to be
followed  by  distribution  of those Class A shares to the  shareholders  of the
Strategist Fund and the subsequent termination of the Strategist Fund.

For _____                  Against  _____            Abstain _____

                       Statement of Additional Information

                                 April 17, 2000

AXP Mutual
AXP Stock
AXP Diversified Equity Income
AXP Emerging Markets
AXP Federal Income
AXP Growth
AXP New Dimensions
AXP Extra Income
AXP Selective
AXP Research Opportunities
AXP High Yield  Tax-Exempt
AXP Managed  Allocation
AXP Global Growth
AXP Global Bond
AXP Innovations

This statement of additional information ("SAI") covers each of the funds listed
above  (each an "AXP Fund") and  consists  of this cover page and the  following

1.   The AXP Fund's most recent SAI,  dated as shown in the table  below,  which
     has been previously filed and is incorporated by reference.

2.   The AXP  Fund's  most  recent  annual  report  and  semi-annual  report  to
     shareholders,  if a  semi-annual  report has been issued  subsequent to the
     date of the most recent  annual  report,  for the period shown in the table
     below, which have been previously filed and are incorporated by reference.

3.   The  Strategist  Fund's most recent SAI, dated as shown in the table below,
     which has been previously filed and is incorporated by reference.

4.   The  Strategist  Fund's most  recent  annual  report  and,  if  applicable,
     semi-annual  report  to  shareholders,  for the  period  shown in the table
     below, which have been previously filed and are incorporated by reference.

This SAI is not a prospectus.  It should be read in  conjunction  with the proxy
statement/prospectus, which may be obtained by calling 1-800-862-7919 or writing
American  Express  Client Service  Corporation,  P.O. Box 534,  Minneapolis,  MN

                                                             Annual Report         Semi-Annual
                Fund                          SAI             (for period            Report
                                            (dated)              ended)          (if applicable)
                                                                                   (for period

Strategist Balanced                         11/29/99            9/30/99                NA

AXP Mutual                                  11/29/99            9/30/99                NA

Strategist Equity                           11/29/99            9/30/99                NA

AXP Stock                                   11/29/99            9/30/99                NA

Strategist Equity Income                    11/29/99            9/30/99                NA

AXP Diversified Equity Income               11/29/99            9/30/99                NA

Strategist Emerging Markets                 12/30/99            10/31/99               NA

AXP Emerging Markets                        12/30/99            10/31/99               NA

Strategist Government Income                7/30/99             5/31/99             11/30/99

AXP Federal Income                          7/30/99             5/31/99             11/30/99

Strategist Growth                           9/29/99             7/31/99              1/31/00

AXP Growth                                  9/29/99             7/31/99              1/31/00

Strategist Growth Trends                    9/29/99             7/31/99              1/31/00

AXP New Dimensions                          9/29/99             7/31/99              1/31/00

Strategist High Yield                       7/30/99             5/31/99             11/30/99

AXP Extra Income                            7/30/99             5/31/99             11/30/99

Strategist Quality Income                   7/30/99             5/31/99             11/30/99

AXP Selective                               7/30/99             5/31/99             11/30/99

Strategist Special Growth                   9/29/99             7/31/99              1/31/00

AXP Research Opportunities                  9/29/99             7/31/99              1/31/00

Strategist Tax-Free High Yield              1/28/00             11/30/99               NA

AXP High Yield Tax-Exempt                   1/28/00             11/30/99               NA

Strategist Total Return                     11/29/99            9/30/99                NA

AXP Managed Allocation                      11/29/99            9/30/99                NA

Strategist World Growth                     12/30/99            10/31/99               NA

AXP Global Growth                           12/30/99            10/31/99               NA

Strategist World Income                     12/30/99            10/31/99               NA

AXP Global Bond                             12/30/99            10/31/99               NA

Strategist World Technologies               12/30/99            10/31/99               NA

AXP Innovations                              3/15/00            10/31/99               NA

                              AXP INNOVATIONS FUND
                                OCTOBER 31, 1999

The  accompanying   unaudited  pro  forma  combining  statement  of  assets  and
liabilities  and the  statement  of  operations  reflect the accounts of the two
funds at and for the 12-month period ending October 31, 1999.  These  statements
have been derived from annual reports for AXP Innovations  Fund (a series of AXP
Global  Series,  Inc.)  and  Strategist  World  Technologies  Fund (a  series of
Strategist  World Fund,  Inc.) as of October 31, 1999.  Each Fund invests all of
its assets in World  Technologies  Portfolio (the Portfolio),  a series of World
Trust, an open-end investment company that has the same objectives as the Funds.
The Portfolio invests in technology  common stocks.  Management of the Funds has
elected not to present a combining  Schedule of  Investments  for the  Portfolio
because  it  will  not  change  as a  result  of the  merger.  The  schedule  of
investments  for the Portfolio is included in the Funds' annual  reports,  which
are available upon request.

