EXCLUSIVE SUPPLIER AGREEMENT




                           SELECT COMFORT CORPORATION

                          EFFECTIVE DATE: MAY 21, 2004

XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.

        This Exclusive Supplier  Agreement (the "Agreement"),  dated May 21 2004
(the  "Effective  Date"),  is by  and  between  Select  Comfort  Corporation,  a
Minnesota  corporation  whose address for notice purposes is Attention:  General
Counsel, 6105 Trenton Lane North, Minneapolis,  MN 55442 Fax No.: (763) 551-6888
("Select  Comfort")  and  Radisson  Hotels   International,   Inc.,  a  Delaware
corporation  whose  address  for notice  purposes is c/o Legal  Department,  701
Carlson Parkway, Mail Stop 8256,  Minneapolis,  MN 55305 Fax No.: (763) 212-1080


A.      Select   Comfort  is  a   developer,   manufacturer   and   marketer  of
        adjustable-firmness  beds,  selling a proprietary line of beds under the
        Sleep  Number(R)  brand that feature  adjustable air chamber  mattresses
        (the "Beds").

B.      Radisson owns the Radisson Marks and the System, and owns, operates,  or
        is a franchiser of the Hotels.

C.      Radisson  desires to contract with Select Comfort as its supplier of the
        Beds and  certain  other bed  products,  and Select  Comfort  desires to
        contract with Radisson as its exclusive  lodging  industry  provider for
        the Beds, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

D.      Terms used in this Agreement with initial capital letters shall have the
        meanings  assigned to such terms in Section 15.26 hereof or the meanings
        otherwise assigned to such terms by this Agreement.

        NOW  THEREFORE,  for good and  adequate  consideration,  the receipt and
sufficiency of which are hereby  acknowledged and in consideration of the mutual
obligations set forth below, the parties agree as follows:

                                ARTICLE 1 - TERM


        The term of this  Agreement (the "Term") shall commence on the Effective
        Date and  continue  until  the date of  termination  of the  exclusivity
        provisions  set  forth  in  Section  2.2  hereof.   Notwithstanding  the
        foregoing,  the  provisions  of Articles 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 and 15 hereof,
        and of Sections 4.2 and 4.3 hereof,  shall  survive the  termination  of
        this Agreement and will continue to govern the rights and obligations of
        the  parties  hereto  indefinitely  following  the  termination  of this


                             ARTICLE 2 - EXCLUSIVITY


        During the Term of this  Agreement and as long as Select  Comfort is not
        in material breach of this  Agreement,  Radisson agrees to (a) establish
        the installation of the Beds as a System Standard for all hotel rooms in
        the Radisson  System and (b) to use its reasonable  business  efforts to
        encourage the adoption of the Beds in the Radisson  System with the goal
        of  achieving  installation  of  no less than XXX Beds  by  December 31,
        2006.  Radisson's  reasonable  business  efforts  shall  include,  at  a
        minimum, the following activities  undertaken in good faith and designed
        to achieve the foregoing distribution goal:

               o      Radisson  will promote the Beds at the upcoming and future
                      Annual Business Conferences for the Radisson System and in
                      all  similar  meetings  or  similar   opportunities   with
                      franchisees in the Radisson System;

               o      Radisson will strongly  encourage  adoption of the Beds by
                      the Radisson Franchise Advisory Council, which advises the
                      Radisson  System  regarding  the  adoption  of new  System

               o      Radisson will contribute  funds to install and promote the
                      Beds in a select number of the Hotels in key  distribution
                      markets. As a part of this obligation,  in addition to the
                      Beds  already  installed  in the nine (9) test  locations,
                      Radisson  agrees to fund the purchase and  installation of
                      four (4) Beds per property in the  Radisson  System by the
                      end of 2004.

        Select  Comfort  acknowledges  that  Radisson,  as a  franchisor  of the
        System,   does  not  directly  control  the  purchasing   activities  of
        franchisee hotels and is subject to various Legal Requirements regarding
        substantial  changes to the System.  Accordingly,  for  purposes of this
        Agreement, Radisson does not guarantee the adoption by the Hotels of any
        specific percentage of the Beds by any precise date.  However,  Radisson
        does  represent and warrant that it will carry out the  above-referenced
        plan and that it is authorized under applicable  franchise agreements to
        establish  the  Beds as a System  Standard  for all  hotel  rooms in the
        Radisson System. Radisson further represents that there are currently an
        aggregate  of 251 Hotels in the  Radisson  System,  with an aggregate of
        approximately 60,279 hotel rooms that use approximately 91,700 beds.


        During the  periods  described  below and as long as  Radisson is not in
        material  breach of this  Agreement,  Radisson  will have the  exclusive
        right to the use of the Beds  within  the hotel  and  interval/timeshare
        industry as follows:

        as  specifically  provided in this  Agreement,  Select Comfort shall not
        sell any beds  (including  the Beds) to, or conduct  marketing  programs
        promoting   any  beds  with,   any  Person  for  use  in  the  hotel  or


XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.

        interval/timeshare  industry,  commencing  on  the  Effective  Date  and
        through December 31, 2008 (the "Exclusivity").  However,  Select Comfort
        may (upon reasonable  prior notice from Select Comfort to Radisson,  and
        with an opportunity  for  discussion of the matter at a periodic  review
        meeting as  contemplated  by this Agreement or in any similar  meeting):
        (i) continue to service and sell bed  products  and services  (including
        the Beds) to Persons for use in the hotel or interval/timeshare industry
        to which Select Comfort has previously  sold beds and who are identified
        on  Exhibit  2.2A,  attached  hereto  and made a part  hereof,  and (ii)
        service and sell bed products and services (including the Beds) to other
        independent hotel or interval/timeshare  industry customers,  so long as
        any such independent hotel or timeshare industry customer as of the time
        of  the  initial  sale  does  not  consist of  more  than  XXX  separate
        properties  operating under a common hotel or  interval/timeshare  name.
        Notwithstanding  the  above,  the  Hotels  collectively  must  meet  the
        following minimum requirements in order to maintain the Exclusivity:

               1. By December 31, 2005, the Hotels must have ordered,  purchased
               and installed at least XXX Beds; and

               2. By December 31, 2006, the Hotels must have ordered,  purchased
               and installed at least an additional XXX Beds.

        If the Hotels fail to meet the above  requirements  for any reason other
        than  due to:  (i)  Select  Comfort's  failure  to meet  its  production
        capabilities as represented by Select Comfort in this Agreement; or (ii)
        a material  breach of this Agreement by Select  Comfort,  Select Comfort
        may terminate the Exclusivity, effective immediately upon written notice
        thereof to Radisson given on or before  February 28, 2006 in the case of
        a failure to meet the  requirement  set forth in Section  2.2.A.1 above,
        and  by  February  28,  2007  in the  case  of a  failure  to  meet  the
        requirement set forth in Section 2.2.B.2 above.

       INTERVAL/TIMESHARE  INDUSTRY.  At  any  time  during  the  Term  of  this
       Agreement,  Carlson  properties  and/or  cruise ships that compete in the
       Exceptional  Category  of the hotel or  interval/timeshare  industry  may
       purchase and install Beds under the terms of this Agreement.  On or after
       July 1, 2007,  Select  Comfort  may  service  and sell bed  products  and
       services (including the Beds), on a non-exclusive basis, to any Person in
       the  Exceptional  Category of the hotel or  interval/timeshare  industry.
       Select Comfort will offer to Carlson properties and/or cruise ships, on a
       non-exclusive  basis,  a similar  program as Select  Comfort may offer to
       other  customers in the Exceptional  Category,  provided that the Carlson
       opportunity  represents  comparable  volume  potential for Select Comfort
       versus an alternative brand.

