Other Insured Rider

                                 Term Insurance

     Based on the  application  for this rider and the  payment  of its  monthly
     deduction this rider is made a part of the policy. This rider is subject to
     all policy terms and provisions unless this rider changes them. No separate
     policy  values are  generated by this rider,  but the addition of the rider
     may affect the policy's values.

Definition of "Other Insured"

     Each person, other than the primary insured, whose life is insured by this
     rider. Each other insured is shown under Policy Data. If there is more than
     one other insured, the provisions of this rider will apply individually as
     to each other insured.

Definition of "Face Amount"

     The amount of the death benefit provided by this rider. The face amount for
     each other insured is shown under Policy Data.

What benefit does this rider provide?

     If we receive proof satisfactory to us that the other insured died while
     this rider was in force, we will pay a death benefit to the beneficiary
     of this rider. The death benefit will be the face amount in force as of
     the date of death of the other insured. The beneficiary is named in the
     application for this rider unless changed as provided below.

     Subject to the terms of the policy, the death benefit payable may be
     applied under one of the payment options shown in the policy.

How do you change the beneficiary of this rider?

     You may change a named beneficiary by satisfactory written request to us

     o  the base policy is in force;
     o  this rider is in force; and
     o  the other insured is alive.

     Once the change is received by us, it will take effect as of the date it is
     signed  subject  to any  action  taken or  payment  made by us  before  its

     When you name, add, or change a beneficiary, we will assume that it applies
     to the base policy unless you tell us that it applies to this rider.

Is there a monthly deduction for the cost of this rider?

     Yes. While this rider is in force, a monthly deduction for the cost of this
     rider is taken from the policy's value for each other insured. The amount
     of the deduction is the face amount of each other insured as shown under
     Policy Data divided by 1,000 times the monthly cost of insurance rate.

     If a Waiver of Monthly Deduction rider is attached to the policy, the
     monthly deduction for the cost of the Waiver of Monthly Deduction rider for
     each other insured is equal to 1 x 2 divided by 1000 where:

     (1)  is the Waiver of Monthly Deduction rate from the Waiver of Monthly
          Deduction Rider Cost of Insurance Table, based on the then attained
          age of the insured;

     (2)  is the face amount for each other insured shown under Policy Data.

What is the cost of insurance rate?

     The cost of insurance rate is the rate applied to the face amount of this
     rider to determine the monthly deduction. It is based on the sex, attained
     age, and risk classification of the other insured. For purposes of this
     rider, "attained age" means age of the other insured on the prior rider

     We may change monthly cost of insurance rates from time to time. Any change
     in the cost of  insurance  rate will apply to all  individuals  of the same
     risk class as the other  insured.  Any change  will be in  accordance  with
     procedures and standards on file with the state  insurance  department.  We
     will review the cost of insurance  rates for inforce  policies  whenever we
     change the cost of insurance  rates for new  policies.  This review will be
     done no more  than once  each  policy  year but no less than once each five
     policy years. Cost of insurance rates will be determined by us based on our
     expectations as to expense, persistency and investment earnings experience.
     The cost of insurance rates will not exceed the Guaranteed  Maximum Monthly
     Cost of Insurance attached to this rider.

     The Guaranteed Maximum Monthly Cost of Insurance Rates in the policy, for
     ages 20 and over, are based on the Commissioners Standard Ordinary
     Smoker or Nonsmoker, Male or Female Mortality Tables, Age Last Birthday.

     The rates for ages under 20 do not distinguish between smokers and
     nonsmokers and are based on the 1980 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table,
     Male or Female, Age Last Birthday. Shortly before the other insured
     becomes age 20, we will send you a notice that we may begin charging
     smoker rates upon the other insured's age 20 policy anniversary. If you do
     not apply for nonsmoker rates, or the other insured does not qualify for
     non-smoker rates, the other insured will be reclassified as a smoker, and
     smoker guaranteed maximum monthly cost of insurance rates will apply to
     this rider.

Can you change the face amount of this rider?

     Decreases of the Face Amount

     While this rider is in force, you may decrease the face amount once per
     year by written request. The decrease may only be made after the first
     rider year and is subject to the following rules:

     1.   Any decrease will be effective on the monthly date on or next
          following our receipt of your written request. Any such decrease will
          be applied in the following order:

          (a)  against the face amount provided by the most recent increase;
          (b)  against the next most recent increases successively; then
          (c)  against the original face amount of this rider.

