1999 EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN


                  United States  Cellular  Corporation  hereby  establishes  the
United  States  Cellular  Corporation  1999  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan  to
encourage  and  facilitate  the  purchase  of Common  Shares of the  Company  by
Employees of the Company and certain other participating  Employers. The Plan is
intended to provide a further  incentive for such  Employees to promote the best
interests of the Controlled  Group and an additional  opportunity to participate
in its economic  progress.  It is the  intention of the Company to have the Plan
qualify as an "employee  stock  purchase plan" within the meaning of section 423
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and provisions of
the Plan shall be construed in a manner consistent with the Code.


                  As used in this Plan, as of any time of reference,  and unless
the context otherwise requires:

                  (a) "Affiliate"  means any trade or business entity which is a
member of the same  controlled  group (as described in section 414(b) and (c) of
the Code) with the Company,  any organization  that is a member of an affiliated
service group (as  described in section  414(m) of the Code) with the Company or
such a trade or business, or any other entity required to be aggregated with the
Company pursuant to final regulations under section 414(o) of the Code.

                  (b) "Benefits Representative" means the Benefits Department of
TDS located in Middleton,  Wisconsin, or such other person or persons designated
by the Committee to assist the Committee with the administration of the Plan.

                  (c)  "Board"  means the Board of  Directors  of the Company as
from time to time constituted.

                  (d)  "Common  Shares"  means  shares  of  common  stock of the
Company, par value $1.00 per share.

                  (e) "Company"  means United  States  Cellular  Corporation,  a
Delaware corporation, and any successor thereto.

                  (f)  "Compensation"  means  an  employee's  "Compensation"  as
defined in Section 4.2(a) of the Telephone and Data Systems,  Inc.  Tax-Deferred
Savings Plan,  as amended from time to time,  determined  without  regard to the
limitation on compensation  which is taken into account under such plan pursuant
to section 401(a)(17) of the Code.

                  (g)  "Controlled  Group"  means  the  Company,  TDS and  their

                  (h) "Effective Date" means July 1, 1999.

                  (i) "Eligible Employee" means any Employee of an Employer, but
excluding any  individual  who is a leased  employee of an Employer  (within the
meaning of section 414(n) of the Code).


                  (j) "Employee" means an individual whose  relationship with an
Employer is, under common law, that of an employee.

                  (k)  "Employee  Stock  Purchase  Account"  means  the  account
established pursuant to Section 6(d) of the Plan to hold a Participant's payroll
deduction contributions.

                  (l) "Employer" means the Company and any corporation that is a
member of the  Controlled  Group that adopts the Plan as of the Effective  Date,
with  the  prior  approval  of the  Company,  and  each  corporation  that is or
subsequently  becomes a member of the Controlled Group and adopts the Plan as of
any later date, with the prior approval of the Committee.

                  (m) "Entry Date" means the Effective Date and the first day of
each subsequent calendar month.

                  (n) "Fair Market  Value"  means the closing  price of a Common
Share on the American Stock Exchange for the date of  determination,  or if such
date is not a trading day, the closing price of such share on the American Stock
Exchange on the next preceding trading day.

                  (o) "Nominee"  means the  custodian  designated by the Company
for the Stock Accounts established hereunder.

                  (p) "Offering Period" means (i) the 18-month period commencing
on the  Effective  Date and ending on December  31,  2000 and (ii) the  24-month
period  commencing on January 1, 2001 and ending on December 31, 2002;  provided
that the date on which the Plan is  terminated  shall be treated as the last day
of an Offering Period, as described in Section 13.

                  (q)  "Participant"  means any Eligible Employee of an Employer
who meets the  eligibility  requirements  of Section  5(a),  and has  elected to
participate in the Plan as described in such Section.  An individual shall cease
to be a Participant as of the date he or she terminates  employment  with his or
her  Employer,  for whatever  reason;  provided,  however,  that the transfer of
employment  from an Employer (or any other  Affiliate) to an Affiliate shall not
be considered a termination of employment hereunder.

