Waiver of Monthly Deduction Rider for Total Disability

     Based on the application for this rider and the payment of its monthly
     deduction, this rider is made a part of the policy. This rider is subject
     to all policy terms and provisions unless this rider changes them. This
     rider does not increase your policy values.

Definition of Injury

     1.   During the first 2 years this rider is inforce:

     Accidental bodily injury that occurs while this rider is in force.

     2.   Thereafter: Accidental bodily injury.

     In either  event,  injury must result,  directly and  independently  of all
     other causes, in total disability.

Definition of Sickness

     1.   During the first 2 years this rider is inforce:

     Disease or illness that first appears and causes total disability while
     this rider is in force.

     2.  Thereafter:  Disease or illness that causes total disability while this
     rider is inforce.

Definition of Total Disability

     The  inability  of the  insured,  due to injury  or  sickness,  to  perform
     substantially  all  of  the  important  duties  to  his  or  her  principal
     occupation for  remuneration  or profit.  After 2 years of such  continuous
     disability,  we will consider the insured to be totally disabled only if he
     or she is unable to perform  substantially  all of the important  duties of
     any gainful occupation. By "gainful occupation",  we mean one for which the
     insured is or becomes reasonably fit by education, training, or experience.

Certain losses will be considered "presumptive total disability".

     If injury or sickness causes the total and irrecoverable loss of the
     following, we will consider the insured totally disabled, even while the
     insured performs in an occupation:

     1.   the sight of both eyes; or
     2.   the use of both hands; or
     3.   the use of both feet; or
     4.   the use of one hand and one foot.

     Such loss must occur or first appear after the effective date of this
     rider and while this rider is in force.

What benefit does this rider provide?

     This rider provides for the waiver of monthly deductions for the policy and
     attached  riders if the insured  becomes  totally  disabled,  and meets the
     requirements shown below.

     To qualify for this benefit, you must give proof that the insured's
     total disability:

     1.   has been continuous for 6 months or more; and
     2.   began while this rider was in force; and
     3.   began after the insured's 5th birthday, but before the Age 60

     Provided these requirements are met, we will waive the monthly deductions
     as long as total disability lasts. The waiver of monthly deductions will
     also apply to this and all other riders attached to the policy.

     Until your claim is approved by us, you must pay the premiums needed so
     that your policy does not lapse as provided in the grace period provision
     of the policy. We will also take monthly deductions as usual.

     If we approve your claim, monthly deductions taken during total disability
     will be added to the value of the policy, using the premium allocation
     percentages then in effect.

Does coverage under the policy remain the same during disability?

     During a period of disability, you may not:

     1.   increase the specified amount of the policy; or
     2.   change from death benefit Option 2 to death benefit Option 1; or
     3.   increase any benefits under the policy or any riders attached to it.

Are there any exclusions?

     We will not waive any monthly deductions if total disability results from:

     1.   intentionally self-inflicted injuries; or
     2.   war, declared or not, an act of war, or any type of military conflict.

     If total disability begins within the grace period for the policy, the
     monthly deduction due at the time the policy entered the grace period will
     not be waived.

When should you furnish proof of a disability?

     We must receive proof of total disability in our home office within one
     year after the monthly date of the monthly deduction that you ask us to
     waive. If you don't give us proof within this time, your claim will not be
     affected if proof was given:

     1.   as soon as reasonably possible; and
     2.   within one year after the insured's death or recovery from total

     otherwise, monthly deductions made more than one year before proof was
     furnished will not be waived.

How often is proof of disability required to be given?

     At reasonable intervals, we have the right to require proof that total
     disability is continuing. If such proof is not given when required, no
     further monthly deductions will be waived.

Is there a monthly deduction for the cost of this rider?

     Yes. While this rider is in force, a monthly deduction for the cost of
     this rider is taken from the policy value. The amount can be determined
     from the Rider Cost of Insurance Table.

When will this rider become incontestable?

     After this rider has been in force during the insured's lifetime for two
     years from its effective date, we cannot contest this rider. The two year
     period will not include time during which the insured is totally disabled.

When will this rider terminate?

     This rider will terminate on the earliest of the following:

     1.   the monthly date on or next following receipt of your written request
          for coverage to end; or
     2.   the insured's Age 60 anniversary; or
     3.   the date the policy terminates.

     Termination of this rider will not affect a valid claim for benefits for
     total disability that starts before the termination.

