SECURITY AGREEMENT

     This  Security  Agreement is entered  into as of September  28, 2001 by and
among  each  of  SELECT  COMFORT  CORPORATION,   a  Minnesota  corporation  (the
SELECTCOMFORT.COM  CORPORATION,  all of which are Minnesota  corporations,  (the
"Subsidiaries")  (the  Company  and  the  Subsidiaries  being  individually  and
collectively  referred  to herein as  "Debtor"),  and  MEDALLION  CAPITAL,  INC.
("Secured Party").

     Whereas, the execution and delivery of this Agreement is a condition to the
Secured Party extending credit to Debtor;

     Now, therefore,  each Debtor jointly and severally agree with Secured Party
as follows:

     1.  DEFINITIONS.  All terms defined in the Uniform  Commercial  Code of the
State of Minnesota (the "UCC") and used herein,  unless defined herein or in the
Loan Agreement, shall have the same definitions herein as specified in the UCC.

     2. SECURITY  INTEREST.  Debtor grants Secured Party a security  interest in
the following  properties,  assets and rights of the Debtor,  wherever  located,
whether  now owned or  hereafter  acquired  or  arising,  and all  proceeds  and
products thereof and any additions,  replacements,  accessions and substitutions
to or for the properties,  assets and rights:  all personal and fixture property
of every kind and  nature  including  without  limitation  all goods  (including
inventory,   equipment  and  any  accessions  thereto),  instruments  (including
promissory  notes),   documents,   accounts   (including   health-care-insurance
receivables),  chattel paper (whether tangible or electronic), deposit accounts,
letter-of-credit  rights  (whether or not the letter of credit is evidenced by a
writing),  commercial tort claims,  securities and all other investment property
(except for the common stock of the Subsidiaries),  supporting obligations,  any
other contract  rights or rights to the payment of money,  insurance  claims and
proceeds,   tort  claims,  and  all  general  intangibles   including,   without
limitation, all payment intangibles,  patents, patent applications,  trademarks,
trademark  applications,   trade  names,  copyrights,   copyright  applications,
software, engineering drawings, service marks, customer lists, goodwill, and all
licenses, permits, agreements of any kind or nature pursuant to which the Debtor
possesses, uses or has authority to possess or use property (whether tangible or
intangible) of others or others possess, use or have authority to possess or use
property (whether  tangible or intangible) of the Debtor,  and all recorded data
of any kind or nature, regardless of the medium of recording including,  without
limitation, all software, writings, plans, specifications and schematics (all of
the foregoing  being  hereinafter  called the  "Collateral").  The Secured Party
acknowledges that the attachment of its security interest in any commercial tort
claim as original  collateral is subject to the Debtor's compliance with Section

     3. OBLIGATIONS  SECURED.  This security interest is given to secure (i) the
indebtedness described in the Promissory Note dated September 28, 2001 issued by
Debtor to the Secured Party (the "Note") and all extensions and renewals of that
indebtedness,  (ii) the performance and payment of Debtor of all its obligations
to Secured Party under this Agreement


and any other agreement or instrument previously,  now or hereafter entered into
by  Debtor  with  Secured  Party or  delivered  by Debtor  to  Secured  Party in
connection with or related to the Loan Agreement  pursuant to which the Note was
issued and all agreements  given by the Debtor to secure the Note  (collectively

     4.  AUTHORIZATION  TO FILE  FINANCING  STATEMENTS.  Subject to the  Secured
Party's  agreement to release any financing  statement which is broader than the
scope of Lender's  security  interest  under this  Agreement,  the Debtor hereby
irrevocably  authorizes  the Secured  Party at any time and from time to time to
file  in  any  Uniform   Commercial  Code  jurisdiction  any  initial  financing
statements  and  amendments  thereto that (a) indicate the Collateral (i) as all
assets of the  Debtor or words of similar  effect,  regardless  of  whether  any
particular asset comprised in the Collateral falls within the scope of Article 9
of the Uniform  Commercial Code of the State of Minnesota or such  jurisdiction,
or (ii) as being of an equal or lesser  scope or with  greater  detail,  and (b)
contain  any other  information  required  by  Article 9 of the UCC.  The Debtor
agrees to furnish  any such  information  to the  Secured  Party  promptly  upon
request.  The Debtor also  ratifies its  authorization  for the Secured Party to
have filed in any Uniform Commercial Code jurisdiction any financing  statements
or amendments thereto if filed prior to the date hereof.

