Large Cap

AXP Large Cap Equity Fund seeks to provide shareholders with long-term growth of


Sept. 29, 2003

Please note that this Fund:

o     is not a bank deposit

o     is not federally insured

o     is not endorsed by any bank or government agency

o     is not guaranteed to achieve its goal

Like all mutual funds, the Securities and Exchange Commission has not approved
or disapproved these securities or passed upon the adequacy of this prospectus.
Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.

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(logo)                                                                  (logo)
American                                                                AMERICAN
   Express(R)                                                            EXPRESS
 Funds                                                                  (R)
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Table of Contents


The Fund                                   3p

Goal                                       3p

Principal Investment Strategies            3p

Principal Risks                            4p

Past Performance                           4p

Fees and Expenses                          5p

Investment Manager                         7p

Other Securities and
 Investment Strategies                     7p

Buying and Selling Shares                  8p

Valuing Fund Shares                        8p

Investment Options                         8p

Purchasing Shares                         10p

Transactions Through Third Parties        12p

Sales Charges                             12p

Exchanging/Selling Shares                 15p

Distributions and Taxes                   18p

Financial Highlights                      20p

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The Fund


AXP Large Cap Equity Fund (the Fund) seeks to provide shareholders with
long-term growth of capital. Because any investment involves risk, achieving
this goal cannot be guaranteed.


Under normal market conditions, at least 80% of the Fund's net assets are
invested in equity securities of companies with a market capitalization greater
than $5 billion at the time of purchase. The Fund may invest in income-producing
equity securities, such as dividend paying stocks, convertible securities and
preferred stocks. The Fund will provide shareholders with at least 60 days'
notice of any change in the 80% policy.

In pursuit of the Fund's goal, American Express Financial Corporation (AEFC),
the Fund's investment manager, chooses investments by:

o    Identifying companies with:

     o   attractive valuations, and

     o   the potential for earnings growth.

o    Identifying securities that AEFC believes have good potential for capital

o    Evaluating opportunities and risks by reviewing interest rates and economic

o    Buying a diversified portfolio of securities. AEFC may weight certain
     sectors more heavily than others based on its expectations about growth and
     market trends.

In evaluating whether to sell a security, AEFC considers, among other factors,

o    The security is overvalued relative to other potential investments.

o    The security has reached AEFC's price objective.

o    The company has met AEFC's earnings and/or growth expectations.

o    Political, economic, or other events could affect the company's or
     security's performance.

o    Potential  losses,  due to  factors  such  as a  market  down-turn,  can be

o    A more attractive opportunity has been identified.

Unusual Market Conditions

During unusual market conditions, the Fund may invest more of its assets in
money market securities. Although investing in these securities would serve
primarily to avoid losses, this type of investing could prevent the Fund from
achieving its investment objective. During these times, the Fund may trade its
portfolio securities more frequently. Frequent trading could result in increased
fees, expenses, and taxes.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Please remember that with any mutual fund investment you may lose money.
Principal risks associated with an investment in the Fund include:

     Market Risk

     Style Risk

     Issuer Risk

Market Risk

The market may drop and you may lose money. Market risk may affect a single
issuer, sector of the economy, industry, or the market as a whole. The market
value of all securities may move up and down, sometimes rapidly and

Style Risk

The Fund's management strategy will influence performance significantly. Large
capitalization stocks as a group could fall out of favor with the market,
causing the Fund to underperform funds that invest primarily in small or medium
capitalization stocks. If the manager's stock selection strategy does not
perform as expected, the Fund could underperform its peers.

Issuer Risk

The risk that an issuer, or the value of its stocks or bonds, will perform
poorly. Poor performance may be caused by poor management decisions, competitive
pressures, breakthroughs in technology, reliance on suppliers, labor problems or
shortages, corporate restructurings, fraudulent disclosures or other factors.


The bar chart and past performance table are not presented because the Fund has
not had a full calendar year of operations. The Fund began operations on March
28, 2002.

When available, the Fund intends to compare its performance to the Russell
1000(R) Index, an unmanaged index that measures the performance of the 1,000
largest companies in the Russell 3000 Index, and represents approximately 92% of
the total market capitalization of the Russell 3000 Index.

The Fund also intends to compare its performance to the Lipper Large-Cap Core
Funds Index, an index published by Lipper Inc., which includes the 30 largest
funds that are generally similar to the Fund, although some funds in the index
may have somewhat different investment policies or objectives.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Fund investors pay various expenses. The table below describes the fees and
expenses that you may pay if you buy and hold shares of the Fund.

