THIS  AGREEMENT,  dated as of April 19,  1999,  is entered  into by and  between
Select Comfort  Corporation,  a Minnesota  corporation (the  "Company"),  and H.
Robert  Hawthorne,  an  individual  resident  of the  State  of  Minnesota  (the


A.   The Company and the Employee  have agreed to certain  terms and  conditions
     relating to the Employee's employment with the Company as set forth herein.

B.   All of the terms and conditions relating to the Employee's  employment with
     the Company are set forth herein and this Agreement supersedes and replaces
     in its entirety any previous  agreement,  letter or understanding  relating
     thereto between the Company and the Employee.

In consideration of the foregoing and the mutual  agreements set forth below the
parties hereto agree as follows:

1.   TERM OF  SERVICE;  DUTIES.  The  Company  and the  Employee  agree that the
     Employee's employment with the Company will continue through July 31, 1999.
     Effective as of April 19, 1999, the Employee  agrees to resign as President
     and Chief Executive  Officer and to assume the role of Vice Chairman of the
     Board of  Directors.  From and after April 19,  1999 and  through  July 31,
     1999,  the Employee  will remain as an employee of the Company and continue
     to perform  services for the Company on a special project basis in areas of
     external corporate  development and corporate  marketing as directed by the
     President and Chief  Executive  Officer or the Chairman of the Board of the
     Company.  The Company  agrees  that it will not  terminate  the  Employee's
     employment with the Company  without cause prior to July 31, 1999.  "Cause"
     shall mean a material  breach by the Employee of the  provisions of Section
     6, 7 or 8 of this Agreement or other conduct of a serious nature that could
     result in damage to the  reputation  or image of the Company.  In addition,
     after April 19, 1999,  the Employee will continue to serve as a director of
     the Company for an indefinite period. The Employee  acknowledges and agrees
     that from and after April 19, 1999, he will not have  authority to bind the
     Company,  contractually or otherwise, except as expressly authorized by the
     President  and Chief  Executive  Officer,  the Chairman of the Board or the
     Board of Directors of the Company.

2.   CONSULTING  SERVICES.  From and after August 1, 1999 and through  April 30,
     2001, the Employee will serve as an  independent  contractor to the Company
     and  continue to perform  consulting  services for the Company on a special
     project  basis in areas of external  corporate  development  and  corporate
     marketing as directed by the President and Chief  Executive  Officer or the
     Chairman of the Board of the Company.

3.   COMPENSATION.  Subject to  reasonable  compliance  by the Employee with the
     terms and  conditions of this  Agreement,  and subject to the execution and
     delivery  by the  Employee of the release in the form of Exhibit A attached
     hereto (the "Release") and the  effectiveness of the Release  following the
     passage of any  applicable  period of time during  which the Release may be
     revoked by the Employee,  and in  consideration  for the obligations of the
     Employee under Section 6 below, the Company agrees to pay, and the Employee
     agrees to accept, in lieu of all other severance or other  compensation set
     forth in any other agreement,  letter or understanding  between the Company
     and the Employee, the following compensation:

     A.   Through  April 30,  1999,  the Employee  will  continue to receive his
          salary at the current rate of pay.

     B.   For the period from May 1, 1999 through  July 31,  1999,  the Employee
          will receive a salary equal to $10,000 per month,  paid in  accordance
          with the Company's  standard payroll  practices,  including timing and
          manner of  payment,  and the  Company  will be  entitled to deduct and
          withhold   any   amounts   necessary   to   satisfy   any   income  or
          employment-related tax requirements.

     C.   For the period from August 1, 1999 through April 30, 2001 the Employee
          will  receive  consulting  fees equal to $8,250  per month,  paid on a
          monthly basis.

4.   BENEFITS.  For the period from May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2001 (or until
     such earlier date as the Employee may obtain comparable or similar coverage
     from another  employer),  the  Employee  will  continue to receive  health,
     dental and life insurance  coverage,  including family coverage as has been
     provided by the Company to the Employee in the past and consistent with the
     Company's  standard  employee benefit plans as in effect from time to time,
     and the Employee  will  continue to pay the  Employee's  pro rata share for
     such coverage  consistent  with what other employees pay for such coverage.
     The provision of such  coverage by the Company as described  above over the
     period after the Employee  ceases to be an Employee of the Company shall be
     deemed to fully  satisfy the  Company's  COBRA  obligations.  Stock options
     previously  granted  to the  Employee  by the  Company  that are  currently
     outstanding  will continue to vest in accordance with the existing terms of
     such options through the remaining term of the Employee's  service with the
     Company  as an  employee.  All  options  that vest  during  the term of the
     Employee's  employment with the Company will remain  exercisable  after the
     termination  of such  employment  only in accordance  with the terms of the
     stock option  agreement and the stock option plan  governing  such options,
     which  provide for the right to exercise  such  options for up to three (3)
     months after termination of employment without cause.