                  (r) "Plan" means the United States Cellular  Corporation  1999
Employee Stock  Purchase Plan herein set forth,  and any amendment or supplement

                  (s)  "Purchase  Date"  means  the  last  day of each  calendar
quarter in an Offering Period.

                  (t)  "Purchase  Period"  means a quarterly  period ending on a
Purchase Date.

                  (u) "Purchase  Price" means,  with respect to a Purchase Date,
85 percent of the Fair  Market  Value of a Common  Share  determined  as of such
date;  provided that if such price  includes a fraction of a cent,  the Purchase
Price shall be rounded up to the next whole cent.

                  (v)  "Subsidiary"   means,   with  respect  to  an  entity,  a
corporation  (other  than the  entity)  in an  unbroken  chain  of  corporations
beginning  with  the  entity  if each of the  corporations  other  than the last
corporation  in the unbroken  chain owns stock  possessing 50 percent or more of
the total  combined  voting  power of all  classes  of stock in one of the other
corporations in such chain.

                  (w) "TDS" means  Telephone and Data Systems,  Inc., a Delaware

                  (x) "Termination  Date" means the earliest of (i) December 31,
2002,  (ii) such earlier date on which the Board  terminates  the Plan and (iii)
the Purchase  Date on which all shares  available  for  issuance  under the Plan
shall have been purchased by Participants under the Plan.


The masculine  gender,  when appearing in this Plan,  shall be deemed to include
the feminine  gender unless the context clearly  indicates to the contrary.  The
words "hereof,"  "herein," and "hereunder,"  and other similar  compounds of the
word "here,"  shall mean and refer to the entire Plan and not to any  particular
provision or section of this document.


                  This Plan shall be  administered  by the 1999  Employee  Stock
Purchase  Plan  Committee  (hereinafter  referred  to as the  "Committee"),  the
members of which shall be  individuals  selected by the Board who do not satisfy
the  eligibility  requirements  of Section 5 hereunder.  The Committee  shall be
comprised of LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. and Sandra L. Helton.  Subject to the express
provisions hereof, the Committee shall have complete authority to interpret this
Plan, to prescribe,  amend and rescind rules and regulations  relating to it and
to make all other  determinations  necessary or advisable for the administration
of this Plan. The Committee's  determinations on the matters referred to in this
paragraph  shall be conclusive.  No member of the Committee  shall be personally
liable for any decision or determination made in good faith under the Plan.


                  (a) For each Offering Period,  each Eligible Employee shall be
granted  an option as of the later of (i) the first day of the  Offering  Period
and (ii) the first Entry Date after the  Eligible  Employee  has  completed  the
eligibility  service  requirement for participation  herein described in Section
5(a) hereof (such date  referred to herein as the "grant  date"),  to purchase a
number of Common  Shares equal to (x) $25,000,  multiplied  by (y) the number of
full and partial calendar years remaining in the Offering Period, divided by (z)
the Fair Market Value of a Common Share on the grant date.

                  (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing,  no Eligible Employee shall
be granted any option for an Offering Period if,  immediately after the grant of
such option,  the Eligible Employee would own shares (including shares which may
be purchased under the Plan)  possessing 5% or more of the total combined voting
power or  value of all  classes  of  stock of the  Company,  TDS or any of their
Subsidiaries  actually issued and outstanding  immediately after such grant. For
purposes of the foregoing sentence,  the rules of stock attribution set forth in
section 424(d) of the Code shall apply in determining share ownership.


                  (a) Any Eligible  Employee of an Employer shall be eligible to
participate  in the Plan as of the first  Entry  Date  following  such  Eligible
Employee's  satisfaction of the eligibility service  requirement,  or, if later,
the  first  Entry  Date  following  the date on which  the  Eligible  Employee's
Employer adopts the Plan. For purposes of this subsection,  an Eligible Employee
shall  have  satisfied  the  eligibility  service  requirement  if he or she has
completed at least three months of continuous service with an Employer.  For the
sole purpose of calculating length of service under the Plan, Employees shall be
credited with service for an Employer,  an Affiliate and any other member of the
Controlled  Group (even though such service may have been performed prior to the
Company's  acquisition of such member or prior to the time such Affiliate became
an   Affiliate).   No  eligibility   provision   hereof  shall  permit  or  deny
participation in the Plan in a manner contrary to the applicable requirements of
the Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder.