Shareholder Fees (fees paid directly from your investment)
                                                             Class A    Class B  Class C  Class Y
Maximum sales charge (load) imposed on purchases(a)
(as a percentage of offering price)                         5.75%(b)     none     none     none

Maximum deferred sales charge (load) imposed on sales
(as a percentage of offering price at time of purchase)       none        5%      1%(c)    none

Annual Fund operating expenses(d) (expenses that are deducted from Fund assets)

As a percentage of average daily net assets:   Class A  Class B Class C  Class Y
Management fees(e)                              0.61%    0.61%   0.61%    0.61%
Distribution (12b-1) fees                       0.25%    1.00%   1.00%    0.00%
Other expenses(f)                               0.99%    1.00%   1.00%    1.06%
Total                                           1.85%    2.61%   2.61%    1.67%
Fee waiver/expense reimbursement                0.60%    0.60%   0.60%    0.60%
Net expenses                                    1.25%    2.01%   2.01%    1.07%

(a)  This charge may be reduced depending on the value of your total investments
     in American Express mutual funds. See "Sales Charges."

(b)  For Class A purchases over $1,000,000 on which no sales charge is assessed,
     a 1% sales charge applies if you sell your shares less than one year after

(c)  For Class C purchases, a 1% sales charge applies if you sell your shares
     less than one year after purchase.

(d)  Other expenses are based on estimated amounts for the current fiscal year.
     AEFC has agreed to waive certain fees and to absorb certain expenses until
     July 31, 2004. Under this agreement, total expenses will not exceed 1.25%
     for Class A; 2.01% for Class B; 2.01% for Class C and 1.07% for Class Y.

(e)  Includes the impact of a performance incentive adjustment fee that
     increased the management fee by 0.01% for the most recent fiscal year.

(f)  Other expenses include an administrative services fee, a shareholder
     services fee for Class Y, a transfer agency fee and other nonadvisory
     expenses. Effective May 2003, the Fund's transfer agency fee increased. The
     percentages above reflect the increase.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


These examples are intended to help you compare the cost of investing in the
Fund with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.

Assume you invest $10,000 and the Fund earns a 5% annual return each year. The
operating expenses remain the same each year. You would pay the following
expenses if you redeem all of your shares at the end of the time periods

                                         1 year   3 years  5 years   10 years
Class A(a)                                $695    $1,069   $1,467     $2,578
Class B                                   $604    $1,055   $1,433     $2,718(b)
Class C                                   $204    $  755   $1,333     $2,904
Class Y                                   $109    $  468   $  852     $1,931

(a)  Includes a 5.75% sales charge.

(b)  Based on  conversion  of Class B shares to Class A shares in the ninth year
     of ownership.

You would pay the following expenses if you did not redeem your shares:

                                         1 year   3 years  5 years   10 years
Class A(a)                                $695    $1,069   $1,467     $2,578
Class B                                   $204    $  755   $1,333     $2,718(b)
Class C                                   $204    $  755   $1,333     $2,904
Class Y                                   $109    $  468   $  852     $1,931

(a)  Includes a 5.75% sales charge.

(b)  Based on  conversion  of Class B shares to Class A shares in the ninth year
     of ownership.

These examples do not represent actual expenses, past or future. Actual expenses
may be higher or lower than those shown.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Doug Chase, Portfolio Manager

o    Managed the Fund since 2002.

o    Joined AEFC in 2002.

o    Prior to that, Analyst and Portfolio Manager at Fidelity Investments.

o    Began investment career in 1992.

o    MBA, University of Michigan.

The Fund pays AEFC a fee for managing its assets. Under the Investment
Management Services Agreement, the fee for the most recent fiscal year was 0.61%
of the Fund's average daily net asstes, including an adjustment under the terms
of a performance incentive arrangement. The maximum monthly adjustment (increase
or decrease) will be 0.12% of the Fund's average net assets on an annual basis.
Under the agreement, the Fund also pays taxes, brokerage commissions, and
nonadvisory expenses. AEFC or an affiliate may make payments from its own
resources, which include profits from management fees paid by the Fund, to
compensate broker-dealers or other persons for providing distribution
assistance. AEFC, located at 200 AXP Financial Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
55474, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Express Company, a financial
services company with headquarters at American Express Tower, World Financial
Center, New York, New York 10285.

The Fund operates under an order from the Securities and Exchange Commission
that permits AEFC, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, to appoint
a subadviser or change the terms of a subadvisory agreement for the Fund without
first obtaining shareholder approval. The order permits the Fund to add or
change unaffiliated subadvisers or the fees paid to subadvisers from time to
time without the expense and delays associated with obtaining shareholder
approval of the change.


The Fund may invest in other securities and may utilize other investment
strategies that are not principal investment strategies. The Fund's policies
permit investment in other instruments, such as money market securities, debt
securities and foreign securities. Additionally, the Fund may use derivative
instruments such as futures, options and forward contracts to produce
incremental earnings, to hedge existing positions and to increase flexibility.
Even though the Fund's policies permit the use of derivatives in this manner,
the portfolio manager is not required to use derivatives.