        C.  RADISSON'S  RIGHT TO EXTEND  EXCLUSIVITY.  Radisson  shall  have the
        option to extend the Exclusivity beyond December 31, 2008 as follows:

               1. If the  Hotels  have ordered and  purchased  at least XXX Beds
               by December 31, 2006, and installed at least ninety percent (90%)


XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.

               of that  number by such date (and,  installed  the full number by
               February 28, 2007),  Radisson's Exclusivity will automatically be
               extended through December 31, 2009; and

               2. If the Hotels and/or  Radisson's  Affiliates have ordered and
               purchased  a total  of  at least XXX  Beds by  December 31, 2009,
               and  installed  at least ninety  percent  (90%) of that number by
               such date (and,  installed the full number by February 28, 2010),
               Radisson's  Exclusivity  will  automatically  be extended through
               December 31, 2010.

        For the  avoidance  of  doubt,  Beds  that are  ordered,  purchased  and
        installed by Hotels which  thereafter  leave the Radisson  System during
        the term of this  Agreement  will count and be applied toward all rights
        and minimum requirements set forth herein.



        Both parties are committed to providing  sustained Marketing support for
        the promotion of the Bed Mark (as hereinafter  defined) through the Term
        of this Agreement.  The parties agree to use reasonable business efforts
        to implement  the  Marketing  activities  as  specifically  described on
        Exhibit 3.1 attached hereto and made a part hereof.


        In an effort to keep both parties fully informed as to the status of any
        all aspects of this  Agreement,  and  periodically  throughout the year,
        representatives  of Radisson and Select Comfort will meet and review the
        status of the program contemplated by this Agreement.  Each such meeting
        will  take  Radisson's  and  Select  Comfort's  mutual  objectives  into
        account, and will be aimed at improving and re-evaluating the program if
        the  parties  deem  it  necessary.   Additionally,   the  meetings  will
        specifically  address any warranty reports delivered pursuant to Section
        6.2 hereof and the parties  will  endeavor to  reasonably  and  mutually
        resolve any warranty issues in a fair and equitable manner.  Full review
        meetings  will take place on or about  July 1,  2005,  and July 1, 2006.
        Quarterly  review  meetings  will take  place  every  quarter  beginning
        October 1, 2004, through the term of this Agreement.

                          INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS


        The Beds will  incorporate  the  features  and will  include  the "tick"
        design  specified on Exhibit 4.1 attached hereto and made a part hereof.


XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.

        During the Term, Select Comfort agrees that it will not offer the "tick"
        design  specified  on  Exhibit  4.1 to any  other  party  for any  other


        The Beds manufactured, sold and marketed pursuant to this Agreement will
        be manufactured, marketed and sold under the trade name and the logo and
        design  specified on Exhibit 4.2 attached  hereto and made a part hereof
        (the "Bed  Marks").  The Bed Marks will be jointly  owned by the parties
        hereto  and  will be  used  solely  and  exclusively  for  the  purposes
        specified  in  this  Agreement.   The  parties  agree  to  cooperate  in
        connection  with  any  registration  of the Bed  Marks in order to fully
        recognize and protect the joint ownership of the Bed Marks  contemplated
        by this  Agreement.  Any use of the Bed Mark,  other  than as  expressly
        permitted  under  this  Agreement,  shall  be  an  infringement  of  the
        non-user's intellectual property rights.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,
        each of the parties  hereto will have the right to use any aspect of the
        Bed Marks that is currently used as, or as a part of, a trademark, trade
        name,   service   mark  or  similar  mark  owned  and/or  used  by  such

        Nothing in  this  Agreement  shall  ever be construed  as giving  Select
        Comfort any right, title or interest in the Radisson Marks, or as giving
        Radisson  any right,  title or  interest  in the Select  Comfort  Marks,
        except to the  extent  that any such marks are  incorporated  in the Bed
        Marks,  which may be used in accordance with this Agreement,  and except
        for such use as may be consistent with the prior written approval of the
        owner of the  respective  marks for  purposes of the  Marketing  efforts
        contemplated by this Agreement.  Upon  termination or expiration of this
        Agreement,  all use of the Bed Marks shall cease and any other permitted
        use of the Radisson  Marks by Select Comfort or the Select Comfort Marks
        by Radisson shall cease.


        Except  for the Bed  Marks to be  jointly  owned and  limited  to use in
        accordance  with the terms of this Agreement and except for the Radisson
        Marks,  which shall remain the sole and exclusive  property of Radisson,
        all  other  intellectual  property  rights  of any  kind or  description
        related to the Beds or their manufacture,  marketing and sale, including
        without  limitation  any  patents,   patent   applications,   patentable
        features, designs or processes, trade secrets,  trademarks, trade names,
        service  marks or similar  intellectual  property  rights of any kind or
        description  shall  remain  the sole and  exclusive  property  of Select



        The  pricing  terms for the Beds are set forth in Exhibit  5.1  attached
        hereto and made a part hereof.



        All orders for Beds will be placed by the Hotels  through  Guest Supply,
        Inc. If Guest Supply, Inc. fails to adequately coordinate such orders on
        behalf of the Hotels, Radisson may, in its sole discretion: (1) identify
        a suitable  replacement  (which  shall be  subject  to Select  Comfort's
        reasonable  approval);  or (2)  assume  responsibility  for the  Hotels'
        orders.  Select  Comfort will  provide  reasonable  assistance  to Guest
        Supply in the  development of order  guidelines to be used by the Hotels
        when placing orders.  All orders shall allow for a minimum of sixty (60)
        days from the date of order to the date of delivery. Select Comfort also
        agrees that  orders of Beds for the Hotels  under this  program  will be
        processed  on a priority  basis  versus any other bed orders that Select
        Comfort may receive from the Hotel or Interval/Timeshare Industry.


        Radisson  acknowledges and agrees that all of the Beds are made to order
        and the pricing  specified  on Exhibit  5.1 is based on maximum  monthly
        production volumes (the "Production Limits").  The Production Limits for
        2004 are:

               June            XXX Beds
               July            XXX Beds
               August          XXX Beds
               September       XXX Beds
               October         XXX Beds
               November        XXX Beds
               December        XXX Beds

        The  Production  Limits in 2005 and 2006  are XXX Beds  per month except
        for  November,  which shall be XXX Beds,  and December,  which  shall be
        XXX Beds.  If fewer  Beds than the  Production  Limit are ordered in any
        month,  any amount by which the order volume falls below the  Production
        Limit shall not be carried  forward or be added to the Production  Limit
        in any  subsequent  month.  Select  Comfort  shall not be  obligated  to
        produce or deliver  more than one hundred and ten percent  (110%) of the
        Production Limit in any month without its prior written consent, even if
        production  or delivery of more than one hundred and ten percent  (110%)
        of the Production  Limit per month shall become necessary for the Hotels
        to meet the minimum Bed purchase  requirements for Radisson to retain or
        extend the Exclusivity set forth in Section 2.2 hereof.


        Radisson  acknowledges  and  agrees  that  Select  Comfort  shall not be
        obligated  to deliver or install  any Beds  between  November 15 of each
        year and  January 1 of the  following  year  without  its prior  written
        consent,  even if  delivery or  installation  of Beds during such period
        shall become  necessary  for the Hotels to meet the minimum Bed purchase


XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.

        requirements  for Radisson to retain or extend the Exclusivity set forth
        in Section 2.2 hereof.