5.   NO OTHER  COMPENSATION.  The  Employee  agrees and  understands  that he is
     entitled to no other  compensation other than as expressly provided in this
     Agreement and will not accrue or become entitled to any benefits other than
     as expressly  provided herein.  The Employee also understands that payments
     made pursuant to this Agreement may be subject to withholding of applicable
     income and other  employment-related  taxes (as well


     as FICA and Medicare) and consents to the Company's  right to withhold from
     such payments as required by applicable tax laws.

     Employee  agrees that from and after the date hereof and through the period
     ended April 30, 2001,  the Employee  will not alone or in any capacity with
     any other person or entity:

     A.   Directly or indirectly engage in any commercial activity that competes
          with the Company's  business,  as it exists on July 31, 1999, anywhere
          in the world; or

     B.   In any way  interfere  or  attempt  to  interfere  with the  Company's
          relationships with any of its current or potential vendors, suppliers,
          distributors or customers; or

     C.   Employ or attempt to employ any of the Company's  employees so long as
          they remain employees of the Company.

     The Employee further agrees that,  except as required in the performance of
     the Employee's  duties for and on behalf of the Company,  the Employee will
     not  at any  time  use  or  disclose  to  any  party  any of the  Company's
     proprietary or confidential information.

7.   NON-DISPARAGEMENT.  The  Employee  agrees  that  he  will  not at any  time
     disparage,  demean or criticize,  or do or say anything to cause injury to,
     the business, reputation, management, employees or products of the Company.
     The  Company  agrees  that it will not at any  time  disparage,  demean  or
     criticize,  or do or say  anything  to cause  injury to the  reputation  or
     career  development  of the  Employee.  In addition to any other damages or
     remedies that may be available to a  non-breaching  party for any breach of
     this  Section 7, any  breaching  party shall  further be  obligated  to the
     non-breaching  party for any reasonable  attorneys' fees and costs incurred
     by the non-breaching party to enforce the provisions of this Section 7.

8.   CONFIDENTIALITY.  The  Company and the  Employee  each agree that they will
     hold the facts and circumstances of this Agreement in strict confidence and
     will not  reveal the  existence  or the terms of this  Agreement  to anyone
     except  as may be  required  by law.  The  Employee  acknowledges  that the
     Company  may be  required  to  file a  copy  of  this  Agreement  with  the
     Securities and Exchange  Commission in which event this Agreement  would be
     publicly  available.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  each of the parties
     hereto will be entitled to advise their respective professional advisors of
     the terms  hereof,  and the Employee  will be entitled to discuss the terms
     hereof with immediate family members.

9.   KNOWING AND WILLFUL  AGREEMENT.  The Employee hereby  acknowledges he fully
     understands and accepts the terms of this Agreement,  that his signature is
     freely,  voluntarily and knowingly  given,  and that he has been provided a
     full  opportunity  to review and reflect on the terms of this Agreement and
     to obtain  the  advice of legal  counsel of his  choice,  which  advice the
     Company has encouraged him to obtain.


10.  RESCISSION PERIOD. After executing this Agreement, the Employee understands
     that he may rescind this  Agreement by  delivering  written  notice of such
     rescission  within  fifteen  (15)  days of this date of such  execution  by
     certified mail, return receipt  requested,  to Select Comfort  Corporation,
     6105 Trenton Lane North,  Minneapolis,  Minnesota 55442, Attn.: Chairman of
     the Board.  The Employee  understands  that this  Agreement will not become
     effective until the end of such 15-day period and only if the Employee does
     not rescind this Agreement.

11.  ENTIRE AGREEMENT.  This Agreement  constitutes the entire agreement between
     the parties and supersedes all previous  negotiations,  representations and
     agreements  heretofore  made by the  parities  with  respect to the subject
     matter  hereof.  No  amendment  waiver or  discharge  hereof shall be valid
     unless in writing and executed by both parties hereto.