For more information on strategies and holdings, see the Fund's Statement of
Additional Information (SAI) and its annual and semiannual reports.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Buying and Selling Shares

The public offering price for Class A shares of the Fund is the net asset value
(NAV) plus a sales charge, and for Class B, C, and Y shares, the NAV. In
addition to buying and selling shares through the Fund's distributor, American
Express Financial Advisors Inc., you may buy or sell shares through third
parties, including 401(k) plans, banks, brokers, and investment advisers. Where
authorized by the Fund, orders in good form are priced using the NAV next
determined after your order is placed with the third party. If you buy or redeem
shares through a third party, consult that firm to determine whether your order
will be priced at the time it is placed with the third party or at the time it
is placed with the Fund. The third party may charge a fee for its services.


The NAV is the value of a single share of the Fund. The NAV is determined by
dividing the value of the Fund's assets, minus any liabilities, by the number of
shares outstanding. AEFC calculates the NAV as of the close of business on the
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), normally 4:00 p.m. Eastern time, on each day
that the NYSE is open.

The Fund's assets are valued primarily on the basis of market quotations.
Certain short-term securities are valued at amortized cost. Foreign investments
are valued in U.S. dollars.

AEFC will price a security at fair value in accordance with procedures adopted
by the Fund's Board of Directors if a reliable market quotation is not readily
available. AEFC also may use fair value if a security's value has been
materially affected by events after the close of the primary exchanges or
markets on which the security is traded and before the NAV is calculated. This
occurs most commonly with foreign securities, but may occur in other cases. The
fair value of a security is different from the quoted or published price.


1.   Class A shares are sold to the public with a sales charge at the time of
     purchase and an annual distribution (12b-1) fee of 0.25%.

2.   Class B shares are sold to the public with a contingent deferred sales
     charge (CDSC) and an annual distribution fee of 1.00%.

3.   Class C shares are sold to the public without a sales charge at the time of
     purchase and with an annual distribution fee of 1.00% (may be subject to a

4.   Class Y shares are sold to qualifying institutional investors without a
     sales charge or distribution fee. Please see the SAI for information on
     eligibility to purchase Class Y shares.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Investment options summary

The Fund offers four different classes of shares. There are differences among
the fees and expenses for each class. Not everyone is eligible to buy every
class. After determining which classes you are eligible to buy, decide which
class best suits your needs. Your financial advisor can help you with this

The following table shows the key features of each class:

                Class A            Class B        Class C         Class Y
- --------------- ------------------ -------------- --------------- --------------
Availability    Available to       Available to   Available to    Limited to
                all investors.     all            all investors.  qualifying
                                   investors.                     institutional
- --------------- ------------------ -------------- --------------- --------------
Initial Sales   Yes. Payable       No. Entire     No. Entire      No. Entire
Charge          at time of         purchase       purchase        purchase price
                purchase.          price is       price is        is invested in
                Lower sales        invested in    invested in     shares of the
                charge for         shares of      shares of the   Fund.
                larger             the Fund.      Fund.
- --------------- ------------------ -------------- --------------- --------------
Deferred Sales  On purchases       Maximum 5%     1% CDSC         None.
Charge          over $1,000,000,   CDSC during    applies if
                1% CDSC            the first      you sell your
                applies if you     year           shares less
                sell your          decreasing     than one year
                shares less        to 0% after    after
                than one year      six years.     purchase.
                after purchase.
- --------------- ------------------ -------------- --------------- --------------
Distribution    Yes.* 0.25%        Yes.* 1.00%    Yes.* 1.00%     Yes. 0.10%
Service Fee
- --------------- ------------------ -------------- --------------- --------------
Conversion to   N/A                Yes,           No.             No.
Class A                            automatically
                                   in ninth
                                   year of
- --------------- ------------------ -------------- --------------- --------------

*    The Fund has adopted a plan under Rule 12b-1 of the Investment Company Act
     of 1940 that allows it to pay distribution and servicing-related expenses
     for the sale of Class A, Class B and Class C shares. Because these fees are
     paid out of the Fund's assets on an on-going basis, the fees may cost
     long-term shareholders more than paying other types of sales charges
     imposed by some mutual funds.

Should you purchase Class A, Class B or Class C shares?

If your investments in American Express mutual funds total $250,000 or more,
Class A shares may be the better option because the sales charge is reduced for
larger purchases. If you qualify for a waiver of the sales charge, Class A
shares will be the best option.

If you invest less than $250,000, consider how long you plan to hold your
shares. Class B shares have a higher annual distribution fee than Class A shares
and a CDSC for six years. Class B shares convert to Class A shares in the ninth
calendar year of ownership. Class B shares purchased through reinvested
dividends and distributions also will convert to Class A shares in the same
proportion as the other Class B shares.