     5. OWNERSHIP.  Debtor  represents and warrants that (a) Debtor owns, and to
the extent that the Collateral is to be acquired after the date hereof will own,
the Collateral free from encumbrance except any encumbrances shown on Schedule 2
("Permitted  Encumbrances")  and (b)  Debtor  does not own any  commercial  tort
claims of which it is aware and has determined to assert, except as disclosed to
the Secured  Party in writing.  Debtor  will defend the  Collateral  against all
claims of all persons at any time claiming the Collateral or any interest in the
Collateral except Secured Party and holders of Permitted Encumbrances.

represents and warrants that no Financing  Statement  covering the Collateral is
on file in any public  office except those for  Permitted  Encumbrances.  Debtor
warrants  that (a) its exact  legal  name is as stated on the first page of this
Agreement,  (b) the Debtor is an  organization  of the type and organized in the
jurisdiction set forth on the first page of this Agreement, and (c) the Debtor's
place(s) of business,  its chief executive  office,  its mailing address and the
locations  where  all of its  Collateral  is  regularly  kept,  are set forth on
Schedule  1.  Company  agrees  that it will not  change  its name,  any place of
business,  any  location of its  collateral,  its  mailing  address or its chief
executive office without giving at least 30 days prior written notice to Secured
Party.  The Collateral  not  constituting  fixtures is and will remain  personal
property.  Debtor  will not change  its type of  organization,  jurisdiction  of
organization  or other  legal  structure  without the prior  written  consent of
Secured  Party.  Debtor  will pay the cost of filing  Financing  Statements  and
Continuation  Statements in all appropriate  public offices and will deliver any
subordinations  or  waivers  of  other  liens  deemed  by  Secured  Party  to be
necessary.  On demand by Secured Party, Debtor will deliver to Secured Party all
items of Collateral in which Secured Party's security  interest can be perfected
only  by  taking  possession,  to the  extent  not  constituting  cash  or  cash
equivalents.  The Secured  Party will hold those items of  Collateral to perfect
Secured Party security interest. If those items of Collateral are held by others
to perfect  another  security  interest,  the others  will be  considered  to be
holding  those items also as agent for Secured  Party.  Debtor  hereby  appoints
Secured Party as its attorney-in-fact to do all acts and things which


Secured  Party may deem  necessary  to perfect  and to  continue  perfected  the
security interest created hereby and to protect and to preserve the Collateral.

     7. OTHER ACTIONS. To further insure the attachment,  perfection and, except
to the extent  stated on Schedule 2, first  priority  of, and the ability of the
Secured  Party  to  enforce,  the  Secured  Party's  security  interest  in  the
Collateral, the Debtor agrees, in each case at the Debtor's own expense, to take
the following actions with respect to the following Collateral:

          7.1.  PROMISSORY NOTES AND TANGIBLE CHATTEL PAPER. If the Debtor shall
     at any time hold or acquire any promissory notes or tangible chattel paper,
     the Debtor  shall  forthwith  endorse,  assign and  deliver the same to the
     Secured Party,  accompanied  by such  instruments of transfer or assignment
     duly executed in blank as the Secured Party may from time to time specify.

          7.2. COLLATERAL IN THE POSSESSION OF A BAILEE. If any goods are at any
     time in the possession of a bailee,  the Debtor shall  promptly  notify the
     Secured  Party  thereof  and,  if  requested  by the Secured  Party,  shall
     promptly obtain an  acknowledgment  from the bailee,  in form and substance
     satisfactory  to the Secured Party,  that the bailee holds such  Collateral
     for the benefit of the Secured Party and shall act upon the instructions of
     the Secured Party,  without the further consent of the Debtor.  The Secured
     Party agrees with the Debtor that the Secured Party shall not give any such
     instructions  unless an Event of Default has occurred and is  continuing or
     would occur after taking into account any action by the Debtor with respect
     to the bailee.

     at any time holds or acquires an interest in any  electronic  chattel paper
     or any "transferable record," as that term is defined in Section 201 of the
     federal  Electronic  Signatures in Global and National  Commerce Act, or in
     Section 16 of the Uniform  Electronic  Transactions Act as in effect in any
     relevant  jurisdiction,  the Debtor shall promptly notify the Secured Party
     thereof and, at the request of the Secured Party, shall take such action as
     the  Secured  Party may  reasonably  request to vest in the  Secured  Party
     control,  under Section 9-105 of the UCC, of such electronic  chattel paper
     or control under Section 201 of the federal Electronic Signatures in Global
     and National Commerce Act or, as the case may be, Section 16 of the Uniform
     Electronic Transactions Act, as so in effect in such jurisdiction,  of such
     transferable  record.  The  Secured  Party  agrees with the Debtor that the
     Secured Party will  arrange,  pursuant to  procedures  satisfactory  to the
     Secured Party and so long as such procedures will not result in the Secured
     Party's  loss  of  control,  for the  Debtor  to  make  alterations  to the
     electronic chattel paper or transferable record permitted under UCC Section
     9-105  or,  as the  case  may be,  Section  201 of the  federal  Electronic
     Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act or Section 16 of the Uniform
     Electronic  Transactions Act for a party in control to make without loss of
     control, unless an Event of Default has occurred and is continuing or would
     occur after  taking into  account any action by the Debtor with  respect to
     such electronic chattel paper or transferable record.

