Washington, D.C. 20549

                            REPORT OF FOREIGN ISSUER

                    Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                              For News Release of:

                               January 28, 2002;

   Joint announcement of Nam Tai Electronics, Inc. and Albatronics (Far East)
               Company Limited (in liquidation), January 28, 2002

                            NAM TAI ELECTRONICS, INC.
                         (Registrant's name in English)

                 15th Floor, China Merchants Tower, Shun Tak Centre
                      168-200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong

TEL: (604) 669-7800   FAX: (604) 669-7816
TOLL FREE TEL & FAX: 1-800-661-8831


                           NAM TAI ELECTRONICS, INC.
            JIC Subsidiary Seeks Listing on Hong Kong Stock Exchange

VANCOUVER,  CANADA January 28, 2002 -- Nam Tai  Electronics,  Inc. ("Nam Tai" or
the  "Company")  (NASDAQ/NM  Symbol:  NTAI and NTAIW;  CBOE  Symbol:  QNA) today
announced  that on January 14, 2002 it entered  into a  restructuring  agreement
with  the  joint   liquidators  of  Albatronics   (Far  East)  Company   Limited
("Albatronics"). Albatronics, a 50% owned subsidiary of Nam Tai, was placed into
voluntary liquidation in August 1999. Under the restructuring  agreement Nam Tai
will  inject  its  wholly-owned  subsidiary  JIC into a new  company  for  92.9%
ownership  in the new  company on a fully  diluted  basis  after  conversion  of
preference shares.  Albatronics'  listing status on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
will be  withdrawn  and the new  company  will be listed on the Hong Kong  Stock
Exchange by way of introduction and free from the liabilities of Albatronics.

JIC is primarily  engaged in the  manufacture  and  marketing of liquid  crystal
display (LCD) panels and transformers from its three manufacturing facilities in
the People's Republic of China. Nam Tai acquired JIC in October 2000. Nam Tai is
pleased that its subsidiary  will obtain a public listing on the Hong Kong Stock
Exchange,  which is expected to provide a strong  foundation to  accelerate  the
expansion of JIC's business in China.

Consummation of the  restructuring  agreement is subject to the fulfillment of a
number  of  conditions   including   approval  by  Albatronics'   creditors  and
shareholders  and the Listing  Committee of the Stock  Exchange of Hong Kong and
the receipt of other  regulatory  and court  approvals.  If such  conditions are
satisfied, the restructuring is expected to be consummated before the end of the
second quarter of 2002.

Fourth Quarter Results

Nam Tai will release its unaudited  fourth quarter  results for the period ended
December  31, 2001  before the market  opens on Monday,  February  4, 2002.  The
Company  will hold a conference  call on Monday,  February 4, 2002 at 10:00 a.m.
Eastern Time for analysts to discuss the fourth quarter results with management.
Analysts  who wish to receive the toll free dial-in  number for this  conference
call are invited to contact the Investor  Relations Office at  1-800-661-8831 no
later than 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, February 1, 2002.

Shareholders,  media, and interested investors are invited to listen to the live
conference         over         the         Internet         by         clicking  or over  the  phone  by  dialing
651-224-7472  just prior to its start time. Users will be asked to register with
the conference call operator.

Except for the historical  information  contained  herein,  matters discussed in
this press release are forward-looking  statements.  For example,  the statement
regarding the expected  consummation  date is also a forward  looking  statement
which is subject to approval by Albatronics'  creditors and shareholders and the
Listing  Committee  of the Stock  Exchange of Hong Kong and the receipt of other
regulatory and court approvals.  These and other forward looking  statements are
uncertain and dependant  upon many factors  including  creditor and  shareholder
acceptance of the restructuring, and other factors over which the Company has no
control.  Other  factors  that might  cause  differences  in these and the other
forward looking statements,  include, but are not limited to, those discussed in
the Company's  reports filed with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission  from
time to time,  such as the factors set forth in Item 3 "Key  Information  - Risk
Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December
31, 2000.

Nam Tai Electronics,  Inc. is an electronics  design and  manufacturing  service
provider to some of the world's leading original  equipment  manufacturers.  Nam
Tai manufactures  telecommunication  products,  palm-sized PCs, personal digital
assistants,  linguistic  products,  calculators and various components including
LCD  modules  for  cellular  phones,  lithium ion  rechargeable  battery  packs,
transformers  and  LCD  panels.   The  Company  utilises   advanced   production
technologies  such as chip on board (COB),  chip on glass (COG),  surface  mount
technology (SMT), ball grid array (BGA), tape automated bonding (TAB), and outer
lead bonding (OLB)  technologies.  Further information is available on Nam Tai's
web site at

TEL: (604) 669-7800   FAX: (604) 669-7816
TOLL FREE TEL & FAX: 1-800-661-8831


The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility for the contents
of this announcement, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness
and expressly disclaims any liability  whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising
from  or in  reliance  upon  the  whole  or any  part  of the  contents  of this

This  announcement is for  information  purposes only and does not constitute an
invitation  or offer to  acquire,  purchase  or  subscribe  for  shares or other
securities of J.I.C. Technology Company Limited.

                        [logo] NAM TAI ELECTRONICS, INC.
      (incorporated in the British Virgin Islands with limited liability)

                                (In Liquidation)
               (incorporated in Hong Kong with limited liability)

                               JOINT ANNOUNCEMENT

Restructuring   proposal  for   Albatronics   (Far  East)  Company  Limited  (In
 Liquidation)  by  way  of  schemes  of  arrangement  under  Section  166 of the
 Companies Ordinance

                  Listing of J.I.C. Technology Company Limited
          on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
                             by way of introduction

      Sponsor to the proposed listing of J.I.C. Technology Company Limited
                 Financial Adviser to Nam Tai Electronics, Inc.


