WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                        REGISTRATION STATEMENT TO

                                                 FORM S-6

                                FOR REGISTRATION UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT
                                 OF 1933 OF SECURITIES OF UNIT INVESTMENT
                                     TRUSTS REGISTERED ON FORM N-8B-2

A.       Exact name of trust:  IDS Life of New York Account 8

B.       Name of depositor:    IDS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK

C.       Complete address of depositor's principal executive offices:

         20 Madison Avenue Ext. Albany, NY  12203

D.       Name and complete address of agent for service:

                                         Mary Ellyn Minenko, Esq.
                                        IDS Life Insurance Company
                                               IDS Tower 10
                                    Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440-0010

E.       Title and amount of securities being registered:

               Flexible Premium Survivorship Variable Life Insurance Policy

F.       Proposed maximum aggregate offering price to the public of the
         securities being registered:

         Registration of Indefinite Amount of Securities  Pursuant to Rule 24f-2
         under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

G.       Amount of filing fee:  N/A

H.       Approximate date of proposed public offering: as soon as practicable

       It is proposed that this filing will become effective (check appropriate

         immediately upon filing pursuant to paragraph (b) 
         on (date) pursuant to paragraph  (b) 
         60 days after  filing  pursuant to  paragraph  (a)(1) 
         on (date) pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) of Rule 485
this  post-effective  amendment  designates a new effective  date for a 
previously filed post-effective amendment.

                                    CROSS REFERENCE TO ITEMS REQUIRED
                                              BY FORM N-8B-2

N-8B-2 Item                         Caption in Prospectus

1                                   Cover Page; The variable account
2                                   IDS Life of New York
3                                   Not applicable
4                                   Distribution of the policy
5                                   The variable account
6                                   The variable account
7                                   Not applicable
8                                   Annual financial information
9                                   Legal proceedings
10                                  Surrender charge; Total surrenders;  Partial
                                    surrenders;  Taxation  of  policy  proceeds;
                                    Reinstatement;  Transfers  between the fixed
                                    account  and the  subaccounts;  Keeping  the
                                    policy  in  force;   Grace  period;   Voting
                                    rights; Substitution of investments; Payment
                                    of premiums;  The fixed account;  Allocation
                                    of  premiums;  Transfers  between  the fixed
                                    account  and  the   subaccounts;   Right  to
                                    examine policy
11                                  The fund
12                                  The fund; Cover page
13                                  Loads, fees, and charges; Keeping the policy
                                    in force
14                                  Purchasing your policy; Application
15                                  Premiums; Payment of premiums; Transfers
                                    between the fixed account
                                    and the subaccounts; The fund
16                                  Premiums; Payment of premiums; Transfers
                                    between the fixed account and the 
                                    subaccounts; The fund
17                                  Two ways to request a transfer, loan or 
                                    surrender; Policy surrenders
18                                  The fund
19                                  Reports
20                                  Not applicable
21                                  Policy loans; fixed account and subaccounts;
                                    Two ways to request a transfer, loan or 
22                                  Not applicable
23                                  Management of IDS Life of New York
24                                  Policy value; Proceeds payable upon death;
                                    Payment of policy proceeds
25                                  IDS Life of New York
26                                  Annual financial information
27                                  IDS Life of New York
28                                  Management of IDS Life of New York
29                                  Ownership
30                                  Not applicable
31                                  Not applicable
32                                  Not applicable
33                                  Not applicable
34                                  Not applicable
35                                  IDS Life of New York

36                                  Not applicable
37                                  Not applicable
38                                  Distribution of the policy
39                                  IDS Life of New York; Distribution of the 
40                                  Annual financial information
41                                  Distribution of the policy; IDS Life of
                                    New York
42                                  Management of IDS Life of New York
43                                  Not applicable
44                                  Premiums; Transfers between the fixed
                                    account and subaccounts;
                                    Subaccount values
45                                  Not applicable
46                                  Subaccount values
47                                  Relationship between portfolios and
48                                  IDS Life of New York
49                                  Not applicable
50                                  Not applicable
51                                  The variable account
52                                  Substitution of investments
53                                  IDS Life of New York's tax status
54                                  Not applicable
55                                  Policy illustrations
56                                  Not applicable
57                                  Not applicable
58                                  Not applicable
59                                  Annual financial information

Flexible Premium Survivorship Variable Life Insurance Policy

Prospectus __________, 1997

The Flexible  Premium  Survivorship  Variable Life Insurance Policy described in
this prospectus is designed to provide life insurance  coverage on two insureds,
with a death  benefit  payable  when the last  surviving  insured dies while the
policy is in force. The policy is intended to qualify as a life insurance policy
under Sections 72, 101 and 7702 of the Internal Revenue Code.

You may allocate policy value to one or more of eight subaccounts of IDS Life of
New York Account 8. The subaccounts  invest in the portfolios of IDS Life Series
Fund:  Equity,  Income,  Money  Market,   Managed,   Government  Securities  and
International  Equity.  One subaccount invests in the AIM V.I. Growth and Income
Fund. One subaccount invests in Putnam VT New Opportunities  Fund. Policy values
increase and decrease with investment  experience and reflect certain deductions
and charges.  There is no  guaranteed  minimum  policy value with respect to the
subaccounts  and you bear the  entire  investment  risk.  You may also  allocate
policy  value to the fixed  account  which earns at least a  guaranteed  minimum
interest rate. The fixed account is the general  investment  account of IDS Life
Insurance Company of New York (IDS Life of New York).

You may withdraw a portion of the policy's cash surrender  value after the first
policy year or  surrender it in full at any time for its cash  surrender  value.
Surrender  charges are described  under "Loads,  fees and charges." You may also
take out policy loans.

The  frequency and amount of premium  payments are flexible,  subject to certain
restrictions  and  conditions.   Payment  of  the  scheduled  premium  will  not
necessarily  keep a policy from lapsing if the cash surrender value is less than
the amount needed to pay the monthly deduction. (See "Loads, fees and charges.")
However,  a policy  will not  lapse if the  premiums  needed  to keep the  death
benefit  guarantee to age 100 (DBG-100) or the minimum initial premium period in
effect, are paid.

This  prospectus  contains  detailed  information  about these and other  policy
features,  including certain  restrictions and limitations that apply. As in the
case of other life insurance  policies,  it may not be  advantageous to purchase
flexible premium  survivorship  variable life insurance as a replacement for, or
in addition to an existing  flexible  premium  variable or other life  insurance

IDS Life of New York Account 8
Flexible Premium Survivorship Variable Life Insurance Policy

Issued and sold by:  IDS Life Insurance Company of New York, 20 Madison Avenue
Extension, Albany, New York 12203.  Telephone:  (518) 869-8613, (800) 541-2251

This prospectus is valid only when  accompanied or preceded by the  prospectuses
of the IDS Life Series Fund, Inc., AIM Variable  Insurance  Funds,  Inc. and the
Putnam Variable Trust. All prospectuses should be retained for future reference.

These  securities  have not been approved or  disapproved  by the securities and
exchange commission or any state securities  commission,  nor has the securities
and  exchange or any state  securities  commission  passed upon the  accuracy or
adequacy of this prospectus.  Any  representation  to the contrary is a criminal


Table of contents

Key terms
The policy in brief
The variable account
The funds
    IDS Life Series Fund - Equity Portfolio
    IDS Life Series Fund - Income Portfolio
    IDS Life Series Fund - Money Market Portfolio
    IDS Life Series Fund - Managed Portfolio
    IDS Life Series Fund - Government Securities Portfolio
    IDS Life Series Fund - International Equity Portfolio
    AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund
    Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund
    Fund objectives
    Relationship between funds and subaccounts
Rates of return of the funds and subaccounts
The fixed account
Purchasing your policy
     Right to examine policy
Keeping the policy in force
        Death benefit guarantee to age 100
        Minimum initial premium period
        Grace period
Loads, fees and charges
     Premium expense charge
     Monthly deduction
     Surrender charge
     Partial surrender fee
     Mortality and expense risk charge
        Fund expenses
Policy value
     Fixed account value
     Subaccount values
Proceeds payable upon death
  Change in death benefit option 
  Changes in specified amount 
  Misstatement of age or sex 
Transfers  between the fixed  account and  subaccounts
  Fixed  account  transfer policies 
  Minimum  transfer amounts
  Maximum transfer amounts 
  Maximum number of  transfers  per year 
  Two ways to request a transfer,  loan or  surrender
  Automated transfers 
  Automated dollar-cost averaging

Policy loans
Policy surrenders
     Total surrenders
     Partial surrenders
     Allocation of partial surrenders
     Effects of partial surrenders
Optional insurance benefits
     Four-Year Term Insurance Rider
     Policy Split Option Rider
Payment of policy proceeds
Federal taxes
     IDS Life of New York's  tax status
     Taxation  of policy  proceeds
     Modified endowment contracts 
     Other tax considerations
IDS Life of New York
     State regulation
     Distribution of the policy
     Legal proceedings
Management of IDS Life of New York
     A I M Advisors, Inc. and Putnam Investment Management, Inc.
     Other information
     Substitution of investments
     Voting rights
Policy illustrations

Key terms

These terms can help you understand details about your policy.

Accumulation  unit: An accounting unit used to calculate the policy value of the
subaccounts.  It is a  measure  of the  net  investment  results  of each of the

Attained  insurance age: Each insured's  insurance age plus the number of policy
anniversaries  since the policy date.  Attained  insurance age changes only on a
policy anniversary.

Cash surrender value: Proceeds received if the policy is surrendered in full, or
the amount  payable on the youngest  insured's  attained  insurance age 100. The
cash  surrender  value  equals the policy  value minus  indebtedness,  minus any
applicable surrender charges.

Code: The Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

Close of business: Closing time of the New York Stock Exchange, normally 4 p.m.,
Eastern time.

Death  benefit  guarantee  to  age  100  (DBG-100):  A  feature  of  the  policy
guaranteeing  that the  policy  will not lapse  before  the  youngest  insured's
attained  insurance  age 100.  This  feature  is in effect  if you meet  certain
premium payment requirements.

Death benefit  guarantee to age 100 (DBG-100)  premium:  The premium required to
keep the DBG-100 in effect.  The  DBG-100  premium is shown in your  policy.  It
depends on each insured's  sex,  insurance  age, risk  classification,  optional
insurance benefits added by rider and the initial specified amount.

Fixed account: The general investment account of IDS Life of New York. The fixed
account is made up of all of IDS Life of New York's assets other than those held
in any separate account.

Fixed  account  value:  The portion of the policy value that is allocated to the
fixed account, including indebtedness.

Funds: Mutual funds or portfolios,  each with a different investment  objective.
You may allocate your premiums into variable subaccounts  investing in shares of
any or all of these funds. The following funds are available:

o       Under the IDS Life Series Fund, Inc. - Equity Portfolio, Income
        Portfolio, Money Market Portfolio, Managed Portfolio, Government 
        Securities Portfolio and International Equity Portfolio;

o       Under the AIM Variable Insurance Funds, Inc. - AIM V.I. Growth and 
        Income Fund;

o       Under the Putnam Variable Trust - Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund.

IDS Life of New York: In this prospectus, "we," "us," "our" and "IDS Life of New
York" refer to IDS Life Insurance Company of New York.

Indebtedness:  All existing  loans on the policy plus  interest  that has either
been accrued or added to the policy loan.

Insurance  age:  Each  insured's  age based upon his or her last birthday on the
date of the application.

Insureds: The persons whose lives are insured by the policy.

Minimum initial  premium period:  A period of time during the early years of the
policy when the policy will not lapse even if the cash  surrender  value is less
than the amount needed to pay the monthly  deduction.  This feature is in effect
if you meet certain premium payment requirements.

Monthly date: The same day each month as the policy date. If there is no monthly
date in a calendar month, the monthly date is the first day of the next calendar

Net amount at risk: A portion of the death  benefit,  equal to the total current
death  benefit  minus the  policy  value.  This is the  amount to which  cost of
insurance rates are applied in determining the monthly cost of insurance.

Net premium: The premium paid minus the premium expense charge.

Owner: The entity(ies) to which, or individual(s) to whom, the policy is issued,
or to whom ownership is subsequently  transferred.  In the prospectus  "you" and
"your" refer to the owner.

Policy  anniversary:  The same day and  month as the  policy  date each year the
policy remains in force.

Policy date: The date the policy is issued and from which policy  anniversaries,
policy years and policy months are determined.

Policy  value:  The sum of the fixed  account  value plus the  variable  account

Proceeds: The amount payable under the policy as follows:

    o   Upon death of the last surviving insured prior to the youngest insured's
        attained insurance age 100, proceeds will be the death benefit in effect
        as of the date of that insured's death, minus any indebtedness.

    o   Upon the youngest insured's attained insurance age 100, proceeds will be
        the cash surrender value.

    o   On surrender of the policy the proceeds will be the cash surrender

Risk classification:  A group of insureds that IDS Life of New York expects will
have similar mortality experience.

Scheduled premium: A premium,  selected by the owner at the time of application,
of a level amount, at a fixed interval of time.

Specified amount: An amount used to determine the death benefit and
the  proceeds  payable  upon death of the last  surviving  insured  prior to the
youngest  insured's  attained insurance age 100. The initial specified amount is
shown in your policy.

Subaccount(s):  One or more of the investment divisions of the variable account,
each of which invests in a particular fund.

Surrender charge: A contingent deferred issue and administration  expense charge
assessed  against the policy value at the time of surrender  during the first 15
years of the policy.

Valuation date: A normal  business day, Monday through Friday,  on which the New
York Stock Exchange is open.

Valuation  period:  The  interval  commencing  at the close of  business on each
valuation date and ending at the close of business on the next valuation date.

Variable  account:  IDS Life  Variable  Life of New York Account 8 consisting of
subaccounts,  each of which  invests in a particular  fund.  The policy value in
each subaccount depends on the performance of the particular fund.

Variable  account  value:  The  sum of the  values  that  are  allocated  to the
subaccounts of the variable account.