Class C shares also have a higher annual distribution fee than Class A shares.
Class C shares have no sales charge if you hold the shares for one year or
longer. Unlike Class B shares, Class C shares do not convert to Class A. As a
result, you will pay a 1% distribution fee for as long as you hold Class C
shares. If you choose a deferred sales charge option (Class B or Class C),
generally you should consider Class B shares if you intend to hold your shares
for more than six years. Consider Class C shares if you intend to hold your
shares less than six years. To help you determine what investment is best for
you, consult your financial advisor.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


To purchase shares through entities other than American Express Financial
Advisors Inc. (the Distributor), please consult your selling agent. The
following section explains how you can purchase shares from the Distributor.

If you do not have an existing American Express mutual fund account, you will
need to establish a brokerage account. Your financial advisor will help you fill
out and submit an application. Once your account is set up, you can choose among
several convenient ways to invest.

When you purchase, your order will be priced at the next NAV calculated after
your order is accepted by the Fund. If your application does not specify which
class of shares you are purchasing, we will assume you are investing in Class A

Important: When you open an account, you must provide your correct Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN), which is either your Social Security or Employer
Identification number.

If you do not provide and certify the correct TIN, you could be subject to
backup withholding of 28% of taxable distributions and proceeds from certain
sales and exchanges. You also could be subject to further penalties, such as:

o    a $50 penalty for each failure to supply your correct TIN,

o    a civil  penalty of $500 if you make a false  statement  that results in no
     backup withholding, and

o    criminal penalties for falsifying information.

You also could be subject to backup withholding, if the IRS notifies us to do
so, because you failed to report required interest or dividends on your tax

How to determine the correct TIN

For this type of account:                     Use the Social Security or
                                              Employer Identification number of:
- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Individual or joint account                   The individual or one of the
                                              owners listed on the joint account
- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Custodian account of a minor                  The minor
(Uniform Gifts/Transfers to Minors Act)
- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
A revocable living trust                      The grantor-trustee (the person
                                              who puts the money into the trust)
- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
An irrevocable trust, pension trust or        The legal entity (not the personal
estate                                        representative or trustee, unless
                                              no legal entity is designated in
                                              the account title)
- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Sole proprietorship or single-owner LLC       The owner
- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Partnership or multi-member LLC               The partnership
- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Corporate or LLC electing corporate status    The corporation
on Form 8837
- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Association, club or tax-exempt organization  The organization
- --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

For details on TIN requirements, contact your financial advisor to obtain a copy
of federal Form W-9, "Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and
Certification." You also may obtain the form on the Internet at (

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Methods of purchasing shares

By mail

Once your account has been established, send your check to:

American Express Funds
70200 AXP Financial Center
Minneapolis, MN 55474

Minimum amounts
Initial investment:                         $2,000*
Additional investments:                     $500**
Fund minimum balances:                      $300
Qualified minimum account balances:         none

 * $1,000 for tax qualified accounts.

** $100 minimum add-on for existing mutual fund accounts outside of a brokerage
   account (direct at fund accounts).

If your Fund balance falls below $300, you will be asked to increase it to $300
or establish a scheduled investment plan. If you do not do so within 30 days,
your shares can be sold and the proceeds mailed to you.

By scheduled investment plan

Minimum amounts
Initial investment:                         $2,000*
Additional investments:                     $100**
Account balances:                           none (on a scheduled investment
                                            plan with monthly payments)

If your account balance is below $2,000, you must make payments at least

 * $100 for direct at fund accounts.

** $50 minimum per payment for qualified accounts in a direct at fund

By wire or electronic funds transfer

Please contact your financial advisor or selling agent for specific

Minimum wire purchase amount: $1,000 or new account minimum, as applicable.

By telephone

If you have a brokerage account, you may use the money in your account to make
initial and subsequent purchases.

To place your order, call:

(800) 872-4377 for brokerage accounts
(800) 967-4377 for wrap accounts

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


You may buy or sell shares through certain 401(k) plans, banks, broker-dealers,
financial advisors or other investment professionals. These organizations may
charge you a fee for this service and may have different policies. Some policy
differences may include different minimum investment amounts, exchange
privileges, fund choices and cutoff times for investments. The Fund and the
Distributor are not responsible for the failure of one of these organizations to
carry out its obligations to its customers. Some organizations may receive
compensation from the Distributor or its affiliates for shareholder
recordkeeping and similar services. Where authorized by the Fund, some
organizations may designate selected agents to accept purchase or sale orders on
the Fund's behalf. To buy or sell shares through third parties or to determine
if there are policy differences, please consult your selling agent. For other
pertinent information related to buying or selling shares, please refer to the
appropriate section in the prospectus.


Class A -- initial sales charge alternative

When you purchase Class A shares, you pay a sales charge as shown in the
following table:

                                    Sales charge as percentage of:
Total market value       Public offering price*       Net amount invested

Up to $49,999                     5.75%                      6.10%
$50,000-$99,999                   4.75                       4.99
$100,000-$249,999                 3.50                       3.63
$250,000-$499,999                 2.50                       2.56
$500,000-$999,999                 2.00                       2.04
$1,000,000 or more                0.00                       0.00

* Offering price includes the sales charge.

