Washington, D.C. 20549
                                    FORM 10-Q

         [X]      Quarterly  Report  Pursuant  to  Section  13 or  15(d)  of the
                  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 For the fiscal  quarter ended
                  June 30, 1996.

         [  ]     Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the 
                  Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                  For the transition period from              to

                         Commission file number 1-10813

                          PLM EQUIPMENT GROWTH FUND III
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     California                                         68-0146197
(State or other jurisdiction of                     (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                      Identification No.)

One Market, Steuart Street Tower
  Suite 900, San Francisco, CA                          94105-1301
   (Address of principal                                (Zip code)
    executive offices)

        Registrant's telephone number, including area code (415) 974-1399

    Indicate  by check mark  whether  the  registrant  (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X No ______

                          PLM EQUIPMENT GROWTH FUND III
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                                 BALANCE SHEETS
                            (in thousands of dollars)


                                                                                                    June 30,            December 31,
                                                                                                      1996                  1995

          Equipment held for operating leases                                                     $  113,929            $  130,132
          Less accumulated depreciation                                                              (72,762 )             (84,207 )
                                                                                                      41,167                45,925
          Equipment held for sale                                                                      4,039                   475
            Net equipment                                                                             45,206                46,400

          Cash and cash equivalents                                                                      759                 3,243
          Restricted cash and marketable securities                                                    5,813                 5,660
          Investments in unconsolidated special purpose entities                                      19,024                20,820
          Accounts and note receivable, net of allowance
            for doubtful accounts of $1,196 in 1996
            and $569 in 1995                                                                           1,987                 2,242
          Net investment in sales-type lease                                                           4,192                 4,518
          Prepaid expenses                                                                               254                    74
          Deferred charges, net of accumulated
            amortization of $2,206 in 1996 and
            $2,159 in 1995                                                                               356                   360

          Total assets                                                                            $   77,591            $   83,317

          Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                                   $    2,499            $    1,355
          Due to affiliates                                                                            1,828                 1,499
          Notes payable                                                                               40,914                41,000
          Prepaid deposits and reserves for repairs                                                    9,206                 9,126
              Total liabilities                                                                       54,447                52,980

          Partners' capital:

          Limited Partners (9,871,873 Depositary Units at
            June 30, 1996 and 9,899,573 Depositary Units at
            December 31, 1995)                                                                        23,144                30,337
          General Partner                                                                                 --                    --
              Total partners' capital                                                                 23,144                30,337

          Total liabilities and partners' capital                                                 $   77,591            $   83,317

                    See accompanying notes to these financial

                                        PLM EQUIPMENT GROWTH FUND III
                                           (A Limited Partnership)

                                           STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                              (in thousands of dollars except per unit amounts)

                                                                 For the three months               For the six months
                                                                    ended June 30,                    ended June 30,
                                                                  1996          1995                1996          1995

  Lease revenue                                                $  4,488      $   5,270           $  8,971      $  11,398  
  Interest and other income                                         313            495                647            834
  Net gain (loss) on disposition
    of equipment                                                     19            (41 )              852          2,014
                                                               --------------------------        --------------------------
    Total revenues                                                4,820          5,724             10,470         14,246

  Depreciation and amortization                                   2,042          2,911              4,090          5,923
  Management fees to affiliate                                      306            269                507            564
  Repairs and maintenance                                         2,101            804              2,740          2,027
  Interest expense                                                  757            886              1,637          1,769
  Insurance expense to affiliates                                    --             56                 --            217
  Other insurance expense                                            71            102                136            219
  Bad debt expense                                                  (89 )          127                629            185
  Marine equipment operating expenses                                56             (9 )               86            680
  General and administrative expenses
    to affiliates                                                   187            179                369            390
  Other general and administrative
    expenses                                                        281            315                518            529
                                                               --------------------------        --------------------------
    Total expenses                                                5,712          5,640             10,712         12,503

Equity in net income (loss) of unconsolidated
  special purpose entities                                            6             --                (62 )           --
                                                               --------------------------        --------------------------

    Net income (loss)                                          $   (886 )    $      84           $   (304 )    $   1,743 
                                                               ==========================        ==========================

Partners' share of net income (loss):
  Limited Partners                                             $ (1,016 )    $    (125 )         $   (643 )    $   1,324  
  General Partner                                                   130            209                339            419
                                                               --------------------------        --------------------------

    Total                                                      $   (886 )    $      84           $   (304 )    $   1,743  
                                                               ==========================        ==========================

Net income (loss) per Depositary Unit
  (9,871,873  Units at June 30, 1996 and
  9,918,826 Units at June 30, 1995)                            $  (0.10 )    $   (0.01 )         $  (0.07 )    $    0.13  
                                                               ==========================        ==========================

Cash distributions                                             $  2,600      $   4,188           $  6,769      $   8,384  
                                                               ==========================        ==========================