The policy in brief

The Flexible Premium Survivorship Variable Life Insurance Policy (the policy) is
designed to provide  insurance  protection  on two  insureds and to build policy
value.  The policy  provides a death benefit that is payable to the  beneficiary
upon the last surviving insured's death. The policy allows you, as the owner, to
allocate your net premiums or transfer policy value, to:

The variable account, consisting of subaccounts, each of which invests in a fund
with a particular investment objective. You may direct premiums to any or all of
eight of these subaccounts.  Your policy's value may increase or decrease daily,
depending on the investment return. No minimum amount is guaranteed. (p. )

The fixed account,  which earns interest at rates that are adjusted periodically
by IDS Life of New York. This rate will never be lower than 4%. (p. )

The funds:  Six  subaccounts  of the variable  account invest in IDS Life Series
Fund, Inc. which includes  Equity,  Income,  Money Market,  Managed,  Government
Securities and

International  Equity  Portfolios.   One  subaccount  invests  in  AIM  Variable
Insurance Funds, Inc. - AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund. One subaccount  invests
in Putnam Variable Trust - Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund.(p. )

Purchasing  your  policy:  To apply,  send a completed  application  and premium
payment  to IDS Life of New  York's  home  office.  For your  application  to be
accepted,  you will need to provide  medical and other evidence that the persons
you propose to insure meet the requirements of our underwriting rules. (p. )

Right to examine policy: You may return your policy for any reason and receive a
full refund of your premiums by mailing us the policy and a written  request for
cancellation within a specified period. (p. )

Premiums:  In applying for your policy, you state how much you intend to pay and
whether  you  will  pay  quarterly,  semiannually  or  annually.  You  may  make
additional  unscheduled  premium payments subject to certain limits.  No premium
payments can be made on or after the youngest  insured's  attained insurance age
100. We may refuse premiums in order to comply with the Code. (p. )

DBG-100:  A feature of the policy  guaranteeing  that the policy  will not lapse
before the youngest  insured's  attained  insurance  age 100. This feature is in
effect if you meet certain premium payment requirements. (p. )

Minimum initial  premium period:  A period of time during the early years of the
policy when the policy will not lapse even if the cash  surrender  value is less
than the amount needed to pay the monthly  deduction.  This feature is in effect
if you meet certain premium payment requirements. (p. )

Grace period:  If the cash surrender  value of your policy becomes less than the
amount  needed to pay the  monthly  deduction,  and  neither the DBG-100 nor the
minimum  initial  premium period is in effect,  you will have 61 days to pay the
premium  needed so that the next three  monthly  deductions  can be paid. If you
don't, the policy will lapse. (p. )

Reinstatement:  If your policy lapses,  it can be reinstated  within five years.
The  reinstatement  is subject  to  certain  conditions  including  evidence  of
insurability  satisfactory  to IDS  Life  of  New  York  and  the  payment  of a
sufficient premium. The DBG-100 can not be reinstated. (p. )

Loads, fees and charges: Your policy is subject to the following charges,  which
compensate IDS Life of New York for administering and distributing the policy as
well as paying policy benefits and assuming related risks:

o Premium expense charge -- charge deducted from each premium payment to cover
some distribution expenses, state and local premium taxes and federal taxes. (p.
o Monthly  deduction  -- charged  against  the value of your  policy  each month
(prior to the youngest insured's attained insurance age 100),  covering the cost
of insurance,  cost of issuing the policy, certain  administrative  expenses and
optional insurance benefits. (p. )

o  Surrender  charge -- applies if you  surrender  your policy for its full cash
surrender value, or the policy lapses,  during the first 15 years. The surrender
charge is a deferred charge for costs of issuing the policy.  It is based on the
initial specified amount. (p. )

o Partial  surrender fee -- applies if you  surrender  part of the value of your
policy; equals $25 or 2% of the amount surrendered, whichever is less. (p. )

o Mortality and expense risk charge -- applies only to the subaccounts;  equals,
on an  annual  basis,  0.9%  of  the  average  daily  net  asset  value  of  the
subaccounts. (p. )

o Fund  expenses -- applies only to the funds.  The  investment  management  fee
equals, on an annual basis, 0.5% of the average daily net assets of the IDS Life
Series  Fund  -  Money  Market  Portfolio;  0.95%  of  IDS  Life  Series  Fund -
International  Equity Portfolio;  0.63% of the daily net assets of Putnam VT New
Opportunities  Fund;  0.65% of the daily net  assets of the AIM V.I.  Growth and
Income  Fund,  and 0.7% of the  average  daily net assets of the IDS Life Series
Fund - Equity,  Income,  Managed and Government Securities Portfolio.  Each fund
also pays  taxes,  brokerage  commissions  and  nonadvisory  expenses.  IDS Life
Insurance  Company  (IDS Life) has agreed to a  voluntary  limit of 0.1%,  on an
annual  basis,  of the  average  daily net assets of each IDS Life  Series  Fund
Portfolio for these nonadvisory expenses. (p. )

Proceeds payable upon death:  Prior to the youngest insured's attained insurance
age 100,  your  policy's  death  benefit  can never be less  than the  specified
amount, less outstanding indebtedness. The relationship between the policy value
and the death benefit depends on which of two options you choose:

o Option 1 level  amount:  The death  benefit is the  greater  of the  specified
amount or a percentage of policy value.

o Option 2 variable  amount:  The death  benefit is the greater of the specified
amount plus the policy value or a percentage of policy value.

You may change the death  benefit  option or  specified  amount  within  certain
limits; doing so will generally affect policy charges.

On the youngest  insured's attained insurance age 100, the proceeds payable will
be the cash surrender value. (p. )

Transfers  between  the fixed  account and  subaccounts:  You may, at no charge,
transfer policy value from one subaccount to another or between  subaccounts and
the fixed account.  (Certain restrictions apply to transfers involving the fixed
account.) We reserve the right to limit transfers to no more than five transfers
per year by phone or mail.  You can also  arrange for  automated  transfers on a
monthly, quarterly, semiannual or annual basis. (p. )

Policy  loans:  You may borrow  against your policy's cash  surrender  value.  A
policy loan,  even if repaid,  can have a permanent  effect on the death benefit
and policy value. A loan may also have tax consequences if your policy lapses or
you surrender it. (p. )

Policy  surrenders:  You may cancel this policy while it is in force and receive
its cash surrender  value.  The cash  surrender  value is the policy value minus
indebtedness, minus any applicable surrender charges. (p. )

Exchange  right:  For two years after the policy is issued,  you can exchange it
for one that provides  benefits that do not vary with the  investment  return of
the subaccounts. Because the policy itself offers a fixed return option, all you
need to do is transfer all of the policy value in the  subaccounts  to the fixed
account. (p. )

Payment of policy proceeds: Proceeds will be paid when you surrender the policy;
the last  surviving  insured  dies;  or upon  the  youngest  insured's  attained
insurance age 100. You or the  beneficiary  may choose whether  payment is to be
made in a lump sum or under one or more of certain options. (p. )

Federal  taxes:  The death benefit is not considered  part of the  beneficiary's
income and thus is not subject to federal  income  taxes.  When the proceeds are
paid on the  youngest  insured's  attained  insurance  age  100,  if the  amount
received plus any indebtedness exceeds your investment in the policy, the excess
may be taxable as ordinary income.  Part or all of any proceeds received through
full or partial surrender,  lapse, policy loan or assignment of policy value may
be subject to federal income tax as ordinary  income.  Proceeds other than death
benefits from certain policies,  classified as "modified  endowments," are taxed
differently from proceeds of conventional life insurance  contracts and may also
be subject to an additional  10% IRS penalty tax if you are younger than 59 1/2.
A policy is  considered  to be a modified  endowment  if it was  applied  for or
materially  changed  after June 21, 1988,  and premiums  paid in the early years
exceed certain modified endowment limits. (p. )

The variable account

You can direct your premiums to any or all of eight  subaccounts of the variable
account. These subaccounts invest in the following funds:

Subaccount                           invests exclusively in shares of
Equity                        IDS Life Series Fund - Equity Portfolio
Income                        IDS Life Series Fund - Income Portfolio
Money Market                  IDS Life Series Fund - Money Market Portfolio
Managed                       IDS Life Series Fund - Managed Portfolio
Government Securities         IDS Life Series Fund - Government Securities 
International Equity          IDS Life Series Fund - International Equity 
YGI                           AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund
YNO                           Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund

The variable  account was established on Sept. 12, 1985,  under New York law and
is registered as a single unit investment trust under the Investment Company Act
of 1940. Such registration does not involve any SEC supervision of the account's
management or investment practices or policies.  International Equity Subaccount
was added to the variable account on Oct. 28, 1994. YGI and YNO subaccounts were
added to the variable account on Nov. 22, 1996.

The variable account meets the definition of a "separate  account" under federal
securities laws. Income,  capital gains or capital losses of each subaccount are
credited  to or  charged  against  the  assets  of  that  subaccount  alone.  No
subaccount  will be charged with  liabilities of any other  subaccount or of any
other  business  conducted by IDS Life of New York.  The variable  account's net
assets are held in relation to the policies described in this prospectus as well
as other variable life  insurance  policies that we issue that are not described
in this prospectus.

At all times,  IDS Life of New York will maintain assets in the subaccounts with
total market value at least equal to the reserves and other liabilities required
to cover insurance benefits under all contracts participating in the subaccount.

The funds

IDS Life Series Fund, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, is a diversified,  open-end
management  investment  company  incorporated on May 8, 1985. The  International
Equity portfolio was added to the fund on October 28, 1994. IDS Life Series Fund
currently consists of six portfolios:

IDS Life Series Fund - Equity Portfolio

Objective:  capital  appreciation.  Invests primarily in common stocks and other
securities convertible into common stock.

IDS Life Series Fund - Income Portfolio

Objective:  to maximize current income while attempting to conserve the value of
the  investment  and to continue the high level of income for the longest period
of time. At least 50% of net assets will  normally be invested in  high-quality,
lower-risk  corporate bonds,  unrated  corporate bonds believed to have the same
investment  qualities  and  government  bonds.  Other  investments  may  include
lower-rated  corporate  bonds,  bonds and common stocks sold together as a unit,
preferred stock and foreign securities.

IDS Life Series Fund - Money Market Portfolio

Objective:  to provide  maximum  current  income  consistent  with liquidity and
conservation  of  capital.   Invests  in  relatively   short-term  money  market
securities,  such as  marketable  debt  securities  issued or  guaranteed  as to
principal   and   interest   by  the  U.S.   government   or  its   agencies  or
instrumentalities,  bank certificates of deposit, bankers' acceptances,  letters
of credit and high-grade commercial paper.

IDS Life Series Fund - Managed Portfolio

Objective:  to maximize total investment return through a combination of capital
appreciation  and current income.  If the investment  manager believes the stock
market will be moving higher,  it can emphasize  stocks that offer potential for
appreciation.  At other times, the manager may increase the portfolio's holdings
in bonds and money-market securities providing high current income.

IDS Life Series Fund - Government Securities Portfolio

Objective:  to provide a high current  return and safety of  principal.  Invests
primarily in debt obligations  issued or guaranteed as to principal and interest
by the U.S. government, its agencies and instrumentalities.

IDS Life Series Fund - International Equity Portfolio

Objective:  capital appreciation.  Invests primarily in common stocks of foreign
issuers and foreign securities  convertible into common stock. Other investments
may include certain  international  bonds if the portfolio manager believes they
have greater potential for capital appreciation than equities.

AIM Variable  Insurance  Funds,  Inc., a Maryland  corporation,  is an open-end,
series,  management  investment  company  incorporated  on January 22, 1993. The
variable account invests in the following fund:

AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund

Objective:  to seek  growth  of  capital  with  current  income  as a  secondary
objective.  The Fund seeks to achieve its  objective by  generally  investing at
least 65% of its net assets in stocks of  companies  believed by  management  to
have the potential for above average growth in revenues and earnings.

Putnam Variable Trust is a  Massachusetts  business trust organized on September
24, 1987. The variable account invests in the following fund:

Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund

Objective:  seeks long-term  capital  appreciation  by investing  principally in
common  stocks  of  companies  in  sectors  of  the  economy  Putnam  Investment
Management,  Inc. ("Putnam Management") believes possess above-average long-term
growth potential.

Fund objectives

Fund  objectives  for all funds except Putnam VT New  Opportunities  Fund can be
changed only if holders of a majority of outstanding shares agree. The objective
of Putnam VT New  Opportunities  Fund may be  changed  by the  Trustees  without
shareholders,  but as a matter of  policy,  the  Trustees  would not  materially
change  the  fund's  objective  without  shareholder   approval.   Because  fund
investments  are subject to the risk of  changing  economic  conditions  and the
ability of the investment  manager to anticipate  such changes,  there can be no
guarantee that the investment objectives of a fund will be achieved.

Relationship between funds and subaccounts

Shares of each fund are sold to the  appropriate  subaccount  at net asset value
without a sales charge. Dividends and capital gain distributions from a fund are
reinvested at net asset value without a sales charge and retained as an asset of
the  appropriate  subaccount.  Fund shares  will be redeemed by the  appropriate
subaccount, without fee to the subaccount, to the extent necessary to make death
benefit or other payments under the policy.

Currently,  shares of the IDS Life Series Fund Portfolios are available to serve
as the underlying investment for variable life insurance. Shares of the AIM V.I.
Growth and Income Fund and Putnam VT New  Opportunities  Fund are  available  to
serve as the  underlying  investment  for  variable  life  insurance  contracts,
variable  annuities and qualified  plans. In the future,  shares of the IDS Life
Series Fund  Portfolios may be available to serve as the  underlying  investment
for variable life insurance  contracts,  variable annuities and qualified plans.
It is conceivable that in the future it may be disadvantageous for variable life
insurance separate accounts, variable annuity separate accounts and/or qualified
plans to invest in the available funds simultaneously.  Although IDS Life of New
York and the funds do not currently foresee any such  disadvantages,  the boards
of directors or trustees of the  appropriate  funds will monitor events in order
to identify any material  conflicts between such policy owners,  contract owners
and  qualified  plans to  determine  what  action,  if any,  should  be taken in
response to a conflict.  If a board were to conclude that separate  funds should
be established for variable life insurance,  variable annuity and qualified plan
separate accounts, the variable life insurance  policyholders would not bear any
expenses associated with establishing separate accounts.

IDS  Life  acts  as  the  investment  manager  and  American  Express  Financial
Corporation  acts as the  investment  advisor  for IDS Life  Series  Fund,  Inc.
American  Express  Trust  Company acts as custodian of the IDS Life Series Fund,
Inc.'s investments.

AIM Advisors, Inc. acts as the investment advisor for AIM V.I. Growth and Income
Fund.  Putnam  Management  acts as the  investment  manager  for  Putnam  VT New
Opportunities Fund.

The investment managers or advisors receive fees for their services as described
under "Loads, fees and charges."

Detailed information about the funds, their investment objectives,  policies and
risks, may be found in the fund prospectuses.

Diversification: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued final regulations
relating to the  diversification  requirements under Section 817(h) of the Code.
Each fund intends to comply with these requirements.

Ownership rules:  The U.S.  Treasury and the IRS have indicated they may provide
additional  guidance concerning how many subaccounts may be offered and how many
exchanges  among  subaccounts  may be allowed  before the owner is considered to
have  investment  control and thus is currently  taxed on income  earned  within
subaccount assets. We do not know at this time what the additional guidance will
be or when action will be taken.  We reserve the right to modify the policy,  as
necessary,  to ensure that the owner will not be subject to current  taxation as
the owner of the subaccount assets.

