
                      Washington, D.C. 20549

                           FORM 10-K/A-1

   (Mark One)
                       SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1993


                       SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                       Commission file number 1-9712


          (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)

               Delaware                     62-1147325
   -------------------------------  ---------------------------
     State or other jurisdiction(IRS Employer Identification No.)
     of incorporation or organization)

      8410 West Bryn Mawr, Suite 700, Chicago, Illinois 60631
        (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

            Registrant's Telephone Number: (312) 399-8900

    Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                      Name of each exchange
          Title of each class          on which registered
    ------------------------------- ----------------------------
     Common Shares, $1 par value      American Stock Exchange

   Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None

      Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed
   all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the
   Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months
   (or for such  shorter period that the  registrant was required
   to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
   requirements for the past 90 days.

                        Yes   X      No         
                            -----        -----

      Indicate by  check mark if disclosure  of delinquent filers
   pursuant to  Item  405  of  Regulation S-K  is  not  contained
   herein, and will not be contained, to the best of registrant's
   knowledge,  in  definitive  proxy  or  information  statements
   incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any
   amendment to this Form 10-K.  X 

      As  of  March  7,  1994,  the  aggregate  market  value  of
   registrant's   Common   Shares  held   by   nonaffiliates  was
   approximately $396.6 million (based  upon the closing price of
   the Common Shares on March 7, 1994, of $27.625, as reported by
   the American Stock Exchange). 

      The   number  of   shares  outstanding   of  each   of  the
   registrant's  classes of common stock, as of March 7, 1994, is
   43,739,215  Common  Shares,  $1  par  value,  and   33,005,877
   Series A Common Shares, $1 par value. 


      Those sections or portions of the registrant's 1993  Annual
   Report  to  Shareholders and  of  the  registrant's Notice  of
   Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders and  Proxy Statement  for its
   Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  to  be held  May  5,  1994,
   described  in the cross reference sheet  and table of contents
   attached hereto are  incorporated by reference  into Parts  II
   and III of this report.


               United States Cellular Corporation
                        Amendment No. 1

      The  undersigned registrant  hereby  amends  the  following
   items in its  Annual Report on  Form 10-K for the  fiscal year
   ended December 31, 1993,  as set forth in the  pages submitted

      1. Report of Independent Public Accountants.

      2. Note  3  of  United  States  Cellular Corporation  and
         Subsidiaries  Notes  to  Consolidated  Financial

      3. Report of  Independent Public  Accountants on  Financial
         Statement Schedules.

      4. Compilation Report of Independent Public Accountants  on
         Combined Financial Statements.

      5. Reports  of Other  Independent Accountants  - Report  of
         Coopers  & Lybrand L.L.P. to the Partners of Los Angeles
         SMSA Limited Partnership.

      6. Note   7  of  Los   Angeles  SMSA  Limited  Partnership,
         Nashville/Clarksville MSA Limited Partnership and  Baton
         Rouge  MSA   Limited  Partnership   Notes  to  Unaudited
         Combined Financial Statements.

      7. Exhibit 23.1 Consent of Independent Public Accountants.

      8. Exhibit 23.2 Consent of Independent Accountants

      Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
   of 1934, the registrant  has duly caused this amendment  to be
   signed  on  its  behalf  by the  undersigned,  thereunto  duly

                               United States Cellular Corporation


   Date:  November 7, 1994           By: /s/ KENNETH R. MEYERS         
                                     Kenneth R. Meyers
                                     Vice President-Finance and Treasurer
                                     (Chief Financial Officer)


   Report of Independent Public Accountants

   To the Shareholders  and Board of  Directors of United  States
   Cellular Corporation:

   We  have audited the  accompanying consolidated balance sheets
   of United States Cellular  Corporation (a Delaware corporation
   and an  85.1%-owned subsidiary of Telephone  and Data Systems,
   Inc.) and Subsidiaries as  of December 31, 1993 and  1992, and
   the  related consolidated statements of operations, changes in
   common shareholders'  equity and  cash flows for  each of  the
   three  years in  the period  ended December  31, 1993.   These
   consolidated  financial statements  are the  responsibility of
   the Company's management.  Our responsibility is to express an
   opinion on  these consolidated financial  statements based  on
   our audits.  We did not  audit the financial statements of the
   Los  Angeles SMSA,  Baton Rouge MSA  and Nashville/Clarksville
   MSA limited  partnerships.  The Company's  investment in these
   partnerships  is  reflected   in  the  accompanying  financial
   statements  using  the  equity  method  of  accounting.    The
   investment   in   these   limited   partnerships   represented
   $38,447,000  and  $33,209,000  (or  3.1% and  3.9%)  of  total
   consolidated   assets   at   December  31,   1993   and   1992
   respectively,  and  the  equity  in  their  income  represents
   $15,364,000, $10,436,000 and  $6,242,000 for  the years  ended
   December  31,  1993,  1992  and  1991,  respectively,  and  is
   included  in   the  consolidated  net  (loss)   income.    The
   summarized  financial information  contained in  Note 3 of the
   Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements  includes financial
   information   for  the   aforementioned  partnerships.     The
   financial  statements  of   those  limited  partnerships  were
   audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished to
   us  and  our opinion,  insofar as  it  relates to  the amounts
   included for  those limited  partnerships, is based  solely on
   the reports of the other auditors.