Cash distributions per
  Depositary Unit                                              $   0.25      $    0.40           $   0.65      $    0.80  
                                                               ==========================        ==========================

                    See accompanying notes to these financial

                          PLM EQUIPMENT GROWTH FUND III
                             (A Limited Partnership)

               the period from December 31, 1994 to June 30, 1996
                            (in thousands of dollars)

                                                         Limited          General
                                                         Partners         Partner            Total
   Partners' capital
     at December 31, 1994                              $   44,751         $    --         $   44,751 

   Net income                                               1,869             837              2,706

   Repurchase of Depositary Units                            (383 )            --               (383 )

   Cash Distributions                                     (15,900 )          (837 )          (16,737 )

   Partners' capital
     at December 31, 1995                                  30,337              --             30,337

   Net income                                                (643 )           339               (304 )

   Repurchase of Depositary Units                            (120 )            --               (120 )

   Cash distributions                                      (6,430 )          (339 )           (6,769 )

   Partners' capital  at June 30, 1996                 $  23,144         $    --         $   23,144   

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                          PLM EQUIPMENT GROWTH FUND III
                             (A Limited Partnership)

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS
                             (thousands of dollars)

                                                                                                      For the six months
                                                                                                        ended June 30,
                                                                                                     1996            1995
   Cash flows from operating activities:
     Net (loss) income                                                                            $    (304 )     $   1,743  
     Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
       provided by operating activities:
       Depreciation and amortization                                                                  4,090           5,923
       Net gain on disposition of equipment                                                            (852 )        (2,014 )
       Cash distribution from unconsolidated special purpose
         entities in excess of income                                                                 1,796              --
       Sales-type lease income                                                                         (398 )            --

     Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
       Accounts and note receivable, net                                                                255             597
       Prepaid expenses                                                                                (180 )           175
       Restricted cash and marketable securities                                                       (153 )          (154 )
       Accounts payable and accrued expenses                                                          1,144             388
       Due to affiliates                                                                                329             476
       Prepaid deposits and reserves for repairs                                                         80              88
   Cash provided by operating activities                                                              5,807           7,222

   Investing activities:
     Payments for purchase of equipment                                                              (5,500 )          (608 )
     Payments for capitalizable repairs                                                                (587 )          (831 )
     Payments of acquisition-related fees to affiliate                                                 (303 )           (33 )
     Payments received on sales-type lease                                                              724              --
     Proceeds from disposition of equipment                                                           4,350           1,481
   Cash provided by investing activities                                                             (1,316 )             9

   Financing activities:
     Cash distributions paid to General Partner                                                        (339 )          (419 )
     Cash distributions paid to Limited Partners                                                     (6,430 )        (7,965 )
     Repurchase of depositary units                                                                    (120 )          (274 )
     Proceeds from notes payable                                                                      4,600              --
     Principal payments on notes payable                                                             (4,686 )        (3,032 )
   Cash used in financing activities                                                                 (6,975 )       (11,690 )

   Cash and cash equivalents:
   Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                                         (2,484 )        (4,459 )

   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                                   3,243          14,885

   Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                                                     $     759       $  10,426  

   Supplemental information:
     Interest paid                                                                                $     711       $   1,136 

                       See accompanying notes to financial

                          PLM EQUIPMENT GROWTH FUND III
                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  June 30, 1996

1.   Opinion of Management

In the opinion of the  management of PLM Financial  Services,  Inc.  (FSI),  the
General Partner,  the accompanying  unaudited  financial  statements contain all
adjustments  necessary,  consisting  primarily of normal recurring accruals,  to
present  fairly the  financial  position of PLM  Equipment  Growth Fund III (the
Partnership)  as of June 30, 1996,  the  statements of operations  for the three
months and six months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995, and the statement of changes
in Partners'  capital for the period  December 31, 1994 to June 30, 1996 and the
statements  of cash flows for the three  months  ended  June 30,  1996 and 1995.
Certain  information  and footnote  disclosures  normally  included in financial
statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting  principles
have been condensed or omitted from the accompanying  financial statements.  For
further  information,  reference should be made to the financial  statements and
notes thereto included in the  Partnership's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
year ended December 31, 1995, on file at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

2.   Investments in Unconsolidated Special Purpose Entities

During the second half of 1995, the  Partnership  began to increase the level of
its participation in the ownership of large-ticket  transportation  assets to be
owned and operated jointly with affiliated programs. This trend has continued in
the first quarter of 1996.