The sales charge on Class A shares may be lower than 5.75%, based on the
combined market value of:

o    your current investment in this Fund,

o    your previous investment in this Fund, and

o    investments you and your primary household group have made in other
     American Express mutual funds that have a sales charge. (The primary
     household group consists of accounts in any ownership for spouses or
     domestic partners and their unmarried children under 21. For purposes of
     this policy, domestic partners are individuals who maintain a shared
     primary residence and have joint property or other insurable interests.)
     AXP Tax-Free Money Fund and Class A shares of AXP Cash Management Fund do
     not have sales charges.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other Class A sales charge policies

o    IRA purchases or other employee benefit plan purchases made through a
     payroll deduction plan or through a plan sponsored by an employer,
     association of employers, employee organization or other similar group, may
     be added together to reduce sales charges for all shares purchased through
     that plan, and

o    if you intend to invest more than $50,000 over a period of 13 months, you
     can reduce the sales charges in Class A by filing a letter of intent. If
     purchasing shares in a brokerage account or through a third party, you must
     request the reduced sales charge when you buy shares. For more details,
     please contact your financial advisor or see the SAI.

Waivers of the sales charge for Class A shares

Sales charges do not apply to:

o    current or retired board members, officers or employees of the Fund or AEFC
     or its subsidiaries, their spouses or domestic partners, children and

o    current or retired American Express financial advisors, employees of
     financial advisors, their spouses or domestic partners, children and

o    registered representatives and other employees of brokers, dealers or other
     financial institutions having a sales agreement with the Distributor,
     including their spouses, domestic partners, children and parents.

o    investors who have a business relationship with a newly associated
     financial advisor who joined the Distributor from another investment firm
     provided that (1) the purchase is made within six months of the advisor's
     appointment date with the Distributor, (2) the purchase is made with
     proceeds of shares sold that were sponsored by the financial advisor's
     previous broker-dealer, and (3) the proceeds are the result of a sale of an
     equal or greater value where a sales load was assessed.

o    qualified employee benefit plans offering participants daily access to
     American Express mutual funds. Eligibility must be determined in advance.
     For assistance, please contact your financial advisor. Participants in
     certain qualified plans where the initial sales charge is waived may be
     subject to a deferred sales charge of up to 4%.

o    shareholders who have at least $1 million in American Express mutual funds.
     If the investment is sold less than one year after purchase, a CDSC of 1%
     will be charged. During that year, the CDSC will be waived only in the
     circumstances described for waivers for Class B and Class C shares.

o    purchases made within 90 days after a sale of American Express Fund shares
     (up to the amount sold). Send the Fund a written request along with your
     payment, indicating the date and the amount of the sale.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

o    purchases made:

     o   with dividend or capital gain distributions from this Fund or from the
         same class of another American Express mutual fund,

     o   through or under a wrap fee product or other investment product
         sponsored by the Distributor or another authorized broker-dealer,
         investment advisor, bank or investment professional,

     o   within the University of Texas System ORP,

     o   within a segregated separate account offered by Nationwide Life
         Insurance Company or Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company,

     o   within the University of Massachusetts After-Tax Savings Program, or

     o   through or under a subsidiary of AEFC offering Personal Trust Services'
         Asset-Based pricing alternative.

o    shareholders whose original purchase was in a Strategist fund merged into
     an American Express fund in 2000.

Class B and Class C -- contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC) alternative

For Class B, the CDSC is based on the sale amount and the number of calendar
years -- including the year of purchase -- between purchase and sale. The
following table shows how CDSC percentages on sales decline after a purchase:

If the sale is made during the:        The CDSC percentage rate is:
First year                                          5%
Second year                                         4%
Third year                                          4%
Fourth year                                         3%
Fifth year                                          2%
Sixth year                                          1%
Seventh year                                        0%

For Class C, a 1% CDSC is charged if you sell your shares less than one year
after purchase.

For both Class B and Class C, if the amount you are selling causes the value of
your investment to fall below the cost of the shares you have purchased, the
CDSC is based on the lower of the cost of those shares purchased or market
value. Because the CDSC is imposed only on sales that reduce your total purchase
payments, you never have to pay a CDSC on any amount that represents
appreciation in the value of your shares, income earned by your shares, or
capital gains.

In addition, the CDSC on your sale, if any, will be based on your oldest
purchase payment. The CDSC on the next amount sold will be based on the next
oldest purchase payment.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Assume you had invested $10,000 in Class B shares and that your investment had
appreciated in value to $12,000 after 3 1/2 years, including reinvested
dividends and capital gain distributions. You could sell up to $2,000 worth of
shares without paying a CDSC ($12,000 current value less $10,000 purchase
amount). If you sold $2,500 worth of shares, the CDSC would apply to the $500
representing part of your original purchase price. The CDSC rate would be 3%
because the sale was made during the fourth year after the purchase.

