Exhibit 20.2

                                 NO. 96-CI-08327

on behalf of themselves and all other   (S)
limited partners of Courtyard by        (S)
Marriott II Limited Partnership         (S)

v.                                      (S)

CBM TWO CORPORATION,                    (S)
COURTYARD MANAGEMENT                    (S)
CORPORATION, HOST                       (S)
INTERNATIONAL INC.,                     (S)
STEPHEN RUSHMORE and                    (S)
HOSPITALITY VALUATION                   (S)
SERVICES, INC.                          (S)          285th JUDICIAL DISTRICT


                                 NO. 98-CI-04092

ROBERT M. HAAS, SR. and                 (S)          IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF
IRWIN RANDOLPH,                         (S)
JOINT TENANTS, ET AL.                   (S)

VS.                                     (S)

INC.,  HOST MARRIOTT                    (S)
CORPORATION, CBM ONE                    (S)
CORPORATION, CBM TWO                    (S)
CORPORATION, COURTYARD                  (S)
RIBM ONE CORPORATION,                   (S)
MARRIOTT RIBM TWO                       (S)
CORPORATION, RESIDENCE                  (S)
INN BY MARRIOTT, INC.,                  (S)
MARRIOTT FIBM ONE                       (S)
CORPORATION, FAIRFIELD                  (S)          BEXAR  COUNTY,  TEXAS
FMC CORPORATION, INC.,                  (S)
CORPORATION, MARRIOTT                   (S)

CORPORATION, MARRIOTT                   (S)
HOTEL SERVICES, INC.,                   (S)
MARRIOTT MARQUIS                        (S)
CORPORATION, MARRIOTT                   (S)
HOTELS, INC., HOST                      (S)
INTERNATIONAL, INC.,                    (S)
J.W. MARRIOTT, JR.,                     (S)
STEPHEN RUSHMORE and                    (S)

                              SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT


         This Settlement Agreement, dated as of March 9, 2000, is made and
entered  into  by and  among  the  following  parties:  (i)  the  representative
Plaintiffs,  A.R. Milkes,  Donald Burklew,  Charles Carey, Linda McGuire-Raskin,
Mortimer  Goodkin,  Wesley  Tinker,  Robert M. Haas,  Sr.,  and Marsha  Hendler,
individually  and on behalf of each of the members of the  Courtyard by Marriott
II  Limited  Partnership  ("CBM  II LP")  Class  certified  by the  Order of the
Honorable Michael Peden,  dated June 23, 1998, as modified on July 21, 1998 (the
"Milkes  Plaintiffs"),  by and  through  their  counsel of record in the lawsuit
styled Cause No.  96-CI-08327;  A.R.  Milkes and D.R.  Burklew v. Host  Marriott
Corporation,  et al.; in the 285th Judicial District Court, Bexar County,  Texas
(the "Milkes  Litigation");  (ii) each of the individual named Plaintiffs in the
lawsuit  styled  Cause No.  98-CI-04092;  Robert M.  Haas,  Sr.,  et al. v. Host
Marriott  Corporation,  et al.;  in the 57th  Judicial  District  Court of Bexar
County, Texas (the "Haas Litigation"),  together with all putative class members
(the "Haas  Plaintiffs"),  by and  through  their  counsel of record in the Haas
Litigation;  (iii) the Palm and Equity  Intervenors  as defined  herein,  by and
through their counsel of record in the Milkes and Haas Litigation;  and (iv) the
Defendants,  Host Marriott Corporation,  Marriott  International,  Inc., CBM One
LLC(successor  by  merger to CBM One  Corporation),  CBM Two LLC  (successor  by
merger to CBM Two Corporation), Host International,  Inc., Courtyard by Marriott
II Limited Partnership, RIBM One LLC (successor by

Settlement Agreement - Page 2

merger to RIBM One  Corporation),  RIBM Two LLC (successor by merger to Marriott
RIBM Two Corporation),  Residence Inn by Marriott,  Inc., FIBM One LLC(successor
by merger to Marriott FIBM One  Corporation),  Fairfield FMC Corporation,  Inc.,
HMC Desert LLC  (successor by merger to Marriott  Desert  Springs  Corporation),
Marriott Desert Springs Development Corporation,  Marriott Hotel Services, Inc.,
Marriott  Marquis  Corporation,  Marriott  Hotels,  Inc.,  Courtyard  Management
Corporation  and J.W.  Marriott,  Jr., by and through their counsel of record in
the Milkes and Haas Litigations. The Milkes Plaintiffs, the Haas Plaintiffs, the
Palm  Intervenors,  the Equity  Intervenors and the Defendants are  collectively
referred to as the "Settling Parties." This Settlement  Agreement is intended by
the Settling Parties to fully, finally and forever resolve, discharge and settle
the  Released  Claims,  as  defined  herein,  upon and  subject to the terms and
conditions hereof.




         On June 7, 1996,  Whitey Ford and 136 other limited  partners in CBM II
LP instituted  suit. On September 20, 1996,  the suit was amended to include 443
CBM II LP  limited  partners.  By March 17,  1997,  approximately  454 CBM II LP
limited partners had joined the Milkes Litigation.

         On January 29, 1998,  representative  Plaintiffs,  A.R. Milkes and D.R.
Burklew,  filed a class action  lawsuit,  on behalf of themselves and a proposed
class  of  current  and  former  CBM II LP  limited  partners,  against  certain
defendants.  On June 23, 1998,  the Court  certified the Milkes  Litigation as a
Class action  pursuant to the Texas Rules of Civil  Procedure 42(a) and (b) with
the Class  defined as "all  limited  partners in the CBM II LP as of January 31,
1998; excluding,

Settlement Agreement - Page 3

however, the defendants, their parent corporations, subsidiaries and affiliates,
and their  predecessors  and successors in interest,  and the present  officers,
directors,  or employees of any defendant or of any  predecessor or successor in
interest of any Defendant" (the "CBM II LP Class").

     The  Court  appointed  as  representative  Plaintiffs,  A.R.  Milkes,  D.R.
Burklew,  Charles Carey, Mortimer Goodkin, Linda McGuire-Raskin,  Wesley Tinker,
Robert M. Haas, Sr. and Marsha Hendler,  and by Order dated July 21, 1998, named
as Lead Class Counsel,  David Berg and the law firm of Berg,  Androphy & Wilson.
The Court further  designated,  as co-counsel  for the CBM II LP Class,  Stephen
Hackerman and the law firm of Hackerman,  Peterson,  Frankel & Manela;  David E.
Warden, and the law firm of Yetter & Warden;  James L. Branton, and the law firm
of Branton & Hall; James Moriarty and the law firm of Moriarty & Associates, PC;
J. Boyd Page and the law firm of Page & Bacek,  LLP;  Linda  Broocks and the law
firm of Ogden, Gibson, White & Broocks, LLP; Charles E. Dorr and the law firm of
Charles E. Dorr, P.C.; Roy Barrera,  Sr. and the law firm of Nicholas & Barrera,
P.C.;  and J.A.  Canales  and the law firm of  Canales &  Simonson.  Lead  Class
Counsel and co-counsel are hereinafter  collectively referred to as "Plaintiffs'

     A Notice  of  Pendency  of Class  Action  was  sent,  in a form and  manner
approved  by the Court (the "CBM II LP Notice of  Pendency"),  to members of the
CBM II LP Class,  advising  them of the  pendency of the Milkes  Litigation  and
giving them the right to request  exclusion  therefrom,  and notifying them that
any CBM II LP Class  member who failed to request  exclusion  as provided in the
CBM II LP  Notice  of  Pendency  would  be bound  by any  judgment  subsequently
rendered  therein.  Certain limited partners of CBM II LP, namely the Equity and
Palm  Intervenors,  requested  exclusion from the CBM II LP Class. The CBM II LP
Notice of

Settlement Agreement - Page 4

Pendency  satisfied  the  requirements  of  Texas  Rule of  Civil  Procedure  42
regarding,  among other things, the rights of CBM II LP Class members to request
exclusion from the Milkes Litigation,  and no additional  opportunity to request
exclusion is required.

     After opting-out of the CBM II LP Class, on March 11, 1999, Palm Investors,
LLC, as a limited partner in CBM II LP and as an alleged  assignee of all right,
title and interest formerly held by certain CBM II LP limited  partners,  by and
through  its  counsel  of record,  R. James  George and the law firm of George &
Donaldson,  LLP ("Palm's  Counsel"),  intervened in the Milkes  Litigation  (the
"Palm  Intervenors").  Similarly,  on March 25, 1999,  Equity  Resource  Fund X,
Equity  Resource Fund XV, Equity  Resource Fund XVI,  Equity Resource Fund XVII,
Equity  Resource Fund XX, Equity  Resource Fund XXI,  Equity  Resource Bay Fund,
Equity  Resource  Bridge Fund and Equity  Resource  Pilgrim Fund, by and through
their counsel of record, J. Patrick Deely and the law firm of Cheslock,  Deely &
Rapp  ("Equity's  Counsel"),  filed  their  Plea in  Intervention,  on behalf of
themselves and as alleged  assignees of all right,  title and interest  formerly
held by certain CBM II LP limited partners (the "Equity Intervenors").

     On  August  27,  1999,  CBM Two  LLC,  the  General  Partner  of CBM II LP,
appointed  a  Special  Litigation  Committee  (the  "SLC"),  consisting  of  the
Honorable  William  H.  Webster  and  the  Honorable  Charles  B.  Renfrew,   to
investigate,  review and analyze  the facts and  circumstances  surrounding  the
alleged  derivative  claims  asserted  on  behalf  of CBM  II LP in  the  Milkes
Litigation. The SLC retained, as its counsel, Richard C. Tufaro and the law firm
of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, LLP (the "SLC's Counsel").

         On January 19, 2000, the Court signed an Order granting J.W.  Marriott,
Jr.'s Special Appearance and dismissing him from the Milkes Litigation.

            The  Milkes  Litigation  alleges,   among  other  things,  that  the
Defendants, or some of them:

Settlement Agreement - Page 5

(1) breached and knowingly  participated in breaches of fiduciary  duties to the
limited  partners in CBM II LP and to CBM II LP; (2)  defrauded and conspired to
defraud the CBM II LP limited partners and CBM II LP; (3) conspired  against the
CBM II LP limited partners and CBM II LP; (4) violated the TEXAS FREE ENTERPRISE
& ANTITRUST ACT OF 1983;  (5) breached  certain  contracts;  and (6)  tortiously
interfered with certain contracts.  Defendants denied all allegations  contained
in the Milkes Lawsuit and have raised  numerous  affirmative  defenses  thereto,
including, without limitation, the statutes of limitations.

         B.       THE HAAS LITIGATION

     On March 16, 1998,  Robert M. Haas, Sr. and Irwin Randolph,  joint tenants,
et al.,  filed suit  against  Defendants,  Marriott  International,  Inc.,  Host
Marriott Corporation,  CBM One LLC (successor by merger to CBM One Corporation),
CBM Two LLC (successor by merger to CBM Two  Corporation),  Host  International,
Inc., Courtyard by Marriott II Limited  Partnership,  RIBM One LLC (successor by
merger to RIBM One  Corporation),  RIBM Two LLC (successor by merger to Marriott
RIBM Two Corporation),  Residence Inn by Marriott, Inc., FIBM One LLC (successor
by merger to Marriott FIBM One  Corporation),  Fairfield FMC Corporation,  Inc.,
HMC Desert LLC  (successor by merger to Marriott  Desert  Springs  Corporation),
Marriott Desert Springs Development Corporation,  Marriott Hotel Services, Inc.,
Marriott  Marquis  Corporation,  Marriott  Hotels,  Inc.,  Courtyard  Management
Corporation,  J.W.  Marriott,  Jr., Stephen  Rushmore and Hospitality  Valuation
Services, Inc. Thereafter, on March 18, 1999, Jack L. Walker and Maury F. Weiss,
individually  and on behalf of certain limited partners in Courtyard by Marriott
Limited  Partnership ("CBM I LP"), filed a Class Action Petition in Intervention
against Defendants.  On March 26, 1999, Palm Investors, LLC, on behalf of itself
and as an alleged assignee of all rights,  title and interests  formerly held by
certain limited partners in CBM I LP,

Settlement Agreement - Page 6

by and through Palm's Counsel, filed its Plea in Intervention. On April 5, 1999,
Equity  Resource Fund XI, Equity  Resource  Fund XIV,  Equity  Resource Fund XV,
Equity  Resource Fund XVII,  Equity  Resource Fund XX, Equity Resource Fund XXI,
Equity  Resource  Bay Fund,  Equity  Resource  Bridge  Fund and Equity  Resource
Pilgrim Fund, on behalf of  themselves  and as alleged  assignees of all rights,
titles and  interests  formally  held by limited  partners  in CBM I LP,  Palm's
Counsel, filed its Plea in Intervention.  On April 5, 1999, Equity Resourse Fund
XI, Equity  Resource  Fund XIV,  Equity  Resource Fund XV, Equity  Resource Fund
XVII,  Equity  Resource Fund XX, Equity  Resource Fund XXI,  Equity Resource Bay
Fund, Equity Resource Bridge Fund and Equity Resource Pilgrim Fund, on behalf of
themselves and as alleged assignees of all rights, titles and interests formally
held by limited partners in CMB I LP, by and through Equity's Counsel, filed its
Plea in  Intervention.  Thereafter,  Intervenors  Walker  and  Weiss  moved  for
certification  of a class of certain  limited  partners  of CBM I LP,  which was
denied by the Court.

         On August 17, 1999, CBM One LLC, the General Partner of CBM I LP,
appointed the SLC to investigate, review and analyze the facts and circumstances
surrounding the alleged  derivative claims asserted on behalf of CBM I LP in the
Haas Litigation.

         The Haas Litigation involves the following limited partnerships:  CBM I
LP, Marriott Residence Inn Limited Partnership  ("Residence Inn I LP"), Marriott
Residence Inn II Limited Partnership  ("Residence Inn II LP"),  Fairfield Inn by
Marriott  Limited  Partnership  ("Fairfield  Inn LP"),  Desert Springs  Marriott
Limited  Partnership  ("Desert Springs LP") and Atlanta Marriott Marquis Limited
Partnership and Atlanta  Marriott Marquis II Limited  Partnership  (collectively
"Atlanta Marquis LP"), which are collectively referred to as the Haas Litigation
limited  partnerships.  The  Complaint  and  Pleas in  Intervention  in the Haas
Litigation allege, among other things, that the Defendants, or some of them: (1)
breached and knowingly  participated in breaches of fiduciary  duties to various
limited partners and partnerships in the Haas Litigation  limited  partnerships;
(2) defrauded and conspired to defraud various limited partners and partnerships
in the Haas  Litigation  limited  partnerships;  (3) conspired  against  various
limited partners and partnerships in the Haas Litigation  limited  partnerships;
(4) violated

Settlement Agreement - Page 7

the  TEXAS  FREE  ENTERPRISE  &  ANTITRUST  ACT OF 1983;  (5)  breached  certain
contracts;  and (6) tortiously  interfered  with certain  contracts.  Defendants
denied  all  allegations  contained  in the Haas  Litigation,  and  have  raised
numerous  defenses  thereto,  including,  without  limitation,  the  statutes of


         Extensive discovery and investigation have been conducted in the Milkes
Litigation and, to a lesser degree, the Haas Litigation,  including, inter alia:
(i)  inspecting  hundreds of  thousands  of pages of  documents  produced by the
Defendants and non-parties;  (ii) deposing numerous present and former employees
of the Defendants; (iii) deposing Plaintiffs; (iv) deposing non-party witnesses;
(v) employing and  consulting  with experts,  including  reviewing and producing
expert  reports and  attending  and taking expert  depositions;  (vi)  reviewing
public and on-line filings; and (vii) researching applicable law with respect to
the claims asserted in the Milkes and Haas Litigations.  Discovery in the Milkes
Litigation included documents and deposition testimony relevant to claims in the
Haas Litigation. Settlement discussions,  individually, with a mediator and with
the SLC, have been intense and protracted.


         Plaintiffs'  Counsel believe that the claims asserted in the Milkes and
Haas Litigations have merit.  They all recognize and acknowledge,  however,  the
risks  and  uncertainties  associated  with the  continued  prosecution  of this
time-consuming litigation, and therefore,  believe, that in consideration of all
the  circumstances,  the  proposed  Settlement  set  forth  in  this  Settlement
Agreement  confers  substantial  benefits  upon  the  Plaintiffs  and  that  the
Settlement  is  fair,  adequate,  reasonable  and in the  best  interest  of the
Plaintiffs, the Palm Intervenors and the Equity

Settlement Agreement - Page 8

Intervenors.  The SLC and the SLC's Counsel also believe  that,  with respect to
CBM I LP subject to Paragraph 9.3 below,  and CBM II LP, the Settlement is fair,
adequate and reasonable and it is in the best interests of the Settling  Parties
for the SLC to resolve the derivative claims relating to CBM I LP and CBM II LP.


         The  Defendants  have  denied and  continue to deny each and all of the
claims and  contentions  of wrongdoing or liability  against them arising out of
the  conduct,  statements,  acts or omissions  alleged,  or that could have been
alleged, in the Milkes and Haas Litigations. The Defendants also have denied and
continue to deny, inter alia, that: (1) any Defendant has breached any contracts
or fiduciary duties;  (2) any fraud,  deceit or  misrepresentations  occurred in
connection  with the  formation,  operation or  management of any hotel or hotel
limited partnership  connected with any of these Defendants;  and (3) anyone was
harmed by any conduct alleged in the Milkes and Haas Litigations.

         Nonetheless,  although each deny  wrongdoing of any kind whatsoever and
without  admitting  liability,  the  Defendants  have concluded that the further
conduct of the Milkes and Haas  Litigations  would be protracted  and expensive,
and that it is  desirable  that the  Milkes  and Haas  Litigations  be fully and
finally  settled in the manner  and upon the terms and  conditions  set forth in
this Settlement Agreement in order to limit the burden,  expense,  inconvenience
and distraction  caused by the Milkes and Haas Litigations and to repurchase the
CBM I LP Units and CBM II LP Units.  The Defendants also have taken into account
the uncertainties and risks inherent in complex litigation.

Settlement Agreement - Page 9


Plaintiffs,  the  Palm  Intervenors,  the  Equity  Intervenors,  the SLC and the
Defendants,  by and  through  their  counsel  of record in the  Milkes  and Haas
Litigations,  that,  subject to the  approval of the Court,  the Milkes and Haas
Litigations and the Released  Claims shall be finally and fully  compromised and
settled,  and the Milkes and Haas  Litigations  shall be dismissed on the merits
and with  prejudice  as to the  Defendants,  upon and  subject  to the terms and
conditions of this Settlement Agreement, as follows:

         1.   Definitions

         As used in this  Settlement  Agreement  the  following  terms  have the
meanings specified below:

         1.1  "Atlanta Marquis LP" means the Atlanta Marriott Marquis Limited
Partnership and Atlanta Marriott Marquis II Limited Partnership.

         1.2 "Atlanta Marquis LP's Counsel" means Lawrence P. Kolker and the law
firm of Wolf,  Haldenstein,  Adler,  Freeman & Herz, LLP, and Martin D. Chitwood
and the law firm of Chitwood and Harley.

         1.3 "Atlanta Marquis LP Notice" means the Notice of Proposed Settlement
of Class  Action and  Settlement  Hearing to be given to the Atlanta  Marquis LP
Class which will be certified as part of the Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement,  and
to the Palm Intervenors and the Equity  Intervenors,  if any, who formerly owned
units in Atlanta Marquis LP.

         1.4 "Atlanta Marquis LP Plaintiffs"  means all persons named as parties
in the Haas Litigation and who formerly owned units in the Atlanta Marquis LP.

         1.5  "Atlanta Marquis LP Proof of Claim" means the Atlanta Marquis LP
Proof of Claim and Release.

Settlement Agreement - Page 10

         1.6  "Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement" means the settlement of the Sturm

         1.7 "Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement Amount" means the aggregate of $4.25
million or $8,018.86 for each of the former 530 Atlanta Marquis LP Units
that does not opt-out of the Atlanta Marquis Settlement and executes the Atlanta
Marquis LP Proof of Claim,  reduced,  however,  by  $8,018.86  for each  Atlanta
Marquis LP Unit below 530 which fails to settle as provided herein.

         1.8  "Atlanta  Marquis  LP Unit"  means a unit of  limited  partnership
interest in Atlanta Marquis LP.

         1.9  "CBM I LP" means the Courtyard by Marriott Limited Partnership.

         1.10 "CBM I LP Consent  Form" means the form  contained in the CBM I LP
Purchase  Offer/Consent  Solicitation  Statement to be completed and returned to
the Claims Administrator to vote on the Proposed CBM I LP Partnership  Agreement
Amendments and CBM I LP Merger.

         1.11 "CBM I LP Purchase Offer/Consent Solicitation Statement" means the
Purchase/Offer  Consent Solicitation  Statement which may be set forth in one or
more  documents,  to be prepared by the Joint Venture and CBM I LP for inclusion
in the CBM I LP Notice  and,  following  Court  approval of the CBM I LP Notice,
distributed  to the  limited  partners  of CBM I LP  seeking  (i) their  written
consent to the CBM I LP Merger and the Proposed CBM I LP  Partnership  Agreement
Amendments;  and (ii) their  assignment,  transfer and  conveyance  to the Joint
venture or one or more of its designees of all right,  title and interest in all
CBM I LP Units, half-CBM I LP Units and other fractional CBM I LP Units owned by
such person,  together with all right, title and interest held, owned or claimed
in CBM I LP, free and clear of all pledges, security interests,  liens and other
encumbrances whatsoever.

Settlement Agreement - Page 11

         1.12 "CBM I LP Merger"  means the merger of a  subsidiary  of the Joint
Venture  with  and  into  CBM I LP,  with  CBM I LP  surviving,  pursuant  to an
agreement and plan of merger to be entered into and attached to the CBM I LP
Purchase Offer/Consent Solicitation Statement, as more particularly described in
Paragraph 2.9(b) hereof.

         1.13 "CBM I LP Notice" means the Notice of Proposed Settlement of Class
Action  and  Settlement  Hearing  and  the  CBM  I  LP  Purchase   Offer/Consent
Solicitation Statement and Consent Form which will be approved by the Court and
given  to the CBM I LP Class  which  will be  certified  as part of the CBM I LP
Settlement,  and to the Palm Intervenors and Equity Intervenors who own CBM I LP

         1.14 "CBM I LP  Plaintiffs"  means all persons  named as parties in the
Haas Litigation who own units in and/or a claim concerning CBM I LP, other than
the Palm Intervenors and the Equity Intervenors, and all putative members of the
CBM I LP Class to be certified in the Haas Litigation.

         1.15  "CBM I LP  Proof of  Claim"  means  the CBM I LP Proof of  Claim,
Assignment and Release.

         1.16 "CBM I LP Settlement" means the satisfaction of all the Settlement
terms and conditions as set forth herein.