   We conducted our audits  in accordance with generally accepted
   auditing  standards.  Those standards require that we plan and
   perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether
   the financial  statements are  free of material  misstatement.
   An  audit  includes  examining,  on  a  test  basis,  evidence
   supporting  the  amounts  and  disclosures  in  the  financial
   statements.   An audit also includes  assessing the accounting
   principles used and significant  estimates made by management,
   as  well  as   evaluating  the  overall   financial  statement
   presentation.  We believe  that our audits and the  reports of
   other auditors provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

   In our opinion,  based on our audits and the  reports of other
   auditors, the  financial statements referred  to above present
   fairly, in  all material  respects, the financial  position of
   United  States  Cellular Corporation  and  Subsidiaries as  of
   December  31,  1993  and  1992,   and  the  results  of  their
   operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in
   the  period  ended  December  31,  1993,  in  conformity  with
   generally accepted accounting principles.

   As  discussed in "Change in Accounting Principle" in Note 1 of
   the Notes to Consolidated  Financial Statements, the method of
   accounting   for  cellular   sales  commissions   was  changed
   effective  January 1, 1991.   As discussed  in Note  10 of the
   Notes  to Consolidated  Financial  Statements,  the method  of
   accounting for  income taxes was changed  effective January 1,

   The report of other  auditors on the Los Angeles  SMSA Limited
   Partnership referred to above includes  explanatory paragraphs
   relating  to uncertainties as discussed in Note 3 of the Notes
   to Consolidated Financial Statements.  The ultimate outcome of
   these actions  are uncertain  at this  time.   Accordingly, no
   accrual for these  matters has been  made in the  consolidated
   financial statements.

   As  discussed  in Note  15 of  the  Notes to  the Consolidated
   Financial Statements, the Company is  a defendant in a lawsuit
   involving   a  joint  venture   opportunity,  a  shareholders'
   agreement  and other  related matters.   The  ultimate outcome
   from   the   litigation   cannot  presently   be   determined.
   Accordingly, no  provision for any liability  which may result
   has been made in the consolidated financial statements.

                                             Arthur Andersen LLP
   Chicago, Illinois
   February 7, 1994 (except with respect to the matters discussed
   in  the fifth, seventh and eighth paragraphs  of Note 3, as to
   which the date is October 17, 1994.)


   Note 3    Investments in Cellular Partnerships

   Investments   in  cellular  partnerships  consist  of  amounts
   invested in cellular entities in which USM holds a minority or
   noncontrolling interest.  Investments in cellular partnerships
   consist of long-term investments and investments held for sale
   or exchange, as follows:

                                                            December 31,
                                                     1993                 1992
                                                     ----                 ----
                                                       (Dollars in thousands)
      Long-term investments:
         Capital contributions, loans and
          advances                                 $66,515             $67,941
         Cumulative share of partnership
          income                                    52,296              32,994
         Cumulative share of partnership
          distributions                            (41,633)            (29,934)
                                                    77,178              71,001

      Investments Held for Sale or Exchange:
         Capital contributions, net of partnership
          distributions                             12,926              15,405
      Total investment in nonconsolidated
          partnerships                             $90,104            $ 86,406

   USM follows the equity method of accounting  for its long-term
   investments  which  recognizes,  on  a  current  basis,  USM's
   proportionate share of  the incomes and losses  accruing to it
   under the terms of its partnership and shareholder agreements.
   The  equity  method  is  followed for  minority  interests  in
   markets  that  are managed  by  USM  and  for certain  markets
   managed by others.

