December 5, 1997

Linda Catabolic, Senior Assistant Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General
1300 "I" Street, Suite 125
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550

Re:      Proposed Initiative No. SA 97 RF 0064
         Amendments to the Proposed Initiative

Dear Ms. Catabolic:

The  undersigned  proponents  of  Proposed  Initiative  No. SA 97 RF 0064 hereby
request that certain  amendments be made to that proposed  measure.  Pursuant to
your letter of  November  24,  1997,  we submit this  amendment  package,  which
includes this request letter with the original signatures of the proponents, and
the complete text of the measure as amended.

The  following  briefly  describes  the  changes  that we  would  make in  these

- -- Section 368.1(c): The word "the" was added to improve the sentence structure.
The proponents do not believe this constitutes a substantive amendment.

- -- Section 367.1(a):  In the last clause, the phrase "from market contracts with
the  Independent  System  Operator"  was  changed  to  "in  contracts  with  the
Independent  System  Operator."  This change was  intended to clarify the intent
that the nuclear  generation-related  costs could be collected from ISO revenues
whether or not the revenues derive from "market  contracts"  between the utility
and the ISO.

- -- Section  367.2(a):  This  subsection  was  rewritten  in order to clarify the
original  version.  The  proponents  believe  that the changes are  editorial in
nature, and do not effect the substance of this subdivision.

- -- Section  367.2(b):  This  subsection  was  amended in  two ways.  First,  the
citation to the existing  Public  Utilities  Code  Section was  incorrect in the
original  version;  rather than citing  Section  381(c)(3),  the original  cited
Section 381(b)(3).  Second, the provision was broadened to cover all "qualifying
facilities" designated as such pursuant to the federal Public Utility Regulatory
Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA).  The proponents had intended to have such coverage
in this  subsection,  but  inadvertently  cited an existing PU Code section that
refers only to qualifying facilities that are fueled by renewable resources.

- -- Section 841.1:  The amendment  changes the date on which investors are deemed
to be on notice to November  24,  1997,  the date the  proposed  initiative  was
received by the Attorney  General's Office.  The original  contained the date of
November 15, 1997.

- --  Section  1701.5(c):  The  amendment  makes  clear that the  judicial  review
described in that subsection will occur at the state court of appeals.

In summary, we believe that many of the changes we have submitted are editorial,
rather  than  substantive.  However,  it  seemed  prudent  to err on the side of
caution and provide all of them prior to December 9, 1997 date specified in your

Thank you for your attention to this matter.  Please let us know if there is any
further information or clarification that we can provide.

Yours truly,


Nettie Hoge
The Utility Reform Network (TURN)

Elisabeth Robinson Gunther
Public Media Center

Harvey Rosenfield
Coalition against Utility Taxes (CUT)

cc:  Michelle Olson, Initiative Coordinator

Nettie Hoge
- -----------------------------------------
Nettie Hoge

Elisabeth Robinson Gunther
- -----------------------------------------
Elisabeth Robinson Gunther

Harvey Rosenfield
- -----------------------------------------
Harvey Rosenfield

                    The Utility Rate Reduction and Reform Act

SECTION 1.  Findings and Declaration

The People of California find and declare as follows:

The  cost  and  dependability  of  California's  electric  utility  service  are
threatened  by a new law that was  intended  to reduce  regulation  of  electric
utility companies in this state.

Any change in the way  electricity is sold should  benefit all electric  utility
customers, including residential and small business customers, and should result
in a fair and competitive marketplace.

Instead of  creating a fully  competitive  market for  electricity,  the new law
unfairly favors existing electric utility monopolies by forcing customers to pay
rates more than 40  percent  higher  than the market  price in order to bail out
utilities for their past bad investments.

As a result of this $28 billion  bailout for  electric  utility  companies,  the
average  California  household  will  pay  more  than  $250  more  per  year for
electricity than they would in a fully competitive market.

Residential  and small  business  customers  should not be  required to bear the
costs of bonds used by utility companies to pay for past bad investments.

It is against public policy for residential  and small business  customers to be
required to pay for the imprudent and uneconomic  decisions of electric  utility
companies  to invest in nuclear  power  plants which the public did not want and
which threaten the health and safety of this state.

Under the new law,  deregulation  of electric  utility  companies  may result in
marketing abuses that harm residential and small business customers. Such abuses
may include the selling of information  about these customers to other companies
for profit.

Therefore,  the People of  California  declare  that it is  necessary to protect
residential and small business  customers from unfair and unjustified  taxes and
surcharges that will force them to subsidize electric utility  companies.  It is
also necessary to ensure that residential and small business  customers directly
benefit from deregulation of electric utility companies.