         1.17 "CBM  I  LP  Settlement  Amount "  means  the  aggregate  of
$154,249,500.00 or $134,130.00 for each of the 1,150 CBM I LP Units, $67,065 for
each half-CBM I LP Unit, or a reduced  pro-rata amount for each other fractional
CBM I LP Unit,  that is assigned,  transferred and conveyed to the Joint Venture
or to one or more its designees  pursuant to this  Settlement  Agreement and for
which a CBM I LP  Proof  of  Claim  is  provided  pursuant  to the CBM I LP Unit
Acquisition,  the aggregate amount reduced, however, by $134,130.00 per CBM I LP

Settlement Agreement - Page 12

or a pro-rata  amount for each  half-CBM I LP Unit or  fractional  CBM I LP Unit
below 1,150 CBM I LP Units  which is not so  assigned,  transferred  or conveyed
(including the 15 CBM I LP Units held by CBM One LLC) and reduced further by the
amount, if any, a holder of any CBM I LP Unit owes on the purchase price of such

         1.18 "CBM I LP Unit"  means a unit of limited  partnership  interest in

         1.19 "CBM I LP Unit  Acquisition"  means the  acquisition  by the Joint
Venture or one of more of its  designees of the CBM I LP Units held by the CBM I
LP  Plaintiffs,  the Palm  Intervenors,  the  Equity  Intervenors  and  Insiders
(excluding CBM One LLC).

         1.20 "CBM I LP Unit  Acquisition  Closing Date" means the date on which
the CBM I LP Unit Acquisition is consummated.

         1.21  "CBM  II  LP"  means  the   Courtyard   by  Marriott  II  Limited

         1.22 "CBM II LP Consent Form" means the form contained in the CBM II LP
Purchase  Offer/Consent  Solicitation  Statement to be completed and returned to
the Claims Administrator to vote on the Proposed CBM II LP Partnership Agreement
Amendments and CBM II LP Merger.

         1.23 "CBM II LP Purchase Offer/Consent Solicitation Statement" means
the Purchase/Offer Consent Solicitation Statement, which may be set forth in one
or  more  documents,  to be  prepared  by the  Joint  Venture  and CBM II LP for
inclusion in the CBM II LP Notice and, following Court approval of the CBM II LP
Notice,  distributed  to the  limited  partners  of CBM II LP seeking  (i) their
written  consent to the CBM II LP Merger and the Proposed CBM II LP  Partnership
Agreement Amendments; and (ii) their assignment,  transfer and conveyance to the
Joint Venture or one or more of its  designees of all right,  title and interest
in all CBM II LP Units,  half-CBM  II LP Units and  other  fractional  CBM II LP
Units owned by

Settlement Agreement - Page 13

such person,  together with all right, title and interest held, owned or claimed
in CBM II LP, free and clear of all pledges, security interests, liens and other
encumbrances whatsoever.

         1.24 "CBM II LP Merger"  means the merger of a subsidiary  of the Joint
Venture  with and  into CBM II LP,  with  CBM II LP  surviving,  pursuant  to an
agreement  and plan of merger to be entered  into and  attached to the CBM II LP
Purchase Offer/Consent Solicitation Statement, as more particularly described in
Paragraph 3.8(b) hereof.

         1.25 "CBM II LP Notice"  means the  Notice of  Proposed  Settlement  of
Class  Action and  Settlement  Hearing and the CBM II LP Purchase  Offer/Consent
Solicitation  Statement and Consent Form will be approved by the Court and given
to the CBM II LP Class, and to the Palm  Intervenors and the Equity  Intervenors
who own CBM II LP Units.

         1.26 "CBM II LP Plaintiffs" means all persons named as parties in the
Milkes  Litigation,  who own units in and/or a claim concerning CBM II LP, other
than the Palm Intervenors and the Equity Intervenors,  together with all members
of the CBM II LP Class certified in the Milkes Litigation.

         1.27  "CBM II LP Proof of  Claim"  means  the CBM II LP Proof of Claim,
Assignment and Release.

         1.28  "CBM  II  LP  Settlement"  means  the  satisfaction  of  all  the
Settlement terms and conditions as set forth herein.

         1.29 "CBM II LP Settlement Amount" means the aggregate of
$217,499,730.00 or $147,959.00 for each of the 1,470 CBM II LP Units, $73,979.50
for each  half-CBM  II LP Unit,  or a reduced  pro-rata  amount  for each  other
fractional  CBM II LP Unit,  that is assigned,  transferred  and conveyed to the
Joint  Venture or to one or more of its  designees  pursuant to this  Settlement
Agreement and for which a CBM II LP Proof of Claim is provided pursuant to the

Settlement Agreement - Page 14

CBM  II  LP  Unit  Acquisition,   the  aggregate  amount  reduced,  however,  by
$147,959.00  per CBM II LP Unit,  or a pro-rata  amount for each  half-CBM II LP
Unit or  fractional  CBM II LP Unit below  1,470 CBM II LP Units which is not so
assigned,  transferred or conveyed  (including  21.5 CBM II LP Units held by CBM
Two LLC) and reduced  further by the  amount,  if any, a holder of any CBM II LP
Unit owes on the purchase price of such unit.

         1.30 "CBM II LP Unit" means a unit of limited  partnership  interest in

         1.31 "CBM II LP Unit  Acquisition"  means the  acquisition by the Joint
Venture or one or more of its  designees  of the CBM II LP Units held by the CBM
II LP Plaintiffs,  the Palm  Intervenors,  the Equity  Intervenors  and Insiders
(excluding CBM Two LLC).

         1.32 "CBM II LP Unit Acquisition  Closing Date" means the date on which
the CBM II LP Unit Acquisition is consummated.

         1.33 "Claims Administrator" means GEMISYS, Proxy Department, 7103 South
Revere Parkway, Englewood, Colorado 80112.

         1.34   "Defendants"   means   Host   Marriott   Corporation,   Marriott
International,  Inc., CBM One LLC (successor by merger to CBM One  Corporation),
CBM Two LLC (successor by merger to CBM Two  Corporation),  Host  International,
Inc., Courtyard by Marriott II Limited  Partnership,  RIBM One LLC (successor by
merger to RIBM One  Corporation),  RIBM Two LLC (successor by merger to Marriott
RIBM Two Corporation),  Residence Inn by Marriott, Inc., FIBM One LLC (successor
by merger to Marriott FIBM One  Corporation),  Fairfield FMC Corporation,  Inc.,
Marriott  Desert  Springs LLC  (successor by merger to Marriott  Desert  Springs
Corporation),  Marriott Desert Springs Development  Corporation,  Marriott Hotel
Services,  Inc., Marriott Marquis Corporation,  Marriott Hotels, Inc., Courtyard
Management Corporation and J.W. Marriott, Jr.

Settlement Agreement - Page 15

         1.35  "Defendants'   Counsel"  means  those  attorneys  and  law  firms
representing the Defendants in the Litigation.

         1.36 "Desert Springs LP" means the Desert Springs Marriott Limited

         1.37 "Desert Springs LP Notice" means the Notice of Proposed Settlement
of Class  Action and  Settlement  Hearing  to be given to the Desert  Springs LP
Class which will be certified as part of the Desert Springs LP  Settlement,  and
to the Palm  Intervenors and the Equity  Intervenors who formerly owned units in
Desert Springs LP.

         1.38 "Desert Springs LP Plaintiffs" means all persons named  as parties
in the Haas Litigation who formerly owned units in and/or a claim concerning the
Desert Springs LP, other than the Palm  Intervenors and the Equity  Intervenors,
and all putative  members of the Desert  Springs LP Class to be certified in the
Haas Litigation.

         1.39 "Desert Springs LP Proof of Claim" means the Desert Springs LP
Proof of Claim and Release.

         1.40 "Desert Springs LP Settlement"  means the  satisfaction of all the
Settlement terms and conditions as set forth herein.

         1.41  "Desert  Springs LP  Settlement  Amount"  means the  aggregate of
$12,111,000.00,  or (i)  $21,900.54 per unit to former holders of the 206 former
Desert Springs LP units who are currently Plaintiffs in the Haas Litigation that
do not opt-out of the Desert Springs LP Class and executes the Desert Springs LP
Proof of Claim,  the aggregate amount reduced,  however,  by $21,900.54 for each
unit below 206 which fails to settle as provided herein; and (ii) $10,950.27 per
unit to the former  holders of the 694 remaining  former units of Desert Springs
LP as of December  28,  1998 that do not opt-out of the Desert  Springs LP Class
and execute the Desert Springs LP Proof of Claim,  the aggregate amount reduced,
however, by $10,950.27 for each unit

Settlement Agreement - Page 16

below 694 which fails to settle as provided herein.

         1.42  "Effective  Date" means the  business  day on which the  Judgment
Order becomes Final.

         1.43 "Equity  Intervenors"  shall mean Equity  Resource  Fund X, Equity
Resource Fund XII,  Equity  Resource Fund XIV,  Equity  Resource Fund XV, Equity
Resource Fund XVI,  Equity  Resource Fund XVII,  Equity Resource Fund XX, Equity
Resource Fund XXI,  Equity  Resource Bay Fund,  Equity Resource Bridge Fund, and
Equity Resource Pilgrim Fund, and any affiliate who purchased units in CBM I LP,
CBM II LP,  Residence Inn I LP,  Residence  Inn II LP,  Fairfield Inn LP, Desert
Springs LP, or Atlanta Marquis LP (if any).

         1.44 "Equity's Counsel" means J. Patrick Deely and the law firm of
Cheslock, Deely & Rapp.

         1.45 "Escrow Agent" means Chase Bank of Texas, N.A.

         1.46 "Fairfield Inn LP" means the Fairfield Inn by Marriott Limited

         1.47 "Fairfield Inn LP Notice" means the Notice of Proposed Settlement
of Class Action and Settlement Hearing to be given to the Fairfield Inn LP Class
which will be certified as part of the Fairfield Inn LP  Settlement,  and to the
Palm Intervenors and the Equity Intervenors who own units in Fairfield Inn LP.

         1.48  "Fairfield Inn LP Plaintiffs"  means all persons named as parties
in the Haas Litigation and who own units in and/or a claim concerning  Fairfield
Inn LP,  other than the Palm  Intervenors  and the Equity  Intervenors,  and all
putative  members  of the  Fairfield  Inn LP Class to be  certified  in the Haas

         1.49 "Fairfield Inn LP Proof of Claim" means the Fairfield Inn LP Proof
of Claim and Release.

Settlement Agreement - Page 17

         1.50  "Fairfield Inn LP Settlement"  means the  satisfaction of all the
Settlement terms and conditions as set forth herein.

         1.51  "Fairfield  Inn LP  Settlement  Amount"  means the  aggregate  of
$19,032,504.06,  or $228.38 for each of the 83,337  Fairfield Inn LP partnership
units  that does not  opt-out of the  Fairfield  Inn LP Class and  executes  the
Fairfield  Inn LP Proof of Claim,  the aggregate  amount  reduced,  however,  by
$228.38 for each unit below 83,337 which fails to settle as provided herein.

         1.52 "Final" when  referring to the Judgment  Order or an appeal of the
Judgment  Order  means  that:  (a) the  Judgment  Order is a  final,  appealable
judgment;  and (b) either (i) the time for filing or  noticing  of any appeal or
other judicial  review of the Judgment Order has expired without any such appeal
or other review of the judgment having been  commenced,  or (ii) if an appeal or
other review of the Judgment  Order has been filed,  such appeal or other review
is finally concluded and is no longer subject to review by any court, whether by
appeal,  writ of certiorari  or  otherwise,  and such appeal or other review has
been resolved in such manner as to permit the  consummation of the Settlement as
contemplated  by the  Judgment  Order;  provided  (iii)  that an  appeal  of the
Judgment Order relating solely to the amount, allocation or other issue relating
to an award of attorneys'  fees to Plaintiffs'  Counsel  and/or Atlanta  Marquis
LP's Counsel shall not affect the finality of the Judgment Order for purposes of
this  Settlement and the Judgment Order shall be deemed "Final"  notwithstanding
such an appeal.

         1.53 "Haas Litigation" means the lawsuit styled: Cause No. 98-CI-04092;
Robert M. Haas,  Sr.,  et al v. Host  Marriott  Corporation,  et al; in the 57th
Judicial District Court of Bexar County, Texas (the "Court).

Settlement Agreement - Page 18

         1.54 "Hearing Order" means the Order with Respect to Hearing on the
Settlement, Notice, and Plaintiffs' Counsels' and Atlanta Marquis LP's Counsels'
Applications  for  Attorneys'  Fees and  Reimbursement  of Litigation  Costs and

         1.55  "Host  Marriott"  means,  individually  and  collectively,   Host
Marriott  Corporation,  a  Maryland  corporation,  and Host  Marriott,  L.P.,  a
Delaware limited  partnership of which Host Marriott  Corporation is the general
partner, and their respective successors and assigns.

         1.56 "Insiders"  means those persons or entities  related to Defendants
and identified on Exhibit "A."

         1.57 "Interest" means simple interest at the rate for one year
certificates of deposit as published in the Wall Street Journal "Money Rates" to
be adjusted (but not compounded) on a weekly basis on Monday of each week.

         1.58 "Joint Venture" means a to-be-formed  Delaware  limited  liability
company  owned  by  Rockledge  and by an  indirect  wholly-owned  subsidiary  of
Marriott International, and each other Person in which it directly or indirectly
will have an ownership interest, and their respective successors and assigns.

         1.59  "Judgment  Order" means the judgment  order to be rendered by the
Court  in  the  Milkes  and  Haas  Litigations  approving  the  fairness  of the
Settlement,   dismissing  the  Milkes  and  Haas   Litigations  with  prejudice,
extinguishing  as to the Released  Persons the Released  Claims and  permanently
barring and enjoining  such persons from  asserting  such Released  Claims,  and
addressing such other matters as the Court deems necessary and appropriate.

         1.60 "Marriott International" means Marriott International, Inc., a
Delaware Corporation, and its successors and assigns.

Settlement Agreement - Page 19

         1.61 "Milkes Litigation" means the lawsuit styled: Cause No.
96-CI-08327; A.R. Milkes and D.R. Burklew v. Host Marriott Corporation, et al.;
in the 285th Judicial District Court of Bexar County, Texas (the "Court").

         1.62 "Net Settlement Amount" means:

              (a) as to each Plaintiff,  the pro-rata  portion of the settlement
amount due to such  Plaintiff  for a particular  partnership,  less  Plaintiffs'
Counsel's  Attorneys'  Fees,;  and reduced  further by the amount,  if any, such
Plaintiff owes on the purchase price of its unit.

              (b)  as to the  Palm  Intervenors,  the  pro-rata  portion  of the
settlement  amount due to the Palm  Intervenors  for a  particular  partnership,
without any  deduction  for  Plaintiffs'  Counsel's  Attorneys'  Fees,  it being
understood that the Palm Intervenors shall be separately responsible for payment
of attorneys' fees and litigation  costs and expenses to Palm's Counsel and that
no request for  reimbursement  from the  Settlement  Fund will be made by Palm's
Counsel to the Court;

              (c) as to the  Equity  Intervenors,  the  pro-rata  portion of the
settlement  amount due to the Equity  Intervenors for a particular  partnership,
without regard to any deduction for Plaintiffs' Counsel's Attorneys' Fees, it
being understood that the Equity Intervenors shall be separately responsible for
payment of attorneys' fees and litigation costs and expenses to Equity's Counsel
and that no request for  reimbursement  from the Settlement Fund will be made by
Equity's Counsel to the Court;

              (d) as to the  Insiders,  the pro-rata  portion of the  settlement
amount due to Insiders in the CBM I LP Settlement  or the CBM II LP  Settlement,
without regard to deduction for Plaintiffs'  Counsel's Attorneys' Fees, it being
understood  that the Insiders were not  represented by  Plaintiffs'  Counsel and
will make no separate application for reimbursement of

Settlement Agreement - Page 20

attorneys' fees or litigation costs.

         1.63  "Net  Settlement   Fund"  means  the  Settlement  Fund  less  (a)
Plaintiffs'  Counsel's  Attorneys'  Fees;  and (b) any and all  payments  to the
Equity  Intervenors,  the Palm  Intervenors  and/or  the  Insiders  as set forth

         1.64  "Palm  Intervenors"  shall  mean  Palm  Investors,  LLC  and  any
affiliates who purchased CBM II LP or CBM I LP Units.

         1.65 "Palm's Counsel" means R. James George and the law firm of George
& Donaldson, LLP.

         1.66  "Person"   means  a  natural   person  or  entity,   corporation,
partnership,  limited  partnership,  association,  joint stock company,  limited
liability  company,   estate,  legal   representative,   trust,   unincorporated
association,  government or any political  subdivision or agency thereof, or any
business or legal  entity,  and its  respective  spouses,  heirs,  predecessors,
successors, representatives, agents or assigns.

         1.67 "Plaintiffs" means  collectively all CBM I LP Plaintiffs,  all CBM
II LP  Plaintiffs,  all Residence Inn I LP  Plaintiffs,  all Residence Inn II LP
Plaintiffs, all Fairfield Inn Plaintiffs, and all Desert Springs LP Plaintiffs.

         1.68  "Plaintiffs'  Counsel" means David Berg and the law firm of Berg,
Androphy & Wilson;  Stephen  Hackerman and the law firm of Hackerman,  Peterson,
Frankel & Manela; David E. Warden, and the law firm of Yetter & Warden; James L.
Branton,  and the law firm of Branton & Hall; James Moriarty and the law firm of
Moriarty & Associates,  PC; J. Boyd Page and the law firm of Page & Bacek,  LLP;
Linda Broocks and the law firm of Ogden, Gibson,  White & Broocks,  LLP; Charles
E. Dorr and the law firm of Charles E. Dorr, P.C.; Roy Barrera,  Sr. and the law
firm of Nicholas & Barrera, P.C.; and J.A. Canales and the law firm of Canales &

Settlement Agreement - Page 21


         1.69 "Plaintiffs'  Counsel's Attorneys' Fees" means the attorneys' fees
and  reimbursement  of  litigation  costs and  expenses  awarded by the Court to
Plaintiffs' Counsel less $4.25 million,  the amount by which Plaintiffs' Counsel
has agreed to reduce their attorneys' fees pursuant to Paragraph 13.1 herein.

         1.70 "Plan of Allocation"  means a plan or formula of allocation of the
Settlement  Fund to be approved by the Court whereby the Settlement Fund and the
Net Settlement Fund shall be distributed as set forth herein.

         1.71 "Proposed CBM I LP Partnership Agreement Amendments" means the
amendments to the Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of CBM I
LP, as amended,  as requested by the Joint  Venture or any of the  Defendants in
order to permit,  implement or facilitate  the CBM I LP Settlement or any of the
transactions constituting a part thereof (including, without limitation, the CBM
I LP Unit  Acquisition  and the CBM I LP  Merger),  which  amendments  shall  be
described in the CBM I LP Purchase Offer/Consent Solicitation Statement approved
by the Court as part of the CBM I LP Notice.

         1.72 "Proposed CBM II LP Partnership  Agreement  Amendments"  means the
amendments to the Amended and Restated  Agreement of Limited  Partnership of CBM
II LP, as amended, as requested by the Joint Venture or any of the Defendants in
order to permit,  implement or facilitate the CBM II LP Settlement or any of the
transactions constituting a part thereof (including, without limitation, the CBM
II LP Unit  Acquisition  and the CBM II LP Merger),  which  amendments  shall be
described  in  the  CBM  II  LP  Purchase/Offer/Consent  Solicitation  Statement
approved by the Court as part of the CBM II LP Notice.

Settlement Agreement - Page 22

         1.73 "Released Claims" means all those claims which are released,
settled and discharged as part of this Settlement as described on Exhibits B, C,
D, E, F, and G, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

         1.74 "Released  Atlanta Marquis LP Claims" means all those claims which
are  released,  settled  and  discharged  as  part  of the  Atlanta  Marquis  LP

         1.75  "Released  CBM I LP  Claims"  means  all those  claims  which are
released,  settled and discharged as part of the CBM I LP Settlement,  and which
are  described  on  Exhibit  B,  attached  hereto  and  incorporated  herein  by

         1.76  "Released  CBM II LP  Claims"  means all those  claims  which are
released,  settled and discharged as part of the CBM II LP Settlement, and which
are  described  on  Exhibit  C,  attached  hereto  and  incorporated  herein  by

         1.77  "Released  Desert Springs LP Claims" means all those claims which
are  released,  settled  and  discharged  as  part  of  the  Desert  Springs  LP
Settlement,  and  which  are  described  on  Exhibit  D,,  attached  hereto  and
incorporated herein by reference.

         1.78 "Released Fairfield Inn LP Claims" means all those claims which
are released, settled and discharged as part of the Fairfield Inn LP Settlement,
and which are described on Exhibit E, attached hereto and incorporated herein by

         1.79 "Released Persons" means: (i) each and all of the Defendants and
their predecessors, successors, parents, subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates and
related entities;  (ii) each of the foregoing  persons' or entities'  respective
past or present directors,  officers, employees,  partners, members, principals,
trustees, agents, servants,  appraisers,  including, but not limited to, Stephen
Rushmore  and  Hospitality  Valuation  Services,  Inc.,  underwriters,  issuers,
shareholders,   insurers,  co-insurers,   reinsurers,  independent  contractors,
controlling shareholders, wholesalers,

Settlement Agreement - Page 23

resellers,   distributors,    retailers,   attorneys,   accountants,   auditors,
consultants, investment bankers, advisors, personal representatives, affiliates,
predecessors,  successors,  parents, subsidiaries,  divisions, assigns, spouses,
heirs,  executors,   administrators,   associates,  and  related  or  affiliated
entities; and (iii) any members of the foregoing persons' immediate families, or
any trust of which any of the  foregoing  persons is the settlor or which is for
the  benefit of any of the  foregoing  persons  and/or  member(s)  of his or her

         1.80 "Released  Residence Inn I LP Claims" means all those claims which
are  released,  settled  and  discharged  as  part  of  the  Residence  Inn I LP
Settlement,   and  which  are  described  on  Exhibit  F,  attached  hereto  and
incorporated herein by reference.

         1.81 "Released Residence Inn II LP Claims" means all those claims which
are  released,  settled  and  discharged  as  part  of the  Residence  Inn II LP
Settlement,   and  which  are  described  on  Exhibit  G,  attached  hereto  and
incorporated herein by reference.

         1.82 "Residence Inn I LP" means the Marriott Residence Inn Limited

         1.83  "Residence  Inn  I  LP  Notice"  means  the  Notice  of  Proposed
Settlement of Class Action and  Settlement  Hearing to be given to the Residence
Inn I LP  Class  which  will be  certified  as part  of the  Residence  Inn I LP
Settlement, and to the Palm Intervenors and the Equity Intervenors who own units
in Residence Inn I LP.

         1.84 "Residence Inn I LP Plaintiffs" means all persons named as parties
in the Haas Litigation who own units in and/or a claim  concerning the Residence
Inn I LP, other than the Palm  Intervenors and the Equity  Intervenors,  and all
putative  members of the  Residence  Inn I LP Class to be  certified in the Haas

         1.85  "Residence  Inn I LP Proof of Claim" means the Residence Inn I LP
Proof of Claim and Release.

Settlement Agreement - Page 24

         1.86 "Residence Inn I LP Settlement"  means the satisfaction of all the
Settlement terms and conditions as set forth herein.

         1.87 "Residence Inn I LP Settlement Amount" means the aggregate of
$14,981,728.00, or $228.38 for each of the 65,600 Residence Inn I LP partnership
units that does not opt-out of the  Residence  Inn I LP Class and  executes  the
Residence Inn I LP Proof of Claim,  the aggregate  amount reduced,  however,  by
$228.38 for each unit below 65,600 which fails to settle as provided herein.

         1.88 "Residence Inn II LP" means the Marriott Residence Inn II Limited

         1.89  "Residence  Inn  II LP  Notice"  means  the  Notice  of  Proposed
Settlement of Class Action and  Settlement  Hearing to be given to the Residence
Inn II LP Class  which  will be  certified  as part of the  Residence  Inn II LP
Settlement, and to the Palm Intervenors and the Equity Intervenors who own units
in Residence Inn II LP.

