WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                         PRE-EFFECTIVE AMENDMENT NO.1 TO
                                    FORM S-6

                               FILE NO. 333-44644

                    OF 1933 OF SECURITIES OF UNIT INVESTMENT
                  TRUSTS REGISTERED ON FORM N-8B-2 (811-05213)

A.       Exact name of trust:       IDS Life of New York Account 8

B.       Name of depositor:         IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK

C.       Complete address of depositor's principal executive offices:

         20 Madison Avenue Ext. Albany, NY  12203

D.       Name and complete address of agent for service:

                            Mary Ellyn Minenko, Esq.
                     IDS Life Insurance Company of New York
                           50607 AXP Financial Center
                          Minneapolis, Minnesota 55474

It is proposed that this filing become  effective  November 20, 2000, or as soon
as practicable.

[ ] immediately  upon filing pursuant to paragraph (b)
[ ] on (date) pursuant to paragraph  (b)
[ ] 60 days after  filing  pursuant  to  paragraph  (a)(1)
[ ] on (date) pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of Rule 485
[ ] this  post-effective  amendment  designates  a new  effective  date for a
    previously filed post-effective amendment.

E.       Title of securities being registered:

               Flexible Premium Variable Life Insurance Policy

F.       Approximate date of proposed public offering: as soon as practicable.

American Express Variable Universal Life III(SM), a Flexible Premium Variable
Life Insurance Policy


IDS Life of New York Account 8

Issued and sold by:   IDS Life Insurance Company of New York
                      (IDS Life of New York)
                      20 Madison Avenue Extension
                      Albany, NY 12203
                      Telephone: 800-541-2251

This prospectus  contains  information  about the life insurance policy that you
should  know  before  investing.  You also  will  receive  prospectuses  for the
underlying funds that are investment options under your policy.  Please read all
prospectuses carefully and keep them for future reference.

Variable  universal life insurance is a complex vehicle.  Before you invest,  be
sure  to ask  your  sales  representative  about  the  variable  universal  life
insurance policy's features,  benefits, risks and fees, and whether the variable
universal  life  insurance is  appropriate  for you,  based upon your  financial
situation and objectives.

Your sales  representative  may be  authorized  to offer you  several  different
variable universal life insurance  policies.  Each policy has different features
or benefits that may be appropriate  for you based on your  financial  situation
and  needs,  your  age and how you  intend  to use the  product.  The  different
features  and  benefits  may  include   investment  and  fund  manager  options,
variations  in  interest  rate  amounts  and  guarantees  and  surrender  charge
schedules. The fees and charges may also be different between each policy.

The  Securities and Exchange  Commission  has not approved or disapproved  these
securities or passed upon the accuracy of this prospectus. Any representation to
the contrary is a criminal offense.

An investment in this policy is not a deposit of a bank or financial institution
and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or
any other government  agency.  An investment in this policy involves  investment
risk including possible loss of principal.

Table of contents

The Policy in Brief                                         4
Loads, Fees and Charges                                     6
        Fund expenses                                       6
        Premium expense charge                              9
        Monthly deduction                                   9
        Surrender charge                                   10
        Partial surrender fee                              13
        Mortality and expense risk charge                  13
Purchasing Your Policy                                     14
        Application                                        14
        Right to examine policy                            14
        Premiums                                           15
Keeping The Policy in Force                                15
        No lapse guarantee                                 15
        Grace period                                       16
        Reinstatement                                      16
The Variable Account                                       17

The Funds                                                  18
        Fund objectives                                    23
        Relationship between funds and subaccounts         24
Rates of Return of the Funds and Subaccounts               24

The Fixed Account                                          29
Policy Value                                               30
        Fixed account value                                30
        Subaccount values                                  31
Proceeds Payable Upon Death                                32
        Change in death benefit option                     34
        Changes in specified amount                        34
        Misstatement of age or sex                         35
        Suicide                                            35
        Beneficiary                                        35
Transfers between the Fixed Account and  Subaccounts       35
        Fixed account  transfer policies                   36
        Minimum  transfer  amounts                         36
        Maximum  transfer  amounts                         36
        Maximum  number of transfers per year              36
        Two ways to request a transfer, loan or surrender  36
        Automated  transfers                               37
        Automated  dollar-cost averaging                   37
Policy Loans                                               38
Policy Surrenders                                          39
        Total surrenders                                   40
        Partial surrenders                                 40
        Allocations of partial surrenders                  40
        Effects of partial surrenders                      40
        Taxes                                              40
        Exchange right                                     40
        Paid-up insurance option                           41

Optional Insurance Benefits                                41
Payment of Policy Proceeds                                 42

Federal Taxes                                              44
        IDS Life of New York's tax status                  44
        Taxation of policy proceeds                        44
        Modified endowment contracts                       45
        Other tax considerations                           46
IDS Life of New York                                       47
        Ownership                                          47
        State regulation                                   47
        Distribution of the policy                         47
        Legal proceedings                                  47
        Year 2000                                          48
        Experts                                            48
Management of IDS Life of New York                         49
Other Information                                          51
        Substitution of investments                        51
        Voting rights                                      51
        Reports                                            52
Policy Illustrations                                       52
Key Terms                                                  56

The Policy in Brief

Purpose:  The purpose of the policy is to provide life  insurance  protection on
the life of the insured and to build policy value.  The policy  provides a death
benefit that we pay to the beneficiary  upon the insured's death. As in the case
of other life insurance  policies,  it may not be  advantageous to purchase this
policy as a  replacement  for,  or in addition  to an  existing  life  insurance

The policy allows you, as the owner, to allocate your net premiums,  or transfer
policy value, to:

The variable account, consisting of subaccounts, each of which invests in a fund
with a particular investment objective. You may direct premiums to any or all of
these subaccounts. Your policy's value may increase or decrease daily, depending
on the investment return. No minimum amount is guaranteed. (p. 16)

The fixed account,  which earns interest at rates that are adjusted periodically
by IDS Life of New York. This rate will never be lower than 4.0%. (p. 29)

Purchasing  your  policy:  To apply,  send a completed  application  and premium
payment to IDS Life of New York's home office.  You will need to provide medical
and other  evidence  that the person you propose to insure  (yourself or someone
else) is insurable according to our underwriting rules before we can accept your
application. (p. 14)

Right to examine policy: You may return your policy for any reason and receive a
full refund of your premiums by mailing us the policy and a written  request for
cancellation within a specified period. (p. 14)

Premiums:  In applying for your policy, you state how much you intend to pay and
whether you will pay  quarterly,  semiannually  or  annually.  You may also make
additional,  unscheduled  premium payments subject to certain limits. You cannot
make premium  payments on or after the maturity date. We may refuse  premiums in
order to comply with the Code. (p. 15)

No lapse guarantee:  A feature of the policy guaranteeing the policy will remain
in force for five policy  years.  The  feature is in effect if you meet  certain
premium requirements. (p. 15)

Grace period:  If the cash surrender  value of your policy becomes less than the
amount needed to pay the monthly  deduction and the no lapse guarantee is not in
effect,  you will have 61 days to pay a premium  that raises the cash  surrender
value to an amount  sufficient to pay the monthly  deduction.  If you don't, the
policy will lapse. (p. 16)

Reinstatement:  If your policy lapses,  it can be reinstated  within five years.
The  reinstatement  is subject  to  certain  conditions  including  evidence  of
insurability  satisfactory  to IDS  Life  of  New  York  and  the  payment  of a
sufficient premium. (p. 16)

Loads, fees and charges: You pay the following charges, either directly (such as
deductions from your premium payments or from your policy value),  or indirectly
(as deductions from the underlying  funds.) These charges  primarily  compensate
IDS Life of New York for  administering  and  distributing the policy as well as
paying policy benefits and assuming related risks:

     o    Premium expense charge - 3.5% is deducted from each premium payment to
          cover some distribution  expenses,  state and local premium taxes, and
          federal taxes. (p.9)

     o    Monthly  deduction  -- charged  against  the value of your policy each
          month (prior to the maturity  date),  covering the cost of  insurance,
          the $5 per  month  policy  fee and  the  cost  of  optional  insurance
          benefits.  The cost of  insurance  depends  on the amount of the death
          benefit,  the policy value and the insured's  attained  insurance age,
          sex and risk classification. (p.9)

     o    Surrender  charge -- applies if you surrender your policy for its full
          cash surrender value, or the policy lapses,  during the first 10 years
          and for 10 years after requesting an increase in the specified amount.
          We base it on the initial  specified amount and on any increase in the
          specified amount. (p.10)

     o    Partial surrender fee -- applies if you surrender part of the value of
          your policy; equals $25 or 2% of the amount surrendered,  whichever is
          less. (p.13)

     o    Mortality and expense risk charge -- applies only to the  subaccounts;
          equals,  on an annual basis, 0.9% of the average daily net asset value
          of the subaccounts for the first 10 policy years and 0.45% thereafter.
          We reserve the right to charge up to 0.9% for all policy years. (p.13)

     o    Fund  expenses -- apply only to the  underlying  funds and consists of
          investment   management  fees,   taxes,   brokerage   commissions  and
          nonadvisory expenses. (p. 6)

Optional insurance  benefits:  You may choose to add additional benefits to your
policy at an additional cost, in the form of riders. (p.10)

Proceeds  payable upon death:  Prior to the maturity  date,  your policy's death
benefit  can never be less than the  specified  amount,  unless you change  that
amount or your policy has outstanding indebtedness. The relationship between the
policy value and the death benefit depends on which of two options you choose:

     o    Option  1 level  amount:  The  death  benefit  is the  greater  of the
          specified amount or a percentage of policy value.

     o    Option 2 variable  amount:  The death  benefit  is the  greater of the
          specified  amount  plus the  policy  value or a  percentage  of policy

You may change the death  benefit  option or  specified  amount  within  certain
limits; doing so generally will affect policy charges.

Transfers  between  the fixed  account and  subaccounts:  You may, at no charge,
transfer policy value from one subaccount to another or between  subaccounts and
the fixed account.  (Certain restrictions apply to transfers involving the fixed
account.) You also can arrange for automated  transfers  among the fixed account
and subaccounts. (p. 35)

Policy  loans:  You may borrow  against your policy's cash  surrender  value.  A
policy loan,  even if repaid,  can have a permanent  effect on the death benefit
and policy value. A loan may have tax  consequences if your policy lapses or you
surrender it. (p. 38)

Policy  surrenders:  You may cancel this policy while it is in force and receive
its cash surrender  value.  The cash  surrender  value is the policy value minus
indebtedness, minus any applicable surrender charges.
(p. 39)

Exchange  right:  For two years after the policy is issued,  you can exchange it
for one that provides  benefits that do not vary with the  investment  return of
the subaccounts. Because the policy itself offers a fixed return option, all you
need do is  transfer  all of the policy  value in the  subaccounts  to the fixed
account. (p.40)

Payment of policy  proceeds:  We will pay policy proceeds when you surrender the
policy or the insured dies. You or the  beneficiary  may choose whether you want
us to make a lump sum payment or payments under one or more of certain  options.
(p. 42)

Federal  taxes:  The death benefit is not considered  part of the  beneficiary's
income and therefore is not subject to federal  income taxes.  When the proceeds
are paid after the maturity date, if the amount  received plus any  indebtedness
exceeds  your  investment  in the policy,  the excess may be taxable as ordinary
income.  Part  or all of any  proceeds  you  receive  through  full  or  partial
surrender,  lapse,  policy loan or  assignment of policy value may be subject to
federal income tax as ordinary  income.  Proceeds other than death benefits from
certain  policies,  classified as "modified  endowments," are taxed  differently
from proceeds of conventional  life insurance  contracts and also may be subject
to an additional 10% IRS penalty tax if you are younger than 59 1/2. A policy is
considered  to be a  modified  endowment  if it was  applied  for or  materially
changed after June 21, 1988, and premiums paid in the early years exceed certain
modified endowment limits. (p. 44)

Loads, Fees and Charges

Policy charges compensate IDS Life of New York for:

o        providing the insurance benefits of the policy;
o        issuing the policy;
o        administering the policy;
o        assuming certain risks in connection with the policy; and
o        distributing the policy.

We deduct some of these  charges from your premium  payments.  We deduct  others
periodically from your policy value in the fixed account and/or subaccounts.  We
may also assess a charge if you surrender your policy or the policy lapses.


The  investment  managers  and advisers  receive fees for their  services to the
funds. The funds also pay taxes, brokerage commissions and nonadvisory expenses,
such as  custodian  and trustee  fees,  registration  fees for shares,  postage,
fidelity and security bond costs,  legal fees and other  miscellaneous  fees and
charges.  The table below will help you  understand  the expenses that the funds

Annual  operating  expenses  of the funds ( after  fee  waivers  and/or  expense
reimbursements, if applicable, as a percentage of average daily net assets)

- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
                                                           Management         12b-1            Other
                                                           Fees               Fees             Expenses        Total
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
IDS Life Series Fund
     Equity Portfolio                                      .70%               --               .03             .73%1
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Equity Income Portfolio                               .70%               --               .10             .80%2
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Government Securities Portfolio                       .70%               --               .10             .80%2
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Income Portfolio                                      .70%               --               .05             .75%1
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     International Equity Portfolio                        .95%               --               .10             1.05%1
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Managed Portfolio                                     .70%               --               .04             .74%1
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Money Market Portfolio                                .50%               --               .10             .60%1
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
AXPSM Variable Portfolio -
     Blue Chip Advantage Fund                              .56%               .13              .26             .95%3
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Bond Fund                                             .60%               .13              .08             .81%4
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Capital Resource Fund                                 .60%               .13              .06             .79%4
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Cash Management Fund                                  .51%               .13              .05             .69%4
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Diversified Equity Income Fund                        .56%               .13              .26             .95%4
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Emerging Markets Fund                                 1.27%              .13              .35             1.75%3
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Extra Income Fund                                     .62%               .13              .08             .83%4
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Federal Income Fund                                   .61%               .13              .14             .88%3
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Global Bond Fund                                      .84%               .13              .12             1.09%4
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Growth Fund                                           .63%               .13              .19             .95%3
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     International Fund                                    .83%               .13              .11             1.07%4
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Managed Fund                                          .59%               .13              .04             .76%4
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     New Dimensions Fund                                   .61%               .13              .07             .81%4
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     S&P 500 Index Fund                                    .37%               .13               --             .50%3
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Small Cap Advantage Fund                              .79%               .13              .31             1.23%3
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Strategy Aggressive Fund                              .60%               .13              .07             .80%4
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Capital Appreciation Fund                             .62%               --               .11             .73%5
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Capital Development Fund                               --%               --               1.23            1.23%5, 6
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Growth and Income Fund                                .61%               --               .16             .77%5
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
American Century VP
     International                                         1.34%              --               --              1.34%7
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Value                                                 1.00%              --               --              1.00%7
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
Calvert CVS
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Social Balanced Portfolio                             .70%               --               .16             .86%8
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
Fidelity VIP
     III Growth & Income Portfolio (Service Class)         .48%               .10              .12             .70%9
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     III Mid Cap Portfolio (Service Class)                 .57%               .10              .40             1.07%10
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Overseas Portfolio (Service Class)                    .73%               .10              .18             1.01%9
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Franklin Real Estate Fund - Class 2                   .56%               .25              .02             .83%11, 12
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Franklin Value Securities Fund - Class 2              .60%               .25              .21             1.06%11
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Templeton International Securities Fund - Class 2     .69%               .25              .19             1.13%11, 13
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Templeton International Smaller Companies Fund -      .85%               .25              .26             1.36%11
     Class 2
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
Goldman Sachs VIT
     CORESM Small Cap Equity Fund                          .75%               --               .25             1.00%14
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     CORESM U.S. Equity Fund                               .70%               --               .20             .90%14
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Mid Cap Value Fund                                    .80%               --               .25             1.05%14
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
Janus Aspen Series
     Aggressive Growth Portfolio: Service Shares           .65%               .25              .02             .92%15
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Global Technologies Portfolio: Service Shares         .65%               .25              .13             1.03%15
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     International Growth Portfolio: Service Shares        .65%               .25              .11             1.01%15
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
Lazard Retirement Series
     International Equity Portfolio                        .75%               .25              .25             1.25%16
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Growth Series - Service Class                         .75%               .20              .16             1.11%17,
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     New Discovery Series - Service Class                  .90%               .20              .17             1.27%17,
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
Putnam Variable Trust
     Putnam VT High Yield Fund - Class IB Shares           .65%               .15              .07             .87%5
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Putnam VT International New Opportunities Fund -      1.08%              .15              .33             1.56%5
     Class IB Shares
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund - Class 1A Shares    .54%               --               .05             .59%5
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Putnam VT Vista Fund - Class IB Shares                .65%               .15              .10             .90%5
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Micro-Cap Portfolio                                   1.25%              --               .10             1.35%20
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
Third Avenue
     Value Portfolio                                       .90%               --               .40             1.30%21
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     International Small Cap                               1.25%              --               .24             1.49%22
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     U.S. Small Cap                                        .95%               --               .07             1.02%22
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
Warburg Pincus Trust
     Emerging Growth Portfolio                              --%               --               1.40            1.40%23
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------
     Small Company Growth Portfolio                        .90%               --               .24             1.14%5
- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- --------------- -------------

1Actual operating expenses for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1999.
2IDS Life has agreed to a voluntary  limit of 0.1%, on an annual  basis,  of the
average  daily net assets of each of the IDS Life  series Fund  Portfolio's  for
other  expenses  like  taxes  and  brokerage  commissions  and  for  nonadvisory
expenses.  If the 0.1%  limitation  had not been in place,  these other expenses
would  have  been  0.17%  for  IDS  Life  Series  Fund -  Government  Securities
Portfolio. IDS Life Series Fund - Equity Income Portfolio is new. IDS Life plans
to limit these  expenses to 0.1%.  IDS Life  reserves  the right to  discontinue
limiting  these other  expenses at 0.1%.  However,  its present  intention is to
continue the limit until the time that actual  expenses are less than the limit.

3Based on  estimated  expenses  after fee waivers and  expenses  reimbursements.
Without fee waivers and expense reimbursements "Other Expenses and "Total" would
be 0.39% and 1.08% for AXP  Variable  Portfolio  - Blue Chip  Advantage  and AXP
Variable  Portfolio  Diversified  Equity Income  Funds,  0.26% and 1.00% for AXP
Variable  Portfolio  - Federal  Income  Fund,  0.32% and 1.08% for AXP  Variable
Portfolio - Growth Fund and 0.43% and 1.35% for AXP  Variable  Portfolio - Small
Cap  Advantage  Fund.  The Funds have  voluntarily  agreed to waive or reimburse
these expenses.

4The fund's  expense  figures are based on actual  expenses  for the fiscal year
ended Aug. 31, 1999 restated to include a Rule 12b-1  distribution  fee of .125%
that went into effect Sept. 21, 1999.
5Figures in "Management  Fees," "Other Expenses" and "Total" are based on actual
expenses for the fiscal year ended Dec. 31, 1999.

6Had there been no fee  waivers or expense  reimbursement,  expenses  would have
been: 0.75%, 0.00%, 2.67% and 3.42%. The Fund has voluntarily agreed to waive or
reimburse these expenses.

7The Fund has a stepped fee schedule.  As a result,  the fund's  management  fee
rate generally decreases as fund assets increase.
8Net fund operating  expenses after  reductions for fees paid  indirectly  again
restated  to  reflect an  indirect  for Social  Balanced  would be 0.89%.  Total
expenses have been restated to reflect expenses expected to be incurred in 2000.
9A portion  of the  brokerage  commissions  that  certain  funds pay was used to
reduce fund  expenses.  In addition,  through  arrangements  with certain funds'
custodian, credits realized as a result of uninvested cash balances were used to
reduce a portion of each  applicable  funds'  expenses.  With these  reductions,
"Other  Expenses," and "Total  Expenses"  presented in the table would have been
0.11% and 0.69% for Growth & Income  Portfolio  and 0.15% and 0.98% for Overseas

10FMR voluntarily agreed to reimburse a portion of Mid Cap Portfolio's  expenses
during the period.  Without this reimbursement,  the Portfolio's management fee,
distribution & service fee (12b-1), other expenses and total expenses would have
been  0.57%,  0.10%  2.74%  and  3.41%,  respectively.

11The  fund's Class 2  distribution  plan or Rule 12b-1 plan is described in the
fund's prospectus.
12Previously  Franklin Real Estate Securities Fund. The fund  administration fee
is paid  indirectly  through the management fee. The fund's Class 2 distribution
plan or "Rule 12b-1 Plan" is described in the fund's prospectus.
13On Feb.  8,  2000,  shareholders  approved a merger  and  reorganization  that
combined the fund with the Templeton International Equity Fund, effective May 1,
2000. The shareholders of that fund approved new management fees, which apply to
the combined fund effective May 1, 2000. The table shows restated total expenses
based on the new fees and the assets of the funds as of Dec. 31,  1999,  and not
the assets of the combined fund.  However,  if the table  reflected both the new
fees and the combined  assets,  the fund's  expenses  after May 1, 2000 would be
estimated as: Management Fees 0.65%, 12b-1 Fees 0.25%, Other Expenses 0.20%, and
Total 1.10%.
14The fund's expenses are based on estimated  expenses for the fiscal year ended
Dec. 31, 2000. Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Goldman Sachs Asset Management
International,  the investment  advisers,  have voluntarily  agreed to reduce or
limit  certain other  expenses  (excluding  management  fees,  taxes,  interest,
brokerage fees, litigation, indemnification and other extraordinary expenses) to
the extent such  expenses  exceed the  percentage  stated in the above table (as
calculated  per  annum) of each  fund's  respective  average  daily net  assets.
Without the limitations  described  above,  Other Expenses and Total would be as
follows: 0.75% and 1.50% for CORE Small Cap Equity Fund, and 0.42% and 1.22% for
Mid Cap Value Fund  (formerly,  the Mid Cap Equity Fund) and 0.20% and 0.90% for
the CORESM U.S. Equity Fund, CORESM, is a service mark of Goldman Sachs and Co.
15Expenses are based on estimated  expenses that the new Service Shares class of
each  portfolio  expects to incur in its initial  fiscal year.  All expenses are
shown without the effect of expense offset arrangements.
16Effective May 1, 1999, the investment  adviser agreed to waive its fees and/or
reimburse the Funds through Dec. 31, 2000 to the extent that total Fund expenses
exceed 1.25% for Equity and 1.25% for International Equity of the Funds' average
daily net assets. Absent fee waivers and/or  reimbursements,  Other Expenses and
Total  Expenses  for the year ended  Dec.  31,  1999 would have been  11.94% and
12.94% for International Equity.
17Each series has adopted a  distribution  plan under Rule 12b-1 that permits it
to pay marketing and other fees to support the sales and distribution of service
class shares (these fees are referred to as distribution fees).
18Each  series has an expense  offset  arrangement  which  reduces  the  series'
custodian  fee based upon the amount of cash  maintained  by the series with its
custodian and dividend disbursing agent. The series may enter into other similar
arrangements  and  directed  brokerage  arrangements,  which would also have the
effect of  reducing  the series'  expenses.  "Other  Expenses"  do not take into
account  these  expense  reductions,  and are  therefore  higher than the actual
expenses of the series.  Had these fee reductions been taken into account,  "Net
Expenses" would be lower, and for service class shares would be estimated to be:
1.10% for Growth Series and 1.25% for New Discovery Series.
19MFS has contractually agreed,  subject to reimbursement,  to bear expenses for
the series'  expenses such that "Other  Expenses" (after taking into account the
expense  offset  arrangement  described  above),  do not exceed 0.15%  annually.
Without this agreement,  "Other Expenses" and Total would be 0.71% and 1.66% for
Growth Series and 1.59% and 2.69% for New Discovery  Series.  These  contractual
fee arrangements  will continue until at least May 1, 2001,  unless changed with
the consent of the board of trustees which oversees the series.
20Royce has contractually agreed to waive its fees and reimburse expenses to the
extent necessary to maintain the Funds Net Annual Operating  Expense ratio at or
below 1.35%  through Dec. 31, 1999 and 1.99%  through Dec. 31, 2008.  Absent fee
waivers "Other Expenses" and "Total Expenses" would be 0.99% and 2.24% for Royce
Micro-Cap Portfolio.
21These expenses reflect  reimbursements by the Adviser.  The Adviser reimbursed
the Fund  for all  expenses  incurred  by the  Fund in  excess  of 1.30% of Fund
assets.  The fund will repay the Adviser the amount of its  reimbursement for up
to three years  following  the  reimbursement  to the extent Fund  expenses drop
below 1.30%.  The Adviser  expects to continue to  reimburse  the Fund for these
expenses  for  the  foreseeable  future.  Either  the  Fund or the  Adviser  can
terminate this arrangement at any time. Without this  reimbursement,  the Fund's
"Other Expenses" and "Total" would have been 2.05% and 2.95%. Other expenses are
based on estimated amounts for the current fiscal year.
22Actual operating expenses of funds at Dec. 31, 1999.

23Expense ratios are shown after fee waivers and expenses  reimbursements by the
investment   adviser.   The  total   expense   ratios  before  the  waivers  and
reimbursements  would have been  11.16% for  Emerging  Growth  Portfolio  of the
Warburg  Pincus  Trust.  The Fund has  voluntarily  agreed to waive or reimburse
these expenses.

IDS Life of New York has entered  into  certain  arrangements  under which it is
compensated by the funds' advisors and/or  distributors  for the  administrative
services it provides to these funds.

Other Information on Charges

IDS Life of New York may reduce or  eliminate  various  fees and charges when we
incur lower sales costs and/or perform fewer administrative services than usual.


We deduct this charge from each premium payment.  We credit the amount remaining
after  the  deduction,  called  the net  premium,  to the  account(s)  you  have
selected.  The  premium  expense  charge  is 3.5% of each  premium  payment.  It
partially  compensates  IDS Life of New York for  expenses of  distributing  the
policy, including agents' commissions,  advertising and printing of prospectuses
and sales literature. (The surrender charge, discussed under "Surrender charge",
below also may partially  compensate  these  expenses.) It also  compensates IDS
Life of New York for paying  taxes  imposed by certain  states and  governmental
subdivisions on premiums  received by insurance  companies.  All policies in all
states are charged the same premium  expense  charge even though  state  premium
taxes vary.


On each  monthly  date we  deduct  from the  value of your  policy  in the fixed
account and/or subaccounts an amount equal to the sum of:

         1.  the cost of insurance for the policy month;
         2.  the policy fee shown in your policy; and
         3.  charges for any optional insurance benefits provided by rider for
             the policy month.

We explain each of the three components below.

You  specify,  in  your  policy  application,  what  percentage  of the  monthly
deduction  from 0% to 100% you want us to take from the fixed  account  and from
each of the  subaccounts.  You may change these  percentages  for future monthly
deductions by writing to us.

We will take monthly  deductions from the fixed account and the subaccounts on a
pro rata basis if:

     o    you do not  specify  the  accounts  from which you want us to take the
          monthly deduction, or
     o    the value in the fixed account or any  subaccount is  insufficient  to
          pay the portion of the monthly deduction you have specified.

If the cash  surrender  value of your  policy is not enough to cover the monthly
deduction on a monthly  anniversary,  the policy may lapse.  However, the policy
will  not  lapse  if the  no  lapse  guarantee  is in  effect.  (See  "No  lapse
guarantee;" also "Grace period" and "Reinstatement.")

Components of the monthly deduction:

1.   Cost of Insurance: primarily, the cost of providing the death benefit under
     your policy. It depends on:

o        the amount of the death benefit;
o        the policy value; and
o        the statistical risk that the insured will die in a given period.

The cost of insurance for a policy month is calculated as:

                                [a X (b - c)] + d

(a) is the  monthly  cost of  insurance  rate  based on the  insured's  attained
insurance  age,  sex  (unless  unisex  rates  are  required  by  law)  and  risk
classification.  Generally,  the cost of  insurance  rate will  increase  as the
insured's attained insurance age increases.

We set the rates based on our expectations as to future mortality experience. We
may change the rates from time to time; any change will apply to all individuals
of the same rate classification.  However,  rates will not exceed the Guaranteed
Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates shown in your policy, which are based on
the 1980 Commissioners  Standard Ordinary Smoker and Nonsmoker Mortality Tables,
Age Last Birthday.

(b) is the death benefit on the monthly date divided by 1.0032737 (which reduces
IDS Life of New  York's net amount at risk,  solely  for  computing  the cost of
insurance,  by taking into account assumed monthly earnings at an annual rate of

(c) is the policy value on the monthly date. At this point, the policy value has
been reduced by the policy fee, and any charges for optional riders.

(d) is any flat extra insurance charges we assess as a result of special
underwriting considerations.

2.   Policy fee: $5 per month.  This charge  reimburses IDS Life of New York for
     expenses  of  issuing  the  policy,  such  as  processing  the  application
     (primarily   underwriting)  and  setting  up  computer   records;   and  of
     administering the policy, such as processing claims,  maintaining  records,
     making policy changes and communicating with owners.

3. Optional insurance benefit charges: charges for any optional benefits you add
to the policy by rider. For the Waiver of Monthly Deduction benefit, the charges
are based on the amount of the death benefit, the policy value and the insured's
attained  insurance age, sex and risk  classification.  For the Accidental Death
Benefit, the charges are based on the amount of the accidental death benefit and
the insured's attained insurance age, sex and risk classification. For the Other
Insured Rider,  the charges are based on the amount of the other insured's death
benefit  and  the  other  insured's   attained   insurance  age,  sex  and  risk
classification. For the Children's Insurance Rider, the charges are based on the
amount of the rider's death benefit.  For the Automatic  Increase Benefit Rider,
there are no charges to add the benefit to the policy.  When automatic increases
in the policy's  death  benefit take place,  the charges for the  increases  are
based on the amount of the increase in death  benefit,  the policy value and the
insured's  attained insurance age, sex and risk  classification.  (See "Optional
insurance benefits.)"


If you  surrender  your policy or the policy  lapses  during the first 10 policy
years and in the 10 years  following  an increase in specified  amount,  we will
assess a surrender charge.

The surrender  charge  reimburses  IDS Life of New York for costs of issuing the
policy, such as processing the application (primarily  underwriting) and setting
up computer  records.  It also partially pays for  commissions,  advertising and
printing the prospectus and sales literature.

The maximum  surrender charge for the initial  specified amount is shown in your
policy. It is based on the insured's insurance age, sex, risk classification and
initial specified amount. The maximum surrender charge for the initial specified
amount will remain level  during the first five policy  years and then  decrease
monthly  until it is zero at the end of 10 policy  years.  If you  increase  the
specified  amount,  an additional  maximum  surrender charge will apply. We will
show the additional  maximum  surrender  charge in a revised policy.  It will be
based on the insured's attained insurance age, sex, risk  classification and the
amount of the increase.  We will show the additional  maximum  surrender  charge
will remain level during the first five years  following the  effective  date of
the increase and then  decrease  monthly until it is zero at the end of the 10th
year following the increase.

The following example  illustrates how we calculate the maximum surrender charge
for a male,  insurance age 35  qualifying  for  nonsmoker  rates.  We assume the
specified amount to be $100,000.

  Lapse or surrender at
    beginning of year            Surrender Charge

            1                         $901.00
            2                          901.00
            3                          901.00
            4                          901.00
            5                          901.00
            6                          901.00
            7                          720.80
            8                          540.60
            9                          360.40
           10                          180.20
           11                            0.00

From the beginning of year 6 to the end of year 10, the amounts  shown  decrease
on a monthly basis.

The maximum  surrender charge is the rate from the table below multiplied by the
number of thousands of dollars of initial specified amount.  For example, a male
age 20 with a nonsmoker risk  classification  and an initial specified amount of
$50,000  will  have a maximum  surrender  charge  of $6.61  multiplied  by 50 or
$330.50.  As another example, a female age 75 with a smoker risk  classification
and an initial  specified  amount of  $5,000,000  will have a maximum  surrender
charge of $33.92 multiplied by 5,000 or $169,600.