SECTION 2.  Purpose

The purpose of this chapter is to:

1. Reduce  residential and small commercial  electricity  rates by 20 percent to
assure that these customers  receive a direct benefit from the transition to the
competitive marketplace for electricity.

2. Prohibit taxes, surcharges,  bond payments or any other assessment from being
added to electricity bills to pay off utility companies' past bad investments in
nuclear power plants and other generation-related costs.

3.  Prohibit  bonds  from  being used to force  residential  and small  business
customers to pay for past bad investments by electric utility companies.

4. Provide for fair and public review of California Public Utilities  Commission
decisions related to electricity price and services.

5.  Protect  the  privacy of  utility  customers  and  provide  the  information
consumers need to obtain low cost and high quality electric service.


SECTION 3. The following Sections are added to the Public Utilities Code:

Electric Utility Rate Reduction

Section 368.1

(a) No later than January 1, 1999,  electricity  rates for residential and small
commercial  customers  shall be  reduced so that these  customers  receive  rate
reductions of at least 20 percent on their total electricity bill as compared to
the rate schedules in effect for these customers on June 10, 1996.

(b) The rate  reductions  described in subsection (a) shall be achieved  through
cutting payments to electric corporations for their nuclear and other uneconomic
generation costs as described in Section 367.1 and 367.2.

(c) No utility tax, bond payment, surcharge, or any other assessment in any form
shall be  levied  against  any  electric  utility  customer  to pay for the rate
reductions described in subsections (a) and (b).

Prohibition  Against  Utility  Taxes,  Bond  Payments,  Surcharges  or Any Other
Assessments to Pay For Nuclear Power Plants

Section 367.1

(a)  Effective  immediately,  costs for  nuclear  generation  plants and related
assets and  obligations  shall not be paid for by  electric  utility  customers,
except to the extent that such costs are recovered by the sale of electricity at
competitive market prices as reflected in independent Power Exchange revenues or
in contracts with the Independent System Operator.

(b) No utility tax,  bond  payment,  surcharge or other  assessment  in any form
shall be levied  against  any  electric  utility  customer  for the  recovery of
nuclear costs described in subsection (a).

(c) This section shall not apply to reasonable nuclear  decommissioning costs as
referenced in Section 379 of the Public Utilities Code.


Limitation  On  Utility  Taxes,  Bond  Payments,   Surcharges,   and  Any  Other
Assessments  To Pay for Electric  Utility  Company  Investments  in  Non-Nuclear
Generation Assets

Section 367.2

(a) Effective  immediately,  costs for non-nuclear generation plants and related
assets and obligations  shall not be recovered from electric  utility  customers
under the cost  recovery  mechanism  provided for by sections 367 through 376 of
the Public  Utilities Code except to the extent that such costs are recovered by
the sale of  electricity  at  competitive  market rates from  independent  Power
Exchange revenues or from contracts with the Independent System Operator, unless
the electric utility first demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Commission at
a public  hearing  that  failure to recover  such costs would  deprive it of the
opportunity to earn a fair rate of return.

(b) This section shall not apply to costs associated with renewable  non-nuclear
electricity  generation  facilities described in Section 381(c)(3),  or to costs
associated  with power  purchases  from  qualifying  facilities  pursuant to the
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and related commission decisions.

Prohibition  Against  Utility  Taxes,  Bond  Payments,  Surcharges and Any Other
Assessment to Pay for Securitization Bonds.

Section 840.1

Notwithstanding current Sections 840 through 847 of the Public Utilities Code:

(a) No electric  corporation,  affiliate of an electric corporation or any other
financing  entity  shall  assess or  collect  any  utility  tax,  bond  payment,
surcharge or any other assessment  authorized by a Public  Utilities  Commission
financing  order  issued  pursuant  to  Sections  840  through 847 of the Public
Utilities Code for the purpose of paying principle,  interest or any other costs
of any bonds authorized by those sections.

(b) The Public Utilities Commission shall not issue any financing order pursuant
to Sections 840 through 847 after the effective date of this measure.

(c) Any electric corporation,  affiliate of an electric corporation or any other
financing  entity which is subject to a financing order issued under Section 841
that is  determined  by a court  of  competent  jurisdiction  to be  enforceable
despite  subsection  (a) of this  section,  shall offset any utility  tax,  bond
payments,  surcharge,  or other assessment described in subsection (a) collected
from any  customer  with an equal  credit to be  applied  concurrently  with the
collection of the utility tax, bond payment, surcharge or other assessment.