12.  GOVERNING LAW. The laws of the State of Minnesota will govern the validity,
     construction  and  performance  of this  Agreement,  without  regard to the
     conflict  of law  provisions  of any  jurisdictions.  Any legal  proceeding
     related  to this  Agreement,  will  be  brought  in a  Minnesota  court  of
     competent  jurisdiction,  and  both the  Company  and the  Employee  hereby
     consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of any such court for this purpose.

13.  SEVERABILITY.  Whenever possible,  each provision of this Agreement will be
     interpreted so that it is valid under  applicable  law. If any provision of
     the Agreement is to any extent rendered  invalid under applicable law, that
     provision  will still be  effective  to the extent it  remains  valid.  The
     remainder of this Agreement also will continue to be valid,  and the entire
     Agreement will continue to be valid in other jurisdictions.

14.  NO  ASSIGNMENT.  The  Employee  may not assign this  Agreement to any third
     party for  whatever  purpose  without  the express  written  consent of the
     Company.  The  Company may not assign this  Agreement  to any third  party,
     except by operation of law through  merger,  consolidation,  liquidation or
     recapitalization,  or by sale of all or substantially  all of the assets of
     the Company, without the express written consent of the Employee.

15.  REMEDIES.  The  parties  hereto  agree  that  the  rights  granted  by this
     Agreement  are both unique and special,  and the parties  contemplate  that
     enforcement  of this  Agreement  may be had by  recourse  to the  equitable
     remedies  available in courts of competent  jurisdiction in addition to any
     other remedies which may be or may become available at law.

16.  BINDING  EFFECT.  This  Agreement  and the  obligations  of the  respective
     parties  hereunder  shall be binding  upon and inure to the  benefit of the
     successors and assigns of the parties hereto. In furtherance of, and not in
     limitation  of, the  foregoing,  the Company  agrees that the provisions of
     this  Agreement  shall be binding  upon any  successor  to the business and
     assets of the Company and the  provisions of this Agreement for the benefit
     of the Employee shall inure to the benefit of the Employee's  estate in the
     event of the  Employee's  death,  including  all  benefits and payments due

17.  RELEASE  BY THE  COMPANY.  Subject to the  execution  and  delivery  by the
     Employee of the Release,  as defined above,  and the  effectiveness  of the
     Release following the passage of


     any  applicable  period of time during  which the Release may be revoked by
     the  Employee,  the  Company  hereby  agrees to release and  discharge  the
     Employee  from any and all claims that the Company may now have against the
     Employee,  provided,  however,  that this  release  shall not extend to any
     claims  based on conduct,  facts or  circumstances  that the Company is not
     aware  of at this  time  and  does  not  extend  to any  conduct,  facts or
     circumstances  described  by clauses (a)  through (d) of Section  302A.251,
     Subdivision 4, which sets forth the items for which a Minnesota corporation
     may not eliminate or limit the liability of a director.

The parties have duly executed this Agreement as of the date set forth above.

                                      SELECT COMFORT CORPORATION

                                      By:  /s/Daniel J. McAthie

                                      Its: President and Chief Executive Officer

                                      H. ROBERT HAWTHORNE

                                      /s/H. Robert Hawthorne



DEFINITIONS.  I intend  all  words  used in this  Release  to have  their  plain
meanings in ordinary  English.  Specific  terms I use in this  Release  have the
following meanings:

     A.   "I", "ME",  "MY" and "YOU" include both me, H. Robert  Hawthorne,  and
          anyone who has or obtains any legal rights or claims through me.

     B.   EMPLOYER,  as used  herein,  shall at all times  mean  Select  Comfort
          Corporation   and  any  of  its  related   corporations,   affiliates,
          associated  entities,  Board  Members,  subsidiaries,  successors  and
          assigns,  present or former officers,  directors,  agents,  employees,
          attorneys, whether in their individual or official capacities, and the
          current and former trustees or  administrators of any pension or other
          benefit  plan  applicable  to the  employees  or former  employees  of
          Employer, in their official and individual capacities.