   USM follows the cost method of accounting  for its investments
   in markets held for sale or exchange, and such investments are
   recorded at  the lower  of cost  or market value.   It  is not
   practicable to estimate the fair value of USM's investments in
   cellular partnerships held  for sale  or exchange  due to  the
   lack of  quoted market prices  and the  inability to  estimate
   fair  values without  incurring  excessive costs.   The  $12.9
   million  carrying  amount  at  December  31, 1993,  represents
   primarily  the   original  cost  of  the   investments,  which
   management  believes   is  not  impaired.     USM's  unaudited
   proportionate  share of  the incomes  or (losses)  of cellular
   investments accounted for under  the cost method and therefore
   not included in the Consolidated Statements of Operations were
   approximately $838,000, $302,000 and  ($354,000) of the  years
   December  31,  1993,  1992  and  1991,  respectively.    USM's
   proportionate  share of all such incomes or (losses) since the
   inception of  operations or acquisition was  ($2.1 million) at
   December 31, 1993.


   Note 3   Investments in Cellular Partnerships - (Continued)

   The following summarizes the unaudited assets, liabilities and
   partners'  capital,  and  the  results of  operations  of  the
   cellular system  partnerships in  which USM's investments  are
   accounted for by the equity method.

                                                            December 31,
                                                     1993                 1992
                                                     ----                 ----
                                                       (Dollars in thousands)
         Current                                  $134,289            $102,644
         Due from affiliates                        34,156              18,949
         Property and other                        453,150             419,492
                                                  $621,595            $541,085
      Liabilities and Partners' capital
         Current liabilities                      $110,960            $ 80,776
         Due to affiliates                          34,363              37,251
         Deferred credits                            1,296                 226
         Long-term debt                              4,462              20,063
         Partner's capital                         470,514             402,769
                                                  $621,595            $541,085

                                                      Year Ended December 31,
                                                 1993         1992       1991
                                                      (Dollars in thousands)

      Results of Operations
      Revenues                                   $ 703,601  $537,813 $447,692
      Costs and expenses                           518,142   399,409  307,532
      Other income (expense)                       (14,246)   (2,531)   1,352
      Net income before cumulative effect of 
         accounting changes                        171,213   135,873  141,512
      Cumulative effect of accounting changes          110    (1,495)  (4,658)
      Net Income                                 $ 171,323  $134,378 $136,854
   The Los Angeles  SMSA Limited  Partnership  (the"Partnership")
   has been named in three  separate complaints served by  agents
   of  the  competing  carrier  of  the  Partnership  against the
   competitor.  The   general  allegations include  violations of
   California Unfair Practices Act and price fixing.

   On  November 24, 1993, a  class action suit  was filed against
   the   Partnership  and   another  cellular   carrier  alleging
   conspiracy  to fix the price of  cellular service in violation
   of state  and  federal antitrust  laws.   The  plaintiffs  are
   seeking  substantial monetary damages and injunctive relief in
   excess of $100 million.

   On  July 18,  1994, the  Partnership was  served with  a class
   action suit on behalf of the Partnership's contract Agents and
   Dealers.   The  complaint  alleges "predatory  practices"  and
   seeks  damages in excess of $1.6 million per agent and dealer,
   plus statutory treble damages.

   On October 17, 1994, a class action suit was filed against the
   Partnership.  The  suit alleges a conspiracy  with a competing
   carrier  to fix the prices of cellular service in violation of
   federal antitrust  laws.   The plaintiffs are  seeking damages
   for the class of an unspecified sum.

   The ultimate outcome  of these  actions is  uncertain at  this
   time.   Accordingly,  no  accrual for  these matters  has been



   To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of

      We  have  audited  in  accordance  with  generally accepted
   auditing  standards,  the  consolidated  financial  statements
   included   in   United   States   Cellular   Corporation   and
   Subsidiaries Annual Report  to Shareholders  incorporated   by
   reference in  this  Form  10-K, and  have  issued  our  report
   thereon dated  February 7,  1994 (except  with respect  to the
   matters discussed in the  fifth, seventh and eighth paragraphs
   of Note  3 of the Notes to  Consolidated Financial Statements,
   as to which the date is October 17, 1994).  Our  report on the
   consolidated   financial   statements   includes   explanatory
   paragraphs  with  respect  to  the  change in  the  method  of
   accounting for cellular sales  commissions and with respect to
   the change in  the method  of accounting for  income taxes  as
   discussed in Note 1 and Note 10, respectively, of the Notes to
   Consolidated  Financial  Statements   and  the   uncertainties
   discussed  in Note 3  of the  Notes to  Consolidated Financial
   Statements;  and an explanatory paragraph calling attention to
   certain litigation as  discussed in  Note 15 of  the Notes  to
   Consolidated Financial Statements.