                            Maximum Surrender Charges
                 (Rate per Thousand of Initial Specified Amount)

       Issue                               Male                                Female
        Age                              Standard                             Standard
         0                                 5.44                                 5.13
         1                                 5.40                                 5.11
         2                                 5.45                                 5.14
         3                                 5.50                                 5.18
         4                                 5.55                                 5.22
         5                                 5.61                                 5.27
         6                                 5.67                                 5.31
         7                                 5.73                                 5.36
         8                                 5.81                                 5.42
         9                                 5.88                                 5.47
         10                                5.96                                 5.53
         11                                6.05                                 5.60
         12                                6.14                                 5.66
         13                                6.23                                 5.73
         14                                6.33                                 5.81
         15                                6.43                                 5.88
         16                                6.52                                 5.96
         17                                6.62                                 6.04
         18                                6.72                                 6.13
         19                                6.82                                 6.22

                           Male            Male             Female             Female
       Issue             Standard        Standard          Standard           Standard
        Age             NonSmoker         Smoker           NonSmoker           Smoker
         20                6.61            7.47              6.19               6.61
         21                6.70            7.60              6.29               6.72
         22                6.81            7.74              6.38               6.84
         23                6.92            7.89              6.48               6.97
         24                7.04            8.05              6.59               7.10
         25                7.16            8.22              6.71               7.24
         26                7.30            8.41              6.83               7.39
         27                7.45            8.61              6.95               7.54
         28                7.60            8.82              7.09               7.70
         29                7.77            9.05              7.23               7.88
         30                7.94            9.29              7.38               8.06
         31                8.13            9.55              7.54               8.25
         32                8.33            9.83              7.70               8.46
         33                8.54           10.12              7.88               8.67
         34                8.77           10.44              8.07               8.90
         35                9.01           10.77              8.26               9.14
         36                9.26           11.12              8.47               9.39
         37                9.53           11.49              8.69               9.66
         38                9.81           11.88              8.92               9.94
         39               10.11           12.30              9.16              10.23
         40               10.42           12.74              9.42              10.54
         41               10.76           13.20              9.69              10.86
         42               11.12           13.69              9.97              11.19
         43               11.49           14.21              10.27             11.54

         44                11.89          14.75              10.58             11.91
         45                12.32          15.33              10.91             12.30
         46                12.77          15.94              11.26             12.70
         47                13.25          16.58              11.63             13.13
         48                13.75          17.26              12.02             13.58
         49                14.30          17.99              12.44             14.05
         50                14.87          18.75              12.88             14.55
         51                15.49          19.57              13.35             15.08
         52                16.15          20.44              13.84             15.64
         53                16.85          21.35              14.37             16.23
         54                17.60          22.32              14.93             16.85
         55                18.39          23.35              15.52             17.51
         56                19.24          24.43              16.15             18.20
         57                20.15          25.58              16.83             18.94
         58                21.11          26.79              17.55             19.73
         59                22.15          28.08              18.32             20.58
         60                23.26          29.46              19.16             21.49
         61                24.45          30.93              20.06             22.48
         62                25.72          32.50              21.03             23.54
         63                27.09          34.16              22.08             24.68
         64                28.55          35.92              23.20             25.90
         65                30.11          36.80              24.40             27.19
         66                31.78          36.80              25.69             28.57
         67                33.57          36.80              27.07             30.04
         68                34.87          36.80              28.56             31.63
         69                34.87          36.80              30.19             33.35
         70                34.87          36.80              31.97             33.92
         71                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         72                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         73                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         74                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         75                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         76                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         77                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         78                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         79                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         80                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         81                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         82                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         83                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         84                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92
         85                34.87          36.80              33.08             33.92


If you surrender part of the value of your policy, we will charge you $25 (or 2%
of the  amount  surrendered,  if  less.)  We  guarantee  that  this fee will not
increase for the duration of your policy.


This charge applies only to the subaccounts and not to the fixed account.  It is
equal,  on an annual basis,  to 0.9% of the average daily net asset value of the
subaccounts for the first 10 policy years and 0.45%  thereafter.  We reserve the
right to charge up to 0.9% for all  policy  years.  Computed  daily,  the charge
compensates IDS Life of New York for:

     o    Mortality  risk -- the risk that the cost of insurance  charge will be
          insufficient to meet actual claims.

     o    Expense risk -- the risk that the policy fee and the surrender  charge
          (described   above)  may  be   insufficient   to  cover  the  cost  of
          administering the policy.

Any profit from the  mortality and expense risk charge would be available to IDS
Life of New York for any  proper  corporate  purpose  including,  among  others,
payment of sales and distribution expenses, which we do not expect to be covered
by the premium expense charge and surrender charges discussed earlier.  IDS Life
of New York will make up any further deficit from its general assets.

Purchasing Your Policy


To apply for  coverage,  complete an  application  and send it with your premium
payment to IDS Life of New York's home office. In your application, you:

o        select a specified amount of insurance;
o        select a death benefit option;
o        designate a beneficiary; and
o        state how premiums are to be allocated among the fixed account and/or
         the subaccounts.

Insurability:  Before issuing your policy, we require  satisfactory  evidence of
the  insurability  of the person  whose life you propose to insure  (yourself or
someone else). Our underwriting  department will review your application and any
medical  information  or other data  required to determine  whether the proposed
individual  is  insurable  under our  underwriting  rules.  We may decline  your
application  if we determine the  individual is not insurable and we will return
any premium you have paid.

Age  limit:  IDS Life of New York  generally  will not issue a policy  where the
proposed insured is over the insurance age of 80. We may, however,  do so at our
sole discretion.

Risk  classification:  The risk classification is based on the insured's health,
occupation or other relevant  underwriting  standards.  This classification will
affect  the  monthly  deduction  and may  affect  the cost of  certain  optional
insurance  benefits.  (See "Loads,  fees and charges"  and  "Optional  insurance

Other conditions: In addition to proving insurability,  you and the insured must
also meet certain  conditions,  stated in the application  form, before coverage
will become effective and your policy will be delivered to you.

Incontestability:  IDS Life of New York will have two years  from the  effective
date of your policy to contest the truth of  statements  or  representations  in
your  application.  After the  policy  has been in force  during  the  insured's
lifetime for two years from the policy date, we cannot contest the policy.


You may return  your  policy for any  reason  and  receive a full  refund of all
premiums  paid. To do so, you must mail or deliver the policy to IDS Life of New
York's  home  office  or your  financial  advisor  with a  written  request  for

     o    by the 10th day after you receive it.

On the date your request is postmarked or received,  the policy will immediately
be considered void from the start.


Payment of premiums:
In applying for your policy, you decide how much you intend to pay and how often
you will make  payments.  During the first several policy years until the policy
value is sufficient to cover the surrender charge, IDS Life of New York requires
that you pay premiums  sufficient to keep the NLG in effect in order to keep the
policy in force.

You may schedule payments annually,  semiannually or quarterly. (IDS Life of New
York must approve payment at any other interval).  We show this premium schedule
in your policy.

The  scheduled  premium  serves only as an  indication  of your intent as to the
frequency and amount of future premium payments.  You may skip scheduled premium
payments  at any time if your  cash  surrender  value is  sufficient  to pay the
monthly  deduction or if you have paid sufficient  premiums to keep the no lapse
guarantee in effect.

You may also change the amount and  frequency of scheduled  premium  payments by
written request.  IDS Life of New York reserves the right to limit the amount of
such changes. Any change in the premium amount is subject to applicable tax laws
and regulations.

Although you have  flexibility in paying  premiums,  the amount and frequency of
your payments will affect the policy value,  cash surrender  value and length of
time your policy will remain in force, as well as affect whether the NLG remains
in effect.

Premium limitations:
You may make  unscheduled  premium  payments at any time and in any amount of at
least  $25.  IDS Life of New York  reserves  the right to limit the  number  and
amount of  unscheduled  premium  payments.  No premium  payments,  scheduled  or
unscheduled, are allowed on or after the maturity date.

Also, in order to receive  favorable tax treatment under the Code,  premiums you
pay during the life of the policy must not exceed certain limitations. To comply
with the Code, we can either  refuse  excess  premiums as you pay them or refund
excess  premiums with interest no later than 60 days after the end of the policy
year in which they were paid.

Allocation of premiums:
Until the policy date,  we hold all premiums in the fixed  account and we credit
interest on the net premiums  (gross  premiums minus premium  expense charge) at
the current  fixed account rate. As of the policy date, we will allocate the net
premiums  plus  accrued  interest to the  account(s)  you have  selected in your
application.  At that time,  we will begin to assess the  various  loads,  fees,
charges and expenses.

We convert any amount that you allocate to a subaccount into accumulation  units
of that  subaccount,  as explained  under "Policy  value."  Similarly,  when you
transfer  value  between  subaccounts,  we  convert  accumulation  units  in one
subaccount into a cash value,  which we then convert into accumulation  units of
the second subaccount.

Keeping The Policy in Force


The NLG  provides  that your policy will remain in force for five policy  years,
even if the cash surrender value is  insufficient to pay the monthly  deduction.
The NLG will stay in effect as long as:

o        the sum of premiums paid; minus
o        partial surrenders; minus
o        outstanding indebtedness; equals or exceeds
o        the minimum monthly premiums due since the policy date.

The minimum monthly premium is shown in the policy.

If, on a monthly  date,  you have not paid  enough  premiums  to keep the NLG in
effect,  the no lapse  guarantee will terminate.  In addition,  your policy will
lapse  (terminate) if the cash surrender value is less than the amount needed to
pay the monthly deduction.

The  no-lapse  guarantee  period  may  be  reinstated  within  2  years  of  its
termination if the policy is in force.


If on a monthly  date the cash  surrender  value of your policy is less than the
amount  needed to pay the next monthly  deduction  and the NLG is not in effect,
you will have 61 days to pay the required premium amount.  If you do not pay the
required premium, the policy will lapse.

IDS Life of New York will mail a notice to your last known  address,  requesting
payment  of the  premium  needed  so that we can  make the  next  three  monthly
deductions.  If we receive  this  premium  before  the end of the  61-day  grace
period,  we will use the payment to cover all monthly  deductions  and any other
charges then due. We will add any balance to the policy value and allocate it in
the same manner as other premium payments.

If a policy lapses with outstanding indebtedness,  any excess of the outstanding
indebtedness  over the premium paid generally will be taxable to the owner. (See
"Federal  taxes.") If the insured dies during the grace  period,  we will deduct
any overdue monthly deductions from the death benefit.


Your policy may be  reinstated  within  five years  after it lapses,  unless you
surrendered it for cash. To reinstate, IDS Life of New York will require:

o   a written request;
o   evidence  satisfactory  to IDS Life of New  York  that  the  insured
    remains insurable;
o   payment of the required  reinstatement  premium;  and
o   payment or reinstatement of any indebtedness.

The reinstatement premium is the required premium to reinstate the policy.

The  effective  date of a reinstated  policy will be the monthly date on or next
following  the day we  accept  your  application  for  reinstatement.  Surrender
charges will also be reinstated.

We will have two years from the effective date of  reinstatement  to contest the
truth of statements or representations in the reinstatement application.

The Variable Account

The variable  account was  established as a separate  account of IDS Life of New
York  pursuant to  resolution  of the board of directors of IDS Life of New York
adopted on September  12, 1985.  It is  registered  as a single unit  investment
trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940. The variable account consists of
a number of subaccounts,  each of which invests in shares of a particular  fund.
This  registration  does  not  involve  any  SEC  supervision  of the  account's
management or investment practices or policies.

The variable  account meets the  definition of a separate  account under federal
securities laws. Income,  capital gains or capital losses of each subaccount are
credited  to or charged  against  the  assets of that  subaccount  alone.  State
insurance  law  provides  that we will not  charge a  variable  subaccount  with
liabilities of any other  subaccount or of any other  business  conducted by IDS
Life of New York. Other variable life insurance  policies that are not described
in this  prospectus also invest in subaccounts of the variable  account.  At all
times,  IDS Life of New York will maintain assets in the subaccounts  with total
market value at least equal to the reserves  and other  liabilities  required to
cover insurance benefits under all policies participating in the subaccount.

The U.S. Treasury and the IRS indicated they may provide additional  guidance on
investment control.  This concerns how many subaccounts an insurance company may
offer and how many  exchanges  among  subaccounts  it may allow before the owner
would be currently taxed on income earned within  subaccount  assets.  We do not
know what the  additional  guidance  will be or when  action  will be taken.  We
reserve the right to modify the policy, as necessary, so that the owner will not
be subject to current taxation as the owner of the subaccount assets.

The Funds

You can direct your  premiums to any or all of the  subaccounts  of the variable
account that invest in shares of the following funds:

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                                                                Investment Adviser or
Subaccount      Investing In                Investment Objectives and Policies:                 Manager

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Equity      IDS Life Series Fund -      Objective: capital appreciation. Invests primarily  IDS Life Insurance
                Equity Portfolio            in common stocks and other securities convertible   Company (IDS Life),
                                            into common stock.                                  investment manager;
                                                                                                American Express
                                                                                                Financial Corporation
                                                                                                (AEFC), investment
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Equity Income  IDS Life Series Fund -      Objective: to provide a high level of current       IDS Life, investment
                Equity Income Portfolio     income and, as a secondary goal, steady growth of   manager; AEFC,
                                            capital. Invests primarily in dividend-paying       investment adviser.
                                            stocks. Other investments may include: common
                                            stocks, foreign securities, convertible
                                            securities, debt securities, derivative
                                            instruments and money market instruments.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Government    IDS Life Series Fund -      Objective: to provide a high current return and     IDS Life, investment
  Securities    Government Securities       safety of principal. Invests primarily in debt      manager; AEFC,
                Portfolio                   obligations issued or guaranteed as to principal    investment adviser.
                                            and interest by the U.S. government, its agencies
                                            and instrumentalities.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Income      IDS Life Series Fund -      Objective: to maximize current income while         IDS Life, investment
                Income Portfolio            attempting to conserve the value of the investment  manager; AEFC,
                                            and to  continue  the high  level of
                                            income for the  investment  adviser.
                                            longest period of time. At least 50%
                                            of  net  assets   normally  will  be
                                            invested in high-quality, lower-risk
                                            corporate bonds,  unrated  corporate
                                            bonds  believed  to  have  the  same
                                            investment  qualities and government
                                            bonds. Other investments may include
                                            lower-rated  corporate bonds,  bonds
                                            and common stocks sold together as a
                                            unit,  preferred  stock and  foreign
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 International  IDS Life Series Fund -      Objective: capital appreciation. Invests primarily  IDS Life, investment
    Equity      International Equity        in common stocks of foreign issuers and foreign     manager; AEFC,
                Portfolio                   securities convertible into common stock. Other     investment adviser.
                                            investments may include certain international
                                            bonds if the portfolio manager believes they have
                                            greater potential for capital appreciation than
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Managed     IDS Life Series Fund -      Objective: to maximize total investment return      IDS Life, investment
                Managed Portfolio           through a combination of capital appreciation and   manager; AEFC,
                                            current  income.  If the  investment
                                            manager believes investment adviser.
                                            the  stock  market  will  be  moving
                                            higher, it can emphasize stocks that
                                            offer potential for appreciation. At
                                            other   times,   the   manager   may
                                            increase the portfolio's holdings in
                                            bonds  and  money-market  securities
                                            providing high current income.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Money Market  IDS Life Series Fund -       Objective: to provide maximum current income        IDS Life, investment
               Money Market Portfolio       consistent with liquidity and conservation of       manager; AEFC,
                                            capital. Invests in relatively short-term money     investment adviser.
                                            market securities, such as marketable debt
                                            securities issued or guaranteed as to principal
                                            and interest by the U.S. government or its
                                            agencies or instrumentalities, bank certificates
                                            of deposit, bankers' acceptances, letters of
                                            credit and high-grade commercial paper.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YBC       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: long-term total return exceeding that    IDS Life, investment
               Blue Chip Advantage Fund     of the U.S. stock market. Invests primarily in      manager; AEFC,
                                            common stocks of companies included in the          investment adviser.
                                            unmanaged S&P 500 Index.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YBD       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: high level of current income while       IDS Life, investment
               Bond Fund                    conserving the value of the investment for the      manager; AEFC
                                            longest time period. Invests primarily in           investment adviser.
                                            investment-grade bonds.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YCR       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: capital appreciation. Invests primarily  IDS Life, investment
               Capital Resource Fund        in U.S. common stocks.                              manager; AEFC
                                                                                                investment adviser.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YCM       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: maximum current income consistent with   IDS Life, investment
               Cash Management Fund         liquidity and conservation of capital. Invests in   manager; AEFC
                                            money market securities.                            investment adviser.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YDE       AXPSM  Variable  Portfolio - Objective:  high  level of current income and, as   IDS Life,  investment
               Diversified Equity Income    a secondary goal, steady growth of capital.         manager;  AEFC
               Fund                         Invests primarily in dividend-paying common         investment adviser.
                                            and preferred stocks.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YEM       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: long-term capital growth. Invests        IDS Life, investment
               Emerging Markets Fund        primarily in equity securities of companies in      manager; AEFC
                                            emerging markets.                                   investment adviser;
                                                                                                American Express
                                                                                                Asset Management
                                                                                                International, Inc.,
                                                                                                a wholly-owned
                                                                                                subsidiary of AEFC,
                                                                                                is the
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YEX       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: high current income, with capital        IDS Life, investment
               Extra Income Fund            growth as a secondary objective. Invests primarily  manager; AEFC
                                            in long-term, high-yielding, high-risk debt         investment adviser.
                                            securities below investment grade issued by U.S.
                                            and foreign companies and governments.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YFI       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: high level of current income and safety  IDS Life, investment
               Federal Income Fund          of principal consistent with an investment in U.S.  manager; AEFC
                                            government and government agency securities.        investment adviser.
                                            Invests primarily in debt obligations issued or
                                            guaranteed as to principal and interest by the
                                            U.S. government, its agencies or instrumentalities.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YGB       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: high total return through income and     IDS Life, investment
               Global Bond Fund             growth of capital. Invests primarily in debt        manager; AEFC
                                            securities of U.S. and foreign issuers.             investment adviser.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YGR       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: long-term capital growth. Invests        IDS Life, investment
               Growth Fund                  primarily in common stocks and securities           manager; AEFC
                                            convertible into common stocks that appear to       investment adviser.
                                            offer growth opportunities.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YIE       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: capital appreciation. Invests primarily  IDS Life, investment
               International Fund           in stocks or convertible securities of foreign      manager; AEFC
                                            issuers that offer growth potential.                investment adviser.
                                                                                                American Express
                                                                                                Asset Management
                                                                                                International, Inc.,
                                                                                                a wholly-owned
                                                                                                subsidiary of AEFC,
                                                                                                is the
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YMF       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: maximum total investment return through  IDS Life, investment
               Managed Fund                 a combination of capital growth and current         manager; AEFC
                                            income. Invests primarily in stocks, convertible    investment adviser.
                                            securities, bonds and other debt securities.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YND       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: long-term growth of capital. Invests     IDS Life, investment
               New Dimensions Fund          primarily in common stocks of U.S. and foreign      manager; AEFC
                                            companies showing potential for significant growth. investment adviser.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YIV       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: long-term capital appreciation. Invests  IDS Life, investment
               S&P 500 Index Fund           primarily in securities that are expected to        manager; AEFC
                                            provide investment results that correspond to the   investment adviser.
                                            performance of the S&P 500 Index.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YSM       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: long-term capital growth. Invests        IDS Life, investment
               Small Cap Advantage Fund     primarily in equity stocks of small companies that  manager; AEFC
                                            are often included in the S&P SmallCap 600 Index    investment adviser.
                                            or the Russell 2000 Index.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YSA       AXPSM Variable Portfolio -   Objective: capital appreciation. Invests primarily  IDS Life, investment
               Strategy Aggressive Fund     in common stocks of small-and medium-size           manager; AEFC
                                            companies.                                          investment adviser.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YCA       AIM V.I. Capital             Objective: growth of capital.  Invests primarily    A I M Advisors, Inc.
               Appreciation Fund            in common stocks, with emphasis on medium- or
                                            small-sized growth companies.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YCD       AIM V.I. Capital             Objective: long term growth of capital.  Invests    A I M Advisors, Inc.
               Development Fund             primarily in securities (including common stocks,
                                            convertible securities and bonds) of small- and
                                            medium-sized companies.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YGI       AIM V.I. Growth and Income   Objective: growth of capital with a secondary       AIM Advisors Inc.
               Fund                         objective of current income.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YIR       American Century VP          Objective: long term capital growth. Invests        American Century
               International                primarily in stocks of growing foreign companies.   Investment
                                                                                                Management, Inc.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YVL       American Century VP Value    Objective: long-term capital growth, with income    American Century
                                            as a secondary objective. Invests primarily in      Investment
                                            securities that management believes to be           Management, Inc.
                                            undervalued at the time of purchase.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YSB       Calvert Variable Series,     Objective: income and capital growth.  Invests      Calvert Asset
               Inc. Social Balanced         primarily in stocks, bonds and money market         Management Company,
               Portfolio                    instruments which offer income and capital growth   Inc. (CAMCO),
                                            opportunity and which satisfy the investment and    investment adviser.
                                            social criteria.                                    NCM Capital
                                                                                                Management Group,
                                                                                                Inc. is the
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YGC       Fidelity VIP III Growth &    Objective: high total return through a combination  Fidelity Management &
               Income Portfolio (Service    of current income and capital appreciation.         Research Company
               Class)                       Invests primarily in common stocks with a focus on  (FMR), investment
                                            those that pay current dividends and show           manager; FMR U.K. and
                                            potential for capital appreciation.                 FMR Far East,
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YMP       Fidelity VIP III Mid Cap     Objective: long-term growth of capital. Invests     FMR, investment
               Portfolio (Service Class)    primarily in medium market capitalization common    manager; FMR U.K. and
                                            stocks.                                             FMR Far East,
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YOS       Fidelity VIP Overseas        Objective: long-term growth of capital. Invests     FMR, investment
               Portfolio (Service Class)    primarily in common stocks of foreign securities.   manager; FMR U.K.,
                                                                                                FMR Far East,
                                                                                                Investment Advisors
                                                                                                (FIIA) and FIIA U.K.,
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YRE       FTVIPT Franklin Real Estate  Objective: capital appreciation with a secondary    Franklin Advisers,
               Fund - Class 2 (previously   goal to earn current income. Invests primarily in   Inc.
               Franklin Real Estate         securities of companies operating in the real
               Securities Fund)             estate industry, primarily equity real estate
                                            investment trusts (REITS).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YSV       FTVIPT Franklin Value        Objective: long-term total return. Invests          Franklin Advisory
               Securities Fund - Class 2    primarily in equity securities of companies the     Services, LLC
                                            manager believes are significantly undervalued.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YIF       FTVIPT Templeton             Objective: long-term capital growth. Invests        Templeton Investment
               International Securities     primarily in equity securities of companies         Counsel, Inc.
               Fund - Class 2               located outside the United States, including those
                                            in emerging markets.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YIS       FTVIPT Templeton             Objective: long-term capital appreciation. Invests  Templeton Investment
               International Smaller        primarily in equity securities of smaller           Counsel, Inc.
               Companies Fund - Class 2     companies located outside the U.S., including in
                                            emerging markets.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YSE       Goldman Sachs VIT CORESM     Objective: long-term growth of capital. Invests     Goldman Sachs Asset
               Small Cap Equity Fund        primarily in a broadly diversified portfolio of     Management
                                            equity securities of U.S. issuers which are
                                            included in the Russell 2000 Index at the time of
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YUE       Goldman Sachs VIT CORESM     Objective: long-term growth of capital and          Goldman Sachs Asset
               U.S. Equity Fund             dividend income. Invests primarily in a broadly     Management
                                            diversified portfolio of large-cap and blue chip
                                            equity securities representing all major sectors
                                            of the U.S. economy.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YMC       Goldman Sachs VIT Mid Cap    Objective: long-term capital appreciation.          Goldman Sachs Asset
               Value Fund                   Invests primarily in mid-capitalization companies   Management
                                            within   the  range  of  the  market
                                            capitalization      of     companies
                                            constituting   the  Russell   Midcap
                                            Value   Index   at   the   time   of
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YAG       Janus Aspen Series           Objective: long-term growth of capital.             Janus Capital
               Aggressive Growth            Non-diversified mutual fund that invests primarily
               Portfolio: Service Shares    in common stocks selected for their growth
                                            potential and normally invests at least 50% of its
                                            equity assets in medium-sized companies.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YGT       Janus Aspen Series Global    Objective: long-term growth of capital.             Janus Capital
               Technology Portfolio:        Non-diversified mutual fund that invests primarily
               Service Shares               in equity securities of U.S. and foreign companies
                                            selected for their growth potential.
                                            Normally  invests  at  least  65% of
                                            total   assets  in   securities   of
                                            companies that the portfolio manager
                                            believes will benefit  significantly
                                            from advancements or improvements in

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YIG       Janus Aspen Series           Objective: long-term growth of capital. Invests at  Janus Capital
               International Growth         least 65%of its total assets in securities of
               Portfolio: Service Shares    issuers from at least five different countries,
                                            excluding the U.S. It may at times invest all of
                                            its assets in fewer than five countries or even a
                                            single country.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YIP       Lazard Retirement Series     Objective: long-term capital appreciation. Invests  Lazard Asset
               International Equity         primarily in equity securities, principally common  Management
               Portfolio                    stocks of relatively large non-U.S. companies
                                            (those  whose total  market value is
                                            more  than  $1  billion)   that  the
                                            Investment   Manager   believes  are
                                            undervalued based on their earnings,
                                            cash flow or asset values.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YGW       MFS(R)VIT Growth Series -     Objective: long-term growth of capital and future   MFS Investment
               Service Class                income.  Invests at least 80% of its total assets   Management(R)
                                            in   common   stocks   and   related
                                            securities  of  companies  which MFS
                                            believes  offer  better than average
                                            prospects for long-term growth.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YDS       MFS(R)VIT New Discovery       Objective: capital appreciation. Invests primarily  Massachusetts
               Series - Service Class       in equity securities of emerging growth companies.  Financial Service
                                                                                                Company (MFS)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YPH       Putnam VT High Yield Fund -  Objective: high current income and, when            Putnam Investment
               Class IB Shares              consistent with this objective, a secondary         Management, Inc.
                                            objective  of  capital  growth,   by
                                            investing        primarily        in
                                            high-yielding,   lower-rated   fixed
                                            income  securities   constituting  a
                                            portfolio  which  Putnam  Management
                                            believes does not involve undue risk
                                            to  income  or  principal.  See  the
                                            special      considerations      for
                                            investments in high yield securities
                                            described  in  the  Putnam  Variable
                                            Trust prospectus.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YIO       Putnam VT International New  Objective: long-term capital appreciation. Invests  Putnam Investment
               Opportunities Fund - Class   primarily in growth stocks outside the U.S.         Management, Inc.
               IB Shares
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YNO       Putnam VT New Opportunites   Objective: long term capital appreciation. Invests  Putnam Investment
               Fund -                       mainly in common stocks of U.S. companies with a    Management, Inc.
               Class IA Shares              focus on growth stocks in sectors of the economy
                                            that Putnam Management believes possesses high
                                            growth potential.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YVS       Putnam VT Vista Fund -       Objective: capital appreciation. Invests primarily  Putnam Investment
               Class IB Shares              in a diversified portfolio of common stocks that    Management, Inc.
                                            Putnam Management  believes have the
                                            potential for above-average  capital
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YMI        Royce Micro-Cap Portfolio   Objective: long-term growth of capital. Invests     Royce & Associates,
                                            primarily in a broadly diversified portfolio of     Inc.
                                            equity securities issued by micro-cap companies
                                            (companies with stock market capitalizations below
                                            $300 million).
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YVA       Third Avenue Value Portfolio Objective: long-term capital appreciation. Invests  EQSF, Inc.
                                            primarily in common stocks of well-financed
                                            companies at a substantial discount to what the
                                            Advisor believes is their true value.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YIC       Wanger International Small   Objective: long-term growth of capital.  Invests    Wanger Asset
               Cap                          primarily in stocks of small- and medium-size       Management, L.P.
                                            non-U.S. companies.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YSP       Wanger U.S. Small Cap        Objective: long-term growth of capital.  Invests    Wanger Asset
                                            primarily in stocks of small- and medium-size U.S.  Management, L.P.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YEG       Warburg Pincus Trust -       Objective: maximum capital appreciation. Invests    Credit Suisse Asset
               Emerging Growth Portfolio    primarily in equity securities of small- to medium  Management, LLC
                                            sized U.S. emerging-growth companies.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     YSC       Warburg Pincus Trust/Small   Objective: capital growth. Invests primarily in     Credit Suisse Asset
               Company Growth Portfolio     equity securities of small-sized domestic           Management, LLC
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fund objectives

A fund  underlying  your policy in which a  subaccount  invests may have a name,
portfolio manager, objectives,  strategies and characteristics that are the same
or  substantially  similar to those of a  different  retail  mutual  fund.  Each
underlying fund will, however, have its own unique portfolio holdings,  fees and
operating  expenses.  Consequently,  each  underlying  fund  will  have  its own
operating results,  and those results may differ significantly from those of the
different retail mutual fund.

The investment  managers and advisors cannot  guarantee that the funds will meet
their  investment  objectives.  Please read the fund  prospectuses for facts you
should know before investing.  These prospectuses are available by contacting us
at the address or telephone number on the first page of this prospectus.

All funds are available to serve as the underlying investments for variable life
insurance policies. Some funds also are available to serve as investment options
for variable annuities and tax-deferred retirement plans. It is possible that in
the future, it may be disadvantageous for variable annuity accounts and variable
life insurance  accounts and/or  tax-deferred  retirement plans to invest in the
available funds simultaneously.

Although the insurance  company and the funds do not currently  foresee any such
disadvantages, the boards of directors or trustees of the appropriate funds will
monitor  events in order to identify  any  material  conflicts  between  annuity
owners,  life insurance policy owners and  tax-deferred  retirement plans and to
determine what action,  if any, should be taken in response to a conflict.  If a
board were to conclude that it should establish  separate funds for the variable
annuity,  variable life insurance and tax-deferred retirement plan accounts, you
would not bear any expenses associated with establishing  separate funds. Please
refer  to the  fund  prospectuses  for risk  disclosure  regarding  simultaneous
investments  by variable  annuity,  variable  life  insurance  and  tax-deferred
retirement plan accounts.

Diversification: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued final regulations
relating to the  diversification  requirements under Section 817(h) of the Code.
Each fund intends to comply with these requirements.


Each subaccount buys shares of the appropriate fund at net asset value without a
sales  charge.  Dividends  and  capital  gain  distributions  from  a  fund  are
reinvested at net asset value without a sales charge and held by the  subaccount
as an asset. Each subaccount  redeems fund shares without a charge to the extent
necessary to make death benefit or other payments under the policy.

