<PAGE 1>	 EXHIBIT 2 March 1, 1996 Mr. William J. Mercurio Able Telcom Holding Corp. 1601 Forum Place, Suite 1110 West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE:	Proxy Statement Dear Mr. Mercurio: This is in response to your fax of February 21, 1996 which included a copy of the draft Proxy Statement. As you know from our conversation on February 16, 1996, which was confirmed by my letter to you of February 21, 1996, I resigned from the Board of Directors effective February 16, 1996. Accordingly, the Proxy Statement should reflect that I am not currently a director. As I have previously advised you, I do not believe that the Proxy Statement accurately discloses the status of the October, 1994 notes payable to me, Clark and Bill. Very truly yours, /s/DOUG HUBBARD - ----------------- Doug Hubbard BR1\F\3893\10685\001	03/18/96 5:15pm 99591.BR1	#3893 (B33 ) BR1\F\3893\10685\001	03/18/96 5:15pm 99591.BR1	#3893 (B33 )