       Prior  to  1996,  the  Partnership  accounted  for  operating  activities
associated  with joint  ownership of rental  equipment  as undivided  interests,
including its proportionate share of each asset with similar wholly-owned assets
in its financial statements. Under generally accepted accounting principles, the
effects of such  activities,  if material,  should be reported  using the equity
method of accounting.  Therefore,  effective  January 1, 1996,  the  Partnership
adopted the equity  method to account for its  investment  in such  jointly-held

       The principle  differences between the previous accounting method and the
equity method relates to the presentation of activities relating to these assets
in  the  statement  of  operations.   Whereas,   under  equity   accounting  the
Partnership's  proportionate share is presented as a single net amount,  "equity
in net income (loss) of  unconsolidated  special  purpose  entities",  under the
previous method, the Partnership's  income statement reflected its proportionate
share of each individual item of revenue and expense. Accordingly, the effect of
adopting the equity method of accounting has no cumulative  effect on previously
reported  partner's  capital or on the  Partnership's  net income (loss) for the
period  of  adoption.   Because  the  effects  on  previously  issued  financial
statements  of  applying  the equity  method of  accounting  to  investments  in
jointly-owned  assets  are not  considered  to be  material  to  such  financial
statements taken as a whole,  previously  issued  financial  statements have not
been restated.  However,  certain items have been reclassified in the previously
issued balance sheet to conform to the current period presentation.

                          PLM EQUIPMENT GROWTH FUND III
                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  June 30, 1996

2.   Investments in Unconsolidated Special Purpose Entities (continued)

       The net investment in  unconsolidated  special purpose entities  includes
the following  jointly-owned  equipment (and related assets and liabilities) (in

                                                                                 June 30,         December 31,
%                                        Equipment                                 1996               1995
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   56%         Marine vessel                                                   $    4,871          $    4,821
   45%         Mobile offshore drilling unit                                        6,052               6,093
   50%         Aircraft engine                                                        541                 656
   17%         Three commercial aircraft, two aircraft engines, and portfolio
               of aircraft rotables                                                 4,196               5,302
   14%         Seven commercial aircraft                                            3,364               3,948

                 Investments in unconsolidated special purpose entities        $   19,024          $   20,820

     At June 30, 1996 and December 31, 1995,  a  jointly-owned  mobile  offshore
drilling  unit was  subject to a pending  sale  contract.  At June 30,  1996,  a
jointly-owned aircraft engine was subject to a pending sale contract.  (See Note

3.   Cash Distributions

Cash  distributions  are  recorded  when paid and totaled  $6.8 million and $8.4
million for the six months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995.

       Cash  distributions to unitholders in excess of net income are considered
to represent a return of capital.  Cash  distributions  to  unitholders  of $6.8
million  and $6.6  million  during the six months  ended June 30, 1996 and 1995,
were deemed to be a return of capital.

       Cash distributions of $0.25 per Depositary Unit were declared on July 30,
1996, and are to be paid on August 15, 1996, to the  Unitholders of record as of
June 30, 1996. This cash distribution will amount to $2.5 million.

                          PLM EQUIPMENT GROWTH FUND III
                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  June 30, 1996

4.    Equipment

Owned equipment held for operating leases is stated at cost.  Equipment held for
sale is stated at the lower of the equipment's depreciated cost or estimated net
realizable value and is subject to a pending contract for sale.

The components of owned equipment are as follows (in thousands):

                                                                  June 30,           December 31,
                                                                    1996                 1995
   Equipment held for operating leases:

   Rail equipment                                               $   36,170           $    35,761
   Marine containers                                                14,009                15,015
   Marine vessels                                                       --                15,463
   Aircraft and aircraft engines                                    56,205                56,269
   Trailers                                                          7,545                 7,624
                                                                   113,929               130,132
   Less accumulated depreciation                                   (72,762 )             (84,207 )
                                                                    41,167                45,925
   Equipment held for sale                                           4,039                   475
       Net equipment                                            $   45,206           $    46,400

       Revenues are earned by placing the equipment under operating leases which
are generally billed monthly or quarterly.  Certain of the Partnership's  marine
vessels  and marine  containers  are  leased to  operators  of  utilization-type
leasing pools which include  equipment  owned by unaffiliated  parties.  In such
instances revenues received by the Partnership consist of a specified percentage
of revenues  generated by leasing the equipment to sublessees,  after  deducting
certain direct operating  expenses of the pooled  equipment.  Rents for railcars
are based on mileage traveled or a fixed rate; rents for all other equipment are
based on fixed rates.

       At June 30, 1996, equipment held for sale included two vessels with a net
book  value of $4.0  million  subject  to a pending  contract  for sale for $8.7
million.  At December 31, 1995,  equipment  held for sale  included 110 coalcars
with a net book value of $0.5 million,  which were sold in March 1996,  for $1.3

       As of June 30, 1996, all owned equipment in the Partnership portfolio was
either  on  lease or  operating  in  PLM-affiliated  short-term  trailer  rental
facilities,  with the  exception  of 51  railcars,  196 marine  containers.  The
aggregate  carrying  value of equipment  off-lease  was $1.3 million at June 30,
1996.  At December 31, 1995, 53 marine  containers,  18 tank cars and 2 aircraft
engines were off-lease, with an aggregate carrying value of $3.1 million.