* The Company was put into creditors'  voluntary  liquidation in August 1999 and
was  subsequently  put into the third stage of the  delisting  procedure  by the
Stock  Exchange  under  practice note 17 of the Listing Rules in August 2000. In
light of the  condition of the Company,  Nam Tai, the major  shareholder  of the
Company,  made the Proposal to the Joint  Liquidators  to achieve the  following

1. the Shareholders  will swap their shares of the Company in liquidation for an
interest  in Newco which will own the J.I.C.  Group,  a  profitable  electronics
manufacturing  and  trading  group;  and 2.  the  Creditors  will  have a higher
recovery rate than without the Proposal.

Yu Ming has submitted the Proposal to the Stock Exchange with the support of the
Joint Liquidators.  By a letter dated 24th December, 2001, the Listing Committee
of the Stock Exchange  conditionally  granted approval to defer the cancellation
of the listing of the Existing Shares until 31st May, 2002 to enable the Company
to proceed with the Proposal.  Such  extension is granted solely for the purpose
of processing  the new listing  application  of Newco under the Proposal but not
any other proposal.

* Pursuant to the Preliminary  Agreement entered into between Nam Tai, the Joint
Liquidators  and Yu Ming on 15th  November,  2001, Nam Tai has waived its entire
claim against the Company  amounting to approximately  HK$73 million with effect
from 7th January, 2002.

* Pursuant to the  Restructuring  Agreement entered into between Nam Tai, Newco,
the Company and the Joint Liquidators on 14th January, 2002, the parties thereto
agreed to implement the Proposal, the principal terms of which are as follows:

1. Nam Tai will inject J.I.C., a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Nam Tai, into Newco
for the Consideration Shares and the Preference Shares.

2. Newco will  acquire the entire  issued  share  capital of the Company and, in
consideration  thereof,  the  Shareholders  whose names appear on the  Company's
register of members at the close of  business  on the Record  Date will  receive
Newco Shares, credited as fully paid, on the basis of 1 Newco Share for every 90
Existing Shares by way of the Shareholders' Scheme.

3. Upon completion of the Proposal,  Newco will transfer the entire issued share
capital of the Company to the Joint Liquidators for the benefit of the Creditors
for a nominal consideration of HK$1.00.

4. The listing  status of the Existing  Shares will be  withdrawn  and the Newco
Shares will be listed on the Stock Exchange by way of introduction.

5. As the  consideration  for the approval by the  Creditors  of the  Creditors'
Scheme,  the  Creditors  or their  nominees  will be  allotted  and  issued  the
Settlement Shares.

Immediately following completion of the Proposal, Nam Tai, the Creditors and the
public will be beneficially interested in approximately 70.4 per cent., 24.1 per
cent. and 5.5 per cent. of the enlarged  issued  ordinary share capital of Newco
respectively, and Nam Tai will also hold the Preference Shares.

Upon  full  conversion  of  the  Preference  Shares  by Nam  Tai at the  Initial
Conversion  Ratio,  Nam Tai, the  Creditors and the public will be interested in
approximately  92.9 per cent.,  5.8 per cent.  and 1.3 per cent. of the enlarged
issued  ordinary  share capital of Newco  respectively.  No holder of Preference
Shares shall be entitled to exercise  its  conversion  right if such  conversion
would result in the minimum public float as required under the Listing Rules not
being met.

* As part of the Proposal,  the Sale and Purchase Agreement will be entered into
between Nam Tai and Newco,  pursuant to which Newco will conditionally  agree to
buy from Nam Tai the entire issued share capital of J.I.C. for the Consideration
Shares and the Preferences Shares. Completion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement
will be conditional  upon the  Restructuring  Agreement  becoming  unconditional
(other  than  the  condition  requiring  completion  of the  Sale  and  Purchase

* Completion of the Proposal is conditional  upon,  inter alia,  approval of the
new listing application of Newco by the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange,
approval  of  the  Creditors'  Scheme  by  the  Creditors  and  approval  of the
Shareholders' Scheme by the Shareholders.

* The  Executive  has  determined  that the  Proposal  should  be  treated  as a
privatisation by scheme of arrangement pursuant to Rule 2.10 of the Code and the
approval of the Proposal is subject to the relevant  voting  requirements of the
Code.  Accordingly,  the  Proposal  will  be  subject  to such  condition  being

* After completion of the Proposal, the Shareholders will become shareholders of
Newco,  and  Newco  will not be  subject  to any of the  liabilities  due to the
Creditors.  The principal  businesses of Newco will be trading and manufacturing
of liquid crystal display panels and transformers.

* A listing  document  containing,  inter alia,  details of the Proposal and the
Scheme  Documents,  will be despatched to the  Shareholders and the Creditors as
soon as  practicable.  * Trading in the Existing Shares has been suspended since
2nd July, 1999, and will continue to be suspended until further notice.

* Investors should note that the Proposal is subject to satisfaction of a number
of conditions. If such conditions are not fulfilled or waived, the Proposal will
not  proceed,  and the  listing of the  Company  will be  cancelled  pursuant to
practice note 17 of the Listing Rules.

A. Background to the Proposal

The  Company  was  principally  engaged  in  the  trading  and  distribution  of
semiconductors  and  compact  disc  mechanisms  and the design and  development,
manufacture and trading of electronic products.

