Section 7: NY Commission and production schedules

Variable Second-to-Die Life Insurance (V2D)
- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
            Persistency                             EAP                                Sales
             Standard                     Qual.             Calc.                   Benefit Plan
- ------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- -----------------------------------
                87%                         o                 o                          o
- ------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- -----------------------------------

- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Variable(s)                          Commission                          Production
- ------------------------------------ ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------
                                        PERCENT OF        PERCENT OF                        PREMIUMS PAID
                                      PREMIUM UP TO    PREMIUM PAID IN                       IN EXCESS OF
- ------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
All ages                                   50%               2.0%               28               1.1
- ------------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------

- --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Variable(s)                                           Client Service Commissions
- --------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
YEAR                                           COMMISSION PER $1,000 MARKET VALUE OF THE
                                               AVERAGE QUARTERLY CASH VALUE*(LESS LOANS)
                                      PROPRIETARY ASSETS                     NONPROPRIETARY ASSETS
- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
1+                                           $1.25                                   $.75**
- --------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

*    Average  quarterly cash value (less loans) is calculated by taking the cash
     values from the previous and current quarter's  consolidated  statement and
     dividing by two.
**   Paid quarterly (i.e., $.3125 per $1,000 each quarter for proprietary assets
     and $.1875 per $1,000 for nonproprietary assets).  Quarterly service fee is
     paid when the quarterly client Consolidated Statement is printed.

New Business Commissions

Credited to the selling  advisor(s)  with  weighted  production up to the target
premium.  Credited to the servicing advisor(s) on payments made in excess of the
target premium.

Client Service Commissions

Client  Service  Commissions  are credited to the  servicing  advisor(s)  on the
market value of the cash value.

a.   If the  target  premium  is $8,000  and the  entire  amount  has been paid,
     commissions and weighted production would be calculated as follows:

     COMMISSIONS                 PRODUCTION
- -----------------------------------------------------------
     $8,000 X 50% = $4,000       $8,000 X 28 = 224,000

b.   If  the  target  premium  is  $8,000  and a  $10,000  premium  is  applied,
     commissions and weighted production would be calculated as follows:

     COMMISSIONS                               PRODUCTION
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Target: $8,000 x 50% =   $4,000           $8,000 x 28 =   224,000
     Excess: $2,000 x 2% =        40           $2,000 x 1.1 =    2,200
                             -------                          --------
                              $4,040                           226,200

c.   If the selling  advisor in Examples a. and b. is a  second-year  advisor in
     his  or  her  45th  service  period,   Supplemental  Commissions  would  be
     calculated as follows (assumes the advisor is meeting PVS and FPR):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $4,040 (commissions earned) x 15% (Supplemental rate) = $606

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $4,040 (commissions earned) + $606 (Supplemental Commissions = $4,646


1. Annualization

a. What are the criteria for annualization?

Commissions  will annualize if accounts are submitted with money and set up with
a bank authorization (BA), group billing, special payment option (SPO) from Cash
Management or Tax-Free Money Fund, military allotment (MA) or payroll deduction.
Annualized  commissions  are not  credited on payroll  deductions  for  American
Express financial advisors or corporate office employees.

b. How is the compensation base determined?

Annualized  commissions  are based on the  lesser of the  target  premium or the
systematic payment times frequency up to a maximum of $1,500.  (Exception:  If a
group bill is set up as a percent of the client's  total group bill,  annualized
commissions  will be  calculated  based on the lesser of the  target  premium or

c. When does it annualize?

Annualized  commissions will be credited when the policy is submitted with money
and the systematic  billing is set up.  (Exceptions:  MAs will annualize without
submitted  money.  SPOs  are  set up  when  the  policy  is  issued;  therefore,
annualized commissions are not credited until the policy is issued.) Commissions
will also annualize up to the target premium if the systematic billing is set up
in the first contract year before the target premium is met.

d. What is the maximum annualized compensation?

Annualized commissions are limited to $1,500 per account.

e. What causes adjustment?

If payments decrease,  the annualized  commissions will be adjusted. If payments
increase,  the time  required  to  reduce  the  amount  of  unearned  annualized
commissions will decrease.  If the systematic  payment is stopped,  all unearned
annualized commissions will be reversed. If the policy lapses or is surrendered,
the  advisor  will  lose  all  unearned  annualized   commissions  and  weighted

2. Compensation timing

Compensation is credited after business is processed.

New Business:
     Up to two business days for new business entries
     Two  to 60  business  days  for  underwriting,  depending  on  underwriting
     requirements  Up to five  business  days  after  underwriting  to issue the

1035 exchanges:
     60 business days or until the money is received from the other company

Policy changes:
     Fourteen calendar days or up to 60 calendar days, depending on underwriting
     requirements. IDS Life credits compensation only after the policy change is
     completed and money is applied to the account.

     Four business days

Death claims:
     Seven calendar days

IDS Life of New York will pay a maximum of $1,500 in  commissions  on  submitted
business.  If  additional  commissions  are due,  they will be credited once the
policy is in force. The maximum  annualized  commission of $1,500 still applies.
If  additional  commissions  are due,  they will be credited  once the $1,500 in
annualized commissions is earned and then subsequent commissions are credited as
each  premium  is  applied  to  the  account.  (Exception:   Submitted  business
commissions  will not be paid on  personal  purchases  and  sales to  relatives;
however, full compensation will be credited once the policy is in force.)