Under  the  proposed  Agreement  and  Plan  of  Reorganization,  shares  of  the
Strategist World  Technologies Fund would be exchanged for Class A shares of the
AXP Innovations Fund.

The pro forma combining statements have been prepared based upon the various fee
structures of the funds in existence as of October 31, 1999.

                              AXP Innovations Fund
                       Strategist World Technologies Fund
                               Pro forma Combining
                       Statement of assets and liabilities
                                October 31, 1999
                                                                                            Strategist World
                                                                       AXP Innovations        Technologies
                                                                             Fund                 Fund                   Combined
Investments in World Technologies Portfolio (Note 1)                     $ 7,897,520           $ 1,125,654              $ 9,023,174
                                                                         -----------           -----------              -----------

Accrued distribution fee                                                           4                     -                        4
Accrued administrative services fee                                               12                     2                       14
Other accrued expenses                                                        16,790                 4,447                   21,237
                                                                              ------                 -----                   ------

Total liabilities                                                             16,806                 4,449                   21,255
                                                                              ------                 -----                   ------

Net assets applicable
  to outstanding capital stock                                           $ 7,880,714           $ 1,121,205              $ 9,001,919
                                                                         ===========           ===========              ===========

Represented by
Capital stock --- $.01 par value (Note 1)                                $     7,000           $     1,000              $     8,000
Additional paid-in capital                                                 3,399,239               484,163                3,883,402
Accumulated net realized gain (loss)                                         970,722               136,387                1,107,109
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation)
  on investments and on translation
  of assets and liabilities in foreign currencies                          3,503,753               499,655                4,003,408
                                                                           ---------               -------                ---------

Total --- representing net assets applicable
  to outstanding capital stock                                           $ 7,880,714           $ 1,121,205              $ 9,001,919
                                                                         ===========           ===========              ===========

Net assets applicable to outstanding shares:    Class A                  $ 7,435,047                                    $ 8,556,252
                                                Class B                  $   220,363                                    $   220,363
                                                Class Y                  $   225,304                                    $   225,304
Net asset value per share of outstanding
  capital stock: (Note 2)                       Class A shares  660,000  $     11.27   100,000 $     11.21  759,485     $     11.27
                                                Class B shares   20,000  $     11.02                         20,000     $     11.02
                                                Class Y shares   20,000  $     11.27                         20,000     $     11.27

See accompanying notes to pro forma combining financial statements.

                              AXP Innovations Fund
                       Strategist World Technologies Fund
                               Pro forma Combining
                             Statement of Operations
                                October 31, 1999

                                                                            Strategist World                          Pro forma
Investment income                                        AXP Innovations      Technologies          Pro forma       AXP Innovations
Income:                                                        Fund               Fund             Adjustments           Fund

Dividends                                                   $   6,134          $     874                                   $ 7,008
    Less foreign taxes withheld                                  (328)               (47)                                     (375)
                                                                 ----                ---                                      ----
Total Income                                                    5,806                827                                     6,633
                                                                -----                ---                                     -----

Expenses allocated from World Technologies Portfolio           63,721              9,085                                    72,806
Distribution fee
   Class A                                                      5,263              1,900                                     7,163
   Class B                                                      1,395                                                        1,395
Transfer agency fee                                                48                 20               (2) a                    66
Incremental transfer agency fee
   Class A                                                          2                                                            2
   Class B                                                          2                                                            2
Administrative services fees and expenses                       2,467                504                                     2,971
Compensation of board members                                                        818                                       818
Registration fees                                                                    414                                       414
Audit fees                                                                         3,600                                     3,600
Other                                                                              2,490                                     2,490
                                                                                   -----                                     -----
Total Expenses                                                 72,898             18,831               (2)                  91,727
   Less expenses voluntarily reimbursed by AEFC                (6,548)            (6,496)                                  (13,044)
                                                               ------             ------                                   -------
Total net expenses                                             66,350             12,335               (2)                  78,683
                                                               ------             ------               --                   ------
Investment income (loss) -- net                               (60,544)           (11,508)               2                  (72,050)
                                                              -------            -------                -                  -------