It was  put  into  creditors'  voluntary  liquidation  in  August  1999  and was
subsequently  put into the third stage of the  delisting  procedure by the Stock
Exchange  under practice note 17 of the Listing Rules in August 2000. As at 14th
November,  2001, the total admitted  liabilities of the Company  exceeded HK$430
million and  approximately  HK$54 million had been realized from the disposal of
the assets of the Company  (which is  available  to cover the costs and expenses
relating to the liquidation of the Company and for distribution to the Creditors
and of which  approximately  HK$40 million has been utilized for such purposes).
In light of the condition of the Company,  Nam Tai, the major shareholder of the
Company,  has proposed the Proposal to the Joint Liquidators in order to achieve
the following objectives:

1. the Shareholders  will swap their shares of the Company in liquidation for an
interest  in Newco which will own the J.I.C.  Group,  a  profitable  electronics
manufacturing and trading group; and

2. the Creditors will have a higher recovery rate than without the Proposal.

Submissions  in relation to the Proposal  have been made by Yu Ming to the Stock
Exchange  with the  support  of the Joint  Liquidators.  By a letter  dated 24th
December,  2001,  the  Listing  Committee  of the Stock  Exchange  conditionally
granted approval to defer the cancellation of the listing of the Existing Shares
until 31st May,  2002 to enable the Company to proceed with the  Proposal.  Such
extension  is granted  solely  for the  purpose of  processing  the new  listing
application  of Newco  under the  Proposal  but not any other  proposal,  and is
conditional on, inter alia, the submission of an advance booking form with draft
prospectus  for the listing of Newco as required  under Chapter 9 of the Listing
Rules by no later than 28th February, 2002.

With a view to implementing a restructuring  of the Company,  Nam Tai, the Joint
Liquidators and Yu Ming entered into the Preliminary Agreement on 15th November,
2001,  pursuant  to which  they  agreed,  inter  alia,  to use their  reasonable
endeavours  to sign  the  Restructuring  Agreement,  and Nam Tai has  agreed  to
advance the Deposit to the Company to cover certain costs and expenses  relating
to the  restructuring  of the  Company in the manner set out in the  Preliminary
Agreement.  Pursuant to the Preliminary  Agreement,  Nam Tai has also waived its
entire claim against the Company  amounting to approximately  HK$73 million with
effect from 7th January, 2002 and has discontinued all legal actions relating to
such claim irrespective of whether the Proposal proceeds to completion.

On 14th January,  2002, Nam Tai,  Newco,  the Company and the Joint  Liquidators
entered into the  Restructuring  Agreement  pursuant to which they agreed to the
terms and  conditions of the Proposal  which were  determined on an arm's length

Pursuant to  commitment  letters  signed by the Major  Creditors  who  represent
approximately 84.4 per cent. of the total admitted claims against the Company as
at 14th November,  2001,  the Major  Creditors have agreed to (i) use reasonable
endeavours to procure the Joint Liquidators to support the implementation of the
Proposal and the overall  restructuring  of the Company;  (ii) vote in favour of
the Proposal at the Creditors' Court Meeting; and (iii) do all things reasonably
incidental to achieve (i) and (ii).

Therefore,  the Proposal has the full support of both the major  shareholder and
the majority of the creditors of the Company.

Nonetheless,  investors should note that the Proposal is subject to satisfaction
of a number of conditions as set out in the paragraph headed  "Conditions of the
Proposal",   including,   but  not  limited  to,  approval  of  Newco's  listing
application  by the Listing  Committee  of the Stock  Exchange,  approval of the
Creditors' Scheme by the Creditors,  approval of the Shareholders' Scheme by the
Shareholders, the sanction of the Shareholders' Scheme and the Creditors' Scheme
by the Court and all legal and regulatory  approvals  having been  received.  If
such conditions are not fulfilled or, to the extent permitted under the terms of
the Restructuring Agreement or otherwise, waived (unless waiver is not permitted
by an appropriate authority),  the Proposal will not proceed, and the listing of
the Company will be cancelled pursuant to practice note 17 of the Listing Rules.

B. The Proposal

The Proposal is to be effected by the transactions  contemplated in, inter alia,
the  Restructuring  Agreement,  the Sale and Purchase  Agreement  and the Scheme

I. The Restructuring Agreement

Pursuant to the  Restructuring  Agreement,  the parties have agreed to implement
the Proposal, the principal terms of which are as follows:

1. Issue of Newco Shares to the Shareholders

a. Newco has been formed for the purpose of  acquiring  the entire  issued share
capital of the Company and, in consideration  thereof,  the  Shareholders  whose
names  appear on the  Company's  register of members at the close of business on
the Record Date will receive Newco Shares,  credited as fully paid, on the basis
of 1 Newco  Share  for  every 90  Existing  Shares  by way of the  Shareholders'

b. Newco will appoint a broker to match,  on a best efforts basis,  the sale and
purchase  of odd lots of Newco  Shares  resulting  from the  issue of the  Newco
Shares in exchange for the Existing Shares under the Shareholders'  Scheme,  and
fractional entitlements will be aggregated and sold for the benefit of Newco.

c. The listing status of the Existing Shares will be withdrawn. Newco will apply
for listing of the Newco Shares on the Stock Exchange by way of introduction.

d. Upon  completion  of the  Restructuring  Agreement,  Newco will  transfer the
entire  issued  share  capital of the Company to the Joint  Liquidators  for the
benefit of the Creditors for a nominal consideration of HK$1.00.

2. Issue of the Settlement Shares to the Creditors

a. In consideration for the approval by the Creditors of the Creditors'  Scheme,
Newco will issue and allot the Settlement  Shares to the Creditors and/ or their

b. Of the Settlement Shares, 4,100,000 Newco Shares will be issued to Nam Tai on
behalf of the Creditors in settlement of its priority claim of the Deposit.  The
balance will be issued to the Creditors  and/ or their nominees in proportion to
the Creditors'  admitted claims in the liquidation as the Joint  Liquidators may
direct.  Fractional  entitlements will be aggregated and sold for the benefit of

3. Acquisition of J.I.C. by Newco

a. Newco will acquire from Nam Tai the entire issued share capital of J.I.C. The
consideration  for  the  Acquisition  will  be  settled  by  Newco  issuing  the
Consideration  Shares  and  the  Preference  Shares  to  Nam  Tai  (and/  or its
nominees).  The  principal  terms of the  Preference  Shares  are set out in the
paragraph headed "Principal Terms of the Preference Shares" below.

b. Of the Consideration Shares, 7,810,000 Newco Shares will be issued to Yu Ming
at the direction of Nam Tai as the  remuneration of Yu Ming for the provision of
professional  advisory  services to Nam Tai in relation to the  restructuring of
the Company. The balance will be issued to Nam Tai (or its nominees).