                  (b) As of  the  first  Entry  Date  as of  which  an  Eligible
Employee is eligible to  participate  in the Plan as described in subsection (a)
of this Section, or as of any date thereafter, an Eligible Employee may elect to
become a Participant in the Plan by making an election to enroll herein,  in the
time and manner prescribed by the Committee.  Such Eligible  Employee's election
shall  specify  his  or her  chosen  rate  of  payroll  deduction  contributions
described in Section 6, and shall authorize the Eligible  Employee's Employer to
withhold a portion of his or her Compensation


in  the  amount  of any  such  payroll  deduction  contributions.  The  Eligible
Employee's   election  shall  become  effective  as  soon  as   administratively
practicable  after such election is received by the Benefits  Representative  or
its designee.

                  (c) If a  Participant  is  transferred  from one  Employer  to
another   Employer,   such  transfer  shall  not  terminate  the   Participant's
participation  in the Plan.  Such  transferred  Participant may continue to make
payroll deduction  contributions  under the Plan provided such Participant takes
such  action  as the  Committee  may  require,  if any,  in the time and  manner
prescribed by the Committee. If a Participant is transferred from an Employer to
an Affiliate  that is not a  participating  Employer,  such  transfer  shall not
terminate  the   Participant's   participation  in  the  Plan.   However,   such
Participant's  payroll  deduction  contributions  shall be suspended during such
period of employment  with the Affiliate.  If such  Participant  subsequently is
transferred  from such Affiliate to a participating  Employer,  such Participant
can resume making payroll deduction  contributions  under the Plan provided such
Participant takes such action as the Committee may require,  if any, in the time
and manner prescribed by the Committee.

                  (d) If an individual  terminates employment with all Employers
and  Affiliates  so as to  discontinue  participation  in  the  Plan,  and  such
individual is subsequently  reemployed by an Employer, such individual shall not
be required again to satisfy the eligibility  service  requirement  described in
subsection  (a) of this  Section,  but rather  shall be eligible  to  recommence
participation  as of the first Entry Date after his or her date of  reemployment
(or as soon as administratively practicable thereafter).

                  (e) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, no member
of the Committee shall be eligible to participate in the Plan.


                  (a) Upon enrollment in the Plan a Participant  shall elect, in
the manner described in Section 5(b), a rate of payroll deduction  contributions
in an amount equal to a whole  percentage not less than 1% and not more than 15%
of such Participant's Compensation for each payroll period, beginning as soon as
administratively  practicable  after the Entry Date as of which such Participant
commences participation in the Plan.

                  (b) A  Participant  shall  have the right from time to time to
increase or decrease his or her designated rate of payroll  deductions under the
Plan by making an election  authorizing  such increase or decrease,  in the time
and manner prescribed by the Committee. Such election shall specify a percentage
rate of payroll deduction  contributions not less than 0% and not more than 15%.
A Participant  also may elect to withdraw from the Plan for an Offering  Period,
as described in Section 8. A decrease of a payroll deduction  election hereunder
to 0% shall not be treated as a  withdrawal  from the Plan for this  purpose.  A
Participant's election to change his or her rate of payroll deductions hereunder
shall  become  effective  as soon as  administratively  practicable  after  such
election is received by the Benefits Representative or its designee.

                  (c) A Participant's  designated rate of payroll  deductions as
in effect on the last day of an Offering  Period shall continue in effect during
the subsequent  Offering Period unless and until the Participant  files a change
in the  rate of  payroll  deductions  as  described  in  subsection  (b) of this
Section,  or elects to withdraw from  participation  for the Offering  Period as
described in Section 8.

                  (d) All payroll  deductions  in the  possession of the Company
shall be segregated  from the general funds of the Company.  The Committee shall
cause to be established a separate  Employee Stock Purchase Account on behalf of
each  Participant  to  which  shall be  credited  his or her  payroll  deduction
contributions  made under the Plan. Such accounts shall be solely for accounting
purposes,  and  there  shall be no  segregation  of assets  among  the  separate
accounts.  Such accounts shall not be credited with interest or other investment
earnings.  Each Employee Stock Purchase  Account shall be restricted to the uses
provided  herein  until such time as the Company  applies  the amounts  credited
thereto to purchase Common Shares under the Plan on behalf of Participants.