       During the six months ended June 30, 1996,  the  Partnership  disposed of
222  marine  containers,  118  railcars  of which 110 cars were held for sale at
December 31, 1995, two aircraft engines, and seven trailers, with a combined net
carrying value of $3.5 million for combined proceeds of $4.4 million. During the
six months ended June 30, 1995, the Partnership  sold 222 marine  containers and
80 railcars  with a combined  net  carrying  value of $0.7  million for combined
proceeds  of  $1.4  million.   Additionally,  the  Partnership  entered  into  a
sales-type  lease  related to one marine  vessel with a carrying  value,  net of
drydock and estimated selling expenses,  of $3.7 million for a sales price equal
to the present value of the future lease payments, of $5.0 million.

                          PLM EQUIPMENT GROWTH FUND III
                             (A Limited Partnership)
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                  June 30, 1996

5.   Repurchase of Depositary Units

On December 28, 1992,  the  Partnership,  which is traded on the American  Stock
Exchange under the symbol GFZ,  engaged in a program to repurchase up to 250,000
Depository  Units.  In the six  months  ended  June 30,  1996,  the  Partnership
repurchased and canceled 27,700 Depositary Units at a cost of $0.12 million.  As
of June 30, 1996, the Partnership has repurchased a cumulative  total of 128,053
Depositary Units at a total cost of $0.92 million.

6.   Debt

The General  Partner has entered into a joint $35 million  credit  facility (the
"Committed Bridge Facility") on behalf of the Partnership,  PLM Equipment Growth
Fund IV,  PLM  Equipment  Growth  Fund V,  PLM  Equipment  Growth  Fund VI , PLM
Equipment Growth & Income Fund VII and Professional Lease Management Income Fund
I ("Fund I"), all affiliated investment programs, TEC Acquisub,  Inc. ("TECAI"),
an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the General Partner, and American Finance
Group, Inc. ("AFG"), a wholly-owned  subsidiary of PLM International Inc., which
may be used to provide interim  financing of up to (i) 70% of the aggregate book
value or 50% of the aggregate net fair market value of eligible  equipment owned
by the  Partnership  or Fund I, plus (ii) 50% of  unrestricted  cash held by the
borrower.  The Committed  Bridge Facility became available on December 20, 1993,
and was amended and restated on May 31, 1996,  to expire on September  30, 1997.
The Committed  Bridge  Facility also provides for a $5 million  Letter of Credit
Facility for the eligible  borrowers.  Outstanding  borrowings by Fund I, TECAI,
AFG, or PLM Equipment  Growth Funds III through VII reduce the amount  available
to each other under the Committed Bridge Facility.  Individual borrowings may be
outstanding  for no more than 179 days,  with all advances due no later than May
23, 1997. The Committed Bridge Facility prohibits the Partnership from incurring
any  additional  indebtedness.  Interest  accrues  at either  the prime  rate or
adjusted  LIBOR plus 2.5% at the  borrowers  option and is set at the time of an
advance of funds.  Borrowings by the  Partnership  are guaranteed by the General
Partner.  As of August 9, 1996, the PLM Equipment  Growth Fund VI had $9,000,000
in  outstanding  borrowings  under  the  Committed  Bridge  Facility,  TECAI had
$22,587,000 in outstanding borrowings and neither the Partnership nor any of the
other programs had any outstanding borrowings.

7.   Subsequent Event

On July 19, 1996,  the General  Partner  sold a mobile  offshore  drilling  unit
(rig),  in which the  Partnership  holds an investment  of 45%. The  Partnership
received  $12.4  million  for  its  $6.1  million  investment  in the  rig.  The
investment  is  included  in  "Investment  in  unconsolidated   special  purpose
entities" at June 30, 1996.

On July 22,  1996,  the  Partnership  sold a vessel for $6.3  million  which was
classified  as assets held for sale at June 30, 1996.  The net book value of the
vessel was $2.7 million.

On July 26, 1996, the Charterer exercised its option to buy the vessel which was
under the sales-type lease for $4.2 million.

On July 31,  1996,  the General  Partner sold an aircraft  engine,  in which the
Partnership  holds an investment of 50%. The  Partnership  received $1.3 million
for its $0.5  million  investment  in the aircraft  engine.  The  investment  is
included in "Investment in unconsolidated  special purpose entities" at June 30,

On August 2, 1996,  the  Partnership  sold a vessel for $2.2  million  which was
classified  as assets held for sale at June 30, 1996.  The net book value of the
vessel was $1.3 million.