      Our  audits were made for the purpose of forming an opinion
   on those financial statements taken as a whole.  The financial
   statement   schedules  listed   in  Item   14(a)(2)  are   the
   responsibility of the  Company's management and  are presented
   for  purposes of  complying with  the Securities  and Exchange
   Commission's  rules and  are not part  of the  basic financial
   statements.   These  financial statement  schedules have  been
   subjected to the auditing procedures  applied in the audits of
   the  basic financial  statements and,  in our  opinion, fairly
   state in all material respects the financial data  required to
   be  set  forth therein  in  relation  to  the basic  financial
   statements taken as a whole.

                                             ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

   Chicago, Illinois
   February 7, 1994 (except with respect to the matters discussed
   in the fifth,  seventh and eighth paragraphs of Note  3 of the
   Notes to  Consolidated Financial  Statements, as to  which the
   date is October 17, 1994)



   To the Shareholders and Board of Directors of

      The accompanying combined balance sheets of the Los Angeles
   SMSA  Limited  Partnership,   the  Nashville/Clarksville   MSA
   Limited  Partnership   and  the   Baton   Rouge  MSA   Limited
   Partnership as of  December 31, 1993 and 1992 and  the related
   combined   statements  of  operations,  changes  in  partners'
   capital,  and cash flows  for each of  the three years  in the
   period ended  December 31, 1993,  have been prepared  from the
   separate  financial  statements,   which  are  not   presented
   separately    herein,    of     the    Los    Angeles    SMSA,
   Nashville/Clarksville   MSA  and   Baton  Rouge   MSA  limited
   partnerships,  as described  in Note 1.  We have  reviewed for
   compilation   only   the   accompanying   combined   financial
   statements, and,  in our  opinion, those statements  have been
   properly compiled from the amounts and notes of the underlying
   separate  financial  statements  of  the  Los  Angeles   SMSA,
   Nashville/Clarksville   MSA  and   Baton  Rouge   MSA  limited
   partnerships, on the basis described in Note 1. 

      The    statements    for    the    Los     Angeles    SMSA,
   Nashville/Clarksville   MSA  and   Baton  Rouge   MSA  limited
   partnerships were  audited by other  auditors as set  forth in
   their reports included on  pages 40 through 43. The  report of
   the other auditors of the Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership
   contains   explanatory   paragraphs   with  respect   to   the
   uncertainties discussed in the third, fourth, fifth  and sixth
   paragraphs of Note 7. We have not been engaged to audit either
   the  separate  financial   statements of  the   aforementioned
   limited  partnerships   or  the  related  combined   financial
   statements  in accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing
   standards and to render an opinion as to the fair presentation
   of such financial statements  in   accordance  with  generally
   accepted accounting principles. 

      As discussed in "Change in Accounting Principle" in Note 2,
   the method  of accounting  for cellular sales  commissions was
   changed    effective     January    1,    1991,     for    the
   Nashville/Clarksville  MSA Limited  Partnership and  the Baton
   Rouge MSA Limited Partnership. 

                                              ARTHUR ANDERSEN LLP

   Chicago, Illinois
   February 11,  1994  (except   with  respect  to  the   matters
   discussed  in the third, fifth and sixth paragraphs of Note 7,
   as to which the date is October 17, 1994.)



   To The Partners of

      We have  audited the  balance  sheets of  Los Angeles  SMSA
   Limited Partnership  as of December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the
   related statements  of operations, partners'  capital and cash
   flows  for each  of  the  three  years  in  the  period  ended
   December 31,  1993; such financial statements are not included
   separately   herein.  These   financial  statements   are  the
   responsibility   of   the   Partnership's    management.   Our
   responsibility  is to  express an  opinion on  these financial
   statements based on our audits. 

      We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally
   accepted auditing standards.  Those standards require  that we
   plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
   whether  the  financial  statements   are  free  of   material
   misstatement. An  audit includes  examining, on a  test basis,
   evidence  supporting  the  amounts   and  disclosures  in  the
   financial  statements. An  audit  also includes  assessing the
   accounting principles  used and significant estimates  made by
   management,  as  well  as  evaluating  the  overall  financial
   statement presentation.  We believe that our  audits provide a
   reasonable basis for our opinion. 

      In our opinion, the  financial statements referred to above
   present  fairly,  in  all  material  respects,  the  financial
   position  of  Los  Angeles  SMSA  Limited  Partnership  as  of
   December 31, 1993 and 1992, and  results of its operations and
   its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended
   December 31,   1993  in  conformity  with  generally  accepted
   accounting principles. 

      As discussed in  Note 9  to the  financial statements,  the
   Partnership has been named in three separate complaints served
   by cellular agents.  The outcome of these matters is uncertain
   and, accordingly, no  accrual for these matters  has been made
   in the financial statements.

