
                                                               Semiannual Report
                                                            for the Period Ended
                                                                   Jan. 31, 2004

AXP Research Opportunities Fund seeks to provide shareholders with long-term
capital growth.

(logo)                                                                   (logo)
American                                                                AMERICAN
  Express(R)                                                             EXPRESS
Funds                                                                   (R)

Table of Contents

Fund Snapshot                                                         3

Questions & Answers
   with Portfolio Management                                          4

Investments in Securities                                             8

Financial Statements (Portfolio)                                     11

Notes to Financial Statements (Portfolio)                            14

Financial Statements (Fund)                                          18

Notes to Financial Statements (Fund)                                 21

Proxy Voting                                                         28

(logo) Dalbar

American Express(R) Funds' reports to shareholders have been awarded the
Communications Seal from Dalbar Inc., an independent financial services research
firm. The Seal recognizes communications demonstrating a level of excellence in
the industry.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fund Snapshot
        AS OF JAN. 31, 2004


Portfolio manager                                            Doug Chase
Since                                                             11/03
Years in industry                                                    12


For investors seeking long-term growth of capital.

Inception dates
A: 8/19/96      B: 8/19/96      C: 6/26/00      Y: 8/19/96

Ticker symbols
A: IRDAX        B: IROBX        C: --           Y: --

Total net assets                                         $233.2 million

Number of holdings                                                   96


Shading within the style matrix indicates areas in which the Fund generally

         X            LARGE
                      MEDIUM  SIZE


Percentage of portfolio assets

(pie chart)

Health care 22.9%
Financials 20.7%
Consumer discretionary 13.8%
Technology 13.6%
Consumer staples 10.5%
Industrials 7.4%
Energy 6.6%
Materials 3.5%
Telecommunications 0.5%
Utilities 0.5%


Percentage of portfolio assets

Pfizer (Health care products)                                       6.8%
Citigroup (Finance companies)                                       5.2
Cendant (Media)                                                     3.4
Viacom Cl B (Leisure time & entertainment)                          3.3
PepsiCo (Beverages & tobacco)                                       2.9
Microsoft (Computer software & services)                            2.9
Colgate-Palmolive (Household products)                              2.8
Fannie Mae (Financial services)                                     2.5
Procter & Gamble (Household products)                               2.4
McKesson (Health care services)                                     2.4

For further detail about these holdings, please refer to the section entitled
"Investments in Securities."

Stock prices of established companies that pay dividends may be less volatile
than the stock market as a whole.

Fund holdings are subject to change.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Questions & Answers

Doug Chase began managing AXP Research Opportunities Fund in November 2003.
Below, he discusses the Fund's repositioning and results for the six months
ended Jan. 31, 2004.

Shareholders will be asked to approve a merger of the Fund into AXP Large Cap
Equity Fund at a shareholder meeting on June 9, 2004. This approval is not
guaranteed. If shareholder approval is obtained, no new purchases or exchanges
into the Fund will be allowed, although existing shareholders may redeem or
exchange out of the Fund.

Q:   How did AXP  Research  Opportunities  Fund  perform in the six months ended
     Jan. 31, 2004?

A:   AXP Research Opportunities Fund's Class A shares, excluding sales charge,
     gained 12.07% for the six months ended Jan. 31, 2004. This was less than
     the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, which rose 15.23% for the period. The
     Lipper Large-Cap Core Funds Index, the Fund's peer group, rose 13.12% over
     the same time frame.

Q:   What factors most significantly affected Fund performance during the
     semiannual period?

A:   The Fund benefited from the U.S. equity  market's  strong rally,  which has
     been fueled by the  improving  economic  environment  and strong  corporate
     earnings results. Stock selection for most

(bar chart)

                              PERFORMANCE COMPARISON
                   For the six-month period ended Jan. 31, 2004
                                 (bar 2)
15%           (bar 1)            +15.23%           (bar 3)
              +12.07%                              +13.12%



(bar 1)   AXP Research Opportunities Fund Class A (excluding sales charge)
(bar 2)   S&P 500 Index Fund(1) (unmanaged)
(bar 3)   Lipper Large-Cap Core Funds Index(2)

(1)  Standard & Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500 Index), an unmanaged index of common
     stocks, is frequently used as a general measure of market performance. The
     index reflects reinvestment of all distributions and changes in market
     prices, but excludes brokerage commissions or other fees. However, the S&P
     500 companies may be generally larger than those in which the Fund invests.

(2)  The Lipper Large-Cap Core Funds Index, published by Lipper Inc., includes
     the 30 largest funds that are generally similar to the Fund, although some
     funds in the index may have somewhat different investment policies or

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The 5.75% sales charge
applicable to Class A shares of the Fund is not reflected in the bar chart; if
reflected, returns would be lower than those shown. The performance of Class B,
Class C and Class Y may vary from that shown above because of differences in

The indices do not reflect the effects of sales charges, expenses (excluding
Lipper) and taxes.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Questions & Answers

(begin callout quote)> Currently, we believe the best market opportunities are
in growth stocks that have a high degree of stability to their growth. (end
callout quote)

     of the fiscal period and a conservative positioning relative to the S&P 500
     Index and its peer group since November were the primary reasons why the
     Fund's return fell short of the Index and peer group for the six months
     ended Jan. 31, 2004.

     Early in the period, good stock selection in the health care, industrial
     and technology sectors added to relative performance. However, stock


                              Class A                    Class B                     Class C                     Class Y
(Inception dates)            (8/19/96)                  (8/19/96)                   (6/26/00)                   (8/19/96)
                        NAV(1)      POP(2)        NAV(1)    After CDSC(3)      NAV(1)     After CDSC(4)    NAV(5)     POP(5)
as of Jan. 31, 2004
6 months*              +12.07%      +5.63%       +11.54%       +7.54%         +11.25%       +10.25%       +11.81%    +11.81%
1 year                 +29.19%     +21.75%       +28.32%      +24.32%         +27.94%       +27.94%       +29.37%    +29.37%
5 years                 -4.61%      -5.73%        -5.35%       -5.50%            N/A           N/A         -4.47%     -4.47%
Since inception         +4.61%      +3.78%        +3.80%       +3.80%         -10.07%       -10.07%        +4.76%     +4.76%

as of Dec. 31, 2003
6 months*              +12.46%      +6.00%       +11.92%       +6.92%         +11.92%       +10.92%       +12.46%    +12.46%
1 year                 +23.95%     +16.82%       +23.08%      +19.08%         +23.08%       +23.08%       +24.16%    +24.16%
5 years                 -3.86%      -4.99%        -4.59%       -4.74%            N/A           N/A         -3.72%     -3.72%
Since inception         +4.54%      +3.70%        +3.75%       +3.75%         -10.48%       -10.48%        +4.69%     +4.69%

The performance information shown represents the past performance and is not a
guarantee of future results. The value of your investment and returns will
fluctuate so that your shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than
their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the
performance information shown. You may obtain performance information current to
the most recent month-end by calling (888) 723-8476 or visiting You should consider the investment objectives,
risks, and charges and expenses of the Fund carefully before investing.

