Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
              Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.   )

Filed by the Registrant  [X]
Filed by a party other than the Registrant  [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]   Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]   Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule
[ ]   Definitive Proxy Statement
[X]   Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]   Soliciting Materials Under Section 240.14a-12

                             AXP Growth Series, Inc.
                       AXP Market Advantage Series, Inc.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   (Name(s) of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]   No fee required

[ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules
      14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11

      (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

      (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

      (3) Per unit  price  or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
          pursuant to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
          filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined);

      (4) Proposed maximum aggregated value of transaction:

      (5) Total fee paid:


[ ]   Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]   Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
      Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement
      number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      (1) Amount Previously Paid:

      (2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

      (3) Filing Party:

      (4) Date Filed:


Fund merger/liquidation proxy statements begin mailing to clients

On Apr. 12, proxy statements concerning proposed investment product actions will
begin  mailing to clients.  American  Express  Funds and IDS Life  Series  Funds
announced  proposed  fund  reorganizations  on Nov. 19, 2003 and Feb. 2, 2004 as
part of an initiative  to optimize the  company's  equity  product  lineup.  SEC
filings for the statements were made in February and March. See the Related News
section at the end of this communication to read the previous announcements.

Proposed mergers

(clients invested in funds in the left column will receive proxy statements)

- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
             Beginning Fund                            Ending Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
AXP(R) Blue Chip Advantage Fund            AXP(R) Large Cap Equity Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
AXP(R) Research Opportunities Fund         AXP(R) Large Cap Equity Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
AXP(R) Focused Growth Fund                 AXP(R) New Dimensions Fund(R)
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
AXP(R) Growth Dimensions Fund              AXP(R) New Dimensions Fund(R)
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
AXP(R) Progressive Fund                    AXP(R) Partners Select Value Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
AXP(R) VP-Blue Chip Advantage Fund         AXP(R) VP-Capital Resource Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
AXP(R) VP-Stock Fund                       AXP(R) VP-Capital Resource Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Equity Portfolio           AXP(R) VP-Capital Resource Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Equity Income Portfolio    AXP(R) VP-Diversified Equity Income
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Government Securities      AXP(R) VP-Short Duration U.S.
Portfolio                                  Government Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Income Portfolio           AXP(R) VP-Diversified Bond Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
IDS Life Series International Equity       AXP(R) VP-International Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Managed Portfolio          AXP(R) VP-Managed Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Money Market Portfolio     AXP(R) VP-Cash Management Fund
- ------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------

Proposed liquidation

AXP(R) Mid Cap Index Fund

Advisor resources

Attached below are proxy statements and corresponding Q&A documents that have
been prepared for you to use when answering client questions. Please keep in
mind that the Q&A documents are not approved for distribution to clients - only
for your reference should you receive inquiries.

Note: While you may help explain the proposal to clients, you may not advise
clients how to vote, except to say that the Funds' Boards recommend a vote FOR
each proposal. Also, for regulatory reasons, you may not develop separate
materials relating to the proxy solicitation. Please use the Q&A documents to
provide further explanation to clients who request it.

(attach proxy statements and Q&As)

Shareholder and contract holder meetings

Clients invested in the products in the left column above and AXP Mid Cap Index
Fund are invited to meetings on June 9, 2004, to be held in Minneapolis. Details
are included in the proxy statements. Items approved by shareholders and
contract holders will be implemented soon after the proposals pass.

General Proxy Information

Upon receiving the proxy statement and voting instructions, shareholders and
contract holders may vote in one of four ways:

1. By mail with an enclosed card.

2. By telephone.

3. By web site.

4. In person at the meeting.

Clients who own more than one fund should be sure to vote for each.

If you have questions about:

     o    American Express Funds proxy statements, send a Lotus Notes message to
          AmericanExpress Funds.

     o    American Express  Variable  Portfolio Funds proxy  statements,  send a
          Lotus Notes message to AmericanExpress Annuities.

     o    IDS Life Series Funds proxy statements,  send a Lotus Notes message to
          Insurance Marketing.

Fund merger/liquidation proxy statements begin mailing to clients

On Apr. 12, proxy statements  concerning proposed investment product mergers and
a liquidation will begin mailing to clients.

American Express Funds and IDS Life Series Funds announced proposed fund
reorganizations on Nov. 19, 2003 (link to "Equity Product Line Changes") as part
of an initiative to optimize the company's equity product lineup. SEC filings
for the statements were made in February and March.

Proposed mergers

(clients invested in funds in the left column will receive proxy statements)

- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
           Beginning Fund                            Ending Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund           AXP Large Cap Equity Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
AXP Focused Growth Fund                AXP New Dimensions Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
AXP Growth Dimensions Fund             AXP New Dimensions Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
AXP Progressive Fund                   AXP Partners Select Value Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
AXP Research Opportunities Fund        AXP Large Cap Equity Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
AXP VP-Blue Chip Advantage Fund        AXP VP-Capital Resource Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
AXP VP-Stock Fund                      AXP VP-Capital Resource Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Equity Portfolio       AXP VP-Capital Resource Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Equity Income          AXP VP-Diversified Equity Income Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Government             AXP VP-Short Duration U.S. Government
Securities Portfolio                   Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Income Portfolio       AXP VP-Diversified Bond Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
IDS Life Series International Equity   AXP VP-International Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Managed Portfolio      AXP VP-Managed Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Money Market           AXP VP-Cash Management Fund
- -------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------

Proposed liquidation

AXP Mid Cap Index Fund

Shareholder and contract holder meetings

Clients invested in the products in the left column above and AXP Mid Cap Index
Fund are invited to meetings on June 9, 2004, to be held in Minneapolis. Details
are included in the proxy statements. Items approved by shareholders and
contract holders will be implemented soon after the proposals pass.