          7.4.  COMMERCIAL TORT CLAIMS.  If the Debtor shall at any time hold or
     acquire a commercial tort claim,  the Debtor shall  immediately  notify the
     Secured  Party in a  writing  signed by the  Debtor  of the  brief  details
     thereof and grant to the Secured Party in


     such writing a security interest therein and in the proceeds  thereof,  all
     upon the  terms of this  Agreement,  with  such  writing  to be in form and
     substance satisfactory to the Secured Party.

          7.5. OTHER ACTIONS AS TO ANY AND ALL COLLATERAL. Debtor further agrees
     to take any other  action  reasonably  requested  by the  Secured  Party to
     insure the  attachment,  perfection and priority of, and the ability of the
     Secured Party to enforce,  the Secured Party's security interest in any and
     all of the Collateral.

     8. USE. Until default,  Debtor may use the Collateral at Debtor's places of
business  specified  on  Schedule  2, or any other  place  located in the United
States which has been  specified in a written  notice given by Debtor to Secured
Party at least 10 days in advance,  in any lawful manner not  inconsistent  with
this Security  Agreement,  but may not sell or transfer the Collateral except in
the  ordinary  course of  business.  A sale or  transfer  of  Collateral  in the
ordinary  course of business  does not  include a sale or  transfer  (other than
money or other cash  equivalent) in partial or total  satisfaction of a debt, or
in bulk, but does include (i) a lease of the  Collateral,  (ii) a transfer of an
item of Collateral for fair value when Debtor  determines in good faith the item
of  Collateral  should  be  replaced,  or is  no  longer  needed,  and  (iii)  a
disposition  of an  obsolete  item of  Collateral,  but only if it is no  longer
needed or is replaced with an item of unencumbered  equal or greater value which
becomes  Collateral.  The Secured Party will acknowledge release of its security
interest in Collateral which is sold in accordance with the preceding sentence.

     9.  PROTECTION.  Debtor,  at its expense,  will keep items of Collateral in
good  condition  and will  replace  and repair any items of damaged or  worn-out
Collateral in accordance with good  management  practices  without  allowing any
lien or  security  interest  to be  created  on the  Collateral  because of such
replacement  or  repair.  Secured  Party  may  inspect  the  Collateral  at  any
reasonable  time.  Debtor  will pay when due all  taxes and  assessments  on the
Collateral and its use and operation  (except as otherwise  permitted  under the
Loan Agreement),  and all indebtedness secured by encumbrances on the Collateral
(subject to any applicable grace periods).

     10. INSURANCE.  Debtor, at its expense, will insure the items of Collateral
with a reliable  insurance company against loss or damage by fire, theft and the
perils covered by extended  coverage in an amount equal to the fair market value
of the Collateral with loss payable to Secured Party as its interest may appear,
and will deliver to Secured  Party on demand  evidence of such  insurance.  If a
loss occurs and a Default is then existing,  Secured Party may make the proof of
loss and the insurer  shall pay the Secured  Party alone.  Upon  destruction  of
substantially  all the  destructible  items of Collateral,  the proceeds will be
applied  to  restoration  of  the  destroyed  Collateral  unless  Secured  Party
otherwise  directs.  If the  Collateral is not  restored,  the Secured Party may
retain from the insurance  proceeds and apply on the Obligations an amount equal
to the unpaid balance of the  Obligations,  whether or not the  Obligations  are

     11. COSTS. If Debtor fails to perform any of its duties hereunder,  Secured
Party may,  but shall not be required  to, do so on Debtor's  behalf.  If Debtor
defaults under this Security Agreement, Debtor will pay the costs, including the
reasonable  actual  attorneys  fees, of the Secured Party  incurred in enforcing
this  Agreement.  Any amounts  expended by Secured Party in performing  Debtor's
duties or  enforcing  this  Security  Agreement  shall be  payable  by Debtor to


Secured Party on demand and shall bear interest at the rate applicable from time
to time to the Note.