         1.90  "Residence  Inn II LP  Plaintiffs"  means  all  persons  named as
parties  in the  Haas  Litigation  who own  units in  and/or a claim  concerning
Residence Inn II LP, other than the Palm Intervenors and the Equity Intervenors,
and all putative members of the Residence Inn II LP Class to be certified in the
Haas Litigation.

         1.91 "Residence Inn II LP Proof of Claim" means the Residence Inn II LP
Proof of Claim and Release.

         1.92 "Residence Inn II LP Settlement" means the satisfaction of all the
Settlement terms and conditions as set forth herein.

         1.93  "Residence  Inn II LP  Settlement  Amount" means the aggregate of
$15,986,600.00,  or  $228.38  for  each  of  the  70,000  Residence  Inn  II  LP
partnership  units that does not  opt-out of the  Residence  Inn II LP Class and
executes the Residence Inn II LP Proof of

Settlement Agreement - Page 25

Claim,  the aggregate  amount reduced,  however,  by $228.38 for each unit below
70,000 which fails to settle as provided herein.

         1.94  "Rockledge"  means Rockledge Hotel  Properties,  Inc., a Delaware
corporation  in which  Host  Marriott  owns  approximately  95% of the  economic
interests and which is the owner, directly or indirectly,  of 99% of each of CBM
One LLC, CBM Two LLC,  RIBM One LLC,  RIBM Two LLC and FIBM One LLC, the general
partners of CBM I LP, CBM II LP,  Residence  Inn I LP,  Residence  Inn II LP and
Fairfield  Inn LP,  respectively,  by  virtue  of  their  mergers  with  CBM One
Corporation,  CBM Two  Corporation,  RIBM  One  Corporation,  Marriott  RIBM Two
Corporation and Marriott FIBM One Corporation,  respectively, and its successors
and assigns.  Rockledge has joined in this Settlement Agreement as an additional
party hereto.

         1.95  "Settlement"   means  the  resolution  of  the  Milkes  and  Haas
Litigations,  according to the terms and conditions set forth in this Settlement

         1.96 "Settlement Agreement" means this Settlement Agreement.

         1.97  "Settlement  Fund"  means  the  total of the CBM I LP  Settlement
Amount , CBM II LP Settlement  Amount,,  Residence  Inn I LP Settlement  Amount,
Residence Inn II LP Settlement Amount,,  Fairfield Inn LP Settlement Amount, and
Desert Springs LP Settlement  Amount,  plus any Interest  pursuant to Paragraphs
11.2 and 17.1,  less $4.25  Million  to be taken out of any award of  attorneys'
fees to Plaintiffs' Counsel as set forth herein.

         1.98 "Settling Parties" means, collectively, each of the Defendants,
the Plaintiffs, the Palm Intervenors, the Equity Intervenors and the SLC, by and
through their respective counsel of record in the Haas and Milkes Litigations.

         1.99 "SLC"  means the Special  Litigation  Committee  appointed  by the
General Partners of CBM I LP and CBM II LP.

Settlement Agreement - Page 26

         1.100 "Sturm Litigation" means the lawsuit styled Civil Action No.
1:97-CV-3706-TWT;  Hiram and Ruth Sturm, et al v. Marriott Marquis  Corporation,
et al; In the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.

         1.101  "Sturm  Plaintiffs"  means all  persons  named as parties in the
Sturm  Litigation  who  formerly  owned units in and/or a claim  concerning  the
Atlanta Marquis LP, other than the Equity Intervenors,  and all putative members
of the class to be certified in the Sturm Litigation.

         2.    CBM I LP Settlement

         2.1 As part of the CBM I LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the terms and
conditions  contained herein, the Joint Venture will pay or cause to be paid the
CBM I LP  Settlement  Amount on behalf  of and for the  benefit  of the CBM I LP
Plaintiffs, the Palm Intervenors, the Equity Intervenors and the Insiders (other
than CBM One LLC).

         2.2   As part of the CBM I LP Settlement,  and subject to the terms and
conditions contained herein, Plaintiffs' Counsel, with the advice and consent of
Defendants' Counsel,  will move for and be granted certification of a settlement
class consisting of all CBM I LP Unit holders,  excluding,  however,  the Equity
Intervenors and the Palm Intervenors (the "CBM I LP Class").

         2.3 As part of the CBM I LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the terms and
conditions  contained herein, the CBM I LP Plaintiffs,  the Palm Intervenors and
the Equity  Intervenors will RELEASE,  ACQUIT and FOREVER DISCHARGE the Released
Persons from the Released CBM I LP Claims as of the Effective Date. The Released
CBM I LP Claims  are  defined in Exhibit  B,  attached  hereto and  incorporated
herein by reference.

         2.4 As part of the CBM I LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the terms and
conditions contained herein, the CBM I LP Plaintiffs, the Palm Intervenors,  the
Equity Intervenors and the

Settlement Agreement  - Page 27

Insiders (other than CBM One LLC) will assign,  transfer and convey to the Joint
Venture, or to one or more of its designees,  all CBM I LP Units, half-units and
other fractional units,  together with all right, title and interest held, owned
or claimed in CBM I LP.

         2.5   As part of the CBM I LP Settlement, and subject to the terms and
conditions contained herein, each CBM I LP Plaintiff, Palm Intervenor and Equity
Intervenor will be given an opportunity to vote on those certain  Proposed CBM I
LP  Partnership  Agreement  Amendments  which will be  described in the CBM I LP
Purchase  Offer/Consent  Solicitation  Statement  to be sent  to  each  CBM I LP
Plaintiff, Palm Intervenor and Equity Intervenor.

         2.6   As part of the CBM I LP Settlement, and subject to the terms and
conditions contained herein, each CBM I LP Plaintiff, Palm Intervenor and Equity
Intervenor  will be given the  opportunity  to vote on the CBM I LP Merger which
will be described in the CBM I LP Purchase Offer/Consent  Solicitation Statement
sent to all CBM I LP Plaintiffs, Palm Intervenors and Equity Intervenors.

         2.7 As part of the CBM I LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the terms and
conditions  contained  herein,  and before  payment  of any CBM I LP  Settlement
Amount is made to any such person,  each CBM I LP  Plaintiff,  Palm  Intervenor,
Equity  Intervenor and Insider will execute and timely return the CBM I LP Proof
of Claim in the form and manner described therein.

         2.8 Defendants  have the unilateral  option,  at their sole  discretion
prior to the entry of the Judgment  Order, to terminate the CBM I LP Settlement,
without  cost or  expense,  other than  notice  costs  relating  to the CBM I LP
Settlement, if: (1) holders of more than ten percent (10%) of the CBM I LP Units
opt-out of the CBM I LP Settlement; or (2) holders of a majority of the CBM I LP
Units  (other  than those owned by  Insiders)  fail to vote in favor of or given
written  consent  to the CBM I LP Merger or the  Proposed  CBM I LP  Partnership

Settlement Agreement - Page 28

Amendments;  or (3)  Defendants  fail  to  receive  any  necessary  third  party
consents;  or (4)  any of the  terms  or  conditions  of  Paragraph  10 are  not

         2.9 Subject to the terms and  conditions  set forth herein  (including,
without  limitation,  the  conditions  set  forth  in  Paragraphs  10.1 and 10.2
hereof),  the CBM I LP Settlement  will be effected  through a  fully-integrated
two-step process approved by the Court as described in this Paragraph 2.9.

         (a)   CBM I LP Unit Acquisition. The first step of the CBM I LP

Settlement  shall be the  acquisition by the Joint Venture or one or more of its
designees  of the  CBM I LP  Units  held by the CBM I LP  Plaintiffs,  the  Palm
Intervenors,  the Equity  Intervenors  and the Insiders (other than CBM One LLC)
and the release of the Released Persons from the Released CBM I LP Claims by the
CBM I LP Plaintiffs, the Palm Intervenors and the Equity Intervenors (the "CBM I
LP Unit Acquisition"). In the CBM I LP Unit Acquisition, the Joint Venture shall
pay or cause to be paid, at the appropriate time as provided herein, to each CBM
I LP Plaintiff,  Palm Intervenor,  Equity Intervenor and Insider (other than CBM
One LLC) after receipt by the Claims  Administrator of a valid CBM I LP Proof of
Claim  as  described  in  Paragraph  1.15  hereof  prior  to the  CBM I LP  Unit
Acquisition  Closing  Date,  an amount  with  respect  to each CBM I LP Unit (or
half-CBM I LP Unit or other  fractional  CBM I LP Unit) so acquired equal to its
pro-rata  proportion of the Net  Settlement  Amount with respect to CBM I LP. To
receive  the  Net  Settlement  Amount  with  respect  to  CBM I  LP,  a CBM I LP
Plaintiff,  Palm  Intervenor,  Equity  Intervenor or Insider (other than CBM One
LLC),  as the case may be, shall have  executed and delivered the CBM I LP Proof
of Claim  prior to the CBM I LP Unit  Acquisition  Date,  pursuant to which such
person shall have (A) assigned, transferred and conveyed to the Joint Venture or
one or more of its  designees  all  right,  title and  interest  in all CBM I LP
Units, half-CBM I LP

Settlement Agreement - Page 29

Units and other  fractional  CBM I LP Units owned by such person,  together with
all  rights,  title and  interest  held,  owned or claimed in CBM I LP, free and
clear  of  all  pledges,  security  interests,   liens  and  other  encumbrances
whatsoever,  and (B) released  the  Released  Persons from the Released CBM I LP
Claims.  The CBM I LP Unit  Acquisition  shall be effective as of the  Effective
Date,  and  the CBM I LP  Unit  Acquisition  Closing  Date  shall  be as soon as
practicable following the Effective Date.

               (b) CBM I LP Merger. The second step of the Settlement with
respect to CBM I LP shall be the  merger of a  subsidiary  of the Joint  Venture
with and into CBM I LP, with CBM I LP surviving as the surviving limited

partnership (the "CBM I LP Merger"), pursuant to an agreement and plan of merger
to be entered into among CBM I LP, the Joint Venture and such merger  subsidiary
and attached to the CBM I LP Purchase Offer/Consent  Solicitation  Statement. In
the CBM I LP Merger,  (A) the general  partner  interest held by CBM One LLC and
each CBM I LP Unit held directly or indirectly by the Joint Venture  (including,
without  limitation,  the  CBM  I LP  Units  acquired  in  the  CBM  I  LP  Unit
Acquisition)  shall remain  outstanding  and shall be unaffected by the CBM I LP
Merger, (B) the interests in the merger subsidiary shall be converted into CBM I
LP Units, (C) each CBM I LP Unit held by a CBM I LP Plaintiff,  Palm Intervenor,
Equity Intervenor,  or Insider (other than CBM One LLC) who has not executed and
delivered to the Claims Administrator a CBM I LP Proof of Claim prior to the CBM
I LP Unit Acquisition  Closing Date shall be converted into the right to receive
cash in an  amount  equal to their  pro-rata  proportion  of the Net  Settlement
Amount with respect to CBM I LP, and (D) each  remaining CBM I LP Unit,  being a
CBM I LP Unit  held by a Person  who has  opted-out  of the CBM I LP  Class  and
elected not to participate  in the CBM I LP Settlement,  shall be converted into
the right to receive cash in an amount equal to the value of such CBM I LP

Settlement Agreement - Page 30

Unit, determined in the following manner: (I) two independent, nationally
recognized hotel valuation firms approved by the Court and identified in the CBM
I LP Merger Agreement shall appraise the market value of the hotels owned by CBM
I LP as of the Effective Date,  which  appraisals  shall be completed  within 60
days after the  effective  time of the CBM I LP Merger and set forth in a report
certified by a MAI  appraiser  as having been  prepared in  accordance  with the
requirements  of  the  Standards  of  Professional  Practice  of  the  Appraisal
Institute and the Uniform  Standards of Professional  Appraisal  Practice of the
Appraisal Foundation (which may be based on site visits to 10 or more hotels and
a limited scope review deemed  appropriate by such appraisal firm); and (II) the
value  of such  CBM I LP Unit  shall  be  equal  to the  amount  that  would  be
distributed  with respect to such CBM I LP Unit if the CBM I LP hotels were sold
for an amount equal to the average of the appraised values determined by the two
appraisers,  all outstanding  indebtedness of CBM I LP and its subsidiaries were
repaid in full in accordance with its terms (including any applicable defeasance
costs  and  prepayment  penalties),  all other  liabilities  of CBM I LP and its
subsidiaries  were paid in full  (including  all  amounts due under the CBM I LP
management  agreement),  and  CBM  I  LP  thereafter  were  liquidated  and  the
liquidation  proceeds were distributed among the CBM I LP partners in accordance
with the terms of the CBM I LP Partnership Agreement.  The amount to be received
in the CBM I LP Merger by the  holders of the CBM I LP Units who have  opted-out
of the CBM I LP Class and elected not to  participate in the CBM I LP Settlement
will not include any amount with respect to any claims  against the  Defendants.
The CBM I LP Merger shall be  consummated  and be effective on the CBM I LP Unit
Acquisition Closing Date immediately following consummation of the CBM I LP Unit
Acquisition,  and  thereafter  the  holders  of CBM I LP Units  who have not yet
delivered  a CBM I LP Proof  of Claim  and  holders  of CBM I LP Units  who have
opted-out of the

Settlement Agreement - Page 31

CBM I LP Class and elected not to participate  in the CBM I LP Settlement  shall
no longer hold any equity interest in CBM I LP.

         2.10 CBM I LP Plaintiffs who elect not to  participate  ("Opt-Out CBM I
LP  Plaintiffs")  will be  informed  in the  proposed  CBM I LP  Notice  that in
addition to the  payment  described  in  Paragraph  2.9(b)(D),  they are free to
pursue individual claims against the Defendants by hiring  independent  counsel,
which will not include any counsel who have appeared for the CBM I LP Plaintiffs
in the Haas Litigation.

         2.11  Notwithstanding  the  failure  of any  CBM I LP  Plaintiff,  Palm
Intervenors,  Equity Intervenors or Insiders to execute and deliver the CBM I LP
Proof  of  Claim,  upon  the  Judgment  Order  becoming  Final,  such  CBM  I LP
Plaintiffs, Palm Intervenors,  Equity Intervenors and Insiders will be deemed to
have:  (1) released the Released CBM I LP Claims  against the Released  Persons;
and (2) assigned,  transferred  and conveyed to the Joint Venture or one or more
of its designees,  all CBM I LP Units,  half-units and other fractional units in

         3.    CBM II LP Settlement

         3.1 As part of the CBM II LP  Settlement,  and subject to the terms and
conditions  contained herein, the Joint Venture will pay or cause to be paid the
CBM II LP  Settlement  Amount on behalf of and for the  benefit of the CBM II LP
Plaintiffs, the Palm Intervenors, the Equity Intervenors and the Insiders (other
than CBM Two LLC).

         3.2 As part of the CBM II LP  Settlement,  and subject to the terms and
conditions contained herein, the CBM II LP Plaintiffs,  the Palm Intervenors and
Equity  Intervenors  will  RELEASE,  ACQUIT and FOREVER  DISCHARGE  the Released
Persons  from the  Released  CBM II LP  Claims  as of the  Effective  Date.  The
Released  CBM II LP Claims  are  defined  in  Exhibit  C,  attached  hereto  and
incorporated herein by reference.

Settlement Agreement - Page 32

         3.3 As part of the CBM II LP  Settlement,  and subject to the terms and
conditions contained herein, the CBM II LP Plaintiffs, the Palm Intervenors, the
Equity  Intervenors  and the  Insiders  (other  than CBM Two LLC)  will  assign,
transfer and convey to the Joint Venture or to one or more of its designees, all
CBM II LP Partnership  Units,  half-units and other fractional  units,  together
with all rights, title and interest held, owned or claimed in CBM II LP.

         3.4 As part of the CBM II LP  Settlement,  and subject to the terms and
conditions  contained  herein,  each CBM II LP Plaintiff,  Palm  Intervenor  and
Equity Intervenor will be given an opportunity to vote on those certain Proposed
CBM II LP Partnership Agreement Amendments which will be described in the CBM II
LP Purchase  Offer/Consent  Solicitation  Statement to be sent to each CBM II LP
Plaintiff, Palm Intervenor and Equity Intervenor.

         3.5 As part of the CBM II LP  Settlement,  and subject to the terms and
conditions  contained  herein,  each CBM II LP Plaintiff,  Palm  Intervenor  and
Equity  Intervenor  will be given an opportunity to vote on the CBM II LP Merger
which will be described  in the CBM II LP  Purchase/Offer  Consent  Solicitation
Statement  sent  to all  CBM  II LP  Plaintiffs,  Palm  Intervenors  and  Equity

         3.6 As part of the CBM II LP  Settlement,  and subject to the terms and
conditions  contained  herein,  and before  payment of any CBM II LP  Settlement
Amount is made to any such person,  each CBM II LP Plaintiff,  Palm  Intervenor,
Equity Intervenor and Insider will execute and timely return the CBM II LP Proof
of Claim in the form and manner described therein.

         3.7   Defendants have the unilateral option, at their sole discretion
prior to the entry of the Judgment Order, to terminate the CBM II LP Settlement,
without  cost or  expense,  other than  notice  costs  relating to the CBM II LP
Settlement,  if:  (1)  holders of more than ten  percent  (10%) of the CBM II LP
Units opt-out of the CBM II LP Settlement; or (2) holders of a majority of the

Settlement Page - 33

CBM II LP Units (other than those owned by Insiders) fail to vote in favor of or
give  written  consent  to  the  CBM II LP  Merger  or  the  Proposed  CBM II LP
Partnership  Agreement  Amendments;  or  (3)  Defendants  fail  to  receive  any
necessary third party consents;  or (4) the terms and conditions of Paragraph 10
are not satisfied.

         3.8 Subject to the terms and  conditions  set forth herein  (including,
without  limitation,  the  conditions  set  forth  in  Paragraphs  10.1 and 10.2
hereof),  the CBM II LP Settlement will be effected  through a  fully-integrated
two-step process approved by the Court as described in this Paragraph 3.8.

         (a)   CBM II LP Unit Acquisition. The first step of the CBM II LP

Settlement  shall be the  acquisition by the Joint Venture or one or more of its
designees  of the CBM II LP  Units  held by the CBM II LP  Plaintiffs,  the Palm
Intervenors,  the Equity  Intervenors  and Insiders (other than CBM Two LLC) and
the release of the  Released  Persons  from the Released CBM II LP Claims by the
CBM II LP  Plaintiffs,  the Palm  Intervenors,  the Equity  Intervenors  and the
Insiders (the "CBM II LP Unit Acquisition").  In the CBM II LP Unit Acquisition,
the Joint  Venture  shall pay or cause to be paid,  at the  appropriate  time as
provided  herein,  to  each  CBM  II  LP  Plaintiff,  Palm  Intervenors,  Equity
Intervenors  and Insiders  (other than CBM Two LLC) after  receipt by the Claims
Administrator of a valid CBM II LP Proof of Claim as described in Paragraph 1.76
hereof,  prior to the CBM II LP Unit  Acquisition  Closing  Date, an amount with
respect to each CBM II LP Unit (or half-CBM II LP Unit or other  fractional  CBM
II LP Unit) so acquired equal to their pro-rata proportion of the Net Settlement
Amount  with  respect to CBM II LP. To receive  the Net  Settlement  Amount with
respect to CBM II LP, a CBM II LP Plaintiff, Palm Intervenor,  Equity Intervenor
and Insider  (other than CBM Two LLC),  as the case may be, shall have  executed
and delivered the CBM II LP Proof of Claim, prior to the CBM II LP Unit

Settlement Agreement - Page 34

Acquisition Closing Date, pursuant to which such person shall have (A) assigned,
transferred  and conveyed to the Joint  Venture or one or more of its  designees
all rights, title and interest in all CBM II LP Units,  half-CBM II LP Units and
other fractional CBM II LP Units owned by such person, together with all rights,
title and  interest  held,  owned or claimed in CBM II LP, free and clear of all
pledges,  security interests,  liens and other encumbrances whatsoever,  and (B)
released the Released Persons from the Released CBM II LP Claims.  The CBM II LP
Unit  Acquisition  shall be  effective  as of the  Effective  Date and  shall be
consummated as soon as practicable following the Effective Date.

         (b)   CBM II LP Merger. The second step of the Settlement with respect
to CBM II LP shall be the merger of a subsidiary  of the Joint  Venture with and
into CBM II LP, with CBM II LP surviving as the  surviving  limited  partnership
(the "CBM II LP  Merger"),  pursuant  to an  agreement  and plan of merger to be
entered into among CBM II LP, the Joint Venture and such merger  subsidiary  and
attached to the CBM II LP Purchase Offer/Consent  Solicitation Statement. In the
CBM II LP Merger,  (A) the general partner interest held by CBM One LLC and each
CBM II LP Unit held  directly or  indirectly  by the Joint  Venture  (including,
without  limitation,  the  CBM  II LP  Units  acquired  in the  CBM  II LP  Unit
Acquisition)  shall remain  outstanding and shall be unaffected by the CBM II LP
Merger,  (B) the interests in the merger  subsidiary shall be converted into CBM
II LP  Units,  (C) each  CBM II LP Unit  held by a CBM II LP  Plaintiff,  a Palm
Intervenor, an Equity Intervenor or Insider (other than CBM Two LLC) who has not
executed and  delivered to the Claims  Administrator  a CBM II LP Proof of Claim
prior to the CBM II LP Unit Acquisition Closing Date shall be converted into the
right to receive cash in an amount equal to their pro-rata proportion of the Net
Settlement  Amount with respect to CBM II LP, and (D) each  remaining  CBM II LP
Unit, being a CBM II LP Unit held by a Person who has

Settlement Agreement - Page 35

opted-out of the CBM II LP Class and elected not to participate in the CBM II LP
Settlement, shall be converted into the right to receive cash in an amount equal
to the value of such CBM II LP Unit, determined in the following manner: (I) two
independent,  nationally  recognized hotel valuation firms approved by the Court
and identified in the CBM II LP merger agreement shall appraise the market value
of the hotels  owned by CBM II LP as of the  Effective  Date,  which  appraisals
shall be  completed  within 60 days  after the  effective  time of the CBM II LP
Merger and set forth in a report  certified  by a MAI  appraiser  as having been
prepared in accordance  with the  requirements  of the Standards of Professional
Practice of the Appraisal  Institute and the Uniform  Standards of  Professional
Appraisal  Practice  of the  Appraisal  Foundation  (which  may be based on site
visits to 10 or more hotels and a limited  scope review  deemed  appropriate  by
such appraisal  firm);  and (II) the value of such CBM II LP Unit shall be equal
to the amount that would be  distributed  with respect to such CBM II LP Unit if
the CBM II LP  hotels  were  sold  for an  amount  equal to the  average  of the
appraised values determined by the two appraisers,  all outstanding indebtedness
of CBM II LP and its  subsidiaries  were repaid in full in  accordance  with its
terms (including any applicable defeasance costs and prepayment penalties),  all
other liabilities of CBM II LP and its subsidiaries were paid in full (including
all  amounts  due  under  the  CBM II LP  Management  Agreement),  and CBM II LP
thereafter were liquidated and the liquidation  proceeds were distributed  among
the CBM II LP partners in accordance with the terms of the CBM II LP Partnership
Agreement.  The amount to be  received in the CBM II LP Merger by the holders of
the CBM II LP Units who have opted-out of the CBM II LP Class and elected not to
participate in the CBM II LP Settlement will not include any amount with respect
to any claims against the Defendants.  The CBM II LP Merger shall be consummated
and be effective  on the CBM II LP Unit  Acquisition  Closing  Date  immediately
following consummation

Settlement Agreement - Page 36

of the CBM II LP Unit  Acquisition and thereafter the holders of CBM II LP Units
who have not yet  delivered  a CBM II LP Proof of Claim and holders of CBM II LP
Units who have  opted-out of the CBM II LP Class and elected not to  participate
in the CBM II LP Settlement  shall no longer hold any equity  interest in CBM II

         3.9 CBM II LP Plaintiffs who elect not to participate  ("Opt-Out CBM II
LP Plaintiffs") will be informed in the CBM II LP Notice that in addition to the
payment  described in Paragraph  3.8(b)(D),  they are free to pursue  individual
claims  against the  Defendants by hiring  independent  counsel,  which will not
include any counsel who have appeared for the CBM II LP Plaintiffs in the Milkes

         3.10 Notwithstanding any CBM II LP Plaintiff, Palm Intervenors,  Equity
Intervenors  or  Insiders  failure to execute and deliver the CBM II LP Proof of
Claim, upon the Judgment Order becoming Final,  such CBM II LP Plaintiffs,  Palm
Intervenors,  Equity  Intervenors  and  Insiders  will be  deemed  to have:  (1)
released  the Released CBM II LP Claims  against the Released  Persons;  and (2)
assigned,  transferred  and conveyed to the Joint  Venture or one or more of its
designees,  all CBM II LP Partnership  Units,  half-units  and other  fractional
units in CBM II LP.