                  (a) Subject to a  Participant's  right of withdrawal  from the
Plan for an Offering  Period as  described  in Section 8 hereof,  the balance of
each  Participant's  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Account shall be applied on each
Purchase Date to purchase  Common Shares by dividing the balance of such account
as of such  date by the  Purchase  Price of a Common  Share as of such  date.  A
Participant's  purchase of Common Shares shall be rounded to the nearest one-ten
thousandth  of a share (or such  other  fractional  interest  prescribed  by the
Committee).  The Participant's  Employee Stock Purchase Account shall be debited
by the amounts  applied to purchase such Common  Shares,  and the  Participant's
Stock Account shall be credited with such Common Shares.

                  (b) If the employment of an individual who is a Participant in
the  Plan is  transferred  to an  Affiliate  that is not an  Employer,  then the
Participant's  payroll  deductions  shall be  suspended  and the  balance of the
Participant's  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Account  shall be applied to  purchase
Common Shares on the Purchase Date next  occurring  after the effective  date of
such transfer,  except to the extent the individual  withdraws from the Plan for
the  remainder  of the  Offering  Period as  described  in  Section  8. Upon the
Participant's  transfer from such Affiliate back to an Employer, the Participant
may resume active participation in the Plan, in the time and manner described in
Section 5(c).

                  (c)   Upon   termination   of   employment   because   of  the
Participant's  retirement,  the  balance  of the  Participant's  Employee  Stock
Purchase  Account shall be applied to purchase Common Shares for the Participant
as of the  Purchase  Date next  occurring  after  the date of the  Participant's
termination  of  employment,  unless  the  Participant  elects,  in  the  manner
prescribed by the Committee, to withdraw from the Plan as described in Section 8
on or before the earlier of the 15th day (or such shorter  period  prescribed by
the Committee)  prior to the Purchase Date next occurring  after the date of the
Participant's termination of employment.

                  (d)   Upon   termination   of   employment   because   of  the
Participant's  death, the balance of the  Participant's  Employee Stock Purchase
Account,   after  crediting  such  account  with  payroll   deductions  for  any
Compensation  due and owing,  shall be applied to purchase Common Shares for the
Participant's   estate  as  of  the  Purchase  Date  next  occurring  after  the
Participant's  death,  unless the executor or administrator of the Participant's
estate elects, in the manner  prescribed by the Committee,  to withdraw from the
Plan as described in Section 8 on or before the 15th day (or such shorter period
prescribed by the Committee) prior to the Purchase Date next occurring after the
Participant's death.

                  (e) Upon  termination  of employment for any reason other than
transfer  to an  Affiliate  as  described  in  subsection  (b) of this  Section,
retirement as described in subsection (c) of this Section, or death as described
in subsection (d) of this Section,  the Participant's  participation in the Plan
shall cease and the entire balance of the Participant's  Employee Stock Purchase
Account  shall  be  refunded  to the  Participant  as soon  as  administratively
practicable thereafter.

                  (f)   Notwithstanding  any  provision  of  this  Plan  to  the
contrary,  a  Participant's  right to purchase Common Shares during any calendar
year shall be limited to the extent necessary so that the Participant's right to
purchase  Common  Shares  under  this Plan and under  all other  employee  stock
purchase plans maintained by members of the Controlled Group shall not accrue at
a rate  in  excess  of  $25,000  of the  Fair  Market  Value  of  Common  Shares
(determined  on the grant date) for any calendar  year  determined in accordance
with section 423(b)(8) of the Code and regulations promulgated  thereunder.  Any
portion of the balance of a  Participant's  Employee Stock  Purchase  Account in
excess  of the  amount  necessary  to  purchase  shares  on a  Purchase  Date in
accordance with the foregoing  limitation  shall remain credited to such account
and shall be  available  for purchase of Common  Shares as of the next  Purchase
Date; provided,  however, that if a balance remains in a Participant's  Employee
Stock Purchase  Account as of the last Purchase Date in an Offering  Period as a
result of the  application  of the foregoing  limitation,  such balance shall be
refunded to the Participant as soon as administratively practicable thereafter.