* Not annualized.

(1)  Excluding sales charge.

(2)  Returns at public offering price (POP) reflect a sales charge of 5.75%.

(3)  Returns at maximum contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC). CDSC applies as
     follows: first year 5%; second and third year 4%; fourth year 3%; fifth
     year 2%; sixth year 1%; no sales charge thereafter.

(4)  1% CDSC applies to redemptions made within the first year of purchase.

(5)  Sales charge is not applicable to these shares. Shares available to
     institutional investors only.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Questions & Answers

     within the consumer  cyclical,  financial and energy  sectors  hindered the
     Fund's results.

     One strong market trend working against the Fund's investment strategy was
     the continued outperformance of small-cap stocks relative to large-cap
     stocks, which are the focus of the Fund. Even within the S&P 500 Index, the
     smaller the market capitalization, the stronger the stock's performance
     generally was.

     In mid-November, we made substantial changes to sector allocations and
     individual holdings within the portfolio. Toward the end of the semiannual
     period, we began to see some positive results from this repositioning. For
     example, energy stocks that we added to the portfolio in mid-November
     benefited performance in December when the energy sector rallied. However,
     since the overall equity market generally favored smaller and lower quality
     stocks, our restructuring of the portfolio toward high quality, large-cap
     stocks was not fully rewarded.

Q:   What changes did you make to  the portfolio and how is it  currently

A:   Early in the period, the portfolio's cyclical exposure was increased in an
     effort to  take advantage of the strengthening  U.S. economy. In addition,
     holdings of brokerage firms, biotechnology companies and home improvement
     retail stores were increased. The Fund's exposure to big pharmaceutical
     companies was reduced.

     The most significant changes came in November. We moved to
     higher-than-index positions in the health care and industrials sectors and
     lower-than-index positions in the technology, financial, telecommunications
     and utility sectors.

     Late in the period, we broadened our ownership of pharmaceutical firms,
     trimming holdings of Wyeth, which had appreciated significantly, and adding
     Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly and Novartis to the Fund's holdings. Despite
     last year's weakness, we maintain a higher-than-index weighting in health
     care because we believe, long term, health care earnings will grow at rates
     faster than the market overall due to demographic shifts, primarily the
     aging of the U.S. population. In addition to pharmaceuticals, the Fund's
     holdings within the health care sector are well diversified among
     biotechnology companies, hospitals, medical device providers and drug
     distributors. Our primary concern about health care is the forthcoming
     November 2004 general election, and the potential for negative political
     discourse about the industry. Therefore, we will probably be a bit cautious
     in adding further to the health care sector. We may take advantage of

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Questions & Answers

     election-related uncertainties to add to some existing positions.

     The Fund's weighting in the technology sector is smaller than the index. We
     believe these stocks, as a group, are expensive. In our opinion, the only
     way to justify current valuations is to assume exceptional economic growth
     for several quarters to come. We believe that if growth is indeed that
     strong, it will also drive performance in other sectors such as media,
     which we consider more reasonably priced. The Fund ended the period with a
     lower-than-index position in financial stocks because we believe many of
     these companies are vulnerable to the negative effects of a potential
     increase in interest rates.

Q:   How do you intend to manage the Fund in the coming months?

A:   One key issue for the market in 2004 is whether large-cap stocks can regain
     market leadership from small-cap stocks. We believe several factors support
     such an outcome.  First, the  overvaluation of small-caps versus large-caps
     suggests  that a  period  of  large-cap  outperformance  may be due.  Other
     factors favoring  large-caps include the decline in the U.S. dollar,  which
     has made U.S.  exports  more  competitive,  and the  possibility  of higher
     interest rates.  Small-cap  companies  generally do not benefit from export
     growth the way large-cap  companies do. In addition,  smaller companies are
     often  more  dependent  on  borrowed  money and could  suffer  from  either
     expectations of rising interest rates or actual rate increases.

     Consumer staples is a sector that looks interesting to us now precisely
     because it is one of the most multinational groups in the market and could
     benefit from the lower dollar. Anywhere you travel globally, you will find
     the products of U.S. based multinationals -- from cola to razor blades to
     hamburgers. We think such companies are attractive given the improved
     export environment.

     Currently, we believe the best market opportunities are in stocks that have
     a high degree of stability to their growth. These stocks have become
     cheaper relative to the market; yet in any given year, they tend to grow
     earnings faster than the S&P 500 Index. We have been making a concerted
     effort to move money into more stable growth stocks and out of companies
     that require record levels of profitability to justify their current share

     Given the improving global economy, the weak dollar, and large-cap relative
     underperformance in 2003, we think the environment may be more favorable
     for large stocks in 2004 and we consider the portfolio well positioned for
     such a scenario.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Investments in Securities

Aggressive Growth Portfolio

Jan. 31, 2004 (Unaudited)

(Percentages represent value of investments compared to net assets)

Common stocks (99.4%)
Issuer                                        Shares               Value(a)

Aerospace & defense (2.6%)
Empresa Brasileira de
  Aeronautica ADR                             16,800(c)              $495,096
Lockheed Martin                               44,800                2,178,176
Northrop Grumman                              12,700                1,228,217
United Technologies                           23,100                2,206,974
Total                                                               6,108,463

Banks and savings & loans (3.5%)
Bank of America                               44,400                3,616,824
U.S. Bancorp                                  47,500                1,342,825
Washington Mutual                             18,500                  819,550
Wells Fargo                                   43,600                2,503,076
Total                                                               8,282,275

Beverages & tobacco (5.3%)
Altria Group                                  69,800                3,880,182
Anheuser-Busch Companies                      10,800                  547,776
Coca-Cola                                     24,100                1,186,684
PepsiCo                                      144,600                6,833,796
Total                                                              12,448,438