         4.    The Residence Inn I LP Settlement

         4.1 As part of the  Residence Inn I LP  Settlement,  and subject to the
terms and conditions contained herein,  Plaintiffs' Counsel, with the advice and
consent of Defendants' Counsel,  will move for and be granted certification of a
settlement class  consisting of all Residence Inn I LP unit holders,  excluding,
however,  the  Equity  Intervenors  who own  units  in  Residence  Inn I LP (the
"Residence Inn I LP Class").

Settlement Agreement - Page 37

         4.2 As part of the  Residence Inn I LP  Settlement,  and subject to the
terms and conditions contained herein,  Rockledge and Marriott  International or
its  designee,  will pay or cause to be paid the  Residence  Inn I LP Settlement

         4.3 As part of the  Residence Inn I LP  Settlement,  and subject to the
terms and conditions  contained herein,  the Residence Inn I LP Plaintiffs,  the
Palm  Intervenors and the Equity  Intervenors  will RELEASE,  ACQUIT and FOREVER
DISCHARGE the Released Persons from the Residence Inn I LP Released Claims as of
the Effective  Date.  The  Residence  Inn I LP Released  Claims are described on
Exhibit F attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

         4.4   As part of the Residence Inn I LP Settlement, and subject to the
terms and conditions contained herein, and before payment of any Residence Inn I
LP  Settlement  Amount  is made to any  such  person,  each  Residence  Inn I LP
Plaintiff and Equity Intervenor will execute and timely return the Residence Inn
I LP Proof of Claim in the form and manner described therein.

         4.5 As part of the  Residence Inn I LP  Settlement,  and subject to the
terms  and  conditions  contained  herein,  Defendants  will  waive the right to
receive  payment in the future of  $29,781,000.00  in deferred  management  fees
presently  owed to the manager  pursuant to the terms of the  Residence Inn I LP
Management Agreement.

         4.6 Defendants  have the unilateral  option,  at their sole  discretion
prior to entry of the  Judgment  Order,  to  terminate  the  Residence  Inn I LP
Settlement,  without cost or expense,  other than notice  costs  relating to the
Residence Inn I LP Settlement,  if holders of more than ten percent (10%) of the
65,600 units outstanding in Residence Inn I LP opt-out of the Residence Inn I LP
Settlement.  If the Residence  Inn I LP Settlement  proceeds with fewer than one

Settlement Agreement - Page 38

percent  (100%) of the 65,600 units  participating,  the amount of the Residence
Inn  I LP  Settlement  Amount  shall  be  reduced  by  $228.38  for  every  such
non-participating unit.

         4.7  Residence  Inn  I LP  Plaintiffs  who  elect  not  to  participate
("Opt-Out  Residence  Inn I  Plaintiffs")  will  be  informed  in  the  proposed
Residence Inn I LP Notice that they will receive no  settlement  payment but are
free to pursue  individual  claims against the Defendants by hiring  independent
counsel,  which will not include any counsel who have appeared for the Residence
Inn I LP Plaintiffs in the Haas Litigation.

         4.8   The Residence Inn I LP Settlement is also subject to Paragraph 10

         4.9  Notwithstanding  the failure of any  Residence Inn I LP Plaintiff,
Palm Intervenors or Equity  Intervenors to execute and deliver the Residence Inn
I LP Proof of Claim,  upon the Judgment Order becoming Final, such Residence Inn
I LP Plaintiffs,  Palm Intervenors and Equity Intervenors will be deemed to have
released the Released Residence Inn I LP Claims against the Released Persons.

         5.    The Residence Inn II LP Settlement

         5.1 As part of the Residence Inn II LP  Settlement,  and subject to the
terms and conditions contained herein,  Plaintiffs' Counsel, with the advice and
consent of Defendants' Counsel,  will move for and be granted certification of a
settlement class consisting of all Residence Inn II LP unit holders,  excluding,
however,  the  Equity  Intervenors  who own  units in  Residence  Inn II LP (the
"Residence Inn II LP Class").

         5.2 As part of the Residence Inn II LP  Settlement,  and subject to the
terms and conditions contained herein,  Rockledge and Marriott  International or
its  designee,  will pay or cause to be paid the  Residence  Inn I LP Settlement

         5.3   As part of the Residence Inn II LP Settlement, and subject to the
 terms and

Settlement Agreement - Page 39

conditions  contained  herein,  the  Residence  Inn II LP  Plaintiffs,  the Palm
Intervenors  and  the  Equity  Intervenors  will  RELEASE,  ACQUIT  and  FOREVER
DISCHARGE the Released  Persons from the Residence Inn II LP Released  Claims as
of the Effective  Date. The Residence Inn II LP Released Claims are described on
Exhibit G attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

         5.4 As part of the Residence Inn II LP  Settlement,  and subject to the
terms and conditions  contained herein,  and before payment of any Residence Inn
II LP  Settlement  Amount is made to any such person,  each  Residence Inn II LP
Plaintiff and Equity  Intervenor will execute and return the Residence Inn II LP
Proof of Claim in the form and manner described therein.

         5.5 As part of the Residence Inn II LP  Settlement,  and subject to the
terms  and  conditions  contained  herein,  Defendants  will  waive the right to
receive  payment in the future of  $22,693,000.00  in deferred  management  fees
presently  owed to the manager  pursuant to the terms of the Residence Inn II LP
Management Agreement.

         5.6 Defendants  have the unilateral  option,  at their sole  discretion
prior to the entry of the Judgment  Order,  to terminate the Residence Inn II LP
Settlement,  without cost or expense,  other than notice  costs  relating to the
Residence Inn II LP Settlement, if holders of more than ten percent (10%) of the
70,000 units  outstanding in Residence Inn II LP opt-out of the Residence Inn II
LP  Settlement.  If the Residence Inn II LP Settlement  proceeds with fewer than
one hundred percent (100%) of the 70,000 units participating,  the amount of the
Residence Inn II LP Settlement Amount shall be reduced by $228.38 for every such
non-participating unit.

         5.7  Residence  Inn II LP  Plaintiffs  who  elect  not  to  participate
("Opt-Out  Residence  Inn II  Plaintiffs")  will  be  informed  in the  proposed
Residence Inn II LP Notice that they will

Settlement Agreement - Page 40

receive no settlement payment but are free to pursue individual claims against
the Defendants by hiring independent counsel, which will not include any counsel
who have appeared for Residence Inn II LP Plaintiffs in the Haas Litigation.

         5.8 The  Residence Inn II LP Settlement is also subject to Paragraph 10

         5.9  Notwithstanding  the failure of any Residence Inn II LP Plaintiff,
Palm Intervenors or Equity  Intervenors to execute and deliver the Residence Inn
II LP Proof of Claim, upon the Judgment Order becoming Final, such Residence Inn
II LP Plaintiffs, Palm Intervenors and Equity Intervenors will be deemed to have
released the Released Residence Inn II LP Claims against the Released Persons.

         6.    The Fairfield Inn LP Settlement

         6.1 As part of the  Fairfield  Inn LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the
terms and conditions contained herein,  Plaintiffs' Counsel, with the advice and
consent of Defendants' Counsel,  will move for and be granted certification of a
settlement  class  consisting of all  Fairfield Inn LP unit holders,  excluding,
however,  the  Equity  Intervenors  who  own  units  in  Fairfield  Inn LP  (the
"Fairfield Inn LP Class").

         6.2 As part of the  Fairfield  Inn LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the
terms and conditions contained herein,  Rockledge and Marriott  International or
its  designee,  will pay or cause to be paid  the  Fairfield  Inn LP  Settlement

         6.3   As part of the Fairfield Inn LP Settlement, and subject to the
terms and conditions contained herein, the Fairfield Inn LP Plaintiffs, the Palm
Intervenors and Equity  Intervenors will RELEASE,  ACQUIT and FOREVER  DISCHARGE
the  Released  Persons  from the  Fairfield  Inn LP  Released  Claims  as of the
Effective  Date. The Fairfield Inn LP Released Claims are described on Exhibit E
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

Settlement Agreement - Page 41

         6.4 As part of the  Fairfield  Inn LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the
terms and conditions  contained herein,  and before payment of any Fairfield Inn
LP Settlement Amount is made to any such person, each Fairfield Inn LP Plaintiff
and Equity  Intervenor  will  execute and return the  Fairfield  Inn LP Proof of
Claim in the form and manner described therein.

         6.5 As part of the  Fairfield  Inn LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the
terms  and  conditions  contained  herein,  Defendants  will  waive the right to
receive  payment in the future of  $23,483,000.00  in deferred  management  fees
presently  owed to the  manager  pursuant to the terms of the  Fairfield  Inn LP
Management Agreement.

         6.6 Defendants  have the unilateral  option,  at their sole  discretion
prior to  entry  of the  Judgment  Order,  to  terminate  the  Fairfield  Inn LP
Settlement,  without cost or expense,  other than notice  costs  relating to the
Fairfield  Inn LP  Settlement,  if holders of more than ten percent (10%) of the
83,337 units  outstanding  in Fairfield  Inn LP opt-out of the  Fairfield Inn LP
Settlement.  If the  Fairfield  Inn LP  Settlement  proceeds with fewer than one
hundred  percent  (100%) of the 83,337  units  participating,  the amount of the
Fairfield  Inn LP  Settlement  Amount shall be reduced by $228.38 for every such
non-participating unit.

         6.7   Fairfield Inn LP Plaintiffs who elect not to participate ("Opt-
Out Fairfield Inn LP Plaintiffs") will be informed in the proposed Fairfield Inn
LP Notice that they will  receive no  settlement  payment but are free to pursue
individual claims against the Defendants by hiring  independent  counsel,  which
will  not  include  any  counsel  who have  appeared  for the  Fairfield  Inn LP
Plaintiffs in the Haas Litigation.

         6.8   The Fairfield Inn LP Settlement is subject to Paragraph 10

         6.9 Notwithstanding the failure of any Fairfield Inn LP Plaintiff, Palm
Intervenors  or Equity  Intervenors  to execute and deliver the Fairfield Inn LP
Proof of Claim, upon the

Settlement Agreement - Page 42

Judgment  Order  becoming  Final,   such  Fairfield  Inn  LP  Plaintiffs,   Palm
Intervenors and Equity  Intervenors will be deemed to have released the Released
Fairfield Inn LP Claims against the Released Persons.

         7.    The Desert Springs LP Settlement

         7.1 As part of the Desert  Springs LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the
terms and conditions contained herein,  Plaintiffs' Counsel, with the advice and
consent of Defendants' Counsel,  will move for and be granted certification of a
settlement  class consisting of all former Desert Springs LP unit holders in two
sub-classes:  (1) the former  holders of the 206 units in Desert  Springs LP who
have  individually  appeared in the Haas  Litigation;  and (2) all other  former
Desert Springs LP Unit holders,  excluding the Equity  Intervenors  who formerly
owned units in Desert Springs LP (collectively the "Desert Springs LP Class").

         7.2 As part of the Desert  Springs LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the
terms and conditions contained herein, Host Marriott and Marriott  International
or its designee  will pay or cause to be paid the Desert  Springs LP  Settlement

         7.3 As part of the Desert  Springs LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the
terms and conditions  contained  herein,  the Desert Springs LP Plaintiffs,  the
Palm  Intervenors and the Equity  Intervenors  will RELEASE,  ACQUIT and FOREVER
DISCHARGE the Released  Persons from the Desert Springs LP Released Claims as of
the  Effective  Date.  The Desert  Springs LP Released  Claims are  described on
Exhibit D attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.

         7.4 As part of the Desert  Springs LP  Settlement,  and  subject to the
terms and conditions  contained herein, and before payment of any Desert Springs
LP  Settlement  Amount  is made to any  such  person,  each  Desert  Springs  LP
Plaintiff and Equity Intervenor will execute

Settlement Agreement - Page 43

and return the Desert Spring LP Proof of Claim in the form and manner  described

         7.5 Defendants  have the unilateral  option,  at their sole  discretion
prior to entry of the  Judgment  Order,  to  terminate  the  Desert  Springs  LP
Settlement,  without cost or expense,  other than notice  costs  relating to the
Desert Springs LP  Settlement,  if the holders of more than ten percent (10%) of
the 900  former  units  outstanding  in Desert  Springs LP opt-out of the Desert
Springs LP Settlement.  If the Desert Springs LP Settlement  proceeds with fewer
than  one  hundred  percent  (100%)  of the  holders  of the  900  former  units
participating,  the amount of the Desert  Springs LP Settlement  Amount shall be
reduced   by  the   amount   set  forth  in   Paragraph   1.41  for  every  such
non-participating unit.

         7.6 Desert  Springs LP Plaintiffs  who elect not to  participate in the
Desert  Springs  LP Class  ("Opt-Out  Desert  Springs  LP  Plaintiffs")  will be
informed in the  proposed  Desert  Springs LP Notice  that they will  receive no
settlement  payment  but are  free  to  pursue  individual  claims  against  the
Defendants by hiring independent counsel, which will not include any counsel who
have appeared for the Desert Springs LP Plaintiffs in the Haas Litigation.

         7.7   The Desert Springs LP Settlement is subject to Paragraph 10

         7.8   Notwithstanding the failure of any Desert Springs LP Plaintiff,
Palm Intervenors or Equity Intervenors to execute and deliver the Desert Springs
LP Proof of Claim,  upon the Judgment Order becoming Final,  such Desert Springs
LP Plaintiffs,  Palm  Intervenors and Equity  Intervenors will be deemed to have
released the Released Desert Springs LP Claims against the Released Persons.

Settlement Agreement - Page 44

         8.    The Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement

         8.1   As part of this Settlement, Plaintiffs' Counsel and Equity's
Counsel will dismiss without prejudice any and all claims in the Haas Litigation
relating to Atlanta  Marquis LP and inform the Atlanta  Marquis  Plaintiffs that
(i) they are dismissing all claims relating to Atlanta Marquis LP; and (ii) they
will be class  members  in the Sturm  Litigation  with  respect  to the  Atlanta
Marquis LP Settlement.

         8.2 As part of the Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement,  Atlanta Marquis LP's
Counsel,  with the advice and consent of Defendants' Counsel,  will move for and
be granted  certification of a settlement class consisting of all parties in the
Sturm  Litigation who formerly  owned units in Atlanta  Marquis LP and all other
former  Atlanta  Marquis LP unit  holders  (the  "Atlanta  Marquis  LP  Class"),
excluding, however, Equity Intervenors who owned units in Atlanta Marquis LP.

         8.3 As part of the Atlanta  Marquis LP  Settlement,  Host  Marriott and
Marriott International or its designee, will pay or cause to be paid the Atlanta
Marquis LP Settlement Amount.

         8.4 As part of the Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement,  the Sturm Plaintiffs
will RELEASE, ACQUIT and FOREVER DISCHARGE the Released Persons.

         8.5 As part of the Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement, and before payment of
any Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement Amount is made to any such person,  each Sturm
Plaintiff  will execute and return the Atlanta  Marquis LP Proof of Claim in the
form and manner described therein.

         8.6 Defendants  have the unilateral  option,  at their sole  discretion
prior  to entry of the  Judgment  Order to  terminate  the  Atlanta  Marquis  LP
Settlement,  without cost or expense,  other than notice  costs  relating to the
Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement, if holders of more than ten

Settlement Agreement - Page 45

percent (10%) of the former 530 unit holders in Atlanta Marquis LP opt-out of
the Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement. If the Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement proceeds
with fewer than one hundred percent (100%) of the 530 units  participating,  the
amount of the Atlanta Marquis LP Settlement Amount shall be reduced by $8,018.86
for every such non-participating unit.

         8.7 Sturm  Plaintiffs  who elect not to participate  ("Opt-Out  Atlanta
Marquis LP  Plaintiffs")  will be informed in the Atlanta Marquis LP Notice that
they will receive no settlement payment but are free to pursue individual claims
against the Defendants by hiring independent counsel, which will not include any
counsel who have  appeared for the Atlanta  Marquis LP  Plaintiffs  or the Sturm

         9.    The SLC

         9.1  The  SLC  agrees  that  the  terms  of the  CBM  II LP  Settlement
(including,  without limitation,  the terms and conditions of the CBM II LP Unit
Acquisition and the CBM II LP Merger) are fair and reasonable and include a fair
and  reasonable  settlement  of any  and all  derivative  claims,  expressed  or
implied, made on behalf of CBM II LP in the Milkes Litigation. If holders of ten
percent  (10%)  or  less  of  the  CBM II LP  Units  opt-out  of  the  CBM II LP
Settlement,  or, at Defendants' sole option, if holders of more than ten percent
(10%)  opt-out and  Defendants  waive,  in writing,  the  condition set forth in
Paragraph  10.2(a) as to CBM II LP, the SLC agrees to release,  on behalf of CBM
II LP and in favor of all Defendants, any and all such derivative claims.

         9.2   The CBM II LP Notice shall state that if holders of ten percent
(10%) or less of the CBM II LP Units opt-out of the CBM II LP Settlement, or, at
Defendants' sole option, if holders of more than ten percent (10%) of the CBM II
LP Units opt-out and Defendants  waive,  in writing,  the condition set forth in
Paragraph 10.2(a) as to CBM II LP, the SLC agrees to

Settlement Agreement - Page 46

release  upon the  Effective  Date,  on  behalf of CBM II LP and in favor of all
Defendants, any and all such derivative claims.

         9.3 Based on the information  received by the SLC to date, the terms of
the CBM I LP Settlement (including, without limitation, the terms and conditions
of the CBM I LP Unit  Acquisition  and the CBM I LP Merger) appear to the SLC to
be fair and reasonable  and to include a fair and  reasonable  settlement of any
and all derivative claims,  expressed or implied,  made on behalf of CBM I LP in
the Haas Litigation.  It further appears to the SLC to be fair and reasonable to
release,  and subject to the SLC's due diligence review,  the SLC shall release,
on behalf of CBM I LP, in favor of all Defendants, any such derivative claims if
ten  percent  (10%)  or  less  of the  CBM I LP  Units  opt-out  of the CBM I LP
Settlement,  or, at  Defendants'  sole  option,  if more than ten percent  (10%)
opt-out and Defendants  waive, in writing,  the condition set forth in Paragraph
10.2(a) as to CBM I LP.

         9.4 Subject to the SLC's due diligence review, which shall be concluded
before the CBM I LP Notice is provided to the Court,  the CBM I LP Notice  shall
state that if holders of ten percent (10%) or less of the CBM I LP Units opt-out
of the CBM I LP Settlement,  or, at Defendants' sole option,  if holders of more
than ten percent (10%) of the CBM I LP Units opt-out and  Defendants  waive,  in
writing,  the  condition set forth in  Paragraph10.2(a)  as to CBM I LP, the SLC
agrees to release upon the Effective Date, on behalf of CBM I LP and in favor of
all Defendants, any and all such derivative claims.

         9.5 The fees and expenses of the SLC, the SLC's Counsel and any experts
retained by the SLC shall be paid by the Defendants or their designees.

10.      Conditions to the Effectiveness of the Settlement

         10.1  Conditions Prior to Notice. Defendants' obligation to proceed
with this

Settlement Agreement - Page 47

Settlement Agreement and consummate the transactions  contemplated in connection
therewith  is  subject to the  condition  precedent  that any and all  necessary
consents  from third  parties  shall have been obtained and remain in full force
and effect;  provided that Host Marriott,  Rockledge and Marriott  International
shall have the right, in their sole and absolute  discretion,  to waive any such
condition, in writing, as to any or all of such consents,  which may include the

         (a)   If required, the lenders under the Amended and Restated Credit
Agreement dated as of August 5, 1998 (as amended to the date hereof) under which
Host Marriott is the borrower;

               (b)   If required,  the lender under the Loan Agreement  dated as
                     of March 21,  1997 (as amended to the date  hereof),  under
                     which  CBM I LP  is  the  borrower  (and any Rating Comfort
                     Letter (as defined therein) required in connection with the
                     Settlement shall have obtained);

               (c)   If required,  the holders of  a majority of the outstanding
                     principal amount of Senior Secured Notes due 2008 issued by
                     CBM II LP;

               (d)   If  required,  any  ground  lessor  (other  than   Marriott
                     International  or any affiliate  thereof)  with  respect to
                     any  hotel  owned  by  either of CBM I LP  or  Courtyard II
                     Associates; and

               (e)   If   required,   Hospitality   Properties   Trust  (or  its
                     successors  or  assigns)  shall  have  waived  its right to
                     purchase any  partnership interest in CBM I LP or CBM II LP
                     pursuant to that certain Purchase-Sale and Option Agreement
                     by   and   among   HMH   Courtyard  Properties,  Inc.,  HMH
                     Properties,  Inc.,  and Hospitality Properties, Inc., dated
                     as of February 3, 1995, as amended to the date hereof.

               (f)   If  required,  permission  by the  Securities  and Exchange
                     Commission   ("SEC")  to  mail  the   definitive   Purchase
                     Offer/Consent  Solicitation Statement to the holders of CBM
                     I LP Units and CBM II LP Units or the SEC staff  shall have
                     decided   not  to   review   the   Purchase   Offer/Consent
                     Solicitation Statements.