        Select Comfort will provide installation services, and training to Hotel
        staff on  installation  and  maintenance,  in connection  with the first
        twenty-four  (24) Beds installed at each Hotel for the "Total" price set
        forth on  Exhibit  5.1.  After  installation  of the  first 24 Beds at a
        Hotel, the Hotel will have the option to purchase  installation services
        for the price set forth on  Exhibit  5.1 or to  install  the Beds at the
        Hotel's expense.


        Select   Comfort   will    establish   a   toll-free    Select   Comfort
        "Radisson-dedicated" customer service line for the benefit of both Hotel
        employees  and  guests.  Select  Comfort  agrees to  provide  Radisson a
        monthly report  summarizing calls received from Hotels, in order for the
        parties to  proactively  address  common issues as they arise.  Each Bed
        purchased  by the  Hotels  during  the  Term of this  Agreement  will be
        covered by the warranty  terms set forth on Exhibit 6.2 attached  hereto
        and made a part hereof. Select Comfort also agrees to provide Radisson a
        monthly  report  summarizing  all  warranty-related  "activity"  by  the
        Hotels,  including  specific Bed  components  replaced or repaired,  and
        whether or not such activity was covered under the applicable  warranty.
        Upon a sale of a Hotel  with  the  Beds,  or  upon a Hotel  leaving  the
        Radisson  System  for any  reason,  the  warranty  will  continue  to be
        applicable  for the  remaining  term of the warranty so long as the Beds
        remain in the Hotel.



        Select Comfort will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Radisson and its
        Affiliates  against  and from any claims for bodily  injury or  property
        damage caused by any defect in the design, materials or manufacturing of
        the  Beds,  or  otherwise  caused  by any  unreasonable  risk or  hazard
        presented  by the  Beds  as  used  in the  ordinary  course  and for the
        intended purposes ("Product Liability Claims").  While Product Liability
        Claims will  ultimately  not include any injury or damage  caused by any
        abuse or misuse of the Beds not  caused by Select  Comfort or any injury
        or damage caused by the  negligence  or willful  misconduct of Radisson,
        its Affiliates,  the Hotels or the guests of the Hotels,  Select Comfort
        upon notice by Radisson will be the  "Indemnifying  Party" as defined in
        Section 12.3 herein for any Product Liability Claim related to the Beds,
        unless it is  reasonably  apparent  on the face of such claim that it is
        not a Product Liability Claim, or if not reasonably apparent, until such


        time as a court of competent  jurisdiction  determines that such a claim
        is not a Product Liability Claim.


        Select  Comfort  represents  and warrants that each of the Beds sold and
        delivered  hereunder,  at the time of its sale and delivery,  will be in
        full compliance with all Legal  Requirements  applicable to the sale and
        delivery  of the  Beds  for the  purposes  intended  by this  Agreement,
        including flammability standards applicable to mattresses for commercial
        use in the country,  state or province in which its Beds are  installed.
        Select  Comfort  assumes  no  responsibility  whatsoever  for any  Legal
        Requirements  applicable  to the  ownership  or  operation  of the hotel
        properties,  including without  limitation any applicable  zoning,  fire
        code  or  similar   requirements  of  the  jurisdictions  in  which  the
        respective hotels are owned and operated.


        The  Hotels  will be  solely  responsible  for the  operation  of  their
        respective   hotel   properties  in  full   compliance  with  all  Legal
        Requirements   applicable  to  the  ownership  and  operation  of  hotel
        properties, including all applicable zoning, fire code and other similar
        requirements  of the  jurisdictions  in which the respective  hotels are
        owned and  operated.  Radisson  assumes  no duty to  review,  inspect or
        approve the Beds with respect to compliance with any Legal Requirements.
        Radisson's inspections,  reviews or approvals are solely for the purpose
        of determining  compliance with its design standards and with respect to
        operational  considerations,  and  presentation  of the Radisson  Marks.
        Radisson's approval is not an assurance, representation or warranty: (i)
        that  the  Bed  has  been   manufactured   in   accordance   with  Legal
        Requirements; or (ii) that all or any part of the Bed is safe, suitable,
        fit or proper for its intended use or purpose.  This applies even though
        Radisson may have  commented on any of these matters in connection  with
        any inspections,  reviews or approvals.  Radisson is not responsible for
        compliance  with,  and Select  Comfort must not rely on any  information
        Radisson  provides  with respect to the  applicability  of or compliance
        with,  any Legal  Requirements  regarding  the  manufacturing,  selling,
        installation or operation of the Beds.



        Each party  acknowledges  that the  other's  proprietary  databases  are
        valuable assets of such other party's  enterprise.  As such,  nothing in
        this  Agreement  will affect the ownership of  information  on customers
        that already exists in each party's databases currently, or which may be
        added in the future through other sources.


                            ARTICLE 9 - FORCE MAJEURE


        "Force  Majeure"  means any event or  condition,  not existing as of the
        date of signature of this  Agreement,  not reasonably  foreseeable as of
        such date and not reasonably  within the control of either party,  which
        reasonably  prevents in whole or in material part the performance by one
        of the  parties  of its  obligations  hereunder  or  which  renders  the
        performance  of such  obligations so difficult or costly as to make such
        performance commercially  unreasonable.  Without limiting the foregoing,
        the following  will  constitute  events or conditions of Force  Majeure:
        acts of State or governmental action (including specifically the failure
        of any  government  to grant  any  license,  authorization  or  approval
        required  for  performance  of this  Agreement),  riots,  war,  strikes,
        lockouts, prolonged shortage of energy supplies or utilities, epidemics,
        fire, flood, hurricane, typhoon, earthquake and explosion.

9.2.    NOTICE

        Upon giving notice to the other party,  a party  affected by an event of
        Force Majeure  shall be released  without any liability on its part from
        the performance of its obligations under this Agreement,  except for the
        obligation to pay any amounts due and owing  hereunder,  but only to the
        extent and only for the period that its performance of such  obligations
        is prevented by the event of Force Majeure.  Such notice shall include a
        description of the nature of the event of Force  Majeure,  and its cause
        and  possible  consequences.  The party  claiming  Force  Majeure  shall
        promptly notify the other party of the termination of such event. During
        the  period the  performance  of one of the  parties of its  obligations
        under this  Agreement has been  suspended by reason of an event of Force
        Majeure, the other party may likewise suspend performance of all or part
        of its  obligations,  except for the  obligation  to pay amounts due and
        owing, to the extent commercially reasonable.


        The party  invoking  Force Majeure shall provide to the other party with
        written confirmation of the existence of the circumstances  constituting
        Force  Majeure.  Such evidence may consist of a statement or certificate
        of an appropriate  governmental department or agency where available, or
        a statement  describing in detail the facts claimed to constitute  Force


        If an event of Force  Majeure  occurring at any time after the execution
        of this  Agreement  prevents  performance  hereunder by either party and
        continues for more than six (6) consecutive  months,  either party shall
        have the right to  terminate  this  agreement  on written  notice to the
        other without any  liability  hereunder,  except the  obligation to make
        payments due to such date.