General Proxy Information

Upon receiving the proxy statement and voting instructions, shareholders and
contract holders may vote in one of four ways:

1. By mail with an enclosed card.

2. By telephone.

3. By web site.

4. In person at the meeting.

Clients who own more than one fund should be sure to vote for each.

If you receive a proxy statement, please cast your votes promptly. Copies of the
proxy statements are attached below. If you have questions about:

     o    American Express Funds proxy statements, send a Lotus Notes message to
          AmericanExpress Funds.

     o    American Express  Variable  Portfolio Funds proxy  statements,  send a
          Lotus Notes message to AmericanExpress Annuities.

     o    IDS Life Series Funds proxy statements,  send a Lotus Notes message to
          Insurance Marketing.


                              A L A M O D I R E C T
          American Express/WO#13972: TOUCH-TONE TELEPHONE VOTING SCRIPT
                            APPLICATION: "New App 4"
"AXP Research Opportunities Fund/AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund" (PSID 01) (FID01)
                          EXPECTED MAIL DATE: 04/12/04
                      MEETING DATE: Wednesday, June 9, 2004
                       TEST NUMBER (s): XXX XXXXX XXX XXX



"Welcome! Please enter the number located in the shaded box on your proxy card."

"This is the automated telephone voting site for the Special Meeting of
Shareholders of

AXP Research Opportunities Fund and AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund."

"Proposal 1:    To vote FOR press 1.    AGAINST press 9.       ABSTAIN press 0."

"To hear how you have voted, press 1." "To cancel your vote, press 2." "To save
how you have voted, press 3."


"Your vote will be saved automatically should you decide to hang up during vote

"Your vote has been cast as follows (the shareholder's vote for that proposal is

"To hear how you have voted, press 1." "To cancel your vote, press 2." "To save
how you have voted, press 3."


"Your vote has been canceled." "If you would like to start the voting process
again, press 1 now."

To end this call, press 0 now.


"Your vote has been saved." "If you would like to start the voting process
again, press 1 now."

"To end this call press 0 now."

If the shareholder elects to vote another proxy, he/she is returned to the
"Please enter the number" speech (above)

If shareholder elects to end the call he/she will hear:

"Thank you for voting."

Call is terminated.

AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund and AXP Research Opportunities Fund

Merger proxy Q&A

Q: What am I allowed  to say to clients  if they call with  questions  about the
proxy items?

     |X|  You should  encourage  clients to vote promptly upon  receiving  their

     |X|  You are  allowed  to  explain  the proxy  items in  greater  detail if
          clients are confused about the meaning of any of the proposed changes.

     |X|  You may  indicate  that the Funds'  Boards  recommend a vote FOR these

While you may help explain the proposal to clients, you may not advise clients
how to vote (except to indicate the preference of the Funds' Boards). Also, for
regulatory reasons, you may not develop separate materials relating to the proxy

Q: What action is required of shareholders of AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund or
AXP Research Opportunities Fund?

The Funds' Boards recommend that shareholders vote FOR the Reorganization
proposal. Assuming the proposal is approved, no further action is necessary on
the part of shareholders. The Reorganization and all related acts necessary to
complete it are expected to occur shortly after the shareholder meeting.

Q. When will the results of the votes be known and how will shareholders and
advisors learn of the results?

Assuming the proposal is approved, the merger will occur within several weeks
following the shareholder meeting on June 9, 2004. Upon completion of the
merger, shareholders will receive a confirmation that their shares of AXP Blue
Chip Advantage Fund or AXP Research Opportunities Fund have been converted into
shares of AXP Large Cap Equity Fund. The vote totals will also be communicated
in the next annual or semiannual report sent to them following the June 9

The results will be communicated to advisors soon after the shareholder meeting.
Watch Advisor Connect News / AdvisorLink Jazz for details at that time.

Q: Why are the Boards of AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund and AXP Research
Opportunities Fund proposing to merge them into AXP Large Cap Equity Fund?

The Board believes that the proposed Reorganization will be advantageous to AXP
Blue Chip Advantage Fund and AXP Research Opportunities Fund shareholders for
several reasons, including continuity of investment - meaning that shareholders
of the funds will be invested in a fund holding a similar investment securities
portfolio, with similar investment objectives, policies, and restrictions.

All three funds have similar investment objectives.

Blue Chip: Long-term total return exceeding that of the U.S. stock market.
Research Opportunities: Long term capital growth.
Large Cap Equity: Long term growth of capital.

            For advisor use only. Not approved for use with clients.

Comparison of Investment Strategies

Blue Chip: Under normal market conditions, at least 80% of the Fund's net assets
are invested in blue chip stocks. Blue chip stocks are issued by companies with
a market capitalization of at least $1 billion, an established management, a
history of consistent earnings and a leading position within their respective
industries. A common measure of blue chip stocks is the S&P 500 Composite Stock
Price Index (S&P 500 Index). The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged market index used
to measure the total return of the U.S. stock market (the Fund may change this
market index from time to time). While the Fund invests in stocks included in
the S&P 500 Index, it is not an index fund. It may own companies not included in
the index, and its results will likely differ from the index.

Research Opportunities: The Fund invests primarily in securities of companies
included in the S&P 500 Index. On Feb. 27, 2004, the market capitalization range
of the Index was between $867 million and $326.5 billion. The Fund invests in
those securities that are believed to offer the potential for long-term growth
using a proprietary research rating system.