Realized and unrealized gain (loss) -- net
Net realized gain (loss) on:
   Security transactions                                    1,376,509            196,456                                 1,572,965
   Foreign currency transactions                                  (38)                (5)                                      (43)
   Options contracts written                                   (1,470)              (210)                                   (1,680)
                                                               ------               ----                                    ------
Net realized gain (loss) on investments                     1,375,001            196,241                                 1,571,242
Net change in unrealized apprciation
  (depreciation) on investments and on
  translation of assets and liabilities
  in foreign currencies                                     2,778,956            396,216                                 3,175,172
                                                            ---------            -------                                 ---------
Net gain (loss) on investments and foreign currencies       4,153,957            592,457                                 4,746,414
                                                            ---------            -------                                 ---------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  resulting from operations                               $ 4,093,413          $ 580,949             $ 2               $ 4,674,364
                                                          ===========          =========             ===               ===========

a) Adjustment for transfer agency fee from $20 to Innovation Class A $19 per account.

See accompanying notes to pro forma combining financial statements.

                              AXP INNOVATIONS FUND
                       (UNAUDITED AS TO OCTOBER 31, 1999)


The unaudited pro forma  combining  statement of assets and  liabilities and the
statement  of  operations  reflect the  accounts of the two funds at and for the
12-month period ending October 31, 1999. These statements have been derived from
annual reports for AXP  Innovations  Fund (a series of AXP Global Series,  Inc.)
and Strategist World Technologies Fund (a series of Strategist World Fund, Inc.)
as of October 31, 1999.

Each  Fund  invests  all of its  assets  in World  Technologies  Portfolio  (the
Portfolio), a series of World Trust, an open-end investment company that has the
same objectives as the Funds. The Portfolio invests in technology common stocks.
Management  of the Funds has  elected  not to present a  combining  schedule  of
investments  for the  Portfolio  because  it will not  change as a result of the
merger.  The schedule of investments for the Portfolio is included in the Funds'
annual reports, which are available upon request.

The pro forma statements give effect to the proposed  transfer of the assets and
liabilities of Strategist World Technologies Fund in exchange for Class A shares
of AXP Innovations  Fund under generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  The
results  of  operations  for AXP  Innovations  Fund  will  not be  restated  for
Strategist World Technologies  Fund's results of operations for  pre-combination
periods.  The pro forma statements do not reflect the expenses of either fund in
carrying out its  obligation  under the  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization.
American Express Financial Corporation has agreed to bear the costs of effecting
the Reorganization, which is estimated at $7,500.

The pro  forma  combining  statements  should  be read in  conjunction  with the
historical  financial  statements of the funds  incorporated by reference in the
Statement of Additional Information.

The pro forma statement of operations give effect to the proposed transaction on
the historical  operations of the surviving entity,  AXP Innovations Fund, as if
the transaction had occurred at the beginning of the year presented.


The pro forma net asset value per share assumes the issuance of additional Class
A shares of AXP Innovations Fund if the reorganization  were to have taken place
on October  31,  1999.  The pro forma  number of Class A shares  outstanding  of
759,485  consists  of 99,485  shares  assumed  to be issued to  shareholders  of
Strategist World  Technologies  Fund plus 660,000 shares of AXP Innovations Fund
outstanding as of October 31, 1999.


Item 15. Indemnification

The  Articles of  Incorporation  of the  registrant  provide that the Fund shall
indemnify  any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party,
by reason of the fact that she or he is or was a director,  officer, employee or
agent  of the  Fund,  or is or was  serving  at the  request  of the  Fund  as a
director,  officer,  employee or agent of another  company,  partnership,  joint
venture,  trust or other  enterprise,  to any  threatened,  pending or completed
action,  suit or  proceeding,  wherever  brought,  and  the  Fund  may  purchase
liability  insurance  and advance  legal  expenses,  all to the  fullest  extent
permitted  by the laws of the State of  Minnesota,  as now existing or hereafter
amended.  The By-laws of the registrant provide that present or former directors
or  officers  of the Fund made or  threatened  to be made a party to or involved
(including as a witness) in an actual or threatened  action,  suit or proceeding
shall be indemnified by the Fund to the full extent  authorized by the Minnesota
Business Corporation Act, all as more fully set forth in the By-laws filed as an
exhibit to this registration statement.