Broker dealers (1.8%)
Merrill Lynch & Co                            34,600                2,034,134
Morgan Stanley                                38,600                2,246,906
Total                                                               4,281,040

Building materials & construction (0.5%)
American Standard                             10,900(b)             1,157,580

Cable (0.7%)
EchoStar Communications Cl A                  19,800(b)               722,700
NTL                                           12,000(b)               796,080
Total                                                               1,518,780

Cellular telecommunications (0.5%)
Nextel Communications Cl A                    45,000(b)             1,187,550

Chemicals (1.5%)
Dow Chemical                                  42,700                1,791,265
Lyondell Chemical                             96,200                1,648,868
Total                                                               3,440,133

Computer hardware (4.8%)
Cisco Systems                                170,200(b)             4,363,928
Dell                                          89,100(b)             2,982,177
Hewlett-Packard                              140,400                3,340,116
NVIDIA                                        23,600(b)               525,100
Total                                                              11,211,321

Computer software & services (4.4%)
Affiliated Computer Services Cl A              9,500(b)               526,775
BMC Software                                  29,800(b)               593,020
Investors Financial Services                   9,500                  393,680
Microsoft                                    246,900                6,826,785
Oracle                                        94,700(b)             1,307,807
VERITAS Software                              18,500(b)               607,910
Total                                                              10,255,977

Electronics (4.3%)
Analog Devices                                30,600                1,464,210
Applied Materials                             31,900(b)               694,144
Intel                                        148,000                4,528,800
Jabil Circuit                                 14,000(b)               414,400
KLA-Tencor                                    20,600(b)             1,175,642
STMicroelectronics                            41,500(c)             1,113,860
Taiwan Semiconductor Mfg ADR                  53,100(c)               593,658
Total                                                               9,984,714

Energy (5.3%)
ChevronTexaco                                 38,400                3,315,840
ConocoPhillips                                32,800                2,160,864
Devon Energy                                  20,000                1,129,200
Exxon Mobil                                  124,400                5,074,276
Newfield Exploration                          13,100(b)               618,189
Total                                                              12,298,369

Energy equipment & services (1.3%)
Halliburton                                   42,500                1,281,375
Noble                                         31,700(b)             1,176,070
Weatherford Intl                              15,200(b)               612,864
Total                                                               3,070,309

Finance companies (5.2%)
Citigroup                                    243,000               12,023,640

See accompanying notes to investments in securities.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Common stocks (continued)
Issuer                                        Shares               Value(a)

Financial services (4.9%)
Capital One Financial                         14,500               $1,030,660
Countrywide Financial                         25,100                2,097,105
Fannie Mae                                    75,800                5,844,180
MBNA                                          91,600                2,469,536
Total                                                              11,441,481

Health care products (16.2%)
Amgen                                         50,800(b)             3,276,092
Baxter Intl                                   58,100                1,693,615
Boston Scientific                             32,900(b)             1,341,991
Forest Laboratories                           36,900(b)             2,748,681
Gilead Sciences                                9,500(b)               521,265
Johnson & Johnson                             99,700                5,325,974
Medtronic                                     31,900                1,570,118
Merck & Co                                    25,600                1,218,560
Novartis ADR                                  55,800(c)             2,519,370
Pfizer                                       432,300               15,835,149
Teva Pharmaceutical Inds ADR                   9,600(c)               600,864
Wyeth                                         26,800                1,097,460
Total                                                              37,749,139

Health care services (6.6%)
AmerisourceBergen                             62,400                3,435,120
Anthem                                        15,500(b)             1,267,590
Cardinal Health                               44,200                2,833,662
Caremark Rx                                   23,600(b)               631,300
HCA                                           29,000                1,302,100
McKesson                                     190,100                5,585,138
Tenet Healthcare                              19,000(b)               235,600
Total                                                              15,290,510

Household products (5.1%)
Colgate-Palmolive                            124,900                6,403,623
Procter & Gamble                              55,400                5,599,832
Total                                                              12,003,455

Insurance (5.1%)
ACE                                           27,400(c)             1,189,708
Allstate                                      58,600                2,663,956
American Intl Group                           42,700                2,965,515
Chubb                                         51,400                3,674,586
Hartford Financial Services Group             14,400                  926,496
MBIA                                           9,400                  592,200
Total                                                              12,012,461

Leisure time & entertainment (4.3%)
Mattel                                       134,800                2,549,068
Viacom Cl B                                  187,400                7,552,220
Total                                                              10,101,288

Machinery (0.8%)
Caterpillar                                   23,600                1,843,868

Media (6.9%)
Cendant                                      348,200(b)             7,886,730
Disney (Walt)                                194,500                4,668,000
InterActiveCorp                               37,700(b)             1,221,480
Liberty Media Cl A                           106,000(b)             1,233,840
Tribune                                       23,100                1,182,489
Total                                                              16,192,539

Multi-industry (3.9%)
Accenture Cl A                                25,400(b,c)             601,218
General Electric                             146,400                4,923,432
ITT Inds                                       7,700                  573,958
Tyco Intl                                    112,000(c)             2,996,000
Total                                                               9,094,608

Paper & packaging (0.9%)
Avery Dennison                                24,000                1,491,840
Weyerhaeuser                                   9,000                  553,140
Total                                                               2,044,980

Precious metals (0.7%)
Freeport McMoRan Cooper &
  Gold Cl B                                   42,600                1,570,236

Retail -- general (1.8%)
Best Buy                                      49,250                2,481,708
Wal-Mart Stores                               32,200                1,733,970
Total                                                               4,215,678

Utilities -- electric (0.5%)
Exelon                                         8,700                  582,726
FirstEnergy                                   16,000                  600,320
Total                                                               1,183,046

Total common stocks
(Cost: $216,769,389)                                             $232,011,878

Total investments in securities
(Cost: $216,769,389)(d)                                          $232,011,878

See accompanying notes to investments in securities.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to investments in securities

(a)  Securities are valued by procedures described in Note 1 to the financial

(b)  Non-income producing.

(c)  Foreign security values are stated in U.S. dollars. As of Jan. 31, 2004,
     the value of foreign securities represented 4.3% of net assets.