Large Cap Equity: Under normal market conditions, at least 80% of the fund's net
assets are invested in equity securities of companies with a market
capitalization greater than $5 billion at the time of purchase. The fund may
invest in income-producing equity securities, such as dividend paying stocks,
convertible securities and preferred stocks.

Q: Isn't there a difference between these funds in terms of dividend?

Yes. AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund pays a quarterly dividend, while AXP Research
Opportunities Fund and AXP Large Cap Equity Fund pay annual dividends.

AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund shareholders who are primarily interested in
current income (i.e., quarterly dividends) may consider investing in the
following products:

o    AXP Dividend Opportunity Fund.

o    AXP Diversified Equity Income Fund.

o    AXP Stock Fund.

Q: Is the Board merging away AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund and AXP Research
Opportunities Fund because they are losing assets?

Both funds have been in net outflows for some time. The Board considered the
potential benefits from the Reorganization that could be realized by AEFC and
its affiliates. The Board recognized that the potential benefits to AEFC consist
principally of the elimination of expenses incurred in duplicative efforts to
administer separate funds. For Research Opportunities, AEFC will benefit to the
extent it no longer waives its fees.

The Board also noted, however, that shareholders of Research Opportunities will
benefit directly from any decrease in overall operating expense ratios resulting
from the proposed Reorganization.

Q: What effect will the merger have on fund expenses?

Following the Reorganization, the expense ratio for AXP Large Cap Equity Fund is
expected to be lower than the expense ratio of AXP Research Opportunities Fund.
Thus, Research Opportunities shareholders are expected to experience lower per
share fixed

            For advisor use only. Not approved for use with clients.

costs by holding shares of Large Cap Equity than they would if they continued to
hold shares in Research Opportunities.

At the end of each Fund's most recent fiscal year, the expense ratios for the
Large Cap Equity were higher than the expense ratios for Blue Chip. However,
these numbers show expenses in the past and do not necessarily reflect the
future. Therefore, for Blue Chip, the Board considered several factors. First,
Blue Chip is experiencing significant net outflows, which under normal market
conditions will cause Fund assets to shrink and expense ratios to rise. On the
other hand, following the Reorganization, Large Cap Equity will experience
significant economies of scale and its expense ratio is expected to fall as a
result of the Reorganization.

Second, the Board considered a commitment by AEFC to waive part of Large Cap
Equity's management fee for one year following a Reorganization of Blue Chip
into Large Cap Equity. AEFC believes it appropriate to avoid increases in the
fees paid by Blue Chip shareholders as a result of the Reorganization. Since it
will not be possible after the fact to track the fees and expenses that Blue
Chip shareholders would have paid in the absence of a Reorganization, AEFC
presented pro-forma projections to the Board, projecting that a fee waiver equal
to .05% of assets will be sufficient to ensure that total expense ratios (before
adjustment for performance fees) for the Large Cap Equity will be less than or
equal to the total expense ratios for Blue Chip if no Reorganization had

Third, for future time periods greater than one year past the Reorganization
date, AEFC pro-forma projections indicate that the Large Cap Equity's expense
ratio will be less than the projected expense ratios for Blue Chip if no
Reorganization had occurred.

Q: Will there be any tax consequences for shareholders when the merger occurs?

The Reorganization is expected to be tax-free for federal income tax purposes
and will not take place unless the Funds receive a satisfactory opinion of tax
counsel, substantially to that effect.

Prior to the closing of the Reorganization, the Selling Fund will distribute to
its shareholders all of its respective net investment company taxable income, if
any, and net realized capital gains (after reduction by any available capital
loss carryforward), if any, that have not been previously distributed to
shareholders. These distributions will be taxable to shareholders.

However, a fund's ability to carry forward capital losses and use them to offset
future gains may be limited. Therefore, in certain circumstances, former
shareholders of a fund may pay taxes sooner, or pay more taxes, than they would
have had a reorganization not occurred. See the section of the statement titled
"Tax Status of the Reorganization" for more detailed information.

            For advisor use only. Not approved for use with clients.

Speaking generally, capital gains taxes are not applicable if the Fund is held
in a tax-qualified account, such as an IRA. Ordinary income taxes and other
taxes may still apply when distributions are taken from tax-qualified accounts.

            For advisor use only. Not approved for use with clients.

American Express Funds, American Express Variable Portfolio Funds and IDS Life
Series Funds - Inbound Phone Script

Good _____________ (morning, afternoon, evening), this is the American Express
Funds, American Express Variable Portfolio Funds and IDS Life Series Funds
proxy services center, my name is ____________(first name), you are on a
recorded line, how may I help you?

The shareholder is most likely calling in to ask you questions or to vote. They
should have their proxy package handy. Ask them to read you the control number
on their proxy card so you can identify what type of shareholder is calling in.

Address the shareholders needs, after you have answered their questions you may

If it is convenient for you, I can record your vote over the telephone right
now. Is it convenient?

If the shareholder is willing to vote over the phone continue as follows:

This call is being recorded to ensure the accuracy of your vote.

May I please have your control number (that is the 14 digit control number
printed on your proxy card).

May I please have your name, street address and the last four digits of your
social security number?

The proposal has been reviewed by the Board and, after careful consideration,
the Board recommends that you vote FOR the proposal. Would you like to vote FOR
the proposal? If the shareholder does not wish to vote as the Board recommends
then review the Proposal with them and ask if they would like to vote For,
Against or Abstain. (You may do this by clicking on your vote now link).