Rates of return of the funds and subaccounts

This  section  presents  rates of  return,  first for the funds and then for the
corresponding  subaccounts.  Rates of  return  are  different  in the two  cases
because those of the subaccounts reflect additional charges.  This section shows
the  actual  rates of return for the six IDS Life  Series  Fund  portfolios  and
subaccounts.  This section shows  hypothetical  rates of return for the AIM V.I.
Growth and Income Fund and Putnam VT New

Opportunities  Fund until November 22, 1996 when the subaccounts began investing
in those funds.  After this date, the section shows actual rates of return.  All
charges and expenses  mentioned in the section are explained fully under "Loads,
fees and charges."

Rates of return of funds

In the  following  table are average  annual rates of return based on the actual
investment  performance  of the funds after  deduction of  applicable  portfolio
expenses (including the investment management fees and nonadvisory expenses) for
the periods  indicated.  These rates do not  reflect  charges  that apply to the
subaccounts or the policy and therefore do not illustrate how actual  investment
performance will affect policy benefits. Moreover, these rates of return are not
an estimate or guarantee of future performance.

Period ending [to be filed by amendment]

                                                                          10 years or      
Fund                                          1 year  3 years  5 years    Since inception*
IDS Life Series Fund - Equity (Beta **)
IDS Life Series Fund - Income
IDS Life Series Fund - Money Market
IDS Life Series Fund - Managed (Beta **)
IDS Life Series Fund - Government Securities
IDS Life Series Fund - International Equity
AIM V.I. Growth and Income Fund
Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund

*IDS Life Series Fund - Equity,  Income,  Money Market,  Managed and  Government
Securities  Portfolios commenced operations on January 20, 1986. IDS Life Series
Fund - International Equity Portfolio commenced operations on Oct. 28, 1994. AIM
V.I. Growth and Income Fund and Putnam VT New Opportunities  Fund each commenced
operations on May 2, 1994.

**Beta is a  volatility  measure  based on  calculations  of the fund's  monthly
returns compared to the S&P 500 Index. A beta less than 1 indicates  performance
that is less volatile than the market; a beta more than 1 indicates  performance
that is more volatile than the market.

Rates of return of subaccounts

Average  annual  rates of return in the  following  table  reflect  all  charges
incurred  by the  funds and  charges  against  the  subaccounts  (including  the
mortality and expense risk charge). The rates do not reflect the premium expense
charge, surrender charge or monthly deduction.

Period Ending [to be filed by amendment]

                                                                               10 years or
Subaccount                    Investment            1 year    3 years  5 years Since inception*
Equity                Equity
Income                Income
Money Market          Money Market
Managed               Managed
Government Securities Government Securities
International Equity  International Equity
YGI                   Growth and Income Fund
YNO                   New Opportunities Fund

*Equity,  Income, Money Market,  Managed and Government  Securities  subaccounts
commenced on Aug. 31,  1987.  International  Equity  subaccount  each  commenced
operations on Oct. 28, 1994. YGI and YNO subaccounts  each commenced  operations
on Nov. 22, 1996.

The fixed account

You can allocate premiums to the fixed account or transfer policy value from the
subaccounts  to the fixed  account  (with  certain  restrictions,  explained  in
"Transfers between the fixed account and subaccounts").

The fixed account is the general  investment account of IDS Life of New York. It
includes  all  assets  owned  by IDS Life of New York  other  than  those in the
variable  account and other separate  accounts.  Subject to applicable  law, IDS
Life of New York has sole  discretion  to decide how assets of the fixed account
will be invested.

Placing  policy value in the fixed  account does not entitle you to share in the
fixed account's investment  experience,  nor does it expose you to the account's
investment risk. Instead,  IDS Life of New York guarantees that the policy value
you place in the fixed account will accrue interest at an effective  annual rate
of at least 4%, independent of the actual investment  experience of the account.
IDS Life of New York bears the full investment risk for amounts allocated to the
fixed account.

IDS Life of New York is not obligated to credit interest at any rate higher than
4%, although we may do so at our sole discretion.  Interest in excess of 4% will
not be  credited  on any portion of policy  value in the fixed  account  against
which you have a policy loan outstanding.

Because of exemptive and exclusionary provisions, interests in the fixed account
have not been registered  under the Securities Act of 1933 and the fixed account
has not been  registered as an investment  company under the Investment  Company
Act of 1940.

Accordingly,  neither the fixed  account nor any  interests in it are subject to
the  provisions  of these  Acts and the  staff of the SEC has not  reviewed  the
disclosures  in this  prospectus  relating  to the  fixed  account.  Disclosures
regarding  the fixed  account  may,  however,  be subject  to certain  generally
applicable  provisions of the federal  securities  laws relating to the accuracy
and completeness of statements made in prospectuses.

Purchasing your policy


To apply for  coverage,  complete an  application  and send it with your premium
payment to IDS Life of New York's home office. In your application, you:

     o select a specified amount of insurance;
     o select a death benefit option;
     o designate a beneficiary; and
     o state how premiums are to be allocated among the fixed
       account and/or the subaccounts.

Insurability:  Before  issuing  your  policy,  IDS  Life  of New  York  requires
satisfactory evidence of the insurability of the persons whose lives you propose
to insure.  Our  underwriting  department  will review your  application and any
medical  information  or other data  required to determine  whether the proposed
individuals are insurable under our underwriting  rules. Your application may be
declined  if a  person  fails  to meet  the  underwriting  requirements  and any
premiums you have paid will be returned.

Age  limit:  The  policy is  available  only to  persons  age 35 and  older.  In
addition, IDS Life of New York generally will not issue a policy to persons over
the insurance age of 85. It may, however, do so at its sole discretion.

Risk  classification:  The risk classification for each insured is based on that
insured's  health,  occupation or other relevant  underwriting  standards.  This
classification will affect the monthly deduction. (See "Loads, fees and charges"
and "Optional insurance benefits.")

Other conditions: In addition to proving insurability, you and the insureds must
also meet certain  conditions,  stated in the application  form, before coverage
will become effective and your policy is issued to you. The lives insured may be
covered under the terms of a conditional  insurance  agreement prior to a policy
being issued.

Incontestability:  IDS Life of New York will have two years  from the  effective
date of your policy to contest the truth of  statements  or  representations  in
your  application.  After the policy has been in force  during the  lifetime  of
either  insured for two years from the policy date,  IDS Life of New York cannot
contest the policy.

Right to examine policy

You may return  your  policy for any  reason  and  receive a full  refund of all
premiums  paid. To do so, you must mail or deliver the policy to IDS Life of New
York or your financial advisor, with a written request for cancellation,  by the
latest of:

     o the 10th day after you receive it
     o the 10th day after IDS Life of New York mails or personally 
       delivers a written notice of withdrawal right
     o the 45th day after you sign your application.

On the date your request is postmarked or received,  the policy will immediately
be considered void from the start.


Payment of premiums:

In applying for your policy, you decide how much you intend to pay and how often
you will make payments.  During the early policy years until the policy value is
sufficient to cover the surrender charge, IDS Life of New York requires that you
pay the minimum initial premiums.

You may schedule payments annually,  semiannually or quarterly.  (Payment at any
other interval must be approved by IDS Life of New York.) This premium  schedule
is shown in your policy.

The  scheduled  premium  serves only as an  indication  of your intent as to the
frequency and amount of future premium payments.  You may skip scheduled premium
payments  at any time if your  cash  surrender  value is  sufficient  to pay the
monthly deduction, or if you have paid sufficient premium to keep the DBG-100 or
the minimum initial premium period in effect.

You may also change the amount and  frequency of scheduled  premium  payments by
written request.  IDS Life of New York reserves the right to limit the amount of
such changes. Any change in the premium amount is subject to applicable tax laws
and regulations.

Although you have  flexibility in paying  premiums,  the amount and frequency of
your payments will affect the policy value,  cash surrender  value and length of
time your policy will remain in force,  as well as affect whether the DBG-100 or
the minimum initial premium period remain in effect.

Premium limitations:

You may make  unscheduled  premium  payments  at any time and in an amount of at
least  $50.  IDS Life of New York  reserves  the right to limit the  number  and
amount of unscheduled premium payments.

No premium  payments,  scheduled  or  unscheduled,  are  allowed on or after the
youngest insured's attained insurance age 100.

Also, in order to receive favorable tax treatment under the Code,  premiums paid
during the life of the policy  must not exceed  certain  limitations.  To comply
with the Code,  IDS Life of New York can either refuse  excess  premiums as they
are paid,  or refund  excess  premiums with interest no later than 60 days after
the end of the policy year in which they were paid.

Allocation of premiums:

Until the policy date, we hold all premiums in the fixed account,  and we credit
interest on the net premiums  (gross  premiums minus premium  expense charge) at
the current  fixed account rate. As of the policy date, we will allocate the net
premiums  plus  accrued  interest to the  account(s)  you have  selected in your
application.  At that time, we will begin to assess the various loads,  fees and

Any amount  allocated to a subaccount is converted  into  accumulation  units of
that subaccount, as explained under "Policy value." Similarly, when transferring
value between  subaccounts,  accumulation  units in one subaccount are converted
into a cash value, which is then converted into accumulation units of the second

Keeping the policy in force

This section  includes a description of the policy  provisions that determine if
the policy will remain in force or lapse  (terminate).  It is important that you
understand  them so the  appropriate  premium  payments  are made to ensure that
insurance coverage meets your objectives.

If you wish to have a  guarantee  that the policy will remain in force until the
youngest   insured's   attained  insurance  age  100  regardless  of  investment
performance, you should pay at least the DBG-100 premiums.

If you  wish to pay a lower  premium  and are  not  concerned  with a  long-term
guarantee  that the  policy  will  remain  in  force  regardless  of  investment
performance,  you can pay  premiums  so that  the cash  surrender  value on each
monthly date is sufficient  to pay the monthly  deduction.  However,  during the
minimum  initial  premium  period,  you must pay at least  the  minimum  initial
premium until the policy value is greater than the surrender charge and the cash
surrender value is sufficient to pay the monthly deduction.

Death benefit guarantee to age 100

The DBG-100  provides  that your policy will remain in force until the  youngest
insured's  attained  insurance  age 100  even if the  cash  surrender  value  is
insufficient to pay the monthly deduction. The DBG-100 will remain in effect, as
long as:

        the sum of premiums paid minus partial surrenders minus outstanding
        equals or exceeds the DBG-100 premiums due since the policy date.

The DBG-100 premium is shown in the policy.

If, on a monthly date, you have not paid enough  premiums to keep the DBG-100 in
effect, an additional period of 61 days will be allowed for you to pay a premium
sufficient  to bring your total up to the  required  minimum.  If you do not pay
this amount within 61 days, the DBG-100 will terminate. If the DBG-100 is not in
effect,  your policy will lapse  (terminate) if the cash surrender value is less
than the amount  needed to pay the monthly  deduction  and the  minimum  initial
premium  period is not in  effect.  Although  the policy  can be  reinstated  as
explained below, the DBG-100 cannot be reinstated.

Minimum initial premium period

To allow you to purchase this policy for the lowest  premium  possible,  you may
choose to pay only the  minimum  initial  premium  during  the  minimum  initial
premium period as long as the policy value minus indebtedness  equals or exceeds
the monthly  deduction.  The policy will not enter the grace  period  during the
minimum initial premium period as shown in your policy under "Policy Data," if:

1. on a monthly date, the policy value minus indebtedness  equals or exceeds the
monthly  deduction for the policy month  following such monthly date; and 2. the
sum  of  all  premiums  paid,  minus  any  partial  surrenders,  and  minus  any
indebtedness  equals or exceeds the minimum  initial  premium,  as shown in your
policy  under  "Policy  Data," times the number of months since the policy date,
including the current month.

The minimum initial period is

        4 years if the youngest insured's  insurance age is 20-29 
        3 years if the youngest  insured's  insurance  age is  30-39  
        2 years  if the  youngest insured's  insurance  age is  40-49  
        1 year  if the  youngest  insured's insurance age is 50 and over

Grace period

If the cash  surrender  value of the policy becomes less than that needed to pay
the monthly  deduction and neither the DBG-100 nor the minimum  initial  premium
period is in effect,  you will have 61 days to pay the required  premium amount.
If the required premium is not paid, the policy will lapse.

IDS Life of New York will mail a notice to your last known  address,  requesting
payment of the premium  needed so that the next three monthly  deductions can be
made. If we receive this premium  before the end of the 61-day grace period,  we
will use the payment to pay all monthly  deductions  and any other  charges then
due.  Any balance  will be added to the policy  value and  allocated in the same
manner as other premium payments.

If a policy lapses with outstanding indebtedness,  any excess of the outstanding
indebtedness  over the premium paid generally will be taxable to the owner. (See
"Federal  taxes.") If the last  surviving  insured dies during the grace period,
any overdue monthly deductions will be deducted from the death benefit.


Your policy may be  reinstated  within  five years  after it lapses,  unless you
surrendered it for cash. To reinstate, IDS Life of New York will require:

     o  a written request;

     o  evidence  satisfactory to IDS Life of New York that both insureds remain
        insurable or evidence for the last surviving  insured and due proof that
        the first death occurred before the date of lapse;

     o  payment of a premium that will keep the policy in force for at least 
        three months;

     o  payment of the monthly deductions that were not collected during the 
        grace period; and

     o  payment or reinstatement of any indebtedness.

The  effective  date of a reinstated  policy will be the monthly date on or next
following  the  day  IDS  Life  of  New  York  accepts  your   application   for
reinstatement. The suicide period (see "Proceeds payable upon death") will apply
from  the  effective  date of  reinstatement.  Surrender  charges  will  also be

IDS  Life  of  New  York  will  have  two  years  from  the  effective  date  of
reinstatement  to contest  the truth of  statements  or  representations  in the
reinstatement application.

Loads, fees and charges

Policy charges  compensate  IDS Life of New York for:
     o providing  the insurance benefits of the policy; 
     o issuing the policy; 
     o administering the policy;
     o assuming  certain risks in connection  with the policy;  and 
     o distributing the policy.

Some of these  charges  are  deducted  from your  premium  payments.  Others are
deducted  periodically  from  your  policy  value in the  fixed  account  and/or
subaccounts.  You may also be assessed a charge if you surrender  your policy or
the policy lapses.

Premium expense charge

We deduct this charge from each premium payment.  The amount remaining after the
deduction,  called the net  premium,  is  credited  to the  account(s)  you have
selected. The premium expense charge has three parts:

Sales charge: 7.25% of all premiums paid. Partially  compensates IDS Life of New
York for expenses in distributing  the policy,  including  agents'  commissions,
advertising and printing of prospectuses and sales literature.