                            ARTICLE 10 - TERMINATION


        This  Agreement  may be  terminated  prior  to its  ending  date for the

        A. By either  party  effective  immediately  upon  notice to the other
        party  in the  event  of the  filing  of a  voluntary  or  involuntary
        bankruptcy petition by such other party, an assignment for the benefit
        of creditors by such other party, or the appointment of a receiver for
        such other party; or

        B. By either  party,  if the other party is in material  breach of its
        obligations contained in this Agreement,  and such breach is not cured
        to the reasonable  satisfaction  of the  non-breaching  party within a
        period of thirty (30) days after written notice setting out the breach
        in reasonable  detail.  If the material  breach is such that it cannot
        reasonably  be cured within thirty (30) days,  then the  non-breaching
        party may not terminate  this Agreement as long as the party in breach
        begins the cure within thirty (30) days and proceeds diligently and in
        good faith to accomplish  the cure. If such breach is not cured to the
        reasonable  satisfaction of the non-breaching party within ninety (90)
        days  after  the  initial  written   notice,   the  Agreement  may  be
        terminated.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  the failure of the Hotels
        to order,  purchase and install sufficient quantities of the Beds in a
        timely   manner  as  may  be  necessary  to  maintain  or  extend  the
        Exclusivity under this Agreement shall not be a breach that is subject
        to cure under the foregoing provision.

                             ARTICLE 11 - INSURANCE


        At no cost to  Radisson,  during  the  term  of this  Agreement,  Select
        Comfort will  maintain  commercial  general  liability  insurance  (with
        products and completed  operations coverage) on an occurrence basis with
        combined  single-limit  coverage  for  personal  and  bodily  injury and
        property  damage  of at least  ten  million  dollars  ($10,000,000)  per
        occurrence.    The policies must also provide for the following:

        A. "Radisson Hotels  International,  Inc. and its subsidiaries and its
        Affiliates" must be named as additional insureds; and

        B.  Radisson  must  receive  30  days'  notice  of  any  cancellation,
        non-renewal and material changes in the policy.


        Select  Comfort will obtain all policies  with  companies  having a Best
        Rating of A-V or better, or otherwise reasonably acceptable to Radisson.


        Select  Comfort will provide  Radisson  with  certificates  of insurance
        acceptable to Radisson evidencing that the policies are in effect within
        30 days of the date of this Agreement, and at least 10 days prior to the
        expiration of any policy.


        Wherever  Radisson  cannot be named as an  additional  insured under any
        insurance  coverage required pursuant to this Agreement,  Select Comfort
        will  require  the  insurance  company to include in the policy that the
        insurance company has no right of subrogation  against Radisson or their
        respective  Affiliates.

        The required  policies  are for Select  Comfort's,  Radisson's  and  its
        Affiliates'  benefit  and  protection.  Radisson  makes  no  warranty or
        representation  that  the policies  are  adequate  for Select  Comfort's
        needs  whatsoever.  The  insurance  coverage  required to be obtained by
        Select Comfort is  the primary  coverage Select Comfort's  obligation to
        maintain the  required  insurance is  not limited in  any way because of
        any insurance  that Radisson or its  Affiliates carries.  Neither Select
        Comfort  nor any of its insurance  providers  will  deny coverage of any
        losses, whether  by Select Comfort,  Radisson or its  Affiliates because
        of any  insurance  that  Radisson or its  Affiliates  carry,  and Select
        Comfort  has no right to  any additional  coverage  obtained by Radisson
        or its Affiliates.



        Select  Comfort  agrees to indemnify and hold harmless  Radisson and its
        Affiliates  against and from, all Payments due to any Claim,  brought by
        or on behalf of any Third Party or otherwise, with respect to:

        A. Any breach by Select Comfort of its obligations under this
           Agreement; or

        B. Any misrepresentation or breach of warranty by Select Comfort under
           this Agreement; or

        C. Any Product Liability Claim.

        Select Comfort's obligations under this Section 12.1 do not apply to any
        Claim that is directly  caused by  Radisson's  or any of its  Affiliates
        negligence or willful misconduct. For purposes of this Article, Radisson
        and  its  Affiliates  includes  their  respective  officers,  directors,
        shareholders,  managers,  members, governors,  employees,  agents, Third
        Party contractors, successors and assigns.



        Radisson  agrees to indemnify and hold harmless  Select  Comfort and its
        Affiliates  against and from, all Payments due to any Claim,  brought by
        or on behalf of any Third Party or other wise, with respect to:

        A. Any breach by Radisson of its obligations under this Agreement; or

        B. Any  misrepresentation  or breach of warranty by Radisson  under this
           Agreement; or

        C. Any  claim  asserted  by any  owner  or  operator  of a Hotel  in the
           Radisson  System  under any  franchise or similar  agreement  between
           Radisson  and any  other  party or under  any  applicable  franchise,
           business opportunity or similar law or provision.

        Radisson's obligations under this Section 12.2 do not apply to any Claim
        that is directly  caused by Select  Comfort's  or any of its  Affiliates
        negligence or willful misconduct.  For purposes of this Article,  Select
        Comfort  and  its  Affiliates   includes  their   respective   officers,
        directors,   shareholders,   managers,  members,  governors,  employees,
        agents, Third Party contractors, successors and assigns.


        In the event that any party shall  become  entitled  to  indemnification
        under this  Agreement,  whether due to the  assertion  of a claim by any
        third  party  or  otherwise,   the  party  entitled  to  indemnification
        hereunder  (the  "Indemnified  Party") shall  promptly  notify the party
        responsible  to provide  indemnification  hereunder  (the  "Indemnifying
        Party")  specifying in reasonable  detail the facts underlying the claim
        for indemnification. The Indemnifying Party shall not be relieved of its
        responsibility  to provide  indemnification  under this Agreement due to
        any failure of the Indemnified Party to provide timely notice of a claim
        for indemnification  hereunder unless the delay in providing such notice
        shall have materially  compromised the  Indemnifying  Party's ability to
        fully and adequately defend the claim.

        Within  ten (10)  business  days  following  the  receipt of a claim for
        indemnification  from any Indemnified Party hereunder,  the Indemnifying
        Party shall notify the Indemnified  Party as to whether the Indemnifying
        Party will assume the defense of any third  party claim  underlying  the
        claim for indemnification  hereunder. In the event that the Indemnifying
        Party assumes the defense of the claim, the Indemnifying  Party shall be
        entitled  to fully  control  the  defense  of the claim  and to  settle,
        negotiate or  compromise  the claim,  so long as any such  settlement or
        compromise  does not result in any  injunctive  or similar  non-monetary
        judgment  against the Indemnified  Party that has any ongoing effect and
        so long as the  Indemnified  Party  is  fully  indemnified  against  any
        monetary  judgment  arising from such claim.  Upon notice thereof to the
        Indemnifying  Party,  the  Indemnified  Party shall be entitled,  at the
        expense of the  Indemnified  Party,  to monitor and  participate  in the
        defense  of  the  indemnified  claim,  subject  to  the  control  of the
        Indemnifying Party.


12.4.   SURVIVAL

        The indemnification and other obligations contained in this Article will
        continue in full force and effect subsequent to and  notwithstanding the
        expiration or termination of this Agreement.

                         ARTICLE 13 - INJUNCTIVE RELIEF


        A breach of this Agreement by either Select Comfort or Radisson relating
        to any of the  matters  set out  below  may  cause  irreparable  harm to
        Radisson  or Select  Comfort,  as the case may be,  for  which  monetary
        damages  may be an  inadequate  remedy.  Therefore,  in such  event,  in
        addition to any other remedies Radisson or Select Comfort may have under
        this  Agreement or at law or in equity,  Radisson or Select  Comfort may
        seek and obtain the entry of  temporary  or  permanent  injunctions  and
        orders  of  specific  performance   enforcing  the  provisions  of  this
        Agreement  with respect to: (i) the Radisson  Marks,  the Select Comfort
        Marks or the Bed Mark; (ii) the System;  (iii) the obligations of Select
        Comfort or Radisson,  as the case may be, upon termination or expiration
        of this  Agreement;  (iv)  the  unauthorized  disclosure  or  threatened
        disclosure of proprietary or  confidential  information of either party;
        or (vi) any act or omission by either party or either party's  employees
        that: (a) constitutes a violation of any Legal  Requirement;  or (b) may
        impair the good will  associated  with the  Radisson  Marks,  the Select
        Comfort Marks, the Bed Marks or the business enterprise of either of the
        parties hereto.