Your vote has been recorded.  You have voted ______, is that correct?

In the next 72 hours a confirmation will be mailed to you.

Is there anything else today?

If the shareholder has a non-related proxy question you may transfer them to
American Express. The phone number is 1-800-862-7919; this is an automated line.

Can you please hold one minute and I will transfer your call to the American
Express 800 line so your questions can be addressed.

If you receive a call that requires escalation to American Express (upset
shareholder) or the shareholder has questions that are too technical in nature.
The phone number is 1-612-671-2278.

Please hold one minute and I will transfer you to Ms. Georgie Holmquist, a
senior manager of the Product Team. If upon transfer, we reach a voice mail, I
will be hanging up and you will need to leave a message for Ms. Georgie
Holmquist. Please be advised that Ms. Georgie Holmquist will return your phone
call within a 24 hour time period.

If the shareholder has a change of address:

We will record your change of address on our records for the purposes of the
proxy mailing. However, in order to ensure that your address is updated on all
American Express records, you will need to contact your Advisor or Plan Sponsor.



Hello, my name is__________________, and I am calling on behalf of American
Express Funds. May I please speak with___________________?

Thank you for taking my call.

I am calling to let you know that a meeting will be held on June 9, 2004 for
shareholders to vote on important issues. Before I continue, I'd like you to
know this call is being recorded to ensure the accuracy of your vote.

Have your received your package of proxy materials?

Are you familiar with the proposal? May I assist you with any questions?

If it is convenient for you, I can record your vote over the telephone right
now. Is it convenient?

May I please have your name, street address and the last four digits of your
social security number?

The proposal has been reviewed by the Board and, after careful consideration,
the Board recommends that you vote FOR the proposal. Would you like to vote FOR
the proposal?
If the shareholder does not wish to vote as the Board recommends then review the
Proposal  with them and ask if they would like to vote For,  Against or Abstain.
(You may do this by clicking on your vote now link).

Your vote has been recorded.  You have voted________________, is that correct?

In the next 72 hours a confirmation will be mailed to you. Thank you for your

If the shareholder has a non-related proxy question you may transfer them to
American Express. The phone number is 1-800-862-7919; this is an automated line.
Can you please hold one minute and I will transfer your call to the American
Express 800 line so your questions can be addressed.

If you have a call that requires escalation to American Express (upset
shareholder) or the shareholder has questions that are too technical in nature.
The phone number is 1-612-671-2278.
Please hold one minute and I will transfer you to Ms. Georgie Holmquist, a
senior manager of the Product Team. If upon transfer, we reach a voice mail, I
will be hanging up and you will need to leave a message for Ms. Georgie
Holmquist. Please be advised that Ms. Georgie Holmquist will return your phone
call within a 24 hour time period.

Masthead Options:


This newsletter contains important information about several impending
transactions involving American Express Funds, American Express VP Funds and IDS
Life Series Funds. The background information will help you position the merger
activities with your clients, while the talking points will give you what you
need to make your clients comfortable with these changes.

A streamlined fund lineup

As you may know, the Fund Boards have proposed the merger of several products to
optimize the company's array of investment options. The American Express Funds
Board has also recommended liquidating the AXP Mid Cap Index Fund.

Beginning April 12, 2004, we will mail proxy statements to shareholders and
contract holders affected by the proposed mergers. The Boards recommend that
clients vote FOR the mergers. Items approved by shareholders and contract
holders will be implemented soon after the proposals pass.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Funds mergers
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Fund                       Ending Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund       AXP Large Cap Equity Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Focused Growth Fund            AXP New Dimensions Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Growth Dimensions Fund         AXP New Dimensions Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Progressive Fund               AXP Partners Select Value Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Research Opportunities Fund    AXP Large Cap Equity Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Mid Cap Index Fund             Liquidation
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP-Variable Portfolio Funds mergers
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Fund                       Ending Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP VP-Blue Chip Advantage Fund    AXP VP-Capital Resource Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP VP-Stock Fund                  AXP VP-Captial Resource Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

              Advisor use only. Not approved for use with clients.

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Funds mergers
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current Fund                       Ending Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Equity Portfolio   AXP VP-Capital Resource Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Equity Income      AXP VP-Diversified Equity Income
Portfolio                          Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Government         AXP VP-Short Duration U.S.
Securities Portfolio               Government Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Income Portfolio   AXP VP-Diversified Bond Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series International      AXP VP-International Fund
Equity Portfolio
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Managed Portfolio  AXP VP-Managed Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Money Market       AXP VP-Cash Management Fund
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Why are the Boards recommending these mergers?

The Boards believe that the mergers will benefit shareholders and contract
holders in several ways, including:

     o    reduced fund expenses over the long term

     o    continuity  of  investment  by moving  assets into funds with  similar
          investment objectives

The Boards also believe that the mergers will benefit AEFC by eliminating costs
associated with managing similar yet separate funds.

What can clients expect?

The proposed mergers will likely affect many of your clients. Keep in mind that
clients owning several of the current funds subject to the merger will receive a
proxy statement for each product in the "Current Fund" column above.

What you may do

We encourage you to take a proactive approach with clients affected by the
proposed mergers. Allow clients time to receive the mailings. Contact your
clients to talk to them about the proposed mergers. You may also:

     o    Encourage   clients  to  vote  promptly  upon  receiving  their  proxy

     o    Indicate that the Funds' Boards recommend a vote FOR these changes.

     o    Use the Q&As  available on Advisor  Connect News and Advisor Link Jazz
          to answer client questions.

     o    Inform  clients that once the mergers are approved,  no further action
          is required of them.