Rates of Return of the Funds and Subaccounts
This  section  presents  rates of return  first for the funds,  and then for the
corresponding  subaccounts.  Rates of  return  are  different  in the two  cases
because those of the subaccounts  reflect  additional  charges.  All charges and
expenses  mentioned in the section are explained  fully under  "Loads,  fees and

Rates of return of the funds:
In the  following  table are average  annual rates of return based on the actual
investment  performance of the funds after  deduction of applicable fund charges
(including  the investment  management  fees and  nonadvisory  expenses) for the
periods indicated  assuming  reinvestment of dividends and capital gains.  These
rates do not reflect  charges  that apply to the  subaccounts  or the policy and
therefore do not illustrate how actual investment performance will affect policy
benefits. If these charges were reflected, the illustrated rates of return would
have been lower. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Period ending 12/31/99

Fund                                                                                         10 years or since
                                                             1 year     3 years     5 years     commencement
IDS Life Series Fund, Inc -
   Equity Portfolio (Beta 1.16)1  (1/86)2                      80.89%     33.69%      31.72%       22.62%
   Equity Income Portfolio (5/99) 2                            --         --          --           (2.28)4
   Government Securities Portfolio (1/86) 2                    (1.97)      4.89        6.69         6.87
   Income Portfolio (1/86) 2                                     .44       4.61        7.48         7.78
   International Equity Portfolio (10/94) 2                    37.04      20.93       25.00        23.69
   Managed Portfolio (Beta 0.72) 1  (1/86) 2                   24.62      18.91       15.89        18.05
   Money Market Portfolio (1/86) 2                              4.72       4.96        5.01         4.82

AXPSM Variable Portfolio -
   Blue Chip Advantage Fund (9/99) 2                           --         --          --           13.524
   Bond Fund (10/81) 2                                          1.70       3.96        7.75         8.04
   Capital Resource Fund (10/81) 2                             23.75      24.00       21.30        15.50
   Cash Management Fund (10/81) 2                               4.73       5.01        4.94         4.82
   Diversified Equity Income Fund (9/99) 2                     --         --          --            4.764
   Emerging Markets Fund (5/00) 2                              --         --          --           --
   Extra Income Fund (5/96) 2                                   6.24       4.81       --            5.51
   Federal Income Fund (9/99) 2                                --         --          --            0.454
   Global Bond Fund (5/96) 2                                   (4.40)      2.36       --            4.07
   Growth Fund (9/99) 2                                        --         --          --           20.284
   International Fund (1/92) 2                                 45.63      20.11       16.03        13.34
   Managed Fund (4/86) 2                                       14.84      16.70       18.06        13.48
   New Dimensions Fund(R)(5/96) 2                              32.00      28.30       --           26.35
   S&P 500 Index Fund (5/00) 2                                 --         --          --           --
   Small Cap Advantage Fund (9/99) 2                           --         --          --           13.334
   Strategy Aggressive Fund (1/92) 2                           71.03      25.51       24.75        17.02

   Capital Appreciation Fund (5/93) 2                          44.61      --          25.59        22.33
   Capital Development Fund (5/98) 2                           29.10      --          --           11.22
   Growth and Income Fund (5/94) 2                             34.25      --          28.18        24.49

American Century VP
   International (5/94) 2                                      64.04%     32.21%      24.28%       20.07%
   Value (5/96) 2                                              (0.85)      9.43       --           11.10

Calvert CVS
   Social Balanced Portfolio (9/86) 2                          12.12      --          18.02        12.05

Fidelity VIP
   III Growth & Income Portfolio (Service Class) (12/96)        9.06      22.41       --           21.98
   2, 7
   III Mid Cap Portfolio (Service Class) (12/98) 2             48.94      --          --           53.04
   Overseas Portfolio (Service Class)  (12/87) 2, 7            42.39      21.42       17.32        11.40

   Franklin Real Estate Fund - Class 2 (1/89) 2, 5             (6.36)     --           7.97         9.00
   Franklin Value Securities Fund  - Class 2 (5/98) 2, 5        1.39      --          --          (13.16)
   Templeton International Securities Fund - Class 2           23.23      --          17.03        15.25
   (5/92) 2, 6
   Templeton International Smaller Companies Fund -            23.90      2.30        --            5.20
   Class 2 (5/96) 2, 5

Goldman Sachs VIT
   CORESM Small Cap Equity Fund (2/98) 2                       17.54      --          --            3.46
   CORESM U.S. Equity Fund (2/98) 2                            24.30      --          --           20.75
   Mid Cap Value Fund (5/98) 2                                 (0.95)     --          --           13.564

Janus Aspen Series
   Aggressive Growth Portfolio: Service Shares (12/99) 2       --         --          --           --
   Global Technology Portfolio: Service Shares (1/00) 2        --         --          --           --
   International Growth Portfolio: Service Shares (12/99)      --         --          --           --

Lazard Retirement Series
   International Equity Portfolio (9/98) 2                     21.41      --          --           26.16

   Growth Series - Service Class (5/99) 2                      --         --          --           40.014
   New Discovery Series - Service Class (5/98) 2               73.41      --          --           40.91

Putnam Variable Trust
   Putnam VT High Yield - Class IB Shares  (2/88) 2, 3          5.81      --           8.63        10.69
   Putnam VT International New Opportunities Fund - Class     102.80      --          --           32.79
   IB Shares (1/97) 2, 3
   Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund - Class IA Shares          69.35      --          32.89        30.36
   (5/94) 2
   Putnam VT Vista Fund - Class IB Shares (1/97) 2, 3          52.59      --          --           31.02

   Micro-Cap Portfolio (12/96) 2                               28.10      17.40       --           17.40

Third Avenue
   Value Portfolio (9/99) 2                                    --         --          --            8.404

   International Small Cap (5/95) 2                           126.37      37.42       --           38.70
   U.S. Small Cap (5/95) 2                                     25.06      20.71       --           26.44

Warburg Pincus Trust
   Emerging Growth Portfolio (9/99) 2                          --         --          --           31.954
   Small Company Growth Portfolio (6/95) 2                     69.08      23.85       --           24.71

1    Beta is a volatility  measure based on  calculations  of the fund's monthly
     return  compared  to the  S&P  500  Index.  A beta  less  than 1  indicates
     performance  that is less  volatile  than the  market;  A beta  more than 1
     indicates performance that is more volatile than the market.
2    (Commencement date of the fund.)
3    Performance  information  for Class IB shares for the period prior to April
     30, 1998 are based on the  performance  of the fund's  Class IA shares (not
     offered as an  investment  option),  adjusted  to reflect  the fees paid by
     Class IB shares, including a Rule 12b-1 fee of 0.15%.
4    Cumulative return (not annualized) since commencement date of the fund.
5    Because  no  Class 2  shares  were  issued  until  Jan.  6,  1999,  Class 2
     performance  represents  the  historical  performance  of  Class 1  shares.
     Performance  of Class 2 shares for periods after its Jan. 6, 1999 inception
     will reflect Class 2's additional  12b-1 fee expense which also affects all
     future performance.
6    Prior to May 1,  2000,  the  Templeton  International  Securities  Fund was
     called Templeton  International Fund. Because no Class 2 shares were issued
     until  May  1,  1997,   Class  2  performance   represents  the  historical
     performance  of Class 1 shares.  Performance  of Class 2 shares for periods
     after its May 1, 1997,  inception will reflect Class 2's  additional  12b-1
     fee expense which also affects all future performance.

7    Service Class shares include an asset-based  distribution  fee (12b-1 fee).
     Initial  offering of Service  Class  shares took place on Nov. 3, 1997,  at
     which  time the 12b-1 fee was  imposed.  Returns  prior to that date do not
     include the effect of the Service Class fee  structure,  and returns listed
     would have been lower for each  portfolio if the Service Class fee had been
     in place and reflected in the performance.

Rates of return of subaccounts:
Performance  information  for the  subaccounts  may appear  from time to time in
advertisements or sales literature. This information reflects the performance of
a  hypothetical  investment in a particular  subaccount  during a specified time
period.  We show performance  from the commencement  date of the funds as if the
policy  existed at that time,  which it did not.  Although  we base  performance
figures on historical  earnings,  past  performance  does not  guarantee  future

Average annual rates of return in the following tables reflect all fund expenses
and the  mortality  and expense  risk charge.  In the first table,  the rates of
return also reflect the 3.5%  premium  expense  charge.  In the second table the
rates of return do not reflect the 3.5% premium expense  charge.  In both tables
the rates of return do not reflect the surrender charge or monthly deduction. If
these charges were reflected,  the  illustrated  rates of return would have been

Period ending 12/31/99

                   Since commencement of the subaccounts reflecting the 3.5% premium expense charge

Subaccount      Investing in:                                          1 year     3 years    5 years     10 years or

                IDS Life Series Fund -
    Equity      Equity Portfolio (8/87) 1                                73.00%     30.93%     29.62%        21.09%
Equity Income   Equity Income Portfolio (9/00)1                           --         --         --           (7.81)
  Government    Government Securities Portfolio (8/87) 1                 (6.25)      2.72       4.98          5.53
    Income      Income Portfolio (8/87) 1                                (3.96)      2.44       5.76          6.43
International   International Equity Portfolio (10/94) 1                 31.07      18.43      23.00         21.74
   Managed      Managed Portfolio (8/87) 1                               19.18      16.46      16.15         14.36
 Money Market   Money Market Portfolio (8/87) 1                           0.14       2.79       3.34          3.52

                AXPSM Variable Portfolio -
     YBC           Blue Chip Advantage Fund (9/00) 1                      --         --         --            6.812

     YBD           Bond Fund (9/00) 1                                  (2.73)      1.81       6.03            6.69
     YCR           Capital Resource Fund (9/00) 1                      18.35      21.45      19.37           14.06
     YCM           Cash Management Fund (9/00) 1                        0.16       2.84       3.26            3.51

     YDE           Diversified Equity Income Fund (9/00) 1                --         --         --           (1.62)2

     YEM           Emerging Markets Fund (9/00) 1                         --         --         --             --
     YEX           Extra Income Fund (9/00) 1                           1.61       2.65         --            3.56
     YFI           Federal Income Fund (9/00) 1                           --         --         --           (3.10)2
     YGB           Global Bond Fund (9/00) 1                           (8.58)      0.24         --            2.14
     YGR           Growth Fund (9/00) 1                                   --         --         --           12.532
     YIE           International Fund (9/00) 1                          39.27      17.63      14.29          11.88
     YMF           Managed Fund (9/00) 1                                9.83       14.29      16.18          12.07

     YND           New Dimensions Fund(R)(9/00) 1                       26.24      25.65        --           24.03

     YIV           S&P 500 Index Fund (9/00) 1                            --          --        --             --
     YSM           Small Cap Advantage Fund (9/00) 1                      --          --        --           7.082
     YSA           Strategy Aggressive Fund (9/00) 1                     63.57      22.91     22.80          15.48

                AIM V.I.
     YCA           Capital Appreciation Fund (9/00) 1                    38.34      22.53     23.59          20.58
     YCD           Capital Development Fund (9/00) 1                     23.44       --        --             7.85

     YGI           Growth and Income Fund (11/96) 1                      28.39      26.50     26.13          22.60

                American Century VP
     YIR           International (9/00) 1                                56.89      26.06     20.22          16.45

     YVL           Value (9/00) 1                                        (5.13)      7.18       --            9.06

                Calvert CVS
     YSB           Social Balanced Portfolio (9/00) 1                     7.32      16.73     16.13          10.64

                Fidelity VIP
     YGC           III Growth & Income Portfolio (Service Class)          4.31      19.48      --             19.48
                   (9/00) 1
     YMP           III Mid Cap Portfolio (Service Class) (9/00) 1        42.46      --         --             46.41
     YOS           Overseas Portfolio (Service Class)  (9/00) 1          36.20      18.92      15.45          10.01
     YRE           Franklin Real Estate Fund - Class 2 (9/00) 1         (10.45)     (4.06)      6.25           7.63
     YSV           Franklin Value Securities Fund  - Class 2 (9/00)      (3.03)     --         --            (15.79)

     YIF           Templeton International Securities Fund - Class       17.86      12.82      15.17          13.69
                   2 (9/00) 1

     YIS           Templeton International Smaller Companies Fund -      18.51       0.22      --              3.28
                   Class 2 (9/00) 1

                Goldman Sachs VIT
     YSE           CORESM Small Cap Equity Fund (9/00) 1                 12.41       --        --              0.56
     YUE           CORESM U.S. Equity Fund (9/00) 1                      18.88       --        --             17.40
     YMC           Mid Cap Value Fund (9/00) 1                           (5.28)      --        --            (11.60)

                Janus Aspen Series
     YAG           Aggressive Growth Portfolio: Service Shares            --         --        --              --
                   (9/00) 1
     YGT           Global Technology Portfolio: Service Shares            --         --        --              --
                   (9/00) 1
     YIG           International Growth Portfolio: Service Shares         --         --        --              --
                   (9/00) 1

                Lazard Retirement Series
     YIP           International Equity Portfolio (9/00) 1               16.13       --        --             21.80

                MFS(R) VIT
     YGW           Growth Series - Service Class (9/00) 1                --          --        --             34.302
     YDS           New Discovery Series - Service Class (9/00) 1         65.79       --        --             36.53

                Putnam Variable Trust

     YPH           Putnam VT High Yield - Class IB Shares (9/00) 1        1.19       2.21       6.90           9.30

     YIO           Putnam VT International New Opportunities Fund -      93.96      --         --             29.99
                   Class IB Shares (9/00) 1

     YNO           Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund - Class IA           61.96      34.61      30.77          28.35
                   Shares (11/96) 1

     YVS           Putnam VT Vista Fund - Class IB Shares (9/00) 1       46.06      --         --             28.37

     YMI           Micro-Cap Portfolio (9/00) 1                          22.56      14.91      --             14.91

                Third Avenue
     YVA           Value Portfolio (9/00) 1                              --         --         --              4.332

     YIC           International Small Cap (9/00) 1                     116.65      34.61      --             36.48
     YSP           U.S. Small Cap (9/00) 1                               19.46      18.18      --             24.36

                Warburg Pincus Trust
     YEG        Emerging Growth Portfolio (9/00) 1                       --         --         --             27.042

     YSC        Small Company Growth Portfolio (9/00) 1                  61.71      21.32      --             22.69

1        (Commencement date of the subaccount)
2   These numbers are year-to-date as of Dec. 31, 1999, not annualized.

Period ending 12/31/99

               Since commencement of the subaccounts without reflecting the 3.5% premium expense charge

Subaccount      Investing in:                                          1 year     3 years    5 years     10 years or
                IDS Life Series Fund -
    Equity      Equity Portfolio (8/87) 1                               79.28%    32.50%    30.54%          21.52%
Equity Income   Equity Income Portfolio (9/00)1                         --        --        --              (2.76)2

  Government    Government Securities Portfolio (8/87) 1                (2.85)     3.95      5.73            5.90

    Income      Income Portfolio (8/87) 1                               (0.47)     3.66      6.51            6.81
International   International Equity Portfolio (10/94) 1                35.82     19.85     23.88           22.58
   Managed      Managed Portfolio (8/87) 1                              23.50     17.85     16.98           14.77
 Money Market   Money Market Portfolio (8/87) 1                          3.77      4.01      4.08            3.89

                AXPSM Variable Portfolio -
     YBC           Blue Chip Advantage Fund (9/00) 1                   --         --         --             10.682
     YBD           Bond Fund (9/00) 1                                  .80        3.03       6.79           7.07
     YCR           Capital Resource Fund (9/00) 1                      22.64      22.90      20.22          14.47
     YCM           Cash Management Fund (9/00) 1                       3.80       4.07       4.00           3.88
     YDE           Diversified Equity Income Fund (9/00) 1             --         --         --             1.952
     YEM           Emerging Markets Fund (9/00) 1                      --         --         --             --
     YEX           Extra Income Fund (9/00) 1                          5.28       3.87       --             4.58
     YFI           Federal Income Fund (9/00) 1                        --         --         --             .422
     YGB           Global Bond Fund (9/00) 1                           (5.27)     1.44       --             3.15
     YGR           Growth Fund (9/00) 1                                --         --         --             16.612
     YIE           International Fund (9/00) 1                         44.32      19.04      15.11          12.38
     YMF           Managed Fund (9/00) 1                               13.81      15.66      17.01          12.46
     YND           New Dimensions Fund(R)(9/00) 1                      30.82      27.15      --             25.24
     YIV           S&P 500 Index Fund (9/00) 1                         --         --         --             --
     YSM           Small Cap Advantage Fund (9/00) 1                   --         --         --            10.972
     YSA           Strategy Aggressive Fund (9/00) 1                   69.50      24.38      23.68         15.99

                AIM V.I.
     YCA           Capital Appreciation Fund (9/00) 1                  43.36%     24.00%     24.47%        21.23%
     YCD           Capital Development Fund (9/00) 1                   27.92      --         --            10.18
     YGI           Growth and Income Fund (11/96) 1                    33.05      28.01      27.15         23.37

                American Century VP
     YIR           International (9/00) 1                              62.58      27.57      21.08         17.18
     YVL           Value (9/00) 1                                      (1.69)      8.46      --            10.12

                Calvert CVS
     YSB           Social Balanced Portfolio (9/00) 1                  11.21      18.12      16.96         11.04

                Fidelity VIP
     YGC           III Growth & Income Portfolio (Service Class)        8.09      20.91     --             20.91
                   (9/00) 1
     YMP           III Mid Cap Portfolio (Service Class) (9/00) 1      47.63      --        --             51.68
     YOS           Overseas Portfolio (Service Class)  (9/00) 1        41.14      20.34     16.27          10.40
     YRE           Franklin Real Estate Fund - Class 2 (9/00) 1        (7.20)     (2.92)     7.01           8.02
     YSV           Franklin Value Securities Fund  - Class 2 (9/00)     0.49      --        --            (13.97)
     YIF           Templeton International Securities Fund - Class     22.13      14.17     15.99          14.22
                   2 (9/00) 1
     YIS           Templeton International Smaller Companies Fund -    22.81       1.41     --              4.29
                   Class 2 (9/00) 1

                Goldman Sachs VIT
     YSE           CORESM Small Cap Equity Fund (9/00) 1               16.49      --        --              2.48
     YUE           CORESM U.S. Equity Fund (9/00) 1                    23.19      --        --             19.64
     YMC           Mid Cap Value Fund (9/00) 1                         (1.84)     --        --             (9.69)

                Janus Aspen Series
     YAG           Aggressive Growth Portfolio: Service Shares           --         --      --             --
                   (9/00) 1
     YGT           Global Technology Portfolio: Service Shares           --         --      --             --
                   (9/00) 1
     YIG           International Growth Portfolio: Service Shares        --         --      --             --
                   (9/00) 1

                Lazard Retirement Series
     YIP           International Equity Portfolio (9/00) 1              20.34       --       --             25.11

                MFS(R) VIT
     YGW           Growth Series - Service Class (9/00) 1               --         --        --             39.172
     YDS           New Discovery Series - Service Class (9/00) 1        71.81      --        --             39.47

                Putnam Variable Trust
     YPH           Putnam VT High Yield - Class IB Shares (9/00) 1       4.86       3.43      7.66           9.69
     YIO           Putnam VT International New Opportunities Fund -    100.99      --        --             31.54
                   Class IB Shares (9/00) 1
     YNO           Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund - Class IA          67.84      36.22     31.70          29.16
                   Shares (11/96) 1
     YVS           Putnam VT Vista Fund - Class IB Shares (9/00) 1      51.35      --        --             29.90

     YMI           Micro-Cap Portfolio (9/00) 1                         27.00      16.29     --             16.29

                Third Avenue
     YVA           Value Portfolio (9/00) 1                              --        --        --              8.122

     YIC           International Small Cap (9/00) 1                    124.51      --        36.22          37.53
     YSP           U.S. Small Cap (9/00) 1                              23.79      --        19.59          25.32

                Warburg Pincus Trust
     YEG        Emerging Growth Portfolio (9/00) 1                       --        --        --             31.642
     YSC        Small Company Growth Portfolio (9/00) 1                 67.57      22.77     --             23.63

1    (Commencement date of the subaccount)
2    These numbers are year-to-date as of Dec. 31, 1999, not annualized.

The Fixed Account

You can allocate premiums to the fixed account or transfer policy value from the
subaccounts  to the fixed  account  (with  certain  restrictions,  explained  in
"Transfers between the fixed account and subaccounts").

The fixed account is the general  investment account of IDS Life of New York. It
includes  all  assets  owned  by IDS Life of New York  other  than  those in the
variable  account and other separate  accounts.  Subject to applicable  law, IDS
Life of New York has sole  discretion  to decide how assets of the fixed account
will be invested.

Placing  policy value in the fixed  account does not entitle you to share in the
fixed account's investment  experience,  nor does it expose you to the account's
investment risk. Instead,  IDS Life of New York guarantees that the policy value
you place in the fixed account will accrue interest at an effective  annual rate
of at  least  4.0%,  independent  of the  actual  investment  experience  of the
account.  IDS  Life of New  York  bears  the full  investment  risk for  amounts
allocated to the fixed account.  IDS Life of New York is not obligated to credit
interest  at any  rate  higher  than  4.0%,  although  we may do so at our  sole
discretion.  Rates  higher  than  4.0% may  change  from  time to  time,  at the
discretion  of IDS  Life of New  York,  and will be  based  on  various  factors
including, but not limited to, the interest rate environment,  returns earned on
investments  backing these  policies,  the rates currently in effect for new and
existing IDS Life of New York policies, product design, competition and IDS Life
of New York's revenues and expenses.

We will not credit  interest in excess of 4.0% on any portion of policy value in
the fixed account against which you have a policy loan outstanding.

Because of exemptive and exclusionary provisions, interests in the fixed account
have not been registered  under the Securities Act of 1933 and the fixed account
has not been  registered as an investment  company under the Investment  Company
Act of 1940. Accordingly,  neither the fixed account nor any interests in it are
subject  to the  provisions  of  these  Acts  and the  staff  of the SEC has not
reviewed  the  disclosures  in this  prospectus  relating to the fixed  account.
Disclosures  regarding  the fixed  account may,  however,  be subject to certain
generally  applicable  provisions of the federal securities laws relating to the
accuracy and completeness of statements made in prospectuses.

Policy value

The value of your  policy is the sum of  values  in the fixed  account  and each
subaccount of the variable account.


The value in the fixed  account on the  policy  date (when the policy is issued)

o    the portion of your  initial net premium  allocated  to the fixed  account;
o    interest  accrued before the policy date; minus
o    the portion of the monthly  deduction  for the  first  policy  month
     allocated  to the  fixed account.

On any later date, the value in the fixed account equals:

o    the value on the previous monthly date; plus
o    net premiums  allocated to the fixed  account  since the last monthly date;
o    any transfers to the fixed  account from the  subaccounts,  including  loan
     transfers, since the last monthly date; plus
o    accrued interest on all of the above; minus
o    any transfers  from the fixed account to the  subaccounts,  including  loan
     repayment transfers, since the last monthly date; minus
o    any partial  surrenders or partial  surrender  fees  allocated to the fixed
     account since the last monthly date; minus
o    interest  on any  transfers  or  partial  surrenders,  from the date of the
     transfer or surrender to the date of calculation; minus
o    any portion of the monthly  deduction for the coming month allocated to the
     fixed account if the date of calculation is a monthly date.


The  value  in  each  subaccount  changes  daily,  depending  on the  investment
performance of the funds in which that  subaccount  invests and on other factors
detailed below.  There is no guaranteed  minimum  subaccount value. You as owner
bear the entire investment risk.

Calculation of subaccount value: The value of each subaccount on the policy date

o    the portion of your initial net premium allocated to the subaccount; plus
o    interest accrued before the policy date; minus
o    the portion of the monthly  deduction for the first policy month  allocated
     to that subaccount.

The value on each subaccount on each valuation date equals:

o    the value of the subaccount on the preceding valuation date,  multiplied by
     the net  investment  factor for the  current  valuation  period  (explained
     below); plus
o    net premiums  received and allocated to the  subaccount  during the current
     valuation period; plus
o    any  transfers  to  the  subaccount   (from  the  fixed  account  or  other
     subaccounts, including loan repayment transfers) during the period; minus
o    any transfers  from the  subaccount  including  loan  transfers  during the
     current valuation period; minus
o    any  partial  surrenders  and  partial  surrender  fees  allocated  to  the
     subaccount during the period; minus
o    any portion of the monthly deduction allocated to the subaccount during the

The net investment  factor  measures the investment  performance of a subaccount
from one valuation period to the next.  Because  performance may fluctuate,  the
value of a subaccount may increase or decrease from day to day.

Accumulation  units:  We convert the policy value  allocated to each  subaccount
into  accumulation  units.  Each time you direct a premium  payment or  transfer
policy  value  into one of the  subaccounts,  we  credit  a  certain  number  of
accumulation units to your policy for that subaccount. Conversely, each time you
take a partial  surrender or transfer  value out of a subaccount,  we subtract a
certain number of accumulation units.

Accumulation  units are the true measure of investment value in each subaccount.
For  subaccounts  investing in the funds,  they are related to, but not the same
as, the net asset  value of the  corresponding  fund.  The dollar  value of each
accumulation  unit  can  rise  or  fall  daily,   depending  on  the  investment
performance of the underlying  funds, and on certain  charges.  Here is how unit
values are calculated:

Number of units:  To calculate the number of units for a particular  subaccount,
we divide  your  investment  (net  premium or  transfer  amount) by the  current
accumulation unit value.

Accumulation unit value: The current accumulation unit value for each subaccount
equals the last accumulation unit value times the current net investment factor.

Net investment factor: We determine the net investment factor at the end of each
valuation period. This factor equals

                              (a divided by b) - c,

(a) equals:

o    net asset value per share of the fund; plus
o    per-share amount of any dividend or capital gain  distribution  made by the
     relevant fund to the subaccount; plus
o    any  credit or minus any  charge for  reserves  to cover any tax  liability
     resulting from the investment operations of the subaccount.

(b) equals:

o    net asset value per share of the fund at the end of the preceding valuation
     period; plus
o    any credit or minus any charge for  reserves to cover any tax  liability in
     the preceding valuation period.

(c) is a percentage  factor  representing the mortality and expense risk charge,
as described in "Loads, fees and charges" above.

Factors that affect subaccount  accumulation  units:  Accumulation units of each
subaccount may change in two ways; in number and in value.  Here are the factors
that influence those changes:

The number of accumulation units you own may fluctuate due to:

o        additional premiums allocated to the subaccount;
o        transfers into or out of the subaccount;
o        partial surrenders and partial surrender fees;
o        surrender charges; and/or
o        pro rata portions of the monthly deductions

Accumulation unit values will fluctuate due to:

o       changes in underlying  fund's net asset value;
o       dividends  distributed to the subaccount;
o       capital  gains or losses of  underlying  fund;
o       fund  operating expenses; and/or
o       mortality and expense risk fees.

Proceeds Payable Upon Death

We will pay a benefit to the beneficiary of the policy when the insured dies.

If that death is prior to the maturity  date, the amount payable is based on the
specified  amount  and death  benefit  option  (described  below)  that you have
selected, less any indebtedness.

Option 1 (level  amount):  Under this option,  the policy's value is part of the
specified amount. The Option 1 death benefit is the greater of:

o    the specified amount on the date of the insured's death; or
o    the applicable  percentage of the policy value on the date of the insured's
     death,  if that death occurs on a valuation  date, or on the next valuation
     date following the date of death. (See table below.)

Applicable percentage table

Insured's attained         Applicable            Insured's attained    Applicable
insurance age              percentage of         insurance age         percentage of
                           policy value                                policy value
40 or younger              250%                  61                    128%
41                         243                   62                    126
42                         236                   63                    124
43                         229                   64                    122
44                         222                   65                    120
45                         215                   66                    119
46                         209                   67                    118
47                         203                   68                    117
48                         197                   69                    116
49                         191                   70                    115

50                         185                   71                    113
51                         178                   72                    111
52                         171                   73                    109
53                         164                   74                    107
54                         157                   75-95                 105
55                         150                   96                    104
56                         146                   97                    103
57                         142                   98                    102
58                         138                   99                    101
59                         134                   100                   100
60                         130

The  percentage  is designed to ensure that the policy meets the  provisions  of
federal  tax law which  require a minimum  death  benefit in  relation to policy
value for your policy to qualify as life insurance.

Option 2 (variable amount):  Under this option, the policy value is added to the
specified amount. The Option 2 death benefit is the greater of:

o    the policy value plus the specified amount; or
o    the applicable percentage of policy value (from the preceding table) on the
     date of the insureds death, if that death occurs on a valuation date, or on
     the next valuation date following the date of death.

Examples:                             Option 1                Option 2
- ---------                             --------                --------

Specified amount                      $100,000                $100,000
Policy value                          $  5,000              $    5,000
Death benefit                         $100,000                $105,000
Policy value increases to             $  8,000              $    8,000
Death benefit                         $100,000                $108,000
Policy value decreases to             $  3,000              $    3,000
Death benefit                         $100,000                $103,000

If you  want to have  premium  payments  and  favorable  investment  performance
reflected partly in the form of an increasing death benefit, you should consider
Option 2. If you are satisfied with the specified amount of insurance protection
and  prefer  to have  premium  payments  and  favorable  investment  performance
reflected to the maximum extent in the policy value,  you should consider Option
1. Under Option 1, the cost of insurance is lower because IDS Life of New York's
net amount at risk is generally lower; for this reason the monthly  deduction is
less and a larger portion of your premiums and investment returns is retained in
the policy value.


You may make a written  request  to change  the death  benefit  option  once per
policy year. A change in the death benefit option also will change the specified
amount. You do not need to provide additional evidence of insurability.

If you change from Option 1 to Option 2: The  specified  amount will decrease by
an amount equal to the policy  value on the  effective  date of the change.  You
cannot  change from Option 1 to Option 2 if the resulting  death benefit  amount
would fall below the minimum amount shown in the policy.

If you change from Option 2 to Option 1: The  specified  amount will increase by
an amount equal to the policy value on the effective date of the change.

An increase or decrease in specified amount resulting from a change in the death
benefit option will affect the following policy costs:

o    Monthly  deduction because the cost of insurance depends upon the specified
o    Minimum monthly premium.
o    Charges for certain optional insurance benefits.

The surrender charge will not be affected.


Subject to certain  limitations,  you may make a written  request to increase or
decrease the specified amount at any time.  Changes in specified amount may have
tax implications,  discussed in the section "Modified endowment contracts" under
"Federal taxes."

Increases:  If you  increase the  specified  amount,  we may require  additional
evidence of  insurability  that is satisfactory to us. The effective date of the
increase will be the monthly  anniversary  on or next  following our approval of
the increase.  The increase may not be less than $10,000, and we will not permit
an increase after the insured's attained insurance age 85.

An increase in the  specified  amount will have the  following  effect on policy

o    Your monthly  deduction will increase  because the cost of insurance charge
     depends upon the specified amount.
o    Charges for certain optional insurance benefits may increase.
o    The minimum monthly premium will increase if the NLG is in effect.
o    The surrender charge will increase.

At the time of the increase in specified  amount,  the cash  surrender  value of
your policy must be sufficient to pay the monthly  deduction on the next monthly
anniversary.  The  increased  surrender  charge will  reduce the cash  surrender
value.  If the remaining  cash  surrender  value is not  sufficient to cover the
monthly  deduction,  we will require you to pay additional  premiums  within the
61-day grace  period.  If you do not, the policy will lapse unless the NLG is in
effect.  Because the minimum monthly premium will increase, you may also have to
pay additional premiums to keep the NLG in effect.

Decreases:  Any  decrease  in  specified  amount will take effect on the monthly
anniversary  on or next  following  our  receipt of your  written  request.  The
specified  amount  remaining after the decrease may not be less than the minimum
amount shown in the policy.  If, following a decrease in specified  amount,  the
policy  would no longer  qualify as life  insurance  under  federal tax law, the
decrease may be limited to the extent necessary to meet these requirements.

A decrease in specified amount will affect your costs as follows:

o    Your monthly  deduction will decrease  because the cost of insurance charge
     depends upon the specified amount.
o    Charges for certain optional insurance benefits may decrease.
o    The minimum monthly premium will decrease if the NLG is in effect.
o    The surrender charge will not change.

No  surrender  charge is imposed  when you request a decrease  in the  specified

We will deduct  decreases  in the  specified  amount from the current  specified
amount in this order:

o    First from the portion due to the most recent increase;
o    Next from portions due to the next most recent increases successively; and
o    Then from the initial specified amount when the policy was issued.

This  procedure  may affect the cost of insurance  if we have applied  different
risk classifications to the current specified amount. We will eliminate the risk
classification  applicable to the most recent  increase in the specified  amount
first, then the risk classification applicable to the next most recent increase,
and so on.


If the insured's age or sex has been misstated,  the proceeds payable upon death
will be:

o    the policy value on the date of death; plus
o    the  amount of  insurance  that would  have been  purchased  by the cost of
     insurance  deducted for the policy month  during which death  occurred,  if
     that cost had been  calculated  using  rates for the  correct  age and sex;
o    the amount of any outstanding indebtedness on the date of death.


Suicide by the insured, whether sane or insane, within two years from the policy
date is not covered by the policy. If suicide occurs, the only amount payable to
the beneficiary  will be the premiums paid,  minus any  indebtedness and partial


Initially,  the beneficiary will be the person you designate in your application
for the policy.  You may change the  beneficiary by giving written notice to IDS
Life of New York, subject to requirements and restrictions stated in the policy.
If you do not designate a  beneficiary,  or if the designated  beneficiary  dies
before the insured, the beneficiary will be you or your estate.

Transfers between the Fixed Account and Subaccounts

You may  transfer  policy  values  from one  subaccount  to  another  or between
subaccounts  and the fixed  account.  For most  transfers,  we will process your
transfer request at the end of the valuation period during which we receive your
request. There is no charge for transfers. Before transferring policy value, you
should consider the risks involved in switching investments.

We may suspend or modify the transfer  privilege at any time with the  necessary
approval of the SEC.  Transfers  involving  the fixed account are subject to the
restrictions below.


     o    You must make  transfers from the fixed account during a 30-day period
          starting  on a policy  anniversary,  except for  automated  transfers,
          which can be set up at any time for transfer  periods of your choosing
          subject to certain minimums.
     o    If we receive your request to transfer  amounts from the fixed account
          within 30 days before the policy anniversary, the transfer will become
          effective on the anniversary.
     o    If we  receive  your  request  on or within 30 days  after the  policy
          anniversary, the transfer will be effective on the day we receive it.
     o    We will not accept  requests for  transfers  from the fixed account at
          any other time.
     o    If you  made  a  transfer  from  the  fixed  account  to  one or  more
          subaccounts,  you may not make a transfer from any subaccount  back to
          the fixed  account  until the next policy  anniversary.  We will waive
          this limitation once during the first two policy years if you exercise
          the policy's right to exchange provision. (See "Exchange right").

Minimum Transfer Amounts

From a subaccount to another subaccount or the fixed account:

o    For  mail and  phone  transfers--$250  or the  entire  subaccount  balance,
     whichever is less.

o    For automated transfers--$50.

From the fixed account to a subaccount:

o    $250  or  the  entire  fixed  account   balance,   minus  any   outstanding
     indebtedness, whichever is less.

o    For automated transfers -- $50.

Maximum Transfer Amounts

From a subaccount to another subaccount or the fixed account:

o    None.