Insofar as  indemnification  for liability  arising under the  Securities Act of
1933 may be permitted to  directors,  officers  and  controlling  persons of the
registrant pursuant to the foregoing  provisions,  or otherwise,  the registrant
has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities  and Exchange  Commission
such  indemnification  is against  public policy as expressed in the Act and is,
therefore,  unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against
such liabilities  (other than the payment by the registrant of expenses incurred
or paid by a director,  officer or  controlling  person of the registrant in the
successful  defense of any  action,  suit or  proceeding)  is  asserted  by such
director,  officer or controlling person in connection with the securities being
registered, the registrant will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter
has been  settled by  controlling  precedent,  submit to a court of  appropriate
jurisdiction the question whether such  indemnification  by it is against public
policy as expressed in the Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of
such issue.

Any  indemnification  hereunder  shall not be  exclusive  of any other rights of
indemnification  to which the  directors,  officers,  employees  or agents might
otherwise  be  entitled.  No  indemnification  shall be made in violation of the
Investment Company Act of 1940.

Item 16.   Exhibits.

(1)      Articles of Incorporation, as amended November 10, 1988, filed as
         Exhibit 1 to Post-Effective Amendment No. 38 to Registration Statement
         No. 2-38355, are incorporated by reference.

(2)      By-laws,   as  amended  January  12,  1989,   filed  as  Exhibit  2  to
         Post-Effective  Amendment No. 38 to Registration Statement No. 2-38355,
         are incorporated by reference.

(3)      Voting Trust Agreement:   Not Applicable.

(4)      Form of Agreement and Plan of Reorganization, dated March 10, 2000,
         filed electronically herewith as Exhibit 1 to Part A of this
         Registration Statement.

(5)      Stock certificate, filed as Exhibit No. 3 to Registrant's Amendment No.
         1 to  Registration  Statement  No.  2-38355,  dated Feb.  2,  1971,  is
         incorporated by reference.

(6)(a)   Investment Management and Services Agreement between Registrant and
         American Express Financial Corporation, dated March 20, 1995, filed
         electronically as Exhibit 5 to Registrant's Post-Effective Amendment
         No. 54 to Registration Statement No. 2-38355, is incorporated by
         reference. The Agreement was assumed by the Portfolio when IDS Growth
         Fund adopted the master/feeder structure.

(6)(b)   Investment Management Services Agreement between Growth Trust, on
         behalf of Aggressive Growth Portfolio, and American Express Financial
         Corporation, dated July 1, 1999, filed as Exhibit(d)(2) to Registrant's
         Post-Effective Amendment No. 63 to Registration Statement No. 2-38355,
         is incorporated by reference.

(7)(a)   Distribution Agreement between Registrant and American Express
         Financial Advisors Inc., dated March 20, 1995, filed electronically as
         Exhibit 6 to Registrant's Post-Effective Amendment No. 54 to
         Registration Statement No. 2-38355, is incorporated by reference.

(7)(b)   Distribution  Agreement  between  Registrant,  on  behalf  of  the  IDS
         Research  Opportunities  Fund and American Express  Financial  Advisors
         Inc.,  dated  August 19,  1996,  filed  electronically  as Exhibit 6 to
         Registrant's  Post-Effective Amendment No. 58 to Registration Statement
         No. 2-38355, is incorporated by reference.

(8)      All employees  are eligible to  participate  in a profit  sharing plan.
         Entry  into the plan is Jan.  1 or July 1. The  Registrant  contributes
         each year an amount up to 15  percent  of their  annual  salaries,  the
         maximum  deductible  amount  permitted  under  Section  404(a)  of  the
         Internal Revenue Code.

(9)(a)   Custodian Agreement between Registrant and American Express Trust
         Company, dated March 20, 1995, filed electronically as Exhibit 8(a) to
         Registrant's Post-Effective Amendment No. 54 to Registration Statement
         No. 2-38355, is incorporated by reference.