     2.   The face amount that remains in force after a decrease may not be less
          than the minimum face amount shown under Policy Data.

     Increases of the Face Amount

     While this rider is in force, you may increase the face amount at any time
     by written request. You may not, however, make any increase in the face
     amount during a period of disability of the insured. Increases are subject
     to the following rules.

     1.   You must apply for an increase on a form satisfactory to us and before
          the other insured's attained age 75.

     2.   You must furnish satisfactory evidence of insurability of the other
          insured. If the policy includes a disability waiver of monthly
          deductions rider, you must also provide evidence of insurability
          of the insured under the base policy.

     3.   Any increase will be subject to our issue rules and limits at the time
          of increase.

     4.   The minimum increase in the face amount is $10,000.

     5.   Any increase will be effective on the monthly date on or next
          following the date your application is approved.

Can coverage under this rider be converted to a new policy?

     After the first year of coverage, you may convert such coverage to a new
     individual life insurance policy on the life of the other insured. No
     evidence of insurability will be required. Coverage, however, may be
     converted only:

     (1)  if the other insured is alive;
     (2)  while this rider is in force with respect to the other insured;
     (3)  before the other insured's attained age 75; and
     (4)  while the base policy is in force or within 31 days after the
          insured's death.

     Application must be made by written request. During your lifetime, only
     you may apply for conversion. If you are the insured, then the other
     insured will have 31 days after the death of the insured to apply for

The New Policy

     The amount of the new policy may be for an amount up to the face  amount of
     this rider in force at the time of conversion.  The new policy date will be
     effective as of the date the application for conversion is signed.  The new
     policy must be one of our level premium whole life, endowment  or flexible
     premium adjustable whole life policies we are then issuing.  The new policy
     will be in the same risk class as this rider.

     The  premium  will depend on the policy you choose and will be based on the
     amount  of  insurance  and the other  insured's  age and sex at the time of
     conversion.  The  contestable and suicide periods of the new policy will be
     measured from the effective date of this rider or the effective date of any
     increase in face amount of this rider, whichever is applicable.

When will coverage under this rider terminate?

     Coverage under this rider will terminate on the earliest of the following:

     1.   the monthly date on or next following receipt of your written request
          for coverage to end; or
     2.   the date the policy terminates due to other than the insured's death;
     3.   31 days after the insured's death. During these 31 days, we will not
          charge you for coverage under this rider; or
     4.   the date of conversion of coverage as provided in this rider; or
     5.   the insured's maturity date age 100 anniversary; or
     6.   the other insured's attained age 80.

Can this rider be reinstated if the policy has lapsed?

     If the policy and this rider lapsed as provided in the policy's Grace
     Period provision, this rider may be reinstated within 5 years of the date
     of lapse if:

     1.   this rider was in effect when the policy lapsed; and
     2.   the policy is reinstated; and
     3.   the requirements stated below are met.

     In order to reinstate coverage for this rider, you must:

     1.   furnish satisfactory evidence of insurability for the other insured;
     2.   pay a premium sufficient to keep this rider in force for 3 months; and
     3.   pay the monthly deductions that were not collected during the grace

     The effective date of reinstatement will be the monthly date on or next
     following the date we approve the application for reinstatement.

     We will have two years from the effective date of reinstatement during
     the other insured's lifetime to contest the truth of statements or
     representations in the reinstatement application.

What if the age or sex of the other insured has been misstated?

     In this event, any amount payable under this rider will be the amount of
     insurance, if any, that the rider cost for the policy month during which
     such death occurred, would have purchased had the cost of the benefits
     provided under the rider been calculated using the rider Cost of Insurance
     Rates for the correct age and sex.

When will this rider become incontestable?

     After coverage with respect to the other insured has been in force during
     the other insured's lifetime for two years from its effective date, we
     cannot contest the coverage.

     Any increase in face amount will be incontestable only after such amount
     has been in force during the other insured's lifetime for two years
     from the effective date of such increase.

Is there a suicide exclusion?

     Yes. Suicide by the other insured within two years from the effective date
     of coverage is not covered.  In this event,  our liability under this rider
     will be limited to the total of the monthly  deductions taken for the other
     insured's coverage.

     If the other insured  commits  suicide within two years after the effective
     date of any increase in face amount,  our  liability  will be limited to an
     amount equal to the cost of the additional coverage.

What is the effective date of this rider?

     This rider is issued as of the policy date of the policy unless a different
     date is shown under Policy Data.

IDS Life Insurance Company of New York

(signature of) Eric L. Marhoun