      In addition, as discussed  in  Note 9,  three  class action
   suits were filed against the  Partnership  alleging violations
   of state and  federal antitrust laws.   The outcome   of these
   matters is uncertain  and, accordingly,  no accrual  for these
   matters has been made in the financial statements.

                                         COOPERS & LYBRAND L.L.P

   Newport Beach, California
   February  4, 1994,  except  for the  information presented  in
   paragraphs three, five and six of Note 9, as to which the date
   is October 17, 1994.



   7.  Contingencies and Commitments:

      On June 28, 1993, an applicant for an unserved area license
   in the Los Angeles market filed an informal objection with the
   FCC to one of the Partnerships' System Information Update map.
   The  applicant   claims  the   Partnership  was  not   legally
   authorized  to  provide  service  in parts  of  its  described
   service area.  The applicant requests that the FCC correct the
   Partnership's  service  area  to  eliminate  such  areas   and
   suggests  the   FCC  impose   "such  sanctions  as   it  deems
   appropriate."  The  Partnership filed a response  with the FCC
   in  which it reported that,  in its review  of the applicant's
   allegations, it  found certain errors  that were  made in  its
   filings but disputed any  of these were intentional.   The FCC
   could   assess   penalties   against   the   Partnership   for
   nonconformance with its  license.  The outcome  of this matter
   remains uncertain  and, accordingly,  the Partnership  has not
   recorded an accrual.   The Partnership  intends to defend  its
   position vigorously.

      The Partnership  filed for its 10-year  license renewal for
   the Los Angeles market on August 30, 1993.  The Partnership is
   currently  operating  with  FCC  authority  while  the renewal
   application  is pending  resolution of  the FCC's  decision on
   claims mentioned  above.   The Partnership fully  expects that
   its license will be renewed.

      One of the Partnerships has  been named in  three  separate
   complaints served by agents  of  the competing carrier of  the
   Partnership   against the competitor.  The general allegations
   include  violations  of California  Unfair  Practices Act  and
   price  fixing.  The  ultimate  outcome  of  these  actions  is
   uncertain  at this time.  Accordingly,   no accrual  for these
   contingencies has been made. The Partnership intends to defend
   its position  vigorously.

      On November 24, 1993, a class action suit was filed against
   one of the Partnerships  and another cellular carrier alleging
   conspiracy to fix  the price of cellular service  in violation
   of  state  and federal  antitrust  laws.   The  plaintiffs are
   seeking substantial monetary damages  and injunctive relief in
   excess  of  $100  million.   The  outcome  of  this matter  is
   uncertain and,  accordingly, the Partnership has  not recorded
   an accrual.   The Partnership  intends to defend  its position

      On July 18, 1994, one of the Partnerships was served with a
   class  action suit  on  behalf of  the Partnership's  contract
   Agents  and   Dealers.    The   complaint  alleges  "predatory
   practices" and  seeks damages  in excess  of $1.6  million per
   agent and dealer, plus statutory treble damages.   The outcome
   of this matter is  uncertain and, accordingly, the Partnership
   has  not recorded  an  accrual.   The  Partnership intends  to
   defend its position vigorously.

      On  October 17, 1994, a class action suit was filed against
   one of the Partnerships.  The suit alleges a conspiracy with a
   competing carrier  to fix  the prices  of cellular  service in
   violation  of  federal antitrust  laws.    The plaintiffs  are
   seeking  damages for  the class  of an  unspecified sum.   The
   outcome  of this  matter  is uncertain  and, accordingly,  the
   Partnership  has not  recorded  an accrual.   The  Partnership
   intends to defend its position vigorously.

      One of  the  Partnerships  is  a  party  to  various  other
   lawsuits arising in the  ordinary course of business.   In the
   opinion of  management, based on  a review of  such litigation
   with legal  counsel, any  losses resulting from  these actions
   are not expected to  materially impact the financial condition
   of the Partnership.

      Two of  the Partnerships provide cellular  service and sell
   cellular telephones  to diversified groups of consumers within
   concentrated geographical areas.  The general partner performs
   credit   evaluations  of   the  Partnerships'   customers  and
   generally  does  not  require  collateral.    Receivables  are
   generally  due  within  30  days.   Credit  losses  related to
   customers have been within management's expectations.



      One of the Partnerships  purchases substantially all of its
   equipment from one supplier.

      The General Partner of two of the Partnerships entered into
   agreements  with   an  equipment  vendor  on   behalf  of  the
   Partnerships to replace  the Partnerships' cellular  equipment
   with new  cellular technology  which will support  both analog
   and digital voice transmissions.