         Following  execution  of this Settlement Agreement, Defendants will use

Settlement Agreement - Page 48

efforts to obtain such  consents/permission  within sixty (60) days,  and notify
Plaintiffs'  Counsel,  Equity's  Counsel and Palm's Counsel in writing when such
consents have been obtained.  If Defendants  determine in their sole  discretion
that such  consents/permission  cannot be obtained,  unless  Defendants elect in
their   sole   discretion   to  waive  the   requirement   of   obtaining   such
consent/permission  in writing,  Defendants  shall notify  Plaintiffs'  Counsel,
Palm's Counsel and Equity's  Counsel in writing,  at which time this  Settlement
Agreement and the Settlement  shall be null and void and without cost or expense
(including  Interest  expense) to any party,  and without  further  action,  the
Defendants, the Joint Venture and Rockledge shall be relieved of any obligations
under this Settlement Agreement.  If Defendants Counsel has not, within 120 days
of the execution of this Settlement  Agreement,  notified  Plaintiffs'  Counsel,
Palm's Counsel and Equity's Counsel that (i) such  consents/permission have been
obtained;  (ii)  such  consents/permission  have  been  waived;  or  (iii)  such
consents/permission  cannot be obtained, then Plaintiffs' Counsel has the option
to notify  Defendants'  Counsel in writing that the Settlement shall be null and
void  without cost or expense  (including  Interest  expense) to any party,  and
Palm's  Counsel  and/or  Equity's  Counsel has the option to notify  Defendants'
Counsel in writing that the Palm Intervenors  and/or the Equity  Intervenors (as
the case may be) withdraw from the Settlement without cost or expense (including
Interest  expense) to any party;  provided  that such  notice  from  Plaintiffs'
Counsel,  Palm's Counsel and/or  Equity's  Counsel is sent prior to notice being
sent by Defendants' Counsel that the  consents/permission  have been obtained or

         10.2  Conditions Following Notice. Assuming all conditions in Paragraph
10.1 have been satisfied or waived, and following the approval by the Court of
certification of the CBM I

Settlement Agreement - Page 49

LP Class,  the  Residence Inn I LP Class,  the  Residence  Inn II LP Class,  the
Fairfield Inn LP Class,  and the Desert Springs LP Class, and the sending to the
Plaintiffs of the appropriate Notices,  Defendants shall be obligated to proceed
with this  Settlement  only if each of the following  events shall have occurred
and  remain  in  effect  within  the  time  set for  all  Plaintiffs,  the  Palm
Intervenors  and Equity  Intervenors to return the Consent Forms and/or Proof of
Claims or opt-out of the Settlements:

               (a)   Holders of ten  percent  (10%) or less of the units held by
                     limited  partners (other than Insiders) in CBM I LP, CBM II
                     LP, Residence Inn I LP, Residence Inn II LP, Desert Springs
                     LP and Atlanta Marquis LP shall have elected not to
                     participate in ("opted-out" of) the Settlement;

               (b)   Limited  partners  holding a majority of the CBM I LP Units
                     (excluding  CBM I LP Units  held by  Insiders)  shall  have
                     submitted  valid  written CBM I LP Consent  Forms voting in
                     favor  of the CBM I LP  Merger  and the  Proposed  CBM I LP
                     Partnership Agreement Amendments; and

               (c)   Limited  partners holding a majority of the CBM II LP Units
                     (excluding the CBM II LP Units held by Insiders) shall have
                     submitted  valid  written  CBM II LP Consent  Forms  voting
                     in favor of the CBM II LP Merger and the  Proposed  CBM  II
                     LP  Partnership  Agreement  Amendments.

         If any of the above conditions are not satisfied, unless Host Marriott,
Rockledge  and  Marriott  International  elect,  in  writing,  in their sole and
absolute  discretion,  to waive any such  condition and proceed with all, or any
one  or  more,  or  any  combination  of  the  CBM I LP  Settlement,  CBM  II LP
Settlement,  Residence  Inn I LP  Settlement,  Residence  Inn II LP  Settlement,
Desert  Springs LP Settlement and Atlanta  Marquis LP Settlement,  solely at the
option of Host  Marriott,  Rockledge  and Marriott  International,  set forth in
writing,  this  Settlement  Agreement  and the  Settlement as to all or any such
Partnerships  shall be null and void and  without  cost or  expense to any party
(including  Interest  expense)  (and except for the Notice  costs,  as set forth
elsewhere herein), and without further action, the Defendants, the Joint Venture

Settlement Agreement - Page 50

and  Rockledge  shall be  relieved  of any  obligations  under  this  Settlement

         10.3 Plaintiffs' Counsel has substantially  completed its due diligence
regarding the  Settlement  subject to receipt  within  fourteen (14) days of the
remaining documents previously requested from Defendants.

         11.   Payment of the Settlement Fund

         11.1 On or before the third  business  day  following  the entry by the
Court of the  executed  Judgment  Order,  the  Joint  Venture,  Rockledge,  Host
Marriott and Marriott  International,  or one or more of their designees,  shall
pay or cause  to be paid by wire  transfer  the  Settlement  Fund to the  Escrow
Agent,  which  will be  deposited  by the  Escrow  Agent in an  interest-bearing
account pursuant to the Escrow  Agreement in substantially  the form attached as
Exhibit H. In the event that the Judgment Order does not become Final because an
appeal or other  review of the Judgment  Order has been filed,  the Escrow Agent
will return the Settlement Fund, with interest, to the Joint Venture, Rockledge,
Host Marriott and Marriott  International,  in amounts as jointly  instructed by
these four entities,  by wire  transfer,  within two (2) business days after the
date the Escrow Agent receives  documentation  of such event. The Joint Venture,
Rockledge,  Host  Marriott  and Marriott  International  or one or more of their
designees,  will pay or cause to be paid by wire  transfer the  Settlement  Fund
back to the  Escrow  Agent  within  three (3)  business  days after the order or
judgment by the appellate court affirming the Judgment Order becomes Final.

         11.2  In  the event  that the  Settlement Fund is returned to the Joint
Venture,   Rockledge,  Host  Marriott  Corporation  and  Marriott  International
pursuant to Paragraph 11.1 above, the Defendants agree to accrue Interest on the
Fairfield Inn LP Settlement Amount, Residence Inn I

Settlement Agreement - Page 51

LP Settlement  Amount,  Residence Inn II LP Settlement Amount and Desert Springs
LP Settlement  Amount until such time as the Settlement  Fund, with such accrued
Interest  (including  Interest  earned on that  portion of the  Settlement  Fund
relating to such Settlement  Amounts pursuant to Paragraph 11.1 above),  is paid
back to the Escrow Agent pursuant to Paragraph 11.1 above.

         11.3 The Escrow Agent shall not be authorized to distribute  any amount
from the Settlement Fund to any Plaintiff,  Palm Intervenor,  Equity Intervenor,
Insider,  or  Plaintiffs'  Counsel  until  after  the  Effective  Date,  and  in
accordance with the Plan of Allocation and the Court's order with respect to the
payment of Plaintiffs' Counsel's Attorneys' Fees and reimbursement of expenses.

         11.4  The  Escrow  Agent  will  not  distribute  any  amount  from  the
Settlement Fund to any Plaintiff, Palm Intervenor,  Equity Intervenor or Insider
unless  and until a fully  executed  Proof of Claim is  received  by the  Claims
Administrator and provided to Defendants' Counsel and Plaintiffs' Counsel.

         11.5 If the  Settlement  does not become  effective,  all such Interest
shall inure to the benefit of the Joint  Venture,  Rockledge,  Host Marriott and
Marriott  International  and shall be returned to the Joint Venture,  Rockledge,
Host Marriott and Marriott International in such proportions as they shall agree
among  themselves and in accordance  with the provisions of Paragraph 11.1, less
any amounts  necessary  to pay the fees and expenses of the Escrow Agent and the
Claims Administrator.

         11.6  The Escrow Agent shall not use or disburse any funds from the
Settlement Fund except as provided for in this Settlement Agreement,  the Escrow
Agreement, as permitted by Order of the Court or with the written consent of the

Settlement Agreement - Page 52

         11.7 In addition to the other terms and  conditions  contained  herein,
the receipt by any Plaintiff,  Palm Intervenor,  Equity Intervenor or Insider of
any payment from the Settlement Fund or the execution, negotiation or deposit of
any check  transferring  or paying any  amount  from the  Settlement  Fund shall
constitute:  (1) a full and final  release of the  Released  Claims;  and (2) an
assignment,  conveyance  and  transfer  of  all  CBM I LP and  CBM II LP  Units,
half-units and other fractional units owned by that person or its designees.

         11.8  The Settlement Fund shall be deemed and considered to be in
custodia legis of the Court, and shall remain subject to the jurisdiction of the
Court,  until such time as the Settlement Fund shall be distributed  pursuant to
this Settlement Agreement and/or further Order(s) of the Court.

         11.9 In the event that this  Settlement  Agreement is not approved,  is
terminated,  canceled, or fails to become effective for any reason, then none of
the Joint Venture,  Rockledge, Host Marriott and Marriott International shall be
under any obligation to pay the Settlement  Fund. In the event that the Judgment
Order does not become  Final,  or is  reversed,  or  substantially  modified  on
appeal,  then none of the Joint Venture,  Rockledge,  Host Marriott and Marriott
International  shall be under any  obligation  to repay to the Escrow  Agent the
Settlement Fund and this Settlement Agreement shall be terminated with the Joint
Venture,   Rockledge,   Host  Marriott  and  Marriott  International  having  no
obligation to pay the Settlement Fund.

         12.   Distribution of the Settlement Amounts and Settlement Documents

         12.1  The Escrow Agent, subject to the supervision, direction and
approval  of the Court,  and subject to all the terms and  conditions  contained
herein,  shall administer and oversee the distribution of the Settlement Fund to
the Plaintiffs, Palm Intervenors, Equity Intervenors,  Insiders, and Plaintiffs'
Counsel, pursuant to this Settlement Agreement, the Escrow Agreement

Settlement Agreement - Page 53

and the Plan of Allocation approved by the Court.

         12.2 Payment of the Settlement  Fund in the manner provided in the Plan
of  Allocation  shall be deemed  conclusive  against  any claim by any person or
entity receiving such payment.

         12.3 Seven (7) days after the Effective  Date, the Escrow Agent will be
authorized  to  distribute  from  the  Settlement  Fund to  Plaintiffs'  Counsel
Plaintiffs' Counsel's Attorneys' Fees.

         12.4 Seven (7) days after the Effective  Date, the Escrow Agent will be
authorized  to  distribute  from the  Settlement  Fund to the Palm  Intervenors,
Equity  Intervenors  and Insiders who have  executed and timely  returned  their
Proof of Claims to the Claims  Administrator  before the Effective  Date,  their
pro-rata portion of the CBM I LP Settlement Amount, CBM II LP Settlement Amount,
Residence Inn I LP  Settlement  Amount,  Residence Inn II LP Settlement  Amount,
Fairfield Inn LP Settlement Amount,  and/or Desert Springs LP Settlement Amount,
as the case may be, with no  proportionate  reduction for Plaintiffs'  Counsels'
Attorneys' Fees.

         12.5 For any  Plaintiff who has submitted a valid Proof of Claim to the
Claims  Administrator on or before the Effective Date, within seven (7) business
days  following the Effective  Date,  the Escrow Agent shall  distribute to that
person or entity their pro-rata  portion of the Net Settlement Fund as set forth
in the Plan of Allocation. For any Plaintiff, Palm Intervenor, Equity Intervenor
or Insider who submits a valid Proof of Claim after the Effective  Date,  within
seven (7)  business  days  following  the  receipt  of the Proof of Claim by the
Claims Administrator, the Escrow Agent shall distribute to that person or entity
their  Net  Settlement  Amount;  provided  that  for any  Plaintiff  who has not
returned a Proof of Claim to the Claims  Administrator  within  ninety (90) days
following  the  Effective  Date,  Plaintiffs'  Counsel,  as the case may be, may
execute a Proof of Claim on  behalf of that  Plaintiff  and  distribute  to that
Plaintiff that  Plaintiff's  pro-rata  portion of the Net Settlement Fund as set
forth in the Plan of

Settlement Agreement - Page 54

Allocation and the Judgment Order.

         12.6 Completed and executed Proof of Claims, the CBM I LP Consent Forms
and the CBM II LP Consent Forms (collectively  "Settlement  Documents") shall be
sent  to  the  Claims  Administrator.  Until  the  Effective  Date,  the  Claims
Administrator  shall  hold all  Settlement  Documents  and not  distribute  such
documents to Defendants;  provided, however, that the Claims Administrator shall
give at least weekly (and otherwise,  upon request) accountings of the status of
same to all counsel for the  Settling  Parties and will advise all  counsel,  in
writing,  with sufficient  back-up proof,  including copies of the Consent Forms
and  Proof of  Claims,  when the  conditions  set forth in  Paragraph  10 of the
Settlement Agreement have been satisfied with respect to CBM I LP and CBM II LP.
On the day following the Effective Date, the Claims  Administrator shall release
to the Defendants the  Settlement  Documents it has received to date.  After the
Effective Date, the Claims  Administrator  shall, every two (2) days, release to
the Defendants all Settlement Documents it receives.

         12.7  The   Defendants   and   Defendants'   Counsel   shall   have  no
responsibility  for or liability  whatsoever  with respect to the  investment or
distribution  of  the  Settlement  Fund,  the   determination,   administration,
calculation  or  payment  of  claims,  or  any  losses  incurred  in  connection
therewith,  or with the formulation or implementation of the Plan of Allocation,
or the giving of any notice with respect to same.

         12.8 It is  understood  and  agreed by the  Settling  Parties  that any
proposed Plan of Allocation of the Settlement  Fund  including,  but not limited
to, any  adjustments to be set forth therein,  is not a part of this  Settlement
Agreement,  and may be  considered  by the  Court  separately  from the  Court's
consideration of the fairness, reasonableness and adequacy of the Settlement set
forth in this Settlement Agreement, and any order or proceedings relating to the

Settlement Agreement - Page 55

Plan of Allocation or any appeal from any order relating thereto or any reversal
or modification thereof shall not operate to terminate or cancel this Settlement
Agreement  or  affect  or delay  the  finality  of the  Judgment  Order  and the
Settlement of the Milkes and Haas Litigations as set forth herein.

         12.9 Each Plaintiff,  Palm  Intervenor,  Equity  Intervenor and Insider
shall be deemed to have submitted to the  jurisdiction of the Court with respect
to all matters relating to the allocation of the Settlement Fund and/or any such
person's interest therein.

         12.10  All proceedings with respect to the Settlement described by this
Settlement  Agreement  and  the  determination  of  all  controversies  relating
thereto,  including  disputed questions of law and all such fact with respect to
the validity of claims, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court.

         12.11  Payment of the fees and  expenses of the Escrow Agent and Claims
Administrator  shall be made  (i)  first,  out of any  interest  accrued  on the
Settlement  Fund during the time the Settlement  Fund is in escrow,  and (ii) to
the  extent  such  accrued  interest  is  insufficient  to cover  such  fees and
expenses, by Defendants.

         12.12 Any disputes concerning the identity of the proper Person(s) to
receive any or all of a  Plaintiffs'  Net  Settlement  Amount,  if not otherwise
resolved,  will be  finally  determined  by the  Court.  In the  event of such a
dispute, the Escrow Agent will retain the Net Settlement Amount relating to such
Person(s) in the Settlement Fund until it receives a written order of the Court.

         13.   Agreement to Reduce Attorneys' Fees.

         13.1  In  exchange  for  the  waiver of  deferred  fees  identified  in
Paragraphs 4.5, 5.5 and 6.5,  Plaintiffs'  Counsel hereby agrees to reduce their
attorneys' fees by $4.25 million from the

Settlement Agreement - Page 56

amount of  attorneys'  fees  ultimately  awarded by the Court.  The amount to be
contributed  to the  Settlement  Fund  to pay the  attorneys'  fees  awarded  to
Plaintiffs'  Counsel  shall be reduced  accordingly.  Anything  to the  contrary
notwithstanding,  however,  such  reduction  shall not reduce the  amounts to be
contributed to or distributed  from the Settlement Fund for and on behalf of the
Plaintiffs.  The Settling Parties and Plaintiffs'  Counsel hereby agree that for
all  purposes,  including,  without  limitation,  federal  and state  income tax
purposes, the $4.25 million shall not be treated as having been paid.

         14.   Hearing Order, Notice And Settlement Hearing

         14.1 Promptly after execution of this Settlement  Agreement,  after all
necessary  consents  prior to Notice (as set forth in Paragraph  10.1) have been
obtained, and after the SLC has completed its due diligence review,  Plaintiffs'
Counsel  shall  move for  certification  of a  settlement  class of the  limited
partners  (other than  Defendants)  in CBM I LP, CBM II LP,  Residence Inn I LP,
Residence  Inn II LP,  Fairfield  Inn LP and  Desert  Springs  LP,  as set forth

         14.2  Plaintiffs'  Counsel,  with the advice and consent of Defendants'
Counsel,  shall  prepare  the Notices  and the Plan of  Allocation.  Defendants'
Counsel,  with the advice and consent of Plaintiffs' Counsel,  shall prepare the
Hearing  Order,  Consent  Solicitations,  Consent  Forms  and  Proof of  Claims.
Thereafter,  Plaintiffs'  Counsel  shall  submit  to  the  Court  a  motion  for
authorization to disseminate the Notice, Proof of Claim,  Consent  Solicitations
and Consent Forms as  appropriate.  The Motion shall include (i) a proposed form
of,  method for,  and date of  dissemination  of the  Notices,  Proof of Claims,
Consent  Solicitations and Consent Forms; (ii) a proposed date for the return of
the Proof of Claim and Consent Form; and (iii) a proposed hearing date.

Settlement Agreement - Page 57

         14.3  Defendants  will pay the costs of sending the Notice to the CBM I
LP, CBM II LP,  Residence Inn I LP,  Residence  Inn II LP,  Fairfield Inn LP and
Desert  Springs  LP  Class  Members  and  to the  Palm  Intervenors  and  Equity

         15.   Plaintiffs' Counsels' Fees And Reimbursement of Litigation Costs
               and Expenses

         15.1   Plaintiffs'   Counsel   intend  to  submit  an   application  or
applications (the "Fee and Expense  Application") to the Court for an award from
the  Settlement  Fund. The amount of attorneys'  fees and  litigation  costs and
expenses  awarded  by the  Court  to  Plaintiffs'  Counsel  shall be in the sole
discretion of the Court.

         15.2 Plaintiffs' Counsel agree that they will seek fees,  reimbursement
of all litigation  costs and expenses,  and any other costs and expenses  solely
from the Settlement Fund and not from Defendants. In no event will Defendants be
obligated or required to pay any amount in excess of the Settlement Fund, except
as provided herein

         15.3  The procedure for and the allowance or disallowance by the Court
of any Fee and Expense  Applications by Plaintiffs'  Counsel are not part of the
Settlement set forth in this Settlement Agreement,  and may be considered by the
Court separately from the Court's consideration of the fairness,  reasonableness
and adequacy of the Settlement set forth in this Settlement  Agreement,  and any
order or proceeding  relating to Plaintiffs'  Counsels'  application(s)  for the
award of attorneys' fees and reimbursement of litigation costs and expenses,  or
any appeal from any order relating thereto or reversal or modification  thereof,
shall not operate to terminate or cancel this Settlement Agreement, or affect or
delay the finality of the Judgment  Order and the  Settlement  of the Milkes and
Haas Litigations as set forth herein.

Settlement Agreement - Page 58

         16.   Continued Interest in the CBM I and CBM II Partnerships

         16.1 Prior to the Judgment Order becoming Final,  all Plaintiffs,  Palm
Intervenors,  Equity  Intervenors  and  Insiders  shall  continue  to own  their
interest in CBM I LP and CBM II LP.  Prior to entry of the Judgment  Order,  the
General Partner of CBM I LP and CBM II LP shall make such  distributions of Cash
Available for  Distribution  as defined and provided for in the CBM I LP and CBM
II LP Partnership  Agreements,  for the period prior to the Judgment  Order;  it
being  understood and agreed that there may be a delay in such  distribution  to
the extent the Judgment  Order is entered in the middle of an accounting  period
or the General  Partner is otherwise  unable to finally  determine the amount of
the  distribution.  In such case, the General Partner shall provide to the Court
an  estimate  as to the amount of the  distribution  anticipated  for the period
prior to the Judgement Order at the time of the Fairness  Hearing to approve the
Settlement.  The  appropriateness of the determination of the Cash Available for
Distribution  in CBM I LP and CBM II LP for the period  from  execution  of this
Settlement  Agreement to the entry of the Judgment  Order shall be considered by
the Court as part of the approval of the Settlement,  and any claims relating to
such distributions shall be covered by the Released Claims.

         16.2 Following entry of a Judgment Order,  and until the Judgment Order
becomes  Final,  assuming  there is no appeal,  the benefits of ownership of the
Units shall inure to the benefit of the Joint Venture and the Defendants, and no
further Cash  Available for  Distribution  shall be  distributed  by the General
Partners  of CBM I LP or CBM II LP to the  Plaintiffs  or  Palm  Intervenors  or
Equity  Intervenors,   and  Plaintiffs  and  the  Palm  Intervenors  and  Equity
Intervenors waive any claim for such distributions.

         16.3  Following the entry of the Judgment Order, and in the event of an
appeal, the

Settlement Agreement - Page 59

owners  of CBM I LP  Units  and  owners  of CBM II LP Units  (collectively,  the
"Units")  will remain  owners,  and retain all benefits of the  ownership of the
Units (including, but not limited to any distributions) until the Judgment Order
becomes  Final;  and (ii) the  General  Partners of CBM I LP and CBM II LP shall
make such  distributions  of Cash Available for Distribution as provided for and
defined in the CBM I LP and CBM II LP partnership  agreements,  to the owners of
the Units,  for the period from the entry of the Judgment  Order and ending when
the Judgment  Order  becomes  Final,  it being  understood  and agreed that such
period  will  constitute  a fiscal  period  for  purposes  of  determining  Cash
Available for  Distribution  as provided for,  defined in and has been customary
pursuant  to the CBM I LP and CBM II LP  partnership  agreements;  and it  being
further  understood and agreed that there may be a delay in such distribution to
the extent  the  Judgment  Order  becomes  Final in the middle of an  accounting
period or the  General  Partner is  otherwise  unable to finally  determine  the
amount of the distribution prior to the Judgment Order becoming Final.

         17.   Interest Prior to Notice

         17.1 If Defendants have not obtained the  consents/permission  required
by Paragraph  10.1 of this  Settlement  Agreement  within sixty (60) days of the
execution  of  this  Settlement   Agreement,   Defendants  shall  pay  from  the
sixty-first day forward,  Interest on the Settlement  Fund.  Interest under this
provision  shall  cease  to run  as of the  date  Defendants'  Counsel  notifies
Plaintiffs'  Counsel,  Equity's  Counsel and Palm's  Counsel in writing that the
required  consents/permission  have been  obtained,  or the  condition  has been
waived by Defendants.  Assuming that  consents/permission  required by Paragraph
10.1 have been  obtained or waived at some time after the  sixty-first  day, and
that the  Judgment  Order is  thereafter  entered,  Defendants  will cause to be
deposited pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 11.1 of this Settlement

Settlement Agreement - Page 60

Agreement,  the Settlement Fund, plus the Interest  accumulated pursuant to this
Paragraph.  If the Settlement with respect to any Partnership is not consummated
as a result of a failure of any of the  conditions  set forth in  Paragraph  10,
Defendants  shall have no obligations  under this Paragraph 17.1 with respect to
such Partnerships.

         18.   Binding Nature of This Settlement Agreement

         18.1 This Settlement Agreement,  and each and every term and obligation
hereunder,  shall not be subject to  limitation,  impairment,  modification,  or
termination  for any reason (except as expressly set forth  herein),  including,
without limitation, the following:

               (a)   Any judicial,  legislative  or other  governmental  action,
                     decision or  announcement  of any type,  including  but not
                     limited to the tax laws,  regulations,  rules or  opinions,
                     which  allegedly  relates  to  any  of the  terms  of  this
                     Settlement  or to any issue,  claim,  allegation or defense
                     which has been or might  have been  asserted  in the Milkes
                     and/or Haas Litigations;

               (b)   Any change,  whether adverse or positive,  in the financial
                     condition,  assets,  liabilities,  business,  or any  other
                     corporate  or  personal  activity  of any  of the  Settling
                     Parties; or

               (c)   Any allegedly newly discovered facts, legal issues, events
                     or allegations of any type which allegedly relate to any
                     of the terms of this Settlement or to any Released Claims.