As a result of completion  of the Proposal,  the Company will cease to be listed
on the Stock  Exchange.  Newco will be listed on the Stock Exchange and will not
be subject to any of the liabilities due from the Company to the Creditors.  The
J.I.C.  Group will be the sole asset of Newco,  the principal  business of which
will be the trading  and  manufacturing  of liquid  crystal  display  panels and

The following chart depicts the structure upon completion of the Proposal:

[Proposed Structure Chart]

Conditions of the Restructuring Agreement

Completion of the Proposal will be subject to, inter alia,  satisfaction  of the
following conditions:
1. the Sale and Purchase Agreement becoming unconditional and being completed in
accordance with its terms;

2. the Shareholders' Scheme having come into effect in accordance with its terms
and conditions, subject to any modification to such terms and conditions imposed
by the Court and agreed to by Nam Tai and Newco;

3. the  Creditors'  Scheme having come into effect in accordance  with its terms
and  conditions,  subject  to any  modifications  to such  terms and  conditions
imposed by the Court and agreed to by Nam Tai and Newco;

4. the passing by the eligible  Shareholders of resolutions at an  extraordinary
general  meeting  approving,  inter alia,  the  Restructuring  Agreement and the
transactions  contemplated  therein,  any other  resolutions  as may be required
under the Listing Rules or by the Stock Exchange and, if considered fit, for the
purposes of making  amendments to the  memorandum and articles of association of
the Company,  as may be necessary for the  implementation of the Proposal or for
the purpose of assisting the transfer of the Existing  Shares to Newco under the
Shareholders' Scheme;

5. the  Listing  Committee  of the Stock  Exchange  granting  the listing of and
permission to deal on the Stock  Exchange in the Newco Shares in issue and to be
issued pursuant to the Shareholders' Scheme, the Creditors' Scheme, the Sale and
Purchase  Agreement,   upon  exercise  of  conversion  rights  attached  to  the
Preference  Shares  and upon  exercise  of options  which may be  granted  under
Newco's share option scheme;

6.  confirmation  by  the  SFC  in  terms  satisfactory  to  Nam  Tai  that  the
implementation  of the Proposal will not give rise to any obligation on the part
of Newco and/ or its shareholders (whether direct or indirect) to make a general
offer to acquire  all the  Existing  Shares and/ or the Newco  Shares  under the

7. the directors of Nam Tai and/ or Newco  undertaking  to the Stock Exchange in
terms reasonably satisfactory to them to take appropriate steps to ensure that a
sufficient  public float will exist for the Newco  Shares as required  under the
Listing Rules following completion of the Proposal, and/ or the provision by the
relevant person(s) of any other undertaking(s) as the Stock Exchange may require
for such purpose;

8. all  consents  and  approvals  from all  other  governmental  and  regulatory
authorities necessary for the implementation of the Proposal being obtained; and

9. the audited  consolidated  net tangible  assets of J.I.C. as at 31st December
2001 as shown in the listing document not being less that HK$95,000,000.

The above  conditions  (other than  conditions 6 and 9) may be waived or varied,
wholly or in part, by unanimous written agreement between all parties. Condition
6 may be waived by Nam Tai unilaterally, in full or in part, and condition 9 may
be waived by the Joint Liquidators unilaterally, in full or in part, at or prior
to the issue of the Scheme  Documents.  Nam Tai and its associates shall abstain
from  voting on the  resolution  approving  the  Restructuring  Agreement  at an
extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held. The parties will not be
permitted to waive certain requisite  approvals,  including  approval of Newco's
listing application by the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange,  approval of
the Restructuring  Agreement by the Independent  Shareholders and the Creditors'
Scheme and the Shareholders' Scheme becoming effective.

In view of the ruling of the Executive that the Proposal  should be treated as a
privatisation  by scheme of  arrangement  pursuant to Rule 2.10 of the Code, Nam
Tai will  not  seek  confirmation  by the SFC  that  the  implementation  of the
Proposal  will not give  rise to any  obligation  on the part of Newco to make a
general offer to acquire all the Existing  Shares under the Code because Newco's
general offer  obligation as a result of such ruling will be fulfilled by way of
the Shareholders'  Scheme.  However, Nam Tai is still concerned that the SFC may
request any shareholders of Newco (including Nam Tai) to make a general offer to
acquire all the Newco Shares under the Code. As such, fulfillment of condition 6
is still subject to  confirmation  by the SFC in terms  satisfactory  to Nam Tai
that no  shareholders  of Newco  (including  Nam Tai) will be  obliged to make a
general offer to acquire Newco Shares as a result of the  implementation  of the


Completion  of the  Restructuring  Agreement  shall take place on a date falling
within six business days of the  satisfaction  (or waiver) of all the conditions

Termination Clause

The Restructuring Agreement shall terminate in the following circumstances:

1. the  Preliminary  Agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms in the
following circumstances:

a. at any time Nam Tai concludes that  implementation  of the Proposal would not
be in the best interests of Nam Tai or its shareholders;  or b. there occurs any
breach of the parties' respective  obligations under the Preliminary  Agreement;
or c. the Proposal is not, for any reason  whatsoever,  implemented on or before
30th June, 2002; or

2. there occurs any material  breach of the  Restructuring  Agreement and any of
the other parties  (being the parties not in breach) elects by written notice to
all other parties to terminate the Restructuring Agreement; or

3. save to the extent waived or varied,  the conditions  precedent have not been
fulfilled on or before 30th June,  2002 (or such other dates as may be agreed in
writing  between Nam Tai and the Joint  Liquidators),  and either Nam Tai or the
Joint Liquidators elects by written notice to all other parties to terminate the
Restructuring Agreement.