Premium tax charge:  1.0% of each premium  payment.  Compensates IDS Life of New
York for paying taxes  imposed by the State of New York on premiums  received by
insurance companies.

Federal tax charge:  1.25% of each premium payment.  Compensates IDS Life of New
York for paying  Federal  taxes  resulting  from the sale of the policy and is a
reasonable charge in relation to IDS Life of New York's federal tax burden.  IDS
Life of New York  reserves  the right to  change  the  amount of this  charge if
applicable federal law changes IDS Life of New York's federal tax burden subject
to the approval of the Superintendent of Insurance.

Monthly deduction

On each  monthly  date we  deduct  from the  value of your  policy  in the fixed
account and/or subaccounts an amount equal to the sum of:

     1. the cost of insurance for the policy month;
     2. the policy fee shown in your policy; and
     3. charges for any optional insurance benefits provided by rider for the
        policy month.

Each of the three components is explained below.

You  specify,  in  your  policy  application,  what  percentage  of the  monthly
deduction  from 0% to 100% will be taken from the fixed account and from each of
the subaccounts.  You may change these percentages for future monthly deductions
by written request.

Monthly deductions will be taken from the fixed account and the subaccounts on a
pro rata basis if:

     o you do not specify the accounts from which the monthly deduction is to 
       be taken; or
     o the value in the fixed account or any subaccount is insufficient to pay 
       the portion of the monthly deduction you have specified.

If the cash  surrender  value of your  policy is not  enough to pay the  monthly
deduction on a monthly  anniversary,  the policy may lapse.  However, the policy
will not  lapse if the  DBG-100  or the  minimum  initial  premium  period is in
effect.  (See  Death  benefit  guarantee  to age 100,  Minimum  initial  premium
period;" also "Grace period" and "Reinstatement.")

Components of the monthly deduction:

1. Cost of insurance: the cost providing the death benefit under your policy.

The cost of insurance for a policy month is calculated as:

                              [a x (b - c)] + d

(a) is the monthly cost of insurance rate based on each insureds  insurance age,
duration  of  coverage,  sex and  risk  classification.  Generally,  the cost of
insurance  rate will  increase as the  attained  insurance  age of each  insured

Rates are set by IDS Life of New York,  based on its  expectations  as to future
mortality experience. We may change the rates from time to time; any change will
apply to all individuals of the same risk  classification.  However,  rates will
not exceed the Guaranteed  Annual Maximum Cost of Insurance  Rates shown in your
policy,  which are based on the 1980  Commissioners  Standard Ordinary Smoker or
Nonsmoker Mortality Tables, Age Last Birthday.

(b) is the death benefit on the monthly date divided by 1.0032737 (which reduces
IDS Life of New  York's net amount at risk,  solely  for  computing  the cost of
insurance,  by taking into account assumed monthly earnings at an annual rate of

(c) is the policy value on the monthly date.  At this point, the policy value
    has been reduced by the policy fee and any charges for optional riders;

(d) is any flat extra insurance charges assessed as a result of special
    underwriting considerations.

2.  Policy  fee:  $30 per  month  for the first 15  policy  years.  This  charge
reimburses  IDS Life of New York for  expenses of issuing  the  policy,  such as
processing  the  application  (primarily  underwriting)  and setting up computer
records; and of administering the policy, such as processing claims, maintaining
records,  making policy changes and  communicating  with owners.  We reserve the
right to change  the  charge in the  future,  but  guarantee  that it will never
exceed $30 per month.

3. Optional insurance benefit charges: charges for any optional benefits added 
   to the policy by rider. See "Optional insurance benefits."

Surrender charge

If you  surrender  your policy or the policy  lapses  during the first 15 policy
years, a surrender charge will be assessed. The surrender charge is a contingent
deferred issue and administration  expense charge. It reimburses IDS Life of New
York for  costs of  issuing  the  policy,  such as  processing  the  application
(primarily  underwriting) and setting up computer records. This charge is $4 per
thousand dollars of initial  specified amount. It remains level during the first
five policy years and then  decreases  monthly until it is zero at the end of 15
policy years.

Partial surrender fee

If you surrender  part of the value of your policy,  you will be charged $25 (or
2% of the amount  surrendered,  if less). This fee is guaranteed not to increase
for the duration of your policy.

Mortality and expense risk charge

This charge applies only to the subaccounts and not to the fixed account.  It is
equal,  on an  annual  basis,  to 0.9%  of the  daily  net  asset  value  of the
subaccounts -- a level  guaranteed for the life of the policy.  Computed  daily,
the charge compensates IDS Life of New York for:

    o   Mortality  risk -- the risk that the cost of  insurance  charge  will be
        insufficient to meet actual claims.

    o   Expense risk -- the risk that the policy fee and the contingent deferred
        issue  and  administration  expense  charge  (described  above)  may  be
        insufficient to cover the cost of administering the policy.

Any profit from the  mortality and expense risk charge would be available to IDS
Life of New York for any  proper  corporate  purpose  including,  among  others,
payment of sales and distribution expenses, which we do not expect to be covered
by the sales charge discussed earlier.  Any further deficit will have to be made
up from IDS Life of New York's general assets.

Fund expenses

The investment  managers receive fees for their services to the funds. The funds
also pay taxes,  brokerage  commissions and nonadvisory  expenses.  IDS Life has
agreed to a voluntary  limit of 0.1%, on an annual  basis,  of the average daily
net assets of each of the IDS Life Series Fund Portfolios for these  nonadvisory
expenses,  such as custodian  and trustee  fees,  registration  fees for shares,
postage,  fidelity and security bond costs,  legal fees and other  miscellaneous
fees and charges, even though actual expenses on IDS Life Series Fund-Government
Securities  Portfolio  ranged up to 0.18%,  IDS Life  Series  Fund-Money  Market
Portfolio  ranged  up to 0.23%  and IDS Life  Series  Fund-International  Equity
Portfolio  ranged  up to  0.37%.  IDS Life  reserves  the  right to  discontinue
limiting these nonadvisory  expenses at 0.1%. However,  its present intention is
to  continue  the limit until the time that  actual  expenses  are less than the
limit.  Other expenses for the year ended Dec. 31, 1996 were 0.09% for Putnam VT
New  Opportunities  Fund.  For AIM V.I.  Growth and Income  Fund other  expenses
(annualized) were 0.13% for the period ended Dec. 31, 1996.

The  investment  management  fee is  deducted  from the IDS Life  Series  Fund -
Equity,  Income, Money Market,  Managed,  Government  Securities,  International
Equity Portfolios and the Putnam VT New  Opportunities  Fund and AIM V.I. Growth
and Income Fund daily.

The investment management fee equals, on an annual basis:

     o IDS Life Series Fund - Money Market  Portfolio  -- 0.5% of average  daily
     net assets o Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund -- 0.63% of average daily net
     assets o AIM V.I.  Growth  and Income  Fund -- 0.65% of  average  daily net
     assets o IDS Life Series  Fund - Equity,  Income,  Managed  and  Government

       Portfolios -- 0.7% of average daily net assets

     o IDS Life Series Fund - International Equity Portfolio -- 0.95% of 
       average daily net assets

IDS Life of New York has  entered  into  certain  agreements  under  which it is
compensated  by the  advisors  and/or  distributors  of the AIM V.I.  Growth and
Income Fund and Putnam VT New Opportunities Fund for the administrative services
it provides to these funds.

Other information on charges:

IDS Life of New York may reduce or  eliminate  various  fees and charges when we
incur lower sales costs and/or perform fewer administrative services than usual.

Policy value

The value of your  policy is the sum of  values  in the fixed  account  and each
subaccount of the variable account.

Fixed account value

The value in the fixed  account on the  policy  date (when the policy is issued)
equals the portion of your  initial net premium  that you have  allocated to the
fixed account,  plus interest  accrued before the policy date, minus the portion
of the monthly  deduction for the first policy month that you have  allocated to
the fixed account.

On any later date, the value in the fixed account equals:

     o the value on the previous monthly date; plus
     o net premiums allocated to the fixed account since the last monthly 
       date; plus 
     o any transfers to the fixed account from the  subaccounts,  including
       loan transfers, since the last monthly date; plus
     o accrued interest on all of the above; minus
     o any transfers from the fixed account to the subaccounts,  including loan
       repayment transfers, since the last monthly date; minus
     o any partial surrenders or partial surrender fees allocated to the fixed
       account since the last monthly date; minus
     o interest on any transfers or partial surrenders, from the date of the
       transfer or surrender to the date of calculation; minus
     o any  portion  of the  monthly  deduction  for the  coming  month that is
       allocated to the fixed account if the date of  calculation  is a monthly

Subaccount values

The  value  in  each  subaccount  changes  daily,  depending  on the  investment
performance  of the fund in which that  subaccount  invests and on other factors
detailed below.  There is no guaranteed minimum subaccount value. You, as owner,
bear the entire investment risk.

Calculation of subaccount value: The value in each subaccount on the policy date
equals the portion of your initial net premium allocated to that subaccount plus
interest  accrued  before  the policy  date,  minus the  portion of the  monthly
deduction for the first policy month that you have allocated to that subaccount.
The value of each subaccount on each subsequent valuation date equals:

o  the value of the subaccount on the preceding  valuation  date,  multiplied by
   the net investment factor for the current valuation period (explained below);
o  net premiums received and allocated to the subaccount during the current 
   valuation period; plus
o  any transfers to the subaccount (from the fixed account or other subaccounts,
   including loan repayment transfers) during the period; minus
o  any transfers from the subaccount including loan transfers during the 
   current valuation period; minus
o  any partial surrenders and partial surrender fees allocated to the subaccount
   during the period; minus
o  any portion of the monthly deduction allocated to the subaccount during the

The net investment  factor  measures the investment  performance of a subaccount
from one valuation period to the next.  Because  performance may fluctuate,  the
value of a subaccount may increase or decrease from day to day.

Accumulation  units:  The policy value allocated to each subaccount is converted
into  accumulation  units.  Each time you direct a premium  payment or  transfer
policy value into one of the subaccounts, a certain number of accumulation units
are credited to your policy for that subaccount.  Conversely, each time you take
a partial  surrender or transfer value out of a subaccount,  a certain number of
accumulation units are subtracted.

Accumulation  units are the true measure of investment value in each subaccount.
For subaccounts investing in the funds, they're related to, but not the same as,
the net  asset  value  of the  corresponding  fund.  The  dollar  value  of each
accumulation  unit  can  rise  or  fall  daily,   depending  on  the  investment
performance  of the  underlying  fund and on  certain  charges.  Here's how unit
values are calculated:

Number of units:  To calculate the number of units for a particular  subaccount,
we divide  your  investment  (net  premium or  transfer  amount) by the  current
accumulation unit value.

Accumulation  unit value: The current value for each subaccount  equals the last
value times the current net investment factor.

Net  investment  factor:  Determined at the end of each valuation  period,  this
factor equals (a divided by b) - c, where:

(a) equals:

o  net asset value per share of the fund; plus

o  per-share amount of any dividend or capital gain distribution made by the
   relevant fund to the subaccount; plus

o  any  credit or minus  any  charge  for  reserves  to cover any tax  liability
   resulting from the investment operations of the subaccount.

(b) equals:

o net asset  value per share of the fund at the end of the  preceding  valuation
period; plus

o any credit or minus any charge for reserves to cover any tax  liability in the
preceding valuation period.

(c) is a percentage  factor  representing the mortality and expense risk charge,
as described in "Loads, fees and charges," above.

Factors that affect subaccount accumulation units:

Accumulation  units may change in two ways; in number and in value. Here are the
factors that influence those changes:

The number of accumulation units you own may fluctuate due to:

o additional purchase payments allocated to the subaccounts;
o transfers into or out of the  subaccount(s); 
o partial  surrenders and partial  surrender fees; 
o surrender charges; and/or o monthly deductions

Accumulation unit values may fluctuate due to:

o changes in underlying funds(s) net asset value; 
o dividends distributed to the subaccount(s); 
o capital gains or losses of underlying  funds;
o fund operating expenses; and/or o mortality and expense risk charges.

Proceeds payable upon death

We will pay a benefit to the  beneficiary  of the policy when the last surviving
insured dies.

If that death is prior to the youngest insured's attained insurance age 100, the
amount  payable is based on the specified  amount and death  benefit  option you
have selected, as described below, less any indebtedness.

On the youngest  insured's attained insurance age 100, the amount payable is the
cash surrender value.

Option 1 (level  amount):  Under this option,  the policy's value is part of the
specified amount. The Option 1 death benefit is the greater of:

    o the specified amount on the date of the last surviving insured's death; or

    o  the  applicable  percentage  of the policy value on the date of the last
       surviving  insured's death, if that death occurs on a valuation date, or
       on the next  valuation  date  following  the date of death.  (See  table

Youngest  insured's  attained  insurance  age in the table  below  refers to the
youngest life insured or the age such person would have reached.

                              Applicable percentage table

Youngest              Applicable            Youngest              Applicable
Insured's             percentage of         Insured's             percentage of
attained              policy                attained              policy
insurance             value                 insurance             value
age                                         age

40 or younger         250%                  61                    128%
        41            243                   62                    126
        42            236                   63                    124
        43            229                   64                    122
        44            222                   65                    120
        45            215                   66                    119
        46            209                   67                    118
        47            203                   68                    117
        48            197                   69                    116
        49            191                   70                    115

                              Applicable percentage table

Youngest              Applicable            Youngest              Applicable
Insured's             percentage of         Insured's             percentage of
attained              policy                attained              policy
insurance             value                 insurance             value
age                                         age

      50              185                   71                    113
      51              178                   72                    111
      52              171                   73                    109
      53              164                   74                    107
      54              157                   75-95                 105
      55              150                   96                    104
      56              146                   97                    103
      57              142                   98                    102
      58              138                   99                    101
      59              134                   100                   100
      60              130

The  percentage  is designed to ensure that the policy meets the  provisions  of
Federal tax law,  which  require a minimum  death  benefit in relation to policy
value for your policy to qualify as life insurance.

Option 2 (variable amount):  Under this option, the policy value is added to the
specified amount. The Option 2 death benefit is the greater of:

     o the policy value plus the specified amount; or
     o the  applicable  percentage of policy value on the date of the last 
       surviving insured's death, if that death occurs on a valuation date, or
       on the next valuation date following the date of death.(See table above.)

Examples:                         Option 1            Option 2

specified amount                  $1,000,000          $1,000,000
policy value                      $   50,000          $   50,000
death benefit                     $1,000,000          $1,050,000
policy value increases to         $   80,000          $   80,000
death benefit                     $1,000,000          $1,080,000
policy value decreases to         $   30,000          $   30,000
death benefit                     $1,000,000          $1,030,000

If you want to have premium payments and favorable investment
performance  reflected  partly in the form of an increasing  death benefit,  you
should  consider  Option 2. If you are satisfied  with the  specified  amount of
insurance   protection  and  prefer  to  have  premium  payments  and  favorable
investment  performance reflected to the maximum extent in the policy value, you
should consider Option 1. Under Option 1, the cost of insurance is lower because
IDS Life of New York's net amount at risk is generally  lower;  for this reason,
the  monthly  deduction  is less,  and a larger  portion  of your  premiums  and
investment returns is retained in the policy value.