(d)  At Jan. 31, 2004, the cost of securities for federal income tax purposes
     was approximately $216,769,000 and the approximate aggregate gross
     unrealized appreciation and depreciation based on that cost was:

     Unrealized appreciation                                    $18,350,000
     Unrealized depreciation                                     (3,107,000)
     Net unrealized appreciation                                $15,243,000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Financial Statements

Statement of assets and liabilities
Aggressive Growth Portfolio

Jan. 31, 2004 (Unaudited)
Investments in securities, at value (Note 1)
   (identified cost $216,769,389)                                             $232,011,878
Cash in bank on demand deposit                                                     783,598
Dividends and accrued interest receivable                                          219,470
Receivable for investment securities sold                                        5,918,498
Total assets                                                                   238,933,444
Payable for investment securities purchased                                      5,565,617
Accrued investment management services fee                                           4,162
Other accrued expenses                                                              13,678
Total liabilities                                                                5,583,457
Net assets                                                                    $233,349,987

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statement of operations
Aggressive Growth Portfolio

Six months ended Jan. 31, 2004 (Unaudited)
Investment income
Dividends                                                                      $ 2,053,380
Interest                                                                            28,015
   Less foreign taxes withheld                                                     (10,066)
Total income                                                                     2,071,329
Expenses (Note 2):
Investment management services fee                                                 747,615
Compensation of board members                                                        4,618
Custodian fees                                                                      17,300
Audit fees                                                                          10,500
Other                                                                                2,344
Total expenses                                                                     782,377
   Earnings credits on cash balances (Note 2)                                         (592)
Total net expenses                                                                 781,785
Investment income (loss) -- net                                                  1,289,544
Realized and unrealized gain (loss) -- net
Net realized gain (loss) on:
   Security transactions (Note 3)                                                9,989,087
   Options contracts written (Note 4)                                               43,301
Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                         10,032,388
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments             16,000,429
Net gain (loss) on investments                                                  26,032,817
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations                $27,322,361

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statements of changes in net assets
Aggressive Growth Portfolio
                                                                               Jan. 31, 2004        July 31, 2003
                                                                             Six months ended        Year ended
Investment income (loss) -- net                                               $  1,289,544         $  3,016,145
Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                         10,032,388          (54,088,180)
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments             16,000,429           65,040,858
                                                                                ----------           ----------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations                 27,322,361           13,968,823
                                                                                ----------           ----------
Proceeds from contributions                                                             --              280,192
Fair value of withdrawals                                                      (34,841,103)         (82,264,696)
                                                                               -----------          -----------
Net contributions (withdrawals) from partners                                  (34,841,103)         (81,984,504)
                                                                               -----------          -----------
Total increase (decrease) in net assets                                         (7,518,742)         (68,015,681)
Net assets at beginning of period                                              240,868,729          308,884,410
                                                                               -----------          -----------
Net assets at end of period                                                   $233,349,987         $240,868,729
                                                                              ============         ============

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to Financial Statements

Aggressive Growth Portfolio

(Unaudited as to Jan. 31, 2004)


Aggressive Growth Portfolio (the Portfolio) is a series of Growth Trust (the
Trust) and is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (as amended)
as a diversified, open-end management investment company. Aggressive Growth
Portfolio invests primarily in equity securities of companies that comprise the
S&P 500 Index. The Declaration of Trust permits the Trustees to issue
non-transferable interests in the Portfolio.

The Portfolio's significant accounting policies are summarized below:

Use of estimates

Preparing financial statements that conform to accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates
(e.g., on assets, liabilities and contingent assets and liabilities) that could
differ from actual results.

Valuation of securities

All securities are valued at the close of each business day. Securities traded
on national securities exchanges or included in national market systems are
valued at the last quoted sales price. Debt securities are generally traded in
the over-the-counter market and are valued at a price that reflects fair value
as quoted by dealers in these securities or by independent pricing service.
American Express Financial Corporation (AEFC) may use fair value if a security's
value has been materially affected by events after the close of the primary
exchanges or markets on which the security is traded and before NAV is
calculated. The fair value of a security may be different from the quoted or
published price. AEFC will price a security at fair value in accordance with
procedures adopted by the Portfolio and board of trustees if a reliable market
quotation is not readily available. Short-term securities maturing in more than
60 days from the valuation date are valued at the market price or approximate
market value based on current interest rates; those maturing in 60 days or less
are valued at amortized cost.

Option transactions

To produce incremental earnings, protect gains and facilitate buying and selling
of securities for investments, the Portfolio may buy and write options traded on
any U.S. or foreign exchange or in the over-the-counter market where completing
the obligation depends upon the credit standing of the other party. The
Portfolio also may buy and sell put and call options and write covered call
options on portfolio securities as well as write cash-secured put options. The
risk in writing a call option is that the Portfolio gives up the opportunity for
profit if the market price of the security increases. The risk in writing a put
option is that the Portfolio may incur a loss if the market price of the
security decreases and the option is exercised. The risk in buying an option is
that the Portfolio pays a premium whether or not the option is exercised. The
Portfolio also has the additional risk of being unable to enter into a closing
transaction if a liquid secondary market does not exist.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Option contracts are valued daily at the closing prices on their primary
exchanges and unrealized appreciation or depreciation is recorded. The Portfolio
will realize a gain or loss when the option transaction expires or closes. When
an option is exercised, the proceeds on sales for a written call option, the
purchase cost for a written put option or the cost of a security for a purchased
put or call option is adjusted by the amount of premium received or paid.

Futures transactions

To gain exposure to or protect itself from market changes, the Portfolio may buy
and sell financial futures contracts traded on any U.S. or foreign exchange. The
Portfolio also may buy and write put and call options on these futures
contracts. Risks of entering into futures contracts and related options include
the possibility of an illiquid market and that a change in the value of the
contract or option may not correlate with changes in the value of the underlying

Upon entering into a futures contract, the Portfolio is required to deposit
either cash or securities in an amount (initial margin) equal to a certain
percentage of the contract value. Subsequent payments (variation margin) are
made or received by the Portfolio each day. The variation margin payments are
equal to the daily changes in the contract value and are recorded as unrealized
gains and losses. The Portfolio recognizes a realized gain or loss when the
contract is closed or expires.

Foreign currency translations and foreign currency contracts

Securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies
are translated daily into U.S. dollars. Foreign currency amounts related to the
purchase or sale of securities and income and expenses are translated at the
exchange rate on the transaction date. The effect of changes in foreign exchange
rates on realized and unrealized security gains or losses is reflected as a
component of such gains or losses. In the statement of operations, net realized
gains or losses from foreign currency transactions, if any, may arise from sales
of foreign currency, closed forward contracts, exchange gains or losses realized
between the trade date and settlement date on securities transactions, and other
translation gains or losses on dividends, interest income and foreign
withholding taxes.