Be advised that you may not develop your own communications about the proxy
solicitation or advise clients how to vote - except to convey the Board's

              Advisor use only. Not approved for use with clients.


Also, tell your clients that they can vote in one of the following ways:

1. By mail with enclosed proxy card

2. By telephone

3. By web site

4. In person at the June 9 meetings

Q&A documents to help you answer client questions will be available on Advisor
Connect News by the time proxy statements mail to clients. If you can't answer a
client question, or simply need more information, contact the following areas:

- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Question about:                              Lotus Notes to:
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Mutual fund proxy statements                 American Express Sales Consulting
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Variable Portfolio Funds proxy statements    American Express Sales Consulting
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
IDS Life Series Funds proxy statements       Insurance Marketing
- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------

Key dates

Keep these important dates in mind.

Week of April 12, 2004:       Proxy statements begin mailing to shareholders and
                              contract holders.

June 9, 2004:                 Shareholder meeting in Minneapolis.

Soon after the meeting:       Proxy results communicated to advisors. Watch
                              Advisor Connect News and AdvisorLink Jazz for

              Advisor use only. Not approved for use with clients.

Home                              Customer Service | Site [_____________] Search
                 Financial Services
- -----------------                  ---------------------------------------------
     Advice & Planning   Banking & Loans   Investing   Insurance    Retirement


Submit Your Proxy Voting Instructions

You can now submit your voting instructions online. To do so, please enter your
Proxy Control Number in the area below. Your Internet Voting Control Number is
located in the shaded box on your voting instruction card. If you have received
multiple voting instruction cards, each card has its own control number; you
will need to login and provide your voting instructions separately for each such
distinct Control Number.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enter Control Number here:     [972]-[9999]-[9005]-[000]  Continue
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Your browser must support JavaScript 1.1 or higher and be able to
      accept cookies in order to continue. Click on HELP button at the top
       for more information and navigation tips. If you are unable to vote
      your proxy using this service because of techincal difficulties, you
          should refer to your Proxy Package for other voting options.

                                 Click to verify

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

Home                              Customer Service | Site [_____________] Search
                 Financial Services
- -----------------                  ---------------------------------------------
     Advice & Planning   Banking & Loans   Investing   Insurance    Retirement


Shareholder:          ALAMO SAMPLE CARD FOR
                      280 OSER AVE
                      HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788
Account:              1234567890   /   972-XXXX-XXXX-000
Previous vote:        No Previous Vote Collected

                      AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund, Class A

                                           Mark All ->   ( Board Recommended )
          American Express Funds           Mark All -> (For) (Against) (Abstain)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 To approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
  between the Fund and AXP Large Cap Equity Fund.      o For o Against o Abstain
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          Voting Instructions

Enter your e-mail address here if you would
like an e-mail confirmation of your vote.    [___________________]

If you would like to change your vote, please change responses as appropriate
before submission.
                                            ( ) Cancel        ( ) Vote Now!

(C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc. All rights

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

     View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
 Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003 American
 Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to be bound by
       the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and Regulations.

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Thank you. Your voting instructions have been submitted for processing.

If necessary, you can revisit the Internet Voting site at any time before the
meeting on Wednesday, June 09, 2004 at 1:00 PM[CT] to submit new voting

This is the summary of your voting instructions delivered to AXP Research
Opportunities Fund and AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund. You may print this page for
your records.

Instructions submitted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 at 10:54 AM[ET] Transaction
Code: 9999005000-434544683

1    To approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
     between the Fund and AXP Large Cap Equity Fund.                  Voted For

   If you wish to vote another card,       If you wish to go to American Express
   please click here.                      Financial Services click here.

(C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc. All rights

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

     View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
 Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003 American
 Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to be bound by
       the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and Regulations.

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Submit Your Proxy Voting Instructions

You can now submit your voting instructions online. To do so, please enter your
Proxy Control Number in the area below. Your Internet Voting Control Number is
located in the shaded box on your voting instruction card. If you have received
multiple voting instruction cards, each card has its own control number; you
will need to login and provide your voting instructions separately for each such
distinct Control Number.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enter Control Number here:     [972]-[9999]-[9001]-[000]  Continue
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        Your browser must support JavaScript 1.1 or higher and be able to
      accept cookies in order to continue. Click on HELP button at the top
       for more information and navigation tips. If you are unable to vote
      your proxy using this service because of techincal difficulties, you
          should refer to your Proxy Package for other voting options.

                                 Click to verify

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

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Shareholder:          ALAMO SAMPLE CARD FOR
                      280 OSER AVE
                      HAUPPAUGE, NY 11788
Account:              1234567890   /   973-XXXX-XXXX-000
Previous vote:        No Previous Vote Collected

                    AXP Research Opportunities Fund, Class A

                                           Mark All ->   ( Board Recommended )
          American Express Funds           Mark All -> (For) (Against) (Abstain)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 To approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
  between the Fund and AXP Large Cap Equity Fund.      o For o Against o Abstain
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                          Voting Instructions

Enter your e-mail address here if you would
like an e-mail confirmation of your vote.    [___________________]

If you would like to change your vote, please change responses as appropriate
before submission.
                                            ( ) Cancel        ( ) Vote Now!

(C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc. All rights

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

     View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
 Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003 American
 Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to be bound by
       the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and Regulations.

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Thank you. Your voting instructions have been submitted for processing.

If necessary, you can revisit the Internet Voting site at any time before the
meeting on Wednesday, June 09, 2004 at 1:00 PM[CT] to submit new voting

This is the summary of your voting instructions delivered to AXP Research
Opportunities Fund and AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund. You may print this page for
your records.