Change in death benefit option

You may make a written  request  to change  the death  benefit  option  once per
policy year. A change in the death benefit option also will change the specified
amount. You do not need to provide additional evidence of insurability.

If you change from Option 1 to Option 2: The specified amount will
decrease by an amount  equal to the policy  value on the  effective  date of the
change.  You cannot change from Option 1 to Option 2 if the resulting  specified
amount would fall below the minimum specified amount shown in policy.

If you change from Option 2 to Option 1: The  specified  amount will increase by
an amount equal to the policy value on the effective date of the change.

An increase or decrease in specified amount resulting from a change in the death
benefit option will affect the monthly  deduction  because the cost of insurance
charge  depends  on the  specified  amount.  The  charge  for  certain  optional
insurance benefits may also change. The surrender charge,  however,  will not be

Changes in specified amount

Subject to certain  limitations,  you may make a written request to decrease the
specified  amount once each policy year after the first.  Decreases in specified
amount may have tax implications,  discussed in the section "Modified  endowment
contracts" under "Federal taxes."

Decreases:  Any  decrease  in  specified  amount will take effect on the monthly
anniversary  on or next  following  our  receipt of your  written  request.  The
specified  amount  remaining after the decrease may not be less than the minimum
specified  amount  shown in the policy.  If,  following a decrease in  specified
amount,  the policy would no longer qualify as life insurance  under federal tax
law,  the  decrease  may be  limited  to the  extent  necessary  to  meet  these

A decrease in specified amount will affect your costs as follows:

     o Your monthly deduction will decrease because the cost of insurance charge
       depends on the specified amount.

     o Charges for certain optional insurance benefits may

     o The surrender charge will not change.

No  surrender  charge is imposed  when you request a decrease  in the  specified

Increases:  Increases  in  specified  amount are not  permitted.  If you wish to
purchase  additional  insurance,  you  should  purchase  an  additional  policy.
Currently, we do not charge the policy fee for the additional policy.

Misstatement of age or sex

If an insured's  age or sex has been  misstated,  the proceeds  payable upon the
last surviving insured's death will be:

o       the policy value on the date of death; plus
o       the amount of insurance  that would have been purchased by the cost of
        insurance  deducted for the policy month during which death  occurred,
        if that cost had been  calculated  using rates for the correct age and
        sex; minus
o       the amount of any outstanding indebtedness on the date of death.


If either of the insureds die by suicide  within two years from the policy date,
the only amount payable by us will be the premium paid,  minus any  indebtedness
and partial  surrenders.  The policy will  terminate as of the date of the first
death by suicide. We will pay any amount payable to you, if living, otherwise to
your estate.

You  may  purchase  a new  life  insurance  policy  from  us on the  life of the
surviving insured. You must request, in writing, the new policy no later than 60
days after the date

of the first death by suicide.  If you are not living,  the request and purchase
may be made by the  surviving  insured.  The new  policy  must be an  individual
permanent  plan of insurance we are then  issuing.  The initial death benefit of
the new policy cannot  exceed one half of the death benefit of this policy.  The
new policy will be issued  using the rates in effect,  the  surviving  insured's
attained  insurance  age,  and the risk  classification  as this  policy for the
surviving insured.


Initially, the beneficiary will be the person you designate in your
application  for the policy.  You may change the  beneficiary  by giving written
notice to IDS Life of New York, subject to requirements and restrictions  stated
in the policy.  If you do not  designate  a  beneficiary,  or if the  designated
beneficiary dies before the last surviving insured,  the beneficiary will be you
or your estate.

Transfers between the fixed account and subaccounts

You may  transfer  policy  values  from one  subaccount  to  another  or between
subaccounts  and the fixed  account.  For most  transfers,  if we  receive  your
request  before the close of  business,  we will  process it that day.  Requests
received  after the close of business  will be processed  the next business day.
There is no charge for transfers.  Before  transferring policy value, you should
consider the risks involved in switching investments.

We may suspend or modify the transfer  privilege at any time with the  necessary
approval  of the SEC and the New York  Superintendent  of  Insurance.  Transfers
involving the fixed account are subject to the restrictions below.

Fixed account transfer policies

o Transfers from the fixed account must be made during a 30-day period  starting
on a policy anniversary, except for automated transfers, which can be set up for
monthly, quarterly or semiannual transfer periods.

o If we receive your request to transfer  amounts from the fixed account  within
30 days before the policy anniversary, the transfer will become effective on the

o If we receive your request on or within 30 days after the policy  anniversary,
the transfer will be effective on the day we receive it.

o We will not accept  requests for transfers from the fixed account at any other

o If you have made a transfer from the fixed account to one or more subaccounts,
you may not make a transfer from any subaccount  back to the fixed account until
the next policy anniversary. We will waive this limitation once during the first
two policy years if you exercise the policy's right to exchange provision.  (See
"Exchange right.")

Minimum transfer amounts

From a subaccount to another subaccount or the fixed account:

For mail and phone transfers,  $250 or the entire subaccount balance,  whichever
is less.

For automated transfers, $50.

From the fixed account to a subaccount: $250 or the entire fixed account balance
minus any outstanding indebtedness, whichever is less.

For automated transfers, $50.

Maximum transfer amounts

From a subaccount to another subaccount or the fixed account: None.

From the fixed account to a subaccount:  Entire fixed account  balance minus any
outstanding indebtedness.

Maximum number of transfers per year

We reserve the right to limit transfers to twelve per policy year.

Two ways to request a transfer, loan or surrender

Provide  your  name,   policy  number,   Social   Security  Number  or  Taxpayer
Identification Number when you request a transfer, loan or partial surrender.

1  By letter

Regular mail:

IDS Life Insurance Company of New York
P.O. Box 5144
Albany, NY  12205

Express mail:

IDS Life Insurance Company of New York
20 Madison Ave. Extension
Albany, NY  12203

2 By phone

Call between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Eastern Time:
1-800-541-2251 (toll free) or
(518) 869-8613 (Albany area)

o       We answer phone requests  promptly,  but you may experience  delays when
        call volume is unusually  high.  If you are unable to get  through,  use
        mail procedure as an alternative.

o       We will honor any telephone transfer, loan or partial surrender requests
        believed to be authentic and will use  reasonable  procedures to confirm
        that they are.  These  include  asking  identifying  questions  and tape
        recording calls. As long as these  procedures are followed,  neither IDS
        Life  of New  York  nor  its  affiliates  will be  liable  for any  loss
        resulting from fraudulent requests.

o       Telephone  transfers,  loans and partial  surrenders  are  automatically
        available.  You may request that telephone transfers,  loans and partial
        surrenders  not be  authorized  from your account by writing IDS Life of
        New York.

Automated transfers

In addition to written and phone requests,  you can arrange to have policy value
transferred from one account to another  automatically.  Your financial  advisor
can help you set up an automated transfer.

Automated transfer policies:

o Minimum automated transfer: $50

o Frequency: monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually

o Only one automated  transfer  arrangement can be in effect at any time. Policy
values may be transferred to one or more subaccounts and the fixed account,  but
can be transferred from only one account.

o You can start or stop this  service by written  request.  You must allow seven
days for us to change any instructions that are currently in place.

o Automated  transfers  from the fixed account may not exceed an amount that, if
continued, would deplete the fixed account within 12 months.

o If you have made a transfer from the fixed account to one or more
subaccounts,  you may not make a transfer from any subaccount  back to the fixed
account until the next policy anniversary.

o If your request is submitted  with an  application  for a policy,  it will not
take effect until the policy is issued.

o If the value of the account from which policy  value is being  transferred  is
less than the $50  minimum,  the  transfer  arrangement  will  automatically  be

o Automated  transfers  are  subject to all other  policy  provisions  and terms
including provisions relating to the transfer of money between the fixed account
and the subaccounts.

Automated dollar-cost averaging

You can use automated  transfers to take advantage of  dollar-cost  averaging --
investing a fixed amount at regular intervals. For example, you might have a set
amount transferred monthly from a relatively  conservative  subaccount to a more
aggressive one, or to several others.

This systematic  approach can help you benefit from fluctuations in accumulation
unit value,  caused by  fluctuations  in the market  value(s) of the  underlying
fund. Since you invest the same amount each period,  you  automatically  acquire
more units when the market value falls, fewer units when it rises. The potential
effect is to lower your average cost per unit.

How dollar-cost averaging works

               Amount Accumulation   Number of units
Month   invested      unit value            purchased

Jan            $100           $20                   5.00
Feb            100            16                    6.25
Mar            100            9                     11.11
Apr            100            5                     20.00
May            100            7                     14.29
June           100            10                    10.00
July           100            15                    6.67
Aug            100            20                    5.00
Sept           100            17                    5.88
Oct            100            12                    8.33

(footnotes to table) By investing an equal number of dollars each month...

(arrow in table pointing to April) you automatically buy more units when the per
unit market price is low.

(arrow in table  pointing  to August)  and fewer  units when the per unit market
price is high.

You have paid an average price of only $10.81 per unit over the 10 months, while
the average market price actually was $13.10.

Dollar-cost averaging does not guarantee that any subaccount will gain in value,
nor will it protect  against a decline in value if market  prices fall.  Because
this  strategy  involves  continuous  investing,  your success with  dollar-cost
averaging  will depend  upon your  willingness  to continue to invest  regularly
through periods of low price levels.  Dollar-cost  averaging can be an effective
way to help meet your long-term goals.

Policy loans

You may borrow against your policy by written or telephone  request.  (See chart
under  "Transfers  between the fixed  account and  subaccounts"  for address and
phone  numbers for your  requests.)  A loan  request  received  before  close of
business  will be  processed  the same day. A request  received  after  close of
business will be processed the following  business day.  (Loans by telephone are
limited to $50,000.)

Interest  rate:  The interest  rate for policy  loans is 6% per year.  After the
policy's 10th  anniversary  we expect to reduce the loan interest rate to 4% per
year. Interest is charged daily and due at the end of the policy year.

Minimum loan: $500 or the remaining loan value, whichever is less.

Maximum loan:

     o 85% of the policy value minus surrender charges.

We will compute the maximum loan value as of the end of the
valuation period during which we receive your loan request. The amount available
at any  time  for a new  loan  is the  maximum  loan  value  less  any  existing
indebtedness.  In doing so, we reserve  the right to deduct  from the loan value
interest for the period until the next policy anniversary and monthly deductions
that will be taken until the next policy anniversary.

Payment of loaned funds: Generally, we will pay loans within seven days after we
receive your request  (with  certain  exceptions  -- see "Deferral of payments,"
under "Payment of policy proceeds").

Allocation  of loans to accounts:  If you do not specify  whether the loan is to
come  from  the  fixed  account  or the  subaccounts,  it will be made  from the
subaccounts  and  the  fixed  account  in  proportion  to  their  values,  minus
indebtedness.  When a loan is made  from a  subaccount,  accumulation  units are
redeemed and the proceeds transferred into the fixed account. We will credit the
policy value loaned with 4% annual interest.

Repayments: Loan repayments will be allocated to subaccounts and/or
the fixed account using the premium allocation  percentages in effect unless you
tell us otherwise. Repayments must be in amounts of at least $50.

Overdue interest: If accrued interest is not paid when due, we will increase the
amount of  indebtedness  in the fixed account to cover the amount due.  Interest
added to a policy  loan  will be  charged  the  same  interest  rate as the loan
itself.  We will take such interest from the fixed account  and/or  subaccounts,
using the monthly deduction  allocation  percentages.  If the value in the fixed
account or any subaccount is not enough to pay the interest so allocated, all of
the  interest  will be taken from all of the  accounts  in  proportion  to their
value, minus indebtedness.

Effects of policy loans: If you do not repay your loan, it will reduce the death
benefit  and  policy  value.  Even if you do  repay  it,  your  loan  can have a
permanent  effect on death  benefits and policy  values,  because money borrowed
against the subaccounts will not share in the investment results of the relevant

A loan may terminate the DBG-100 or the minimum initial premium period. The loan
amount is deducted from total  premiums  paid,  which may reduce the total below
the level required to keep the DBG-100 or the minimum  initial premium period in

Taxes:   If  your  policy  lapses  or  you  surrender  it  with  an  outstanding
indebtedness, and the amount of outstanding indebtedness plus the cash surrender
value is more than the sum of premiums  you paid,  you will  generally be liable
for taxes on the excess. (See "Federal taxes.")

Policy surrenders

You may  surrender  your  policy  in full or in  part by  written  or  telephone
request.   (See  chart  under   "Transfers   between   the  fixed   account  and
subaccounts.")  A surrender  request  received  before close of business will be
processed  the same day. A request  received  after  close of  business  will be
processed  the  following  business  day.  We may  require  that you return your

We will normally process your payment within seven days; however, we reserve the
right to defer payment.  (See  "Deferral of payments,"  under "Payment of policy

Total  surrenders If you  surrender  your policy  totally,  you receive its cash
surrender  value  --  the  policy  value  minus  outstanding   indebtedness  and
applicable  surrender charges.  (See "Loads, fees and charges.") We will compute
the value of each subaccount as of the end of the valuation  period during which
your request is received.

Partial  surrenders  After the first policy year,  you may  surrender any amount
from $500 up to 85% of the policy's cash surrender value. (Partial surrenders by
telephone are limited to $50,000.) You will be charged a partial  surrender fee,
described under "Loads, fees and charges."

Allocation of partial surrenders  Unless you specify otherwise, IDS
Life of New York  will  make  partial  surrenders  from the  fixed  account  and
subaccounts  in proportion  to their values at the end of the  valuation  period
during which your request is received.  In  determining  these  proportions,  we
first subtract the amount of any outstanding indebtedness from the fixed account

Effects of partial surrenders

o       The policy value will be reduced by the amount of the partial surrender
        and fee.

o       The death benefit will be reduced by the amount of the partial surrender
        and fee, or, if the death benefit is based on the applicable  percentage
        of policy value, by an amount equal to the applicable  percentage  times
        the amount of the partial surrender.

o       A partial  surrender may  terminate  the DBG-100 or the minimum  initial
        premium  period.  The surrender  amount is deducted from total  premiums
        paid,  which may reduce the total  below the level  required to keep the
        DBG-100 or the minimum initial premium period in effect.

o       If Option 1 is in effect, the specified amount will be reduced by the
        amount of the partial surrender and fee.