         18.2 Except as otherwise  provided herein,  in the event the Settlement
is terminated,  modified in any material  respect,  or fails to become effective
for any reason, then the Parties to this Settlement Agreement shall be deemed to
have  reverted  to their  respective  status in the Milkes  Litigation  and Haas
Litigation  as of the date and time  immediately  prior to the execution of this
Settlement  Agreement and, except as otherwise expressly  provided,  the Parties
shall proceed in all respects as if this  Settlement  Agreement,  the Settlement
Documents and any related orders had not been entered.

Settlement Agreement - Page 61

         19.   Miscellaneous Provisions

         19.1 The signatories to this Settlement Agreement certify that they are
authorized to enter into and sign this Settlement Agreement.

         19.2 The Settling Parties agree to cooperate to the extent necessary to
effectuate and implement all terms and conditions of this  Settlement  Agreement
and to exercise their best efforts  promptly to accomplish  the foregoing  terms
and conditions of this Settlement Agreement.

         19.3  Plaintiffs'  Counsel  and the  SLC's  Counsel  agree,  and  shall
represent to the Court, that the Settlement provided herein is fair,  reasonable
and adequate,  and that it is in the best  interests of the  Plaintiffs to enter
into this  Settlement  Agreement in full and final  Settlement of the Milkes and
Haas Litigations and the release of all Released Claims.

         19.4 This  Settlement  Agreement,  the  Settlement and any Court Orders
provided herein,  whether or not consummated,  and any act performed or document
executed  pursuant to or in  furtherance  of this  Settlement  Agreement  or the
Settlement and any negotiations or proceedings  relating thereto,  shall not be:
(i) deemed or construed  to be or used as an  admission  of, or evidence of, the
validity  of any  Released  Claim,  or of any  wrongdoing  or  liability  of any
Released  Person or any other person;  (ii) deemed or construed to be or used as
an  admission  of, or evidence  of, any fault or omission of any of the Released
Persons  or of  any  other  person  in any  civil,  criminal  or  administrative
proceeding  in any  court,  administrative  agency or other  tribunal;  or (iii)
deemed or construed or used to evidence any presumption, concession or admission
by, or to establish liability of, any Released Person. Nothing herein,  however,
shall  prevent any of the Released  Persons from filing or otherwise  using this
Settlement  Agreement,  the Final  Judgment  Order or related  documents  in any
action  that may be  brought  against  them in order to  support  a  defense  or
counterclaim based on principles of res judicata, collateral

Settlement Agreement - Page 62

estoppel,  release,  judgment,  bar,  reduction  or any  other  theory  of claim
preclusion  or  issue  preclusion  or  similar  defense  or  counterclaim.   The
Defendants  have denied and continue to deny each and all of the claims  alleged
in the Milkes and Haas Litigation.

         19.5  Plaintiffs'  Counsel  agree that any  agreements  made during the
course of the Milkes and Haas  Litigations  relating to the  confidentiality  of
information  and  requirements  for return or  destruction  of  documents  shall
survive this Settlement Agreement.

         19.6 All of the Exhibits to this Settlement  Agreement are material and
integral parts hereof and are fully incorporated herein.

         19.7 This  Settlement  Agreement  may be amended or modified  only by a
written  instrument  signed  by or on behalf of all  Settling  Parties  or their
successors-in-interest, and approved by the Court.

         19.8  This  Settlement  Agreement  and  the  Exhibits  attached  hereto
constitute  the entire  agreement  between and among the  Settling  Parties with
respect  to the  Settlement  of the Milkes  and Haas  Litigations  and the other
matters contained herein, and no representations, warranties or inducements have
been made to any party  concerning  this  Settlement  Agreement  or its Exhibits
other  than  the   representations,   warranties  and  covenants  contained  and
memorialized in such documents.  Except as otherwise provided herein, as between
the Plaintiffs, Palm Intervenors,  Equity Intervenors and Defendants, each party
shall bear its own costs.

         19.9  This Settlement Agreement may be executed in one or more
counterparts and by facsimile signatures.  For each such document,  all executed
counterparts and each of them shall be deemed to be one and the same instrument.
Plaintiffs'  Counsel,  Palm's Counsel,  Equity's Counsel and Defendants' Counsel
shall exchange among themselves  original signed counterparts and a complete set
of original executed counterparts of this Settlement Agreement shall be filed

Settlement Agreement - Page 63

with the Court.

         19.10 This Settlement Agreement shall be binding upon, and inure to the
benefit of, the  successors  and assigns of the  Plaintiffs,  Palm  Intervenors,
Equity Intervenors, Defendants, the Joint Venture and Rockledge.

         19.11  The  Court   shall   retain   jurisdiction   with   respect   to
implementation  and enforcement of the terms of this Settlement  Agreement,  and
the Plaintiffs,  Palm Intervenors,  Equity  Intervenors,  Defendants,  the Joint
Venture and Rockledge  submit to the  jurisdiction  of the Court for purposes of
implementing and enforcing the Settlement embodied in this Settlement Agreement.

         19.12  This  Settlement  Agreement  shall be  considered  to have  been
negotiated,  executed and delivered, and to be wholly performed, in the State of
Texas, and the rights and obligations of the Settling Parties shall be construed
and enforced in accordance with, and governed by, the internal, substantive laws
of the  State of Texas  without  giving  effect  to that  State's  choice of law
principles.  Venue  of  any  disputes  arising  out  of or  by  virtue  of  this
Stipulation  shall be in the  285th  Judicial  District  Court of Bexar  County,

         19.13 The Settling  Parties  agree that no single party shall be deemed
to have drafted this Settlement  Agreement or any portion thereof and that these
documents are the collaborative  effort of all the Plaintiffs'  Counsel,  Palm's
Counsel, Equity's Counsel and the Defendants' Counsel.

         19.14 The waiver by any party of any  breach by any other  party of any
term of this  Settlement  Agreement shall not be deemed or construed as a waiver
with  respect to any other  party,  or of any other  breach,  whether  prior to,
subsequent to or contemporaneous with this Settlement Agreement.

Settlement Agreement - Page 64

         19.15 This  Settlement  Agreement shall be deemed to have been executed
upon the last date of execution by the undersigned.

         19.16  Plaintiffs'  Counsel shall be solely  responsible for filing all
informational  and other tax returns  necessary to report any net taxable income
earned by the  Settlement  Fund and shall file all  informational  and other tax
returns  necessary to report any income earned by the Settlement  Fund and shall
be solely responsible for taking out of the Settlement Fund, as and when legally
required,  any tax  payments,  including  interest and  penalties  due on income
earned by the Settlement  Fund. All taxes (including any interest and penalties)
due with respect to the income earned by the Settlement  Fund shall be paid from
the Settlement Fund. Defendants shall have no responsibility to make any filings
relating to the Settlement  Fund and will have no  responsibility  to pay tax on
income earned by the Settlement  Fund or pay any taxes on the  Settlement  Fund,
unless the Settlement is not consummated and the Settlement Fund is returned. In
the event the Settlement is not consummated, the Defendants shall be responsible
for the  payment of all taxes  (including  any  interest or  penalties)  on said

         19.17  Counsel for all the  Settling  Parties will jointly move to have
the  Haas  Litigation  designated  as a  complex  case  and  transferred  to the
Honorable  Michael Peden,  Judge of the 285th  Judicial  District Court of Bexar
County, Texas.

         19.18 In entering this Settlement Agreement,  the Plaintiffs,  the Palm
Intervenors  and Equity  Intervenors,  by and through their counsel of record in
the Milkes and Haas  Litigations,  expressly  acknowledge,  represent,  warrant,
covenant and agree that in entering  into this  Settlement  Agreement,  they are
relying  solely  on  their  own  independent  analysis,   beliefs  and  judgment
concerning  the value of CBM I LP and CBM II LP,  and the value of the  Released
Claims  in  CBM I LP,  CBM  II  LP,  Residence  Inn I LP,  Residence  Inn II LP,
Fairfield Inn LP and

Settlement Agreement - Page 65

Desert Springs LP , and expressly  waive,  disclaim,  abandon and relinquish any
reliance  (actual,  perceived  or  otherwise)  on any  Defendant  in electing to
consummate the transactions made the subject of this Settlement Agreement, other
than as expressly contained herein.

         19.19 Any notice, demand or request which may be permitted, required or
desired to be given in connection  herewith  shall be in writing and directed to
the other parties and their counsel by certified mail, return receipt requested,
postage  prepaid,  or by  telecopy  or by  personal  delivery  at the last known
business  addresses of counsel for each party to this Settlement  Agreement.  In
the event such notice or other  communication is effected by personal  delivery,
or by  telecopy,  the date and hour of  actual  delivery  shall  fix the time of
notice.  In the event of delivery of notice by certified United States mail, the
notice shall be effective  three (3) business days after the date upon which the
sealed  envelope  containing  the notice is deposited in the United States mail,
properly addressed and with postage prepaid.

         19.20  In the  event  that  any  suit  arising  out of this  Settlement
Agreement is brought by any party to this Settlement  Agreement,  the prevailing
party or parties shall be entitled to recover their  reasonable  attorneys' fees
and expenses incurred as a result of such suit.

         19.21  Marriott  International  and Host  Marriott  hereby  jointly and
severally,  unconditionally  and  irrevocably  guarantee  the  full  and  timely
performance by the Joint Venture and Rockledge of their obligations hereunder.

         19.22 The headings of any section are formal and not substantive.

Settlement Agreement - Page 66


By: /s/ David Berg

        David Berg
3704 Travis
Houston, Texas  77002

(713) 529-5622 - telephone
(713) 529-3785 - facsimile


By: /s/ Stephen M. Hackerman

        Stephen M. Hackerman
        State Bar No. 08667500
1122 Bissonnet
Houston, Texas  77005
(713) 528-2500 - telephone
(713) 528-2509 - facsimile


By: /s/ James R. Moriarty

        James R. Moriarty
        State Bar No. 14459000
        Kevin Leyendecker

1150 Bissonet
Houston, Texas  77005
(713) 528-0700 - telephone
(713) 528-1390 - facsimile


By: /s/ David E. Warden

        David E. Warden
        State Bar No. 20856750
3800 Chase Tower, 600 Travis
Houston, Texas  77002
(713) 238- 2002 - telephone
(713) 238-2002 - facsimile


Settlement Agreement - Page 67


By: /s/ J. Patrick Deely

        J. Patrick Deely
        State Bar No. 05713600
405 N. St. Mary's Street, Suite 600
San Antonio, Texas  78205
(210) 224-5008 - telephone
(210) 224-8470 - facsimile



By: /s/ R. James George

        R. James George
        State Bar No. 07810000
1100 Norwood Tower
114 W. 7th Street
Austin, Texas  78701

(512) 495-1410 - telephone
(512) 499-0094 - facsimile



By: /s/ Debbie Darlow

        Tom Alan Cunningham
        State Bar No. 05244700
        Debbie Darlow
        State Bar No. 05186900
        Kelley M. Keller
        State Bar No. 11198240
1700 Chase Tower, 600 Travis
Houston, Texas  77002
(713) 659-5522 - telephone
(713) 659-4466 - facsimile


Settlement Agreement - Page 68


By: /s/ Richard Hoffman

        Richard Hoffman
725 Twelfth Street, N.W.
Washington, DC  20005
(202) 434-5000 - telephone
(202) 343-5029 - facsimile


By: /s/ Seagal V. Wheatley

Seagal V. Wheatley
State Bar No. 21252000
Charles L. Smith
State Bar No.  00000060
Jenkens & Gilchrist, P.C.
1800 Frost Bank Tower
100 W. Houston Street
San Antonio, Texas  78205
(210) 246-6500 - telephone
(210) 246-5999 - facsimile



By: /s/ Richard C. Tufaro

        Richard C. Tufaro
1825 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 1100
Washington, D.C.  20006
(202) 835-7500 - telephone
(202) 835-7586 - facsimile

James L. Walker

Albon O. Head, Jr.
112 E. Pecan St., Suite 2100
San Antonio, TX  78205


Settlement Agreement - Page 69




- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             CBM I             CBM II

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert M. Baylis                               1

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bradford Bryan, Jr.                            1

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Karl Kilburg                                   1                  .5

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert Parsons                                .25

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William J. Shaw                                1

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
William R. Tiefel                              1

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Townsend                          .25

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
General Partner (CBM One

LLC / CBM Two LLC)                             15                21.5

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total                                         20.5                22

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                    Exhibit B

                            CBM I LP FORM OF RELEASE

         "Released  Claims"  means and includes  (A) any and all past,  present,
existing,  future,  pending or  threatened,  suspected  or  unsuspected,  class,
derivative,  representative and individual claims, rights, demands,  assertions,
actions,  causes of action,  litigation,  lawsuits,  allegations,  debts, liens,
accounts,  dues,  sums  of  money,  reckonings,   bonds,  bills,   specialities,
contracts,  covenants,  agreements,   controversies,   promises,  cross-actions,
liabilities,   trespasses,   obligations,   losses,  damages,  costs,  expenses,
judgments,  executions, remedies and suits, of every kind and nature whatsoever;
whether in contract or in tort; whether at law or in equity;  whether based upon
fraud,  breach  of  contract,  misrepresentation,  negligent  misrepresentation,
negligence,  gross negligence,  intentional conduct,  libel,  slander,  business
disparagement,  oppression, civil conspiracy, deceit, tortious interference, all
other business torts, breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing,  breach
of fiduciary duty, or any other duty or claim under common law or statute of any
nature or jurisdiction,  including, without limitation, the DECLARATORY JUDGMENT
PARTNERSHIP  ACT, THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933, 15 U.S.C.A.  SS.SS.  77k, 77o; and
the SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934, 15 U.S.C.A.  SS.SS. 78b, 78t, 17 C.F.R. SS.
240.10b-5;  whether arising under or out of any sale,  purchase,  offer, tender,
contract, agreement, conspiracy, combination,  communication,  meeting, joint or
concerted  action;  or  whether  arising  under or by virtue of any  statute  or
regulation  that now exists or may be created or recognized in the future in any
manner,  including  without  limitation,  by  statute,  regulation  or  judicial
decision, including without limitation, all claims


arising under or by virtue of the federal and/or state securities laws; together
with all past, present, existing,  future, liquidated or unliquidated,  fixed or
contingent,  known or unknown,  suspected or unsuspected,  pending or threatened
injuries,  damages,  losses,  costs,  expenses  and  remedies  of every kind and
nature,  including,  but not limited  to,  actual  damages;  all  exemplary  and
punitive  damages;  all penalties of any kind,  including but not limited to tax
liabilities  or  penalties;  all  statutory  damages;  all property and economic
damages;  all  damages to loss of  individual  or business  reputation,  loss of
business, loss of company, loss of assets,  diminution in assets or investments,
loss of  standard  of living,  lost  profits  and  goodwill;  all  consequential
damages;  all mental  anguish  and other  similar  emotional  and  psychological
damages,  including loss of society,  affection,  consortium,  enjoyment and the
like, and all other personal injury  damages;  together with all prejudgment and
postjudgment  interest,   costs  and  attorneys'  fees;  whether  heretofore  or
hereafter accruing (all collectively "Claims");  known or unknown,  whether each
of which  directly  or  indirectly  arise out of,  in  connection  with,  or are
attributable  to, for, or related to: (1) the purchase  and/or sale of the CBM I
Partnership  Unit(s);  (2)  the  operation,  property  management  and/or  asset
management of the  Courtyard by Marriott  Hotels owned by CBM I LP, as described
more fully in the CBM I LP Private Placement Memorandum (the "Hotels"),  and the
formation,  operation,  administration  and/or reporting of CBM I LP, including,
but not limited to, the  calculation  and payment of all partner and partnership
distributions  or the  failure to do same;  the  calculation  and payment of all
returns,  including  the  priority  return,  or  the  failure  to do  same;  the
calculation and use of all FF&E funds;  the results of operations of CBM I LP or
the  Hotels;  the  improvements  and/or  lack  thereof of the  Hotels;  the use,
administration,  management, or operations of CBM I LP and/or any Hotel; the use
of cash derived from the  management or operations of CBM I LP and/or any Hotel;
any  borrowings  or  failure(s)  to borrow  or  refinance  and/or to  distribute
proceeds from same; any property management


agreement; any guarantee agreement;  and any publication or disclosure,  report,
statement  or notice,  or the failure to give same,  concerning  CBM I LP or the
Hotels; (3) the conduct, facts, circumstances,  matters, causes, communications,
agreements, meetings, approvals, purchases,  occurrences,  transactions,  and/or
allegations  asserted,  relied  upon or  referred  to, or which  could have been
asserted,  relied  upon,  or  alleged  in  the  Litigation  arising  out  of the
transactions or occurrences  that are the subject matter of the Haas Litigation;
(4) any matter or thing done,  omitted or suffered to be done  relating to CBM I
LP and/or the Hotels arising out of the transactions or occurrences that are the
subject of the Haas  Litigation;  (5) any matter  that has been  brought or that
could have been brought before or in any court,  tribunal,  or forum, in this or
any other  jurisdiction,  in these United States or anywhere else,  specifically
including  but not limited to, any claims which were or could have been asserted
in the Haas Litigation  arising out of the  transactions or occurrences that are
the  subject  matter  of the Haas  Litigation;  (6) the  resolution  of the Haas
Litigation,  including  but not limited to, all claims,  demands,  and causes of
action which now exist or may arise in the future by virtue of any assignment or
otherwise, arising out of the manner in which the Released Persons, or any other
representative  of the  Released  Persons,  handled,  settled,  or defended  any
claims,  demands,  or causes of action asserted in the Haas Litigation;  and (7)
the  provisions,  rights,  and benefits of Section 1542 of the California  Civil
Code and any and all provisions, rights and benefits conferred by any law of any
state or territory of the United  States,  or any principle of common law, which
is similar,  comparable or equivalent  to Section 1542 of the  California  Civil

         And (B) all known Claims as of the date the Release is executed arising
from or relating to the purchase,  sale, REIT or other  conversion,  assignment,
holding,  operation,  performance  of,  or  investment  in  each  and all of the
Defendants  and  their  respective   predecessors  and  successors,   and  their
respective present or former parents, subsidiaries or affiliates.


         Nothing in this  Release is intended to  release,  waive,  or alter the
ability of any Settling Party to assert any claim arising under this  Settlement


                                    Exhibit C

                            CBM II LP FORM OF RELEASE

         "Released  Claims"  means and includes  (A) any and all past,  present,
existing,  future,  pending or  threatened,  suspected  or  unsuspected,  class,
derivative,  representative and individual claims, rights, demands,  assertions,
actions,  causes of action,  litigation,  lawsuits,  allegations,  debts, liens,
accounts,  dues,  sums  of  money,  reckonings,   bonds,  bills,   specialities,
contracts,  covenants,  agreements,   controversies,   promises,  cross-actions,
liabilities,   trespasses,   obligations,   losses,  damages,  costs,  expenses,
judgments,  executions, remedies and suits, of every kind and nature whatsoever;
whether in contract or in tort; whether at law or in equity;  whether based upon
fraud,  breach  of  contract,  misrepresentation,  negligent  misrepresentation,
negligence,  gross negligence,  intentional conduct,  libel,  slander,  business
disparagement,  oppression, civil conspiracy, deceit, tortious interference, all
other business torts, breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing, breach

of fiduciary duty, or any other duty or claim under common law or statute of any
nature or jurisdiction,  including, without limitation, the DECLARATORY JUDGMENT
(S) 15.01, et seq., the Texas Business  Corporation  Act, the Texas  Partnership
PARTNERSHIP  ACT, THE SECURITIES  ACT OF 1933, 15 U.S.C.A.  (S)(S) 77k, 77o; and
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C.A.  (S)(S) 78b, 78t, 17 C.F.R. (S)
240.10b-5;  whether arising under or out of any sale,  purchase,  offer, tender,
contract, agreement, conspiracy, combination,  communication,  meeting, joint or
concerted  action;  or  whether  arising  under or by virtue of any  statute  or
regulation  that now exists or may be created or recognized in the future in any
manner,  including  without  limitation,  by  statute,  regulation  or  judicial
decision, including without limitation, all claims


arising under or by virtue of the federal and/or state securities laws; together
with all past, present, existing,  future, liquidated or unliquidated,  fixed or
contingent,  known or unknown,  suspected or unsuspected,  pending or threatened
injuries,  damages,  losses,  costs,  expenses  and  remedies  of every kind and
nature,  including,  but not limited  to,  actual  damages;  all  exemplary  and
punitive  damages;  all penalties of any kind,  including but not limited to tax
liabilities  or  penalties;  all  statutory  damages;  all property and economic
damages;  all  damages to loss of  individual  or business  reputation,  loss of
business, loss of company, loss of assets,  diminution in assets or investments,
loss of  standard  of living,  lost  profits  and  goodwill;  all  consequential
damages;  all mental  anguish  and other  similar  emotional  and  psychological
damages,  including loss of society,  affection,  consortium,  enjoyment and the
like, and all other personal injury  damages;  together with all prejudgment and
postjudgment  interest,   costs  and  attorneys'  fees;  whether  heretofore  or
hereafter accruing (all collectively "Claims");  known or unknown,  whether each
of which  directly  or  indirectly  arise out of,  in  connection  with,  or are
attributable  to, for, or related to: (1) the purchase and/or sale of the CBM II
Partnership  Unit(s);  (2)  the  operation,  property  management  and/or  asset
management of the Courtyard by Marriott  Hotels owned by CBM II LP, as described
more fully in the CBM II LP Private Placement Memorandum (the "Hotels"), and the
formation,  operation,  administration and/or reporting of CBM II LP, including,
but not limited to, the  calculation  and payment of all partner and partnership
distributions  or the  failure to do same;  the  calculation  and payment of all
returns,  including  the  priority  return,  or  the  failure  to do  same;  the
calculation and use of all FF&E funds; the results of operations of CBM II LP or
the  Hotels;  the  improvements  and/or  lack  thereof of the  Hotels;  the use,
administration, management, or operations of CBM II LP and/or any Hotel; the use
of cash derived from the management or operations of CBM II LP and/or any Hotel;
any  borrowings  or  failure(s)  to borrow  or  refinance  and/or to  distribute
proceeds from same; any property


management   agreement;   any  guarantee  agreement;   and  any  publication  or
disclosure, report, statement or notice, or the failure to give same, concerning
CBM II LP or the Hotels; (3) the conduct, facts, circumstances, matters, causes,
communications,   agreements,   meetings,  approvals,  purchases,   occurrences,
transactions,  and/or allegations asserted, relied upon or referred to, or which
could have been asserted,  relied upon, or alleged in the Litigation arising out
of the  transactions  or  occurrences  that are the subject matter of the Milkes
Litigation;  (4) any  matter  or thing  done,  omitted  or  suffered  to be done
relating  to CBM II LP and/or  the Hotels  arising  out of the  transactions  or
occurrences that are the subject of the Milkes  Litigation;  (5) any matter that
has been  brought  or that  could  have been  brought  before  or in any  court,
tribunal, or forum, in this or any other jurisdiction, in these United States or
anywhere else,  specifically including but not limited to, any claims which were
or  could  have  been  asserted  in the  Milkes  Litigation  arising  out of the
transactions  or  occurrences   that  are  the  subject  matter  of  the  Milkes
Litigation;  (6) the  resolution  of the Milkes  Litigation,  including  but not
limited to, all  claims,  demands,  and causes of action  which now exist or may
arise in the future by virtue of any assignment or otherwise, arising out of the
manner  in which  the  Released  Persons,  or any  other  representative  of the
Released Persons,  handled,  settled, or defended any claims, demands, or causes
of action asserted in the Milkes Litigation; and (7) the provisions, rights, and
benefits  of  Section  1542  of the  California  Civil  Code  and  any  and  all
provisions,  rights and benefits  conferred by any law of any state or territory
of the  United  States,  or any  principle  of  common  law,  which is  similar,
comparable or equivalent to Section 1542 of the California Civil Code;

         And (B) all known Claims as of the date the Release is executed arising
from or relating to the purchase,  sale, REIT or other  conversion,  assignment,
holding,  operation,  performance  of,  or  investment  in  each  and all of the
Defendants  and  their  respective   predecessors  and  successors,   and  their
respective present or former parents, subsidiaries or affiliates.