     12.  DEFAULT.  Debtor will be in default under this Security  Agreement and
under the Obligations upon the happening of any of the following events:

          A. Debtor's  failure to perform when due (after any  applicable  grace
     period) any of the Obligations required to be performed by Debtor; or

          B. The  occurrence of any Default as defined in the Loan  Agreement or
     the Note.

          C. Any  representation  or warranty  made by Debtor herein is false in
     any material respect.

     13.  REMEDIES.  This  Agreement  and  Secured  Party's  rights  under  this
Agreement  or under  applicable  law may be  enforced by Secured  Party,  at its
discretion,  against any one or more of the parties  referred to above which are
encompassed  within the term Debtor,  without any need to bring any  enforcement
action  against the other  parties who are  encompassed  within the term Debtor.
Upon Debtor's default,  Secured Party may at any time thereafter  declare any or
all monetary  Obligations due and payable and all other Obligations  immediately
performable  without  notice to the Debtor of the exercise of such  option,  and
shall have the  remedies of Secured  Party under the  Uniform  Commercial  Code.
Secured Party may take  possession of the  Collateral  with or without  judicial
process. Secured Party may require Debtor to assemble the Collateral and make it
available to Secured Party at a place to be designated by Secured Party which is
reasonably  convenient to both Party.  Secured Party will give Debtor reasonable
notice of the time and place of any public  sale or of the time after  which any
private sale or any other intended  disposition of the Collateral is to be made.
The  requirements  of  reasonable  notice  shall be met if the notice is mailed,
postage  prepaid,  to  Debtor  at least 10 days  before  the time of the sale or

     14. NO WAIVERS.  No waiver by Secured Party of any default shall operate as
a waiver of any other default or of the same default on a future  occasion.  The
taking of this Security  Agreement  will not waive or impair any other  security
Secured Party may have or hereafter  acquire for the  Obligations,  nor will the
taking of any  additional  security  waive or impair the rights  granted in this
Security Agreement.  Secured Party may resort to any security it may have in any
order  it deems  proper,  and may  apply  any  payments  made on any part of the
Obligations to any part of the Obligations,  despite any directions of Debtor to
the contrary.

     15.  INFORMATION.  Debtor will at all reasonable  times allow Secured Party
and its agents,  employees,  attorneys or accountants to examine and inspect the
Collateral  and to examine,  inspect and make extracts  from Debtor's  books and
other records,  and to verify under reasonable  procedures directly with account
debtors or by other methods  accounts which are Collateral.  Debtor will furnish
to Secured Party upon request all documents  evidencing  any  Collateral and any
guarantees, security or other information relating thereto.

     16.  GOVERNING  LAW;  BINDING  EFFECT.  This  Security  Agreement  shall be
governed  by the laws of the State of  Minnesota  and shall inure to the benefit
of, and bind, the Debtor and his,


her or its heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns. No provision
of this Security Agreement shall be amended,  modified or waived other than by a
written  instrument  which refers to this  Security  Agreement  and is signed on
behalf of the Debtor. This Security Agreement may be executed in counterparts.

     17.   TERMINATION.   This  Security  Agreement  shall  terminate  upon  the
indefeasible  satisfaction  and payment of all obligations owed to Secured Party
by the  Debtor,  but shall  automatically  be  reinstated  in the event any such
payment is or is ordered to be returned by Secured Party.

     In Witness Whereof, the parties have executed this Security Agreement as of
the date first written above.


By:  /s/ Mark A. Kimball                           By:  /s/ Dean R. Pickerell
     ------------------------------------------         -------------------------------------------
        Mark A. Kimball, Senior Vice President          Dean R. Pickerell, Executive Vice President


By:  /s/ Mark A. Kimball
     Mark A. Kimball, Senior Vice President


By:  /s/ Mark A. Kimball
     Mark A. Kimball, Senior Vice President


By:  /s/ Mark A. Kimball
     Mark A. Kimball, Senior Vice President


By:  /s/ Mark A. Kimball
     Mark A. Kimball, Senior Vice President


By:  /s/ Mark A. Kimball
     Mark A. Kimball, Senior Vice President


                                 SCHEDULE 2.8(B)

- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
| DEBTOR                          | |        SECURED PARTY           | |TYPE OF FILING| |FILING DATE| |         JURISDICTION       |
|                                 | |                                | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|Select Comfort Corporation       | |Pitney Bowes Credit Corporation | |      UCC     | |  5/6/97   | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  5/23/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  5/4/01   | |Utah Secretary of State     |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Utah Secretary of State     |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |                                | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|Select Comfort SC Corporation    | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Utah Secretary of State     |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |                                | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|selectcomfort.com Corporation    | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Utah Secretary of State     |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |                                | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|Direct Call Centers Inc.         | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Utah Secretary of State     |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |                                | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|Select Comfort Retail Corporation| |Dell Financial Services, L.P.   | |      UCC     | |  10/30/00 | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Comdisco, Inc.                  | |      UCC     | |  1/29/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  5/23/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  5/4/01   | |Utah Secretary of State     |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Utah Secretary of State     |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |                                | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|Select Comfort Direct Corporation| |General Electric Capital        | |      UCC     | |  7/23/96  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
|                                 | |Computer Leasing Corporation    | |              | |  (lapsed) | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |General Electric Capital        | |      UCC     | |  8/9/96   | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
|                                 | |Computer Leasing Corporation    | |              | |  lapsed)  | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |General Electric Capital        | |      UCC     | |  10/17/96 | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
|                                 | |Computer Leasing Corporation    | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Comdisco, Inc.                  | |      UCC     | |  4/7/97   | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------

- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
| DEBTOR                          | |        SECURED PARTY           | |TYPE OF FILING| |FILING DATE| |         JURISDICTION
|                                 | |                                | |              | |           | |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Comdisco, Inc.                  | |      UCC     | |  8/14/97  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Forsythe/McArthur Associates,   | |      UCC     | |  8/12/99  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
|                                 | |Inc.                            | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Pullman Bank & Trust Co.        | |      UCC     | |  8/18/99  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Pullman Bank & Trust Co.        | |      UCC     | |  10/12/99 | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Pullman Bank & Trust Co.        | |      UCC     | |  11/8/99  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Pullman Bank & Trust Co.        | |      UCC     | |  1/24/00  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Pullman Bank & Trust Co.        | |      UCC     | |  1/24/00  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Conseco Finance Vendor Services | |      UCC     | |  5/16/00  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
|                                 | |Corporation                     | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Conseco Finance Vendor Services | |      UCC     | |  7/28/00  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
|                                 | |Corporation                     | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |Conseco Finance Vendor Services | |      UCC     | |  1/12/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
|                                 | |Corporation                     | |              | |           | |                            |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  5/23/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Minnesota Secretary of State|
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  5/4/01   | |Utah Secretary of State     |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------
|                                 | |St. Paul Venture Capital VI, LLC| |      UCC     | |  6/13/01  | |Utah Secretary of State     |
- ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------------

                                   SCHEDULE 2

The following are permitted liens:

     LIENS.  (a) liens securing  indebtedness  permitted by Section 4.9, (b) the
senior  interest of Conseco  Bank,  Inc. in the Reserve  Account  (the  "Reserve
Account"),  as defined in the Revolving  Credit Program  Agreement dated May 17,
1999, as amended as of February 20, 2001 and April 13, 2001, between the Company
and Conseco Bank, Inc. (the "Revolving Credit Program Agreement"), (c) liens for
taxes and assessments or  governmental  charges or levies not at the time due or
which are being  contested  in good faith by  appropriate  proceedings  promptly
initiated and  diligently  conducted and for which  adequate  reserves have been
established in accordance with generally  accepted  accounting  principles,  (d)
liens in respect of pledges or  deposits  under  worker's  compensation  laws or
similar  legislation,  (e)  carriers',  warehousemen's,  mechanics',  laborers',
materialmen's,  landlord's  and similar  statutory  liens  securing  obligations
incurred in the ordinary  course of business  which are not yet due or which are
being contested in good faith by appropriate  proceedings promptly initiated and
diligently  conducted and for which adequate  reserves have been  established in
accordance with generally accepted  accounting  principles,  (f) encumbrances on
real property in the nature of zoning  restrictions,  easements,  rights of way,
encroachments,  restrictive  covenants and other similar rights or restrictions,
whether or not of record, on the use of real property,  which  encumbrances were
not  incurred in  connection  with the  borrowing  of money or the  obtaining of
advances  or credits and do not in the  aggregate  materially  detract  from the
value of the property  subject  thereto or materially  impair the use thereof in
the  operation  of the  business  of the  Company or any  Subsidiary,  (g) liens
securing the New Bank Agreement, (h) licenses,  sublicenses, leases or subleases
granted  by any of the  Company  or its  Subsidiaries  to other  persons  in the
ordinary course of business that do not materially interfere with the conduct of
the business of any of the Company or its  Subsidiaries,  and (i) liens  arising
out of the  existence  of  judgments  or awards in  respect  of which any of the
Company  or its  Subsidiaries  shall in good faith be  prosecuting  an appeal or
proceedings  for review and in respect of which there shall have been  secured a
subsisting stay of execution  pending such appeal or proceedings,  provided that
the aggregate amount of all cash and the fair market value of all other property
subject to such liens does not at any time exceed $250,000.