        Unless  required  by the  court  granting  any such  injunctive  relief,
        neither  party shall be required to post a bond or other  security  with
        respect to obtaining injunctive relief under this Agreement.

                          ARTICLE 14 - CONFIDENTIALITY


        The parties agree that (i) the specific  terms of this  Agreement,  (ii)
        all information as to source, quantity, and price of goods and services,
        and (iii) all information  regarding either party's products,  business,
        customers,  or  methods  of  operation  learned  during the term of this
        Agreement or in  anticipation  of entering into this Agreement  shall be
        maintained in confidence  and not be released to any third party for any
        reason  whatsoever other than: (i) pursuant to a validly issued subpoena
        from a court or  governmental  authority  having  jurisdiction  over the
        party or pursuant to a discovery request made under the Federal Rules of
        Civil or Criminal  Procedure  or similar  state court rules and to which
        the party is required to respond or as may be required to implement  the
        terms of this Agreement;  or (ii) as may be required by applicable rules
        of the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC") as  reasonably


        determined  by counsel to any party  hereto  with a class of  securities
        registered under the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  subject, in each
        case, to reasonable  notification to the other party prior to release of
        such  information,  in order to allow the other party an  opportunity to
        oppose such court action or governmental  authority or to participate in
        the process to seek confidential  treatment of any information otherwise
        required to be filed under  applicable SEC rules.  All  confidential and
        proprietary information, which the parties have obtained from each other
        shall be returned  upon the  expiration or earlier  termination  of this
        Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the expiration
        or earlier termination of this Agreement.

                           ARTICLE 15 - MISCELLANEOUS


        All  provisions  of this  Agreement  are  severable.  If pursuant to the
        decision of any court having jurisdiction,  any provisions,  in whole or
        in part  are not  enforceable,  the  remainder  of this  Agreement  will
        continue to be in full force and effect, and the applicable parts of the
        affected  provisions are superceded and modified by such applicable law.
        If either party can establish that such modifications would constitute a
        material   deviation  from  the  general  purpose  and  intent  of  this
        Agreement,  either party may terminate  this  Agreement on not less than
        thirty (30) days' notice. A valid  termination  pursuant to this Section
        is without  liability  by either party to the other party except for any
        causes of action a party has against the other for matters  occurring up
        to and through the date of such termination.

15.2.   WAIVER

        The failure,  refusal or neglect of one party to require the other party
        to comply with any  provision  of this  Agreement,  in whole or in part,
        does not  constitute a waiver by the former of its right to require full
        compliance  with  the  same  or  different  provisions  in  the  future,
        regardless  of the  acceptance of payments or  performance  by the party
        seeking compliance.


        The  interpretation,  validity and enforcement of this Agreement and the
        relationship  between the parties is subject to and governed by the laws
        (statutory or otherwise) of the State of Minnesota without regard to its
        conflicts of laws provisions.


        All Claims  whatsoever,  arising out of or related to this  Agreement in
        any  way,  must be  commenced,  filed  and  litigated  before a court of
        competent  jurisdiction  located in  Hennepin  County,  Minnesota.  Both
        parties submit to personal  jurisdiction of the State and Federal courts
        in such county for such purpose.



        Each party knowingly and voluntarily waives the right to a trial by jury
        in any litigation  arising under,  as a result of or in connection  with
        this Agreement or any franchise or business opportunity laws.

15.6.   CLAIMS

        Except for those Claims that are brought pursuant to the indemnification
        or insurance  coverage  required under  Articles 10 and 11 hereof,  upon
        expiration or termination of this Agreement, neither party will commence
        any cause of action related to or arising out of this Agreement,  unless
        commenced  within one year following the effective date of expiration or


        This Agreement,  including the exhibits  attached hereto and made a part
        hereof and any amendments hereto that are validly executed and delivered
        by each of the  parties  hereto,  collectively  constitutes  the  entire
        agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof,
        and this Agreement  supersedes  and  terminates all prior  agreements or
        understandings,  either oral or in writing,  between the parties hereto.
        Any representations,  warranties,  inducements, promises, understandings
        or agreements  between the parties,  which are not in writing and signed
        by the parties, are void and not enforceable.


        Oral modifications to this Agreement, including those by way of release,
        amendment,  waiver  or  otherwise,  are not  valid or  enforceable.  The
        parties may modify this Agreement only by a written  agreement signed by
        a duly authorized representative of each party.

15.9.   HEADINGS

        The  headings of the Articles  and  Sections of this  Agreement  are for
        convenience of reference only and do not define, limit or construe their

15.10.  NOTICES

        Any  notices  required  or  permitted  under this  Agreement  must be in
        writing and must be delivered  either  personally,  by fax, by Certified
        United States Mail or by reliable expedited delivery companies including
        Federal  Express,  Airborne  Express and DHL.  Notices by fax are deemed
        delivered and received upon  transmission  with a  confirmation  of such
        transmission.  Notices  by  Certified  United  States  Mail  are  deemed
        delivered and received on the second business day immediately  following
        the day on which  the  notice  was  given to the  United  States  Postal
        Service. Notices by expedited delivery are deemed delivered and received
        on the business day  immediately  following  the day on which the notice
        was given to the expedited delivery company.  Information for notices is


        as indicated in the first paragraph of this Agreement.


        The parties  may sign more than one  identical  copy of this  Agreement,
        each of which is an original. When parties sign different, but identical
        copies of this Agreement, the copies constitute one Agreement.


        All reasonable and necessary  costs and expenses,  including  attorneys'
        fees, incurred by Radisson or Select Comfort in enforcing any provisions
        of this  Agreement,  or in  asserting  or  defending  against any Claims
        brought by one party  against  the other  party  under  this  Agreement,
        whether  through  injunctive  relief or  otherwise,  will be paid by the
        non-prevailing party to the prevailing party in such action.


        Where either party to this  Agreement is  prohibited  by this  Agreement
        from directly taking any action, or where action by either party to this
        Agreement would constitute a default, such party agrees that it will not
        encourage,  authorize or permit any other Person, directly or indirectly
        or under its direct or indirect control to take such action.


        Either of the parties  hereto may perform any or all of its  obligations
        under this Agreement directly or through one or more of its wholly owned
        subsidiaries, provided however, that the assignment to or performance of
        any such obligations by any such subsidiary corporation will not relieve
        any  party  hereto  of any  of its  primary  responsibility  under  this
        Agreement.  If any such obligations are performed by any such subsidiary
        corporation,  the right to such  performance  will still run directly to
        the other party to this Agreement.

15.15.  SURVIVAL

        The  provisions  of  Articles  7, 8, 12,  13, 14 and 15  hereof,  and of
        Sections  4.2 and 4.3  hereof,  shall  survive the  termination  of this
        Agreement and will continue to govern the rights and  obligations of the
        parties hereto indefinitely following the termination of this Agreement.


        Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary,  each party's performance
        is subject to, and each party will comply with, all Legal  Requirements,
        including those of all countries in which either party conducts business
        that prohibits unfair,  fraudulent or corrupt business practices such as
        those that are comparable to the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices


        Act and the International Money Laundering  Abatement and Anti-Terrorist
        Financing Act, otherwise known as the Patriot Act.