From the fixed account to a subaccount:

o    Entire fixed account balance, minus any outstanding indebtedness.

Maximum Number of Transfers Per Year

We reserve the right to limit mail and  telephone  transfers  to five per policy
year. Twelve automated transfers per policy year are allowed.


Provide  your  name,   policy  number,   Social   Security  Number  or  Taxpayer
Identification Number when you request a transfer.

1 By letter

Regular mail:

IDS Life of New York
P.O. Box 5144
Albany, NY 12205

Express mail:

IDS Life of New York
20 Madison Avenue Extension
Albany, NY 12203

2 By phone

Call between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.  (Monday-Thursday);  8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.(Friday)
All Eastern Times: 1-800-541-2251 (toll free) or (518) 869-8613 (Albany area)

o             We answer phone requests  promptly,  but you may experience delays
              when  call  volume is  unusually  high.  If you are  unable to get
              through, use mail procedure as an alternative.

o             We will  honor any  telephone  transfer  or  surrender  request we
              believe is  authentic  and we will use  reasonable  procedures  to
              confirm that it is. These  procedures  include asking  identifying
              questions  and tape  recording  calls.  As long as we follow these
              procedures,  IDS Life of New York and its  affiliates  will not be
              liable for any loss resulting from fraudulent requests.

o             We make telephone transfers available automatically. If you do not
              want  telephone  transfers  to be made from your  account,  please
              write to IDS Life of New York and tell us.


In addition to written and  telephone  requests,  you can arrange to have policy
value  transferred  from one account to another  automatically.  Your  financial
advisor can help you set up an automated transfer.

Automated transfer policies:

o             Minimum automated transfer amount: $50
o             Only one automated  transfer  arrangement  can be in effect at any
              time.  You can transfer  policy values to one or more  subaccounts
              and the fixed account, but you can transfer from only one account.
o             You can start or stop this  service by written  request.  You must
              allow seven days for us to change any instructions  that currently
              are in place.
o             You cannot make  automated  transfers from the fixed account in an
              amount that, if continued,  would deplete the fixed account within
              12 months.
o             If you made a  transfer  from  the  fixed  account  to one or more
              subaccounts,  you may not make a transfer from any subaccount back
              to the fixed account until the next policy anniversary.
o             If you submit your automated  transfer request with an application
              for a policy,  automated  transfers will not take effect until the
              policy is issued.
o             If the value of the account from which you are transferring policy
              value is less  than the $50  minimum,  we will  stop the  transfer
              arrangement automatically.
o             Automated transfers are subject to all other policy provisions and
              terms  including  provisions  relating  to the  transfer  of money
              between the fixed account and the subaccounts.

Automated dollar-cost averaging

You can use automated  transfers to take advantage of  dollar-cost  averaging --
investing a fixed amount at regular intervals. For example, you might have a set
amount transferred monthly from a relatively  conservative  subaccount to a more
aggressive one, or to several others.

This systematic  approach can help you benefit from fluctuations in accumulation
unit value,  caused by fluctuations in the market value of the underlying  fund.
Since you invest the same amount each  period,  you  automatically  acquire more
units when the market  value  falls,  fewer units when it rises.  The  potential
effect  is to  lower  your  average  cost  per  unit.  There  is no  charge  for
dollar-cost averaging.

How dollar-cost averaging works

Month             Amount          Accumulation        Number of units
                 Invested          unit value            Purchased
Jan               $100                $20                  5.00

Feb                100                 16                  6.25

Mar                100                  9                 11.11

Apr                100                  5                 20.00

May                100                  7                 14.29

June               100                 10                 10.00

July               100                 15                  6.67

Aug                100                 20                  5.00

Sept               100                 17                  5.88

Oct                100                 12                  8.33

(footnotes to table) By investing an equal number of dollars each month...

(arrow in table pointing to April) you automatically buy more units when the per
unit market price is low...

(arrow in table  pointing  to August)  and fewer  units when the per unit market
price is high.

You have paid an average price of only $10.81 per unit over the 10 months, while
the average market price actually was $13.10.

Dollar-cost  averaging does not guarantee that any variable subaccount will gain
in value,  nor will it protect against a decline in value if market prices fall.
Because  this  strategy  involves  continuous   investing,   your  success  with
dollar-cost  averaging  will depend upon your  willingness to continue to invest
regularly through periods of low price levels.  Dollar-cost  averaging can be an
effective way to help meet your long-term goals.

Twelve automated transfers per policy year are allowed.

Policy Loans

You may borrow against your policy by written or telephone  request.  (See chart
under  "Transfers  between the Fixed  Account and  Subaccounts"  for address and
telephone  numbers for your  requests.) We will process your loan request at the
end of the  valuation  period  during which we receive your  request.  (Loans by
telephone are limited to $50,000.)

Interest rate: The interest rate for policy loans is 6% per year. After the 10th
anniversary  we expect to reduce the loan  interest to 4% per year.  Interest is
charged daily and due at the end of the policy year.

Minimum loan:

o        $200

Maximum loan:

o        90% of the policy value minus surrender charges.

We will  compute the maximum  loan value as of the end of the  valuation  period
during which we receive your loan request.  The amount available at any time for
a new loan is the maximum  loan value less any  existing  indebtedness.  When we
compute the amount available, we reserve the right to deduct from the loan value
interest for the period until the next policy anniversary and monthly deductions
that we will take until the next policy anniversary.

Payment of loaned funds: Generally, we will pay loans within seven days after we
receive your request  (with  certain  exceptions  -- see "Deferral of Payments,"
under "Payment of Policy Proceeds.")

Allocation  of loans to accounts:  If you do not specify  whether the loan is to
come  from  the  fixed  account  or the  subaccounts,  we will  take it from the
subaccounts  and  the  fixed  account  in  proportion  to  their  values,  minus
indebtedness.  When we make a loan from a  subaccount,  we  redeem  accumulation
units and  transfer  the  proceeds  into the fixed  account.  We will credit the
loaned amount with 4.0% annual interest.

Repayments:  We will allocate loan  repayments to  subaccounts  and/or the fixed
account using the premium  allocation  percentages  in effect unless you tell us
otherwise. Repayments must be in amounts of at least $25.

Overdue  interest:  If you do not pay accrued  interest  when it is due, we will
increase  the amount of  indebtedness  in the fixed  account to cover the amount
due.  Interest  added to a policy loan will be charged the same interest rate as
the loan  itself.  We will  take the  interest  from the  fixed  account  and/or
subaccounts, using the monthly deduction allocation percentages. If the value in
the fixed account or any subaccount is not enough to pay the allocated interest,
we will take all of the interest from all of the accounts in proportion to their
value, minus indebtedness.

Effects of policy loans: If you do not repay your loan, it will reduce the death
benefit and cash surrender value.  Even if you do repay it, your loan can have a
permanent  effect on death benefits and policy values,  because money you borrow
against the subaccounts will not share in the investment results of the relevant

A loan may terminate the no lapse guarantee.  We deduct the loan amount from the
total  premiums you pay,  which may reduce the total below the level required to
keep the NLG in effect.

Taxes:   If  your  policy  lapses  or  you  surrender  it  with  an  outstanding
indebtedness, and the amount of outstanding indebtedness plus the cash surrender
value is more than the sum of premiums you paid,  you  generally  will be liable
for taxes on the excess. (See "Federal Taxes.")

Policy Surrenders

You may  surrender  your  policy  in full or in  part by  written  or  telephone
request.   (See  chart  under   "Transfers   between   the  Fixed   Account  and
Subaccounts.")  We  will  process  your  surrender  request  at  the  end of the
valuation  period  during which we receive your  request.  We may require you to
return your policy.

We normally will process your payment within seven days; however, we reserve the
right to defer payment.  (See  "Deferral of Payments,"  under "Payment of Policy

If you totally  surrender your policy,  you receive its cash surrender  value --
the  policy  value  minus  outstanding  indebtedness  and  applicable  surrender
charges.  (See  "Loads,  Fees and  Charges.")  We will compute the value of each
subaccount  as of the end of the  valuation  period during which we receive your

After the first policy year, you may surrender any amount from $500 up to 90% of
the policy's cash surrender value.  (Partial surrenders by telephone are limited
to $50,000.) We will charge you a partial surrender fee, described under "Loads,
Fees and Charges."

Unless you specify otherwise,  IDS Life of New York will make partial surrenders
from the fixed account and  subaccounts in proportion to their values at the end
of the valuation  period during which we receive your  request.  In  determining
these proportions,  we first subtract the amount of any outstanding indebtedness
from the fixed account value.


o             A partial  surrender will reduce the policy value by the amount of
              the partial surrender and fee.

o             A partial surrender will reduce the death benefit by the amount of
              the partial  surrender  and fee, or, if the death benefit is based
              on the applicable  percentage of policy value,  by an amount equal
              to the  applicable  percentage  times the  amount  of the  partial

o             A partial  surrender  may  terminate  the no lapse  guarantee.  We
              deduct the surrender  amount from total  premiums you paid,  which
              may reduce the total below the level required to keep the no lapse
              guarantee in effect.

o             If Option 1 is in  effect,  a partial  surrender  will  reduce the
              specified  amount by the amount of the partial  surrender and fee.
              IDS Life of New York will  deduct this  decrease  from the current
              specified amount in this order:

         1.    First from the specified amount provided by the most recent
         2.    next from the next most recent increases successively;
         3.    then from the initial specified amount when the policy was

Because they reduce the specified amount, partial surrenders may affect the cost
of  insurance.  IDS Life of New York will not allow a  partial  surrender  if it
would reduce the specified amount below the required  minimum.  (See "Decreases"
under "Proceeds Payable Upon Death").

o If Option 2 is in effect,  a partial  surrender  does not affect the specified

Upon surrender, you generally will be liable for taxes on any excess of the cash
surrender  value plus  outstanding  indebtedness  over the  premium  paid.  (See
"Federal Taxes.")


For two  years  after we issue  the  policy,  you can  exchange  it for one that
provides   benefits  that  do  not  vary  with  the  investment  return  of  the
subaccounts.  Because the policy  itself offers a fixed return  option,  all you
need to do is transfer all of the policy value in the  subaccounts  to the fixed
account.  We automatically  will credit all future premium payments to the fixed
account unless you request a different allocation.

A transfer for this purpose will not count  against the  five-transfers-per-year
limit.  Also, we will waive any restrictions on transfers into the fixed account
for this type of transfer.

There is no effect on the policy's death benefit,  specified amount,  net amount
at risk, risk classification or issue age. Only the method of funding the policy
value will be affected.

We will not require evidence of insurability. We will require that:

1.       this policy is in force; and
2.       your request is in writing; and
3.       you repay any existing indebtedness.

The new policy will have the same initial death  benefit,  policy date and issue
age as this policy. The premium for the new policy will be based on our rates in
effect on its policy date for the same class of risk as under this policy.

We will inform you of the premium for the new policy and any extra sum  required
or  allowance  to be made  for a cash  surrender  value  adjustment  that  takes
appropriate  account of the values under both this policy and the new policy. If
the cash surrender  value of this policy exceeds the cash surrender value of the
new policy,  the excess will be sent to you. If the cash surrender value of this
policy  is less than the cash  surrender  value of the new  policy,  you will be
required to send us the shortage amount for this exchange to be completed.


You may request  that we use the cash  surrender  value of the policy be used to
purchase an amount of paid-up  insurance.  You may make your  request in writing
during the 30 days before any policy  anniversary.  The paid-up insurance policy
will take effect as of the policy  anniversary  and will mature on the  original
policy's  maturity  date.  You will  forfeit all rights to make  future  premium
payments and all riders will terminate.

The amount and cash  surrender  value of the paid-up  insurance will be based on
the cost of insurance  rates  guaranteed  in the policy and on the fixed account
guaranteed  interest rate. The paid-up policy's death benefit amount,  minus its
cash  surrender  value,  cannot be  greater  than your  current  policy's  death
benefit,  minus its policy  value (both as of the date of the  paid-up  policy's
purchase).  The amount of paid-up  insurance  will remain  level and will not be
less than required by law.

Optional Insurance Benefits

You may choose to add the  following  benefits to your  policy at an  additional
cost,  in the form of riders (if you meet certain  requirements).  More detailed
information on these benefits is in your policy.

Waiver of  monthly  deduction  (WMD):  Under  WMD,  we will  waive  the  monthly
deduction if the insured becomes totally disabled.

Accidental  death benefit (ADB): ADB provides an additional death benefit if the
insured's death is caused by accidental injury.

Other insured rider (OIR): OIR provides a level, adjustable death benefit on the
life of each other insured covered.

Children's  insurance  rider  (CIR):  CIR provides  level term  coverage on each
eligible child.

Automatic  increase  benefit  rider  (AIB):  AIB  provides  an  increase  in the
specified  amount at a designated  percentage on each policy  anniversary  until
insured's attained age 65.

Payment of Policy Proceeds

We will pay policy proceeds when:

o        you surrender the policy; or
o        the insured dies
o        the policy maturity date is reached, which occurs when the insured
         reaches attainded insurance age 100.

We will pay all  proceeds  by check.  We will  compute  the  amount of the death
proceeds and pay it in a single sum unless you select one of the payment options
below.  We will pay interest at a rate then in effect on death proceeds from the
date of the insured's death to the settlement date (the date on which we pay the
proceeds in a lump sum or first place them under a payment option).

Payment options:
During the  insured's  lifetime,  you may request in writing  that we pay policy
proceeds under one or more of the three payment options below.  (The beneficiary
also may select a payment  option,  unless you say that he or she  cannot).  You
decide how much of the proceeds to place under each option (minimum: $5,000). We
will transfer any such amount to IDS Life of New York's general account.  Unless
we agree otherwise, we must make payments under all options to a natural person.

You also may make a written  request  to us to change a prior  choice of payment
option or, if we agree, to elect a payment option other than the three below.

If you elect a payment option for pre-death proceeds, payments under this option
may be subject to federal income tax as ordinary income.  If you elect Option A,
the full  pre-death  proceeds  will be taxed as a full  surrender or maturity as
described  in  "Taxation  of  policy  proceeds"  and also may be  subject  to an
additional 10% penalty tax if the policy is a modified  endowment.  The interest
paid under  Option A will be ordinary  income  subject to income tax in the year
earned. The interest payments will not be subject to the 10% penalty tax.

If you  elect  Option B or  Option C for  payment  of  pre-death  proceeds,  any
indebtedness  at the time of election  will be taxed as a partial  surrender  as
described  in  "Taxation  of  policy  proceeds"  and also may be  subject  to an
additional  10% penalty tax if the policy is a modified  endowment.  We will use
the  remainder  of the proceeds to make  payments  under the option  elected.  A
portion of each payment  will be taxed as ordinary  income and a portion of each
payment will be considered a return of the investment in the policy and will not
be taxed. We describe an owner's investment in the policy in "Taxation of Policy
Proceeds."  All  payments  we make after the  investment  in the policy is fully
recovered will be subject to tax. Amounts we pay under Option B or Option C that
are subject to tax also may be subject to an  additional  10% penalty tax.  (See
"Penalty tax" under "Federal taxes").

Death benefit  proceeds applied to any payment option are not considered part of
the  beneficiary's  income and therefore are not subject to federal  income tax.
Payments of interest  under  Option A will be  ordinary  income  subject to tax.
Under Option B or Option C, a portion of each  payment  will be ordinary  income
subject to tax and a portion of each payment will be  considered a return of the
beneficiary's  investment  in the  policy  which  is not  subject  to  tax.  The
beneficiary's investment in the policy is the death benefit proceeds we apply to
the payment  option.  All payments we make after the investment in the policy is
fully recovered will be subject to tax.

Option A -- Interest payments: We will pay interest on any proceeds placed under
this option at a rate of 4% per year compounded  annually,  at regular intervals
and for a period that is agreeable to both you and us. At the end of any payment
interval,  you may withdraw  proceeds in amounts of at least $100.  At any time,
you may withdraw  all of the proceeds  that remain or you may place them under a
different payment option approved by us.

Option B -- Payments for a specified period: We will make fixed monthly payments
for any number of years you specify.  Here are examples of monthly  payments for
each $1,000 placed under this option:

Payment period                  Monthly payment per $1,000
   (years)                        placed under Option B

       10                                $ 9.61
       15                                  6.87
       20                                  5.51
       25                                  4.71
       30                                  4.18

We will  furnish  monthly  amounts for other  payment  periods at your  request,
without charge.

Option C -- Lifetime  income:  We will make monthly payments for the life of the
person (payee) who is to receive the income.  We will guarantee  payment for 10,
15 or 20 years.

We will base the amount of each  monthly  payment per $1,000  placed  under this
option  on the  table of  settlement  rates in  effect  at the time of the first
payment.  The amount  depends on the sex and  adjusted  age of the payee on that
date.  Adjusted  age means the age of the payee (on the payee's  last  birthday)
minus an adjustment as follows:

Calendar year of     Adjustment    Calendar year of      Adjustment
Payee's birth                      payee's birth

Before 1920              0            1945-1949               6
1920-1924                1            1950-1959               7
1925-1929                2            1960-1969               8
1930-1934                3            1970-1979               9
1935-1939                4            1980-1989              10
1940-1944                5            After 1989             11

The amount of each monthly  payment per $1,000  placed under this option will be
at least the amounts shown in the next table.

We will furnish  monthly amounts for any adjusted age not shown at your request,
without charge.

age                     Life income per $1,000 with
payee                  payments guaranteed for
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                  10 years                  15 years        20 years
              Male    Female    Male      Female    Male     Female
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
50            $4.22    $3.89     $4.17      $3.86    $4.08   $3.82
55             4.62     4.22      4.53       4.18     4.39    4.11
60             5.14     4.66      4.96       4.57     5.71    4.44
65             5.81     5.22      5.46       5.05     5.02    4.79
70             6.61     5.96      5.96       5.60     5.27    5.12
75             7.49     6.89      6.38       6.14     5.42    5.35

Deferral of payments:
We reserve the right to defer payments of cash surrender value,  policy loans or
variable death benefits in excess of the specified amount if:

     o    the  payments  derive from a premium  payment made by a check that has
          not cleared the banking system (we have not collected good payment);

     o    the  NYSE  is  closed  (other  than  customary   weekend  and  holiday

     o    in accordance  with SEC rules,  trading on the NYSE is restricted  or,
          because of an emergency,  it is not practical to dispose of securities
          held in the subaccount or determine the value of the  subaccount's net

We may delay the payment of any loans or surrenders from the fixed account up to
six months from the date we receive the  request.  If we postpone the payment of
surrender  proceeds  more than 30 days,  we will pay you  interest on the amount
surrendered at an annual rate of 3% for the period of postponement.

Federal Taxes

The  following  is a general  discussion  of the  policy's  federal  income  tax
implications.  It is not intended as tax advice.  Because the effect of taxes on
the value and benefits of your policy  depends on your  individual  situation as
well as IDS Life of New York's tax status,  YOU SHOULD  CONSULT A TAX ADVISOR TO
on our  understanding of federal income tax laws as the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS)  currently  interprets  them; both the laws and their  interpretation  may

As with any financial  product  purchased,  the decision as to who the owner and
the beneficiary will be should be made by the client after consultation with his
or her tax and legal  advisors.  These  decisions may  significantly  affect the
amount  due for  income  tax,  gift tax and  estate  tax and  also the  client's
ownership rights to the policy.

We intend the policy to qualify as a life  insurance  policy for federal  income
tax purposes. To that end, the provisions of the policy are to be interpreted to
ensure or maintain  this tax  qualification.  IDS Life of New York  reserves the
right to change the policy in order to ensure  that it will  continue to qualify
as life insurance for tax purposes. We will send you a copy of any changes.


The IRS taxes IDS Life of New York as a life  insurance  company under the Code.
For federal income tax purposes, we consider the subaccounts to be a part of IDS
Life of New York,  although we treat their  operations  separately in accounting
and financial statements. We reinvest the investment income from the subaccounts
and it becomes part of the subaccounts'  value. The IRS does not tax IDS Life of
New York on this investment income, including realized capital gains. Therefore,
IDS Life of New York does not  charge the  subaccounts  for our  federal  income
taxes.  IDS Life of New York  reserves  the  right to make  such a charge in the
future if there is a change in the tax treatment of subaccounts or variable life
insurance  contracts  or in IDS Life of New York's  tax  status as we  currently
understand it.


The IRS does not  consider  the death  benefit  to be part of the  beneficiary's
income and therefore it is not subject to federal income taxes.  When we pay the
proceeds on the  maturity  date and the amount  received  plus any  indebtedness
exceeds your  investment  in the policy,  the IRS may tax the excess as ordinary

The IRS may tax part or all of any pre-death  proceeds that you receive  through
full surrender or maturity, lapse, partial surrender,  policy loan or assignment
of policy  value or  payment  options as  ordinary  income.  (See the  following
table.) In some  cases,  the tax  liability  depends on whether  the policy is a
modified endowment  (explained following the table). The taxable amount also may
be  subject  to an  additional  10%  penalty  tax if the  policy  is a  modified

Source of proceeds                     Taxable portion of pre-death proceeds

Full surrender:                        Amount you receive plus any indebtedness,
                                       minus your investment in the policy.*

Lapse:                                 Any outstanding indebtedness minus your
                                       investment in the policy.*

Partial surrenders                     Lesser of:
(modified endowments):                 the amount you receive or policy value
                                       minus your investment in the policy.*

Policy loans and assignments           Lesser of:
(modified endowments)                  the amount of the loan/assignment or
                                       policy value minus your investment in the

Partial surrenders                     Generally, if the amount you receive is
(other policies):                      greater than your investment in the
                                       policy,* the  amount  in  excess  of
                                       your investment is taxable. However,
                                       during  the first 15  policy  years, a
                                       different amount  may  be taxable if the
                                       partial surrender  results in or is
                                       caused  by a  reduction  in benefits.

Policy loans and assignments           None
(other policies):

Payment options:                       If  we  pay  the proceeds  of the policy
                                       under  one of  the  payment options, see
                                       the  "Payment option"  under  "Payment of
                                       Policy  proceeds" section for tax

*The owner's investment is equal to premiums paid, minus the nontaxable portion
of any previous  partial  surrenders,  plus the taxable  portion of any previous
policy loans.


In  1988,  Congress  created  a new  class  of life  insurance  policies  called
"Modified  Endowment  Contracts." The IRS taxes these policies  differently from
conventional life insurance contracts.

Your policy is a modified endowment contract if:

o        you apply for it or materially change it on or after June 21, 1988 and
o             the  premiums  you pay in the first seven years of the policy,  or
              the first seven years following a material change,  exceed certain

Also, any life insurance policy you receive in exchange for a modified endowment
is itself a modified endowment.

We have  procedures  for  monitoring  whether  your policy may become a modified
endowment  contract.  We calculate  modified  endowment limits when we issue the
policy.  We base these limits on the benefits we provide under the policy and on
the risk  classification  of the insured.  We recalculate  these limits later if
certain increases or reductions in benefits occur.

Increases in  benefits:  We  recalculate  limits when an increase is a "material
change."  Almost any  increase  you  request,  such as an increase in  specified
amount,  the  addition of a rider  benefit or an  increase in an existing  rider
benefit,  is a material  change.  An automatic  increase under the terms of your
policy,  such as an increase in death benefit due to operation of the applicable
percentage  table  described in the "Proceeds  payable upon death" section or an
increase in policy  value  growth  under  Option 2,  generally is not a material
change.  A policy becomes a modified  endowment if premiums you pay in the early
years following a material change exceed the recalculated limits.

Reductions  in benefits:  When you reduce  benefits  within seven years after we
issue the policy or after the most recent  material  change,  we recalculate the
limits as if the reduced  level of benefits  had always been in effect.  In most
cases, this  recalculation will further restrict the amount of premiums that you
can pay without  exceeding  modified  endowment limits. If the premiums you have
already  paid  exceed the  recalculated  limits,  the policy  becomes a modified
endowment even if you do not pay any further premiums.

Distributions  affected:  Modified endowment rules apply to distributions in the
year the policy  becomes a modified  endowment and in all subsequent  years.  In
addition,  the rules apply to  distributions  taken two years  before the policy
becomes  a  modified  endowment  because  the  IRS  presumes  that  you  took  a
distribution in anticipation of that event.

Serial purchase of modified  endowments:  The IRS treats all modified endowments
issued by the same insurer (or possibly affiliated  companies of the insurer) to
the  same  owner  during  any  calendar  year  as one  policy  for  purposes  of
determining the amount of any loan or distribution that is taxable.

Penalty  tax:  If a policy is a  modified  endowment,  the  taxable  portion  of
pre-death proceeds from a full surrender,  maturity,  lapse,  partial surrender,
policy loan or  assignment  of policy  value or certain  payment  options may be
subject to a 10% penalty tax unless:

o        the distribution occurs after the owner attains age 59 1/2;
o        the distribution is attributable to the owner becoming disabled
         (within the meaning of Code Section 72(m)(7); or
o        the  distribution  is  part of a  series  of  substantially  equal
         periodic payments made at least once a year over the life (or life
         expectancy)  of the  owner  or  over  the  joint  lives  (or  life
         expectancies) of the owner and the owner's beneficiary.


Interest paid on policy loans:  If you use a policy loan for personal  purposes,
interest  paid on the loan is not  tax-deductible.  Other rules apply if you use
the loan for trade or  business  or  investment  purposes  or if a  business  or
corporation owns the policy from which the loan is taken.

Policy changes: Changing ownership,  exchanging or assigning the policy may have
tax consequences, depending on the circumstances.

Other taxes:  Federal estate tax, state and local estate tax,  inheritance  tax,
gift tax and other tax  consequences  of ownership or receipt of policy proceeds
also will depend on the circumstances.

Tax-deferred  retirement  plans:  The  policy  may be used in  conjunction  with
certain  retirement  plans that are  already  tax-deferred  under the Code.  The
policy will not provide any necessary or  additional  tax deferral if it is used
to fund a retirement plan that is  tax-deferred.  Since the rules governing such
use are complex, a purchaser should consult a competent pension consultant.

On July 6, 1983, the Supreme Court held in Arizona Governing Committee v. Norris
that  optional   annuity   benefits   provided  under  an  employee's   deferred
compensation  plan could not,  under Title VII of the Civil  Rights Act of 1964,
vary  between  men and women on the basis of sex.  Since  the  policy's  cost of
insurance rates and purchase rates for certain  settlement  options  distinguish
between men and women,  employers and employee organizations should consult with
legal counsel before purchasing the policy for any employment-related  insurance
or benefit program.

IDS Life of New York

IDS Life of New York is a stock life insurance  company organized under the laws
of the State of New York in 1972.  Our address is 20 Madison  Avenue  Extension,
Albany, NY 12203.

IDS Life of New York is licensed in New York and North Dakota, and it conducts a
conventional  life  insurance  business  in the state of New York.  All  annuity
contracts and insurance  policies issued by IDS Life of New York,  including the
policy described in this prospectus, are non-participating.


IDS Life of New York, a New York  corporation,  is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
IDS  Life,  a  Minnesota  corporation,  which is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of
American Express Financial Corporation (AEFC). AEFC, a Delaware corporation,  is
a wholly owned subsidiary of American Express Company.

The AEFC family of companies  offers not only insurance and annuities,  but also
mutual funds,  investment certificates and a broad range of financial management

Besides  managing  investments for all funds in the American  Express(R)  Funds,
AEFC  manages  investments  for itself and its  subsidiaries,  American  Express
Certificate  Company  and  IDS  Life  Insurance  Company.   Total  assets  under
management as of the most recent fiscal year were more than $262 billion.


IDS Life of New York is  subject  to the  laws of New York  governing  insurance
companies and to regulation by the New York Department of Insurance. IDS Life of
New York  files  an  annual  statement  in a  prescribed  form  with New  York's
Department of  Insurance.  IDS Life of New York's books and accounts are subject
to  review  by the New York  Department  of  Insurance  at all  times and a full
examination of its operations is conducted  periodically.  Such  regulation does
not, however,  involve any supervision of management or investment  practices or


American Express  Financial  Advisors,  Inc., a registered  broker/dealer and an
affiliate of IDS Life of New York, is the sole distributor of the policy.

IDS Life of New York pays its representatives a commission of up to 47.5% of the
initial minimum monthly premium (annualized) when the policy is sold, plus 3% of
all premiums in excess of 12 times the minimum monthly premium.  IDS Life of New
York pays additional  commissions if an increase in coverage occurs. IDS Life of
New York also pays approximately 27% of the total representative's commission to
the  field  vice   presidents   and  district  sales  managers  of  the  selling


A number of  lawsuits  have been  filed  against  life and  health  insurers  in
jurisdictions  in which  IDS Life of New York  and its  affiliates  do  business
involving  insurers'  sales  practices,  alleged  agent  misconduct,  failure to
properly supervise agents,  and other matters.  IDS Life is a defendant in three
class action lawsuits of this nature.  IDS Life of New York is a named defendant
on one of these suits.

Richard  Thoresen  and  Elizabeth  Thoresen  vs. AEFC,  American  Partners  Life
Insurance  Company,   American  Enterprise  Life  Insurance  Company,   American
Centurion  Life  Assurance  Company,  IDS Life  Insurance  Company  and IDS Life
Insurance Company of New York, was commenced in Minnesota State Court in October
1998.  The  action was  brought by  individuals  who  purchased  an annuity in a
qualified plan. The plaintiffs allege that the sale of annuities in tax-deferred
contributory retirement investment plans (e.g. IRA's) is never appropriate.  The
plaintiffs  purport to  represent  a class  consisting  of all  persons who made
similar purchases. The plaintiffs seek damages in an unspecified amount.

IDS Life of New York is included as a party to a  preliminary  settlement of all
three class  action  lawsuits.  We believe  this  approach  will put these cases
behind us and provide a fair  outcome for our  clients.  Our  decision to settle
does not include any admission of  wrongdoing.  We do not  anticipate  that this
proposed  settlement  or any other  lawsuits  in which IDS Life of New York is a
defendant, will have a material adverse effect on our financial condition.

YEAR 2000

The Year 2000 issue is the result of computer programs having been written using
two  digits  rather  than  four  to  define  a  year.  Any  programs  that  have
time-sensitive  software may recognize a date using "00" as the year 1900 rather
than 2000. This could result in the failure of major systems or miscalculations,
which could have a material impact on the operations of IDS Life of New York and
the Variable Account.  All of the major systems used by IDS Life of New York and
the  Variable  Account  are  maintained  by AEFC and are  utilized  by  multiple
subsidiaries  and  affiliates  of AEFC.  IDS Life of New York's and the Variable
Account's businesses are heavily dependent upon AEFC's computer systems and have
significant interaction with systems of third parties.

A  comprehensive  review of AEFC's  computer  systems  and  business  processes,
including those specific to IDS Life of New York and the Variable  Account,  was
conducted to identify the major  systems that could be affected by the Year 2000
issue. Steps were taken to resolve potential problems including  modification to
existing  software and the purchase of new software.  As of Dec. 31, 1999,  AEFC
had  completed its program of  corrective  measures on its internal  systems and
applications,  including Year 2000 compliance testing. As of Dec. 31, 1999, AEFC
had also  completed  an  evaluation  of the Year 2000  readiness  of other third
parties whose system failures could have an impact on IDS Life of New York's and
the Variable Account's operations.

AEFC's Year 2000 project also included  establishing Year 2000 contingency plans
for all key business units.  Business continuation plans, which address business
continuation  in the  event of a  system  disruption,  are in place  for all key
business  units.  As of Dec. 31,  1999,  these plans had been amended to include
specific Year 2000 considerations.

In  assessing  its Year 2000  initiatives  and the results of actual  production
since Jan. 1, 2000,  management  believes no material adverse  consequences were
experienced,  and there was no material effect on IDS Life of New York's and the
Variable Account's business,  results of operations, or financial condition as a
result of the Year 2000 issue.


Ernst & Young LLP, independent auditors, have audited the consolidated financial
statements of IDS Life Insurance  Company of New York at Dec. 31, 1999 and 1998,
and for each of the three  years in the period  ended  Dec.  31,  1999,  and the
individual and combined financial statements of the segregated asset subaccounts
of the  IDS  Life  of New  York  Account  8 -  Flexible  Premium  Variable  Life
Subaccounts (comprised of subaccounts YEQ, YGS, YIN, YIT, YMA, YMM, YGI and YNO)
at Dec. 31, 1999,  and for each of the three years in the period then ended,  as
set forth in their  reports.  We've  included our  financial  statements  in the
prospectus in reliance on Ernst & Young LLP's report,  given on their  authority
as experts in accounting and auditing.

Actuarial  matters included in the prospectus have been examined by Mark Gorham,
F.S.A., M.A.A.A.,  Actuarial Director,  Insurance Product Development, as stated
in his opinion filed as an exhibit to the Registration Statement.