Waivers of the sales charge for Class B and Class C shares

The CDSC will be waived on sales of shares:

o    in the event of the shareholder's death,

o    held in trust for an employee benefit plan, or

o    held in IRAs or certain qualified plans if American Express Trust Company
     is the custodian, such as Keogh plans, tax-sheltered custodial accounts or
     corporate pension plans, provided that the shareholder is:

     o   at least 59 1/2 years old AND

     o   taking a retirement distribution (if the sale is part of a transfer to
         an IRA or qualified plan, or a custodian-to-custodian transfer, the
         CDSC will not be waived) OR

     o   selling  under  an  approved   substantially  equal  periodic  payment



You may exchange your Fund shares at no charge for shares of the same class of
any other publicly offered American Express mutual fund. Exchanges into AXP
Tax-Free Money Fund may only be made from Class A shares. For complete
information on the other fund, including fees and expenses, read that fund's
prospectus carefully. Your exchange will be priced at the next NAV calculated
after we receive your transaction request in good order.

The Fund does not permit market-timing. Do not invest in the Fund if you are a
market timer.

Excessive trading (market-timing) or other abusive short-term trading practices
may disrupt portfolio management strategies, harm performance and increase fund

To prevent abuse or adverse effects on the Fund and its shareholders, the
Distributor and the Fund reserve the right to reject any purchase orders,
including exchanges, limit the amount, modify or discontinue the exchange
privilege, or charge a fee to any investor we believe has a history of abusive
trading or whose trading, in our judgement has been disruptive to the Fund. For
example, we may exercise these rights if exchanges are too numerous or too

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Other exchange policies:

o    Exchanges must be made into the same class of shares of the new fund.

o    If your exchange creates a new account, it must satisfy the minimum
     investment amount for new purchases.

o    Once we receive your exchange request, you cannot cancel it.

o    Shares  of the  new  fund  may  not be used  on the  same  day for  another

o    If your shares are pledged as collateral, the exchange will be delayed
     until written approval is received from the secured party.

Selling Shares

You may sell your shares at any time. The payment will be mailed within seven
days after your request is received in good order.

When you sell shares, the amount you receive may be more or less than the amount
you invested. Your sale price will be the next NAV calculated after your request
is received in good order by the Fund, minus any applicable CDSC.

You can change your mind after requesting a sale and use all or part of the
proceeds to purchase new shares in the same account from which you sold. If you
reinvest in Class A, you will purchase the new shares at NAV rather than the
offering price on the date of a new purchase. If you reinvest in Class B or
Class C, any CDSC you paid on the amount you are reinvesting also will be
reinvested. To take advantage of this option, send a written request within 90
days of the date your sale request was received and include your account number.
This privilege may be limited or withdrawn at any time and use of this option
may have tax consequences.

The Fund reserves the right to redeem in kind.

For more details and a description of other sales policies, please see the SAI.

To sell or exchange shares held with entities other than the Distributor, please
consult your selling agent. The following section explains how you can exchange
or sell shares held with the Distributor.

If you decide to sell your shares within 30 days of a telephoned-in address
change, a written request is required.

Important: If you request a sale of shares you recently purchased by a check or
money order that is not guaranteed, the Fund will wait for your check to clear.
It may take up to 10 days from the date of purchase before payment is made.
Payment may be made earlier if your bank provides evidence satisfactory to the
Fund and the Distributor that your check has cleared.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ways to request an exchange or sale of shares

By regular or express mail

American Express Funds
70100 AXP Financial Center
Minneapolis, MN 55474

Include in your letter:

o    your account number

o    the name of the fund(s)

o    the class of shares to be exchanged or sold

o    your Social Security number or Employer Identification number

o    the dollar amount or number of shares you want to exchange or sell

o    specific instructions regarding delivery or exchange destination

o    signature(s) of registered account owner(s) (All signatures may be
     required. Contact your financial advisor for more information.)

o    delivery instructions, if applicable

o    any paper certificates of shares you hold

Payment will be mailed to the address of record and made payable to the names
listed on the account, unless specified differently and signed by all owners.

The express mail delivery charges you pay will vary depending on domestic or
international delivery instructions.

By telephone

(800) 872-4377 for brokerage accounts
(800) 437-3133 for direct at fund accounts
(800) 967-4377 for wrap accounts

o    The Fund and the Distributor will use reasonable procedures to confirm
     authenticity of telephone exchange or sale requests.

o    Telephone exchange and sale privileges automatically apply to all accounts
     except custodial, corporate or qualified retirement accounts. You may
     request that these privileges NOT apply by writing the Distributor. Each
     registered owner must sign the request.

o    Acting on your instructions, your financial advisor may conduct telephone
     transactions on your behalf.

o    Telephone privileges may be modified or discontinued at any time.