(I)      Results of Operations

Comparison of the Partnership's Operating Results for the Three Months Ended 
June 30, 1996 and 1995

(A)  Owned equipment operations

Lease revenues less direct expenses (defined as repairs and maintenance,  marine
equipment  operating,  and asset specific insurance expenses) on owned equipment
decreased during the second quarter of 1996 when compared to the same quarter of
1995. The following  table presents lease revenues less direct expenses by owned
equipment type (in thousands):

                                                                            For the three months
                                                                               ended June 30,
                                                                            1996             1995
   Aircraft and aircraft engines                                         $    (40 )      $   1,152 
   Marine vessels                                                             365              450
   Trailers                                                                   425              249
   Rail equipment                                                           1,120            1,441
    Marine containers                                                         402              504

Aircraft: Aircraft lease revenues and direct expenses were $1.1 million and $1.2
million,  respectively,  for the three months  ended June 30, 1996,  compared to
$1.18 million and $0.03 million,  respectively  during the same quarter of 1995.
The decrease in net  contribution  was due to extensive  repairs of $1.1 million
needed on one aircraft before it can be re-leased;

Marine  vessels:  Marine  vessel lease  revenues and direct  expenses  were $0.5
million and $0.1  million,  respectively,  for the three  months  ended June 30,
1996, compared to $0.48 million and $0.03 million,  respectively during the same
quarter of 1995.  The  decrease  in net  contribution  was due to higher  marine
operating  expenses in the second  quarter of 1996 related to higher  drydocking
expenses on one marine vessel,  offset by a slightly higher lease rate earned in
the second quarter of 1996;

Trailers:  Trailer lease revenues and direct expenses were $0.5 million and $0.1
million,  respectively,  for the three months  ended June 30, 1996,  compared to
$0.3 million and $0.1 million, respectively during the same quarter of 1995. The
trailer fleet remained  virtually the same for both periods,  however,  over the
past  twelve  months the number of  trailers  in the PLM  affiliated  short-term
rental yards has increased due to term leases which expired.  These trailers are
now earning a higher  lease rate while in the rental yard  compared to the fixed
term lease;

Rail equipment: Railcar lease revenues and direct expenses were $1.9 million and
$0.8 million,  respectively,  for the three months ended June 30, 1996, compared
to $2.0 million and $0.6 million,  respectively during the same quarter of 1995.
The decrease of net  contribution was due to the sale of 124 railcars during the
last two quarters of 1995 and 118  railcars in the first and second  quarters of

Marine containers: Marine container lease revenues and direct expenses were $0.4
million and $2,852,  respectively,  for the three  months  ended June 30,  1996,
compared to $0.5  million and $3,465,  respectively  during the same  quarter of
1995.  The  number  of  marine  containers  owned  by the  Partnership  has been
declining due to sales and dispositions. The result of this declining fleet is a
decrease in marine container net contribution.

 (B) Indirect expenses related to owned equipment

Total  indirect  expenses of $3.5  million for the three  months  ended June 30,
1996,  decreased  from $4.1 million for the same period of 1995. The variance is
explained as follows:

     (a) a decrease in  depreciation  and  amortization  expense of $0.3 million
from  1995  levels   reflecting  the  Partnership's   double-declining   balance
depreciation  method, and the sale or disposition of certain  Partnership assets
during the last two quarters of 1995 and the first and second quarter of 1996;

     (b) a  decrease  of $0.2  million  in bad debt  expenses  from 1995  levels
primarily  reflecting the General Partner's  evaluation of the collectibility of
certain receivables;

     (c) a decrease of $0.1  million in  interest  expense due to the paydown of
debt principle.

 (C) Net gain on  disposition  of  equipment  was $0.02  million  in the  second
quarter  of 1996,  from the  disposition  of two  aircraft  engines,  109 marine
containers,  seven  railcars  and  four  trailers,  compared  to a loss of $0.04
million  in the  second  quarter  of 1995,  from the  disposition  of 91  marine
containers and 11 railcars.

 (D) Interest and other income

Interest and other income  decreased  $0.2 million  during the second quarter of
1996 due  primarily  to lower  cash  balances  available  for  investments  when
compared to the same period of 1995.

 (E)Equity in net income (loss) of unconsolidated special purpose entities

Equity  in  net  income  (loss)  of  unconsolidated   special  purpose  entities
represents the net income (loss) generated from  jointly-owned  assets accounted
for under the equity method (see Note 2 to financial statements) (in thousands).

                                                  For the three months
                                                     ended June 30,
                                                 1996              1995
   Aircraft and aircraft engines               $    91           $    23
   Mobile offshore drilling unit                   (84 )             (34 )
   Marine vessel                                  (0.4 )             (62 )

Aircraft: As of June 30, 1996, the Partnership has a partial beneficial interest
in two trusts which hold four commercial  aircraft,  two aircraft engines, and a
package of aircraft  rotables.  The  Partnership's  share of revenues  earned by
these trusts of $0.7 million were offset by depreciation expense of $0.6 million
during the second quarter of 1996.

