Washington, DC 20549

     FORM 10-Q

     /X/   QUARTERLY REPORT  pursuant to  Section 13  or 15(d)  of the
     Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1996 or

     /   / TRANSITION REPORT  pursuant to Section  13 or 15(d)  of the
     Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     For the transition from                     to                   

     Commission File Number  1-9788

     (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     Delaware                                   06-1218089

     (State or other jurisdiction of            (I.R.S. Employer
     incorporation or organization)             Identification Number)

     2 Science Road, Glenwood, Illinois 60425
     (Address of principal executive offices and Zip Code)

     Registrant's telephone number, including area code (708) 755-7000

     Indicate by check  mark whether the registrant (1)  has filed all
     reports  required to  be filed  by  Section 13  or  15(d) of  the
     Securities Exchange Act  of 1934 during  the preceding 12  months
     (or for such  shorter period that the registrant  was required to
     file  such reports),  and (2)  has  been subject  to such  filing
     requirements for the past 90 days.   Yes  X   No     .
                                              ___     ____

     Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's
     classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date. 

     Class                             Outstanding at August 9, 1996
     ---------------------------       ----------------------------
     Common stock, $.10 par value      8,477,285

     PART I.                 FINANCIAL INFORMATION

                                LANDAUER, INC. 

                                Balance Sheets

                                          June 30,           Sept. 30,
                                              1996                1995
                                       -----------          ----------
                                                          derived from
                                       (unaudited)(audited statements)
     Current assets:

      Cash and cash equivalents           $  2,711            $  1,915
      Short-term investments                 6,426               6,456
      Accounts receivable
       less allowances of
        $151,000 at 6/30/96
        and $151,000 at 9/30/95              8,115               6,972
      Inventories                            1,000                 955
      Prepaid expenses                          80                 280
      Deferred taxes on income                 746                 746
                                          --------            --------
     Total current assets                   19,078              17,324

     Property, plant and equipment,         17,785              16,858
      at cost Less: Accumulated
        depreciation and amortization       10,115               9,104
                                          --------            --------
     Net property, plant and equipment       7,670               7,754

     Investment in U.S. Treasury Securities  3,934               3,978
     Cost of purchased businesses in excess
      of net assets acquired                 2,821               2,946
     Equity in Japanese joint venture        3,893               4,104
     Other assets                            2,480               2,643
                                          --------            --------
                                          $ 39,876            $ 38,749
                                          ========            ========

     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                   LANDAUER, INC. 

                               Balance Sheets (Cont'd.)

                                          June 30,           Sept. 30,
                                              1996                1995
                                         ---------           ---------
                                                          derived from
                                       (unaudited)(audited statements)

     Current liabilities:

      Accounts payable                     $   320            $    638
      Deferred contract revenue              8,270               7,599
      Dividend payable                       2,331               2,119
      Accrued compensation and related costs
                                             1,195               1,098
      Accrued pension costs                  1,191                 704
      Accrued expenses                       1,664               1,219
      Accrued taxes on income                  573               1,587
                                           -------            --------
     Total current liabilities              15,544              14,964
                                           -------            --------

     Stockholders' investment:

      Preferred stock, $.10 par value per share -
        Authorized - 1,000,000 shares
        Outstanding - None                      --                  --
      Common stock, $.10 par value per share -
        Authorized - 20,000,000 shares 
        Outstanding - 8,477,285 shares         848                 848
        Premium paid in on common stock      7,620               7,561
        Cumulative translation adjustments     283                 819
        Retained earnings                   15,581              14,557
                                          --------            --------
     Total stockholders' investment         24,332              23,785
                                          --------            --------
                                          $ 39,876            $ 38,749
                                          ========            ========


     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                    LANDAUER, INC.

                                 Statements of Income
                          (000's, except per share amounts)

                                Three Months Ended   Nine Months Ended
                           -----------------------  ------------------
                                June 30,  June 30,  June 30,  June 30,
                                    1996      1995      1996      1995
                                --------    ------    ------   -------

     Net revenues               $  9,010  $  8,567  $ 27,188  $ 25,253

     Costs and expenses:
      Cost of revenues             2,739     2,508     8,155     7,426
      Selling, general and
        administrative             2,450     2,451     7,389     7,049
                                  ------    ------    ------    ------
                                   5,189     4,959    15,544    14,475
                                  ------    ------    ------    ------
     Operating income              3,821     3,608    11,644    10,778

     Other income, net               372       350     1,175       992
                                  ------    ------    ------    ------
     Income before income taxes    4,193     3,958    12,819    11,770

     Income tax provision          1,584     1,471     4,802     4,388
                                  ------    ------   -------   -------

     Net income                 $  2,609  $  2,487   $ 8,017   $ 7,382
                                ========  ========  ========  ========
     Net income per share       $    .31  $    .29   $   .95   $   .87
                                ========  ========  ========  ========
     Average shares outstanding    8,477     8,477     8,477     8,477
                                ========  ========  ========  ========

     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                                    LANDAUER, INC.