Privatization by scheme of arrangement

The  Executive  has  determined  that  the  Proposal  should  be  treated  as  a
privatisation by scheme of arrangement pursuant to Rule 2.10 of the Code and the
approval of the Proposal is subject to it either:

1. being approved by a majority in number of the  Independent  Shareholders  who
vote and represent 90 per cent.  in value of the Existing  Shares that are voted
either in person or by proxy at a duly convened general meeting, or

2.  if not so  approved  by  the  requisite  majority,  not  disapproved  by the
Independent  Shareholders who vote in person or by proxy at such general meeting
and who hold more than 2.5 per cent. of the total number of the Existing  Shares
in issue.

Accordingly,  the Proposal will be subject to such  condition  being  satisfied.
Further,  the  privatisation  by  scheme of  arrangement  must be  conducted  in
accordance with laws and regulatory requirements applicable to the Shareholders'
Scheme, including, but not limited to, passing a resolution at the Shareholders'
Court Meeting by a majority of those  Shareholders  who are present and who vote
in person or by proxy, and who represent not less than 75 per cent. of the value
of the Existing Shares voted.

The  shareholding  of Newco upon  completion  of the  Proposal is set out in the
paragraph headed "Shareholdings".  Save for Nam Tai's approximate 50.1 per cent.
interest in the Company,  none of Newco,  Nam Tai, their  respective  associates
(including Yu Ming) or parties  acting in concert with any of them is interested
in any Existing Shares or securities convertible into Existing Shares.

None of Newco,  Nam Tai,  their  respective  associates  (including  Yu Ming) or
parties  acting in  concert  with any of them has dealt in the  Existing  Shares
within the six months prior to the date of this announcement.

II. The Sale and Purchase Agreement

The Transaction

Pursuant to the Sale and Purchase  Agreement,  Newco will conditionally agree to
buy from Nam Tai the entire issued share capital of J.I.C. in  consideration  of
the issue of the Consideration Shares and the Preference Shares.

Conditions of the Acquisition

Completion  of the Sale and  Purchase  Agreement  will be  conditional  upon the
Restructuring   Agreement  becoming  unconditional  (other  than  the  condition
requiring completion of the Sale and Purchase Agreement).

If the above conditions  precedent are not fulfilled by 30th June, 2002 (or such
later date as the parties may agree),  the Sale and Purchase  Agreement  will be


Nam Tai will disclose in writing to Newco any event, fact or circumstance  which
may become  known to it after the date of the Sale and  Purchase  Agreement  and
which is materially  inconsistent with any of the warranties  provided for under
the Sale and Purchase  Agreement.  Prior to completion,  if Nam Tai has made any
disclosure to Newco,  then Newco shall be entitled to (1) terminate the Sale and
Purchase Agreement;  or (2) proceed to completion (in which case it shall not be
entitled to make recovery against Nam Tai in respect of such disclosed matter).

III. Shareholders' Scheme

The Shareholders' Scheme shall become effective and binding on the date on which
all of the following conditions are satisfied:

1. of those  Shareholders  who are present and who vote in person or by proxy at
the Shareholders' Court Meeting, a majority in number representing not less than
75 per cent.  of the value of the  Existing  Shares  voted vote in favour of the
Shareholders' Scheme;

2. an office copy of the order sanctioning the Shareholders'  Scheme pursuant to
Section  166 of the  Companies  Ordinance  is  delivered  to  the  Registrar  of
Companies in Hong Kong for registration; and

3. the Creditors' Scheme becoming effective.

Unless both the Shareholders'  Scheme and the Creditors' Scheme become effective
within three months of the date on which the notice of the  Shareholders'  Court
Meeting is despatched,  or such later date, if any, as the Court may allow,  the
Shareholders' Scheme shall lapse.

IV. Creditors' Scheme

The  Creditors'  Scheme shall become  effective and binding on the date on which
all of the following conditions are satisfied:

1. of those  Creditors who are present and who vote in person or by proxy at the
Creditors' Court Meeting, a majority in number representing not less than 75 per
cent. in value vote in favour of the Creditors' Scheme;

2. an office copy of the order  sanctioning  the Creditors'  Scheme  pursuant to
Section  166 of the  Companies  Ordinance  is  delivered  to  the  Registrar  of
Companies in Hong Kong for registration; and

3. the Shareholders' Scheme becoming effective.

Unless both the Shareholders'  Scheme and the Creditors' Scheme become effective
within  three  months of the date on which the  notice of the  Creditors'  Court
Meeting is despatched,  or such later date, if any, as the Court may allow,  the
Creditors' Scheme shall lapse.

C. Information on J.I.C.


J.I.C. was incorporated in the British Virgin Islands on 28th September, 2000 to
acquire the liquid  crystal  display  panel and  transformer  businesses  of its
former holding company, and was subsequently acquired by Nam Tai in October 2000
and has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nam Tai since then.


The principal  businesses of J.I.C. are the trading and  manufacturing of liquid
crystal  display  panels and  transformers.  Liquid  crystal  display panels and
transformers  account for  approximately  65 per cent.  and 35 per cent.  of the
current turnover of J.I.C.  respectively.  Liquid crystal display panels are key
components of various  electronics  products,  including  calculators,  watches,
pocket games, clocks and personal digital assistants.