Marine  vessels:  The increase in the loss related to marine  vessels was due to
higher repairs and maintenance expenses.

Mobile  offshore  drilling unit: The decrease in mobile  offshore  drilling unit
loss was due to lower  depreciation  expense in the second  quarter of 1996 as a
result of the double declining balance method used.

(F) Net Income (loss)

The  Partnership's  net loss of $0.9  million  in the  second  quarter  of 1996,
decreased  from net income of $0.1  million in the second  quarter of 1995.  The
Partnership's  ability to acquire,  operate, or liquidate assets, secure leases,
and  re-lease  those  assets  whose  leases  expire  during the  duration of the
Partnership is subject to many factors, therefore, the Partnership's performance
for the three months ended June 30, 1996 is not necessarily indicative of future
periods. In the second quarter of 1996, the Partnership distributed $2.5 million
to the Limited Partners, or $0.25 per Depositary Unit.

Comparison of the Partnership's Operating Results for the Six Months Ended 
June 30, 1996 and 1995

(A) Owned equipment operations

Lease revenues less direct expenses  (repairs and maintenance,  marine equipment
operating expense, and asset specific insurance on owned equipment decreased for
the six  months  ended  1996  when  compared  to the same  period  of 1995.  The
following table presents results by owned equipment type (in thousands):

                                                      For the six months
                                                        ended June 30,
                                                    1996              1995
   Aircraft and aircraft engines               $         1,034   $         2,376
   Marine vessels                                          760               636
   Trailers                                                836               684
   Rail equipment                                        2,585             2,377
   Marine containers                                       820               945

Aircraft: Aircraft lease revenues and direct expenses were $2.3 million and $1.3
million,  respectively, for the six months ended June 30, 1996, compared to $2.5
million and $0.1  million,  respectively  during the same  quarter of 1995.  The
decrease of net contribution was due to extensive repairs of $1.1 million needed
on one aircraft before it can be re-leased;

Marine  vessels:  Marine  vessel lease  revenues and direct  expenses  were $1.0
million and $0.2 million,  respectively, for the six months ended June 30, 1996,
compared to $1.7 million and $1.1 million,  respectively  during the same period
of 1995. The increase of net  contribution  was due to a decrease in repairs and
maintenance,  marine operating,  and insurance expenses for the first six months
of 1996 compared to the same period of 1995 due to the sale of one marine vessel
during the second quarter of 1995;

Trailers:  Trailer lease revenues and direct expenses were $1.0 million and $0.2
million,  respectively, for the six months ended June 30, 1996, compared to $0.8
million and $0.1  million,  respectively  during the same  quarter of 1995.  The
trailer fleet remained  virtually the same for both periods,  however,  over the
past  twelve  months the number of  trailers  in the PLM  affiliated  short-term
rental yards has increased due to term leases which expired.  These trailers are
now earning a higher lease rate while in the rental yards  compared to the fixed
term leases;

Rail equipment: Railcar lease revenues and direct expenses were $3.9 million and
$1.3  million,  respectively,  for the six months  ended 1996,  compared to $3.8
million and $1.4  million,  respectively  during the same  quarter of 1995.  The
increase was due to the more  railcars  went offlease in the first six months of
1995 than compared to 1995;

Marine containers: Marine container lease revenues and direct expenses were $0.8
million  and  $6,146,  respectively,  for the six months  ended  June 30,  1996,
compared to $1.0  million and $10,301,  respectively  during the same quarter of
1995.  The  number  of  marine  containers  owned  by the  Partnership  has been
declining due to sales and dispositions. The result of this declining fleet is a
decrease in marine container net contribution.

(B)  Indirect operating expenses related to owned equipment operations

Total indirect  expenses of $7.8 million for the six months ended June 30, 1996,
decreased  from $8.2  million  for the same  period  of 1995.  The  variance  is
explained as follows:

     (a) a decrease in  depreciation  expense of $0.6  million  from 1995 levels
reflecting the Partnership's  double-declining  balance depreciation method, and
the sale or disposition of Partnership assets;

     (b) a decrease of $0.1  million in  interest  expense due to the paydown of
debt principle;

     (c) an  increase  of $0.4  million  in bad debt  expense  from 1995  levels
primarily  reflecting the Partnership's  evaluation of collectibility of certain
receivable  balances.  (C) Net gain on disposition of equipment was $0.9 million
for the six months  ended June 30,  1996 from the  disposition  of two  aircraft
engines, 222 marine containers,  seven trailers, and 118 railcars, compared to a
gain of $2.0  million  in the same  period of 1995 from the  disposition  of 222
marine  containers,  75 railcars,  five locomotives,  and one marine vessel. The
sale of the vessel in the first quarter of 1995 was a sales-type  lease. At June
30, 1996,  the  Partnership  will receive  future lease  payments  totaling $4.0
million with a balloon payment of $1.7 million at the end of the lease term.