        Time is of the essence in the  performance  of every  provision  of this


        This Agreement is for the sole benefit of the parties and is not for the
        benefit of any Third Parties.


        The remedies  provided for in this Agreement are not  exclusive.  Either
        party is free to pursue such other  remedies as may be  available at law
        or in equity.


        The use of  another  tense of the  defined  term,  or its use as a noun,
        adjective or adverb,  or otherwise,  means the same as the defined term,
        modified  by the  context  of the  sentence  in which  it is  used.  All
        personal  pronouns,  whether used in the  masculine,  feminine or neuter
        gender,  include all genders;  the singular  includes the plural and the
        plural includes the singular.

15.21.  COPIES

        Photocopies  and  facsimiles of a signed  original of this Agreement are
        fully binding and effective as originals.


        Each  party's   internal   policies  and  procedures,   whether  or  not
        communicated to the other party, are intended for such first party's use
        only,  are  not  binding  on  such  first  party  with  respect  to  its
        relationship with the other party, and are not a part of or an amendment
        to this Agreement.

15.23.  EXHIBITS

        All  exhibits  attached  to this  Agreement  are a part of it and  fully
        incorporated into it.


        Neither  this  Agreement  nor any of its  provisions  is to be construed
        against or  interpreted  to the  disadvantage  of either party because a
        party drafted this Agreement or the provision.



        Radisson  and Select  Comfort  are each  independent  contractors.  This
        Agreement does not create any relationship of joint venturers, partners,
        agents,  servants,  employees,  fiduciaries or  representatives  of each


        The   following   definitions   shall  be  used  for  purposes  of  this

        AFFILIATE.  Any Person  Controlled  by,  Controlling  or under
        common Control with either party.

        CLAIM. Any claim, challenge, demand, cause of action, lawsuit, dispute,
        controversy, investigation or administrative proceeding.

        CONTROL. The right or ability, directly or indirectly, to cause a Person
        to act in accordance with another Person's instructions.

        EXCEPTIONAL CATEGORY. Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, The Ritz Carlton,
        St. Regis Hotels and Resorts, Intercontinental Hotels and Resorts,  and
        Mandarin Oriental.  Additions and deletions to this list are only as
        mutually agreed by the parties hereto

        GOVERNMENTAL  AUTHORITY.  Any governmental  entity, and any political or
        other   subdivision  of  any  governmental   entity,   and  any  agency,
        department,  commission,  board, bureau, court or instrumentality of any
        of them,  which, at any time, has competent  jurisdiction over aspect of
        this Agreement.

        HOTEL. A Radisson  hotel  operated in the United  States,  Canada or the
        Caribbean  using  the  System  pursuant  to  a  written  agreement  with

        LEGAL REQUIREMENTS.  Any law, code, ordinance,  order, decision, rule or
        regulation of any Governmental Authority.

        MARKETING.  All  activities  related to marketing,  sales,  advertising,
        promotion and public  relations with respect to the Hotels,  the System,
        and the Beds pursuant to this Agreement, as more specifically identified
        on Exhibit 3.1 attached hereto and made a part hereof.

        PAYMENTS.  All payments of money, including those with respect to fines,
        penalties,   taxes,  losses,   damages,  costs  and  expenses,  such  as
        reasonable   attorney  fees,   investigation   expenses,   court  costs,
        deposition expenses, and travel and living expenses.

        PERSON.  Any  natural  person  or  legal  entity,   including  trustees,
        representatives,   administrators,   heirs,   executors,   partnerships,
        corporations,   limited  liability  companies,  trusts,   unincorporated
        organizations and governmental agencies, departments and branches.


        PURCHASE.  Transmission  of the property  rights to the Beds from Select
        Comfort to the Hotels via sale,  discount,  negotiation,  pledge,  lien,
        issue or  re-issue,  or any  other  voluntary  transaction  creating  an
        interest in the Beds, including contracts to purchase. In any event, the
        term "purchase"  shall mean that the purchaser shall have fully paid for
        and taken delivery of the purchased goods.

        RADISSON MARKS.  The name Radisson(R) and the signature logo Radisson(R)
        with the brush  stroke  used in  conformance  with  Radisson's  business
        system,   and  all  other  trademarks,   service  marks,   trade  names,
        copyrights,  insignia,  emblems,  slogans,  logos,  commercial  symbols,
        signs, trade dress (including interior and exterior building designs and
        specifications and the motif,  decor, and color  combinations),  and all
        other  visual  identification,  by which the Hotels are  identified  and
        publicized, including the good will associated with all of them.

        SELECT COMFORT MARKS. The trademarks Select Comfort(R) and Sleep
        Number(R)  and  all  other  trademarks,   service  marks,  trade  names,
        copyrights,  insignia,  emblems,  slogans,  logos,  commercial  symbols,
        signs,  trade dress by which  Select  Comfort  beds are  identified  and
        publicized, including the good will associated with all of them.

        SYSTEM. The Radisson Marks, and other distinctive elements developed and
        owned by, or made  available by its  Affiliates  to,  Radisson,  and the
        systems made available to Radisson for the construction and operation of
        the Hotels and other hotels authorized to use the System,  including all
        good will.

        SYSTEM STANDARD.  Any element of the System that the Hotels are required
        to  implement  pursuant  to the  terms of any  applicable  franchise  or
        similar  agreement  in place  between  Radisson and the Hotel owners and

        THIRD PARTY.  Any Person, other than Radisson, Select Comfort and their
        respective Affiliates.


        Executed as of the date set forth at the beginning of this Agreement.


By:   /s/Bjorn Gullakson                    By:   /s/Keith C. Spurgeon
    ---------------------------------           -------------------------------
Name:    Bjorn Gullakson                    Name:    Keith C. Spurgeon
      -------------------------------             -----------------------------
Its:     Executive Vice President           Its:     Senior VP - Sales
     --------------------------------            ------------------------------


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

EXHIBIT                             DESCRIPTION

2.2A                                List of Hotels to which Select Comfort has
                                    previously sold beds

3.1                                 Marketing Plan

4.1                                 The Products and Models

4.2                                 The Bed Mark and Logo

5.1                                 Product Pricing

6.2                                 Warranty Terms


                                  EXHIBIT 2.2A

List of Hotels Select Comfort has previously sold beds


XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.


Liberty Marketing Budget & Spending Recommendations

1 - Budget

A - Funds from sale of beds to Radisson              2004         2005        2006        2007
                                                     ----         ----        ----        ----
     Fund/bed = XXX                                  $XXX         $XX         $XXX        $XXX
     Annual volume (low qty)=                         XXX         XXX          XXX         XXX
     Annual Budget =                                 $XXX        $XXX         $XXX        $XXX

     Fund/bed = XXX                                  $XXX         $XXX        $XXX        $XXX
     Annual volume (high qty)=                        XXX          XXX         XXX         XXX
     Annual Budget =                                 $XXX         $XXX        $XXX        $XXX

B - Trial:Conversions (Projections)                  2004         2005        2006        2007
                                                     ----         ----        ----        ----
     Based on forecasts previously
     provided. If conversion is higher
     more spending will occur; If
     conversion is lower less spending
     will occur.

     Units from Trial;Conversion                      XXX          XXX         XXX         XXX
     ASP = XXX                                       $XXX         $XXX        $XXX        $XXX
     Media %/Sales = XXX% (same as                   XXX%         XXX%        XXX%        XXX%
           SC Corporate rate)

     Annual Forecasted budget =                      $XXX         $XXX        $XXX        $XXX

Total Budget Potential

     Lower Qtys                                      $XXX         $XXX        $XXX        $XXX

     Higher Qtys                                     $XXX         $XXX        $XXX        $XXX

XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.