What is the effective date of this rider?

     This rider is issued as of the policy date of the policy unless a different
     date is shown under Policy Data.

IDS Life Insurance Company of New York

(signature of) Eric L. Marhoun


                         Rider Cost of Insurance Table

The monthly deduction of the cost of this rider is equal to the sum of A + B
described below.

A is the result of 1 x (2 - 3), where:

(1)  is the WMD rate from the table below, based on the then attained age of
     the insured;
(2)  is the base policy's death benefit, divided by the guaranteed interest
     rate factor shown under Policy Data;
(3)  is the base policy's value at the beginning of the policy month.

B is the monthly cost of this rider for any additional riders attached to the

             SMD Rate*           WMD Rate*                               WMD Rate*          WMD Rate*
               Male                Female                                  Male               Female
Attained            Std.                Std.                Attained            Std.                Std.
Age of    Std.      Non-      Std.      Non-                Age of    Std.      Non-      Std.      Non-
Insured   Smoker    Smoker    Smoker    Smoker              Insured   Smoker    Smoker    Smoker    Smoker
 5       $0.0100   $0.0100   $0.0100   $0.0100              35       $0.0200   $0.0175   $0.0250   $0.0225
 6        0.0100    0.0100    0.0100    0.0100              36        0.0200    0.0175    0.0275    0.0250
 7        0.0100    0.0100    0.0100    0.0100              37        0.0225    0.0175    0.0275    0.0250
 8        0.0100    0.0100    0.0100    0.0100              38        0.0225    0.0200    0.0300    0.0250
 9        0.0100    0.0100    0.0100    0.0100              39        0.0250    0.0200    0.0300    0.0275

10        0.0100    0.0100    0.0100    0.0100              40        0.0275    0.0225    0.0325    0.0275
11        0.0100    0.0100    0.0100    0.0100              41        0.0275    0.0225    0.0325    0.0275
12        0.0100    0.0100    0.0100    0.0100              42        0.0300    0.0250    0.0350    0.0300
13        0.0125    0.0100    0.0125    0.0125              43        0.0325    0.0250    0.0375    0.0300
14        0.0125    0.0125    0.0125    0.0125              44        0.0350    0.0275    0.0375    0.0300

15        0.0150    0.0125    0.0125    0.0125              45        0.0375    0.0300    0.0400    0.0325
16        0.0150    0.0125    0.0125    0.0125              46        0.0400    0.0300    0.0425    0.0325
17        0.0150    0.0125    0.0150    0.0125              47        0.0450    0.0350    0.0450    0.0350
18        0.0150    0.0150    0.0150    0.0150              48        0.0500    0.0375    0.0475    0.0375
19        0.0150    0.0150    0.0150    0.0150              49        0.0550    0.0400    0.0500    0.0400

20        0.0150    0.0150    0.0175    0.0150              50        0.0600    0.0450    0.0550    0.0425
21        0.0150    0.0150    0.0175    0.0150              51        0.0675    0.0525    0.0625    0.0475
22        0.0150    0.0150    0.0175    0.0150              52        0.0775    0.0600    0.0700    0.0525
23        0.0150    0.0150    0.0175    0.0175              53        0.0925    0.0700    0.0800    0.0575
24        0.0150    0.0150    0.0175    0.0175              54        0.1075    0.0825    0.0900    0.0675

25        0.0150    0.0150    0.0200    0.0175              55        0.1300    0.0975    0.1050    0.0775
26        0.0150    0.0150    0.0200    0.0175              56        0.1550    0.1175    0.1225    0.0925
27        0.0150    0.0150    0.0200    0.0200              57        0.1875    0.1400    0.1450    0.1100
28        0.0150    0.0150    0.0200    0.0200              58        0.2275    0.1700    0.1700    0.1300
29        0.0150    0.0150    0.0200    0.0225              59        0.2775    0.2075    0.2000    0.1550

30        0.0150    0.0150    0.0225    0.0200
31        0.0175    0.0150    0.0225    0.0225
32        0.0175    0.0150    0.0225    0.0225
33        0.0175    0.0150    0.0250    0.0225
34        0.0175    0.0175    0.0250    0.0225

*For insureds with a preferred risk classification, the above standard
non-smoker rates will apply. If other than a preferred or standard risk
classification applies to the specified amount or to this rider, the WMD rate
will be adjusted by multiplying the above monthly rates by the appropriate risk
factor shown under Policy Data.