Management of IDS Life of New York


Timothy V. Bechtold

Director since April 1999;  president since 1998, Risk Management Products since
December 1999; vice  president,  Risk  Management  Products,  IDS Life Insurance
Company from January 1995 to December 1999;  vice president,  Insurance  Product
Development, IDS Life Insurance Company from May 1989 to December 1994.

Maureen A. Buckley

Director since April 1999; vice president,  chief operating officer and consumer
affairs  officer and claims  officer  since 1998;  chief  operating  officer and
consumer affairs officer, American Centurion Life Assurance Company, since March
1995; supervisor, IDS Life of New York from September 1989 to March 1995.

Rodney P. Burwell

Director since April 1999; chairman, Xerxes Corporation  (manufacturing),  since

John Cattau

Director since April 1999; vice president,  American Express  Financial  Direct,
since November 1997;  manager,  American express Financial Direct from June 1992
to November 1997.

Robert R. Grew

Lawyer and Partner, Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, NYC, since 1957.

Jean B. Keffeler

Director since April 1999; business and management consultant since 1991.

Richard W. Kling

Chairman of the board,  IDS Life of New York,  since April 1994;  director,  IDS
Life since February 1984; President,  IDS Life, since March 1994; executive vice
president,  Marketing and Products,  IDS Life,  from January 1988 to March 1994;
senior vice president,  Risk  Management  Products,  AEFC,  since May 1994; vice
president,  AEFC,  from January 1988 to May 1994;  director and president of IDS
Life Series Fund,  Inc.;  and chairman of the board of managers and president of
IDS Life Variable Annuity Funds A and B.

Thomas R. McBurney

Director since April 1999;  president,  McBurney  Management  Associates,  since

Edward J. Muhl

Director since April 1999; vice chairman, Peterson Consulting LLP, since January
1997;  superintendent of insurance, New York State from January 1995 to December
1996;  senior vice  president,  Reliance  Insurance  Group from November 1991 to
January 1995.

Thomas V. Nicolosi

Director since October 1996;  group vice  president,  AEFA, from January 1995 to
present; field vice president, AEFA, from January 1988 to December 1994.

Stephen P. Norman

Secretary, American Express, since 1982.

Richard M. Starr

Director since October 1996; managing counsel,  American Express Company,  since
March 1995;  senior counsel  American  Express  Company,  from May 1992 to March
1995; counsel American Express Company from June 1989 to May 1992.

Michael R. Woodward

Senior vice president,  Field  Management,  AEFC,  since June 1991;  region vice
president, Atlantic Region, AEFC, from 1988 to June 1991.

Principal officers other than directors

Darrell C. Beckstrom

Underwriting officer since 1994;  underwriting technical manger, IDS Life, since
1990; senior underwriter, IDS Life, from 1987 to 1992.

Lorraine R. Hart

Vice  President-Investments  since December 1999; investment officer since March
1992; vice president, Insurance Investments, IDS Life, since October 1989.

Jeffrey S. Horton

Vice president and treasurer since December 1999; vice president,  treasurer and
assistant secretary, IDS Life, since December 1997; vice president and corporate
treasurer,   AEFC,   since   December   1997;   controller,   American   Express
Technologies-Financial   Services,  AEFC,  from  July  1997  to  December  1997;
controller, Risk Management Products, AEFC, from May 1994 to July 1997; director
of finance and analysis, Corporate Treasury, AEFC from June 1990 to May 1994.

Eric L. Marhoun

General  counsel and secretary  since 1998;  group  counsel and vice  president,
AEFA, since 1997; counsel AEFA, from 1996 to 1997; associate counsel, AEFA, from
1995 to 1996; associate, Meagher & Gear, from 1991 to 1995.

Jeffrey W. Sullivan, M.D.

Medical director since 1998.

Philip C. Wentzel

Vice  president  and  controller  since 1998;  Vice  President  - Finance,  Risk
Management  Products,  AEFC since 1997; and director of financial  reporting and
analysis from 1992-1997.

The officers,  employees and sales force of IDS Life of New York are bonded,  in
the  amount of $100  million,  by virtue of a blanket  fidelity  bond  issued to
American Express Company by Saint Paul Fire and Marine, the lead underwriter.

Other information

The  variable  account  has filed a  registration  statement  with the SEC.  For
further information  concerning the policy, the variable account and IDS Life of
New  York,  please  refer  to the  registration  statement.  You  can  find  the
registration statement on the SEC's web site at

Substitution of investments

We may change the funds from which the  subaccounts  buy shares if: the existing
funds become  unavailable;  or in the judgment of IDS Life of New York the funds
are no longer suitable for the subaccounts.  If these situations  occur, we have
the right to substitute the funds held in the subaccounts for other  registered,
open-end  management  investment  companies as long as we believe it would be in
the best interest of persons having voting rights under the policies.

In the  event of any such  substitution  or  change,  IDS Life of New York  may,
without the consent or  approval of owners,  amend the policy and take  whatever
action is necessary and appropriate.  However, we will not make any substitution
or  change  without  any  necessary  approval  of  the  SEC or  state  insurance
departments.  IDS Life of New York will  notify  owners  within five days of any
substitution or change.

Voting rights

As a policy owner with investments in any subaccount,  you may vote on important
fund  matters.  Each  share  of a fund has one  vote.  On some  issues,  such as
election of directors of IDS Life Series Fund, all shares of the IDS Life Series
Fund Portfolios vote together as one series. When electing directors, all shares
of IDS Life Series Fund  Portfolios have  cumulative  voting rights.  Cumulative
voting  means that  shareholders  are entitled to a number of votes equal to the
number of shares they hold  multiplied  by the number of directors to be elected
and they have the right to divide votes among candidates.

On an issue  affecting  only one fund -- for example,  a fundamental  investment
restriction  pertaining  only to  that  fund -- its  shares  vote as a  separate
series. If shareholders of a particular fund vote approval of an agreement,  the
agreement  becomes  effective  with  respect to that fund,  whether or not it is
approved by shareholders of the other funds.

IDS Life of New York is the owner of all fund  shares  and  therefore  holds all
voting rights.  However,  IDS Life of New York will vote the shares of each fund
according to  instructions  we receive from owners.  If we do not receive timely
instructions  from you, we will vote your shares in the same  proportion  as the
shares for which we do receive instructions. IDS Life of New York also will vote
fund shares that are not otherwise attributable to owners in the same proportion
as those shares in that subaccount for which we receive instructions.

We determine the number of fund shares in each subaccount for which you may give
instructions by applying your percentage interest in the subaccount to the total
number of votes attributable to the subaccount. We will determine that number as
of a date we choose that is 60 days or less  before the meeting of the fund.  We
will  send you  notice  of each  shareholder  meeting,  together  with any proxy
solicitation  materials and a statement of the number of votes for which you are
entitled to give instructions.

Under certain conditions, IDS Life of New York may disregard voting instructions
that  would  change  the  goals of one or more of the  funds or would  result in
approval or disapproval of an investment  advisory contract.  If IDS Life of New
York does disregard voting  instructions,  we will advise you of that action and
the reasons for in our next report to owners.


At least  once a year IDS Life of New York will mail to you,  at your last known
address  of record,  a report  containing  all  information  required  by law or
regulation, including a statement showing the current policy value.

Policy Illustations

The following  tables  illustrate how policy values,  cash surrender  values and
death benefits may change with the investment experience of the subaccount.  The
tables show how these amounts  might vary,  for a  35-year-old  male  nonsmoker,
under Death Benefit Option 1, if:

     o    the annual rate of return of the fund is 0%, 6% or 12%.
     o    the cost of  insurance  rates and  policy  fees are  current  rates or
          guaranteed rates and fees.

This type of illustration involves a number of detailed assumptions. (See chart,
"Understanding  the  illustrations.")  To the extent that your own circumstances
differ from those assumed in the illustrations, your expected results also would

Upon request,  we will furnish you with  comparable  tables  illustrating  death
benefits, policy values and cash surrender values based on the actual age of the
person you  propose to insure and on an  initial  specified  amount and  premium
payment  schedule.  In  addition,  after you have  purchased  a policy,  you may
request illustrations based on policy values at the time of request.

Understanding the illustrations:

Rates of return: assumes uniform,  gross,  after-tax,  annual rates of 0%, 6% or
12% for the fund.  Results  would  differ  depending  on  allocations  among the
subaccounts,  if  returns  averaged  0%,  6% and 12% for the fund as a whole but
differed across portfolios.

Insured:  assumes a male  insurance age 35, in a standard  risk  classification,
qualifying for the nonsmoker rate. Results would be lower if the insured were in
a substandard risk classification or did not qualify for the non-smoker rate.

Premiums: assumes a $900 premium is paid in full at the beginning of each policy
year. Results would differ if premiums were paid on a different schedule.

Policy loans and partial  withdrawals:  assumes that none have been made. (Since
we assume indebtedness is zero, the cash surrender value in all cases equals the
policy value minus the surrender charge.)

Effect of expenses and charges

The death benefit,  policy value and cash surrender  value reflect the following

     o    Premium expense charge: 3.5% of each premium payment.

     o    Cost of insurance charge for the sex, age and rate  classification for
          the assumed insured.

     o    Policy fee: $5 per month.

The  expenses  paid by the fund and  charges  made  against the  subaccounts  as
described below:

The net investment return of the subaccounts, shown in the tables, is lower than
the  gross,  after-tax  return  of the fund or trust  because  we  deducted  the
expenses  paid by the fund and  charges  made  against  the  subaccounts.  These

o    the  daily  investment  management  fee  paid by the  fund,  assumed  to be
     equivalent  to an  annual  rate of 0.73% of the  fund's  average  daily net
     assets; the assumed investment  management fee is approximately  equal to a
     simple average of the investment  management  fees,  based on assets of the
     subaccounts,  of the funds available  under the policy.  The actual charges
     you incur will depend on how you choose to allocate policy value.  See Fund
     expenses in the Loads,  Fees and  Charges  section of this  prospectus  for
     additional information;

o    the 12b-1 fee, assumed to be equivalent to an annual rate of 0.09% of the
     fund's average daily net assets.

o    the daily  mortality  and expense  risk charge,  equivalent  to 0.9% of the
     daily net asset value of the  subaccounts  annually for the first 10 policy
     years and 0.45%  thereafter,  we reserve the right to charge up to 0.9% for
     all policy years; and

o    a nonadvisory  expense charge assumed to be equivalent to an annual rate of
     0.17% of each fund's average daily net assets for direct expenses  incurred
     by the fund.  The actual charges you incur will depend on how you choose to
     allocate  policy value.  See Fund expenses in the Loads,  Fees, and Charges
     section of this prospectus for additional information.

After  deduction of the expenses and charges  described  above,  the illustrated
gross annual investment rates of return correspond to the following  approximate
net annual rates of return:

                             Net annual rate of         Net annual rate of         Net annual rate of
Gross annual investment      return for "Guaranteed     return for "Current        return for "Current
rate Of return               costs assumed"             costs assumed"             costs assumed"
                             illustration               illustration, years 1-10   illustration, years 11 and after
 0%                          (1.87)%                    (1.87)%                    (1.43)%

 6                             4.02                       4.02                      4.48

12                             9.90                       9.90                     10.40

Taxes:  Results  shown in the tables  reflect the fact that IDS Life of New York
does not currently  charge the  subaccounts  for federal  income tax. If we take
such a charge in the future,  the portfolios will have to earn more than they do
now in order to produce the death benefits and policy values illustrated.

At any time, upon written request by you, we will provide a projection of future
death benefits and policy values. The projection will be based on assumptions as
to specified  amount(s),  type of coverage option and future premium payments as
are necessary and specified by us and /or you.

Policy Illustrations

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initial specified amount $100,000                        Male age 35              Current costs assumed
Death benefit Option 1                                   nonsmoker                Annual premium $900
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Premium          Death benefit (1)(2)               Policy value (1)(2)             Cash surrender value (1)(2)
        accumulated      assuming hypothetical gross        assuming hypothetical gross     assuming hypothetical gross
End of  with annual      annual investment return of        annual investment return of     annual investment return of
policy  interest
year    at 5%            0%           6%         12%          0%        6%          12%         0%         6%        12%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1               945      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000        $625      $669         $713        $-          $-         $-
2              1937      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $1,231    $1,358       $1,489      $330        $457       $588
3              2979      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $1,816    $2,063       $2,331      $915      $1,162     $1,430
4              4073      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $2,375    $2,783       $3,243    $1,474      $1,882     $2,342
5              5222      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $2,914    $3,522       $4,236    $2,013      $2,621     $3,335

6              6428      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $3,427    $4,275       $5,311    $2,706      $3,554     $4,590
7              7694      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $3,915    $5,042       $6,477    $3,374      $4,501     $5,937
8              9024      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $4,377    $5,825       $7,745    $4,017      $5,465     $7,385
9             10420      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $4,813    $6,622       $9,123    $4,633      $6,441     $8,942
10            11886      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $5,219    $7,430      $10,618    $5,219      $7,430    $10,618

11            13425      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $5,620    $8,286      $12,298    $5,620      $8,286    $12,298
12            15042      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $5,991    $9,159      $14,134    $5,991      $9,159    $14,134
13            16739      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $6,334   $10,049      $16,145    $6,334     $10,049    $16,145
14            18521      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $6,645   $10,956      $18,348    $6,645     $10,956    $18,348
15            20392      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $6,923   $11,878      $20,762    $6,923     $11,878    $20,762

16            22356      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $7,162   $12,811      $23,409    $7,162     $12,811    $23,409
17            24419      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $7,361   $13,753      $26,311    $7,361     $13,753    $26,311
18            26585      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $7,511   $14,699      $29,495    $7,511     $14,699    $29,495
19            28859      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $7,614   $15,649      $32,994    $7,614     $15,649    $32,994
20            31247      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $7,658   $16,594      $36,838    $7,658     $16,594    $36,838

Age 60        45102      $100,000    $100,000   $100,000      $6,836   $21,109      $62,886    $6,836     $21,109    $62,886
Age 65        62785      $100,000    $100,000   $118,793      $3,624   $24,752     $106,341    $3,624     $24,752   $106,341

(1) Assumes no policy loans or partial withdrawals have been made.

(2) Assumes a $900 premium is paid at the beginning of each policy year.  Values
    will be different if premiums are paid in different  amounts or with a
    different frequency.

The above  hypothetical  investment results are illustrative only and you should
not consider them to be a representation of past or future  investment  results.
Actual  investment  results  may be more or less  than  those  shown.  The death
benefit,  policy value and cash  surrender  value would be different  from those
shown if returns  averaged 0%, 6% and 12% over a period of years, but fluctuated
above and below those averages for individual  policy years. We cannot represent
that  these  hypothetical  rates of return can be  achieved  for any one year or
sustained over any period of time.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Initial specified amount $100,000                        Male age 35              Guaranteed costs assumed
Death benefit Option 1                                   nonsmoker                Annual premium $900
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Premium          Death benefit (1)(2)               Policy value (1)(2)             Cash surrender value (1)(2)
        accumulated      assuming hypothetical gross        assuming hypothetical gross     assuming hypothetical gross
End of  with annual      annual investment return of        annual investment return of     annual investment return of
policy  interest
year    at 5%            0%           6%         12%          0%        6%          12%         0%         6%        12%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1              945       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000      $625      $669        $713       $-         $-         $-
2             1937       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $1,231    $1,358      $1,489     $330       $457       $588
3             2979       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $1,816    $2,063      $2,331     $915     $1,162     $1,430
4             4073       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $2,375    $2,783      $3,243   $1,474     $1,882     $2,342
5             5222       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $2,914    $3,522      $4,236   $2,013     $2,621     $3,335

6             6428       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $3,427    $4,275      $5,311   $2,706     $3,554     $4,590
7             7694       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $3,915    $5,042      $6,477   $3,374     $4,501     $5,937
8             9024       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $4,377    $5,825      $7,745   $4,017     $5,465     $7,385
9            10420       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $4,813    $6,622      $9,123   $4,633     $6,441     $8,942
10           11886       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $5,219    $7,430     $10,618   $5,219     $7,430    $10,618

11           13425       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $5,594    $8,248     $12,242   $5,594     $8,248    $12,242
12           15042       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $5,938    $9,077     $14,008   $5,938     $9,077    $14,008
13           16739       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $6,249    $9,915     $15,930   $6,249     $9,915    $15,930
14           18521       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $6,525   $10,760     $18,022   $6,525    $10,760    $18,022
15           20392       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $6,764   $11,611     $20,300   $6,764    $11,611    $20,300

16           22356       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $6,961   $12,462     $22,782   $6,961    $12,462    $22,782
17           24419       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $7,112   $13,310     $25,485   $7,112    $13,310    $25,485
18           26585       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $7,211   $14,149     $28,432   $7,211    $14,149    $28,432
19           28859       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $7,252   $14,973     $31,644   $7,252    $14,973    $31,644
20           31247       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $7,229   $15,776     $35,150   $7,229    $15,776    $35,150

Age 60       45102       $100,000   $100,000  $100,000    $5,934   $19,254     $58,392   $5,934    $19,254    $58,392
Age 65       62785       $100,000   $100,000  $117,459    $1,657   $20,822     $96,278   $1,657    $20,822    $96,278

(1) Assumes no policy loans or partial withdrawals have been made.

(2) Assumes a $900 premium is paid at the beginning of each policy year.  Values
    will be different if premiums are paid in different  amounts or with a
    different frequency.

The above  hypothetical  investment results are illustrative only and you should
not consider them to be a representation of past or future  investment  results.
Actual  investment  results  may be more or less  than  those  shown.  The death
benefit,  policy value and cash  surrender  value would be different  from those
shown if returns  averaged 0%, 6% and 12% over a period of years, but fluctuated
above and below those averages for individual  policy years. We cannot represent
that  these  hypothetical  rates of return can be  achieved  for any one year or
sustained over any period of time.

Key Terms

These terms can help you understand details about your policy.

Accumulation  unit: An accounting unit used to calculate the policy value of the
subaccounts prior to the insured's death.

Attained  insurance  age: The insured's  insurance age plus the number of policy
anniversaries  since the policy date.  Attained  insurance age changes only on a
policy anniversary.

Cash surrender value:  Proceeds received if you surrender the policy in full, or
the policy  matures.  The cash  surrender  value  equals the policy  value minus
indebtedness and any applicable surrender charges.

Close of business: Closing time of the New York Stock Exchange, normally 4 p.m.,
Eastern time.

Code: The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

Fixed account: The general investment account of IDS Life of New York. The fixed
account is made up of all of IDS Life of New York's assets other than those held
in any separate account.

Fixed  account  value:  The portion of the policy value that you allocate to the
fixed account, including indebtedness.

Funds: Mutual funds or portfolios,  each with a different investment  objective.
(See "The funds.") Each of the subaccounts of the variable  account invests in a
specific one of these funds.

IDS Life of New York: In this prospectus, "we", "us", "our" and "IDS Life of New
York" refer to IDS Life Insurance Company of New York.

Indebtedness:  All existing  loans on the policy plus  interest  that has either
been accrued or added to the policy loan.

Insurance  age: The  insured's  age,  based upon his or her last birthday on the
date of the application.

Insured: The person whose life is insured by the policy.

Maturity date: The insured's attained insurance age 100, if living.

Minimum monthly premium: The premium required to keep the NLG in effect. We show
the minimum monthly premium in your policy.

Monthly date: The same day each month as the policy date. If there is no monthly
date in a calendar month, the monthly date is the first day of the next calendar

Net amount at risk: A portion of the death  benefit,  equal to the total current
death benefit minus the policy value.  This is the amount to which we apply cost
of insurance rates in determining the monthly cost of insurance.

Net premium: The premium paid minus the premium expense charge.

No lapse guarantee (NLG): A feature of the policy  guaranteeing  that the policy
will not lapse for five policy  years.  The  guarantee  is in effect if you meet
certain premium payment requirements.

Owner:  The entity(ies) to which, or  individual(s) to whom, we issue the policy
or to whom you  subsequently  transfer  ownership.  In the prospectus  "you" and
"your" refer to the owner.

Policy  anniversary:  The same day and  month as the  policy  date each year the
policy remains in force.

Policy  date:  The date we issue the policy and from which we  determine  policy
anniversaries, policy years and policy months.

Policy  value:  The sum of the fixed  account  value plus the  variable  account

Proceeds: The amount payable under the policy as follows:

     o    Upon death of the insured prior to the maturity date, proceeds will be
          the death  benefit in effect as of the date of the  insured has death,
          minus any indebtedness.

     o    On the maturity date, proceeds will be the cash surrender value.

     o    On surrender of the policy  prior to the maturity  date,  the proceeds
          will be the cash surrender value.

Risk classification:  A group of insureds that IDS Life of New York expects will
have similar mortality experience.

Scheduled premium:  A premium you select at the time of application,  of a level
amount, at a fixed interval of time.

Specified  amount:  An amount we use to  determine  the  death  benefit  and the
proceeds  payable upon death of the insured prior to the maturity  date. We show
the initial specified amount in your policy.

Subaccount(s):  One or more of the investment divisions of the variable account,
each of which invests in a particular fund.

Surrender  charge:  A charge we assess  against the policy  value at the time of
surrender,  or if the policy lapses, during the first 10 years of the policy and
for 10 years after an increase in coverage.

Valuation date: A normal  business day, Monday through Friday,  on which the New
York Stock Exchange is open. We set the value of each subaccount at the close of
business on each valuation date.

Valuation  period:  The  interval  commencing  at the close of  business on each
valuation date and ending at the close of business on the next valuation date.

Variable account: IDS Life of New York Account 8 consisting of subaccounts, each
of which  invests in a  particular  fund.  The policy  value in each  subaccount
depends on the performance of the particular fund.

Variable  account  value:  The  sum of  the  values  that  you  allocate  to the
subaccounts of the variable account.

IDS Life of New York Account 8 - Flexible Premium Variable Life Subaccounts

Statements of Net Assets (Unaudited)
Sept. 30, 2000

                                                                                 Segregated Asset Subaccounts
Assets                      YEQ        YGS       YIN        YIT           YMA         YMM          YGI         YNO        Combined
Investments in shares of mutual funds and portfolios:
  at cost              $ 76,253,889 $617,941 $6,208,056  $19,612,424  $39,359,933  $2,207,231  $23,286,086 $21,434,562  $188,980,122
                       ------------ -------- ----------  -----------  -----------  ----------  ----------- -----------  ------------
  at market value      $113,241,940 $606,127 $5,804,563  $19,197,497  $53,233,427  $2,207,234  $30,588,441 $30,257,958  $255,137,187
Dividends receivable             --    2,738     34,287           --           --      10,870           --          --        47,895
Accounts receivable
  from IDS Life of
  New York for
  contract purchase
  payments                   23,917       --         --       17,474           --          --       36,734      46,480       124,605
Receivable from
  mutual funds
  and portfolios
  for share
  redemptions                    --       --         --           --           --           --      21,787      21,630        43,417
                             ------     ----      -----         ----         ----         ----      ------      ------        ------
Total assets            113,265,857  608,865  5,838,850   19,214,971   53,233,427    2,218,104  30,646,962  30,326,068   255,353,104

Payable to IDS Life of New York for:
  Mortality and expense
  risk fee                   80,683      434      4,172       13,612       38,021        1,605      21,787      21,630       181,944
  Contract terminations          --       63      4,843           --       60,520       14,853          --          --        80,279
Payable to mutual
  funds, portfolios
  and the trust for
  investments purchased          --       --         --           --           --           --      36,734      46,480        83,214
Total liabilities            80,683      497      9,015       13,612       98,541       16,458      58,521      68,110       345,437

Net assets applicable to
  Variable Life contracts
  in accumulation
  period               $113,185,174 $608,368 $5,829,835  $19,201,359  $53,134,886   $2,201,646 $30,588,441 $30,257,958  $255,007,667
                       ------------ -------- ----------  -----------  -----------   ---------- ----------- -----------  ------------

Accumulation units
  outstanding            14,585,036  260,305  2,399,411    8,095,209   10,473,471    1,251,849  14,348,052  11,882,383
                         ----------  -------  ---------    ---------   ----------    ---------  ----------  ----------

Net asset value per
  accumulation unit          $ 7.76   $ 2.34     $ 2.43       $ 2.37       $ 5.07       $ 1.76      $ 2.13      $ 2.55
                             ------   ------     ------       ------       ------       ------      ------      ------

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

IDS Life of New York Account 8 - Flexible Premium Variable Life Subaccounts

Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
Nine month period ended Sept. 30, 2000

                                                                                 Segregated Asset Subaccounts
Investment income           YEQ         YGS     YIN         YIT         YMA         YMM          YGI         YNO         Combined
Dividend income from
  mutual funds and
  portfolios            $22,467,959  $25,084  $300,269  $3,223,670  $2,548,300   $100,774        $--     $ 2,036,114   $ 30,702,170
Mortality and expense
  risk fee                  736,114    3,979    38,912     130,635     355,903     15,563      187,430       187,426      1,655,962
                            -------    -----    ------     -------     -------     ------      -------       -------      ---------
Investment income
  (loss) - net           21,731,845   21,105   261,357   3,093,035   2,192,397     85,211     (187,430)    1,848,688     29,046,208
                         ----------   ------   -------   ---------   ---------     ------     --------     ---------     ----------

Realized and unrealized gain (loss) on investments - net
Realized gain (loss) on sales of investments in mutual funds and portfolios:
  Proceeds from sales     2,498,324  156,311   640,426     347,586   2,197,733  3,782,250      377,149       206,811     10,206,590
  Cost of investments
  sold                    1,356,626  164,256   689,123     281,890   1,549,646  3,782,236      281,507       131,783      8,237,067
                          ---------  -------   -------     -------   ---------  ---------      -------       -------      ---------
Net realized gain
  (loss) on investments   1,141,698   (7,945)  (48,697)     65,696     648,087         14       95,642        75,028      1,969,523
Net change in unrealized
  appreciation or
  depreciation of
  investments           (17,142,298)  23,585   (29,830) (6,888,619) (1,045,857)       (21)     449,660    (1,297,212)   (25,930,592)
                        -----------   ------   -------  ----------  ----------        ---      -------    ----------    -----------
Net gain (loss) on
  investments           (16,000,600)  15,640   (78,527) (6,822,923)   (397,770)        (7)     545,302    (1,222,184)   (23,961,069)
                        -----------   ------   -------  ----------    --------         --      -------    ----------    -----------
Net increase (decrease)
  in net assets
  resulting from
  operations             $5,731,245  $36,745  $182,830 $(3,729,888) $1,794,627    $85,204     $357,872      $626,504     $5,085,139
                         ==========  =======  ======== ===========  ==========    =======     ========      ========     ==========

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

IDS Life of New York Account 8 - Flexible Premium Variable Life Subaccounts

Statements of Changes in Net Assets (Unaudited)
Nine month period ended Sept. 30, 2000

                                                      Segregated Asset Subaccounts
Operations             YEQ         YGS       YIN         YIT         YMA           YMM         YGI           YNO       Combined
Investment income
  (loss) - net     $21,731,845  $ 21,105 $   261,357  $3,093,035  $ 2,192,397   $  85,211  $ (187,430)  $ 1,848,688  $ 29,046,208
Net realized gain
  (loss) on
  investments        1,141,698    (7,945)    (48,697)     65,696      648,087          14      95,642        75,028     1,969,523
Net change in
  or depreciation
  of investments   (17,142,298)   23,585     (29,830) (6,888,619)  (1,045,857)        (21)    449,660    (1,297,212)  (25,930,592)
                   -----------    ------     -------  ----------   ----------         ---     -------    ----------   -----------
Net increase
  (decrease) in
  net assets
  resulting from
  operations         5,731,245    36,745     182,830  (3,729,888)   1,794,627      85,204     357,872       626,504     5,085,139
                     ---------    ------     -------  ----------    ---------      ------     -------       -------     ---------

Contract transactions
Contract purchase
  payments           6,817,337    68,673     487,887   2,295,766    4,266,117   1,277,887   3,914,693     3,666,934    22,795,294
Net transfers*       1,953,527   (50,646)   (387,443)  1,462,222   (1,137,122) (1,205,848)  2,988,868     3,722,420     7,345,978
Transfers for
  policy loans      (1,123,549)  (13,658)    (11,314)   (168,466)    (401,550)     (4,439)   (134,164)     (245,255)   (2,102,395)
Policy charges      (2,236,999)  (34,888)   (215,209)   (428,452)  (1,442,590)   (161,090)   (653,519)     (577,275)   (5,750,022)
Contract terminations:
  benefits          (2,074,089)  (13,126)    (96,386)   (334,170)    (937,792)    (55,852)   (420,454)     (434,445)   (4,366,314)
  Death benefits       (71,797)   (6,532)       (237)     (5,787)    (279,843)         --    (135,001)      (15,419)     (514,616)
                       -------    ------        ----      ------     --------      ------    --------       -------      --------
Increase (decrease)
  from contract
  transactions       3,264,430   (50,177)   (222,702)  2,821,113       67,220    (149,342)  5,560,423     6,116,960    17,407,925
                     ---------   -------    --------   ---------       ------    --------   ---------     ---------    ----------
Net assets at
  beginning of
  year             104,189,499   621,800   5,869,707  20,110,134   51,273,039   2,265,784  24,670,146    23,514,494   232,514,603
                   -----------   -------   ---------  ----------   ----------   ---------  ----------    ----------   -----------
Net assets at
  end of period   $113,185,174  $608,368  $5,829,835 $19,201,359  $53,134,886  $2,201,646 $30,588,441   $30,257,958  $255,007,667
                  ------------  --------  ---------- -----------  -----------  ---------- -----------   -----------  ------------

Accumulation unit activity
Units outstanding
  at beginning
  of year           14,138,625   283,131   2,493,277   7,011,444   10,457,248   1,336,769  11,738,977     9,519,818
Contract purchase
  payments             904,993    30,679     206,192     885,633      848,131     738,693   1,837,484     1,413,472
Net transfers*         273,103   (22,820)   (161,720)    563,374     (219,011)   (692,390)  1,414,093     1,442,821
Transfers for
  policy loans        (154,716)   (6,435)     (7,048)    (69,764)     (87,091)     (5,375)    (68,668)      (99,242)
Policy charges        (296,739)  (15,507)    (90,826)   (165,172)    (282,674)    (93,292)   (306,591)     (223,310)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits  (271,818)   (5,834)    (40,363)   (128,248)    (186,859)    (32,556)   (200,448)     (165,444)
  Death benefits        (8,412)   (2,909)       (101)     (2,058)     (56,273)         --     (66,795)       (5,732)
                        ------    ------        ----      ------      -------      ------     -------        ------
Units outstanding
  at end of period  14,585,036   260,305   2,399,411   8,095,209   10,473,471   1,251,849  14,348,052    11,882,383
                    ----------   -------   ---------   ---------   ----------   ---------  ----------    ----------

*Includes  transfer activity from (to) other subaccounts and transfers from (to)
IDS Life of New  York's  fixed  account.  See  accompanying  notes to  financial

IDS Life of New York Acount 8 -- Flexible Premium Variable Life Subaccounts

Condensed Financial Information (Unaudited)

The following tables give per-unit  information  about the financial  history of
each subaccount.