(9)(b)   Addendum to the Custodian Agreement, dated March 20, 1995, between IDS
         Growth Fund, Inc. and American Express Trust Company executed on
         May 13, 1996, filed electronically as Exhibit 8(c) to Registrant's
         Post-Effective Amendment No. 60 to Registration Statement No. 2-38355,
         is incorporated by reference.

(9)(c)   Custodian Agreement between Registrant, on behalf of IDS Research
         Opportunities Fund, and American Express Trust Company, dated
         August 19, 1996, filed electronically as Exhibit No. 8 to
         Post-Effective Amendment No. 58 to Registration Statement No. 2-38355,
         is incorporated by reference.

(9)(d)   Addendum to the  Custodian  Agreement,  dated August 19, 1996,  between
         Registrant,  on behalf of IDS Research Opportunities Fund, and American
         Express  Trust  Company,   filed  electronically  as  Exhibit  8(c)  to
         Registrant's  Post-Effective Amendment No. 61 to Registration Statement
         No. 2-38355, is incorporated by reference.

(9)(e)   Custodian Agreement dated May 13, 1999 between American Express Trust
         Company and The Bank of New York is incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit (g)(3) to IDS Precious Metals Fund, Inc. Post-Effective
         Amendment No. 33, File No. 2-93745 filed on or about May 24, 1999.

(9)(f)   Custodian Agreement Amendment between IDS International Fund, Inc. and
         American Express Trust Company, dated October 9, 1997, filed
         electronically on or about December 23, 1997 as Exhibit 8(c) to IDS
         International Fund, Inc.'s Post-Effective Amendment No. 26 to
         Registration Statement No. 2-92309, is incorporated by reference.
         Registrant's Custodian Agreement Amendment differs from the one
         incorporated by reference only by the fact that Registrant is one
         executing party.

(10)(a)  Plan and  Agreement  of  Distribution  dated  July 1, 1999  between
         Registrant  on  behalf of its  underlying  series  funds and  American
         Express  Financial  Advisors  Inc.,  is  incorporated  by reference to
         Exhibit (m) to AXP Discovery Fund, Inc.  Post-Effective  Amendment No.
         36, file No.2-72174 filed on or about July 30, 1999.

(10)(b)  Rule 18f-3 Plan dated April 1999 is  incorporated  by  reference to
         Exhibit (o) to IDS Precious Metals Fund, Inc.  Post-Effective Amendment
         No. 33, File No. 2-93745 filed on or about May 24, 1999.

(11)     Opinion and consent of counsel as to the legality of the  securities
         being registered is incorporated by reference to Exhibit (11) to
         Registration Statement No. 333-32324 filed on or about March 13, 2000.

(12)     Tax Opinion to be filed by amendment.

(13)(a)  Administrative Services Agreement between Registrant and American
         Express Financial Corporation, dated March 20, 1995, filed
         electronically as Exhibit 9(e) to Registrant's Post-Effective Amendment
         No. 54 to Registration Statement No. 2-38355, is incorporated herein
         by reference.

(13)(b)  Administrative Services Agreement between Registrant, on behalf of IDS
         Research Opportunities Fund, and American Express Financial
         Corporation, dated August 19, 1996, filed electronically as Exhibit
         No. 9(e) to Post-Effective Amendment No. 58 to Registration Statement
         No. 2-38355, is incorporated by reference.

(13)(c)  Agreement and Declaration of Unitholders between IDS Growth Fund, Inc.
         and Strategist Growth Fund, Inc., dated May 13, 1996, filed
         electronically as Exhibit 9(f) to Post-Effective Amendment No. 61 to
         Registration Statement No. 2-38355, is incorporated by reference.

(13)(d)  License Agreement between Registrant and IDS Financial Corporation,
         dated January 25, 1988, filed as Exhibit 9(c) to Post-Effective
         Amendment No. 38 to Registration Statement No. 2-38355, is incorporated
         herein by reference.

(13)(e)  License Agreement between Registrant, on behalf of IDS Research
         Opportunities Fund, and American Express Financial Corporation, dated
         August 19, 1996, filed electronically as Exhibit No. 9(c) to
         Post-Effective Amendment No. 58 to Registration Statement No. 2-38355,
         is incorporated by reference.