Minimum sale amount:       $100
Maximum sale amount:       $100,000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

By wire

Money can be wired from your account to your bank account. Contact your
financial advisor or the Distributor at the above numbers for additional

o    Minimum amount: $1,000

o    Pre-authorization is required.

o    A service fee may be charged against your account for each wire sent.

By scheduled payout plan

o    Minimum payment: $100*.

o    Contact  your  financial  advisor  or the  Distributor  to  set up  regular

o    Purchasing new shares while under a payout plan may be disadvantageous
     because of the sales charges.

* Minimum is $50 in a direct at fund account.

Electronic transactions

The ability to initiate transactions via the internet may be unavailable or
delayed at certain times (for example, during periods of unusual market
activity). The Fund and the Distributor are not responsible for any losses
associated with unexecuted transactions. In addition, the Fund and the
Distributor are not responsible for any losses resulting from unauthorized
transactions if reasonable security measures are followed to validate the
investor's identity. The Fund may modify or discontinue electronic privileges at
any time.

Distributions and Taxes

As a shareholder you are entitled to your share of the Fund's net income and net
gains. The Fund distributes dividends and capital gains to qualify as a
regulated investment company and to avoid paying corporate income and excise


The Fund's net investment income is distributed to you as dividends. Capital
gains are realized when a security is sold for a higher price than was paid for
it. Each realized capital gain or loss is long-term or short-term depending on
the length of time the Fund held the security. Realized capital gains and losses
offset each other. The Fund offsets any net realized capital gains by any
available capital loss carryovers. Net short-term capital gains are included in
net investment income. Net realized long-term capital gains, if any, are
distributed by the end of the calendar year as capital gain distributions.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Dividends and capital gain distributions are automatically reinvested in
additional shares in the same class of the Fund, unless:

o    you request distributions in cash, or

o    you direct the Fund to invest your distributions in the same class of any
     publicly offered American Express mutual fund for which you have previously
     opened an account.

We reinvest the distributions for you at the next calculated NAV after the
distribution is paid.

If you choose cash distributions, you will receive cash only for distributions
declared after your request has been processed.


Distributions are subject to federal income tax and may be subject to state and
local taxes in the year they are declared. You must report distributions on your
tax returns, even if they are reinvested in additional shares.

If you buy shares shortly before the record date of a distribution, you may pay
taxes on money earned by the Fund before you were a shareholder. You will pay
the full pre-distribution price for the shares, then receive a portion of your
investment back as a distribution, which may be taxable.

For tax purposes, an exchange is considered a sale and purchase, and may result
in a gain or loss. A sale is a taxable transaction. If you sell shares for less
than their cost, the difference is a capital loss. If you sell shares for more
than their cost, the difference is a capital gain. Your gain may be short term
(for shares held for one year or less) or long term (for shares held for more
than one year).

If you buy Class A shares and within 91 days exchange into another fund, you may
not include the sales charge in your calculation of tax gain or loss on the sale
of the first fund you purchased. The sales charge may be included in the
calculation of your tax gain or loss on a subsequent sale of the second fund you

Selling shares held in an IRA or qualified retirement account may subject you to
federal taxes, penalties and reporting requirements. Please consult your tax

Important: This information is a brief and selective summary of some of the tax
rules that apply to this Fund. Because tax matters are highly individual and
complex, you should consult a qualified tax advisor.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Financial Highlights

The financial highlights tables are intended to help you understand the Fund's
financial performance. Certain information reflects financial results for a
single Fund share. The total returns in the tables represent the rate that an
investor would have earned or lost on an investment in the Fund (assuming
reinvestment of all dividends and distributions). This information has been
audited by KPMG LLP, whose report, along with the Fund's financial statements,
is included in the annual report which, if not included with this prospectus, is
available upon request.

Class A
Per share income and capital changes(a)
Fiscal period ended July 31,                                                2003           2002(b)
Net asset value, beginning of period                                       $4.11           $5.00
Income from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)                                                 .01              --
Net gains (losses) (both realized and unrealized)                            .41            (.89)
Total from investment operations                                             .42            (.89)
Net asset value, end of period                                             $4.53           $4.11

Ratios/supplemental data
Net assets, end of period (in millions)                                      $83             $11
Ratio of expenses to average daily net assets(c),(e)                       1.25%           1.25%(d)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average daily net assets           .24%           (.11%)(d)
Portfolio turnover rate (excluding short-term securities)                   135%             88%
Total return(i)                                                           10.22%         (17.80%)(j)