         Nothing in this  Release is intended to  release,  waive,  or alter the
ability of any Settling Party to assert any claim arising under this  Settlement


                                    Exhibit D

                        DESERT SPRINGS LP FORM OF RELEASE

         "Released  Claims"  means and includes  (A) any and all past,  present,
existing,  future,  pending or  threatened,  suspected  or  unsuspected,  class,
derivative,  representative and individual claims, rights, demands,  assertions,
actions,  causes of action,  litigation,  lawsuits,  allegations,  debts, liens,
accounts,  dues,  sums  of  money,  reckonings,   bonds,  bills,   specialities,
contracts,  covenants,  agreements,   controversies,   promises,  cross-actions,
liabilities,   trespasses,   obligations,   losses,  damages,  costs,  expenses,
judgments,  executions, remedies and suits, of every kind and nature whatsoever;
whether in contract or in tort; whether at law or in equity;  whether based upon
fraud,  breach  of  contract,  misrepresentation,  negligent  misrepresentation,
negligence,  gross negligence,  intentional conduct,  libel,  slander,  business
disparagement,  oppression, civil conspiracy, deceit, tortious interference, all
other business torts, breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing,  breach
of fiduciary duty, or any other duty or claim under common law or statute of any
nature or jurisdiction,  including, without limitation, the DECLARATORY JUDGMENT
(S) 15.01, et seq., the Texas Business  Corporation  Act, the Texas  Partnership
PARTNERSHIP  ACT, THE SECURITIES  ACT OF 1933, 15 U.S.C.A.  (S)(S) 77k, 77o; and
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C.A.  (S)(S) 78b, 78t, 17 C.F.R. (S)
240.10b-5;  whether arising under or out of any sale,  purchase,  offer, tender,
contract, agreement, conspiracy, combination,  communication,  meeting, joint or
concerted  action;  or  whether  arising  under or by virtue of any  statute  or
regulation  that now exists or may be created or recognized in the future in any
manner,  including  without  limitation,  by  statute,  regulation  or  judicial
decision, including without limitation, all claims arising under or by virtue of
the federal  and/or state  securities  laws;  together  with all past,  present,
existing,  future,  liquidated or  unliquidated,  fixed or contingent,  known or
unknown,  suspected or  unsuspected,  pending or threatened  injuries,  damages,
losses,  costs, expenses and remedies of every kind and nature,  including,  but
not  limited to,  actual  damages;  all  exemplary  and  punitive  damages;  all
penalties  of  any  kind,  including  but  not  limited  to tax  liabilities  or
penalties; all statutory damages; all property and economic damages; all damages
to loss of individual or business reputation, loss of business, loss of company,
loss of assets, diminution in assets or investments, loss of standard of living,
lost profits and goodwill;  all  consequential  damages;  all mental anguish and
other similar  emotional and psychological  damages,  including loss of society,
affection,  consortium,  enjoyment and the like, and all other  personal  injury
damages;  together with all prejudgment  and  postjudgment  interest,  costs and
attorneys'  fees;  whether  heretofore or hereafter  accruing (all  collectively
"Claims");  known or unknown, whether each of which directly or indirectly arise
out of, in connection  with, or are attributable to, for, or related to: (1) the
purchase  and/or  sale  of the  DESERT  SPRINGS  Partnership  Unit(s);  (2)  the
operation,  property  management  and/or asset  management  of the  Courtyard by
Marriott  Hotels  owned by DESERT  SPRINGS  LP, as  described  more fully in the
DESERT  SPRINGS  LP  Private  Placement  Memorandum  (the  "Hotels"),   and  the
formation,  operation,  administration  and/or  reporting of DESERT  SPRINGS LP,
including,  but not limited to, the  calculation  and payment of all partner and
partnership distributions or the failure to do same; the calculation and payment
of all returns,  including the priority  return,  or the failure to do same; the
calculation  and use of all FF&E  funds;  the  results of  operations  of DESERT
SPRINGS LP or the Hotels;  the  improvements  and/or lack thereof of the Hotels;
the use, administration,  management,  or operations of DESERT SPRINGS LP and/or
any Hotel;  the use of cash derived from the  management or operations of DESERT
SPRINGS LP and/or any Hotel; any borrowings or failure(s) to borrow or refinance
and/or to distribute proceeds from same; any property management agreement;  any
guarantee  agreement;  and any publication or disclosure,  report,  statement or
notice, or the failure to give same, concerning DESERT SPRINGS LP or the Hotels;
(3)  the  conduct,  facts,  circumstances,   matters,  causes,   communications,
agreements, meetings, approvals, purchases,  occurrences,  transactions,  and/or
allegations  asserted,  relied  upon or  referred  to, or which  could have been
asserted,  relied  upon,  or  alleged  in  the  Litigation  arising  out  of the
transactions or occurrences  that are the subject matter of the Haas Litigation;
(4) any matter or thing done,  omitted or suffered to be done relating to DESERT
SPRINGS LP and/or the Hotels arising out of the transactions or occurrences that
are the subject of the Haas Litigation;  (5) any matter that has been brought or
that could have been brought before or in any court, tribunal, or forum, in this
or any other jurisdiction, in these United States or anywhere else, specifically
including  but not limited to, any claims which were or could have been asserted
in the Haas Litigation  arising out of the  transactions or occurrences that are
the  subject  matter  of the Haas  Litigation;  (6) the  resolution  of the Haas
Litigation,  including  but not limited to, all claims,  demands,  and causes of
action which now exist or may arise in the future by virtue of any assignment or
otherwise, arising out of the manner in which the Released Persons, or any other
representative  of the  Released  Persons,  handled,  settled,  or defended  any
claims,  demands,  or causes of action asserted in the Haas Litigation;  and (7)
the  provisions,  rights,  and benefits of Section 1542 of the California  Civil
Code and any and all provisions, rights and benefits conferred by any law of any
state or territory of the United  States,  or any principle of common law, which
is similar,  comparable or equivalent  to Section 1542 of the  California  Civil

         And (B) all known Claims as of the date the Release is executed arising
from or relating to the purchase,  sale, REIT or other  conversion,  assignment,
holding,  operation,  performance  of,  or  investment  in  each  and all of the
Defendants  and  their  respective   predecessors  and  successors,   and  their
respective present or former parents, subsidiaries or affiliates.

         Nothing in this  Release is intended to  release,  waive,  or alter the
ability of any Settling Party to assert any claim arising under this  Settlement

                                    Exhibit E

                        FAIRFIELD INN LP FORM OF RELEASE

         "Released  Claims"  means and includes  (A) any and all past,  present,
existing,  future,  pending or  threatened,  suspected  or  unsuspected,  class,
derivative,  representative and individual claims, rights, demands,  assertions,
actions,  causes of action,  litigation,  lawsuits,  allegations,  debts, liens,
accounts,  dues,  sums  of  money,  reckonings,   bonds,  bills,   specialities,
contracts,  covenants,  agreements,   controversies,   promises,  cross-actions,
liabilities,   trespasses,   obligations,   losses,  damages,  costs,  expenses,
judgments,  executions, remedies and suits, of every kind and nature whatsoever;
whether in contract or in tort; whether at law or in equity;  whether based upon
fraud,  breach  of  contract,  misrepresentation,  negligent  misrepresentation,
negligence,  gross negligence,  intentional conduct,  libel,  slander,  business
disparagement,  oppression, civil conspiracy, deceit, tortious interference, all
other business torts, breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing, breach
of fiduciary duty, or any other duty or claim under common law or statute of any
nature or jurisdiction,  including, without limitation, the DECLARATORY JUDGMENT
(S) 15.01, et seq., the Texas Business  Corporation  Act, the Texas  Partnership
PARTNERSHIP  ACT, THE SECURITIES  ACT OF 1933, 15 U.S.C.A.  (S)(S) 77k, 77o; and
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C.A.  (S)(S) 78b, 78t, 17 C.F.R. (S)
240.10b-5;  whether arising under or out of any sale,  purchase,  offer, tender,
contract, agreement, conspiracy, combination,  communication,  meeting, joint or
concerted  action;  or  whether  arising  under or by virtue of any  statute  or
regulation  that now exists or may be created or recognized in the future in any
manner,  including  without  limitation,  by  statute,  regulation  or  judicial
decision, including without limitation, all claims arising under or by virtue of
the federal  and/or state  securities  laws;  together  with all past,  present,
existing,  future,  liquidated or  unliquidated,  fixed or contingent,  known or
unknown,  suspected or  unsuspected,  pending or threatened  injuries,  damages,
losses,  costs, expenses and remedies of every kind and nature,  including,  but
not  limited to,  actual  damages;  all  exemplary  and  punitive  damages;  all
penalties  of  any  kind,  including  but  not  limited  to tax  liabilities  or
penalties; all statutory damages; all property and economic damages; all damages
to loss of individual or business reputation, loss of business, loss of company,
loss of assets, diminution in assets or investments, loss of standard of living,
lost profits and goodwill;  all  consequential  damages;  all mental anguish and
other similar  emotional and psychological  damages,  including loss of society,
affection,  consortium,  enjoyment and the like, and all other  personal  injury
damages;  together with all prejudgment  and  postjudgment  interest,  costs and
attorneys'  fees;  whether  heretofore or hereafter  accruing (all  collectively
"Claims");  known or unknown, whether each of which directly or indirectly arise
out of, in connection  with, or are attributable to, for, or related to: (1) the
purchase  and/or  sale  of  the  FAIRFIELD  INN  Partnership  Unit(s);  (2)  the
operation,  property  management  and/or asset  management  of the  Courtyard by
Marriott  Hotels  owned by  FAIRFIELD  INN LP, as  described  more  fully in the
FAIRFIELD INN LP Private Placement Memorandum (the "Hotels"), and the formation,
operation,  administration and/or reporting of FAIRFIELD INN LP, including,  but
not limited  to, the  calculation  and  payment of all  partner and  partnership
distributions  or the  failure to do same;  the  calculation  and payment of all
returns,  including  the  priority  return,  or  the  failure  to do  same;  the
calculation  and use of all FF&E funds;  the results of  operations of FAIRFIELD
INN LP or the Hotels;  the improvements  and/or lack thereof of the Hotels;  the
use,  administration,  management,  or operations of FAIRFIELD INN LP and/or any
Hotel;  the use of cash derived from the  management  or operations of FAIRFIELD
INN LP and/or any Hotel;  any  borrowings  or  failure(s) to borrow or refinance
and/or to distribute proceeds from same; any property management agreement;  any
guarantee  agreement;  and any publication or disclosure,  report,  statement or
notice, or the failure to give same,  concerning FAIRFIELD INN LP or the Hotels;
(3)  the  conduct,  facts,  circumstances,   matters,  causes,   communications,
agreements, meetings, approvals, purchases,  occurrences,  transactions,  and/or
allegations  asserted,  relied  upon or  referred  to, or which  could have been
asserted,  relied  upon,  or  alleged  in  the  Litigation  arising  out  of the
transactions or occurrences  that are the subject matter of the Haas Litigation;
(4) any  matter or thing  done,  omitted  or  suffered  to be done  relating  to
FAIRFIELD  INN  LP  and/or  the  Hotels  arising  out  of  the  transactions  or
occurrences that are the subject of the Haas Litigation; (5) any matter that has
been brought or that could have been brought  before or in any court,  tribunal,
or forum, in this or any other jurisdiction,  in these United States or anywhere
else,  specifically including but not limited to, any claims which were or could
have been asserted in the Haas  Litigation  arising out of the  transactions  or
occurrences  that  are  the  subject  matter  of the  Haas  Litigation;  (6) the
resolution  of the Haas  Litigation,  including  but not limited to, all claims,
demands,  and  causes  of action  which now exist or may arise in the  future by
virtue of any  assignment or  otherwise,  arising out of the manner in which the
Released Persons, or any other representative of the Released Persons,  handled,
settled,  or defended any claims,  demands,  or causes of action asserted in the
Haas Litigation; and (7) the provisions, rights, and benefits of Section 1542 of
the  California  Civil  Code and any and all  provisions,  rights  and  benefits
conferred  by any law of any state or  territory  of the United  States,  or any
principle of common law,  which is similar,  comparable or equivalent to Section
1542 of the California Civil Code;

         And (B) all known Claims as of the date the Release is executed arising
from or relating to the purchase,  sale, REIT or other  conversion,  assignment,
holding,  operation,  performance  of,  or  investment  in  each  and all of the
Defendants  and  their  respective   predecessors  and  successors,   and  their
respective present or former parents, subsidiaries or affiliates.

         Nothing in this  Release is intended to  release,  waive,  or alter the
ability of any Settling Party to assert any claim arising under this  Settlement

                                    Exhibit F

                       RESIDENCE INN I LP FORM OF RELEASE

         "Released  Claims"  means and includes  (A) any and all past,  present,
existing,  future,  pending or  threatened,  suspected  or  unsuspected,  class,
derivative,  representative and individual claims, rights, demands,  assertions,
actions,  causes of action,  litigation,  lawsuits,  allegations,  debts, liens,
accounts,  dues,  sums  of  money,  reckonings,   bonds,  bills,   specialities,
contracts,  covenants,  agreements,   controversies,   promises,  cross-actions,
liabilities,   trespasses,   obligations,   losses,  damages,  costs,  expenses,
judgments,  executions, remedies and suits, of every kind and nature whatsoever;
whether in contract or in tort; whether at law or in equity;  whether based upon
fraud,  breach  of  contract,  misrepresentation,  negligent  misrepresentation,
negligence,  gross negligence,  intentional conduct,  libel,  slander,  business
disparagement,  oppression, civil conspiracy, deceit, tortious interference, all
other business torts, breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing,  breach
of fiduciary duty, or any other duty or claim under common law or statute of any
nature or jurisdiction,  including, without limitation, the DECLARATORY JUDGMENT
(S) 15.01, et seq., the Texas Business  Corporation  Act, the Texas  Partnership
PARTNERSHIP  ACT, THE SECURITIES  ACT OF 1933, 15 U.S.C.A.  (S)(S) 77k, 77o; and
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C.A.  (S)(S) 78b, 78t, 17 C.F.R. (S)
240.10b-5;  whether arising under or out of any sale,  purchase,  offer, tender,
contract, agreement, conspiracy, combination,  communication,  meeting, joint or
concerted  action;  or  whether  arising  under or by virtue of any  statute  or
regulation  that now exists or may be created or recognized in the future in any
manner,  including  without  limitation,  by  statute,  regulation  or  judicial
decision, including without limitation, all claims arising under or by virtue of
the federal  and/or state  securities  laws;  together  with all past,  present,
existing,  future,  liquidated or  unliquidated,  fixed or contingent,  known or
unknown,  suspected or  unsuspected,  pending or threatened  injuries,  damages,
losses,  costs, expenses and remedies of every kind and nature,  including,  but
not  limited to,  actual  damages;  all  exemplary  and  punitive  damages;  all
penalties  of  any  kind,  including  but  not  limited  to tax  liabilities  or
penalties; all statutory damages; all property and economic damages; all damages
to loss of individual or business reputation, loss of business, loss of company,
loss of assets, diminution in assets or investments, loss of standard of living,
lost profits and goodwill;  all  consequential  damages;  all mental anguish and
other similar  emotional and psychological  damages,  including loss of society,
affection,  consortium,  enjoyment and the like, and all other  personal  injury
damages;  together with all prejudgment  and  postjudgment  interest,  costs and
attorneys'  fees;  whether  heretofore or hereafter  accruing (all  collectively
"Claims");  known or unknown, whether each of which directly or indirectly arise
out of, in connection  with, or are attributable to, for, or related to: (1) the
purchase  and/or  sale  of the  RESIDENCE  INN I  Partnership  Unit(s);  (2) the
operation,  property  management  and/or asset  management  of the  Courtyard by
Marriott  Hotels  owned by RESIDENCE  INN I LP, as  described  more fully in the
RESIDENCE  INN  I LP  Private  Placement  Memorandum  (the  "Hotels"),  and  the
formation,  operation,  administration  and/or  reporting of RESIDENCE INN I LP,
including,  but not limited to, the  calculation  and payment of all partner and
partnership distributions or the failure to do same; the calculation and payment
of all returns,  including the priority  return,  or the failure to do same; the
calculation  and use of all FF&E funds;  the results of  operations of RESIDENCE
INN I LP or the Hotels; the improvements  and/or lack thereof of the Hotels; the
use, administration,  management, or operations of RESIDENCE INN I LP and/or any
Hotel;  the use of cash derived from the  management  or operations of RESIDENCE
INN I LP and/or any Hotel;  any  borrowings or failure(s) to borrow or refinance
and/or to distribute proceeds from same; any property management agreement;  any
guarantee  agreement;  and any publication or disclosure,  report,  statement or
notice,  or the  failure  to give  same,  concerning  RESIDENCE  INN I LP or the
Hotels; (3) the conduct, facts, circumstances,  matters, causes, communications,
agreements, meetings, approvals, purchases,  occurrences,  transactions,  and/or
allegations  asserted,  relied  upon or  referred  to, or which  could have been
asserted,  relied  upon,  or  alleged  in  the  Litigation  arising  out  of the
transactions or occurrences  that are the subject matter of the Haas Litigation;
(4) any  matter or thing  done,  omitted  or  suffered  to be done  relating  to
RESIDENCE  INN I LP  and/or  the  Hotels  arising  out  of the  transactions  or
occurrences that are the subject of the Haas Litigation; (5) any matter that has
been brought or that could have been brought  before or in any court,  tribunal,
or forum, in this or any other jurisdiction,  in these United States or anywhere
else,  specifically including but not limited to, any claims which were or could
have been asserted in the Haas  Litigation  arising out of the  transactions  or
occurrences  that  are  the  subject  matter  of the  Haas  Litigation;  (6) the
resolution  of the Haas  Litigation,  including  but not limited to, all claims,
demands,  and  causes  of action  which now exist or may arise in the  future by
virtue of any  assignment or  otherwise,  arising out of the manner in which the
Released Persons, or any other representative of the Released Persons,  handled,
settled,  or defended any claims,  demands,  or causes of action asserted in the
Haas Litigation; and (7) the provisions, rights, and benefits of Section 1542 of
the  California  Civil  Code and any and all  provisions,  rights  and  benefits
conferred  by any law of any state or  territory  of the United  States,  or any
principle of common law,  which is similar,  comparable or equivalent to Section
1542 of the California Civil Code;

         And (B) all known Claims as of the date the Release is executed arising
from or relating to the purchase,  sale, REIT or other  conversion,  assignment,
holding,  operation,  performance  of,  or  investment  in  each  and all of the
Defendants  and  their  respective   predecessors  and  successors,   and  their
respective present or former parents, subsidiaries or affiliates.

         Nothing in this  Release is intended to  release,  waive,  or alter the
ability of any Settling Party to assert any claim arising under this  Settlement

                                    EXHIBIT G

                       RESIDENCE INN II LP FORM OF RELEASE

         "Released  Claims"  means and includes  (A) any and all past,  present,
existing,  future,  pending or  threatened,  suspected  or  unsuspected,  class,
derivative,  representative and individual claims, rights, demands,  assertions,
actions,  causes of action,  litigation,  lawsuits,  allegations,  debts, liens,
accounts,  dues,  sums  of  money,  reckonings,   bonds,  bills,   specialities,
contracts,  covenants,  agreements,   controversies,   promises,  cross-actions,
liabilities,   trespasses,   obligations,   losses,  damages,  costs,  expenses,
judgments,  executions, remedies and suits, of every kind and nature whatsoever;
whether in contract or in tort; whether at law or in equity;  whether based upon
fraud,  breach  of  contract,  misrepresentation,  negligent  misrepresentation,
negligence,  gross negligence,  intentional conduct,  libel,  slander,  business
disparagement,  oppression, civil conspiracy, deceit, tortious interference, all
other business torts, breach of the duty of good faith and fair dealing,  breach
of fiduciary duty, or any other duty or claim under common law or statute of any
nature or jurisdiction,  including, without limitation, the DECLARATORY JUDGMENT
(S) 15.01, et seq., the Texas Business  Corporation  Act, the Texas  Partnership
PARTNERSHIP  ACT, THE SECURITIES  ACT OF 1933, 15 U.S.C.A.  (S)(S) 77k, 77o; and
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C.A.  (S)(S) 78b, 78t, 17 C.F.R. (S)
240.10b-5;  whether arising under or out of any sale,  purchase,  offer, tender,
contract, agreement, conspiracy, combination,  communication,  meeting, joint or
concerted  action;  or  whether  arising  under or by virtue of any  statute  or
regulation  that now exists or may be created or recognized in the future in any
manner,  including  without  limitation,  by  statute,  regulation  or  judicial
decision, including without limitation, all claims arising under or by virtue of
the federal  and/or state  securities  laws;  together  with all past,  present,
existing,  future,  liquidated or  unliquidated,  fixed or contingent,  known or
unknown,  suspected or  unsuspected,  pending or threatened  injuries,  damages,
losses,  costs, expenses and remedies of every kind and nature,  including,  but
not  limited to,  actual  damages;  all  exemplary  and  punitive  damages;  all
penalties  of  any  kind,  including  but  not  limited  to tax  liabilities  or
penalties; all statutory damages; all property and economic damages; all damages
to loss of individual or business reputation, loss of business, loss of company,
loss of assets, diminution in assets or investments, loss of standard of living,
lost profits and goodwill;  all  consequential  damages;  all mental anguish and
other similar  emotional and psychological  damages,  including loss of society,
affection,  consortium,  enjoyment and the like, and all other  personal  injury
damages;  together with all prejudgment  and  postjudgment  interest,  costs and
attorneys'  fees;  whether  heretofore or hereafter  accruing (all  collectively
"Claims");  known or unknown, whether each of which directly or indirectly arise
out of, in connection  with, or are attributable to, for, or related to: (1) the
purchase  and/or  sale of the  RESIDENCE  INN II  Partnership  Unit(s);  (2) the
operation,  property  management  and/or asset  management  of the  Courtyard by
Marriott  Hotels  owned by RESIDENCE  INN II LP, as described  more fully in the
RESIDENCE  INN II LP  Private  Placement  Memorandum  (the  "Hotels"),  and  the
formation,  operation,  administration  and/or reporting of RESIDENCE INN II LP,
including,  but not limited to, the  calculation  and payment of all partner and
partnership distributions or the failure to do same; the calculation and payment
of all returns,  including the priority  return,  or the failure to do same; the
calculation  and use of all FF&E funds;  the results of  operations of RESIDENCE
INN II LP or the Hotels; the improvements and/or lack thereof of the Hotels; the
use, administration, management, or operations of RESIDENCE INN II LP and/or any
Hotel;  the use of cash derived from the  management  or operations of RESIDENCE
INN II LP and/or any Hotel;  any borrowings or failure(s) to borrow or refinance
and/or to distribute proceeds from same; any property management agreement;  any
guarantee  agreement;  and any publication or disclosure,  report,  statement or
notice,  or the  failure to give  same,  concerning  RESIDENCE  INN II LP or the
Hotels; (3) the conduct, facts, circumstances,  matters, causes, communications,
agreements, meetings, approvals, purchases,  occurrences,  transactions,  and/or
allegations  asserted,  relied  upon or  referred  to, or which  could have been
asserted,  relied  upon,  or  alleged  in  the  Litigation  arising  out  of the
transactions or occurrences  that are the subject matter of the Haas Litigation;
(4) any  matter or thing  done,  omitted  or  suffered  to be done  relating  to
RESIDENCE  INN II LP  and/or  the  Hotels  arising  out of the  transactions  or
occurrences that are the subject of the Haas Litigation; (5) any matter that has
been brought or that could have been brought  before or in any court,  tribunal,
or forum, in this or any other jurisdiction,  in these United States or anywhere
else,  specifically including but not limited to, any claims which were or could
have been asserted in the Haas  Litigation  arising out of the  transactions  or
occurrences  that  are  the  subject  matter  of the  Haas  Litigation;  (6) the
resolution  of the Haas  Litigation,  including  but not limited to, all claims,
demands,  and  causes  of action  which now exist or may arise in the  future by
virtue of any  assignment or  otherwise,  arising out of the manner in which the
Released Persons, or any other representative of the Released Persons,  handled,
settled,  or defended any claims,  demands,  or causes of action asserted in the
Haas Litigation; and (7) the provisions, rights, and benefits of Section 1542 of
the  California  Civil  Code and any and all  provisions,  rights  and  benefits
conferred  by any law of any state or  territory  of the United  States,  or any
principle of common law,  which is similar,  comparable or equivalent to Section
1542 of the California Civil Code;

         And (B) all known Claims as of the date the Release is executed arising
from or relating to the purchase,  sale, REIT or other  conversion,  assignment,
holding,  operation,  performance  of,  or  investment  in  each  and all of the
Defendants  and  their  respective   predecessors  and  successors,   and  their
respective present or former parents, subsidiaries or affiliates.