(13)(f)  License  Agreement,  dated June 17, 1999,  between the American Express
         Funds and American Express Company,  filed  electronically  on or about
         September  23,  1999  as  Exhibit  (h)(4)  to AXP  Stock  Fund,  Inc.'s
         Post-Effective  Amendment No. 98 to Registration Statement No. 2-11358,
         is incorporated by reference.

(13)(g)  Agreement of Merger, dated April 10, 1986, filed as Exhibit No. 9 to
         Post-Effective Amendment No. 33 to Registration Statement No. 2-38355,
         is incorporated by reference.

(13)(h)  Class Y Shareholder  Service  Agreement between IDS Precious Metals
         Fund, Inc. and American Express Financial  Advisors Inc., dated May 9,
         1997, filed  electronically  on or about May 27, 1997, as Exhibit 9(e)
         to IDS Precious Metals Fund,  Inc.s'  Amendment No. 30 to Registration
         Statement No.  2-93745,  is  incorporated  by reference.  Registrant's
         Class  Y   Shareholder   Service   Agreement   differs  from  the  one
         incorporated  by  reference  only by the fact that  Registrant  is one
         executing party.

(13)(i)  Transfer Agency Agreement between Registrant and American Express
         Client Service Corporation, dated Feb. 1, 1999, filed as Exhibit (d)(2)
         to Registrant's Post-Effective Amendment No. 63 to Registration
         Statement No. 2-38355, is incorporated by reference.

(14)     Independent Auditors' Consent is filed electronically herewith.

(15)     Omitted Financial Statements: Not Applicable.

(16)(a)  Directors' Power of Attorney to sign Amendments to this Registration
         Statement, dated January 13, 2000, is incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit (16)(a) to Registration Statement No. 333-32324 filed on or
         about March 13, 2000.

(16)(b)  Officers' Power of Attorney to sign Amendments to this Registration
         Statement, dated January 13, 2000, is incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit (16)(b) to Registration Statement No. 333-32324 filed on or
         about March 13, 2000.

(16)(c)  Trustee's Power of Attorney to sign Amendments to this Registration
         Statement, dated January 13, 2000, is incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit (16)(c) to Registration Statement No. 333-32324 filed on or
         about March 13, 2000.

(16)(d)  Officers' Power of Attorney to sign Amendments to this Registration
         Statement, dated January 13, 2000, is incorporated by reference to
         Exhibit (16)(d) to Registration Statement No. 333-32324 filed on or
         about March 13, 2000.

(17)(a)  Code  of  Ethics  adopted  under  Rule  17j-1  for  Registrant   filed
         electronically  on or about  March 30,  2000 as Exhibit  (p)(1) to AXP
         Market Advantage  Series,  Inc.'s  Post-Effective  Amendment No. 24 to
         Registration Statement No. 33-30770, is incorporated by reference.

(17)(b)  Code of Ethics adopted under Rule 17j-1 for  Registrant's  investment
         advisor and principal  underwriter  filed  electronically  on or about
         March 30,  2000 as  Exhibit  (p)(2) to AXP  Market  Advantage  Series,
         Inc.'s Post-Effective  Amendment No. 24 to Registration  Statement No.
         33-30770, is incorporated by reference.

Item 17.  Undertakings

(1)  The undersigned  registrant  agrees that prior to any public  reoffering of
     the securities  registered  through the use of a prospectus which is a part
     of this  registration  statement by any person or party who is deemed to be
     an underwriter  within the meaning of Rule 145(c) of the Securities Act [17
     CFR  230.145c],  the  reoffering  prospectus  will contain the  information
     called for by the applicable  registration  form for reofferings by persons
     who may be deemed  underwriters,  in addition to the information called for
     by the other items of the applicable form.

(2)  The undersigned registrant agrees that every prospectus that is filed under
     paragraph  (1)  above  will  be  filed  as  part  of an  amendment  to  the
     registration  statement  and  will  not be  used  until  the  amendment  is
     effective,  and that, in determining any liability under the 1933 Act, each
     post-  effective  amendment  shall  be  deemed  to  be a  new  registration
     statement  for the  securities  offered  therein,  and the  offering of the
     securities  at that  time  shall be  deemed  to be the  initial  bona  fide
     offering of them.