                  (g) Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan to the contrary,
the maximum  number of shares  which shall be available  for purchase  under the
Plan shall be 110,000 Common Shares, subject to adjustment as provided in


Section 11. The Common Shares to be sold under this Plan may, at the election of
the Company,  be treasury shares,  shares  originally issued for such purpose or
shares  purchased  by the  Company.  In the  event  the  amount  of shares to be
purchased  on  behalf  of  all  Participants  collectively  exceeds  the  shares
available  for  purchase  under the  Plan,  the  number  of Common  Shares to be
purchased  by each  Participant  under  this  Section  shall  be  determined  by
multiplying  the number of shares which the  Participant  elected to purchase on
such  Purchase  Date  by the  following  fraction  (or by  applying  such  other
equitable adjustment on a uniform basis as may be determined by the Committee):

         Total number of shares available for purchase on Purchase Date
                      Total number of shares elected to be 
                 purchased by all Participants on Purchase Date

Any portion of the balance of a  Participant's  Employee Stock Purchase  Account
that is not applied to purchase  Common Shares on a Purchase Date as a result of
the  foregoing  adjustment  shall  be  refunded  to the  Participant  as soon as
administratively practicable thereafter.


                  At any time during an Offering  Period,  but in no event later
than 15 days (or such shorter period  prescribed by the Committee)  prior to the
last Purchase Date in the Offering  Period,  a Participant may elect to withdraw
from  participation in the Plan for such Offering Period. A withdrawal  election
shall  be made in the  time  and  manner  prescribed  by the  Committee.  Upon a
Participant's election to withdraw from the Plan for an Offering Period pursuant
to this  Section,  the  amount  credited  to the  Participant's  Employee  Stock
Purchase   Account  shall  be  refunded  to  the   Participant  as  soon  as  is
administratively  practicable,  and such Participant's participation in the Plan
for the remainder of such Offering  Period shall be terminated.  The Participant
shall  be  eligible  to  recommence  participation  in the  Plan as of the  next
Offering Period.

                  If  a  Participant  makes  a  hardship   withdrawal  from  the
Telephone and Data  Systems,  Inc.  Tax-Deferred  Savings Plan or any other plan
with a cash or deferred  arrangement  qualified under section 401(k) of the Code
which plan is sponsored,  or participated in, by any Employer,  such Participant
shall be suspended from making payroll  deductions  under this Plan for a period
of twelve months from the date of such hardship withdrawal.  The balance of such
Participant's  Employee  Stock  Purchase  Account  shall be applied to  purchase
Common Shares on the Purchase Date next  occurring  after the effective  date of
such hardship  withdrawal,  except to the extent the Participant  withdraws from
the Plan for the remainder of the Offering  Period as described in Section 8, or
discontinues  participation  in  this  Plan  on  account  of  the  Participant's
termination of employment. After the expiration of such twelve-month period, the
Participant  may resume active  participation  in the Plan by electing to resume
making payroll  deductions  hereunder,  in the time and manner prescribed by the
Committee,  unless the Participant has withdrawn from  participation in the Plan
as  described in Section 8 for the  Offering  Period which  contains the date of
expiration of such twelve-month period.


                  (a) A Stock  Account  shall be  established  on behalf of each
Participant  for whom shares are purchased under this Plan (or, if so designated
by the  Participant,  on behalf of such Participant and one other person as such
Participant may designate as joint tenants with right of survivorship).

                  (b) As of each Purchase Date, the Common Shares purchased on a
Participant's  behalf  (including  the  right  to  fractional  shares)  shall be
credited to the Participant's  Stock Account and shall be registered in the name
of the Nominee. All rights accruing to an owner of record of such Common Shares,
including dividend, voting and tendering rights, shall belong to the Participant
for whom such Stock Account is  established  (including  any joint tenant or, in
the case of a deceased Participant, the Participant's estate).