Because they reduce the specified amount, partial surrenders may affect the cost
of  insurance.  IDS Life of New York will not allow a  partial  surrender  if it
would reduce the specified amount below the required  minimum.  (See "Decreases"
under "Proceeds payable upon death.")

o       If Option 2 is in effect, a partial surrender does not affect the
        specified amount.

Taxes Upon  surrender,  you will  generally be liable for taxes on any excess of
the cash surrender value plus  outstanding  indebtedness  over the premium paid.
(See "Federal taxes.")

Exchange right

For two years  after the  policy is  issued,  you can  exchange  it for one that
provides   benefits  that  do  not  vary  with  the  investment  return  of  the
subaccounts.  Because the policy  itself offers a fixed return  option,  all you
need to do is transfer all of the policy value in the  subaccounts  to the fixed
account.  We will automatically  credit all future premium payments to the fixed
account unless you request a different allocation.

Such transfer will not count against the  five-transfers-per-year  limit.  Also,
any restrictions on transfers into the fixed account will be waived.

There will be no effect on the policy's death  benefit,  specified  amount,  net
amount at risk, risk  classification(s) or issue age. Only the method of funding
the policy value will be affected.

Optional insurance benefits

You may choose to add the  following  benefits to your  policy at an  additional
cost,  in the form of riders (if certain  requirements  are met).  More detailed
information on these benefits are in your policy.

Four-Year Term Insurance Rider (FYT) FYT provides  four-year term insurance.  An
additional  death  benefit  is paid if both  insureds  die during the first four
years of the policy.

Policy  Split  Option  Rider  (PSO) PSO  permits  a policy to be split  into two
individual  permanent  plans of life  insurance  then offered by IDS Life of New
York for  exchange,  one on the life of each insured,  upon the  occurrence of a
divorce of the  insureds  or certain  changes  in federal  estate tax law.  (See
"Federal taxes.")

Payment of policy proceeds

Proceeds will be paid when:

        o you surrender the policy;
        o the last surviving insured dies; or
        o the youngest insured's attained insurance age 100.

All  proceeds  will be paid by check.  We will  compute  the amount of the death
benefit and pay it in a single sum unless you select one of the payment  options
below.  We will pay  interest  at a rate not less than 4% per year on single sum
death  proceeds,  from  the date of the last  surviving  insured's  death to the
settlement  date  (the  date on which  proceeds  are paid in a lump sum or first
placed under a payment option). You will be charged a fee if you request express
mail delivery.

Payment options:

During an  insured's  lifetime,  you may  request in writing  that we pay policy
proceeds under one or more of the three payment options below.  (The beneficiary
may also  select a payment  option,  unless you say that he or she  can't.)  You
decide how much of the

proceeds  will be placed under each option  (minimum:  $5,000).  Any such amount
will be transferred to IDS Life of New York's general  account.  Unless we agree
otherwise, payments under all options must be made to a natural person.

You may also,  by written  request,  change a prior choice of payment  option or
elect a payment option other than the three below, if we agree.

If you elect a payment option for pre-death proceeds, payments under this option
may be subject to federal income tax as ordinary income.  If you elect Option A,
the full  pre-death  proceeds will be taxed as a full  surrender as described in
"Taxation  of policy  proceeds"  and may also be  subject to an  additional  10%
penalty  tax if the  policy is a modified  endowment.  The  interest  paid under
Option A will be ordinary  income subject to income tax in the year earned.  The
interest payments will not be subject to the 10% penalty tax.

If you  elect  Option B or  Option C for  payment  of  pre-death  proceeds,  any
indebtedness  at the time of election  will be taxed as a partial  surrender  as
described  in  "Taxation  of  policy  proceeds"  and may also be  subject  to an
additional 10% penalty tax if the policy is a modified endowment.  The remainder
of the  proceeds  will be used to make  payments  under the  option  elected.  A
portion of each payment  will be taxed as ordinary  income and a portion of each
payment will be considered a return of the investment in the policy and will not
be taxed.  An owner's  investment  in the policy is  described  in  "Taxation of
policy  proceeds." All payments made after the investment in the policy is fully
recovered  will be subject to tax.  Amounts paid under Option B or Option C that
are subject to tax may also be subject to an  additional  10% penalty tax.  (See
"Penalty tax.")

Death benefit  proceeds applied to any payment option are not considered part of
the  beneficiary's  income  and thus are not  subject  to  federal  income  tax.
Payments of interest  under  Option A will be  ordinary  income  subject to tax.
Under Option B or Option C, a portion of each  payment  will be ordinary  income
subject to tax, and a portion of each payment will be considered a return of the
beneficiary's  investment  in the policy.  The  beneficiary's  investment in the
policy is the death benefit proceeds applied to the payment option. All payments
made after the  investment in the policy is fully  recovered  will be subject to

Option A -- Interest  payments We will pay interest on any proceeds placed under
this option at a rate of 3% per year compounded  annually,  at regular intervals
and for a period that is agreeable to both you and us. At the end of any payment
interval,  you may withdraw  proceeds in amounts of at least $100.  At any time,
you may withdraw all of the proceeds that remain,  or you may place them under a
different payment option approved by us.

Option B -- Payments for a specified period: We will make fixed monthly payments
for any number of years you specify.  Here are examples of monthly  payments for
each $1,000 placed under this option:

   Payment period               Monthly payment per $1,000
      (years)                           placed under Option B

        10                                        $9.61
        15                                         6.87
        20                                         5.51
        25                                         4.71
        30                                         4.18

Monthly  amounts for other  payment  periods will be furnished at your  request,
free of charge.

Option C -- Lifetime  income:  We will make monthly payments for the life of the
person (payee) who is to receive the income.  Payment will be guaranteed for 10,
15 or 20 years.  The amount of each monthly payment per $1,000 placed under this
option will be based on the table of  settlement  rates in effect at the time of
the first  payment.  The amount depends on the sex and adjusted age of the payee
on that  date.  Adjusted  age means the age of the  payee (on the  payee's  last
birthday) minus an adjustment as follows:

Calendar year of     Adjustment    Calendar year of      Adjustment
payee's birth                      payee's birth

Before 1920              0         1945-1949                  6
1920-1924                1         1950-1959                  7
1925-1929                2         1960-1969                  8
1930-1934                3         1970-1979                  9
1935-1939                4         1980-1989                 10
1940-1944                5         After 1989                11

The amount of each monthly  payment per $1,000 placed under this option will not
be less than amounts shown in the next table.

Monthly  amounts  for any  adjusted  age not  shown  will be  furnished  at your
request, without charge.

  age                           Life income per $1,000 with
 payee                          payments guaranteed for
                    10 years              15 years                 20 years
                  Male    Female        Male      Female       Male     Female
  50            $4.22     $3.89        $4.17       $3.86       $4.08     $3.82
  55             4.62      4.22         4.53        4.18        4.39      4.11
  60             5.14      4.66         4.96        4.57        4.71      4.44
  65             5.81      5.22         5.46        5.05        5.02      4.79
  70             6.61      5.96         5.96        5.60        5.27      5.12
  75             7.49      6.89         6.38        6.14        5.42      5.35

Deferral of payments:

We reserve the right to defer payments of cash surrender value,  policy loans or
variable death benefits in excess of the specified amount if:

o the  payments  derive  from a  premium  payment  made by a check  that has not
cleared the banking system (good payment has not been collected);  o the NYSE is
closed (other than customary weekend and holiday closings);
o in accordance with SEC rules, trading on the NYSE is restricted or, because of
an  emergency,  it is  not  practical  to  dispose  of  securities  held  in the
subaccount or determine the value of the subaccount's net assets.

Any loans or  surrenders  from the fixed account may be delayed up to six months
from the date we receive the  request.  If we postpone  the payment of surrender
proceeds more than 10 days,  we will pay you interest on the amount  surrendered
at an annual rate of 4% for the period of postponement.

Federal taxes

The  following  is a general  discussion  of the  policy's  federal  income  tax
implications.  It is not intended as tax advice.  Because the effect of taxes on
the value and benefits of your policy  depends on your  individual  situation as
well as IDS Life of New York's tax status,  YOU SHOULD  CONSULT A TAX ADVISOR TO
on our understanding of federal income tax laws as currently  interpreted by the
Internal  Revenue  Service  (IRS);  both the laws and their  interpretation  may

The policy is intended to qualify as a life insurance  policy for federal income
tax purposes. To that end, the provisions of the policy are to be interpreted to
ensure or maintain  this tax  qualification.  IDS Life of New York  reserves the
right to change the policy in order to ensure  that it will  continue to qualify
as life insurance for tax purposes. We will send you a copy of any changes.

IDS Life of New York's tax status

IDS Life of New York is taxed as a life  insurance  company under the Code.  For
federal income tax purposes,  the  subaccounts are considered a part of IDS Life
of New York,  although their operations are treated separately in accounting and
financial  statements.  Investment income from the subaccounts is reinvested and
becomes  part of the  subaccounts'  value.  This  investment  income,  including
realized  capital gains,  is not taxed to IDS Life of New York, and therefore no
charge is made against the subaccounts for federal income taxes. IDS Life of New
York reserves the right to make such a charge in the future if there is a change
in the tax treatment of variable life insurance  contracts or in IDS Life of New
York's tax status as we currently understand it.

Taxation of policy proceeds

The death benefit is not considered part of the beneficiary's income and thus is
not subject to federal income taxes.  When the proceeds are paid on the youngest
insured's   attained  insurance  age  100,  if  the  amount  received  plus  any
indebtedness exceeds your investment

in the policy, the excess may be taxable as ordinary income.  Part or all of any
pre-death  proceeds received through full surrender,  lapse,  partial surrender,
policy loan or assignment of policy value,  or payment options may be subject to
federal income tax as ordinary income. (See the following table.) In some cases,
the tax  liability  depends  on  whether  the  policy  is a  modified  endowment
(explained  following the table).  The taxable  amount may also be subject to an
additional 10% penalty tax if the policy is a modified endowment.

Source of proceeds            Taxable portion of pre-death proceeds

Full surrender:                      Amount received plus any
                                     indebtedness, minus your
                                     investment in the policy.*

Lapse                         Any outstanding indebtedness minus
                                     your investment in the policy.*

Partial surrenders            Lesser of:
(modified endowments):        the amount received or policy
                              value minus your investment in the policy.*

Policy loans and              Lesser of:
assignments                   the amount of the loan/assignment
(modified endowments):        or policy value minus your
                              investment in the policy.*

Partial surrenders            Generally, if the amount received
(other policies):             is greater than your investment in
                              the  policy,*  the amount in excess of your
                              investment is taxable.  However, during the
                              first 15 policy years,  a different  amount
                              may be  taxable  if the  partial  surrender
                              results   in  or  is   necessitated   by  a
                              reduction in benefits.

Policy loans and                     None
(other policies):

Payment options:              If proceeds of the policy will be
                              paid under one of the payment options,  see
                              the  "Payment   option"   section  for  tax

* The owner's investment is equal to premiums paid, minus the nontaxable portion
of any previous  partial  surrenders,  plus the taxable  portion of any previous
policy loans.

Modified endowment contracts

In  1988,  Congress  created  a new  class  of life  insurance  policies  called
"Modified  Endowment  Contracts,"  which are taxed differently from conventional
life insurance  contracts.  Policies applied for, or materially  changed,  on or
after June 21, 1988, are  considered to be modified  endowments if premiums paid
in the first  seven years of the  policy,  or the first seven years  following a
material  change,  exceed  certain  limits.  (Also,  any life  insurance  policy
received in exchange for a modified endowment is itself a modified endowment.)

We have  established  procedures for monitoring  whether a contract may become a
modified endowment contract.

Modified  endowment  limits are  calculated  when the policy is issued,  and are
based on the benefits  provided and on the risk  classification of the insureds.
They are later recalculated if certain reductions in benefits occur.

Reductions in benefits:  When benefits are reduced,  the limits are recalculated
as if the reduced  level of benefits  had always been in effect.  In most cases,
this  recalculation will further restrict the amount of premium that can be paid
without exceeding modified endowment limits. If premiums already paid exceed the
recalculated  limits, the policy becomes a modified endowment even if no further
premiums are paid.

Distributions  affected:  Modified endowment rules apply to distributions in the
year the policy  becomes a modified  endowment and in all subsequent  years.  In
addition,  the rules apply to  distributions  taken two years  before the policy
becomes a modified endowment,  which are presumed to be taken in anticipation of
that event.

Serial purchase of modified endowments: All modified endowments
issued by the same insurer (or affiliated  companies of the insurer) to the same
owner  during any  calendar  year are treated as one policy in  determining  the
amount of any loan or distribution that is taxable.

Penalty  tax:  If a policy is a  modified  endowment,  the  taxable  portion  of
pre-death proceeds from a full surrender,  lapse, partial surrender, policy loan
or assignment of policy value,  or certain  payment  options may be subject to a
10% penalty tax unless:

   o           the distribution occurs after the owner attains age 59-1/2;
   o           the distribution is attributable to the owner becoming disabled
              (within the meaning of Code Section 72(m)(7);
   o           the  distribution  is part of a  series  of  substantially  equal
               periodic  payments  made at least  once a year  over the life (or
               life  expectancy)  of the owner or over the joint  lives (or life
               expectancies) of the owner and the owner's beneficiary.

Other tax considerations

Policy Split Option Rider:  The Policy Split Option Rider permits a policy to be
split into two individual  permanent plans of insurance then offered by IDS Life
of New York for exchange,  one on the life of each insured,  upon the occurrence
of a divorce of the  insureds  or certain  changes in federal  estate tax law. A
policy split could have adverse tax consequences;  for example,  it is not clear
whether a policy split will be treated as a nontaxable  exchange  under Sections
1031 through 1043 of the Code.  If a policy split is not treated as a nontaxable
exchange, a split could result in the recognition of taxable income in an amount
up to any gain in the policy at the time of the split.  In  addition,  it is not
clear whether, in all circumstances, the individual contracts that result from a
policy split would be treated as life insurance contracts for federal income tax
purposes  and,  if  so  treated,  whether  the  individual  contracts  would  be
classified as modified endowment contracts.  Before you exercise rights provided
by the policy split  option,  it is important  that you consult with a competent
tax advisor regarding the possible consequences of a policy split.

Interest paid on policy loans: If the loan is used for personal  purposes,  such
interest is not tax-deductible.  Other rules apply if the loan is used for trade
or business or investment purposes, or if the policy is owned by a business or a

Policy changes: Changing ownership,  exchanging or assigning the policy may have
tax consequences, depending on the circumstances.

Other taxes:  Federal estate tax, state and local estate tax,  inheritance  tax,
gift tax and other tax  consequences  of ownership or receipt of policy proceeds
will also depend on the circumstances.