IDS Life of New York credits  compensation  on permanent  ratings only after the
policy is in force.  The  company  does not  credit  compensation  on  temporary
ratings or aviation riders.

If the client is 76 years old or older,  the face  amount of policy is more than
$1 million,  or if it is COD business,  commissions and weighted production will
not be credited until the policy is issued. The weighted production is effective
on the date the policy is received in the corporate office.

Weighted  production  on the initial sale is effective on the date the policy is
received in the corporate office.  For payments in excess of the target premium,
weighted production is effective on the accounting date of the increase or older
addition,  it is not  backdated to the date the  corporate  office  received the
policy change.

3. Exit/purchase transactions

Exit/purchase transaction rules apply only when IDS Life or IDS Life of New York
traditional  life,   Universal  Life,  Variable   Second-to-Die  Life,  Variable
Universal   Life  or  LP+  policy  is  surrendered  or  lapses  and  a  Variable
Second-to-Die  Life policy is purchased.  When this occurs and the final premium
due date of the lapsed or  surrendered  policy is six months  before or one year
after the corporate office receipt date of the new policy,  compensation will be

If the lapsed or surrendered  policy is not another  Variable  Universal Life or
Variable Second-to Die Life policy, the following rules apply:

New  policies  that  result in the same  amount  of  coverage  as the  lapsed or
surrendered policy will pay a conservation fee without weighted production.  The
amount of the conservation will be an amount equal to 25% of normal commissions.

Full commission and weighed  production  will be paid on any increased  coverage
portion of the new policy.

If the lapsed or  surrendered  policy is  another  Variable  Second-to  Die Life
policy or Variable Universal Life, the following rules apply:

New  policies  that  result in the same  amount  of  coverage  as the  lapsed or
surrendered policy will pay a conservation fee without weighted production.  The
amount of the conservation paid will be based on the following:

======================================= ========================================
 Lapsed or surrendered policy base            Conservation fee amount
   plan-specified amount
- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
        $      0 - 99,999                               $100
         100,000 - 349,999                              200
         350,000 +                                      400
- --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

Full commission and weighted  production will be paid on any increased  coverage
portion of the new policy.

Cash-value  rollover  premium  dollars from life insurance  policies to Variable
Second-to Die Life policies pay  compensation.  Full  compensation  will only be
paid on the rollover  dollars used to fund the portion of the target  premium or
MFYAP associated with the increased portion of coverage. No compensation is paid
on rollover  dollars used to fulfill the target premium or MFYAP associated with
the even  coverage  portion of the new policy.  Compensation  is not credited on
loans or partial  surrenders used to pay premiums on another  policy.  No excess
commissions are paid on cash-value rollovers.

4. Licenses required

An  advisor  must  have a life  insurance  license  for the  state in which  the
application  was signed to  receive  new  business  compensation.  For  Variable
Second-to-Die  Life,  an  advisor  must  also have a Series 6 or 7  license.  In
addition, some, but not all states require a Variable Life Insurance license and
either a Variable  Annuity license or a Variable  Contracts  license.  After the
account  is open,  the  advisor  must  hold the  appropriate  license(s)  in the
client's  resident  state  to  receive  compensation.  For IDS  Life of New York
products, the advisor must also hold the appropriate New York licenses.

5. Persistency

The persistency standard for Variable Second-to-Die Life products sold is 87%.

6. Advisor/relative purchases

No  special  rates  are  available  for  advisors  or their  relatives  on these
products; therefore, full compensation is credited on these sales only after the
policy is in force.  Annualized  commissions will be credited when the policy is
issued if the account is set up on a systematic payment arrangement,  except for
payroll  deductions for American Express financial advisors and corporate office

7. Reversals

On  applications  that  are  withdrawn,   declined  or  not  taken,  or  if  all
requirements  are not received in the corporate office within the allotted time,
commissions and weighted production will be reversed.  IDS Life of New York does
not credit further compensation until the policy is re-opened,  all requirements
are received in the corporate  office and the policy is placed in force.  If the
policy lapses or is surrendered, the advisor will lose any unearned commissions,
all target premium production up to 26 months from the sale date, and all add-on
production for the previous 14 months. Ten-day free looks and cancellations will
result in a full reversal of both  commissions and weighted  production . In the
case  of  a  death  claim,  the  advisor  will  lose  all  unearned   annualized
commissions. Weighted production will be reversed as of the sale effective date.

8. Supplemental Commissions

For first-,  second- and third-year advisors,  Supplemental  Commissions will be
credited at the following rates:

=================== ==================== =======================================
   Service year       Service period            Highly fronted, some deferred*
- ------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------
        1                   1-26                              35%
        2                 27-39                               25
        2                 40-52                               15
        3                 53-78                               10
- ------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------

* These rates are a percentage of New Business Commissions

Supplemental  Commissions  are credited  based on the rate in effect at the time
the business was submitted and the first payment was received.  For instance, if
you submit  business  while you are a  first-year  advisor  but it is not issued
until you reach your second year, you will received Supplemental  Commissions at
the first-year rate.

Supplemental  Commissions are credited when the policy is in force; they are not
credited  on  submitted  business.   For  more  information  about  Supplemental
Commissions, refer to Section 2, Compensation plan descriptions.