                  (c) The Nominee shall establish procedures pursuant to which a
Participant  (including  any  joint  tenant  or,  in  the  case  of  a  deceased
Participant,  the executor or  administrator  of the  Participant's  estate) can
elect that the shares  credited  to the  Participant's  Stock  Account  shall be
registered in the name of such Participant,  or in the names of such Participant
and one other person as the  Participant  may  designate  as joint  tenants with
right of  survivorship,  as the case may be.  Such a joint  tenancy  designation
shall not apply to  shares  registered  by the  Participant's  estate  after the
Participant's  death. As soon as practicable  after such election,  certificates
representing such shares shall be issued to the Participant (including any joint
tenant or, in the case of a deceased Participant,  to the Participant's estate).
The Nominee shall also establish  procedures pursuant to which a Participant (or
the executor or  administrator of the  Participant's  estate) can receive a cash
payment in lieu of any fractional shares credited to his or her Stock Account.


                  (a) The  existence of the Plan shall not affect in any way the
right or power of the  Company  or its  shareholders  to make or  authorize  any
adjustment,  recapitalization,  reorganization  or other change in the Company's
capital  structure  or its  business,  or any  merger  or  consolidation  of the
Company, or any issue of bonds, debentures,  preferred or prior preference stock
that  affects  any  class  of  Common  Shares  or  the  rights  thereof,  or the
dissolution or liquidation of the Company, or any sale or transfer of all or any
part of its  assets or  business,  or any  other  corporate  act or  proceeding,
whether of a similar character or otherwise.

                  (b) If, during the term of the Plan,  the Company shall effect
(i) a  distribution  or payment of a dividend on Common  Shares in shares of the
Company,  (ii) a subdivision  of  outstanding  Common Shares by a stock split or
otherwise,  (iii) a combination of the outstanding  Common Shares into a smaller
number of shares by a reverse stock split or  otherwise,  or (iv) an issuance by
reclassification or other  reorganization of Common Shares (other than by merger
or  consolidation),  then each Participant shall be entitled to receive upon the
purchase of shares  pursuant  to this Plan such shares of the Company  which the
Participant  would have owned or would have been  entitled to receive  after the
happening of such event had the Participant  purchased Common Shares pursuant to
the Plan  immediately  prior to the happening of such event.  If any other event
shall  occur that,  in the  judgment of the Board,  necessitates  adjusting  the
Purchase  Price of  Common  Shares,  the  number of Common  Shares  offered  for
purchase hereunder,  or other terms of the Plan, the Board shall take any action
that in its judgment  shall be necessary to preserve each  Participant's  rights
substantially  proportionate  to the rights existing prior to such event. To the
extent  that any  event or  action  pursuant  to this  paragraph  shall  entitle
Participants  to  purchase  additional  Common  Shares  or other  shares  of the
Company,  the shares  available  under this Plan shall be deemed to include such
additional Common Shares or such other shares of the Company.

                  (c) In the event of a merger of one or more  corporations into
the Company,  or a consolidation of the Company and one or more  corporations in
which the Company shall be the surviving  corporation,  each  Participant in the
Plan shall, at no additional cost, be entitled,  upon his or her payment for all
or part of the Common Shares  purchasable by the Participant  under the Plan, to
receive  (subject to any required action by  shareholders) in lieu of the number
of Common Shares which he or she was entitled to purchase,  the number and class
of shares of stock or other  securities  to which  such  holder  would have been
entitled  pursuant to the terms of the agreement of merger or consolidation  if,
immediately  prior to such  merger or  consolidation,  such  holder had been the
holder of record of the  number of Common  Shares  equal to the number of shares
paid for by the Participant.