Instructions submitted on Wednesday, March 31, 2004 at 10:54 AM[ET] Transaction
Code: 9999001000-434544683

1    To approve an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization
     between the Fund and AXP Large Cap Equity.                       Voted For

   If you wish to vote another card,       If you wish to go to American Express
   please click here.                      Financial Services click here.

(C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc. All rights

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

     View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
 Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003 American
 Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to be bound by
       the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and Regulations.

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  -->   Signing on to PROXY DIRECT(TM) online proxy voting site

  -->   How do I provide my voting instructions online?

  -->   Voting Instructions indicator

  -->   Electronic Vote Confirmation

  -->   Page layout looks a bit (or completely) off

  -->   I have already sent my paper voting instructions, what now?

  -->   Can I change my previous voting instructions submitted online?

  -->   I am unable to sign on

        Error while Printing Vote Submission Confirmation

                      Click here to return to previous page

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

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  -->   Signing on to PROXY DIRECT(TM) online proxy voting site

        You must sign on to PROXY DIRECT before continuing with your on-line
        proxy voting session. In order to do so you need to enter your Control
        Number located on the voting instruction card which you should have
        received together with other proxy materials through regular mail. Below
        is a sample voting instruction card which displays a 14-digit Control
        Number. Your card might differ slightly though in most cases this number
        is located in the top or mid-section of the front of the proxy ballot:


        If your proxy materials were delivered electronically the Control Number
        should be located within your personal campaign information or online
        voting instructions.

  -->   How do I provide my voting instructions online?

  -->   Voting Instructions indicator

  -->   Electronic Vote Confirmation

  -->   Page layout looks a bit (or completely) off

  -->   I have already sent my paper voting instructions, what now?

  -->   Can I change my previous voting instructions submitted online?

  -->   I am unable to sign on

  -->   Error while Printing Vote Submission Confirmation

                      Click here to return to previous page

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

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  -->   Signing on to PROXY DIRECT(TM) online proxy voting site

  -->   How do I provide my voting instructions online?

        On-Line voting is really simple and submitting your voting instructions
        takes only a few minutes. Depending on the campaign setup, after login
        you will see a General Information screen containing either a list of
        your holdings (i.e. funds) or a list of proposals to be voted on during
        this campaign.

        o        List of your holdings
                 The list contains all of your holdings associated with the
                 Control Number provided. The name of each holding is clearly
                 displayed next to which there is text informing you what kind
                 of vote will be submitted for processing.

        o        List of applicable campaign proposals
                 The list contains all the proposals which you are entitled to
                 vote on in any or all of the holdings associated with your
                 Control Number. The list contains an abbreviated name of each
                 proposal next to which there is text informing you what kind of
                 vote will be submitted for processing.

        To modify a vote for individual sub-item(s) click on the proposal name
        to be redirected to the Detailed Information section. There you are able
        to modify the vote for each proposal. After you have made your
        modifications click on Continue so that our system acknowledges these
        instructions. To return to the General Information section without any
        changes or to disregard any changes made, click on Cancel.

        Once you have completed making your vote selections click on the Vote
        Now! button to submit your instructions for processing. If for some
        reason you wish to close your session without a vote submission click on
        the Cancel button and all of your instructions will be disregarded.

  -->   Voting Instructions indicator

  -->   Electronic Vote Confirmation

  -->   Page layout looks a bit (or completely) off

  -->   I have already sent my paper voting instructions, what now?

  -->   Can I change my previous voting instructions submitted online?

  -->   I am unable to sign on

  -->   Error while Printing Vote Submission Confirmation

                      Click here to return to previous page

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

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  -->   Signing on to PROXY DIRECT(TM) online proxy voting site

  -->   How do I provide my voting instructions online?

  -->   Voting Instructions indicator

        Voting Instructions column displays text indicating how the final voting
        instructions will be submitted for processing. You may see either of the
        following two indicators displayed on the General Information screen:

        o        Board Recommended
                 Means that all dependent items will be voted on your behalf
                 according to the Board's recommendation. If you agree with such
                 instructions you do not need to go to the detailed Information
                 Section and manually select a vote for each sub-item

        o        Other - modified by shareholder
                 Indicates that you have made up your own voting instructions
                 and such will be submitted on your behalf for processing

        The general information screen does not display details for each
        item(s), however, each modification is remembered by the system
        throughout your online session and you can modify your vote for each
        item as many times as you like before final submission.

  -->   Electronic Vote Confirmation

  -->   Page layout looks a bit (or completely) off

  -->   I have already sent my paper voting instructions, what now?

  -->   Can I change my previous voting instructions submitted online?

  -->   I am unable to sign on

  -->   Error while Printing Vote Submission Confirmation

                      Click here to return to previous page

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

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  -->   Signing on to PROXY DIRECT(TM) online proxy voting site

  -->   How do I provide my voting instructions online?

  -->   Voting Instructions indicator

  -->   Electronic Vote Confirmation

        The system can send you an e-mail notifying you that your vote has been
        processed by the system and has been added to the total pool of votes
        for the campaign. Such notification is not sent immediately after
        submitting your voting instructions because it may take up to 72 hours
        to actually process them.

        If you wish to receive such confirmation, please enter a valid e-mail
        address into the textbox.

        IMPORTANT NOTE: We do not validate your supplied e-mail address in any
        way so make sure that you have entered it correctly. Also, e-Mail is not
        100% reliable therefore we cannot guarantee that such confirmation will
        reach the specified destination.