                              Statements of Cash Flows 
                                                        Nine Months Ended
                                                     June 30,    June 30,
                                                         1996        1995
                                                      -------     -------
     Net cash flow from operating activities:
      Net income                                     $  8,017    $  7,382
        Adjustments to reconcile net income 
        to net cash from operating activities:
         Depreciation and amortization                  1,865       1,760
         Equity in net income of foreign affiliate      (705)       (592)
         Compensatory effect of stock options              59       (285)
         Decrease in deferred income taxes                 --         (2)
         Increase in accounts receivable              (1,150)       (722)
         Increase in inventories                         (45)       (122)
         Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses          200        (42)
         Increase (decrease) in accounts payable        (318)         162
         Increase in deferred contract revenue            671         834
         Increase in accrued expenses                      15         197
         Net increase in other non-current assets       (418)       (759)
                                                      -------     -------
         Net cash generated
          from operating activities                     8,191       7,811

     Cash flow from investing activities:
      Purchases of U.S. Treasury Securities           (7,350)     (2,927)
      Maturities of U.S. Treasury Securities            7,424       3,528
      Acquisition of property, plant,
         and equipment                                (1,074)     (1,859)
                                                      -------    --------
      Net cash used by investing activities           (1,000)     (1,258)

     Cash flow from financing activities:
      Dividend received from foreign affiliate            386         350
      Dividends paid                                  (6,781)     (6,103)
                                                     --------    --------
      Net cash used by financing activities           (6,395)     (5,753)
                                                     --------    --------
     Net increase in cash                                 796         800

     Opening balance - cash and cash equivalents        1,915       2,178
                                                     --------    --------
     Ending balance - cash and cash equivalents      $  2,711    $  2,978
                                                     ========    ========
     Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow
         Cash paid for income taxes                  $  5,815    $  4,338
                                                     ========    ========
     Supplemental Disclosure of Non-cash
       Financing Activity: Dividend declared         $  2,331    $  2,119
                                                     ========    ========
        Foreign currency translation adjustment      $  (536)    $      0
                                                     ========    ========
     The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

                               LANDAUER, INC.

               Notes to Financial Statements - June 30, 1996


     (1)     Basis of Presentation 

     The accompanying unaudited condensed financial statements reflect
     the financial position of Landauer, Inc. ("Landauer") as of June
     30, 1996 and September 30, 1995, and the results of operations
     and cash flows for the three-month and nine-month periods ended
     June 30, 1996 and 1995.  In the opinion of management, the
     accompanying unaudited condensed financial statements contain all
     adjustments necessary to present fairly the financial position of
     Landauer as of June 30, 1996 and September 30, 1995, and the
     results of operations for the three-month and nine-month periods
     ended June 30, 1996 and 1995, and cash flows for the nine-month
     periods ended June 30, 1996 and 1995.

     The accounting policies followed by the Company are set forth in
     Note 1 to the Company's financial statements in the 1995 Landauer
     Annual Report on Form 10-K, which is incorporated by reference.

     The results of operations for the three-month and nine-month
     periods ended June 30, 1996 and 1995 are not necessarily
     indicative of the results to be expected for the full year.

     (2)     Cash Dividends 

     On June 12, 1996, the Company declared a regular quarterly cash
     dividend in the amount of $.275 per share payable on July 11,
     1996, to stockholders of record on June 27, 1996.  On March 13,
     1996, the Company declared a regular quarterly cash dividend in
     the amount of $.275 per share payable on April 11, 1996, to
     stockholders of record on March 28, 1996.  On November 9, 1995,
     the Company declared a regular quarterly cash dividend in the
     amount of $.275 per share payable on January 11, 1996, to
     stockholders of record on December 29, 1995.

     Regular quarterly cash dividends of $.25 per share ($1.00
     annually) were declared during fiscal 1995.

        Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                         and Results of Operations

     Liquidity and Capital Resources

     Landauer's cash flow from operating activities for the nine
     months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995 amounted to $8,191,000 and
     $7,811,000, respectively.  Investing activities for the first
     nine months of fiscal 1996 and 1995 resulted in net dispositions
     of U.S. Treasury securities of $74,000 and $601,000,
     respectively.  Offsetting these were acquisitions of property,
     plant and equipment in the amount of $1,074,000 and $1,859,000,
     respectively.  The Company's financing activities were limited to
     payments of cash dividends, offset by foreign dividends received
     from Nagase-Landauer, Ltd., our Japanese joint venture.