(D) Interest and other income  decreased by $0.2 million in the first six months
of 1996  compared to 1995 due  primarily to lower cash  balances  available  for
investments when compared to the same period of 1995.

(E) Equity in net income (loss) of unconsolidated special purpose entities

Equity  in  net  income  (loss)  of  unconsolidated   special  purpose  entities
represents  the net income  (loss)  generated  from  operation of  jointly-owned
assets  accounted  for  under  the  equity  method  (see  Note  2  to  financial
statements)(in thousands).

                                                      For the six months
                                                        ended June 30,
                                                    1996              1995
   Aircraft and aircraft engines               $           174   $            46
   Marine vessels                                         (231 )             (93 )
   Mobile offshore drilling unit                            (5 )              87

Aircraft: As of June 30, 1996, the Partnership has a partial beneficial interest
in two trusts which hold four commercial  aircraft,  two aircraft engines, and a
package of aircraft  rotables.  The  Partnership's  share of revenues  earned by
these trusts of $1.5 million were offset by depreciation expense of $1.3 million
during the six months ended June 30, 1996.

Marine  vessels:  The increase in the loss related to marine vessels for the six
months ended June 30, 1996 as compared to the same period last year,  was due to
higher repairs and maintenance expenses.

Mobile offshore drilling unit: The mobile offshore drilling unit incurred a loss
for the six months ended June 30, 1996, as compared to income for the six months
ended June 30, 1995,  due to higher  repair and  maintenance  expenses and lower
release rates  received  during the six months ended June 30, 1996 when compared
to the same period of 1995.

 (F) Net Income (loss)

The  Partnership's  net loss of $0.3  million for the six months  ended June 30,
1996,  increased from net income of $1.7 million in the same period in 1995. The
Partnership's  ability to acquire,  operate, or liquidate assets, secure leases,
and  re-lease  those  assets  whose  leases  expire  during the  duration of the
Partnership is subject to many factors. Therefore, the Partnership's performance
in the six months ended June 30, 1996 is not  necessarily  indicative  of future
periods.  The Partnership  distributed $6.4 million to the Limited Partners,  or
$0.65 per Depositary Unit in the six months ended June 30, 1996.

     (II)Financial Condition - Capital Resources, Liquidity, and Distributions

The Partnership  purchased its initial  equipment  portfolio with capital raised
from its initial  equity  offering  and  permanent  debt  financing.  No further
capital  contributions  from original  partners are permitted under the terms of
the Partnership's  Limited Partnership  Agreement.  In addition the Partnership,
under its current loan agreement, does not have the capacity to incur additional
debt.  Therefore,  the  Partnership  relies on  operating  cash flow to meet its
operating  obligations,  to make cash  distributions  to  limited  partners  and
increase the Partnership's equity portfolio with any remaining available surplus

     The  Partnership  has one  loan  outstanding  with a face  amount  of $40.9
million  with  interest  at 1.5% over  LIBOR.  The loan  allows the pay down and
borrowing  of funds in  conjunction  with the sale and  subsequent  purchase  of
assets during the reinvestment  phase of the Partnership.  During the first year
following  conversion to a term loan,  beginning  September 30, 1996,  quarterly
principal  payments  equal to 75% of net proceeds  from asset sales will be due.
Beginning  the second year  commencing  December 31, 1997,  quarterly  principal
payments  will be equal to 75% of net proceeds  from asset sales from  September
30, 1997,  or payments  equal to 9.0% of the facility  balance at September  30,
1997.  During  the first  six  months of 1996,  the  Partnership  paid down $4.7
million of the outstanding loan balance and redrawn $4.6 million.