  -->   Page layout looks a bit (or completely) off

  -->   I have already sent my paper voting instructions, what now?

  -->   Can I change my previous voting instructions submitted online?

  -->   I am unable to sign on

  -->   Error while Printing Vote Submission Confirmation

                      Click here to return to previous page

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

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  -->   Signing on to PROXY DIRECT(TM) online proxy voting site

  -->   How do I provide my voting instructions online?

  -->   Voting Instructions indicator

  -->   Electronic Vote Confirmation

  -->   Page layout looks a bit (or completely) off

        The Internet Voting site has been built for and tested on Microsoft(R)
        Internet Explorer 3.02 and newer versions and everything should look and
        work properly when using this browser. Additionally we have made code
        adjustments required to accommodate Netscape Navigator (ver. 4.5 and
        up). If you are using any other browser you may experience layout
        distortions and/or improper operation.

        Layout may be incorrect or plain ugly if your system is using Large
        System fonts. Some users with very large monitors tend to utilize this
        setting while working in very high resolutions. This will cause images
        and text to disalign and therefore distort the design. The only solution
        to this problem is either to change your system font settings or, if the
        browser allows (i.e. Internet Explorer) lower the size of the font for
        the browser only - this is a very quick and recommended solution.

  -->   I have already sent my paper voting instructions, what now?

  -->   Can I change my previous voting instructions submitted online?

  -->   I am unable to sign on

  -->   Error while Printing Vote Submission Confirmation

                      Click here to return to previous page

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

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  -->   Signing on to PROXY DIRECT(TM) online proxy voting site

  -->   How do I provide my voting instructions online?

  -->   Voting Instructions indicator

  -->   Electronic Vote Confirmation

  -->   Page layout looks a bit (or completely) off

  -->   I have already sent my paper voting instructions, what now?

        All of the instructions submitted via any supported means are processed
        in the order in which they were received. You can still provide your
        voting instructions on-line but be advised that if we have not yet
        received your mailed in ballot it will overwrite your online
        instructions once it is received. If you have previously submitted your
        vote via mail, telephone etc. you can check whether it has been received
        and processed by going into the Detailed Information section for any
        item. The top portion of that section will contain your current voting
        status and if a previous vote has been received, indicate when and how.
        Until you confirm that your previous vote has been processed we suggest
        you put off your online vote until later.

        Mailed votes are usually processed within 5 business days from the date
        of mailing. Telephone and Internet votes are usually processed within
        12-24 hours.

  -->   Can I change my previous voting instructions submitted online?

  -->   I am unable to sign on

  -->   Error while Printing Vote Submission Confirmation

                      Click here to return to previous page

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

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  -->   Signing on to PROXY DIRECT(TM) online proxy voting site

  -->   How do I provide my voting instructions online?

  -->   Voting Instructions indicator

  -->   Electronic Vote Confirmation

  -->   Page layout looks a bit (or completely) off

  -->   I have already sent my paper voting instructions, what now?

  -->   Can I change my previous voting instructions submitted online?

        You can re-submit your instructions online as many times as you wish
        before the actual meeting date. A newer vote will always overwrite the
        old one. The Detailed Information section contains an indicator when and
        how your previous vote, if any, has been received and processed.

        If your new (mailed, online, etc.) vote is the same as the vote already
        received it will be disregarded and the date and source will stay

  -->   I am unable to sign on

  -->   Error while Printing Vote Submission Confirmation

                      Click here to return to previous page

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

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  -->   Signing on to PROXY DIRECT(TM) online proxy voting site

  -->   How do I provide my voting instructions online?

  -->   Voting Instructions indicator

  -->   Electronic Vote Confirmation

  -->   Page layout looks a bit (or completely) off

  -->   I have already sent my paper voting instructions, what now?

  -->   Can I change my previous voting instructions submitted online?

  -->   I am unable to sign on

        Your browser must be able to process JavaScript scripts and accept
        cookies in order to proceed with the online proxy voting. If any of
        these requirements is not satisfied, clicking on the Continue button
        next to the Control Number entry area will either produce no result or
        result in a Runtime or Script Error.

        Cookies are used only to store and process voting data during your
        current voting session. We neither collect nor store any information
        from/to your computer. All cookies are temporary and are removed
        immediately after closing the online voting session.

        Some corporations do not allow their users to process active content
        (scripts) and/or accept cookies. In this case you would not be able to
        vote electronically from your office.

        If your browser either does not support JavaScript or has this feature
        turned off, you will not be able to sign on. You may also encounter
        several Script Errors.

  -->   Error while Printing Vote Submission Confirmation

                      Click here to return to previous page

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

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  -->   Signing on to PROXY DIRECT(TM) online proxy voting site

  -->   How do I provide my voting instructions online?

  -->   Voting Instructions indicator

  -->   Electronic Vote Confirmation

  -->   Page layout looks a bit (or completely) off

  -->   I have already sent my paper voting instructions, what now?

  -->   Can I change my previous voting instructions submitted online?

  -->   I am unable to sign on

  -->   Error while Printing Vote Submission Confirmation

        Some shareholders have reported that after submitting their voting
        instructions the browser has returned an error "Page expired" after
        trying to print the confirmation page. This problem has been only
        apparent to Netscape Navigator/Communicator users. There is no fix for
        this error at this time.

                      Click here to return to previous page

        (C)2004 PROXY DIRECT(TM)- Service of ALAMO Direct Mail Svcs, Inc.
                              All rights reserved.