Qualified  retirement  plans: The policy may be used in conjunction with certain
qualified  plans.  Since the rules  governing such use are complex,  a purchaser
should consult a competent pension consultant.

On July 6, 1983, the Supreme Court held in Arizona Governing
Committee v. Norris that optional annuity benefits provided under
an employee's deferred compensation plan could not, under Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964,  vary  between men and women on the basis of sex.  Since the
policy's  cost of  insurance  rates and  purchase  rates for certain  settlement
options distinguish between men and women,  employers and employee organizations
should  consult  with  legal  counsel  before  purchasing  the  policy  for  any
employment-related insurance or benefit program.

IDS Life of New York

IDS Life is a stock life insurance company organized under the laws of the State
of New York in 1972. Our address is 20 Madison Ave. Extension, Albany, NY 12203.

IDS Life of New York is licensed in New York and North Dakota, and it conducts a
conventional  life  insurance  business  in the state of New York.  All  annuity
contracts and insurance  policies issued by IDS Life of New York,  including the
policy described in this prospectus, are non-participating.


IDS Life of New York, a New York  Corporation,  is a wholly-owned  subsidiary of
IDS  Life,  a  Minnesota  Corporation,  which is a  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of
American Express Financial Corporation (AEFC). AEFC, a Delaware Corporation,  is
a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Express Company.

State regulation

IDS Life of New York is  subject  to the  laws of New York  governing  insurance
companies and to regulation by the New York  Department of Insurance.  An annual
statement in a prescribed form is filed with New York's Department of Insurance.
IDS Life of New York's  books and accounts are subject to review by the New York
Department of Insurance at all times and a full examination of its operations is
conducted  periodically.   Such  regulation  does  not,  however,   involve  any
supervision of management or investment practices or policies.

Distribution of the policy

American  Express  Financial  Advisors Inc., a registered  broker/dealer  and an
affiliate of IDS Life of New York, is the sole  distributor  of the policy.  IDS
Life of New  York  pays its  representatives  a  commission  of up to 50% of the
initial  target  premium  (annualized)  when the policy is sold,  plus 2% of all
premiums  in  excess  of the  target  premium.  IDS Life of New York  also  pays
approximately  27% of the total  representative's  commission  to the field vice
presidents and district sales managers of the selling representative.

Legal proceedings

There are no material legal proceedings to which the variable account is a party
or to which the assets of the variable account are subject. IDS Life of New York
is engaged  in various  kinds of  routine  litigation  that,  in IDS Life of New
York's judgment, are not of material importance in relation to its total assets.
None of such litigation relates to the variable account.


The financial  statements of IDS Life of New York at Dec. 31, 1996 and 1995, and
for  each of the  three  years  in the  period  ended  Dec.  31,  1996,  and the
individual and combined financial statements of the segregated asset subaccounts
of IDS Life of New York Account 8 for Flexible  Premium Variable Life Insurance,
at Dec. 31,  1996,  and for each of the three years in the period ended Dec. 31,
1996, except for the following subaccounts:  YIT subaccount which is for each of
the two years in the period  ended Dec.  31, 1996 and the period  Oct.  28, 1994
(commencement of operations) to Dec. 31, 1996, YGI and YNO subaccounts which are
for the period Nov.  22, 1996  (commencement  of  operations)  to Dec. 31, 1996,
appearing in this prospectus have been audited by Ernst & Young LLP, independent
auditors,  as set forth in their reports thereon appearing elsewhere herein, and
are included in reliance upon such reports given upon the authority of such firm
as experts in accounting and auditing.

Actuarial  matters  included in the  prospectus  have been examined by Eugene C.
Chen,  Chief  Actuary,  as  stated in his  opinion  filed as an  exhibit  to the
Registration Statement.

Management of IDS Life of New York


John C. Boeder
Vice president, Mature Market Group, AEFC, since March 1994; president and chief
operating  officer,  IDS Life of New York, from 1991 to 1994; vice president and
chief operating officer, IDS Life of New York, from 1989 to 1991.

Roger C. Corea
Group  vice  president,  Upstate  New  York,  AEFA,  since  January  1995;  vice
president, Northeast Region, AEFA, from May 1987 to December 1994.

Charles A. Cuccinello
Retired since 1982; former senior vice president, American Express Company.

Robert R. Grew
Lawyer and Partner, Carter, Ledyard & Milburn, NYC, 1957 - present

Robert A. Hatton
Vice  president  and chief  operating  officer,  IDS Life of New York since June
1994;  special  assignment/Project  leader,  AEFA,  December  1992 to June 1994;
manager/Analyst operations, AEFA, August 1989 to December 1992.

Richard W. Kling
President  and  chairman of the board,  IDS Life of New York,  since April 1994;
director, IDS Life, since February 1984; President,  IDS Life, since March 1994;
executive vice president, Marketing and Products, IDS Life, from January 1988 to
March 1994;  senior vice president,  Risk Management  Products,  AEFC, since May
1994;  vice  president,  AEFC,  from  January  1988 to May  1994;  director  and
president of IDS Life Series Fund,  Inc.;  chairman of the board of managers and
president of IDS Life Variable Annuity Funds A and B.

Edward Landes
Retired,  former Development  Consultants;  director,  IDS Life Series Fund Inc.
since  September  1985;  member of the board of  Managers  of IDS Life  Variable
Annuity Funds A and B since October 1988. Director of IDS Life Insurance Company
of New York; vice President of Financial YMCA Development, YMCA, since 1985.

Thomas V. Nicolosi
Director since October 1996;  group vice  president,  AEFA, from January 1995 to
present; field vice president, AEFA, from January 1988 to December 1994.

Stephen P. Norman
Secretary, American Express, since 1982.

Carl N. Platou
Retired  since 1990;  member of the board of directors,  St. Thomas  University,
since 1990; chief financial officer, Fairview Hospital, from 1953 to 1990.

Gordon H. Ritz
President, Con Rad Broadcasting Corporation (Minneapolis), since 1975.

Richard M. Starr
Director since October 1996; managing counsel,  American Express Company,  since
March 1995;  senior counsel,  American Express  Company,  from May 1992 to March
1995; counsel, American Express Company, from June 1989 to May 1992.

Michael R. Woodward
Senior vice president,  Field  Management,  AEFC,  since June 1991;  region vice
president, Atlantic Region, AEFC, from 1988 to June 1991.

Principal officers other than directors

Mario Alaia
Claims officer and assistant secretary since 1988.

Darrell C. Beckstrom
Underwriting officer since 1994; underwriting technical manager, IDS Life, since
1990; senior underwriter, IDS Life, from 1987 to 1992.

Eugene C. Chen
Chief actuary since November 1996; manager of Life Planning and Analysis,  AEFA,
from May 1995 to November 1996; senior staff actuary - Product  Development Risk
Management, IDS Life, from August 1992 to May 1995.

Darlene S. Farron
Treasurer since June 1996;  financial project manager - Finance  Department from
September  1994 to June 1996;  team leader of Premium,  Investment  and External
Reporting - Finance Department from March 1988 to September 1994.

Donna M. Gaglione
Secretary since 1995; manager of Administrative  Services since 1992;  treasurer
from 1985 to 1992.

Margaret M. Grogan, M.D.
Medical director since 1986.

Lorraine R. Hart
Investment officer since March 1992; vice president,  Insurance Investments, IDS
Life, since October 1989.

F. Dale Simmons
Vice  president and assistant  treasurer  since 1994;  vice president and senior
portfolio manager, Insurance Investments, AEFC, since 1990.

William A. Stoltzmann
Counsel and assistant secretary since March 1990.

The officers,  employees and sales force of IDS Life of New York are bonded,  in
the  amount of $100  million,  by virtue of a blanket  fidelity  bond  issued to
American Express Company by Saint Paul Fire and Marine, the leading underwriter.

AIM Advisors, Inc. and Putnam Investment Management, Inc.

AIM Advisors, Inc.

A I M Advisors,  Inc.  ("AIM") was  organized  in 1976 and is  headquartered  in
Houston, Texas. AIM is a wholly owned subsidiary of A I M Management Group Inc.,
an indirect  subsidiary of AMVESCO plc,  (formerly INVESCO plc). As of March 18,
1997,  total  assets  advised  or  managed  by AIM  and  its  subsidiaries  were
approximately $68 billion.

Putnam Management

Putnam  Management has been managing  mutual funds since 1937.  Today,  the firm
serves as the investment manager for the funds in the Putnam Family, with nearly
$141 billion in assets under management in over 7 million  shareholder  accounts
at December 31, 1996.

Other information

A  registration  statement  has been  filed  with the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  (SEC) under the  Securities  Act of 1933,  as  amended.  For further
information concerning the policy, its separate account (the variable  account)
and IDS Life of New York,  please refer to the registration statement, as
amended, with exhibits.

Substitution of investments

If shares of any fund are unavailable for purchase by the appropriate subaccount
or if, in the judgment of IDS Life of New York's management,  further investment
in such shares is no longer appropriate,  shares of another registered, open-end
management  investment  company  may be  substituted.  IDS Life of New York also
reserves  the right to change the funds in which the  subaccounts  invest and to
create new subaccounts that invest in additional funds.

In the  event of any such  substitution  or  change,  IDS Life of New York  may,
without the consent or  approval of owners,  amend the policy and take  whatever
action is necessary and  appropriate.  However,  no such  substitution or change
will be made  without  any  necessary  approval  of the SEC or  state  insurance
departments.  IDS Life of New York will  notify  owners  within five days of any
substitution or change.

Voting rights

All shares issued by the fund are the same class (kind) -- capital  stock.  They
are fully paid and nonassessable and can be redeemed or transferred. They can be
issued as full shares or  fractions.  All shares  have equal  voting  rights;  a
fraction of a share has the same kind of rights and privileges as a full share.

Each of the funds issues its own series of common stock. The shares of each fund
represent an interest  only in that fund's assets (and profits or losses) and in
the event of  liquidation,  each share of a fund  would have the same  rights to
dividends and assets as every other share of that fund.

Each share of a fund has one vote. On some issues, such as election of directors
of IDS Life Series Fund, all shares of the IDS Life Series Fund  Portfolios vote
together as one series. When electing  directors,  all shares of IDS Life Series
Fund  Portfolios  have cumulative  voting rights.  Cumulative  voting means that
shareholders  are  entitled  to a number of votes  equal to the number of shares
they hold  multiplied by the number of directors to be elected and they have the
right to divide votes among candidates.

On an issue  affecting  only one fund -- for example,  a fundamental  investment
restriction  pertaining  only to  that  fund -- its  shares  vote as a  separate
series. If shareholders of a particular fund vote approval of an agreement,  the
agreement  becomes  effective  with  respect to that fund,  whether or not it is
approved by shareholders of the other funds.

IDS Life of New  York is the  owner of all fund  shares  and as such  holds  all
voting rights.  However,  IDS Life of New York will vote the shares of each fund
in  accordance  with  instructions  received  from owners.  If we do not receive
timely instructions from you, we will vote your shares in the same proportion as
the  shares  for which  instructions  are  received.  Fund  shares  that are not
otherwise  attributable  to owners will also be voted by IDS Life of New York in
the same  proportion as those shares in that  subaccount for which  instructions
are received.

We determine the number of fund shares in each subaccount for which you may give
instructions by applying your percentage interest in the subaccount to the 
total number of votes attributable to the subaccount.  The number will be
determined  as of a date  chosen by IDS Life of New  York,  but not more than 60
days before the meeting of the fund.

Fractional  votes are  counted.  You will  receive  notice  of each  shareholder
meeting,  together with any proxy solicitation  materials and a statement of the
number of votes for which you are entitled to give instructions.

If required by state  insurance  officials,  IDS Life of New York may  disregard
voting  instructions  that would change the goals of one or more of the funds or
would result in approval or disapproval of an investment  advisory contract.  In
addition,  IDS Life of New York itself may disregard  voting  instructions  that
would require changes in the investment  policy or investment  advisor of one or
more of the funds, if IDS Life of New York reasonably  disapproves  such changes
in accordance with applicable federal regulations.  If IDS Life of New York does
disregard  voting  instructions,  it will, in its next report to owners,  advise
them of that action and the reasons for it.


At least  once a year IDS Life of New York will mail to you,  at your last known
address  of record,  a report  containing  all  information  required  by law or
regulation, including a statement showing the current policy value.

Policy illustrations

The following  tables  illustrate how policy values,  cash surrender  values and
death benefits may change with the investment experience of the subaccount.  The
tables show how these  amounts  might vary,  for a male  insurance  age 55 and a
female insurance age 55, both nonsmokers, if:

     o the annual rate of return of the fund is 0%, 6% or 12%.

     o the cost of insurance rates are current rates or guaranteed

Any such  illustration  involves a number of detailed  assumptions.  (See chart,
"Understanding  the  illustrations.")  To the extent that your own circumstances
differ from those assumed in the illustrations, your expected results would also

Upon request,  you will be furnished with comparable tables  illustrating  death
benefits,  policy values and cash  surrender  values based on the actual ages of
the persons you propose to insure and on an initial specified amount and premium
payment  schedule.  In  addition,  after you have  purchased  a policy,  you may
request illustrations based on policy values at the time of request.

Understanding the illustrations:

Rates of return: assumed to be uniform,  gross,  after-tax,  annual rates of 0%,
6%, or 12% for the fund. Results would differ depending on allocations among the
subaccounts,  if returns  averaged 0%, 6% and 12% for the funds as a whole,  but
differed across individual funds.

Insureds:  assumed to be a male insurance age 55 and a female  insurance age 55,
in a standard risk  classification,  qualifying for the nonsmoker rate.  Results
would  be  lower  if one or both of the  insureds  were  in a  substandard  risk
classification or did not qualify for the non-smoker rate.

Premiums:  A $15,000  premium is assumed to be paid in full at the  beginning of
each policy  year.  Results  would  differ if premiums  were paid on a different

Policy  loans and partial  withdrawals:  It is assumed that none have been made.
(Since indebtedness is assumed to be zero, the cash surrender value in all cases
equals the policy value minus the surrender charge.)

Effect of expenses and charges:  The net investment  return of the  subaccounts,
shown in the  tables,  is lower  than the  gross,  after-tax  return of the fund
because  expenses paid by the fund and charges made against the subaccounts have
been deducted. These include:

o the  daily  investment  management  fee  paid  by  the  funds,  assumed  to be
  equivalent to an annual rate of 0.7% of the fund's aggregate average daily net
o the daily mortality and expense risk charge, equivalent to 0.9%
  of the daily net asset value of the subaccounts annually; and
o a nonadvisory expense charge paid by the funds, assumed to be equivalent to an
  annual  rate of 0.1% of each  funds  aggregate  average  daily net  assets for
  direct expenses incurred by the fund.