                         Nine month
                        period ended
                          Sept. 30,                                   Year ended Dec. 31,

                             2000      1999      1998      1997     1996      1995      1994     1993      1992      1991      1990

Subaccount YEQ (Investing in shares of IDS Life Series Fund -- Equity Portfolio)

Accumulation unit           $7.37     $4.11     $3.80     $3.17    $2.66     $1.94     $1.91    $1.70     $1.63     $0.98     $1.04
value at beginning
of period

Accumulation unit value     $7.76     $7.37     $4.11     $3.80    $3.17     $2.66     $1.94    $1.91     $1.70     $1.63     $0.98
at end of period

Number of accumulation     14,585    14,139    13,469    11,924   10,219     7,545     6,265    4,382     2,916     1,668     1,061
units outstanding at end
of period (000 omitted)

Subaccount YGS (Investing in shares of IDS Life Series Fund -- Government Securities Portfolio)

Accumulation unit           $2.20     $2.26     $2.11     $1.96    $1.94     $1.66     $1.76    $1.58     $1.50     $1.30     $1.23
value at beginning
of period

Accumulation unit value     $2.34     $2.20     $2.26     $2.11    $1.96     $1.94     $1.66    $1.76     $1.58     $1.50     $1.30
at end of period

Number of accumulation        260       283       300       256      295       301       284      244       159       112        69
units outstanding at end
of period (000 omitted)

Subaccount YIN (Investing in shares of IDS Life Series Fund -- Income Portfolio)

Accumulation unit           $2.35     $2.37     $2.26     $2.11    $2.06     $1.72     $1.81    $1.59     $1.47     $1.29     $1.23
value at beginning
of period

Accumulation unit value     $2.43     $2.35     $2.37     $2.26    $2.11     $2.06     $1.72    $1.81     $1.59     $1.47     $1.29
at end of period

Number of accumulation      2,399     2,493     2,466     2,184    2,032     1,614     1,408    1,308       744       517       369
units outstanding at end
of period (000 omitted)

Subaccount YIT1 (Investing in shares of IDS Life Series Fund -- International Equity Portfolio)

Accumulation unit           $2.87     $2.11     $1.75     $1.66    $1.36     $0.98     $1.00       --        --        --        --
value at beginning
of period

Accumulation unit value     $2.37     $2.87     $2.11     $1.75    $1.66     $1.36     $0.98       --        --        --        --
at end of period

Number of accumulation      8,095     7,011     6,173     4,820    2,922       759       130       --        --        --        --
units outstanding at end
of period (000 omitted)

Subaccount YMA (Investing in shares of IDS Life Series Fund -- Managed Portfolio)

Accumulation unit           $4.90     $3.97     $3.50     $2.99    $2.64     $2.24     $2.24    $1.89     $1.73     $1.32     $1.23
 value at beginning
of period

Accumulation unit value     $5.07     $4.90     $3.97     $3.50    $2.99     $2.64     $2.24    $2.24     $1.89     $1.73     $1.32
at end of period

Number of accumulation     10,473    10,457     9,923     9,079    8,043     6,737     6,000    4,308     2,720     1,912     1,236
units outstanding at end
of period (000 omitted)

Subaccount YMM (Investing in shares of IDS Life Series Fund -- Money Market Portfolio)

Accumulation unit           $1.69     $1.63     $1.57     $1.52    $1.46     $1.39     $1.35    $1.33     $1.29     $1.24     $1.16
value at beginning
of period

Accumulation unit value     $1.76     $1.69     $1.63     $1.57    $1.52     $1.46     $1.39    $1.35     $1.33     $1.29     $1.24
at end of period

Number of accumulation      1,252     1,337     1,055       735      605       352       196      193       147       191       167
units outstanding at end
of period (000 omitted)

Subaccount YGI2  (Investing in shares of AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund)

Accumulation unit           $2.10     $1.58     $1.25     $1.00    $1.00        --        --       --        --        --        --
value at beginning
of period

Accumulation unit value     $2.13     $2.10     $1.58     $1.25    $1.00        --        --       --        --        --        --
at end of period

Number of accumulation     14,348    11,739     6,206     2,465      148        --        --       --        --        --        --
units outstanding at end
of period (000 omitted)

Subaccount YNO2 (Investing in shares of Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund - Class IA Shares)

Accumulation unit           $2.47     $1.47     $1.19     $0.98    $1.00        --        --       --        --        --        --
value at beginning
of period

Accumulation unit value     $2.55     $2.47     $1.47     $1.19    $0.98        --        --       --        --        --        --
at end of period

Number of accumulation     11,882     9,520     5,472     2,226       84        --        --       --        --        --        --
units outstanding at end
of period (000 omitted)

1Operations commenced on Oct. 28, 1994.
2Operations commenced on Nov. 22, 1996.

IDS Life of New York Account 8 -- Flexible Premium Variable Life Subaccounts

Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited)


IDS Life of New York Account 8 (the Variable  Account) was established under New
York law on Sept.  12, 1985 as a segregated  asset account of IDS Life Insurance
Company of New York (IDS Life of New York).  The Variable  Account is registered
as a single unit investment  trust under the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the 1940 Act). Operations of the Variable Account commenced on Aug. 31,

The  Variable  Account is  comprised  of various  subaccounts.  Each  subaccount
invests exclusively in shares of the following  portfolios or funds (the Funds),
which are  registered  under  the 1940 Act as  diversified  open-end  management
investment companies and have the following investment managers.

Subaccount        Invests exclusively in shares of                       Investment Manager
YEQ               IDS Life Series Fund -- Equity Portfolio               IDS Life Insurance Company 1
YGS               IDS Life Series Fund -- Government Securities          IDS Life Insurance Company 1
YIN               IDS Life Series Fund -- Income Portfolio               IDS Life Insurance Company 1
YIT               IDS Life Series Fund -- International Equity           IDS Life Insurance Company 1
YMA               IDS Life Series Fund -- Managed Portfolio              IDS Life Insurance Company 1
YMM               IDS Life Series Fund -- Money Market Portfolio         IDS Life Insurance Company 1
YGI               AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund                        A I M Management Group Inc.
YNO               Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund - Class IA Shares     Putnam Investment Management, Inc.

1 American Express Financial Corporation (AEFC) is the investment advisor.

The assets of each  subaccount of the Variable  Account are not chargeable  with
liabilities  arising out of the business conducted by any other segregated asset
account or by IDS Life of New York.

American Express Financial  Advisors Inc., an affiliate of IDS Life of New York,
serves as distributor of the Flexible Premium Survivorship Variable Life Policy.


Investments in the Funds

Investments  in shares of the Funds are stated at market  value which is the net
asset  value  per  share  as  determined  by  the  respective  Fund.  Investment
transactions  are  accounted  for on the date the shares are purchased and sold.
The cost of  investments  sold and  redeemed is  determined  on the average cost
method.  Dividend  distributions  received  from the  Funds  are  reinvested  in
additional  shares of the Funds and are recorded as income by the subaccounts on
the ex-dividend date.

Unrealized  appreciation  or  depreciation  of investments  in the  accompanying
financial   statements   represents  the   subaccounts'   share  of  the  Funds'
undistributed net investment income, undistributed realized gain or loss and the
unrealized appreciation or depreciation on their investment securities.

Use of Estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally  accepted in the United States  requires  management to make estimates
and assumptions  that affect the reported  amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosures  of contingent  assets and  liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported  amounts of increase and decrease in net assets from
operations during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Federal Income Taxes

IDS Life of New York is taxed as a life insurance company.  The Variable Account
is treated  as part of IDS Life of New York for  federal  income  tax  purposes.
Under existing  federal income tax law, no income taxes are payable with respect
to any investment income of the Variable Account.


IDS Life of New York makes  contractual  assurances to the Variable Account that
possible  future  adverse  changes  in  administrative  expenses  and  mortality
experience of the policy owners and  beneficiaries  will not affect the Variable
Account.  The  mortality  and  expense  risk fee paid to IDS Life of New York is
computed  daily and is equal,  on an annual basis,  to 0.9% of the average daily
net asset value of the subaccount.  A monthly  deduction is made for the cost of
insurance  and the policy fee.  The cost of  insurance  for the policy  month is
determined on the monthly date by determining the net amount at risk, as of that
day, and by then applying the cost of insurance  rates to the net amount at risk
which IDS Life of New York is assuming  for the  succeeding  month.  The monthly
deduction will be taken from the subaccounts as specified in the application for
the policy.

IDS Life of New York  deducts  a policy  fee of $30 per  month  for the first 15
years.  This charge  reimburses  IDS Life of New York for  expenses  incurred in
administering the policy, such as processing claims, maintaining records, making
policy changes and communicating  with owners of policies.  IDS Life of New York
does not anticipate that it will make any profit on this charge. IDS Life of New
York reserves the right to change this charge in the future, but guarantees that
it will never exceed $30 per month.


Each  month IDS Life of New York  deducts  charges  for any  optional  insurance
benefits added to the policy by rider.


IDS Life of New York deducts  charges for three separate items from each premium
payment.  The total of these  charges  is called  the  premium  expense  charge.
Details regarding these three charges follows.

A sales charge of 7.25% of each premium  payment is deducted to  compensate  IDS
Life of New York for  expenses in  distributing  the policy,  including  agents'
compensation, advertising and printing the prospectus and sales literature.

The policy  provides that a charge of 1% of each premium  payment is deducted to
cover the premium taxes imposed by the state of New York.

The  policy  provides  that a charge of 1.25% of each  premium  payment  will be
deducted to cover the federal taxes  resulting from the sale of the policy.  IDS
Life of New York  reserves  the right to  change  this  charge in the  future if
applicable federal law changes.


There are  surrender  charges  for full  surrender  in the first 15 years of the
policy.  They are generally  level for 5 years and decreasing the next 10 years.
The  surrender  charge is $4.00 per $1,000 of the amount used to  determine  the
death benefit (specified  amount).  This surrender charge reimburses IDS Life of
New York for the cost of issuing the policy. Charges by IDS Life of New York for
surrenders are not identified on an individual  segregated  asset account basis.
Charges for all  segregated  asset  accounts  amounted to $718,414  for the nine
months ended Sept. 30, 2000,  $993,347 in 1999, $886,431 in 1998 and $688,445 in
1997.  Such charges are not treated as a separate  expense of the subaccounts or
Variable Account.  They are ultimately  deducted from surrender benefits paid by
IDS Life of New York.


The subaccounts' investment in shares of the Funds as of Sept. 30, 2000 were as follows:

Subaccount       Investment                                                  Shares           NAV
YEQ              IDS Life Series Fund -- Equity Portfolio                   2,749,856       $41.18
YGS              IDS Life Series Fund -- Government Securities
                 Portfolio                                                     61,394         9.87
YIN              IDS Life Series Fund -- Income Portfolio                     628,296         9.24
YIT              IDS Life Series Fund -- International Equity
                 Portfolio                                                  1,145,621        16.76
YMA              IDS Life Series Fund -- Managed Portfolio                  2,323,692        22.91
YMM              IDS Life Series Fund -- Money Market Portfolio             2,207,397         1.00
YGI              AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund                              948,185        32.26
YNO              Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund - Class IA Shares           720,943        41.97


The subaccounts' purchases of Funds' shares,  including reinvestment of dividend
distributions, were as follows:

                                                                      Nine month
                                                                      period ended
                                                                        Sept. 30,           Year ended Dec. 31,
Subaccount       Investment                                                2000           1999              1998            1997
YEQ              IDS Life Series Fund-- Equity Portfolio             $27,492,386   $ 5,795,202       $14,149,333      $7,620,803
YGS              IDS Life Series Fund-- Government Securities
                 Portfolio                                               127,321       191,569           247,569         172,859
YIN              IDS Life Series Fund-- Income Portfolio
                                                                         746,023       999,574         1,624,048       1,092,864
YIT              IDS Life Series Fund-- International Equity
                 Portfolio                                             6,254,640     2,811,966         3,401,869       4,017,372
YMA              IDS Life Series Fund-- Managed Portfolio
                                                                       4,515,573     4,958,516         6,658,468       6,573,036
YMM              IDS Life Series Fund-- Money Market Portfolio
                                                                       3,635,820     4,131,370         2,410,705       1,784,114
YGI              AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund
                                                                       5,750,142     9,859,243         5,153,905       2,798,870
YNO              Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund - Class IA Shares
                                                                       8,172,459     6,901,504         4,188,738       2,378,386
                                                                       ---------     ---------         ---------       ---------
                 Combined Variable Account                           $56,694,364   $35,648,944       $37,834,635     $26,438,304




We have audited the accompanying individual and combined statements of net
assets of the segregated asset subaccounts of
IDS Life of New York Account 8 -- Flexible Premium Survivorship Variable Life
Subaccounts (comprised of subaccounts YEQ, YGS, YIN, YIT, YMA, YMM, YGI, and
YNO) as of December 31, 1999, and the related statements of operations and
changes in net assets for each of the three years in the period then ended.
These financial statements are the responsibility of the management of IDS Life
Insurance Company of New York. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on
these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our
procedures included confirmation of securities owned at December 31, 1999 with
the affiliated and unaffiliated mutual fund managers. An audit also includes
assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the individual and combined financial position of the
segregated asset subaccounts of IDS Life of New York Account 8 -- Flexible
Premium Survivorship Variable Life Subaccounts at December 31, 1999 and the
individual and combined results of its operations and the changes in its net
assets for the periods described above, in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States.

    Minneapolis, Minnesota
    March 17, 2000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                            SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS
DEC. 31, 1999                              YEQ            YGS           YIN            YIT             YMA

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investments in shares of mutual
  funds and portfolios:
    at cost                          $ 50,118,129     $654,876     $6,151,156     $13,639,674     $36,394,006
    at market value                  $104,248,478     $619,477     $5,777,493     $20,113,366     $51,313,357
Dividends receivable                           --        2,867         70,484              --              --
Accounts receivable from IDS Life
  of New York for contract purchase
  payments                                 19,977           --         26,202          12,004              --
Receivable from mutual funds and
  portfolios for share redemptions             --           --             --              --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets                          104,268,455      622,344      5,874,179      20,125,370      51,313,357
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Payable to IDS Life of New York
  Mortality and expense risk fee           78,956          476          4,472          15,236          39,053
  Contract terminations                        --           68             --              --           1,265
Payable to mutual funds and
  portfolios for investments
  purchased                                    --           --             --              --              --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities                          78,956          544          4,472          15,236          40,318
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net assets applicable to Variable
  Life contracts in accumulation
  period                             $104,189,499     $621,800     $5,869,707     $20,110,134     $51,273,039
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accumulation units outstanding         14,138,625      283,131      2,493,277       7,011,444      10,457,248
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net asset value per accumulation
  unit                               $          7.37  $      2.20  $        2.35  $         2.87  $         4.90
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS              VARIABLE
DEC. 31, 1999                             YMM            YGI             YNO            ACCOUNT
- -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
Investments in shares of mutual
  funds and portfolios:
    at cost                          $2,353,647     $17,817,451     $13,393,886     $140,522,825
    at market value                  $2,353,671     $24,670,146     $23,514,494     $232,610,482
Dividends receivable                     11,278              --              --           84,629
Accounts receivable from IDS Life
  of New York for contract purchase
  payments                                   --          93,276          52,031          203,490
Receivable from mutual funds and
  portfolios for share redemptions           --          18,698          17,669           36,367
- -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets                          2,364,949      24,782,120      23,584,194      232,934,968
- -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
Payable to IDS Life of New York
  Mortality and expense risk fee          1,878          18,698          17,669          176,438
  Contract terminations                  97,287              --              --           98,620
Payable to mutual funds and
  portfolios for investments
  purchased                                  --          93,276          52,031          145,307
- -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities                        99,165         111,974          69,700          420,365
- -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
Net assets applicable to Variable
  Life contracts in accumulation
  period                             $2,265,784     $24,670,146     $23,514,494     $232,514,603
- -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
Accumulation units outstanding        1,336,769      11,738,977       9,519,818
- -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
Net asset value per accumulation
  unit                               $        1.69  $         2.10  $         2.47
- -----------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                        SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1999                      YEQ         YGS        YIN        YIT         YMA

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dividend income from mutual funds and
  portfolios                              $        --  $ 38,762   $425,512   $  398,665  $1,270,807
Mortality and expense risk fee                585,629     6,215     52,970      137,144     391,502
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net              (585,629)   32,547    372,542      261,521     879,305
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Realized gain (loss) on sales of
  investments in mutual funds and
    Proceeds from sales                     3,258,742   197,166    653,512      634,066   1,793,507
    Cost of investments sold                2,526,521   204,018    678,758      521,229   1,425,666
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net realized gain (loss) on investments       732,221    (6,852)   (25,246)     112,837     367,841
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments              45,611,195   (46,785)  (376,233)   4,786,384   8,387,190
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net gain (loss) on investments             46,343,416   (53,637)  (401,479)   4,899,221   8,755,031
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  resulting from operations               $45,757,787  $(21,090)  $(28,937)  $5,160,742  $9,634,336
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS      VARIABLE
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1999                     YMM         YGI         YNO        ACCOUNT
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Dividend income from mutual funds and
  portfolios                              $   95,076  $  202,377  $  131,852  $ 2,563,051
Mortality and expense risk fee                18,496     141,258     115,978    1,449,192
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net               76,580      61,119      15,874    1,113,859
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Realized gain (loss) on sales of
  investments in mutual funds and
    Proceeds from sales                    3,500,815      94,692     107,800   10,240,300
    Cost of investments sold               3,500,800      77,841      86,666    9,021,499
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Net realized gain (loss) on investments           15      16,851      21,134    1,218,801
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments                     17   5,089,669   8,641,203   72,092,640
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Net gain (loss) on investments                    32   5,106,520   8,662,337   73,311,441
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  resulting from operations               $   76,612  $5,167,639  $8,678,211  $74,425,300
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                        SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1998                      YEQ         YGS        YIN        YIT         YMA

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dividend income from mutual funds and
  portfolios                              $ 7,962,668  $ 36,677   $ 394,066  $  530,817  $3,113,690
Mortality and expense risk fee                437,714     5,325      48,402     101,270     317,793
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net             7,524,954    31,352     345,664     429,547   2,795,897
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Realized gain (loss) on sales of
  investments in
  mutual funds and portfolios:
    Proceeds from sales                       881,803   118,640     622,887     292,083     810,846
    Cost of investments sold                  697,183   117,394     613,975     264,666     694,915
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net realized gain (loss) on investments       184,620     1,246       8,912      27,417     115,931
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments              (3,495,686)    9,354    (117,407)  1,434,548   1,593,673
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net gain (loss) on investments             (3,311,066)   10,600    (108,495)  1,461,965   1,709,604
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  from operations                         $ 4,213,888  $ 41,952   $ 237,169  $1,891,512  $4,505,501
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS      VARIABLE
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1998                     YMM         YGI         YNO        ACCOUNT
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Dividend income from mutual funds and
  portfolios                              $   67,725  $  130,855  $   52,867  $12,289,365
Mortality and expense risk fee                12,392      54,253      44,663    1,021,812
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net               55,333      76,602       8,204   11,267,553
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Realized gain (loss) on sales of
  investments in
  mutual funds and portfolios:
    Proceeds from sales                    1,840,441      13,030      17,330    4,597,060
    Cost of investments sold               1,840,441      11,208      16,292    4,256,074
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Net realized gain (loss) on investments           --       1,822       1,038      340,986
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments                      2   1,579,781   1,225,925    2,230,190
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Net gain (loss) on investments                     2   1,581,603   1,226,963    2,571,176
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  from operations                         $   55,335  $1,658,205  $1,235,167  $13,838,729
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                        SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1997                      YEQ         YGS        YIN        YIT         YMA

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dividend income from mutual funds and
  portfolios                              $1,459,523   $ 37,545   $322,998    $209,995   $2,754,122
Mortality and expense risk fee               354,681      4,929     40,932      62,452      257,676
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net            1,104,842     32,616    282,066     147,543    2,496,446
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Realized gain (loss) on sales of
  investments in
  mutual funds and portfolios:
    Proceeds from sales                      751,190    227,327    476,335     544,898      679,787
    Cost of investments sold                 596,675    227,369    465,590     504,067      571,899
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net realized gain (loss) on investments      154,515        (42)    10,745      40,831      107,888
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments              5,965,530      7,613     17,158      80,848    1,711,453
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net gain (loss) on investments             6,120,045      7,571     27,903     121,679    1,819,341
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  resulting from operations               $7,224,887   $ 40,187   $309,969    $269,222   $4,315,787
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                   SEGREGATED ASSET            COMBINED
                                                     SUBACCOUNTS               VARIABLE
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1997                     YMM         YGI         YNO        ACCOUNT
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Dividend income from mutual funds and
  portfolios                              $   49,171   $  3,724    $     --   $ 4,837,078
Mortality and expense risk fee                 8,873     11,474      10,317       751,334
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net               40,298     (7,750)    (10,317)    4,085,744
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Realized gain (loss) on sales of
  investments in
  mutual funds and portfolios:
    Proceeds from sales                    1,548,607     52,916      56,134     4,337,194
    Cost of investments sold               1,548,623     50,365      53,706     4,018,294
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Net realized gain (loss) on investments          (16)     2,551       2,428       318,900
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments                      5    180,079     253,559     8,216,245
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Net gain (loss) on investments                   (11)   182,630     255,987     8,535,145
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  resulting from operations               $   40,287   $174,880    $245,670   $12,620,889
- ----------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                    SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1999                      YEQ          YGS         YIN          YIT          YMA

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net           $   (585,629)  $ 32,547   $  372,542  $   261,521  $   879,305
Net realized gain (loss) on investments        732,221     (6,852)     (25,246)     112,837      367,841
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments               45,611,195    (46,785)    (376,233)   4,786,384    8,387,190
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  from operations                           45,757,787    (21,090)     (28,937)   5,160,742    9,634,336
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contract purchase payments                   8,551,838     76,884      937,454    2,690,098    5,781,403
Net transfers*                                (266,660)   (29,547)    (297,141)     375,017       16,778
Transfers for policy loans                    (660,439)       972      (47,618)    (148,216)    (416,682)
Policy charges                              (2,555,364)   (52,896)    (339,475)    (548,800)  (1,960,792)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                        (1,845,102)   (31,234)    (177,402)    (431,146)  (1,049,766)
  Death benefits                              (161,163)        --      (10,084)     (23,806)    (125,555)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) from contract
  transactions                               3,063,110    (35,821)      65,734    1,913,147    2,245,386
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net assets at beginning of year             55,368,602    678,711    5,832,910   13,036,245   39,393,317
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net assets at end of year                 $104,189,499   $621,800   $5,869,707  $20,110,134  $51,273,039
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Units outstanding at beginning of year      13,469,431    300,137    2,465,891    6,172,923    9,922,663
Contract purchase payments                   1,912,015     38,617      398,861    1,178,548    1,366,155
Net transfers*                                 (88,739)   (18,107)    (126,846)     162,379        9,127
Transfers for policy loans                    (152,457)       445      (20,230)     (64,174)     (98,711)
Policy charges                                (569,337)   (23,883)    (144,424)    (241,215)    (463,652)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                          (392,808)   (14,078)     (75,706)    (186,276)    (248,464)
  Death benefits                               (39,480)        --       (4,269)     (10,741)     (29,870)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Units outstanding at end of year            14,138,625    283,131    2,493,277    7,011,444   10,457,248
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS         VARIABLE
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1999                      YMM          YGI          YNO         ACCOUNT
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net           $   76,580   $    61,119  $    15,874  $  1,113,859
Net realized gain (loss) on investments           15        16,851       21,134     1,218,801
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments                     17     5,089,669    8,641,203    72,092,640
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  from operations                             76,612     5,167,639    8,678,211    74,425,300
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Contract purchase payments                 1,668,505     4,193,541    3,518,254    27,417,977
Net transfers*                              (978,263)    6,517,721    4,066,144     9,404,049
Transfers for policy loans                   (23,816)      (96,776)    (101,160)   (1,493,735)
Policy charges                              (183,207)     (615,933)    (490,797)   (6,747,264)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                         (11,484)     (256,831)    (197,525)   (4,000,490)
  Death benefits                              (5,647)      (30,962)     (11,094)     (368,311)
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) from contract
  transactions                               466,088     9,710,760    6,783,822    24,212,226
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Net assets at beginning of year            1,723,084     9,791,747    8,052,461   133,877,077
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Net assets at end of year                 $2,265,784   $24,670,146  $23,514,494  $232,514,603
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
Units outstanding at beginning of year     1,054,652     6,205,902    5,471,531
Contract purchase payments                 1,003,107     2,384,670    2,096,643
Net transfers*                              (586,229)    3,721,071    2,429,065
Transfers for policy loans                   (14,477)      (55,821)     (61,517)
Policy charges                              (110,009)     (351,569)    (293,045)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                          (6,877)     (146,760)    (115,821)
  Death benefits                              (3,398)      (18,516)      (7,038)
- ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
Units outstanding at end of year           1,336,769    11,738,977    9,519,818
- ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------

* Includes transfer activity from (to) other subaccounts and transfers from (to)
IDS Life of New York's fixed account.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                    SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1998                      YEQ         YGS         YIN          YIT          YMA

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net           $ 7,524,954   $ 31,352   $  345,664  $   429,547  $ 2,795,897
Net realized gain (loss) on investments       184,620      1,246        8,912       27,417      115,931
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments              (3,495,686)     9,354     (117,407)   1,434,548    1,593,673
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  resulting from
  operations                                4,213,888     41,952      237,169    1,891,512    4,505,501
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contract purchase payments                  8,276,481    107,907      873,654    2,484,288    5,414,963
Net transfers*                              1,632,511     70,271      306,683      949,063      672,497
Transfers for policy loans                   (597,388)    (6,281)     (59,506)     (88,294)    (474,625)
Policy charges                             (2,260,287)   (46,372)    (322,016)    (469,309)  (1,734,889)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                       (1,145,779)   (17,975)    (114,726)    (177,402)    (706,720)
  Death benefits                              (91,634)   (11,432)     (28,592)      (5,766)     (72,095)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) from contract
  transactions                              5,813,904     96,118      655,497    2,692,580    3,099,131
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net assets at beginning of year            45,340,810    540,641    4,940,244    8,452,153   31,788,685
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net assets at end of year                 $55,368,602   $678,711   $5,832,910  $13,036,245  $39,393,317
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Units outstanding at beginning of year     11,923,765    256,101    2,183,554    4,819,920    9,079,176
Contracts purchase payments                 2,194,522     49,057      376,239    1,257,681    1,478,004
Net transfers*                                434,065     32,510      132,004      468,519      183,037
Transfers for policy loans                   (157,095)    (2,916)     (25,559)     (44,324)    (130,705)
Policy charges                               (598,903)   (21,244)    (138,639)    (236,945)    (474,255)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                         (303,797)    (8,261)     (49,418)     (88,984)    (193,111)
  Death benefits                              (23,126)    (5,110)     (12,290)      (2,944)     (19,483)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Units outstanding at end of year           13,469,431    300,137    2,465,891    6,172,923    9,922,663
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS         VARIABLE
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1998                      YMM          YGI          YNO         ACCOUNT
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net           $   55,333   $   76,602   $    8,204   $ 11,267,553
Net realized gain (loss) on investments           --        1,822        1,038        340,986
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments                      2    1,579,781    1,225,925      2,230,190
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  resulting from
  operations                                  55,335    1,658,205    1,235,167     13,838,729
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Contract purchase payments                   656,161    2,530,326    2,188,943     22,532,723
Net transfers*                                   244    2,932,508    2,341,436      8,905,213
Transfers for policy loans                    16,135      (62,454)     (73,041)    (1,345,454)
Policy charges                              (138,571)    (281,819)    (251,476)    (5,504,739)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                          (5,617)     (59,290)     (46,630)    (2,274,139)
  Death benefits                             (13,421)          --           --       (222,940)
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) from contract
  transactions                               514,931    5,059,271    4,159,232     22,090,664
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Net assets at beginning of year            1,152,818    3,074,271    2,658,062     97,947,684
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Net assets at end of year                 $1,723,084   $9,791,747   $8,052,461   $133,877,077
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
Units outstanding at beginning of year       734,855    2,465,393    2,226,094
Contracts purchase payments                  409,620    1,863,213    1,717,997
Net transfers*                                (1,409)   2,172,226    1,815,859
Transfers for policy loans                    10,000      (44,267)     (54,454)
Policy charges                               (86,424)    (207,286)    (197,732)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                          (3,504)     (43,377)     (36,233)
  Death benefits                              (8,486)          --           --
- ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
Units outstanding at end of year           1,054,652    6,205,902    5,471,531
- ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------

* Includes transfer activity from (to) other subaccounts and transfers from (to)
IDS Life of New York's fixed account.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                                    SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1997                      YEQ         YGS         YIN          YIT          YMA

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net           $ 1,104,842  $  32,616   $  282,066  $  147,543   $ 2,496,446
Net realized gain (loss) on investments       154,515        (42)      10,745      40,831       107,888
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments               5,965,530      7,613       17,158      80,848     1,711,453
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  resulting from
  operations                                7,224,887     40,187      309,969     269,222     4,315,787
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Contract purchase payments                  7,441,563    119,153      784,805   2,330,345     4,816,210
Net transfers*                              2,009,267   (100,924)     142,593   1,512,734     1,374,196
Transfers for policy loans                   (598,478)    (5,109)     (66,319)    (61,032)     (441,258)
Policy charges                             (1,997,018)   (46,144)    (286,765)   (361,587)   (1,554,701)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                       (1,045,185)   (37,707)    (233,575)    (99,532)     (793,080)
  Death benefits                              (69,049)    (6,354)      (6,276)     (1,487)      (16,407)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) from contract
  transactions                              5,741,100    (77,085)     334,463   3,319,441     3,384,960
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net assets at beginning of year            32,374,823    577,539    4,295,812   4,863,490    24,087,938
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net assets at end of year                 $45,340,810  $ 540,641   $4,940,244  $8,452,153   $31,788,685
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Units outstanding at beginning of year     10,218,855    295,283    2,032,494   2,922,492     8,043,384
Contract purchase payments                  2,193,598     60,085      358,800   1,327,806     1,469,705
Net transfers*                                603,566    (51,527)      64,605     866,461       425,487
Transfers for policy loans                   (176,623)    (2,557)     (29,936)    (34,345)     (134,833)
Policy charges                               (588,039)   (23,054)    (131,741)   (205,879)     (475,355)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                         (308,629)   (19,111)    (107,894)    (55,746)     (244,414)
  Death benefits                              (18,963)    (3,018)      (2,774)       (869)       (4,798)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Units outstanding at end of year           11,923,765    256,101    2,183,554   4,819,920     9,079,176
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                              SEGREGATED ASSET SUBACCOUNTS         VARIABLE
YEAR ENDED DEC. 31, 1997                      YMM          YGI          YNO         ACCOUNT
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Investment income (loss) -- net           $   40,298   $   (7,750)  $  (10,317)   $ 4,085,744
Net realized gain (loss) on investments          (16)       2,551        2,428        318,900
Net change in unrealized appreciation or
  depreciation of investments                      5      180,079      253,559      8,216,245
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets
  resulting from
  operations                                  40,287      174,880      245,670     12,620,889
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Contract purchase payments                   890,628      828,706      881,192     18,092,602
Net transfers*                              (455,707)   2,014,043    1,557,633      8,053,835
Transfers for policy loans                   (71,130)      (5,786)     (11,001)    (1,260,113)
Policy charges                              (104,917)     (68,945)     (77,116)    (4,497,193)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                         (20,637)     (16,584)     (20,126)    (2,266,426)
  Death benefits                             (43,028)          --           --       (142,601)
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Increase (decrease) from contract
  transactions                               195,209    2,751,434    2,330,582     17,980,104
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Net assets at beginning of year              917,322      147,957       81,810     67,346,691
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
Net assets at end of year                 $1,152,818   $3,074,271   $2,658,062    $97,947,684
- ----------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
Units outstanding at beginning of year       605,111      147,682       83,723
Contract purchase payments                   577,058      697,652      805,177
Net transfers*                              (292,656)   1,695,960    1,434,487
Transfers for policy loans                   (45,562)      (4,945)      (9,924)
Policy charges                               (68,238)     (57,282)     (69,750)
Contract terminations:
  Surrender benefits                         (13,385)     (13,674)     (17,619)
  Death benefits                             (27,473)          --           --
- ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------
Units outstanding at end of year             734,855    2,465,393    2,226,094
- ----------------------------------------  -------------------------------------

* Includes transfer activity from (to) other subaccounts and transfers from (to)
IDS Life of New York's fixed account.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.




IDS Life of New York Account 8 (the Variable Account) was established under New
York law on Sept. 12, 1985 as a segregated asset account of IDS Life Insurance
Company of New York (IDS Life of New York). The Variable Account is registered
as a single unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the 1940 Act). Operations of the Variable Account commenced on
Aug. 31, 1987.

The Variable Account is comprised of various subaccounts. Each subaccount
invests exclusively in shares of the following portfolios or funds (the Funds),
which are registered under the 1940 Act as diversified open-end management
investment companies and have the following investment managers.

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YEQ           IDS Life Series Fund -- Equity Portfolio                        IDS Life Insurance Company(1)
YGS           IDS Life Series Fund -- Government Securities Portfolio         IDS Life Insurance Company(1)
YIN           IDS Life Series Fund -- Income Portfolio                        IDS Life Insurance Company(1)
YIT           IDS Life Series Fund -- International Equity Portfolio          IDS Life Insurance Company(1)
YMA           IDS Life Series Fund -- Managed Portfolio                       IDS Life Insurance Company(1)
YMM           IDS Life Series Fund -- Money Market Portfolio                  IDS Life Insurance Company(1)
YGI           AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund                                 A I M Management Group Inc.
YNO           Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund - Class IA Shares              Putnam Investment Management, Inc.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1)  American Express Financial Corporation (AEFC) is the investment advisor.

The assets of each subaccount of the Variable Account are not chargeable with
liabilities arising out of the business conducted by any other segregated asset
account or by IDS Life of New York.

American Express Financial Advisors Inc., an affiliate of IDS Life of New York,
serves as distributor of the Flexible Premium Survivorship Variable Life Policy.