(3)  The Registrant undertakes to file by Post-Effective Amendment an Opinion of
     Counsel  supporting  the tax  consequences  of the proposed  reorganization
     within a reasonable time after receipt of such opinion.


As required by the  Securities Act of 1933,  this Amendment to the  Registration
Statement  has  been  signed  on  behalf  of  the  Registrant,  in the  City  of
Minneapolis and State of Minnesota on the 17th day of April, 2000.


By /s/   Arne H. Carlson **
         Arne H. Carlson, Chief Executive officer

By /s/   John M. Knight
         John M. Knight, Treasurer

As required by the  Securities Act of 1933,  this Amendment to the  Registration
Statement  has been  signed  below by the  following  persons in the  capacities
indicated on the 17th day of April, 2000.

Signature                                            Capacity

     _______________________                         Director
     Peter J. Anderson

/s/  H. Brewster Atwater, Jr.*                       Director
     H. Brewster Atwater, Jr.

/s/  Arne H. Carlson*                                Chairman of the Board
     Arne H. Carlson

/s/  Lynne V. Cheney*                                Director
     Lynne V. Cheney

/s/  David R. Hubers*                                Director
     David R. Hubers

/s/  Heinz F. Hutter*                                Director
     Heinz F. Hutter

/s/  Anne P. Jones*                                  Director
     Anne P. Jones

/s/  William R. Pearce*                              Director
     William R. Pearce

/s/  Alan K. Simpson*                                Director
     Alan K. Simpson

/s/  John R. Thomas*                                 Director
     John R. Thomas

/s/  C. Angus Wurtele*                               Director
     C. Angus Wurtele

*Signed pursuant to Directors' Power of Attorney,  dated January 13, 2000, filed
electronically as Exhibit (16)(a) to Registration Statement No. 333-32324, by:

/s/  Leslie L. Ogg
     Leslie L. Ogg

**Signed pursuant to Officers' Power of Attorney,  dated January 13, 2000, filed
electronically as Exhibit (16)(b) to Registration Statement No. 333-32324, by:

/s/  Leslie L. Ogg
     Leslie L. Ogg


As required by the Securities  Act of 1933,  GROWTH TRUST consents to the filing
of  this  Amendment  to the  Registration  Statement  signed  on  behalf  of the
Registrant, in the City of Minneapolis and State of Minnesota on the 17th day of
April, 2000.

                                  GROWTH TRUST

                                  By /s/   Arne H. Carlson****
                                           Arne H. Carlson
                                           Chief Executive Officer

                                  By /s/   John M. Knight
                                           John M. Knight

As required by the  Securities Act of 1933,  this Amendment to the  Registration
Statement  has been  signed  below by the  following  persons in the  capacities
indicated on the 17th day of April, 2000.

Signature                                            Capacity

     ___________________________                     Trustee
     Peter J. Anderson

/s/  H. Brewster Atwater, Jr.***                     Trustee
     H. Brewster Atwater, Jr.

/s/  Arne H. Carlson***                              Chairman of the Board
     Arne H. Carlson

/s/  Lynne V. Cheney***                              Trustee
     Lynne V. Cheney

/s/  David R. Hubers***                              Trustee
     David R. Hubers

/s/  Heinz F. Hutter***                              Trustee
     Heinz F. Hutter

/s/  Anne P. Jones***                                Trustee
     Anne P. Jones

/s/  William R. Pearce***                            Trustee
     William R. Pearce

/s/  Alan K. Simpson***                              Trustee
     Alan K. Simpson

/s/  John R. Thomas***                               Trustee
     John R. Thomas

/s/  C. Angus Wurtele***                             Trustee
     C. Angus Wurtele

***Signed pursuant to Trustees' Power of Attorney, dated January 13, 2000, filed
electronically as Exhibit (16)(c) to Registration Statement No. 333-32324, by:

/s/  Leslie L. Ogg
     Leslie L. Ogg

****Signed  pursuant to  Officers'  Power of Attorney,  dated  January 13, 2000,
filed electronically as Exhibit (16)(d) to Registration Statement No. 333-32324,

/s/  Leslie L. Ogg
     Leslie L. Ogg


This Amendment to the Registration  Statement comprises the following papers and

The facing sheet.

Part A.

        The prospectus.

Part B.

        The Statement of Additional Information.

Part C.

        Other information.



The Signatures.