         Nothing in this  Release is intended to  release,  waive,  or alter the
ability of any Settling Party to assert any claim arising under this  Settlement

                                    Exhibit H

                                ESCROW AGREEMENT

         THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT (as the same may be amended or modified from time
to time and including any and all written  instructions  given to "Escrow Agent"
(hereinafter  defined)  pursuant  hereto,  this "Escrow  Agreement") is made and
entered into as of March ___, 2000 by and among Plaintiffs' Counsel ("Party A"),
and  Defendants  ("Party  B"),  as  those  terms  are  defined  in that  certain
Settlement  Agreement dated March 9, 2000 ("Settlement  Agreement") (Party A and
Party B, sometimes  referred to collectively as the "Other Parties"),  and CHASE
BANK OF TEXAS,  NATIONAL  ASSOCIATION,  a national banking  association with its
principal offices in Houston, Harris County, Texas (the "Bank").

                              W I T N E S S E T H :

         WHEREAS, Party A and Party B have requested Bank to act in the capacity
of escrow agent under this Escrow Agreement,  and Bank, subject to the terms and
conditions hereof, has agreed so to do;

         WHEREAS, Party A and Party B have entered into the Settlement Agreement
in settlement of certain litigation identified in the Settlement Agreement;

         WHEREAS,  the  Settlement  Agreement  calls  for Party A and Party B to
identify an Escrow Agent for purposes of carrying out certain  provisions of the
Settlement Agreement and the settlement;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants
and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows:

         1. Definitions. Capitalized terms used in this Escrow Agreement, unless
specifically defined herein, shall have the meaning and definition identified in
the Settlement Agreement, without the necessity of the definition being repeated
in this document.

         2.  Appointment  of  Escrow  Agent.  Each of Party A and Party B hereby
appoints the Bank as the escrow agent under this Escrow  Agreement  (the Bank in
such  capacity,  the "Escrow  Agent"),  and Escrow  Agent  hereby  accepts  such


         3. Receipt of Settlement Agreement. The Escrow Agent hereby
acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Settlement Agreement for purposes of
definitions and instructions to the Escrow Agent.

         4. Deposit. On the date specified and subject to the terms and
conditions of the Settlement Agreement, Party B will deliver to the Escrow Agent
the Settlement  Fund (as said amount may increase or decrease as a result of the
investment and reinvestment thereof and as said amount may be reduced by charges
thereto and payments and setoffs  therefrom to  compensate  or reimburse  Escrow
Agent for amounts  owing to it pursuant  hereto,  the  "Deposit")  to be held by
Escrow Agent in accordance  with the terms hereof.  Subject to and in accordance
with the terms and conditions hereof, Escrow Agent agrees that it shall receive,
hold in escrow, invest and reinvest and release or distribute the Deposit. It is
hereby  expressly  stipulated and agreed that all interest and other earnings on
the Deposit  shall become a part of the Deposit for all  purposes,  and that all
losses  resulting from the investment or reinvestment  thereof from time to time
and all amounts charged thereto to compensate or reimburse the Escrow Agent from
time to time for amounts owing to it hereunder  shall from the time of such loss
or charge no longer constitute part of the Deposit.

         5. Investment of the Deposit. Escrow Agent shall invest and reinvest
the  Deposit  in the  Fidelity  Treasury  Fund #77  Money  Market  Fund,  unless
otherwise instructed in writing by Party A.. Such written instructions,  if any,
referred to in the foregoing sentence shall specify the type and identity of the
investments  to be purchased  and/or sold and shall also include the name of the
broker-dealer,  if any, which Party A directs the Escrow Agent to use in respect
of such investment, any particular settlement procedures required, if any (which
settlement   procedures   shall  be  consistent  with  industry   standards  and
practices), and such other information as Escrow Agent may require. Escrow Agent
shall not be liable for failure to invest or reinvest  funds  absent  sufficient
written  direction.  Unless  Escrow Agent is otherwise  directed in such written
instructions,  Escrow  Agent  may  use a  broker-dealer  of its  own  selection,
including a broker-dealer owned by or affiliated with Escrow Agent or any of its
affiliates.  The Escrow Agent or any of its affiliates may receive  compensation
with respect to any investment  directed  hereunder.  It is expressly agreed and
understood  by the  parties  hereto  that  Escrow  Agent  shall  not in any  way
whatsoever be liable for losses on any investments,  including,  but not limited
to,  losses from market risks due to  premature  liquidation  or resulting  from
other actions taken pursuant to this Escrow Agreement.

         Receipt,  investment and reinvestment of the Deposit shall be confirmed
by  Escrow  Agent  as  soon  as  practicable  by  account  statement,   and  any
discrepancies in any such account  statement shall be noted by Party A to Escrow
Agent within 30 calendar  days after receipt  thereof.  Failure to inform Escrow
Agent in writing of any  discrepancies in any such account statement within said
30-day  period  shall  conclusively  be  deemed  confirmation  of  such  account
statement  in its  entirety.  For purposes of this  paragraph,  (a) each account
statement shall be deemed to have been received by the party to whom directed on
the  earlier to occur of (i) actual  receipt  thereof  and (ii) three  "Business
Days" (hereinafter defined) after the deposit thereof in the United States Mail,


postage  prepaid and (b) the term "Business Day" shall mean any day of the year,
excluding  Saturday,  Sunday  and any  other  day on which  national  banks  are
required or authorized to close in Houston, Texas.

         6. Disbursement of Deposit. Escrow Agent is hereby authorized to make
disbursements of the Deposit only as follows:

            (a) As provided for in the Settlement Agreement, the Plan of
Allocation and the Judgment Order of the Court;

            (b) Upon receipt of written instructions signed by  both Party A and
Party B and otherwise in form and  substance  satisfactory  to Escrow Agent,  in
accordance with such instructions;

            (c) As permitted by this Escrow Agreement, to pay fees and expenses
to the Escrow Agent and the Claims Administrator; and

            (d) Into the registry of the court in accordance with Sections 8 or
16 hereof.

Notwithstanding  anything  contained  herein or elsewhere to the  contrary,  the
Other Parties hereby  expressly agree that the Escrow Agent shall be entitled to
charge the  Deposit  for,  and pay and  set-off  from the  Deposit,  any and all
amounts, if any, then owing to it pursuant to this Escrow Agreement prior to the
disbursement  of the  Deposit in  accordance  with  clauses (a) through (d) (all
inclusive) of this Section 4.

         7. Tax Matters. Party A shall provide Escrow Agent with its taxpayer
identification number documented by an appropriate Form W 8 or Form W 9 upon
execution of this Escrow Agreement. Failure so to provide such forms may prevent
or delay disbursements from the Deposit and may also result in the assessment of
a penalty and Escrow  Agent's being  required to withhold tax on any interest or
other income  earned on the Deposit.  Any payments of income shall be subject to
applicable  withholding  regulations  then in force in the United  States or any
other jurisdiction, as applicable.

         8. Scope of Undertaking.  Escrow Agent's duties and responsibilities in
connection with this Escrow  Agreement shall be purely  ministerial and shall be
limited to those expressly set forth in this Escrow  Agreement.  Escrow Agent is
not a principal,  participant or beneficiary in any transaction  underlying this
Escrow  Agreement  and  shall  have no duty to  inquire  beyond  the  terms  and
provisions  hereof.  Escrow Agent shall have no  responsibility or obligation of
any kind in connection  with this Escrow  Agreement or the Deposit and shall not
be required  to deliver the Deposit or any part  thereof or take any action with
respect to any matters that might arise in connection  therewith,  other than to
receive,  hold,  invest,  reinvest  and deliver the Deposit as herein  provided.
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,  it is hereby expressly agreed
and  stipulated by the parties hereto that Escrow Agent shall not be required to
exercise any discretion


hereunder  and  shall  have no  investment  or  management  responsibility  and,
accordingly,  shall have no duty to, or  liability  for its failure to,  provide
investment  recommendations  or investment advice to the Other Parties or either
of them. Escrow Agent shall not be liable for any error in judgment,  any act or
omission,  any mistake of law or fact, or for anything it may do or refrain from
doing in connection herewith, except for, subject to Section 7 hereinbelow,  its
own willful  misconduct or gross negligence.  It is the intention of the parties
hereto that Escrow Agent shall never be required to use, advance or risk its own
funds or otherwise  incur  financial  liability in the performance of any of its
duties or the exercise of any of its rights and powers hereunder.

         9.  Reliance;  Liability.  Escrow  Agent may rely on,  and shall not be
liable for acting or  refraining  from acting in  accordance  with,  any written
notice,  instruction  or request or other paper  furnished  to it  hereunder  or
pursuant  hereto and  believed  by it to have been  signed or  presented  by the
proper  party or  parties.  Escrow  Agent  shall  be  responsible  for  holding,
investing,  reinvesting  and  disbursing  the  Deposit  pursuant  to this Escrow
Agreement;  provided, however, that in no event shall Escrow Agent be liable for
any lost profits,  lost savings or other special,  exemplary,  consequential  or
incidental  damages in excess of Escrow  Agent's  fee  hereunder  and  provided,
further, that Escrow Agent shall have no liability for any loss arising from any
cause beyond its control, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) acts
of God,  force  majeure,  including,  without  limitation,  war  (whether or not
declared  or  existing),   revolution,   insurrection,  riot,  civil  commotion,
accident, fire, explosion, stoppage of labor, strikes and other differences with
employees;  (b) the act,  failure or neglect of any Other  Party or any agent or
correspondent  or any other  person  selected  by Escrow  Agent;  (c) any delay,
error,  omission or default of any mail, courier,  telegraph,  cable or wireless
agency or operator;  or (d) the acts or edicts of any government or governmental
agency or other group or entity exercising  governmental powers. Escrow Agent is
not  responsible  or  liable  in any  manner  whatsoever  for  the  sufficiency,
correctness,  genuineness  or  validity  of the  subject  matter of this  Escrow
Agreement or any part hereof or for the transaction or transactions requiring or
underlying the execution of this Escrow Agreement,  the form or execution hereof
or for the identity or authority of any person  executing this Escrow  Agreement
or any part hereof or depositing the Deposit.

         10. Right of Interpleader. Should any controversy arise involving the
parties  hereto or any of them or any other person,  firm or entity with respect
to this Escrow  Agreement  or the Deposit,  or should a substitute  escrow agent
fail to be  designated  as  provided  in Section 15 hereof,  or if Escrow  Agent
should be in doubt as to what action to take, Escrow Agent shall have the right,
but not the obligation, either to (a) withhold delivery of the Deposit until the
controversy is resolved,  the conflicting  demands are withdrawn or its doubt is
resolved or (b) institute a petition for  interpleader in any court of competent
jurisdiction to determine the rights of the parties hereto.  In the event Escrow
Agent is a party to any dispute, Escrow Agent shall have the additional right to
refer  such   controversy  to  binding   arbitration.   Should  a  petition  for
interpleader be instituted, or should Escrow Agent be threatened with litigation
or become involved in litigation or binding arbitration in any manner whatsoever
in  connection  with this Escrow  Agreement  or the Deposit,  the Other  Parties
hereby jointly and severally agree to reimburse  Escrow Agent for its attorneys'
fees and any and all other  expenses,  losses,  costs and  damages  incurred  by
Escrow Agent in connection


with or resulting from such threatened or actual litigation or arbitration prior
to any disbursement hereunder.

         11.  Indemnification.  The Other Parties  hereby  jointly and severally
indemnify Escrow Agent, its officers, directors,  partners, employees and agents
(each herein called an "Indemnified  Party") against,  and hold each Indemnified
Party  harmless  from,  any and all  expenses,  including,  without  limitation,
attorneys' fees and court costs, losses,  costs, damages and claims,  including,
but not limited to, costs of  investigation,  litigation  and  arbitration,  tax
liability and loss on investments  suffered or incurred by any Indemnified Party
in connection with or arising from or out of this Escrow Agreement,  except such
acts or omissions as may result from the willful  misconduct or gross negligence

         12.  Compensation  and  Reimbursement  of Expenses.  The Other  Parties
hereby  agree that Escrow  Agent  shall be paid for its  services  hereunder  in
accordance  with Escrow  Agent's fee schedule as in effect from time to time and
to pay all expenses  incurred by Escrow Agent in connection with the performance
of its  duties  and  enforcement  of  its  rights  hereunder  and  otherwise  in
connection with the preparation,  operation,  administration  and enforcement of
this Escrow Agreement, including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, brokerage
costs and related expenses  incurred by Escrow Agent. Such payment shall be made
(i) first,  out of the interest or other income  earned by the  Settlement  Fund
during  the  period it has been  deposited  with  Escrow  Agent and (ii) if that
amount is insufficient, by Defendants.

         13. Lien. Each of the Other Parties hereby grants to Escrow Agent a
lien upon, and security interest in, all its right, title and interest in and to
all  of  the  Deposit  as  security  for  the  payment  and  performance  of its
obligations owing to Escrow Agent hereunder,  including, without limitation, its
obligations  of payment,  indemnity and  reimbursement  provided for  hereunder,
which lien and security  interest may be enforced by Escrow Agent without notice
by charging and  setting-off  and paying  from,  the Deposit any and all amounts
then owing to it pursuant to this Escrow Agreement or by appropriate foreclosure

         14. Funds Transfer. In the event funds transfer instructions are given
(other than in writing at the time of  execution of the  Agreement),  whether in
writing,  by telefax,  or  otherwise,  the Escrow  Agent is  authorized  to seek
confirmation of such instructions by telephone call-back to the person or person
designated  on  Schedule  A  hereto,  and the  Escrow  Agent  may rely  upon the
confirmations  of anyone  purporting to be the person or persons so  designated.
The persons and telephone  numbers for call-backs may be changed only in writing
actually  received and  acknowledged  by the Escrow  Agent.  The parties to this
Agreement acknowledge that such security procedure is commercially reasonable.


         It is understood  that the Escrow Agent and the  beneficiary's  bank in
any  funds  transfer  may  rely  solely  upon any  account  numbers  or  similar
identifying  number  provided by either of the other parties  hereto to identify
(i) the beneficiary, (ii) the beneficiary's bank, or (iii) an intermediary bank.
The Escrow  Agent may apply any of the escrowed  funds for any payment  order it
executes using any such identifying  number,  even where its use may result in a
person other than the beneficiary being paid, or the transfer of funds to a bank
other than the beneficiary's bank or an intermediary bank, designated.

         15. Notices. Any notice or other communication required or permitted to
be given  under this  Escrow  Agreement  by any party  hereto to any other party
hereto shall be  considered  as properly  given if in writing and (a)  delivered
against receipt  therefor,  (b) mailed by registered or certified  mail,  return
receipt  requested and postage prepaid or (c) sent by telefax  machine,  in each
case to the address or telefax number, as the case may be, set forth below:

         If to Escrow Agent:

             Chase Bank of Texas, National Association
             600 Travis Street, Suite 1150
             Houston, TX 77002
             Attn:  May Ng
             CMFS/Escrow Section

             Telefax No.:  (713)  216-6927

         If to Party A:

             David Berg, Esq.
             Berg, Androphy & Wilson
             3704 Travis
             Houston, TX  77002
             Telefax No.:  (713) 529-3785
             Telephone No.:(713) 529-5622

         If to Party B:

             James E. Akers, Esq.
             Marriott International, Inc.
             Marriott Drive, Dept. 92/523
             Washington, D.C.  20058
             Telefax No.:  (301) 380-6727
             Telephone No.:(301) 380-1845

             Jerome Kraisinger, Esq.
             Host Marriott Corporation


             Marriott Drive, Dept. 92/523
             Washington, D.C.  20058
             Telefax No.:  (301) 380-6332
             Telephone No.:(301) 380-1038

             With copies to:

             Tom A. Cunningham, Esq.
             Cunningham, Darlow, Zook & Chapoton, LLP
             1700 Chase Tower
             600 Travis
             Houston, TX  77002
             Telefax No.:  (713) 659-4466
             Telephone No.:(713) 659-5522

             Richard S. Hoffman, Esq.
             Williams & Connolly LLP
             725 12th Street, N.W.
             Washington, D.C.  20005
             Telefax No.:  (202) 434-5029
             Telephone No.:(202) 434-5000

Except to the extent otherwise provided in the second paragraph of Section 3
hereinabove, delivery of any communication given in accordance herewith shall be
effective only upon actual receipt  thereof by the party or parties to whom such
communication  is directed.  Any party to this Escrow  Agreement  may change the
address to which  communications  hereunder are to be directed by giving written
notice to the other  party or  parties  hereto in the  manner  provided  in this

         16. Consultation with Legal Counsel. Escrow Agent may consult with its
counsel or other counsel  satisfactory to it concerning any question relating to
its duties or responsibilities hereunder or otherwise in connection herewith and
shall not be liable  for any  action  taken,  suffered  or omitted by it in good
faith upon the advice of such counsel.

         17. Choice of Laws;  Cumulative Rights.  This Escrow Agreement shall be
construed  under,  and governed  by, the laws of the State of Texas,  excluding,
however,  (a) its choice of law rules and (b) the  portions  of the Texas  Trust
Code Sec.  111.001,  et seq. of the Texas  Property  Code  concerning  fiduciary
duties and liabilities of trustees.  All of Escrow Agent's rights  hereunder are
cumulative of any other rights it may have at law, in equity or  otherwise.  The
parties hereto agree that the forum for resolution of any dispute  arising under
this  Escrow  Agreement  shall be Harris  County,  Texas,  and each of the Other
Parties hereby consents, and submits itself, to the jurisdiction of any state or
federal court sitting in Harris County, Texas.


         18. Resignation. Escrow Agent may resign hereunder upon ten (10) days'
prior notice to the Other Parties.  Upon the effective date of such resignation,
Escrow Agent shall deliver the Deposit to any substitute escrow agent designated
by the Other  Parties in  writing.  If the Other  Parties  fail to  designate  a
substitute  escrow  agent  within ten (10) days after the giving of such notice,
Escrow Agent may  institute a petition  for  interpleader.  Escrow  Agent's sole
responsibility  after such 10-day  notice  period  expires  shall be to hold the
Deposit (without any obligation to reinvest the same) and to deliver the same to
a  designated  substitute  escrow  agent,  if any,  or in  accordance  with  the
directions of a final order or judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction, at
which time of delivery  Escrow  Agent's  obligations  hereunder  shall cease and

         19.  Assignment.  This Escrow Agreement shall not be assigned by either
of the Other  Parties  without the prior  written  consent of Escrow Agent (such
assigns of the Other Parties to which Escrow Agent consents,  if any, and Escrow
Agent's  assigns  being  hereinafter  referred  to  collectively  as  "Permitted

         20. Severability. If one or more of the provisions hereof shall for any
reason be held to be invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable  in any  respect  under
applicable law, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall not affect
any other provisions  hereof, and this Escrow Agreement shall be construed as if
such  invalid,  illegal or  unenforceable  provision  had never  been  contained
herein,  and the  remaining  provisions  hereof  shall be given  full  force and

         21. Termination. This Escrow Agreement shall terminate upon the
disbursement,  in  accordance  with  Sections 4 or 16 hereof,  of the Deposit in
full; provided,  however,  that in the event all fee, expenses,  costs and other
amounts  required to be paid to Escrow Agent hereunder are not fully and finally
paid prior to termination, the provisions of Section 10 hereof shall survive the
termination hereof and, provided further, that the last two sentences of Section
8 hereof and the provisions of Section 9 hereof shall, in any event, survive the
termination hereof.

         22. General.  The section  headings  contained in this Escrow Agreement
are for  reference  purposes only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or
interpretation  of  this  Escrow  Agreement.   This  Escrow  Agreement  and  any
affidavit,  certificate,  instrument, agreement or other document required to be
provided  hereunder may be executed in two or more  counterparts,  each of which
shall be deemed an original,  but all of which taken together  shall  constitute
but one and the same instrument. Unless the context shall otherwise require, the
singular shall include the plural and vice-versa, and each pronoun in any gender
shall  include  all  other  genders.  The terms and  provisions  of this  Escrow
Agreement constitute the entire agreement among the parties hereto in respect of
the subject  matter  hereof,  and neither the Other Parties nor Escrow Agent has
relied on any representations or agreements of the other, except as specifically
set forth in this Escrow  Agreement.  This  Escrow  Agreement  or any  provision
hereof may be amended, modified, waived or terminated only by written instrument
duly signed by the parties  hereto.  This  Escrow  Agreement  shall inure to the
benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties hereto and their respective  heirs,
devisees,  executors,  administrators,  personal  representatives,   successors,
trustees, receivers and

Permitted Assigns. This Escrow Agreement is for the sole and exclusive benefit
of the Other Parties and the Escrow Agent, and nothing in this Escrow Agreement,
express or implied,  is intended to confer or shall be construed  as  conferring
upon any  other  person  any  rights,  remedies  or any  other  type or types of


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  parties  hereto  have  executed  this Escrow
Agreement to be effective as of the date first above written.




                                                                      "PARTY A"




                                                                      "PARTY B"

                                       CHASE BANK OF TEXAS
                                       NATIONAL ASSOCIATION




                                                                 "ESCROW AGENT"


                                  Schedule ___

                Telephone Number(s) for Call-backs and Person(s)
                Designated to Confirm Funds Transfer Instructions

If to Party A:

Name                                              Telephone Number
- - ----                                              ----------------

1.  ___________________________                   _______________________
2.  ___________________________                   _______________________

If to Party B:

Name                                              Telephone Number
- - ----                                              ----------------

1.  ___________________________                   _______________________
2.  ___________________________                   _______________________

Telephone  call-backs shall be made to either Party A or B if joint instructions
are required pursuant to the Agreement.