2 - Funding Split Recommendations - Select Comfort:Radisson

                                                    2004         2005         2006        2007
                                                    ----         ----         ----        ----
A - Funds from sale of beds to
          Lower Qtys
          Select Comfort            %               XXX%         XXX%         XXX%        XXX%
                                    $               $XXX         $XXX         $XXX        $XXX
          Radisson                  %               XXX%         XXX%         XXX%        XXX%
                                    $               $XXX         $XXX         $XXX        $XXX

          Higher Qtys
          Select Comfort            %               XXX%         XXX%         XXX%        XXX%
                                    $               $XXX         $XXX         $XXX        $XXX
          Radisson                  %               XXX%         XXX%         XXX%        XXX%
                                    $               $XXX         $XXX         $XXX        $XXX

B - Trial:Conversions

          Select Comfort            %               XXX%         XXX%         XXX%        XXX%
                                    $               $XXX         $XXX         $XXX        $XXX
          Radisson                  %               XXX%         XXX%         XXX%        XXX%
                                    $               $XXX         $XXX         $XXX        $XXX

Notes:  1 - Select Comfort requires, at minimum, the % splits above to deliver
            consumer impressions at the level being communicated to franchisees
        2 - Select  Comfort  agrees to the following  media support and tests at
            the following room penetration levels (assuming consistent with
            agreed upon media objectives):
               Radio/Print = XXX%
               TV = XXX%
               Tests (Print, Inquiries) = XXX%
        3 - All funds committed to be spent within 6 months of  "acknowledgement
            of funds"
        4 - Select Comfort and Radisson will review marketing budgets and
            spending assumptions annually.

XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.

                 2004 - 2008 PROJECT LIBERTY SPENDING ESTIMATES

TACTIC                             FY 2004    Q4 2004        FY 2005      FY 2006    FY 2007   FY 2008
                                              ESTIMATE            XXX%       XXX%      XXX%      XXX%

Promotions                           $ XXX      $ XXX          $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX

Print                                $ XXX      $ XXX          $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX
Television                           $ XXX      $ XXX          $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX
Ad Production                        $ XXX
                                     $ XXX      $ XXX          $ XX       $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX

Online Advertising, Keywords         $ XXX      $ XXX
E-Partnerships, IATA Project         $ XXX
                                     $ XXX      $ XXX          $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX

AAA Tourbooks, Atlas                 $ XXX
AARP                                 $ XXX
                                     $ XXX                     $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX

Directory of Accommodations          $ XXX                     $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX

Sponsorships                         $ XXX

Research (Benchmark, Other)          $ XXX                       *          *         *         *
Research (Web)                       $ XXX
                                     $ XXX

Other (website, Genuine Article,     $ XXX      $ XXX          $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX
comment cards, meetings, misc.)

Public Relations                     $ XXX      $ XXX          $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX

Direct Mail, Email                   $ XXX      $ XXX          $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX

SUBTOTAL                             $ XXX      $ XXX          $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX

Existing Partner Matching Funds      $ XXX      $ XXX
Brand Differentiator Seed Money      $ XXX      $ XXX

TOTAL                                $ XXX      $ XXX          $ XXX      $ XXX     $ XXX     $ XXX
*Funding from surplus and/or advertising development

(Table with media values and impression  estimates  excluded pursuant to request
for confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.)

XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.


The Products and Models

 The Sleep Number Bed for Radisson will incorporate these core features:

        o  Adjustable Air-Chamber technology
        o  Dual -Adjustability (Kings, Queens, Doubles)
        o  Lightweight Construction
        o  Hypoallergenic Materials
        o  Modular Design
        o  Corner Lock(TM)system for crisp, clean corners
        o  Gussetted Pillowtop
        o  121/2" tall mattress
        o  Exclusive Radisson/Sleep Number designed ticking material (made out
           of a Poly blend Belgian Damask cover)
        o  Ticking with appropriate treatment to meet requirements
           specified below
        o  Sleep Number firmness control system - with a single tethered, dual
           controller - to adjust each side independently. (Full size bed would
           have a single, larger chamber)
        o  Non-slip  material  added to the underside of the mattress
        o  Hospitality hose kit - to allow easier change out of pumps in
           guest rooms
        o  Wood foundation with these features
           -  Unique I-beam construction
           -  Solid platform with rigid base
           -  Covered with treated tick
           -  Tested through 200,000 use cycle

The Sleep Number Bed for Radisson will be offered in 3 sizes - Eastern King (76"
x 80"),  Queen (60" x 80"), and Full/Double XL (54" x 80"). Note the Full/Double
XL size will not be available to ship until January,  2005 after receiving input
of whether this bed requires a single or double chamber.

The Sleep Number Bed for Radisson will incorporate  flame retardant  features as
specified.  The beds will meet the following test standards (A) for 2004 and (B)
for 2005 and beyond:

          (A)  NFPAV #701; MVS #301; alternate to 16 CFR part 1632 Class B

          (B)  NFPAV #701; MVS #301;  alternate to 16 CFR part 1632 Class B plus
               new California  consumer  requirements going into effect January,


                           (partnership logo omitted)


The logo represents the unique partnership  between Radisson Hotels & Resorts[R]
and Select Comfort (The Sleep Number[R] bed). It is a fusion of the strengths of
two national brands that at once establishes the identity of our new initiative,
and at the same time allows the  integrity  of each  individual  brand to remain

(partnership logo omitted)

The mark consists of the Radisson logo joined to a modified Sleep Number[R] bed
logo by an extended green loop which emanates from the Radisson brush stroke.
The configuration seen here is the only approved treatment of this new identity.
Do not attempt to recreate this mark.  Use only the provided artwork.

(partnership logo omitted)


Being that this logo consists of two corporate identities, it is vital that the
colors used in this mark are consistent with the prescribed colors of the two
brands.  The Radisson portion of the logo is Black (in the typography) and the
Radisson green in the brush stroke/oval outline.

35% Cyan and 100% Yellow.

MSP-78553 K/7K9 Coated
MSP-78651 K/7K9 Uncoated

PMS 382.

The Sleep Number[R] bed portion is to be rendered in Sleep Number[R] blue.  With
the exception of black & white usage, these are the only acceptable colors used.

80 Cyan, 50% Magenta, 15% Yellow and 0% Black.

PMS 653.


The  combination of identities  contained in this logo need to be protected from
any outside graphic  intrusions.  We have established a boundary around the logo
to preserve its  integrity  and to ensure that its impact will not be diminished
by any extraneous imagery. The specified proportions are 15.0 units horizontally
to 9.0 units vertically. Please keep all other visual elements clear of the safe

(partnership logo omitted)


The preferred printed version of this logo is four-color process.  If printing
in one color, black is the preferred color.  Below are examples of black and
white renderings.