Investments in shares of the Funds are stated at market value which is the net
asset value per share as determined by the respective Fund. Investment
transactions are accounted for on the date the shares are purchased and sold.
The cost of investments sold and redeemed is determined on the average cost
method. Dividend distributions received from the Funds are reinvested in
additional shares of the Funds and are recorded as income by the subaccounts on
the ex-dividend date.

Unrealized appreciation or depreciation of investments in the accompanying
financial statements represents the subaccounts' share of the Funds'
undistributed net investment income, undistributed realized gain or loss and the
unrealized appreciation or depreciation on their investment securities.


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of increase and decrease in net assets from
operations during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

IDS Life of New York is taxed as a life insurance company. The Variable Account
is treated as part of IDS Life of New York for federal income tax purposes.
Under existing federal income tax law, no income taxes are payable with respect
to any investment income of the Variable Account.


IDS Life of New York makes contractual assurances to the Variable Account that
possible future adverse changes in administrative expenses and mortality
experience of the policy owners and beneficiaries will not affect the Variable
Account. The mortality and expense risk fee paid to IDS Life of New York is
computed daily and is equal, on an annual basis, to 0.9% of the average daily
net asset value of the subaccount. A monthly deduction is made for the cost of
insurance and the policy fee. The cost of insurance for the policy month is
determined on the monthly date by determining the net amount at risk, as of that
day, and by then applying the cost of insurance rates to the net amount at risk
which IDS Life of New York is assuming for the succeeding month. The monthly
deduction will be taken from the subaccounts as specified in the application for
the policy.

IDS Life of New York deducts a policy fee of $30 per month for the first 15
years. This charge reimburses IDS Life of New York for expenses incurred in
administering the policy, such as processing claims, maintaining records, making
policy changes and communicating with owners of policies. IDS Life of New York
does not anticipate that it will make any profit on this charge. IDS Life of New
York reserves the right to change this charge in the future, but guarantees that
it will never exceed $30 per month.


Each month IDS Life of New York deducts charges for any optional insurance
benefits added to the policy by rider.


IDS Life of New York deducts charges for three separate items from each premium
payment. The total of these charges is called the premium expense charge.
Details regarding these three charges follows.

A sales charge of 7.25% of each premium payment is deducted to compensate IDS
Life of New York for expenses in distributing the policy, including agents'
compensation, advertising and printing the prospectus and sales literature.

The policy provides that a charge of 1% of each premium payment is deducted to
cover the premium taxes imposed by the state of New York.

The policy provides that a charge of 1.25% of each premium payment will be
deducted to cover the federal taxes resulting from the sale of the policy. IDS
Life of New York reserves the right to change this charge in the future if
applicable federal law changes.



There are surrender charges for full surrender in the first 15 years of the
policy. They are generally level for 5 years and decreasing the next 10 years.
The surrender charge is $4.00 per $1,000 of the amount used to determine the
death benefit (specified amount). This surrender charge reimburses IDS Life of
New York for the cost of issuing the policy. Charges by IDS Life of New York for
surrenders are not identified on an individual segregated asset account basis.
Charges for all segregated asset accounts amounted to $993,347 in 1999, $886,431
in 1998 and $688,445 in 1997. Such charges are not treated as a separate expense
of the subaccounts or Variable Account. They are ultimately deducted from
surrender benefits paid by IDS Life of New York.


The subaccounts' investment in shares of the Funds as of Dec. 31, 1999 were as

SUBACCOUNT  INVESTMENT                             SHARES     NAV
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
            IDS Life Series Fund -- Equity
YEQ         Portfolio                             2,092,703  $49.82
            IDS Life Series Fund -- Government
YGS         Securities Portfolio                     64,436    9.61
            IDS Life Series Fund -- Income
YIN         Portfolio                               616,847    9.37
            IDS Life Series Fund --
YIT         International Equity Portfolio          834,669   24.10
            IDS Life Series Fund -- Managed
YMA         Portfolio                             2,221,289   23.10
            IDS Life Series Fund -- Money
YMM         Market Portfolio                      2,353,853    1.00
YGI         AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund         780,948   31.59
            Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund -
YNO         Class IA Shares                         540,066   43.54
- -------------------------------------------------------------------


The subaccounts' purchases of Funds' shares, including reinvestment of dividend
distributions, were as follows:

                                                     YEAR ENDED DEC. 31,
SUBACCOUNT  INVESTMENT                         1999         1998          1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            IDS Life Series Fund -- Equity
YEQ         Portfolio                       $ 5,795,202  $14,149,333  $ 7,620,803
            IDS Life Series Fund --
            Government Securities
YGS         Portfolio                           191,569      247,569      172,859
            IDS Life Series Fund -- Income
YIN         Portfolio                           999,574    1,624,048    1,092,864
            IDS Life Series Fund --
YIT         International Equity Portfolio    2,811,966    3,401,869    4,017,372
            IDS Life Series Fund --
YMA         Managed Portfolio                 4,958,516    6,658,468    6,573,036
            IDS Life Series Fund -- Money
YMM         Market Portfolio                  4,131,370    2,410,705    1,784,114
            AIM V.I. Growth and Income
YGI         Fund                              9,859,243    5,153,905    2,798,870
            Putnam VT New Opportunities
YNO         Fund - Class IA Shares            6,901,504    4,188,738    2,378,386
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            Combined Variable Account       $35,648,944  $37,834,635  $26,438,304
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Year 2000 issue is the result of computer programs having been written using
two digits rather than four to define a year. Any programs that have
time-sensitive software may recognize a date using "00" as the year 1900 rather
than 2000. This could result in the failure of major systems or miscalculations,
which could have a material impact on the operations of IDS Life of New York and
the Variable Account. All of the major systems used by IDS Life of New York and
the Variable Account are maintained by AEFC and


are utilized by multiple subsidiaries and affiliates of AEFC. IDS Life of New
York's and the Variable Account's businesses are heavily dependent upon AEFC's
computer systems and have significant interaction with systems of third parties.

A comprehensive review of AEFC's computer systems and business processes,
including those specific to IDS Life of New York and the Variable Account, was
conducted to identify the major systems that could be affected by the Year 2000
issue. Steps were taken to resolve any potential problems including modification
to existing software and the purchase of new software. As of Dec. 31, 1999, AEFC
had completed its program of corrective measures on its internal systems and
applications, including Year 2000 compliance testing. As of Dec. 31, 1999, AEFC
had also completed an evaluation of the Year 2000 readiness of third parties
whose system failures could have an impact on IDS Life of New York's and the
Variable Account's operations.

AEFC's Year 2000 project also included establishing Year 2000 contingency plans
for all key business units. Business continuation plans, which address business
continuation in the event of a system disruption, are in place for all key
business units. As of Dec. 31, 1999, these plans had been amended to include
specific Year 2000 considerations.

In assessing its Year 2000 initiatives and the results of actual production
since Jan. 1, 2000, management believes no material adverse consequences were
experienced, and there was no material effect on IDS Life of New York's and the
Variable Account's business, results of operations, or financial condition as a
result of the Year 2000 issue.

                                  BALANCE SHEET
                               September 30, 2000
                       ($ thousands, except share amounts)


  Fixed maturities:
        Held to maturity, at amortized cost (fair value:
           2000, $408,986)                                                                $413,461
        Available for sale, at fair value (amortized cost:
           2000, $564,012)                                                                 540,974

  Mortgage loans on real estate                                                            145,396
  Policy Loans                                                                              30,266
  Other investments
          Total investments                                                              1,130,131

Cash and Cash equivalents                                                                   32,056
Amounts recoverable from reinsurers                                                          8,905
Accounts receivable                                                                          1,787
Premiums due                                                                                   261
Accrued investment income                                                                   17,239
Deferred policy acquisition costs                                                          143,004
Other assets                                                                                   929
Separate account assets                                                                  1,903,454

          Total assets                                                                  $3,237,766


  Future policy benefits:
    Fixed annuities                                                                       $782,669
    Universal life-type insurance                                                          158,937
    Traditional life, disability income and long-term care insurance                        72,178
  Policy claims and other policyholders' funds                                               2,595
  Amounts due to brokers                                                                     1,997
  Deferred income taxes                                                                        246
  Other liabilities                                                                         18,012
  Separate account liabilities                                                           1,903,455
          Total liabilities                                                              2,940,089

Stockholder's equity:
  Capital stock, $100 par value per share;
    200,000 shares authorized, issued and outstanding                                        2,000
  Additional paid-in capital                                                                49,000
  Accumulated other comprehensive income:
     Net unrealized securities losses                                                      (14,682)
  Retained earnings                                                                        261,359
          Total stockholder's equity                                                       297,677

Total liabilities and stockholder's equity                                              $3,237,766

                                           See accompanying notes.

                              STATEMENTS OF INCOME
                         Nine months ended September 30,
                                  ($ thousands)

                                                                         2000             1999

   Traditional life, disability income and long-term
   care insurance premiums                                             $13,281           $11,443
  Policy holder and contractholder  charges                             17,923            16,424
  Mortality and expense risk fees                                       15,733            12,436
  Net investment income                                                 69,641            71,880
  Net realized gain on investments                                         737             1,145
                                                                   -----------         ---------

          Total revenues                                               117,315           113,328
                                                                     ---------          --------

Benefits and expenses:
  Death and other benefits:
     Traditional life, disability income and long-term
     care insurance                                                      4,047             4,150
     Universal life-type insurance and investment
     contracts                                                           3,092             4,876
  Increase in liabilities for future policy benefits for
  traditional life, disability income and long-term care
  insurance                                                              5,640             4,501
  Interest credited on universal life-type insurance and
  investment contracts                                                  35,713            38,078
  Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs                     11,461            13,624
  Other insurance and operating expenses                                 6,967             6,790
                                                                     ---------        ----------

          Total benefits and expenses                                   66,920            72,019
                                                                      --------           -------

Income before income taxes                                              50,395            41,309

Income taxes                                                            17,806            14,081
                                                                    ----------      ------------

Net income                                                           $  32,589          $ 27,228
                                                                     =========         =========

                             See accompanying notes.

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                         Nine months ended September 30,
                                  ($ thousands)

                                                                        2000              1999

Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net income                                                           $32,589           $27,228
  Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
    provided by operating activities:
      Policy loans, excluding universal
        life-type insurance:
          Issuance                                                      (2,796)           (2,289)
          Repayment                                                      2,192             1,989
      Change in accrued investment income                                1,126             1,756
      Change in amounts recoverable from reinsurer                      (1,991)           (2,095)
      Change in accounts receivable                                     (1,220)             (260)
      Change in other assets                                              (205)              (36)
      Change in deferred policy acquisition costs, net                  (7,092)           (1,581)
      Change in liabilities for future policy benefits for
        traditional life, disability income and long-term
        care insurance                                                   7,900             6,025
      Change in policy claims and other
        policyholders' funds                                                12              (687)
      Deferred income tax provision                                      3,977             1,129
      Change in other liabilities                                       (3,422)            2,487
      Accretion of discount, net                                            35            (1,602)
      Net realized gain on investments                                    (737)           (1,145)
      Policyholder and contractholder charges, non-cash                 (6,725)           (7,215)
      Other, net                                                          (669)               77
                                                                      ---------        ---------

          Net cash provided by operating activities                    $22,974           $23,781

                                  See accompanying notes.

                      STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (continued)
                            Years ended December 31,
                                  ($ thousands)


                                                                       2000              1999
                                                                      ------            -----

Cash flows from investing activities: Fixed maturities held to maturity:
        Purchases                                                  $        (34)   $           --
        Maturities, sinking fund payments and calls                      20,582            33,165

    Fixed maturities available for sale:
        Purchases                                                       (59,663)         (142,010)
        Maturities, sinking fund payments and calls                      21,128            36,638
        Sales                                                            54,593            72,615
    Other investments, excluding policy loans:
        Purchases                                                            --              (913)
        Sales                                                             9,562            13,806
    Change in amounts due to brokers                                      1,998             2,502
                                                                          -----             -----

          Net cash provided by investing activities                      48,166            15,803

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Activity related to universal life-type insurance
   and investment contracts:
      Considerations received                                            38,055            49,336
      Surrenders and death benefits                                    (103,849)         (116,340)
      Interest credited to account balances                              35,713            38,078
  Universal life-type insurance policy loans:
    Issuance                                                             (4,388)           (4,055)
    Repayment                                                             2,254             2,390
  Cash dividend to parent                                               (15,000)          (12,000)
                                                                        -------           -------

          Net cash used in financing activities                         (47,215)          (42,591)

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                23,925            (3,007)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                            8,131             3,007
                                                                        -------          --------

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                               $ 32,056          $     --
                                                                       ========          ========

                             See accompanying notes.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.       General

     In the opinion of the management of IDS Life Insurance  Company of New York
(the Company),  the  accompanying  unaudited  financial  statements  contain all
adjustments  (consisting of normal recurring  adjustments)  necessary to present
fairly its balance sheet as of September 30, 2000 and the related  statements of
income and cash flows for the nine month  periods  ended  September 30, 2000 and

2.       New Accounting Pronouncement

     In June 1998, the Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial Accounting  Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative  Instruments
and Hedging  Activities",  which is effective  January 1, 2001.  This  statement
establishes  accounting  and  reporting  standards for  derivative  instruments,
including certain derivative  instruments  embedded in other contracts,  and for
hedging  activities.  It requires that an entity  recognize all  derivatives  as
either assets or liabilities in the balance sheet and measure those  instruments
at fair value.  The  accounting  for  changes in the fair value of a  derivative
depends on the intended use of the derivative and the resulting designation. The
Company holds no derivative instruments or embedded derivatives at September 30,
2000. Therefore,  adoption of the new statement is expected to have no impact on
the financial position or results of operations of the Company.



We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of IDS Life Insurance Company of
New York (a wholly-owned subsidiary of IDS Life Insurance Company) as of
December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the related statements of income, stockholder's
equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December
31, 1999. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's
management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial
statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence
supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement
presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of IDS Life Insurance Company of
New York at December 31, 1999 and 1998, and the results of its operations and
its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31,
1999, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the
United States.

February 3, 2000
Minneapolis, Minnesota

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                                      IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK F-1



DECEMBER 31, ($ THOUSANDS)                   1999         1998
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
  Fixed maturities:
    Held to maturity, at amortized cost
    (fair value:
    1999, $432,004; 1998, $503,909)       $  434,343   $  473,592
    Available for sale, at fair value
    (amortized cost:
    1999, $579,014; 1998, $561,325)          555,574      578,591
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
                                             989,917    1,052,183
Mortgage loans on real estate                154,062      166,835
Policy loans                                  27,528       25,421
Other investments                                 --          566
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
    Total investments                      1,171,507    1,245,005
Cash and cash equivalents                      8,131        3,007
Amounts recoverable from reinsurers            6,914        4,077
Accounts receivable                              567          842
Premiums due                                     199          204
Accrued investment income                     18,365       19,893
Deferred policy acquisition costs            136,229      129,477
Deferred income taxes                          3,881           --
Other assets                                     723        1,042
Separate account assets                    1,957,703    1,491,679
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Total assets                              $3,304,219   $2,895,226
- -----------------------------------------------------------------

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Future policy benefits:
Fixed annuities                           $  821,992   $  875,507
Universal life-type insurance                156,420      152,195
Traditional life, disability income and
  long-term care insurance                    64,278       55,910
Policy claims and other policyholders'
  funds                                        2,584        3,105
Deferred income taxes                             --        7,912
Amounts due to brokers                            --        4,507
Other liabilities                             21,432       24,945
Separate account liabilities               1,957,703    1,491,679
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities                          3,024,409    2,615,760
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Stockholder's equity:
  Capital stock, $10 par value per
200,000 shares authorized, issued and
  outstanding                                  2,000        2,000
Additional paid-in capital                    49,000       49,000
Accumulated other comprehensive (loss)
Net unrealized securities (losses) gains     (14,966)      11,014
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Retained earnings                            243,776      217,452
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Total stockholder's equity                   279,810      279,466
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Total liabilities and stockholder's
  equity                                  $3,304,219   $2,895,226

See accompanying notes.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------




YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, ($ THOUSANDS)                          1999       1998       1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Traditional life, disability income and long-term care
  insurance premiums                                          $ 15,613   $ 13,852   $ 12,376
Policyholder and contractholder charges                         22,502     20,467     18,319
Mortality and expense risk fees                                 17,019     13,980     11,312
Net investment income                                           95,514    100,871    106,274
Net realized gains on investments                                1,386      2,163        547
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total revenues                                                 152,034    151,333    148,828
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Death and other benefits:
Traditional life, disability income and long-term care
  insurance                                                      5,579      5,553      3,633
Universal life-type insurance and investment contracts           6,313      4,320      3,852
Increase in liabilities for future policy benefits for for
  traditional life, disability income and long-term care
  insurance                                                      6,098      3,662      3,979
Interest credited on universal life-type insurance and
  investment contracts                                          50,767     55,073     62,294
Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs               15,787     18,362     17,201
Other insurance and operating expenses                           9,925      8,917     10,220
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total benefits and expenses                                     94,469     95,887    101,179
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Income before income taxes                                      57,565     55,446     47,649
Income taxes                                                    19,241     19,098     16,471
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                                    $ 38,324   $ 36,348   $ 31,178

See accompanying notes.

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                                      IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK F-3



                                                        TOTAL                  ADDITIONAL  COMPREHENSIVE
                                                    STOCKHOLDER'S   CAPITAL     PAID-IN    (LOSS) INCOME,   RETAINED
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, December 31, 1996                            $ 229,863     $ 2,000     $ 49,000       $  6,937     $171,926
Net income                                               31,178          --           --             --       31,178
Unrealized holding gains arising during the year,
  net of deferred policy acquisition costs of ($1)
  and taxes of ($3,412)                                   6,337          --           --          6,337           --
Reclassification adjustment for gains included in
  net income, net of tax of $54                             (99)         --           --            (99)          --
Other comprehensive income                                6,238          --           --          6,238           --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Comprehensive income                                     37,416                                      --           --
Cash dividends to parent                                (10,000)         --           --             --      (10,000)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, December 31, 1997                              257,279       2,000       49,000         13,175      193,104
Net income                                               36,348          --           --             --       36,348
Unrealized holding losses arising during the year,
  net of deferred policy acquisition costs of $22
  and taxes of $1,415                                    (2,628)         --           --         (2,628)          --
Reclassification adjustment for losses included in
  net income, net of tax of ($252)                          467          --           --            467           --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other comprehensive loss                                 (2,161)         --           --         (2,161)          --
Comprehensive income                                     34,187                                      --           --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash dividends to parent                                (12,000)         --           --             --      (12,000)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, December 31, 1998                              279,466       2,000       49,000         11,014      217,452

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, December 31, 1998                              279,466       2,000       49,000         11,014      217,452
Net income                                               38,324          --           --             --       38,324
Unrealized holding losses arising during the year,
  net of deferred policy acquisition costs of $737
  and of taxes of $13,537                               (25,140)         --           --        (25,140)          --
Reclassification adjustment for gains included in
  net income, net of tax of $452                           (840)         --           --           (840)          --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Other comprehensive loss                                (25,980)         --           --        (25,980)          --
Comprehensive income                                     12,344                                      --           --
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash dividends to parent                                (12,000)         --           --             --      (12,000)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance, December 31, 1999                            $ 279,810     $ 2,000     $ 49,000       $(14,966)    $243,776
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------




YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, ($ THOUSANDS)                          1999        1998        1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net income                                                    $  38,324   $  36,348   $  31,178
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by
  operating activities:
Policy loans, excluding universal life-type insurance:
Issuance                                                         (3,063)     (3,110)     (3,073)
Repayment                                                         2,826       2,660       1,897
Change in accrued investment income                               1,528         312         863
Change in amounts recoverable from reinsurer                     (2,837)     (1,760)     (1,345)
Change in premiums due                                                5         (12)        (50)
Change in accounts receivable                                       275        (119)        218
Change in other assets                                              319         (47)        (95)
Change in deferred policy acquisition costs, net                 (6,015)     (2,841)     (7,431)
Change in liabilities for future policy benefits for
  traditional life, disability income and long-term care
  insurance                                                       8,368       5,441       5,131
Change in policy claims and other policyholders' funds             (522)       (908)        858
Deferred income tax provision (benefit)                           2,196      (2,369)       (960)
Change in other liabilities                                      (3,513)     (3,986)      3,468
Accretion of discount, net                                       (1,794)       (342)       (352)
Net realized gain on investments                                 (1,386)     (2,163)       (547)
Policyholder and contractholder charges, non-cash                (9,875)     (9,661)     (8,772)
Other, net                                                        1,859         118         715
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by operating activities                     $  26,695   $  17,561   $  21,703

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed maturities held to maturity:
Maturities, sinking fund payments and calls                   $  37,852   $  46,629   $  36,511
Sales                                                               790      16,173      12,616
Fixed maturities available for sale:
Purchases                                                      (155,690)    (86,072)   (101,818)
Maturities, sinking fund payments and calls                      50,515      96,578      84,229
Sales                                                            89,683      13,180      27,055
Other investments, excluding policy loans:
Purchases                                                        (3,598)     (9,121)    (33,243)
Sales                                                            16,671      21,113      14,233
Change in amounts due from brokers                                   --          --         995
Change in amounts due to brokers                                 (4,507)    (24,547)     26,047
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash provided by investing activities                        31,716      73,933      66,625

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Activity related to universal life-type insurance and
  investment contracts:
Considerations received                                          68,978      76,009     112,732
Surrenders and death benefits                                  (159,161)   (205,946)   (251,259)
Interest credited to account balances                            50,767      55,073      62,294
Universal life-type insurance policy loans:
Issuance                                                         (5,057)     (5,222)     (4,848)
Repayment                                                         3,186       3,599       2,753
Cash dividend to parent                                         (12,000)    (12,000)    (10,000)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net cash used in financing activities                           (53,287)    (88,487)    (88,328)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                         5,124       3,007          --
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                    3,007          --          --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                      $   8,131   $   3,007   $      --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying notes.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                      IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK F-5



IDS Life Insurance Company of New York (the Company) is engaged in the insurance
and annuity business in the state of New York. The Company's principal products
are deferred annuities and universal life insurance which are issued primarily
to individuals. It offers single premium and flexible premium deferred annuities
on both a fixed and variable dollar basis. Immediate annuities are offered as
well. The Company's insurance products include universal life (fixed and
variable), whole life, single premium life and term products (including waiver
of premium and accidental death benefits). The Company also markets disability
income and long-term care insurance.

The Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of IDS Life Insurance Company (IDS
Life), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Express Financial
Corporation (AEFC), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of American Express
Company. The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in conformity
with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States which vary in
certain respects from reporting practices prescribed or permitted by the New
York Department of Insurance as reconciled in Note 11.

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial
statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Fixed maturities that the Company has both the positive intent and the ability
to hold to maturity are classified as held to maturity and carried at amortized
cost. All other fixed maturities and all marketable equity securities are
classified as available for sale and carried at fair value. Unrealized gains and
losses on securities classified as available for sale are reported as a separate
component of accumulated other comprehensive (loss) income, net of deferred
policy acquisition costs and deferred income taxes.

Realized investment gains or losses are determined on an identified cost basis.

Prepayments are anticipated on certain investments in mortgage-backed securities
in determining the constant effective yield used to recognize interest income.
Prepayment estimates are based on information received from brokers who deal in
mortgage-backed securities.

Mortgage loans on real estate are carried at amortized cost less reserves for
mortgage loan losses. The estimated fair value of the mortgage loans is
determined by a discounted cash flow analysis using mortgage interest rates
currently offered for mortgages of similar maturities.

Impairment of mortgage loans is measured as the excess of the loan's recorded
investment over its present value of expected principal and interest payments
discounted at the loan's effective interest rate, or the fair value of
collateral. The amount of the impairment is recorded in an allowance for
mortgage loan losses. The allowance for mortgage loan losses is maintained at a
level that management believes is adequate to absorb estimated losses in the
portfolio. The level of the allowance account is determined based on several
factors, including historical experience, expected future principal and interest
payments, estimated collateral

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


values, and current economic and political conditions. Management regularly
evaluates the adequacy of the allowance for mortgage loan losses.

The Company generally stops accruing interest on mortgage loans for which
interest payments are delinquent more than three months. Based on management's
judgment as to the ultimate collectibility of principal, interest payments
received are either recognized as income or applied to the recorded investment
in the loan.

The cost of interest rate caps is amortized to investment income over the life
of the contracts and payments received as a result of these agreements are
recorded as investment income when realized.

Policy loans are carried at the aggregate of the unpaid loan balances which do
not exceed the cash surrender values of the related policies.

When evidence indicates a decline, which is other than temporary, in the
underlying value or earning power of individual investments, such investments
are written down to the fair value by a charge to income.

The Company considers investments with a maturity at the date of their
acquisition of three months or less to be cash equivalents. These securities are
carried principally at amortized cost which approximates fair value.

Supplementary information to the statements of cash flows for the years ended
December 31 is summarized as follows:

                                      1999     1998     1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Cash paid during the year for:
Income taxes                         $20,670  $22,470  $17,811
Interest on borrowings                   124    1,600    1,026

Profits on fixed deferred annuities are recognized by the Company over the lives
of the contracts, using primarily the interest method. Profits represent the
excess of investment income earned from investment of contract considerations
over interest credited to contract owners and other expenses.

The retrospective deposit method is used in accounting for universal life-type
insurance. This method recognizes profits over the lives of the policies in
proportion to the estimated gross profits expected to be realized.

Premiums on traditional life, disability income and long-term care insurance
policies are recognized as revenue when due, and related benefits and expenses
are associated with premium revenue in a manner that results in recognition of
profits over the lives of the insurance policies. This association is
accomplished by means of the provision for future policy benefits and the
deferral and subsequent amortization of policy acquisition costs.

Policyholder and contractholder charges include the monthly cost of insurance
charges, issue and administrative fees and surrender charges. These charges also
include the minimum death benefit guarantee fees received from the variable life
insurance separate accounts. Mortality and expense fees are received from the
variable annuity and variable life insurance separate accounts.

The costs of acquiring new business, principally sales compensation, policy
issue costs, underwriting and certain sales expenses, have been deferred on
insurance and annuity contracts. The deferred acquisition costs for most single
premium deferred annuities

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                                      IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK F-7

and installment annuities are amortized primarily using the interest method. The
costs for universal life-type insurance and certain installment annuities are
amortized as a percentage of the estimated gross profits expected to be realized
on the policies. For traditional life, disability income and long-term care
insurance policies, the costs are amortized over an appropriate period in
proportion to premium revenue.

Amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs requires the use of
assumptions including interest margins, mortality margins, persistency rates,
maintenance expense levels and, for variable products, separate account
performance. For universal life-type insurance and deferred annuities, actual
experience is reflected in the Company's amortization models monthly. As actual
experience differs from the current assumptions, management considers the need
to change key assumptions underlying the amortization models prospectively. The
impact of changing prospective assumptions is reflected in the period that such
changes are made and is generally referred to as an unlocking adjustment. Net
unlocking adjustments in 1999, 1998 and 1997 were not significant.

Liabilities for universal-life type insurance and fixed and variable deferred
annuities are accumulation values.

Liabilities for equity indexed deferred annuities are determined as the present
value of guaranteed benefits and the intrinsic value of index-based benefits.

Liabilities for future benefits on traditional life insurance are based on the
net level premium method, using anticipated mortality, policy persistency and
interest earning rates. Anticipated mortality rates are based on established
industry mortality tables. Anticipated policy persistency rates vary by policy
form, issue age and policy duration with persistency on cash value plans
generally anticipated to be better than persistency on term insurance plans.
Anticipated interest rates range from 4% to 10%, depending on policy form, issue
year and policy duration.

Liabilities for future disability income and long-term care policy benefits
include both policy reserves and claim reserves. Policy reserves are based on
the net level premium method, using anticipated morbidity, mortality, policy
persistency and interest earning rates. Anticipated morbidity and mortality
rates are based on established industry morbidity and mortality tables.
Anticipated policy persistency rates vary by policy form, issue age, policy
duration and, for disability income policies, occupation class. Anticipated
interest rates for disability income and long-term care policy reserves are 3%
to 9.5% at policy issue and grade to ultimate rates of 5% to 7% over 4 to 10

Claim reserves are calculated based on claim continuance tables and anticipated
interest earnings. Anticipated claim continuance rates are based on established
industry tables. Anticipated interest rates for claim reserves for both
disability income and long-term care range from 5% to 8%.

The maximum amount of life insurance risk retained by the Company is $750 on any
policy insuring a single life and $1,500 on any policy insuring a joint-life
combination. Risk not retained is reinsured with other life insurance companies,
primarily on a yearly renewable term basis. Long-term care policies are
primarily reinsured on a coinsurance basis. The Company retains all disability
income and waiver of premium risk. Beginning in 2000, the Company will retain
all accidental death benefit risk.

The Company's taxable income is included in the consolidated federal income tax
return of American Express Company. The Company provides for income taxes on a
separate return basis, except that, under an agreement between AEFC and American

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Express Company, tax benefit is recognized for losses to the extent they can be
used on the consolidated tax return. It is the policy of AEFC and its
subsidiaries that AEFC will reimburse subsidiaries for all tax benefits.

Included in other liabilities at December 31, 1999 and 1998 are $366, and
$3,647, respectively, payable to IDS Life for federal income taxes.

The separate account assets and liabilities represent funds held for the
exclusive benefit of the variable annuity and variable life insurance contract
owners. The Company receives mortality and expense risk fees from the variable
annuity separate accounts.

The Company makes contractual mortality assurances to the variable annuity
contract owners that the net assets of the separate accounts will not be
affected by future variations in the actual life expectancy experience of the
annuitants and beneficiaries from the mortality assumptions implicit in the
annuity contracts. The Company makes periodic fund transfers to, or withdrawals
from, the separate account assets for such actuarial adjustments for variable
annuities that are in the benefit payment period. The Company also guarantees
that the rates at which administrative fees are deducted from contract funds
will not exceed contractual maximums.

For variable life insurance, the Company guarantees that the rates at which
insurance charges and administrative fees are deducted from contract funds will
not exceed contractual maximums. The Company also guarantees that the death
benefit will continue payable at the initial level regardless of investment
performance so long as minimum premium payments are made.

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Statement of Position
(SOP) 98-1, "Accounting for Costs of Computer Software Developed or Obtained for
Internal Use" became effective January 1, 1999. The SOP requires the
capitalization of certain costs incurred after the date of adoption to develop
or obtain software for internal use. Software utilized by the Company is owned
by AEFC and capitalized by AEFC. As a result, the new rule did not have a
material impact on the Company's results of operations or financial condition.

Effective January 1, 1999, the Company adopted AICPA SOP 97-3, "Accounting by
Insurance and Other Enterprises for Insurance-Related Assessments," providing
guidance for the timing of recognition of liabilities related to guaranty fund
assessments. The Company had historically carried a balance in other liabilities
on the balance sheet for potential guaranty fund assessment exposure. Adoption
of the SOP did not have a material impact on the Company's results of operations
or financial condition.

In June 1998, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued Statement of
Financial Accounting Standards No. 133, "Accounting for Derivative Instruments
and Hedging Activities," which is effective January 1, 2001. This Statement
establishes accounting and reporting standards for derivative instruments,
including certain derivative instruments embedded in other contracts, and for
hedging activities. It requires that an entity recognize all derivatives as
either assets or liabilities in the balance sheet and measure those instruments
at fair value. The accounting for changes in the fair value of a derivative
depends on the intended use of the derivative and the resulting designation. The
ultimate financial effect of the new rule will be measured based on the
derivatives in place at adoption and cannot be estimated at this time.

The Company's statutory-basis financial statements are prepared in accordance
with accounting practices prescribed or permitted by the New York Insurance
Department. Currently, "prescribed" statutory practices are interspersed
throughout state insurance laws and regulations, the NAIC ACCOUNTING PRACTICES
AND PROCEDURES MANUAL and a variety of other NAIC publications. "Permitted"

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                      IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK F-9

statutory accounting practices encompass all accounting practices that are not
prescribed: such practices may differ from state to state, may differ from
company to company within a state, and may change in the future.

In 1998, the NAIC adopted codified statutory accounting principles
("Codification") effective January 1, 2001. Codification will likely change, to
some extent, prescribed statutory accounting practices and may result in changes
to the accounting practices that the Company uses to prepare its statutory-basis
financial statements. Codification will require adoption by the various states
before it becomes the prescribed statutory basis of accounting for insurance
companies domesticated within those states. Accordingly, before Codification
becomes effective for the Company, the State of New York must adopt Codification
as the prescribed basis of accounting on which domestic insurers must report
their statutory-basis results to the Insurance Department. New York has not yet
made a decision regarding whether or not it will accept Codification. While
management has not yet determined the impact of Codification to the Company's
statutory-basis financial statements, it does not believe the impact will be

Certain 1998 and 1997 amounts have been reclassified to conform to the 1999


Fair values of investments in fixed maturities represent quoted market prices
and estimated values when quoted prices are not available. Estimated values are
determined by established procedures involving, among other things, review of
market indices, price levels of current offerings of comparable issues, price
estimates and market data from independent brokers and financial files.

The amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses and fair value of
investments in fixed maturities at December 31, 1999 are as follows:

                                                     GROSS       GROSS
                                    AMORTIZED      UNREALIZED  UNREALIZED      FAIR
HELD TO MATURITY                      COST           GAINS       LOSSES        VALUE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. Government agency
  obligations                       $  2,490        $    20     $   150      $  2,360
Corporate bonds and
  obligations                        384,241          6,066       7,058       383,249
Mortgage-backed securities            47,612            103       1,320        46,395
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                    $434,343        $ 6,189     $ 8,528      $432,004
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             GROSS       GROSS
                                AMORTIZED  UNREALIZED  UNREALIZED    FAIR
AVAILABLE FOR SALE                COST       GAINS       LOSSES      VALUE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
State and municipal
  obligations                   $    104    $     6     $    --    $    110
Corporate bonds and
  obligations                    374,846      2,324      20,325     356,845
Mortgage-backed securities       204,064        580       6,025     198,619
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                $579,014    $ 2,910     $26,350    $555,574
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The amortized cost, gross unrealized gains and losses and fair value of
investments in fixed maturities at December 31, 1998 are as follows:

                                             GROSS       GROSS
                                AMORTIZED  UNREALIZED  UNREALIZED    FAIR
HELD TO MATURITY                  COST       GAINS       LOSSES      VALUE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
U.S. Government agency
  obligations                   $  2,871    $   159     $    --    $  3,030
Corporate bonds and
  obligations                    417,648     29,795         474     446,969
Mortgage-backed securities        53,073        844           7      53,910
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                $473,592    $30,798     $   481    $503,909
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                             GROSS       GROSS
                                AMORTIZED  UNREALIZED  UNREALIZED    FAIR
AVAILABLE FOR SALE                COST       GAINS       LOSSES      VALUE
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
State and municipal
  obligations                   $    105    $     9     $    --    $    114
Corporate bonds and
  obligations                    336,985     15,939       6,296     346,628
Mortgage-backed securities       224,235      7,614          --     231,849
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                $561,325    $23,562     $ 6,296    $578,591
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

The amortized cost and fair value of investments in fixed maturities at December
31, 1999 by contractual maturity are shown below. Expected maturities will
differ from contractual maturities because borrowers may have the right to call
or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties.

                                                 AMORTIZED    FAIR
HELD TO MATURITY                                   COST      VALUE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Due in one year or less                          $ 14,966   $ 15,118
Due from one to five years                        213,933    214,972
Due from five to ten years                        111,707    111,314
Due in more than ten years                         46,125     44,205
Mortgage-backed securities                         47,612     46,395
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 $434,343   $432,004
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                 AMORTIZED    FAIR
AVAILABLE FOR SALE                                 COST      VALUE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
Due in one year or less                          $ 14,422   $ 14,657
Due from one to five years                         37,204     37,477
Due from five to ten years                        214,169    203,150
Due in more than ten years                        109,155    101,671
Mortgage-backed securities                        204,064    198,619
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 $579,014   $555,574
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------

During the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, fixed maturities
classified as held to maturity were sold with amortized cost of $790, $16,175
and $12,737, respectively. Net gains and losses on these sales were not
significant. The sale of these fixed maturities was due to significant
deterioration in the issuers' creditworthiness.

Fixed maturities available for sale were sold during 1999 with proceeds of
$89,683 and gross realized gains and losses of $1,917 and $625, respectively.
Fixed maturities available for sale were sold during 1998 with proceeds of
$13,180 and gross realized gains and

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK F-11

losses of $1,159 and $440, respectively. Fixed maturities available for sale
were sold during 1997 with proceeds of $27,055 and gross realized gains and
losses of $461 and $309, respectively.

At December 31, 1999, bonds carried at $254 were on deposit with the state of
New York as required by law.

At December 31, 1999, investments in fixed maturities comprised 85 percent of
the Company's total invested assets. These securities are rated by Moody's and
Standard & Poor's (S&P), except for securities carried at approximately $147
million which are rated by AEFC internal analysts using criteria similar to
Moody's and S&P. A summary of investments in fixed maturities, at amortized
cost, by rating on December 31 is as follows:

RATING                                       1999        1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Aaa/AAA                                   $  250,577  $  280,669
Aa/AA                                         12,992      15,815
Aa/A                                          25,489      16,327
A/A                                          150,187     151,838
A/BBB                                         68,417      68,640
Baa/BBB                                      354,331     366,776
Baa/BB                                        23,562      39,666
Below investment grade                       127,802      95,186
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                          $1,013,357  $1,034,917
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

At December 31, 1999, 94 percent of the securities rated Aaa/AAA are GNMA, FNMA
and FHLMC mortgage-backed securities. No holdings of any other issuer are
greater than one percent of the Company's total investments in fixed maturities.

At December 31, 1999, approximately 13 percent of the Company's investments were
mortgage loans on real estate. Summaries of mortgage loans by region of the
United States and by type of real estate are as follows:

                                   DECEMBER 31, 1999        DECEMBER 31, 1998
                                ON BALANCE  COMMITMENTS  ON BALANCE  COMMITMENTS
REGION                            SHEET     TO PURCHASE    SHEET     TO PURCHASE
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
West North Central               $ 22,686      $ --       $ 24,725      $ --
East North Central                 25,195        --         29,134        59
South Atlantic                     31,748        --         34,175       598
Middle Atlantic                    17,672        --         18,350        --
Pacific                             6,751        --          9,706        --
Mountain                           35,608        --         36,636        --
New England                         8,209        --          7,851        --
East South Central                  7,394        --          7,521        --
West South Central                      0        --            237        --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  155,262        --        168,335       657
Less allowance for losses           1,200        --          1,500        --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 $154,062      $ --       $166,835      $657
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                   DECEMBER 31, 1999        DECEMBER 31, 1998
                                ON BALANCE  COMMITMENTS  ON BALANCE  COMMITMENTS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Apartments                       $ 54,118      $ --       $ 59,019      $ --
Department/retail stores           49,810        --         54,018       624
Office buildings                   22,090        --         23,902        --
Industrial buildings               16,938        --         18,590        33
Nursing/retirement                  5,058        --          5,153        --
Medical buildings                   7,248        --          7,416        --
Hotels/motels                          --        --            237        --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  155,262        --        168,335       657
Less allowance for losses           1,200        --          1,500        --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 $154,062      $ --       $166,835      $657
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mortgage loan fundings are restricted by state insurance regulatory authority to
80 percent or less of the market value of the real estate at the time of
origination of the loan. The Company holds the mortgage document, which gives it
the right to take possession of the property if the borrower fails to perform
according to the terms of the agreement. The fair value of the mortgage loans is
determined by a discounted cash flow analysis using mortgage interest rates
currently offered for mortgages of similar maturities. Commitments to purchase
mortgages are made in the ordinary course of business. The fair value of the
mortgage commitments is $nil.

At December 31, 1999 and 1998, the Company's recorded investment in impaired
loans was $nil and $1,268, with allowances of $nil and $300, respectively.
During 1999 and 1998, the average recorded investment in impaired loans was $nil
and $1,282, respectively.

The Company recognized $2, $123 and $126 of interest income related to impaired
loans for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

The following table presents changes in the allowance for investment losses
related to all loans:

                                      1999    1998    1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Balance, January 1                   $1,500  $1,500  $1,300
Provision (reduction) for
  investment losses                    (300)     --     200
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Balance, December 31                 $1,200  $1,500  $1,500
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------

Net investment income for the years ended December 31 is summarized as follows:

                                      1999      1998      1997
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
Interest on fixed maturities         $78,342  $ 85,164  $ 92,007
Interest on mortgage loans            12,895    14,599    14,228
Other investment income                4,764     3,365     1,715
Interest on cash equivalents             350        64        91
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                      96,351   103,192   108,041
Less investment expenses                 837     2,321     1,767
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
                                     $95,514  $100,871  $106,274
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK F-13

Net realized gains (losses) on investments for the years ended December 31 is
summarized as follows:

                                      1999    1998    1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------
Fixed maturities                     $1,086  $2,018  $  844
Mortgage loans                          300      --    (200)
Other investments                        --     145     (97)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
                                     $1,386  $2,163  $  547
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------

Changes in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments for the
years ended December 31 are summarized as follows:

                                       1999     1998     1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Fixed maturities available for sale  $(40,706) $(3,347) $9,599


The Company qualifies as a life insurance company for federal income tax
purposes. As such, the Company is subject to the Internal Revenue Code
provisions applicable to life insurance companies.

The income tax expense (benefit) for the years ending December 31 consists of
the following:

                                      1999     1998     1997
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Federal income taxes:
Current                              $16,426  $20,192  $16,371
Deferred                               2,196   (2,369)    (960)
- --------------------------------------------------------------
                                      18,622   17,823   15,411
State income taxes-current               619    1,275    1,060
- --------------------------------------------------------------
Income tax expense                   $19,241  $19,098  $16,471
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------

Increases (decreases) to the income tax provision applicable to pretax income
based on the statutory rate are attributable to:

                                 1999              1998              1997
                           PROVISION  RATE   PROVISION  RATE   PROVISION  RATE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Federal income taxes
  based on the statutory
  rate                      $20,148   35.0%   $19,406   35.0%   $16,677   35.0%
Increases (decreases) are
  attributable to:
Tax-excluded interest and
  dividend income              (509)  (0.9)      (660)  (1.2)      (569)  (1.2)
State tax, net of federal
  benefit                       402    0.7        829    1.5        689    1.4
Other, net                     (800)  (1.4)      (477)  (0.9)      (326)  (0.6)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total income taxes          $19,241   33.4%   $19,098   34.4%   $16,471   34.6%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A portion of life insurance company income earned prior to 1984 was not subject
to current taxation but was accumulated, for tax purposes, in a "policyholders'
surplus account." At December 31, 1999, the Company had a policyholders' surplus
account balance of $798. The policyholders' surplus account is only taxable if
dividends to the stockholder exceed the stockholder's surplus account or if the
Company is liquidated. Deferred income taxes of $279 have not been established
because no distributions of such amounts are contemplated.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Significant components of the Company's deferred income tax assets and
liabilities as of December 31 are as follows:

                                           1999     1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------
Deferred income tax assets:
Policy reserves                           $28,245  $29,318
Investments                                 6,980       --
Other                                       6,690    6,502
- ----------------------------------------------------------
Total deferred income tax assets           41,915   35,820
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------
Deferred income tax liabilities:
Deferred policy acquisition costs          38,033   36,673
Investments                                    --    7,059
- ----------------------------------------------------------
Total deferred income tax liabilities      38,033   43,732
- ----------------------------------------------------------
Net deferred income tax assets
  (liabilities)                           $ 3,882  ($7,912)
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------

The Company is required to establish a valuation allowance for any portion of
the deferred income tax assets that management believes will not be realized. In
the opinion of management, it is more likely than not that the Company will
realize the benefit of the deferred tax assets and, therefore, no such valuation
allowance has been established.


Retained earnings available for distribution as dividends to IDS Life are
limited to the Company's surplus as determined in accordance with accounting
practices prescribed by the New York Department of Insurance. All dividend
distributions must be approved by the New York Department of Insurance.
Statutory unassigned surplus aggregated $155,952 and $132,702 as of
December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively (see Note 3 with respect to the income
tax effect of certain distributions and Note 11 for a reconciliation of net
income and stockholder's equity per the accompanying financial statements to
statutory net income and surplus).


The Company participates in the American Express Company Retirement Plan which
covers all permanent employees age 21 and over who have met certain employment
requirements. Employer contributions to the plan are based on participants' age,
years of service and total compensation for the year. Funding of retirement
costs for this plan complies with the applicable minimum funding requirements
specified by ERISA. The Company's share of the total net periodic pension cost
was $27, $37 and $39 in 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

The Company has a "Sales Benefit Plan" which is an unfunded, noncontributory
retirement plan for all eligible financial advisors. Total plan costs for 1999,
1998 and 1997, which are calculated on the basis of commission earnings of the
individual financial advisors, were $1,446, $1,480 and $1,965, respectively.
Such costs are included in deferred policy acquisition costs.

The Company also participates in defined contribution pension plans of American
Express Company which cover all employees who have met certain employment
requirements. Company contributions to the plans are a percent of either each
employee's eligible compensation or basic contributions. Costs of these plans
charged to operations in 1999, 1998 and 1997 were $218, $252 and $312,

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK F-15

The Company participates in defined benefit health care plans of AEFC that
provide health care and life insurance benefits to retired employees and retired
financial advisors. The plans include participant contributions and
service-related eligibility requirements. Upon retirement, such employees are
considered to have been employees of AEFC. Costs of these plans charged to
operations in 1999, 1998 and 1997 were $nil.


The Company maintains a "Persistency Payment Plan." Under the terms of this
plan, financial advisors earn additional compensation based on the volume and
persistency of insurance sales. The total costs for the plan for 1999, 1998 and
1997 were $96, $140 and $1,490, respectively. Such costs are included in
deferred policy acquisition costs.

Charges by IDS Life and AEFC for the use of joint facilities, marketing services
and other services aggregated $13,042, $9,403 and $11,589 for 1999, 1998 and
1997, respectively. Certain of these costs are included in deferred policy
acquisition costs.


In January 2000, AEFC reached an agreement in principle to settle three
class-action lawsuits. The Company had been named as a co-defendant in one of
these lawsuits. It is expected the settlement will provide $215 million of
benefits to more than 2 million participants. The agreement in principle to
settle also provides for release by class members of all insurance and annuity
market conduct claims dating back to 1985 and is subject to a number of
contingencies including a definitive agreement and court approval. The portion
of the settlement allocated to the Company did not have a material impact on the
Company's financial position or results from operations.

At December 31, 1999 and 1998, traditional life insurance and universal
life-type insurance in force aggregated $5,448,451 and $4,941,727 respectively,
of which $272,276 and $248,280 were reinsured at the respective year ends.

In addition, the Company has a stop loss reinsurance agreement with IDS Life
covering ordinary life benefits. IDS Life agrees to pay all death benefits
incurred each year which exceed 125 percent of normal claims, where normal
claims are defined in the agreement as .095 percent of the mean retained life
insurance in force. Premiums ceded to IDS Life amounted to $150, $134 and $115
for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. Claim
recoveries under the terms of this reinsurance agreement were $nil, $nil and
$963 in 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

Premiums ceded to reinsurers other than IDS Life amounted to $2,873, $2,178 and
$1,583 for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively. Claim
recoveries from reinsurers other than IDS Life amounted to $473, $228 and $1,366
for the years ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

Reinsurance contracts do not relieve the Company from its primary obligations to

The Company has an agreement to assume a block of extended term life insurance
business. The amount of insurance in force related to this agreement was
$237,038 and $267,806 at December 31, 1999 and 1998, respectively. The
accompanying statement of income includes premiums of $nil for the years ended
December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, and decreases in liabilities for future policy
benefits of $1,277, $1,742 and $1,889 related to this agreement for the years
ended December 31, 1999, 1998 and 1997, respectively.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



The Company has an available line of credit with AEFC aggregating $25,000. The
interest rate for any borrowing is established by reference to various indicies
plus 20 to 45 basis points depending on the term. There were no borrowings
outstanding under this agreement at December 31, 1999 or 1998.


The Company enters into transactions involving derivative financial instruments
to manage its exposure to interest rate risk, including hedging specific
transactions. The Company does not hold derivative instruments for trading
purposes. The Company manages risks associated with these instruments as
described below.

Market risk is the possibility that the value of the derivative financial
instruments will change due to fluctuations in a factor from which the
instrument derives its value, primarily an interest rate. The Company is not
impacted by market risk related to derivatives held for non-trading purposes
beyond that inherent in cash market transactions. Derivatives are largely used
to manage risk and, therefore, the cash flow and income effects of the
derivatives are inverse to the effects of the underlying transactions.

Credit risk is the possibility that the counterparty will not fulfill the terms
of the contract. The Company monitors credit risk related to derivative
financial instruments through established approval procedures, including setting
concentration limits by counterparty and industry, and requiring collateral,
where appropriate. The Company's counterpart is rated A or better by Moody's and
Standard & Poor's.

Credit risk related to interest rate caps is measured by replacement cost of the
contracts. The replacement cost represents the fair value of the instruments.

The notional or contract amount of a derivative financial instrument is
generally used to calculate the cash flows that are received or paid over the
life of the agreement. Notional amounts are not recorded on the balance sheet.
Notional amounts far exceed the related credit exposure.

The Company's holdings of derivative financial instruments are as follows:

                                           NOTIONAL    CARRYING      FAIR     TOTAL CREDIT
DECEMBER 31, 1999                           AMOUNT      AMOUNT      VALUE       EXPOSURE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Interest rate caps                       $200,000      $ --        $ --         $ --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

DECEMBER 31, 1998
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Interest rate caps                       $200,000      $566        $ 2          $ 2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The fair values of derivative financial instruments are based on market values,
dealer quotes or pricing models. The interest rate caps expire in the year 2000.

Interest rate caps are used to manage the Company's exposure to interest rate
risk. These instruments are used primarily to protect the margin between
interest rates earned on investments and the interest rates credited to related
annuity contract holders.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK F-17


The Company discloses fair value information for most on- and off-balance sheet
financial instruments for which it is practicable to estimate that value. Fair
values of life insurance obligations, receivables and all non-financial
instruments, such as deferred acquisition costs, are excluded. Off-balance sheet
intangible assets, such as the value of the field force, are also excluded.
Management believes the value of excluded assets and liabilities is significant.
The fair value of the Company, therefore, cannot be estimated by aggregating the
amounts presented.

                                         1999                    1998
                                 CARRYING      FAIR      CARRYING      FAIR
FINANCIAL ASSETS                  AMOUNT      VALUE       AMOUNT      VALUE
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Fixed maturities (Note 2):
    Held to maturity            $  434,343  $  432,004  $  473,592  $  503,909
    Available for sale             555,574     555,574     578,591     578,591
  Mortgage loans on real
    estate (Note 2)                154,062     152,942     166,835     178,559
    Derivative financial
      instruments (Note 9)              --          --         566           2
    Separate accounts assets
      (Note 1)                   1,957,703   1,957,703   1,491,679   1,491,679

                                         1999                    1998
                                 CARRYING      FAIR      CARRYING      FAIR
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Future policy benefits for
  fixed annuities               $  732,752  $  715,213  $  788,780  $  765,430
Separate account liabilities     1,722,028   1,668,067   1,355,430   1,302,422

At December 31, 1999 and 1998, the carrying amount and fair value of future
policy benefits for fixed annuities exclude life insurance-related contracts
carried at $83,646 and $81,358, respectively, and policy loans of $5,594 and
$5,369, respectively. The fair value of these benefits is based on the status of
the annuities at December 31, 1999 and 1998. The fair value of deferred
annuities is estimated as the carrying amount less any surrender charges and
related loans. The fair value for annuities in non-life contingent payout status
is estimated as the present value of projected benefit payments at rates
appropriate for contracts issued in 1999 and 1998.

At December 31, 1999 and 1998, the fair value of liabilities related to separate
accounts is estimated as the carrying amount less applicable surrender charges
and less variable insurance contracts carried at $235,675 and $136,249,

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Reconciliations of net income for the years ended December 31 and stockholder's
equity at December 31, as shown in the accompanying financial statements, to
that determined using statutory accounting practices are as follows:

                                       1999      1998      1997
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Net income, per accompanying
  financial statements               $ 38,324  $ 36,348  $ 31,178
Deferred policy acquisition costs      (6,015)   (2,841)   (7,432)
Adjustments of future policy
  benefit liabilities                  (4,615)   (6,199)   (4,928)
Deferred income tax benefit             2,196    (2,369)     (960)
Provision for losses on investments      (161)      862       296
IMR gain/loss transfer and
  amortization                           (154)   (1,451)     (119)
Adjustment to separate account
  reserves                              5,498     2,767    10,267
Other, net                                766      (350)      430
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Net income, on basis of statutory
  accounting practices               $ 35,839  $ 26,767  $ 28,732
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Stockholder's equity, per
  accompanying financial statements  $279,810  $279,466  $257,279
Deferred policy acquisition costs    (136,229) (129,477) (126,614)
Adjustments of future policy
  benefit liabilities                   2,845     4,697     9,452
Deferred income taxes                  (3,881)    7,912    11,445
Asset valuation reserve               (16,164)  (15,516)  (16,698)
Adjustments of separate account
  liabilities                          61,721    56,223    53,456
Adjustments of investments to
  amortized cost                       23,440   (17,266)  (20,613)
Premiums due, deferred and advance      1,485     1,381     1,237
Deferred revenue liability              3,021     2,482     1,941
Allowance for losses                    1,200     1,500     1,645
Non-admitted assets                      (421)     (450)     (552)
Interest maintenance reserve           (3,155)   (3,001)   (1,551)
Other, net                             (5,416)   (2,915)   (1,463)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Stockholder's equity, on basis of
  statutory accounting practices     $208,256  $185,036  $168,963
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------------------------------------------------------------


The Year 2000 issue is the result of computer programs having been written using
two digits rather than four to define a year. Any programs that have
time-sensitive software may recognize a date using "00" as the year 1900 rather
than 2000. This could result in the failure of major systems or miscalculations,
which could have a material impact on the operations of the Company. All of the
major systems used by the Company are maintained by AEFC and are utilized by
multiple subsidiaries and affiliates of AEFC. The Company's businesses are
heavily dependent upon AEFC's computer systems and have significant interaction
with systems of third parties.

A comprehensive review of AEFC's computer systems and business processes,
including those specific to the Company, was conducted to identify the major
systems that could be affected by the Year 2000 issue. Steps were taken to
resolve potential problems including modification to existing software and the
purchase of new software. As of December 31, 1999, AEFC had completed its
program of corrective measures on its internal systems and applications,
including Year 2000 compliance testing. As of December 31, 1999, AEFC had also
completed an evaluation of the Year 2000 readiness of other third parties whose
system failures could have an impact on the Company's operations.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                     IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK F-19

AEFC's Year 2000 project also included establishing Year 2000 contingency plans
for all key business units. Business continuation plans, which address business
continuation in the event of a system disruption, are in place for all key
business units. At December 31, 1999, these plans had been amended to include
specific Year 2000 considerations.

In assessing its Year 2000 initiatives and the results of actual production
since January 1, 2000, management believes no material adverse consequences were
experienced, and there was no material effect on the Company's business, results
of operations, or financial condition as a result of the Year 2000 issue.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


                                     PART II

                          UNDERTAKINGS TO FILE REPORTS

         Subject to the terms and  conditions of Section 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the undersigned  registrant hereby undertakes to file with
the  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  such   supplementary  and  periodic
information,  documents,  and  reports  as may be  prescribed  by  any  rule  or
regulation  of the  Commission  hereto or  hereafter  duly  adopted  pursuant to
authority conferred in that section.

                              RULE 484 UNDERTAKING

The By-Laws of IDS Life Insurance Company of New York provide that:

To the extent  permitted and in the manner  prescribed  by law, the  Corporation
shall  indemnify  any person  made,  or  threatened  to be made,  a party to any
action,  suit or proceeding,  civil or criminal,  by reason of the fact that he,
his testator or intestate,  is or was Director or officer of the  Corporation or
of any other  corporation  of any type or kind,  domestic or  foreign,  which he
served in any  capacity at the request of the  Corporation,  against  judgments,
fines, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses (which the Corporation
may advance),  including attorney's fees, actually and necessarily incurred as a
result of such action, suit or proceeding, or any appeal therein.

Insofar as  indemnification  for liability  arising under the  Securities Act of
1933 may be permitted to  directors,  officers  and  controlling  persons of the
registrant pursuant to the foregoing  provisions,  or otherwise,  the registrant
has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities  and Exchange  Commission
such  indemnification  is against  public policy as expressed in the Act and is,
therefore,  unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against
such liabilities  (other than the payment by the registrant of expenses incurred
or paid by a director,  officer or  controlling  person of the registrant in the
successful  defense of any  action,  suit or  proceeding)  is  asserted  by such
director,  officer or controlling person in connection with the securities being
registered, the registrant will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter
has been  settled by  controlling  precedent,  submit to a court of  appropriate
jurisdiction the question whether such  indemnification  by it is against public
policy as expressed in the Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of
such issue.

                            IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 1996

The sponsoring  insurance company  represents that the fees and charges deducted
under the contract, in the aggregate, are reasonable in relation to the services
rendered,  the expenses  expected to be incurred,  and the risks  assumed by the
insurance company.

                    REPRESENTATIONS PURSUANT TO RULE 6e-3 (T)

This  filing is made  pursuant  to Rule  6c-3 and 6e-3 (T) under the  Investment
Company Act of 1940.


This Pre-Effective Amendment No. 1 comprises the following papers and documents:

         The facing sheet.

         The prospectus consisting of 57 pages.

         The undertakings to file reports.

         The signatures.

         The following exhibits:

         1.A.              Copies of all exhibits required by paragraph A of
                           instructions for Exhibits in Form N-8B-2 to the
                           Registration Statement.

                  (1)      Resolution of Board of Directors of IDS Life of New
                           York authorizing the Trust, adopted September 12,
                           1985, filed as Exhibit 1.A.(1) to Registrant's Form
                           N-8B-2 with Port-Effective Amendment No. 11 , File
                           No. 33-15290 is incorporated herein by reference.

                  (2)               Not applicable.

                  (3)      (a)      Not applicable.

                           (b)      (1)     Form of Explanation of New York
                                            Sales Agreement*

                                    (2)     Form of Personal Financial Planner's
                                            Agreement with IDS Financial
                                            Services Inc.*

                                    (3)     Form of Personal Financial Planner's
                                            Agreement with IDS Life Insurance
                                            Company of New York*

                                    (4)     Form of Field Trainer's Rider to
                                            Personal Financial Planner's

                                    (5)     Form of District Manager's Rider to
                                            Personal Financial Planner's

                                    (6)     Form of New York District Manager -
                                            Insurance Rider to Personal
                                            Financial Planner Agreement.*

                                    (7)     Form of Division Manager's Agreement
                                            with IDS Financial Services Inc.*

                                    (8)     Form of New York Division Manager -
                                            Insurance Rider to Division
                                            Manager's Agreement with IDS
                                            Financial Services Inc.*

                                    (9)     Form of Field President Agreement
                                            with American Express Financial
                                            Advisors Inc.**

                                    (10)    Form of Recruiting and Training
                                            Manager License Agreement with IDS
                                            Life Insurance Company of
                                            New York.**

                                    (11)    Form of Group Vice President
                                            Agreement with American Express
                                            Financial Advisors Inc.**

                                    (12)    Form of IDS Paraplanner License
                                            Agreement with IDS Life
                                            Insurance Company of New York.**

                           (c)      Schedules of Sales Commissions is filed
                                    electronically herewith.

                  (4)      Not applicable.

                  (5)      (a)      Flexible Premium Variable Life Insurance
                                    Policy (VUL3-NY) is filed electronically

                           (b)      Waiver of Monthly Deduction Rider for Total
                                    Disability is filed electronically herewith.

                           (c)      Accidental Death Benefit Rider is filed
                                    electronically herewith.

                           (d)      Other Insured Rider is filed electronically

                           (e)      Children's Term Insurance Rider is filed
                                    electronically herewith.

                           (f)      Automatic Increase Benefit Rider is filed
                                    electronically herewith.

                  (6)      (a)      Certificate of Incorporation of IDS Life
                                    Insurance Company of New York, dated
                                    July 23, 1957.*

                           (b)      Amended By-Laws of IDS Life Insurance
                                    Company of New York.*

                  (7)               Not applicable.

                  (8)      (a)      Form  of  Investment   Management   and
                                    Services  Agreement dated December 17, 1985,
                                    between IDS Life of New York and IDS Life of
                                    New York Series Fund, Inc.*

                           (b)      Form of Investment Advisory Agreement dated
                                    July 11, 1984, between IDS Life of New York
                                    and IDS Financial Services Inc. relating to
                                    the Variable Account.*

                           (c)      Addendum to Investment Management and
                                    Services Agreement.***

                           (d)      Addendum to Investment Advisory

                  (9)               None.

                  (10)     (a)      Application form for the Flexible Premium
                                    Variable Life Insurance Policy.**

                           (b)      Application form for Life and Disability
                                    Income Insurance.**

                  (11)     IDS Life Insurance Company of New York's  Description
                           of Transfer and  Redemption  Procedures and Method of
                           Conversion  to  Fixed   Benefit   Policies  is  filed
                           electronically herewith.

         B.       (1)      Not applicable.

                  (2)      Not applicable.

         C.       Not applicable.

2.       Opinion of counsel is filed electronically herewith.

3.       Not applicable.

4.       Not applicable.

5.       Not applicable.

6.       Actuarial Opinion is filed electronically herewith.

7.       Written actuarial consent is filed electronically herewith.

8.       Written auditor consent of Ernst & Young LLP is filed electronically

9.       Power of Attorney to sign amendments to this Registration Statement
         dated April 14, 1999 filed electronically as Exhibit 9 to Post-
         Effective Amendment No. 1 to Registration Statement, File No. 333-
         42257, is incorporated herein by reference.

10.      Consent in writing to establish additional subaccounts.

*        All of these exhibits are incorporated by reference to Amendment No. 3
         to the Registration Statement to form N-8B-2 File No. 811-05213.

**       All of these exhibits are incorporated by reference to Amendment No. 4
         to the Registration Statement to form N-8B-2 File No. 811-05213.

***      All of these  exhibits  are  incorporated  by reference to the original
         Registration Statement to form S-6, File No. 333-42257

****     All of these exhibits are incorporated by reference to Pre-Effective
         No. 1 to the Registration Statement to Form S-6, File No. 333-42257.


Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment
Company Act of 1940,  IDS Life  Insurance  Company of New York, on behalf of the
Registrant, certifies that it meets all of the requirements for effectiveness of
this Amendment to its Registration  Statement  pursuant to Rule 485(b) under the
Securities  Act of 1933 and has duly caused this  Amendment to its  Registration
Statement to be signed on behalf of the Registrant by the undersigned, thereunto
duly authorized, in this City of Minneapolis,  and State of Minnesota on the 9th
day of November, 2000.

                                   IDS Life of New York Account 8

                            By IDS Life Insurance Company of New York

                            By /s/   Richard W. Kling*
                                     Richard W. Kling, Director and
                                     Chairman of the Board

Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities Act of 1933,  this Amendment to
the  Registration  Statement  has been  signed by the  following  persons in the
capacities indicated on the 9th day of November, 2000:

Signature                                            Title

/s/  Richard W. Kling*                               Director and Chairman of
- ------------------------------------                 the Board
     Richard W. Kling

/s/  Timothy V. Bechtold*                            Director and President
- ------------------------------------
     Timothy V. Bechtold

/s/  Maureen A. Buckley*                             Director, Vice President,
- ------------------------------------                 Chief Operating Officer,
     Maureen A. Buckley                              Consumer Affairs Officer
                                                     and Claims Officer

/s/  Rodney P. Burwell*                              Director
- ------------------------------------
     Rodney P. Burwell

/s/  John R. Cattau*                                 Director
- ------------------------------------
     John R. Cattau

/s/  Robert R. Grew*                                 Director
- ------------------------------------
     Robert R. Grew

/s/  Jeffrey S. Horton*                              Vice President and
- ------------------------------------                 Treasurer
     Jeffrey S. Horton

/s/  Jean B. Keffeler*                               Director
- ------------------------------------
     Jean B. Keffeler

/s/  Thomas R. McBurney*                             Director
- ------------------------------------
     Thomas R. McBurney

/s/  Edward J. Muhl*                                 Director
- ------------------------------------
     Edward J. Muhl

/s/  Thomas V. Nicolosi*                             Director
- ------------------------------------
     Thomas V. Nicolosi

/s/  Stephen P. Norman*                              Director
- ------------------------------------
     Stephen P. Norman

/s/  Richard M. Starr*                               Director
- ------------------------------------
     Richard M. Starr

/s/  Philip C. Wentzel*                              Vice President and
- ------------------------------------                 Controller
     Philip C. Wentzel

/s/  Michael R. Woodward*                            Director
- ------------------------------------
     Michael R. Woodward

*Signed  pursuant to Power of Attorney dated April 14, 1999 filed as Exhibit No.
9 to this  Amendment  to the  Registration  Statement  on  Form  S-6,  File  No.
333-42257 and is incorporated herein by reference.


/s/ Mary Ellyn Minenko
    Mary Ellyn Minenko
    Counsel and Assistant Secretary