Nam Tai has recently  financed  J.I.C.  to invest  around US$15 million in a new
super  twisted  nematic  panel   production   line.  It  is  expected  that  the
installation  will be finished in March 2002. It will enable  J.I.C.  to produce
panels of better quality and higher resolution.

Production facilities

At present,  the J.I.C. Group has one factory in Shenzhen for the manufacture of
liquid crystal display  panels,  with  approximately  1,500  employees,  and two
factories in Shenzhen for the manufacture of transformers with approximately 600
employees.  It is  intended  that the two  factories  for  transformers  will be
combined  together in Bao On, Shenzhen in order to enhance  operational and cost

Financial information

Subsequent to the acquisition by Nam Tai, J.I.C.  has changed its financial year
end from 31st March to 31st December.  The track record of J.I.C.  for the three
years  ended 31st  December,  2001 will be  presented  in the  listing  document
containing,  inter alia,  the Scheme  Documents.  Based on the audited  combined
accounts of J.I.C., the combined turnover and net profit of the J.I.C. Group for
the year ended 31st March, 2000 were approximately  HK$190.7 million and HK$25.9
million  respectively,  and the  combined  turnover and net profit of the J.I.C.
Group  for  the  period  from  1st  April,  2000  to 31st  December,  2000  were
approximately  HK$233.6  million and HK$23.9 million  respectively.  The audited
combined net asset value of J.I.C. as at 31st December,  2000 was  approximately
HK$78.7 million.

Note:  J.I.C. was incorporated on 28th September,  2000. The combined  financial
statements  referred  to above were  prepared  as if J.I.C.  had always been the
holding company of its subsidiaries during the relevant periods. The auditing of
the financial  statements  for the year ended 31st  December,  2001 has not been
completed yet. The audited financial statements will be contained in the listing
document to be despatched to the Shareholders.


The founders and the senior  management  of the J.I.C.  Group have  continued to
manage the J.I.C.  Group since its  acquisition  by Nam Tai in October 2000. The
senior  management of the J.I.C.  Group includes Mr. Seitaro Furukawa who is the
president and managing  director of the liquid crystal  display  division of the
J.I.C.  Group and will be appointed as the chairman of Newco upon  completion of
the Proposal.

Nam Tai is not  actively  involved  in the daily  operation  of the  business of
J.I.C.,  which  remains  under the  management  of the founders and the original
management of J.I.C.  Nam Tai has  indicated  that it has no intention to change
such management policy.  Nonetheless,  Nam Tai appointed certain nominees to the
board of  directors  of  certain  members  of the J.I.C.  Group,  although  they
represent only a minority of the directors on such boards.

D. Information on Nam Tai

Nam Tai was  incorporated  in the British Virgin Islands with limited  liability
and its shares have been traded on the NASDAQ  National Market since 1991. It is
currently  interested in  approximately  50.1 per cent.  of the existing  issued
share capital of the Company.

Nam Tai is a design and  manufacturing  supplier to the world's  major  consumer
electronic companies. It produces components for cellular phones, such as liquid
crystal display modules,  rechargeable  battery packs, as well as finished goods
including  telecommunication products,  palm-sized personal computers,  personal
digital assistants, calculators and electronic dictionaries.

Nam Tai has been regularly  upgrading its  technologies to improve the qualities
of its products.  At present,  Nam Tai utilizes advanced techniques such as chip
on glass,  chip on board,  surface  mount  technology,  ball  grid  array,  tape
automated   bonding  and  outer  lead  bonding  in  the  production  of  various
telecommunication products.

For the year ended 31st  December,  1999,  being the  financial  year before the
acquisition  of J.I.C.,  Nam Tai  reported an audited  consolidated  turnover of
approximately  US$145.1  million  and  a net  profit  of  approximately  US$11.8
million.  For the year ended 31st  December,  2000,  Nam Tai reported an audited
consolidated  turnover  of  approximately  US$213.7  million and a net profit of
approximately  US$24.0  million which included the results of J.I.C.  since 27th
October, 2000, the date of acquisition.

As at 31st December,  2000, the audited  consolidated net asset value of Nam Tai
was approximately US$162.4 million. At present, the market capitalization of Nam
Tai is approximately US$170 million.

E. Shareholdings

The  shareholdings  in the Company and Newco before and after  completion of the
Proposal will be as follows:

                                                                                Shareholding in Newco
                                                                               after conversion in full
                     Existing shareholdings     Shareholdings in Newco after    of the Preference Shares
                         in the Company         completion of the Proposal    at the Initial Conversion
                       No. of                       No. of                     No. of
                   Existing Shares   Percentage  Newco Shares    Percentage  Newco Shares   Percentage
Nam Tai                200,402,000        50.1%    128,516,688      70.4%    709,506,979        92.9%

Creditors (Note)                 -            -     44,000,000      24.1%     44,000,000         5.8%
Yu Ming                          -            -      7,810,000       4.3%      7,810,000         1.0%
Existing minority
   of the Company      199,600,000        49.9%      2,217,777       1.2%      2,217,777         0.3%
                       -----------        -----      ---------       ----      ---------         ----

Total                  400,002,000       100.0%    182,544,465     100.0%    763,534,756       100.0%
                       ===========       ======    ===========     ======    ===========       ======

Note:  Based on the  admitted  claims  against the Company as at 14th  November,
2001,  no  individual  Creditor  will hold 10 per cent.  or more of the enlarged
ordinary issued share capital of Newco upon completion of the Proposal.

F. Principal Terms of the Preference Shares

1. Income
The  Preference  Shares rank pari passu with Newco  Shares on the payment of any
dividend or other distribution (other than a distribution on winding up).