The Portfolio may enter into forward foreign currency exchange contracts for
operational purposes and to protect against adverse exchange rate fluctuation.
The net U.S. dollar value of foreign currency underlying all contractual
commitments held by the Portfolio and the resulting unrealized appreciation or
depreciation are determined using foreign currency exchange rates from an
independent pricing service. The Portfolio is subject to the credit risk that
the other party will not complete its contract obligations.

Federal taxes

For federal income tax purposes the Portfolio qualifies as a partnership and
each investor in the Portfolio is treated as the owner of its proportionate
share of the net assets, income, expenses and realized and unrealized gains and
losses of the Portfolio. As a "pass-through" entity, the Portfolio therefore
does not pay any income dividends or capital gain distributions.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Security transactions are accounted for on the date securities are purchased or
sold. Dividend income is recognized on the ex-dividend date and interest income,
including amortization of premium, market discount and original issue discount
using the effective interest method, is accrued daily.


The Trust on behalf of the Portfolio, has an Investment Management Services
Agreement with AEFC to manage its portfolio. Under this Agreement, AEFC
determines which securities will be purchased, held or sold. The management fee
is a percentage of the Portfolio's average daily net assets in reducing
percentages from 0.65% to 0.50% annually. The fee may be adjusted upward or
downward by a performance incentive adjustment based on a comparison of the
performance of Class A shares of AXP Research Opportunities Fund to the Lipper
Large-Cap Core Funds Index. The maximum adjustment is 0.12% per year. If the
performance difference is less than 0.50%, the adjustment will be zero. The
adjustment decreased the fee by $25,550 for the six months ended Jan. 31, 2004.

Under the agreement, the Trust also pays taxes, brokerage commissions and
nonadvisory expenses, which include custodian fees, audit and certain legal
fees, fidelity bond premiums, registration fees for units, office expenses,
consultants' fees, compensation of trustees, corporate filing fees, expenses
incurred in connection with lending securities of the Portfolio and any other
expenses properly payable by the Trust or Portfolio and approved by the board.

Under a Deferred Compensation Plan (the Plan), non-interested trustees may defer
receipt of their compensation. Deferred amounts are treated as though equivalent
dollar amounts had been invested in shares of the underlying Fund or other
American Express mutual funds. The Portfolio's liability for these amounts is
adjusted for market changes and remains in the Portfolio until distributed in
accordance with the Plan.

During the six months ended Jan. 31, 2004, the Portfolio's custodian fees were
reduced by $592 as a result of earnings credits from overnight cash balances.
The Portfolio also pays custodian fees to American Express Trust Company, an
affiliate of AEFC.

According to a Placement Agency Agreement, American Express Financial Advisors
Inc. acts as placement agent of the Trust's units.


Cost of purchases and proceeds from sales of securities (other than short-term
obligations) aggregated $239,217,887 and $266,572,558, respectively, for the six
months ended Jan. 31, 2004. Realized gains and losses are determined on an
identified cost basis.

Brokerage clearing fees paid to brokers affiliated with AEFC were $14,068 for
the six months ended Jan. 31, 2004.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Contracts and premiums associated with options contracts written are as follows:

                                                Six months ended Jan. 31, 2004
                                                  Contracts        Premiums
Balance July 31, 2003                                270          $ 25,579
Opened                                               857            75,390
Closed                                              (767)          (76,750)
Exercised                                           (170)          (10,880)
Expired                                             (190)          (13,339)
                                                    ----           -------
Balance Jan. 31, 2004                                 --          $     --
                                                    ----          --------

See "Summary of significant accounting policies."


The table below shows certain important financial information for evaluating the
Portfolio's results.

Ratios/supplemental data
Fiscal period ended July 31,                                             2004(e)    2003      2002      2001     2000
Ratio of expenses to average daily net assets(a)                         .66%(c)    .60%      .60%      .61%     .63%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average daily net assets       1.08%(c)   1.18%      .76%      .91%     .53%
Portfolio turnover rate (excluding short-term securities)                104%        82%      144%      234%     160%
Total return(b)                                                        12.25%(d)   7.40%   (26.92%)  (17.05%)   8.43%

Notes to financial highlights

(a)  Expense ratio is based on total expenses of the Portfolio before reduction
     of earnings credits on cash balances. The ratio does not include feeder
     fund expenses.

(b)  Total return is based on a calculated Portfolio NAV and does not reflect
     payment of a sales charge.

(c)  Adjusted to an annual basis.

(d)  Not annualized.

(e)  Six months ended Jan. 31, 2004 (Unaudited).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Financial Statements

Statement of assets and liabilities
AXP Research Opportunities Fund

Jan. 31, 2004 (Unaudited)
Investment in Portfolio (Note 1)                                                                      $ 233,281,106
Capital shares receivable                                                                                       933
Total assets                                                                                            233,282,039
Capital shares payable                                                                                        3,354
Accrued distribution fee                                                                                      3,442
Accrued transfer agency fee                                                                                   1,711
Accrued administrative services fee                                                                             384
Other accrued expenses                                                                                       76,769
Total liabilities                                                                                            85,660
Net assets applicable to outstanding capital stock                                                    $ 233,196,379
Represented by
Capital stock -- $.01 par value (Note 1)                                                              $     515,748
Additional paid-in capital                                                                              480,830,274
Undistributed net investment income                                                                         124,415
Accumulated net realized gain (loss) (Note 5)                                                          (263,512,214)
Unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments                                                    15,238,156
Total -- representing net assets applicable to outstanding capital stock                              $ 233,196,379
Net assets applicable to outstanding shares:                 Class A                                  $ 143,595,618
                                                             Class B                                  $  89,301,137
                                                             Class C                                  $     298,219
                                                             Class Y                                  $       1,405
Net asset value per share of outstanding capital stock:      Class A shares         30,978,884        $        4.64
                                                             Class B shares         20,527,086        $        4.35
                                                             Class C shares             68,489        $        4.35
                                                             Class Y shares                300        $        4.68
                                                                                           ---        -------------

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statement of operations
AXP Research Opportunities Fund