     C.   MY CLAIMS  mean all of the  claims of any kind  whatsoever  I have now
          against Employer, regardless of whether I now know about those claims,
          in any way related to my employment  with or separation from Employer,
          including,  but not limited to, claims for invasion of privacy; breach
          of contract;  fraud or  misrepresentation;  violation of the Minnesota
          Human  Rights Act,  Title VII of the 1964 Civil  Rights Act,  the Fair
          Labor Standards Act, the Americans With Disabilities Act, the National
          Labor  Relations Act, the Age  Discrimination  in Employment  Act, the
          Family Medical Leave Act, all as amended, Minn. Stat. Section 181.932,
          or  any  other  federal,  state,  or  local  statutes,   laws,  rules,
          regulations,  ordinances or orders, including but not limited to those
          civil rights laws based on protected class status;  assault,  battery,
          defamation, intentional or negligent infliction of emotional distress;
          breach of the  covenant  of good  faith and fair  dealing;  promissory
          estoppel;  negligence;  and all other claims for  unlawful  employment
          practices,  and all other common law or statutory claims. I understand
          that I am  not  releasing  claims  under  the  Age  Discrimination  in
          Employment Act which arise after the date on which I sign this Release
          and the Employment  and  Consulting  Agreement to which it is attached
          (the  "Agreement").  The term "My  Claims"  also does not  include any
          claims I may have against  Employer for performance of its obligations
          under the Agreement.

AGREEMENT TO RELEASE MY CLAIMS. I am receiving  satisfactory  consideration from
Employer  to which I am not  otherwise  entitled  by law,  contract or under any
policy of Employer. I agree to give up all My Claims and withdraw any and all of
my charges and lawsuits against Employer in exchange for that  consideration.  I
will not bring any lawsuits, file any charges, complaints or notices or make any
other  demands  against  Employer  based on My Claims.  The  consideration  I am
receiving is a full and fair payment for the release of all My Claims.  Employer
does not owe me anything in addition to what I will be receiving.


ADDITIONAL  AGREEMENTS AND UNDERSTANDINGS.  Even though Employer is paying me to
release My Claims,  I understand  and  acknowledge  that Employer does not admit
that it may be  responsible  or  legally  obligated  to me.  In  fact,  Employer
expressly  denies that it is responsible  or legally  obligated for My Claims or
that it has engaged in any wrongdoing.  I am also hereby advised to consult with
an attorney before I sign this Release and the Agreement.

Nothing contained herein, however, shall be construed to prohibit me from filing
a charge  with the  Equal  Employment  Opportunity  Commission,  but my  release
includes  a release  of my right to file a court  action  or to seek  individual
remedies or damages in any Equal Employment  Opportunity  Commission-filed court
action, and my release of these rights shall apply with full force and effect to
any proceedings arising from or relating to such a charge.

ACCEPTANCE PERIOD. I understand that the terms of the Agreement and this Release
shall be open for acceptance by me for a period of at least twenty-one (21) days
after the date set forth above,  during which time I may consider whether or not
to accept the Agreement and this Release and seek counsel to advise me regarding
the same.

RIGHT TO RESCIND AND/OR REVOKE. I understand that I have the right to revoke the
Agreement and this Release only insofar as it extends to potential  claims under
the  Age  Discrimination  in  Employment  Act by  informing  Employer's  Counsel
(identified  below) of my intent to revoke the Agreement and this Release within
seven (7) calendar days following my execution of it.

I understand  that I likewise  have the right to rescind the  Agreement and this
Release only insofar as it extends to potential claims under the Minnesota Human
Rights Act by written  notice to Employer  within  fifteen  (15)  calendar  days
following my execution of the Agreement and this  Release.  Any such  rescission
must be in  writing  and  hand-delivered  to  Employer  or,  if  sent  by  mail,
postmarked  within the applicable time period,  sent by certified  mail,  return
receipt requested,  and addressed as follows:  Select Comfort Corporation,  6105
Trenton Lane North, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55442, Attn.: Chairman of the Board.

I agree that if I exercise any right of rescission or  revocation,  Employer may
at its option either  nullify the Agreement in its entirety or keep it in effect
as to all claims not rescinded or revoked in accordance  with the  rescission or
revocation  provisions of this Release Agreement.  In the event Employer opts to
nullify the entire  Agreement,  neither I nor  Employer  will have any rights or
obligations whatsoever under the Agreement and this Release.

I have read this Release carefully and understand all its terms. I have reviewed
this Release with my own attorney or have knowingly and  voluntarily  chosen not
to do so. In agreeing to sign this Release,  I have not relied on any statements
or explanations made by Employer or their attorneys.


I understand and agree that this Release and the Agreement  pursuant to which it
is given contain all the  agreements  between  Employer and me. We have no other
written nor oral agreements.

Dated: April 22, 1999                              /s/H. Robert Hawthorne
                                                   H. Robert Hawthorne

Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 22 day of April, 1999.

/s/Bernadette S. Ammons
Notary Public