                              LANDAUER, INC. 

        Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                    and Results of Operations (Cont'd.)

     The Company has no long-term liabilities and its requirement for
     cash flow to support investing activities is generally limited. 
     Capital expenditures for the balance of fiscal 1996 are expected
     to amount to $1,000,000, principally for computer hardware, the
     development of software systems, and acquisition of equipment to
     support growth, technology enhancements and cost reductions.  The
     Company anticipates that funds for these capital improvements
     will be provided from operations.

     The Company presently maintains no external sources of liquidity,
     and, in the opinion of management, resources are adequate for
     projected operations and capital spending programs, as well as
     continuation of the regular cash dividend program.

     Landauer requires limited working capital for its operations
     since many of its customers pay for services in advance.  Such
     advance payments amounted to $8,270,000 and $7,599,000,
     respectively, as of June 30, 1996 and September 30, 1995, and are
     included in deferred contract revenue.  While these amounts
     represent more than one-half of current liabilities, such amounts
     do not represent a cash requirement.

     Results of Operations

     Revenues for the quarter ended June 30, 1996 were 5% higher
     compared with the same quarter a year ago.  The increase in
     revenues was attributable to modest gains in the Company's
     traditional radiation dosimetry business and higher radon
     protection plan sales.  Gross margins for the third fiscal
     quarter were 69.6% of the revenues compared to 70.7% for the same
     period in fiscal 1995.  The increase in margins was primarily
     attributable to higher costs associated with radon protection
     plan revenues.

     Selling, general and administrative expenses were lower in the
     current quarter as a percent of revenues at 27.2% compared to
     28.6% for the third quarter of fiscal 1995.  As a result,
     operating income for the third fiscal quarter of 1996 was 42.4%
     of revenues compared to 42.1% for the same period last year. 
     Income before income taxes was 46.5% of revenues for the quarter
     just ended compared to 46.2% for the third fiscal quarter of

     The effective tax rate for the Company during the third quarter
     of fiscal 1996 was slightly higher at 37.8% compared with 37.2%
     for the same period last year.  Resulting net income of
     $2,609,000 for the third fiscal quarter of 1996 was 5% higher
     than $2,487,000 reported in fiscal 1995.  Income per share for
     the quarter was $.31 versus $.29 for the third fiscal quarter of

                              LANDAUER, INC. 

        Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
                    and Results of Operations (Cont'd.)

     Revenues for the nine months ended June 30, 1996, were almost 8%
     higher compared with the first nine months of fiscal 1995.  The
     increase in revenues was attributable to unit gains and higher
     pricing in the Company's traditional radiation dosimetry
     business, as well as higher radon protection plan sales.  Gross
     margins for the first nine months of fiscal 1996 were lower at
     70.0% of revenues compared with 70.6% a year ago.  The decrease
     in gross margins was principally attributable to higher costs
     associated with the increased radon protection plan activity.

     Selling, general, and administrative expenses were lower for the
     first nine months of fiscal 1996 as a percent of revenues at
     27.2% compared to 27.9% for the first nine months of fiscal 1995. 
     The decrease reflected a modest growth rate in expenses relative
     to the level of business activity.  As a result, operating income
     for the first nine months of fiscal 1996 was 42.8% of revenues
     compared to 42.7% for the same period last year.  Income before
     income taxes was 47.1% of revenues for the nine months just
     ended, compared with 46.6% for the same period in fiscal 1995.

     The effective tax rate for the Company during the first nine
     months of fiscal 1996 was 37.5% compared with 37.3% for the first
     nine months of 1995. Resulting net income of $8,017,000 for the
     first nine months of 1996 was almost 9% higher than $7,382,000
     reported in fiscal 1995.  Income per share thus far in fiscal
     1996 was $.95 versus $.87 for the same period in fiscal 1995.


     Item 2.     Legal Proceedings

     Landauer is involved in various legal proceedings but believes
     that these matters will be resolved without a material effect on
     its financial position.

     Item 6.     Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

          (a)     No exhibits are filed with this report.
          (b)     There were no reports on Form 8-K during the quarter
     for which                  this report is filed.


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of
     1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
     its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                        LANDAUER, INC.

     Date:  August 9, 1996

                                                /s/ James M. O Connell
                                                    James M. O'Connell
                                          Vice President and Treasurer
                                              (Principal Financial and
                                                   Accounting Officer)