Six months ended Jan. 31, 2004 (Unaudited)
Investment income
Dividends                                                                                               $ 2,052,818
Interest                                                                                                     28,008
   Less foreign taxes withheld                                                                              (10,063)
Total income                                                                                              2,070,763
Expenses (Note 2):
Expenses allocated from Portfolio                                                                           781,570
Distribution fee
   Class A                                                                                                  183,538
   Class B                                                                                                  452,606
   Class C                                                                                                    1,421
Transfer agency fee                                                                                         327,159
Incremental transfer agency fee
   Class A                                                                                                   22,314
   Class B                                                                                                   22,776
   Class C                                                                                                       66
Administrative services fees and expenses                                                                    71,661
Compensation of board members                                                                                 4,250
Printing and postage                                                                                         71,885
Registration fees                                                                                            20,465
Audit fees                                                                                                    3,500
Other                                                                                                         5,908
Total expenses                                                                                            1,969,119
   Expenses waived/reimbursed by AEFC (Note 2)                                                              (21,747)
   Earnings credits on cash balances (Note 2)                                                                (1,277)
Total net expenses                                                                                        1,946,095
Investment income (loss) -- net                                                                             124,668
Realized and unrealized gain (loss) -- net
Net realized gain (loss) on:
   Security transactions                                                                                  9,986,498
   Options contracts written                                                                                 43,301
Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                                                  10,029,799
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments                                      15,995,872
Net gain (loss) on investments                                                                           26,025,671
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations                                         $26,150,339

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Statements of changes in net assets
AXP Research Opportunities Fund

                                                                              Jan. 31, 2004          July 31, 2003
                                                                            Six months ended          Year ended
Operations and distributions
Investment income (loss) -- net                                               $    124,668         $    338,450
Net realized gain (loss) on investments                                         10,029,799          (54,080,938)
Net change in unrealized appreciation (depreciation) on investments             15,995,872           65,030,053
                                                                                ----------           ----------
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from operations                 26,150,339           11,287,565
                                                                                ----------           ----------
Distributions to shareholders from:
   Net investment income
      Class A                                                                     (338,698)                  --
      Class Y                                                                           (5)                  --
                                                                                ----------           ----------
Total distributions                                                               (338,703)                  --
                                                                                ----------           ----------
Capital share transactions (Note 3)
Proceeds from sales
   Class A shares (Note 2)                                                       2,482,756           10,144,239
   Class B shares                                                                1,450,155            4,732,632
   Class C shares                                                                   17,565               67,130
   Class Y shares                                                                       --                4,652
Reinvestment of distributions at net asset value
   Class A shares                                                                  333,621                   --
Payments for redemptions
   Class A shares                                                              (24,353,913)         (57,637,339)
   Class B shares (Note 2)                                                     (13,223,406)         (36,351,756)
   Class C shares (Note 2)                                                         (25,103)             (91,096)
   Class Y shares                                                                       --             (198,402)
                                                                                ----------           ----------
Increase (decrease) in net assets from capital share transactions              (33,318,325)         (79,329,940)
                                                                               -----------          -----------
Total increase (decrease) in net assets                                         (7,506,689)         (68,042,375)
Net assets at beginning of period                                              240,703,068          308,745,443
                                                                               -----------          -----------
Net assets at end of period                                                   $233,196,379         $240,703,068
                                                                              ============         ============
Undistributed net investment income                                           $    124,415         $    338,450
                                                                              ------------         ------------

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to Financial Statements

AXP Research Opportunities Fund

(Unaudited as to Jan. 31, 2004)


The Fund is a series of AXP Growth Series, Inc. and is registered under the
Investment Company Act of 1940 (as amended) as a diversified, open-end
management investment company. AXP Growth Series, Inc. has 10 billion authorized
shares of capital stock that can be allocated among the separate series as
designated by the board.

The Fund offers Class A, Class B, Class C and Class Y shares.

o    Class A shares are sold with a front-end sales charge.

o    Class B shares may be subject to a contingent  deferred sales charge (CDSC)
     and automatically  convert to Class A shares during the ninth calendar year
     of ownership.

o    Class C shares may be subject to a CDSC.

o    Class Y shares  have no sales  charge and are  offered  only to  qualifying
     institutional investors.

All classes of shares have identical voting, dividend and liquidation rights.
The distribution fee, incremental transfer agency fee and service fee (class
specific expenses) differ among classes. Income, expenses (other than class
specific expenses) and realized and unrealized gains or losses on investments
are allocated to each class of shares based upon its relative net assets.

Investment in Aggressive Growth Portfolio

The Fund invests all of its assets in Aggressive Growth Portfolio (the
Portfolio), a series of Growth Trust (the Trust), an open-end investment company
that has the same objectives as the Fund. The Portfolio invests primarily in
equity securities of companies that comprise the S&P 500 Index.

The Fund records daily its share of the Portfolio's income, expenses and
realized and unrealized gains and losses. The financial statements of the
Portfolio are included elsewhere in this report and should be read in
conjunction with the Fund's financial statements.

The Fund records its investment in the Portfolio at the value that is equal to
the Fund's proportionate ownership interest in the Portfolio's net assets. The
percentage of the Portfolio owned by the Fund as of Jan. 31, 2004, was 99.97%.
Valuation of securities held by the Portfolio is discussed in Note 1 of the
Portfolio's "Notes to financial statements" (included elsewhere in this report).

Use of estimates

Preparing financial statements that conform to accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates
(e.g., on assets, liabilities and contingent assets and liabilities) that could
differ from actual results.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Federal taxes

The Fund's policy is to comply with all sections of the Internal Revenue Code
that apply to regulated investment companies and to distribute substantially all
of its taxable income to the shareholders. No provision for income or excise
taxes is thus required.

Net investment income (loss) and net realized gains (losses) may differ for
financial statement and tax purposes primarily because of deferred losses on
certain futures contracts, the recognition of certain foreign currency gains
(losses) as ordinary income (loss) for tax purposes, and losses deferred due to
"wash sale" transactions. The character of distributions made during the year
from net investment income or net realized gains may differ from their ultimate
characterization for federal income tax purposes. Also, due to the timing of
dividend distributions, the fiscal year in which amounts are distributed may
differ from the year that the income or realized gains (losses) were recorded by
the Fund.

Dividends to shareholders

An annual dividend from net investment income, declared and paid at the end of
the calendar year, when available, is reinvested in additional shares of the
Fund at net asset value or payable in cash. Capital gains, when available, are
distributed along with the income dividend.