To Contact Alamo: email us at or call us at 631-231-7900

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      View Corporate Entities and Important Disclosures, Web Site Rules and
      Regulations, Trademarks and Privacy Statement. Copyright(C)1995-2003
   American Express Company. All Rights Reserved. Users of this site agree to
        be bound by the terms of the American Express Web Site Rules and

Fund merger/liquidation proxy statements begin mailing to clients April 12, 2004

On Apr. 12, proxy statements concerning proposed investment product actions will
begin mailing to clients. American Express Funds and IDS Life Series Funds
announced proposed fund reorganizations on Nov. 19, 2003 and Feb. 2, 2004 as
part of an initiative to optimize the company's equity product lineup. SEC
filings for the statements were made in February and March.

General Proxy/Merger Liquidation Information

     The proxy/fund merger and liquidation process is a multi-step process:

     1. Proxy solicitation via a phased mailing (seven mailings)

     2. Shareholder and Contract Holder meetings - June 9, 2004

     3. Restructuring - mergers and liquidation.

     Proxy Solicitation:

     Upon receiving the proxy statement and voting instructions, shareholders
     and contract holders may vote in one of four ways:

     1. By mail with an enclosed card.

     2. By telephone

     3. By web site

     4. In person at the meeting.

     Clients who own more than one fund should be sure to vote for each. The
     specific phone number, website or address for voting is included in the
     information mailed to clients. Clients will need to provide or input a
     control number from their proxy card to vote.

     Shareholder and Contract Holder Meetings and Restructuring - Mergers and

     Clients invested in the products that are proposed to be merged or
     liquidated from the proxy are invited to meetings on June 9, 2004 to be
     held in Minneapolis. Details regarding the meetings are included in the
     proxy mailing. Items approved by shareholders and contract holders will be
     implemented soon after the proposals pass.

Where to refer client calls related to the Proxy

     Calls from clients with questions directly related to the proxy process
     such as: voting questions, proxy re-mails, and other "how to" questions
     should be directed to the Proxy Client Service Center direct dial toll-free
     number (866) 270-3133. You should not transfer the call. Request the client
     direct dial. Representatives will be available to assist with questions
     Monday - Friday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Central Time.

     You may not advise clients how to vote, except to say that the Funds'
     Boards recommend a vote FOR each proposal.

     Transfer of non-proxy related calls coming through the Proxy Client Service

     Calls from clients asking for account specific information or a prospectus
     when they call the Proxy Client Service Center will be transferred to
     1-800-862-7919 and the client will be able to choose the area they would
     like to be connected to, ie: mutual funds, brokerage, insurance or

Advisor Communication

     Advisor Communication

     Advisors will be notified of the mailing of the Proxy Statements during the
     week of April 5, 2004 via Advisor Connect. Additional information and a
     series of questions and answers will be included with the mailing.

     If advisors have questions about:

     o    American  Express  Funds proxy  statements,  request they send a Lotus
          Notes message to American Express Funds.

     o    American Express Variable  Portfolio Funds proxy  statements,  request
          they send a Lotus Notes message to American Express Annuities.

     o    IDS Life Series  Funds  proxy  statements,  request  they send a Lotus
          Notes message to Insurance Marketing.

Funds involved in proposed mergers

    (clients invested in funds in the left column will receive proxy statements)

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beginning Fund                             Ending Fund                        Products Impacted by Change
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Blue Chip Advantage Fund               AXP Large Cap Equity Fund          Mutual Funds and Brokerage
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Focused Growth Fund                    AXP New Dimensions Fund            Mutual Funds and Brokerage
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Growth Dimensions Fund                 AXP New Dimensions Fund            Mutual Funds and Brokerage
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Progressive Fund                       AXP Partners Select Value Fund     Mutual Funds and Brokerage
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Research Opportunities Fund            AXP Large Cap Equity Fund          Mutual Funds and Brokerage
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP VP-Blue Chip Advantage Fund            AXP VP-Capital Resource Fund       Annuities and Insurance
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP VP-Stock Fund                          AXP VP-Capital Resource Fund       Annuities and Insurance
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Equity Portfolio           AXP VP-Capital Resource Fund       Annuities and Insurance
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Equity Income Portfolio    AXP VP-Diversified Equity Income   Annuities and Insurance
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Government Securities      AXP VP-Short Duration U.S.         Annuities and Insurance
Portfolio                                  Government Fund
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Income Portfolio           AXP VP-Diversified Bond Fund       Annuities and Insurance
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series International Equity       AXP VP-International Fund          Annuities and Insurance
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Managed Portfolio          AXP VP-Managed Fund                Annuities and Insurance
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IDS Life Series Money Market Portfolio     AXP VP-Cash Management Fund        Annuities and Insurance
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Fund proposed for liquidation

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Beginning Fund                Ending Fund    Products Impacted by Change
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
AXP Mid Cap Index Fund          none         Mutual Funds and Brokerage
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Additional information regarding this initiative can be found in the PGRG.

     If you have questions regarding this initiative please contact your process

               Every Proxy Vote is Important!

               Vote your Proxy on the PHONE or INTERNET.

               It saves Money! Telephone and Internet voting saves postage

               It saves Time! Telephone and Internet voting is instantaneous -
               24 hours a day.

               It's Easy! Just follow these simple steps

                    o    By Internet:  Log onto
                         and follow the on-screen instructions.

                    o    By Touch-tone Phone: Call toll free  1-866-241-6192 and
                         follow the recorded instructions.
AMERICAN       Do not mail your Proxy Card when you vote by phone or Internet.

                                                                      PROXY 2004