2. Ranking of capital
On a winding  up, the  holders of the  Preference  Shares  shall be  entitled to
receive HK$0.01 per Preference Share in priority to Newco Shares, and thereafter
and after the  holders of Newco  Shares are paid  HK$0.01  per Newco Share shall
rank pari  passu  with  Newco  Shares.  On any  other  return  of  capital,  the
Preference Shares and the Newco Shares shall rank pari passu.

3. Conversion
Subject  to  approval  by the  board  of  directors  of  Newco,  holders  of the
Preference  Shares may, from time to time after  allotment,  convert  Preference
Shares into Newco  Shares at the  Initial  Conversion  Ratio,  subject to normal
adjustments   pursuant  to  the  provisions  of  the  Articles,   such  as  upon
consolidation, subdivision or reclassification of the Newco Shares and the issue
of Newco Shares to the shareholders of Newco at a discount to the market price.

No  fractions of Newco Shares will be allotted and the number of Newco Shares to
be allotted on conversion shall be rounded down to the nearest whole number.

No holder of  Preference  Shares  shall be entitled to exercise  his  conversion
right if such  conversion  would  result in there  being  less than the  minimum
public float as required under the Listing Rules.

4. Redemption
The Preference Shares are perpetual securities without any redemption feature.

5. Voting rights
Holders of the Preference  Shares may attend but will not be entitled to vote at
general meetings of the Company.

6. Transferability
Subject to the  approval  of the board of  directors  of Newco,  the  Preference
Shares will be freely transferable.

7. Rights attached to the conversion shares
Newco  Shares  allotted  and issued  pursuant to the exercise by a holder of the
Preference  Shares of the conversion  rights attaching to the Preference  Shares
shall rank pari passu in all  respects  with the Newco Shares in issue as at the
date of allotment.

G. Intention of Nam Tai in relation to Newco

Nam Tai has no present  intention of injecting  any asset or business of Nam Tai
into Newco  (save and  except  for the  Acquisition  as  contemplated  under the
Proposal) after completion of the Proposal.

It is the intention of Nam Tai that the listing of the Newco Shares on the Stock
Exchange be  maintained  after  completion  of the  Proposal.  Accordingly,  the
proposed  directors  of Newco  and the  directors  of Nam Tai will  jointly  and
severally  undertake to the Stock Exchange to take  appropriate  steps to ensure
that a sufficient public float exists for the Newco Shares as required under the
Listing Rules.

The Stock  Exchange has stated that, in the event that less than 25 per cent. of
the  issued  Newco  Shares  are in  public  hands  following  completion  of the
Proposal,  it will closely monitor the trading in the Newco Shares. If the Stock
Exchange  believes that a false market exists or may exist in the trading of the
Newco  Shares or that there are  insufficient  Newco  Shares in public  hands to
maintain an orderly market,  then it will consider  exercising its discretion to
suspend dealings in the Newco Shares.

The Stock  Exchange has also stated that if Newco remains a listed company after
completion of the Proposal,  any further  acquisitions or disposals of assets by
Newco and its  subsidiaries  will be subject to the  provisions  of the  Listing
Rules.  Pursuant to the Listing Rules,  the Stock Exchange has the discretion to
require Newco to issue a circular to its  shareholders  irrespective of the size
of  any  proposed  transaction,  particularly  when  such  proposed  transaction
represents  a  departure  from the  principal  activities  of  Newco.  The Stock
Exchange also has the power to aggregate a series of  transactions  and any such
transaction may result in Newco being treated as a new applicant for listing and
subject to the requirements for new applicants as set out in the Listing Rules.

H. General

A listing  document  containing,  inter alia,  details of the  Proposal  and the
Scheme  Documents,  will be despatched to the  Shareholders and the Creditors as
soon as practicable. Nam Tai and its associates shall abstain from voting on the
resolution  approving the  Restructuring  Agreement at an extraordinary  general
meeting of the Company to be held.

Trading in the Existing Shares has been suspended since 2nd July, 1999, and will
continue to be suspended until further notice.

Investors  should note that the Proposal is subject to  satisfaction of a number
of conditions.  If such conditions are not fulfilled or, to the extent permitted
under the terms of the  Restructuring  Agreement or  otherwise,  waived  (unless
waiver is not  permitted by an  appropriate  authority),  the Proposal  will not

I. Definitions

In this  announcement,  unless the context  otherwise  requires,  the  following
expressions shall have the following meanings:

"Acquisition" - the  acquisition of J.I.C.  by Newco as  contemplated  under the
Restructuring Agreement

"Articles" - the articles of  association of Newco to be adopted for the purpose
of its new listing application

"Code" - the Code on Takeovers and Mergers

"Companies  Ordinance" - the Companies Ordinance (Chapter 32 of the Laws of Hong
Kong), as amended from time to time

"Company" - Albatronics (Far East) Company Limited (in  liquidation),  a company
incorporated  in Hong Kong with  limited  liability  and the shares of which are
listed on the Stock Exchange

"Consideration   Shares"  -  130,000,000   Newco  Shares,   being  part  of  the
consideration for the Acquisition

"Court" - the High Court of Hong Kong

"Creditors"  - the  creditors  of the Company  whose  claims are admitted by the
Joint  Liquidators  in relation to the  liquidation  of the Company in Hong Kong
from  time to time  and at any  time  prior  to the  first  date  on  which  the
Creditors'  Scheme and the  Shareholders'  Scheme become  effective  pursuant to
Section 166 of the Companies Ordinance

"Creditors'  Court Meeting" - the meeting of the Creditors to be convened at the
direction  of  the  Court  and  any  adjournment  thereof  for  the  purpose  of
considering and, if thought fit, approving the Creditors' Scheme

"Creditors' Scheme" - a scheme of arrangement to be proposed between the Company
and the Creditors pursuant to Section 166 of the Companies Ordinance relating to
the Proposal