Section 841.1

Any  underwriter  or bond  purchaser who purchases  rate  reduction  bonds after
November 24, 1997 issued  pursuant to current  Sections 840 through 847 shall be
deemed to have notice of the provisions of Sections  367.1,  367.2,  368.1,  and

Public  Participation  and Judicial Review for Consumer  Protection and Electric
Company Accountability

Section 1701.5

(a) Any action or  proceeding  of the Public  Utilities  Commission  pursuant to
Section 367.1, 367.2, 368.1 and 840.1 of the Public Utilities Code shall require
a public  hearing  where  evidence is taken by and  discretion  is vested in the
Public Utilities Commission.

(b) Any change to the amount of above-market  costs for  non-nuclear  generation
plants and related assets and obligations being recovered from utility customers
shall only be made after the electrical  corporation  has provided notice to the
public pursuant to Section 454 of the Public Utilities Code.

(c) Any action or  proceeding  to  attack,  review,  set aside,  void or annul a
determination,  finding, or decision of the Public Utilities Commission relating
to  electric  restructuring  under  Chapter  2.3 of Part I of  Division 1 of the
Public  Utilities code and financing of transition costs as described in Article
5.5 of Chapter 4 of Part I of Division 1 of the Public  Utilities  Code shall be
in  accordance  with  the  provisions  of  Section  1094.5  of the Code of Civil
Procedure.  In any such  action the writ of mandate  shall lie from the court of
appeals to the Public  Utilities  Commission.  The court shall not  exercise its
independent judgment but shall only determine whether the determination, finding
or decision of the Public  Utilities  Commission  is  supported  by  substantial
evidence in light of the whole record.

Electric Utility Customer Privacy Protection

Section 394.1

The  confidentiality  of residential and small commercial  customer  information
shall be fully  protected  as provided by law. No entity  providing  electricity
services  including an electric  corporation  shall provide  information about a
residential or small commercial  customer to any third party without the express
written consent of the customer.


Electric Utility Customer Information

Section 393

The Public Utilities  Commission shall require each electric utility or electric
service provider to provide such information or materials with each utility bill
issued  to  residential  and  small  commercial   customers  as  the  Commission
determines  to be necessary to assist  consumers  in  obtaining  low cost,  high
quality electric service options, including electric service options that reduce
environmental impacts such as those that rely on renewable energy sources and to
protect  consumers'  interest  in all  matters  concerning  safe and  dependable
delivery of electric service.


Section 330.1  Definitions of Charges

(a) "Utility Tax" "bond  payments"  "surcharge",  "assessment"  or  "involuntary
payment"  mean any  charge  that  serves to permit an  electric  corporation  to
recover the value of uneconomic assets from ratepayers,  and includes but is not
limited to a "fixed  transition  amount" as defined by Section  840(d),  and the
"competition  transition charge" that is the nonbypassable charge referred to in
Sections 367 to 376, inclusive.

(b) For purposes of Sections 330.1,  367.1,  367.2,  368.1,  393, and 840.1, the
terms "electric utility", "electric utility company", and "electric corporation"
have the same meaning as the term "electrical corporation" as defined in Section
218 of the Public Utilities Code.

Repeal of Existing Law
Sections 367(a), 368(d), 368(h) of the Public Utilities code are repealed.

SECTION 4.  Initiative Integrity

(a) This act shall be broadly  construed  and applied in order to fully  promote
its  underlying   purposes,   and  to  be  consistent  with  the  United  states
Constitution and the  Constitution of the State of California.  If any provision
of this initiative conflicts directly or indirectly with any other provisions of
law,  including but not limited to the cost recovery  mechanism  provided for by
Sections  367 through 376 of the Public  Utilities  Code,  or any other  statute
previously enacted by the Legislature, it is the intent of the voters that those
other provisions shall be null and void to the extent that they are inconsistent
with this initiative and are hereby repealed.

(b) No provision of this act may be amended by the Legislature except to further
the  purpose of that  provision  by a statute  passed in each house by roll call
vote entered in the journal,  two thirds of the membership  concurring,  or by a
statute  that  becomes  effective  only  when  approved  by the  electorate.  No
amendment by the Legislature shall be deemed to further the purposes of this act
unless it furthers  the purpose of the  specific  provision  of this act that is
being amended. In any judicial action with respect to any legislative amendment,
the court  shall  exercise  its  independent  judgment  as to whether or not the
amendment satisfies the requirements of this subsection.


(c) If any  provisions of this act or the  application  thereof to any person or
circumstances is held invalid, that invalidity shall not effect other provisions
or  applications  of the act that  can be given  effect  in the  absence  of the
invalid  provision or  application.  To this end, the provisions of this act are

(d) It is the will of the People that any legal  challenges  to the  validity of
any provision of this act be acted upon by the courts upon an expedited basis.