(partnership logo omitted)


Final Project Liberty Pricing

Size                        Component                                           Price

Eastern King                Bed Set (Mattress & Foundation) (1)                 $   XXX
- ------------

                            Installation (2)                                    $   XXX

                            Freight(3)                                          $   XXX

                            Total                                               $   XXX

Queen                       Bed Set (Mattress & Foundation) (1)                 $   XXX
- -----

                            Installation (2)                                    $   XXX

                            Freight(3)                                          $   XXX

                            Total                                               $   XXX

Full (Single Chamber)       Bed Set (Mattress & Foundation) (1)                 $   XXX
- ---------------------

                            Installation (2)                                    $   XXX

                            Freight(3)                                          $   XXX

                            Total                                               $   XXX

   Notes: (1)  Including  component  costs  required  to meet  higher  CA
               consumer flammability requirements

          (2)  Installation  - Once 24 beds per property  have been  installed &
               training  delivered  to Radisson  employees  than this becomes an

          (3)  Freight - Based on FTL qtys.  Actual  cost will vary based on qty
               ordered as follows:

                    FTL  (72 beds) $XXX/bed
                    3/4  Truck (54 - 71 beds) $XXX/bed
                    1/2  Truck  (36 - 53 beds)  $XXX/bed
                    1/4  Truck (18 - 35 beds) $XXX/bed
                    LTL  (1 - 17 beds) $XXX/bed

          (4)  Double Bed (Dual Chamber) - Price is $XXX (before installation
               and delivery)

          (5)  For years 2006,  2007,  2008 Pricing will be adjusted as follows:

                    No more than XXX% increase annually

                    Cost increases justified basis market increases in key
                    components as a % of bed cost:
                                Petroleum = XXX%
                                Labor & Overhead = XXX%
                                Rubber = XXX%
                                Wood = XXX%
                                Cotton/Fabric = XXX%
                                Other = XXX%

                    Price reviewed annually with Radisson prior to July 1st


XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.



- ---------------------------------------------------
Warranty - 15 Year Prorated Warranty
Warranty 100% - 4 years
Free From Defects in Materials & Workmanship
Normal "Wear & Tear" Not Covered
11 years prorated: Pump, Chamber & Foam Components

PUMP                  Max % Increase              Price
                      --------------              -----
*Years 1-4 =                NA               Covered at 100%
**Year 5 =                  NA                     $  XXX
Year 6 =                    6%                     $  XXX
Year 7 =                    6%                     $  XXX
Year 8 =                    6%                     $  XXX
Year 9 =                    6%                     $  XXX
Year 10 =                   6%                     $  XXX
Year 11 =                   6%                     $  XXX
Year 12 =                   6%                     $  XXX
Years 13 - 15 =                                    $  XXX

CHAMBER          Max % Increase       Price (for one chamber)
                 --------------       -----------------------
                                                                      FULL XL (SINGLE
                                       KING             QUEEN            CHAMBER)        DOUBLE XL
*Years 1-4 =           NA         Covered at 100%    Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%
**Year 5 =             NA            $      XXX        $      XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 6 =                     6%      $      XXX        $      XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 7 =                     6%      $      XXX        $      XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 8 =                     6%      $      XXX        $      XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 9 =                     6%      $      XXX        $      XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 10 =                    6%      $      XXX        $      XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 11 =                    6%      $      XXX        $      XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 12 =                    6%      $      XXX        $      XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Years 13 - 15 =                      $      XXX        $      XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX

                   Max %          Price (for one
Foam Components     Increase          chamber)
- ---------------    ----------     --------------
                                                                      FULL XL(SINGLE
SIDEWALLS                             KING              QUEEN            CHAMBER)        DOUBLE XL
*Years 1-4 =           NA         Covered at 100%    Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%
**Year 5 =             NA            $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 6 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 7 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 8 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 9 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 10 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 11 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 12 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Years 13 - 15 =                      $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX

XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.

                   Max %        Price (for one
ENDWALLS            Increase        chamber)
                    --------        --------
                                                                      FULL XL(SINGLE
                                      KING              QUEEN            CHAMBER)        DOUBLE XL
*Years 1-4 =           NA         Covered at 100%    Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%
**Year 5 =             NA            $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 6 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 7 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 8 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 9 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 10 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 11 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 12 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Years 13 - 15 =                      $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX

                   Max %        Price (for one
BASEPAD             Increase        chamber)
                    --------        --------
                                                                      FULL XL(SINGLE
                                      KING              QUEEN            CHAMBER)        DOUBLE XL
*Years 1-4 =           NA         Covered at 100%    Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%
**Year 5 =             NA            $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 6 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 7 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 8 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 9 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 10 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 11 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Year 12 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX
Years 13 - 15 =                      $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX        $     XXX

                   Max %        Price (for one
CENTERWALL          Increase        chamber)
                    --------        --------
                                                                      FULL XL(SINGLE
                                      KING              QUEEN            CHAMBER)        DOUBLE XL
*Years 1-4 =           NA         Covered at 100%    Covered at 100%        NA           Covered at 100%
**Year 5 =             NA            $      XXX         $     XXX           NA             $     XXX
Year 6 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX           NA             $     XXX
Year 7 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX           NA             $     XXX
Year 8 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX           NA             $     XXX
Year 9 =                   6%        $      XXX         $     XXX           NA             $     XXX
Year 10 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX           NA             $     XXX
Year 11 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX           NA             $     XXX
Year 12 =                  6%        $      XXX         $     XXX           NA             $     XXX
Years 13 - 15 =                      $      XXX         $     XXX           NA             $     XXX

                   Max %        Price (for one
TOPPERPAD           Increase        chamber)
                    --------        --------
                                                                      FULL XL(SINGLE
                                      KING              QUEEN            CHAMBER)        DOUBLE XL
*Years 1-4 =           NA       Covered at 100%    Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%     Covered at 100%
**Year 5 =             NA          $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX          $     XXX
Year 6 =                   6%      $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX          $     XXX
Year 7 =                   6%      $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX          $     XXX
Year 8 =                   6%      $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX          $     XXX
Year 9 =                   6%      $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX          $     XXX
Year 10 =                  6%      $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX          $     XXX
Year 11 =                  6%      $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX          $     XXX
Year 12 =                  6%      $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX          $     XXX
Years 13 - 15 =                    $      XXX         $     XXX         $     XXX          $     XXX

* Select  Comfort pays freight back to property on 100% coverage  warranty parts
** Customer will return Pumps & Chambers upon Select Comfort's request to use in
product analysis. Select Comfort will pay freight on these types of returns.

XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.

Warranty - 180 Days 100%
Free From Defects in Materials & Workmanship
Normal "Wear & Tear" Not Covered

                   Max %
Cover               Increase        Price
- -----              ---------        ------
                                                                    FULL XL(SINGLE
                                     KING             QUEEN           CHAMBER)          DOUBLE XL
*Days 1-180            NA      Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%   Covered at 100%      Covered at 100%
***Year 5 =            NA         $      XXX        $     XXX         $     XXX           $     XXX
Year 6 =                   6%     $      XXX        $     XXX         $     XXX           $     XXX
Year 7 =                   6%     $      XXX        $     XXX         $     XXX           $     XXX
Year 8 =                   6%     $      XXX        $     XXX         $     XXX           $     XXX
Year 9 =                   6%     $      XXX        $     XXX         $     XXX           $     XXX
Year 10 =                  6%     $      XXX        $     XXX         $     XXX           $     XXX
Year 11 =                  6%     $      XXX        $     XXX         $     XXX           $     XXX
Year 12 =                  6%     $      XXX        $     XXX         $     XXX           $     XXX
Years 13 - 15 =                   $      XXX        $     XXX         $     XXX           $     XXX

*Select  Comfort pays  freight on cover back to property for first 180 days.
**After 180 days customer does not have to return covers to Select Comfort.

***Property  may  purchase a cover at  anytime  through  year 5 at  $XXX/XXX/XXX
(King/Queen/Full  XL/Double XL) per cover Note:  Cover includes  pillowtop cover
and entire mattress casing

Warranty - 10 Years 100%
Free From Defects in Materials & Workmanship
Normal "Wear & Tear" Not Covered
Customer pays freight both ways on foundations.

XXX  =  Confidential  portion  has  been  omitted  pursuant  to  a  request  for
confidential treatment and has been filed separately with the Commission.