"Deposit"  - the  HK$4.1  million  (part of which  has  been  paid to the  Joint
Liquidators  by Nam Tai) to cover  certain costs and expenses in relation to the
restructuring of the Company in the manner set out in the Preliminary Agreement

"Executive" - the Executive  Director of the Corporate  Finance  Division of the
SFC or any delegate of the Executive Director

"Existing  Share(s)" - the  ordinary  share(s) of HK$0.10 each in the capital of
the Company

"Independent  Shareholders"  -  Shareholders  other than Nam Tai and the parties
acting in concert with it for the purpose of the Code

"Initial Conversion Ratio" - the conversion ratio of 1.03 Preference Shares to 1
Newco Share

"J.I.C." - J.I.C. Group (B.V.I.) Limited, a company  incorporated in the British
Virgin Islands with limited liability and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nam Tai

"J.I.C. Group" - J.I.C. and its subsidiaries

"Joint  Liquidators"  - Mr. John Toohey and Mr.  David Ng, the joint and several
liquidators of the Company

"Listing  Rules" - the Rules  Governing  the Listing of  Securities on the Stock

"Major  Creditors" - the creditors  constituting  the committee of inspection of
the Company,  representing  approximately  84.5 per cent. of the total  admitted
liabilities of the Company as at 14th November, 2001

"Nam Tai" - Nam Tai  Electronics,  Inc., a company  incorporated  in the British
Virgin Islands with limited  liability and the shares of which are traded on the
NASDAQ National Market, and also the major shareholder of the Company interested
in  approximately  50.1 per cent.  of the existing  issued share  capital of the

"Newco" - J.I.C.  Technology  Company  Limited,  a company  incorporated  in the
Cayman Islands with limited liability

"Newco Share(s)" - the ordinary share(s) of HK$0.01 each in the capital of Newco

"Preference  Shares"  - the  598,420,000  non-voting  non-redeemable  preference
shares of nominal value HK$0.01 each in Newco with rights  attached  pursuant to
the Articles, being part of the consideration for the Acquisition

"Preliminary  Agreement" - the preliminary  agreement dated 15th November,  2001
entered into among Nam Tai, the Joint Liquidators and Yu Ming in relation to the
restructuring of the Company

"Proposal" - the  restructuring  proposal for the Company as contemplated  under
the Restructuring Agreement

"Record  Date" - the business day  immediately  preceding  the date on which the
notice of the Shareholders' Court Meeting is despatched

"Restructuring Agreement" - the restructuring agreement dated 14th January, 2002
entered  into  among Nam Tai,  Newco,  the  Company  (acting  through  the Joint
Liquidators) and the Joint Liquidators in relation to the  implementation of the

"Sale and Purchase  Agreement"  - the sale and purchase  agreement to be entered
into  between Nam Tai and Newco in relation to the  Acquisition  pursuant to the
Restructuring Agreement

"Scheme  Documents" - the scheme  documents to be despatched to the Shareholders
containing  the  Shareholders'  Scheme,  the  Creditors'  Scheme,  notice of the
Shareholders'  Court  Meeting and notice of the  Creditors'  Court  Meeting,  as
required under Section 166 of the Companies Ordinance

"Settlement  Shares" - 48,100,000  Newco Shares to be issued to the Creditors or
their nominees as contemplated under the Restructuring Agreement

"SFC" - Securities and Futures Commission

"Shareholders" - holders of the Existing Shares

"Shareholders'  Court Meeting" - the meeting of the  Shareholders to be convened
at the  direction  of the Court and any  adjournment  thereof for the purpose of
considering and, if thought fit, approving the Shareholders' Scheme

"Shareholders'  Scheme" - a scheme of  arrangement  to be  proposed  between the
Company and the Shareholders  pursuant to Section 166 of the Companies Ordinance
relating to the Proposal

"Stock Exchange" - The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

"Yu Ming" - Yu Ming Investment  Management  Limited,  a dealer and an investment
adviser  registered under the Securities  Ordinance  (Chapter 333 of the Laws of
Hong Kong), the sponsor to the new listing of Newco and the financial adviser of
Nam Tai

By order of the board of
Nam Tai Electronics, Inc.
Joseph Li

By order of the joint and several liquidators of
Albatronics (Far East) Company Limited
(In Liquidation)
John Toohey and David Ng
Joint Liquidators

Hong Kong, 28th January, 2002.

The directors of Nam Tai jointly and severally  accept full  responsibility  for
the accuracy of the information  contained in this announcement other than those
concerning the Company and the Joint  Liquidators  and confirm,  having made all
reasonable  enquiries,  that  to the  best  of  their  knowledge,  the  opinions
expressed in this  announcement  other than those concerning the Company and the
Joint  Liquidators have been arrived at after due and careful  consideration and
there are no other facts not  contained  in this  announcement  the  omission of
which would make any statement in this announcement  other than those concerning
the Company and the Joint Liquidators misleading.

The Joint Liquidators  jointly and severally accept full  responsibility for the
accuracy  of the  information  contained  in this  announcement  concerning  the
Company and themselves and confirm,  having made all reasonable enquiries,  that
to the best of their  knowledge,  the opinions  expressed  in this  announcement
concerning the Company and themselves have been arrived at after due and careful
consideration  and there are no other facts not  contained in this  announcement
the omission of which would make any statement in this  announcement  concerning
the Company and themselves misleading.

The Registrant hereby incorporates this Report on Form 6-K into its Registration
Statements on Form F-3 (Registration Nos. 333-36135 and 333-58468).

Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
Registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
Undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                              For and on behalf of
                            Nam Tai Electronics, Inc.

                                /s/ M. K. KOO
                                    M. K. KOO
                            CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER

Date:  January 28, 2002