The General  Partner has entered into a joint $35 million  credit  facility (the
"Committed Bridge Facility") on behalf of the Partnership,  PLM Equipment Growth
Fund  IV,  PLM  Equipment  Growth  Fund V, PLM  Equipment  Growth  Fund VI,  PLM
Equipment Growth & Income Fund VII and Professional Lease Management Income Fund
I ("Fund I"), all affiliated investment programs, TEC Acquisub,  Inc. ("TECAI"),
an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the General Partner, and American Finance
Group, Inc. ("AFG"), a wholly-owned  subsidiary of PLM International Inc., which
may be used to provide interim  financing of up to (i) 70% of the aggregate book
value or 50% of the aggregate net fair market value of eligible  equipment owned
by the  Partnership  or Fund I, plus (ii) 50% of  unrestricted  cash held by the
borrower.  The Committed  Bridge Facility became available on December 20, 1993,
and was amended and restated on May 31, 1996,  to expire on September  30, 1997.
The Committed  Bridge  Facility also provides for a $5 million  Letter of Credit
Facility for the eligible  borrowers.  Outstanding  borrowings by Fund I, TECAI,
AFG, or PLM Equipment  Growth Funds III through VII reduce the amount  available
to each other under the Committed Bridge Facility.  Individual borrowings may be
outstanding  for no more than 179 days,  with all advances due no later than May
23, 1997. The Committed Bridge Facility prohibits the Partnership from incurring
any  additional  indebtedness.  Interest  accrues  at either  the prime  rate or
adjusted  LIBOR plus 2.5% at the  borrowers  option and is set at the time of an
advance of funds.  Borrowings by the  Partnership  are guaranteed by the General
Partner.  As of August 9, 1996, the PLM Equipment  Growth Fund VI had $9,000,000
in  outstanding  borrowings  under  the  Committed  Bridge  Facility,  TECAI had
$22,587,000 in outstanding borrowings and neither the Partnership nor any of the
other programs had any outstanding borrowings.

(III)    Delisting of Partnership Units and Depositary Unit Repurchase Plan

The  General  Partner  delisted  the  Partnership's  Depositary  units  from the
American Stock  Exchange  (AMEX) under the symbol GFZ on April 8, 1996. The last
day for trading on the AMEX was March 22, 1996.  Under the Internal Revenue Code
(the Code) the Partnership was classified as a Publicly Traded Partnership.  For
the past three  years the  Partnership  has  engaged in a plan to purchase up to
250,000  Depositary  Units.  For  the  six  months  ended  June  30,  1996,  the
Partnership  repurchased 27,700 Depositary Units at a cost of $0.12 million.  As
of June 30, 1996, the Partnership has repurchased a cumulative  total of 128,053
Depositary Units at a total cost of $0.92 million.

(IV)     Trends

The Partnership's operation of a diversified equipment portfolio in a broad base
of markets is  intended  to reduce its  exposure  to  volatility  in  individual
equipment  sectors.   Throughout  1995  and  the  first  part  of  1996,  market
conditions,  supply and demand equilibrium,  and other factors varied in several
markets.  In the  container  and  refrigerated  over-the-road  trailer  markets,
oversupply conditions,  industry  consolidations,  and other factors resulted in
falling  rates and lower  returns.  In the dry  over-the-road  trailer  markets,
strong  demand  and  a  backlog  of  new  equipment   deliveries  produced  high
utilization and returns.  The marine vessel,  rail, and mobile offshore drilling
unit markets could be generally  categorized  by increasing  rates as the demand
for  equipment  is  increasing  faster than new  additions  net of  retirements.
Finally,  demand for  narrowbody  stage II aircraft,  such as those owned by the
Partnership,  has increased as expected savings from newer  narrowbody  aircraft
have not  materialized  and  deliveries of the newer  aircraft have slowed down.
These trends are expected to continue for the near term. These different markets
have had individual  effects on the  performance  of Partnership  equipment - in
some cases  resulting  in  declining  performance,  and in others,  in  improved

     The ability of the  Partnership  to realize  acceptable  lease rates on its
equipment in the different equipment markets is contingent on many factors, such
as specific market conditions and economic activity, technological obsolescence,
governmental or other regulations,  and others. The  unpredictability of some of
these  factors,  or of their  occurrence,  makes it  difficult  for the  General
Partner to clearly define trends or influences  that may impact the  performance
of the Partnership's  equipment.  The General Partner continuously monitors both
the equipment  markets and the  performance  of the  Partnership's  equipment in
these  markets.  The  General  Partner  may decide to reduce  the  Partnership's
exposure to  equipment  markets in which it  determines  that it cannot  operate
equipment and achieve  acceptable  rates of return.  Alternatively,  the General
Partner  may  make a  determination  to  enter  equipment  markets  in  which it
perceives  opportunities  to profit from  supply-demand  instabilities  or other
market imperfections.

     The  Partnership  intends to use excess cash flow, if any, after payment of
expenses, loan principal, and cash distributions to acquire additional equipment
during the first  seven years of  Partnership  operations.  The General  Partner
believes these  acquisitions  may cause the  Partnership to generate  additional
earnings and cash flow for the Partnership.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

         (a)  Exhibits

              $25,000,000  Warehousing Credit Agreement dated September 27, 1995
              with First Union National Bank of North Carolina.

              $41,000,000  Credit  Agreement  dated as of December 13, 1994 with
              First Union National Bank of North Carolina.

         (b)  Reports on Form 8-K


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                         PLM EQUIPMENT GROWTH FUND III

                                         By: PLM Financial Services, Inc.
                                             General Partner

Date:  August 9, 1996                    By: /s/ David Davis
                                             David J. Davis
                                             Vice President and
                                             Corporate Controller