See accompanying notes to financial highlights.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Class B
Per share income and capital changes(a)
Fiscal period ended July 31,                                                2003          2002(b)
Net asset value, beginning of period                                       $4.10         $5.00
Income from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)                                                (.01)         (.01)
Net gains (losses) (both realized and unrealized)                            .39          (.89)
Total from investment operations                                             .38          (.90)
Net asset value, end of period                                             $4.48         $4.10

Ratios/supplemental data
Net assets, end of period (in millions)                                      $36            $5
Ratio of expenses to average daily net assets(c),(f)                       2.01%         2.01%(d)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average daily net assets          (.52%)        (.86%)(d)
Portfolio turnover rate (excluding short-term securities)                   135%           88%
Total return(i)                                                            9.27%       (18.00%)(j)

Class C
Per share income and capital changes(a)
Fiscal period ended July 31,                                                2003          2002(b)
Net asset value, beginning of period                                       $4.10         $5.00
Income from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)                                                (.01)         (.01)
Net gains (losses) (both realized and unrealized)                            .40          (.89)
Total from investment operations                                             .39          (.90)
Net asset value, end of period                                             $4.49         $4.10

Ratios/supplemental data
Net assets, end of period (in millions)                                       $2           $--
Ratio of expenses to average daily net assets(c),(g)                       2.01%         2.01%(d)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average daily net assets          (.53%)        (.92%)(d)
Portfolio turnover rate (excluding short-term securities)                   135%           88%
Total return(i)                                                            9.51%       (18.00%)(j)

See accompanying notes to financial highlights.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Class Y
Per share income and capital changes(a)
Fiscal period ended July 31,                                                2003         2002(b)
Net asset value, beginning of period                                       $4.11         $5.00
Income from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)                                                 .01            --
Net gains (losses) (both realized and unrealized)                            .42          (.89)
Total from investment operations                                             .43          (.89)
Net asset value, end of period                                             $4.54         $4.11
Ratios/supplemental data
Net assets, end of period (in millions)                                      $--           $--

Ratio of expenses to average daily net assets(c),(h)                       1.07%         1.07%(d)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average daily net assets           .45%          .09%(d)
Portfolio turnover rate (excluding short-term securities)                   135%           88%
Total return(i)                                                           10.46%       (17.80%)(j)
Notes to financial highlights

(a)  For a share outstanding throughout the period. Rounded to the nearest cent.

(b)  For the period from March 28, 2002 (when shares became publicly available)
     to July 31, 2002.

(c)  Expense ratio is based on total expenses of the Fund before reduction of
     earnings credits on cash balances.

(d)  Adjusted to an annual basis.

(e)  AEFC waived/reimbursed the Fund for certain expenses. Had AEFC not done so,
     the annual ratios of expenses for Class A would have been 1.84% and 5.12%
     for the periods ended July 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

(f)  AEFC waived/reimbursed the Fund for certain expenses. Had AEFC not done so,
     the annual ratios of expenses for Class B would have been 2.60% and 5.88%
     for the periods ended July 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

(g)  AEFC waived/reimbursed the Fund for certain expenses. Had AEFC not done so,
     the annual ratios of expenses for Class C would have been 2.60% and 5.88%
     for the periods ended July 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

(h)  AEFC waived/reimbursed the Fund for certain expenses. Had AEFC not done so,
     the annual ratios of expenses for Class Y would have been 1.66% and 4.94%
     for the periods ended July 31, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

(i)  Total return does not reflect payment of a sales charge.

(j)  Not annualized.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

This Fund, along with the other American Express mutual funds, is distributed by
American Express Financial Advisors Inc. and can be purchased from an American
Express financial advisor or from other authorized broker-dealers or third
parties. The Funds can be found under the "Amer Express" banner in most mutual
fund quotations.

Additional information about the Fund and its investments is available in the
Fund's Statement of Additional Information (SAI), annual and semiannual reports
to shareholders. In the Fund's annual report, you will find a discussion of
market conditions and investment strategies that significantly affected the Fund
during its last fiscal year. The SAI is incorporated by reference in this
prospectus. For a free copy of the SAI, the annual report or the semiannual
report, contact your selling agent or American Express Client Service

American Express Funds
70100 AXP Financial Center
Minneapolis, MN 55474
(800) 862-7919
TTY: (800) 846-4852
Web site address:

You may review and copy information about the Fund, including the SAI, at the
Securities and Exchange Commission's (Commission) Public Reference Room in
Washington, D.C. (for information about the public reference room call
1-202-942-8090). Reports and other information about the Fund are available on
the EDGAR Database on the Commission's Internet site at (
Copies of this information may be obtained, after paying a duplicating fee, by
electronic request at the following E-mail address:, or by
writing to the Public Reference Section of the Commission, Washington, D.C.

Investment Company Act File #811-2111

Ticker Symbol
Class A: ALEAX    Class B:ALEBX
Class C: --       Class Y:--

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American Express Funds
70100 AXP Financial Center
Minneapolis, MN 55474

                                                              S-6244-99 D (9/03)