In addition to the expenses allocated from the Portfolio, the Fund accrues its
own expenses as follows:

The Fund has an agreement with AEFC to provide administrative services. Under an
Administrative Services Agreement, the Fund pays AEFC a fee for administration
and accounting services at a percentage of the Fund's average daily net assets
in reducing percentages from 0.06% to 0.03% annually. A minor portion of
additional administrative service expenses paid by the Fund are consultants'
fees and fund office expenses. Under this agreement, the Fund also pays taxes,
audit and certain legal fees, registration fees for shares, compensation of
board members, corporate filing fees and any other expenses properly payable by
the Fund and approved by the board.

Under a Deferred Compensation Plan (the Plan), non-interested board members may
defer receipt of their compensation. Deferred amounts are treated as though
equivalent dollar amounts had been invested in shares of the Fund or other
American Express mutual funds. The Fund's liability for these amounts is
adjusted for market value changes and remains in the Fund until distributed in
accordance with the Plan.

Under a separate Transfer Agency Agreement, American Express Client Service
Corporation (AECSC) maintains shareholder accounts and records. The Fund pays
AECSC an annual fee per shareholder account for this service as follows:

o   Class A $19.50

o   Class B $20.50

o   Class C $20.00

o   Class Y $17.50

The incremental transfer agency fee is the amount charged to the specific
classes for the additional expense above the fee for Class Y.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In addition, AECSC is entitled to charge an annual closed-account fee of $5 per
inactive account, charged on a pro rata basis from the date the account becomes
inactive until the date the account is purged from the transfer agent system
generally within one year. However, the closed account fee is currently not

The Fund has agreements with American Express Financial Advisors Inc. (the
Distributor) for distribution and shareholder services. Under a Plan and
Agreement of Distribution, the Fund pays a fee at an annual rate up to 0.25% of
the Fund's average daily net assets attributable to Class A shares and up to
1.00% for Class B and Class C shares.

Under a Shareholder Service Agreement, the Fund pays the Distributor a fee for
service provided to shareholders by financial advisors and other servicing
agents. The fee is calculated at a rate of 0.10% of the Fund's average daily net
assets attributable to Class Y shares.

Sales charges received by the Distributor for distributing Fund shares were
$76,055 for Class A, $33,286 for Class B and $22 for Class C for the six months
ended Jan. 31, 2004.

For the six months ended Jan. 31, 2004, AEFC and its affiliates waived certain
fees and expenses to 1.35% for Class A, 2.11% for Class B, 2.11% for Class C and
1.11% for Class Y. In addition, AEFC and its affiliates have agreed to waive
certain fees and expenses until July 31, 2004. Under this agreement, net
expenses will not exceed 1.35% for Class A, 2.11% for Class B, 2.11% for Class C
and 1.18% for Class Y of the Fund's average daily net assets.

During the six months ended Jan. 31, 2004, the Fund's transfer agency fees were
reduced by $1,277 as a result of earnings credits from overnight cash balances.


Transactions in shares of capital stock for the periods indicated are as

                                                          Six months ended Jan. 31, 2004
                                              Class A           Class B          Class C         Class Y
Sold                                          564,967           351,796            4,271            --
Issued for reinvested distributions            73,810                --               --            --
Redeemed                                   (5,549,852)       (3,212,455)          (6,195)           --
                                          -----------       -----------          -------        -------
Net increase (decrease)                    (4,911,075)       (2,860,659)          (1,924)           --
                                          -----------       -----------          -------        -------

                                                             Year ended July 31, 2003
                                              Class A           Class B          Class C         Class Y
Sold                                        2,606,091         1,322,189           18,719          1,227
Issued for reinvested distributions                --                --               --             --
Redeemed                                  (15,298,541)      (10,145,114)         (24,738)       (53,135)
                                          -----------       -----------          -------        -------
Net increase (decrease)                   (12,692,450)       (8,822,925)          (6,019)       (51,908)
                                          -----------        ----------           ------        -------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Fund has a revolving credit agreement with a syndicate of banks headed by
Deutsche Bank, whereby the Fund is permitted to have bank borrowings for
temporary or emergency purposes to fund shareholder redemptions. The Fund must
maintain asset coverage for borrowings of at least 300%. The agreement, which
enables the Fund to participate with other American Express mutual funds,
permits borrowings up to $500 million, collectively. Interest is charged to each
Fund based on its borrowings at a rate equal to either the LIBOR plus 0.50%, the
IBOR plus 0.50% or the higher of the Federal Funds Rate plus 0.25% and the Prime
Lending Rate. Borrowings are payable within 60 days after such loan is executed.
The Fund also pays a commitment fee equal to its pro rata share of the amount of
the credit facility at a rate of 0.09% per annum. The Fund had no borrowings
outstanding during the six months ended Jan. 31, 2004.


For federal income tax purposes, the Fund has a capital loss carry-over of
$272,229,915 as of July 31, 2003, that will expire in 2009 through 2012 if not
offset by capital gains. It is unlikely the board will authorize a distribution
of any net realized capital gains until the available capital loss carry-over
has been offset or expires.


Shareholders will be asked to approve a merger of the Fund into AXP Large Cap
Equity Fund at a shareholder meeting on June 9, 2004. This approval is not
guaranteed. If shareholder approval is obtained, no new purchases or exchanges
into the Fund will be allowed, although existing shareholders may redeem or
exchange out of the Fund.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The tables below show certain important financial information for evaluating the
Fund's results.

Class A
Per share income and capital changes(a)
Fiscal period ended July 31,                                                 2004(k)         2003       2002       2001    2000
Net asset value, beginning of period                                         $4.15          $3.90     $ 5.37     $ 7.61   $7.94
Income from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)                                                   .01            .02         --        .02      --
Net gains (losses) (both realized and unrealized)                              .49            .23      (1.46)     (1.27)    .66
Total from investment operations                                               .50            .25      (1.46)     (1.25)    .66
Less distributions:
Dividends from net investment income                                          (.01)            --       (.01)        --      --
Distributions from realized gains                                               --             --         --       (.99)   (.99)
Total distributions                                                           (.01)            --       (.01)      (.99)   (.99)
Net asset value, end of period                                               $4.64          $4.15     $ 3.90     $ 5.37   $7.61