The  nonadvisory  expense  charge for the IDS Life  Series Fund is capped by IDS
Life at 0.1%,  even though  actual  expenses on IDS Life Series  Fund-Government
Securities  Portfolio ranged up to 0.18%, IDS Life Series-Money Market Portfolio
ranged  up to 0.23%  and IDS Life  Series  Fund-International  Equity  Portfolio
ranged up to 0.37%.  Although IDS Life reserves the right to discontinue capping
these  expenses,  our present intent is to continue the cap  indefinitely  until
actual expenses are less than the cap. Should IDS Life discontinue the cap prior
to that time, the policy values and death benefits in the tables generally would
be less.  Other  expenses for the year ended Dec. 31, 1996 were 0.09% for Putnam
VT New  Opportunities  Fund. For AIM V.I.  Growth and Income Fund other expenses
(annualized) were 0.13% for the period ended Dec. 31, 1996.

(After deduction of the above expenses and charges, the illustrated gross annual
investment  rates of return  of 0%, 6% and 12%  correspond  to  approximate  net
annual rates of -1.69%, 4.21% and 10.11%, respectively.)

Taxes:  Results  shown in the tables  reflect the fact that IDS Life of New York
does not  currently  charge the  subaccounts  for federal  income tax. If such a
charge is taken in the future, the funds will have to earn more than they do now
in order to produce the death benefits and policy values illustrated.


Initial specified amount $1,000,000            Male -    Insurance age 55 - Nonsmoker          Current costs assumed
Death benefit Option 1                       Female -    Insurance age 55 - Nonsmoker          annual premium $15,000
               Premium           Death benefit (1)(2)           Policy value (1)(2)            Cash surrender value (1)(2)
               accumulated       assuming hypothetical gross    assuming hypothetical gross    assuming hypothetical gross
End of         with annual       annual investment return of    annual investment return of    annual investment return of
policy         interest
year       at 5%          0%           6%          12%         0%        6%        12%          0%        6%        12%




(1) Assumes no policy loans or partial withdrawals have been made.

(2) Assumes a $15,000  premium is paid at the  beginning  of each  policy  year.
Values will be different  if premiums  are paid in  different  amounts or with a
different frequency.

The above  hypothetical  investment results are illustrative only and should not
be  deemed  a  representation  of  past or  future  investment  results.  Actual
investment  results  may be more or less than those  shown.  The death  benefit,
policy value and cash  surrender  value would be  different  from those shown if
returns averaged 0%, 6% and 12% over a period of years, but fluctuated above and
below those averages for individual policy years. No representation  can be made
that  these  hypothetical  rates of return can be  achieved  for any one year or
sustained over any period of time.


Initial specified amount $1,000,000            Male -    Insurance age 55 - Nonsmoker              Current costs assumed
Death benefit Option 1                                Female - Insurance age 55 - Nonsmoker        annual premium $15,000
              Premium           Death benefit (1)(2)           Policy value (1)(2)                 Cash surrender value (1)(2)
              accumulated       assuming hypothetical gross    assuming hypothetical gross         assuming hypothetical gross
End of        with annual       annual investment return of    annual investment return of         annual investment return of
policy        interest
year       at 5%          0%           6%          12%         0%        6%        12%          0%        6%        12%




(1) Assumes no policy loans or partial withdrawals have been made.

(2) Assumes a $15,000  premium is paid at the  beginning  of each  policy  year.
Values will be different  if premiums  are paid in  different  amounts or with a
different frequency.

The above  hypothetical  investment results are illustrative only and should not
be  deemed  a  representation  of  past or  future  investment  results.  Actual
investment  results  may be more or less than those  shown.  The death  benefit,
policy value and cash  surrender  value would be  different  from those shown if
returns averaged 0%, 6% and 12% over a period of years, but fluctuated above and
below those averages for individual policy years. No representation  can be made
that  these  hypothetical  rates of return can be  achieved  for any one year or
sustained over any period of time.


Initial specified amount $1,000,000            Male   -    Insurance age 55 - Nonsmoker              Current costs assumed
Death benefit Option 1                         Female -    Insurance age 55 - Nonsmoker              annual premium $15,000
              Premium           Death benefit (1)(2)                  Policy value (1)(2)            Cash surrender value (1)(2)
              accumulated       assuming hypothetical gross           assuming hypothetical gross    assuming hypothetical gross
End of        with annual       annual investment return of           annual investment return of    annual investment return of
policy        interest
year       at 5%          0%           6%          12%         0%        6%        12%          0%        6%        12%




(1) Assumes no policy loans or partial withdrawals have been made.

(2) Assumes a $15,000  premium is paid at the  beginning  of each  policy  year.
Values will be different  if premiums  are paid in  different  amounts or with a
different frequency.

The above  hypothetical  investment results are illustrative only and should not
be  deemed  a  representation  of  past or  future  investment  results.  Actual
investment  results  may be more or less than those  shown.  The death  benefit,
policy value and cash  surrender  value would be  different  from those shown if
returns averaged 0%, 6% and 12% over a period of years, but fluctuated above and
below those averages for individual policy years. No representation  can be made
that  these  hypothetical  rates of return can be  achieved  for any one year or
sustained over any period of time.


Initial specified amount $1,000,000            Male -    Insurance age 55 - Nonsmoker              Current costs assumed
Death benefit Option 1                       Female -    Insurance age 55 - Nonsmoker              annual premium $15,000
              Premium           Death benefit (1)(2)           Policy value (1)(2)                 Cash surrender value (1)(2)
              accumulated       assuming hypothetical gross    assuming hypothetical gross         assuming hypothetical gross
End of        with annual       annual investment return of    annual investment return of         annual investment return of
policy        interest
year       at 5%          0%           6%          12%         0%        6%        12%          0%        6%        12%




(1) Assumes no policy loans or partial withdrawals have been made.

(2) Assumes a $15,000  premium is paid at the  beginning  of each  policy  year.
Values will be different  if premiums  are paid in  different  amounts or with a
different frequency.

The above  hypothetical  investment results are illustrative only and should not
be  deemed  a  representation  of  past or  future  investment  results.  Actual
investment  results  may be more or less than those  shown.  The death  benefit,
policy value and cash  surrender  value would be  different  from those shown if
returns averaged 0%, 6% and 12% over a period of years, but fluctuated above and
below those averages for individual policy years. No representation  can be made
that  these  hypothetical  rates of return can be  achieved  for any one year or
sustained over any period of time.

         PART II


         Subject to the terms and  conditions of Section 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, the undersigned  registrant hereby undertakes to file with
the  Securities  and  Exchange   Commission  such   supplementary  and  periodic
information,  documents,  and  reports  as may be  prescribed  by  any  rule  or
regulation  of the  Commission  hereto or  hereafter  duly  adopted  pursuant to
authority conferred in that section.


The By-Laws of IDS Life Insurance Company of New York provide that:

To the extent  permitted and in the manner  prescribed  by law, the  Corporation
shall  indemnify  any person  made,  or  threatened  to be made,  a party to any
action,  suit or proceeding,  civil or criminal,  by reason of the fact that he,
his testator or intestate,  is or was Director or officer of the  Corporation or
of any other  corporation  of any type or kind,  domestic or  foreign,  which he
served in any  capacity at the request of the  Corporation,  against  judgments,
fines, amounts paid in settlement and reasonable expenses (which the Corporation
may advance),  including attorney's fees, actually and necessarily incurred as a
result of such action, suit or proceeding, or any appeal therein.

Insofar as  indemnification  for liability  arising under the  Securities Act of
1933 may be permitted to  directors,  officers  and  controlling  persons of the
registrant pursuant to the foregoing  provisions,  or otherwise,  the registrant
has been advised that in the opinion of the Securities  and Exchange  Commission
such  indemnification  is against  public policy as expressed in the Act and is,
therefore,  unenforceable. In the event that a claim for indemnification against
such liabilities  (other than the payment by the registrant of expenses incurred
or paid by a director,  officer or  controlling  person of the registrant in the
successful  defense of any  action,  suit or  proceeding)  is  asserted  by such
director,  officer or controlling person in connection with the securities being
registered, the registrant will, unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter
has been  settled by  controlling  precedent,  submit to a court of  appropriate
jurisdiction the question whether such  indemnification  by it is against public
policy as expressed in the Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of
such issue.


The sponsoring  insurance company  represents that the fees and charges deducted
under the contract, in the aggregate, are reasonable in relation to the services
rendered,  the expenses  expected to be incurred,  and the risks  assumed by the
insurance company.

                                REPRESENTATIONS PURSUANT TO RULE 6e-3 (T)

This  filing is made  pursuant  to Rule  6c-3 and 6e-3 (T) under the  Investment
Company Act of 1940.

                                  CONTENTS OF THE REGISTRATION STATEMENT

This Registration Statement comprises the following papers and documents:

         The facing sheet.

         The prospectus consisting of 54 pages.

         The undertakings to file reports.

         The signatures.

         The following exhibits:

1.A.     Copies of all exhibits required by paragraph A of instructions for 
         Exhibits in Form N-8B-2 to the Registration Statement.

        (1) Resolution of Board of Directors of IDS Life of New York authorizing
            the Trust, adopted September 12, 1985, filed as Exhibit 1.A.(1) to 
            Registrant's Form N-8B-2 with Port-Effective Amendment No. 11 ,File
            No. 33-15290 is incorporated herein by reference.

        (2) Not applicable.

        (3)   (a)   Not applicable.

              (b)   (1)  Form of Explanation of New York Sales Agreement*

                    (2)  Form of Personal Financial Planner's Agreement with
                         IDS Financial Services Inc.*

                    (3)  Form of Personal Financial Planner's Agreement with 
                         IDS Life Insurance Company of New York*

                    (4)  Form of Field Trainer's Rider to Personal Financial
                         Planner's Agreement.*

                    (5)  Form of District Manager's Rider to Personal Financial
                         Planner's Agreement.*

                    (6)  Form of New York District Manager - Insurance Rider to
                         Personal Financial Planner Agreement.*

                    (7)  Form of Division Manager's Agreement with IDS Financial
                         Services Inc.*

                    (8)  Form of New York Division Manager - Insurance Rider to
                         Division Manager's Agreement with IDS Financial
                         Services Inc.*

                    (9)  Form of Field President Agreement with American Express
                         Financial Advisors Inc.**

                   (10)  Form of Recruiting and Training Manager License
                         Agreement with IDS Life Insurance Company 
                         of New York.**

                   (11)  Form of Group Vice President Agreement with American
                         Express Financial Advisors Inc.**

                   (12)  Form of IDS Paraplanner License Agreement with IDS Life
                         Insurance Company of New York.**

                   (13)  Form of  Variable  Annuity  and Life
                         Insurance  Distribution Agreement is
                         filed electronically herewith.

                        (c)  Schedules of Sales Commissions to be filed by 

(4)   Not applicable.

(5)   Flexible Premium Survivorship Variable Life Insurance Policy.**

(6) (a)  Certificate of Incorporation of IDS Life Insurance Company of New York,
         dated July 23, 1957.*

    (b)  Amended By-Laws of IDS Life Insurance Company of New York.*

(7) Not applicable.

(8)(a) Form of Investment Management and Services Agreement dated
       December 17, 1985, between IDS Life of New York and IDS Life of New
       York Series Fund, Inc.*

   (b) Form of Investment Advisory Agreement dated July 11, 1984, between
       IDS Life of New York and IDS Financial Services Inc. relating to the
       Variable Account.*

   (c) Addendum to Investment Management and Services Agreement is filed
       electronically herewith.

   (d) Addendum to Investment Advisory Agreement is filed electronically

(9)  None.

(10) (a) Application form for the Flexible Premium Survivorship
         Variable Life Insurance Policy.**

     (b) Application form for Life and Disability Income Insurance.**

(11)     IDS Life Insurance Company of New York's Description of Transfer and
         Redemption Procedures and Method of Conversion to Fixed Benefit
         Policies is filed electronically herewith.

B.       (1)  Not applicable.

         (2)  Not applicable.

C.            Not applicable.

2.       Opinion and consent of counsel as to the legality of the securities
         registered is filed electronically herewith.

3.       No financial statement will be omitted from the prospectus pursuant
         to Instruction 1(b) or (c) of Part I.

4.       Not applicable.

5.       Financial Data Schedule is not applicable at this time.

6.       Actuarial Opinion in support of the 1.25% federal tax charge to be
         filed by amendment.

7.       Opinion of the Chief Actuary will be filed by amendment.

8.       Written consent of the Chief Actuary will be filed by amendment.

9.       Written consent of Ernst & Young LLP will be filed by amendment.

10.      Directors' Power of Attorney dated March 12, 1997, is filed 
         electronically herewith.

*        All of these exhibits are incorporated by reference to Amendment No. 3
         to the Registration Statement to form N-8B-2 File No. 811-05213.

**       All of these exhibits are incorporated by reference to Amendment No. 4
         to the Registration Statement to form N-8B-2 File No. 811-05213.


Pursuant to the  requirements  of the  Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment
Company Act of 1940,  IDS Life  Insurance  Company of New York, on behalf of the
Registrant,  has duly caused this Registration  Statement to be signed on behalf
of the Registrant by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized, in this City of
Minneapolis, and State of Minnesota on the 12th day of December, 1997.

                                IDS Life of New York Account 8
                     By IDS Life Insurance Company of New York

                                          By /s/   Richard W. Kling*
                                                   Richard W. Kling, President

Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities Act of 1933,  this  Registration
Statement  has been signed by the  following  Officers and Directors of IDS Life
Insurance  Company of New York in the  capacities  indicated  on the 12th day of
December, 1997:

Signature                                              Title

/s/      Richard W. Kling*                             Director, Chairman of the Board and President
         Richard W. Kling

/s/      John C. Boeder*                               Director
         John C. Boeder

/s/      Roger C. Corea*                               Director
         Roger C. Corea

/s/      Charles A. Cuccinello*                        Director
         Charles A. Cuccinello

/s/      Darlene S. Farron*                            Treasurer
         Darlene S. Farron

/s/      Robert A. Hatton*                             Director, Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
         Robert A. Hatton

/s/      Edward Landes*                                Director
         Edward Landes

/s/      Thomas V. Nicolosi*                           Director
         Thomas V. Nicolosi

/s/      Stephen P. Norman*                            Director
         Stephen P. Norman

/s/      Carl N. Platou*                               Director
         Carl N. Platou

Signature                                              Title

/s/      Gordon H. Ritz*                               Director
         Gordon H. Ritz

/s/      Richard M. Starr*                             Director
         Richard M. Starr

/s/      Michael R. Woodward*                          Director
         Michael R. Woodward

*Signed pursuant to Power of Attorney dated March 12, 1997 and is filed 
 electronically as Exhibit No. 10 to this Registration Statement.


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Mary Ellyn Minenko