                  (d) If the Company is merged into or consolidated with another
corporation  under  circumstances  in which  the  Company  is not the  surviving
corporation,  or if the Company sells or otherwise disposes of substantially all
of its assets to another corporation during the term of the Plan: (i) subject to
the  provisions of clause (ii) below,  after the effective  date of such merger,
consolidation  or sale,  as the case may be,  each holder of a right to purchase
shall be  entitled  to  receive,  upon his or her payment for all or part of the
Common Shares  purchasable by the Participant under the Plan and receive in lieu
of such  shares,  shares of such  stock or other  securities  as the  holders of
Common Shares  received  pursuant to the terms of the merger,  consolidation  or
sale; and (ii) all  outstanding  rights to purchase may be canceled by the Board
as of the effective  date of any such merger,  consolidation  or sale,  provided
that (A) notice of such cancellation  shall be given to each Participant and (B)
each such Participant shall have the right to purchase, during a


30-day  period  preceding the effective  date of such merger,  consolidation  or
sale, all or any part of the shares allocated to the Participant under the terms
of the Plan.

                  (e) Except as hereinbefore  expressly  provided,  the issue by
the  Company of shares of stock of any class,  or  securities  convertible  into
shares of stock of any class,  for cash or  property,  or for labor or  services
either upon direct sale or upon the  exercise of rights or warrants to subscribe
therefor, or upon conversion of shares or obligations of the Company convertible
into such shares or other  securities,  shall not affect,  and no  adjustment by
reason  thereof  shall be made with  respect  to,  the number or price of Common
Shares then available for purchase under the Plan.


                  The Board may at any  time,  and from time to time,  amend the
Plan in any respect;  provided,  however,  that any  amendment  that changes the
number of shares  to be  reserved  under the Plan  (other  than as  provided  in
Section 11), or that otherwise  requires  stockholder  approval under applicable
law, shall not be effective unless stockholder  approval is obtained in the time
and manner prescribed by law.


                  While it is intended  that the Plan remain in effect until the
Termination  Date,  the  Board  may  terminate  the  Plan  at  any  time  in its
discretion.  Upon termination of the Plan, the Committee shall terminate payroll
deductions  and shall apply the  balance of each  Participant's  Employee  Stock
Purchase  Account to purchase Common Shares as described in Section 7 as if such
termination date were a Purchase Date under the Plan and were the last day of an
Offering Period.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon termination of the Plan, a
Participant  may elect, in the time and manner  prescribed by the Committee,  to
withdraw from participation in the Plan. As soon as administratively practicable
after the termination of the Plan, the Committee shall refund to the Participant
any amount in his or her Employee Stock Purchase  Account,  if any, that has not
been applied to purchase Common Shares as a result of the Participant's election
to withdraw from the Plan or as a result of the  application  of any  limitation

                  Notwithstanding any provision in the Plan to the contrary, the
Plan shall  automatically  terminate as of the Purchase Date on which all Common
Shares  available  for  purchase  under the Plan  shall have been  purchased  by
Participants under the Plan.


                  (a) The Plan is subject to the  approval  of a majority of the
votes cast on the matter by the stockholders of the Company within twelve months
before or after its adoption by the Board.

                  (b) The right to purchase  Common Shares under this Plan shall
not be transferable by any Participant other than by will or the laws of descent
and distribution,  and must be exercisable,  during his or her lifetime, only by
the Participant.

                  (c) No  Participant  shall  have  rights  or  privileges  of a
stockholder  of the Company with respect to shares  purchasable  under this Plan
unless  and until the  Participant  shall  become the holder of record of one or
more Common Shares.

                  (d) The  Company is not  obligated  to  repurchase  any Common
Shares acquired under the Plan.

                  (e) The sale and  delivery  of  Common  Shares  under the Plan
shall be in compliance  with relevant  statutes and  regulations of governmental
authorities,  including  state  securities  laws and  regulations,  and with the
regulations of applicable stock exchanges.


                  (f) This Plan and all determinations made hereunder and action
taken pursuant hereto shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois and
construed in accordance therewith.

                  (g) Each Employer,  by adopting the Plan, appoints the Company
and the Board as its  agents to  exercise  on its  behalf  all of the powers and
authorities  hereby conferred upon the Company and the Board by the terms of the
Plan, including, but not by way of limitation,  the power to amend and terminate
the Plan. The authority of the Company and the Board to act as such agents shall
continue for as long as necessary to carry out the purposes of the Plan.