Ratios/supplemental data
Net assets, end of period (in millions)                                       $144           $149       $189       $365    $540
Ratio of expenses to average daily net assets(c)                             1.35%(d),(e)   1.35%      1.22%      1.16%   1.14%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average daily net assets             .40%(d)        .43%       .15%       .37%    .02%
Portfolio turnover rate (excluding short-term securities)                     104%            82%       144%       234%    160%
Total return(i)                                                             12.07%(j)       6.41%    (27.24%)   (17.54%)  7.73%

Class B
Per share income and capital changes(a)
Fiscal period ended July 31,                                                 2004(k)         2003       2002       2001    2000
Net asset value, beginning of period                                         $3.90          $3.69     $ 5.12     $ 7.36   $7.76
Income from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)                                                  (.01)          (.02)      (.01)      (.02)   (.05)
Net gains (losses) (both realized and unrealized)                              .46            .23      (1.42)     (1.23)    .64
Total from investment operations                                               .45            .21      (1.43)     (1.25)    .59
Less distributions:
Distributions from realized gains                                               --             --         --       (.99)   (.99)
Net asset value, end of period                                               $4.35          $3.90     $ 3.69     $ 5.12   $7.36

Ratios/supplemental data
Net assets, end of period (in millions)                                        $89            $91       $119       $235    $336
Ratio of expenses to average daily net assets(c)                             2.11%(d),(f)   2.11%      1.98%      1.92%   1.91%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average daily net assets            (.37%)(d)      (.33%)     (.62%)     (.39%)  (.73%)
Portfolio turnover rate (excluding short-term securities)                     104%            82%       144%       234%    160%
Total return(i)                                                             11.54%(j)       5.69%    (27.93%)   (18.19%)  7.03%

See accompanying notes to financial highlights.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Class C
Per share income and capital changes(a)
Fiscal period ended July 31,                                                  2004(k)        2003       2002       2001    2000(b)
Net asset value, beginning of period                                         $3.91          $3.69     $ 5.13     $ 7.36   $7.50
Income from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)                                                  (.02)          (.01)      (.02)      (.02)    .02
Net gains (losses) (both realized and unrealized)                              .46            .23      (1.42)     (1.22)   (.16)
Total from investment operations                                               .44            .22      (1.44)     (1.24)   (.14)
Less distributions:
Distributions from realized gains                                               --             --         --       (.99)     --
Net asset value, end of period                                               $4.35          $3.91     $ 3.69     $ 5.13   $7.36

Ratios/supplemental data
Net assets, end of period (in millions)                                        $--            $--        $--        $--     $--
Ratio of expenses to average daily net assets(c)                             2.11%(d),(g)   2.11%      1.99%      1.92%   1.91%(d)
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average daily net assets            (.36%)(d)      (.34%)     (.61%)     (.36%)  (.50%)(d)
Portfolio turnover rate (excluding short-term securities)                     104%            82%       144%       234%    160%
Total return(i)                                                             11.25%(j)       5.96%    (28.05%)   (18.03%) (1.87%)(j)

Class Y
Per share income and capital changes(a)
Fiscal period ended July 31,                                                  2004(k)        2003       2002       2001    2000
Net asset value, beginning of period                                         $4.20          $3.93     $ 5.42     $ 7.65   $7.96
Income from investment operations:
Net investment income (loss)                                                   .01            .04         --        .04     .01
Net gains (losses) (both realized and unrealized)                              .49            .23      (1.48)     (1.28)    .67
Total from investment operations                                               .50            .27      (1.48)     (1.24)    .68
Less distributions:
Dividends from net investment income                                          (.02)            --       (.01)        --      --
Distributions from realized gains                                               --             --         --       (.99)   (.99)
Total distributions                                                           (.02)            --       (.01)      (.99)   (.99)
Net asset value, end of period                                               $4.68          $4.20     $ 3.93     $ 5.42   $7.65

Ratios/supplemental data
Net assets, end of period (in millions)                                        $--            $--        $--        $--     $--
Ratio of expenses to average daily net assets(c)                             1.13%(d),(h)   1.13%      1.04%      1.00%    .97%
Ratio of net investment income (loss) to average daily net assets             .61%(d)        .64%       .33%       .54%    .17%
Portfolio turnover rate (excluding short-term securities)                     104%            82%       144%       234%    160%
Total return(i)                                                             11.81%(j)       6.87%    (27.30%)   (17.29%)  7.99%

See accompanying notes to financial highlights.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notes to financial highlights

(a)  For a share outstanding throughout the period. Rounded to the nearest cent.

(b)  Inception date was June 26, 2000.

(c)  Expense ratio is based on total expenses of the Fund before reduction of
     earnings credits on cash balances.

(d)  Adjusted to an annual basis.

(e)  AEFC waived/reimbursed the Fund for certain expenses. Had AEFC not done so,
     the annual ratio of expenses for Class A would have been 1.36% for the six
     months ended Jan. 31, 2004.

(f)  AEFC waived/reimbursed the Fund for certain expenses. Had AEFC not done so,
     the annual ratio of expenses for Class B would have been 2.13% for the six
     months ended Jan. 31, 2004.

(g)  AEFC waived/reimbursed the Fund for certain expenses. Had AEFC not done so,
     the annual ratio of expenses for Class C would have been 2.13% for the six
     months ended Jan. 31, 2004.

(h)  AEFC waived/reimbursed the Fund for certain expenses. Had AEFC not done so,
     the annual ratio of expenses for Class Y would have been 1.15% for the six
     months ended Jan. 31, 2004.

(i)  Total return does not reflect payment of a sales charge.

(j)  Not annualized.

(k)  Six months ended Jan. 31, 2004 (Unaudited).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Proxy Voting

The policy of the Board is to vote all proxies of the companies in which the
Fund holds investments. The procedures are stated in the Statement of Additional
Information (SAI). You may obtain a copy of the SAI without charge by calling
(800) 862-7919; by looking at the Web site; or by
searching the Web site of the Securities and Exchange Commission You may view the Fund's voting record for all portfolio
companies whose shareholders meetings were completed the previous quarter on or obtain a copy by calling the Fund's administrator,
Board Services Corporation, collect at (612) 330-9283. In addition, after Aug.
1, 2004, information regarding how the Fund voted proxies relating to portfolio
securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30 will be
available at

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


American Express Funds
70100 AXP Financial Center
Minneapolis, MN 55474

This report must be accompanied or preceded by the Fund's current prospectus.
Distributed by American Express Financial Advisors Inc. Member NASD. American
Express Company is separate from American Express Financial Advisors Inc. and is
not a broker-dealer.